Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 17, 1858, Image 2

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Editor and Proprietor.
Wednesday Morning, February 101868.
The Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Journal, is great
er than the Globe and Am
erican combined.
The Huntingdon Jountrzr, for one year, and
either of the Magazines for the same period,
will be sent to the address of any subscriber,
to be paid in advance as follows :
The Journal and Godey's Lady's Book, for
ene year, $3 50
The Journal and , Graham's Magazine, for
one year, $3 50
The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and
Putnam's Monthly, for one year, $3 50
The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family
Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, for one year
$3 50
The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine,
for one year, $2 7r,
The Journal and Peterson's Magazine, for
rine year, $2 75
The Journal and Allantie Monthly, for one
year, $3 50
The time has arrived when, in our judgment,
the vital interests of the Republican Party, and
its solemn duty to the cause of Freedom, La
bor and and hums pity alike imperatively de.
mend that Republicans should assemble, from
every part of the State, for the purpose of firm
ly organising the party on the solid basis of its
own principles.
We therefore invite our fellow Republicans
to meet in formal CONVENTION, at HAR
RISBURG, on the 22d of FEBRUARY. 1858,
at three o'clock, P. M., to adopt suck measures
as may be deemed best calculated to impress
upon the legislation of the nation, the princi
ples enunciated by the Philadelphia Republi
Convention of June, 1856.
Gideon J. Ball, Erie co. C. J. Morton, Dela.
T. B. Gara, " E. T. Foster. Curb.
D. A. Finny, " M. Richards, Mony.
A. Huidekoper, Crawford A. King, Bedford.
E. Gan.m, Allegheny. A. N. Rankin, Y'k.
Geo. King, Cambria. Wm. B. Thomas.
Isaac Benson, Potter. W. J. Wainwright.
R. W. Winslow, Clinton. William Duane.
J. S. Myers, Franklin. James Verree.
Samuel Allem., Snyder Wm. Gregg, M. D.
W. E. M'Murtrie, Huu'n. Henry K. Strong.
David Willis, Adams. William D. Kelly.
John A. FisherMauphin John M. Butler.
Wm. Wright, Adams. Thos. S. Cavender.
Theo. S. Christ, Union. kienjamin Heckel.
Jos. J. Lewis, Chester. William S. Pierce,
H. T. Darlington, Bucks Henry Simpson.
I. T. Coffman, Chester. Harman Baugh.
Wayne M' Veagh, " 1 Tho&as Batch.
M. H. Cobb, Tioga. George A. Coffey.
A. Humphrey, " E. B. M'Dowell.
- 6tfiffai
The March uumber I
*sine is before us, Thi
of Peterson's Meg.
Ito magazine, for the
foremast magazines
:nature published in
price, $2, is one of the
of Faahion, and Lite'
the United Stater ,
We would respectfully invite your at
tention to our clubbing list with the various
magazines of the day.
The Lady's Book for the month of
March is before us. It is a very enticing
rine Godey promises to give a set of
engravings this year that have never been
equalled. The literature is excellent.
This month .he adds 10,000 additional
copies to his already large subscription
list. Price $ per annum. See our club.
bing list.
Graham's Magazin!: for March has ar•
rived, and a splendid number it is. This
work is fast gaining deserved public alien
lion, and will compare with any magazine
in the United States. Every subscriber
who pays $3 will receive without charge,
a copy of the beautiful Portraits. in oil
colors, of Gen • Washington and Henry
Clay. See our clubbing list. •
lyo' Mr. Buchanan and his friends in
Congress, apdear determined to put
through their Lecompton scheme, if dril
ling, and manoeuvering, and political pa
tronage can do it. Mr Speaker Orr, con
trary to all usage, has plan .d a majority
of Lecomptonites on the Special Commit
tee raised by the House, for the purpose
of quashing invesitgation. Very well
gentlemen ! As it is your own funeral
that is going oq, it don't !natter how much
you "crowd the mourners."
On Saturday, the Philadclaphia banks
refused the notes of the Anthracite Bank
of Tamaqua, and the Wyoming Bank of
Wilkesbarre, which were formerly taken
on deposit. We also see it stated that
the bills of the Tioga County Bank and
the Crawford County Bank, of this State,
are discredited by the brokers.
Quite a number of new papers, of Dem
ocratic proclivities, but opposed to the
Kansas policy of the National Adminis
tration, are projected in different parts of
Pennsylvania. One has just made its up.
pearance in Ebensburg, Cambria county,
and others are projected in several of
the strongest and most invincible Demo
cratic counties.
RZBIGNATION —The County ouperin
tendent of Jefferson county has nt length
resigned. no doubt to the general setiefec
lion of his constituents (or particulars, see
another column.
We observe theta resolution, introdu
ced into the Senate by our member, Mr.
Evans, instructing the finance committee
to inquire i nto the expediency of abolish
ing the Canal Board, was pahed by a
nearly unanimous vote. This is a move
in the right direction. There is said to be
a great desire manifested among the
members of the Legislature, to sell all the
public works now in the possession of the
State. There is not a branch of them
that even pays expenses, except the Dela
ware Division, and the income from that
is fast falling off.
Er Northern "Backbone" has "riz"
wonderfully of late, and Keitts, and mhos
Southern buzzards, - are coming down, in
proof of which we refer to the abstract of
Congressional proceedings on the oppo
site page. By the way, talking of the
late "scrimmage" in Congress, and its ef•
fect, the Watehington correspondent of the
Albany Evening Journal, says :
•'The South is cowed. 1 know what I
say— cowE D The promptness with
which Grow knocked Keitt down in the
very midst of the Southern side of the
Chamber, and the alacrity and fire with
which some fifty Republicans bounded
across the Hall to join the struggle, ap.
palled the Slaveholders. Father Gid
dings said to day, •"I have sat in this
I louse twenty years, and 1 never saw the
Slave i 3 ower so completely baffled and
cowed as during this fifteen hours' con
New Church Dedication,
The new church edifice of the German
Reformed cAgregation of this place, will
be dedicated, Providence permitting, to
the service of the Triune Gad, on the First
Sabbath.of March, The Rev. Dr. Schaff
of the Theoligical Seminary at Mercers
burg, will assist the Pastor on the occasion.
The Public are cordially invited to attend.
By order of the Committee.
The Philadelphia Ledger, of Thursday,
contains the following paragraph in its
Washington correspondeucti:—
The Investigating Committee, alter so
much trouble to procure the attendance
and testimony of J D Williamson. refused
to relive the information .vhich he offer
ed, though it was of a character highly in
teresting as a part of the legislature history
of the country. He ()tiered to show how
much money war used, and from what
quarters it came to procure the adoption of
the tariff of 1816.
Williamson offered to prove by incontes
tible evidence that the Tarifl of 1846 was
caused through the agency of fraud and
corruption of the most stupendous chara•-
ter.—that seven millions o/ odors in Bri
eta. nomn.y, iltad aim...a /runes in
French, were used for that purpose. This
is, indeed, a startling charge, and one that
should have been probed to the bottom,
and no doubt would have been, bnt for the
fact that the Locofoco party are sensible of
its truth. It is said that certain members
of the Cabinet, even the President, are in•
plicated in this business We always be
leivecl that soine thing more than South
etn influence induced Dallas to give that
casting vote Traitor Arnold was paid
for hut services to the British crown, al
though his tre son was unsuccessful.
How much richer must have been the re
ward in an affair in which the British cam
off vicaorious?
We learn from the Huntingdon Journal
that another entrance was effected one night
lately, by some villain or villains, into the
Office of that paper, and the List Book again
stolen therefrom. This demonstrates clearly
to us that there are also soma Deicltites in and
about the "Ancient Borough," as well as the
modern (intended) Nauvoo we live in. We
predict, however, that, should the perpetra
tore be detected, the interposition of the Gov
emu's previous pardon will not be invoked
successfully, to avert the infliction of the just
penalty of the law. We opine that the age
of "previous pardons" by Governors to gone
by, and that forever—that henceforth the
guilty of grave offences, when detected, will
certainly receive their just deserts, and not be
permitted, unawed amp unpunished, to infest
the community with their audacity and me
nace, by reason of, or in prospect of the itt•
terposition of such clemency.—We have ever
held as logical and true that it is not alone
the severity of the law, but the certainty of
the inflictions of its penalty, that makes it a
terror to the evil disposed.—Herald.
The Death Warrants of Anderson and
Richards Receivcd—Friday, the 9th day
of April, Fixed for theif Execution.
On Monday last Sheriff Rowe received from
Governor Packer the death warrants of Alex
ander Anderson and Henry Riche rds, the mut ,
defers of Mrs. Ream and Mrs. Garber.
Shortly after receiving the warrants Sheriff
Rowe, in company with en-Sheriff Martin and
others, proceeded to the prison and were con•
ducted by the keeper, Mr. Locher. to the cell
occupied by Anderson. Here the warrant was
read by Sheriff ROWE the prisoner listening at
tentively and betraying considerable emotion.
Richards was then visited and received the
Sheriff with his accustomed smile. The war
rant, which was the same as that of Anderson
excepting the name, was read to him. He lis
tened attentively but not with the same feeling
which characterized Anderson.
In removing some bodies front an old grave
yard in Allentown, recently, two bodies were
found to be petrified—one perfectly and the
other partly so. The one was found to be al.
most as perfect as it appeared in life, but turn•
ed into solid alone. Ii had been buried four.
teen years. The one partially petrified had
Mean buried nix Team
or In another column you will find
Grover & Baker's Sewing Machine adver
tisement. A great many different Sewing
machines are now before the public, but
Grover & Bake• have hit on the best im
provement, and we would recommend any
person in want of a machine to buy of
The attention of teachers, School Directors
and friends of education generally, is respect
fully invited to the call which has been pub"
fished recently for a Meeting of the Hunting
don County Teacher's Institute in this place
on the 22nd inst., to continue in session for
two or three days, or longer as a majority o
the members present may determine. A
number of subjects of importance, it is expec
ted, will be discussed during the session, a'
mongst others that of the County Superinten
dancy, which at the earnest solicitation of nu
merous citizens from all parts of the county,
will be presented for consideration, and for
the discussion of which no more favorable
ime could be selected. Petitions for the re
peal of this office are now being presented to
the Legislature from different portions of the
State, and it is desirable that a free and fair
expression of sentiment from the friends of
education and tax payers of our county may
bo had as well as a free interchange of opin
ion on this subject. It is expected that me
morials will be presented for the continuation
or repeal of this office, and it is therefore de.
hirable that a full representation of those vho
are favorable to the same, as well as those
who are opposed to it be present, in order
that the subject may be fully and impartially
By order of the Board of Managers.
B. M'Dirirr, See'y.
air Col. Benton says :—"For one, I can
give no political aid or comfort to any man or
party, in any future election, who shall uphold
the opinion of the Somme Court in declaring
the nullity of the Missouri Compromise; and
in decreeing the self-extension of the Constitu
tion to Territories, carrying Slavery with it,
and preventing Congress and the people of the
Territory from saying yea or nay to its intro
duction or expulsion."
kir An exchange paper nays, that the girls
in some parts of Pennsylvania are so hard up
for husbands that they sometimes take up with
printers and lawyers.
£ A bill is now before the Virginia Leg.
islature to provide for the enslavement of free
negroes under certain circumstances. It pro
poses to hire them out for a period of three
years from the date of the passage of the act,
the proceeds of their hire to be appropriated
to their transportation from the State. Such is
Virginia Democracy.
J. en: n. __New, white winter with its bamboo
Of colds and coughs, is with us, we think a re
medy that will releive such visitations should
be highly prized, and all who know the worth of
this remedy, will do as we do—prize it doubly.
Take a double dose of Dr. Sanford's Invigora
tor, and it will give grentor relief than any oth
er medicine wo ever tried, for we have rarely to
repeat the dose to be entirely free from cough,
.d as soon as the lungs have time to throw off
the collected matter, the cure is complete. As
a family medicine, for the cure of Bowel Dia
eases, Worms, Derangement of the Stomach
.d Liver, we can recommend it knowingly.
the days of our youth, it behooves us to make
some preparation for the approrch of age. How
many persons have become premature hold by
neglecting to apply appropriate remedies to
prevent the hair from falling offt The use of
Prof. Wood's celebrated "Hair Restorative"
will prevent the hair from falling off, impart to
it a healthy growth, and even restore the hair
of the bald. Thousands have testified to its
efficacy. To be had of Druggists every where.
On the let inst., by the Roy. C. P. Cum•
mine, SAMUEL M'Emiose Es 4., Snperiuten•
dent of Jefferson coni.ty, to Miss S. E. Gupta•
RIE of Clarion co., Pa.
~► x c b ,
In this Borough, on the 7th inst., Miss Lu•
onertu J. HILDEBRAND. Aged 22 years and
5 days.
Lightly, Disease's hand, was laid on her
Consumption's waste—stealing her life away
As gently, as the breeze, the flower's perfume.
She did not pass to death, throng:, days
Of suffering, and no wearisome nights
Called anxious watchers round her sleepless
But she went softly on, with happy looks
The while, as wooed by her Redeeming Lover
To the grave. From the repose of sleep
To the repose of death she passed. 0 Joy
Unknown to us who live I To close the eye
Thinking—"perchance this hurried breathing
Shall grow calmer, and this poor weak frame
Gather a little strength, and sorrowing friends
A little comfort when I wake revived"—
And then to wake indeed—not by degrees—
Butt° awake at once—and not amid
The scene, on which the eye but lately closed—
The chamber of the invalid—the friends,
Whose glance responsive, met the latest look
She gave—but amid angels, with their harps,
And songs of welcome to her Father's Rouse—
Amid the streamings on her raptur'd soul
From Heaven's gates, open to receive her—
The greetings of loved one., that dying,
She mourned as loot—and joy o(joys I
'Slid Jesus' Benedictions.
Huntingdon, Feb. 15th., 1858.
On the 9th, inst., Sarah Ellen youngest
daughter of NATHAN B. and CATHARINE Coa.
BM Aged one year and twenty si; days.
On the 10th ult.. a little girl daughter of
Mr. and. Mrs. CHAFF°. near the mouth of
Spruce Creek. Aged 10 years.
In this Borough on the 12th inst., HANNAH
FLOUR.—There is no chnnge to no•
tics in the Flour mnrket; $5,75.
CLOVER SEED —There is n steady
business to notice; 1115.25a5,871 per hush.
RYE FLOUIt —ls dull.
WHEAT.—Continues limited; 125 c.
per. bush.
iparN. application for AGENCIES need be
made, except by persons of integrity, reliabili
ty, and having excellent facilities for doing ho.
siness. They must he addressed to Gaottsin &
BAKERS. M. CO„ 495 Broadway, Now York.
THE BM en.
We request those of our subscribers who re
ceive their pnpers,to inf.wrn us of those in their
immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers
to the "Journal," and have faded to receive
the same, since the stealing of our pack-book,
b 3 ruffians on the 3d of February.
Report of the County Auditors
A. B. CREWIT, ESQ., Treasurer of lion.
tingdon County, deed., in account with the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, up to April,
Tax on Real and Personal Estate,
To aggregate amount of tax outstan
ding for 1950 and previous years,
as per last annnal report. of Ands $11079 02
To amount of tax received or un
seated land, up to 4th Apr. 1857, 2 10
CR. 11081 12
By cash paid State Treasurer, as per
receipts dated 12th Feb. '57 and 3d
March, 1857. 5724 25
By amount of tax remaining uncol•
lected for 185(1, and previous years
up to 4th April, 185 7, 4226 41
By Exonerations allowed collectors
of 1856 and previous years up to
April, 1857, 50 96
By commissions allowed collectors of
1856, and previous years up to
April, 1857, 122 09
By Treasurers commission on $ 6781-
66, nt 1 per cent., 67 81
By balance due the Commonwealth,
by County Treasurer, 889 GO
Tavern Licenses.
To balance duo Com'th ss per last
annual report of Auditors, 26 25
By cash paid State Treasurer, as per
receipt, dated 12th Feb. 1857, 26 25
Distilleries and Breweries.
To balance due Cem'th as per last
annual report of Auditors, 97 50
To bal. due Co. Treasurer by Comth 1 00
By cash paid State Treas. as per re-
ceipt dated 12th Feb, 1857, 98 50
Billiard Room.
To balance due Com'th as per last
report of Auditors, 14 25
By cash paid State Treasurer. as per
receipt dated 12th Feb., 1857, 14 25
Restaurants and Eating Houses.
To balance due Com'th as per last
annual report of Auditors,
By cash paid Stale Treasurer as per
receipt dated 12th Feb., 1857, 23 00
111 iller' a Licenses.
To balance due Cotn'th as per lout
annual report or Auditors, 19
By cash paid State Treasurer as per
receipt, dated 12th Feb., 1857, 19 95
Broker's Licenses.
To balance due Com'tb as per last
annual repurt Auditors, 28 50
By cash paid State Treasurer, as per
receipt, dated 12th Feb., 1557, 28 50
Militia Fines.
To aggregate amount of said fines
outAanding for the year 1856, and
previous years as per last annual
report of Auditors, 1526 7,
By cash paid State Treasurer as per
receipt, dated 12th Feb.. 1857, 8 16
By exouerations allowed collectot a of
1856 and previous years, 14 00
By commissions allowed collectors of
1856 and previous years, 10 4'
By amount of said fines remaining
uncollected for 1856 and previous
years up to April, 1857,
By Treasurer..commission on $84.00
at I per cent.,
By balance doe Com'th by the Court.
ty Treasurer,
F. H. LANE. Esq., Treasurer of Hunting.
don county, in accoant with the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
_ _ Pax on Real and Personal Relate.
To aggregate amount of tax outstan
ding up to 4th April, 1857, for that
and previous years,
To aggregate amount of said tax as
sessed for the use of the Corn'th
for 1857, as per statement of the
County Com'a, filed with Treas'r 15529 50
To amount of tax received on unsea
ted land for 1857 and previous yrs. 2 70
By cash paid State Treasurer as per
receipts, dated Bth July. 1857, 7th
October, 1857, 2d December, 1857
and 11th January, 1858,
By amount of tax remaining uncllec
ted for 1857 and previous years. 14315 15
By exonerations allowed collectors of
1857 and previous years,
By commissions allowed collectors of
1857 and previous years,
By amount refunded to J. Douglas,
being this much overpaid on the
State tax on settling up his ace% 13 5'7
By Treasurer's commission ou $4BOO
- at 1 permit:, 48 00
0.0. M.
By balance due Cont'lb by the Coun.
ty Treasurer, 1023 83
• Tavern Licenser.
To aggregate amount of said licenses
for the year 1357, granted by the
Court as per return of the Clerk
of said Court, filed with the Coun
ty Treasurer,
To - balance due the County Treasner
by the Commonwealth,
By cash paid State Treasurer as per
receipt, dated Bth July, 1857. 750 00
By Treasurer's commission on 750.00
at 5 per cent., 37 60
Distilleries and Breweries.
To aggregate amount of said license
for the year 1857, as per list fur.
nished Co. Trees, by Mer. App'r, 200 00
By exonerations allowed by Met can•
tile Appraiser and Auditors,
By Treasurer's commission on 150.00
nt 5 per Cl.,
By bal. dne Corn, by Co. Tress,
Billiard Room.
To aggregate amount of said license
for the year 1857, as per list fur
nished the Co. Treas. by Mer. Ap'r,
By amount left in hands of Justice of
the Peace for collection,
Nedicine License,.
To aggregate amount of Licenses for
the year 1857, as per list furnished
Co. Treas'r by the filler. App'r,
By exoneration allowed by Mercan
tile Appraiser and Auditors, 10 00
By Treas'es cons on 20.00, 5 pr. et, 1 00
By bal. due Coin. by Co. Treas., 19 00
Retailers Licenses,
To aggregate amount of said licen
Res for the year 1857, as per list
furnished the County Treasurer by
•the Mercantile Appraiser,
To balance dne County Treasurer by
the Com'th, 25 42
By cash paid State Treasurer as per
receipts, dated Bth July, 1857, and
7th October, 1857, 545 00
By exonerations allowed by Mer
cantile Appraiser and Auditors, 315 50
By amount left in hands of Justice
of the Peace for collection, 77 00
By amount paid printers for pub.
lishing Retailers List, as per re
ceipt, 30 00
By Treas'rs commission on $578.50
at 5 per ct., 28 92
Ealing Houses.
To aggregate amount of said licen
ses for the year 1857, as per list
furnished the County Treasurer by
the Mercantile Appraiser, 160 00
TIS balance due the County Treasu
rer by Com'th; 4 00
11081 12
By cash paid State Treasurer as per
receipt, dated Bth July, 1857, 80 00
By exonerat ions allowed by Mercan•
tile Appraiser and Auditors. 80 00
By Treasurers commissions on $BO.-
00 at 5 per ct., 4 00
Miller's Licenses.
To aggregate amount of said licen
se for the year 1857, furnished
the County Treasurer by the Mer•
cantile Appraiser, 14 00
98 50
By exonerations allowed by the Mer
cantile Appraiser and Auditors, 7 00
By Treasurers commission on $7.00
at 5 per et., 35
By balance duo Com'th by the
County Treasurer, 6 65
Brokers' License,
23 00
To ogoregate amount of said license
fur the year 1857, 30 00
By Treasurer's commission on $3O.
00 at 5 per et., 1 50
By balance due Com'th by the
County Treasurer, 28 50
Militia Fines,
To aggregate amount of said fines
outstanding for the year 185 G and •
previous years, as per last annual
report of Auditors, 1526 7G
To aggregate amount of Militia
fines assessed for the year 1957,
as per statement. of the County
Commissioners filed with the Trea•
surer, 994 50
By amount amid fines remaining
uncollected for 1857 and previous
years, 1678 50
B t exonerations al.owed collectors
of 1857 and previous years, 290 00
By commissions allowed collectors
of 1857 and previous years, 16 03
By mount paid County Commis
sioners for time necessarily em
ployed in Military business for the
year 1857, 40 00
By amount paid H. W. Miller for
furnishing and making out dupli.
rates of Militia fines for the year
1857. 10 00
By amount paid Ralph Crotsley for
his services as Brigade Inspector,
for 1857, 40 00
By amount paid Treasurer of Scott
Infitntry per order of Captain, for
By amount paid Treasurer of Scott
Artillery per order of Captain, for
1857. 50 00
By cash paid State Treasurer as per
receipt, dated Bth July, 1857,
By Treasurer's commission on $537.
73 at 1 per ct.,
By balance due the Com'th by Coun
ty Treasurer,
1410 13
75 GO
1526 76
4226 41
We the Auditors of Huntingdon County, in
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do certify that
in pursuance of the 47th Section of the act a•
titled an Act relating to Counties and Tow•,. '
ship, itc., passed the 15th day of April, 1834,
we met at the Commissioner's office in the Bor
ough of Huntingdon, on the 9th day of January
1858, and did audit, adjust and settle the see.
eral accounts required of us be law, agreeably
to the several acts of Assembly and supple
ments thereto. according to the best of onr judg
menu' and abilities. In witness whereot we
have hereunto set our hands this 9th day of
January, 1858, at the office aforesaid.
19758 71
3728 50
142 51
487 15
Fob. 27, '57:-3t.
Due at Settlement with the Auditors for the year ISII7.
19758 71
Townships. Collectors' Names.
Walker, A. B. Sangree,
Franklin, John H. Stonebraker,
West, Charles Green,
Walker, John Coulter,
Cass, Joshu.. Greenland,
Henderiton, Luke Vorhees,
Barren, William Couch,
Brady, John McDonald.
Cromwell, Michael Myers,
Franklin, John Laport,
Porter, William B. Shaw,
Barree, John Smith,
(Cromwell, David Etnier,
*Hopewell, John Beaver,
Morris, Abraham Isenberg,
Tod, Benjamin Baker,
*Walker, John Thompson,
Barree, Joseph Forrest,
Brady, George Rupert,
Cassville, Nicholas Corbin,
Cromwell, Frederick Human,
Jackson, Solomon Hamer,
*Morris, Benjamin F. Wallace,
*Tod, A. J. Dunlap,
tUnion, David Pheasant,
Walker, Joseph Isenberg,
Warriormark, Henry Grazier,
West, William Moore,
*Alexandria, Alexander Stitt,
*Brady, John R. McCarthy,
*Barrel), Peter Livingston,
*Cass, George M. Green,
*Cassville, . Samuel Smith,
Clay, Joseph Park,
*Cromwell, William Johns,
*Dublin, Brice Blair,
*Franklin, William Bice,
*Henderson, George Numer,
*Huntingdon, Samuel S. Smith,
*Hopewell, George B. Weaver,
*Jacicson, John Jackson,
*Juniata, Henry Mark,
*Morris, Samuel Harnish,
*Oneida, George Miller,
*Penn, Andrew G. Neff,
*Porter, David P. Henderson,
*Shirley, James G. Doyle,
*Shirleysburg, Charles Bowersox,
*Springfield, Joshua Johns,
*Tell, Thomas Cisney,
*Tod, Abraham Elias,
*Union, H. F. Campbell,
*Walker, Martin Flenner,
*Warriorsinark, Samuel Lehman,
Went, John Thompson,
* Since paid in part, j• Sines paid in full.
Gives under Seal of office 4th of January, 1858.
750 00
37 50
787 50
787 60
60 00
7 50
142 50
200 00
30 00
30 00
30 00
30 00
on oo
996 42
Februnry lAth, 1857.-4 t.
HARNESS—MAKER, in want of em
ployment, can hear of a favorable sit
uation by applying at this office.
996 42
pIIE undersigned will sell at Public Sale at
i their faun opposite the Borough of Hunt
ngdon, on
MONDAY 15th. of MARCH,
164 00
cotnmencimr at 10 o'clock, in the morning
all the PERSONAL PROPERTY connec•
ted with their limn, consisting of 15 head of
Horses and Colts, and one Mule Colt, 21
head of Cows and Young Cattle, 20 or more
Hogs, three of which are fine Breeding Sows;
Wagons. Plows, llarrows, Cultivators &c; a
large assortment of Harness or Horse Gears,
Double Trees, Single Trees. Chains &c. Al.
so a variety of the Small Tools and Articles
kept upon a well stocked farm; and a quantity
of Hay by the Ton.
TERMS.—Eight month's credit on all sums
above Ten Dollars, by giving notes with ap•
proved security.
Feb. 17, 'sB:—ts.
164 00
A meeting of the Huntingdon Co. Teachers
Institute will be held in Huntingdon on the
22d, of February inat.— being the Anniverary
of the Association. Teacher's and friends of
education generally are invited to attend, as
matter of importance, in connection with the
educational interests of the County will be
presented for the consideration of the Associ
ation. By order of the Board of Managers.
JAS. BARR, Chairman.
Jan. 20th, 1858.
14 00
30 00
Grey Hair to its Natural Color,
This astonishing and unequalled preparation
bee never failed to produce a growth on Bald
Beads, when used according to the direction,
and torn hair back to its original color, after
having become gray, and reinstate it in all its
original health, lustre, softness and beauty. Re
moves at once all scurf, dandruff and unpleasant
itching, scrofula, eruptions and feverish heat
from the scalp. It also prevents the hair from
becoming unhealthy and falling sir, and hence
nett as a perfect HAIR INvioonArom AND To-
2521 25
A gentleman of Boston writes to his friend
in New Bedford that:
To your inquiries I would reply, that when I
first commenced to use Professor Wood's Hair
Restorative, my hair was almost whim, and had
been so for the last ten years and it was very
thin on the top of my head, and very loose,. and
pulled out very freely; but I found that before
I had used all the second bottle, (which was
eight weeks) my hair was entirely changed to
its originallolor, light brown, and is now free
from dandrufFand quite moist. I have had my
hair cut five or six times since the change, end
have never seen anything like white hair start
ing from the roots ; and it is now as thick as
it over was, and does not come out all. It has
proved in my case all that I could wish to ask.
July I, 1855. Yours, etc.
75 00
[From the Boston Gerald.]
Proles.. Wood's Heir Restorative, gray hair
can be permanently restored to its original color.
The subjoined certificate from Johnson & Stone
Gardiner, Maine. is but one of the many in-
stances that are daily coming to our knowledge,
of its wonderful effects.
75 00
242 3G
2821 26
GAR ' DIER, Maine, June 22, 1855.
DEAR Sin have used two bottles of Prof.
Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is
the greuto st disccvery of the ago for motoring
and changing the hair. Before using it, I was
a man of seventy. My hair has now attained
its oeiginal color, You can recommend it to the
world without the least fear, as use case was one
of the worst kind.
Youis, respectfully,
Professor 0. J. Wood.
BROOKFIELD, Massachalsetts, Jan. 12, 1855.
Mau Sin :—Having 'Blade a trial of your
Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say
that its effect has been excellent in removing in
flammation, dandruff, and a constant itching
rogtmer, with Atm h I hare hews rreaMad fr hrt
County 71x Stale Tax Militia Fines
11 88
15 14
37 81
49 34
122 Eli
77 WI
70 70
126 32
$77 0$
101 71
325 38
11 99
94 46
10 05
28 89
36 95
20 97
34 47
64 88
115 56
29 74
379 05
77 79
33 06
64 51
210 09
H. L. McCARTHY, }Conim'a
childhood; and has also restored my hair, which
was becoming grey, to its original color I hay.
wed no other article with anything like the
pleasure and profit. Yours truly,
J. K. IikAGG,
Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfield,
Professor Wood.
[From the Missouri Democrat.]
WOOD'S HAIR DYE.—This admirable ar
ticle is rapidly improving the hair. No article
of a similar kind, now before the public, enjoys
a better reputation ne a restorative and invigo
rating hair tonic. Its peculiar chemical quail
tier have a beneficial effect upon the growth and
character of the hair, giving a silky and glossy
texture to that which was formerly of ft contra
and dry nature. It has, also, we understand, a
tendency to preserve else youthful color and ap
pearance of the hair, and destroying or counter
acting the effects of old age. With such recom
mendations in its favor, we hardly perceive how
any lady or gentleman should be without ro
unity at2!,djunet to their toilet.
_ — .
0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway
N. Y., & 114 Market st. St. Louis, Missouri.
Sold in Huntingdon by LIPP READ, and U.
McMAistoitt, and by Druggists everywhere.
Feb. IS, 1858.-3 m.. Mm.25:57.-Iy.
Da. ariryoacpi;
THIS is one of the greatest medical disc ova
ice ever made, and is daily working rum
almost too great to believe. It cures as if ma
and seldom more than ono bottle is required to
cure any kind of LITER Complaint, from the
worstiatindice or Dyspepsia to a common head
acho, all of which are the result of a Dm
The Liver is one of the principal h tegitlators
of the human body, and when it performs its
functions well, the powers of the system are ful•
ly developed• The stomach is almost entirely
dependent on the healthy action of the Liver
for the proper performance of its functions.—
When the stomach is at fault, the bowels are at
fault, and the whole system starers in conse
quence of one orm.n—the Liver—having ceased
to do its duty. For the diseases of that organ
one of the proprietors has made it his study. in
a practice of more than twenty years, to find
some remedy wherewith to eounternet the many
derangements to which it is liable.
To prove that this remedy is at last found,
any person troubled with Liver Complaint is
any or its forms, has but to try a bottle, and
conviction is certain.
A compound bas been formed by dissolving
gums, and extracting that part which is soluble
for the active virtues of the medicine. These
gums remove all morbid or bad matter from the
system, supplying in their place a heal by flow
of bile, invigorating the stomach, causing food to
digestovell, purifying the blood, giving tone and
health to the whole machinery, removing the
causes of the disease, and effbcting a radical
cure without any of the disagreeable after ef
fects, felt by using Calomel or Mineral Poison,
that are usually resorted to.
To all who will follow these directions a cure
is positively guaranteed. SICK HEADACHE cam
be cured by the use of two tea-spoonful taken
as soon as the attack is felt.
The Invigorator never fails to cure sour sto
mach or the had efforts experienced after eat-
Bilious attacks yield readily to one bottle,and
Chronic Diarthrea, difficult, oo it is to core, is
never troublesome to those who take the Invlgo.
For Dysyepsia or Jaundice, nothing in the
know' world acts so fully or cures so quickly as
the Invigorator. It removes all yellowness and
unnatural golor from the skin.
For Night Mare, take a dose before retiring,
and it is warranted a sate preventative.
For Female Obstructions it is a salt and sari
remedy, as it rem oes the cause of the disease.
Costiveness cannot exist where the Invigora
tor is freely taken, while Chadic yields readily to
a few doses.
It must be known that all these are Liss
diseases, or causet' by a deranged Liven. and to
cure them needs a Liven medicine and one of
great power. The Invigorator is such a medi
cine ; it has medicinal powers, never before dis
covered, that will cure all diseases of the T4V,EIt
no matter of how long standinF, or what may
no their form. The active medicinal virtues ex
tracted from the gums used is such as to be as
tonishing to all who see their effects, for none
can use the medicine without receiving benefit
It acts as a gentle Carthartic, and should always
he taken in sufficient quantities to act on the
bowels gently. The best way to tare it is to
take the medicine in the mouth, then take some
water and swallow both together. In this way
the medicine will scarcely be tasted.
SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway
New York. Sold in Huntingdon by Melt
, MoMaNiona., and John Read.
rimArar. IfweVlM-1A