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THE CHILDREN Beautiful the children's faces Spite of all that mare and sears To my inmost heart appealing ; Calling forth love:i tenderest feeling; Steeping all my soul with tears. Eloquent the children's faces— Poverty's lean look, which saith, Save us I sere us I woo surrounds us; Little knowledge sore confounds us: Life is but u lingering death. (live us light amid our darkness; Let us know the good from ill ; e all our bliiiduess; Love us, lead us, show us kindness— You eau make us what you will. We are willing ; we are ready ; We would learn, if you would !each We have hearts that yearn towards duty ; We have winds alive to beauty; Souls that any height can reach liaise us by your Christian knowledge : Consecrate to man our powers i Let In take our proper station: We, the rising generation, Let us runup the ago as ours We shall be what yuu•make us I Make us wise, and make us good I Make us strong in thus of trial ; Teach us tutuperauce, Patience, kindness, fortitude I Look into our childish fuces ; Bea yo not our willing hearts ? Only love us—only lead us; Only let us know you need us, And we all will du our parte. We are thousands—many thousand. Every day our ranks increase; Let us march beneath your banner, We, the legion of true honot., Combatins for love and peace I Train us ! try us 1 days slide onward, They can ne'er be ou rd again: Save ua, save ! from our undoing! Save fro!h ignorance and ruin ; Make us worthy ta be drim! Send us to our weeping mothers, Angel•stamped in heart and brow \re may be our fathers' teachers : Al may be the mightiest preachers, in the day that dawned: now Such the children's mute appealing! All my inmost soul was stirred ; lind my heart was bowed with sadness. When a cry like summer's gladness. Said, "The children's prayer is heard! alir A gentleman on his way from Boston to Vermont, stopped a tavern where he met an inquii-ttive country fel low, who said to him— 'Where have you come from if I may be so bold?' 'Not bold at all—l come from Boston' 'Where are you going, if 1 may be so bold?' 'l'm going to see the widow M.' 'Are you a married man, if I may be eo iroldr 'I am a widower.' •Are you going to mnrry the widow M it I may be so bold?' .That is too confounded bold!' -'My hair is eighteen years older than my whiskers,' said a lawyer, 'and I cannot understand why my whiske►s sfihnld turn gray first.' 'Because you have' workiid so much more with your *Vs thrt yr, belittle *dui *torn. KISSING BOUM The English correspondent of the Coin the spring for a pail of water; but when mercial Advertiser gives the following de- she arrived within grappling distance, scription of one of the Easter Holydays, she flung her pail away, clasped me rude. which he passed at a small town, in the ly around the waist, and before I could heart of Staffordshire : say .alas,' she lifted me from my feet and On descending to the little parlor of kissed me with violence. She offered t,) the inn, on Monday morning. I perceived apology for thus assaulting toe on the t hat all the household were in their gay. Queen's highway. but laughed in my face est attire, and that no one entertained any immoderately, and called out, •Sukey, I've serious notions of work or business. I got him I' _. . . _. . . • " ' had despatched my solitary breakfast of ham and eggs. and other country dais ' ties. and was looking out with mixed feel in2s of delight and envy upon the pros pect before me, when the door of my roam was suddenly flung open, and six ens)• eheeked. ringletted young women entered. tittering very touch; and looking very foolish at cacti other, and then to me. I not not vain—but, to give the devil his due, I um a rather handsome fellow— my mother has told me so a thousand thorn; so, upon the whole, I was rather gratified by 'hi , piece of admiring atten tion,—But to be left alone in a little par lor, with half a dozen girls, requires some nerve, and I confess I began to feel rather qualmish. 1 tan rather bashful besides— very hashful,•--and therefore had a mor tai repugnance to being thus exhibited gratis. and so to put an end to the scene, I said in As careless a tone as I could corn !nand, "What's the matter, Mary 1" "Well, sir," she answered, "I see you don't utr!erstand our ways, but you must sit in this chair, if you please." And she indicated a chair, which I had not percei red, to the back staves of which were en• twined laurel, ivy and flowers. Anxious to conciliate them, I complied with her request, resigning myself to my fate with desperate fortitude. Scarcely had I taken my seat when they lifted me up in the chair, as high as they could,' three or four times, laughing most outra geously at my looks of bewildered horror. II gave myself up for lost; an unfortunate young men, who had strayed into a ruse tic wilderness, far from his home and his friends, entrapped, ensnared, and forcibly carried away by six violent?) , pretty girls but if I was horror struck at this proce ding, judge what was my consternation, when the leader of the assailants, that very Mary, who had brought my break lust half an hour before, and leered upon me as only a charmingly wicked waiting woman can leer, advanced, seized me round the neck, and impressed upon my half parted lips a ferocious kiss ! Thin was the climax. f defied destiny from that instant, end resolved to meet my fate like a martyr "La, sir," said Mary, "1 declare, you are quite alarmed; I must have another, just 'o bring you to your senses." And she 'had' another, and it di/ bring me to my senses. How seen one gets - used to kissing ! All my terror had vanished at the salute of the third darned!, and I repaid the lip service', of the sixth with interest --I grit s•t fond of the sport, that I even wanted to repeat the performance, and would not have cared to employ the entire day in such pastime. "Now, sir," said Mary, "you must know that this is our ‘'heaving der.," to day the young girls 'heaves' the young men, whoever they can catch, gentle or simple; and to morrow the young men heaves we, if they can catch us, and them as don't get a kiss, man or, woman, pays forfeit.' I was also informed that it was customary to give sortie trifling gratuity to the ladies as a 'keepsake;' a practice to which I conformed, by giving them a trifle of money, which they did not keep long, and they left me well pleased with the success of their exploit, while I was no less so I rode in the mail coach to ,ithin about ! two miles of my friend's house, and wal ked the remaining distance. My road lay through narrow lanes, and across fields, ' until I came upon a small village. Filth erto I had not net a soul; but was walking merrily on, whistling or singing, in love with all the world, not omitting the most important item, in the aggregate--myself. But its I entered the straggling village could perceive gowns. an. itany colored caps, flitting back Nerd and forward, and had an intuitive consciousness of women, resolved on heaving achievements, lying in ambush behind impervious hedges; which filled me with strange trepidation. I proceeded ; however, calling up a look of magnificent stand off or I'll bite you expression, thinking in the innocence of any heart, to cheek too hunihar advances by an assumed hauteur. NM! A►it±rrrably decisive* fora strong• " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " built young lady, in a state of most barba rous heahh, came forward to meet me, with an artful carelesness of manner, evi• dently wishing to persuad e me that I was unnoticed, and that she was only going to Oh dear ! Oh dear ! scarcely had she spoken, before Sukey, and Bet, and Polly, and a dozen others, sprang into being from i visible places, and was surroun ded by a laughing, shouting group of un feeling, rohustious females. I expostulated and entreated in vain; 1 was pulled about, lifted up, and kissed without mercy, till, making. a desperate rally, I burst front their em braces, and fled along the lane at the top of tar peed. tg tile Sf followed by derisive cheers from my bar flea persecutors, and shouts of laughter from their husbands, Wheels and broth ers, who had left the Red Lion to see the sort." The Sabbath. "0, Sabbath ! Needed for a world of innocence---without thee, 'what would , this be but a world of sin ? There would , be no pause for consideration, no check to passion, no remission of toil, no balm of care! Fie who had withheld thee, would have forsaken the earth ! Without thee, He had never given to us the I;ible, the Gos pel. th.e spirit! We salute, as thou con• est to us in the name of the Lord--radiant in the sitinshine of that dawn which broke over a nation's achieved work—marching downward in the track of time, a pillar of refreshing cloud and guidling flame, in. tervening with all thy light sew beams of discovery and promise, until thou standeth forth more fair than when reflected in the dews and imbibed by die flowers of Eden— more awful than when the trumpet, rung of thee Sinai'! The Christian Sabbath ! Like its Lord, it but rises again in Chris. lenity. and henceforth res. rds the rising day. And never since the tomb of Jesus as burst open by Him who revived and rose, has this day awakened hat as the • light of seven days and with healing in its wings!—Never has it unfolded without some witness and welcome, some song and salutation ! It has been the coronation day of martyrs, the first day of saints ! It has been front the first until now the sublime custom of the churches of God ! Still the outgoings of its morning and its even. 'ug rejoice ! It is a day of heaven upon earth ! Life's sweetest calm, pover ty's birth right, labor's only rest ! No• thing has such a hoard of antiquity on it! Nothing contains ir it such a history ! - Nothing draws along with it such a glory ! 1 1 Nurse of virtue, seal of truth! The household's richest patrimony, the nation's noblest safe guard ! The pledge;of peace, the fountain of intelligence. the strength of lows rhe oracle of tnstruction, the ark of mercy! Thu patent of our man ! hood's st,trituul greatness. 'l•he harbiuger of our soul's sanctified perfection. 'I he glory of rutigion, the watch-to•ver of im I morta'ity. The ladder set upon the earth' land the top of it reacheth to heaven, with the angels of Gud ascending and descend ing upon it."—Humilton. Remember Me. 'there are not two words in the lan• gunge thus call buck a more faithful train of past remembrances of friendship, than these. Look through your library, and when you cast your eye upon a voluii.e that contains the name of an old compan ion it will say—remember ine. Have you an ancient album, the repoisitory of the mementos of early affection ! turn over its leaves, stained by the finger of time— nit down arid ponder upon the names en rolled upon them ; each says— remember tie. Go into the crowded churchyard, among the marble tombs—read the simple and brief inscriptions that perpetuate the memory of the departed ones ; they too, have a voice that speaks to the hearts of the living and it say— remember me.— Walk in the hour of evening twilight, amid tho scenes of your early rambles ; the well known paths, the winding streams the overspreading trees. the green and gently sloping banks, will recall the dreams of pleasure, and the recollection of youthful oompanions ; they, too, bear the treasured injunctions—romember sae. '' , Scotland forever!" exclaimed a Highland Soldier, at Waterloo. ..ou/d frelaudfor longer!" riplied an Irkahnmp, HUNTINGDON. PA., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 3, 1858 A SISTER'S INFLUENCE. A little boy of seven or eight years, connected with the interesting institution, was passing through the state of South had learned to swear W henever he is the successive changes n undergeos in Carolina, and in the evening arrived in the heard a new form of profane language, course of its history. For the first six suburbs of the town of —, where I he would treasure it up in his mind, and months it is all isrlucky" sugar. As we had an acquaintance, on whom I called.— then glory in astonishing and distressing ente, our second olympiad, however. a I was quickly informed that the family the servants, some of whom were pious, change comes over not only our affections, was invited to a wedding at a neighboring by his huge unheard of oaths. ',mous appa rel ; we no longer talk pres. house, and on bring requested, I changed 1f er a tune, a servant Women hearing erves, while our railed shirts have much my . olothes and went with them. As soon him one day vwe,ir ino-ashockingly, to :d broader plaits than they could once boast as the young couple were married, the it to his elder sister. She called him to of. SV hen the young husband and wife I company was seated, and a profound si• , her. their parents being absent, and told first enter uson their new relation, how do lance ensued—(the man of the house was hint if her distress at his wickedness they see what is before them in the religious) a young Lawyer arose and Be. He wept, and moot of all, when she spoke shape of troubles, gridirons, cradles, dressed the compatty very handsomely of their father, who was sure to adminis• rocking chairs cholera infantum, bakers' and in finishing his discourse, he begged ter stern rebuke and severe penisliment bill, small shoes, paregoric and hobby hors leave to offer a scheme of Matrimony. As he begged that his parents Wight not ses As they for the first time take lies- which he believed, and hoped would be be told of it, she prottised not to tell, if he session of their new house, and enjoy its beneficial. And on obtaining leve, he promised not to use such language again. cheering aspect, its regularity and quiet, prospered— The little fellow hesitated, and at length and its expression of domestic peace and That one man in the company should made the promise. It was faithfally Icept. joy, httv hive do they anticipate the trials be selected as President ; that this Pres'. c " - end vicisituiles, the deep yet unseen foun• dent should be duly sworn to keep entirely Though mingling with many evi' pardons, who often sought to make him tains o r joy m u d sorrow which lie in their I secret all the communications that should swear, though in tunny respects sadly way ! be forwarded to him in his official depart wicked himself, he never afterwards spoke In o few years how changed ! One s af. meat that night, end that each unmarried a word which he knew to be profane. I, ter another has been added, in various gentlemen and lady should write his or Exposure and punishment •could only ways to the company which began only her het name on a piece of paper. and have restrained him fora time; Ito ti much with two, until at length they find them- under it place the person's name whom better was this sister's judicious course ! • selves presiding over a numerous circle of they wisher' to marry; then hand it to the Macy a boy, whose precocious desravity children, and relatives, and domestically, President for inspection, and if any gen• fills his friends with horror, 'night he the father and mother both involved in tleman and lady had reciprocally chosen strained by the prudent and affectionate responsibilities, from which they would each other; the President was to inform efforts of an elder sister. ! have shrunk. had they anticipated them tit each of the result; and those who had not When this lad hid reached the age of the outset. In a few years this happy been reciprocal in their choices, should fourteen, the same sister sought him one circle must be broke in upon and scattered have their hoices kept. entirely secret. day, and urged that he ought to become a Death comes arid takes away Abramica a After the appointment of the President Christian She spoke of the uncertainty young lady, with pink boddice and black the communications were accordingly ban e( life, aid the hardening of heart and eve eyes, comesin and csrries off Alexander; ded up to the chair, arid it was found that cry way increased difficulty which comes a third, determined to die a sailor's death twelve young, gentlemen and ladies had with advancing years; of the pleasantness ships before the mast,ss a canal; a fourth made reciprocal choices; bat whom they of piety, and the advantages he had en- growing covetous, starts Californis. ; ::ad chosen, remained a secret to ail but joyed io n religious education. But he while a filth in all probability, gets his in- themselves and the President, 'Ph, con. constantly replied laughingly, 1, 0 sister, testifies kicked out by the sorrel - ball.— yersation changed, and the company res don't talk about all that now; what is the II At lost the father and mother are left pectively retired. use of bothering myself about religion now and after fifty years of trouble, love New hear the conclusion. I was pas vt hit till lam grown up, sister, and then and vexation, they find themselves worse sing through the same place on the 14th I'll see about it " Still she pleaded, and . 01l t h an w h en they first started. 'They of March followin g s, and was informed still-he tried to laugh it off, till quite dos- are not only alone again, but they are that eleven of the twelve matches had heartened, ale said, 'Well, my dear, a l one tvithout hope of any more comps.' been solemnized, and that the young gen• young brother, you know what you ought ay,. tlemen of eight couples of the eleven had to do; I pray God that it may not b. said declared, that their diffidence was so great of you at last. -Yeti knew your duty. . The Right Talk. A Ant ight out tenter gives the following that they certainly should het have ad arid you did it not.' She turned away in dressed their respective wives, if the above advise to those young men who "depend despair, to weep and pray. scheme had not been introduced. on father" for their support, and talc , no The boy walked off whistling a guy , You will be pleased to let the public iterest whatever in business, but are ree. time, but the tearful eye an Ire , . 'dot's hear of this scheme, and I hops it whl be filar drones in the hive, subsisting on that some of his loving and dearly loved sister, productive of touch g mod, by being priay made her last .VOrt6 sin![ iltio bus heart, he tired elsewhere —Petersburg lutellig,n could not forget them, he could ma Alice MI the solemn impression. Thntie h for two year; longer apparsiiily reckless, he often rsurnibered that earnest appeal, often trembler) lest he should die, often attest determined to seek the. Lord- His sister never had the heart to speak of it again ; and it was not till severe! years after lie became a professed Christian, that she knew how powerful, by Cod's blessing had been the impression produ ced by her tender and prayerful warning The itinnear.- of en atiectiourite, intelli gent and pious sister upon her young''r brother, may he greater in some respects than even that ore mother. Let sisters lay it to heart. '('hey know not how much they can accomplish. Even when repulsed end despairing, they may. by the divine blessing, have lodged an arrow of conviction Even the seemingly careless may in fact he deride moved. NEVER Never taste an atom when you are not hungry; it is suicidal. Never stop to talk in a church aisle af ter service .0 over. Nel , er hire servants who go in pairs, as sisters, cousins, or any thing else. Never blow your nose between your thumb and fingers. Never deposit the resulns of a •hawk' or cough on the sidewalk. Never pick your nose and look at it. Never open your handkorchief to in spect the product of a •blow.' Never speak of your father as •the old man.' Never reply to the epithet of a drunk ard, a fool, or a fellow. Never speak contemptuously of wom• an kind. Never abuse one who was once your bosom friend, however bitter now. Never smile at the expense of your re ligion or your Bible. Never stand at the corner of a street. Never take a second nap. Never eat a hearty supper. Never insult poverty. ' Never eat between meals. itir A doctor went to bleed a sick dam dy, mho languidly exclaimed : .0, doctor you re a great butcher !' To which the doctor rejoined : I'm used to sticking , ealvest' Matrimony. One of the most remarkable features which is earned by others: Come, oil with your cost, clinch the raw, the plow handles, the aye, the pick axe. spade—anything that will enable you to stir year blood! Fly sr mad and tear jacket. rather than he passive recipients of the old tnnn's bounty ! Sooner than play the dandy at dad's expense hire yourself .1 to some potato patch—let yourself to stop hog holes, or watch the bars ; and when you think yourself entitled to a res ting spell, do it on your own hook• net up in the morning—turn round st least twice before breakfast, help the old gentle man. give him now and then a generous lift in business, learn how to take the lead, and not depend forever on being lee ; and you have no idea how the discipline will benefit you. Do this and our word for it. you wi I seers to breathe a new atmosphere possess a new frame, tread a new earth, wake to a new destiny—and you may then begin to aspire to manhood. Take off, then, that ring Tram your little finger, break yoar cane, shave your upper lip, wipe your nose, hold up your head, and by all means never again eat the bread of idle ness nor depend on the exertions of your father for your living. 7 Curious Preaching. The heads of the Mormon ilhurch, give us snylt , queer speciments of preaching. The following is from a late sermon by President Kimball: ..1-low long do you supposed it will take a little man like ine—though I feel per fectly able to thrash any six common wick ed men—lf I am faithful in keeping the commandments of God, and true all the Clays of my life to my brethren, as I have been hitherto. and men to be more to got into the celestial kingdom of God with my whole posterity, in case there should be no obstruction ? How long do you suppose it will be before toy posterity in creases to over a million ? A hundred years will not puss away before I will be come millions myself. You may go to work and reckon it up, and twenty-five years will not pass away before Brother Brigham and t will number inure than this Whole territory. In twenty-five or thirty years we will have a larder number in our two families than there now is in this whole 't erritory, which numbers store than seventy•five thousand. If twenty five years will produce this amount of peo ple, how much will the increase in one hundred years ? We would not number them, or, if we did sum up the amount to any given time, they are still on the in troit*. Matrimonial Lottery. On the 21st day of December lam, 1 sir A girl, who had become tired o sincle blessedness, wrote to her intended thus : ".Dear Jim, cum rite off if you are cum min at all ; Ed. Heide mutt is insulin that I shall have him, and he hugs and kisses me so continually that I can't hold ou t much longer." or Here, you little rascal, walk up here and give an account of yourself, where have you been I After the girls, father. Did you ever know me to do so when I was a Iry ? No sir, but mother did. My son, you had better go to bed. Why is Ireland like a bottle of porter T Because it has a cork in it. 'Excuse haste and a bad pen.' as the hog said when he fled from the butcher. gar Mrs. Partington, on being asked respecting a pair of twins with which she was said to have been recently blessed, replied that if such was th fact, it need not be wondered at, for she belonged to a very growing family, arid though none of rem had twins, yet several of them had conic within one of it. Mr As Joe was walking up Washing- ton street yesterday with a friend. who ludulgos pretty freely in the use of the weed, the latter remarked that he wile al. most roasted. 'No wonder,' replied Joe, 'as you bare been on the spit all the morning,' PATIENCE —When Dencen B—'s wife died, the bereaved husband endeavored to console himself by gaining the smiles of a pretty servant girl in his family, whose name was Patience—but the gray locks and wrinkled visage of the worthy man, were unsuccess ul pleaders in the Court of Love. and she would encourage none of his advances. The preacher paid him a visit. 'You must endeavor to be resigned to the will of heaven, and you will find it advisable to have patience, under this of (liming dispensation. 'Well.' said the deacon, with sudde animation in his manner, , 1 have, to tell you the truth, Mr. been trying her a little, but she seams a Litt!, (IRA.' VOL. XXIII. NO. 9. Annus' (fnitinin. American Institute Farmers' Club. Celery,—flow to grow ii.—Solon Rob. isson—l have a letter from 8. W. Paine, Johnson Creek, N. Y., which, though on. like the preceding one that gives us some important information how to grow pots. toes, is equally important, becaus it asks how to grow a valuable plant ; and it is on• . ly by asking questions that answeiqien be be obtained. Mr. Paine wants to know how to grow celery, and so do I and some thousands of others, and perhaps there may be somebody here who thinks it such a simple operation that he has . never tho't it worth while to tell others, who will see by this letter that somebody etse,wants to know. The writer says : most desire to know how to make a bed fo• an acre or more of celery which will keep out or prevent the destructive ness of the gnat, fly, or worm, which de stroys the young plant wholesale and m oil. I suppose that they arise from the fermentation of the manure; if so, what mixture will keep them away ? Is there anything which will serve or take the place of manure—such as guano. bone duet, &c tt hat will prevent or stop the rust or blast 1 How can it be preserved far liver use 1 Any part or all information will be of value to many country gardeners.' Mr i'aine thinks a a perfect re medy would be worth $25 to him, and he t hinks as much ouch to many other per. BOAS. Mr. Pardee—l tried, one year, seven sorts of celery, and found Cole's superb celery the best of all ; it grows small, and of is pink color, but it is very superior.— ThQ aced is now common; it originated is England. Seymour's new solid celery is white, and also a very excellent sort, Mr Gore of New Jersey—My mode of raising celery is this : I dig a trench 12 or 14 inches deep to set the plants in. and al ways manure with guano or phosphate. I set a board upon each side of the row, so that no dirt can get into the heart of the plant when I commence earthing up, and keep them there until I get my trench fill ed as high as the surface of the ground... The soil is a sandy loam. lam very suc cessful, and produce it very fine. Icover the plants with boards in Winter, and dig out from one end of the row as 1 want it. It should be carefully earthed up every day. Ihe moat essential thing in raising celery is to blanch it well Andrei! Fuller of Brooklyn—Seymour'. celery is the best of all that I have ever grown, as well for my own eating as foi sale as a market gardener. I have raised a good deal of celery in various places— the best on mucky land near Milwaukie I prefer guano for manure. T. W. Field—The manure mostly in use among the market gardeners, is well ' decomposed. comported manure and guano. Wm. Lawton—l am glad that this sub ject has been introduced, since the proper cultivation of celery is a very important branch of business. I notice the garden ers about here do not use boards, but they are very careful about earthing up the plants every day when they are dry. Judge Meigs—l have raised celery with success folly years. The plant loves shade and must have it when young. I choose such a situation as will be shaded at mid day, as the north side of a building, or in the shade of a tree, for the best location for a celery plant•bed. Dr. Wellington—The unifoim custom here is to sell three celery plants together, at about the saine !nice that ono brings at . Boston, and yet the Boston celery is the the best at three tunes the price. It grows there fur superior to what it doe.; in this vicinity. It is only necessary to shade the nursling plants of celery, and not the after growth. Prof. Alupea—l have tried a great many experiments in growing celery, and have settled the whitest as the best, aid that above all other manures, hair, such as I get from skin dressers, put in the bottom of this trench, is the best. The young plants I cut back three times. taking care not to tu. jure the crown, to make the plants strong before they are transplanted. I prefer to have celery beds upon an inclination where I can run water between the rows, and I have tried sundry things in solution as fel.- til.zers, but never lound anything equal to hair, though old expo,lated horns do pretty well. Decomposed amuck mixed with send makes an excellent soil for celery. lIIWA New Jersey farmer hits °frame folks handsomely. He says : "People says the farmers are the most independent class; and pray why shonld we not be ? We have to work hard enough for what we get The reason why fann ers don't fail along with the rest, is because we live within our meaes. I own a good farm, and *if I was to live as peopled° in the cities. it would take five farms to keep' me swot rev feralt):."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers