.z; SOFT, GLOSSY, LUSTROUS lista.—A peculi• urity of the Wigs and Toupees 'manufnctured by Mr. George Thurgaland, No. 29 south Sixth root, is the rich lustrous gloss of the Lair, endering them to the eye and touch so life— like as to make detection impossible. Mr Thurgaland, whose long experience in the busi: ness has made him justly celebrated, is an Sr. tist of no little ability, and has perfected a Wig, which for adaptation, ease and comfort to he wearer, has never been equalled by any o ther:in the country. Our renders, who, need the aid of foreign ornament, in this particular should consult him. MARRIED.—In this borough April lot at the public house of Mr. Johnson, by Rev. A. M. 13arnets, Mr. Wm. Hooper of Scottsville Hunt. Co. to Miss. Rosetta S. Robinson of Clearfield. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, PLOUR.—Thore is no change to no ties in the Flour market; $11,50. CLOVER SEED.—There is a steady business to notice; 4.0044,50 per bush. RYE FLOUR.—is dull. WHEAT.—Continues limited; 128 c. per. bush. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 730 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA WY - These Machines me now justly admitted to be the hest in use for Family Sewing, ma king a new, strong, and elastic 'Rich, which will NOT rip, even if every tburth stitch be cut.— Circulars seat on application by letter. Agents wanted. IZI/.17,'58,3 au. NICHOLAS' BANK NOTE REPORTER, ISSUED FROM NO. 70 WALL STREET NEW YORK. Is - th e most correct pnd reliable work of the kind ever published. It is the only Repor ter published in Wall stri ct, and contains a list of till the Banks in the United States and Canada, InE9Mlßatitil Monthly licporter (with Coin Chart and Pos tage pre-paid) $1 00 Semi-Monthly 2 OU To every }early subscriber is given a mag nificent Coin Chart of Thirty Six Pages, which contains beautifully engraved fac similes 'Anil the coins in the world. liiirNumerou.: Frauds...et haring been practised upon the community, by the publishers of certain Bank Note Reporters having quoted as good, minirrous fraudulent mill snindling miscalkd Batiks, the pubibliers of Tile Only Reliable Reporter, call attention to the following first doss IIEh'ERENCES. NEW Yonn.—Daniel Drew, Banker; Morris Itetehum, Marine Bank, U. S. Life Insurance +Company, J. nil°, Secretary; Howard Fire owners Company-4. T. Skidmore, Pros, Caleb 0. llalstcad, Pres. Manhattan Bank; Manhattan Lire insurance Company, C. Y. Wentple, ticey; Mechanics' Bank, 0. Do An gelis, Conbler, (Jr,,. .Field, Cashier Williams burgh City Bank. N.B.—We buy a; our office all money at the prices quoted in the Report,. We also pay special attention to the purchase and sale of LAND WARR %yrs. A. NW 110 LAS & Co.. Bankers, Nu. 70 Wall street, New York City. Apr. 7, '5B:-3m. TO BE GIVEN AWAY ! All of the Splendid rttinitnos with 1;(11 Gilt rtatves, now an exhibition at EEMNaI77cOAII GALLERY, NO. CIS BIWA DWAY. TO BE, GIVEN A . \\ T AY. The proprietors of this beautiful collection of paintings are tam, on lie sof u large tract of land lying in the lined.l,ing village of Coder Cluck, Va., 00 tidies by. railroad from .Wash ington,unil in the immediate vicinity of the cel ebrated Sulphur. Iron and AMISS Springs, noted or their efficacy in tau cure of Bronchial and Cutancons,th,ciscs. This land. nimn huh home Mien erected A STONE FLOUR MILL, 2 SAW MILLS and 15 DWELLINGS, at an expense of from $5OO to $5,000 each, they now otter for sale in alternate lute. The Price of Each Lot is slO,' for which a Warranty Decd, free and clear of ineumidance is given, Together with one of the Oil Paintings un Exciuition, which alone is worth the situ paid, and would adorn any ghtletnan's prior, whilst the Lot may con tain one of the Buildings above named. Pamphlets containing a Map, and explaining more hilly the motive, and object to he attained by making this apparent sacrifice of a portion of their property, can he seen at the office of this paper. . . . . . Parties remitting by mail will receive their deeds by return punt, and their Pictures by Jowl: conveyanees as they may direct. They mitt be particular in sending their orders to rime the County end State in which they re. side, as it is necessary, for us to forward the pictures without delay. A buildim lists will be matte to those desi. ring it, equal to one half the cost pt" the build. lug_ to be erected. Batik autos should be enclosed in presence p 1 the Post Master, in order to avoid risk. Address, LUCAS, BOYEN & Co., I No. GlB Broadway, New ork. ; Itl:maxi:Es lIESPEMNU Tp ABOVE NA- M D PROPERTY, Francis H. Upton, Attorney at Law, 68 Wall street, New York City. Phillip Williams, Esq., Attorney at Law, Winchester, Va. E. R. L'Aunreau. Attorney at Law, 68 .Wall street, New York. Apr. 7, '6B:-3m. NOTICE. 'rho partnership of Joseph Green & Co., heretofore existing at Barrett Forgo, Huntingdon 'County, Pa., has been dissolved by mutual con sent of parties. All accounts and dealings with said Company hitherto, relating to Barre Forge wall be attended to by the undersigned, who will continue to do business at said Forgo as an lranniustdr, 0, HORSEY GREEN. Apr. 7,'511.. NOTICE. The firm of Cross & McGill, trailing under that mane. have this day dissolved by mutual consent. The hooks will lie at the Alexandria Foundry °Mee, where settlements. The busi ness will be continued by li. C. McGill. R. C, MoGILL . Ig CROSS, Apr.7,'S6.•aa THE LITER INVIGORATOR ! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD, Compounded entirely of Gums. II one of the hest purgative and liver medi nines now before the public, that acts as a Ca thartic, easier, milder, end more effectual than any ther medicine known. It is not only a Ca thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that matter. thus accom plishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in t he operation of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system at the same time that it purges it , and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strenghten and build it up with unusual rapidity. The Liver 13 one oppthe principal regula tors of the human ho- of dy ; and when it per- forms its functions well 0 the powers of the sys tem are fully develop- I. ed. The stomach is almost entirely depen- g ig dent on the healthy 11 action oldie Liver for a ; the proper ,pertorm once of its •functions. An When the stomach is ! at Mull, the bowels are 0 at fitult find the whole system suffers in con- 0 sequence of one organ ! —the Liver— h.ing.fm ceased to do its duty.' For the diseases oijtits that organ one dl the proprietors has made A it his study, in a prite• ties of snore than men-. ty years, to find some remedy wherewith to\ counteract the many derangements to which a it is liable. To prove Mat thisF.l remedy is at last dis covered any person ~...7 troubled with Liver Complaint many of its I." forms, has but to try a bottle and conviction'''. is certain. Tdefe gems remove 4 „it morbid or b a d matter from the system sy, supplying in their place a heal Icy floss of bile, invigorating the stomach, causing NI - food to digest well, purifying the blood,gi- Igrwing tone and health to the whole machine-1 a Cy, removing thocause "the "5e..., and of , r ,, ffeeting a radical cure. One dose after eat- .7. ing is sufflicient to re lieve the stomach and 'prevent the food front rising and souring. lilt B lions weeks arer cured, and what is better, prevented, by the oeeasional use of the Liver Invigorator. gfi Only one dose ta- ' 7, 4 , ken before retiring prevents Nightmare. 11.11 Only one dose taken at night, loosens the bowels gently, and cures Costiveness. One dose taken after each meal will cure Dys pepsia. _ . ... . arOne dose or two teaspoonfuls will always remove Sick Headache. One bottle taken for female obstruction re moves the moss of the disease, and makes a pericet cure. _ . Only one dose immediately relieves Cholic, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for Cholera Minms, and a preventive of Motetsn. GV'Only one bottle is needed to throe• out of the system the effects of medicine tiller a long sickness, Cr One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose token a short time before eatiai gives vigor to the appetite, anti makes tbod One dose often repented moos Chronic Di ar rhont in its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. Ono or two ibises cures attacks eau ed by Worms in Children; there is no surer or speed iet remedy in the world, as it never fails. CFA few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting the ttlisorliciitS. We hike pleasure in recommending thin med icine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill, Fever, and all Fevers of a Bill ius Type. It operates with certainty, and thousandi are wil• ling to testify to its wonderful virtue.s. All who one it are giving their unanimous tes timony in its favor. Mix water in the mot th with the Lwigo rater, and swallow both togetuet. The Liver Invigorator. Is 0 scientific medical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It eUreAUS if by Muir. even the }lrma tone gil ing benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is re quired to cure ace kind of Liver complaint, from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com mon Headache, all of which are the result of a diseased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Da. SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N.Y. Sold by 11. MeManigill, Huntingdon. Apr.7.'58.•1y. NOTICE. WHELBAS, I executed a note or single bill, dated on or about the 9th or 10th of November, 1857, toJames Templeton, of Shirleyshorg, for the paynient of seventy dollars, ono year after date, a.l persons are hereby notified that 1 have just and legal defence against the whole amount of said note or single hill, and that I ant not lia ble to pay anything thereon, Bratlytp,Apr 8,-3t. DAVID BAIRD. 20 PER CENT. RAYED! ! I CO3IPIiTENITSiiiiGES have Ttuwdecided that at least CO per cent. is saved by purchasing all HARDWARE and PAINTS at the regular BA3DINIME STORE jAMES A: - BROWN. To continue this public advantage thi• sub scriber has jeAt returned from the Yam, with , a rumple e s ock 0: HAKIM A ILE A MECHANICB " fooLs, CUTLF.IIT, HOLLOW-WARE, PAINTS, SADDLE., OHS, COACH TRIMMINGS, AC. Which ho has carefully selected, and bought at reduced prices, from the best houses in the United States. Thus be is enabled to sell whole sale and retail extremely low. Country deal - ere, Builders, Mechanics, and the people goner - ally - are respecthilly invited to call. All orders receive prompt attention. N.l3.—Persons indebted to the late fl rm of James A. Brown Co., are requested to make immediate payment to JAS. A.. BROWN, Iluatingdon,Apr.B,'sB. 1.000 POCKET KNIVES, some of the best in the world, for sale by JAMES A. BROWN. MOW LINES and BOAT ROPES, for sale at the hardware store of JAMES A. BROWN. QTONE CROCKS, JARS, tic. ,—a large stock ki fur sale at manufacturers' prices by JAMES A: BROWN. NOTICE TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. The School Directors of Huntingdon Bor. mig i, District, will meet at the Public School 11 0 ,nie, Saturday 'April IN, at one o'clock, P. M., to hear the examinati , n of Teachers by the County Sue,;rititendant. Applicants tur schools ; are reque;:ed to be present for examination, and to make appii,l:a tion on or before that time. The term of the Schools is ten months, commencing uu lst of May next. WM. HOTHROCK, Prat. A. W. BENEDIC.f, &cy. MILNWOOD ACADEMY. The next session of this Institution, will open the first Wednesemy of May. The location is healthy, retired and free from many of the temptations incident to a town life. Connected with the academy is a commercial department designed to fit young men tbr active business. Students can pursue this branch of study exclusively or in connection with other studies. Terms per session of five months. For board. Tuition Bm. 55,00 Double Entry Book keeping 20,00 Single Entry Book keeping 8,00 Students have the privilege of boarding in the Institution or in _private families as they may prefer. For catalogue containing full particu- lars fiddress W. H. WOODS, Principal. Shade Gap, linntingdon Co. Nara 61.1.—C, COURT AFFAIRS. APRIL TERM, 1858. TRIAL LIST. Nicholas Shaver (who hath survived IVilliam Shaver vs Penn'a. R. R. Co. John Fleming vs B. X. Blair et al. Thomas Clark's heirs vs Brison Clark H. & B. T. R. R. Co. vs Able Putt, Samuel B. McFeelers vs Alexander Beers et al SterliN; A.exander vs Bracken, Stitt & Co. John M. Waiters V 3 David Varner Harrison it Couch vs C. V. M. Pro. Co. David Caldwell, adm,r vs. Mich, I. Martin. A. H. Brumbaugh Mr use vs C, V. M. I'. Co. Wm. McNite vs James Clark adm'r. John Dougherty vs George W. Speer. A. Vaudevander's heirs vs John McComb. SECOND WERE. Margaret Foster vs William Foster, 1. P. Brock vs John Savage, Same Vs Sa me, John Savage vs Wm. Smith S H. Davis, George W. Wagoner vs Washington Gayer, Samuel D. Myton vs Henry Fockler, Clements' heirs vs John MeCaudess et al. John Savage vs James Entriken, William Cummings adm'r vs A. Walker, Richard Ramsey vs Alex. Richardson, Christopher Ozborn vs P. F. Kessler et al. James Wall vs Jona. Wall, Philip Spahn vs Moses Heilner, Christopher Osborn vs P. F. Kessler, Bidleman & Hayward vs James Entriken, John Brewster vs James Entriken, Jno. W. Price vs Long & Rickets, Jas. Maguire vs A. S. Harrison. GRAND JURORS. John Anderson, farmer, Juniata. Lewis 13urgans, blacksmith, Huntingdon, John Black, carpenter, Huntingdon, Daniel Beck, blacksmith, Barree, Philip Bolebaugh, farmer, Porter, William Clymans, farmer, Dublin. John Covert, mason, Springfield, George Dare, clerk, Franklin, John Garner, jr., farmer, farmer, Penn, Abraham Hurnish, farmer, Morris, George Hallman. blacksmith, West, John Hirst, farmer, Barree, Jonathan Hardy, farmer, Henderson, Adam Lighjitet, farmer, West, Benjamin Regahan, merchant, Walker, Pymtu, blacksmith, Cassville, Jatof, Stone, farmer, Union, David S. Itis.sey, tartner, Potter, Lee 'l'. 'Wilson, farmer, Barree, William While, farmer, Juniata, J. W. Yocum, farmer, Juniata. TRAVERSE JURORS—FIRST WEEK John Amor, farmer, Union, Edward Bugle, mason, Morris, j\ i Wain Buckley, farmer, Shirley, i bort Chaney, J. P.. Barre°, Solomon Chilcott, farmer, Tod, Nicholas Cresswell, gentleman, Alexandria, Andrew Crottiley, farmer Penn, Thomas Duff, merchant, Jackson,. William Davis, merchant, Penn. Henry Davis, blacksmith, West, John Ely, merchant, Shirley, John Ellis, grocer, Penn, John Fleenor, farmer, Henderson, Nathan Greenland. former, Union, Jnhn Gifford. Jr., former, Shirley, August us K. Green, farmer, Clay. Frederick Harman, farmer, Cromwell, Jonathan Homier, Cass, James Henderson, merchant, Casual°, Samuel Hannah, teacher, Warriorsmark, Samuel Humor, laborer, Alexandria, George Jackson, farmer, Jackson, William graCkSIM, limner, Jackson, Joseuli G. Kemp. rarmr, William McWilliams, farmer, Frankli Isaac McClain, farmer, Tod, Samuel .1. Marks, carpenter, Franklin, Elliot Mckinstney, farmer, Shirlei, Peter Myers, tailor, Shirley, John 0. Murray, carpenter, Huntingdon, Samuel McClain, farmer, Cass. James Miller, stuhaer, Jachso , t , Henry F. Newiugham, gentle man, Huntingdon John B. Ozburn, teacher, J. kekson, Alexander Port, J. P., Hui Aingdon, Samuel Pheasant, farmer, C oss , Samuel Rolston, J. P c W srr i orein ark, Abraham Ramsey, labor or. Springfield, Samuel H. Shoemaker, sportsman, Huntingdon William B. Smith, far mer , J ac k son , A. Jackson Stewart, ',armor, F ran kli n , . David Stoner, fume r, Clay, Nicholas Slimier, [limner, Shirley, John B. Thoinpson , firmer, Franklin, Ephraim Thompson, farmer, Porter, Jonathan Wilson., farmer, West, .1 nines Wilson, f armor. Henderson, William Wagon er, mason , Clay. ItIVERSE JURORS—SECOND WEEK. John B. B riggs, farmer, Tell. John 13in nbaugh, sr., gen., Huntingdon. Richard Colegate, blacksmith, Shirley. John C . Cummings, farmer, Jackson. James 'Carman, teacher, Huntingdon. Nicholas Crum, miller, Tod. John. Dougherty, farmer, Shirley. Percy 0. Etchison, shoemaker, Cromwell. William Ewing, farmer, Barren. lv ear Grove, farmer, Perry. I steel Grafius, Esq., limier, Alexandria. Christian Harnish, farmer, Porter. James K. Hampson, inkeoper, Brady. Thomas Irwin, farmer, Union. IVilliam Johnston, tanner, Shirloyaburg. Joshua Johns, fanner, Springfield. Samuel B. Mareeters, fanner, Tell. Jackson McElroy, farmer, Jackson. John 11. Moreland, teacher, Clay. Robert McNeal, farmer, Shirley. John Morrison, farmer, Shirley. Joists McCumb, farmer, Union. James S. . aks, farmer, Jackson. John Owens, J. P., Warriorsmark. George Price, farmer, Clay. John Rhodes, farmer, Henderson. George Russell, Esq., farmer, Hopewell. Benjamin Rinker, farmer, Cromwell. Peter Swoope, gentleman, Huntingdon. John Smith. of Goo., farmer, Barree. George Spranker, farmer, Porter. John L. Travis, farmer, Franklin. Miller Wallace, carpenter, Brady. George Wagoner, carpenter, Dublin. George Walters, machinist, Morris. Elias B. Wilson, J. R., Cassville. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. oncE is hereby given to MI persons inter• lr ested that VALENTI. CROUSW, of Cassville on t h e 1:?th doe of March inst., made and de livered to t h e E d...scribers a deed of Voluntary Assignment of all his estate and effects for the benefit of Ills creditors. All persons holding claims against said Val. cmine Crouse will present them properly am thentiested for settlement, and all persons iu• Ilebted to said Valentine Crouse, by note or book account or otherwise will make immediate payment to the subscribers who reside in Cass- villa, Huntingdon Co., Pa. JOHN S. OEHRETT,t Am . N. CORBIN, mo. [From the Missouri Democrat.] • WOOD'S lIAIR DYE.—This admirable ar ticle is rapidly improving the hair. No article of a elicitor kind, now before the public, enjoys a better reputation as a restorative and invigo rating hair tonic. Ito peculiar chemical quali ties have a beneficial etlect upon the growth and character of the hair, giving a silky and glossy texture to that which was formerly of a coarse and dry nature. It has, also, we understand, a (EISTATE On SIAANNAU WALKER E 0 1.•) tat - Wane.) to preserve the youthful color and ap- AGIMICVLTURAL SOCIETY. AD INI9TR TOR'S NO 'ICE. peitrance of the hair, awl . destroyilig or counter- TICE IS HEREBY QI VEN, hut letters acting the etrects of old age. With such racism. A regular stated meeting of thou Huntingdon of administration on the estate umanpah mendations in its favor, we hardly perceive how Closely Society will be held in the Court House Walker, late of Dublin townshi. , s dd., have any lady or gentleman should he without so val. iti the Horougl of Huntingdon, on Wedneaday beets granted to the undersigned, alhersene in- cable an adjunct to their toilet. evening of the first week of else April Court, d e wed to said estate are requested o make im. U.J. WOOD d: CO., Proprietore, 312 Broadway (14th inet.,) at 9 o'clock. . mediate opulent, and those haviß claims a- ! N. Y., & 114 Market st. St. Louis, Missouri. By order of this Executive Committee. gainst the same will present them dal authenti. Sold its Huntingdon by Soca Rita„, and R. 11.1„Divivr, Sae , rated fur settlement to DAVID IgLcH.. McMarriosm ~ and by Druggists everywhere. A F. Rouen, ye: ftirnt Cabins; March 101 10511141. Feb. 10, 1899.-9 es. Mar.25,'57.-ty. NEW LAW BOORS. JUST P.1.1811E1, nY KAY & BROTHER, LAW BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS . AND IMPORTERS, 19 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELI•IIIA PRICE ON LIMITATIONS AND LIERS.— Of the Limitation Action, and of Liens a gainst Real Estate in Pennsylvania. By Eta K. Pluck:, ESQ. FROM THE Hon. HORACE BINNEY.—“Tha de sign of it is excellent, and its uses are manifold It must conduits to bring the law on these heads into better shape, by exhihitidg it in its aggre gate, and thus showing the hearing of its parts upon each other. It Must also ' , remote the fin ish and completeness of Conveyancing, which though vastly advanced beyond what it was fifty years ago, is still incomplete." ALSO, BRIGHTLY'S UNITED STATES DIGEST. An Analytic Digest of the Laws of the Uni ted States, front the Adoption of the Consti tution to the end of the XXXIV Congress, 1789-1857. By FREDERICK. C. I/ RIGIIThY, EBQ., editor of "Purdon'a Digest," Rc. &e.--- 1 vol. imperial Bvo, pp. 1149. Prot., only $6. Enos' TUE Hon. R. B TAsniv, t.tnists• Jew- TICE OF THE UNITED STurre.—••lt IS a work of much value, and well executed. The he ads ' under which the dilliirent Acts of Congress are arranged are well chosen and appropriate : and what is still more important, the Index, so la t as I have been able to examine it, is eomplet, e . The book has evidently hem prepared with much cure lOW judgment, and will, I dolma not, be very acceptable to the public. ALSO. RECENTLY Punusiinn, DUNLAI."B BOOK OF FORMS, 4th and Re vised Echo.. LINN'S ANALYTICAL INDEX cu-; the Penn sylvania Reports. TROUHAT & ItALY'S PRAC,TIOE.4th and llovised Edition. By B, lirm E LL Tig A ym, ESQ. Mnich 10, 1858.-2 m.. IILEOLSTAIMNagnejt, mon.% HERF,RT GIVEN TO ALL Of persona itact'este':l that the following named persons have settkal their accounts in the Reg ister's Office at Uuntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Huntiagilon, in and fur the County of Hunting don, on Wednesday the 14th day of April newt, to wit: 1, George W. Owens. Administrator of the es tate of Thomas ➢l. Owens, lute of the borough of Dhringbant, dee'd. 2. Account of Wm. M. Jackson and Robert A. MeMurtrie , Administrators of Thomas Jackson, late of Blair county, deed., who was the survivint, Assignee of Jonathan Leslie, of Huntingdon county, having survived Jas Entri ken. Esq., 11 eed., and Jas. M. Bell, Co-assignee who was di: wharged by the Court. 3. Final account of Wm. S. Lyons, Esq.., Adnunistr Ator of Thos. Love, late of Toll town ship, dee'd,. 4. Jam es Cree, Guardian of J. Elliot Walker, eon or James Walker, late of Dublin township, dee'd. F Mal account of James Kehy and Jamison Kelly , Executort of Nathaniel Kelly, who was Execrator of the last will and testament of Da• rid Bowman, hue of Dublin top. ? dee'd., and Tcatamentary Guardian of the minor children of. the said David Bowman, dec'd. 6. Account of John Rung, Guardian of Reu ben Lightner. son of Henry Lightner, late of West top., dee'd. 7. John Scutt, Guardian of David, Catharine, and Elizabeth Courter, minor children cl Philip Conner. 8. John S. Miller, Administrator of the estate of Isabella MeMoingal. late of Barren twp., dee'd. 9. Account of David H. Camphill, Executor of the out will and testament of Isaac Climer, late of Penn top., dec'd. . . . . . 10. Samuel dull, Administrator of the estate of Witholmium' llaye„ late of Shirley top., deed. 11, Baroetz Early, Admi!listrator of the a tom of StlollllllAll Smoker, lute of Brady twp., deed. • 12. Win. S. Lyons, Executor of the last will and testament of Rev. Thos. Askins, lute of dec'd. _ _ 13. Vni..g. Lyons, and John Morrison, Esq., Executors of the lust will and testament of Lieu. Asking, late of Shirleysburg borough. 14. Daniel Teague, Esq., Administrator of the estate of John Appelby, lute of Dublin Imp., Ja."d. HENRY GLAZIER, Register Regixter's (Vice. Mintinydon,Ma?.l2lB27. JOHN STONE & SONS, 806 Chestnut steet above eighth, (Laieqf No. 45 South Second Street) G°P~Od~D~dp~Os~fl SPRING ItEifiliiiiril OF SILK & MLTANEF„Y GOODS. CONSTING IN PART OF FANCY BONNET AND CAP RIBBONS, SATIN AND TAFFETAS RIBBONS, CROS DE NAPLES, Puce and Yluin,) M A neELINKS AND FLORENCES, BLACK MODES, FRENCH CRAPES, BLACK AND COLORED VELVETS, ENGLISH CRAPES, BONNET SATINS, TARL A TANNES, MALINE AND ILLUSION LACES, ETC. FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS. As the above consist mostly or our own ins portation, we are enabled to offer them on fa vorable terms, March 10th, 1858.-2 m. Estate of Jacob Putt, dedd. Adminiiiratoes Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Jacob I'utt, Into of Hopewell township, dec'd have been grunted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate, no requested to intim• diute payment, and those baying "'aims against the same will present them duly uuthentieated for settlement, to DAVID MOUNTAIN, Admr. Ilopewell tp. March 10. '5B. PREMIUMS AWARDED THE JOURNAL JOB OFFICE AT THE I,AII, FAIR, FOlt THE MIMEST Dll2 huctu PRINTING. (ESTATE OF MARY WALKER, I)EC'D.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOINCR, NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVEN,thut letters of administration on the netut of Mary Walker, late of Dublin township, (he'd., hove been granted to the undersigned, allpersons in debted to said estate are requested is make im mediate payment, and those basin; claims a gainst the mine will present them duv authenti cated for settlement to DAVID IBI.CII. Burnt Cabins, March 19, ISM.-Std MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. • NOTICE. A JOURNEYMAN SADDLE AND HARNESS—MAKER, in want of em. ployment, eon hear of a favorable sit uation by applyiug at this office. Feb.l7. [l2re V P PURE CAI'AW A BR ANDY. Having received the sole agency of A. F. Hazard ? Co.. Druggists, PhilaJu., for the sah! of tho 'Brandy for Huntingdon county, we cnu fideutty offer it to the imhlie no a pure and un reloit,ruted article an the following certificate will I qove. Chemirul Inspector's qpiee, 28 Sixth St., between Walnut and Vine, Cincinnati, March, 1857, This will certify that I have this day inspec trd two separate lots of Catawba Brandy, one is Barrels and one in Bottle, manufactured by I.r.oritze Lyons, mid sold by his Sole Agent, Jacob, at. the Depot, No. 99bpposite the Bur net House, and 143 West Third Street, Cincin nati, mid find them both pure and free from all pol.ainous or deleterious drugs. and as such hove marked the same, as the law directs. Gi ven under my hand at my office. [signed.] HUMAN Cox, D., Inspector of Alcholic Liquors, &c. New nrk, Jrly 28, 1857. Dear Sir :—I have received a bottle of Lyons' Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, furnished by Mr. A. Ralston. Jr. ' of Lockport, N. Y., for anaiy zation, and I lied it to comstin only those in. gredients which exist in p ,re Brandy. The proportion of Alcohol obtaided from it to 47.00. I believe this sample to be pine Brandy with. out adulteration—the flavor of it in delicate and peculiar. JAMES B. CIIILTON,M. D., The OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY — ;;i only equals, hut even excels the bent imported Brandies in purity and flavor. It is in fact the Best Brandy known. This statement is fully corroborated by the certificates of many of our most distinguished analytical Chemists, some of which accompany this circular. The want of . PORE BRANDY has I.,ng been felt in this country, and the intmduction of an article of such quality as to supersede the sale and use of those vile cum pounds hith• erto sold under the name of Brandy, can only be regarded as a great public good. The Ca tawba Brandy possesses all the good qualities claimed for the best imported Liquor, and is of perfect t e urity awl superior flavor. It is there fore ;'telly entitled to the patronage of the pub lic. B's feel confident that its reception in this State will be as that which it has met with in the Great West, and that the time in not far distant, when the superiority of our own Li quors will put an end to their importation from abroad. In Medicinal purposes this Brandy has no rival, and has long been needed. &left is a Sovereign and Sure Remedy for l/tspepsia, Flatulency. Low Spirits, Languor, G ritual Debility, &c... 4911 ALSO FOR SALE, Eshelby's Celebrated Still and Sparkling Cl►ampagne. These Wines are made in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to he the pure juice . of the Grape, and are eminently cab culated for invalids, and persons Mi. r...vore gentle stimulant, and for Sacramental purposes or as a beverage will be found equal, if nut su perior. to the bent imported. Retail Price for Brandy and Wines, $1,25 per Quart Bottle. tre'A liberal discount made to the trade...l9l A ddres,lollN READ, Druggist. • Feb.17.'58.43m. PROFg SSORO . J. WOOD'S HAIR RES I'ORA FIVE, PRODUCING HAIR ON BALI) HEADS, Grey Hair to its Natural Colo." This astonishing and unequalled prepar.titiC:n. has never failed to produce a growth on Bold Heads, when used according to tbe direction, and turn hair buck to its or!gi.,o co l or, afte ,', having become gray, itn'i rl;mstate it in all its original health, 1u.. , ,; at sr;'r,,ess and beauty. Ba nton. at once all serdl, dandruff and unpleasant itching , s'l:folula ' eruptions and feverish heat front ll'.e scalp. It also prevents the hair from bee ,ming unhealthy and fulling off, and hence as a perfect limit Ismoomtrou nun Po i NI. A gentleman of Boston writes to his friend in New Bedford thus To your inquiries I would reply, that when I first conuneneed to ate Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, my hair was almost white, and had been so for the last ten years-and it was very thin on the top of my head, and very' loose, and pulled out very freely; but I found that helbre I had used ell the second bottle, (which was right weeks) my hair was entirely changed to its original color, light brown, and is now free from dandrull and quite moist. I woe had my hair cut five or six times since the change, and have never seen anything like white hair start ing truss the roots; and it is now us thick as it ever was, and does not come out all. It has proved in my ease all that I could wish to ask. July I, 1855. Yours, etc. [Front the Boston Herald.] SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING.—By using Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, gray hair ran he permanently restored to its original color. The subjoined certificate trim Johnson & Stone Gardiner. Maine. is but .e of the many in stances that are daily coining to our knowledge, of its wonderful effects. GAR iueu, Maine, June 22, 1855. DEAR Stn him; used two hottles of Prof.. Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is the greatest disccvery of the ago for restoring and changing the hair. Before using it, I was a man ot , seventy. My hair has now attained Its o.iginal color, You can roconunend it to the world without the least fear, as my case was one of the worst kind. Yours, respectfully, DANIEL N. MURPHY. Professor 0. J. Wood. Massachusetts, Jam 12, 1855. Dusts SIR :—Having made a trial of your Ilair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say that its effect has been excellent in removing in flammation, dandruff, and a constant itching hendency, wit which I have been troubled fv childhood; and has also restored my' hair ,which was becoming grey, to its original color le hove used no other article with anything like the pleasure end profit. Yours truly. J. li. BRAGG, Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfield, Professor Wood. 311SCULLANEOUS ADVERTISERIENTS. To Merchants and Farmers, GROUND PLASTER can he had at the Huntingdon Flour and Plaster Mills, in any de sirable quantity, on and after the lst day of March, 1858. We deliver it runt: or• runner, on the ears at the denote of the Pennsylvania and Broad Top Railroads. FISHER & MeMURTRIE. SAVING FUND, FIVE PER GENT INTEREST NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO, WALNUT STREET, 1301,11-WEST Inemporaled by Ilse Slate or Pennsylvania. MONEY IS RECEIVED IN ANY SLIM, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. 'lke Mlle° is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon, awl on liduutlay and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, • ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice l'resident, ItEED,,m2etatig, DIRECTORS Hon, Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, I Joseph B. Barry, Hobert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee, Sam!. K. Ashton, Joseph Terkes, C. Landreth Manns, Henry Dietfenderffer, Money is received and payments matte daily without ni rice. The investments are made iu Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such el ass cc curitics as the Charter requires. Feb.24,'57 STAGE LINE Chemist: FROM Chambenburg to Mt, Union •['he undersigned aware theta suspension of I the line of Stages over the road between Chambersburg and Mt, Union. cannot be but dit.adrantageous to a large section of the coun try, hoe, at a considerable expense and trouble made arrangements to rim a line of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points Good Horses and comfortable Stages have beeti pla ced on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Couches. The proprietor of the line is disirous that it he maintained, and he therefore calls upon the public generally to patmnise it. conli ' dent that it will he the their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will be given, and the running of the Stages will he regular. f fir Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday Thursday, and Satuiday evenings, arriving at Chamber:burg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re turning, leave Chambersburg, the same night it 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the next evening in time for the cars. Between Mt, Un ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily. Cr Fnre through $3; to intermediate points in proportion. JOHN JAMISON J.. 20th, 1850.—tf. New Card-Press. having bought a 'fast "CARD•PHASS," we are nuw prepared to print in the prcportion of three cards in the same time that any other press in the county can print one, consequent ly we can print them cheaper—if nottlone well we make no charge at all. We ask your pa tronage. COOK STOVE, A SPLENDID NEW C 0 0 1:; STOVE for Sale lit tli6 office; it is euleuk..ced to burn wood or coat. iV'TO 11:4vALins.Ec Dr. Hardin du, Analytical Physician. Ph y .,;neins for Diseases of the Lungs, Throat al Heart—Formerly Physician io.the CINCINNATI MARINE HOSPITAL, also to INVALIDS RETREAT, Author of "Lettets a Invalids," IS COMING. See tollow•ing Card. April Appointments Dr. Ilarsman, Physician for disease of the Lungs, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma rine hospital,) teill he in attendance at his rooms as follows t Huntingdon, Jackson's Hotel, Monday, Apr. 19. LeWiSIOWII, Notional Hotel, ‘• 20. Hollidaysburg, Exenango Hotel, " 17, Pr. Harlin). treats Consumption, Bronchi. . . tie, Asthma, Lurryngittis and ail diseases of the throat and lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately used in the Bromton hospital, London. The great point in the treatment of all 'roman mala dies is to get at the disease in the direct man ner. All medicines are estimated by their ac tion upon the organ requiring relict: This is the important fact upon which Inhalation is ba sed. If the stomach is diseased wo take medicine directly-into the stomach. lithe lungs are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va pors directly into the lungs. Medicines are the antidotes to disease and should be applied to the very seat of disease. Inhalation is The ap plication of this principle to the treatment of the lungs, fur it gives us direct access to those intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of reach of over• other means of administering medicines. Ihe reason that Consumption, and other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re sisted all treatment has heen because they had never been approached in a direct manner by medicine. They were intended to net upon the lungs and yet were applied to the stomach.— Their action was intended to be local, and yet, they were so administered that they should not act constistationally, expending immediate and principal action upon the unullentling stomach, whilst the lital ulcers within the lungs were un molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in direct contact with the disease, without the disadvantage of any viulent action. Its appli cationis simple, that it can he employed by the youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does put derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de gree with the strengths, comfort, or business of the patient. OTIII,II DUMAS. TREATFD.—in relation to the thlhowing dis eases, either whets compli cated with lung directions existing alone, I also invite consultation. I usually find theta prompt ly curable. Prolapsus and all other forms of Female com plaints, Irregularities and Weakness. Palpitation and all other forms of heart Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases of Stomach and bowels, &c. All diseases of the eye and ear. Neuralgia, Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.— No charge for consultation. S. 1). HARDMAN, M. D. June 3, 1857. CASSITILLE SEMINARY, MoN. Walsh. Prir.oipal. This school for young ladies anti gentlemen is probably the cheapest one of the kind in the country. The expenses per year for board, room rent, furniture, fuel and tuition in common English mie only $BB. Piano Music is only $5 per quarter. All the languages and the minamentals are propor tionally cheap. For other information address J o h n D, Walsh, Cassville, Huntingdon Co., Pa. The next quarter commences Monday, :Jaw nary 18th.., 1858. dan.13,'57 BLANKS.-,Always buy yuur Blanks at the " Journal Office." We have now prepared aye ry superiorarticle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, d Ul IOMEATT NOTES, SUMMONS', VXligl.h. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. - --_, CAMILLE SEMINARY. Only $19.5 0 per Quarter. TIIE NEW FACULTY. N. AlcN. WALSH. Principal. Professor of Languages and Philosophy. Herr Karl Bockenhelm, P. 0/ . o/ German Language 4. Literature. N. Eugene Chivaut, Professor of Frcncli and Piano Music,. James W. Hughes, Pr,jessor of Mathematics, etc. Mrs. M. MeN. Walsh, PrecoptresB. Gr. Hun Painting, Botany, History etc. Miss E. Faulkner, Monochromatic.:. Painting, Drawing, etc, Miss Anna M. Gray, PiaVo Music and Miss Jennie N. IValshl Primary English. THIS SCIIOOI, HAS LATELY PASSED into new inuids, and the present owners are determined to make it a first class Institu tion. T:111 majority of the new faculty are al ready on band, aud studeuti will he receivedas soon an tiny wink to Caine. Young bidies and gentlemen intending to go ro school will du well to write to us before con eheling to go elsewhere. There is no cheaper, and Ire belirre there trill be no teller whoa slow dean ours, Both sexes are received, all branches taught and students ran enter at unT time. For Wither information, address JOHN D. WALSH, Causcille, Huntingdon Co, Pa. December 9,1837.4 f. I\TOTICJEI. We request those of our subscribers who re eive their papers,to iniffin us of those in their immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers to the "Journal," and have failed to receive the sante, since the stealing of our pack-book, 1,3 milieus on the :id of Febntary. DNA IffORNITS INDIAN ROOT PILLS . Tilt. MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S IN DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the grea• ter part of his lie istravelling, having visited Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North America--has spent three years among the In dians ul our Western country—it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first dis covered. Dr. .Morse was the first man to es tablish the feet that all diseases arse from Im purity of the Blood—that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif ferent functions of the body, the blood loses it., action, becomes thick, corrupted and di• sensed; thus canung all pains sickness and distress of every name; our strength is exhaus ted, .r health we are deprived of, and if tore is clot assisted in throwing oft or, stag. nant !minors, the blood will her::ite choked and cense to act, and thus l i ght „f life will fbr"ver be bl' ) ". " 1 11 . . How important then that we should ':,,eep the various passages of the .bods; 'tree and open. And how pleasant to u !' t .ssat we have it in our power to put a medi. 'sone in your reach. namely. Morse's Indian Root Pills, inantiliictured from plants and roots which grow around the mountainous cliffs its Nature's garden, ter the health and recovery of diseased inisin Use of the roots from which these l'ills ore made is a Sudorific, which o pens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the finer parts of the corrup tion Within. The second is a plant which Is du Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, itt a soothing manner, pertimus its duty by throwing off phlegm, and other humors from the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives case and double strength to the kidneys; thus oncosts aged, they draw large a— mounts of impurity from the blood, which is then thrown out bountifully by the urinary or water passage, and which could in t have been discharged in .y other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the (alat prop erties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up viol conveyed (a iu great quan tities by the bowels. Froni the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indio Boot Pills not only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely rcut out and cleanse the system from all impurity, and the life of the body, which is the blood, be comes perfectly healthy; consequently alloick tress and pain is drives from the system, for they cannot retrain who them body becomes so pure on clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which will open the natural passages fur the disease to be cot out hence. a large quuntity: of food and other mat ter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermenta tion, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted smatter through every vein and artery, until life is taken from them body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have ad ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re• storing millions of the sick to blooming health sad happiness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have een scorched by the burning elements of ra• ging fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of the sileut grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse's Indian Root Pills. After one or two doses had Leen taken, they were astonished, and ab solutely surprised, in witnessing their charm ing eftbets. Not only do they give immedi• ate ease and strength, and take away all sick ness, pain and anguish but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blond. Therefore, it will be shown, espec ially by those who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a long and happy life will cher'sh and brighten your days. CAUTION.—Beware of a counterfeit sign. ed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the nose of A.. 1; WHITE & CO, on each box. Also the eionarto•e of A. J. White & Co. All oth• era are spurions. A. J. WHITE & CO., Sole Proprietors, 50 Leonard Street. New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are old by all dealers iu Medicines. gray. Agents wanted in every town, village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the agency will address as above for terms. jrfit Price 25 cents per box, five boxes will be sent on receipt of $l, nostaqe paid. JOHN HEA , Agent Huntingdon, Pa. December '6'G7:-6m. NATANTIEI3=I2 WHEAT AND CORN wanted at tbta (At'e. Dino baying either can dispose of tba One br eaniat cosu :~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers