Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 17, 1858, Image 1

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    •fluntingtion.. i°3lolvittial.
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*tittt gottrp.
Take it easy I Life at longest
But a lengthened shadow is,
And the brave, as well us strongest,
Dare not call to morrow his.
Take it easy, for to day,
All your plans of wisdom lay.
Take it easy, done with fretting,
Meet your neighbor with a smile,
From the rising sun to netting,
Live tl•e present all the while.
Take it easy every vow
Make iu reference to now.
Take it easy, what is hidden,
Or is wrong, or seemeth so,
Leave it as a thing forbidden.
Ont of which a curse may grow.
Take'it easy, never pry,
Into what will otuse a sigh.
'fake it easy, daily turning
To the monitor within,
On its altar, alwaytbraing,
Keep an incense roe from sin.
Take it easy, never fear,
While you keep a conscience clear.
Take it may, ever leaning
To the side of truth and right;
llappiness from virtue gleaming,
Peace of mind from wislont bright.
Take it easy, for at best,
Life is but a sorry jest.
I saw her again but a few days ago,
When Kossuth came down to our city;
The name of the lady .I never did know,
But thinks I, she's uncommonly pretty;
And witty,
And clever, no doubt, as she's pretty.
Thinks I to myself. I've seen her before—
Fine face, and black eyes, and black hair;
nut I could not tell where, as I thought of
it more,
And hang me if I could tell where;
I declare,
1 could not tell how, when, or where.
But Low both the thee and the place •I re-
I remember her pleasing adarass,
At a certain hotel, in the month of Septem.
Wo mot ia the doorway, I guess;
Thinks I, she's the person, I guess,
Thinks I, she would make a good partner
for life,
Put she's m,,;Tied, or spoken for, I e'pose;
Still, if that's net the case, Pod if
no wife,
Thinks Ito myself, I'd 'propose.
Goodness knows,
f it want for all that, I'd propose.
But, I'm married; thinks Ito myself, 'tis a
I'm tied, and I cannot undo it,
Yet thinks I, there's no harm in just wri
Ling this ditty,
Though it's well that my wile doesn't know
Old Poet I
'Tie well that your wife doesn't know it.
lirTtrue picture of diepoir, is a pig
reaching through a hole in the fence to
get a cabbage that is only a few inches be-
yond his reach.
Honesty--ob3olete; a term for
merly used in the case of a man who
paid for his newspapsr and the coat on
to bll6k.
*dui *torn.
'Misfortune,' it is said, 'never comes
singly.' This was certainly verified in
the family of Williaul Thornby. The
world had.gone prosperously with him
for a time, but soon a promising specula-
tion failed entirely and his affairs became
sadly involved. Some hopes of recoy&y
presented themselves, when a fire broke
out in the place, his house of business
fell a prey to the flames, and almost ev
ery article was consumed, and to render
the misfortune greater, the insurance had
expired the day before.
'l'hornby and his family were reduced
to absolute poverty. Nor was this all;
his anxiety and exposure during the fire,
brought on a fever, and for weeks his
wife and daughter hung over him, almost
despairing of his life-. At length, how
ever, it abated ; and although he was left
as weak and h !pleas ns an infant, reas
on had returned, and nothing was needed
for his restoration to health but good nur
sing and freedom from mental anxiety.
Careful and affectionate nursing was
not wanting, but it W 43 4111)03311110 to pre•
vent uneasiness. His children must be
supported; but how 1 They would share
with him in poverty, perhaps the disgrace
which the involvedstate of affairs would
bring upon him; and many would heap
upon him unmerited reproach. There
remained but one way by which his fair
name could he retained, and on this lie
at once resolved. The house in which
they lived was valuable, and would com
mand a ready and favorable sale. It was
hard to part will a home he made so
comfortable. but there was no alternative
The house was offered for sale, and a
purchaser soon found.
Every just claim was satisfied, and the
family removed to a distant part of the
c•,untry. Here, in a small, neat dwelling
they found themselves in the possession
of many comforts, and in their affection
for each other. the mother and children
soon found contentment and happiness.
flu' the father's heart was still sad.—
lie felt a want of confidence in himself.
and a mistrust in his fellow creatures
Ilia whole appearance was changed. His
countenance was downcast and sad; his
steps lingering and irresolute, and no one
would have recognized the once happy
merchant in the ill dressed and unhappy
looking tnan, who now busied himself in'
cultivatinea small piece of ground that
surrounded his li.tle dwelling.
His wife sought by every means to a
rouse his dormant energies. The little
property they had saved from the wreck
would soon be exhausted. He was yet
in the prime of hfe; his health was fully
restored; why not again go forward and
endeavor to regain, al least, a part of
what he had lost? Surely it was a duty
which ha owed to himself and children,
but her husband shrunk from what he
called 'a cold, unfeeling world.'
'it will be in vain, Mary,' Ito replied;
shall lose the little we have left. You
can hardly imagine the unfeeling manner
in which the unfortunate are treated.—
Many will help themselves, but very few
will lend a hand to save those who are
comparatively. sinking.'
"Phis is partly true,' said his more
hopeful wife; 'bu!, I trust not to the ex•
tent which you stem to believe. Place
more confidence in your fellow men, and
above all, have more re'iance on your
Heavenly Father, and you will succeed.
Begin at the bottom of the ladder, and
seek a situation as a clerk. You rre cer
tainly well qualihed either for a salesman
Yee, yes;
or accountant, and will no doubt obtain a
Mr. Thornby sighed deeply. 'My
health,' said ho, 'will not perguit two to
lead the sedentary life of an accountant; as
o salesman I fear I should stand little
*ince of success.'
'Not with that sad Countenance, indeed
but strive to recover your former cheer
ful temperament, and all will go well,'
'For your sake, Mary, and that of my
children, I will make the attempt; but I
feel sure that I will faii.'
Advertisements were put in the papers
stating his capabilities and want of a situ
ation, but these failing to call forth any
application, he resolved to go himself and
seek employment. He left home. fox the
city with the swine sad cuuntenance, down
, cast look, and slow measured step
llis wife, who had watched him anx
iously until he was out of sight, turned
sorrowfully from the window, and said to
tier eldest daughtek it is all in vain, Sa
rah; your poor lather will never succeed
until he can learn to look up not only net-
urally but spiritually.' After some ex.
pressions of mutual confidence and affec
tion, the excellent mother and daughter
detertnined upon two things; first to coin
mend the husband and father to the kind
protection of (leaven, and next to com
mence together, if possible, the keeping
of a small school The latter plan, how
ever, they determined to submit to father
ini his return.
As Thornby approached the crowded
- ity he felt more and more oppredeed by
the doubt and fears which he had urged
in tii." conversation with hit wife. •
The fist place at which he culled was
the office of a coui.'llission agent, who had
advertised fur a pvrron ,;aving
q! alifica
tions which William Thornby leis an un
doubted assurance that he possessed.
On stating his business, a young clerk
requested him to be seated; at the same
time surveying him with a contemptu-
Una air.. Half an hour passed, and the
employer entered. 'fhornby's name and
application were laid before him. Ele
stood fora maniere quietly observing him,
and without waiting to hear the qualifica
tions he was about to urge. said quietly :
'You will not answer my purpose, sir'
The applicant turned away without re
monstrance, and left the office. saying to
himself: 'Just as I ex:iected. I have
every qualification he required in his ad
vertisement, but my appearance does not
suit him, that is enough.'
The next trial was at a large whole
sale dry goods establishment. The refu
sal was equally decisive as the other; and
as he turned to leave the store, he heard
the employer remark to the head clerk : 'I
make it a rule never to employ a person
trim looks as if he was unfortunate. Ev
erything about that man shows that he
has gone down hill,' And therefore,'
mentally added poor Thornby, 'you will
give him a push.' lie had resolved not
to try again, but the thought of those de
pending on him urged another determinir
thin. Ele resolved to go to every were
house in the street through which he.was
passing. But he was unsuccessful, and
with every failure he became more and
more depressed till his anxious counte
nance could not fail to excite the observe,
tion of those around him.
As lie turned from the last store, he was
accosted by a benevolent looking old gen
tleinati in the garb oft Quaker, who ex
claimed in a friendly tone of inquire,
'Looking for a situation, friend
'Yes, sir, was the reply ; can you std
the in my search V
'Not directly, but I can give thee a lht'e
advice, which if rightly acted upon, will
help flies to attain what thee desire.'
shall be grateful for your advice.'
'lt is this—LOOK UP r
At these words, Thornby raised his
eyes from the ground, supposing it to be a
command to look at his adviser : hut to his
surprise the old gentleman had already
turned and was walking rapidly away in
an opposite direction.
'Some insane person,' l'hornby mutter
ed ; 'I am in no humor for this folly.'—
Then sorrowfully he turned toward his
own house, quite convinced of the useless
ness of further search.
His wife, not much surprised at his [All
ure, still endeavored to cheer him, and
proposed a plan of keeping a school. With
some difficulty they obtained his sanction
to what he considered an almost absurd
undertaking. Circulars were inunediatO
ly printed and circulated, and Sarah and
her mother called upon many families in
ther immediate neighborhood. Their la
dy-like and pleasing appearance excited
much interest. and they Shen secured a leaf
ficient number of pupils to encourage diem
in beginning. Thu school vapidly incre a
ced, and before the end of the first term
they had more applicants thou they could
admit. Many families were anxious that
Mrs. Thornby should receive their dough
tors as boarders this occasioned an eaten
skin of their plots. A larger and more
convenient house was taken and arrange
ments made for the IICC01111110:111lital of b or
ders, and also for the reception of a large
number of day schwars
Mr. Thomby viewed with wonde the
success of his wife and daughter. Why
was it that 'he alone should he rejected be
cauce he was unfortunate ? How was it
th t they had raised so so many kind
friends around them, eager and able to 'as
sist them.. In what did the difference can.
The words of the Quaker often came to
his mind, and though he',had at first regar
ded them as mere expressions of insanity,
he now began to suspect that they iii real
ity contained the advice whioh the old gen
tleman had said, it rightly followed, would
insure success,
.Look up!' Surely, watt (turned in the
image of his Maker, should not. like the
beast that perisheth cast his eyes upon the
earth ? Even when bowed down by mis
fortune, he ,hould strive to look up to the
light, which may yet illume his path.—
These thoughts had crowded forcibly upon
Thornby's mind, arid he was beginning to
act in accordance with them, whed his
daughter bounding joyously into the gar
den, told her father he should smile upon
her cheerfully, as be used to do, fur that
she had good news to tell him.
.You deserve to be smiled upon, indeed
my child,' lin said, gazing fondly on her
cheerful c:•unteuance. , Put what news
have you for me
.One of the young ladies who attends
• our school asked me to-day if my father
w as in want of a situation as clerk
and when 1 answered in the affirmative,
she said he, - and!" regtiested you to call at
his olSen to-too:Tow Morning. Here is
the address,' Sarah cortZ.inued, her
father a slip of paper.
'Well, there may ho something yet in
store for me, Sarah.'
•lndevd there may. dear father, Only
t hink how well our spool is succeeding.—
The income from that alone would afford
us comfortable support. Our heavenly
Father is always near to help us in the
hour of need.'
The heart of the strong man was bow
ed, and his voice trembled with oinotion,
Tears of sympathy stood in the eyes of
his daughter as she whispered : :Your
heart will no longer be sad, dear father,
you will smile on us once more..'
•My child,' said he, •the dark shadow
has long been on Inc, but with the help of
God I will no longer be cult down. Even
should ibis ne S opening prove delusive, L
will not be discouraged; but I will now
look up.'
tS ith a cheerful countenance and a step
that fell sweetly on the ears of his wife,
bringing to her remembrance of days gone
by, he descended to breakfast the next
morning, and at an early hou'r was on his
way to the city, As he entered the office
answering to the address given hits by his
• daughter, he was met by the sumo benevo
lent' old Quaker who had proffered his ad
vice ou a.feria. oectwion • .
, kVell, friend,' ho exclaimed, extending
his hand,' ate glad that thou bast follow
ed my advice, and learned to -look up.
haven situation now at my command where
thee can obtain a good salary without wor
king harder than is fitting for thy tune of
The hest remedy for a Irian who is go
ing down hill is to look up. When earth
ly hopes fail there are still hopes in ilea
Corre.spondenre of the X. Y. Tribune.
WASHINGTON, Feb. S, 1858.
This may be set down us a whtte day it
the political calendar. On no former occa•
sion flute years was popula? feeling ever
so touch excited here, as in the anxiety to
witness' the opening struggle on the Kan •
sas this morning. At an early hour all
the lobbies and halls were thronged with a
dense crowd, hurrying to the great centre
of attraction. Long before noon the im
mense galleries which span the hall were
filled wiih thousands of both sexes, pre
senting a spectacle of interest in itself rare-.
ly to bo met elsewhere, and never seen to
Washington before. The capacity of the
new hall was severely tested, and with
general satisfaction, fur hardly one-half of
this multitude could have found accommo
dation in the old galleries At 12& o'clock
the two parties approached each other,
with cautious eagerness for the combat
The first proposition was on the cad for
the previous question, demanded by Mr.
I Harris in his amendment, which was sus
tained by a division through tellers, with a
majority of five for opposition—Yeas
Nays 105. This indication only stir
red the blood and quickened the pulse
throughout the chamber. • Vigilant inane
were sent cut fur the stragglers within hail
, lig. inolitlloo, and began to prepare in ear'
nest for the contest. -•
. .
The next teat was upon .ordering th e
, main question, for which the roll was culled
and resulted 113 Yeas to 107 Nays. 1 ,
now became evident to the Ailininistratioc
side that they must either submit to defeat
or summon a very vote that could be coin
' inancia Encouragement and confidence
were visible on the faces of the Opposition.
for both these divisions bud strengthen"d
their hopes Mr. Stephens' motion to re
ter the message to the Committee on Perri
tories, el, which he is chairman, follow e d.
and upon every vote. as it was called and
an , wered, attention arpenred fixed. At
length the Clerk stops, The roll is mid,
I and members retnute from the desk rise up
I ono, another ) to inquire if their nitnee are
recorded. Finally, the nesorable figures
are read by the Speaker ; Yes 113, Nays
114. After the first breath of suspense
was drawn, ae impulse of applause swept
along the galleries, but was quickly check
ed. The popular heart could not com
plete.), stop the outburst of its emotion.
This was the turning point of the strug
gle, and victory perched upon the banner
of !he Opposition. Just then, Mr. savage
of Tennessee, indicated a pnrpose to renew
the parliamentary tactics of Friday night;
but upon being appealed to by Mr. Harris,
relinquished it becomingly It is now pro
per to review some of the incidents con
teemed with the contest, before proceeding
to the conclusion. Mr. Murray of New
York, one of the absentees on the Repub
lican side, returned here to record his vote,
under circumstances of domestic sorrow
which elicited the wartnest expessions of
sympathy and respect from all aides. His
conduct on this occasion is, however, only
consistent part of his whole irreproaclia•
ble car;'er in Congress. Mr. Bale, also,
was at his rst in season, to relieve the
anx i et y 0 1 f rien d s , who could not reach
hint by telegraph. Mc. :11 - atteson did not
obey the summons, and jeopardized the
r-sult b 3 his absence On the Admit ':is-
Emilio) side, Messrs. Corning, Seerintt cod
Claek, of New York, appeared and swill_
lowed the pill with some contortions of vis
age. Messrs. Miller and Burns of Ohio,
who were classed as A nti-Lecompton men,
with inisgivlngs us to the former, voted
straightout under the lead of Stephens;
and so did IN iblack of Indiana, from whom
a change was anticipated,
II hen this result was announced, a mo
tion to agree to Harris' amendment was
next in order. Then Mr. Clark of New
York ruse and asked to be excused from vo
ting, assigning as a reason that if he voted
in the affirmative it would be inconsistent
with his record on Stephens' resolution;
while, if in the negative, it would imply an
indisposition to investigate, which he was
not inclined to manifest. The House re
fused his request. But Sickles, Cochrane
and various 'limbers from New York and
other States surrounded his chair, and ur
ged a reconsideration of hid intention, but
withont apparent effect. The drummers
of the Administration, headed by Stead
man, the public printer, might be seen on
the floor, pressing the doubtful, persuading
the weak, and perhaps threatening the ti
mid. The Clerk called the roll, and Har
ris' amendment prevailed by a vote of 114
Yeas to 11l Nabs, Clark and Gilmer of
N. C. failing to sooner. On the succeed
ing motion to reconsider and lay on the ta
ble, Niblack joined the OpposHrii, and
Gilmer voted with the Administration, ma
king the division 116 Yeas to 111 Nays,
which melt was repeated on the final
adoption, when Pendleton changed. After
which, anti a personal explanation from
Mr. Keitt and Sir. Grow, the [louse ad.
jour tied.
It may be well to look at the contingen
cies by which this day's work was beset
sad by which the future aspect of the gees.
Lion may be effected. la a full House
there are . 231 votes, exclusive of the spea
ker. On the great test this morning—Ste
phens' motion-227 were recorded, 113
Yeas and 114 Nays, The Administration
side has lost the following votes : Mr. Ca
ruthere, absent from the country ; Mr
Bonham, sick in South Carolina; Mr Har
ris. engaged in taking testimony in his
election case in Baltimore cud Mr Leidy
paired off. - Excluding Caruthers and ad
dingg g a
t t u h roe
of others o l t e 6 r , s would
The ct
one, .liittetion; absent, and Reilly, paired
off. Adding these two, their aggregate
would be 113 , or a tie; with the Speaker to
give casting vote. These are the na
sed facts, Public opinion. stay make china
' gee before the Leeompton Constitution
comes before the House.
But, although the Opposition have
gained this opening victory, the Adininit
trittion is by no means disheartened. On
the contrary, some of the lenders are loud
in their exultation, predicting ultimate
success as certain, because of the closely
balanced state of 'Artists, They know
their men, and the means by wetich they
may be approached and captured. And
they are rendered more sanguine in this
confidence by the history of the Nebras
ka campaign, when an opposition of twen
ty one at the outset vies subdued and
brought into submission,
Kansas not only engrossed attention in
the House, hut engaged the Senate du
ring a sitting of five hours. Mr. Fessen-
am matte one of his commanding effort.,
reviewing the whole course of events in
that Territory, the President's 11i1psge.
nod the opittiou of the Supreme Court,
i with a clearuebs, force and perspicacity,
7, 1858.
I which extorted admiration on one aide,
and challenged respect on the other. A
passage or two sarcastically referring to
the military services of the Senator, which
he had paraded before the Chamber,
were received with satisfaction, even by
some of the political friends of Mr. Davis,
who fret under his leadership. Mr. Wil
son's proposition to investigate the facts
connected with the Lecompton Constitu
tion was voted down by the combined
force of Democrats and Americans, and
the Senate adjourned, leaving , Mr. Doug
las's call on the President for informs
tion—which amounts to just nothing—
am% —Nineveh was 15 miles long, S wide,
and 40 miles round, with a wall 100 feet
high, and thick enough for three chariot s
abreast. Babylon was 50 miles within the
walls, which were 75 feet thick and 300
feet high, with 100 brazen gates. Th e
temple of Diana, at Ephesus, was 420 feet
o the support of the roof. It was a hun
dred years in building. ne largest of
the pyramids is 481 feet high, and 653 on
the aides; its base covers 11 acres. The
stones are about 30 feet in length, and the
l a y e rs are 208. It employed 330,000 men
in building'. The labyrinth in egypt con
tains 300 chanit..era and 12 halls. Thebes,
in Egypt, presents wins 27 miles round,
and 100 gates. Carthage was 23 miles
round. Athens was 25 miles round, and
contained 359,000 citizens and 400,000
slaves. The temple of Delphos was so
rich in donations, that it was plundered of
$500,000, and a Nero carried away from it
200 statues. The walls of Rome were 13
miles round.
Letter of Governor Wise.
A letter of nearly four columns from
Governor Wise, in responce to an invitation
to attend the Anti Lecompton meeting
held here last evening, will be published
in The Press tomorrow morning.
Gov. Wise says that a careful review of
the President's Message constrains him to
differ will, the President of his choice.
H. protests againstethe mode in which the
Lecompton Constitution was pretended to
be submitted, as anti republican and op
pressive, and as offensive to the self-respect
and mural sense of a free people. lie ad
mits that the conduct of the Topekuites
was violent and unlawful, and that their
opponents acted under lawful authority up
to the;submisaion of the Conattution to the
people. But that has nothing to do with
the issue: Is the Constitution the act and
deed of the people, and is the schedule re
publican? The wrong of the Topekaites
will not justify the wrong of the Lecomp
ton Convention, nor cure the defects of
the Lecompton schedule, which, though
previding for its ratification or rejection,
was submitted for approval alone, without
allowing a vote upon its rejection. He
contends that there was obviously a sinis
and anti-republican purpose in thus giving
an unfair election as to Bart of the Consti
tution, with ru. election as to the whole.
fie denies the assertion of the President
that no people could have proceeded with
more regularity in the formation of s.. Co
nstitution than the people of Kansas have
dune. The people were not allowed a
fair election at all A. fair election could
not be held under the Schedule, as rip
peers front its face. He combats the l'res.
'Elent's idea that the administration of Kan
ass would speedily end the agitation in
Congress snd localise it in Ka mom Ile
declaims that it ner'r be local. Again,
'ti.. all essential that the .eitlement shall
be just, right and equal, and if not so, it is
sure to be mischievous to that party enatch
ing power without right' and doing wrong
that good may come. The ulterior effect
of adopting the Lecompton Constitution
will be worse than referring back the ques
tion for territorial decision. It will arraign
the Democracy and the South for demand
ing more . than is right it will return the to
chalice to our own lips, when the Kansas
question again and again arises in our
humidities &nein of unsettled territories.
It will erive away thousands of honest
Peatocrota to raise the Black Republican
Aug over the Capitol in the neat struggle
for power, and then raise lino last dread is.
cue of disunion.
lie concludes by addressing the Ceut•
mitten as the friends of Mr Buchanan and
the Administration, who have his best
wishes and warmest friondsh'p. and whom
he would save both from both and defeat.
Ile trusts in their purr and patriotic mo•
lives, but he regards much more the De.
mocracy of the South ■nd the Union, and
pr 'fosses anxiety for their fate. For him
self he fears nothing—firmly standing on
the right, in spite of friends end fen,
ECONOMY IN Boors.—How to make
three pair of boots last,os long as six and
longer. The following extract is from
Colonel Macerone's Seasonable Hints,
which appeared in the Mechanic's Maga
zine, dated Feb 3, 1848. After stating
the utility of sheepskin clothing, for per
sons whose employment renders it necek
nary that they should be much out of door,
&c., he says:—
I will not conclude, without inviting
the attention of your readers to a cheap
and easy method of preserving their feet
from wet, and their boots from wear, I
have only had 'three pair of boots for the
last six years, (no shoes,) and I thtnk that
I shall not require any other for the next
six years to come, The reason is that 1
treat them in the following manner:—l
put a pound of tallow and a half pound of
rosin into a pot on thO fire; when melted
and mixed, I warm the bootsand apply
the hot stuff wi , h a painters brush, until
the sole and upper leather will buck in no
more. if it is desired that the boot should
immediately take polish, dissolve an ounce
of turpentine, to which add a teaapoonlul
of luutpblack. A day or two after th e
boots have been treated with the tallow
and rosin, rub over them the wax in tur
pentine, but not before the fire. Thus
the exterior will have a coat of wax, alone,
and shine like a mirror. Tallow, or any
other grease becomes rancid, and rots th e
swhen as well as the leather; but the ros
gives it an antiseptic quality which pre
serves the whole. Boots or shoes should
be so large as to admit of the wearing if
them cork soles—cork ie a bad conductor
of heat.
A New Breed of Sheep.
D J Browne, Esq , the head of the Ag
ricultural Bureau of the Patent Office hoe
received a very interesting letter Irom R. L.
Pell. of Massachusetts, concerning a new
breed of sheep, which has been lately im
ported from C hina. Three years since, a
Mr. Theodore Smith imported three ewes
from Nankin, from ,which he obtained. in
twenty menthe, seventy-two sheep. One
ewe produced twelve lambs in , fifteen
months, three, four, and five at a birth—an d
they commenced breeding at four and a
half months old. This breed are perfectly
hardy, having endured the past winter
without shelter, producing lambs constant
ly, which bore the cold as well as the old
Ishe-p and matured rapidly. They will
not jump fences, either stone or wood. The
flock were seperoted last season from a
rye-field by a cobble stone wall, two and a
half feet high, over which they never at.
tempt to pass; nor can they be driving over
' any description of fence. The fibre of
their wool is exceedingly strong, and fleece
heavy. The mutton cannot possibly be
surpassed, ns it is entirely free from the
strong flavor usual to sheep, and is tender,
jucy and delicious. The tails are broad,
and when properly prepared, much resem
ble marro w, and form a delightful morsel
for the epicures.
CCITTINO POTATOES.— The practice of
cutting potatoes, is adopted by many as a
matter of economy. Experience. however
seems to have established' that the practice
has an injurious influence upon the crop,
especialy when the planting is early, and
the soil and weather cold. Last season, is
order to test the thing, I tried several ex.
periments, the result of which were in
fivor of the uncut seed. The method a,
dopted was as follows:—Two rows of cut
potatoes were planted in the centre of a
piece—the tubers being divided as nearly
in the centre as practible—and two pieces
allowed to each hill. This was tried on
four different pieces of the vegetable, and
each piece in a different field. On dig
ging the roots, it was found that the yield
of the cut rows was less by one-tenth, by
weight, than that of the uncut ones, and
in point of size, a still more marked differ
ence. I never plant the smallest of 'the
largest potatoes, but select those of a mi
dium size, and allow two potatoes to the
o/ Germantoion 7'etegraph.
LIMB FOR l'ars.roks.-..—A correspondent,
Smith afoolll, of 'Priiy, N. Y., informs us,
that hie expe . lience t n the culture of pota
toes has convinced butt that about a band.
ful if dry slacked lime placed in each hill
tendi to prevent the potato rot. The lime.
he states, brings the potatoes earlier to
minority, end ineparla to tlsetu a vigor
which resists the alums of the disease.
An experiment with lime can be conducted
by any of our farmers at a small espouse,
and if it does not prevent the potato rot,
the lime will certainly enrich the soil fo r
ether crepe.—Seienslic .9merienn.