111,e firtntingbn lournal. WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR TERMS OF TEE JOURNAL. TERMS The "Hutiyisonox Junius.' I. publishes a 9s following rates t It paid in advance $1,50 If paid within six months after the time of (Continued ) subscribing 1,75 If paid before the expiration of the veer, 2,00 Rut there is s till another curious fact And two dollars and fifty cents if - not paid bearing upon the Christian origin el the fill after the expiration of the year. No subserip. lion taken for a less period than six month.. catacombs. They are in general situated t. All subscriptions arc continued until oth- on somewhat elevated land, and always on semi. ordered, sad nopaper will be discontign -44, until arrearages are paid, except at the option land protected frum the overflow of the ri alf the publisher. vor and from nuns drainage of the hills.— 2. Returned numbers are tes received by us. 1 All numbers sent us in that way are lost, and The early traditions of the Church pre- Dever accomplish the purpose of the sender. I serve the mantes of many Christians who 11. Persons wishing to stop their subscr ipt ions, taustpay up arrearages. and send a written or gave land for the purpose,—a portion of verbal order to that erect, to the attire of pub-' their vignas, or their villas. 'rite names lication hr Iluntingdou 4. °lying notice to a postmaster is neither a of the women Priscilla, Cyriaca and Luct legal or a proper notice. as are honored with such remembrances, S. After one or more numbers of n new year hare been forwarded, a now year tins commenc- and-are attached to three of the catacombs. sd, anti the paper will not be disco:abated until I Sometimes a piece of land was thus occu• orrearageg are paid. See No. I. 'lle Courts base decided that refusing totnk, pied which was surrounded by property IlOwspaper from the anise, or removing and belonging to those who were not Christian. leaving it uncalled for, is Punt A YACIU eridcnoa of intentional filial This seems to have been the case, for in. Subscribers living in distant counties, or in stance, in regard to the cemetery St Cal* either States, will be required to pay invariably , Au advance. fixing ; for (anti this is one of the recent erne above terms will be rigidly adhered discoveries of the Cavaliere de Rossi) the is all eases. paths of this cemetery, creasing and re crossing in three, four and five stages, are all limited to a definite and confined area, and this area is not determined by the quality of the ground, but apparently by the limits of the field overhead. There can be no other probable explanation of this but that Christians would not extend their burial place under land that was not in their possession. Many other facts, an we shall see in other connections, go to estab lish beyond the slightest doubt the Chris tian origin and occupation of the crca- ADTERTISEMENI'S charged at the following /utes I inurtion. 2 in. 3 olio. iiaz hues Cr less, $ 37{ $ 50 Que square, (16 hues,) 50 75 1 00 Two " (52 " ) 100 150 200 3 mu. 6 too. 12 mu. $3 00 $5 00 $0 uo 5 00 II OU 12 00 V 00 12 00 10 00 12 00 la Oil 27 00 Out square, ;re's, squares, s it lb 00 27 00 40 00 do., 913 00 40 00 50 00 Business Cards of six lines, or less, 04.00. The Age of our Race. The surface of the earth to the depth of seine eight or ten miles, is composed of rocks.—These rucks are toll of the re. mains of animals and plants. Thirty thousand spooks of them. which differ from any livirg species, have been disin• toned. yet no human remains are found Among th ein until the loose soil-111nel= is reached, which soil is universally nc• k2owledged to be of vent origin. The tetnains of other animals are found sever al thousand feet below the surface, while the fossil remains of man hove never been found so low as one hundred feet below the surface. Hut if man had been in ex istence wheu ether animals lived. whose remains are found at such depths, his remains would also have been found there, for his hon s•r of the same struc• tare as theirs, and consequently r:o les likely to resist destruction. The Pole Star. l'here must be something without at which we may gaze us at a fixed polar star, a light that is raised above the misty I clouds of this world ; out a sign of our own painting, to indcate what we believe to be the right road, but one set up by bin, whose word is a "lamp to our feet and a light to our path." The holy will of light must be made known unto us. Other wise we live ss in it land of revolution, where the old government is abolished, and a new ono not yet re established; where every one consults his own views and inclinations as to what he shall do or omit to do; where one becomes a murder er with the best conscience, and another with an equally good one takes the booty to himself. Rattlesnakes. A queer genius tells the following : In a village, whi :h I need not Caine, there resided a family consisting of an old man by the name of Beaver, and his three sons all of whom were hard "pets," and who had often laughed to scorn the ftdvices and entreaties of a pious, though very eccentric minister, who resided in the prime town. It happened one of the boys was bitten by a rattlesnake and was ex peoted to die, when the minister was sent for in great haste. On his arrival he found the young man very penitent and anxious to be prayed with. The minis ter calling on the family, kneeled down and prayed in this wise : .0 Lord, we thank thee for rattlesnakes we thank thee because a rattlesnake has bit Jim. We pray thee send a rattle snake to bite John; and one to bite Bill; send one to bite Sant; aud, 0 Lord se d the biggest kind of a rattlesnake to bite the old num; for nothing but rattlesnakes will ever bring the Beaver family to re. pentance !" Recent Diecovery. It always.afiords us pleasure, says a cotemporary, to chronicle the triumph of genius—the creation of minds delving in the realms of thought. We accordingly give place to the following, whioh is no less startling than new. It is, we pre sume, from the pen of an ..unwedded edi tor." "I eat me down in thought profound, This maxim wise I drew; It's easier far to like a girl, 1 1 1Yrin wink, a girl Wes yen ffiistorical *lte4. THE CATACOMBS OF ROME. combs Descending from the level of the ground by a flight of steps into one of the narrow underground passages, one sees on either side, by the light of the taper with which he is provided, range upon range of tombs cut, as has been described, in the walls 'hot border the pathway. Usually the ar =gement is careful, but with an intliscri utinate mingling of larger and smaller graves. as if they had been made one after another, for young and old, according as they might be brought (or burial. Now and then a system of regularity is intro duced, us if the fossi.r, or digger, who was a recognized officer of the early Church, had had the leisure for preparing graves before they were needed. Here, there is a range of little graves for the youngest chil dren, so that all infants should be laid to gether, then a range for children, and then one for the grown np. Sometimes. instead of a grave suitable for a single body, the excavation is made deep enough into the I F rock to admit of two, three, or tour batiks being placed side by side.—family graves. And sometimes, instead of the simple /ocu his, or coffin-like excavation, there is an arch cut out of the tufa, and sunk beck over the whole depth of the grave, the out er side of which is not cut away so that, instead of being closed in front by a per pendi:ular slab of marble or by tiles, it is I covered on the top by a horizontal slab.— Such a grave is called an areosolium, and its somewhat elaborate construction leads to the conclusion that it Was rarely used in the earliest period of the catacomb.. The arcosolia are usually wide enough for more than one body ; and it would seem, front inscriptions that have been found upon their covenng•slabs, that they were not nitre quently prepared during the lifetime of persons who had paid beforehand fur their graves. It is not improbable that the ex pense of some one or more of the cemete ries may have been borne by the richer members of the Christian community, foi 'he sake of their poorer brothers in the faith. The example of Nicodemus was one that would he readily followed. But beside the different forms of the graves, by which their general character was varied, there were often personal marks of aflec ion and remembrance affix ed to the narrow excavations, which give to the catacombs their most peculiar and touching interest. The marble lacing of the tomb is engraved with a simple name or date ; or where tiles take the place of marble, the few words needed are scratch• ed upon this hard surface. It is not much to say that we know more of the common faith and feelings, of the au ner. logs and rejoicings of the first two centu ries from these inscriptions than from all other goatees put together. In another pa per we purpose to treat more fully of them. As we walk along the dark passage, the eye is caught by the gleam of a little fluke of glass fastened in the cement which once held the closing slab befor the long since rifled grave. We atop to look at it. It is a broken bit from the bottom of a little jar; (ampulla); but that little jar once held the drops of a martyr's blood, which had been carefully gathered up by those who learned from him how to die, and placed hero- en a " LIBERTY AND UNION. ■Ow API 10 RRRRR , ONE •ND INSEPARABLE. " ____ _ . -_-.-. - • - _ precious memorial of h , s faith fhe name '' Resolved, That we as Teachers, tender of the martyr was perimps never writt..n . abut . attaonal, 9or warmest their km to the citizens. diree on his grave ; if it were ever there, it hes , tore and Cointy Supeeintendent, for their attendance, and co-operation during thie been lost for centuries ; but the little dulind For fie Avenel• meeting bit of guess. as it cetches the rays the rays , FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP TEACHER'S , Rexolved. That these proceedings be of the taper borne through the silent files ASSOnIATION signed by th officers and published io of gravee, sparkles and el- ems with n light Me , in the Cool Run SChOOl House on the web, Journal, and Herald. and glary ;tie of this world. There are ; Friday Evening. March tith. Owing to i The meeting then adjourned. other graves is which mart the roldeees!if the evening. there were M. F. CAMPBELL, Pres't. yre have lain. hie lets Teacher, prevent. After orgeni . Wm. McDoesiate. Seey. where no rush sign as this 'appears, 'iv le its place the vele scattering of a p a l m , z'''Ll by electing G. W Madera Free't , Herter raged frithe Illinois State branch. upon the rock or planter. I. ea. ee , A G Ewing, Sec'ry. A. 0. Ewing Puson—A Desperate Conflict the sign of victory, and he who lay w:thin we; cafiod 11Prill 1." 3,-hoer the opmiing Neel' excitement Woe ceased in Alton, had conquered The great rudeness in a eet: e; e f.:e• we f .'l,,weit hy e artesee Illinois, !net Monday by the revolt of it the drawing of the palm. often as if, while I r"' M' .I '''''' :. '' ed 1 tV. Moore, Eoq desperate ennvirt named Hall. from Chi the mortar was still tvet. the mason lied ''''' l " "'""' it .-r ''''" •" '' eerier:o end c.,go lie determined to recaps, and made the linen upon it with his trowel. i: a i ' l ' ir """ . '''''''k° liv ol•fforent pet,ons watehing hie niaperinnity, when only one striking inoication of the state of feeli .2 Present 'Ph.' , essietis duteig -leer lay of the guards (named Crabli) was in the nt the time when the grave was made.— : were 'Ve'ill'" it , di-one-tine end exelain- ha', surrounding the cells, he knocked There was no pomp or parade; peseibly ! fug the di ff , •reni meteede of ref.-lime hi. 'town end dregeed him into a cell. the burial of him or her who had died Inc i Arithmetic :leading, tend Writing. The :bill then fooled the door of the cell. the faith was in secret ; (doge who torrid : in....rine. „as ty , II sitt estled he 'he parents :del drew a knife, declaring that he would t he corpse of their beloved to the tomb t'nl ,''',',,ar of the di'it rite. The exerei- murder Mr. Crebb if any attempt was were, perhaps. ,n this very act, preparing g e e thrmigheet were interesting. The made to remote him. to follow his steps,—were, perlinos. preps- fellowiett reeo mien was passed end or These metiers continued until noon, ring themselves for his fate. Their th Wt. , dered to In put no the Minnies. when flrebh nettle some effort to open the were with their Lord, and with his disci : Pesnlred, Th., we 1, ,, e beard with deep dote. hut was hninenitate'y cut severely in pie who had just suffered for his seke.— l'it"e'l,l7.'pg,',t„.llll,`',l:,,°:'„(i."'..j.fint'il.;,„".ri, o ,i n: id hz e t hir hand by the convict During the des , the with their Saviour who was coming .0 syaipathi, with hint in hi.,Vetion. 1Y • i• • • cony et eta',• d his teens of submission to soon. What matter to them in Put a name !lie steering Ile, il ad 'turned to meet he a reviver lond..d by himself. a fell citi on the tomb? They could no foreel ID the Spree,' Creek h'ch"ol Maim on zee" dress $lOO ie manes, and to he drin. where they had Isel the torn and wearied Friday Evening Marc, 19th. en nut of town hr n clone carriage, accent. limbs nway. In peace. they tumid write e. G HAVING, Rec'ry. ponied by Oral+. to such place ns he nn the stone a palm branch should he .........-,e--- should deejenate ; all of which were, of ; 1 , ',,r fhe jeum,,l, marked in th; leerier. the slgn of suffering TEA.CNVIUS 'INSTITUTE. course iendmissable. In the meen.ime, and triumph. Their Lord would Tetein- 1 .'aretetrit to a call of the Directors of however, Col. Buckmester procured a bet his servant. Wes not his blood crying thin tr„wiiship• for a Teacher's Insti. pnrdntt from the Governor to be used in his discretion ; but up to 12 o'clock last to the Lord from the ground? And world tete to he lick! at slepleten; on the 57h., they doubt that the Lard would also pro cm ; g,h ., of March. Sem meeting ,. wee night, no i• formation of it had 'oeen given met and avenge? In those first 'lets there eetie.l to reeler by electing. M F. ratite to the convict. All day the guards were wen little thought of relics to he cerriedh e n R,- .. 1 Pr es , „; John Hunt Iton end on the watch to shoot the scoundrel, but p as he had positively declared he would neety,—little thought of matereal F.l' , Y. 0. 1,--vi Pheasant. Vic, Presto; and Ik'm mien.. to the dull i ineiz ieet io n en d twe e .. Ileneeeld Seev J M Rionebtaker tht it kill Cobb if he was not instantly killed the failing in inorje The , terms' 'tett'. et ~,,, , ~, , ,, , , , i. tht , ohj,, of the ~ , , , iiin. hi,osclr, great care had to be taken. fo r their religion were too real In ttnan :.t, if • fear he might putt his threat in execution, faith rie• i'e , i'lent Wee then C:ii!..ll upon, a 1 A ' o Caibb had no arms whatever. the yard d wee In n siec ec" ; their belief is l:•' ne,e some remarks upon th • subject f actual union of heaven and ...init. eed el F . , ! „,,„ 7 ,,„ ; ,h,, Common School : , ,Ach. guards not being allowed to carry nny,nnd the presence of God with them in the efe ceiling and followed by Coil. Tolle lind n.-thing whatever to defend himself world. too absolute to +Maw them to f.,•1 ti e Donaldson.On neaten, from tiny attack of the desperado. eaten, J. M. Stonehru need of that lower order tit nicimeute,,t, l'he whole day and evening was the n kt•i• the n opened the subject of the 'Pea- . which are the resort of *llll,NlitiOn lg. spent m trying to shoo( Hall and at the cle.r'e ditty 14 the gover ning of his school. ranee, end conventionalism in n•ligtot. It, Th,„ s ubject was then very animetine eiene time not hit Mr. Crabh, and &idly, l. the earlier burials. no difference-, save the 'discussed by Messrs Baker. Whitne y, the next morning. by a stratagem of the ampulla and the palm, or seine e q uall yStrinehraker and others. Miss Welver deer of the COll was got open and the sHu sign. distinguished the graves of the, warden cried out to (trehh the imprisoned ton, Miss Glazier, and' Sir. Whitney ' martyrs from those of other Christians. were then npponned as a committee, ia guord. to fight Inc his life. Ile according- It is not to be suposed that the teemed erepare further business for the meeting ly spr a ng to the open door, but not be was stubbed by himself the convict nine times, stow of the Christian community in Rome Bv metion J. M. Stenebraker was added seven times in the back. and twice on the during the first three centuries, ens that to this ciminittee. The committee then , arms. When the poor victim was drug of suffering and alarm. A period of per- presented the follnwing subjeets, for the , gild ou,, the convict barred the door again set:wadi was the exception to long courses morning dis„ecirm end refused to yield He was then given of calm years. Undoubtedly, during most , lot The beet method of l'enehin ' g a few minutes for reflection, and the rebel of the tittle, tee faith was professedly I/II- , A rit h metic was ' titerl much dodging and effort, to get der restraint, end possibly with a sense of and. The best method of securing ant of the reach of the fire, shot by the insecurity which rendered it attractive to good order, in School, and punctual ate warden. ardent souls. anti eresery. d something of t en d ert ,. 'nt ball struck his skull just below the its filet sincere). It must ho remembered •tflie nieetine theta adjourned m meet 1 • " left ear, and glancing around. lodged un due the, first Christian converts were most• 9 o'clock A. M. the kiln He fell instantly and was drag ly (rem ninon the poorer classes, and that Saturday the tith. gad Cell of the cell, and was thought to be however we 'eight have udmired their sir-, Agreeable to adjournment the Tench dead, but soon recovered and talked as toes, ve might yet have been offend ; el by er's, Directors and friends of Education, sensible as arty man could under the cit. 'inueh that was course and unrefined in the • net nt 9 o'clock The meeting was then CUHIPiaIICYP After the convict was taken external exhibiting. of their religion. The calked tn order by Miss Glazier. Neste out ot the cell, his knife nootit 8 inches long, ,tote features which uccompeny the rt•li- • pre tem. The minutes, were then read with n double edge, won found in the cell gem the religious aintarstations of the nn- . and approved. The subio , ct; the hest and on his person was found another lat. cudivated in our own days, undoubtedly , method of teaching Aritlitnetic being first ger knife, with e blade 4 inched long.— with somewhat different aspect, preseet.•d in order., w as then taken up, and ope ned fritbh the emended gutted, was inimedi• themselves at Nettie The entliuries.ae. b y Mr Baker, followed by, Stonebrae , r .• awls taken to the hospital, and hie wounds the visions, the loud preaching and pray- , Whitney , Miss Wolverton, Miss Glezier, were exemined and dressed by Dr. Wil• fug. the dull iteration end reie•rutiya of ,n and cleei.a try Mr. Owen. the County St, limns. the pristin surgeon. and Allen. spired truth till all the inspiratiott is driven fieri „, oodooi who „ ono. , ~ ~ hivo , ein of f 4,, . I ----....-.......---- . . out, were all probably to be heard a n d ait m ei , i „l ,end practical instruction: with Strange Hallucination. nessed in the early Christian days of Roue ... i i„,„ . est ... r e i .no u p o n th e Black board. We regret to learn that John D. Stock- Not all the converts were saints.—and nom. ' i i 1 Ito 1...e..erl present unanimously en. inn. the distinguished suo•editor of the . 01 them were such saints us the Cuittonc ' d„ r „,..0 this veotern . as being the be st ilitledelphia City Item, has become painter, of the lust three centuries have ' in , 'hitt of teaching . his bra •oh ~1 Educe hopelv.sly insane. Ile is the subject of a prostituted Art and debased Religion in ei,.. 60'. 11l our Common Schools. a. nun intik singular hallucination, imaging him producing The reul St %cilia stood in . non It., regular betiness was Imo lion el. self to be the new opera house, orchestra the beauty of holiness before the duel let soi l the -object How • tan: totem. shmild and sing, i•erformers being, os he fancies, in his stomach, and the chandelier his at Rome far purer and holier thee ItaiMeel has painted her. Dominichino ihtS, 0111.111.. 1," „ . :„ " 1 . ::: . : i t n o :, i d : V , ,-; „agn and s i n s e i c i e : 1 7: 1 : 3 b , i ' i (era head He has been unable to sleep for seve., nights on account of the turning of ged ever feeling of devotion, every amine ; large Felton! wi'hout a System ot rhos ~,auj..at the violins. sod accuses hie physician, Dr. of truth, every sympathy for the true ,uf s;og was then taken up The Chopman. of adinimstring resin to him in Mr. Stonehrak, and wits feting of the women who were cruelly wits opened b e murdered for their faith, in his picture of followed by Mr. Baker, Miss 'Wolverton• his mediemen. en act which we think that the Martyrdom of St. Agnes. It is dint :M r pheasant, Irvin and awri, a ,speolob, professional gentleman would cult to destroy the effect that bat been pro i o n „wii„„ adjourned ti., meet at I a , . net commit The wind instruments give ducted upon one's own heart by those in. : clock is U. hint great pam.aud he completes bitterly numerable other pictures of declining art, 1 AFTERNOON SESSION. i Herr Formes. who, he alleges, manifest. .! —pictures honored by the Renton ''Lurch i Matinee wen called to order by ~,,,,,, his radical propensities by singing the lib -1 dto day.—and to bring tip before cu e' s 1 Fi u me«, Irvin to the chair. s . evil , song from II Puritani, at the most tro - imegination, in vivid natural, and probable i M r . (teen then continued the subject inaisoneble hours, an imputation which outline, the life and form of the conv e rts. 'which wan and •r diacussion when ad: does g eat injustice to that distinguished 'saints, end martyrs of the first cerituriea. ' journed After which the regular quee German artist. Mr. Stockton has bean in If we could vanish all remetehrance of all Sun iii enter. upon the inmates wan bruit the habit of attending the opera constant , ' the churches and all the pictures contained :up and iliseusted he Messrs. Baker. Bare ly. and this, we understand, is the cause in them, built and panted ablest she four- Hamilton. stonehreker, and Owen. alr. lof his derangement. His sad career teenth century, we might hope to gain Baker item pretested the following Reso. , should be a warning to youth.—Chrielias some better view of thY Christians who li• lu;imis, which were adopted, en amended. Observer. . . ved above the c tacombs, and were buried Rexatied, That we consider it the 'tn. I --................ ensure duty. not ouly of every Teacher. ! Re-Union in Heaven. in them It is tram the camomile: that we rain of Parenis. and Directors. in attend as ' I am fully persuaded that I shall must seek all that ie left toe usable us to often an ,ossible. Teacher's Instituter ' love my friends in Heaven, and therefore construct the image Viet we dewy. R.solved. That it is impossible for a y know them; and this principally binds me (To be Cmtmeted.)l'erielier, to succeed even tolerably well, .to them on earth. If I thought I should --IN.I. 'lt it. mit a tytiteM of Text Honks I never know them mere nor therefore Mr Mr. Henry Ward Beecher is R , esolved. I hat no School should be , love them after death I should love them i kept open on Saturdays; as a good means i comparattvely little now; as I do all about so twil for California. of procuring punctual ettenderice. ' transitory thinge.—HeratVr. HtTNTTNGTX)N, PA., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 24. 1858. For the Journal. Vaal gliniaturts. x 0.8: Courage Upon no moral trait of character ha s there been more difference of opinion, than this Some would my 'the child who with clenched first Would resent the acci dental breaking of a toy by a playmate' is a brave lad ; while another who in similar circumstances sadly walks inn in tears is called a coward. Hut such decisions are prompted mare by inclination, than juidgemeni He only is courageous who is ready and willing to assist his neighbors in any emergency ; who will do nothing rashly, and who without fear will accom. plish al! he does begin with due consider ation. Fear nothing but shame, and dare anything that is virtuous. Men are usu ally possessed of more determined cour• age in iminent peril, while women are blessed with superior presence of mind when surrounded by sudden danger— Both are useful, and combined will pro duce that rational firmness which is so much needed to assist us thro' the throng paths of life ; curbing the headetrung rash ness of youth, and subs tituting the milder sway of peace. Amid the et,rdianging scenes of a bursting world in whatever quarter inan is placed, contentions, and enemies, are to be found, and it requires more than mildness, and generosity to be able to live aright in society. -'Trials arise which require the most vigorous exercise of the moral powers to support us. It hat more striking illustration of this can be found that the dreadful temptation o' strong drink, and what requires more for titude to subdue ? Nothing great can be accomplished, nor can we pass thro' the most retired scenes of existence without opportunity to enlarge our truly brave powers. And as a prominent ingredient in this moral mixture of traits faith and fear of God firms a large portion. Con siitutional courage can never be depended oil, hut patience, will supply the deficien q. “Pfesenco of mind, and coursge, in distress Are more than armies to procure success; Truo courage but front opposition grows. But what are fifty, what thousand foes, Matched to the mew of a single arm 'Htt etriketi for liberty." Our revolutionary heroes were Chris tians, and law-loving citizens, who [lever unnecessarily sacrified life. But as (sir peace has spread her wings over our net continent now let us as truly show our courage by deeds of generosity, benevo• lence, and patient endurance, as they did in their times by the noble defence of their country. Opportunity enough is given as our population increases, and agricultu ral, commercial, and mechnnic, difficulties surround us, Then rouse yourselves my fronds, and .be of good courage, and fear not' and "What conscience dictates to be done, Or warna me not to do; This teach me more than Hell to shun That more than Heaven pursue. EDUCATOR, sir The hope of future happiness is a perpetual source of consolation to good men —Under trouble it soothes their minds; amidst temptation it supports their virtue; and in their dying moments ena bles them to say, 0 Death! where is thy sting ? 0 Grave ! where is thy vie tory ? Good Apology. They had a ball down to Waverly the ether night, which brought out some re markable expressions. Among other tran spirations, the following instance of a cool apology took place. Bill i ) . is known all over, and Bill was at this ball in all his glory . All his necessaries for pleasure were on hand, good musio, pretty girls and beauti ful whisky. The evening passed off rap idly, as it always does, and Bill hnd, at a out ten o'clock, become very happy.— Stepping up to a young lady he requested the pleasure of dancing with her. She re plied that she was engaged. 'Well,' said Bill, "are you engaged for the next set ?' She said she was. 'Can I dance with you :he next, then 1' am engaged for that also ' 'Can I dance with you to•nigtt ?' 'No. sir,' with some hesitancy. 'Go to h-11 r said Bill, highly indignant and turned on his heel. After a few momenta Bill is accosted by the brother of the young lady, and char ged with having insulted his sister. Bill denies but professes himself willing to ap• pologise if be has done wrong, and accor dingly steps up to the young lady. when the following conversation ensued : 'Miss L., I understand I have insulted you." ..You have sir " "What did I say, Miss LI" "You told me to go to h—II!" R ell," said Bill, I have come to tell yeti that you ttestiset ge." VOL. XXIII. Ifanners' tolumni He that by the ploayh would thrive, Himself, must either hold or drive." Interesting Facts about . tbe *luta Rest of tries'. During the mild weather of December and January last, we heard the fear of. ten expressed that the buds of fruit t r ace would begin to start, and that they and other trees would be injured. Such fears will not bear the test of a little sultana. hon. All trees have a natural peritici of rest, and will not allow themselves to be awakened until they have enjoyed it. That period begin in Autumn, at the usu al time of the fall of the lest, and even be fore. It begins when the buds for Heft year's growth have become fully formed, at the axils of the leaves, and the new wood has well ripened. Growth their ceases, arid the leaves begin to fall. The soft, hazy weather of Indian Summer may then intervene, yet it Will not disturb the slumbering tree. A few plants, such as daisieS:. violets, Noisette and Bourbon ro ses, the natives of warmer Climates may open their eyelids and smile for a few days, but trees will not be aroused. They will sleep through a fortnight of warm weather in early Winter, for that is their appointed and necessary period of repose. Their slumber is sound and heavy. like that of a weary man in the early hours of night. Nurserymen have experimented with lilacs. aptness and similar plants which are most easily excited; and they find that if taken up in the Fall and planted in a warts green house. they will not start, lot at least a month, although exposed con• stoutly to light, heat and moisture. 8d with hot house grapes; they refuse to push until they have had their needful rest of from two to four months. Heat of 90° will not start them during their natu ral time of rest; but after that period, 40° will develop their buds. The oak and beech trees drop their leaves. in the Island of Maaeira even while the temperature is as high as that of our own Summer, and they take a nap' of several months, undisturbed by the un timely heat around them. In that coun try, the beech oasts its leaves in Novem ber, and buds out again in April, making a rest of about 150 days. The oak sleeps about 110 days; the buttonwood 90; the 'tulip .ree 150, the grape vine a little less. So that these trees, the natives of cold climates, drop their i leaves nearly as early in warmer latitudes, and rest nearly as long, as in their native habitants. Were we to moralize here, we might say that when "Young America" travels in for eign parts, he might well learn a lesson from the trees, and maintain while abroad, the good habits learned at home. But we cite these facts rather to show that mild weather, at least in early Winter, can do little or no harm to vegetation.—dinericare 3grieulturist. Sowing Cabbage Beef& As this month is to the judicious gar dener one of action, we will endeavor to point out how he may improve his time and forward his operations in the garden. Sowing Cabbage Seeds.—About the 20th of this month cabbage seeds of vari ous sorts may be sowed in a warmly situ ated border facing the south, unless the season should be backward. Sow both early and late kinds, in order that you may have a regular succession of cabbages.- Prepare the ground by manuring it, spa ding it deeply and thoroughly pulverizing with the rake. Mix each kind of seed with ashes, so as to enable you to sow them thinly. The seed being sown, sow ashes over them, rake the seed in and compress the earth around them by pla cing z board on the border and treading on it, or by patting the ground with the book of a spade or shovel In from six to eight weeks these plants willbe fit for transplantation in the beds in the open ground for heading, should the season prove favorable. Planting Peas and Beans. As early in this month as the ground from the absence of frost can be prepared in good condition plant peas ■nd beans; and, to insure a continuous supply, plant more every two weeks during this month arid the next. It will not be advisable to plant while the ground is tough and wet. When the peas are about six inches high stick them. Sowing Onion Seed.—ln order to have good, well sized onions from the seed this season you should drill in the seed as early this month as the earth is in a roe• dition to be well wotbett