Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 31, 1858, Image 3

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    ; -
Nicholaii Shay, (who both survived
Shaver vs Pornit. It. It. Co.
John liemiag vs B. X. Blair of al.
Thomas Clark's heirs vs Belson Clark
H. B. T. It. R. Co. no Able Putt,
Samuel B. MeFewer, vt Alexander Beers et
Sterling & Amsander vs Braeken, Stitt A Co.
John M Wooten no David Varner
Harrison C Couch vs C. V. M. Pm. Co.
Haval;davit. ailmr vs. Mich. I Martin.
A. H. Brantlmagh for use ca C, V. M. Co.
Wm. MeNite vi James Clark o do ur.
John Dom:betty vs ijeorim W. Speer.
A. Vaudevander's heirs no John McComb.
Margaret Foster vd IVilliam Foster,
1. P. Brock-vs John Savage,
Same vs Same,
John Savage vs Wm. Smith & 11. Davis,
George W. Vingninx vs Waskiegion (layer,
Stanhol Myton vs Deere Fodder,
Clements' heirs vs John MeCiunlos et al.
John Savage vs 11.1111, Etorikett.
Console arite'r ve A. Walker,
Riehard Itao,,y vs Alex. Itieliarlson,
Christopher (1.1.'.r0 vs P. F. Kesslerut al.
James Wail vs .1.11111. Wall,
Philip Span is Mo,es
Chrislogher ),fmrii V 1 P. F. Ker,ler.
Bidleman lleywara vs :aloes Entriken,
John Brewster vs Jaiol,l Eotr , hen,
Jno. W. Price vs Long & Rinkets,.
Jas. Magairo vd A. B..ltarrison.
John A htl,•rson. farmer Junin,.
Lewis linrvion, Iluntingdon,
John liineii. II moin,lun,
Daniel list ii. linn•lismith.
Philip liolNlntugh, furiner, Porier,
J o h n Covert, 111841.11,
George Dare. clerk. Franklin.
John thinner, jr., farmer. ruiner, Penn,
Abraham thrnier.
George Ilnilonni. bhu•kwnitlt, %Vest,
John Hirt, 11iirreo,
Jonathan I Innly. farmer, IT,tnlerson,
Main in.!: tlmintr. West,
t. Walker,
Irihinni I) tow, blnek , inith, Cossville,
Jones hi one, funnel., Union.
David S. Tus,ey. farmer• Potter,
Le" Wilsnn, thrmrrr, 11nrree,
n‘t mer. Juniata,
.1. W. Ynetn. nier, uninnt.
. cr, Ulllllll.
E11,141.,i !'• ,osna, Morris,
. O.riner, Shirley,
Hilbert ~.• . I'.. Horror.
Sultan o, • lamer. Tod,
Nichols. gem 4.111,111, Alexandria,
Andrew Crolslry. ,orator Penn,
Thomas Duff, merchant. Jackson,.
William Davis mercliont, Penn.
Henry Itavis, idacksmillt, West,
John lay, merchant. Shirley,
John Ellis, grocer, Penn,
John Flenner, former. Henderson,
Nathan tirpettlatid. farmer, Union,
John Gitlind..l r., farmer, Shinier,
Augustus li. Green, farmer, Chi)..
Frederielc liar..., farmer, Crmnwell,
Jonathan Howler, farmer, Coss.
James Ilerd ,1,14111, limn:lmm. tlastiville,
Samuel il.noah, teacher, Worriorsnmilr,
Samuel Heiner, laborer, Alexandria,
Ilrorgodoet,,,oll. loonier, doe!, ,on,
Joseph 0. KPITIV, 1 . 1,111:1,
Itli:Withiom termer, l'1,111(1111,
Inane Ilet.:lttin, twin. r. Ted,
Samuel J. Marks. carpenter, Franklin,
Elliot leKinsitley,, Shirley,
Peter Myers, tailor, Shirley,
John 0. Stnrrnv. carpenter. linntingdot.,
Samuel 'McClain. farm, C
James Miller, sathiler, Jamison.
Henry F. Nowittglattn, ttentlenmn, Iluntingth
John B. Ozlntrn, tonehor. Jaclttion,
Alexander Pert, J. II untingdon,
Samuel Pheasant. termer,
Samuel J. l',, ‘Varriorstnark,
Abraham lioni.ey. laborer. Springfield,
Samuel 11. Shoemakers
William 11. Smith, fortm.r. Jackson,
A. Jackson Siewari, farmer, Franklin,
David Stoner, 140:11• r. Clav,
Nicholas Sham., harmer. Shirley.
John B. 1 . 11.111 i 0.111, firmer, Franklin,
Ephraim Thonifoon, former. Porter,
Jonathan Wilson, homer, WP.A.
Jones (Us., fartner, Henderson,
William IVaguner, mason, Clay.
JOllll B. Briggs, gainer. Tell.
John IlumbanAli, sr,. gen., Huntington.
Richard Colegate, gliteksmith, Shirley.
John C. Cumming,. Mun, Jaekion,
Jame , Carman, teacher, II untingdon.
Nicholas Crum. miller. Tml.
John Duu4lierty, t.titee,
Perry U. Eiehison, shoemaker, Cromwell.
'William Ewing, farmer. Barre°.
Isaac Grove, farmer, l'erry.
Israel Undies, Esq., tinner. Alexandria,
Christian tlncrinh, farmot, Prier,
James K. 11 thipma, inkeeper, Brady.
Thomas Irwin. farmer, 1:11
William Johnston, tanner, Shirleysburg.
Joshua Johns, SprinAliebt.
Samuel B. MeFeilers, firmer. Tell.
Jackson McElroy, farmer, ,Ineksett.
John B. 11oniland, twai., Clay.
Robert AleNenl, famei,
John Morrison, firmer, Shirley,.
John MuCtonb, liter,
James S.. nits,
.Tan Owens, J. I'.. Wnrriiir,mark.
George Price, farmer, Clay.
John Rhodes, fanner, Ilimiarmn.
George Russell, Esq., firrmer, Hopewell.
Benjamin Rinker, fain,r, Cromwell.
Peter Swimpe, gentlemm, Ilnnting , lun.
John Smith. of Burnie.
George Niraiiker, farmer, Porter.
John 'l'rno.,, lamer, Franklin.
Miller %Valium., earpet.t,, Brady.
George Witgoner, carpenter, Dublin.
George Waiters, twiellinist, Morris.
Elias 13. Wilson, J. IL, Casswille.
1110TITETT;•;17;T,::.,,I;:iii;;;Z: inter
ested that VALENTINE CituuBe , of Ca.+. cello
on the 12th dry ut Matruh inv., made sod de.
livered to rho subscribers a decd of Voluntary
Assignment of all his estate and elloets for the
benefit of hts
All persona hulling claims ntrainst said Vol.
entitle Crow.o xill rues.' them poo;erly nu•
thentieated lur serloment, told all p. r•tem io.
debts rl to vtitl Valenti. Cr..., I y
book account or otherwo.e wtll make into.dime
payment to tlue subscribers who reside it Coo,
Ville, Huntingdon CO., Pa.
IWIN, Asstgnea.
Mar.24,'57.- I t.
AGRI( IL ‘011:11:TY.
A. reguiur ettitell the tin;; et the 11,tettegthet
Couuty Society till held it, the Ceurt linusu
in the BOIOII,iI tir kluntitigduti. on Wedoesday
evening of the first week of the April Cum.',
(14th inst.,) at it Welton,
By order ul the Executive Cknutuittee,
R. 11101)v/rev,t Q
J. F. HAmint, '" )4'
arsT pcni 14.11 lir
19 ROl'Tlt SIXTH
Of tb. .I.•iionj st i..l"r „.
pinst E• By Ey
VIMIS 114,N. 11(..
Or it IS not in uses ore manirold
It mu+t e 011• 11Ce to
into exhi..ititig it in its ng,,ve
gum, ni p! iltt silOWlll4 the 'marli; lir its loin
upon e.keli whey. It unt,t al.° minute tit, : tin -
Ish :opt emu of Cotivi,n'tttei•ig, ni.i.•ll
thon,ll r.otly u.lvanved buyoud wlntt it was lilts
years ngu, is .till toe nuplot.e."
.1 I:SO,
131lIGIITLY'S 17NITEI) wr.tTr,s Dmr.wir,
Ali Anal, tie Digest or the L.,w, ht. [lli-
Staie4, lona the tin .if tio• rtnt•lt•
- ,
tl.t, end .11 iliP XXXI V ( . 1111,, , ,,
1789-1857. Ils 11{1.1,1.1111:1i
EYQ., whior 01 "I'tir.ll.ll's--
1 vol. Stu. pi,. 1142. Priv,
Fiti,ll 'rm . . 11,4, It.IS TAN.. .
1111 h: U 4• T'111: I'NITI,II SI .11 . 1,3.-- . •lt 1.1 f ,
(If 1111011 Vl,llO. 11111 1:X . 1 . 111.1. Tilt: he ato
which the different ,tiff (7, iflg r e -s
arr., figefl are W 1•11 r11 , r.01l 1111 , 1 appropil ; : 1114
Still mole inn. otent, the Index so far
as I i nwa ',nen aide to examine it. Is inatn !etc.
Tllo bank haq vvi•leatly lent larepare l with
thud) cu re and judgmeilt, and will, 1 donut nut,
be very :wve r liilile t the
At.•~~. I{ TI.Y I'I:IU.iSIlEl),
I)U . NLAI"r3 1 , 011,16, 4(I and Re
LINN'S .INALYTIcAL ix.Dia to the Penn
T 1101.711A1' & 11.11.1" S CE. 4th and
Edition. By \I, liceisELL 'fa YLit,
March 10,185.4.-2m.°
is GivEs To ALI.
ieterested the, the renewing eatnod
hav, settled their aeontets ill the Iteg•
et Iluutiurtl,tu , and that the /Odd
nue.lllll,, ;Inn:Pilled lur eoefineutioe awl
at 1,1. Orphatts' Ceert to he held at
I I i lee, io oo I t'r the Comity of Hunting..
dt,e, t o Wv , lriesday the 14th day of April
I ((s(r.w., NV. 0, sns. Allotinih(rator of 0•0 es
tate or Thoouts NI. ( t.. en,, late or the borough
of Itinnioelooe
2. Avcwii.t Wet. Ai. Jackson arta 11.ohert
A. Nlt•Nlio ((le, Adinintstralors of 'rliottots
Joisson. Isto of Ithir I. ratify, littlfll.. %VIM
Ah•lglit . e of Jonathan I.,((slio,
I kitting...l .1, Entri
too( Jas. AI. Bell, Cu-assignee
who• die ('aura.
a Final nceLWint ot* %Via. S. Lyon 4, Esq.,
A•lmin.,trtur Love, late of Tell town.
4. Jain., Cree, Li:lrina) .1. Eilra Walker
.11 , t 1 ahlaleti 11 ' ikik.3 . , hitt, Ul 1)10,11. wwnsnip
5. rind itrrottnt of Jame., lido: :1,1! .1 ttakol,
litl:c, Ixetailors. of Nantinei . r.t ,
Executor of the last v. ia and t.. I! •
el,' 01 1,11.0i11l LOT., .! 1
IA Vie 111111,. 1.!:
I tat la flowtilati, tired.
6 AVetilllit Ituog, tioartlian
Lightner. son of Henry late ot
tro., olee'.l.
7. .1.4.11 ifty It, l;itariliatl of Davit!, Cat!,
n i I ..,r.,•a tt, t'ourter, minor t
Coto it,
ri..l. , liit ,tiou
I,:kbella of u
U. remint thiM 1:,
of the I:.t ‘‘,ll t-itamem ul i,.i i • t'”
Ilf t 111,.,
11, Samu:i licll, Administrator or'
of I%llm:indulu Into tiltitie)
11, liarnetz, .I,lnti.ii•trntur or the e,•
lute uf Se.,,unat, „Lae ot Brady twv.,
;2. Wm. S on+. Exemit, the lest will
wt.! tmptmnezit 0. It lateul
buirley, .11e . ;:, ideal.
. .
13. 11 1u.:. loot John NlMiitot,
Exeunt., or t •1. 1.111 01 . lieU.
otte tO . Nho.p, loot ugis•
14. 1,..1 3:e.,tie,
the t•Nt.tte 4/1 John 41ineellos , IaLU cot billuin
lIENItY I,.IZIEIt, Re i jster
ilegister'd (wive. t
12 18.17. J
805 Chestnut steet above eighth,
\1:11:1'1:1.1N 1.5 AN 11 FLURENCKS,
W.. 11'E
EN ,. ; CE A 1,E. ,
Aa the above consist umtly or our own ho
purtotiou, tte aro ruubled to offer them on fu•
voluble terms,
01%1,01 dee'd.
A dministrater's Xo9s.ce,
v 1 , 1 , ,: :; t ,. I I
Putt, late ell low 11.1,111,
/wets graitle.l I.e th , per•t,l ,
itttiul•lPti to e.oatv. it ‘• re,itw•te.l
diate Nn itt, tho, buying -1111111, i.5a55,1
the Sill. frill pre•elit 111C111 duly eel
li,r settlanod.. tit
Ilupeu oil fp. '5B.
AT THE 1,11, FAIR. I,lt,
"'MOM 3121 M -awl"
s`l`~~~iG~3 fl
- -
T PIPER M. BARK. hereby give notice,
thgt I 111,11,01 :It ( ',.1,.1.1e'8 1410,44 the Ka
',wily at Atli,' I'lte.t,ll., flat litilu.vitiggoulls
tout cl.:titt•ts, vix ltt,c bay Itortto, oho Cow,
tine 41 , 111 It'll 111111, ul alt,•tt. etc ,
liar: lett in I,i, itasitt...tati without relit'
to t , tub 11, , 111.1,1111, Tiierei..ll! illl are
Iter, y ut,ttivit mit to itilvelt.tie tli-torli
said tattretty about my ',outwit,
Altai !i 3, aB.-3t. l', Al. 11A1211:.
lIXECETOIt'S NO'll'it'E.
MOTICE hereby given that TI.SIII
- mei' r en the esiate
tare of 1.4,11 township. tio,,iii, g ,ton
113%, been grunted ill the undersigned.
All p..r3ons indebted to debt estutu err reilin.A
ted to tnitlte itionedtitte purtnent, and lie
hating elitiont to pre,.e it lieu properly nu•
thentieated for lieut./mina to
March a, '6Y:—tit."
Grey Hair to its Natural Color.
7•hi• 11x11,11 i+11111:1 ,: 11,1 utlrlll,ll~ell ilrr 1111 r,lt 11111
111t$ 111,111. 1 . 41101 1.1 ii 1.11111 1 ,1. 11 t 1.1 1 ,1111,11 11.11.1
111.1111, SV111•11 Ilsed 111.1.iirilillt! tll 1111. d 11.1•1•1 1 ,111.
111111 111111 11 .ir . 11eck te it , te.i.,i11.11 11111 r, .11i•r
lett.ittg heewee era . , :111.1 I.liill•tote it its
°Heine! health. Itt-tte, :eel lety. II
1111,, 111 11,11, 011,4'111T. 11.111111,1 W 1111ii1V11,111t.
its SI:1,11 . 11111. 1tr11,1111111 , 1 11111
fr.tte the x,lllll. It al-e in . ..vents th, h a ir t
bevemieg tthealtt, :111 , 1 rlllllll, 1111 . . :111.1
11111111 IL perreet 1NV10011.%1 . 1,11 AN!, 1 . 11-
NIC. . .
genhietuati of write 4 to Ili: frig ~l
iii New 1ict16..(1 dins:
your intittirie: I would Etittly• rt. , it
ittittituctiottl t., tt, %%h it t H
Itt,torative, 11l hair %vas ;flint., white. ttit•i t.l
lieu; mi tor Intl var. Mot it
thin ,111 141. 1.1 I;i :OA
!nine i wit 1'111.1• ; 1111, I 1..1111.1 lb. 1 h....,
I 1..i.1 11,11 itll 1111'
51....111..1 1.11111,
.V.'ll el,-) ii.y xsa, csititely
voila, light Itiott ti, at44l j •
ill/111 thi 111 , Pi•1. I have
11:01 . f 1114. 4 . 1,1 ,, ,'• I
hat t. ilr•vt ...11% like trltii, hair
;he r..os; ;t: 1141'k aV
It t• t•I :111 , 1 11.4 AI. It 11,
ill iut rvt , u all I UOll , ll 10
July 1, 1555. e Et,
[Fronttlie Iso,tm Ilvral I.]
od's Hair livstior.iive. i:ti Bair
Pall he pert. iuc o tl. restorol to its orhzit;
TUC 'il...pilled VerillieiliC 11'0111 J0h1...11)
Mame. V. but uua of tho malty hi
st:Hl,. that are :lady coming W uur ktiowiedge,
or it;
GAIL Xlitint,lttne 22. 1855.
Winal's Hair Restorative, awl can trill% say it i!
the graatest dkvevery or the age tier resturii,
awl changing the hair. lienira ir, I wr,
. .
it can reellitinielid it to tiv
woriti the fear, Ili .t4o was oft
loth., respect 1)111v,
D.\ 1111t1'11Y.
l'rofessor 0. J.
Jail. 12. 1855,
1,4.AR1g Miele u 11 . 1.11 ;If t.lll
ILLIr Stltrilti, e t it gie, s tt,, , ;,,
Ilan it , . it'll:Cr II:14 II I,lll.iVillg 111.
U. 1111111.111 1 ,11, II:11141111. 1111.1 a e 1 ,11.1 1 ,111
kVII,V 11101 I lin,: 11g.1.11 11 , 111110 i I
; Illllllldi ,11 , 1) 1, , 1111,4 Illy iktir ...hie!
Intettuting krey, to its titigilkti • tatty I. Inter
111/ other article with anything li ko tilt
pleasure anti profit. Yours.traly.
.1. IC. 1 . 111,1011,
I',istorl.l' the ()rthutiox Chu rlt, Bro.ktj e ld,
l'rofe•sor 11'uutl.
[Fr o m th, I)oauierlt,]
NVII,II,'S IL\ Ilt .
t:t•la rapidly law the hair. No ,artiel
or a , antl 11, t . .
it !t1 tit r rt • lttittllttl:l tt rt t ` o l/1116,1 • 11,1, t )
lit . • I t li t triit t ,tl tit
tt Iti t tit t lit t i'll 01 , 1 titt . / ,rlll,ll :111
ti . lire hair, lug a si.i,y
, to that whip:i ,v,ts I,l' .1-
, liatort, It 111,,
j. 1111! ill . , ,1,11..i11,1,1..,111111,
iii' L~~ir
n.l 51i , ,t11 , 1
. .t t. • :
. 10, -3,11
1J .;\ 'D ..0
rin, 1:111 TII it Fin, 1111. GIVINI, 111, I'l ,
:11i I ' , Howl liioll, !holt 1.111 1 1411.41 II .•
rltrr 'lnc or (•ICI:I:
ww...1.1,n1) , 1ir0 or 1),11 , 11,in to n c• ttttt ''
nc'n, 1111 .1' which arc [Ls re.ult or at Di,
The Li V.r in nne of the erineinil ro.pelo •
of tint nit,l ashen it nn.11 . ..r.ii
fnortinnu well. t'..• p gv , itoPi P•••
dependent on tll. :1•-O of I . fl, f .
for the twonnr 1 1••1 form
Will.ll tile 1.1.0 t. 1111. 1 1,..1: .iro•
fllllr. Itllll tilt. ..11911. 1.1
11111.11(.1.0r one n1.e.,11-01. I,i. .1.-11 o•io .•,. •,•
to 1111 int dory, Poi. „.. .• „
000 01 1110 Komi(' tort; hit: 111,10 it hi.• , ,
111 1 1 . 110 1 100 01,0 till 11 twoo l, 1 , . 00. 1
rime remetir wherewith to et•iii,ter.irt the
tlernitttetbetit4 to whielt it ht
To prove that tl rents dv is at la, 6.1.11.
any tenon trottlded with Liver
any or it+ form.. ha+ hot to try it laird, .rpl
aotivi-tion iv rartain.
A voimmittill been former! by tlkodrin
Wn. and extracting that part trbielt 1. 4
for the arrive virtue , : or the 111.1kiIIP. The,
won+ remove nil tretri.itl ar . 1:1c1 rr , ll OP'
$l , OOll. Flip,lym, in their Diner n heal by do,
of 1 .11 , 1.1 , 10101, the tttont.o.h, eato , in, to
(11;1 , 1 ‘‘ ell, porirt in:: the 1,1.'0, 2ivitt, tone tot
itnalth to the ir'atle nittelti 1111 l .r. route, t , ot
etoo, or the tli•te titel etft• •tio• .1 .i'i.ll
rota without any of the .li , ootreea.,
11'4'14. MI I y using f`alontei or Mineral on.
that tar toorAv re•torte.l to.
To all who %yin follow t!wip olir rtiona n I'll,'
it 1111 4 itiVPIV intood, li t ,
hn 0ir ,.,1 by the ~t• two
118 the attfivk it felt
The liivigorotor ro•rot folk to too, .nor ,t,)
notch or the bed abets •llYrr
ItiHonc oitiolcc yield n•:ulily to one ;; ;
Cloonie Nerd., tlitlieolt. to: it is to Imre. i.
her!, troublesome to tho , e w•ho take the luri_ , ;•
I , ,,l)ysvowl.t or Jnondier, nothing in tH.
known world oct,. fully nr eit re 4
the 111 , i,1111,11 . . 11 1 . 1110V,1 an 1
nimatiiral frnm
Night NI ire, Take retirin
nail it is ;arraatisi a Sli.P
For Female Otistraeti•iac it is a sari! and care
renor. n. it rem .ve, the rnn.e of the :li••ence.
enotiot exi , t the lovigori
for fro* taken, while yiel , is readily to
u doses
It mint he known tlint ell thane are Ltenn
di•iensen, iireatinell he a ileiratiaeil Livnit. and hi
mire them needs litenn nto lieine and ion, , if
grv..tymer. The invigorator in noeh a moll
mine ; it lino medicinal ',ravers. neve
covered, tlint will mare all , liseto, of the Idyl=
no 1111I1 . r or how long cinnrlitml. tan tt hat ao:1$•
ne their lolly'. the netive virtu., ex
trneteil irotii the gums it 4,1 i, noeti an in he an.
tarnishing to all who eathvin inn none
eau itw the medicine wo hoot ro•vviving benefit
It tals an n gentle l'arthanti, an l shoo id al wars
he taken in stiflivient ACr eta ti.e
hoe els gently. l'ln. e.t wat to tan" it I. to
',Ake the medicine in th month, then take some
xv n i t • l , teatlloan at In this wily
the no' lielee will se..realy ho
N i 0111 & :145
1 , i..‘" Nil in linntnig.iiin by
AleNIANii.ll.l., and John Rend.
Fels. 10, I F68.-3M.
6tI.A KS...Always hue yvar Blanks at the
‘• Jnarintl 4 Wire." We ha,: now prepared aen
YLAN i)EE )S, 11l )7c I )!•,
JUIIti Lt T PIOTKR,bUNIMI , Nb', liXktii
(1•: , 1,11: OF M.‘lll .
A11,11,1441111111'<)2t'• %9 FACE.
ii1.111111.•11,thipl Itu tfg.• .11
Wallirr. Intl. 111 I , lllllin Ilee ' d., 111,1
11. ell
i• , 1 . 0.1.1•• . 1 , 1 t 1 111.1, 1111
111,111,1! Ir %MOP , 111.1 1 11 1..11111:: 0.1
11, • ilpt' 1 , 111 10,... , 111 1..1'111 11111% 01111, 1,1
1,1,1 I, -vtii,-.,•111 11 1t.% VII) I.
ISurnl 1'111111,...
j I 11.
.t.. 101, 1, a
101 l I ail.
~.v~iii ~l~:~r
• I' IL ,N
B. X. 81, 1111,
EVE aIC MAN HI3 OW NT T. A Y 7, a.
s, ~ri •:
• ~:zsh.•,l
IS •
1, It • •
. i It i
ti•li. 1,1 0,11 Itt•ttit••, • , s!,l
I •,
It • ,'ll,
r' ' ."
(ESI,11: \VALK.,
CAD EN;S: ft
11'1'11 l•: 11E111.:111 . let,c•r.
”1 .tion lin the v4t; ol tr.. 1111,1
Iker. Liu! ,11 due.4l..
'3ll 11.1.• 1 , .•,..11. Ili
t • Old tl.i. rt W 1 ,4,1 t
111111. i, ilyllll.llt. ”liol t.
kt• ;NI
rt, 11.11,;
F;VE rza I;EIT itirzatsi
NATIoNm, sivETL - ' nusT
Al E,
FII I' I 11-w I,T 4,1
11;Ni:it 111 , l'lll/11,,
111,11. , ;dr.'. I 1;I.. Si
oi tit
.1 Ir of roitINSIY 014
1 I Irtrii Th.
ty ,r 1
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77 . 77 7.777• 77 . 71 117.11i 1 117717.d -777 • 7
7 . 177- . 7 717 1 . 7111,171.171 Of till. liver; 11 ‘ , lll
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1. , l: S.\ 1.I'; I: ./1,1111 -•••
1.1 . g SO, %Vile
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I e.i..e•e. red Ile %Vest
I. i; M.,ll.le•lgirl;. li
tug. '1 i/rhi:on
I/ 11. M.
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11. I'. I\ :ukur. Ir. 1.
1,. Chi 5..., . Iler,
ti. 11. tiliu, r. S I u.•.•
-I. \V. AI. . ;ch.kuu.k, 211 .--
tiuutl 01,
The ,:itl•tcrlher.tle-iril, til quit 611111111 V. OinfrS
It, 1.111•11(! NlllO lite luliokving ilr.irnhlr prfiliptty
tit his repil.l.lnce. on PHI DA Y, tlat
A. I). 1858, vie :
(hue Or .111'4 IS a tino iti.ire S sirs 011: Suns o
11,..111 a 01,1' ni g ht or own.
.dol each ; of the two:t oble Hr.)
%sell marched. Akio
Threshing tmwhine, Grain nod
Windmill, Harrow, ao.I ilorse-geors, t „•tltrr
with n v.n•icty or uttirle• too nunierow , t“ in
sert. Silt. to (111111111•111.11 .11 n'rlork ..11 1.1
1111 y, .111 e 1111,.11.11111(1• 1111.1 .1 1.1,1 h
11111.11111 S WlllllO IM VII) S roNLIt.
Three Snrioug,
hC1 . 111.1011 111 , 1111 V.
Agents Wanted.
A lit ilthlogist .bstlt.
This evleliviitect metlivine is 1 . ,. snle Kr the /Wants: nil eon, to,it,itittits to
Jtotretit t take Ft, ttii inthotteottocy ROLA N 1111. WEST & Co.
it is tt ecrinin cure. Get a bcc end try it, ye Cert., I% "tilt bireet utnl Bruudwsy, N.
,11, Are efitleeeß. Pleb. 17,'57;•-7m.
't Nl.k Kit:l:, in want ..rnnt.
p 111.111 . Or 11 littlliltbit!
-11:.11 .11 1.1 .1. 1 1.1111 g ill 1111 l
F ,4, 17
T E 1 , .
1 . ,1•11 . !,11•• , 1.111 ,, ,It• 01 11111,1•
ilig(l./11. un
MONDAY 15th. of MARCH.
1,1.111, Ot 1,1 11.41 or
'Hid 01, lo 0111, 21
Caul,. 2)) Mort!
• whivit ore lino lin, ding Sows;
Harrow, &n; a,
moot or Ilariwss or Goars, i
Si :1,, 'Flees. (Trains I
• , , ,• ...itt,tll Tools and Art i, I, -
. : h 11,1151.41 itilti
he llit.
1:1,1111.:11, NI . :111:111111
'1( '
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1.1 I,n•pri, teri.l . the tine di,•iree,
th ti •.• uthl he. thereiere yolk
epo, th • i•ehite Lt•her.ll . o 1,1i1 . 1111i7.1. il. eMlfi
deli! II ill lie the.' Milt 11.11 adv:l , ll,l,
Evet ;01 , 1111 , 1i 11.,s+ar, ht . ell. 411 , 1
the yenning et tle. k , gl.• he
St I, Nit UllO.ll. T11e541.1 . 1
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0 . 1 . 411..114 11 Ile 1 . 411 . liit . 114.1 , V,ll
,1,44 1111.• 11 . 111 1 4 1 . 111111 V.
‹. - :k i• 111.11,11 *3; 111 1111..11114 .4 1i..ti.
11l 0,1,011 , 111. ,10113 .1A NI ititEN
A ki..rf: r.L. ifillj.i'±Tf:ril:l P.A.PtI....
A ~,„.,i „,,,,.. ~,„.:,..„„.„„.„, ~„,,
„, „„,,
, I. ,„, it:
. 111:1 111, wtili
I..'ity in its iti ,ttittitt,
it Ititits• in its oittinitts. The IttAttittittus tit•
ittisiTtilili• will 'milting (.4 111 zoi:1) Ihe
toT 1,..11114, the /lore' is! ttstil Bois may
w,•11 eti . .v it.
.7 . copies for $:3
Ime sithewilew it ev , ry seven will he mai
ilml to A 611 , 1' WOlt 1 , 111,01$! To $2OO.
amid, t„. (;old
uoJ silver WiLlelit, l i,Ml Guard toil Vest
Cemes. Silver Cele, uiel Prue 13enkets, field
Imeliets. Armlets, Ear lireps, Btoodies, Pins,
1111 r, (101.1 Boilers. Ae.
A ho n , a • u hl a ~y,e‘ . .a will be used to deter
two.• wloell one or the seven sabseribers shall
,olit led io one or the ithmite (311.7.74. which
wdi he sem iataledistely out receipt or the sub-
The .In data Flour and Plaster one
mile below Alexandria. Huntingdon comity,
Pa., have constantly on hand Unwed Plaster,
at The best quality, rat. which Crain of till
kinds+, will be taken in enduing'? at market.
prices. SAW]. HATFIELD.
Jan.2l).'sß. 2w.
New Crl-P-ess.
Having "CARL,
:11'r tit,w prepared it, print in the prcportion et
three PardA in the same that. that any other
pre, It: :he voutity in, pritit, nnr, youstitittitt•
ly wt. 1 , :111 pr!ti! tltt , itt hitt .1.1,11 , ivt , ll
intik.• n., ulittr , , ttt all. Wi , ), , tur pa•
sale ta this "ilite; it is vulettluted to burn wood
it, PX1'11311,1! an' 11 Cl\ II() (. 7, iES in
Philaliciphia. Pa.. aS Stocks
CUL. E. Mt.\ 1)Y
No. 123, Smith st
L''' TO 1N VA T. 1
Vr. Partial:in, Analytical Phy'siciam
' s ld
CINCINNATI mAinsE tiosrrrAL, 111,40
V.11,111S RETREAT,
fuvalids,7 IS COMING
.\ . 0.1 - 1,1141, , J
Apra Appointments
1),.• for disease of the
Motiday, Apr. 19,
I. 6 20.
Hutrl, ll: 1;.
Br t .nehi..
.. •,. , di , eages 11.,
.' 1 , , ~
e tt I lo,at .1, 1.,.tif1t,11.
• OW 1. mai.n•
. ti se ill the tiiret t 1111 i
n,, A:I .1, • art, estimated by their
ti .11 t,.. ;tt tequilittg is
the \aid, inbal.abul
- .
, c 11 .• '
.1.0. ,totii.ich fits...amt.] •t:ike
ily the ,tent: eh. If flit rue,:
I,,•,•ethe ..r
,11,1tit' the 11111 g, al . (' the
0.11, , ill 111,1,1, :awl ,118.111 I be :Milli,' tt,
tle y the
tit this: pritivii , le to the treiolitent
tl,i• it gIVQ, lIS 1111 . 1 . . 1111 . e, t. ihll,o
:fir ilthe4 tcliielt he 1/111 . 1/1
ffilier 11111111 , irf ti.ltititii , tei
The that
•,i i...•• tii. have litlret1Ii;11 . 0
• •, .1' re
..• becau.: they 1.1,1
1, , ,11 . 111•II 111 41 tlircrt 11191111er by
1..- l'bes ere bre ided to act itieltt Ole
i ,• .1 , ! ttt M t, !LW!
. , •' ••,!! ! 11,11 to be local, anti yet,
Olt they shtittlil nut
11 . .. e. titit.llvmling
n.,• 'I;
IP:111111.111 itEllit,s 111 C 111CtIleitil`
• cith %%itlit.ttt the
_•• cdt•tit ttettou. Its appli•
.• • I , • ' 11,1 CMllltlyCli by the
1 it ‘loos not
I .• . interfere in the least tic-
, niturt. or bto•iness of
1 , 1 : ii I,—ln relation
1 .... s. awl sal oilier times 4,l'l , i:undo coin
-111,1d:016es mid Weak....
;•.,,,liisatissis au.' ail Labor lra. 01 'kart
brs.r tuid nll
sa s r sluesszet ta Steals:wit and laeels, Su:.
••••rs• of 11, s• 3 e not ear. Neuralgia,
s • • l nervuus
S. It. 1,11t1)NIAN. M. 1).
lieN. Walsh. PriLaipal,
~.liow yww,.., hones awl gen:lrmo'
is pr,,1,41,1y 111, rhoaiwBt ow; or 1.11, kind in tho
, cuuniry. Tiw oxponsos per your
furilithr•. Inel and tuition in onninun
lso li,il ;La, only Y. 6,4.
I'l4lllo yiusic is only tils pt.r quarter. All
the Ineguagei and the oJentneelals ere proper
thaadly cheap. Fur other hdl,ratatiutt address Welsh. Cassville. 11 eat ingdatt Co.. Pa.
The next quarter cuittaieuees Muetlay, J au.
wiry 18th., 185 S.
Oia4 819.5 0 pc4• Quarlcr•,
Tric Nuri CACI:LTV.
I'e`•. I.rincipd.
1,13,11 , P, and Philosophy
rr {part INcLenhciai,
P. of /.,mguage.S• Li/eraturr
M. Difalit
P, • nch wid Piano Music•
Ja Hies Hvghes,
P,•je>sor of MathruinticB, etc
Mrs, M. Mc%, Walsh, Prer, rfress.
I;'• rain , Iliaory etc
E. Faulkner,
.4/ Paiwing Drawing, a/c•
!a,,s .1 !ma M. Gra),
Mus%c and French.
ltrss Jennie N. Walsh,
Primary English.
inter hew hands, 'old the I•re.eiit
ileierrithied t.e make it a fir,t
The Iffiiillrity of the sew hietalty
readt• oil !mt', and student' , will I, reeriveil els
t►lee wish ti come.
Young ladies an gentlemen intending to go
to school will do well to write to us before con
cluding to go elv,whero. There is tro cheaper.
and icr helicre Mere trill be vo better school
now than ours.
Huth sexes ore received, all brooches taught
and attaleuts eau enter at any tittle.
For further intortnatim, address
guntingdun Co, Pa.
I lecember H. I
agency will address ac above for terms.
1NTC)71 . 2130. 4W.. Price 25 cents per box. five boxes will
those el toe 61{116CrIbtini Who re- be rat'ig,fsl p AFent ottage
;btir papers,to inf.em us ot those in their ,
nitnediate neighborhoods who ore subscribers
to the -Journal," and hove failed to receive ,
W I EAT AKU CORN waffled at thus
the same, since the stealing of our Stack-Look, Ace. Thosa having tither can dispose of tkil
by rulliaas on the Sri of February. slaw by nllieg Fenn.
‘,5 4
Illmtrated. 1858.
The New York weekly GOLDEN PRIZE is
one of the largeo and heel literary papers of the
day. An Imperial Quarto containing EIGHT
PAO., or forty collusion, of entertaing original
matter, nod elegantly illustrated every week. _
.1 Gift worth Tinos . 60 cc). to $5OO 60 in gold,
mill he presented to each subscriber immediately on
receipt ,y the subscription mosey.
One Copy for I year, $2 00, and I gift.
.‘ 2 $3 50, and 2 gifts.
" ' Y " $3 00, and 3 gilts.
.1 " 5 " $8 0.1, and 5 gifts•
3 copies, I year, $5 ou. and I Rift.
$8 00, and 5 gifts.
$l5 00, and 10 gifts.
$5O 00 and 21 gifts.
1V . 6 ,
21 "
The articles to he distrilitateil arc cornirriftPd
11, fitilo•sh, 11,4 :
2 parks,zem gold, vont:timing $500.00 each,
5 , 10„ do. do. $200.00 etch,
IO un. do, I. $lOO,OO each.
10 pat. ley. bun. cas. watches, $lOO.OO each.
20 guld watches, $75,00 each.
50 olu.. $60.00 each.
1011 do. $50.00 each.
3011 hulies' gold watches, • $13 . 5,00 each,
200 silver Idint'g cas'd watches, $30.00 each.
500 silver watrheq, $lO.OO to 530,00 each.
1000 gold guards. &e., $lO.OO to $30,00 each.
Gold !...kaA, itrr,ccic s. It rnelies,
liar tlrop, Breast-pins. Bull-
Sleeve-buttons, Rings,
Shirt-stud , . Watcli.keys, gold
and silver thimbles, and a Vari
ety of other articles worth from
50 cents to $30,00 1u
Immediately on receipt of the subscription
m mey, the linl, , ,eriber's mune will he entered
u our subgeription book, opposite a number,
a,1,1 the gift corresponding with thm number will
oa r!, Within O. week, to the subscri
ber. by Tonil or express, post-paid.
. . .
All moitounimitiobs shogltl he loblressed
to 13ECKETT & Co.,
40 &_4O Molrat's Imildidg, 335 Broadway, N. Y.
‘ 7 .:10 . ,57.-3111
mi,ns V.. the inventor of MORSE'S IN.
U DIAN 111)11r1' has spent the grea
ter ttliti: Lie iei trsvellin t , having visited
ltlerope, Aeitt. mei Africa, as well as North
s itttiti thn, years among the In.
our W.:,,ti•rn omiiiry—it was in this
ti at the fedi., Httlit Pills were first dist
itte.tereti. Dr..`•lor:•• was the, first non to es.
I,:ititsh t h e tom that all diseases arise from 1..
t'ttity of on- our strength, health
awl tlelteottied upon this vital fluid.
It hen the various passages become clogged,
ittel do 1.1,1 lief iu rrf,t harmony with the dif
t;•rmt runt lions of Ihr body, the blood loses
..tetittn. intimates thick, corrupted and di•
.et.t.•ti; thus causing all pains sickness and
tti. I re, ~f mime; our strength is exhaus.
tel. enr health we are deprived of, and if na
te, i: not assisted in throwing off the stag.
nant humors, the blood will become choked
atel eellSl' to net, and thus our light of life will
liltlWll out. How important then
that we should heap the' various passages of
the loom froe and e pen, And how pleasant to
tt: that et. have it in our power to put a medi-
oinn in wilt. ',melt, namely. Morse's Indian
11 , iol matufactured leant plants and roots
which grow aromel the mountuinous cliff's in
Nature'.; garden, for the health and recovery
01 diseased man. One of the roots from which
these are wade is a Sudorific, which o•
Dens the ports of the skin, and twists Nature
in throwing oat the liner parts of the corrup
tion- wiihin. 'rise second is a plant which is
au Expeetorant, that opens nod unclogs the
pawa t e to the lungs, and thus. in a soothing
manner, percenta its duty by throwing off
',Wog, and other humors from the lungs by
copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic,
which gives ease and double strength to the
kidneys; thus .Imin aged. they draw large a
111.1111ts of impurity from the blood, which is
thim thrown out bou n tifully by Cu.. urinary or
war, passage, and which mold n t have been
di.chur,ed in any other way. The fourth 111
a Cathartic. and accompanies the other prop
ertie:li of the Pills oldie engaged in purifying
the Mood; the coarser !articles of impurity
which cannot puss by the other outlets, are
thus taken up and conveyed off in great quam
ilitia the bowels.
Pron . ) the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach,
but become onited with the blond, for they find
woe to every port, and completely rent out
and cleans,. the system from all impurity. and
tlie life of the !only, which is We blood, be
comes perfectly healthy. sonseritiently all sick
!Won Aid pain 16 driven:from the system, for
they eat nit remain when the body becomes
so pure and clear.
The 7,1,111 why people are so distressed
when sick. a rol wily so noes' die, is because
they do net get it medicine which will pass to
the afflicted parts, nod which will open . the
natural passages Mr the disease to he east out
hence, it large quantity of food and other mat
ter is lodged, tool the stomach and intestines
ore literally overflowing with the corrupted
no ., thus iiiidergeing disagreeable fermenta
thin, etoistantly arising with thu blood, which
throws the corrupted matter through every
vein and artery. until life is token from the
hotly by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have ads
detl . lo themselves victory upon victory, by res
storing ,trilliums of the sick to blooming health
and happiness. Yes, thousands who have
beeti.racked or tormented whit sickness, pain
and anguish, and whose feeble frames have
cell scorched by the burning elements of ra
ging liver, and who hove been brought, as it
were. aithin a step of the silent grave, now
natal ready to testify that they would hare
been numbered with the dead, had it not been
, for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse's
! lodine Roe Pills. After ono or two doses
had been taken, they were unwashed, and ab
soltoely surprised, in witnessing, their charm
!a, ettects. Not only do they give immedi
ate 1 . 11 , 11. and strength, and take away all sick
mss, pain tied anguish but they at once go to
work at the foundation of the disease, which is
the )001i. Thereibre, it will be shown, espec
ially by those who use these Pills, that they
will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that
'd, way enemy—will take its flight, and the
flesh of youth and beauty will aguin return,
and the prospeet Of a tollgate] happy life will
' eher'sh and brighten your days. • ,
CA l:T It/N.—Beware of a counterfeit sign
ed A. R. Moore. All genuine have the name
of A. 1. \Vitro:l& CO, on each bow. Also
the sioto•nreof .4. J. While et Co. All . oth•
, crs are spurious.
A, J. 11'111TE & CO., &le Proprietors,
1 60 Leonard Street. New YOrk,
Dr. Morse's Indiun.Reet Pills ere . Belo by
! all deniers in Medicines
swy- meaty wanted in every town, village
at,ti hamlet in the land. Parties desiring die