PERSONAL PROPERTY PUBLIC SA LE. gin undersigned will sell at Public Sale at I their farm opposite the Borough of Hunt. ingtlon, oft MONDAY 15th. of MARCH, commencing at 10 ti cluck. in the morning all the PERSONAL PROPERTY emitter. ted with their farm, consisting of 15 head of Horses and Colts, and one Mule Colt, 21 head of Cows and Young Cattle, 20 or more Hogs, three of which are 6ne Breeding Sows; Wagons, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators &c; a large assortment of Harness or Horse Gears, Doable Trees, Single Trees. Chains the. Al. so a variety of the Small Tools and Articles kept upon a well stocked farm; and a quantity of Hay by the Ton. TERMS.—Eight month's credit on all sums above Ten Dollars, by giving notes with ap• proved security Feb. 17, 'sl3.—ts. FISHER & WMURTRIE, 'N7C7'.4&./\TTM1":1! WHEAT AND CORN wanted at this office. Thosa having either can dispose of the same by calling soon. NOTICE. We request those of our subscribers who re sive their papetil, to inf-rm on of those in their immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers to the "Journal," and have failed to receive the same, since the stealing of our pack-hook, by ruffians on the 3d of February: Report of the County Auditors TO TILE AUDITOR GENIEtsAL FOR 1851 A. B. CREWIT, ESQ., Treasurer of Hun. tingdon County, deed., in account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, up to April, 1857. Tax on Real and Personal Estate. DR. To aggregate amount of tax outman ding for 1856 and previous years, as per lag annual report of Aude $11079 02 To amount of tax received or on• seated laud, up to 4th Apr. 1857, CB, By cash paid State Treasurer, as per receipts dated 12th Feb. '57 and 3d March, 1857. By amount of tax remaining uncol• lected for 1856, and previous years op to 4th April. 1857, By Exoneretions allowed collectors of 1856 and previous years up to April, 1857, By commissions allowed collectors of 1856, and previous years up to April, 1857, By Treasurers commission on $6781• 66, at 1 per cent., By balance due the Commonwealth, by County Treasurer, 889 60 Tavern Licensee. To balance due Cum'th es per last annual report of Auditor., By cash paid State Treater,. as per receipt, dated 12th Feb. 1857, Distilleries and Breweries. To balance due Con'th RR per laid annual report of Auditorn, 97 50 To bal. due Co. Tresaurer by Cornth 1 00 By cash paid State Treas. as per re ceipt dated 12th Feb., 1857, Billiard Boom, To balance duo Corn'th as per last report of Auditors, By cash paid State Treasurer. ns per receipt dated 12th Feb., 1857, Restaurants and Eating Houses. To balance due Com'th as per last annual roport of Auditors, By cash paid State Trnaattrer as per receipt dated 12th Feb., 1857, Miller's Licenses. To balance due Com'th as per last annual report or Auditors, By cult paid State Treasurer na per receipt, dated 12th Feb., 1857, Broker's Licenses. To balance due Coni'th ae per lost annual report Auditors, By cash paid State Treasurer, RS per receipt, dated 12th Feb., 1857, Militia Fines. To aggregate amount of said fines outstanding for the year 1856, and previous years as per last annual report of Auditors, By cash paid State Treasurer as per receipt, dated 12th Feb., 1857, 8 16 By exonerations allowed collect°. of 1856 and previous years, By commissions allowed collectors of 1856 and previous years, By amount of said fines temaining uncollegted for 1856 and previous years up to April, 1857, By Treasurer's commission on $84.00 at 1 per cent., By balance due Com'th by the Coun ty Treasurer, F. H. LANE, Esq., Treasurer of Hunting don county, in account with the Commonwealth of Pencsylvania. Teti on Real and Personal Estate DR. To aggregate amount of tax ontutan. ding up to 4th April, 1857, fur that and previous years, ro aggregate amount of said tax as rained for the use of the Com'th for 1857, ste per statement of thu County Com's, filed with Treas'r 15529 50 To amount of tax received on unsea ted land for 1857 and previous yrs. 270 CR. By cash paid State Treasurer aa per receipts, dated Bth July, 1857, 7th October, 1857, 2d December, 1857 and I 1 th January, 1858, By amount of tax remaining uncllec• ted (or 1857 and previous years. 14315 15 By exoneration. allowed collector. of 1857 and previous yearn, 142 51 By commission. allowed collectors of 1857 and previous years, by amount refunded to J. Douglas, being this much overpaid on the State tax on settling up his Reel, 13 57 By Treasureescommission on $481111• 30 4 fit 1 !W.W.I, fi r 00 By balance due Corn'th by the Coun• ty Treasurer, Tavern Licenses. To aggregate amount of said licenses for the year 1357. grunted by the Court as per return of the Clerk of add Court, filed with the Coun ty Treasurer, To - balance due the County Tremer by - the Commonwealth, By cash paid State Treasurer as per receipt, dared Bth July, 1857. 750 00 By Treasurer's com in issioc on 750.00 at 5 per cent., 37 50 Distilleries and Breweries. 787 50 To aggregate amount of said license for the year 1857, us per list far. wished Co. Treas. by Mar. App'r, 200 00 By exonerations allowed by Mel eam tile A ppraitter and Auditors, 50 00 By Treasurer's commission on 150.00 nt 5 per et., 7 50 By bal. due Com, by Co. Tress, 142 50 Billiard Room. To aggregate amount of said license for tho year 1837, no per list fur nished the Co. Treas. by Mer. A p`r, 80 00 By amount left in howls of Justice of the Peace fur collection, 30 00 Medicine Licenses. To aggregate amount of Licenses for the year 1857, as per list furnished Co. Treaa'r by the Mer. App'r, 30 00 By exoneration allowed by Mercan tile Appraiser and Auditors, 10 00 By Treas'es coin on 20.00, 6 pr. et, 1 00 By bal. due Cotn. by Co. Treas., 19 00 Retailers Licenses. To aggregate amount of said licen. sea for the year 1857, as per list • furnished the County Treasurer by the Mercantile,A praiser, 271 00 To balance due County Treasurer by 2 10 i the Com'th, 25 42 11081 12 By cash paid State Treasurers per -- receipts, dated Bth July, 1857, sod 7th October, 1857, 545 00 By exoneration's allowed by Mer. motile Appraiser and Auditors, 315 50 By amount left in hands of Justice of the Peace for collection, 77 00 By amount paid printers for pub• jolting Retailers List, as per re ceipt, 30 00 By Treas're commission on $578.50 at 5 per ct., 28 92 5724 25 4226 41 50 96 122 09 67 81 Ealing nooses. - To aggregate amonnt of said limn. • sea for the year 1857, as per list furnished the County Treasurer by the Mercantile Appraiser, 1(0 00 To balance due the County Treasu rer by Coin'th; 4 00 11081 13 26 25 By cash paid State Treasurer as per - receipt. dated Bth July, 1857, 80 00 ByPaolierations allowed by Mere.. tile Appraiser and Auditors. 80 00 By Treasurers commissions on $BO.. 00 at 5 per ct., 4 00 26 25 98 50 Miller's Licenses. — To aggreaare amount of said licen se for the year 1857, furnished the County Treasurer by the Me, cantile Appraiser, 14 00 98 60 14 25 By exonerations allowed by the Hier• cantile Appraiser and Auditors. 7 00 By Treasurers commission on $7.00 at 5 per ct., 35 By balance due Com'th by the County Treasurer, 6 65 14 25 I'3 00 Brokers' License. To agzregate amount of acid license for the year 1857, 30 00 23 00 By Treasurer's commission ou $30.. 00 at 5 per et., 1 50 By balance due Com'th by the County Treasurer, 28 50 19 95 19 95 Militia Fine.? To agerente amount of raid fines outstanding for the year 1856 and previous years, as per last annual report of Auditors, 1526 76 To aggregate amount of Militia fines assessed for the year 1857, as per statement of the County Commissioners fi led with the Tree• surer, 99.1 50 28 60 28 50 By amount amid fines remaining -- uncollected for 1857 and previous years, 1678 50 B 9 exonerationm almwed collectors of 1857 and previous years. 290 no By commissions allowed collectors of 1857 and previous years, 15 03 By amount paid County Commis• sinners for time necessarily em ployed in Military business for the year 1857, 40 00 By alumna paid 11. XV. Miller for furnishing nail making out (hull. cares of Militia fines for the your 1857. 10 00 By amount paid Ralph Crotsley for his services as Brigade Inspector, for 1837, . 40 00 By amount paid Treasurer of Scott Infantry per order of Captain, for 1857, . 75 00 By amount paid Treasurer of Scott Artillery per order of Captain, fur 1857. 50 00 By cash paid State Treasurer as per receitit, dated 811, July, 1857, 75 00 Bt• Treasurer's commission on 5'537.- 73 at 1 per et., 5 37 By balance due the Com'th by Coun- • ty Treasurer, 242 36 1526 76 14 00 10 47 1410 13 75 60 1526 76 4226 41 We the Auditors of Huntingdon Cllnaty, in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do certify that in pursuance of the 47th Section of the act e• ailed un Act relating to Counties and Too r , ship, Ac., passed the 15th day of April, 1834, we met at the Commissioner's office in the Bor ough of Huntingdon, on the 9th day of January 1858, and did audit, adjust and settle the see eral accounts required of us by law, agreeably to the several acts of Assemble and. supple- meats thereto, according to the best of our Judg- I ments and abilities. In witness whereot wo have hereunto set our hands this 9th day of January, 1858, at the office aforesaid. • 19768 71 3728 50 487 15 JAMES CREE, w w.n. suvaNst Auditors, ! , t V10.610r RECIAPIIA AND EXPENDITUIDN 1023 83 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON. From the 11th Day of Jauttar), to the 3d Day of Apr:l, Including 19758 71 both Dais. ACCOUNT OF A. B. CREWIT, DEf 750 00 RECEIPTS. 1854 Joseph Douglass, Walker, $BO 00 1855 A [emu dm Ewing, Frolic. 49 75 " Thomas ()shorn. Jackson, 174 26 " Benjamin Baker, Tod, 70 13 1858 Joseph Forrest, Barren, 275 00 " George Rupert, Brady, 177 59 1, %mud Pheasant, Cass, 87 91 " Frederick Harman. Dram. 327 Ou " Jacob S. Hutu. Dublin, 153 on Samir:l WiLonn, Franklin 427 00 " William Roth rock, flirt. 529 40 " Jacob Summers, Ilopew l ll 84 91 " Solomon Hamer, Jackson, 105 00 " Benjamin Walker, Morris 285 00 " George Garner, Penn, lOU 00 1 . John N. Swoop° Porter, 413 00 " Joseph Miller. ghirley, 600 00 " Benjamin Long, Shirrli'g 121 69 " Jacob Booker, Springfield 100 00 " Samuel Hackedorn, Tell, 250 00 " Andrew J. Dunlap, Tod, 340 00 " David Pheasant, Union, 112 00 1, Joseph Isenberg. Walker, 200 00 " Henry Grazier, War'ndk 375 00 " William Moore, West, 451 00 " Niclmlas Corbin, Cassville 23 37 50 787 GO 200 00 Amount of County tax on unsea ted lands. 2 9G Amount of School tax on unsea ted lands, 2 06 Amount of Road tax on nnseated lands, 90 5 92 Balance due County treasurer 2862 70 EXPENDITURES. Bslande due A. B. Crewit. Esq.. County Treasurer at last set'int 1274 58 Attr. Gen, Palley, Shtt: and wit ness fees on criminal pros. 478 22 Constables for makintr returns, &c. 34 97 Ow.] and Tracers jurors, Crier," 826 88 Judgas. Inspectors and Clerks of 30 00 123 09 Poe•e ,, or' , . Orders, 61 24 Inqu . ,iti.a. on dead bodies, 26 04 Road and Bridge Views. 138 00 " damage, be Joint Fry, 275 00 " by Ab'm Shenefelt 150 00 563 00 Brdlgn Orders t John Gaghagan for repairing-be low Alexandria, 460 00 David Blair bridge at Blair's Mills, in Tell towtship, 360 00 A. Wke & Co.. for extra work don bridge st Huntingdon, 225 001045 00 County Auditors : 34 00 lietrjlimin K. Neff, 40 00 Jacob Baker, 37 00 11. L. McCarthy, 45 00 146 00 Clerk to Cointnissionbs for 1856, 75 00 996 42 " On account Mr '57 45 00 Att'v to Com's, .1. Reed. Esmi„ 20 00 140 00 County Bonds paid as follows : William 13. Leas, 517 50 Int. on Co. bonds W. B. Leas, 60 00 577 50 Repairs, Furniture and APdse for the C. 11. and Jail, 159 07 Hutt, Co. Ag. Society, -100 00 Premium on Wild cut and fox scalps. 104 25 State Lunatic Asylum for 1). Brotherline, 81 25 County Priming, J. A. Nash and It. F. Miller, 12 75 Blank hooks & dockets for pub lic offices, . 84 22 96 97 Boarding jurors in case of Patrick Smith 28 00 A • Wise & Co., con. forjail stable 100 00 .1. F. Ramey, on Nee% for runn'g and snaking County line be tn•een Hunt. and Mifflin co., 7a 00 SWF. Miller, on ace't boarding prisoners. &c., 75 00 Refunding order to C. Mickley, 14 04 Road tax on 'innate I !AMIN pail out, 4 50 15 57 34 II J 96 42 164 00 164 00 School tax, do. do. Washing for pri,oners in jnil, in bill 11)r 1856, 10 00 Send. ing comt house and pri eie ,in full for '56, 620 16 25 Director; of poor in full '56, 1880 85 ‘• " part '57, 268 10 2149 05 Amount of Lancaster Bank notes revolved from Odlee tors nod deposited in bank by &melt. of Corn'rs, 24') 00 Treas'e cont'n on $12937 72, 184 06 14 00 Receipts and Expenditures Of the roomy of liantioydoa, from the day of April, 1857, to the 4/11 day of Jan• vary, 1858, includiny both days. Receipts 30 00 1854 Joseph Douglas, Walker, $2l 94 1855 John Smith, Horror,, 100 00 " Dnvid Etnier, Cromwell 138 99 " Thomas Osborn, Jackson, 19 26 Ahra'm Isenberg. Morris, 20 00 " John Thompson, Walker, 20 00 1856 .biseidi Forrest, llarrcc, 575 83 George Rupert, Brady, 185 78 " David Hoek, Clay, 228 67 " Fred'k Harman, Cromwell 341 81 " Jacob S. Hunt. Dublin, 168 25 " Samuel Wigton, Franklin, 898 31 " Wm. Hothrork, Hunt. 856 88 Sol. Hamer, Jackson, 349 93 " B. F. William Morris, 510 00 " George Garner, Penn. 306 95 " Jno. N. Swoop.,Porter, 1125 90 " Joseph Miller. S hirley, 458 81 " Bnej. Long, Shirleyslisrg, 32 42 " J. B, 01110, Springfield. 80 96 " Huckedorn, Tell, all 27 " A. J. Dunlap, Toil, 269 29 " David l'inmsant, Union, 96 09 •' Joseph Isenberg, Walker, 504 42 Dory Grazier, War , nek, 175 14 ." William Moore, West, 1055 97 1857 Alexan ler Stoll, Alex'a, 100 00 John B McCarthy, Brady 305 00 " :Teter Livingston, Blur.), 310 00 " Geo. M. Greer`, Casa, 155 00 Joseph Park, Clay, 82 40 William Johns, Cromwell, 125 22 WiMiant Bice, Franklin, 513 09 George limner, Henders'n 177 00 " Sam'l S. Smith, thint'd'u 917 37 " Geo. B. Weaver, 11°130'11 200 00 " John Jackson, Jackson, 227 60 111 . 111'y Mork, Juniata, 62 00 " Sam% Varnish, Morris. 95 00 " Gorge Miller, Oneida. 67 83 Andrew G. Noti, Penn, 553 00 " D P. Henderson. Porter, 172 00 Jas G. Doyle, Shirley, 289 23 " Chas. Bowersox. Shir'hg 100 63 " Josh. Johns, Springfield. 41 50 " Thomas Cisney. Tell, 100 00 " Abrat'm Elias, Tod, 90. 00 " M. F. Campbell, Union, 113 11 •‘. Martin Flouter, Walker, 334 80 Sam'l Lehman, Warm'k, 585 04 " JOllll Thomp•on. West, 3nl 65 14462 34 County tax on un.eated lands, 336 School " " 1 57 " •‘ For root for Court Haase, 2521 26 2521 26 Sale of Stray Steer, 1 64 Fines cacao , ' by Jus. Backus 15 00 23 64 Balance due County Treasurer, 1567 60 EXPENDITURES. Atty. (3en, Proey, Sh'ff, and witnessev on crim. pro.. ist - MAN ot,tor, ~lu~i~l n~li~ Brod, Orders Wise S.. lit, 111.1..61.1i held, .i. Huntingdon, Do. fut dot •adi E. 1 7 .. & A. ltinnitty, fur r pairing midge deroas ri Blank Lot; Creek, Building privy at jail, " ruble " ,net , k. K. Noff. ;;;; ft du., 95 HO It. L. .11.. Cart 1, 62 00 . G. V, Nlottere, 10 00 Clerk to Como',,. 117:, 00 A wiit.o.q lUr 10511, 71 :0 ditty k.r Conws. on occount, 20 00 Intel,. on County Bonds J. H. Gosnell, at 43 S. Wigton 45 00 W. Orbison, 155 00 Thos. Fisher, 114 00 lixrs. of C, lineher's est. GO 00 For coal, wood, light, &c. for Conn house andjoil, Merchandise, &c., fir same, Medicine and attentionce to prisoners in jail, Fur repairs at court house and jail, - Fur introducing gas fixtures in Conrt hence: .1. F. Ramey fur running and rnationg line between Hun ting,lon and Mifflin cos. Pa. State Lunatic lion, ital. Western I.enitentiary for sup- 5890 91 porting prisoners, Shit. Miller for liotrding pris oners, summoning jurors, and conveying convicts to Penitentially, For gas in Court House, 14 53 For scrubbing and cleaning do 18 75 For washing fur . rid. on jail, 10 00 Fu• blank hooks, stationery, &c. Postage: W. Lewis & W. Colon, Wild cat and fox scalp premiums, County Printing: abllnn A. Nash, William Lewis, Wm. Brewster, Africa & Whittaker, S. S. Booth caning wood, &c., at Court House 4 years, Banal tax on un's'd land paid out Goa. W. Cobol, James Ginn% lank) Gray, Gen. M. Green, Treas. Hunt. Co. poor house Co. Tress coin on 30,090 74 8759 53 In testimony of the correctness of the shore ago subs , ri.)o uur immes and atflix the seal of said county, this 4th day of .lan. 1858. JACOHBAKEH. H. L. MoCAHTIIY, Comm're, H. \V. M ATTEEN, Attest H I.NI, W. Clerk. We, t 7 e tuadertqgntal Auditor; 01 llontnitt , lo , l county. elected and sworn according to lon', re port that tee met, did audit, ~etrle, tool adjust, according to law, the account, of A. B, Crewit. deed., and F. 11. Lane, Treasurers of the said county, and the orders of the Comtnisdonet, and- tho reeeipte for the the same, for, and du— rim: the past year. air nod balance dau Allred B. Crovit, of two than. a n d eight hundred and sixty-nen dollars and s runty cents, and to F. 11. Lane, of one thousand live Modred and six ty-seven dollrs. riven under our hand, at the Conttuissioner's 0111 , e, in the la..auult ut Iluntingdon, the 4th day 01* January, 1858. WM IA M MOORE, lAMBS CAME Audiers. I , lllup STEVENS, Feb.3;57.- 4 t. • 5`12V./ )2,PLET.R. l'IlE CINDRELIA Ato the Aulii. , •ul~•titr•itt and Interns' or Lucite:3 . l,nd etitirvly I. in :Of its purts, Light, Gay an . :l 'hi, !)1.,y lie turnislied witit,mt die sli ia.trwri•olity iu ils trmidcney in httiuiu a plavp iu ii• .• , lointis. The I uteri, u; /he Slip per the HnivoiLyi (~,a tiny .!1 i•lijo, it. I tt 4 7 for (hie evert seven will be e e Li tilto :\ I I , ' i"cc I ItT l FRO is 4 To $2OO. Moo, the are Gobi Silrer tAuiii lim,rd autl \•u.4 Catilis, Silver Cake um' Fruit Baskets, (told loultets, Armlets, 1 , ..,tr Drops, litooelies, Pius, Gold Itollnrv, &e. 8759 53 A honorable system will be ust.ti to deter mine which ~he of the seven subscribers Shull be entitled to one of the tibiae (t it which will be scut itnw diately-ott receipt of the sub scription money. Agents Wanted. Address conitouhicittiond to Itt)LAND R. WEST & Co. Comer Worth street and Broadway, N. Y Fet,. 17, '57:-3m. PUBLIC SATE: The sneseribia will offer at Public sale at his reqidetiee in Brady township, two !idles west of Allenville, On Wednesday 10th of March, 1858. Tho tbllowing property to wit : :; Work Horsas, 1 two year old Colt, 4 Milk Cows, 7 head young Catty', 17 head of Sheep, 14 Shouts, 1 breeding Sow, Plows, Harrows, Cultivator, 1 two terse Carriage, Harness and Horse Genre, 1 two or three hoist; IVagon, 1 Sled, Winnowing Mill, Al , o, Household and Kitchen Futuiture-1 Cook .ituve, 1 'Ventilate Stove, Carpeting, and a number of articles too tedious to mention. Sulel° commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when terms will be made known. ' February 17, 1838. JOHN RUPERT. STAGE LINE FROM r hambersburg to Mt, Union ... „ rj , he undo signed aware that at sm.pension of I the lino of Stages over the road between Chanthei,lit t rg and Mt, Union. cannot be but disadruntageous to a /area 'motion of the coun try. has, at a considerable expense and trouble made atrrangentents to run tt line of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points Good Horses and comfortable Stages have been pla ced on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will .uperiuteml the running or the Coaches. The proprietoruf the line is disirous that it be maintained, and he therefore calls upon the public generally to patronize it. confi dent that it still be fur . thoir mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will be given, and the running of Met:hinges will be regular. (141 - Stages leave Mt Union, every Tuesday 'not sila and Santulli) , evenings, arriving at Chwithersiturg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re turning, leave Chambersharg, the sante night at in o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union the next et etaing in time be the ears. Between Mt, Un ion and Shade Gap the line will 'he daily. tie' Fare through $3; to intermediate points in propmuon. JOHN JAAIISON Jan. dOdi, 1858.—tf. 70 5 63 7 00 16058 61 Ay nutitentica, or sett, - 1 - \ri e d Beef, Hams, Shoulders and Flitch, fo John G. Siewurt of said borough. 361 ealo at the cheap Grocery Store of G. R. STEWART, LOVE /z MoDIVITT. Ja0.2701.4v.* .1, NOVI C E 1620 ,44 , All hang on hand any of the 703 ERIE CI 1 Y BANK" money, (which failed lost March,) can get a fair price for it, by '.t 62 sling to, or culling oleo Ille undersigned • ' ~ ~ ....„.„. : , 0 williitra short time to come. I will buy any 00 2:).3 50 a!nount, on said Hank at a higher rate, than I keow to bo offered elsewhere; as I can use it to advantage. ''" Feb. 17, 's7: l ' lr-01‘ 1 E1 1 PURE CAI'AWDA BRANDY. fixvi ;g rsesived the Hole agency of A. F. Hazard A 120.. Druggists, Phihula., fur the sale or the Biala) for Iluntingdon el , llllly, we con• lidently offer it to the public as a pure 'lnd un adulterated article us the following certificate will prove. 50 00 76 63 )51 00 229 6 623 50 Chemical &Tee Mr's Office, 28 Sixth St., between Walnut and Vine, This will certify that I have this day inspec ted two separate lots of Catawba Brandy. one in Barrels and one in Bottle, tonnufactured by cmuritze Lyons, and sold by his Sole Agent, J. Jacob, et the Depot, No. 99 opposite the Bur net House, and 143 West Third Street, Cincin nati, and find them both pure and Gee from all poisonous or deleterious drugs. and as such have marked the same, as the law directs. Gi ven under Illy hand at my office. [signed.] lIIRAM COX, M. D., Inspector of Aleholic Liquors, &c, 395 43 225 00 77 92 40 00 138 37 491 29 235 52 120 00 32 50 Neto Fork, My '2B, 1857. Dear Sir :—I have received a bottle of Lyons' Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, furnished by Mr. A. lialeton. Jr., of Lockport, N. Y., for anaty zation, and I find it to contain only those in gredients which exist in pure Brandy. The proportion of Alcohol obtained from it is 47.00. I believe this sample to be pule Broody with out adulteration—the flavor of it -is delicate and peculiar. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., 365 53 700 130 43 28 38 00 40 85 32 04 The 01110 CATAWBA BRANDY not only equals, but oven excels the best imported Brandies in parity and flavor. It is in fact the Best Brandy known. This statement is fully corroborated by the certilimtes of many of nor most distinguished analytical Chemists, some of which accompany this circular. The want of PURE BRANDY has long been felt in this country, and the introduction of an article of such quality as to supersede the sale :cal ttso or those cilr, compounds hith• ern, sold under the name of Brandy, can only he regarded as a great public good. The Ca. Owlet Brandy possesses all the good qualities claimed for the best imported Liquor, and hid reelect purity and superior flavor. It is there• faro fah) , entitled to the patronage of the pub lic. We feel confident that its reception in this State will be as that which it has mat with in the Great West, and that the time is not far distant, when the ~periority of our own lA gums will pm an end to their importation from abroad. In Medicinal purposes this Brandy has no rival, and has long been needed. SC,lrlt is a Sovereign and Sure Remedy far. Dyspepsia ' Flidideney. Low Spirits, Languor, (3 eneral Dobil it y, &e.. 4911 115 50 83 00 52 25 2 45 255 20. 48 00 3 42 IS 00 51 00 25 51 07 03 5080 00 451 48 16,058 61 ALSO FOR SALE, Eslielby , s Celebrated Still and sparkling Champagne. These 11'ines rae - nuide in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guarautied to be the pare juice of the Grape, and are eminently cal eneited for invalids, stad persons who requirea gentle stimulant, and tine Sacramental purposes or - as a beverage will be found equal, it not su perior. to the best imported. Retail Price tor Brandy and Wines, $1,25 per Quart Bottle. discount made to the trade.."Y 41 (1)11 , , J nll N' BEAD, Druggist. Fi i New C;trd-Press. I tionoit a ft/4 ••(...,Altll PRESS," we ar.. !., ;welt:vett to print ill the prcportion of tiuvo triads in the same time that any other press is the county can print one, consequent• ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well we make ne charge at all. We ask your pa- (Estate of Benjamin Fraker, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to dis tribute the balance in the bands of Daniel Gri,inger, administrator of Benjamin Fraher, into of Ditlilin township, deceased, among those legally Mail led thereto, hereby gives notice to nit personi interested, that be will attend tier the porno,: of . malting said distribution, on Thursday, the .fourth of March nost, at one o'clock, p. m., at hie office, in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons hay ing claims upon said fund are requested to present the sumo or he debarred from coming iu upon said fund. THEO. H. CREMER reb.lh's7,4t. Auditor. , A UDITOB'S NOTICE The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of Christian Couts and Ma•- caret Cents to and amongst those legally enti tled thereto, hereby gives Ake that he will at tend for the purpose of making said distribu tion, on Wednesday, the 3d day of March next, at one o'clock, p. tn., when and where ell per sons baying claims upon, said fund me required to present the same, or be debarred from com ing in upon said fund. TLIEO. H. CREMER, Auditor. (Estate of John McCartney, dee'd.) AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Having heen impointed Auditor ay the Or phans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distri. buts the fund in the hands of Isabella McCart ney, Executrix of John. McCartney. late of Henderson township, deed., and trustee to mike sale of the real estate of said deed, I hereby give notice to all interested, that I will attend to the duties of said appointment, on Saturday, the sth day of March next, at ate o'clock, p. m., at my one, in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all person having claims upon said fund are required to present the same to me, or be debarred from coming in uptatsaid fund. THEO. H. CREME% Auditor. TAKE NOTICE._ Notice is hereby given that Mr. S. 'P. Hill holds the following notes against me:—Jne for fifty dollars dated January Ist., 1838, to be due on the first day of April, 1858 ; another note dated January Ist., 1858, to be due June Ist., 1/758. Mr which I received no value, and do not intend to pay them unless compelled by law. ABRAHAM (MESSINGER. Jackson tp., Jan.27,'sB.JE EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned Executor of the last will and testament of Ann Stewart, lute of the borough of Alexandria, dce'd., hereby given no. tie to all persons who know themselves to be indebted to the estate of said dee'd., to make immediate payment, mud all persons having &Mins against said estate to present•their ac e proper , -- Meated - .tie:tient to MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMEN'FS. A sPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE, for stile at this office; it is calculated to burn wood or coal. P. 11. LANE UNI2WPROVZID TRACTS OF LAND WANTED In exchange rot. 'rwo BRICK 110 USES in Philadelphia, Pa., as for Stocks Jte., Addreas COL. E. BRADY, Jan., 27, '6B. - - CfarTO INVALIDS._EL Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician. Cincinnati, March, 1857. Physician for Diseases of the Longs, Thront and Heart—Formerly Physician to the CINCINNATI MARINE HOSPITAL, also to INVALIDS RETREAT, Author of "Leiters o Invalid,,," IS COMING See following Curd. March Appointments Dr. Hardman, Physician for disease of the Lungs, (fn•nterly Physician to Cincinnati I%la rine Hospital,) will be in attendance at his rooms as follows t Huntingdon, Jackson's Hotel, Tuesday, Mar. 16, Lewistown, National Hotel, •• 17. Hollidaysburg, Exenange Hotel, Dr. Hardman treats Consumption, Bronchi tis, Asthma. Larryngittis and all diseases atilt+ throat and longs, by medical Inhalation, lately used in the Mormon Hospital, London. The great point in the treatment of all h man mala dies is to get at the disease in the direct, man ner, All medicines are estimated by tint upon the t igen requiring relict'. This is the important fact upon which Inhalation is ba sed. If the stomach is diseased we take medicine directly into the stomach. If the lungs are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va pors directly into the lungs. Medicines are the antidotes to disease and should he applied to the very scat of disease. Inhalation is the ap plication of this principle to the treatment of the lungs, for it gives us direct access to those intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of reach of every other means of administering medicines. The reason that Consumption, and other diseases of the longs, have heretofore re sisted all trevment lain been because they had never been approached in a direct manner by medicine. They were intended to act upon the lungs end yet were applied m the stomach.— Their action was intended to he local, and yet, they were so administered that they should not act comtistotionally, expending immediate and principal action upon the unoflunding stomach, whilst the thul ulcers within the lungs were un molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in direct contact with the disease, without the di-advantage of any violent action. Its appli estiou is simple, dist it can he employed by the youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It dues not derange the stomach, or interfere in the least thi giee with the strength, comfort, or businoss of the patient. (Taut DISHIII3EB TnEArun.—ln relation to the din eases, either when compli cated with lung affections exirting alone. I also' invite consultation. I usually find them prompt ly curable. • Chemist, Prolapses and all other forms or Female com plaints, Irregularities and Weakness. Palpitation and all other forms of Heart Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases of Stomach and lioaels, All disea‘es of the eye and ear. neuralgia, Epilepsy and all lining of ueryous disease.— charge for cousultation. Juno 9, 1857. CASSVILLE SEMINARY, M. Ma'. Walsh. Principal. This school for young Indies and gentlemen is probably the cheapest one of the kind in the country. The expenses per year for board, room rent, furniture, fuel and tuition in common English ale only $BB. Piano Music is only $5 per quarter. All the languages and the oanatnentals are propor tionally cheap. For other information address John D. Walsh, Cassville, Huntingdon Co., Pa. The next quarter commences Monday, Jan nary 18th., 1858. _ . datt.l3,':s7. CASZVittt SEMINARY. Only $19.5 0 per Quarter. TII 1.1 NEW FACULTY. 111. MeN. WALSH. Principu!._. Professor of I.lingiolges and Philosophy Herr Karl Boekeuheim, Pio/. of German Language Literature. M. Eugene Chivaut, Professor of Mitch and Piano Music. James W. Hughes, Professor of Matlumaties, etc Hrs. M. Walsh, Prerryfress. Gr. elan Painting, Botany, Ili,Ntory etc Miss E. Faulkner, Alonnehronnwics: Piinting, Drawing, ec. Miss Anna M. Gray, Pk:n . o Music and French Miss Jennie IL Walsh, _ _ _ HIS SCHOOL HAS LATELY PASSED !into new hands, and the present owners are determined to make it a first class Institu tion. The majority of the new faculty are al ready on hand, and student.. will be received as soon as thee wish to cote. Young Indies an 14ewlemen intending togo to school will do well to write to us before con cluding to go elsewhere. There is no cheaper. an/ we believe there trill L 6 no Leiter sellool now than ours. Both sexes are received, all Brant,* taught and students can enter at any time. For further information, niidreas JOHN D. WALSH, Cassville, lionlinokot Co, l'a. December 9,1857.4 f. GROUND PLASTER. The Juniata Flour rid Plaster Mills, one mile below Alexandria, Huntingdon county, Pa., hare constantly on hand Ground Pinner, of the best quality, fur which Grain of all kinds, will be taken in exchange at market prices. Jan.20;58.-2m. Came to the premises of the subscriber in Tod township a- , ("4 bout the first slay of December, 1857, a red mule) , bull, about • three years old, no marks. . . The owner is requested to come forward prove property, pay charges and take him away. ELI ALLOWAY. Jan.13;57.4t. Antiphloglatic Salt. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office. Fur all Intl mmatury diseases it is a car:gar. Get akv and try it, 3. itfit MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. COOK STOVE, FOR Illustrated. 1855. Illutnixatrd, The New York *ef.l.ll. COLDNN PRIZE is One of the larvest and b ..t locrery towel , of the day. An Imperial Qr t t,i eontoiniog turnip PAGER, or forty columns. of eutertaing original 'natter, end elegantly illustrated every week. A GO worth front 30 cents to Sioo 00_ iwrldr will be presented to enrh slibscriber immediate* am receipt of the subscription money. No. 123, &milt Seventh at., Philadelphia. 2 1 ci tao 00 .11 2111167 The articles distributed are comprised is the fo!lowinv list .. • - - . 200 silver 101org cas'.l woelle, $3O 00 each. 000 silver watches, $lO.OO to $30.00 etch. 1000 gold guards, &c., $lO 00 to $30,00 each. Gold loekai, Brocelerm. Brach., liar drops: Breast-pins, Cuff: pins, Sleeve-buttons, Rings, Wateli.kess, gold and silver thiinhles, and a vari ety of other articles worth frtirn 50 rents to $30,00 eathi . - - Immediately on receipt of the subscription money, the subscriber's name will he entered upon our subscription hook, opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with th it numb, will he tcrwardell, within tine week, to the subscri ber, by mail or express, post-paid. ' All communications should he addressed to BECKETT & CO., 49 & 49 Molfat's buildiog, 335 liroadway, N. Y. •• Specimen copies sent free. INDIAN ROOT PILLS, DR. Nit , ESE. the inventor of MORSE'S IN. DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the ;tree. ter part of his Ide in trnvelliog, having visited Europe. Asia, and Arrive, as well as North Anal-ice—has spent three years among the In. diansi,l our Western country—it was in this way that the Italian Root Pills were first dim. covered. I)t.. Morse W. the first man to es tablish the fact that all diseases arise from In, purity of the Blood—that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do out art in perfect harmony with the dif feret.t functions of the body, the blood loses its action. becomes thick, corrupted and di• sensed; thus causing all pains sickness and distress of every name our strength is exhaus. ted, our health we are deprived of, and if na ture is not assisted in throwing off the stag• rant humors, the blood will become choked and cease to act. and thus our light of life will titres., be blown out. How important then 'that we sho u ld Ircep the varians ',images of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to pot a medi. eine in your reach, ?lamely, Ifforse's Italian Root Pills. manufactured. from plants and roots which grow around the mountainous cliffs in Nature's garden, for the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the mots front which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which o pens the . pores (tithe skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the finer parts of the corrup tion within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the plumage to the lungs, and thus. in' a soothing manner, performs its duty by throwing off phlegm, and other humors from the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large a— mounts of impurity from the blood, which is then thrown out latitudinally by the urinary or water passage, and which could n t have been discharged in any other wa y. . The fourth as a Cathartic, and accompan ies the other prop erties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed off itt great gnaw tities by the bowels. _ . S. D. DARDIMAN. M. D. Fro.; the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach, but become milted with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely scut out and cleanse the system from all impurity. and the life of the body, which is the blood, be comes perfectly healthy; ',imminently all sick. ness nod pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which will open the natural passages Mr the disease to be cast out hence, a large quantity of food and other mat ter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermenta tion, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery. until life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have ad. ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re• storing millions of the sick to blooming health and happiness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, nod whose feeble frames have em scorched by the burning elements of ra ging fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morn's Indian Root Pills, After one or two doses bad been taken, they were astonished, and ab solutely surprised, in witnessing their charm ing effects. Not only do they give immedi ate ea, and strength. mid take away all sick ness, pain and anguish but they at once go to work st the foundation of the disease, which is the blond. Therefore, it will he show n , espee• ittlly by those who use. these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that deadly.miemy—will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a lung and happy life will cher'sh Mid brighten your days. CAU'T'lON.—Beware of a counterfeit sign. ed 4. B. Moore. All genuine have the mime of A.. 1. WHITE & CO. on each box. Also the Siam" tire if 4. J. White & CO. All otb• era ar l. WHITE h CO., Sole Proprietor., 60 Leonard Street. New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines Primary English STRAY BULL. st i r Agents wanted in every town, village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the agency will address as above for terms. . Sir Price 25 cents per box. five boxes will be sent on receipt or sl.:poetage paid. December •6 '67:-6m. ftW COUNTRY DEALTIRs can buy CLOTHING frtm me in Huntingdon at Whole• .le, as cheep cc they can in the chine, AS 1 have • II1 f 4: 4 61 , 11 it ors is Pliiiadelphlipsomomet TERMS: One Copy fur 1 pear, $2 00. end 1 gilt " 2 " $3 50, and 2 gifts. si 3 4. $5 00, en.) 3 ,i.ts, " 5 " $8 Ou, and 5 gifur AND TO CLUBS 3 copies, I year, $5 On. and I gift. fit it 38 00, and 5 gifts. 10 . it it oo; 2 packages gold, containing $500.00 each, 5 MI. do. do. $200.00 etch 10 do. do. do. $ I 00,00 each. In lee. hon. eat. watches, $lOO,Oll each. 20 gold watches, $73,00 each. 50 do. $60.00 each, 100 do. 0.50.00 each. 300 Indies' gold watches, $35.00 each. DR. 2VZORS'E'•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers