Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 10, 1858, Image 2

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Editor and Proprietor
Wednesday Morning Mara 10, LB5B.
The Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Journal, i% great
er than the Globe and Ain
erican combined.
The Huntingdon JOURNAL for one year, and
either of the Magazines for the same period
•ill be sent to the address of any subscriber
to be paid in advance as follows
The Journal and Cocky a Lady's Book, for
•ne year, $3 50
The Journal and Graham's Magazine, for
one year, $3 50
The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and
Putnam 's Monthly, for one year, $3 50
The Journal caul Frank Leslie's Family
Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, for one year
$3 50
The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine,
for one year, $2 75
The Journal and Peterson's Magatine, for
one year, $2 75
- . .
The Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for one
year, $3 50
— IMPrOn Sunday night last, our town
was visited by a gang of burglars, who
entered the Jewelry store of Mr. Frisch,
and stole therefrom a lot of revolvers, pis
tols, pocket-books, jewelry, &c.
Mr. Riegger's Jewelry store was then
visited, and an unsuccessful attempt made
to enter it. The stores of Messrs. Fisher
& McMurtrie, and Mr. Roman, were also
tried, but no entrance effected.
On Monday night a young wan calling
himself William Williams, was arrested,
in whose possession was found several ar
ticles, which had been stolen from Mr.
Frisch's store. Our friend, Billy Lewis,
of the Globe, (whose office had also been
entered,) identified a powder•flaak, which
had been stolen from him.
The prisoner was commited to jail to
await his trial at the April Court.
ACCIDENT.-A young lad from Bed
ford, Pa.. met with an accident on last
Saturday morning, at Harrisburg. He
made an attempt to get on the cars when
they were in motion, and in doing so, his
foot slipped on the tee, the wheel of the
car struck him on the " heel, causing a
severe contusion The boy was brought
up in the cars to this place the same day,
and on Monday he took the Broad Top
train for home.
sr- Messrs. Fisher & McMurtrie are
putting the store room known as Saxton's
through a thorough course of repair, into
which they will remove t heir store on the
let of April.
sir Being unavoidably absent for
four or five days will, we hope, explain
to X for the nonappearance of his com
munication; also for deferring the prom
ised exposure of the Poor House plunder
lln the Democratic Convention, at
Harrisburg, on Thursday, the committee
on resolutions reported a long and strong
series, going the whole figure for the Le
compten policy, and sustaining the Buch-
anan administration. Mr, Stokes offered
a substitute, taking the opposite tack, and
endorsing the policy of Governor Packer.
The report of the committee was adopted
by 111 ayes to 1 nay-20 declining to
vote, In the evening, the convention, on
the first ballot, nominated the Hon. W. A.
Porter, for the vacant seat on the bench of
the Supreme Court.
7'We have all the returns of the re
cent town elections in the State of New
York, and it will be seen that their general
aspect is overwhelmingly menacing to the
backers of the Lecouipton fraud. In the
Cities and larger villages where the influ
ence of the law•defying grogsaops is very
great, and is exerted for they. party which
they deem most likely to give them im•
punity, the question of the day is ignored,
and seeming verdicts obtained for the. Ad-
ministration ; but in the 'Rural Districts"
the People are nearly all on one side, and
that the side of Freedom.
'<Assts.—The Lawrence correspondent of
the New York Tribune writes that Dr. Brown,
'one of the commissioners appointed to take the
census of Marshal 'county, has made his re
turns. The whole county now has one hundred
and fifty voters. Yet in 1855, wEen the Mis.
sottrians took care of the elections, the county
returned 620 votes. At the last December
election, 272 votes wire professedly thrown for
the Leeorepton constitution. For the election
on January 4th the returns were adroitly held
back, and have not been counted in any of the
tables printed. The returns (as per candle
box) show nearly 900 votes. These are but tri•
fling frauds when compared with others which
the census returns are bringing to light. And
yet, says the Boston Post, "no matter what
frauds and outrages have been perpetrated, the
Republican party alone is the cause of the ex
clusion of Kansas from the Union ad a free
State I"
`'The Catacomba of Rome" on the firer
rage is to be ennti teed.
pt.• Kennedy's Bank Note Review
for March is before us. It is rapidly go.
ing up in the estimation of the monitory
Z Tl)dges' Journal of Finance is on
our table, it is a valuable Bank Note De-
I.llllr The Wall Street Broker for March
is with us, It sustains a good reputation
and is reliable.
le Emerson's Magazine and Put.
nam's Monthly for March is now before
us. It is an excellent number and holds
its character with any of the Magazines,
they must succeed.
Mir We have received a oopy of Mrs,
Hale's Receipts for the million containing
four thousand five hundred and forty flee
Receipts, facts Directions, etc., in the
useful, ornamental, and Domestic arts,
and in the conduct of Life. Being a
complete Family Directory by Mrs. Sa
rah Josepha Hale. Published in Phila-
delphia, by 'l'. B. Peterson, No. 306
Chestnut Street. Price 81,25. In this
book may be found a receipt for the...pre
paration of everything about a house.
D' Also from the same enterprising
publisher, five volumes of the fashionable
reading of the day, viz :
Wallace, the Hero of Scotland, by
George W. M Reynolds, illustrated with
thirty eight beautiful illustrations. Price
50 cents.
10 - Also from the same publisher,
Corinne; or Italy, by Madame De Stael.
'l'ranslated expressly for Peterson's Li-
brary of standard Novels, by L. E. L.
Twenty books complete an one. Price
50 cents.
Mr Also the two Apprentices with a his•
tory of their Lazy tour by Charles Dick.
ens. Price 25 cents.
1 Alio the Perils of certain English
Prisoners, and their treasure in Women,
Children, Silver, and Jewels. By Charles
Dickens. Price 25 cents.
eV' Also Wreck of the Golden Mary,
by Charles Dickens. Price 25 cents.
The First Olin from Illinois.
The telegraph a tow days since informed
us of the signal victory achieved by the Re
publicans at the municipal election in Chien
go. We have by mail the full account. The
majority of Haines, the Republican candi
date fur Mayor, is 1351, and the whole Re
publican general ticket is elected by a liko,
vote. To the board of Alderman there are
chosen seven Republicans and three Demo
Never, in the history of our country, has
the dominant party been put more severely
to the test than at present. The power of po
litical adhesion. usually understood to be po
litical affinity, has been resolved into its ele
mentary'components by the Kansas analysis.
It may be a satisfactiou to know the exact re
sult. In figures it would be represented as
five parts patriotism, five democracy, and
ninety love of office and of pelf. Probably
there are five voters in a hundred who have
really been persuaded by the terrible gascos
rule of the South and the seek submission of
too many at the North, that the Union is re.
ally in some danger from southern threats.
And there are five more who dread that, what
is greater in their eyes than country—party—
cannot hold together unless the southern al.
traists have everything their own way. The
difference between the last five and the nine
ty in a hundred is, that the five really think
that democracy is iu danger. The ninety care
nothing for abstractions; office, present or
I prospective—its benefits, direct 0: indirect,
for themselves or their friends (perhaps their
debtors,) are all that they can appreciate.
These considerations have most weight, of
course, with the gentlemen who represent
their party is that perpetual political CRUM,
Congress, or in the occasional gatherings of
the faithful to manufacture public opinion.
On such the executive thumbscrews can be
made to bear. The effort, just now, is to con.
trol the leaders, and through them the party.
The manoeuvres, a thought too open, which
are in plogress in Washington, are palpable.
But the success of executive dictation is not
commensurate with party impatience." The
influence of the White House is not of itself
sufficient. There is required an additional
pressure, and this is sought in the manufac
ture of public opinion to order, especially in
New York and Pennsylvania. From the first
named State the Tammany article has already
gone to Washington, and will there be wel
comed "neat as imported." Nothing could be
better than the "original package." Tam•
many, on the 4th, issued her decree, and under
the executive lash, wielded by Marshal Ityn•
dors, slaves, once fugitive from the party, were
triumphantly brought back. Of course reso
lutions were adopted. We have room only
for the last of the series, the climax, the brief
epitome of all the rest. And we have need
only for one tientence from that. All the rest
may be omiCted without injuring the sense,
impairing the logic, or weakening the force
of the series. Kansas ought to be admitted
into the Union with the Lecotnpton constitu
tion, because "James Buchanan, President of
the United States, recommends it I" If Mar
shal Itynders did not fire that gun when this
resolution was announced, it was because its
astounding impudence needed "no more re
There is the whole argument iu a sentence.
If brevity be the soul of wit, it is witty. If
audacity be the character of courage, it is
brave. If servility be the spirit of democracy,
it is tlemocratie.
diatitimt of aeltiahm
be more miserabl:
truth leaks out unawares. Kansas must be
admitted because James Buchanan rreom•
mends it !
And what is there so conclusive in the rec•
ommentlation of the gentlemen who held nt
least one office too many fin his reputittioi. ?
The same pen that recommends Lecompton ,
holds Rynders on its pnirt. All the rest of the
political leeches of the party have the like de
pendence. Overthrow the slavery dynasty,.
and you not only damage the present ollice-hol
ders, but disinherit those who are looking to
the succession. The President recommends.
The king wishes. The autocrat decrees, end,
under penalty of lois of bread mid butter, of
perquisites arid privileges, the faithful must be
obedient. The same process is under way in
Pennsylvania that has succeeded in Tammany.
The democratic eativention in Harrisburg, dare
do no less than pass a series of resolutions pro•
per to be received at the White House, and
available to work upon the recreants in Con
gress. But we entreat them not to put so fine
a point on it as has been done in New York.
There is no need of language quite so plain.—
The people in the Keystone State, and our
members in Congress can draw an inference—
even the democrats. Let something be left to
the imagination, and something be sparett to
But there is this consolation, that the deci
sions of Tammany and tne resolutions of cau
cuses must go through the ordeal of popular
revision. There is no Kansas modus operandi
by which the people of the free States can be
forbidden either to speak dr to act. And if
party managers, by previous concert and cau
cus manceuvres, suppress the utterance of fres
s peech, and the expression of honest opinions
by delegates, the people who delegated them
will speak for themselves. Slavyry may be
forced temporarily into Kansas, but Kansas
tactics cannot he made successful in Pennsyl
vania. For the public officers, such tyrrasny
may answer, but not for the people. The elec
tion of 1860 will demonstrate positively, what
men, not blinded by self-interest and love of
office, and of patronage, might have guessed,
at least, without proof so disastrous to the ex
pectations which they are doomed to lose by
over greediness.
soar- The Republican Convention, which met
at Harrisburg on Monday, after maturely con.
sidering the subject relative to which it had eon
veiled, concluded to leave the calling of the
State Convention to nominate militates for Su.
premo Court and Canal Commissioner, to the
Union State Committee, of which Lemuel Todd
is Chairman. This conclusion, we think the
best that could possibly be arrived at.
THE FLECTRIC OlL—Electric Cures—Pain
is the premonitor of death, rilieve the pain mid
you check the disease.
Prof. De Grath's Electric Oil is the marvel
of the age, for the following (not everything);
Curet Rhuetnatisin often inn day 7•
Cures Neuralgia, toothache two minutes:
Cures Cramp in Stomach, five minutes;
Cures Burns, Cuts, Bruises,:one to duet, days;
Cures Headache, fifteen minutes;
Cures Earache. Stiff Neck, Ague, one night,
Cures Piles, Swelled Glands. ten days;
Cures Piles, Swelled Glands, ten days;
Cares Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess six to
ten days;
Cures Frosted Feet and Chilblains, one to
three days.
Cures Ague and Fever, one to two d Lys,
and all nervous and scrofulous affections.
Cures deafness in one to lour days.
Cures all Pains in the Back, Breast, ho.,
in two days.
say' There is an article selling throughout
the country that has attained the widest retch
rity ever known as a remedy for Liver Cote
plaints. We have reference to Dr. Sanford's
Invigorator, or liver Remedy, that has perforat
ed cures almost too great to believe, were it
not for the undoubted evidence that accompa
ny the testimonials. It is, in truth, the best
remedy known for Dyspepsk Jaundice, or a
general debility that so often baffles the skill of
our most eminent physicians.
Dr. Sanford hits been for a long time one of
the eminent physicians of New York, and it is
said, most of his cases were treated with the In
vigorator with such invariable success that lie
has induced to offer it ns a family medicine,
and let the world have the benefit of his discov
ery, if these 'who are troubled with debility
headache languor, or slow lingering fever will
try a bottle, we think they might save physi
cians' bills, and days, perhaps years of suffer.
The Bowels and their Functions
As perfect health is the greatest IslessiiT
that we can enjoy, without which all other
blessings are of little consequence, we deem
it of great importance to point out the way
fur you to enjoy it. The bowels must be kept
in a state by which they are enabled to carry
off the useless matter; they are the main chan
nel which nature has arpointed to carry cv
erything that is unnecessary. And it is im•
possible to tell 'what a large amount of sick
ness has been caused by costspation, or cos
tiveness; in other words, by not keeping the
bowels regular; it is the main road to all di
seases; it is the cause of unnatural irritation
to the osseous, or lining membranes of the
bowels. Having lost their natural strength,
they cannot object to what is required of
them. Hence, the bowels become inflamed,
and unless you find a speedy relief, n thou
sand other complaints are ever ready to drag
you through a miserable and wretched life.
fo accomplish this there is no compound so
valuable as them Pills.. From two to five
Pills a day will increase etrqugth and appe•
tile, and cleanse the stomach and intestines
from whatever is injurious.
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills am sold by
all dealers in Medicines.
TN spite of the washes end neArtons which
I are puffed upon a credulous public , bald
ness, especially in this country, appears to be
one of the evils which flesh is heir to. When
this unfortunate occurrence takes place, the
only thing to be done is to remedy it by some
artificial contrivance, which shall resemble I
nature as closely us possible. The must nut-'
oral and elegant coverings for the head that .11111 919
we have ever seen are the wigs nod toupees XTOTIcI. is II
manufactured by Mr. George Thurglittal, No..
29 South Sixth street. The hair is fastened Putt, late a 11 .1 ,
to a net of such line texture that the natural been irfunted to I
skin is visible through it and consequently indebted to said
the artifice cannot be detected. We advise 'lime P") 1 """ t t "
our readers who are in want of any such ar- the same mill pr,jor
ticics to examine these, and we feel certain DJ I
that thej will he pleased with them, liopeseel I tr.
• .),
tt j).
• 1 I
he 111 , •
collection was taken tr the bcnefit of the
poor in the congiegiion. A mono the au
dience woo 'Nirs.'Fretunt ('Oor :Jessie') who;
hoppening to have in - moony in her pocket,
as the plate was posit, took from her finger
a heavy gold ring au threw it in as the on
ly contribution which he woo able at the
mament to make. le ring contains on the
outside an engraved 'bee' (in allusion to a
Leandro' incident ink)]. Fremont's passage
of the Rocky 'Gunton:l) and on the inside
the inscription, Morel 4, '57. It will be sold
for a charitable pupae, and will, no doubt,
bring a high price. •
vele Mara 6.—A use named Cowd, has been
sentenced to the Stto prison for the term of
IS months, by Jude Ingersoll, for counter•
felting three cent pikes at Waterbury, Connect
Wnshingtim, March 7,—A messenger has arri
ved from Kansas briegiug with him the journal
of the Leeotnpton Cor.vontion, and the evi
dence taken before the commission to examine
into the alleged frauds in Kansas. at the elec
tions held on the 21st of December and the 4th
of January. * The documents are voulminnus.
It is said that the investigation reduces the le
gal vote at the former election to about 2,500,
whereas it wauberetoforo to be 6,795.
The majority and the two minority oeports
of the House ;assns investigating committee
will, it is supposed, be submitted next week.
SSIP Brigham Young, Elder Kimball, and
other distinguished Mormons, have been in.
dieted for High Treason by the Utah U. S.
District Court:
16' One 11; last week, a party of young
men from Net ury, Cumberland county, Pa.,
went out on a milting expedition, killed nine.
teen foxes.
tiiir A Denpicratic country editor in Ohio,
vho is also poitinaster, has defined' his posi-
tion with a frankness and good. nature that
qiiite overcomes one's conviction of its reali
ty. It suits son, of the time serving politic
ians of the saran creed hereabouts to a hair.
Ire says:
'Fur my own part, although I. hank full
faith in Judgenouglas and lolly believe in'
the doctrine Mpoonlar sovereign' v, yet with
a regard to me position, as an officer of the
federal goverioncia, as well an a profound re•
sped fur th 9 AMerieun eagle, and the income,
of my office, ai a mutter of expediency I shall.
support, the President.
N. B.—ln the event that DOUghlt.ltucepols
we min changeom vice-anima the end uf "imi •
Buck's term.'
M. .1111IED.
O n the I , lin lest., at the residence of the
bride's frith, by the Rev R E. Wilson,
hi r. Curti, Ilyle. of Mifflin County, to
Mitry Leych, of NlcAlavey's Fort.
Huntingdon rourity Pa.
On the 111) Nara. mar CUMSV int , . at the
b ow ., of rb i yid Stour b y / b e rb,.. ty . The suloseriher, desiring to quit running, offers
17radshaw I.llll,liiell, Daniel H. but. of Redford'nt .1° the ""wing d°zirabl. proporty
C o . r t ,. to mi„ ma w, 111 S reeideuee, Ito FIUIJAY, the 20th MAncit
Hunt, do, Pit. ' A. I). 1858, vie :
At the same house, and at the same time, hy TEN HEAD 01 HORSES AND COLTS,
(h:Lwhich the Rev. \V. Brndshaw Bechtel!, (,eor'e M.
orich is a fine mere 5 years old; one o f
t ' lWee rear old ;and of them oboe
fire., to Miss Misty Ann Stever'
David Stover Esq., all of Cassville.
vli matched. Also
" li g ht " l i a ' , rear old each ; two of the two year olds are
On the ild hr the Rev. R. FletcherX, ; WAGONS, PLOWS GRAIN DRILLS,
Amos Starr, to Mrs.ntneY E Quin, all of Ilan. Th res hi ng m ac hi ne , Grain Drill and Raker,
tingdon Pa.
Windmill, Harrows and Horse-gears, together
.th a variety of articles too numerous to in
sert. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said
day, when due attendance and a credit of nine
months will be given. DAVID STONER,
Three Springs, Feb.24;57.-3t.
--- • • - - ' -- - • - • . ' -----
2 'BYO LiE@HlrillU 1P2P211.
AJOURNAL devoted to the Amusementent and
Interest of Ladies and Gentlemen, entirely
01110 INAL in all its parts, Light, Gay and
Fast. All this any ho furnished without the
slightest inamorrality in its tendency in gaining
a place in its columns. The .lugubrious or
FLOUR.—Thire is no change to no miserable will find nothing congeial in Me Slip
per while the Humorist and Bon I7cant anytice in the Flour cachet;i $1,75,
CLOVER SELD —'T'he're is a steady I'o cixus, 7. • . well enjoy it.
'pM for $3
business to notice $1,5091.871
. per bush. " 12 5
RYE FLOUR—Is dull. 28 " 10
WHEAT.—Quitinues !unite[]; -1250, (Inc subscriber in every seven will be mi i-
Ver. bush. tied to A GIFT WORTH FROM SA TO z. , :=00.
I Among the articles to be distributed, are Gold
''''"'''''''' '''"""''"'''''''-'''"'''"-''"''''"'"•'! I and Silver Watches Gold Guard nod Vest
Chains, Silver Cake and Fruit Baskets, Gold
GROVER & BAKER'S • Lockets, Armlets, Ear Drops, Brooches, Pi.,
CAA:HEATED Rings, Gold Dollars, kc.
FAMILY SIWING MACHINES. A honorable system will be used to deter
-495 BROAIWAY, NEW YORE, ' mine which one or the seven subscribers shall
730 CHESTNI.II ST., 11-111,A1)ELPIIIA be entitled to one or the above GIFTS, which
will be sent immediately on receipt of the sub•
sitY - No applicuton for AGENCIES weed he seriPtion tame) ,
made, except by lemons of integrity, reliabili Agents Wanted.
ty, and having extellent facilities for doing Im• Address all communications to
sums. They mat be addressed to GROVER & ROLAND R. WEST A Co.
Batout S. 91. C0,,135 Broadway, New York. Corner Worth street and Broadway, N. Y.
Feb.17,'58.-3m. Feb. 17, '57:-3m.
805 Chestnut steet above eighth, KAY & BROTHER,
(Late of .n. 45 South Second Street) LAW BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS.
AND IstrourEns,
the Limitation Actions and of Lie. a-
SPRINGIWORTATION OF SILK' gainst Real Estate in Pennsylvania. By ELI
K. l'ateEt, EsQ.
n t must 1 t i :L i
bettor conduce ls
s r ip c e l t , l o:b l :ri o n a i i i :t i l
i l l :
i tr i law d c o s i n t ar e
i these ti i :l n t:e g i l d s
' gate, and thus showing the bearing twit. port.
/upon each other. It must also promote the fin-
CROS DE NAI El 4, (Glace Rod Plain,) ' lid,: on d com ph otonese o f c onveyancing, which
MARCELINES ND PLORENCES, though vastly advanced beyond Ivhat it was fifty
BLACK MODE ' years ago, is still incomplete,"
ENGLISH CRI Au Analytic Digest of the Laws of the Uni•
110 N NET SAT ted States, from the Adoption of the Consti•
In Porter township, on tits dth inst.. Margo:
rot Catharine, daughter of Daniel, Jr., and
Harriet. Kyper. aged 7 months 27 days.
On Saturday the nth inst., nt the residence j
of his st - M-in law, John Henry. in Barren ;
township, Maj. burrs Pdrtor, aged about 66
T \ El, \
it:Lb AssoiermrsT or
A 1.60, A
of , much value, and well executed. Tho he rids — I
under which the glifferent Acts of Congress are -- I —'=" Ff . S .
arranged are well choien and appropriate and I I C.l 0. I •—• t.l , G. 00 re . N
what is still more important, the Index, so far
las I have been able to examine it, is complete. —i--, r 77 7 F
%Jacob. Pult, decd, I The hook has evidently beat prepared with
iirator's otiCe• 1 "" • n m r...:m vtg '
h c are and judgment, and will, I doubt not, x g--. ~„..
he very acceptable to the public.
' t i h ' e en es ti : l l ' e tf u l , :: 11 : Nl.\ AVI6'1"11011r LI: and Re.
melt township, dec'd have Edition,
`6l i tt a."
mostly of our own inn•
nahled to offer them on M.
'As the Itlipve
pollution, We Uri
Terrible terms,
March 10th, 11
e undersigned: 7 All per... LINN'S ANALYTICAL. INDEX to the Penn
late, me requested to inane- ovoid', Reports.
I those havinv ,Minis against IN PREPARATION, CZ:Vig
cot them duly authenticated ra46 - .7.=.,147,1 7=
Revised Edi t i on. By M, RUSSELL T.,,,..,, , Of the 71 inmates remaining in
VII) MOUNTAIN, A dmr. EN. 1 the 6th January 1858,51 are
atoll 10, 'N. March 10,1Y18.-?m,! insane. and 11 Wm!
tU eNISTII 41`011 9 C NOTICE.
, TICE IS 'DERE It 1' GIVEN, that letters
IN or administration on the estate at f'tasannalt
Walker, late of Dublin townshii., dee'd., have
been granted to the undersigned, all persons In
debted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate i ayment, and those having claims a
gainst the same will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to DAVID WELCH.
Burnt Caitiffs, March 10, 1858.•64
(Emu,: OF MARY WALKER, Dro'D.)
.1. of administration on the estate of Mary
Walker, late of Dahlia township, deed., have
boon granted to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make 1111-
mediate payment, and those having claims a
gainst the same will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to DAVID WELCH.
Burnt Cabins, March 19, '1830.-11t.
Do you wish to find a good employment, an d
make money with little or no investment, and
without interfering with your regular business?
If yo.o do, rend this advertisement.
C E. Toon & Co., of 392 Broome Street
New York, are manufacturing; and selling mas
sive gold Pencils for $5 cacti, (which are cheap
at that price,) and they throw in a gift or prize
with each Pencil worth from $2 up to $5, $lO,
$l5, $2O, $25, $3O, 050! $75, $lOO, $2OO, an' !
$5OO. Don't cry oat, 'Humbug! Lottery I'—
It's no such thing. The Pencils are sold at
their cash value, and all the profits over the
first cost are thrown into the gifts, which actu
ally cost the purchaser nothing. The prizes
aro distributed on n simple plan of drawing,
which would take too much room to explain,
but which has never failed to give complete
satisfaction We have drawn and sent to put
chasers 183 gold snatches of various prices, 74
purses of gold dollars. 238 gold lockets, 850
gold chains, and a corresponding number of
other, prizes, within two months.
"TII ERE ARE NO BLANKS," but every
purchaser draws a prize worth $2 certain, and
it stands thousands of chances to be a `ligher
We want tigood agent in every neighbor
hood throughout the country, to solicit purcha
sers, and any agent, to be successful, must
have apencil nod a prize to exhibit. We pay
agents $l cash for each purchaser ha obtains,
.d the first person in any neighborhood who
applies fora Pencil nod gift, will receive the
agency for that locality. Should as agent oh
ta!ii a valuable prize to exhibit with his Pen
cil, he would have little difficulty in obtaining
scores of purchasers, and malting it u pnyirg
A New Idea Read ! ! Read ! !
We ask nobody to send their money till they
know what prize they draw. Any person wish.
ing to tee their luck, can first send ns their
name and Address, and we will make their
avow and infbrm them by return mail what
prize they drew, when they can send on and
take the Pencil and prize, or not, whichever
they choose. We give thinprivilege only once
to a reirchnser. After the first drawing, every
purchaser will he required to send in advance
through the authorized agent. We will send
with each drawing the number taken out, with
full description of the plan of drawing.
Address C. E. TODD & Co.
392 Broome Street New York.
:ran. 20th,IMR—Cm.
totion to the end of theXXXIV Congress,
1712-1557. By Funustucis C. BIUOIITLY,
editor of "Portion's Digest," &c.
1 Vol. imperial dvo, pp. 1142. Price only $6.
Fe 031 THE 110 N. R. B. TAtinr, CHIEF Joe-
Tien OF THE lisiireo SrsTne.—"lt is 4 work
art= ininow
IPETER M. BARE, hereby give notice,
, that I bought at Constable's sale, as the pro
perty of Amon Pheasant, the following goods
and chattels, vin —One bay 'Horse, one!Coiv,
one 'Heifer, and ten acres of wheat, etc., which
I have left in his possession without relinguish•
ing my ownership. Therefore all persons are
hereby notified not to purchase or disturb the
said property without my consent.
March 3, aB.-3t. P, M. BARE.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa
;limitary on the estate of Hugh McMullein;
late of Tell township, Huntingdon county,
dec'd., have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons indebted to said estate are reques•
tad to maim immediate payment, and those
having claims to present them properly au
thenticated for settlement to
March 8, '88:-61.*
cm 11.M.Nrr's
THE subscriber will sell at private Sale his
large Store House in the village of SHAPE
OAP, Huntingdon co., Pa.
This stand Ts one of the best stands for a
good Store in the connty. The building is
20 x4O feet painted and plastered. Complete
with Ware house, office and Cellar attached.
TERMS.—One thousand Sollars, one half
cash, and balance will be taken out in goods,
no wanted at a fair price. If not sold it will
then be for rent.
Address B. X. BLAIR,
Gap Tannery.
March 3, '5B:-3t. •
nNE of the most convenient and useful books
U published this season is the one with the
above title, which is published by Messrs.
U. Kimlfall & Co. of Providence, It. I. It is
a complete guide in all matters of law and
business negotiations for every State in the
Union, and contains information upon every
possible form of business which may arise in
the course of a man's experience. It is pre
pared by an association of lawyers of well
known standing and ability. Such n book is
almost invaluable to the business titan. It
can be had of the enterurising publishers, and
may be had at this office.
March 3, 'sBt-3t.
1-7 GLASGOW, Stewart in account with the
Huntingdon County Poor House.
To balance at last settlement, 132 23
To Treasury for orders drawn nt sundry
_ .
To sundry persons, hogs sold to them, '2l 96
To 19 yards carpeting houghs in Phila. • 8 78
To sundry persons for produce off farm
and paupor labor, 12 92
To cash resolved for ono cow and calf, 30 00
To Samuel Backus, Esq., for lines on
his docket, 6 68
To James M'Elwce for his note, (2) 21 50
To John Jacobs " " " 92 00
To Jos. Cornelius " " 20 00
To County Docket for costs received
in cone J. Hicks, 12 39
$1,858 06
CR. By sundry expenditures fur use of House:
Ephm. Doyle for cash paid him for corn 41 68
Sundry persons for female labor, 31 87
Cash paid liir freight on sundry goods, 33 01
Trav'ling expenses on busines for house 69 31
liar. Burns for digging vault; 6 OD
.7. J. 'Wallace tar stoves for House, 33 00
J. Nash for publishing annual report, 17 50
Lutz & Flautt tor carpenter work, 12 00
Sundry persons for use of house, mis's 103 03'
Ahm. Cgrothers fur road taxes, 4 22
Sundry persons for fencing, itching,
harvesting, &c. 66 80
George Leas for one bee-hive, 5 00
Sundry persons for miscellaneous items, 32 76
Dr. Robt. Udird fur med. and ittten. pr.
Thus. Ruler, 31 50
Sundry cases for out-dour pauper relief
. .
afforded, 14 20
Removing 2 paupers from Lewistown, 8 12
Removing Samuel A. Briggs to Home 5 20
Removing J. McGee to House, 4 25
Cash paid fur delivering 7 paupers, 5:22
ti 4< 64 4: I pauper, 6GU
.. .. .. . .
" ". " sundry reml; and deliv'e 25 93
State Lunatic llos' I for keep'g J. Wiser 119.62
Brooker & Marsh for merchandise, 40 88
Jungeriek & Smith, do., 351,53
Sundry persons for miscellaneous art'n 5 11
Sundry persons for apple butter, 12 60
, no. do, for extra allowance on pork, 21 32
5 J. V. West for 1 barrel fish, 750
Catharine Rickets for hacOn.
Sundry persons for ini;cona'a items, 1162
John Jacobs for his note paid, 92 00
Compensation as Steward, 400 00
Balance at sottletnent, 224 67
Jan. 6, '5B,l:TL . n . t ns per Con 1858 06
343 bushels wheat, 46 bushels rye,lloo bush—
els corn in the car, 144 bushels oats, 250 bush•
els potatoes,s bushels cloverseed, bushels
timothy see, IS bushels onions ' 2 bushels soup
beans, 7 bushels turnips, 15 bushels beets, 20
bushels tomatoes, 60 bushels green apples, 22
tons hay, 14 loads corn fodder, 600 heads cab
bage, and 3066 pounds pork.
12 doz. bread baskets, I doz. coal I asket.,
doz band baskets, 3 doz. corn brooms, 30 wom
oils' dresses, 36 children's do., 38 shirts, 30
smocks, 14 caps, 12 sacks, 37 aprons, 00 pairs
stoi kings and socks, 22 skirts, 9 summer bon
nets, 10 prs. mittens, 12 prs. pantallons, 5
roundabouts, 5 vests, 2 capes, 3 night-gowns,
12 night-slips, 1 doz. towels, 9 comforts, 19
shrouds, IS I ed-spreads, 10 sheeta, 3 pro, men's
drawers, 480 lbs candles, 900 lbs. butter, 300
gals. sort or up, 50 lbs. hard do.
3 horses, 6 snitch cows, 9 head stock cattle,
27 hogs, 10 sheep, 137 bus. wheat, 15 bus. rye,
500 bus. corn, (in ear,) 5 bus. cloverseitl,:li
lies. timothy do., 4 bus. soup beans, 12 bus.
potatoes, 12 bits. onions, 5 bus turnips, 5 bus.
beets, 15 bus. apples, 16 tons hay, 10 loads corn
fodder, 1 bbl. sour crout, 60 heads cabbage, 500
lbs. flour, 4500 lbs. bed, and 4000 lbs. pork.
04. Table showing the monthly Admissions,
Elopements, Deaths, &c., &c.,
y 9., ,
- -7.47,
co vo Nr to to ••• tO oo Go
ea I% 0 ' t a:t c e2 nl
4`."k%tt4ttEl'Sne, --;:.
During the year, relief was afforded to a
bout 94 roses of out door pauperism.-9 have
cases included rill varieties of individuals and
femilirs; and all periods of time, from a few
days assistance to Ruppert during the entire
Tear, making an average allowance to each
individual 0102,62; which included also, med
ical assistance.—Admitted during the year,
In testimony of the correctness of the above
statement and exhibition, w•e have hereunto
set our bands this 6th day of January, A. D.
Receipts and Expendetarel
0/ the Huntingdon County Poor House,
from Jan. 7th, 1857, until Jan. 60i,
1858, inclusive.
To County Treasurer, for amt. drawn
to December lot, 1857, inclusive,
To " " Jan'y. sth and 6th, 1853,
To Wm. Glasgow, Steward for Sundry
items exhibited in his account, 958 76
By Sundry expenses on the farm and fur farm
ing, viz:
W „,,
m. Piper for wages sundry times, 928 76
Wm. I. Steel saddlery, 20 00
Jacob Lutz, corn, for food, 15 37*
E. Mclntire, rye .. , 9 69
A. McClure, 2 tons hay. 16 (50
A. L. Funk, 6 bushels barley seed, 4 50
John Lutz, corn for seed, 15 62
11. McGarvey, 20 bus. seed wheat, 30 00
Peter Burket, threshing grain, 22 14
Sundry persons, smithing &c., 68 30
" " miscellaneous items, 101 2tti
K. L. Green, cloverseed, 24 50
" .‘ sheep, 22 50
Wm. Glisgow. steward, sundry items ex
hibited in his account, 108 79
Expended for Provisions.
By Adam Helabor, for 150 bus, wheat, 192 90
Fisher & McMurtrie, floor, &e., 81 42
John ,Jacobs, for beef, 294 86
K. L. Green, wheat. 135 63
Henry Brewster, do.. 42 55
Sundry persons, 8541 ILL beef, 491 35
u ,c 1036 lbs., pork, 59 72
Estate of Geo. Askin, grain in ground, 24 53
Wm. Glasgow, steward sundries exhib
. . r..
Red in his account, 57 Oa
Sundry person miscellaneous items, 98 68
Sundry persons for Merchandize ;
By. Wm. 13. Leas, for merchandise, 360;93
Rare & McLaughlin, " 151171
Doyle, Foust & Cu., " 99 90
Boehm , & Rickets, 67 77
Wm. A. Fit raker, 57 SO
Jungwick & Smith " Phila., 39 96
Long & Decker, IC 21 37
James G. Lightner, " 20 73
Samuel Mattern, 13 39
Wm. Glasgow, steward, for sundry items
in his account, 407 29
Expenses for Out door Paupers :
1499 30
By D. Snare, osq., furnishing fur on t door
relief, 28 25
Amos Smith, keeping Bumbgardner, 96 00
Perry Moore. furnish C. Upnujer, ly. 25 00
Rich. Ashman, for Banks, &c_., 4.
84 0
Jno. Cromwell, es+, fur. F. Dougherty, 24 95
J. L. Heffner, fur. Jos. Goodman. 51 31
Ben'!. Kylor, keeping limy Chile° at, 91 00
T. T. Cromwell figs. sundry o. d. p., 44 89
Mary Walls keeping Mary McLaughlin, 67 66
Deborah Houck keep. Eliza Peight, 52 03
Danl. Slogithen " Rebecca Oh alley, Al 14,
T. E. Orbison furnishing o. tl. p., Be,. 21 50
J. W. Slattern " Mrs. Wharton, 57 15
Jane Woods keeping foundling 1 year, 20 00
,Sundry perions out door relict, 237 4 244
Dr. G. W. C. James, med. & attendance
1). llockenberry, 17 00
J. F. Wilson, do. out door pauper, 3 12i
C. F. Sellers, professional services, 5 00
H. L. Brown, do. L. Biurigardner, 90 00
Rohl. Baird, med and attend 2 eases, 31 00
M. Windy do., It Chaney, 6 00
It. 0. F. Baird, do., 2 raves, 10 50
G. W. C. James, du., E. Kelly, 10 00
.1. W. Harvey, do., It D. Ittmelf, 7 00
.1. B. Ludes, do., out door pauper, 11 75
J. 11. Dorsey do. do., 10 00
11. K. Nell; do., 111asterton 14 00
Win. Glasgow, steward, e xhibited in his
Removals and Delivery: •
n,con 1 a t,
By A. J. Dunlap, deliv'g J. O'Brian, 737
S. G. Thompson, " Henry Harris, 757
IVIn Rice, " Jas. Hamilton, 7 97
A. Isenberg, " D. Watson, 5 77
" C. Houck, 7 37 .
Jacob Porter, " 2 paupers, 11 67
M. Hamilton, " 1 6 37
11 11 "E. Kurtz,
6 60
Win. Bice,
11 . " 5 pnupers, 970
'• 1 Harrington, 650
D. Sharer, " t pauper, 7 50 .
Sundry persons removn s and delivery, 27 63
Wm. Glasgow steward, sundry items set
forth in his account, 55 32.
Incidental and Miscellaneous.
SAN Lunatic Asylum for keeping J. Wei
ser as per Steward's account, 119 62
J. J. Wallace for stoves, 29 43
Isenberg & Piper for one mare bought
of them, 130 00
A. B. Crewit, for commission ou am-
nunt drawn, 74 74
W. I. Steel for saddlery, buggy harness, 23 7&,,
IVm. Brewster printing annual report, 42 50 ,
W. P. Orhison for Harris, Hale & Co.,
1 set Surgical Instruments, 85 3?
Owen Boat for one buggy, 110 00:
M. S. Harrison, for tin. ware & repltig, 60 54.
John A. Nash for printing annual re.
port, os pet.
IVm. Lewis " "
I3enj. F. Miller " " rules and reg.
for House, 8 00
A. L. Rickets for boards, timber, BGo. 31 98.
J. S. Morris for building oven, 20 00
Eplun. Doyle fur coffins in part, 20 00.
Sundry persons for items too small to
enumerate, 201 96 ,
Wm. Glasgow, Steted, sundries detailed
iu his net, 347 40
Wm. Glasgow fur salary as Steward, 400 00
Dr. Robt. Baird for " attending
Physician, 200 00
Joseph Gibbony for services as Direc
tor 1 year, - 151 ?2
K. L. Green, " " 1 57 15
J. A. Shade, " " " balance 34 00
James Murphy " " to Jan. 6, 22 40
Henry Brewster " " Clerk 1 yr. 50 00
D. Blair. eeq., " " Counsel "20 00
John Jacobs for his note paid per Stew.
ard, 92 00
Wm. Glasgow Stew'd. for balance on
account, 224 67
We; the undersigned auditors of the Conn.
ty of Huntingdon, do hereby eertif) that we
have examined the orders, he., of the Direc,
tors of the Poor of said county, and find the
same, together with the vouchers, to bo cor.
reet as above stated. Witness our hands this
14th day of January A. D. 1858.
JAMES CREE, Auditors
13 ‘
Mol l g..Q
•tyatuyi ;',.
uAteioa I .4
the House on
sane, 9.11y9
*2g . F,qp r
1161 08"
7929 98
45 70
13 66
3i 00
35 50
$7329 9-E-3