Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 10, 1858, Image 4

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    - 'l:4C2bl.llE3lli .IDITILTIST 111Pirs
r; undersigned owners of the Huntingdon
' infurm farmers and the nubile generul•
'hut they now have their new mill in running
ler. with all the modern improvements in the
v.:oar wheels and machinery.
They have put in five of the Improved Jon•
cal TuriAne Water Wheels, and con grind in
111 stages of the water, arm during the coldest
weather. any and all kinds of grain.
Thk , y are prepared to sell. nod have on hand
for sale at all times, at market rate& all kind of
and tnrwers eon hare their own grain _ round,
Ind take it back in a return hind, or they eon
be Ihroished in PlCehrlll, at a moment's notice
an equal quantity of Flimrand Bran or chop.
ped feed.
is of an improved inatintitoure; and they will
insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quail
ty to every bush!! of grainleftat their mill.
FlStrElt S 111011:11 . 1111E.
N. 13.--The Buchwheat stones are not quite
Huntingdon, December 10, 1•50
DAVID GROVE informs the citizens of
Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public gen.
ernlly, that he has opened a Grocery Store on
Bill street, Buttlingdon, a few doors west a
Wm. Orhison'm residence, where he will at all
timer he prepared to supply enstomers with
at wholesale and retail. Sugars. Coffee, Teas,
Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Confectionaries,
Bums, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Sugars, Tobac
co, be.. &r.; in fact, .every article usually kept
in a Ctroitery Store.
As I am determined to sell cheaper than the
cheapest, I want everybody to call a nrl examine
my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE.
Huntinedon,4uly 29, '57.4y.
New Goods ! New Goods !I
D. P. Gain lies just return(' from Philode4
phis with the largest and must beautiful as•
T . :ilia ata 7JUBITIOI M , CDE)-
Ever brought to Huntingdon,
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Deeds
for Indies and Gentlemen, sorb as Black Silks.
and Fancy, All Wool de Lains, (all colors)
French Merino, plain and printed, ombre striped
do Lutes, barred and lanes de loins, Levelly
Cloth, Mohair, Debniz, Shepherds' Plaids, and
Prints or every description.
ALSO, a large lot of dross Trimmings, Prin.
ges, More Antique Ribbon, Buttons. Gimps,
Brids, &c. Bonnet Silks, Crapes, Ribbonds,
Gloves, Mitts. Veils, Laces, Belts, Ribbon&
for Belting, Whalebone, Reed & Bross Hoops
for Skirts. Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk
Neel: ties, Zephyr, French Working Cotton. Li
nen asst Cotton Floss, Tidy Yarn, Wool Yarns,
Also the best and largest assortment of Col
lars, and Undersieevcs, in town. and
Plain Jaeonet, Mull Muslin, Swiss. Plain. Fig
ured and dotted. Morose, and Hoop Skirts,
Irish Linen, Linen Table Cloths, Napkins,
Towels, Le. Shirts, Shirt-breasts, UndeMorts
and drawers, wool coats, hoods, comforts and
-.. :11ao a large assortment of Waterloo Bay
State Wool Shawl, Single and Brucha, Shawls.
Aloe, Cloths, Cassinters, Cassinets, Tweeds,
. K lein', Vestiny;, Muslins, bleached and un
bleached, Sheeting and l'illcw-cage MUSH..
Mud, ens, Tieken, Check:Fable Diuners,Cra It
Flatinds, Sack Flannel,l,lain and figured, Can
t. Flannel, lilunkets. C.
Alms. a large lot of Silk Bonnets of the latest
styles and ut - bury low prices. Bats and caps
of alt kinds.
Moots and Shoes, Gum shoes, the best
mul eilellPeSt ill town,
1-3 /3. 73 W 8 71.73, QTYZII77S
WARE, Buckets, Tubs, 13askets, Churns,
Butter Bowls, Brooms. Brushes , , Carr Is.
011 Cloths, Fish and Salt, Su,. r, Coffee,
Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept le a
country Store.
hly old customers, and us multi nets ones us
can crowd in are respectfully requested to come
and examine. thy goods
All kinds of Country produce taken in ex•
change fur goods, at the highest market prices.
°ember 7, 1057.
• • to tiWit 1111111POOI , 11 . 11Ook HMI
that they have just receivid Boni the Ea.., a
tiomt hetintirtil assortment or Fall and Winter
GmAls ; embraring every variety or Ilea' It.
such its Valencia Pte..] Jiticals. Griental
idt`tre• Unlit Pinitis, 'ramose Cloth, Poelins,
striped not Plaid, theltre striped Delaim,
French Merino, Detain., Itaalle re
Stripes, Argentine, Coburg. [Bohai, and NI,
BRISK MANSION, don. Cloths. Shepherd's Plaids, reach Blau.
bet, Bay State. Long and Square Binelie Shawl
in which the subscriber now resider) ; all or
which are elligibly situated in the most desirable
. 1 ". 1 husi"e. PRrr tir the (,'wit, A dotaited de- B m
ih`as. Mitts, Gauntlets, Gloves, Telm,
seription nt said property , ald , cees. , Cloaks, Chenille Scarfs, Dress Trimmings, Lu
re, its any one desirous or pert:basing, will. of dies' Collars, Brilliants, plain and sprieed
course, wish wove and esainine ror himself Victoria Lawn, Nuinsooks, and every violet,. oi
Two or said houses are adteirably located told . White goods. 'MTS. and BONNETe
calculated rur stores and tavern stills, he. lor 9vely variety and sit In,
rp II E utatersigoed. ht.tha desirous ot rem,. tog
I from .he t owl . , of filthleysharg, hereby otrers
fur sale his entire remaining real estate, slum
ted is :tod near said tows. The property C.,
filets of three separate mid distinct dwelling
houses, (ilielutlitig the large aad eoutnanti
' Also, the subsea, offera for sok lei, nerd We have a Cull scot kof
of rich be 110111 or meadow land, nitttted•ft short Hardware, Queensware
distance above the grist mill .1' t h e !Messrs.
Boots and Shoes,
Eleillliera. This laid is well milted, out :mu
W the rising of grass, gratin, etc., hut is also Wood and Willow-ware,
peculiarly adapted to the production of "eh , - which will be sold on such terms us will make it 1
near Sugar Case,'' an article of recent introduc- I the interest of all to call and examine... i THE latent and newest nit les Lnilies' Collars,
tion, which seems to. promise greater pro fi t, Groceries can he had l o wer than the high 1A at Fiction di. JICNICICTIIINN.
per acre, than almost any other agricultural prices which have been niuintoitied hereto tare.
product. We also true in Plaster, Fish, Salt, and all , (11.0AKS, Talmillk Rigolettes, Vietoriii, and.
HENRY BREwsTER , kind' of ndsgrain, and poasess facilities in this , ~/ Head Dresses, are sold at prices chic , defy
Shirleysharg, Nov. 18, '57. branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver I competition by FIHIIEIt •54 51c51n tante.
all packages or parcels of merchandise FREE DE'
O , IIA ItGN at. the
. depitts a the Broad Top and : utons, SHOTS , HATS and CA PS, tim
- . I entoylvania Inturoatis.
which much suffering in families may be 1 g ei ,,,,, 7 ,
avoided, sent to married men and those •
contemplating marriage. Address, eii- _ ..... ..
i,. I. ®Lag.i'&3\7J, IL) largest stock ever. brought to tiiii ii are sett -
ing very cheap of FISHER & McMcitrate..
1 iptLANKETS, Plaids. Flannels. Linseyo, at all
closing four stumps. DR. G. W. AIODIS. .s" 1
tirieea, ut the Illalanallii store at
COSIBE, Brooklyn, N. Y. i ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' & FictionMchluurnin.
Nov. 25, '57;-6.., Will attend to all professional business entrusted ;
to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon 1 OURNING . COLLARS, of the heed...
stile ens rut the . meat written at the shortest notice and un the I i
cheap store of 1). I'. "IN. i ; must
A LETTER-COPIER FOR SALE. 1 Shirleysburg, April 22, 1857..1 lIINJEibIIa *s IffiffArliatrk,
An excellent one Mr sale at this office. Thia ; XIANUMACTILItiEIta AND 131141We1..... i.t•
is one ol Adams' No. 1 Cam mid Lever Pyres,
LEATHER I LEATHER I LEATHER i ip A tr i, %L a Lu. zi i ali .. ii ii irj ......,,)
UENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of Frenvh ~, 62 ., c ,, e. ,,,,,,,, ~,,e , p h i,, , ,,
Ir v :J o ao i p. l .airo las ib l . II Calf Skin, and General Leather Deal, '„ 4 ',, - , ' i .'
AM/RAI:IAT LA IV, No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia. nave air sine, to etoistonera and the I I Ilth• ii..•
A general assortment of all kinds of Leather largest "mantle" , " 1 Pltiv , Illulgags• lu , " , i'l ,
Willattend to all business entreated tohim . Of- Mon ~u, At. ' Deconttions, &e., in the h nova Slates
lice north opposite the Court House . limy ask the special aII onion of 6,, 11.t..t
, M.Y 5. '53 • ' to it new an d trey weillalllll at I 14... t 1.0 I.ltrvi ..I
GGLD HIND() it - siLibLx,
- niteciia AND WOOL SHAWLS, eon
'FOOTS & SHOES, the Inc eat and cheapest whi ch they err naaluall''
.1. , end cheap at D. P. GWIN'S.
JOSEPH DOi'GLAS, Gunsmith, i -1- , assortmeet in town, at
D. P. GWIN'S. ' beP" : "7.121".
Mel:o.ol64min Pa. ' Itii ENS' UNDERSHIRT , AND DEA VI ft,ltS
-- -----,--- -- ----- fltiill SHOES, cheaper nt D. P. GWIN'S 1v... Lin. Shirt Breasts, lienily•nittar Skirt,
T ADIES'DOES6 GOODS, of rich st)les 1..7 , than ean be had is town. Call and see whius and fancy shine, end etolurr, e 4;r4 i i i 4 . up
.1-1 root "ley droop 55 AP. •WiN.ii. ' twig - It Jo Y't
ni(e it) store tot , l , or • hv
WM. N. SIII:Jidlti);
323 or 191 Noult 3d p•treet.
CONFECTIONAIIY.—PIain 31:0 fine Con
teetiotoiry mann neturell nod fitr sole he
323 or 121 N , •rtli 341 street, Phila.
()RANGES AND I.ENIGNS.-500 lwx, Or
rrilligcs ma Loma, hi st, re otol r o r sa l e hy N. SIIUOAHI).
)23 or 191 North 3d street, Phila.
I~ATSTNS —l,OOO BOX. Bunch and Layer
J lialidas in store and for sale hr.
323 or 181 North td street, Phila.
Cumin's, in ,tore and b.v
99111 or 19; Nurtli ad etre, 1, l'ltiln.
and Jilliens in store awl for sole
WM. N. SI1U(:Alt1).
323 or 191 N'th 3al st.,
Sept. 9.'57.-1 y
friends and the public generally, that they
have the above Foundry in full bloat,
and are prepared to furnish castings ut
every description. Stoves of all kind. „f_
for wood or coal. Improved Ploughs,
Threshing Machines, and everything in the eon.
ting line neatly made. We can finish ell work
that requires writing having a good Turning
La:11. All work done ,cheap for cash or coon•
try produce. Old mete) taken For castings.
log practical and experienced we hope by strict
attention to business to receive a liberal share
of public patronage. McGILL i CROSS. ,
Alexandria, April 29, 1857.
Prof. Chas. DeGrath's
EL EC f RIC 01 L.
This great discovery is now creating a great
sensation among the Methmil Faculties et Eu.
rope and thin country. It will cure the fultow.
iug (not everything) Warranted to
Cure Fevur and Ague in one tiny. Cure chills
in five minutes. Cure Croup in one night.—
Cure Deafness in two to four days. Cure burns
nud Scalds in ten minutes. . Cure Sptaitts,
Wounds stud Bruises in from one to three days.
Cute Ldhuuumtiun in one day. Cure Neural•
gin, Croup, Tooth Ache, Burns. in 10 minutes.
Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofll, Abscess, in tun
days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, 'Fetter, in one to
three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff Neck, Ague
in one day. Cure Felons, Broken Breast, Salt
Rheum, in three to six days. `..lure Quinzy,
Palpitation, Pleurisy, in om to ten days. Cure
Asthma, Palsy, Gout, Erysipelns, in five to 20
days. Cure Frosttd Feet, Chiblains, Chronic
Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Sore 'throat, Scarlet
Fever, and the lame made to walk, by a few
bottles. This Oil (De (ten tic's) is mild 111111
pleasant, and is a great family Medicine for
children teething, ttc. Ladies should all We
it. It always leaves you better titan it finds
you, and one bottle oftoa cures entirely.
Afflicted Thirteen Tears and Cured in One
Read letter from Rev. James Temple.
Philadelphia, June 9th,1836.
Prof. De Grath t 1 have been 'ieted the
thirteen years with Neuralgia nod other pain
fat complaints, and I have be. until& to sleep
soundly or walk any distance Sir many year ,
• I past. Last week 1 got a bottle of your - Eke
irk Oil." The first night I slept soundly and
' well, and to•day I ant like a new man. My
wife could not believe her eyes. Your Elec.
trio Oil has done in oar week what the physi•
clans of Philadelphia !idled to do in thief en
years. Gratefully yours,
:110 South street,
New Haven, May 19th, 1856.
Prof. De Grath My brother has been deal
• three years. Alice trying many things, he us
ed your Oil a few times. and it cared him en
There are numerous imitations sprung up
the reputation that my ankle has acquired
Tie public must beware. They are worthless
For sale by John Read, Huntingdon.
A uw.s:s7,lyin.
F,-‘l,l, A N I ) 1 VITH
110,11ESTEA11 1 , 1111 $lO.
A s I'F.AII Fllll slol—Third
—3IO 00 „girth Fatten and Building
Cilleepper cavity.
iit. t o 1,, 0i,i41,1 amon g st 10,200 subscribers
on the 7111 of Dreen.her. IRSi. Sithseriptions
only t ea dollars fh.wo, or fifteen elollar, one
Ilnll d o a.n, the rest on tilt deliVell of the deed.
E ver y -uhaet ilier will g et a Building Lot
Farm, ran g in g in Value Imre Slit to $27. no,
Tm•se I,on s Heil I..ts are •ohl so Cheep ii. hon ,
settlements, a sufficient number I.ete,
the inrrense in the value of which wi 1 1.0111e1.11-
sate for the ~pp trent low prier now 11,1:1 it. 111 e•
words ur 1.:150 lets and bows ere alleadv void.
NMI a company of settlers milled the "Batma
n annock Pioneer Association" is now fortning
Fi n d will soon coninience a seta went. Ample
security trill lie g iven for the feithful perform
ance to contracts lit.' promises. Nearly 45,005 t
mires tit laud, in aillerent parts of Virginia. now
at commend, and will be sold to settlers in from
$1 tip to $3OO per mire. Um m rAtioniaii, titles
will in till ruses e‘.ip
ers, thrillers. d.c. arc wanted. Mel the hundred
A g ents to liblllit, subscribers. to 5 hem the most
liberal inducements will he g iven. Smile 11,,,1s
write that they are makin g 200 dollars per
'north. For hill particuairs, sub,. iptiuns, a
gencies, &v., apply to
Port !loyal. Caroline co. Va,
Or, to GEO. BENGSTNESSER, A g ent, Mill Creek,
11111.11101 in county, l'a.
FOOKS .e f msl",as " BOOKS !
t on n voLubiEs of new and popillor
Books, embracing every ,
usually kept in n Philadelphia Book Store, mid war" an
infrin g in g my ri e hts. seenrcd by Leviers
am en of them at half the P u blisher's retail iiricc,
th e saliserilior now idlers to the public. tent I. elelVe. en 10,0 pre:4l,llle nil pers..,
All school books used in the county can be hintin g , selling, or any Bran I itisii•r,
had in any wialitines at retail and wholesale wall an Iron. Or Cast Metal Concave i n M...
rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrappin g l'a,er, Intivn of the licit., Paten.. of Joseph Joh •
wholesale or by the ream. stein, dated April 24th. 1054.
100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold TIBMAS B. WOODWARD. Proprietor.
Cases, Iron $1 upwards. N. O.—Spite and County Patent Bights fin
100 Pocket and Pen knives of Ro g ers' and all above Nlin hities ftirSale.
others' best manufaeture.
A ugusi 29. 10.55. 11
lOU splendid Port Alonnaies and fucker Books
at 211cts. and upwards. ;N ED V/IFITTEIII
3.1160 PILCES WA LL "f
the 'omit and prettiest stywo,just received I
Philadelphia and New York, prices trio'h lu ms ( A) I 1 - 1 NG !
r,„,e mot upwarlls.
500 bealitiltilly painted and gold {l ilted Win- A Ntw AsSorinu'ul J ll,ll Open'd
dow Shades at 44 etc. and upwards. And will be sold .S 0 per cent.
The public I are lint to cull a n d iX.aiiinr, 1" II F.A 1' II ,t Tli ih; 4 1111111.11;?.41
he convinced dist in buying or the ' , it'll,
they wII he pleased and also save 'hooey. Ile- 11, the piimi.• generally , /hat lie im
niember the place, curli e r or Al mitg o m e m and pi, opened at i.e. store-room lit Alarkei
Iteilroud streets WJI. CULON• Itimttil,lon, splendid new stock of
nlillit' •
1 for kali and
,:: • en„ be ut retell •ii:l
/0 ccpny .ther - •
round. I • ,v 6,
sin g el-. 5
THE sußsrummts TAKE Tills E
third of intorming their triends earl the pub
lic generally, that they have rehnilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, anal are note in successful ...a
eration, and are prepared to furnish eiwing of
all kinds, of the best quality un the shortest no
tice mail most reasonable terms.
Farmers are invited to call nail examine our
Ploughs. We are manothettning the limiter
Plough, fthis plough took the premium of the
lhortingdon Coutny Agricultural Fair. in 57,,.)
also Iluater's celebrated Critter Plough, a
can't he heat. together with the Keystone. II ill
able, and Bnrshear Ploughs. We have on bend
and are manufacturing stoves, such no Cook,
Parley earl office stoves for coal cr wood.
.tonsisting of Nettles Boilers, Skillets, Ste., all
or which will lie sold cheap for cash or in ex•
chatige for country produce. Old metal taken
l'or new castings. By u strict attention to busi
ness and desire to please, we hope to receive
Aare of puldic patronage.
J. Al. CUNNINGHAM It 1101).
April 30, 1856.—tf.
Tlibrary will be OpNI every Saturday a.
Icrooon, at 3 o'clock, in their mop in flu
Court House. Subscripoion 50 cents a year.
New hooks have been added to the former ex•
eellent uolleetiun:—Gillfillen's w o rks,
Miller's, Mrs, Ellet's rte.
By order .Jr Uie
Oct. Ist, 1856.
White, (pare) $2 :At l,cr kre
(extra) 2 75
Philadelphia Zeit: Paint, t 411
lid Snow %%late, 2 65
ill s, &r., dial all kinds al Munn . Aid. ❑ua
building 11111 i erittla in pruportiou, at the `'llutl
ware Stare" el J. A. BROWN Si Co.
theapest Printing" Office
Ire huce now made malt Urnt'Wine/lit( ill MI
Job (Wee an will enable on to do all kiwi,
Job l'rinting at 20 per cent
cheaper rates
Than uny °Alice in the C ty.
tlivr .11 call. It we don't give entire metieliie
tici, ne elewge et all will lie Made.
pi. A IP.I Ili ',',1..
1 l '
a l. o : d inr e g uZl(7 l S e l l ;a7li s , t msi t te"ts k Z i t . Ta l : g. i ' s il a k t i • I y , ii , rt. um. , taco/ q/ filaako qf all de
. . FIBIIEII & McMutcratig'.. ~.• • ipiolam ist,l inialed and fin rode al Ili,
•.,lw anal lufic."
A LL-NWOOL, lagram. Venetian, Lint an d A I panto') of Referees, Cornllloll 130101
Hag Carpet. .11so. Cocoa, . lute and AM- :‘, ~, so , Is , assiss.,,,,,, Judgment Notes
' cult Mats, can Le lutal cheat at the store cf. ~, ,lIIIIIIS, V4'11,1111! Notes,
Visaign 4 MeNivialub. I:Ni ,•allOl, rthltillibl..s 5. , !.-
q'Illt: greatest variety, I, F 11 1 .11., Subl(.1111,
of the richest styles i
I Dress Goods aitt.l Trimmings can always h , (
~,, I
"" • Decals,
it .11/11.1, li , rtgltges,
found att the With/1111We store 1,1. i
}i d .. & M c AI uRTH . 1 i'olll,lillllll.lll, lit.lid li, ill Villnity C111120.1111t...1/4‘
rf 2
AI ifoq OP
hertimiltowil Rund and New Market
Nnrtli PPI.II , N 'Valli% Rail Road,
i'llO , lllllllV 011 1111111 e to older. thelbl
iq,,,,ng 14414 approved Flour Mill Machinery.
W. , ll,l‘itrii'm Patent Portable Mills and Stlllit
Patent Iron Concave Bran Dun.
Stove's Potent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns.
Pit rim's relent Barrel Hooptuid Moulding
!aimed Bridge Steps .d :lushes for Mill
Thu bust Anchor Brand Bolting' Cloth Burr 1.
C,,lico Mill Stout'', Corti, Cole and Plaster
.liolon.lose. rate's. CHM 111x1111 1 og..
4.• a e
r iTh 7
.111 Eti qR. 1 .1 Il i r.rt 9
Eu,t. nha hi.... of the 0100 and 111butisslie
pi Rivers.
Warranted to take out. of the ntral of every
Biddle! Ground, From 1 to 21 lbs, of standard
thnir. %hid, could not be bolted nut on neennot
of the eleetrieal t‘ , the Bran. •
In hot, nothing
liars, fLios,
Ucii.ber 7. 1.57,
Al' 111 E
'll , c otio'rrihota have a,tia retnrood trot,.
the ho,i \soh nn mourged .tuck of
MA , WNW. , idol/.R.
.4 1 I/lil ; •
Couch 7 rimminus,
‘Vith an endless variety of modern inventiooo
nod improvements.
Having purchased our goods at wholesale.
chiefly from antuutneturers, we are enabled to
sell wholesalt and retail—extreinely low.
Rank Notts taken at per for goods.
811:4 - All orient receive t pt attention.
le Huntingdot, Oct,
- *'
April I. 18F7.-Iy.
Ciffir balCiV/
Attorneys at Law,
Iluniingdon, Pa.,
(Alice same. that lutmen) occupied
, cuts,
tr, t. 19. Mt.
lI.K BONICTS in great i ;4l . et3 G , a r t v id n gup
WA* oilaaass,
EUNTipori, PA,
Julie 13. 18
Z4S. At r a es
M, 2 a 4 uN rr ST., s'th totle below \\ h .,
'/'he (ildr.i I"..i.trart linume. in the Ci 19.1
r i ANUI.Aci ,1:1•:I.' AN!) IiuI.ESAI.P.
Nltteldeirlautde Urikom,
4151110.1 . .. i 15... truirunird on)
h, dm% we're. Cord'.. Bruelle,
of i de-et Piewie ettll mod t•%1411.•
11. i• t. 1. 1. 511.14,
1 t LS & All ET , i•hesti,
1.„ LA %V
.1 . 1:L . .i' . •t, alV,i, tV
;old I:
1 11 IC :111.11111. 1,11 li, I'l'lllo , t,
W liii.ll von% e . , , li 11.1111.. , ‘, 11.11.3 111 1 1, - 10
110. 1111.1;3 111E0110 .13 011 .• ,,. ...6 1-. . 0011 ....I..itiw
111 th,.,..p, p iiiiii lt . l 1 11 1103 .11-,1 , ... 11611.101.1 0 ..,
II it 1111 , 011 . 11101 11111 1, 1111.1.- 11, c01,g1., ...up,.
~ ...,..0.1. ...1.4 1! . , 1, 11.1:1. die 1111,,,
~.ulilyn llor 6111011 ' . 01 . 1.11:10. , pt. 116,111 S 10 11.11
ilei . soU• 3, ..101, g 110. Ilial 1003 41111 efliergy .0
000, vii.nui.: 101 I renturillloo 01 60.11111. TO
~.. ~10.. 6. , 1.......• lipliti . ‘ 11011 1 01 1 0 11111.1110116,
-11:1.1.00 I. .11601.0 .. In 6. 1011. .1 .01101, 0: Ulllll
I rot ,11 the. 111.41 Ire
ablu ;
lm nun Im curnti u.
ems, in tie timid
, 11111.11 ...ler MC . 11-
.11t 1.4 any umer lurmul•
uut ut uVery hundred CA-
M tint mos, and tilt• per
but fa Wes Ord vow**
impossible to WC more t hen five per cent.. for mmpiu m ,
the Lung, Are so cut lip by the disease as tf bid
defionee to rnedirel skill. Even, however. in the BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL.
lost stages. Inhalation ufthrils stornoriiinnry re-
lief to the suffering attending this fearful emerge ' DOC TOR JOHNSTON.
whim oinonall! destroys ninety-tire thousand THE roundel of this Celebrated Institution,
persons in the united States clone ; and a cur- offers the most certain, speedy, and only
rent ca'enlation shows that do , present pram' effectual remene in the world fur Meets, Stele
lotion of tint. earth. eighty millions are destined cores, Seminal Weakness. Pain in the Loins,
to till the Consnmptiye's entre,
Truly the quiver at death has no arrow so fit• AffPencTinolaYs' Weakness
e n ic n i c tl s
; a l as c o nsumption. In all nges it inns been On neya, Palpitation of the Heart. Dyspepsia. Ner
great enemy of file, for it I.llllres neither age nor rens Irritability, Disease of the bead, Throat,
sex. hut sweeps off alike the brave. the liranti- . N ose or Skin ; and all those serious and melon
the grnentot nod tine gifted. Its th e NIP reludy disorders arising from the destructive
that Supreme Being from whom comet!, every habits of Youth, which destroys both body and
good and perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer to mind. These „ere, and so li tary pe„etiee. nee
the "' Billed " P ermanent "oil speedy rare in more fatal to their victims than the song of the
Consumption. 'line first cause of tubercles is Syrens to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their
from impure 1,10011, and the immediate effect pro- brilliant hopes of anticip ations , rewhoing
thwed by their deposition in the lungs is to pre- ioni . r , go, lin r po , s ib le.
Vent the free admission et air into the air cells,
which causes a weakened vitality through the Toning. Men,
entire system. Then nerdy it is more rational especially, who have become the victims of Sol
te expect greater good from medicines entering, itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit,
the cavities of the lungs than those oulministered which unnuelly sweeps to an untimely grave
through the stomach ; the nntient will always thousands of young men of the most exalted
Lind the lungs free and the brenthing easy, after talents, and brilliant intelteet, who might oth-
Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local erwise hove entranced listening senates with
remedy, nevertheless it ne m constitution a lly 111141 the thunders of eloquence, or waked to cestitey
with more power mid certaint% than remedien the living lyre, may call with all confidence.
administered by the stout..h. To prove the pow- Marriage
elle' and direct halite ore t.f this tootle of admin.
,dd„ro,,,em inhaled will entirely d e _ Married persons, or young men contempt',
r marriage being. aware of physical weak•
"treY sensibility in a re" min"'" ' Piln"Yzi"B ' to"'-
nit ' debility. delimmities, Fee sho„ld
the entire nervous system, so thin a limb may he pet., .?rgi! • .„ ‘e
amputated without the slightest ;min ; inhaling loonnllllllnlY coo " •
the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a Ile who places himself undo. the care of Dr.
few hours. , Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the ses. n gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill
tem w hen minting or apparently dead. Tino- .ts u physician,
dor a many of the medicines in puce ptible in i Organic Weakness.
. .
the I. n View ininittes nfier beii;tt bib:dell. and immedintely eured, and full vigor restored,
nioy he inimeilimely detected in the Itionil. A This disease i s the permits most frequently
1111411 g I.lllllf Of the sonstitutional efll.ets . of paid by those who have become the victim of
the tact that sick tie-, is Malty pro•
improper indulgencies. Yonig persons are too
1111C1 . 11 liN 1 , 1..111.1, .11111a-1s 11111 flits positive opt to comm i t. excesses from not ' , ring meant of
evideliev nut tow Frowner., careinilt prepars
the dreadful consequence that may ensue.—
"' " .1 j"" l " .. " .i Y "duhbe're't tan' the lanes Now. who that understands the subjeet will pre-
M . " ... " the Is, N
"" e ' t res,"lresults , Du ring fond to deny that the power of Procreation Is
eighteen suers' procure, many oe:MIMS soonerlost by those falling into improper habit 1 1
ing Intro ont mnis of the lungs NMI admit. haVe
than by the prudent. Besides being deprived
hey " "'der 111 Y 1.111.e. " "11 I .."'e tilted mulls' of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most se
rtimirkiible core., en alter the sufferers hail
lolly riot's and destructive symptoms to mind and be
lie. in the Wit sttigcs,,
• arise. The system becomes deninged , the
satisfies !leo consumption is t o n long e r
i aim boomed an is I,lrsietil and mental powers weakened, nervous
ild 111'11 ' 1' t e
lire" "' ion., experience an,. nt 1.1 "11 ' .1 " 1"111jul. ... alt debilitv, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in
if 01,40 i investigation. NI y ',effect netotaintative dige stion, misting of the frame, cough symp
n.ith the !future 01 tithe re les. Ste., enables me to sou ,
rundily, the vnrions forms a disc... Ufliee No. 7,
'l"l"PPl ' the P"ll ' er
retheoies, rarely being mistaken even in a slogle t , '; ' ,in
the mouse
case. this fitiniliarify. eminectiun with err- " . ;."e r• Pr., `!' Ifittce
tide plithologieal Mill microscopic discos cries en. C"re "'arrant." , 'II Two t),tYer
üblrr tee to „Hey, t h e wigs effects o f Ni,) IS MERCURY (lit NAL SEDUS DRUGS.
contracted chests, to collage the chest. purify Dr. Johnston,
the Mood. isiiau fo U vitality, giving Member of the Royal College of Surgeons,
Inter.; trod tune to the entire system. London, graduate from one of the most eminent
Medicines with full directions sent to any part Colleges of the United States, and the greater
01 tbv Unit ed States end etteediVi by patients p er t awhose life has been spent in the HMO not-
'.""l""ffir""h g ' heir .‘3. l. l"nis by lette r . Bat vitals of London, l'aris Philadelphia, and else
enure. atuld he 11101 e reliant if the patient where,' has effected some of the most astonish-!
um a visit, which would gi v e tee as Mg cures that were ever known, many troubled
"I'l t " ex , "bible. tire l u ng . end ! li a ble ...! with ringing in the hand and ears when asleep, I
ro Pi esi'tihue with tan.' c ertainty, au " great nervousness, being alarmed At sudden
tT , t. rare het:lll,M without my see- s"an"s, an d b as hr n in a ,,, w i t h 'e minent ',h as hi ng
n. I.,s•wt.
is .11 . It AII A M. If., attended sometimes with derangement or mind,!
were cured immediately
lissi 1., 1131 5T111...T, (Uhl No. 109, )
Centel is isease.
Rehm 'fwelilli, When the misguided nod imprtidert votary
l'1111.A1)ELPIIIA; I'A. jof pleasure finds he i n ns imbibed the seeds of tills
August 5, .1357.-ly. • painful disease. it to too often happens that an
ill-tinted sense of shame, or dread of +I iscovers,
01 all disease ; the great, first cause deters him from applying to those who from rd.
St rings from neglect of Nature's laws. ucittion and respectability, can alone befriend
StiFFER NOT him, lelaying till the constitutional symptoms
of this horrid disease make their oppeathnce,
When a cure Is gintranteed in nll stages of such as ulcerated sore thrum. diseased nose,
SECRET I)ISEASES. -notiturnol psi., in the head and limbs, dimness
01 sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones, and
Self-Abuse. Nervous Debility, Strictures. Gleets,
p lithetes, ', senses m t h e Ei i i„,, y mi d arms, blotches on the beitil. loco and extremities,
Mohler, Mercurial Rheumatism, E cn ,r it i n. 11,1,1CSSing aitlt friglhthnl rapidity, till At last
Puins in the Runes Mud Ankles, !Roemer+ of the the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose
Longs, Throat, Rose end Eyes, Ulcers upon fail in, and the victim of this lawful disease bo
th. Burls or Li n o, Cunccrs , Dropsy, comes a horrid object of coot miserotion, till
tie Fits, St. Vita's Dunce, and all diseases nri- death P . 'S,. Periell to .
e Ma , ettilerleff's nv
sing from a dorangenient of the Sexual Organs. sending 'um In - tont ..Ina from whence no
Such as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memo- traveller returns," To such. therelblic,
ry, Loss of Nwer, General Weakness, Dimness Jolitudon pledges himself to !reserve the most
Lit Vi s i on, w i t h he.milin, spots a p pear i ng b e r m , inviolable secrecy, and from his extensive prat.-
the eves, Loss of Sight, Wakefuln nes, Dyspeo• lice in the first llospitals of Europe anal A 'oafi
sh, Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the Fare, en. he eon coutidentiy recommend a safe rtnd
p a i n in t h e b ec k Lin d b en d, F ema l e ter ee ni at i• speedy core to the unfortunate victim of this hoi
and till improper disellargesfronn both sexes. rid disease.
It matters not from what clime the disease oriel- It is a melancholy feet that thousands fall Vie
however lung standing or obstinate the fills to tint horrid disease owing' to the unskil
ease, recovery is certain, and in a shorter time fulness of ignorauit pretenders wh o by tine use of
than a gtrinattent cure .11 bo effected by any that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the com.i
other ...tuner., even after the disease has lint , tali.. And either send the unfortunate mutterer
fled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted to an untimely grave, or mike the residue of his
all their means of cure. The medicines are life miserable.
eiexsntht without odor, causing nu sickness and Take Particular Notice.
free Irons mercury or hnlsunT. During twenty 1)r. 3.. addresses all those who have injured
years of ',meth,. I have rescued from the jaws themselves b y improper
of Death ninny thousands, who, in the lost sot' 'flies° are some of the sail and melancholy
ges el . the :ib. , oe mentioned diseases lout been e fr,„,„ pro d uce d b y curly habits of youth, biz:
eivo , HI. I.) their i.hcsicians to t ""s * th i ch w ' r ' Weakness of the Back stud Limits, Pains in the
rotas me in prianising to the afflicted. who nasty head, m om , su o r si ght, of % menhir pow _
pinta Themselves under my eure, n and cr., Palpitation of the Ileurt Dyspepsia, Nervous
sPeedY ure•
Secret Secre ( th'en s e'' tire lir, th e Irritability, I)erungements of the I)iges c tive
greatest enemies to h
eits° of ConstimidMit. Sc r , as
ofuht a ndthe nre the
monv nth_
Functions, leneral Debility Symptoms or Con
or diseusos, "1", should h e It terror to the ho- sungdiuu, Sea.
SIENTALLV—The fearful abets on the mind
man family. Asa nermanent cure is seurcely ore much to ho drended .
ever effected, a majority of the ewes tolling in- h 'ens, itepre . s l ot , of So l; i T , '"l , l; ii ' l 7 r.
to the hood, of incompetent persons, who not fusion
s,boding Aversion to Society, Self Distrust,
only titil to core the Ilisensys but ruin the csat- loot
of Solitude, 'fimidity, 8.e., are some oft he
stir idiot]. tilling the system with mercury, 0 hich
evils prmloced. •
with ibe disease. hastens the sulleter iota I.-
yid Consumption. Thoomin , of persons
ages, can
what is the cause of their declining health.
vu B ut 41°0 , 1 ' the , I .. thtl ; the ; trentrn,ent nut I, their vigor, becoming weak, pale and
"eV" rota ''', lo " Ineer'e,' the einueintad, have singular appearance about the
villainess upoi, are
l eves, tough and symtonis of consumption.
otto feeble eonstantions, and the entrent
of lac curial ted Ina Ali 11,. a hid. Johm. 1111 l s Invigorating Berne
in sc.! lnln. Tatter, Ulcer, Eruptions. and oilo- tor Organic %Weakness.
- •
er allitetions or the skim' F.”'s, Throat and By this great and hnportatit remedy, weakness
Lav as , entailing upon them a brief existence of or the organs is speedily cured and full vigor re
sittlering and consigning theta to am early stored. Thousands of the most debilitated and
grave. nervous, who had lost all hope, have been im-
Selt.nbuse is another Ihrmidultle enemy so medlately relieves!. All Impediments to Mar
'width, Mr nothing else in the 'head catalogue of Hoge, Physical or Mental Disqualitieution,
honour diseases causes so destructive a drain vototl'rentblings and Weakness,
up. • system, drawing its thintstuolts oleic; or exlint.tion at :he most-fearful kind, speedily
tints tittett:li a kit y COI'S ot sistiltrittu down to au cured by Doctor Johnston.
tott.ittedt ,i.tve. It destroys the her , 011 S sr.- Young len,
Wll.-1, 11,1 the,1 1,11 sho have injured themselves b y
n certain prim
e. me - • M'itt , emem• Prevent!' the P r° l"''' tier indulged in when alone—a habit ftequently
"', "" ' m• !"..." learned front evil companions, or at school—the
' i "' m "" •- • mid " d "" ). "' I Y "N il- effects of which are nightly elt, even when a
"' " I ' d 4. " " " 1 "" sleep, and it not cured renders marriage imps,.
"'" I l." ":"":"!","',"l mind a Able, and destroys both mind and hotly, should
tt e t•i t.s moo . • Ili loe tll,ll4iell 11.111 II it- apply
hitter' romfidcoce 1 assure the
S' P.'
What a pity that a young man, the hope ofhia
to met made tet 01 . nest- ouse tom a enmity country and the darlingof his parents should be
mil petintotent cure 1.1111 he 01 . .14,1. and ti tilt snittcheA from all prospects and enjoyments of
the a 1... Moment of ruissons tddeiiees life
the consequence of deviating from the path
lin restored to robust. ii, mous Iteattn.
of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit
he Milieus' ate cuutioned against the use of Such persona b ith.wa aaiitaaapiathig
Patent Aletlicines a titr there nee so many ingeni
tts Sll/111S ill ilia columns of the public prints I Marriage.
to catch and rob the unwary stall:rem that should reflect that a sound mind and l•ody are
lions Plate their constitutions ruined by the vile the most necessary requisites to promote connu
compounds ur 'meek doeor s . or the equally bial happiness. indeed without these, the jeer
5i.1.011, la-strums vended as ••Patent Menieines." nay t h roug h lif e b ecomes a weary p il gr i mage,
cite-folly analyzed many of the so-called ' the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
Patidit hied...). and lied the , nearly all of mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled
th, a „.,,,,r a i ls Corrosiv e Sublimate, which is tote with the melancholy reflection that the happiness
of e strongest preparations ot mercury and a of smother becomes blighted with our own.
deadly poison, a holt instead of curing the di. '
.1. U1,0011:14 tile system tor life.
t.i.. -mouth's ot the patent medicines now in I BALTIMORE, MD.
•1•,,,e put up by unprincipled and ignorant per- To Strangers.
hOOO out understand even the alphabet I The many thousands cured at this Institution
ntatmia 1111.11i1.11, and are equally
as destitutedestitute within the last 15 years, and the numerous im
"' " I Q m"'"l'dge of the "mall system, havin g portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr.
Wt.; Olin didellq 111 view, and that to make man- Johnston, witnessed by the Reporters of the Pa
regardless of consequence,
pers, and many other persons, notices of which
and all diseases of males and have appealed again and again before the pub-
It mates, treated on principles established by is a aatha i ant guarantee to th e a gli ath d .
twenty year, L. practice, and sanctioned by
N. B. There are so many ignorunt and
'lntestines of he must ruinatkable cures. Medi
a vorthless quack. advertising themselves as
Vi l l:Pr i i i :,, l t u e i a l a d :,.f .. Z i „ u ,a ui dtrhy ui p a a t n it y ,,,r a r n ° ,: i . t i t i a l : "%yids:tuns, ruining the health lit the already af
meeting wait symptoms by letter. Business . Dr. Johns'n deems it necessary to say to
currespundence strict ly confidential. Address nat ." Jai , with his reputation th a hie
J. SLMMERVILL E, M. D., • 14.""ae haat, in his office.
UYFICS, Ito. I t3l FILBERT ST., (Old N 0.109.) , Taste NOTIOL—AII letters must be post
Below Twelfth, paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply,
ZIOLADELYIIIA, or no answer will lie saga, ArogOleattAr. hay.
0 0
Or Tilt
O The largest and beat 0
O 0
O OF 0
44 1 As Cheap as the Cheapest, g
4. an@ 527M111 g
p THAN 0
; r t i k WARRANTED. o
All kinds of 0
r. 0000000000000
Alta 'l'. I Lx. T. I Fast T.
Train leaves A. M. A. M. P. M.
Petersburg, 7.23 4.02 .3.06.
llnuiingdon, 7.38 4.17 3.21
Mill Creek, - 7.50 4.27 3.91
Mt. Union, 8.07 4.41 3.44
TRAINS Gots° West.
P. M. A. M P. 751.
5.11 6.43 9.09
5.28 6.58 9.13
5.42 7.11 9.37
5.58 7.23 9.50
Train leaves
Mill Creek
11. K. NEFF, M._11.,
Hlocated himself in WA IiRIORMA.
in this county, would respectfully of f er hi,
professional services to the citizens of plays
and the euu it try alai:icon.
.1. B. TAW., M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Or oison, Esq,
.1. 11. Dorsey,' lion. James Gwinn,
M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq.
lion. George Taylor. . _
Huntingdon, Po.
Jacob M Gemmill, M. D., Alexandria.
John M'Culloch, Pnterstutry.
A. P. Wits°. Ti Bocce PETRIKIA
Practice in th o several Count of Huntingdon
Blair, Cambria, Contra, Mifflin and Juniata Coon
ties. Mare), 23, 1853.
ARE inthllible in removing stoppages or irreg.
nlarites (.1' the menses.
These Pills are nothing new, but have bees
used by the doctors for fenny years, both in
Frain:cam] America, with Imparallelled success:
and he is urged by natty thousand Indies, who
have used thine, to make the Pills public, for
the alleviation of those stitntring from any irre•
gularities of w hatever nature, as well an to pre.
vent •pregnancy to those Indies whose health
tt•ill not permit an increase of family.
Pregnant females or those supposing them•
selves so, aro cautioned against these PiPa
while pregnant, no the pt•oprietor assumes 00
responsibility alter the above admonition, al
the:inn their mildness would prevent any mis
chief to health; otherwbto these Pills are tecom•
invaded. Full and explicit directions aecom
iuuty hex. {'rice, $I per box.
Sold wholesale and retail by
JOHN READ, General Agent
tin Huntingdon Co.. Pa.
I have appointed Dr. John Read Sole agent
for the sale of my French Periodical Golden
Pills, fin• the borough and county of Hunting,
don. All orders mu,t he addressed to hint.
Ile will supply dealers nt the proprietog's pFsi•
cos, and send the Pills to ladies (eonAkalially)
by return mail, to any part of the Halted States,
ou receipt of SI, enclosed to him through the
Huntingdon posbotlice. For further particu
lars get a circular of the Agents—sold by drug
gists everywhere.
c My signature is written on each box.
Broadway P. 0., New York.
151 ..OR THE
John S. Dye, Author,
0 Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank
er and Publisher, and author of "A series of
Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when
seder 10 snecenive.nights, over 50,000 People
*greeted him with rounds of applause, while
Cfs) Ice exhibited the manner in which Counter
,.feiters execute their frauds, and the surest and
„ ft ' . shortest metaecof detecting them !
▪ The Bank Note Engravers all say that le
'" the greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
© Greatest discovery of the present century
liir detecting Counterfeit Bonk Notes. De
., scribing every genuine bill in existence, and
Rs exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in
circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that
o relerence is easy and detection it.tantaneous.,
, far No index to examine ! No .pages to.
..hunt up ! But so simplified and arrangen,
o: that the Merchant, Banker and Business mad,
;can see all at a glance. English, French and!
.stiernian. 'rhos each may read the same in
:Ida own notice tongue. Most perfect Bank
Note List published. Also a list of all the
L. Plicate Bankers in America. A complete
4 1 unimary of the Finance of Europe mid A
'Lerma will Ice published in each edition, to
e pilfer with all the important news °Nile day.
:Also a series (Whiles, from an old Manuscript
g mind in the East, it furnishes the most corn
y plete History of "Oriental Lith."
lug the most perplexing positions in which
IC the ladies and gentlemen of that Country
„have been so often found. These stories will
continue throughisnt the whole year, and will
ms ',rove the most entertaining ever uttered to,
C the public.
a, ,, fr„ } ;.'eiari'ri'lnYelc W lklty,..Ttz's„ecirr.,rszTtlyo
4.) .101104 S. DYE, 13110.11, l'ubliahor 6c
Proprietor ' 70 Wall Street, New York.
April 22, 1857.-Iy.
Dr. John McCulloch,
()tiers his professiensi services to the citizens(
Ulluntingdon stud vicinity. Office, on Hill et..
between IVlontgunicry and Bath.
liuntingtion, Aug. 29, 1855.
The Juniata Flour and Plaster Mills, one
mile below Alexandria, tlumingdon county,
Pat., have constantly on hand Ground Plaster,
of the hest quality, fur which Grain of all
kinds, will be taken in exchange at market