Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 24, 1858, Image 4

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WEE 111111111WING0011
THE undereigued owners of the Huntingdon
Mill, inform farmers and the public general.
that they now have their new mill in running
order, with all the modern improvements in the
water wheels and machinery.
They haveput in five of the Improved Jon.
val Turbine Water Wheels, and cnn grind in
all stages of the water, son during the coldest
weather. any and all kinds of grain.
They are prepared to sell, and have on hand
for sale at all tinfoil, at market rate., all kind of
and farmers can have their own grain ground,
and take it back in a return load, or they can
be furnished in exchange at a moment'. notice
an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop.
pad feed.
TES 1111120 V M &C I HMI
is of an improved manufacture; and they will
insure aFULL TURN OUT of soperior quell
ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill.
N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite
Huntingdon, December 10, 1556.
DAVID GROVE informs the citizens of
Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public gen.
coolly, that he has opened a Grocery Store on
Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors went of
Wm. Orbison's residence, where he will at all
times be prepared to supple customers with
at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas,
Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Confectionaries,
Hams, Salt, Brooms, Bucket', Setters, Tobac
co, &c.; in fact, every article usually kept
in a Grocery Store.
As I einileterMined to sell cheaper then the
cheapest, I want everybody to eall and examine
my stock and prices. DAVIT) GROVE.
Huntingdon, July 29, '57.-Iy.
New Goode •New Goods
D. P. Gwin has just returnd from Philadel•
phi. with the largest and most beautiful as.
sortment of
Ever broualit to Huntingdon,
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks.
and Fancy, All Wool de Loins, (all colors)
French Merino, plain and printed, onibre striped
de Loins, barred and fancy de lains, Levella
Cloth, Mohair; Hebei's., Shepherds' Plaids, and
Prints of every description.
ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin
ges, More Antique Ribbon, Buttons. Gimps,
Braids, Sic. Bonnet Silks. Crapes, Ribbonils,
Gloves, Mitts. Veil., Laces, Belts, Ribbon&
for Belting, Whalebone, Reed di Brass Hoops
for Skirts, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk
Neck tics. Zephyr, French Working Cotton. Li
nen and C‘itten Floss, Tidy Yarn, Wool Yarns,
Alto the limit end largest assortment of Col
lars, and Undorsleeves, in town. Hued and
Plain Jeconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss. Plain, Fig
ured end dotted. Murcen, and Heap Skirts,
Irish Linen, Linen Table Cloths, Napkins,
Towels, &c. Shirts, Shirt-breasts. Undershirts
and drawers, wool coats, heads, combats and
Moo a large assortment of Waterloo Bay
State Wool Shawls. Single and Brocha Shawls.
Also, Cloths, Cassiniers,lrsinets, Tweeds,
R. Jeans, Vesting, Marlins, bleached and un
bleached, Sheeting and Pilicw-case Mullins,
Nankeens, Ticker, Check, Table Diapers, Cra li
Flannels, Suck Flannel, plain and figured, Can
ton Flannel, Blankets. .e.
Also. a large lot at Silk Bonnets at the latest
styles and at eery low prices. lints and caps
of all kinds.
Soots and Shoes, Gum shoes, the best
and cheapest in town.
WARM. Buckets, Tubs, Busker, Churns,
Butter Bowls, Brooms. Brushes, &c. Carpe to.
Oil Cloths, Fish and Salt, Sugar, CAM,
Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a
country Store.
My Old customers, and as many new ones as
can crowd in are respectfully requested to come
and exumine my goods
. .
FAA 1, ANI ) \\ 'IN Till
Y e to their numerous frienda and the IMAM,
that they have just received front the Fast, a
most beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter
Goods ; endowing every variety of new tittles
such as Valencia Plaids, Plaid Ducakt, Oriental
I,u.res, Gala Plaids, Tamese Cloth, Poplins,
striped end Plaid, Ombra striped Delaines,
French Merino, Printed Dela'mott, Repoli:re
Striper, Argentine, Coburg. Idohale, an d Me.
donna Cloths. Shepherd's Plaids, r reach Bleu
ket, Hay brute, Lahg and Square Moat, Shawl
Gene' 'Yravellingdo, French Clutha. plain end
tune y Cassin , ereg, SatiSC%., Jeans, TUTC,IN, Ile.
ItiVutns. Mitts, Gatv.itlets, (liners, Wilms,
Cloaks. Chenille Scio..fs, Dress Trimmings, La
dies' Collars, Willie eta, plain and sprigeil Swiss,
Victoria Lawn, NAinsuuks, and every variety of
White geode. RATS, CAPS and BONN h;T:;
of every variety and style.
We have a foil stock of
Hardww-e, Queonsware
80010 and Shoes,
Wood and Willow-ware,
which will he, sold on such terms as willemake it
the interest of all to call and examine.
fixoceyies eon he had lower than the high
price.; all ich have been maintained lieretolore. '
W e al .o deal in Plaster, Fish. Salt, and all
kinds e f grain, and possess facilities in this 1
branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver ,
all par kayos or parcels or morehandize FREE . I
IMPORTANT INFORMATION, by CHAU as at the depots of the Broad Top and '
which much euffering in families may be Pone taylvania Railroads.
avoided, emit to married men and those S ep5.30,'57.
contemplating marriaoe. Addreas, en•
closing four atampe. IR. G. W. ADDIS- o 1. VI3,4XMCM7 s ,
comnE, Brooklyn, N. Y. A.TTORNET 4LT LAW,
Nov. 25, '57.-6m, Will attend to all probational business entrusted
- - --- -- -
to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon
county. . Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agree.
V, Hoops and Reed Skirts, tor sale at the
cheap store of D. P. (TWIN . aunt, written at the shortest notice and on the
most reasonable term. 1
A LETTER-COPIER FOR SALE. Shirkyaburg, April 22, 1857. 1
An excellent one for Pale at this office. This ---------
~..; Adams' N., i cam and Lever Press. LEATHER ! LEATHER 1 LEATHER
All kinds of Lltruntry produce token in ex
ebauge fur goods, at the highest noirket prices.
October 7, 1857.
FOR 15.A.1.-.M.
HE 'undersigned. being desiroos ot reniui ing
from the town of Shirleystnarg, hereby otters
for sale his entire remaining real estate, situa
ted in mid near said town. The property C3ll
- of three separate and distinct dwelling.
houses, (including the large and commudi•
in which the subscriber now resider) ; all of
which are. elligibly situated in the most desirable
and business part of the town. A detailed de
scription of said property is deemed unnecessa
ry, as any one desirous of purchasing, will, of
course, wish to see and examine for himself.—
Two of said houses are admirably located and
calculated fur stores anti tavern stands, .te.
Also, the subscriber offers for sale, ten acres
of rich bt ttom or meadow land, situated a short
distance above the grist mill of the Messrs.
Heiffners. This land is well suited, not attly
to tho rising of grass, grain, etc., but is also
peculiarly adapted to the production of "Chi
nese Sugar Cane," an article of recent introduc
tion, which seems to promise greater profit,
per acre, than almost any other agricultural
Biiirleyebarg, Nov. 18, '57.
- - ----- -
, ! UENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of Frrneh
ValaZo [F • t - gaililij i Wila r ill/D• I II Calf Shine. and General Leather Dealer,
A TTORNEI 4 T LAW, No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia.
Willattend to all business entrusted tikhim. or. A ceneral assortment of all kinds of Leather
I m,..„ 0t00 &e
flee nearly opposite the Court Boa.. ' '.
TiIfRoCIIA AND V WOOL SHAWL S , fi ne I— - -
.11.0 and abatis at D. Y. GWIN'S.I poor& & SHOES, the largest and cheapest
JOSEPH DOro LAS, filinninnb, .., assortinent in town, at
1). P. OWIN'S.
lit 12(.111111.1Istown, Pa. I
GUM SIiOES, cheaper at D. P. GWIN'S IA:DIES' DRESS GOODS,' Of rich ' , Web than ea, be had is taws. (kll yid ~,,,e
avel vertu' Amt.& W V': •villeet 11,,,,,
IEANUTS.-5000 Bush.•la Wilmington Pew
nuts in store and for sale by
WM. N. 8111.70ARD,
898 or 191 North 3d street, Philo,
CONFECTIONARY.—('Iain and fine Con.
lectionary nianu.aqured and for sale by
123 or 11l North ad street, Phila.
, RANGES AND LEMONS.--500 bones Or
' • ninon rnd Lesson. in stile rod for sale by
ON or 111 North ad strest,Phile.
a ATNINS.-1,000 Boxes Bunch and Layer
I Santini; in more and for sale by.
US or 191 North street, Milk.
X Currents, i. for Pale by
OM or 111: Furth 3dbtrett,
aud tilberce in Ptore and for sale by
333 or 191 N'tb 3d st.,
fafrirlids and the public generally, that they
bare the above Foundry in full blast,
and are prepared to furnish casting!' of
every description. Stovea of all kind,
for wood or coal. Improved Ploughs,
Thteahing Machines, and everything in theca,
ting line neatly made. We can finish all work
that requires turning, having a good Turning
Lath. All work done cheap for cash or coon•
try produce. ()Id metel taken for castings. Be.
log practical and experieoced we hope by strict
attention to bu,ineas to receive a liberal ahem
of public patronage. McO]LL & CROSS.
Alexandria, April 29, 1857.
Piof. Chas. Deliratk%
This great discovery is now creating agreat
sensation Swung the Medical Faculties of Eu
rope and this country. It wiil cure the ful!uw•
big (not everything) Warranted to
Cure Fever and Ague in one day. Curechille
in five minutes. Cure Croup m une
Cure Deafness in two to tour days. Cure burns
and Scalds in ten minutes. • Cure Sprains,
Wounds and Bruises in from one to three days.
Cure Inflammation in one day. Cure Neural
gia. Croup, Tooth Ache, Burns, in 10 minutes.
Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess, in ten
days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, Tetter, in one to
three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff Neck, Ague
in one day. Cure Felons, Broken Breast, Salt
Rheum, in three to six days. :lure Quincy,
Palpitution, Pleurisy, in om• to ten days. Cure
Asthma, Palsy, Gout, Erysipelas, in five to 20 .
days. Cure Frosted Feet, Chiblains, Chronic
Rillllllll/16M, Stiff Joints, Sore Throat, Scarlet
Fever, and the lame made to walk, by a few
bottles. This Oil (De Grath's) is mild and
pleasant, and is a great family Medicine for
children teething, Ac. Ludiea should all use
it. It always leaves you better than it finds
you, and one bottle often cures entirely.
A f flicted Thirteen 3",!irs
. and Cured in 'One
Read letter from Rev. Jumps Temple.
Philadelphia, June Mb, 1856.
Prof. De Grath t I have been afflicted for
thirteen years with Neuralgia and - other pain
ful complaints, and I hove been unable to sleep
soundly or walk any distance hr many years
past. Last week I got a bottle of your ...Elec
tric Oil." The first might I slept soundly and
well, and to•dav lan like a sow man. My
wifi, could not 'believe her eyes. Your Eke•
trio Oil bus done in one week what the physic
clans of Philadelphia foiled to do is thirteen
years. G ratef ully yours,
310 South street.
New Haven, May 15th, 1856,
Prof. De Grath : My brother has been deaf
three years. After trying many things, he us
ed your Oil • few times, and it cured him en•
There ere numerous imitations sprung 111/ wt
the reputation that my article has acquired.
The public must beware. They are worthless.
Fur sale by John Read, Iluntingdon.
AugA' 37, lY.• •
AHOMESTEAD FOR slll!—Third Division,
-310,00.1 north of Fauns and Building lots,
in the gold region of Culpepper county, Virgin
ia, to be divided tigningst 10.2110 subscribers
on the 7th of Deeerffher, 1857. Subscriptions
only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one
halt down, the rest on the delivery of the deed.
Every subscriber will get u Building Lot . or
Farm. ranging in value from $lO to $25.000.
The, farms and lots am sold so cheap to induce
settlements. a sufficient number being reserved,
the increase in the value of a Hell wi I compen
sate for the apparent low price now asked. [in
wards of 1,350 lots and forms are already sold,
and a company of settlers culled the "Rappa
hannock Pioneer Association" is now forming
and will noon commence a seta! went. Ample
security will he given for the faithful pectlirin
knee of contracts and promises. Nearly 45.000
acres of land, in .liflerent parts of Virginia, now
it command, arid will be sold to settlers at tn.
SI ap to $2OO per area. Unquestionuld ,
sill in all cases be given. Wood -cutters, coop
ers, farmers, 4-c. are wanted, and five hundred
Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most
liberal inducements will be given. Some agents
write that they are making 200 dollars per
month. For full particulars, subscriptions,
geueies, apply to
Port Royal, Caroline co. Va,
Or, to Gro. Bznoirrithesza, Agent, Mill Creek,
11 untingdou county, l's.
I'.()OKS!tC - 46 . 1 4 --BOOKS!
VOLUMES of new and pupu!ar
Books,enihreeing every rarity
usunily kept in a Philadelphia Bunk Store, and
many of them at half the Putilinher'n retail price,
thraubscriber now offers to the public.
All school hooks used in the' county can he
kid in any quantities at retail and wholesale
rates. iiiilsettp, Letter and Wrapping Paper,
irlailesale or by the ream.
Ituf superior . Gold Pens with Silver and Gold
Cases, from $1 upwards.
100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' and
others' best manufacture.
100 splendid Port hionnaiesand Pocket Books
at 20 ets. and upwards.
3.000 PIiAL'ES WAIL PAPEn, of
the latest and prettiest styles, just received Irina
Philadelphia and New York, prices from IV cts.
a piece and upwards.
500 beautifully painted and gold gifted Win
dow Shades at 44 cot. and upwards.
The public I are but to call and examine, to
be convinced that in buying of the above stock
they w II be pleased and also save money.
member the Floor, corner of Montgomery and
Railroad sireete WM. ifitLON.
Huntingdon 'l7' l " FoftwAry.
I thol of informing their Wendt. am! the p,,h
lie generally. that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now in oat- lul ..p
-erat ion, and are prepared to furnioh eo,ritia of
all kinds, of the hoot quality on the shortest no
t ice and moat reasonable terms.
Foment are invited to call and examine our
Ploughs. We are 'minutia:twili t , the Hunter
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the
lIIIIIIiIIIOII County Agricultural Fate, in tass)
also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which
can't Its heat, together with the Keyst,ate,
and Borshear Ploughs. We have on bond
and ore tuanuthetui lug stoves. tau+ as Cook,
Parlor and office stoves for cool er wood.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers. Skillets. all
of which w ill he sold cheap for cosh or in ex
change for country produce. 111,1 metal taken
tor Dew castings. lie a strict attention to busi
ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a
shore of puldic patronage.
April 10, 1056.—tf.
The subscribers have again retort d from
the East with an enlarged Block of
1101.1,011% ;LIRE.
( • CTLEI:
tV• P=l
With an chiliese variety ui
nod inipriocnints.
!hiving purchased our goals lit wholesale.
chiefly lout manutactarers, we are eloil.led of
belt wholesale and retail—extrentely low.
Bank Notes taken at par tor good..
FLIKALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. aka r All orders receive prompt an., ion
1Co.111 , : library will be open every Saturday al..
JAS. A. liltUll N &
ternoun, at 3 o'clock, in their room in the linatingdon, Oct, :40 14 , 4.
Court Howie. Subscription 50 cents a year.
New books have been added to the limpet cx• w. DR. R. HuyETl
tellent, works, Hugh A
Ililler'a, Mrs. lillet'a &c. DTWTIST:
By order of the DULA. lIU 'l'. CO., 1' 6.
President. .411! I. 1,57. —ly.
Huntingdon, Oct. lot, 18543.
200 1141:•us PAIxTs.
White Lead, (pare) $4 50 per keg. .I(tutr i tr MICITJ2I O
" " (extra) 275 " j
Philadelphia Zinc Paint, 2 40 " Attorneys at Law,
Best Silow White, 2 68 " I
1 Huntingdon, Pa,,
and all kind. 01 IlAultwaßE and ! Office same as that lormerly occupied to Pot
buili:ting materials in proportina ' at the "Hurd. Scott, Esq. Store" et J. A. BROWN & CO. t tr.,. la. 1853,
Cheapest "Job Printing" Office
We hare now made such arrangemenis in our
Job Office as will enable us to do all kinds of
Job Printing at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any . olliee in the County.
Give US a call. II we don't give entire satisfac
tion, no charge at ell will be made.
1 lIE largest and•eheapeat stock of fanny Silk
and colored Straw Bonnets in town, is at
FISHER & Mckluranik'is.
i A LL-WOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, List and
.C 3. Rag Carpet. Also. Canoe, Jute and Ani
-1 cult Mats, can he had cheap at the store a
Flatten & MoNllemtio.
'HE greatest variety of the richest sty lee
.3. Dress Goods and l'rtintiongs can always Is
found at the fashionailde store of
FlBll6ll & hlcSlnuntle.
I"lIE latest and newest stylea Lollies' Collars,
at Fl9llElt & MUM
CLOAKS, Talnute, liinolettes, Vietorii., and
Head Dresses, are sold at price , whir i+eiy
competition Sy Foul. & IticNiunThrh.
largest stock ever brought to town - are spit—
ing very cheap at AleMulltoll:.
BLANKETS, Plaids, Flannels, Linsey., at all
prices, at the mammoth store of
Yuman & ISlnAlunTtue.
'OURNING COLLARS, of the handsom.
est styler,
r adu by
Nu. 622 Chestnut Street, Phitatiaphia., The rewedtan "' ' ''" "
Have for sale, to coosumrra Hurl the trade, the
largest assortment of Paper ilangittge, liorders„ he tut,e„uw. wattta, a tl a, s ,i,„.„„gi,, run
Decorations, tkc., in the United Suttee, u tree and easy expectoration, heuls the loo m s,
They ask the special attention of the trade purities the blued, iiiiintrtb rammed vitality to the
to a new and very beautiful article on impel Of nervous system, giving that tune and energy ec
GGLD WIND 01V ,S.II4IDES, indispensable tor the lebtomtion of health. To
which they are introducing.
he able to state contielentts that Consumption is
Sept.l6;'s7:l2m. curable by inhalation. is to ine it source in nnat
_____ lo)ed pleasure. It ill as 111.11 under the m
A 4 ENS' UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS trtil 4,1' medical treatment as any other thrmid-
ILL Linen Shirt Breasts, Ready-mode Shirts, able disease) ninety out ut every hundred ea
hits and fenny abirn, end collare, very cheap ; ace can be cured in the first etageth und ner
e. ' to Ow Mend In Ay ay pin
*MI wooprit
2 ,I .I ' J'C) 11 7 1 o
Corner ur lirrinantown Roo and :New Market
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road,
Constantly oh bond or made to older. the fol.
towing highly approved Flour Mill Maehinery.
Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Sllllll
Nay lee.
Johnston's Patent Iron CMOS,. Bran Dun.
Stover's Potent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns.
Pirrann's Patent Barrel Iluopand Illou
Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill
The heat Anchor Brand Boffin; Cloth Burr &
Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole •nd Plush,
I Johnston% l'att i l n at i ast Metal Cou-
1•125 1 ,1
East and South• East of the Ohio it. hlissisaip
pi Rivera,
Warranted to take nut of the offal of every
Bushel Ground, from 1 to 2} Ibtl, of atandard
flour, which, could not be bolted out on account
of !he electrical adhesion to the Bran.
f flier hereby warn all peraons agaim
infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pi,
tent as above, as 1 will prosecute all pt r;
making, selling, or using any Bran Duster
wall an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vi
lotion of the Letters Patent of Joseph Joinn
tot., dated April 24th, 1854.
Tilt/MAR B. WOODWARD, Proprietor.
N. B.—State and County Potent Rights fo
all the above Sladlines for Sole.
A.:gust 28, 1855.
ziAll ErallD Via Ran
( 1 1,) 1 111ING!
A , v'l4' Jut ti-t 1
And will be soh.: bit) In i cell;
CIELArs tit\ •
Huntingdon. t
CIO!Avg ittr ; aii . ;; tt I.
moo; he w;;; z•cll , by:l t ,, , r ;, : • .ii
of Goods earl be port-c 1: o ,-t
plan or any ttater est, - t .
1 , 11, t 1.,'
welt Itieu11111111UX:1111i. lIIS SWCI.
sing elsewhere. Al,O,
Hats, Caps,
whim; will he sold lower th a n a t na y ot h e ,
oddishownt iu ilte county.
Ii untiogdon, October 7. 11157.
'ILK DONNETS in great variety and divan
►J at D. P. GWIN'S.
WIL IR. A 113110071 unaLta f ,
June 13, 1837.
A general assortment id . Blanks q• all de
script., just printed and fin. sale at the
"Journal Office."
Appointin't: of Referees, Common Bond
Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes
Summons, Vend. Notes
Executions, Constabl,'s Salem
Scire Facius, Subpoenas.
Complaints, Deeds,
Warrants, Mortgages,
Commitments, Bond to itleincify Cm,staLlt:. &,
N 05.2,4 C.M.BTNUT ST., s'th:.,l,.
1'1111.A111 , 1 I '
(7'he 01(le.s.1 I , l'ol+d.ivure lb, tit
M.kN i) ERS I l I
1,100 . ,
shro,lA,lk .„
iii~~ , i~r ~ ~~ n.
I'rl~.:~i,' ~:~
111 . (•,S. IN , lI I I'
ifletiil-tkAr. ,Pm Lukz:ll;-:".Lk
C*►!Mumlo TIOA
Aud all Dbeasea of the
impossible to save more than five per cent.. for
the 11.oups are so cut up by the diseaml ante hid
defiance to teedienl skill. teen, however. in the
lent .tnees. Inhalation affortly extraordinary rm
berm the marring attending this fearful •.ronrge
which amnion , "tic..troys 'ninety-five thousand el `TIE foondet of this Celebrated Institution,
persons in the hilted Stores clone ; and a cur- offers the m os t certain, speedy, and only
reef ea - volution .hints that of the present P.P.- effectual remedy in the woald for Elects, Stric
latit ti of the curd , eighty Millions are destined tures. Seminal Weakness. Pain in the Loins,
to till the f - on.tituptive's craves. Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness
Trek - thy tiuitcr of 'heath let"oe"ef." - 50 fits of the flack anti Limbs, Affections of the Nol—
te! as f'.4...timpinm. In all ages it bi t s been the neon. Palpitation of the Heart. rtyspopsia, Ner
gTeet esteleY of Itie, f o r it eisres n either age nor you, Irritability. Disease of the bead, Throat,
reps otl olike the !wave. the brouti- Nese or Skin ; and all those serious anti melon
fel, the enteral end the gifts -4 . HY the help a chain disorders arising from the destructive
she , B,ll4rtee defog from whom e toeth core!' . habits of Youth, which destroys both hotly and
good and puttee' pit!, I am etuible.l,to offer to m o o t . Th em , seer , end solitary pr„etli.„ ore
the Atillivted a I ernianunt and speeds. rare in more fatal to their victims titan the song of the
Consumption. The first cell, of tubercle , is SYrella to the.mariner Ulysses, blighting their
fr o n t ~,,pme blo o d, aed the itneeeoliste etiert pi, most briliittot hopes of anticipations, rendering
duccil by their deposition itt the lungs is to ore- mnrr i npe , Ik e ., i m p oss ibl e .
vent the free admission of air into the air cells.
'Young Melt,
which causes a WCilio.llPli Vitality through the ,
' , mire system. ' Then solely it is more rational I espec ially, who he , e heroine the etetiete of
- - - -
to expect grunter good trove InedieinPg Pilfering itU r ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit,
the eavities of the lungs than Ilose adnoni•tered which ennually sweeps to an untimely grave
through the stomach ; the patient will alw a ys ! thousand. of young men of the most exalted
find the longs free mid the breathing easy, after ! talents, and brilliant intellect, who might oth
luhaling remedies. Thu., Inlxhition is a loc a l cruise have entreated listening senates with
remedy, nevertheless it sets eaustiottionally and the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestacy
With more power and certitint than remedies I the living lyre, may call with all confidence.
^ "
apow- I
erlul amt direct e igl o y I
r t f e t a l l e yt do-
mis M arr i ed
g persons, o rw
lionogr inpehny
stroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing }a. n
organic, debility, densities, &c., should
the entire nervous systein, so that a limb may he
immediately consult Dr. Johnston.
amputated without the slightest pain ; inhaling
Ile who places isinisehr enact. the care of Dr.
the ordinary hurting gas will destroy life in a
macanoints is his inninr
few hours.
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the m-
a ., gfot . inaL,..a . nd confidently rely upon his chill
tens when landing or apparently dead. co- "
dor of many at the medicines is peree made in Organic tieakness.
the skin r few minutes after beit;g inh;led, and ! immediately mired, and full vigor restored,
may be immediately detected in the blood. A ; This disease is the penalty must frequently
convincing panful the constitutional effect of ; paid by those who have become the victim of
Whalen., in the tact that sickness is always pro• improper indolgencies. Young persons are too
(laced by breathing fool air—is not this positive apt to commit excesses from not being swore of
evnlenee that eloper remedies, caretully prelim.- the dreadful consequence that may ensue.—
ed slat judiciously rilma t istered rhea' the loco Now, who that understands the subject will pre
should proauce the happiest rest" I liming ! tend to deny that the power of Procreation is
' ei g ht e ,n years' practice, loony thousands sidr•r- lost sooner by those falling into improper habit
ing lieu li,. est, of the longs and timed, have than by the prudent. Besides being deprived
b ean nude, my ear, end l ,sane ettkodel many ' o f the pleasure of healthy offspring. the most se
vutees e'en alter the eulleeere ha r t rims and destructive symptoms to mind and ha
m the is" , ° mg". "Mb t e ll y tiv raise. ' Die system becomes deranged , the
a:s that consanintion is no longer a ft, phyrteol and mental „ ware weakened, nervous',
t•'• • 'mi....Pik' is debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in
",-'n.uuded 'm act "' digestion, a wasting of the frame, cough symp
.. , , Met acquaint.. e toms of ren,,,„„dien.
!, tale amblers me m fie Oflice No. 7, South Frederick Street, ee.
r h , ven doors fi•om Baltimore street. East side, up
e: Hoe , • , •o• , ed 41 ,1 ! the I'm'' , the s teps, Be particular in observing the paint
• • ' 1 •••'"l• """'"him eten : l , on •g e and or you will mistake the place.
, • . ay. in ...nevi'. nun eve. rare warranted, ii , Two my ,
••' ' " "al emi ," erm. '"l' ;e MEILC URI' Olt NAUSHoUS DRUGS.
the wogs from the eheetS Of
•i•. to the chest. purity I Dr. Johnston,
.;; ;; i.eit vitality, giving Member of the Royal College of Surgeons,
London, graduate from one of the most eminent
111/I. sent to any part Colleges of the United States, and the greater
es and t'antithd, by patients part of whose life hoe been spent in the first Hos
toms by letter. But ?hills of London, Paris Philadelphia, and else
; ; ,i• evii u m ji the patient where. has efieeted some of the most astonish
, • ; oil give sautee ing cures that were ever known, many troubled
;;; ; ;. ; the and enable me with ringing in the head and ears when asleep,
omi great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden
. ; ni-eted v. itl,out HI See" sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blushing
attended sometimes with derangement or mind,
~. 11 . t ,1 II A ill, 111. 1) ~ were cured immediately.
Wits L., 11a1 FIL1,1:111 :511LET, (Old Nu. 109,) Certain Disease.
Below Twelfth, 1 When the misguided and imprudeet votary
"MLA DELPIIIA, PA. ' of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this
August 9, '897.—1y. •
pilaul disease. it to too often happens that an
ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of d isoororYs
Of all disease ; the great, first reline deters hint from applying to those who from .1-
Springs trim neglect of Suture's laws. ucation and respectability, can alone befriend
NOT ]din, delaying till, the constitutional symptoms
• of this horrid disease make their uppearanee,
Mime a cure is gearanteed hi nll stops of such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose,
ic a rit t is Striwures. Oleets, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, slimness
of sight, deafness, males on the shin bones, .d
Greve!, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidney fillii arms, blotches on the hea4l.l4ee and extremities,
idh enn , li n cns. progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last
Bonn, and A„kin,„ the the imbue of the mouth or the honed of the nose
I.stgs.FONT, Now and Eycs, Ulcers open hill in, soul the victim of this awful disease be ,
B o d y ~r E i d j„,,_ comes a horrid object of commiseration, till
1,„„„. and ti ll diseases at j. death puts n period to his dreadful sullerings, by
,itte ''rent th•ratteentent of the Sexual Organs , sending him to "that boutne from whence no
S a o, as Loss of bleat,- traveller returns," such, therefore, Dr.
„f W,,,k nems , doltit,ton pledges himself to preserve the most
ot Vi , ion, with vs - either slots appearing before inviolable secrecy, and from Isis extensive prac
t 1,y, r ,.„. tire in the first Hospitals of Europe stud A meri
sia I. ter Disease, Eruption, opon the Fare, ea. he can coldideotly recommend a safe soul
p n j i , if, h ac k an d b ea d, Female f r r enn i ar j. speedy care to the unfortunete victim of this hes
mal all intpriTer slisehurgesh•ons buds sexes. rid disease.
It metiers not trout what rensr the disease origi- It is a melancholy fact that thousands fail Vie.
Issu ever long stamiitg o, ohsties,te the tints to this horrid disease owing to the unskil
ease. ro 1 . 111,1 . .11 ix cryhtito, end ill a ,h,trr time fulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of
that. a I , rfo , olvot cure can he rticrted by. any that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the cons-i
-t treatment, even atter the disease has WE- intim'. aml either send the unfortunate sufferer
fled the skill nt idttineot pi siciasts and resisted to au untimely grave, or make the residue of his
of tl•, tr me. a . of (-me. The niedieints are life Mil Crtible•
lt It hl,lll odes. rat-fist Mai 'rake Particular Notice.
free kant. During tat my D i .. J., addresses all those who have injured
span, tif I hat e from (ha inWsthemselves b y i mpro p er immi eene i ee .
' o f "'"" 'I'M iu the Tl.ese are some of the sad and melancholy
ge: of the born effects produced by early habits of youth, viz:
uicri "I' 1 .1 11 ' 1.11. which " ..e " Weakness of the Sack and Limbs, 'Pains in the
" " "”'", l" the nlllieted. who ul " 3 ' bead, Num..; of Sight, LOSS of Ilinscular pow
'Mss h•"..m3 eure, " " 1 ' 0 " 1 9 01 err Palpitation of the Henri Dyspepsia, Nervous
t.tpc. secret niseascs are the i r rimbility, Derangements of flue Digestive
to , they ai r, 6, lir..t Functions, :amend Debility Symptoms of Coll
een., m Cloi•lonolion St ',lido and tm.ue oil.- snmpt i on,
I‘l. ud ld klLicr ALLY—The fearful effects on the nand
m a n tandly. Ae a permanent cure Is R*ltrec,Y c much to he dreaded; Loss of metnory, Con
ever,' th : ( " or 110 "01" falli n g fusion oat teats, Depression of Spirit, Evil Far
t.. 1 , involapele 11l passes, woo not hidings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrio.l,
Only (ail to rare toe di..., but ruin the eon-Love o r Solitude, Timidity, are some
Milano', the Systion 0 411 mercury, m latch evils produced.
with the Ms.,. hastens the .utterer into Thousands of persons of oil ages, can now
pid l'..tistania it/ II .
, 11 , 1ge Willa is the cause of their declining health.
But should the di•ea•e and the treatment not their vigor, becoming weak, pale .11111
cause death spee.l,l3 . I.llllllw vienttl Monies, the
elooent3.i. have singular appearance about the
disease is ebtuileo 'To, the el - alert.... Uhl' are
eves. . 4 , Of
born with feeble constitutimis, and tbe alarm. •
of lire corrup i e d b y a yi n's which hrrrncs itself kA 'Johnston's Invigorating lietale
in twoolula, 'Vetter, Ulcers, Eruptions. :n..1 nth-
413 for titanic Sleaktte.s
er allections of the okiu. E)as, Throat 110,1 113 !lie , wool and important remedy, weakness
Lungs, entailing upon them u brief existence of of the taiga,s is speedily eared and full vigor r e .
sullerittg and consigning them to oil early snored. Thousands of the mast debilitated mad
grate. IlerVolls. tabu had 10s1 all hope, 'Wee been im
Salt-chose is another formidable enemy to metttotely relieved. All Intl;etliments to Mur•
health, Mr nothing else in the dread emalowi e of riare, Physical or Mental Disqualitieation, Ner
bunion diseases causes PO destruvtiv, a Main gnus lrriwbiliq, Tremblings and M'eakness,
nom •o. system, drawing its thousand, at vie: or exhaustion of th e most fe.frful kind, speedily
tints through a few years of suffering ih to lin cured by Doctor Johnston.
untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous ova- 1 g
,tom, rapidly wastes away the energies of 'ire, wh o hare injured themselves by a certain gray
causes mental derangement, Prove , . the Kola , tie,- indulged in when alone—a :midi ftegthently
develomm•er of the system, (limo:dim, litr 111111.- Irarncd from evil companions, or nt Sehllol—the
riot', soeisty, business, and all utility happi- eil'ects of whist are nightly felt, even whop a
rcs, un,lkay" th e s ufferer "tr' l,, in L 00 : 1 sleep, and it not cured renders marriede imgos
,,tot t o sonstomftion and a sible. aml destroys both mind and body, should
11,, • tg., 11., ,s 1.11 be (111'11118d noun 1.1011111 it- . upply IMMedilitely.
N , 01 11 , I I emaldence I assure the What a pity that a young man, the hope ofhis
!to, I Self-Abuse that a speedy • coun i, s , mid the darling ut his parents should he
""•'., ..t ,',,:, ''"u smashed from all prospects and enjoyments of
t.... unto , . iraetiees n,y Oa- lit.• by the consequence ot deviating from the pads
"r""" health. at nature and indulging in a certain secret habit
'Y.' .• ' 11 , the of • Suet, persons before contemplating
• „. tog we so moo, itgeem
, 1., li t o of ote outdo. prints Dlarringe.
rr•,.. , il , the net., ducts should reflect that a sound mind and body are
coestitutents vaned I,) the vile the most necessary requisites to promote cumin
, •„,,,ek doctors. or the otiosity poi- happiness. Indeed wi th out these, the join.-
go • s cegieq us ••I•.oent ,Not icittes.” our through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
Yfoo , ;.Yet,) , •Yd man: , altos tt-called the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
I M. 11 .. 1 that nem t) mf of mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled
Cog tostse Sol its.. te. which is site with the melancholy reflection that the happiness
I' l, l' ala , a of another becomes blighted with our own.
•., 1, • I. I. -it
1.• S m tor um.
now in I
, 11 imps .I.ripled and totorant per- I TO Mtraugere.
uu t mum small even the alphabet The many thousands cured at this Institution
and are mouthy as destitute within the lust 15 years, and the numerous int
. t. due of the butt.4ll by stem. has tng p u rt at u surgical operations performed by Dr.
rrt ;,, tcaa, and that to stake meth Johnston, witnessed by the Reporters of the pa
.• r.-.. 1 ...sequences. ' tiers, and many other persons, notices of which
Ines and all ttheases of males and have appeated again and again before the pub
,' 1111,1 . r .. ll uu 1 1 . 11 . 1 1 1 .. ...WW l .' ' I Y rt., is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted.
tea cnty eat., ut practice, and sanctioned by . N . B . Thera are so many ignorant and
cures ' worthless quacks advertising themselves as
cute, atilt lull due. thins bent to any part uf the physimans, ruining the health of the already af
t:tided 6tates and L.anadas, by patients commit
dieted. Dr. Johns'n deems it necessary to say to
nitrating then symptoms by letter. business
, those unacquainted with Isis reputation that his
curiesputioence sti Mil.) confidential. Address 11 . 15 MUSS always h a n g in his °ilk..
J. SUAd. E tVILLI , Al. D.,
U77/10L, SO. 1131 FII.IIIIIIIT ST., (Old N 0.109.) Norica.—All letters must be post
Below Twelfth, p a id, and eoutain a postage stamp for the reply,
PHILAI4I4III4I. •r nu answer will he emu.
ikareflrlArf I ,pion ii resrp,ry.
Ait'n T. Ex. T. Fait T.
Train leaves A. M. A. M. P.N.
Petersburg, 7.23 4.02 9.0 i
Huntingdon, 7.38 4.17 0.31
Mill Creek, 7.00 4.27 0.31
Mt. Union, 8.07 4.41 0.411
TRAINS GOlho Wefit.
Train leaves P. M. A. M P.M.
51t. Union, 6.11 6.45 9.011
Mill Creek 6.28 6.58 9.26
Huntingdon, 6.42 7.11 9.37
Petersburg, 6,59 7.23 9.50
K. K. NEPF,M.D..
trAVINU hiccup bin's& in WAiiiiionstAist
11 in this county, would respectfully offer his
professional services to the citizens of that Flaw)
and the country uuju,ent.
J. 13. 'lden, M. 11. Gon. A. P. Wilson
M. A. Henderson, . 6 We,. P. Orteson,
J. 11. Dorsey, lion. James U4Villll,
M. Stewart, . 6 John Scott, Esq.
lion. George Taylor. . .
Runtingdaa, Pa.
Jacob M Geminill, M. D., Alexandria.
John M'Culloch, Petersburg.
A. P. Wirdsorr, W. Dunce PeTelco .
,ATTORIVEYS .117' LillY,
Practise in the several Courts of Ilutatiugden
Blair, Cambria, Centre, Malin and Jnniate COWS
ties. March 23, 1863
DR. DIT.PONCO'S (A011;111;.; —‘' rILLI
ARE infallible in removing atuppages or irreg•
ularitea of the menses.
These Pills areno7lMt - g tow, but have bees
tined by the doctors fur many years, both in
France and America, wilt unparallelled success;
and be is urged by many thousaltd ladies, who
hove used them, to make the Pills public, fur
the alleviation of those suffering front any irre•
gularities of whatever nature, as well as to pre.
vent pregnancy to those Indies whose health
will nut permit nn increase of family.
Pregnant females or those supposing thers•
selves so, are cautioned against these Pills
while pregnant, as the proprietor 119111111169 110
responsibility after the above admonition, el.
dimwit their mildness would prevent any toil.
chief to health! otherwise these Pills are recum•
mended. Full and explicit direetious scout...
patty each box. Price, $1 per box.
Sold wholesale and retail by
JOHN HEAD, General Agent
for Huntingdon Co., Pa.
.1 have appointed Dr. John Head Sole agent
for the sale of my French Periodical Gulden
Pills, for the borough and county of Hunting•
don. All orders tnust be addressed to him.
Ile will supply dealers at the proprietor's pri•
ces, and send the Pills to ladies (confidentially)
by return mail, to any part of the U tilted States,
on receipt of $l, enclosed to him through the
Huntingdon post.ollice. For further portico.
lays get a circular of the Agents--eold by drug.
giAts everywhere.
Oa' My signature is written on each bog.
Broadway P. 0., New Ye*.
John S. Dye, Author,
Who hoe lied 10 years experience as a Bank.
trend Publisher, and author of "A series of•
...Lectures at the Brimihry Tabernacle," when
:.for 10 successive nights, over 50,000 People
0 greeted him with rounds of applause, while
Cid he exhibited the manner in which Counter.
C Niters execute their !Muds, and the sorest and
C shortest means of detecting them !
X. The Bank Note Engravers all say that le
the greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
C Greatest discovery of the present century
Cle detecting. Counterfeit Bank Notes. De.
1... scribing every genuine bill in existence, and
‘ , •xbibiting et a glance every counterfeit in
ocirculation ! ! Arranged so admirably, that
ref ereliCe oast' raid detection instantaneous.
gce.Nu index to examine ! Na pages to
hunt up ! But so simplified and arranges
...that the Merchant, Banker and Business mad
can see all at a glance. English, French and
Berman. Thus each may read the same in
In his own umbel tongue. Most perfect Bank
9 Note List published. Also a list of all the
4: Private Bankers in America. A complete
6 summary of the Finance of Europe and A.
will be published in each edition, to.
• pt.t her with all the important news of tha day.
Also a series of tales, Irani an old Manuscript
.trund in the East, it tarnishes the most corn
y pieta History of "Oriental Life." Deserih
' 'Mg the 'post • perplexing positions In which
the ladies and gentlemen of that Count:
i .have been so often found. These stories will
a continue throughout the whole year, and will
dove the most entertaining ever offered to
1" the public.
tke Famished Weekly to subscribers only
"at $1 it year. All letters must he addressed to
02 JOHN S. DYE, BROKER, Publisher •
:Proprietor, 7D Wall Street, Now York.
April 22, 1857.-Iy.
Dr. John McCulloch,
Niers his professional services to the citizens'.
U Huntingdon und vicinity. °Mee, on llill
between Montgomery and Bath.
Huntingdon, Aug. cu, 1855.
in great variety at the cheep atom of
1). P. ti WIN.
BLANKS..-Always buy your Blanks at the
Journal Office." We have now prepared a 111
ry superior article of BLANK' DE EDS, BONDS,
11.9114, et.