Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 24, 1858, Image 3

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HAIR RESTORATIVE,—Ewry one will, we
think, agree with us in the opinion that the hu
man hair is the greatest, Inland ore that
is I ossessud by a lady or gentleman. Just
Inert an apparel tly good looking man, for in
ounce, in the s r you admire his features,
wli , liern. and general b taring; lint lul he lifts
his but in ref of your bow, and the
charm Ilan vainidied, for Ichahod is written nn
his bald head, an 1 the gl ny has departed with
the flowing that ow, it wristlet' luxeri•
emir then. Lr the case of a lady, the mart,
is, ie rzo—such Cases remindiu mut
of the eiremnslitlicc on uhich the CA.uwaig ep
igram is tohodull
! Inc, fair Emilie, n lock of your hair," I
A y mug over loult courage nod sighed:
, r, a , a „it, to n•Autesuuli o modest .request
So inks Tot: 0 otox 01o," the dear creature re
. .
, . .
Now, to prevent such ro catastrophe, is with
in the pow, a ,very !oar awl gond man; lite,
by using Wood's 'lair Rota.,rativt., Imir
is not on I. pievanteil from railing ell or 1111., -
ing grq, but the article trill rast I/1 . 1! hnir Inn
places; sod roan it' it has chanced ot.lor tool
heroine grey, it will la ing it back to its priste e
bean) , atal 'lh•sa.aho are, or
guninivti %%No the anatomy, physio'ogy ntei pa.
thulo;7y el the Lair, ina.i bt w.ot :more that
certain rutiFtatin es have a. ti n cille action ittaao
it; total it is by t. ja.iici,itna c.ttubiniation of the,
that 11 . 001 has stoceeelled in cemptnotti•
ing n ti,ixt•nr, posses,eal of remarkable virtues.
[‘Vurt.rly,,, ; :tv.itie and Literary Claixtte.
rierlt has I'CC•ntne nte established Net tient
Dr. Invi,xorietyr will cure Liver Cotn•
plaint. Jaundice and General Uubiliti, Maly
pentilii, perennially known to us, whose word
icanntit be doubted, have given their
cerir -
Cafes to prove this, nod with such a ntaeis
evident, who c.en doubt.
IL is truly the invalid; fr'eud, and will viv,
relief when all .411er (nil, and 80 It,
Iluit ',der our oltit•e.
tion t 01' it v
wh. , I • tu. w :1.. . 0 • b it
will sure ' y t ire rvilet;
IN spilt, of the we , 11. s 1.11.1
1 Ilre 1/1111 . 0 , i 11p011 n Creilllloll, puhle, bald.
nest, especially in this e.t..mitt, tippetus to he
one of the evils wli c I fle:di is heir to. When
this unfortunate to:entreat, taken ideee, the
only thing to he sham is to remedy it by .:'sine
artificial contrivam ,, , reseinUtt
URI RS cht,ely as pos,ildr. The mu, nat•
oral awl •le,,,lttt vovvriii:ss head that
we istly , .! 11 I, lie, wigs nn , l
mnon!ovtuell by ,sir. lit..rge Nu.
29 h,.1011 tiixlh ~beet. 'file hair is fastened
to a net tutu, t tint the natural
akin in visible through it and con..e.itiently
the artili,e cannot he defected. We advise
oar readers who are in want of nay rush ar•
titles to examine these, and we tel certain
that they will be pleased wills them.
- PHILADELPHIA - 11fAfaiiii,
rLouß.—There IS 110 rhinve to tto
tic.. in the lhour ittarl:et; $1.1;7.
CLOVF_IIt ShEl.)-11tere us it steady
611 ,, i0e5,4 le) notice; 4.00.151,59 per 11,11.
NYE PLI./Ult —ls dull.
VI, II lt:AT.—eoutiuttes liinitc,l; 1.23 c.
per. bush.
I'4'l.E is IT.
made, by pi•rooti, .1' intvgrity,
ty, atbd exc(lll.t 111 r doing bit
since, 'll,oy nu.. 11,1,1r,,,,,(1
BAKLI: S. M. 11)5 Brutulway, Iv..w Yurk.•
;:iVeli to nIl 1 , v,i , 11, 1131 , !-•
1Y 1 thlt V Citol2.. I:ll. , SVIlie,
wade do
,k • Volloottry
A. .. • • ,• ! !or the
1 V I
I, s \ Crott , , 1,.0
bowl: bee..ttilt or otherwise will mak.. tutu,.
I„ the .1.3..1) , rs Wil l itt Ca,-
ville, I' I.
1011:: S. GEIIIIETT,
NoTicp, IS lIEREItY GIVEN, tli it letr,ts
a on the of Miry
Walker, hilt of township,
been granted to the tinileri•igneil, persons in -
(1°6.11 to snit! estatt iire request,' ti no •
ineiliuto lityinent, and IL., a
gainst the tunic trill
preSellt them ilnlr iiiithiiiiti
eatuti tor ,ettleitient to 1/A V II) 111.:11.t.ili.
Burnt (Abuts, M. 10, 18514.-11.
Ft•il at !mute
l• •„,, SHP, 'louse in the village of SIIA.DE
Iluntingdon co.. l'a.
Tlas etaild is one ef the hu.t .lands for
good 'hare iii the calmly. The building is
20 x4O feet painted soil p' catered. Complete
with Ware house, odic,. itull Cedar emu:lied.
Ti:llt ‘l,4.—One thous:v.4l lam. °nu half
cash, awl balance will be lit . ies out in gouts,
as wanted at it lair price. 11 out su.d it will
: then be rut rent.
Address B. X. IMAM,
Gap Tannery.
'March 3, '5B:-3t,
ONE 01 the most convenient nod maul hooks
published this seam. is ihe one with the
above title, which is publidn d by Messrs.
D. Kimball L Co. of Providence, It. 1. It is
a complete guide in all limiters of law and
business neeetiatimot for every State in the
'Union, and cOnlalii4 itiforiMilion 111,011 every
possible firm of business which may arise in
the course of a man's, experience. It is pre
pared by no association of lawyers of well
known ;landing and ability. Such a book is
almost invaluable to the 'business man. It
can be lint oldie enterirising publishers, and
may be hail at this whiten. -
March 3,':.8,-3,,
(Ester,: or Sea ‘NNAII WALKER, DEV'II.)
An ANIS l'lt t'l'Olt 9 4 NOTICE.
NOTICE IS 11E,111 , e1117 GIVEN, that letters
or,tration on the estllo Al "'t'anneli
Waffler, tale of Dulilm townsld. , hare
been 5,01511 t•) the in,'er,•ioeell. all PrrAolli
dchtetl to eelia 0.5010 fire mitteited to snake
mediate tIo ieirur. mill Otto, boring choices o
pines the same will ',resent them duly outlionti
cm/A f a r settlement to PAM WELCH.
Burnt Cable., March 10,1858.-6 n
Of the Limitation Aviv,n+ and of Limit a
eitnit Real Rattle in.Pennaylvailia. fly Eu
l'otoE, Esq.
Fonts rein HON. HORACE ItINNEY.--‘fTllO de
sign or it is excellent, and its uses are manifold
It must conduce to being the law on these heads
into better shape, by exhibitidg it in its aggre
gate, and thus showing the bearing of its part,
upon each other. It miter also iommote the fin
ish and completeness of Ilmireyancing, width
though vastly advanced beyond what it teas fifty
years ago, is still incomplete."
Aii Analytic Digest of the ',KR of the Uni
ted States, 11.0111 the Adoption of the Consti
tution to the end of the XXXI V Corn:rose,
1789-1857. Ity FREDERICK C. SttionTLY,
Log., editor of "Pnrdon's Digest," &e. Sic.--
I imperial Bvo, pp. I 142. Price only Sti.
Foot! iii I low. 13. 13. Taugv, CHIEF• Jus-
TICE OF TII I: UNITE.I) Srovas.--It is it work
of tel well exeeeted. The heats
muter :vide!' tlic itilli:retit Acts of Congress ere
arranged ere well chosen and appropriate t and
what is still mote important, the Index so ter
es l torn been [this to C.lll'llllo it, IS ronti•leic.
Tile hook has evidently he'el , prepen t with
pinch care and judgment, and will, 1 douot not,
be very acceidahle to the pithlie.
A LSI). 1:1171,rt, l'umtdsuan,
DuNr...‘r3 800 FURAIS, 4tl;jtiid Re.
LINN'S AN A LyricAL INDEX to the Penn.
syleani, Deport,
1\ 1'1; I'l'.\llA TIO NI
T RO l' It AT
.&. HMS'S PRACTICE. 4th and
I Ediciffii. By M, RUSSELL THAYER,
111',11,E1.1Y (iIVEN TU ALL
d that the fullotving totaled
1 their .I.CColllllif ill the iLee
i[:irdingd.t, and that the said
vie.qeutt.hl [or eottfiranttiou and
allmvunf., , •.- ()rphuna' Court to he held at
:tad for the Comity of
(.1,, a , oft IN'edue.iday the kith dap of April
In wit t
I. George W. Owens. AOrninistlntorof tt a ei
tate ot"l'llosetts NI. o.ven3, lute of the borough
t; llirtnithatti.
Accomit . \Vie. 'Nf..i.tekeen entl Itohert
A. NleNlertrie, licit.. A.letleisintwe, of Thomas
Blair e.etity, tludcl., who ten;
the se, win;, Assignee of Jun:Wien Leslie, Or
Iltmli.q.4 , l‘in comity. having star vive,l .I,tA Entri
kve...l•l Jas. AI. Bull, (;u-,,
diseletrg,t hr the Court.
Final I.o.oent or Wm. S. Lyow,
Admitti,trittor Thud. Lore, lute el' Tull tu wit
4. .lioncs Crer, Guardian of .1. Elliot Walker
son or Jinn., Walker, lute of I)ublin
5. Fitmi neyount of James liehy nod Jainism
1,•11y, F.xeuitot, or Nath,toiel Kelly, who wai
Execotor or the last will tool teEtament or Do.
oil Itownotn, late of .I)nblin two., tler'4., not
'l'estotheotory Guardian of the minor el,ildret
of the 5..1 I).tvid deed. •
- 6. Acuunnt ul .ioutt hung. , Guardian of Itett
butt Lightner. :.utt of Henry Lightner, lulu o
11 . e , t two., dee'd.
7. John Set•tt, Guardian of I)nrid, Catharine
And Eliz.theth Courier, minor ehildreis rd . P.iitit
Cour , er.
N. Jahn S. Miller, Administrator of the ester
or Isabelle MeMunigal. late or Marco tsili
9. eenunt of I)avid 11. Campbell, ExaelitOr•
of the Lea will stml testament of isaae
late of l , nn twp.,•,loe'd.
10. Samuel Ilell, Administrator of the estate
of 1111110:Mina llays„ late of Shirley top.,
11, Dernetz Early, Adminiitrator or the es
tate or SlISIIIIII:th Sinuker, late et . Brady twp.,
12. %Vt. S. I s ne, Executor of the lest will
and totduntent of Iter. Thos. Askins, lute of
titairleysourg, (We'd.
13. Wu, I'. Lyons, and John Morrison, Ego.,
Executors of the lest 1611 and testament of lieu.
A,kins, late of Snirle,ysloug burungh•
14. Daniel Tuatgue,. Atlnnobdratur of
the estate of John Appalhy, situ of Dublin
I:wister'a (Wire.
Ifittitiag,iwt,Mitk. 12 1857.
80t. Chestnut steet above eighth,
.Ntilvei) •
CIDIS I li N A PI.ES, ((iimp niid Plain,)
lILAcIc AND 1' , )1.011ED VELVETS,
A 1, , , A 1,1.1. AS.RTMENT OF
As the above ounsi,t mostly or our own int.
'moot., wu are enabled to infer them on fa
vorultl, terms.
Nlurelt 10t1), 185H.-2ru.
E.l7ate of Jacob dee'd.
A diatittistrator's Notice.
N(yncli is hereby given that Lettere of
Administration on the estate of Jacob
Putt, late of Hopewell township, dee'd hove
heel) granted to tlo• undersigned. All ilereons
hutch,' to said estate, 0 0 requested to imme
diate pit tnent, and tlio,e having 'Minns against
the smite will present theta duly authenticated
for euttletnent. to
Hopewell tp. Ith‘reli 10.'58.
rri-300 3SIM
APIS AM! ire.A.dikv
IPETER M. BARE, heriThy give notice,
that I bought at Constable's sale, as the pro
perty at Anton Pheasant, the following goods
nod chattels, vix :—Oue hay limo, ono Cow,
ono neirer, unit ton acres of wheat, etc., which
1 tiara lett in his lawsi,iion without relinquish.
ing toy onoership. TlaTeliM.l all ittrnonn ore
hereby notiticit not to pureh.the or dittarb the
said propel ty without toy consent.
March 3, 08.-31. I', 111. BARE.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa•
mentery on the estate of Hugh MeMitHein;
late of Tell township, Ilutitihgtlott moiety,
dee'd., have been granted to the gndersiglied.
All persons indebted to said estate are regime.
tad to make imn•.ediate payment, and those
having claims to present them properly au•
theuticated the settlement to
March 3, '6B:-61..
Grey Hair to its Natural Color.
This astonishing and unequalled preparatiun
has never failed to produce a growth on lilt
Heads, when used according to the direction,
and turn hair hack to its original color, after
hiring Secome gray, and reinstate it in nil its
original health, lustre, so ft ness and beauty. lie-
Moves at MUT dime, Ilandrull and unpleasant
aching, scrofula, crupthtna and feverish hint
horn the scalp. It also prevents the hair trout
becoming unhealthy and falling oaf, and hence
acts as a perfect IlAin ImviottuaTtin AND To-
A gentleman of Boston writes to his friend
In New Itedlbed thus:
To your inquiries I would reply, that when I
first commenced to use Professor Wood's Hair
Restorative, my hair was almost white, and had
been so ler the last ten years and it was very
thin on the top tinny head, and very 'owe, and
pulled out very freely; but I found that Incline
I lend used nil the second bottle, (which was
right weeks) my hair was entirely changed to
its origin.,) color, light brown, and is now free
from do ',limit and quite moist. I have had my
har cut litter six times since the change, and
have mein seen anything like white hair start
ing from the roots; mid it is now an thick as
it ever was, and does not come out all. It has
;noted itt my case all that I could wish to ask.
July 1, 1855. Yours, etc.
From the Be,len Ilernl.l.)
80311,111 " ING WORTH KNOWING. 2 -By using
Pro lessor Weal's Hair Restorative, gray hair
ran I, permanently restored to its original color.
I'Oo subjoined ce•tilicate train 'Johnson & Stove
thadine, i; but one of the many in
stances that are daily coming to our knowledge,
of its wonderful effects,
GAR INEH, Nlaine, June 22, 1855.
, .
1) 1.. .1 It Slit :L•I lIIIV 11,•11 too bottles of l'rof.
Wo.,.t•s Mir Restorative, un , l c.ln tI . IIIV say it ii
the greatest tliscevery of the age thrrestoring
and changing the hair. Belbre using it, I was
a matt of seventy. Sly hair has now attained
it: color, Yon r.a, ITCllllllllella it to the
world without the least fear, as my eate was one
of the worst kind.
1),1N11.A., N. 11URVIIY.
Profess, r O. J. IVOO‘l.
Moog; ti Lo, Massachusetts, Jan. 12, 1855.
lirlt Stu :Lflavini.r ... ;n;ll; iii;il;l ' ,;l' your
noir Itest.rativ 0, it girt, the piensure to say
that it.: eV...A Into 14,11 eXt'oliClit in roinoving
clandruir, and a ctaistant itching
Iti•teleney, telt %%hull I lin,: been irno , .lol i,•
.11a 01, ~,st(hritl ley Ititir
wits lititiotaing ;;ter, lit it: ariirui al velar'. have
teal nit ilia, article tritli neythiegi like the
plea:tura attil profit.
.1. K. BRAGG
Piwor the Orthodox Church, Brookfield,
Proressor Wood.
[Deana the NlisAtntri I)erimerAt.ll
WOOD'S 11.111 t admirable ar
tide in rapidly immuring the hair. No a rticle
or it sitniltu• kind, now Itetre the public. enjoys
a better rOptililtlinl .1S II restorativ, and invigo
rating hair tonne. peculiar chemical qali
ties hare n heitelieial elleet upon the growth awl
character ot• the hair, giving a silky and glossy
texture to that whit.% wa, formerly or a C11.11,e
amt dry mome. It has, also, we ender:mild, a
tendency to preserve the youthful color tool 11,
peardnee of the hair, and destrit3ing or coonter
uctite the ell'ects of old age. With such recom
mendations in its favor, we hurdle perceive how
Lute lady or gentleman should he without so cal
nable an adjunct to their toilet.
0..1. WOW, & CO., Proprietors, :112 Broadway
1., & 114 Market st., I,llllk, AthiSoll,l.
NOM in Huntingdon by Joun lit,tn, and 11.
MeNlAmott.r„ and by Cruggistl everywhere.
Feb. Ili, 1800.-3 m.
1:0Sao JAI4I le (.11 "
THIS; is one of the greatest medical dige over
t ie. , ever nook. and is daily working . cures
Mamma tno great to lodi , ve. It rare.: a. if
TUE Fins, tin. °mt; 111:NEFIT.
end seldom more !loot one bottle is required to
cure any kind of livca Complaint. from the
worst Jaundice nr I)y9epsia to II e , bead
ache. all of whieit are tiro result of a 111511 BED
The Liver is ono of the principal reeolators
of the human body, and whetrit I , erfttrm. its
rotations well, the payers of the root,. ore
developed• The stoopteh is oltineo entirely
dependent on the health,' aeli,n or tho Liver
roe the proper performance or its functions.—
When the stomach i.e at fault. the hnt•cls are at
limit. and the whole systom suffers in eoeso
- (If Oen ortmo—the Liver—havint, reflood
to it its ditty. For the diietmv of that ot•t;tn
one cti the proprietors Ims made it his study. in
to practice of more than twenty years, to find
some remedy wherewith to counteract the many
deraneement4 to which it is liable.
To prove thnt this remedy is at last rund,
any person trotthletl with Liver t7omplaint in
any .1' it= forms, has bat to try a bottle, and
coin i,tion is certain.
A compound has been formed by
gums. and extraethat that part is soluble
for the active virtues of the medicine. These
gums remove all morbid or nod matter from 111 , 3
sy..tem, sup,lying in their piace a heal by flow
of bile. invi,orating the stotimeh, rousing food to
diue , t nen. purifying the hh,..d, ,iviatt tone awl
health to the whole machinery. removing the
entrees of the disease, and ellW•ting n rodieal
core without any of the dkagreeohle after ef
fects, felt by using. Calomel or Mineral Poison,
that are usually resorted to.
To all who will follow these dir.etions a core
is positively guaranteed. Sicic can
be cured by the use of two tea-spoonsful taken
as won as the attack is felt.
The Invigorator never fails to cure sour sto
mach or the had abets experienced eller eat
Bilious attacks yield readily to one bottle. and
Chronic Dian lima, difficult, as it is to rare, is
never troublesome to those who take the Invigo
Tor Dysyepsia or Jaundice, nothing in the
known world acts so fully or cures Ail quickly as
thin Invigorator. It removes all yellowness and
unnatural color from the skin.
For Night Mare, take a dose before retiring,
and it is warranted ft stoe preventative.
For Female Obstructions it is a safe and sure
remedy, as it rein ,ves the cause of the disease,
Costiveness cannot exist where the Invigora
ter Is freely taken, while Cholic yields readily to
a few doses.
It mast ho known that all these are Liven
diseases, °renew(' by a deranged Liven. and to
cure them needs a liven medicine and one of
great power. The Invigorator is such a metli
chic ; it has modichial powers. never before slit
coveresl,•that will care all .IiSCIIRO4 of the LIVER
no mutter of how long stnntling, or what may
oe their form. The active medicinal virtues ex
tracted from the gums used is such ns to be as
tonishing to all who see their effects, for none
can use the medicine without receiving benefit
It nets as a gentle Carthartic, and should al wo,
be taken in sufficient quantities to net on the
bowels gently. The hest way to time it is to
take the medicine in the mouth, then take some
water and swallow 1 oat together. In this way
the medicine will seemly he tasted.
SA N FORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway
Now York. Sold in Buntingdup sty 11.ity
hICNIANIGILL, and John Read.
Feb. It), 1858 -sat. Mar.25;57.-ly.
W HEAT AM) CORN wanted at this
office. Thosa ing either can dispose of the
nine by calling soon,
130117'11-WEBT CO.. OF TIMM,
Incorporated Its the Aide of Pennsylvania.
large or small, and int erest paid from the
day of deposit to the day to ,itlidrawal.
The office is open every day from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternaon,
and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8
1105. 'HENRY L. BENNER, President,
noBERT SELFRIDGE, rice President,
W.M. J. REED, Seeretarq.
lion. Henry 1.. Benner, 10. Carroll Brewster,
"Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry,
Robert L. Selfridge, Franck Lee,
Semi. IC Ashton, I Joseph Yerkes,
C. Landreth Moons, . I Henry Dietlendertfer,
Money is received and payments wade daily
without it: flee.
The investments me mode in Real Estate
Moe 'gag., Ground Rents, and such el :Its se
curities ns the Charter requires.
o iViercbants and Varmers.
Glll/I7NI) PLASTER can be lied et the
Fboir and Plaster Mills, is any de
sirable l i umtity. :111,1 after the Ist day of
March. IV. leiircr itritHE fiv CHARGE
Oil the car: :it the denote of the Penesy Miele
nod Broad Top Reilmula.
1' 11 E
i,iika•ll . p;s; - w , st
IA will cure sill ili,asos Irossi isisplac
blood, which is the toinelatiun of nil ili,eitses.
I will warrant it to cure ell the withininanted
diseases, seeli ns
Scoilida, Unmors q(the Shin, rumors,
Ulcers on the ll,fol or Body, anti all
• Break-mita on the Fare.
Ana it will Om, cure nli Indolent Ulcers or
tunny yuar, smoiling; SI11 . 1! etmsefl front
milog mueury, and will crialicato mercury,
tram the F1 . ,0111. AVIIVII 1111! 1\11.1((1VFil:) •
131,001/ lii.:A1:1111'llt operates on mercury,
all ;Ida, lir the will he swelt
I'rnm tits 55511/11 it I it purifies the 1.11110,1 101
pill, Ili V 100•1111110 1110 ticim 01111 111310, it j 101
WlllOl 1110 111111111 1/111.11, 1111. 11111 WIIIIIOII
010111. Will inlit• 110 Ilinll,lo, 1111 11, 111111111, 111111/11
W . MI i. Iho 01111$0 111 llin1111)0, in gone. It will
111,(1 cure nll 001111ita1...1 Diseitses, swell no
111 ice 11,111 11 1.110;10,1110111 a the live,; it will
bring. the litair into It healthy action, and will
rtistiirt. the 1/11110111 t.l hllnllh.
FOIZSAI.E 11Y Jobs Rend.
JO', Ilentm, 1'4,-
1er:411111.g. Silas eresswell . Wm.
I),tvis, Free.l.on Iron (711.11rveni
uturg 0 snarl, IVtist
ren. S:11111. IV. Sititlshitrg.
!icy. 11rt11nrts !ma. Elias Musse l ., WM
.1. I). Ilnihritll l t'a 11.
'1 11.!•isiis
Is, 0.11. .1111.111.011 CO. 111.01,
A. 111.1,k.n1 Sloth. lisp. Slt,rt
& 11. C. Walker, A1,xnn , 1,.1.t.
J,. $ll. . Bei;
& IN'arri.aniark. G. 11. Stin..r.
.1. :NlnttPrn.
• pattern.
Illinti,don, 2.1111, 1858.-6 m.
1/o rots wish to find a'powl cmploymmo. nnl
make 111011ey with little or investment. and
without interfering, with your regular business ?
you do, read this advertisetneut.
U E. 'Toots J., Cu., of 302 Broome Street
New York, are manufacturing such selling nuts•
sive gold Pencils for $3 each, (which are chimp
Kt that price,) and they throw . in a g',ll or prize
with each Pencil worth lien , 32 op to 85, $lO,
sla, $2O, $25, $3l), $2O, $73, Slut), $2OO, and
$5OO. Don't cry out, 'Humbug! Lottery I'—
ll's no such thing. The Pencils are sold at
their cash value, awl all the profits over the
first cost are thrown into the gins,•
idly cost the purchaser making, The prizes
ere distrihmt.d on a simple ion of drawing,
which would take too much room to explain,
but which has never failed to give complete
bat islitet ion We have drawn nod sent to put•
chasers 183 gold watches of various prices, 7.1
purses of gold dollars. 238 gold lockets, 850
gold chain., and, corresponding number of
other prim, within two lineal..
'l' Ell E ARE NO BLANKS," but every
porches, draws a prize worth $2 certain, and
it stands thousands of chances to be a higher
- We Avant a good agent in every neighbor.
hood throughout Ow country. to solicit purcha
sers, and any agent, to be sueeessful, must
have a pencil and prize to exhibit. We pay
agetits..St cosh for eael, plirelwer Ito obtaios,
anti the first iwrson in any neighletrhood who
applies turn l', veil awl gift, will receive the
agency for that locality. Should an agent ul
Wu a valuable plea., to exhibit with his Pen
cil, he would have little difficulty in obtaining
scores of purchasers, and matting it a putt ii
A New Idea 1 Read! Read !!
We ask nolaalpto into their nett s the,
knOW what prize tiny draw. Atty per,.
big to try their• lock, con low •cad us ii it
name and address, and we will make th e i r
draw nod iurerm thetn by return !nail what
prize tiny drew, when they con send ot. told
tithe the Pencil nod prize, or not, whichever
they choose. IVe give this privilege toll!• onc..
to a purchaser. After the first denttiu_•, et, ey
purehaser will be required to send in advance
through the authorized agent. We will send
with each drawing the oumbe• taken out, with
full description of the plan or drawin,C
Address C. B. TODD &
392 Broome Street New York.
Jan. 2001,1958 - tim.
The subs7riber..l,iriog to gait farming. ofrers
at public solo the ittllowing de,irahie priliteity
at his residence, on J IJIl)AV the 20th .11. taco
A. D. 1858, viz.:
One of whielt is a tine mare 5 years old ; ono n t
them n three year old; and eight of them JOoe
two year old each ; two of the two year urn
well • tn,ilched. Also
Threshing machine, Grain Drill and ]taker,
Windmill, Harrows and liorse-gears, together
with a variety of antieles to numerous to in
sert. Sale to COMIIICIICO nt 9 o'clock on said
day, when due attendance tilt a credit of ?line
months will be riven. DAVID hroNut,
Th.. Springs, Feb.24,'57.-3t.
A itt iplaug4tic Salt.
This celebrated medicine is for sale at the
Journal Orrice. For all inflammatory ilkeascs
it is a certain cure. Get tc and try it, p 3
who are afilieniti.
:I of ' far
nw v: n i til e s t te 7:
by applying at this oilier.
Feb.l7. - -.
PUBLIC :").\ LE.
g un, undersigned will sell at Public Sale at
1 their farm opposite the Borough of • Hunt
cniiin..iwind.o 11l [A.llelc,
nll the PERSONAL PROPERTY (.).0,-
4,1 with their ram}, eonsi,ring ol 15 brad or
llucore and Culls, and me Mole Colt, 2)
head aCows ioal Young 20 or more
110,4.0, three uI which are row Ilreediug Sows:
\Vag.. Plow, Ilarn,w, Cultivators
Ifirge ..oriment or 113rr.ess or 'torsi! (;var..
1)ooble1.• 'firers. Al•
.) a variety or ilie Small Tools Mill i'.lll
FL',. 17,
C.l'l',l 4 tla Bit INDY.
littvioLt received the sole I,.v.elley of A.
Hazard fi t;o.. for the sell
or the Ittetidy Gar comity, we vim
lideoily olt, it to the public it, it iffitt, tui•
art ele to the lolluwiog certilicatt
will ',my,
• : ' 1 , , , • • ggiee,
28 Siy!l. •••• I• : .‘• • ~,t
, wll, 1857
will t•t•rtil'y iluil I
11,1 two separato lots of •,. . •.
in anti one in 110tt!,.. ..1 I,y
leitiritze Lcoua. 111,1 2;11111 • • • • . •
.1[1(.4)1,, at Ilse 1),•poi. No. . • : •
Ito llotlsr, an.l 1.1:t 11 .• . .• . • H:.,•1!-,
nati, and troll iit • • : •
all iroi,(t:nv! ! . •
- ,
1. ,
I'lllo 1)1110 Catatfluf i
A. 1111 .1r.,..0t . 1,4.1iptut, N.
allaltoratiou —the it 1-
aud peculiar. .I.1111•:>; IL CI 11. Ii
Tho oilio (....N.r.\ NV BA P. 11. 1 ., •
only 'eqmilA, Iml
lit. nll, sin Ixlrily alltl I,ll'. II i I
I:nown. .
cnrrolnlnllt•ti by the
must diminguishol
Or which ativotilionny this ell
..... . . . .
Th.. wnh, ,
l'UltE 1;1?-1 NI/Y hits lan
ht.,' kilt in this country, litid tho
111 kti 11.1 iit.ii• siteh
till' of those vilo euittimuittls hit
,11111 mot,. the ( . 1111 111
• il. ,1•1,1 1110
I !di
1•;•1 ittipor,l
pwO. Sky... It i, 11,1.
o , 011,11 to 1•11
I 11,1cnnli111 01,
Itriiilie :1,11141 NVlii. - 11 it
iii OW eSt.:lll , lll . .at thp
distant, wly.ti the ~:per;,,tity ~ ar .twi, I
tiaras will put nu !h.•_:.
lawa(l. Jtl 1le(i..•1(.:..! Ural,
lais no rival, affil has 1,,e
Soverei,a at..l Sur, Itclitcdy
I)vspepsia, Flatulency. Low Sritits, 1.30,11,
General Debility, tie a E
Eslselby , ,i Celebrated Still and
Sitarklitig Clistittpattne.
Thi - ti , wade
of Cineitinati. 311.1 11,1 • . •
pitre juicy ot the (Itiape. and .
etiluted for invalid, mid per.,...; , .•
gentle slituulnut, n o d for
or us . ',even,. 11111 be it/111111 o,lllill, it 11, y. v'/e1: ::
2: ,
perior. to the b, st imported.
Ti , "s school liar .
Retail Price for Mandy and Wines, $1,25. 1, , •
per Quint Bottle.
Noll:are. The expeti , e ,
discount made to thetrmle „Mir . • A. ,
Address JUII\ READ, Diitig4ist. room 1,111. loco it., It •. ,
nits only $BB.
.Pittito uric., is only per quarter. ...\H
s ' r AG E I, I N the languages and the olintmentals are prelim ,
tionitilv 'dump. For other information address
I'j Oki I .1..1t It, kVaisla. Cassaille, litintingaen Co.. Pa.
l'he next rpitirter commences Monday,
Chambersburg Mt, Union •
1 -,.,
Tl. :Mr Tr 11 :111 11 5te1.1.1. , 111; 1 11 1 ,13 ..: 1 7.
he undersign,.
the lint , of Stapes over the I , etivcrii
Chnitibehdiiirg mid Alt. l • ii ion. 1 annul Ito 1,1 0 tt 14.
disc h'nnnt t cuts 10 (1 'Ur ,vllOll of ci.
effill, k0„,),.,,,T. 4,4 v 44144 i'444 V+
try. 1111, at 11 111/11,111eril t lie expewe Lind trouble
arrangements to run a line or Stages ,• , ;;31? . ri. 0 pee 40 , :telee.
Triweekly between the two points (mod
Horses lllld comfortable Stages have been
ced on the route, and experienced end trusty T 110; Nlllll CULTV.
drivers will superintend the running of the M. 11 . 411,511. Principal.
Coaches. The proprietorof the tine h , , Piiless, of Languages tuns Yhileooltitt
Hutt it be maintained, and he thecetore call , • 14,.
upon the publie,generally to patronize it. (mini-
dent thin it hill he their mutual nth ant,,,e. 1 ) / r/. ,
Every :Mention necessary Will be ci,em ailil
the running of the Stages will be ret.ittlar. of Volelt ond Piano 31mq,
Cr Stages leave Nlt. Union, every jv:ll,s lf a
TlllllBllily, 111111 lane day crriving ' , •
Clianiberidalrg the neat day at 2 o'clock. Ito- l,,i,sor of .I.lallooodies, etc
turning, 1 mive elimehershurg, the same nigh.
et In o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the tea
evening iu time tir the ears. Between .Alt, Un
ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily.
F a re thr e a g h $11; to interim:di:de point
in proportion. JOHN JANIISON
inn. 20th, 1850.—if.
THE nl.ll'l'. It.
AJOURNAL to t 1. , .1 illus.:mom , itml
Interest .1,,1
CA:BANAL iu ,til its parts, Light, flay ,nil Tuts selloor,liAS LATELY I'ASSEI)
Fast. All this way be furnished without the j into new !muds, stud the present owners
sli_htest immorrality in its tentlenev id itittitig tiro determined to make it a first class Lmtitu
a pl ac e in its columns. The It6iihrtous or , lion. The majority of the new faculty arc al
miseralde will dltid nothing commis! ill the Slip- ready on hand, 1111 , 1 students will be received as
per while the //amorist (Ind Bun Vivant may , soon as they wish to Calico.
well en joy it. Yount and gentlemen intending logo
TI) CLUBS, 7 copies for • es 3 to school will do well to write to es before run
, eluding to go elsewhere. There is no
11 11 10: and tee telierc there trill Le Lie better school
_ - - , -- - -
One suloeriher in every seven will be cult , non than onto. i
il,nl to A 1 I l'l IVOlti'll FltOitt $1 TO $2OO. ' Both sexes ore received, all branches taught'
..% mom, the articles to be distributed, ore tiold and students eau enter at any time.
and '',ili.,..r Wioultei Colt' G mad mid Vest , For further information, address
l'hain, Silver Cake and Fruit Baskets, Gold
Imela•ts. Armlets, Ear Drops, Brooches, l'ins, Caemeille, Iluntingdon Go, l'a.!
ltio;,s. Geld Dollars. he, i Deconther 9,19.74.. tr.
A lomoralde sl,lll Will 110 used to deter- ' - - I
mine which OM, ,)1l the seven subserilwrs shall ' INsl-C,RMI3O.
be votitled t none of the above (111 , F. which
will 1”. sent immediately on receipt ot . the sub. IVe request those,or our subscribers who re.
scriptiut. mom y. ' ieive their papers, to inf•rm us of those in their
Agen;a Waffled., neighborhoods who are subscribers
Address all ennimuttitati ions to
11(11,AN1) It. WEST ,k, Co. .to the ..Imtrual" and have faded to receive
C ora , w or d, street a „d B roa d way , N. T. the !MOW, SORT the stealing; of nor poCk-110nl,
Feb. 17,'57:-3m. by radians ou the 3d of Februarr.
The Juniata Floar and Nast, Mills, one
mile below Alexandria, Ilmainedon comity,
Pa. have constantly on hand Gronnd Plaster,
of ;he bent quality. fur which Grath' of all
kinds, will be taken in vschange at market
prices. SAM . I. HATFIELD.
New Cmrd-Press.
]Taring Inn .lit :1 1 a,t I'ItESS," we
are print in tlw prcinaliqn of
three cni di in 11.• .11111' that any other
press io 1!”. I,,unty can print
ly :In I rinl th.ln
iVe C11;11 . 11.` at :LH. \V.. ask
::,10 of thi- 0114.6 it ig calculated to burn 00,1
1", v,) 1:1;D:1; itousEs
Philadc',l. l ..;ia : Pa., a,
CUL. I.:. I:11.11)Y
c , /' iNvm.ii)s,—,s
Pr. Ilardinan, Analytical Physician.
Plty,irina ror Diseases of the Longs, Throat
—Fworrly Phy,kinit to the
Anther 11i •• tl . l
April Appointments
1 1)r. Ilardicitn, l'hydt
lings, (formerly l'hysician to (linen
line Hospital.) will he in attendance at hit
as follows t
i ! liotel, Monday, Apr. 19
I National betel. t•
tg, lintel, 4: 11 . ,
:I . lllll‘lll
lair! rtigitti, and all diseases of tin.
at atia by medical Inhalation. latel
!in the lirimitnii 11,,Qpital, London. Tin
't point in the treatment ‘,f all li nila•
- is it, ;.. , ,et tit the ilit•ecs:: in the direct twin ,
• eleolieities ere co•tilitateol lie their ole• the I !gall requiring relief.
i flint Wet anon Inhalation is lt.
-,, I :the ,111111.1011 i. ti n 0 t,,k,
lithe 11019 ,
• ! medicated to
Ali:divine: in, flit
. , •
. -
I;een I
.. ~
Itt't 7. 1111,1, /t II 1 , 111 . , , OW lilt dit iti, i:
ill!. t• %%Int tli,. dittlt,(l, Ntitlll , llt
' 11S11111'.1
Ile Vllll,lll Ily tl
; : 1 , 1,111.1. It I t
tleratt,l. It• I ittre itt the
!!! tt :t! t,r
: . .• .
. . 11 s •.• , •-
,„, j „
• I'.LILJ,IiiLLit .01 .
I Li,L I.lvel' .
i alll tlisvoses of the est, awl
I•lpilvpsy uml %111 form., of nervou,
N.. LLlJargc coLJ.-iLltittion.
S. 1). 11:1111)AIAN, M. I).
ll° June tI,
;LI. ;
Mrs. 111, MeN, Walsh, PaTridress.
Painting, Botany, Ilbdary etc
111 i: E. Faulkner,
.1/ chromatic,. I'ain'ing, Drawing, etc
Mss Anna 31, Gray,
and French.
Miss Jennie 111,
Primary English
Illustrated. 1858. Illustrated.
The New York weekly GOLDEN PRIZE io
one of the largest and heat literary papers of tho
day. An Imperial Quarto •containing croon
PAGES, or Arty colaods, of entertaing original
matter, and elegantly illusirated.ftvery week.
.1 (ryi wordifrom 50 cods to $5OO 00 in f dd,
will he presented to each subscribes ioimpliately on
0,1 ill( of the subscription money.
One Copy fur I year, $2 00, and I gift.
" " " 2 " $3 50, and 2 gifts.
" 3 " $5 00, and &gifts.
" " " 5 " $8 00, and 5 gills•
8 copies, 1 year, S 5 00, and 1 gift.
5 1 $8 00, and 5 . g..ifts.
In 44 4, $l5 00, and 10 gifts.
21 n $2O 00 and 21 gifts.
Thenrtieleß to ho distributed are comprised ill
ii,lloovititt list :
2 packll74es gohl, colitniiiing $500,00 each,
. -
5 no. do. do. -
$200.00 etch
10 do. ilo. (10. 8100,00 eneh.
10 pot. I. illitl. cae. Watelleq, sllll).o,,aelv
Si) ,14,1 WaWileg, $75,00 cache
5,1 do. $OO,OO each.
1110 do. 550.00 each.
Nat ladies' gold watches, $35,00 eflell•
vOO silver huneg cas'd watches, $30.00 each.
:WO silver wittvhes, :510.00 to 030,00 each.
1000 oil unards, One., $lO,OO to $30,00 each.
(;old lock, , ts. Bracelets. Broche,,.
Ear drop:, Breitit-pins. Cnfl ,
ping. Sleeve-buttons, Rings.
Watellikeys, gold
and silver thi.nliles, and a vari
ety of other articles worth frotn
50 cents to $30,00 each.
Immediately on receipt of the subsoription
in 'hey, the rohseriber's name 1,111 he entered
u m our sutmeription hook, opposite a number,
a,1,1 the gift corresponding with that number will
rwardeil, within one week, to the subscri
ber. ly until in. express, post-paid.
.-• • , .• .
t• - •"; . ' All communications should be addressed
48 & .19 Mottat'H Mr, Broadway, N. Y.
• Specimen copies sent free, •
DMntNE.lii, inventor of MORSE'S IN.
1)1 AN HOOT PILLS, has spent the Rea:
part Drills hie in travelling, having vg,ited
1.:11r,p., Asia, and A rrien, as well as North
--ha, spent three years atnang the In
om• 11",sh , rn eounirF—it was in this
W. thli the Indian Root Pills were first dist
Dn. Mlirm• was the first mon to es-.
)hat all diseases arise from Im
urity of the our strength, health
and 11he upon this vital fluid.
Nvhl.ll the curious passages heroine clogged,,
ai, , i do in t art io I..rfect harmony with the dif
-11,....1 functions iit the body, the blood loses
it; union, becomes thick, corrupted and di.
'using all pains sickness and
i:rery name; our strength is exhaus
• iith we are deprived of, and if na
ii,-isted in throwing ell the sta g •
F. the blood trill heernne choked
i•t. and thus our light of life will
ii out. !low important then
wit the various passages of
I open. And how pleasant to
it in our power to put a medi
r Mach, namely. Morse's Indian
• ' : . uctioilitettired from plants and roota
• ' around the mountainous dills it;
: • ien, tbr the health and recovery
own. One of the roots from which
are uncle is a Sudorific, which
of the skin, and assists Nature
out the liner parts of the corrup :
The second is s: plant which in
. .; want, that opens and unclogs the
the lungs, and thus. in a soothing.
. . ; duty by throwing off
cther humors front the lungs by
vetting. The third is a Diuretic,
WOW and double strength to the
, encontaged, they draw large a—
, t impurity front the blood, which is
ottt loot by the urinary or
water passage, and which could n t have been
discharged in any other way. The fourth Is
Puthurt ie. and necumpatties the other prop
erties of the Pills while engaged in purifying
the I,ltitcl; the coarser particles of impurity
which cutoutt pass by the other outlets, aro
thus taken up and conveyed Mr in great quan
tities by the rowels.
Prom the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's
Indian limit Pills not only enter the stomach,
but lieeome united with the blood, for they findi
, A an tu rnery part, and completely rout out
;i;;;1 ; 1..:;;;;; the system from all impurity, and
the 6m to ly , which is the blood, be-
e,intv• .rfeetly liealthyt consequently all sick-
lIPSR 111111 pain is driven from the system, for..
they entities renin' when the body becomes
nit ire end dear.
reatent why people are ao distressed
;hen ;deli, and why en many die, is because
hey do not get a medicine which will pass to
hr alliietcd parts, and which will open the
at twill passages ihc disease to be cast out
n,,, n largo quantity of food and other mat.
• " " ' " - •
er is lodged, and ilo stomaeh 'nod intestines :
ire literally overflowing with the corrupted .
nnsiii thus undergoing disagreekble ferments•
ion, constantly mixing with the blood, which
brows the corrupted mutter through every
ado oud arter,i, until life is taken from the
iody b y Pr. Morse's Pills have ad.
1.1 to themselves victory upon victory, by re.
torieg millions of the sick to blooming health
mil happiness. Yes, thousands who have.
nine rikiiked or tormented with sickness, pain
inil anguish, and whose feeble frames have
ien stairched by the burning elements of re,
ring fever, nod who have been brought, as it
sere, within a step of the silent grave, now
d ready to testify that they Would' have
Emil numbered with the dead, had it not been
for this errat and wonderful medicine, Morse',,
India. hoot Pills. After ono or two dose
had !men 'Arm they were astonished, and ab.
solutoly surprised, in vitnessing their charm
ing effects. Not only do they give immedi,
ate rase nod strength, and take away all sick,
ness, rain and anguish but they at once go to
work at tho foundation of the disease, which is
the blond. Therefore, it will bo shown, espec
ially by those who use these Pills, that they
ill sii cleanse and purify, that disease—thA
redly enemy—will take its flight, and the
lush of youth and beauty will again return,
tad the prospect of a long and happy life will
Ater'sli and brighten your days.
CACTION.—Beware of a counterfeit sign•
B. Moore. All genuine have the name
A.. 1. 11 . 11.11 . 1.; kCO on each box. Ales
he siqsatente of A. J. While & Cu. All oth •
ws aro spou i t i oi i
A. J. & CO., Sole Proprietors,
50 Leonard Street, New York.
Dr. Morse's Indian Root villa are sold by
dl dealers in :Medicines
Se" Agents wanted in every town, village
and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the
agency will address as above for terms.
- 062 - Price 25 emits per box, five boxes wilt
be sent on receipt of ;L.:posta g e paid.
December 'n 's7:—Gm.
11ILANKS,.Always buy your Blanks at the
"Journal Wu Bove now prepared a vu
re tatperiorartiela ofI3LANK UEEDS,IIONDS
h: p 4;