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YANKEE LOVER'S SOLILOQUY. ♦s thin as a hatchet I've grown, Ac poor as Job's turkey, by golly ; 1 stand, like a scarecrow, alone, Sad victim of love's malancholy t I feel most'confoundedly blue, Life's rose is turned to a thrislle ; Idy sweetheart has turned out untrue, And sacked me as slick es a whistle I Though lively and keen as a rat, And playful 113 any young kitten, She has got the sharp claws of a eat, And has showed 'em to me thro' the mitten Of our village girls she is the belle, And plump at a partMgc she grows; Her lips fur two cherries would sell, Her cheeks are as red as a rose! Like two bran new dollars her eyes, Her nose is turned neater than was, Her bosom with Venus' vies, Her hair—it is finer then fiat. I courted her day after day, In the hope her affections to win, But toy trouble is all thrown away— Like a foul I have been takin in I 1 am laughed at by all of our (Mks— They expected a wedding to flillew She has turned out a tarmition hoax— Her heart, like a pumpkin, in hollow AG thin as it beanpole I grow, And crabbed and cross as a bear, 34 heart—it is love cracked, I knew 1 shall lie down and die in despair I 081 SING AGAIN BY TINLEY .1011S90/1. On 1 aing again that melting strain, That leve delights to hear; For still my heart those sounds restrain, Which are to me so dear. And as I listen to its tunes, To distant years I ily— When every hour wns fill'd with joy, Ere sorrow waked a sigh. Ah, me I , ah, me I the happy Cue never come back again ; And though I often wish it back, Thai wish, alas! is vain. siiii is set, my hopes destroyed, And garlands pal' and dead, Are wreathed around the blighted hopes That are forever fled. 11111rA good story is told of a young non out West, who, while passing by a cashioua ble house, baw 0 prou) girl at the window He stopped and rang the bell, when the girl came to the door and wished to know his business. He took a dune from his pocket, saying that he would give her the piece fors kiss. She told him he might have one. She never having had a dune before, and did not know what to do with it. She therefore told him that she would give it back to him for another kiss. He gave it, and welt on his way rejoicing. Isar A pawnbroker 01 Sacramento, has in pawn u gold watch, made in 1709. which was presented in 1784, by Witbuington to Lafayette. It bears inside of the csae the following Incription:—.G. Washington to Gilbert Wittier de In Fayette, Lord Corn wall.. capitulation. Yorktown, December 17, 1781. mor Necessity has no law, but an un. awasialma gumbos af.hatopomai *elect **R. litCll AND POOR. ♦ MOTH ERN. STORY. BY HELD. , L. CHANDLER. -.... • ...- Oh) mine was but a perjured faith, , • And mine a broken vow; Else he I loved, and who loved me, Were Isere beside mo now I 'Crime hither, Honne, my poor proud child !' There was a world of music in my me tiler's deep sorrowful voice, and I crossed the room in twilight, and threw myself on a low stool nt her feet. The coal fire was smouldering in the grate. The carpet with its dark rich c•ilors, looked worm and condonable in the dim light, but outside the wind howled hurrying by. and unquiet feet of the wild November rain paced a round the old house like a sentinel. I had a long time been loved by one good and noble and more than worthy Ile was like some peel artist's conception of nor sing, with his cairn high brow, his clear blue e yes, and golds n tresses, There was an expression bold Rimless truth in his handsome features, and a look of loving tenderness about his pleasant mouth, Ile was all sunshiee, and he shone his way in to my heart. I loved Win though I hard ly acknowledged it to myself. lie was do ir, and I--I had but my proud ole name and the ruined mansion and the ousted patrimony of the race of Stuarts. Another lover Caine, and this one was noble. The gold lay yellow and deep and shining in his iron coffers, and the broad Lands that called him master, were green and fair. If Morgan Phillips was radiant with the beauty of morning, this other one, Hunt llennesiy, was the petsonification of some stormy night, not wet with rain of tears, but black, darkened and terrible with heavy tempest clouds, with now ado then a mar flashing through them like the gleam of a giant's burnished armor. [ loved *tint-gait Phillips, but Hunt Hennesly's wilder nature possessed a strange charm for my adventurous imagination. With him, I could realize every dream of my so dreaming youth—l could cross the Eastern desert, bivouac among the Bedouins, and stand among the ruins of Jerusalem, and weep over filbm grandeur of Greece and Rome—with hint I could float down the castled Rhine, look out on the stormy Ile. beides, and follow the track of the old florsemen across the Northern sea. With Morgan Pliillips what should I share 'Love,' answered tremblingly the low voice in my heart, and I saw a vision of peaceful home, where my presence would make sunshine. I twined the roses over the cottage walls and locked the blue•eyed children. bright with the golden hair of my lover husband, but the cosy tea table with its fresh biscuit and clotted cream, brought visions of washing dishes and scouring knives: the blue-eyed ones of my rocking, however fast the cradle jogeed, would cry, and arrant fancy turned with a sigh of relief to the other ,icture--the lul Irby of the peaceful Mediterranean—the summer isles upon her breast. Uncon sciously I said aloud : .1 shall be Hunt Ilennesly's ,' and then my mother culled me to her 41... I thought as I sat down at her feet hew beautiful she had been in years past, how bean tifol she still was, with her great sor rowful black eyes, She looked steadfastly nt me for a moment and she said hall sor rowfully : •My child, have you promised to he Morgan Phillips' wife ?' •No, in non, I am young yet.' 'Yea, very young: but if you have not promised, you hay,. let hint see for these many months that you loved him--that his presence at your side was we'eome. Now, Fianna, if you did not mean to wed him. was this right V I blushed ana vas silent, and she con. tinued know Hunt ff ennesly loves you, also, and I will not council you. Your iiwo heart will be your safest guard, if you will 101 l .w it ; only Harms Stuart. my child, do not let ambition, power, luxury, anything tempt you to marry without love. The retribution will be terrible,' and my mothe r drew her ',bawl about her and shuddered; albeit the room was worm. Her voice was husky when she said : ' .1 will tell you, my poor girl, &story of my own youth. I had not thought to com fess your father's faults or 'nine, and Gild knows which were the heaviest, but you nerd the !emu and you shall have it. I was motherless. I have seen the picture of the beautiful being who. died that I Ittight lirov bet ale tweed hes earth en " LIBERTY AND UNION. Now AND FOREVER, ONE AND ingrrAnAlltli. " Ht'NTTNGDON. PA.. NVEDNES . DAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1858. she had clasped one to her brea.t. I was my father's idol, but at filteen, he died and left me poor. Ile lied been wealthy. hut after my mother's death he had trusted his fortune to a faithle, , steward, and I was scarcely above want.' sus beautiful, the world said and f knew it well. The face that met my gaze! • as I stood before my mirror. was bright and bewildi ringly lovely. I had been educa ted in conventional retirement, and my heart was fresh and pure. I loved Benne you have never known such a passion It was worship—it was idolatry—it was the life of my life. And he [ loved was poor Allen Greame woe fatherless like myself, • but I was an inmate of his mother's cot. Cage. Very tenderly they cherished the orphan committed to their care. I knew that Allen loved me. I read it in every act; in the appealing tenderness with which his blue eyes rested upon my face; in the care with which he anticipated my wishes, and in the very atone' ians of -his voice as he addressed me 'But another sui.or came. Allen Gre nme had never asked my love, and I had never promised in so ninny words to be his bride, but for tunny mon' Its he had believed int. all li!s own. and yet when your father visited the cottage, his eyes sought my race with a kind of question ing sadness. Time passed on and seven weeks beheld roe Percy S'uart's betro thed Looking back, I cannot see by what circumstance this change MIS first about I worshipped Allen Grenine us madly as ever.--His smile was the sun shine of my existence. Your father 10. ved me, at least he idolized my beauty, and he was a noble, generous man Still Ins presence had no power to awaken a single heart thrill. But he was rich and 'while born. I coveted the proud rank of his wealth—the stately mansion and the old name It was a long struggle between bee and ambition, but at length I laid my hand in his. Scorn me, hate me, Heinle, I deserve it. I sinned willfully. I. new I did not love him--the henrt and =oil were long ago yielded tip in adoration of another—and yet I became his bride. 'Allen never reproached me, but the stony, hopeless sorrow in his blue eyes was more bitter than the most terrible words. His wither w.e , kind as ever But .I could see the hot tears fill upon the bridal garments she was making. And I Oh, Benne, shudder, looking back tiro' nll these years, at the bare 1110Uallt of coy stletit rigony. I believe that I tsar Itiltre beautiful than ever. My eyes were wild ly bright, and my cheek flushed I.ke wine an hundred years old, mantling over a 8 Ivor goblet. Aly bridegroom liked die impressive coldness of my manners. I do not think he ever dreamed that I did not hive him, nod my stateliness accorded well with the lofty pride of himself and ell his haughty race married him. The ceremony was over. lie turned to kiss his wife for the first iliac, when a shrek rang through the church, a piercing, terrible shro k. Then there was a heavy fall Allen was borne senseless through the crowd. My husband might have suspected when he sox my anguish, that he wan mare than the brother I called him, hut said nothing. He even acceded to my wild prayer that our bridal journey might be postponed until he was better, and permitted me to be a constant watcher at his bedside. He had not long to wait. My beloved had broken a blood vessel in his fall, and the fourth day he died. I held his hand as he faded silently away. 'Katrine,' he said, looking mournfully into my eyes. 'Marine it is very tweet to die thus with you beside me. I am dying for your love. I shill be happy dearest, for an angel whispers you will he mine in Heaven You have never said you loved use, but I know it. I know that my dying love is more to you than all this bright living world, end l am going where no shadows fall. Kiss me. Ka• trine, and then sing me one of our d. ar old songs.' 'I had kissed hint many times before as a sister might ; the free, innocent kissee of childhood, but now ; kissed woman hood's deathless love; and then drawing his head to my bosom I sang. It was a ballad we had sung nosy times Loge her. when the stars were climbing upitito the quiet sky And I sang it now to the soul which was 110(11 to climb above the stars, above the sky, even to the Walston' of the great white throne. He looked at me with floods of light swelling into his large • blue eyes. Every moment he grew more and more beautiful, till I was frightened at his unutterable glory. I ceased, and I i his low voice wbuspered—‘Katrine—fleu yen I' gee lille eiose4 over thee, mow ere ,u•ncefa! V ma a rhild lira d.m.rt to dry am., and tho golden head o:r.•w cold upon my bottom I was alone with tor dead r my mother paused, and clapped tar vuldly to her heart. then relea-ing me,phe continued': .11anne I know in those early dove your father loved me, no could low,— Not with the worship of the deed, but he was proud of me anti tried to make we happy He suffered much The wif e whose head rested on his been n slept in her dreams upon another's heart. mix d with crave mould. When he clasped his arms around me. ever between their fel& ins and my slender wait, were those cold arms of the dead. I pitied hint. but my wry soul was sick unto death: I c•mlil not feign a love my heart could never feel. It was two years, Hamm, before you were born. ne had of late to neck hie happt ness otherwise I did not trouble mveell to inquire into the nature of his pursuits. I was grateful to' be left alone. tt hen you were put into my ores, I rained tears of blehsing over you. thanking God that toy heart could not love still 'As I lay there in silence with my eyes shut, holding you on my heart, I heard hut say : .Perhops this ch;ld Will vtin 1), , r 1,, for mo. God grout it; wo may be le pier!' .It n•as n vain hope ; Ihirne ; I %co, co; der to Ilia; then ever. We boil; Incrd. I wuti Id hold you oi my arm: hot, aft. r hour, raving medic over the ht,d a•ho should have beet; your (whey. On.• night nu I held you thus my Ini-1,1,,d entered. •Katrine: said he, .1 shall die 0. wc. di,. by my own head. 1 have bot m 5 ai at the gaining table whither your cold., e has driven uyr '1 am sorry In our nuwa•ut clti J 1 bu , c.!: little else, womnn, who i ;: your. self for station, when your t: wab an other'b !' .1 knew his rf.proach.s we, just, and nt still hi defiant ell, , nt:p. voti ny Far five nanitt,, si le•htly luukiug on us apin. with a softened tom filitrito , twelve-. me. P. y,•,, did riot. know your own heart Let nut our parting he in eager l have done you loony iv.olige. but 1 have ,tiff, ed terrttly Gnd will juilt4, ium nod he is mureittil. Ittorine, kiss me once before I the. l lore let me hold you in my heart ! are our %ode Your hatred cannot he to rem.. utr this my lost rulti"st !• 'lllnto.. I. kn. ,v l•. 1 wren dell., ruled tite• IV I •prsng tip fro. my seal. I held you aloft troui iny arm, and !do nut touch ue ! I In th you! I hate you! 13ut fors,' ny ;Lading .v , .01d not hove died. 13. lore tour candor was hap y. 01. ! You runote sutler as I have suflered, ever since your hateful lit,. called me wife !' 'Then holding you sill. 1 stink down upon the Hour, weak, helpless in it po , i tion of solibing 1 c.n reineuth•r distinctly but I have it faint in aleatory an kiss of fire upon inv fore head; of seeing your hiby face covered with passionate caresses, and of b. ing roused from the darkness of my long faint by the report of a pistol Your 1,011-r was dead. Ilanne, do not pies hate me. have loved you, suffered for yen. in your life If my crime was ir e al. the punishment of my Ill• long remorse is frrrible !' lelasped her bowed figure in ins• ar n and ',reseed my tips aga.n and ag•in to her fiwthed itrow tatuthlering the while ot the thought that as terrible hod been but for the story slid its minting. (HI, how touch dearer toy heart delmowb•dged her in the utter hopelestiess of tier fearful sorrow, than she hod ever heen, in what I had supposed, the cold perlectness of character. There was a quick ring at the door- lin the vegetable woild it belongs to the 'Mr another gathered about her the heavy' saute list of drugs with prussic acid. arse, folds of her shawl, and, then turning on , ic, and henbane, Many a man is chewing 111, , the tippling glance other tearful eyes i or smoking enough ever day In kill out• passed from the room, even as limit Hen right three or four of the stoughnst men, at.IY entered. Hr hut of atY feet; using at in the way fur the first nine Its whit pered 'pleadingly of the 'wore his deadly ~eittio is first felt upon the nerve care should make so brigia. and Menlo', poo • tilenough is taiten at once to • it. nicotine principle sudd , n tarily I shuddered, no I drew my :mod It el,-ct,t, vial Said ci , calming it from lok clasp. Various experiments .ir 11 "."" valV ‘ " I said in a how ' "" n„ .t.„ ~„1,in.1, ..xhihn its shockmg tv • ite,t time •L have heard that in mem er to ,00mize a n d k.II A single drop of %% litchi bus made the diatiriettort of thie 1, eon ',cod oil o , ule take the life of the mold semi) of hille moment, iu C. 1181,, •t, h ',lies oath seenstioie d to its use. It s w i th " t ,,, fru, ove winch sboll I;tat for to xt a. a,lul wink IS seen in the blood. It ~, it 8 lie CiretilvtiOU hr the ah , orhunis of e '""" ) * I d" nut so lave (""' I t•n unot the mouth. It reaches n ',so by the pro be r your wile I coos id respiration. Au e orrives My word• left no room for hope mid he fat the lungs to ezchit , •ge gases with the went out silently into the storm I never 1 air, the particles of tobucco-oil floting in looked upon his face again. Bi.fon l the' the smoke of the cigar or pipe lire inhaled evening was over Alorgan . Phillips also I i n t ot v ii i e t c hi t t, rcu t i . o . l i d u it t e u po: sought my presence and his errand was ' hurt habit into :111 '1 1; 1 8:h; let ftill ' and free per ictim of :, to say farewell. Sitting beside me, WY ispiration arise; then drop it fly into that heed in hiss, he enermered t vete?, end it die, m the invent of entrant. MY helov.ll, I du, not ri..k you to h.. but I ii iI ..tny and you nivrn to Imo , her. I I 00, you to your bright den.iny.' There wnen•t mach pride h•ft my heart the , end I raid in a whispiir en low that only ei,f, of I Could . Ca. eh the mated : •Nlorean stay„4triny sake, stay r Oh, what an OfOrettsinti of b , antiful light and t.av,•l4o4; , itf vetting sunshine lanke ever his face then But the rest i.o%' Ferrer. I 9111 Moreno Phil lips now.- I hear of f lunt llennesly f,ditla among t he proudest and the ttnt,!e.t of the land, bat his name beige nith :1 no reetets Dearer tl en the tateh,est skies of far off Italy, are the Idne eyes that meet toy own so Inv. inffly; sweeter than the wid': world's h(quige, the tones which murmur, as I stand oolong my idols—'.My wife, my he. loved r Printers Language, In the following illustration of . printing office diaiovue. there is decidedly wore truth him poetry: Forytunn—You ft.Uow with the big loom h. what arr you at ufiwy Composuor—Unt setting .41 house on fire!" m arly dnoe. F tint's Sit•rling nbnot? —He's ongagtql on "Fin r. ih' \lurler Finish it es gn'rk es vnu can an.ll,l l ,llnrse through with his trlrgrnph whir nr« you trying to got up? 111111..11 • A piinic in the 11nney \larkr•r Bimdt.n, what are you di: r is t 1 Pmwden— , •Prizes in Perham's Gift En. terprizi , !,. .11 I , oreinnn —Stop 'that, and take hold of ~ I ttoot way (Inv, G'ore+a•ut--Wit-on, what are you doing tvhh ti)' of Democracy?" 'Vil , t:o—•l'rein t , to justify them. Po• ctn't•do that; so correct t.h.•-• ....eOurse of Straightoute." ill I he thunder have you been ill - , ni‘• half hour► t:ft•in t ,. the '.Compromise •:wun•:,' , hick my sub set. Fore.olo— You chap on the stool, what rr you on? Coin & itor • On the •el'able" you gave rtireinan—L,ny it on the table for the pi,siit—have no mow (or it. Yull..n.—Shull I lead these ~ Men of la wit re Coui.t?" Rll , llltlll—No They're solid, of course t 'omposi.or—D )3 on want a bold faced I,ood to ••Jeany Lind's Faintly ? ' Fate iota —No; such things go in small C.l 8. Devil Jack, have you got up that aphid joke J•ick —No, out of 'arts Foreman—Weil, throw in this '•Alillion of t;,itfointa Gold," and when you get i• eons, reith it, i'll give you sonic more. 1,..%). t ~ u Ii is 101 l the .Cualition ?" i!sott -• Yes. sir, we "Coalition' was op Lot 1 , is now ktorked two pi. ot,u—Ju.tify it if you can. 130 w• de o. at 0, 3, I/ gio Boo..leik- - Nothing to %Vela. " Furt.:11811-1% ril, never magi that—take hung for the Poor" V...:11:111 to the Editor—Sir, we want cUi.) . E.Hot Go to the .‘,/totl." And weld, but found the .•devil" had L'• ni• to 0f . 0.r . a cent's worth yu.l.kaso, ca idy to treat the offie, nod 0 odor is—(looks out at the window) confound his ugly picture —pitying mar ble, in the street. Exit the foreman down stairs L.lking to himself titters necessarily n pollster. Tobacco It is our of the mum powerful poisons Riorat giittiaturts For the Journal. NO. 1. SABBATH READING. It should be the atm of oil true Chris. thins to make the hours of the lttbhnth day, a source of especial fthprovernent; and in what 'better way can we spend this time—when not engaged in public devotion—than by reading books which tend to elevate, and enlarge our moral na ture. Of the bodily exercise oecessary to health on this n+ well as other days I say nothing but refer to the leisure hours so often trifled away, or spent in perusing honks having no moral toiliiy I wits once iu company with a friend who when I come it, was engaged in reading a icily deeeritition of startling scenes of every day life which seemed evidently fictitious, and upon my objecting to it, he replied, Mr our pastor read it, and liked it, and surely t'is not wrong for me to follow his example, even in small matters. Ah. thought I example clamhes with precept when we are tune' to "remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy" yet shown no example of levity even by our precep tors. Let us now consider the effect of such reading upon ourselves. In the case of the Rev. spoken of I thought tt a poor pre, oration for the duty he soon would he called to perform—in delivering Gut's message" of peace upon earth, and good will to inan"—and in the other instance— like the waste of time in worldly officer. nation it consumes the hours intended for better purposes. Being such slave, to the vanities of the world, our inside are in constant danger of being led away from the contemplation of eternal realities. Though we may watch our thoughts with vigilance on this day they will not at all times he mindful of the Saviour but this may he forgiven if we by constant prayer. endeavor to lessen the fault. When we voluntarily break the 4th commandment we are not only accountable for the sin as regards ourself. but for the effect of our example upon those around us. (lin dren are committed to our care to be ..trai ned in the way they should go" and in the ••nurture, and monition of the Lord" and bow can we expect them so to live, except ri,--as parents or guardians—do an likewise? While no meetly secular book is suitabl • for Sabbath reading there fore, however good, or instructive tt may be—in a worldly 'sense--we should cast it aside on Sunday because our children— who cannot so well discriminate between good, and evil--may imitate our deeds, I and fall into error. The consequences we cannot foresee. Let us then avoid as wt. art• commanded to--every ..appear. once of evil." EDUCATOR, Row To LOADA GUN.-According to Mr Sutherland, the Richmond (Vu.) gun maker, you ought to try it repeatedly with chargee consisting of equal bulks of pow der and shot, till you come to a quantity wilh which the gun will not recoil, or but slightly. This will give you the proper quantity of shot. With this load however, the gun will scatt:r in all directions. To correct this, reduce the quantity of pow der untill you find that thr shot is carried . as close as you desire. A gun load‘ct thus will never bum. To mane it carry farther use shot of a larger size. No gun should he fined more than twenty times without being wiped oust. When in the field, ,t is much safer to carry the piece always at u half-cork. To DIV:TROT %' ELM is GR&IN.—Sonk linen cloths in watt, wring them, amid cover your grain with. In two hours' time you will Find ill the weevils on the cloth, which must be carefully gathered off hat none of the in•eoto may e,cape, and then imutirse in water to destroy them. —Domes he EnTeopce WEEvn, —These troublesome pests may be kept out of grain by using salt. Sprin kle a little tine salt on the bottom and a round the sides d the bin as you fill up, Ind over the to worn full. Wheat kept in old salt barrels will never be destroyed by the weevil. ‘‘'hy it a thief a ;ail-bird Ana, Because he heen a .robbing.' Why is a lean dog like a man in meditation T Ana.•-Because he's a thin our (thinker.) t rer Wou:d ynu rnther di • by the foil. loupe or be roasted to death T By the latter process ; because n hot steak, (stake) is bitter than a cold elmy, VOL. XXIII. NO. 8. larnurst,golunin. American Institute Farmers's ChM TUESDAY, Feb. 16. Robert L. Pell, President of I he institute, in his affair. Judge Wigs, the Secretary, read ex tracts from foreign journals, one of which describes a J 1 Neu; Grafting Wax.-- rake two ounces of common rosin, melt it slaty over I fire, being, careful not to heat it so much as to trial, it throw off its spirit of turpen tine. 11 hen it becomes clear as syrup, add a little less than one ounce of alcohol, and aria well, and put in a bottle at once and cork tight Alcohol is to be added suf. ficieut to make the mixture liquid and keep it so, and when applied to trees it hardens at once and forms an air tight covering. Cut Feed for Cattle,—Solon Robinson reed a letter froin John Manross of Hills dale, Mich., upon the aubje.t of cut teed for cattle, which after speaktog of the din ! cussion held by the Club some weeks since upon the subject, in which was suited that portions of the straw and corn stalks were found to have passed undiges ted into the lower intestines, the writer ' , This may be true in part, and yet the practice may be good to a certain extent. ern in the ear may make very good beef, though part of it may pass through the animal undigested, to be devoured by some other animal lees fastidious; and the prac tice may not be very economical, but that dep ads somewhat on the price and ripe ness of the grain, and tilt convenience of grinding,. Whether corn is 75 cents or 15 cents I:er bushel is an important question in dispe:ing of the crop. It was further said in the discussion alluded to that woody fibre contains no nutriment, that nothing but worms can live on it The fact that worms and grubs do live and get fat or. . wood might seem to admonish us that ft does contain nutriment. Our corn-stalks here were cut rather green. and our little Wolverine children are frequently seen sucking the sacharme 'natter out of them. Our pigs. though in,good condition, do the saute. Feed is plenty here; meal and buck wheat flour can be bought for r cent a pound, and beef and pork four cents a pound. But molasses is 50 to 62 cents per gal lon. nod sugar in proportion, and so the children extract it from the cornstalks, which are said ro be unfit for food forstock. It is iru • th:it very ripe stalks, of straw or bay, coot tin less neutriment than when cut green ; vet all contain sortie neutri ment, if well preserved, Much depends no the particular objects in feeding. If we wish to 'mike a very large or fat animal in the shortest time, he should have the hest of stalling and the best feed. But tics in all circumstances, will not pay lion. Judge Spence of Maryland used to ride through his circuit with a pair of very small horses. Ile said that their progenitors were gond-sized horses ; but when they were one year old he placed them on un island in Chesapeake Bay, WIG kept them there two years without any food or shelter, %accept what nature provided. This might have been salt marsh and sedge and brush. He said that they were vary fleet, very hardy. and ea sily kept The wild Indian turns his po l nips loco the thicket in time of deep snows and some of them come out in very good condition. We do not advise the provi dent farmer to initiate him in every case...- ! A finer teed and good stabling lo no doubt the better way in general, but circumstan -0.8 alter cases. The horses of Judge sow , might riot be highly esteemed by a New York dray tuan but they answered his purpose better than some of the pamper ed ti sins of the city. The first settlers in timbered lands frequently winter their cattle on tree tops, The buds and bark only form more neutriment than the wood, yet altogether very good food for cattle in title of scarcity has been often obtain ed from forest trees., Upon this. Mr. Robinson said that so far us he was concerned ho had never in tended to advance the idea that corn cobs or corn stalks, or other woody fibrous food might not be beneficial to cattle, in which term he included all kinds of stock; but that grinding cobs and cutting coarse, dry butts of corn stalks for feed won't pay; and it even d••pends upon circumstances uhrther cutting straw and hay will pay; hat It does not depend upon any circum• stance. because it is a certain foot that an animal may be induced to eat suoh undue quantities of cut stalks and straw, by coa ting them with meal and seasoning with salt, as to prove injurious It would re quire some very nice experiments to prove when and where chaffing stalks and straw a- well as grinding corn, will pay cer tainly not where it is worth only 15 cents a bushel. Lawxosi—ln reference to feed ing out hny, L have proved that a bushel of cut had weighs five and a half pounds; if iN ell pressed down, and that fed to a tow three times a day. I find amply sufE ' cient. and the cows thrive upon it. 'That is my present practice. The PIMIDENT---A cow will eat wet hay ten times faster than dry hay, and se will an animal eat moistened cut feed mixed with meal, and it may bo owing to swallowing with too much rapidity; that a portion ()titmouse &maven! tlt , - tliteatiol.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers