Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 17, 1858, Image 3

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Of the Limitation Actions and of Liens a
gainst Real Estate in Pennsylvania. By Eft
K. PRICE, g5O.
sign of it is excellent, and its uses are manifold
It must conduce to bring the law on those heads
into better shape, by exhibitidg it in its aggre
gate, and thus showing the bearing of its parts
upon each other. It must also promote the fin
ish and completeness of Conveyancing, which
though vastly advanced beyond what it was fifty
years ago, is still incomplete."
An Analytic Digest of the Laws of the Uni
ted States, from the Adoption of the Consti
tution to the end of the XXXIY Congress,
Esp., editor of "Pardon's Digest," &e. &c.—
I vol. imperial Svo, pp. 1142. Price only $6.
of much valise, and well executed. The he ads
under which the different Acts of Congress are
arranged nVe well chwen and appropriate t and
what is still more important, the Index, so far
as I have been able to examine it, is complete.
The book has evidently born prepared with
touch care and judgment, and will, I daunt not,
be very acceptable ta the public.
vised Edition.
sylvania Reports.
Revised Edition. By M, RUSSELL. THAYER,
March 10, 1858.-2m.5
IMPIrt )4 El,
uLINDSEY has discovered a remedy that
will cure all discuses arising from impure
blood, which is the Inundation of all diseases.
I will warrant it to cure all the withitenamed
diseases, such as
Chronic &rigida, Rumors of Me Skin, Tamore,
Ulcers on Me Head or Body, and all
Breal,onts on the. Fare.
And it will also cure sill Indolent Ulcers of
many years standing ; Sore Mouth, caused from
using mercury, and will eradicate mercury,
from the system. When tho IMPROVED
BLOOD SEARCHER operates on mercury,
all other impurities of the blood will be swent
from the system, and it purifies the blood as
pure as vegetable medicine can make it; and
when the blood is pure, the man woman or
child, will,take no discuss', I'm the impure blood
which is the cause of disease, is gone. It will
also cure all Debilitated Diseases, ouch as
drive front a derangement of the liver; it will
bring the liver into a healthy action, and will
restore the patient to health.
FOB SALE BY Jolm Bead, Huntingdon.—
Jon. P. Heaton, Camillo. Jon. Johnnton,_Pe
tersharg. Silas Cresswell, Manorial!. Wm.
Davis. Shaversville. Freedom Iron Co. Greens
burg Furnace. Boddie & Stewart, West Bar
ree. Saml. IV. Myton, Saulsburg. R. Mc-
Burney, AlcAlavys fort. Elias Musser, McAl
avys fort. Joseph Douglass, MeConnellstown.
J. D. liothriek & Co. Marklesburg. Wm. B.
Lean, Slarleysburg. Thos. Orbison, ()rids.-
ma. D. H. Morrison & Co. Blair, Mills. Al.
A. !Robison & Co. Shade Gup. Lycn Short
4t. CO. Baidengle. 11. C. Walker, Alexandria.
/RC Clark & Son, Birmingham. F. M, Bell
Or Cu. Warriormaik. G. 11. Stiner, Spruce
Creek. .1. W. Menem, Mochanicksville.—
bawl. Matte rn ' Mechanicsville.
Huntingdon. Feb. 04th, 1851.—fim.
Do you wish to find a good employment, and
make money with little or no investment, and
without interfering with your regular business?
Ural do, read this advertisement.
C E. Toon St Co., of n 52 Broome Street
New York, sire manufacturing and selling mas
sive gold Pencils for $5 each, (which are. cheap
at that price',) and they throw in a gift or prize
with each Pencil worth from $2 up to $5, $lO,
$l5, $2O, 525, $3O, $3O, $75, $lOO, $2OO, and
3500. Don't cry out, 'llionbug Lottery l'—
Ws no such thing. The Pencils arc suld at
their cash value, and all the profits over the
first cost are thrown. into the gifts, which actu
ally cost the purchaser nothing. The prizes
are distributed on a situple plan of drawing,
which would take too muds MOM to
but whirls has never failed to give complete
satisfaction We have drawn and sent tu pur
chasers 183 gold watches of various prices, 74
purses of gold dollars. 238 gold lockets, 850
gold chains, and a corresponding number of
other prizes, within two months.
"Tti ERE ARE NO BLANKS," but every
purchaser draws a prize worth $2 certain, and
it Mande thousands of chances to be a higher
. .
'We want a good agent in every neighbor.
hood throughout the country, to solicit purcha
sers, and any agent, to be successful, moat
have a pencil and n prize to exhibit. We pay
agents $1 cash for each purchaser he obtains,
and the first person in any neighborhood who
applies for a Pencil and gift, will receive the
agency for that locality. Should an agent - ob.
taht a valuable prize to exhibit with his Pen
cil, he would have little difficulty in obtaining
scores of purchasers, and making it u payirg
A New Idea Read! 1 Read !
We avk nobody nr send their mosey ;11 they
iimmow what prize they draw. Any'person wish•
iag to try their luck, can first send us their
name and address, and we will wake their
draw and informs them by return mail what
prize they drew, when they can send on and
take the Pencil and prize, or not, whichever
they choose. We give this privilege only once
to a purchaser. After the first drawing, every
purchaser will be required to send in advance
through the authorized agent. We will send
with each drawing the number taken out, with
full description of the plan of drawing.
Address C. E. TODD A Co.
392 Broome Street New York.
Jan. 20tb,1868-6m.
The subscriber, desiring to quit farming, offers
at public sale the following desirable property
at his residence, on FRIDAY, the dUth MARCH
4.. D. 1858, vie
One of which is a fine mare 5 years old ; one o
them a three year old; and eight of them about
two year old each ; two of the two year olds era
well matched. Also
Threshing machine, Grain Drill and Raker,
Windmill, Harrows and Horse-gears, together
with a variety of articles too numerous to in
sert. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said
day, when due attendance and a credit of nine
months will be given. DAVID STONER.
Three Springs, Feb.24;57.-31.
Ant iphlogistla Salt.
This celebrated medicine is for sale at the
Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases
it is a certain cure. Got a box and try it, ye
ho are afflicted.
PrFES s OR O. J il looN
Grey Hair to its Natural Color.
This astonishing and unequalled pitparation
has never failed to produce a growth on Bald
Heads, when used according to the direction,
and turn hair back to its original color, after
having become gray, and reinstate it in all its
original health, lustre, softness Anil beauty. Re
moves at once all scurf, dandruff and unpleasant
itching, scrofida, eruptions and feverish heat
from the scalp. It also prevents the hair from
becoming unhealthy and falling otf, and hence
acts as a perfect HAIR litvtoonAron AND To-
A gentleman of Boston writes to his friend
in New Bedford thus:
To your inquiries I would reply, that when I
first commenced to use Professor Wood's Hair
Restorative, my hair was almost white, and had
been no for the last ten years and it was very
thin on the top of my bead, and very loose, and
pulled 'out very freely t but I found that before
I had used all the second bottle, (which was
right weeks) my hair was entirely changed to
its original color, light brown, and is now free
from dandruff and quite moist. I, have had my
hair cut five or six times since the change, and
have never seen anything like white hair start
ing from the Mote; and it it How as thick as
it ever wasond does not come out all. It has
proved in my case all that I could wish to ask.
July 1, 1855. Yours, c
[From the Boston Herald.]
SOMETHING WORTH Kcwwwo.—By using
Prolestior Wood's Bair Restorative, gray hair
can be permanently restored to its original color.
The subjoined certificate trots Johnson & Stone
Gardiner, Maine. is but one of the many in
stances that aro daily coming to our knowledge,
of its wonderful effects.
_M., Maine, June 22, 1855.
Dr:An Sin :—I have used two lonics of Prof.
Wood's Hair Restorative, and can tritly say it is
the greatest discovery of the age for restoring
and changing the huir. Before using it, I was
a man of seventy. My hair has now attained
its miginal color, You can recommend it to the
world without the least fear, as my Case was one
of the worst kind.
Yours, respectfully ,
Professor 0. J. Wood.
BROOKFIELD, Massachusetts, Jan. 12, 1855.
BEAU Sin :—Having mule a trial of your
Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say
that its effect has been excellent in removing in
flammation, dandruff, and a constant itching
hentione", witwhich I have been troubled fr
childhood; and has also restored myjmir,which
becoming grey, to its original color'. have
used no ether article with anything like the
pleasure and profit. Yours truly.
J. K. lIRAGC.:.
Pastor of the Orthodox Church, 13rooktiehh
Professor Wood.
[From the Missouri Democrat.]
WOOD'S HAIR DYE.—This adinirable ar
ticle in rapidly improving the hair. Nu article
of a similar kind, now before the public, enjoys
a better reputation on a restorative and invigo
rating hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical quali
ties haven beneficial eftect upon the growth tend
character of the hair, giving a silky and glossy
texture jo that which was former', of a coarse
and dry nature. It has, also, we understand, a
tendene3, to preserve the youthful color and ap
pearance of the hair, and destroying or counter
acting the ellects of old age. With such recom
mendations in its favor. weitardly perceive how
any holy or gentleman should be without so val
uable nn adjunct to their toilet.
0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway
N. Y., & 114 Market at.,St. Louis, Missouri.
. Sold in Huntingdon by ox Raon, and 11.
MoMmott.r., and by Druggists everywhere.
Feb. 10, 1858.-3 m. Mur.25,'57.-Iy.
[l l l o 32r.t'JTC:)aD'
runts is one of the grossest medical dice neer
* too ever made. end is daily working mires
Almost ton great to believe. It cures es if ma
and seldom more than nee bottle is required to
ones any kind of Liven Complaint, from the
worstJenndiee or Dyspepsia ton common howl
ache, all of whisk are the result of a ism men
The Liver is one of the prinelpal regulators
of the human body, and when it performs Its
functions well, the pavers of the system are ful
ly developed•- The stomacl,ie almost entirely
dependent on the healthy action of the Niter
for the proper performance of its functions.—
When the stomach is at limit, the bowels are at
fault, and the whole system suffers in Conse
quence of one organ—the Liver—having ceased
to do its duty. For the diseases of that organ
one of the proprietors bee made it his study. in
a practice of more than twenty years, to lint?
some remedy wherewith to enanteract the many
derangements to which it is liable.
To prove that this remedy is at last found,
any person troubled with Liver Complaint in
any or its forme, has but to try a bottle, and
conviction is certain.
A compound has been formed by dissolving
gums. and extracting that part which is soluble
for the active virtues of the medicine. These
gums remove all morbid or bed matter from the
system, supplying in their place a heal by flow
of bile, invigorating the stomach, causing food to
digest well, notifying the blood, giving tone and
health to the whole machinery, removing the
causes of the disease, and effecting a radical
cure without any ,of the disagreeable niter ef
fects, felt by using Calomel or Mineral Poison,
that arc usually resorted to.
To all who will follow thofo directions a cure
is positively guaranteed. Stl. 111,ADACII. can
be cured by the use of two tea-spoonsful taken
os soon as the attack is felt.
The Invigorator never fails to cure sour sto
mock or the bad °fleets experienced after eat
in Bilious attacks yield readily to one bottle, and
Chronic Diantoen, difficult, as it is to cure, is
never troublesome to those who take the Invigo
Par Dysyepsia or Jaundice, nothing in the
known world acts so fully or cores so quickly as
the Invigorator. It removes all yellowness and
unnatural color from the skin.
For Night More, take a dose before retiring,
and it ite warranted a Rice preventative.
For Female ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and sure
remedy, as it rem JVCIS the cause of the disease.
Costiveness cannot exist where the Indigent
for is freely taken, while Cholie yields readily
- to
a few doses.
It must be known that all these are Limon
diseases, cream.' by a deranged Liven. and to
cure them needs a LIVER medicine and one of
great power. The Invigorator is such a medi
cine ; it has medicinal powers, never before dis
covered, that will cure all of the LIVER
no mutter of how long standing, or what may
oe their form. The active medicinal virtues ex
tracted front the gums used is such no to be as
tonishing to all who see their effects, for none
can use the medicine without receiving benefit
It acts as a gentle Carthartie, and should always
be taken in sufficient quantities to act on the
bowels gently. The beat way to lace it in to
take the medicine in the mouth, then take some
water and swallow both together. In this way
the medicine will scarcely be tasted.
SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 945 Broadway
New York. Sold its Huntingdon by HENRY
MCMANIGILL, and John Read.
Feb. 10, 1•116,8 m. hter.16;57.-ty.
WHEAT AND CORN wanted ae this
office. 'Mesa having either can dispose of the
same by calling soon,
Ineorporaied by the Stole of Pennsylvania.
large or small, and interest paid front the
day of deposit to the day et
'the otfiee is open every day from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon ,
and on Monday and Thursday evenings till
HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President,
WM. J. REED, Seeretare.
P. Carroll Brewster,
Joseph B. Barry,
Francis Lee,
Joseph Yerkes,
Henry Ihettenderffer,
payments made daily
Hon. Henry L. Benner,
Edward L. Carter,
Robert L. Selfridge,
Saml. K. Ashton,
C. Landreth Munn. '
Money is received and
without notice.
The investments are
Mortgages, Ground let
clarifies as the Charter ri
made in Real Estate
sate, and such cl ass se
requires. •
To Merchants and Farmers. '
GROUND PI i ASTER can be had at the
Huntingdon Flour and Plaster Mills, in any de
sirable quantity," on and after the let day of
March, 1858. We deliver it once OF cannon
on the cars at the denote of the Pennsylvania
and Broad Top 1.!t?iir9,!1!!!:
Feb.24,'5 7,
Report of the County Auditors
AUDITOR GENERAL FOIL 1847 By ex!'"" ,o6, ! 0110 wed 1, 3' Mem..
tile Appraiser mei Auditors,
A. B. CHEWY'', ESQ., Treasurer of Hon. 13 % Teens r's com on 24.00, 5 pr. et
tingdou County, dec'd., in account with Ow bal. d ue C ow , by C e .T rerm ,
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, up to April,
Tax on Real and Personal Estate. Retailers Licenses.
DR. To aggregate amount of said licen ,
To aggregate amount of tax outman• ties for the year 1857, no per list
ding for 1856 and previous yearn. scabbed the County Treasurer by
no per last animal report. of Ands $11079 02 the Mereamile Appraiser, 971 00
'l'o amount of tax received or nu To balance duo County Treasurer by
seated land, up to 4th Apr. 1857, 210 the Cotnllb 2.5* 42
1 I !,;;; ! I'2. 996 42
By cash paid State Treasurer, as pee ; liy cash paid State 'creasnror as per
receipts dated 12th Feb. '57 and 3.1 I recei pt.t, dated Bth July, 1867, and
March, 1837. t . t% i ••:-' . 711, (Mtober. 1857. 545 00
By amount of tax remaining nneol. I fly CXtrn,r3LlollS allowed by ger.
leant Mr 1850, and previous
~ ear, ~, , l i!.` Af , ,,ii ,, i . ,tl Auditors. 315 50
up to 4th April, 1837, !•.!.!; !I ;; , , ~,...... .0 . . , in 11'014.4 obi . Justice
By Exonerations allowed colleet...! e ! • I'. e•••• riil' colitottio, 77 00
of 1856 and proviso years op to I! , ~,!. ~ r; ..-:;:l t.ri..mrs Mr pub-
April, 1857, -,, !,!,
•; • . • • ... ! .i.., List, ss per r...
By commissions allow..leoll..etms ...; 30 00
1856, and provin, yen, qt. ..• I • • . ...4- ~; !.t, i,git, Olt 0578.50
April, 1857, t 1•:.! .... • • :•• , ;., 28 52
By Tteasurers commission ..t. $6781 ,
66, at 1 per cent.,
By balance due the Commonwealth
by County Treasurer,
To balance due Com'th as per Taut
annual report of Auditors, 211 25
By cash paid State Treasurer, as per
receipt, dated 12th Feb. 1857, 26 55
Distilleries and Breweries.
To balance duo Cem'th as per last
annual report of Auditors: 97 50
Tubal. duo Co. Treasurer by Conith 1 00
By cash paid State Treas. as per re
ceipt dated 12th Feb., 1857, 98 50
liilliard Room,
To balance due Cotn'th as per last
report of Auditors, 14 25
By est,sH. paid State Treasurer. RA per
receipt dated 12th Feb., 1857, • 14 25
Rextuurantt and Ealing Haas,
To balance due Cure li us tier last
annual report of Auditors, 23 00
By e..,11 paid Stale Trea.urer ats per
ree,ipt dated 12th Feb., 1837, 23 00
Miller's Lie...
To balance due Coneth as per lan
annual report or Auditors, 19 95
By NIA paid State Treasurer as per
receipt, dated 12th Feb., 1857,' 19 95
Broker's Licenses.
To balance due Com'th as per last
annual report Auditors, 28 50
By cash paid State Treasurer, as per
receipt, dated 12th Feb., 1857, 28 50
Militia Fines.
To aggregate amount of said fines
outstanding for the year 1856, and
previous years as per last annual
report of Auditors,
By nnionnt of said fines remaining
uncollected for 1857 and previous
13y cash paid State Treasurer as per years,
receipt, dated 12th Feb., 1857, 8 16 Be exonerations slowed collectors
By exonerations allowed Collectors of of 1857 and previous years. 290 SO
1856 and previous years, 14 00 By emninissionv allowed collectors
By commissions allowed collectors of of 1857 and previous years, 15 0.
1856 and previous years, 10 47 By amount paid County Commis.
By amount of said fines remaining sinners for time necessarily em•
uncollected for 1856 and previous played in Military business fur the
years up to April, 1857, 1410 13 year 18.57,
By Treasurer's commission on $84.00 BY amount paid H. W. Miller fur
at 1 per cent., 8 40 furnisfiing and making out dunli•
By balance due Com'th by the Coen- cares of Militia fines fur the year
ty Treasurer, 75 GO 1857.
-- By amount paid Ralph Crotsley for
1526 76 his services as Brigade Inspector,
- for 1857,
F. H. LANE, Esq., Treasurer of Ronne c- By amount paid Treasurer of Scott
don county, in account with the Commonwealth Infantry per order of Captain, for
of Pennaylvania. 1857,
Tax on 'Zeal and Personal Es/ale. ' By amount paid Treasurer of Scott
DR. ' Artillery per order of Captain, for
To aggregate amount of tax outstan- I 1857.
ding up tooth April, 1857, for that ' By cash paid State Treasurer as per
and previous years, 4226 11 . receipt, dated Nth July, 1857,
ro aggregate amount of said lax as By Tre -surer's mann ismion on $537.•
Bossed for the rise of the Cutin'th 73 at 1 per et. '
for 1857, as per statement of the , By i,,,'.inen due the Cotn'th bY Conn,
County Coat's, filed with Treater 1."::,'.:0 50 , ty Treasurer,
To amount of tax received on sneers
ted land for 1657 and previous yrs .
By cash paid State 'Treasurer 1,, r
receipts, dated Bth July. I 3 711,
October, 1837, 2d Devei
mid litli January, 183 S,
By amount of tax remaining unellee
ted for 1057 and previous year, 145i3 t 3
By exuneratione allowed collectora
1857 and previous years,
By commissions allowed collectors of
1857 and previous years,
By amount refunded to J. Douglas,
being this much over-paid on the
State tax on sOttling 'up hie sect,
By Treasurer'scommiseion '4BOO
- at 1 tier eigir, 48 00
By hallow,: due l'ou.'th by the Court
ty Treasure►,
Tarern Licenses.
To aggremire amount of said licenses
for tho year 1.367„ granied by the
Court as per return of the Clerk
of said Court, filed with the Coun
ty Treasurer,
T. balance due the County Treasur'r
by the Commonwealth,
By cash paid State Treasurer as per
rece:pt, dated Bth July, 1857. 750 00
By Treasurer's commissioc 0n750.00
at 5 per cent.,
Distilleries and Breweries
To aggregate amount of said license
fur the year 1857, as per list fur•
niched Co. Treas. by lifer. App'r, 200'00
By exonerations alkiwed by Mercan
tile Appraiser and Auditors,
By Treasurer's commission on 150.00
at 5 per et.,
By bal. doe Corn, by Cu. Trecis,
• Billialit liobtk. i' •-•- ::
To aggregate anicaiiit of saidliceasa ..
• for the year 1857, as per bat for
aished the Co. Trees. by 91er. AO., 30 00
By amount left in hands of JuSlieepf
the Peace lire collection,
Medicine Licenses.
To aggregate aitotoit of Licenses for
the year 1857, as por list furnished
Co. Trower by the Slier. App'r, • 30 00
Eo,' fog Houses.
~ •,, .• ••• amount of soil fleets.
:Str the year 1857, as per list
furnished the tiounty Treasurer by
the Mercantile Appraiser, - 1110
To balance due the County Treas.
rer by Com'th; 4 00
11061 12
By cash paid Stale Treasurer as per
receipt, dated Bth July, 1857, 80 00
By exonerat ions allowedly Mercan
tile Appraiser and Auditors, 80 00
By Treasurers commissions on $BO.-
00 at 5 per et., 4 00
98 50
To aggregate summit. of said licen
se for the your 104, famished
the County Treasurer by ;the Moe
vantile Appraiser, 14 00
tu rat jolts tillowerl by the Men
eiudiiu Appritidet and Aviiitort4, 7 00
By Trens.irers commission 011 $7.00
.1 5 per ct., 35
Ily unlunee due Com'th 'by the
County Trearmer, 6 65
Brokers' License.
To am,regate amount (Amid license
fur the year 1857, 30 00
By Treasurer's commission on $30.•
00 at 5 per et., 1 50
By balance due Com'th by the
County Treasurer, 28 60
Militia Fines.
To aggregate amount of said fines
outstanding for the year 1856 and
previous year+, Re per loot n n uuul
report of Auditors, 1526 it
To aggregate amount of Militia
fines assessed for the year 1857,
as per statement of. the. County
Commissioners filed with the Trea•
1526 70
2921 26
AUdi(l,ll,4 of Etuntiuodun CQUIlty, iu
.` h.h t' Pennsylvania do certify that
of the 4th Section of the act e
, •l i'Attn.., to Counties and Toe L .
c s , tl u 19th day of April, 1834,
• L .; the o,er'u office to the Bur
, .ittulingdun, on the 9th day of January
and aid audit, adjust and settle the se,
• re! aeeettais required of us by law, agreeably
to the several acts of Assembly awl supple
ments thereto, according to the best of onrytalg
ments and abilities. In witness whereof we
have hereunto set our hands this 9th day of
January, 1958, at the ofliee aforesaid.
PIiILIP D. STEVENS,. Auditors,
Feb: 27, 211,9-4 t.
142 21
487 15
13 57
1023 83
19758 71
t HARNESS—MAKER, in want of em•
ployment, can hour of a favorable sit
uation by applying at this office.
750 00
37 50
787 50
THE undersign S will sell Publicale nt
their farm opposite the Borough of Hunt
ingdon, on
MONDAY 15th. of MARCH,
commencing at 10 o'clock, in the morning
ted with their farm, consisting of 15. head of
Horses and Colts, anti. one Mule Colt, 21
head of Cows anti Young Cattle, 20 or more
Hogs, three of which are fine Breeding Sows;
Wagons. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators &c; a
large assortment of Harness or Horse Gears,
Double Trees, Single 'l'rees. Chains &c. Al
so a variety oldie Small Tools and Articles
kept upon a well stocked farm; and a quantity
of Hay hy
TF.IINIB.--Eight month's credit on all sums
above 'lon Dollars, by giving notes with up
proved security.
37 60
787 50
50 00
7 50
142 50
200 00
- - ,
FtlY 17,'18,:-18.
1 7WPY
'hiving received the sole agency of A. Fs
Hazard & Co.. Druggists, Philadn., for the sale
of the Brandy fur Huntingdon county, we con
fidently offer it to the public as a pure and un
adulterated article an
. the following certificate
will prove.
Chemical Inspector's Office,
28 Sixth St., between Walnut and Vine,
10 00
1 00
19 00
30 00
Cincinnati, March, 1857.
This will certify that I have this day inspec
ted two separate lots of Catawba Brandy, one
in Barrels and one in Bottle, manufactured by
Lauritse Lyons, and sold by his Sole Agent, J.
disc* at the Depot, No. 59 opposite the Bur
net House, and 143 %Vest Third Street, Cincin
nati, and find them both pure and free from
all poisonous or deleterious drugs. and as such
Oftve marked the same, as the law directs. Gi
sten under my hand at my (Alice. [signed.]
Inspector of Aiellolic Liquors, &r.
New York, Jrly 28, 1837.
Dear Sir t —I have received a bottle of Lyons'
Pura Ohio Catawba Brandy, furnished by Mr.
A. ltalston. Jr., of Lockport, N. Y., for anaiy
mit, and I find it to contain only those in.
gradients which exist in pure Brandy. The
I roportion of Alcohol obtained from it is 47.00.
I believe title sample to be pare Brandy with
out adulteration—the flavor of it is delicate
iota peculiar. 'MAIM B. CHILTON, M. D.,
only equals, but even excels the beat imported
Brandies in purity and flavor. It is in fact the
Best Brandy known. This statement is fully
corroborated by the certificates of many of our
most distinguished analytical Chemists, some
of which accompany this circular.
The want of PURR BRANDY has long
been felt in this country, and the introduction
of an article of such quality as to supersede
the sale and use of those vile compounds hith
erto sold under the name of Brandy,' can only
be regarded as a great public good. Tho Ca.
tawbu Brandy possesses all the good qualities
claimed fttr the best imported Liquor, and is of
perfect purity and superior flavor. It is there.
fore fully entitled to the patronagwof tho pub
lic. We feel confident that its reception in
this State will be as that which it hoS net with
in the Great West, and that the time is not far
distant, when the superiority of our own Li
quors will put an end to their importation from
abroad. • In Idedicinal purposes this Brandy
has no rival, and has long been needed.
flit" It is a Sovereign and Sure Remedy for
Dyspepsia ' Fhttulency, Low Spirits, Languor,
General Debility,
.J 9 t; 42
164 00
164 00
Eshelby , s Celebrated Still awl
Sparkling Champagne.
These Wines are made its the neighborhood
of Cincinnati. and are guarantied to be the
pure juice of the Grape, and are eminently cal
calmed for invalids, and persons who require a
gentle stimulant, and for Sacramental purposes
or as a beverage will be found equal, if not su
perior. to the best imported.
Retail Price for Brandy and Wines, $1,25
per Quart Bottle.
wir A liberal discount made to the trade.
Address JOHN READ, Druggist.
14 00
30 00
Chambersburg to Mt, Union
'rho undersigned aware .ant a suspension of
the line of Stages over the road between
Chaildiershurg and, Mt, Union, cannot be but
disadrantageous to a large section of the coun
try, has, at a consideraliie expense and trouble
made arrangements to run u line of Stages
Tri-weekly between the two points Good
liorses and comfortable Stages have been pla
ced on the route, soil experienced ,and trusty
driver: will superintend the running of the
Coaches. The proprietorof the line is disirons
dim it be maintained, and he therefore cells
upon thi. public generally to patrouir.o it, confi
dent that it will be for their mutual advantage.
Every attention necessary will be given, and
the running of the Stages will be regular.
:19 , 1 50
2521 26
WM 50
Or Stoics leave Mt, Union, every Tuesday
Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arriving at
Chambersburg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re
turning, leave Chambershurg, the same night
at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt, Union the next
evcaing in time for the cars. Between Mt, Un-
ion and Slade blap the lino will ho daily.
tf 3 r' Pare through $3; to intermediate points
in proportion. JOHN JAMISON
Jan. 20th, 1858.—tf.
AJOURNAL devoted to the Amusemernent and
Interest of Ladies and Gentlemen, entirely
ORIGINAL in all its parts, Light, Gay and
Fast. All this may bo furnished without the
slightest itninorrality in its tendency in gaining
a place in its columns. The lugubrious or
miserable will find nothing corrgeial in the Slip
per while the Humorist and Bore Vivant may
well enjoy it. .
TO Cl,Ul3S,.7 . copies for $3
•t 0 00
10 00
40 00
75 00
50 00
75 00
242 :2
, 12 -- •‘r
28 4.
One subscriber in every seven will be enti•
tied to A GIFT WORTH FROM $1 TO $2OO.
Among the articles to bo distributed, are Gold
and Silver Watches Gold Guard and Vest
Chains, Silver Cake and Fruit Baskets, Gold
Lockets, Armlets, Ea, Drop; Brooches, Pins,
Rings, Gold Dollars, &c.
A honorable system will be used to deter.
mine which one of the seven subscribers shall
be entitled to one of the above GIFTS, which
will be sent immediately cui receipt of the sub.
scription money,
Agents Wanted,
Address all communications to
Corner Worth street and Broadway, N.T.
Fob. 17, '57;-3tu.
Tho Juniata Flour and Plaster Mills, one
mile below Alexandria, Huntingdon county,
Pa., have constantly on hand Ground Plaster,
of the best quality, for which Grain of all
kinds, will be taken in exchange at market
New Card-Press.
Having bought a fast “CAltl) PRESS," we
aro now prepared to print in the prcportion of
three cards in the same time that any other
press in the county can print one, consequent
ly we can print them cheaper--if not done well
we make no charge at all. We ask your pa
sale at this aim it is &mimed to burn wood
or coal.
In excliango for TWO BRICK 110I5Sli t i in
Philadelphia, Pa., as fur Stocks &c.,
No. 123, South Seventh st.,
Jan. 27, '5B. 2in
Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician.
Physician for Diseases of the Lungs, Throat
and Ileart—Formorly Physician to the
Author of""Loge.; o Invalids," IS COMING.
Soo tbllowing Curd.
April Appointments
Dr. Hardman, Physician for disease of the
Longs, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma
rine Ilospitad,) will be in attendance at his
rooms as follows t
Huntingdon, Jackson's Hotel, Monday, Apr. 19.
Lewistown, National Hotel, 20.
Hollidaysburg, Exenange Hotel, " 17 .
Dr. Hardman treats Consumption, Bronchi
tis, Asthma, Larryngittis and all diseases of the
throat and lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately
used in the Brointon Hospital, London. The
great point in the treatment of all human mala
dies is to get at the disease in the direct man
ner, All medicines are estimated by their ac
tion upon the organ requiring relief•. This is
the important fart upon which Inhalation is ba
sed. If the stomach is diseased we take
medicine directly into the stomach. li•the lungs
are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va
pors directly into the lungs. Medicines are the
antidotes to disease and should be applied to
the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap
'Mention of this principle to the treatment of
the lungs, for it gives us direct access to those
intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of
reach of ever• other means of administering
medicines. Ihe reason that Consumption, and
other diseases .4 the lunge, have heretofore re
sisted all treatment has heen because they lin , '
never been approached in a direct manner• by
medicine. They were intended to act upon the
lungs rind yet were applied to the stomach.—
Their action was intended to he local, and yet,
they Were so administered that they should not
act eonstistutionally, expending immediate and
principal action upon the unollentling stomach,
whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were un
molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in
direct contact with the disease, without the
disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli
cation is simple, that it can be employed by the
youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not
derange the stomach, or in terfere in the least de
gree n•ith the strength, comfort, or business of
the patient. . •
tirmin DISHASEB TREATFD.—In relation
to the Mllowing diseases, either when compli
cated with long affections existing alone, I also
invite consultation. I usually find them prompt
ly curable.
Prolapsus and all other forms of Female cots
plaints, Irrcguhu•itios and Weakness.
Palpitation and all other forms of Heart
Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all
other discuses of Stomach and bowels, &c.
All discuses of the eye and ear. Nourolgia,
Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.—
Nu charge fur consultation.
June 3, 1857.
Ka. Walsh. Principal•
This school for young ladies and gentlemen
is probably the cheapest one of the kind in the
country. The expenses per year fin board,
room rent, furniture. fuel and tuition in common
English an only $BB.
Piano Music is only $5 per quarter. All
the languages and the oanamentals are propor
tionally cheap. For other information address
John D. Walsh, Cassville, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
The next quarter commences Monday, Jan
uary 18th., 18.58.
Only $19.5 0 per Quarter.
M. AlcN. WALSH. Principal.
Professor of Languages and Philosophy
Herr Karl Boekenheim, •
Prof of German Language Literature,
N. Eugene Chlvaut, •
Professor of French and Piano Music,
James W. Hughes,
Professor of Mathematics, etc
• -
Mrs. AL ItlcN. Walsh, P
Grecian Painting, Botany, History etc.
Miss E. Faulkner,
. . _
Monochromatics, Painting, Drawing, etc.
Miss Anna M. Gray, _ _
Pia . 'n'o Music and French,
Miss Jeanie M. Walsh,
Primary English,
into now hands, sod the present owners
are determined to make it a first class Institu
tion. 'Ube majority of the new faculty are al
ready on hand, and students will he received as
soon as they wish to come.
Young ladies and gentlemen intending to go
to school will do well to write to us before coil•
eluding to go elsewhere. There 18 no cheaper,
and we believe Mere rill be no better school
now than ours.
Both sexes are received, all branches taught
and students can any time.
For further information, address
Cassuille, Ihntingdon CO
December 9, 189/
We request those of our subscribers who re•
eive their papers,to infant us of those iu their
immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers
to the "Journal," and have failed to receive
the same, since the stealing of our pack•book,
hp ruffians 0:1 the al of February•.
Illustrated. 1858. Illustrated.
The New York weekly GOLDEN PRIZE is
one of the largest and beet literary papers of the
day. An Imperial Quarto containing EIGHT
PAGES, or forty columns, of entertaing original
matter, and elegantly illustrated every week.
A GO worth from 50 cents to SSW 00 in yold,
will be presented to each subscriber immediately on
receipt of the subscription money.
One Copy fur 1 year, $2 00, and I gift.
f< " 2 " $3 50, and 2 gifts.
3 w $5 Oil, and 3 gifts.
" " 5 " 88 00, and 5 gifts'
3 copies, I year, $5 00. and I gift.
5 IS 4t $8 00, and 5 gifts.
10 IS tt 815 00, and 16 gifts.
21 " " $3O 00 and 21'gifts.
The articles to be distributed are comprised in
the following list t
2 packages gold, containing 8500,00 each.
5 do. do. do. $200,00 each.
10 du. do. do. $ 'OO,OO each.
10 pat. ley. hum car. watches, $lOO,OO each.
20 gold watches, $79,00 each.
50 do. 800,00 each.
108 do. $50,00 each.
300 ladies' gold watches, $85.00 each.
200 silver hant . g cns'd watches, $30,00 each.
500 silver notches, 810,00 to $30,00 each.
1000 golttguards, &c., 810,00 to 850,00 each.
Gold lockets, Bracelets. Brodie',
Ear drops, Breast-pins. Cuff
pins, Sleeve-buttons,
Shirt-studs Wateli.keys, gold
and silver t4i.nlilcs, and a vari
ety of other articles worth from
50 cents to $30,00
Immediately on receipt of the subscription
Maley, the subscriber's name will be entered
upon our subscription book, opposite a number,
and the gift corresponding with that number will
be forwarded, within ono week, to. the subscri
ber, by mail or express, post-paid.
ft„,..." - All communications should be addressed'
48 & 49 hlogiit's buildiag, 335 Broadway, N. Y..
•.• Specimen copies sent free.
Tin. MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S IN
DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the grea
ter part of his lite in travelling, having visited
Enrope, Asia, and Africa, as well es North
America—has spent three years among the In
dians of our Western country—it was in this
way that the Indian Root Pills were first die.
covered. Dr. Morse was the first man to es
tablish the fact that all diseases arise front Im
purity of the Blood—that our strength, health
and life depended upon this vital fluid.
When the various passages become clogged,
and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif
ferent functions of the body, the blood loses
its action, becomes thick, corrupted and di•
sensed; thus causing all pains sickness and
dietress of every name; oar strength is exhaus
tell, our health we are deprived of, and it' na
ture is not assisted in throwing off the stag
nant humors, the blood will become choked'
and cease to net, and thus our light of life will:
forever be blown out. How important. then
that we should keep the various passages of
the body free and open. And how pleasant to
us that we have it in our power to put a medi
cine in your reach, namely. Morse's Indian
Root Pills. manufactured from plants and roots
which grow around the tnonntainous cliffs in
Nature's garden, for the health and recovery
of diseased man. One of the roots from which,
these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which
pens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature.
to throwing oat the finer parts of the correc
tion wAlljiu. The second is a plant which le
an Expectorant, that opens and analogs the
passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothing
manner, performs its duty by throwing a
phlegm, and other humors from the lungs by
copiuus spitting. The third is a Diuretic,
which gives ease end double strength to the
kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large a—
mounts of impurity from the blood, which is
then thrown oat bountifully by the urinary or
water passage, nod which could nit have been
discharged in any other way. The fourth Is
a Cathartic, and accompanies the other prop
erties of the Pills while engaged in purifying
the blood; the coarser particles of =purity
which cannot pass by the other outlets, are
thus taken up and conveyed off in great quan
tities by the bowels.
From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's
!radian Root Pills not only enter the stomach,
but become united with the blood, for they find
way to every part, and completely rent out
and cleanse the system from all impurity, and
the life of the body, which is the blood, be
comes perfectly healthy; consequently all sick•
mesa end pain is driven from the system, for :
they cannot remain when the body becomes
so pure and clear.
The reason why people are so distressed
when sick, and why so many die, is because
they de sot get a medicine which will pass to
the afflicted parts, and which will open the
natural passages for the disease to be cast out
hence, a iarge quantity of food and other mat
ter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines
are literally overflowing with the corrupted
' mass; thus undergoing disagreeable feementa.
tion, constantly mixing with the blood, which
throws the corrupted matter through every
vein and artery, until life is taken from the
body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have ad.
ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re
storing millions of the sick to blooming health
and happiness. Yes, thousands who bavo
been racked ur tormented with sickness, pain
and anguish, and whose feeble frames have
een scorched by the burning elements of ra•
ging fever, and who have been brought, as it
were, within a step of the silent grave, now
stand ready to testify that they would have
been numbered with the dead, had it not been
for 'this great and wonderful medicine, Morse's
Indian Root Pills. After one or two doses
had been taken, they were astonishea, and ab
solutely surprised, in witnessing their charm
ing effects. Not only do they give immedi
ate ease and, strength , and take away all sick
ness, pain and anguish but they at once go to
work at the foundation of the disease, which is
the blood. Therefore, it will be shown, espec
ially by those who use these Pills, that they
will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that
deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the.
flush of youth and beauty will again return,
and the prospect of a long and happy life will
cherish and brighten your days.
CAUTION.—Beware of a counterfeit sign
ed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name
of A. J. WHITE &CO, on each box. Also
the signature of A. J. White & Co. All oth•
ers are syurions.
A, J. 'WHITE & CO., Sole Proprietors,
- SO Leonard Street, New York.
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Villa ate sold by
all &Mars in Mediemes.
Ark' Agents wanted in every town, village
tnd hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the
Igealey will address as above for terms.
law Price 25 cents per box. five boxes will
oe sent on receipt of sl,:postage paid .
December '6 '57:--fint
ILASilliSeAlwaya buy your Blanks at the
"Journal Office." We have now prepared aye
ry supuriorartiele °PIMA NK DEEDS, BONDS,