Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 14, 1858, Image 2

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mother; but Robert's soul was so vary
small. that it was terrified by the seeming
ly Amazonion speech, and believed such
strength wauld cut it off by violence.
He went home thoughtfully, afterwards
Dora went to her chamber, thoughtfully,
and this was the beginning of happiness
that few hearts taste on earth.
Yes, happintss! althouga Dora's soul
was troubled to tts depths, to know, to
feel sure that her lover's views wer..l low
and narrow—that there was in his char-
acter the bigotry of manhood; that un
truthfulness was hiding secret theories
and determined will.
Watching, with newly opened 'eyes,
her lover's soul, shit became confirmed
that it was small and poorly led. The
graceful manners, the gentlemanly bear
ing. the brilliant wit, were but elegant
decorations to a vain, lean spirit.
The beingthat she loved in her imagi
cation had more body and less clothing to
it; she could not take for her sours mate
a man all mind and manners, without a
Christian heart !
She sp4ke vVith him in gentle confidence
of nil she hoped to be, and of all she ho
ped for him, and he grew res. less under
it—wearied, rebelled, resented, scorned
her—was glad to break the bond which
she sorrowfully said she feared could nev
er be happy one.
Happiness seemed to Dora a thing she
never was to enjoy again upon the earth.
She did not wi'h to marry Robert, but
it was hard to give him up when she h a d
loved him on. It was such a disappoint
meat to believe he was not a man, with
great soul in image of the Divine.
But by her truthfulness she had brought
0 is sarrow upon her heed, and the moth•
er said, wi.h tears,
, 31ust my dear one suffer always, when
I received that happy dream as a message
from the skies
Ta• nty five ! Happy Dora! Beau
tiful Dora! Motherly Dora !
Another like yourself twenty five years
ago, the small, round head, the dear little
bundle almost smothered by care.
The nurse down stairs, and a dear foot.
step at the chamber door !
'Dear Lewis,' and 'dear Dora,' father
and mother of the 'pet, the 'darling,' na•
met' Dora too,
Happier, Dora Howland, than ever be-
fore—than imagined even in thy girlish
days; with a man for thy husbantl—a be
ing with a large, pure, holy sou!.
.•• v• wgir'Nehu . 71111
knew it, when Robert came to woo you
with his elegance and brilliant words,
Lewis was a plain, pale student, then,
and while you pitied and honored him.
you kept your heart away.
That evening, when you shut your
ohamber door, and wept that Robert was
so different from your fond hope, Lewis
came to your memory. and told you how
his soul was full of all such thoughts as
yours. •
Yes, you remember all his words, arid
tressared them so well that on the very
grave of your first love sprung up the Ws_
soats t f domestic joy, which are flowering
now so bountifully on your way.
And through your own experience of
sadness, and your own experience of wed
ded joy, you can pray for the same help
for your dear child that came to your mo
thers dream— , through all tribulation,
keep her in the way of troth; for surely
the end is peace.'
And the futher, as he leans fondly over
wit. and child, will say, for an amen,
.That some most grateful husband may
be blest in her as lam blest in l)ora, my
sweet, my noble wife I'
MCP In copying from the Shirley's
burg Herald of last week the Poor House
officials, ire are sorry to find we have
made several typographical errors, which
we now point out. The proof was care
fully corrected on the sheet, but had oeen
neglected in the form.
We hope friend Lutz will forgive us
for the mutilation.
In the last sentence of the first para.
graph, we make it read 'the circumstance
is astounding,' which ought to read so
astounding; and immediately below, we
made a paragraph, which ought to have
been only a sentence. In the third para
graph on second column, we have it 'by
law before cited,' whereas it should be by
the law before cited. In the fifth para.
graph instead of 'decapitation' we have it
car Peterson's Aci - tgaziue for May is
a magnificent one. This is one of the
best *2 Magazines published. wo would
also refer you to nur club list.
gc - r. The Lady's - Book for May is with
us. It is a charming number. '.Mr. Whit
taker's stork in this number will create a
sensation. Mrs. Fits room in the coun
try,' a continuation of .Lucy in the City,'
is a very pleasant story, and the illuatm•
time are good.
cur Graham's Nlgazine for May is
on our table. This Magazin,' has not de
preciatedin value, but each number sur
passes its predecessor. it is one of the
See our clubbing 'tint.
Atatingbon /Dung.
1 /
Editor and Proprietor.
Wednesday Morning April 14, 1858
The Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Journal, iw great
er than the I.ilobe and Am
erican combined.
The Huntingdon JOURNAL for one year, and
either of the Magazines for the same period
will be sent to the address of any subscriber
to be paid in advance as follows t .
The Journal and Godey's Lady's Book, for
one year, 153 50
The Journal . and Graham's Yayazine, for
one year, $3 50
The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and
Putnam's Monthly, for one year, $3 50
The Journal and Frank Leslie's Fancily
Magazine and Gazetteof Fashion, for one year
$3 50
The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine,
for one year, $2 75
71ae Journal and Peterson's Mayazine, for
one year, $2 73
The Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for one
year, $3 50
There in so little point iu this lengthy
document that we hardly deem it neces
sary to notice it at all, believing the mere
reading • fit will confirm the evidence al
ready presented against its authors. We
observe, however, that Kenzie does not
deny employing a physician for the poor
house at more titan double the salary as
ked by another equally as good ! Ile
does not deny the loaning and afterwards
bestowing a valuable yoke of cattle to
John Hicks! He does not deny that a
considerable amount of property brought
to the poor house by paupers remains un
accounted for; nor does he even deny that
brother Leas got $5OO more for the
farm than he originally asked foi it. As
he has attempted a long vindication, and
is entirely silent on all these grave char
ges, makes no attempt to deny or explain
them, it is fair to regard his silence as a
nirSiCtisTaillin oath ^air t•ltelviria
dries,' but makes an effort to divert at
tention from them by complimenting the
convenient Steward's skill in husbandry !
This dodge won't take with the people.
They want to know 'what Mr Glasgow
furnished, at his own cost, to the amount
of more than a thousand dollars. If he is
a good farmer, he must have learned at a
very tender age, and the fact, if true, will
not explain the 'sundries.' Kenzie's un
lawful dealing with the poor house is
virtually justified on the ground that oth
er Directors had been guilty of the same
malfeasance. This reminds us of the ex
cuse of the first partaker of stolen fruits—
'The woman whom thou gayest to be with
me, she gave me of the tree and•l did eat;'
or as Kenzie has it, 'the Directors who
did precede me, they did violate the law,
' and I imitated their example !' Another
reason assigned in justification is his good
luck in passing the account before the Au
ditors ! We can not find it in our heart
to comment on this portion of Kenzie's
letter as it deserves. It reveals a kind of
morality we do not understand.—lt must
be Straightout ethics. No Christian so
ciety exce,•t the Jesuits, could be suppo
sad to sanction it and retain the confidence
or respect of Honest minds, either in the
church or wit of it.
One other point, and we have done with
Kenzie's special pleadings.
Poor Kenzie, with a consciousness of
his defence ess condition, and shrinking
from the frowns of just indignation :hat
meet him on every side, turns Imploring
ly to his Straightout friends for sympa
thy. As the surest way of rallying the
hungry rabble, he shrewdly reminds
them that he has patronized their organ
and its locofoco ally, up town. Now we
are glad Kenzie has done this; it remove,
every doubt of his true position, and he
will not again be able to seduce honest
Americans and Republicans into his sup
port, but will be left to the miserable fac
tion, the 243, that voted Hazlehurst, and
sacrihsed our Senator for W harton votes,
lust tall. We any, we are glad that Ken
zie has unwittingly laid aside his mask.
We shall continue to unmask the whole
%lick' of hypocritical office holders and
seekers until our party is purged of a ice.
uiti im as onions as that of Rome and vastly
more contemptable, But Kenzie says
we opposed the prominent candidates at
the last election. We opposed what we
knew to be the Straightout, Hazlehurst
end of the county ticket, and are proud of
our success. Our only regret is, that we
did not carry our opposition fur enough,
as far as our friends, and purge
the party a little more. But we erred in
ignorance, having a better opinion of cer
tain gentlemen then they deserve. Wu
shall know better hereafter, and every
man that can not present a clear p olitica l I
record, shall never be imposed on the abluational.
American Republican party of this coutr _______
ty. if we can prevent it. Mark that
But Kenzie had another motive in this
distribution of poor house patronage; ho
wished to expose his swindling operations
as little as possible. This end he accom
plished by selecting a ,nedium of publi
cation that falls into the hands of very few
of the deceived voters and tax payers who
placed him in power, The American it
is well known, has not two hundred sub
scribers in the county, outside of this Bor
ough; and a considerable portion of these
few being of Kenzie's kidney, his rascali
ty would be brought to the notice of very
few honest readers through this medium
Sagacious Kenzie ! But alas ! all his
cunntng avails him nothing. The peo
,,le have tracked him and his fellow trai
tors and associate plunderers to their den,
and righteous indignation will visit them
as they deserve.
It will be seen by posters that this lady
will give one of her interesting lectures
and experiments at the 'rosin Hall to night.
Papers published where she has perform
ed, speak highly of her leetures, and com
mend her experiments as instructive and
highly amusing. Go and see her.
If any of Jones' over charitable friends
have entertained a lingering hope that he
would yet abandon the ruined fortunes of
the miserable remnant of a faction of
Straightouts that have bewildered him
vith their orgies and corrupted him with
their Jesunism—the last number of the
Regi,,ter must dispel the delusive hope.
Jones is, evidently, a doomed politician,
political reprobate, too far gone to either
confess his party sins, or defend them:
and sunk so low es to quote in his behalf.
an article which no decent man would
reaa twice, from a coteznporary which no
respectable editor, who knows its cherac•
ter, would recognise. Poor Jones !
pity him, and recommend that somenung
be done for him. We propose that the
243 that were left of his party In this
county at the last election. shall forth
with, if still carrying the 'Dark lantern,
send Jones the light of their sympathy
and of the lantern. Suppose they apply
to the 'aide door' operators to be Rime:tett
to Blair county, to console Jones, and di
vent his thoughts from the shame of his
We have been for some time in receipt
of the Evening Bulletin, publish id by
Cunnings & Peacock, and find it one of
the best, if not "the very best Daily that
comes to our office. One decided advan•
tage it has over all others is, that it brings
us the same news in the morning, that
the Ledger and others bring in the even.
ing—s difference often of interest to the
politician and of importance to the
nese man.
The Bulletin is en honest, outspoken
journal, not a toady that cringes and licks
the hand of power for the sake of patron.
age and government "pap." We hearti.
ly commend it to all who want a Philadel
phis Daily, Those tho prefer integrity
and truthfulness in a newspaper, should
by all means prefer it to the piratical Ja•
nun faced Ledger.
We learn from our friend, Capt. John
A Osborn, that a very serious accident
occurred on the Six Mile Run branch of
t he Bros(!top Railroad, in this coun'y, on
the 30th ult. It appears that two young
men, by the names of Ira Foster and Sam
uel Long, both residents of that neighbor
hood, were employed in loading cars with
hoop poles, and af er getting one loaded,
they got on the front of it, and two oth
ers got on behind for the purpose of bra
king By some means the brake would
not work, and the result was that the car
ran off; the two men behind threw them
selves off but sustained little injury. The
other two in front could not get off, and
when they came down to the roam road
at Riddlesburg, they came in contact with
four other cars. The collision was tear
ful, and young Foster had his leg broken
above the knee, while the other, Samuel
Long, who is only about 14 years of age.
had one thigh broken in two places; the
other Was also br"ken, and his lett fool
badly crushed.—They were conveyed to
their homes, and the services of a couple
of medical gentlemen called into regaisi•
Lion. Foster appears to be doing well,
but Long's recovery is considered doubt
The bill for the sale of the public canals
to the Sunbury and Erie It It Co. has
passed the House of Representatives by a
vote of 54 to 37. It yet awaits 3,1111t0f1-
al action.—lt will probably be passed.
EirLast night, about one o'clock. Our
friends in the neighborhood of the Orlan
do House were aroused fronttheir sleep
by cries of "Murder," which appeared to
come front that direction. The noise was
made by Captain White, who was attack•
ed by two of the boarders at that house,
who knocked hint down, cut his face, and
otherwise injured him.
For the Journal.
Ma. EDITOIL—On Wednesday even
ing. the 7th, inst., we found our way to
the Exhibition of School No. 2 Cromwell
District, in charge of James Baker, E.g.,
and being very well entertained, white
there we thought that it would not be
out of place to give to your readers a small
sketcii of this school and its exhibition.
School No. 2, consists of scholars of all
sizes and ages, between 5 and 21 years,
Male and Female. This School has been
kept open for four months, the last session
under the charge of Mr. Baker as 'rea
cher, who has filled that responsible office
(we believe) to the satisfaction of both
Parent and Pupil.
This School stands among the first in
the District for size and progress.
But to the Exhibition. There were
about forty pieces on the Programme;
Deolanuaions, Dialogues &c.. the princi
ple part of which was taken from the dif.
ferent text books used in the School
The Declamations was all very well
spoken, the Speakers acquitting them•
selves creditably. ..The Dialogues were
all well performed and gave general saris
faction, sotno were quite amusing hut
were innocent and interesting.
Occasionally during the exercises of
the evening the chair appeared on the
stage and enu•rtained the audience with d
very pleasant piece of vocal music, giv
ing us to understand that this important
part of Education had not hero negit•cted
In fact, the whole exercises went to
show that neither teacher nor pupil had
been idlers during the past session
The House was very beautitully deco.
rated and lighted, and as all were very at.
tentive, and good order prevailed, every
person hind an opportunity to hear and
sec• what was said and don •
We were pleased to set- a general turn
out of parents to see and hear what prog
ress their e.hildr..o have been tanking n t
school and we think that we tire safe in
sayinv that all went home satisfied that
they had not been Feuding their children
to school for naught.
April I•th, '6B.
ICP The animals belonging to the cir
cus of Dan Rice, passed through this
place on yesterday morning.
Execution of Andcrson & Richards.
LANCASrEIi, April 9, 1858.
This is the day appointed by the Governor
for carrying into effect the sentence of the
Court upon Alexander Anderson and Henry
Richards, the two negroes convicted of the
murder of Mrs. Garber and Mrs. Ream, two
respectable elderly ladies of Manhiem town
ship, about five miles from this city. The
murder was committed on Tuesday morning,
December 16th, at the house of Mr. Conrad
Garber, while he was out attending to business.
Mrs Ream was a relative by Marriage of Mrs.
Garber, and had called in to see her. While
she was there, the murderers came in, on pre.
ext of obtaining a job as chimney sweeps,
and finding the women defenceless, they stab
bed them, leaving them dead on the floor, and
then stole such money as they could lay their
hands on and fled.
As soon as the crime was discovered, the
population was aroused and pursuit made o
the supposed murderers, who bad been seen
lurking about the neighborhood. They were
I arrested the same evening, and tried and con.
victed at the last term of the Court. Since
• their conviction, they have made fell Nitres
sion of their guilt, and acknowlegded the jus
tice of their conviction an d punishment.
The execution, of course, had to take place
in the yard of the prison, before a limited
number of spectators. The gallows was erect
ed yesterday. It consisted of four upright
timbers, sixteen feet high, connected at the top
by four cruse ties, across two of which the
beam rested to which the ropes were attached.
The platform on which the prisoners stood was
seven feet six inches froth cross-besot. The
platform was made to drop entirely to the
ground, by the turn of a lever. Tan was
spread on the ground to prevent any noise
from the falling of the platform.
The prisoners have fur some time expressed
great contrition, Anderson particularly bt
very penitent and expressing perfect coon.
deuce in religion, readoig his Bible often and
• declaring that he would die happy. Richards
has been less composed in manner, and less
consistent in his conversation. Anderson has
made a full and lengthy confession, whirl, will
be published. Richard's has confessed his
guilt verbally ut the ministers attending low i
but it null) confirms the statements of Ander
son. Adelson's coutession makes a pamphlet
of sixty tour pages, and is a strange narrative.
It declares that they murdered the women ter
t2l cents, which they wauud to get a pint of
whiskey, and that both of them were drunk
when the crime was committed.
There was great anxiety to witness the exe•
cutiutt, and many people from the country
Came into town for the purpose, a large pro.
portion of them being from Manheito and its
neighborhood. Attempts were made to see
from platforms outside of the wulls, but they
were n ut successful!.
The bhurilf was very strict, and in spite ul
the thousands nt aoplicatious the admission,
only about sue hundred persons were permit
ted to enter the prison yard.
The prisoners passed the night composedly,
The morning was spent in religious exercises
and in conversation with the ministers and
others admitted to see them. The writ requir
ed that they should be hung between the hours
of 10 A. M.. and 3 P. M.
About ten o'clock the wife and children of
Anderson were admitted to see him, and the
interview and parting were most affecting.
Soon after eleven o'clock the procession mu•
ved from the interior of the pridon to the plat.
form in the yard, and the prisoners walked
firmly to the fatal spot and nnionted the steps
Anderson made a prayer, f'rvently and calmly
in which he appealed for mercy ter 11111)&111 and
Richards. Neither of them made speeches
At twenty-five minutes before twelve o'clock,
the ropes be:ng adjusted around the necks of
the criminals and all others having left the
platform, the lever was moved, and it fell, lea.
ving them hanging. Anderson died without a
struggle, and Richard's struggles were not pre•
After hanging for about half an hour, the
bodies wore taken down for interment.
Among the spectators admitted to the exe
cution, wan Hon. Wm. A. Crabby late Senator
from Philadelphia.
Mr A Democratic country editor in Ohio,
who is also postmaster, has defined his posi
tion with a frankness and good nature that
quite overcomes one's conviction of reality :
'Fur my own part, my brethren, although I
have lull faith in Judge Douglass, and fully
believe in the doctrine of popular sovereignty,
yet with a regard to my pontion, os on officer
of the federal Government, as well as a pro.
found respect for the American eagle nod the
income of my office, as a matter of expedien
cy 1 shall support the President.
• N. B —ln the event that Douglas succeeds
we can Midge our views about the end of old
'Buck's term.' -
4 The Bedford Gazette says :—After wri•
tang to persons in this District that 'all the
sympaties ut his heart' were with the Free
State men in Kansas, Wilvoa Reilley has sate
ly betrayed them. What knows ? Thanks,
bouncer, to tree, unbought, unpurclamiable men
in the Douse of Rspresentatives, Wilson Itei.
treasula did not accomplish its abject; and
Heaven, we hope, will prevent at so the fit
iiiii"The New York Tribune sap :—After
the nrst defeat of Lecompton, a week ago, the
President wrote to Oov. Wise a very long let
ter, deploring the evil which this Lecompton
business hod brought upon the Administration
asking Bov. Wise fur advice, and beseeching
bite to help save the Administratton and bent.
uerutie party, telling him at the same time
that the Union was not Mr. Buchanan's organ,
and that he had nut approved its proscriptive
and vituperative course. The Itiqhmond En
quirer ianniudiately Caine out against the course
pursued by the Union.
The evidences of repugnance to the Lecump.
ton policy are overwhelming. We speak not
of such elections as those recently held at Chi-
the former wen 'Republican' and the latter
wan divided, both parties were hostile to Le.
compton, but of those wherp that matter was
prominently in issue. Just look at the list of
recent defeats which the Democratic party has
encountered in local elections:
In Ohio—Cincinnati, Opposition by majori•
ties ranging from 1,000 to 3,- , 00. Toledo, Re
public. by 138 majority—last year, heavily
In Michigan—The Town Meetings show an
almost unbroken line of Republican triumphs .
though the Democratic party there has gene,
ally cut loose from and opposes Lecom pton.
In Indiatia—lndirstiapolis recently went Re
publican by a large majority; Lafayette, ditto
by 50 to 75 majority—usually Democratic.
In lowa—Davenport has gone largely Re.
publican; Dubuque (usually two or three to
one Democratic) has elected a People's Ticket
over the Democratic by some 500 majority.
In Missouri—St. Louis has chosen the strai
gbtout Free Democracy's ticket by 1,200 Ma.
jority over a People's ticket headed by an
Emancipationist, but made and supported in
good part by a union of the nations Pro-Sla
very interests and factions ; while Jefferson
' (the State capital) has also chosen Free-State
officers throughout by a handsome majority.—
This is the first time a distinctive Emancipa
tion ticket was ever run its than city. Misr.
rissant, a smaller city, is also reported Free-
We ought, perhaps, to add that Louisville,
Ko., lots just chosen 'American' officers with
very little opposition—their Representative,
, Humphry Marshall and their organ, The Lou
, isville'Journal, beading the fight against Le•
com pion.
—We give these merely as straws showing
the course of the wind ; but who finds any sail•
ing the other way ? The extent of a change
wrought in the public mind by a bad measure
is never fully evinced in the ensuing popular
vote, especially if the contest he for local
cell,' alone. Thousands continue, from habit,
discipline or affection, to vote with their old
party to oblige or advance personal friends
who are candidates—to obtain or retain an
office—or hoping to bring them over to their
views: Where one votes plump against his
party in a loyal contest following quick upon
the heels of a great public wrong, a dozen at
heart condemn the. wrong,. Lerompton we
think is done ; but its revival and passage
could only serve still further to distraot and
damage the great liarty which elected Mr.
Buchansu to the Presidency.
Connecticut.—Full returns from Conneticut
of the recent election show the following re.
ulu Buckingham, (Rep.) 4,969; Pratt, (Dam)
32,239. Republic. majority 2,730 which is
larger than any gubernatorial candidate hat
received since 1846, and how long previous
we are unable to state. The majority for the
Whig candidate for Governor in 1848, (the
Taylor campaign) the largest within our recol•
levtion, was 300 less than Buckingham has to
Baldwin, the candidate of the disaffected
Americans for governor, did not receive over
three or four hundred votes. On Secretary of
State and Comptroller, however, where the
Americans had regular candidates in opposi•
tints to the Republicans, they poll votes enough
(some 3000) to defat a choice for those offices
by the people, but as the Legeslaturo must
choose between the highest two candidates,
Messrs. Boyd and Buell, Republicans are olti•
mately certain of an election.
The Senate stands as last year, 15 to 6. The
House will probably stand 147 Republicans to
87 Democrats ; last year 140 to 93.
The towns comprising the Congressional
district now represented by Bishop (Lecomp.
ton Democrat) gives 613 Republican majority.
In Arnold's district where there was a Perna.
erotic majority of 492 last year, the majority
has been whittled down to 10.
Kentucky.—At an election in Louisville, on
Saturday, for municipal officers, the candi
dates of the American party were chosen.
Tr.e Journal says the elm tion passed of qui
etly. The aggregates of the largest votes for
Councilmen are as follows:—For the Ameri
cans, 2131 votes; for the Democeata, 937 votes
giving a clear American majority of 1244.
MrThree post office clerks who
cheered for atuglas at a Lecomptod
meeting in Chicago, were dismissed from
office the next morning.
SW A n old lady in Texas, who sells eggs,
has over her door, new 'laid eggs' every mor•
ning by Betty Briggs.
WASHINGTON, April 10. 1858.
Col Benton's spirit took its flight gen•
tly and tranquilly this morning at about
thirty minutes past seven o'clock. He
was conscious and calm. He was 76
years and 27 days old when he died.
Hard on Bigler.
The Washington correspondent of the Phil
adelphia Sunday Dispatch describes a scene in
the Senate last Friday, while the Crittenden
Kansas bill was pending, which is in no way
flattering to our Pennsylvania Senator. The
writer says:
'I have just left the Senate, and saw Bigler
in the hands of Douglas. Heavens ! what a
specimen of cruelty to ae.imals 1 Bigler's van
ity is proverbial, and his stupidity is painful.
I blushed to see his awkward, ungainly, and
miserable manner. The President should
send him to a grammar school. He used
such phrases—'l have ram to the conclusion;'
and, in alluding to the Upas tree. ho said,
'This slavery question is the Upaso.'—He used
t he word 'is,' for 'ate; and 'done,' for ',lid,' &r.
and all this with a 'Captain Grand' air, and an
affectation of style that would have made a
dog laugh.—Douglas stepped up, took hint by
the cuff, and pummelled him through the Sen
ate, making every Pennsylvanian hang his
head in confusion. What a blessing is the
Washington Globe to such humbugs as Bigler!,
--Yes, and to divers other, of the A:111.
Cambria, Pa.
val,Ls We.
the Cambria Iron Company and their employ•
ees. The miners and puddlers have refused
to continue work unless the reduction of
twenty five per cont., which was imposed by
the Company last fall, be countermanded, and
the payment of cash be again adopted. The
Company, thus far, have refused to accede to
the demands of their employees, and how the
present disagreement will terminate, we ore
unable to conjecture. Operations in the mill
have been suspended, and a resumption is on
looked for soon.
X 1 i r tr ,
On Friday the 9th inst., ANNIE, daughter
of the late Mrs. Catharine Gxvin, aged 16
years, 6 months, and 17 days.
There will be offered for sale publicly nt the
Parsonage (Presbyterian) Alexandria, Hunting
don County, on Tuesday, the 27th of this month
at one o'clock, P. M..
with many valuable articles of 2
Apr.14,'58.-It. Geo. Eit.toTir
hi the "Gold Region" and other portions of
Virginia, the following Farms and Buil-
ding Lots, in Shares, to wit:
I Farm 100 ames, gold wine is 100 'terns.
4 Farms 01'60 acres each, are 250 66
25 44 40 ,6 o lOW . 6
70 " 20 '• ,i 1400 "
150 " 10 6, " 1300 '
250 " 5 ‘t if 1250 "
500 " 3 (6 " 1000 .•
250 Build'g lots iA. sts. and sq. 710 "
1350 " " 1003100 55 925 "
2500 " " 50x100 '• 925 "
5000 " " 25x100 " 950 "
10,000 Shares, amounting to 10,000 ac's.
Certificates of the above Shares, (with Bonds
for the immediate execution and delivery of the
Deeds,) have been enclosed in 10,000 envelopes,
exactly alike, and sealed; which, after being
well mixed up, have been numbered on the out
sia e from 1 to 10,000 inclusive, so that no one
knows the contents of any particular envelope.
They will be sold at $lO each, without reference
to what they contain, and sent to shy one ma
king application, Unexceptionable Tidos will
in all cases be given.
The largest Farm. containing a Gold Mine is
valued at $20,000, and the smallest Shed Build
ing Low linen been selling at $lO each. Hun
dreds have already bren sold upon these terms.
Whilst all stund the same chance of getting the
Farms, every purchaser is guaranteed one of
these lots at least. Every other purchaser is
bound to get one of at least double its size and
value. Every fourth purchaser one of at least
quadruple its size uud value. Whilst every
tenth purchaser will get a farm ranging in Ildlllo
from 0200 up to $20,000. These farms and
Lots are sold so cheap to induce sediments, a
'sufficient number being reserved, the
in the value of which will compensate for the
present sacrifice. The net proceeds are to be
applied to local improvements, such as Schools,
k acuities, Mills, be. Auy number of Shares
can he taken by individuals to secure a Farm
ta. o at least ten shares. The certificates eau
be obtained by paying one-half. and the Deeds
by paying theother half.
70- ,ouilA;;;;;; . Land, in large or small
tI.Lel .111 also be had at privata sale, and upon
ti n , mi.' reasonable terms. Some of it is high
ly improved. Agents are wanted everywhere
to sett these lands. Liberal inducements will be
given. For full particulars apply to
Port Royal, Caroline co. Vit,
Apr. 1 V58,3m.
Ihrmerly known us "SAziores" take plea—
sure in announcing to their many friends, that
they bare received a new and well-selected
stock of Goods, which they feel confident will
satisfy the demands of the public, and will prove
auexceptionable in STYLE and QUALITY.
The lino of Dress Goods embraces
We hare a fine assortment of Summer Man.
tines, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An:-
toms, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets, If
siery, Lad ies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Buttons',
Floss, Sewing Silk, Whalebone' for Skirts,
Reed Hoop., Brass do., Skirt Cord, &c.
ALso—Tickens, Osnaborg, bleached Mid un
bleached Muslins at all prices, Co'orad and
White Cambrics, Barred and Swiss Muslins f
Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and many ,
other articles which comprise the line of Whitd
and Domestic Gout's.
We have French Cloths, Fancy Cassimmes,
Suttinetts, demo', Cottonadeu, Linens,
Denims and Blue Drills.
of every varlet) , and style. Also all kinds or
A good mtock of
BOOTS kJ. 141110 ES.
Wood and Willow-ware,
which will be sold CHEAP
We glso deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT,
and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess timilities
in tine branch of trade unequalled hy. any. Wu
deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise,
FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the
Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads.
Come one, come all, and he convinced shoe
the "Mgvnurobtms" is the place to secure
fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at
the lowest rates.
Apr.l 4,''SR.
The partnership berettafiire existing between
the undersigned, under the tirm olliessler, Eby
& Cu., was this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. Those knowing thetnsetres indebted to
the said firm, either by note or book account,
are requested to call and settle the same with
Leonard G. Kessler, who alone is nuthorivid to
use the name of the lira in settlement of the
'Cho linables, will be continued at the old
swill by (.co. Eby, Jr.
Mill Creek, April IS, 1858,41.
Publisher's Prospectus
On the thl of April, 1858, .1.1 begin, in con
nexion with Messrs. Littell, Son & Boston,
the New Series of the Living Age, issued week
ly '
enlarged to eighty pages, handsomely print
ed on fine paper, with cut edges. etc. Ike
long•estalilishal, and deservedly high reputa
tion which this esteemed hoot has enjoyed. ren
ders it superfluous to refer to its ellarneterisfin
claims as a most choice and ably-conducted
t ie iiiii MAS ,or .fin nest Attacted osi
the fillies. Comprising as it dies, the creme de,
In creme of all the world-renowned Reviews
and Periodicals of Europe, as well as occasion
al selections from the beat fugitive literature of
our own country, it will be at once apparent
that it possesses a character alike unique and
.6,141.1 as 0 reposi ory of good things, suita
ble for all classes of the reading community—
the statesman, student, and philosopher, as weil
as the family circle. In addition to the intrinsic,
value of its literary contents, the quantity of
residing matter embraced in o single year of this
work, amounts to four thousand ono hundred
and sixty double pages,—the subsetiption price
of which is only Six Dollars per annum,—thus
constituting if not only the best, but the chatti
est periodical in the world.
This work, which has been received with aid
rani favor of the Press, religious and secular,
has also enjoyed the cordial approbation of ma
ny eminent men of our country, among them,
PRESIDENT Amu., Hoe. 'Wm. liatitics,
JUSTICE Scour " IV. H. PliEseOTT,
efIANCEL'It KENT. " G.. IlAxemorr,
PUTTER, . • Geo. Ticxxon,
RE, De. Bitrituen: H. J. RATew..,
For Six Dollars it poor, remitted directly to
either of the Publishers, the Living Age will be
punctually forwarded, free of postage.
Complete sets of the First Series, in thirty
six volumesond of the Second Series, in twen•
ty volumes, handsomely hound, packed in neat
boxes, and delivered in all the principal cities,
free r P expense of freight, ore for sale at two
dollars a volume.
Any volume may be had separately, at two
dollars, bound, or a dollar and a half in numbers.
Any number may be had for 12 cents ; and it
is well worth while for subscribers ur mochas
sers to complete any broken volumes they mar
have, and thus greatly °Mame their Mille.
637 Broadway, New York.
Taming the most Wild, Viclouls
Unmanageable Horses.
As practiced by Mr. J. S. Rarey in Europe, and
by myself at No. G. 5 & 67 Watts St., New York,
is creatig a complete revolution in the manner
of training the most noble of brute creation.
The public are aware of the immense excite-.
meet which now waits in all Europe, in conse
quence of witnessing these astonishing effects
produced by the will of man over the horse.—
By this process, the wildest colt or the most vi
cious horse, of .y ago, may be subdued in a few
hours so us to obey the slightest word or motion
of his master.
Notnatieriiow vicious or stubborn, he is sub
clued just as easy, and learns to obey in propor
tion to his intelligence ; and it is astonishing ;
' to witness his high degree of intellect when un
ker the complete control of man. and when
once thoroughly trained he never forgets it,
I will take the most unulauageable horse in,
America ,and in fifteen minutes will make hin
lie down, and will handle him every way, even.
put my heed between his hind feet ; and in one
hour, will learn him so that a boy can handle
him with ease, and be will then look with affec
tion instead of defiance on his master, and soon,
will follow him anywhere.
By this process, lie is completely broken of•
fear of cars, umbrellas, robes, or any other ob
ject Many valuable horses have been ruined
from fright, and lives have been sacrificed to vi
citus .d uninanagaitl le horees—in fact, noth
ing is snore dreaded than an ungovernable horse.
I warrant this process sun•e in every case, I
have determined to keep the secret no longer,
as it has hitherto been confined to the few horse
trainers in circuses ip this country, but has ex
isted for centuries in Arabia. I fbrnish the
whole inforination in printed form, so clearly de•
monetrated, that any mad can practice it at
once without the least injury to himscllf or horse,
and will send the same to any address on receipt
of fire dollars. It is the same diet Mr. Rarey
is now se.ling in England and France far $5O.
I would respectfully say, that I cannot under
take to answer letters which do not contain the
above amount. 11. B. ARMSTRONG,
A pr. 14.59 -2m. , New Yofue