Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 24, 1858, Image 2

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    3)a ntin_gbalt `,llournal.
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tip`_ --
or his generous dealings with brother
officials? The people want these and
Wadneslay Morning March 24, 1858, some oilier questions answered, and 'we
mean to push the inquiry for them, till the
whole truth is opened to the honest scru
tiny of the taxpayers.
Editor nod Proprietor.
The Circulation of the flan
tingdon Jonenal, is great
er than the Globe and Am.
erican combined,
The Huntingdon JLICRKAL fur one year, and
either of the Magazines fur the same period
will be sent to the address of any subscriber
to he paid in advamee as foliuws :
The Journal and Godrys Lady's Book, fur
one year, $3 50
The Journal and Grahams Magazine, fnr
one year, $3 5o
Tie Journal and Emerson's llltyazine and
rltilealit'S Monthly, for one year, $3 50
Tie Journal and Frank Lcsli's Family
Magazine and Gazelle Fashion, far one year
$3 50
ne Journal home Magazine,
for one year, : - . 4 2 75
21e Journal and l'eterson'e Vi iziuc, for
Tla Animal and Atiuntic Monthly, ramie
year, $3 50
Advertising and Job Work.
• IVe would remind the
munity and all others who wish to bring
their business exten,ively before the pub.
Jic, that the Journal has the Ittrgest cir-
culation dairy paper in the county—that
it is emstantly irrreasin;;—and that it
goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi
Ve would also state that our facilities
for executing all kinds of JOB PRINT
ING are equal to those of any other office
in the couivy; and all Job Work (am
ed to our hawk will be done neatly,
ramptly.and at prices which will be
it any further evidence, in addition to
that furnished last week, is necessary to
prove that the Din veers and Sieward of
the Poor Ilou<e have combined to enrich
dims -Ives at the County's expensr, that
evidence will be found below. We oak
our readers to pond:•r est. Leto and reas
outii;gs we give to day, end others wo
shall give from time to time till we have
'examined the :vhote subject.
It is well known that Messrs. Green
and Gibbony are farmers, and, therefore,
must know perfectly well that none but n
practical farmer, whose family is skilled
in the domestic economy, and inured to
the care and dilligence of rural life, can
conduct the operations of a farm with any
reasontible success. These qualifications
are essential to the proper arid proli able
tninagetnent °fa private farm, and are
emphatically indispensable to the success
of the Poor house farts with its !miner
nun occupants. IVhy, then, did not the
Directors seek for a Steward possessing
some of the necessary qualifications 1
Why select n young family raised i t town
and, consequently, ignorant of agricul
tore, horticulture, gardening, the dairy
And domestic economy cn a large scale,
generally 1 ‘Vould a saddler front his
bitch be more likely to manage a farm
and a large boarding house to advantage,
than a farmer fr tin his plow, would be
to superintend a factory or melte a good
saddle t Or whit Would be thought of n
ntechaeic in town who should employ a
hornier from the cou try, to superintend
his work shop, and entrust the aucation
of Ins doughter• iu music, fancy t eed.e•
work &c., to the' farmers wife 1 And is
it not equiTy absurd to reverse this ac•
tion and employ mechanics ur . l tin it fam
ilies to mtnage this varied, extensive and
laborious operations of a Is go farm—n
• poor hoase fa,m with siry or seventy
pnu, era to be fed, clothed. controlled in
Iha it conduct, and directed in their em
ployment ? It is tire absurd. As a gen•
end tt i ,g, the i idustrioua habits, ibis veer•
gy nod lierseverauce incident to agricul
tarsal I te, sad farmers' families would make
the di Terence in their fluor, and enable
team more readily to acquire skill hn .w
avocations. Now, if all this is true--and
no reasonable Irian w,II deny a--we sub.
mit that Kenzie at !east, who knew Glus•
gee's disqualtfinations, must have had
some sinister motive for appointing him,
in the first piece. But suppose it possible
that I{enzio was deceived, as the other Di.
rectors niay have been, us to Glasgow's
fitness for the station. Ilia own vain pre
tensions, backed try false represents ions
might misleua those Directors not person
tell acquainted .ith him, and betray them
into the grevious emit f his first appoint.
meat. But what shall we say of his re•
cent re appointment %tith the facts and fig.
urea of his extravagant, if not carrupt
Stewardship stat ing the Directors in the
faze ? Supposing tho Directors innocent
of the charges now fastened on them and
hone - t in their future inteetions, is it eyed
ible that they w mid continue Glasgow in
(lice? Whitt. then dues Lis continuance
mean ? Are there more clay water
pipes to lay, more , physicians to reward
with double salary 1 Do the Directors
wish again to exchange. favors with the
Ste wdrd, sell their produce at arcunlatown
price, and settle the mysterious , sendries"
of Mr. Glasgow to his satisfaction f Has
the Steward been retained for his faithful
services to the county, or for his conTenient
accommodation to the Directors; for his
lavish expenditure of the public money,
Mr. Regent Calhoun has been moved by
the dare extremity of tne Lecompton fraud
to issue a bulletin rejecting the return from I
Delaware Crossing, and thereupon return-
ing the Free State Legislative ticket from
Leavenworth county. It is understood that
this insures a Free-State majority in the 1
Calhoun Lecompton Lehislature, should
that body ever be required to meet. This
proclamation is directly in the teeth of
Calhoun's declaration that he would make
no decision until he should have returned
Iron NVashingten to Kansas. But necess.
ity breaks the strongest resolutions.
The Regent says nothing shout the re.
stilt on the State Ticket, nor for Member
of Congress. lie has assured many per
sons that, no matter what might be the re
sult us to the Legislature. the Democratic
[['ru-Slavery], ticket for Congress and
State Officers was certainly elected. But,
since he is iu the way of staking conces
sions, and his future looks squally, we trust
he will be pressed to declare the result on
State Officers ns well. There is no know
ing how honest such a man might be on
compulsion; and, though there is little
danger now that his declaration will prove
of any sort of consequence, it is wise to be
prepared for even tin improbable coating
-1 eucy.
T 2 75
Etxurins.—Tl. rk•cuon in this district
on Friday last rpsulted as follows :
Constabge—Jacob Africa.
School Directors-1) Dunn. S. Brown,
Jtbige —Thos. Cannon.
bepechirs—Wiii. I Steel, Jas. Cannon.
4 , Bessor—'lllos. P. Love.
dLt. ilsseunr—Win. Williams,
KrThe careful reader will have disco•
cored a number of typographical errors in
our leading editorials in last week's Jour
nal, one of which—the 'travelling" ban
ner of liberty,"--is so ridiculous as to re
quire notice. It should be "trailing" ban"
wet," &c
It Is said that the water will be
lot into the Canal on Monday next, when
navigation will be resumed.
aerTho Aprilrarinber of Peterson's
Magazine is on our table. This is one of
the very best two dollar Magazines pub
lished. The ' , Bashful lover"•is as nutu•
rid as life. The fashion plates are excel
lent, it gives the newest style of fashion
for men as well as ladies. Ptice $2 per
annum. See our club mien.
The Home Magaz . ne for April has
*Pack its appearance. it is a very spirited
publication—gives tleo latest style of lush
io:i, the most choice literature, poetry, ec,c.
See our Ulub list.
prj.liennedy's Bank Note and Corn•
merciad Review is now before us. We
pronounce it one of the hest Dmectors pub
lisped in the United Slates The Review '
has been thoroughly revised, and most of
it re-set in new type. They have also is
sued a book of Fan Similes, which, in
connection with the 13ank Note Review is
so plain that any person who can read may
be able to distinguish a Counterfeit from a
genuine Bunk note.
We heartily thank our friend the pub
for the book of Fee Similes which
he has forwarded to us, and which we
wil exhitrit to any person desirous of ex
auditing it.
The Bonlc Note Review is published
Weekly, Semi Monthly and Monthly,—
Terms. per year in wlvance : Weekly, $2,
Semi Alonthly, $1,50, Monthly : $l.
Address Kennedy's Review, Pittsburg,
riff The Atlantic Monthly for the
month of Apia. published at Boston Mass.
at $3 per annum is now before us.
lie contents are : The hundred days,
My Journal to toy cousin Mary, Amours
De Voyage, The Catacombs of Rome,—
Happiness, The Pure Pearl of Diver's
Bay, The story of Karim. The Abbe Be
L Epee, Who is the Thief, Telling the
Bees, Persian Poetry, The Autocrat of
the Breakfast table. Sandalphon, Mr.
Buchanan's Administration, &c.,
flek•An Exhibition of the schools under the
charge of 11. T. White and Miss Currance T.
Benedict, will be riven in the Court House on
Tuesday evening, the 30th inst. The Excelsior
Brass Baud will be in attendance, and will Wl
liven the exercises with seine ortheir "soul•
soothing melodies." Doors upon at 61 o'clock,
p. in. Exorcises to commence at 7.
Gentlemen 121 cents. LADIES free,
Itlir We lane again received a copy of
thin rionibiti , Rank Note Detector, [lodge's
Journal of Flounce which give us lute in.
(urination of the term standing of the see.
eral Bucks in the United States. Price
$1 per annum monthly.
WASHINGTON, Wednesday, March 17, 1858.
The Senate opened this morning without
quorum, the Senators not having yet recover.
ed from the fatigues of the long session of
Monday. Mr. Hale made a stltement •eels.
live to his approval of the Toombs bill, deny
fug that he had expressed entire satisfaction
with it, as Senator Benjamin had affirmed in
his recent speech. Mr. Benjamin courteously
expressed his regret that, speaking from metn
ory alone, he had misunderstood the Senator
from New Hampshire.
Amid profound silence, and with the uni
versal attention of the Senate, which is rarely
given to any set speech, Mr. Crittenden took
the floor at 20 minutes before 1. He stated
the question to lie whether or not the Lecomp•
ton Constitution was the Constitution of the
people of Nations. In his judgment, it was
not. The great majority of the people of
Ran.ns rejected it with indignation and nb•
horrence. The votes that were apparently
cast for it on the 21st of December, DM,
were proved beyond doubt to be fraudulent.
The adoption by Congress of the Lecompton
Constitution was, therefore, clearly an attempt
to force an odious Constitution upon an tut.
willing people.
Ihe venerable Senator then went into a
careful examination of the nature and results
of the election of the 4th of Jimmy, 18.59,
which ho demonstrated to be in every respect
proper and legal, and showing conclusively,
by a fair nod unquestionable vote, that the
majority of the people of Kansas were opposed
to the Lecompton Constitution. This qucs•
lion of the Constitution Of Kansas was a great
political question. It should bo decided on
broad nod high grounds, and not on legal
quirks and quibbles, such as were used is
yeti y courts to decide paltry questions of prop.
oily. The will of the people of Kansas should
he supreme in this matter. Could any man
deny that there won at least doubt as to what
was the will of that people in this matter ?
What its vole had been taken under the au.
spices of John Calhoun? Take twenty votes,
hold twenty elections if need be, rather than
force a Constitution on a Slate. What objec
tion was there, what objection could there be
to submitting the question again to the peo
ple ? None whatever. Ile could not eon•
ceive what motive the Senate could have for
forcing this Constitution upon Kansas—for
this unparalleled violation of popular rights.
The Lecompton Constitution was not the OM
stitu•ion of Kansas. It was a fraud, an impt,
sition that had no claims whatever to be re.
yarded as a genuine Constitution. The Presi•
dent urged its acceptance by Congress, on
the ground that it had been framed by a legal
Convention and ratified by a popular vote.
But the President knew, and everybody knew,
that this was not the whole case. The COI,
Velllloll was a fraud; the submission to the
people was a fraud. The whole transaction,
from beginning to end, reeked with frauds of
the grossest, basest, vi.est kind. From its
curliest inception, the Lecompton Constitu
tion was the creation of fraud and force. The
first Territorial Legislature of Kansas was an
imposition, concocted by violence and usurp:
Bon by armed invaders from Missouri. All
the.succe;ding transactions, down to the pre
tended ratification of the Lecompton Consti.
tution, partook of the mune character, and
flowed front the same evil and polluted source.
Will any Senator here deny this? Will any
SenatOr affirm that these allegations, these
prov d sad recorded tem eit of th
e origin
of the Lecompton Constitution, are not true?
Here Mr. Crittenden paused and looked
arourd the Chamber. Nearly every Admin
istration Senator was presetd, but no one yen.
lured to reply.
Resuming, the Senator from Kentacky en.
Weed into a masterly exposition: of the extra.
ordinary proceedings of John Calhoun, culmi
nating in the last election, in which Kicka
pee and Shawnee and Delaware Crossing sur•
passed themselves in fraudulent efforts to se-
cure the State offices. He had seen the re•
port of the Commissioners appointed by the
Territorial Legislature to investigate these
frauds, and in that report there was the most
ample proof of all that. had been charged
against Calhoun and his party.
We are applied to admit a new Slate into
the Union. An instrument is presented pur
porting to be her Constitution. But citizens
of that State protest against its acceptance.
They declare that it is not their Constitution.
They affirm that it is a fraudulent instrument,
the result of base devices, and that it is ab
horrent to the people of the State. The con
stituted authorities of the new State have sent
to us their remonstrance, formally afiirtning
the same thing. Can the Senate, will the
Senate disregard these protests, and in the
face of all these remoostrances, of all' these
proofs, persist in forcing the Lecompton Con.
stitution upon Kansas? What advantage to
the country or to any portion of the country
can result from such an outrage? Will it
benefit the South, or will it benefit the North?
No one can show that it will. The South will
certainly gain nothing, for no one supposes
that Kansas can become a Slave State. The
Southern men who have spoken ou this sub.
jest generally admit that.
Mr. Crittenden then mentioned the names
of some Southern men who thought that Sla
very could not he established in Kansas—am•
bog them, Mr. Keitt of South Carolina. At
this point, Mr. Hammond of South Carolina
questioned the correctness of this stateme4
about Mr. Keitt.
MI. Crittenden took up a pamphlet and read
various citations from Southern speeches, to
the effect that Slavery could not go into Kan
sas—among them, a citation from a speech
by Mr. Keitt. Mr. Green of Missouri lucre
fancied be saw an opportunity to put in his
oar. Ile rose, with his usual air of overwhelm.
int; superiority, and
: asked : "What is the
book from which the Senator reads ?"
Mr. Crittenden replied that it was a cowl
lotion on the Slavery question.
Mr. Green, evidently thinkiug he should
bring out the name of some notorious Aholi•
tionist (the pamphlet at a distance looked
very much like The Tribune Almanac,) de
mended the author's name. Mr. Crittenden
adju sled his spectacles with studied delibera•
lion, examined the title page carefully, then
turtled to the impatient and expectant Sena.
for from Missouri, and said, with peculiar em.
phalli*, "The author does not put his name on
the title page; he merely states that he is a
Southern State Rights Democrat." The Sen
ate laughed, and its laughter redouble 1,
after vainly, endeavoring to find something to
say, Mr. Greet,, with the blankest of blank
latks, slowly subsided into his seat.
After this interlude, Mr. Crittenden went on
to declare that he was a Southern tnaa who
had always lived in the South and was attach
ed to Southern institutions. Ile would go as
far an he who went farthest in defense of Son•
them rights. 'But, resolute and zealous as he
I was for the maintenance of the rights of his
own State and section, he wits equally resit•
lute and equally zealous in upholding the
rights of others. Every argument that could
be used against encroachment on the South
applied against encroachment on the rights of
Kansas. The venerable Senator then made
an eloquent and pathetic appeal fur the Union
lamenting the dtsgensions and the alienation
that had sprung up bet.ea the different ace•
thins of the country, and deprecating the ne•
rimony with, which it had become common for
gentlemen of one section to speak of the chat ,
acter and condition of the other section.
In conclnsion, Slr. Crittenden entered into a
convincing argument to show that by the
Lecompton Constitution, if ratified by Con
gress, the people of Kansas would have nu
sight to change or amend that instrument be
fore 181i4. The doctrine that maintained that
they could was radical end revolutionary. II
teas dangerous to the Constitution of the L'oi•
ted States, which, if that doctrine prevailed,
might be overthrown by a mere Convention of
the people at any thee, without regard to the
limitations now contained its the Constitution
Before sitting down, the Senator gave no
tire of an amendment to the pending bill, pro.
siding for a submission of the whole question
to the people of Kansas.
Mr. Critimiden's speech was two hours
long. It had the unbroken attention of the
Senate, and wan 'intoned to by as numerous
an auditory as could be crowded into the
chamber, including most of the promineot
members of the House of it-presentative. It
was a great speech, worthy of the best days
of the Senate, and is destined, when printed
and rend, to have a prodigious• effect upon
public opinion. Mr. Trumbull of Illinois,
who followed Mr. Crittenden in this great de.
bate, began by complimenting in the warm
est manner the speech of Mr. Crittenden,
which he hoped would be universally read at
the South, where its convincing eloquence
could hardly fail to render fieeiallptoll as odi
ous a.. it was nt the North.
Mr. Trumbull it now making what proofs•
es to lie a long and thorough speech on the
whole Kansas question. lie is discussing the
character and results of the Kansas Nebraska
Arrival from Camp Scott.
Later News—Condition V the Army—The
Montana Fortifying the Principal lasses—
Snow—lndians Side with the Americans,
S.T. Loris, March 15.
Very unexpectedly, Mr. Julia Hartnett, Sec.
rotary of the Territory of Utah, arrived in this
city Saturday night, front Camp Scott. Ile left
that post on the 26th of January, bringing es
news from the army two or three weeks later
than our direct advices.
At the time he left the entire command was
in n very comfortable condition. enjoying es•
cellent health, and, considering all thing, get
ting along pleasantly. Only four deaths had
occurred since the arrival of the command,
and one officer, Lien,. Smith, U. S. Infantry,
was sick. They had plenty to eat, and by a
judicious supply. of different kinds of food, the.
seury was altogether avoided.
All intercourse between the Mormons of Salt
Lake Valley and the troops at Camp Scott,
ceased after the first of January. It was, how
ever, well established, that the Mormons were
actively employed in fortitying the most
tant passes lending to Salt Luke city, and they
intended to offer resistance to the advance of
the army upon their city. It is admitted that
the CWIIIOIIB, fortified and in the possession of
determined men, offer very great, if not limit,
mountable obstacles to the march of the troops;
and it was seriously discussed in camp, whether
the march upon Salt Lake city should not be
made by another route, a hundred miles longer
in distance, bit presenting fewer obstruction.,
and those of 111) serious magni•ude. This, it
was supposed, would be done, as soon as rein
forcements, supplies, and particularly animals,
could be obtained. Colonel Johnson calcula
ted upon receiving this aid by the latter part
of May or the first of Juno. lie had ordered
the troops at Forts Laramie and Kearney to
join Idiot at the earliest possible period this
spring, and they will 'move, it is understood, as
soon as forage sufficient for the animals can be
It is satisfactory to know that the reports
which represented that the Indians of that coun
try were in the interest of, and would take sides
with the Mormons, are incorrect. A large par
ty of the Utah—two hundred in number, of
the principal men, had been in Camp Scott,
were well received by the superintendent, who
distributed presents to them, and ussuraneed of
peaceable, intentions towards the Americans
were given. Such was the general tenor of tke
information obtained from the traders among
them. The Cheyennes on the route also pro•
fessed a desire to be at peace with our people,
acknowledging that they had been whipped by
them. The Indians were not, however, so
peaceably inclined toward each other ; and us
large numbers of Cheyennes, Pawnees, and
Sioux were in close proximity with each other,
near 01%111.'8 Bluff, a tight wits expected.
The coldest weather experienced at Camp
Scott put the mercury 14 degrees below zero at
sunrise, out the days were 'usually warm find
dry, and as the Camp is favorably located iu a
valley, and wood was plenty, there wee not a
great deal of suffering from this cause. At no
time had the snow been more than five or six
inches deep there. A theatre, under canvass
was one of the most popular sources of unitise:
ment for the troops, and it was well attended.
In his progress front Camp Scott, Mr. Hart.
nett's party found scarcely any snow Ma they
gut to the South Pass. On the south side of
that Pass, the snow was front one and a half to
three and a half feet deep for thirty miles. The
crust of the snow was sufficient to boar the
weight of the men, hut the pack mules suffered
terribly, breaking through the crust, and lie
quently stumbling and falling down. Front
that point to Fort Laramie there was no snow,
but the weather was exceedingly cold. On the
second day. out from Laramie a general thaw
commenced, nod the mat; was muddy and full
of water until Gory reached. Fort Kearney.—
There the weather was warm and the road hot.
ter. Grass may be expected ut an earlier
niod titan usual.
No mail had been received at Camp Sr .' I
since that of the first of October, which w.
out with Col. Cooke's minuend. A
copy of the Republican found its way into l!a•
camp from Fort Laramie, and wits i• great .! •
mend. The mail of November lot was one • t
Green river, and would get into the camp •.
the 30th January i that of the lot at datO,...
was met at the foot of the Rocky Ridge, on it
20th of February, where they had aband.,..l
their waves, with the intention of pat:l:tog
their animals through the Smith Pass; the mail
of the first of February was met on the 21st,
six miles beyond Ash Hollow; and the mail of
March, four (ley on'. from Atchison.
Those who have correspondence with Camp
Scott, (.1111. from these figures. see what there is
of getting letters to and from hint post. Mr.
Ilartnen's party had fifteen mules with them,
and their animals, when they could not find dry
press, had to subsist on cotton wood and Willow
twigs, Mr. 11. was accompanied by Messrs.
Livingston. John Kerr, R.. Carter, Mr. Clark
at.d Peter Rene. Messrs. Livingston and Kt.rr
Ind in their possession an "express mail . ' from
the army at Utah• whirl, will be opened and
distributed at Fort Leavenworth.
About the time of their arrival at Fort Lam_
mie, Mr. Geier, of the firm of Ward k. Ga et'
settlers and trader, at the fort, was killed int
the explosion of a keg of gunpowder. He tvas
in a wttgon nt the time, and his body was
thrown to a great distance. The ',cement or.
curved 10111 C diSlllll2ll from the fort, wfille ho
was out on a trading expedition.
The territotial geverninent was in raik a
passive state at Camp Scott, witittng •
meats which would take the ollieers t..• :c
of governineat ut Great Salt Luke
dohnittat was very popular with his
comprising, with the volunteers, some two thou
sand three hundred tile., and the mast friendly
relations existed between hint and the civil di
vision of the tamp.
Important from Kansas.
?:sic Kansas Election—Entire Triumph of the
Free State Tidal—The Enrollment It/ . Me
Uuiny (in—lie/knit u; the Pro Sla
very Nee to role—Rerical of 11114i11e38.
Qummito, K. T., March 11.
The election of delegmes to the Constitution.
al Convention, so far as betted from, has passed
off quietly: In Leave:mash county a liou4las
Deuu•cratic ticket was put in the field, but was
beaten by five to one by the regular Free !State
ticket. In Jefferson county, a "bolting" Free
State ticket was run, because the regular ticket
was too to suit some parties ; but the
latter was elected. lit nearly all other counties
there was no opposition to the regular Free
State ticket, the pro•Sluvery teen refusing to go
into the election. There being substantially
DO opposition, the Free State vote wits t int q u it e
as heavy as on the 4th of January. It is est:
nutted at about nine thousand.
At present, all is quiet at Fort Scott, though
&Dam- (who stabbed Bailey in Lecompton
last summer) sod several other ruffians are still
lingering eland there, obviously with the sites.
tiun of renewing disturbances as soon as the
troops shall leave.
A Baptist Conference for the Territory has
been in session at Lawrence for several days.—
Thirteen churches were represented. An nsso•
elation was foisted, liut lier of the churches
withdrew on account at the anti slavery charac
ter of the association.
In spite of Gov. Denver's proclamation, is.
sued several days since, advising that the work
of enrolling the militia should cease, the en.
rollumut is steadily progressitig, two hundred
e nrolling officers being engaged in it, in differ.
eat parts of the Territory.
Coleman, the murderer of Dow, has fi,,d
from the Territoay.
A new free-labor paper, called the Clarion,
is about to be started in Kutisas City, Ido.
Col. Sumner.
The Carlisle American publishes in full, the
proceedings of the recent Court.martial fur the
trial of Cul. Sumner. It. says 'the trial was
conducted with open doom, and was attended
by a, number of spectators ham town and cone
try, who manifested a deep concern in the re.
suit. We are happy to announce, that by tele.
graph despatch received from Washington, lute
on Monday evening, Col. Sumner is honorably
acquitted of the charge preferred against him.
This favorable result has doubtless caused both
the Colonel and his numerous ardent friends to
breathe freer, lie look final leave of this
place on Tuesday morning for Philadelphia,
having been escorted to the ears by a large de.
legation of our citizens, who greeted him
with three enthusiastic cheers, which made the
welkin ring, on his departure."
Thomas Washington Smith, who was
acquitted of the murder of Richard Carter, in
Philadelphia, on the ground of .1111A1111 iv at the
time of the commission of the act, is now n
confirmed maniac. His condition is touch re.
grotted by his friends.
On the 1-11 i inst., by Rev. A: 13. Still, ui hie
residence, Mr. Matthew Cornelius, to Mien San
all Jane Temple, of Newton Hamilton.
On the liith inst., by the same at his resi
dence, Mr. Isaiah Graham of Mifflin co., to
Mine Mary Ellen Cornelius, of Mount Union.
Forney's•Lamentation. "Sartaroe" and Washington Irving.
In Saturday's l'reso is a letter from Cul. A rand from Messrs. 'l'. B. Peterson and
Forney, dated W nshington, which is ex. Brothers, in reference to Washington Irving's
ceedingly frank, and contrasts March, 1838, endorsement and recommendation of "Aarta
with March 1837, to the no small detriment of roe," tho new novel by J. A. Maitient!, Des
President Buchanan and those who cling most
erves the attention of the reading world. A
closely to him on his linnsas policy
most iti,jerious charge has been made by a
';What is the .specs row'' One Reign
of Terror. A teat is erected hero, like'sonie New Yolk Publishing I.lBo—nothing 'evil
horrid instrnimint of torture, span which Dem• than that the letter signed "Washington Jr.
(terms are tried turd executed lire theiropinions. ring, " which is praised the
The work ofdecapitation ll. ceased against , ,
lire time foes, is 110,W waged tipon old end ""` """' issue d "' '"' fur
cherished friends. Men are removed and em SOMA years pant, is n forgery. This very se.
inundated, not fur being opposed to Democra. rioas charge is a complete surprise to the pub..
tie principles, but for beim too much in favor I iia jor , at '.. e „,„ roo i , ,, hod they very Orly
or them. The humblest clerk, with his little
r0,,e0, the Inds of the
erase' '
before the public.
who struggles along on his thousand I P
dollars a year, Al oat hide his sentimeuts or It appears that Messrs. Fetride & Co., of New
leave his place. For the bell mid upright lie. :urigirnlly uhtl6rtook to publish the book, nod:
mocrat who dares to think aloud, there is a i ssue d a circular announcin g it some mont h,
abort sbriai he has tot alike be toast Ira which circular contained . the letter refer
ready Mr the °undo. cartel to dismissal on the • ' •
iu~taut. 11' , • i 'red to from 1 1 r. They retiring, they
he is all (TOO( VA CI I I.
rOtill the Populate.' ,nod from the al&red to sell the V ark to Peterson & Brothers,.
White il,• like a common toper. An army and as it was accompanied by his letter, which•
'" 1 the alert 1"1"6"•"; f u r vietin.• contained also a sentenue authorizing them to
Wi•i• t• ••• tt,tiailed gentleman who in the . .
0, those caper
ooros droppers i use it publicly, they purchased it. The origi
o, : •,,:l a tr,•e °imam!! It is At trace caught ull letter is io their passessi•ei, and it bears •
1.: , carried, with nt. lack Or OtillgAOralioll. all the marks of authenticity. Indeed, pia•-•
i•• • •••••• of pe , er, dill" 1,1.1 .
him ilinr with Mr. Irving's handwriting.'
a (1, 1 ,i,(1 , civilised :40614y
tuts they have nu doubt or its genuineness.
HOW Atly other, it is 11161 MOO of ityitiarser., If
1101,10S1 O,VoOliVe Atillietit of Irish lit was not really written by him, it is neither
makes has made then, immortally inhume's.. i the fault 31essrs. Fetridge & Co., who
iiteriaomries now bolain bought the mattuseilpt of the book, nor of
IVashilginti. 1 could name soveral or them m ,
from imr own State, but I Intilear int. the liillior • es ' Is ' c ' el ' un and Pr"the., who bought
of l'eansylvanitt. They ;July in tla•ie alutote- it ha at them, and published it
Ituti trade. Draken in fortune, reakless (.1' their
awn raunt, laughing at ill olio 1.4 uud
IV•iet.tiOg A to they SWAMI inure
extremely 3111XIMIS to earn their guilty wagers.
The most or there creatures, happily, are the
men who have pursuml and persecuted the Pee
-1 'tidied with the came venom which they now lin ( " 11 ."''''14"PPelwe'l in some of the New
display towards those who differ from his I<eto i York.papers of yesterday
The Kansas Election Settled at Last.
In the (I). C.) Fveiiing
WC find the ,uhjoined statement from (ion.
John Culhoun, l're,ident of the Convention
which formed th , Let:omit:on constitution:
• Washington City, March 19, 1839.
leditoi• Washington Star—Sin: As there
has been great anxiety to learn the result of
the late election for members of the State
Legislature, under the lions:is constitution
now before Con,ress, I think it proper t, ,tote
that rucmit information, throu:di Gov. Denver
'lntl others, leaves no donlit that the returned
vote lon, the .'Delawaro Crossing" preeitict,
in Levetiworth county, should be rejected, no d
that certificates of election should be issm,l
without reference to that precinct.
A 11, , ,th 11g0 1 W. put in possession Of
11 , ` , - • rnittioitt what purported to I •
tle• , of the jildges of election at ti n t!
• • :• :, • : in a communication to the Ull•
. . illat it the hurls CM,
,11;•!aviis were presented to me
relinhle Burnt. I should I
• la determining the result
of tl' • : ,:,•oworth comity.
' • rvet.ive , l au t' 1,1)1y to
: ‘..), yet (I'olll Vlll'lollB
. , I:. .., I ant 101 l it) no doubt
ay to •111.1 Alllleinento 01 the .0r eicetio.,
at that inecitict; and I shall therefore, issue
Ow certificates or election to the 111,0. hav
ing ilw highest Intuit>t•r or votes in lwarwt•
wU - rth euunty, irre,pet.tito of the ‘.l)ele‘t:kt,
. .
CroAsing" preeint.
1 regret to odd that dek.ishm will givo
the control of Kansas to a poly which I VI.,
the enemy or peace nod good order, th e
constitution and lowa or the irnion.
To the follwing. porsons, elected -in the
several senatorial and al,pres , ntative distrietit
of K MBA, certifieates of election will accot ,
ditigly issue:
Ist Dist. Doniphot cittotty•—Tettnant
2.1 Dist. Atchison—J. Y. Ilerriford.
31 Dist. Doniphan tk, Atchison--11.. S. Kelly
4th Dist. Leavenworill--C. Vaughp, G.
Sitarkg. C. Chadwick.
6th Dist Brown, Nemoha and Pottowotta
tnie—A. Johnson,
6th Dist. Riley, Marshall, Dickinson and
WaAhingttot— Etot.ry
7th Dist. .Icfller,tt and Calhoun—A. G.
81111)ist. Johnson--A. Pane, E. S. Willti.t:tn.
9th kilts, Anderson and ranklin--
ll Willi:tat,.
10th Di, Lynn—A. C. liattiiitim.
11th Dist. Bourhun and 1110..1ec--I;lake
12th Di,t. Douglas--11. Motruw, W. S,
13111 Dist. Shawnee—W. Oakley.
Lilt Dist. Donn. Allen, &e.—J. P. Cox.
15111 Dist. Ittehardskin, Davis, Wise, 3..-
1 . 1. P. Leonard.
1101,1, 0014:1011:NT.1 . 4E9.
lot Dist. Doniphan Co. Whitt:hod, Boyd :
2tl I)ist, At chhon 11. Bay, A Elliott, J
P. 1V111,1 , r, .1 B. Cl:arch.
:41 Dist, I,..venworill--W. Kemp, .1. W.
Morris, (I.J. Park. .1. 11. Ntqcware, B. Gray,
0. W. Gardiner, W. l'entwli I'. B. Orr.
4th Dist. Brews and Nonni's—E. N. Mur
'tith Dist. Calhoun & Pottowottutnie—J.
tith Dist. Jefferson—Howe., S. S. Cooper,
ith Dist. Marshall and Waahingtun—•Clardy,
Bth Dist. Riley—N. Berry.
9th Dist. Johnson—W. J. Shama, A. A.
Cox, 11. W. Jinles, J. B. Wiley.
10th Dist. I.3l:ins—C A. hunter.
11th Dist. Lynn—J. C. Morey, J. 11. Bar.
12th Dist. Bourbon—W. T. Campbell, J. O.
13th Dist, McGee, Dorn and Allen—E. D,
--- 14 ill Dist. Douglas—E. S. Lo . winan, J, E,
Stewart, S.'l'. Shore, J. Gardner, H. Woke.
15th Dist. Anderson and Franklin—Perry
16th Dist. Shawnee—.
.4. L. Dolman, R. M,
17th Dist. Weller and Coflee—Allen Crolcor.
18th Diet. Woodson, Wilson, &e.—H. Crit•
19th Dint. Breckinride and Richardson—
E. R. Swallow.
20th Dist. Davis, \Vise, Butler, Hunter, &c.
E. It. McCurdy.
Yours Respectfully,, J, CALHOUN.
The reader will observe that this letter says
that "certificates of election will accordingly
issue" to the 1101110119 named. This °teeth, n
took place in Kansas on the 4th of January.—
It is now the 224 of March, and not a Anglo
person chosen to the office has received a cer
tificate of election. Nur 11118 Calhoun issued
the certificates, even since he found it necessa.
ry to coons to the conclusion he announces, and
the inference most likely to he drawn is that
the certificates will issue only after the I.e.
common affair shall have been disposed of in
Congress, sod no more votes are to be halo
, enced by such publications. The whole oldie
State officers were chosen- by the Free State
men quite as fairly as this legislative majority
which is now conceded, and yet do not read
'that Calhoun intends to give them to the free
soil candidates.
"To the editor qf the Nen , Fur/: Tribune:
"An advertisement of a new work, entitled
Sartaroe, by James A. Attlunil, repented in
the journals tad iu eirculard contains what
purports to lie a letter front Mr. Washington
Irving. Will you permit uw the room to state
flint some one connected with t h e book has
been grossly imposed upon, Ibr no such letter
has been written by Mr. Irving? An expla
nation from the publishers in Philadelphia
has been requested, but ns Mr. Irving's :tame
is again so eintspienously paraded in routine.
tion with a spurious letter, it is but just that
this correction shouhl be made tit once. Who
is responsible for this forgery remains to be
been. Respectfully years,
U. I'. Pu•rx.tu, No. 321 Broadway.
this publication is the more extratirdinaiy,
lieenase Mr. Putnam had written to us as pub
lishers of "Sart .rue," on the subject, and in
rouriesy should have waited for our reply.—
fhis letter, dated the 15th hist., was left
at our store late at niliht on the 15th. It id.
New York,,lirarela 15,'39.
Messrs. T. 11. Peterson & Brothers:
“In your CirClllo.l . 11.111101111eing 'Sartaree,'
you•quote a letter purporting to Ito from Mr.
Washington Irving. Mr. Irving remembers
writing tt letter to the author, at his request,
hot Hot the letter whirl, you .llaue
IV In you he ::ootl enouA to It t me know wheth
er you have the original of the letcer yott have
Feinted, mutt fun./ you reeeivcil it 7 I out sure
you comet nut. be aware that there was anything
meerreet in the printed letter. Yours.
0. P. Puts Am.
To thin the following answer woo returned,
un the 01 tho 1711 i, within no hour
after its receipt by our firm
Philadelphia, Karel) 17, 183 ii.
0. P. Putnam
..I%,ursi, this innunent at hand. We have
the original of the following in Mr. Irving..
"Sunnyside, Irvington, Nov. 1,1857,
"Nly Dear friend:
"According to promise I have read Salta
roe, told now will give you my ()pillion of tllO
fetch in O word. It is highly ereditable to
veer genius--it is excellent all in all, the
best toted Prim the Ameriten press for
some years past. It must certainly meet willt
sueve,. 1 will do my best liar you. You
ou g ht to elem., at least, $.1,000 or 5,000 by it
I have written to Murray, of London, my old
publisher. :ts 1 told tell I would, and 1 havo
advked him to reprint the work there, and
Have I,,tited hint that lo; ought to send the
author .1:200 sterling l'er the privilege of min
ting the work ill England. 1 have great indu•
mice with Murray. You may use this when
the book conies out. With the greatest esteem,
I RIO your friend,
Washington Irving.
James A. Maitlatol, N. Y. •
"This work wan rn•iginully to hove keen
published by Fetid& Co., New York, and
over tour mouths ago, they i ,oed eireulars of
it as in press, which were sent all over the
country; mid they at that time published the
above letter. On aceount ot• the retiring of
Fetride & Co., arrangements were made with
os •to publish the work, and among other
thing handed to us, woo lrving's own let
"We hove also another, which we only re•
ceived from the author of Somme two days.
billet', of which the following is an exact
copy :
Sunnyeide, Irvington, Dec. 18, 1857.
'.My Deur Friend :
•rt have read Sartnroe with great interest
and satisfitetion. It is written in excellent
style ; is graphic in its details, end gives aid.
mated and interesting pictures of scenery,
manners ' and characters in Norway. Differ.
eat members of my family have derived both
pleasure and satisfaction (root the perusal of
it. It has all the elements of a successful
publication. I encourage you to proceed in
your literary career, total wish you ;rumess .
and prosperity.
„ .... .
"Wilk the greatest esteem, I am your Friend."
Washington Irving.
The fact that Mr. Irving had written ouch
letter in praise of Sartnroe, and had expensed
his willingness to have his good opinion made
public was our chief inducement to purchase
the copy-right and stereotype plates of the
work from 'Messes. W. P. Fetridge & Co., New
Mr. Putnam, in his card, asserts the latter
to be a forgery, Mr. Maitland has always de
clared it to be genuine. With the question of
veracity between these two gentlemen, it does
not heroine us to meddle. We only owe it to
ourselves to show,. as we hove, that, whether
till letter be gentile or lint, it was given to us
as genuine. Ceitainly, if we had believed the
letter a forgery, or that, being genuine, Mr. Ir
ving did not wish it published, we should not
have used it.
No. 396 Chestnut atreet Philadelphia.
bar We return our thanks to Messrs. Schell,
Africa and Houtz, for favors shown us from
time to time.