Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 24, 1858, Image 2

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    Correspondence of the Evening Post. I A Thing to be Proud Of Kansas has Occupied too mush of Pub-
BORDER RUFFIANS IN WASHING. Brehm.] said, the other day . to mernher lie Attention.
TON. of '"gre" from Alabama' ; I
a ' So aga Mr. Buch.uo,—.d, in order to
that I am l
pro-slavery man, but I do say that '
Wssaleoxoe, Feb. 14, 1858. I have done more for the South than any touts "rtseeive it front Washington," he goes for
This is my first appearance in Washington I living."—Riehmend Inq. • crowding through Congress the Lecompton
this session. I cannot step into the street I And he has. Elected by the akin of his Constitution. Behold the results! Renewed
without being reminded of the 'litanies of teeth, by the vote of his own native State on excitement in Congress—" Kansas" agitation
which Kansas has been the theater. the issue of "Free Itanses," he has turned in every State Legislature that is in session—
" Hell is empty, and all the devils are here." hie back upon the whole North, more impious- a revival of disunion threats—and an aggre-1
Lecompton, the headquarters of Border ly even than did the traitor Pierce; Nebr., gation of ill feeling all round.—Mr. Rushee.
Ruffianism, meet be abandoned, for all the red the cause of slavery extension boldly, and ;is a bail fireman. He throws gunpowder, or
notorious characters that I retncmber to have taken an official vow to mrce Slavery down , eampliene, not cold water, on the flames—and
seen there during the sitting of the infamous the throats of the people of Kansas 'spinet lucky will he be if his Administration survive
Calhoun Convention meet me at every cur , their u,tanimous .d united remonstrance.— I the explosion.—N. I'. Express.
ner. They congregate in large numbers at Poor Apostate I yes I he has "done more for
the "Kirkwood." Just rotted the corner, off ; the Soutlt than any other mats living;" in the
the avenue, in Twelfth street. they have hired , name of Northern Democracy, let him enjoy
a hall which they use as a headquarters. , the honor!
They meet there and hold their drunken co.'
Gila. They number about 100, Among them
are the following: John Calhoun, Judge Ca
to, J. P. Carr, J. J. Clarkson, John A. Hale
dertnan, S. Denman, Boyle Ewing, Wm, H-
Russell, Judge Walker, Gardner Walker,
"Jack Henderson," J. B. Garrett, Alex. John
son, Wm. \Veer, Winder Emory.
Nearly all the above hold some office under
the Government, or expect something. The
following is the programme of some of these
worthier, which I send you, as I am sure none
of your regular correspondents will ho likely
to get, as they are not so well acquainted
with the favorites of Mr. Buchanan as I am.
J. J. Clarkson, the bearer of the Lecompton
Constitution to this city, is the present Post
master of Leavenworth. He wants to be Sn
perintondeet of Indian Affairs, to fill the va
cancy occasioned by the appointment of Mr.
Cummings to the Governorship of Utah. This
office was to have been reserved for Mr. Stan• . .
ton under ‘ the programme made out by the For th , Huntingdon Joarnal,
President when the former accepted the Sec. CHRISTIANITY versus SLAVERY.
retaryship of Ktoints,
,but Mr. Stanton is shel- EDITOR OF THR JOURNAL I—lt was my psi
ved and Clarkson comes in for the vacancy. vilege on last &Math to listen to an able d
It is understood that John Calhoun, the pm course in your village on the all absorbing top.
litical "swindler," who for about three years ic of "Foreign Missions." It was delivered by
has received the salary of Surveyor General one who has labored zealously to spread the
of Kansas and Nebraska Territories, without Gospel truths in those where
performing the duties, will be requested to re- "The heathen in his blindness
sign his commission, as hie services can no Bows down to wood and stone."
I was impressed with one of the expresdons
longer be made available in Kansas. He i
Of the talented speak° viz that the heathen
still expects that the Lecompton Constitution
sold their children, and that in China children
will be forced through Congress, in which e- ' ,
r seventy-five cents !
vent he will declare the Pro Slavery Legisla• could be purchased fo
tutu a friend to "Missione"—Foreign and
tore elected, and through them he elected
Domestic, but I are been thinking that the
himself to the United States Senate, which
• condition of our slaves in America derminds
will permit him to reside in Washington, out
more of our sympathy than we an Christians
of harm's way. Whets Congress is not in ses•
are disposed to allow. I in brief, that
sion, he will probably return to his family
Springfield, Illinois. where they have resided
ye are guilty of gross inconsistency, in permit
;; s ' title our feeliniss for the Christianizing of the
enustand"in hasce he been in Kansas. yellow heathen of Asia to crush out all thought
last fact alone is proof that he is not a legal
resident of that Territory, the people of which for the black heathen on the cotton and rice
he elitime the right to represent its the United plantations of our teen land. How does the
States Senate. case gaudt In Chi., the people are yellow,
The Calhoun fraternity are playing a cut
they do nut, generally, favor Christianity; the)
have desire to (earn the truths
ei the Bib ,
throat game with their old "Border Ruffian"
friends, Gen. Whitfield, ex Delegate, and Dan-
and they sell their children for cis
er d. lwe have a race of men
iel Woodson, ex-Secretary of the territory.
p held hea in bowlit Atneriea,eg e, tyrannized over by the strong;
It seems that Whitfi sld and - Woodeon have'
they tutu to hear of Jesus, and would fain rend
been shaky on the Lecompton Constitution.
his Holy Word, Ana yet to teach thorn that Hu-
Some say they voted against it. The former ;ly woe , is an ofi . eacc paniehabic by the biws
is Register and the latterlieceiver dues Land
Office at Kiekapoo, in the Delaware ThemDistrict,l of the States where Slaver) exists f le it be
anpreciates the importance of making K
--""'" I cane, the As i at i c is yellow an d the A ir i e „,,
a Free State. For this reason. Calhoun Clark. black that one is taught and the other kept in
, in , aerance ? i t b ecause nee can iireba,
son, Henderson & Co, are doing their utmost
with the President to have them removed. sad for seventy-five emits whilst the other costs
Jack Henderson wants one of their places one hundred dollars ?
If wo can do nothing more for our black
himself. He is now one of James Buell. ,
heathen at home, we C:lfil pray fur them. Uwe
anati's secret mail mints from St. Louis to ,
caenei (ley . one Sabbath a month i n ; b
Leavenworth, (K. T.,) but desires promotion, I cause of the poor, down4rudden, oppressed nod d
under the belief that he has earned something shackled slave—as we do for the heathen of
handsome in retureing the Delaware Precinct
ether lands—let us at least occasionally pray
vote. This is the more necessary, inasmuch for him in our closets, and once a year in .r
as the mail bags between St. Louis and Lea. I
pulpits. YRAURBEF.
venworth usually contain very little money I Feb. 22d, 1858.
Ex-Deputy Marehal Vane, who didn't arrest
Reeder, is here, ready to take anytl.teg the Kansas.
turns up. He will have one of the nieces WASHINGTON, Friday, Feb. 19, 1858.
mentioned above, if he can get it and nottdeg The Democrats of the Senate will not, Iso
better is offered. He would prefer, however, , has been stated, press the passage of the bill
to be Marshal of the new Territory of Arizinuit fur the admission of Kansas exactly in the
.d says he can have it if he warnts it. form reported from the Committee on Terri-
William Brindle, Receiver of the Land Of- tories. There is the highest authority cur
fice at Lecompton, is against the Lecompton saying that when the subject comes up fur
Constitution, and is, therefore, to be removed, cousideration an amendment will be offered
He was comutandersia-chief of the Border from that side,
,and doubtless adopted, ex.
Ruffian forces at Leavenworth ono day and a I pressly declaring "that nothing in the Lecomp
half, during the commission of some of the I to'. Constitution shall be construed or held to
most high handed outrages ever perpetrated , interfere with the right of the people to alter ;
upon the people of the Territory during the amend or modify it at pleasure."
Summer of 1856, and yet this won't save him I The Pennsylvania Democratic members of
from the wrath of Calhoun and Buchanan. 1.18. , the House, last eight, hail a full and free its-
is opposed to Lecompton and taunt be sacri - terchange of opinions on the Kansas and nth.
fired ! Justice demands it! er questions; but nothing of an affirmative
Sheriff Jon., who is anxiously looked for character w. consummated. The meeting
by the President, has not yet arrived, but I was in sendon four hours. The utmost well.
understand that he will probably get B'indle's deuce and respect were expressed fur the
place. lie is a patriot, and ought to have it. President, and although some regretted tLat
No doubt the people will induct hits into of. they were compelled to differ from him on
flee when he is appointed. The ceremony the subject of Kaunas, they had tio, disposi
will either be performed upon a scaffolding or thin whatever to eipbarrass the
on the litubsof a tree. lion and its general policy.
Wps. Reef, a boon companion of Calhoun, The Senate Committee en Territories in
weiteto Kansas with him from Illinois, arid their report say they do not approve of the or
was for some time one of his assistant, s envy. dinence accompanying the. Lecomplon COll
- until recently appointed United States stituti., and therefore oppose its neceptatite.
District Attorney for the Territory of Ka.. They do not regard it as .y part of the Con.
He has been here, neglecting his huei ness , etitution, nor will its approval or disapproval
fur some time. He gave his influence for the of Congress affect the validity of the Cinisti
coustruction of the Lecompton Constitution in widen if Kansas is admitted into the Union US
Kansus, but when he arrived here he heard r ecortunended•
that the Free State Legislature was elected
under it, and straightway he opposed it. Then
the news came that the Pro-Slavery party had WASHINGTON Feb 9, 1858
is carried the Legielature, and he then thought . Gen. Calhoun visited Judge shor ' t
Par Senator Hale of New Hampshire,
ly after . his arrival. 't hey bud along mire;
lit a good enough instrument; and so he has ,
noted for his wit and sarcasms. The follow
sjatlon, ; several persons being present. The
been blowing hot and cold. I hoard a report
ing ie one of his last, in which he lets an arrow
Judge inquire to reference to the returns rum
to day that these shaky manifestations will be
fly at Mr. Buchan.:
the political death of him; in short, that it is _ . .
Delaware Crossing. Calhoun made no um
"Mr. Hale read an extract from one of Itir. ewes . . Before they equated the inquiry was
speeches, in
which Be. B. , the intention of Kin g James to remove him
again made. C ll rep lied t hat
I Since writing the above, I hear a report that 101111 the return
declared that all Christendom is in league ,
had be. properly certified. Judge Doughts
one of the most prominent of this happy party
gamut the South ou thin question of domestic
will turn out to be a defaulter to the Goverm thou gave him some sworn evidence ou the
slavery. Of course remarked Mr; Hale, the
meat h to a h large
Large sums f of mon- subject. Calhoun read end turned tale. A-
South can have no allies except those who are
witheen : ha ste tobin care,. rum timebout 1 &do ek night. Calhont , seat t i t, Doug.
out of Christendom. (Laughter.) But whatnte's house that he was convinced there bud
to pay his subordinate does Mr. Buchanan say in the next sentence?
officers. been fraud ta Dahmer° crossing-5.10 votes be.
He says they have no other allies to. sustain
ing put down where only 40 were east—mid
heir constitutional right except the Democracy I sarQueen Victoria invited Sarah Bonnetta, that he had made the correction in the record,
the North. There's a fight for you, all an African Princess, boardmg ut Chatham, to with the approval of the President. Ile author
eistendom on one side, and the Democracy the wedding of the Princess, and sent her Ind Judge Douglas, Mr. Barris of Illinois
fkuvoslgse." (fewer veatorlea of lovol2l zt itkeeres mita* tbr Ore aougeteu. I trod. Geo. goitre.) to publish Ms tut
atingba ournal.
Editor and Proprietor.
rednesia; Morning, February 2418 a.
Fhe Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Journal, is great
er than the Globe and Am
erican combined.
• The Huntingdon JouRNAL for one year, and
ither of the Magazines for the seine period,
sill be sent to the address of any subscriber,
la be paid in advance as follows
The Journal and Godey'a Lady's Book, for
one year, $3 50
The Journal and Graham's Magazine, for
Sue year, $3 50
The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and
Putnam 's Monthly, for one year, $3 50
The Journal and Frank Leslie'. Family
Magazine and Gazette qf Fashion, fur one year
$3 50
The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine,
for one year, $2 75
The Journal and Merlon's Magazine, for
One year,
The Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for one
you, $3 50
Are they guilty by their own showing,
or do they lie
It is a good rule to receive with cauti in,
the testimony of volunteer witnesses. But
when such,witnesses convict themselves of
crime, the presumption is that they speak
the truth, however low may be their gene
ral character for verecity. Apply this
principle to the anprican, which last week
not only intimated, but clearly betrayed its
knowledge of our stolen type and List
Book, and with the bold effrontery of the
lowest and most hopeless criminals, told us
where they were, and where we could find
them,"on our own premises !" Although
the American is hardly known to speak
the truth of others, observe here, an illus
tration of the principle above stated. We
hare found one, the most itnportant of the
stolen articles, our List-Book, just where
they declared it to be, though it was not
there, nor in our office, on the day the
theft was discovered, nor for at least two
days alter our announcement of the theft,
as we are able to testify, and abundantly
prove by those who had examined our of
fice, and the very spot where the book was
found by the American's direction! Now,
we leave the public to judge how this
List-Book, after being gone for borne days,
again found its way into our office ; and es
pecially how the Hybrids of the .nmeri
00111 conld know the fact. Are they astrol
ogers, or clairvoyants; or have they a
squinting vision whose observations are
sometimes unconsciously revealed through
' the infirmity of a muddled brain 11e
leave them to the honest readers' interpre
tation of their own testimony ; as we shall
henceforth leave them to wallo.v in their
sett imposed shame—or in the excrements
they nightly deposit at cur office steps.—
We will add, to relieve the apprehensions
of our frtends and subscribers, that we have
taken the precaution to make duplicate
Lists, keeping ono copy at our residence,
where burglary would be attended with
more danger than the cowardly viltains
who have twice robbed us, dare encounter;
and having coanged the locks of our office
doors, we feel in some measure secure
against similar depredations on oft• proper
Uir The Messrs C. E. Todd & Co. of
New York, whose advertisement will be
found in another column, have on hand a
large quantity of fine Jewelry, any person
purchasing of them are entitled to a gift ;
some persons draw more than ten times
the worth of the money they invest. We
have received from them a few days since,
a large massive Gold Pencil worth five
dollars, and a pen worth two dollars, which
we will be pleased to exhibit to any one
who may be disposed to send for a prize.
For particulars see advertisement, •
Or' A series of meetings commenced
in the Presbyterian Church at this place,
about two weeks ago, we cannot tell how
long they may continue, but they appear
to be doing a great deal of good. A bout
fifty anxious inquirers have manillysted a
deep concern for the Salvation of their
precious souls. We wish them God
A Dogberry Among the Mail Bags,
Editor .Noto York J ibone:
JANKI,EW, VA., Feb. 9. 1838,
Dear Sir: As Post Master lam compelled
by Law to Stop or retain your paper in my
otliee. We hold it an abalitiones paper, to
save further trouble ssk you to stop sending to
Rev. D. B. Dorsey. Yours
M. W. BALL, P M at
'Mildew Lewis County. Va.
IL (freely.
Mr. Postmaster Ball: If your neighbors
unresistingly allow you to coi.6seate arid destroy
their newspapers, it is their affair, not ours.—
Mr. Dorsey has paid for his Tribune, or it
would not be sent; when the time for width he
shall have expired, it will be stopped. Until
then, it will he sent ; and if he is so craven, or
your mob so omnipotent, that he will nut de
mand or cannot obtain, what he has paid for,
time lose is his, the shame yours, but we are
not sufferers. So blaze away I—Ed.
Marriage of ex-President Fillmore.
ALBANY, Thursday, Feb. 11, 1858.
Married last night at the Schuyler mansion
in this city, by the Rev. Dr. Hague, the Hon.
Milliard Fillmore, ex-President of the United
States, to Mrs. Caroline C. Dlclntosh of this
WASHINGTON, MOlldlty, Feb. 15, 1858.
The House Select Committee on Kansas
had a meeting this afternoon, and had a stor•
my time of it. The majority voted down ev
ery proposition looking to a fair investigation
of the Mete. It is evident that the intention
is to override every consideration of common
decency in order to stifle investigation and to
crowd a vote ou the Kansas question before
the facts can be brought out.
KANSAS.—The Territortial Legislature of
"Kansas has passed a bill through both branch.
es providing for an election of delegates to a
c onstitutional convention. The election of the
delegates is to take place on the second Toes
, day in March.
—Too many Governors. Heap much too
many Governors. First have Reeder—no
have him. 1 hen have Woodson—no have
him. Then have Shannon—no have him.—
Then have Robison—no have him. Heap too
much Governors: Um 1 Um 1
giiir At 3 o'clock ou Saturday morning a
terrible entastrophe took place in St. Louis.
A drug store under the Pacific Hotel took fire
and the flames enveloped the stairways, so as
to cut of all egress Some of the inmates were
l'terally burned in their beds. Others lcap'd
from the windows end were horiltly mangled
or killed by the fall. Out of ono hundred per.
sons in the house twenty-nine ere known to
hove been killed, and six to have been seriously.
injured, while musty more are still missing.
i Meters from Vie Utah Expedition.
down to Jan. 1, Lave reached St. Louis. The
weigher at Camp Scott was cold, and snow
deep, but the troops were in good spirits and
longed to commence the Spring campaign.
By captured Marino. and Indians Col. Johns.
ten was advised of the movements and purpo•
MI of the Saints, whose cry is still for war.
The Indians encountered by the mai Wain tip.
on the plains appeared to entertain friendly
feelings toward the United States.
The report from Washington of a bar
room trams between Gen. William Cullom,
Clerk upbe last House of Representative., and
the Hon. James B. Clay, a member of the pre.
sent Howse from Kentucky. would be hardly
credible m ils details were they not well au
'thentieated by a careful correspondent. Gen..-
al Celloin has never been regarded as a braw
ler at Washington, while Mt. Clay's personal
deportment there and elsewhere hag beets such
no to command general respect.
FLOUR.—••There is no champ to no
tic,. in the Flour murket; $5 75,
CLOVEN SLED —There is n stonily
bu,iness to notice; $1.5014,874 per bush.
RYE FLOUR.—Es dull.
WHEAT.—Continues limited; 124 c,
per. bush.
To Wombat:its and Tanners.
GROUND PLASTER can he had nt the
Huntingdon Flour and Plaster Mills, in any de
sirable quantity, on and after the Ist day of
March, 1858. We deliver it nom or CHARGE
on the ears nt the denots or the Pennsylvania
and Broad Top Railroads.
Do you wish to find a good employment, and
make money with little ur no investment, and
without im.erfering with your regular business?
11'yo.0 do, rend this advertisement.
C E. Took & Co., of 392 Broome Street
New York, are manufacturing and selling mas
sive gold Pencils for $5 each, (which are cheap
at that price,) and they throw in to gift or prize
with each Pencil worth from $2 up to ':5, $lO,
Pa. $2O, $25, $3O, $5O, $75, $lOO, $2OO, and
$5llO. Don't cry out, 'Humbug! Lottery l'—
It's no such thing. The Pencils are sold at
their cash value, and all the profits over the
firs: cost are thrown into the gifts, which actu
ally cost the purchaser nothing. The prizes
are distributed on a simple plan of drawing,
which would take too much room to explain,
but which has never failed to give complete
bat isfaetion We have drawn and sent to pur•
chasers 183 gold watches of various prima, 74
purses of gold dollars, 238 gold lockets, 850
gold chaise, and a corresponding number of
other prizes, within two months.
ERE ARE NO BLANKS," but every
Purchaser draws a prize worth $2 certain, and
stands thousands of chances to be a higher
We want a good agent in every neighbor
hood throughout the country, to solicit purcha
tiers, and any agent, to be successful, must
have a pencil and a prize to exhibit. We pay
agents $1 cash fur each purchaser he obtanis,
land the first parson in any lieighborhoud who
applies for a 'Pencil and gift, will receive the
agency for that locality. Should an agent ob.
' taln a valuable prise to exhibit with his Pen
cil, be would have little difficulty in obtdining
' scores of purchasers, and malting it u payirg
j A New Idea! Head! I Bend!!
We ask nobody to send their money till they
know what prise they draw. Any person wish
ing to try their luck, can first bend us their
' name and address, and we will make their
draw and inform them by return mail what
prize they drew, when they can send on and
take the Pencil and prize, or not, whichever
they choose. We give this privilege only once
to a purchaser. After the first drawing, every
purchaser will he required to send in advance
through the authorized agent. We will seed
with each drawing the number taken out, with
full description oldie plan of drawing.
Address C. E. TODD & Co.
392 Broome Street New York,
A.. 10t1r,4 131113—tat.
On Thursday, the 18th of Feb. by Rev. W.
Brodehow Beebtell, HENRY H. SUMMERS
of Marklesburg, and HISS ELIZABETH
BEAVER. of Coffee Run, Pa.
On the 10th ult., of smell-pox, r, dough•
of Mr. and lire. Craviford, aged about 10 years•
' Gone. gone I alas, the young. the fair,
The dearest ties of earth are riven,
They live, they dwell nut here. but where ?
This earth's exchanged for Heaven.
Now sweet rests on lap of earth
A lovely form, tho' clad in gloom.
Kind nature smiled not on her birth ;
She sleeps, but where?—'tis in the tomb.
The voice of death has spoke aloud ;
'Twits not the feeble, not the old ;
A youth was called to wear the shroud,
The cheek that bloomed is pale and cold.
A maid of half a score of years,
A young, a pure, a tender bud,
Is freed from earth ; its cares, its fears,
Is foundered—wrecked in time's cold flood.
ser The above was laid over last walk for
want of room.
In Oneida township, on the 16th inst., Mrs.
JANE. wife of Francis Jackson, in the 57th
year of her age.
A kind and affectionate companion, a sincere
and devoted friend. a consistent and exemplary
Christian ; in her death a beleaved and afflicted
husband has sustained an irroparable loss,
whilst the poor and unfortunate have been de•
prived of a benefactress, and the Church of the
Redeemer of a worthy and useful member.
As fades yon sun's expiring ray,
Her death was tranquil and serene,
For Jesus' love had smuothul the way,
Ere mercy closed the solemn scene.
Yet, as its lingering beams impart
A halo o'er the evening's gloom,
So Hope sustained her fainting heart,
And cheered her paithway to the tomb.
But as the star of night apilears
To gild the blue of even,
So Faith dispels the mourner's fears,
And whispers—"We shall meet in Ilea.
ven I" R. M.
In Walker township. on Friday, February
19th, JOHN LEWIS, Sen., (colored) aged 100
subject of this notice was long a resi•
dent t.f Huntingdon county, and well known
for his eccentricities. By the strictest economy
coupled with untiring industry he had amassed
a considerable amount of this world's gods,
and at the time of his demise was in comfort:,
Isle circumstances. We believe be died in the
fell assurance of God's pardon, and of dwelling
forever in those bright 'calms where "all men
are alike equal" and where color is not a pro.
text for persecution ; where the shackles of
slavery are loosed and the oppressed are free,
forever and forever. REQUIESCAT IN PACE I
StirNo application for AOENCIEO need be
made, except by persons of integrity, reliabili
ty, and having excellent facilities for doing be
/drift/48. They must he addressed to Gnockit
BAKERS. B. Co„ 495 Broadway, New York.
Feb.17,'58.-3 m.
I Peter M. Bare hereby give notice, that I
bought at Constable's sale as the property of
A won Pheasant, the following goods & chattels
viz: Ono hay Horse, one Cow, one Heifer and
ten Acres of Wheat &c, which I have left in
his possession, without relinquishing my owner
chip. Th erefore all persons are hereby notified
not to purchase or disturb the said property
without my consent P. M. BARE,
Mapleton, 24th, 1818.—It.
The subscriber, desiring to quit farming. offers
at public sale the foliowing desirable property
at his residence, on FRIDAY, the 19th MAHCII
A. D. 1858, viz :
One of which is a lino mare 5 years old ; one of
them a three year old; and eight of them about
two year old each ; two of the two year ulds urn
well matched. Also
Threshing machine, Grain Drill and Raker,
Windmill, Harrows and Horse-gears, together
with a variety of articles too numerous to in
sert. Salo to commence at 9 o'clock on said
day, when due attendance and a credit of nine
months will be given. DAVID STONER,
Three Springs, F0b.24;57.-3t.
HR• LINDSE'Y has discovered a remedy that
will cure all diseases arising from impure
blood, which is the foundation of all diseuoeo.
I will warrant it to cure all the withia•nawed
diseases, such as
Chronic Scrofula, Minors Vas Skin, To nwrs,
Ulcers on the head or Body, and all
Break-outs on the Fare.
And it will 11160 cure all Indolent Ulcers of
many yearn standing; Sore Mouth, caused fr o m
using mercury, and will eradicate mercury,
from the system. When the IMPROVED
131.001/ SEARCHER operates on mercury,
all other impurities of the blood will be swept
from the system, and it purifies the blood us
pure as vegetable melicine can make it; and
when the blood is pure, the man woman or
child, will take no disease, for the impure blood
which is the cause of disease, is gone. It will
alto cure all Debilitated Diseases, such as
drive front a derangement of the liver; it will
liring the liver into a healthy action, and will
restore the patient to health.
FOR SALE BY John Read. Huntingdon.—
Jos. P. Houton, Cussville. Jos. Jolittaton, Pe
tersburg. Silas Creswell . Manorhill. Wm.
Davis, Shavenwille. Freedom Iron Co. Greens-
Mug Furnace. Middle & Stewart, West Bar.
rec. Saud. W. Myton, Saulsburg. R. Ste -
Burney, MeAlavys tort. Elias Musser, MeAl
avys fort. Joseph Douglass, MeConnellstown.
J. D. Rothrick & Co.Markleshurg. Wm. B.
Leas, Shirlmbhurg. Thos. Orbilion, Urblso
ma. D. H. Morrison & Co. Blairs Mills. M.
A. Robison & Co. Shade Gup. Lynn Short
& Co. Bahleagle. H. C. Walker, Alexandria.
Ins. Clark & Son, Birmingham. F. M, Bell
& Co. Warriormark. G. H. Stiner, Spruce
Creek. J. W. Muttern, Alechanicksville.—
Sam'. Matteru, Mechanicsville.
Huntingdon, Psb. 1.441 r, 1855.'..4m
UST OF 0111 1 81111101110 111140111178,
Due at Settlement with the Auditors for the year 11337,
Years. Townships. Collectors' Names. County Paz Mate Taa Militia Pines
1844 Walker, A. B. Sangree, 11 88
John H. Stonehraker,
Charles Green,
John Coulter,
Joshu Greenland,
Luke Vorliees,
William Couch,
John McDonald.
Michael Myers,
John Laport,
William B. Shaw,'
John Smith,
David Etnier,
John Beaver,
Abraham .I!tenlierg,
Porter, '
Tod, Benjamin Baker,
' *Walker, John Thoniron,
56 Barree, Joseph Forrest,
Brady, George Rupert,
1 Cassville, Nicholas Corbin,
Cromwell, Frederick Harman, •
' Jackson, Solomon Hamer,
1 *Morrie, Benjamin F. Wallace,
, *Tod, A. J. Dunlap,
' tUnion, . David Pheasant,
' Walker, Joseph Isenberg,
' Warriormark, Henry Grazier,
' West, William Moore,
57 *Alexandria, Alexander Stitt,
*Brady, John R. McCarthy,
, *Barree, Peter Livingston,
' *Cass, George M. Green,
' "Caseville, Samuel Smith,
' Clay, Joseph Park,
' *Cromwell, William Johns,
' *Dublin, Brice Blair,
' *Franklin, William Bice,
' *Henderson, George N u mei.,
' *Huntingdon, Samuel S. Smith,
*Hopewell, George B. Cleaver,
' *Jackson, John Jackson,
' *Juniata, Henry Mark,
' *Morris, Samuel Hernial],
' *Oneida, George Miller,
' *Penn, Andrew G. Neff,
4 *Porter, David P. Henderson,
' *Shirley, James G. Doyle,
.Shirleysburg, Charles Bowersox,
' *Springfield, Joshua Johns,
' *Tell, Thomas Ci. 131,
*Tod, Abraham Elias,
14 * Union, M. F. Cain pbell,
6 *Walker, Martin Fletiner, ,
ii *Warrioratuark, Samuel Lehman,
II West, John Thompson,
* Since paid in part, l• Since paid in full.
Given under Seal of office 4th of January, 1558.
February 18th, 1857.-4 L
) 11[1113§11-E. 6. 1[011[120
incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania
large 'or small, and interest paid from the
day of deposit to the day .ol' withdrawal.
The °Bice Is open every day from 9 o'clock
in the morning till 5 o'clock in the a fternaon,
and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8
HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President,
W5l. J. REED, Secretary.
Hon. Henry L. Bonner, F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry,
Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee
Saml. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerles,
C. Landreth Muting Henry Diellenderflcr,
Money is received and payments made daily
without nr tier.
The investments are made iu Real Estate
Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such cl ass se•
curities as the Charter requires.
TI-300 3EIM 'Sri"
Bib A.ll
i. A `..ii HARNESS—MAKER, in want of erm
ployment, can bear of a favorable sit
uation by applying at this office.
The Liver is one of the principal revile. ,
of the hum , an hody, and when it perform% dB
functionn well, the p fwern of the system are ful
ly developed• The ntomnch in almont entirely
dependent on the he•tithv action of the Liver
for the pruner performance of itm fonetions.-n•
When the ttomteh in at fault, the howeln are at
foil, and the whorenefftem sufforn in conse
, (orrice nr one onno—the Liver—havirz cemuvl
HAIR RES I'OR A' FIVE, For the dinennen of that orgnu
AND RESTORING I some remedy wherewith to enunterUtet the many
Grey Hair to its Natural Color. demos:moots to which it i. ,
To prove that this remedy is et lag found,
This astonishing and unequalled preparation an y person ',Muted with Liver Complaint in
has never failed to produce a growth on Bahl any of its form.. has hat to try a bottle, and
needs, when used according to the directioo, convirtiou is enttiiis.
and turn hair back to its original col or , afar A compound has been formed by dissolving
having become gray, and reinstate it in nll its gums and extracting that part which is soluble
original health, lustre, softness and beauty. lb- for the active virtues of the medicine. These
moves at once all scurf, dandruff and unpleasant „ in , remove a ii morbid or 1 10.1 matter from ths
it c hing, scrofula, eruptions and feverish s s,t em . supplying in their plum heal by fin*
from the scalp. It also prevents the hair Irmo o f bil e . inyimur a si n g the stomach, ceasing fond to
becoming unhealthy and falling Mt and helium „en s tone and
acts as a perfect HAIR IrsvtooaArolt AND To-
, 1 health to the whole machinery. removing the
SIC. 'causes of the dispose. en& effecting a radical
core without any of the disagreeable after eft
A gentleman of Boston writes to his friend feet, fell I.y using Calomel of Mineral Poison,
in New Bedford thus that are woolly resorted to.
To your inquiries I would reply, that when I ;
first commenced to use Professor Wood's Ilan 1 To ell who will follow these directions a ear*
Restorative, my heir was almost white, and had is positively. gii „ rnstamt. Stcx H EAnAcnn ran
been so for the lust ten Years and is woo ,111. 3 1 be cured by the use of two tea-spoonsfill taken
thin on the top of my head, and very loose, and as ...un es the tunnels is felt.
pulled out very freely; but I found that before The Invigorator never fails to core sour Ma
-1 hail used all the second bottle, (which was mach or the had effects experienced after eat
eight weeks) my hair was entirely changed to i ng.
its original color, light b rown , an d i s nuw tree !Minus attacks yield readily tonne bottle. end
from dandrult and quite moist. 1 have had my Christie ni„rdims. uniti s to „ tr . , is
hair cut five or six tint.; since t h e (mange, and never troublesome to those who take the Invigot
have never seen anything like white hair start- ratio ..
ing from the rams; and it is now as thick as F o r Dy.yeseda nr .Tuounlice, nothing in the
it ever was, and does not coma out all. It 'lnn known world acts so fully or cure+ so quiekly as
proved in my case all that I could wish to oth. the Invigorator. It remove. MI yellowness and
July 1,1855. Yours, a to. unnatural color from she skin.
For Night Mare, take a rinse before retiring,
and it is warranted a Slice preventative.
For Female Ohstruetions it is a safe and sure
remedy. an it rem Nes the Mlue of the disease.
Costiveness cannot exist where the invigora•
for is freely taken, while Cholie yields readily tit
n few doses.
[From the Boston Herald.] WORTH KNOWING. -By using
Professor Wood's Heir Restorelive. gray hair
can be permanently restored to its original color.
The subjoined certificate from Johnson & Stone
Gardiner, Maine. is but one of the many in-
stances that are daily coining to our knowledge,
of its wonderful effects.
It must he known that all these are lave&
, diseases, means.' he a deranged Liven. and to
OAR IRE., Maine. Jane 22, 1 85 5. ' cure them needs a favER medicine and one of
DEAR SIR have used two bottles of Prof. great power, The Invigorator is such a medi-
Wood's Hair Restorative, a n d ca d truly city it is vine t it has medicinal powers. never before dis
the greatest discceery of the age for restoring covered, that will core all disease+ of the LIVER
and changing the hair. Benne using it, I was no ? n a tter o f how long Minding. or what may
a Rm. of seventy. My hair hos now attained ne their form. The active medicinal virtues ex
its original color, You cue re...mood it to the trailed from the gum used is such as to he as
world without the least tear, as my can was one tonishing to all who see their effect+. for non*
of the worst kind.
. can use the medicine without receiving benefit
Yours,respectfully,l t DA
Professor 0. J. Wood. 'bowels gently. The hest way to tsar it is to
take the medicine in the mouth, then take Wins
BROOKFIELD, Massachusetts, Jan..l2, 1825. water and swallow both together. In this way
DEAR Ste , --Having made a trial of your the medicine will scare, ly he tested.
Ilair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to any SA NFOR D & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway
that its effect has been excellent In removing in- New York. Sold in Huntingdon by bear
flammatiou, dandruff, and a constant itching Me:Kamm, and John gelid.
meiniegkwilk jt ay j key, bop Nina* it wt ad* WO 11110411., NSAWAIFsett
15 14
37 81
48 34
123 he
70 53
62 50
6 60
0 5 3 4
6 1$
49 00
64 50
10 00
61 50
10 49
63 68
28 00
77 OS
70 76
125 32
101 71
023 30
34 47
64 86
116 66
H. L. McCARTHY, I.oeaa.a.
childhood ; and has alio restored my hair, whielt
was becoming grey, to its original color I have
nsed no other article with anything l lhs the
pleasure and profit. Yours truly.
Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookiteld.
Professor Wood.
[From the Mimannri Democrat.]
WOOD'S HAIR DYE.—Thin sdmirable
tiele in rapidly improving the hair. No article
of a similar kind, now belbre the public, enjoys
a better reputation et a restorative and invigo
rating hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical quali
ties have a beneficial effect upon the growth and
chancier of the hair, giving a silky and glow
texture to that which woo formerly of a coarse
laid dry nature. It hoe, alto, we understand, •
tendency to preserve the youthful color and ap
pearance of the hair, and destroying or counter
acting the effects of old age. With such recom
mendations in its favor. we hardly perceive how
any lady or gentleman shoulti be without so val
uable an adjunct to their toilet.
0..1. WOOD /ft, CO., Proprietors, Si t Broadway
N. & 114 Market et., St. Lottia, Missouri.
Sold in nomination by Joon READ, and
MeMANIOILL. and by Druggists everywhere.
Feb. 10, 1808.-3 m. Mar.25;57.-ly.
ril . B 7 o ct ,Si
frIITS is one of the greaten medical dine over
len ever made. and in daily working cores
almost ton great to believe. It riven en if ma
and seldom more t hen toe bottle it required To
care any•kin.l of LW. Complaint. from the
worst Janndiee or Dvapensia to ft common head
ache, all of which are the result of a DION 111 ND