ItINCELLINERIS ADVERTISEIEI rs OP.III-11118112114D0N ?g. rrfflt atidarsignei owners of the Huntingdon Mill, inform farmers and the puhlie general. ly, that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvement. in the water wheel. and machinery. They have pat in five of the Improved lon. val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all stages of the water, anis during the coldest weather. any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to mill, and have on hand for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and fainter; can have their own grail. ground, and take it back in a return load, or they ca■ be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice an equal quantity of Floor and Bran er chop• red feed. TUE I 1 VT MALOISINS Is of an improved manufacture; and they will insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quali sy to every bushel of grain left at their mill. FISHER k McMURTRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. NEW AND CHEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE DAVID GROVE informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public gen• erally, that he has opened • Grocery Store on Hill street, Huntingdon, • few door• west of Wm. Orbison's residence, where he will at all times be prepared M supple customers with ALL AINDS OF GROCERIES, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Molasses. Cheese, Spleen, Confectionaries, Hams, Salt, Broome, Buckets, Segars. Tobac co, &c., &c.; in fact, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. . — AslenTileterUtined to sell cheaper than the cheapest, I want everybody to call and examine, my stock and prices. DAVID GROPE. Huntingdon, July 29, '57.-ly. New Goods ! New Goods !! D.T D. P. GWJN' CREME. STORE. D. P. ()win has just returnd from Philadel. phia with the largest and most beautiful as. sortment or v•aaa MD MEMAI VDOIM Ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of the most fashionable l)ress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks. and Fancy, All Wool de Loins, (all colors) French Merino, plain and printed, onthre striped de Loins, barred and fancy do loins, Levella Cloth, Mohair, Debuiz, Shepherds' Plaids, and Prints of every description. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin- Bes, More Antique Ribbon, Buttons. Gimps, raids, &c. Bonnet Silks, Crapes, llilthonds, Gloves, Mitts. Veils, Laces, Bolts, Riblionds for Belting, 'Whalebone, Reed & Brass Hoops for Skirts. Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk Week ties. Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Li nen and Cotton Floss, Tidy Yarn, Wool Yarns, &c. Also the brit and West assortment or Cob ars, and Undersleeves, — in town. Bnr'd and Plain Jaeonet, Mull Muslin, Swiss. Plain, Fig ured and dotted. Moreen, and Hoop Skirts, Irish Linen, Linen Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, &c. Shirts, Shirt-breasts, Undershirts and drawers, wool coats, Beds, comforts and scarfs. Also a large assortment of Waterloo Bay State Wool Shawls. Single and Brocha Shawls. Also, Clothe, Cassitners, Cassinets, Tweeds, K. Jeans, Vesting, Muslins, bleached and un bleached, Sheeting and Pillcw-case Nankeens, Tickets, Check, Table Diapers, Cra•h Flannels, Sack Flannel, plain and figured, Can ton Flannel, Blankets, °c. Also, a large lot of Silk Bonnets of the latest styles and at - rery low prices. flats and caps of all kinds. Boots and Shoes, Gum shoes, the best and cheapest in town, II is ft DWA. R E, QUEENS WARE, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Chums, Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, &r. Carpe ts. Oft Cloths, Fish and Salt, Sugar, CulTee, Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in arc respectfully requested to come and examine my goods All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID P. GWIN. October 7, 1857. REAL ESTATE FOR. HE undersigned, being desirous ut removing from the town of Shirleysburg, hereby offers for sale hts entire remaining real estate, shut• ted in snd near said town. The property can• lists of three separate and distinct dwelling houses, (including the large and commodi• ens BRICK ➢IANSION, in which the subscriber now resides) ; all of which are elligibly situated in the mostdesirable and business part of the town. A detailed de scription of said property in deemed unnecessa ry, as any one desirous of purchasing, will, of course, wish to see and examine for himself.— Two of said houses are admirably located and calculated or stores and tavern stands, &c. Also, the subscriber offers for sale, ten acres of rich be ttom or meadow land, situated a short distance above the grist mill of the Mesers. Meiffners. This land is well suited, not only to the rising of grass, grain, etc., but is also peculiarly adapted to the production of "Chi nese Sugar Cane," an article of recent introduc• Lion, which seems to promise greater profit, per acre, than almost any other agricultural product. Shirleyebtirg, Nev. 18, '57 HENRY BREWSTER. rIMPORTANT INFORMATION, by tvhich much suffering in families may be avoided, dent to married men and those contemplating marriage. Address, en clueing four stamps, DR. G. W. ADDIS. COMBS, Brooklyn, N. Y. Nov. 2 . 6, '57:-Z6M, WHALEBONE, REED AND BRASS Hoops and Reed Skirts, tor Nile at the eheap store of D. P. GWIN. A LETTER-COPIER FOR SALE. An excellent one for sale at this office. This bone of Adams' No. 1 Cain and Lever Press. VIICA.P.EIEJTE3III,II,. ATTORNEY AT LA W, Wil !attend to all Mainete entrusted tohim. Of fice nearly opposite the Court HOU. May 5. '53 1111 ROCHA AND WOOL SHAWLS, fine and cheap at D. I'. GWIN'S. JOSEPH DOVGLAS, Gunsmith, Meenunellstown, Pa. ),TIIE3' PRESS GOODS, of i i i i cA vi e o tiOe Fling AlwrAwe** ! Jr PEANUTS. -59.10 linshele Wilmington Pen. lute in store end for sale by WM. N. SHUGARD, 121 or 101 North ad street, Phila. CIONPECTIONARY.—PIain end floe Con. faciionary mono;actured and for sale by WM. N. SHUCIARD: Slier 1.1 North Act street, Philo. ()RANGES ANT) LEWIQNS.-300 horse 0, ,•ranges sad Lemons in store uud for rile by WIG. N. MIDGARD, see er 151 North ad 'street, Phila. D AININB.-1,060 Bozes Bunch sad Layer It Raisins is store and for sale by. WK. N. SHUGARI), • or 10l North Id strict, Phil*. rIGS, DATES, 'PRUNES, CITRONS, 12 Camino', in store and for male by WIT. N. SHUGARI), Sal or 181 North 3d *trot% Phila. A 31410 NUS, WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS and Filberts in More and for gale by WM. N. StIUGARIL 5ept.9,.117..1 y. $2B or 191 N'ta Id st., WWI SR ZAMA. ALEXIS NEllaa. VOUNDRT. MeOILL k CROSSINFORM THEIR OLD friends and the public generally, that they hate the above Foundry in full blast, and are prepared to furnish castings of • every description. Stoves of all kind, , for wood or coal. Improved Ploughs, • . Threshing Machines, and everything in thecae. ting line neatly made. We can finish all work that requires turning, having a good Turning Lath. All work done cheap for cash or coun try produce. Old motel taken for castings. Be ing practical and experienced we hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. MeGILL k CROSS. Alexandria, April 29, 1857. Prof. Cling. DeGratlans ELECFRIC OIL. This great discovery is now creating a great sensation among the Medical Faculties of Eu• 'rope.and this country. It will cure the follow. ing (not everything) Warranted to Cure Fever and Ague in one day. Cure chills in five minutes. Cure Croup in one night.— Cure Deafness in two to four days. Cure burns sod Scalds in ten minutes. Cure Splints, Wounds an /1 Bruises in from one to three days. Cure Inflammation in one day. Cure Neural. gin, Croup, Tooth Ache, Burns, in 10 minutes. Cure Hemorrhage, 11, Abscess, in ten days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, Tetter, in one to three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff Neck, Ague in one day. Cure Felons, Broken • Breast,Sult Rheum, in three to six days. 'Jure Quinzy, Palpitation, Pleurisy, in ant to ten days. Cure Asthma, Palsy. Gout, Erysipelas, in five to 20 days. Cure Frostcd Feet, ChibMins, Chronic Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Sore Throat, Scarlet Fever, and the lame made to walk, by a few bottles. This Oil (De Grath's) is mild and pleasant, and is a great family Medicine his, children teething, ,te. Ladies should all use , it. It always you better than it finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. Afflicted Thirteen Years and Cured in One Week. Read letter from Rev. James Temple. Philadelphia, June 9th, 185th. Prof. De Grath : I have been allliefed for thirteen years with Neuralgia end other pain rut complaints, and I have been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance fin• many veers past. Last week I got a bottle of your ••I{lec. trio Oil." The first night I slept soundly and well, and today lam like a new man. My wife could not believe her eves. Your Rlce• tric Oil has done in one week what the lahysi• chins of Philadelphia litiled to do iu thirteen years. Gratefully yours, • RM. JAMES TEMPLE, 310 South street DEAFNESS CURED. New Haven, May 191 b, 1856. Prof. De Grnth : My brother hits been dent three years. After trying innupthings, he us. ed your Oil a few times, and it cured hint eu CLIFFORD & SCRANTON. -- Tilere are numerous imitations sprung up o the reputation that my article has auptirst The public, must beware. They tire worthless For sale by John Read, Iluntingdon. A uy,..5,'57.4 ym. THE CAMPAIGN OPENED. FIRST .ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTFR ii-041=:07:PlEi. FISHER & MoMURTRIE IXTOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE V , to their numerous friends and the piddle, that they hove just received from thd East, a most beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Goods ; embracing every variety of new styles such as Valencia Plaids, Plaid Dime's, Oriental Lustres. Gala Plaids, Temese Cloth; Poplins, striped and fluid, Ombre striped Delaines, French Merino, Printed Delaines, Bityadere Stripes, Argentine, Coburg. Mohair, and Ma donna Cloths. Shepherd's Plaids, r reach Blan ket, Bay State, Long and Square Brodie Shawl Gents' Travelling do, French Cloths, plain and fancy Cassimeres, Satinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, &c. Ribbons. Mitts, Gauntlets, Gloves, Talnuts, Cloaks, Chenille Scarfs, Dress Trimmings, La dies' Collars, Brilliants, plain and spriged Swiss, Victoria Lawn, Nainsooks, and every variety of White goods. HATS, CAPS and BONNETE of every variety and style. We have a full stuck of Hardware, Queensware Boots and Shoes, Wood and Willow-ware, which will bo sold on such terms as will make it the interest of all to call and examine. Groceries can be had lower i;i the high prices which have been maintained heretofore. We also deal in Plaster, Fish, Salt, and all kinds of grain, and possess facilities in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of merchandise FREE OF CHARGE at the depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. ,Sept.3o,'s7. g. 1.. 121,AMCNJ r , ATTORN3IIIT AT LAW, Will attend to all professional business entrusted to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon county. Deeds, Lease. and Articles of Agree. ment, written at the shortest notice and on the most reasoneile terms. Shirleysburg, April 22, 1857. BooTs & 8110E8, the largest and cheapest assortment in town, at GUM SHOES, cheaper at I). P. GWIN than can be had In tewa. Call and see them LEATHER LEATHER! LEATHER HENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French n Calf Skins, and General Leather Dealer, No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia. A general assortment of all kinds of Leather Morocco, &c. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER, . _ Marebt'67,li. A HOMESTEAD FOR $lO. I nomEsTEA fit VW—Third Divisioe. A -310,00i , worth of FAIIII9 and Building lots, i• the gold region of Culpepper county, Virgin ia, to he divided amongst 10,200 subscribers nil the 7111 of December. 1107. Subscriptions eely tea dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one belt down. the rest on tin do es , of the deed. );veer stiliectiber will got a Building Lot or a Farm, ranginir in •ritue ',III $lO t. $ 20,000. These farms and I 's nr• .11d ell cl.aal 1 , 1 induce settlements, a auffleient number being reue, the increase in the value of which • i •n -rate for the apparent low price fin. • wards et 1,050 lota and tarn.. ere • s. and a eompany of owlets called the ' It/pos h stoma Pointer A ,ociewai" trn new b tiring and will soon commence • sett!. went. Ample security will he given for the faithful perfOrm sires 01 contracts and promises. Nearly 45.000 acres of land, in different parts of Virginia. now at commend, and will he sold to settlers at from $1 sip ti, $3OO per acre. Unquestionobte tit/es will in all cases be given. Wood -cutters, coop ers, farmers, frc. err wanted, and five hundred Agents to ehtsie subscribes, to whom the rent liberal indueenients will be given. Some sgenta write that they are making 200 Millers per month. Fur full particulars, subscription., a gencies, &e., apply t• Port Royal. Caroline co . . Va, Or, to GE°. Banc.'mamma, Agent, Mill Creek, Huntingdon county, N. BOOKS! BOOKS! 40,000 VOLUMES of new and popular Books, embracing every variety usually kept in a Philadelphia Hook Store, and many or diem at half the Publisher's retail price, the subscriber now offers to the public. All school books used iv the county can be had in any quantities at retail end wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper, wholesale or he the ream. 100 superior Gold Pena with Silver and Gold Cases, trout $1 upwards. 1110 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. 100 splendid Port Monnuiesand I'veket !Souk. at 20 et. and upwards. 3.000 PILLES WALL PAPLiL of the mien and prettiest styles, Just reveive.l 'nen Philndelphis and New Yors, prices nom lull, 8. 100:0 um. upwards. 50?!)eautiltilly painted and gold gitted W...• dow Shades ut iiets„ und The public lure I,o[lo end ni,ll 1•0,1110, 11) be convinced lII.t iu huyo4; oi they w.II be pleueed told -a , I member the place, ebruer ~.• Ituilroud streets Apr.23,'56. IN BLAST MAI . l,l THE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS Ml- I Hind of inlorming their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, and are now in sneresminl Ip erntion, and are prepared to furnish vo,iing of all kinds, of the hest quality on the shoi test no tice and most reasonable tenor. Farmers are invited to call and examine oar Ploughs. Ws are manufacturing the Hunt, Plough, (this plough took the premium at tle Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in is:6) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plimeh, it can't he bent, together with the lieyst,m,.. I and Harshest. Ploughs. We have on hand tel are inanutheturing stoves, such as Cook, V.A.,. and titles stnveg for coal cr wood. IFIOLLOW-11 . 6.212) .tonsisting of Kettles. Boilers, Skillets. &e., all of which will be sold cheap for eneh or in ex change for country produce. Old metal taken for new castings. fly a strict attention to nosi ness end desire to please, we hope to receive 11 shore of ptiblio patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BIM. April 30, 1836.—tf. FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION_ ipli E library will be open every Saturday ,d. turtiouti, id 3 o'clock. in the. 1,0111 ill It,; Court }louse. Subscription tilt ecois New books bare been added to rh bo.r., ex rollout collection:—l;illtilleu's Miller's, Mrs. Ellet's Ste. By order $ it, Pr, :J. tit, :100 KEGS PAIIVI's;, White Lead, (pare) " " (extra) Phibidelphin Zna But Snug• White, and all kinds of HARDWARE ac lmildimz materials in pnti.uttiuu, at flat n•are Stcre" ul J. A. IIItO‘VN ar. CO. Iluntin6Jun,Apr.B,'S7: tl, Cheapest "Job Printing" Office • IN TRZ4IOIINTT. We have now made stick arrangements in mil Job (Wee as will enable no to do nil burrs of Job Printing at 20 per cent. cheaper rates Than any Office in the t:oen.. Give us a call. II we don't give entire satisfac- Lion, no charge at all will be made. 1 DI g.• A- S It 4 r--- T IIE largest and cheapest stock of fancy Silk : BLANKS I BLANKS and colored Straw Bonnets in mom is at [ti 1 til 1 ?.J F 1811011& Mc NillaTIZIL'l4. A twnerat aosomne Ili ,:j o /flanks of nil de LL-WOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, List and i B' , 4 P """' J .' , '' tr i "`" fi i "" d ". "le "1 "" RAog Carpet. Also, Cocoa, Jute and :Ili- ' '; '"" ),I0 ' , gin" . . colt Mats, can he had cheap at the store cr i A ppoilittit't of Referees, 0/11111.01 Hood. Flamm & McAlvaTitta. . Notice to Releases, Judgment Notes iSammons, Vendee Sides. T HE greatest variety of the richest styles Es,utiuni, Constubl , Ca Sales Dress Goods and Trimmings can always I. ' share Facies, . Sablent's, found at the fashicanthle store of ; Ci.mpletto a. i teeds, limiest S NlcMutcrete. ! %Vic:reels, Mortgages, .. . (7.11., t.. , ,ton.ditteats. Bond to idemnify Constable. &e TIlli: latest and newest styles Lloleo • Flom. & Mc ...'1,1,1,10, Jai GIN It ALI.ENT & CO. Cr.OAKS, 'rm.., iti,,,,),,,,5. Victo. Will,ri r.. , ill N i S r...s .2 a I TNIIT Sr., tith side below Witte. Head Dresses, are said at priers ritit. • •.rf billA DELPHIA. competition by Fistialt & MeMultil..ll, 1'I". (.10 , car ll ., ,t.waie dittos, in Ike eitv., lii itNt. , t. All I illi,,iS AND WHOLES(.I.I B OOTS, KIWI'S. HATS and CAI'S, 1.1. g I ~..,.., .., ~,.,,,,, Mt.:him-made liroidos largest stuck ever hrought to town at , s•'11 • 1 ~, , .tit t, t•x•voi C eddr•W arc. warranted ~,,t t ing very cheap at FISIIER & Mt:Ail:111 1.11.. ! .th" ~.‘,,,0 c, & t v ih ..,,,, ow ., e, Cord„ Brunt 8A:(.., a till ,I,4t.ripuuru, Memo , call and worm L M00...T5. Plaids, Flannels, Linseys, et ail b., tow otoci.. pnces, of the 1.1111104 h store 01 FIeIILS & 1111., MI, ICI illt . ! l '. '" '5.'57 It. MOURNING COLLARS, of the henelson, BUCKei IN GLOVES & Mli , ls CllOlll, est 'vier, just received by 1). I'. (MIN'S, FISHER k lICMELL DIANIIFAUTU.RII AND IMPOUTIDD4 11/E Int lON p ra al 2 1-111 U u llll Ai.d all Dibtl.ool uf SITI Ltiligs and. Throat, PoVELY Nn. 622 Ultestiitit 441ret;, CI " In " fin "1"1..(."4"• Which conveys the retuctlies to the cavities in Have for sale, to consumers and the trade. the ( 1,,. l ath , through the air passages, and coining largest assortment of Paper _Hangings, Borders, in rtirect contact with the disease, neutralizes Decorations, Ac., in the Vaned btates. the tubereular !natter, allays the cough, causes They ask the special attention of the trade a free and easy expectoration, lama the pi ng , to a new and very beautiful article on pater of purities the blued, imparts renewed 7itatity to the GOLD WINDOW SHADES, nervous system. giving; that tone aim energy so which they are introducing. With:p..6lu tot the restoration of health. To 5ept.16,'57.-12m. he able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by ainatatiou. is to we a AIM. of toyed pleasure. It is an much ) nd the IVI ENS' UNDERSHIRTS AM) DRAWERS tro t o f m e dwai treatment as an other forme .l•YA Linen Shirt Breasts, . tend made Shirts, abiediseaso ; nicety out of every b ut t ca , ;rate and funny shine r reed collars, very cheap I sea can be cured us the first stages, and flay per pr I.lo4lllll.tl9ltttltt o f s rergwee Int to f40.011..01.00.4w SWIN't Rf\t(DTirl)Vi4A[llD_fip MACHINE , aNDFRENCIF •1111 t l 4 :t; 24 MILL STONE 4. Cnreet w,. Row T and . ew r ihe l'ennsylvsinia ltril Road, Philadelphia. 0., ti,oider.thefol• .par red ' , lour Mill Machinery. wiiward'a Yates, atilt. andS...t Mc hkes. J 011.61...•. Patent Iron Bran Dao• Stover's Proem Fuel Saville Com Kilns. Piersun's Patent Ilerrel linupand Moulding 111,10111.P5. Inipeived Bridge Steps and Joshes rt. Mill Spindles WA URA NTED, The lOW Anchor lirsnd Rohl,: Cloth Burr A C.lico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Oast, Crusher*. E. BAUDER, A LSO SOLE OWNER OF Johurton% raleast Cast Metal Coo- ;Aralt East RbdSuuth-Eaßt?!the Ohio and Mil pi Bitter.. Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Ground, from 1 to 24 llia, of atandard flour, which could not be bolted out on acconot of the electrical attheitho, to the Bran. I NOTICE :—I hereby war,, 611 persona agnict-t i ititrinpina my rights, seemed by Letters Pu t tent . above, . I will prosecute all Fen.. M11.1:111W, 81.11 jug, r,, I,ying any Bran Dusters tv.tlt . Trot. or Cant Metal Concave in vio -1 !mum of 1110 !auto. Patent Of Joseph Moe stor., dated Apri! 24th. 1;434. TllltilAti 13. sA °OWN A RD, Proprietor. N. I3.—Sittig• and County latent Rights for nit tin xliove :11otehines fortiale. A ‘, : .•11, 2J, I M 55. 14\11 ;ED 72'1j:11121 01 .IiING! A !Wt . issf,rtilko3 Jut A Lid wi2lhe void :20 per cent. t • .f %TH... 4 lir 4 PLST: . . • I. Li. I uhlir generaily. that he ha j: ,•rig,.,. Nlarket Square new stock of Ready for Fall and 'fluter, ban the Sallie rah lir ptirci..ell In retail 01 '111 . % in tho country l'er,ons 1,. o , ly Clothing would di wvll to cult 0 0,11,:li111111/ ,Lock before sing Also, Caps, Which will be lt,k, tahliNlinient iu the comity Iltitmingduti, October ;7., BANK NOTES AT PAR ! ,eIIi Y. RAE DAV ARE Er4l4ll'. The subs , ribtra have vain returned front the haat With an eolurged otoek of hAftb 11'.I 3fECII:tAir 1101.1.0 I, -11 . .11W. CI nil:Y. Z,A1,1,1.1,71V. Coach Trimmings. d.e. 11'ith an oldies. variety tit mockru tnvcutiuuri and anprovemetas. [intim! purrlin.,ed our lzoorla al wholeitale, ehivily Irian untbuiticturera, the are enabled to net wholvattle and retail—extremely low. 1;u104 N.oei btiieu at par for gotalit. lax" Ali order:. receive prompt atienthoi, JAS. A. BROWN & Co. Iluoti,,biu, Oct. 28 1857. triii , i44 DR. J R. HUYETT, TE-ff • it 24 : I.ll‘ lIIU I.ll'. CO., PA. $.4 Su kc :5 '• • 2 40 • 2 C. 'zAtTIT Attcancy k at Law, Huntingdon. fa., rl:p: lortni•rly , - „111.,K BONNET:. in atm variety and cheat) at 1.1. I'.. COWIN'S. Mts. [ll. 21 1 1,U.I'02 1 1IllEtlfsp DENTIST UL'ANITx.6 Jc~.- 1:;, tc37, to Mace more then flue per cent.. for the I.•,nge are on cot up by the disease as tr hid detimee to medical •kill. tven, however, in the Net stages. Inhalation Affords extraordinary re lief to the suffering attending this learnt) scourge which annually destroys ninety-live thousand potent in ti United Staten clone ; and a car ted ra'rnlntit•n shown that of the present popti- Irtirn of tie eaerh, eighty millions are destined to 1111 the Consumptive's graves. Truly the quirt 4 of death beano arrow no rll - PI! e!t.nstimuti.•ll. It. all eges it has Keen the great enemy of life. for it metres neither age nor sea, but sweep. off alike the brave. the beauti ful, the cr•eet'ul .d the pitted. By the help e that Supreme Being from whom eometh every goad .11 perfect gilt, I •m enabled to oiler to the nfllit•ted ■ remittent esti opertly rare in mumption. The first cause nit tnheretes is from impure blood, and the immediate effect pro duced by their deposition in the Pangs is to pre vent th• free admission of air into the air cells. which cans. a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect greater good Irons medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than those administered through th• stomach ; the patient wilt always Fed the lungs tree anti the breathing easy, otter luhuli•g remedies. Titus, lul.•alutiun is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally and with more power and certainty than remedies inisterc,l the stomach. To prove the now t-riot and direct indite ace uf this mode at anlmin imtation. chlorotorm inhaled will entirely de stroy senvoolity in a few minutes. p•atslyziag the entire nervous system, so that II limb may be without the slightest pain ; inhaling the ordinary burning lON will destroy life in ■ few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the sys tem when fainting or apparently dead. The o- ; doe of many t.t the medicines is peree ptible in the skin a tee minutes after being inhaled, and may he lllllllediately detected in the Mood. A ' cons inning ',maw . the constitutional effects of : mis is the tact that sickness it always pet,. sliced by ißelltbillg 1 . 00 air—is not this positive • evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepar ed and indii , ionsly administered thro' the lungs ' should produce the happiest results 7 Dining eighteen years' practice, ninny thsmands suffer ing than towsaset of the lungs and throat, have . bees us der my care, and I Lave chiseled many remarkable cures, even after she coherent had hems mononneed in the last stages, which Icily,• satisfies mu that consumption is no longer it fa• tad morose. My treatment of consumption is and besotted un long experience and thoitmgl. investigation. My perfect acquaintance with thy nature ut tubercle, hc., enables me to si;•.suguish, readily, the various forms of disease I that ...Misdate consumption. and apply the proper rcne.:ses, wet ; being mistaken even in a single vaNe in ...Milli') With err- Ilalll al and microscopic discoveries ell en], sic to eelieve the lungs from the effects of conisectee cs.ests, to enlarga the chest, purify tl impart to it renewed vitality, giving eta .., s ; sem tone m the entire system. :eessicities wish full directions test to any part of mdse United States and Canada's by patients communicating their symptom, by letter. But the cure would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give sue un opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be 'sheeted without soy see ing; the patient again. G. It A II AM, M. D., Orrick., 1141 FILIILICT STULL Y T,(Ukt tiu. 1 09,) Peluw Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, PA, tigust 5, bs7.—ly. 111-titned sense of shams, or dread of discovery, Of all disesse ; the great, first cause ' deters him front applying to those who from ed- Springs from neglect of Nature's laws. *testi.. and respectahility, can alone befriend I 11, 1 VIER NOT aehiying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, Who , u cure is guaranteed in all stages Of Nadi as ulcerated sore throat. diseased nose, SECRET DISEASES. nocturnal gains he the head and limbs, dimness Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures. (Beets •of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones, and Gravel, Diabetes. Diseases of the Rhin, and arms, blotches on the bead. fitce and extremities, mm . euri si , r ; Nia, peogtessing with frightful rapidity, till at last Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the the patine of the mouth or the hones of the nose Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon full in, situ victim of th in awful 'kn. se be. the Body or Limbs, Cancers ' Dropsy, Epilep. comes a horrid object of commiseration, till tic Fits, Vita's Dance. and all diseases ari- death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sing from a derangement of the Sexual! Organs. sending hits to 'that bourne from "'hence no Such as Nervous Trembling, Loss o f m emo . traveller returns," To such, therefore, Dr. r,. Loss of fewer, General Weakness, Dimness Johnston pledges himself to ureserve the most of Vision, with peculiar spins appearing before inviolable seerecYs and from his extensive pm the ca s Los- of sight, Wakefulness, 1> speo. lice in the first Hospitals of Europe and A msri- Lieer Di,esse, Eruptions upon the Fees, C., ho can confidently recommend a safe and Pain in the back and head. Female irregular'• speedy core to the unt . tnlnnnie victim of Ibis hot tirs, pm' all impecilet dischargestrom both sexes. rid disease. It mutters not tenet what cause thu disease uriai. It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall vie.' ' , flie d , h ow ,,, luug standing or o i.,, t i onto the tiros to this !torrid disease owing to the unskil case, rtroverg is certain, a n d in a shorter time fulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of a pet mattent cure ette ho effected by any that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the coital r treatment, even after the disease has bat- Whin. and either send the unfortunate sufferer lied the skill of eminent physicians and resisted to an untimely grave, or make the residue of his ail their means of cure. 'Pine medicines arc life miserable. lA' Ts. plutocrat without odor, causing no sickness and Take Particular Notice. free trout mercury or bithatra During twenty ! Dr. J.. addresses all those who hare injured years of practice, I . have rescued from the jaws themselves by improper indulgencies, of pcdlli r.ty thol..hcl , , who, iti the lost These aro some of the sad and melancholy get. 1.1 modior.ell diseases had been etl'eete p ro d uce d by e a r ly habits o f y out h, viz ai‘en op by their physicists to di e , whiel i war- weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the i , i , in , to the lathered. who h l .3' head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular pow ;.'arr 0 . s h im mr core, t. or, Pulpitation of the Heart Dyspepsia, Nervous ma ,, speedy cure. sem,it incenses ore the Irritability, Derangements of the Digestive greatest enemies to health, as they are the find Functions, lomat Debility Symptoms of Coli c:tithe of Consumption. Scrofula anti many Ink- I eamtd i„, S t , er diseases, and should be a terror to the hip Itlnsrankr—Thu fearful effects on the mind wnu nuttily. Asa uermanent cure is scarcely are much to he dreadedk Loss of memory, Cott en, efleeted, a majority of the ca-es lolling in- fusion oh lens, Depression of Spirit, Evil For k, Ora bends tit in com p e t ent p,, ins , who not ' hotlines, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, only fail to cure the diseases but ruin the eon- Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., are some of the 0611010 D, tilling the system with mercury, whirl, evils pro d uce d . with the 116(441, hastens the sufferei into u ra- l'irausands of persons of' all ages, can now pid Cnnsuteption. fu d ge what is the rause of their declining health. Set shOilitt t... 1 disease and the treatment not Luring their vigor, becoming weak, pale and vents death Npet..lll3 . 811.1 the victim marries, the einseistad, have sin gu l ar appe arance s t un , t h e is ""'" the chilli "' " I "' a e y es, ' tough and symteinis of consumption. hell with feeble constitutions , and the ettrrent of life rurrirated liy a virus x hich bet.). itself lir—Johnston% Invigorating Heine is Stratum. 'fetter, Ulcers, Eriiptiolip, and nth- I 113. tor Ur g anit Vieakile "' er affections of the skin. r es. 'I lira. and I By this great and important remedy, weakness Lung, entailing 11)1011 them a Oriel existence of of the organs is speedily cured and full vigor ',- stuttering unii consigning them to an early I stored. Thousands of the most debilitated unit grove. , nervous, who had lost all hope, have been im- Selt-abuse is another thrmidable enemy to mediately relieved. All Impediments to Mar health, Inc nothing eke in the raced cetalitgue of nage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nor humw diseases causes so destructive a drain nous Irritability, 'rremblings and Weakness, upon sj stein, drawing its thbustinds of vie: or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily time through a low years of suffering down to en oared by Doctor Johnston. untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys- Young Men, ton, rapidly wastes away the energies of ,ife, who have injured themselves by a certain Inne rs., mental derangement, prevents the proper tics indulged in when alone—a habit ftequently dr, !omidrat ~ ' rho system, disqualifies lbr mar learned from evil companions, or at school—the oil earthl y ha PP , ” effects of which are nightly felt, even when a leas es the sufferer wrecked in body sleep, and if not cured renders murriege impos -1111.1 :VII eit.ll4l.otee to elltelUlTlpliell 1111.1 a Bible, and destroys both mind and body, should tn., 01 evils more to be dreaded than apply immediately. scS. With the fnlieut confidence I assure the What a pity that a young man, the hope °fide ticiorninate victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy country, and the darlingof his parents should be and permanent cure can be effected. and wit snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of the al'arah""e"t ruinous Practice' my P a " life by the consequence ot deviating from the path races can h e restored to robust, vii emus health. of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit The afflicted we cautioned against the use of Such persons before contemplating relent Medicines, for there are so many ingeni- One owns in the columns of the public prints Marriage. to catch and nib the unwary seder°rs that mil- should reflect that a sound mind and body are lion. have their constitutions ruined by the vile the most neeessary requisites to promote connu- ConinoUllllS of quack doctors, or the equally poi- bial happiness. Indeed without these, the jou, Sono. nrsirinna vended as "Patent Meeicines." ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, I }lure carefully unuiysett wwty of the so-called the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the Patent i,railteines uno Mel that newly all of mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled then, contain Corrosive Subliunite. which is one with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of d.r strongest preparations of mercury and it of another becomes blighted with our own. deadly poison, which insteint of curing the ilia- OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK ST., in. di 'utiles the system for life. BALTIMORE, MD. Irate-mirth. tit the patent medicines now in use ara put up by unprincipled and ilitionan per- To Strangers. .40118, who thee° t even the alphabet The many thousands cured at this Institution 111.11e1 . 111 medico, and are equally as destitute ' within the last 15 years, and the numerous inl et any know iedge of the human system. having purniut Surgical Operations performed by Dr. only tine of in view, and that to maker nom- Johnston, witnessed by the Reporters of the pe el reganliess of consequences.per., and many other persons, notices of which Iric,,olarittes and all diseases of males and I have appealed again and again before the pub it Hut - Mb treated un principles esteblished by le,is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. twenty jeers oi practice, and sanctioned by 5, B. There are so many ignorant and th.lhahah the h." ro".d.uhlt , cur.' html,' worthless quacks advertising themselves as clues with lull 11ift....1U1.4 sent to any part of the • physicians, ruining the health of the already at% Luaus! States mid Lanedits, by patients eontniu- I Meted. Dr. Johns'n detains it necessary to suy to awalla ll the"synptums by truer . those unacquainted with his reputation that his correspondent:a strictly cunfid e mmi. Address Diplomas always hang in his odice. J. SUMMER VILLE, 111. D., Urrlcc, fife 1.11. Noncs.—All letters must be post ace, No. i I F rank. ST., (Uld 1ig).109.) vaid, it. • Betow Twelfth, OOll4lll a postage 'tamp for the reply, 11.1.1.ADNLYKLA. a no answer will be ant. Atinmeteiliteellp Ann SAMUEL T. Mow,. MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DOC TOR JOHNSTON. THE, founder' of this Celebrated Institution, offers the most certain, speedy, and only effect.' remedy in the world for Gleets, Stric tures, Seminal Weakness. Pain in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kid— neys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritability, Disease of the head, Throat, Nose or Skin ; and all those serious and melan choly disorders arising from the destructive habits of Tooth, which destroys both body and mind. These secret and solitary practices are more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrian to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their most briliinnt hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. Young Men, . . especially, who have become the victim. of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit, which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the moat exalted talents, and brilliant intellect, who might oth erwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with all confidence. Marriage Married persons, or young men contempla ting niurringe, being aware of physical weak ness, organic debility, deformities, &c.,sbotild immediately consult Dr. Johnston. Ile who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon hie skill as it physician. • Organic Weakness. immediately cured, and full vigor restored, This disease is the penalty most frequently mild by those who have become the victim of improper indulgeneies. Young persons ere too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequence that may ensue.— Now, who that understands the subject will pre tend to deny that the power of Procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habit than by the prudent. Besides being deprived of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to mind. and bo dy arise. The system becomes deranged , the physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in digestion, a wasting of the frame, cough symp toms of Consumption. ilr4 Office No. 7, South Frederick Street, se ven doors from Baltimore street, East site, up the steps. Be particular in observing the name and number, or you will mistake the place. A Cure warrunted, in Two Days. NO MERCURY OR NAUSEOUS DRUGS. Dr. Johnston, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life hen been spent in the first Hos pitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and else where, has effected some of the most astonish ing cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing its the head and ears when asleep, peat nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds ' and bashfulness, with frequent blushing attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. Certain Iliaeate. When the misguided and imprudent eatery of ple,,nne finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease. tau often 'happens that en _c_F . pr4k pOOOOO ooaooop CIRMAIP 0 JOB OFFICE • OF THE O 0 " HUNT. JOURNAL. " O • The largest and best g JOB OFFICE t o , IN THE COUNTY. o JOB-WORK 0 O 43 P O EXECUTED gAs Cheap as the Cheapest, g ariglD LIEtUIVEI O THAN °, tram atom , . t ) ) PERFECT a&TISFACTION 111 o WARRANTED. O All kinds of BLANKS 0 ° CONSTANTLY UN HANS. o oooooocooooco .111MIIVVVVVY RAILROAD HOURS. 'Duna 001M1 EAST. Alt's T. l Itik. T. Fast T. Train leaves A. M. A. M. P. M. Petersburg, 7.22 4.02 3.03 Huntingdon, 7.3.2 4.17 3.41 Mill Creek, 7.:l0 4.47 0.111 Mt. Union, 8.07 4.41 3.44 Tasixa Outas West. Train leaves P. M. A. 11 P. 31 Mt. Union, 3.11 6.45 0.06 Mill Creek 3.28 6.38 9.2 3 Huntingdon, 3.41 7.11 8.37 PaterAtirg, 5,58 7.23 9.31; H. K. NEFF, LTAVING located himself in Wm:moults.. 11 in this county, would respectfully offer Lis professional serviette to the citizens of that piece and the country aujurent. itarraitExcass J. B. Luden, M. I). Gen. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Win. P. Ornison, Esq. J. H. Dorsey, Hon. James Gwiun, M. Stewart, 4 . John Scott, Esq. lion. George Taylor. . _ Huntingdon, Jacob M Geminill, IC D., Alexandria. John Dl'Culloch, •• Petersburg. 1p7,'52-11. A. P. Wiceott. It. 13au08 PYTRULIX WILSON & PETRIKIN, 47'TOR.NEYS 4T LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. ?ranico in the several Courts of Huntingdon Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata Cain ties. March 23, 1853. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCIPS GOLDEN PILLS ARE infallible in removing stoppages ur irray ularites of the menses. These Pills are nothing new, but have been used by the doctors for many years, both in France and America, with on parallelled success; and he is urged by many thousand ladies, whw have used them, to make the Pills public, for the alleviation of those suffering from any irre• gularities of whatever nature, as well an to pre vent pregnancy to those ladies whose Instils will not permit an increase of family. Pregnant females or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while pregnant, as the proprietor assumes as responsibility after the above admonition, al thou•yh their mildness would prevent any mitt chief to health; otherwise these Pills are recom mended. Full and explicit directions ecco@• patty each box. Price, $1 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by JOHN READ, General Agent Foe Huntingdon Co., Pa. I have appointed Dr. John Read Sole agent for the sale of my French Periodical Golden Pills, for the borough and county of Hunting don. All orders must be addressed to He will supply dealers at the proprietor's pri ces, and send the Pills to ladies (coofidentially) by return snail, to any part of the United States, on receipt of $l, enclosed to him through the Huntingdon post•oflice. For further purlieu• lars get a circular of the Agents—sold by drug gists everywhere. Se- My signature is written on each box. J. DUPONCG, Broadway P. 0., New York. Ju1729,19%-ly. 25 WITNESSES ; OR THE l▪ 'OB4ER CONVICTED. John S. Dye, Author, 0 Who has had 10 years experience no a Bank. *or and Publisher, and author of •'A series cis Al Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when *dor 10 successive nights, over 50,000 People *greeted Min with rounds of applause, while he exhibited the manner in which Counter. : letters execute their frauds, and the surest and * shortest means of detecting them ! SThe Bank Note Engravers all say that lit as the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. O Greatest discovery of the present century O fur detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. De lo scribing every genuine bill in existence, and hexhihiting at a glance every counterfeit is °circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that reference is easy and detection instantaneous. ▪ Cr No index to examine ! No pages to hunt up 1 But so simplified and arranges *that the Merchant, Banker and Business toad can see ell at a glance. English,French and ▪ German. Thus each may read the same is *his own native tongue. Most perfect Bank t.)Noto List published. Also a list of all the t, Private Bankers in America. A complete t ii ? summary of the Finance of Europe and A merica will be published in each edition, to egether with all the important news of the day. Also a series ol'tales, froin an old Manuscript found in the East, it furnishes the most corn ' plate History of "Oriental Life." Dr:wail ing the most perplexing positions in which eg the ladies and gentlemen of that Country A . have been so often found. These stories will al continue throughout the whole year, and will ..I:rove the most entertaining ever offered t. the public. AFurnished Weekly to subscribers only at $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to it JOHN S. DYE, Banana, Publisher *Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. O April 2i, 1857.—1 y. Dr. John MoCullooh, niters his professional services to the citi UHuntingdon and vicinity. Office, on Lin st., between Montgomery and Bath. Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 1855. tirCOUNTAT DMAIMIELs eau buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole sale, as cheap as they can in the eities, all hat. a Wholesale al ore iu Philadelphia. Apr.9:56. H. ROMAN. LARIES' COLLARS & UNDRRSLEEVIS in great varieW at tie obsttor of **WM