Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 03, 1858, Image 4

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Huntingdon F3 7 ;47 Foundry.
sunscitinEits TAKE THIS ME
thid of informing their friends and the nub
ile generally. that they have rebuilt the Hunt
inedou Foundry, end are now in aurvonani ap.
erat ion. end are prepared to furnish ranting of
ell kinds, of the hest quality on OLT shortest no
tice and nowt reasonahie term,
Farmers are invited to call and examine nor
Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the
Huntingdon Ctaint Fair. in 1855)
also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which
can't he heat. together with the Noystono, Hill
side, and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand
and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook,
Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all
of whieh will he sold cheep for roth or in ez.
change fir coat/try produce. Old metal taken
for eew castings. By a mriet attention to Moi
ne,rs end desire to please, wo hope to receive a
Aide at puldie patronage.
April 90, 1856.—tf.
TuiE library will be open every Saturday of
iernoon, at 3 o'clock, in their yoonp . in the
NTS/I - Arks hay; lieeil'arlded to the former en•
reliant cullectioni—Gililillen's works, Hugh
Millais, Mrs. Ellet'a
By order of the
Tluntingdon. Oct. Iftt, 1856.
White Lead, (pure) $2 50 per keg.
Philadelphia Zinc Paint, ' 240 "
Best Snow White, 2 68 "
oi,s, 6:e., end all kinds of nARDWARII and
building materials in proportion, at the "Hard
Mare Store" of J. A. B ROWN do Co
Itapest "Job Printing , ' OMee
We have now made such arrangements in our
Job Qtfice as will enable us to do all kiwis V
Job Printing at 2 per cent.
cheaper talcs
Than nul Office in the County.
eus u cull. we don't give entire satiefite•
Lion, no charge at all will be made.
rruE large,t and cheapest stock of fancy Silk
and colored tiiraw Bonnets in town, is at
ALL -WOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, Lint awl
Hag Carpet. Also. Cocoa, lute and Atli
eutt Mats, can be had cheap at the store cf
FISHER & Alc:tleartus.
TDB greatest variety of the richest styles of
Ltress Goods anti Trimmings can always he
tonsil at the litshionaltle store it
I'tsttru do MCMURTME.
T HE latest and newest stnleg Ladies' Collars,
rioAKS. Titlmas, Rig°kites, Vietorines and
Head Dresses, ate sold nt prices whieli dety
competition by satin & Mcllclmo.
BOOTS, siiors, h ATS and CAI'S, the
hugest stock ever brought to town are sell—
ing very cheap at lotsuan & McMcarino.
-11 ANKET S, Flannel.. Limeys, et nil
prices, at the tuuniin tI .iore of
Fish F. It 0 31cMtlante.
Alen:Nis° COLLARS, of the hands..
.1,1 est Ott ler , jur,t received by
DEANUTS.-5000 111014.1 s Wilmington Pea- j
I nuts in sture and sale by
na or 191 North 3d street. Phila.
CONFECTIONARY.—PIain and fine Con•
lectionary ntunu.actuted and for sole he
323 or 191 North 3d en•eet, 11.11 a.
ORANGES AM) I.ESIONS.-500 11,es Or
ranges ,nd Lemons in sure mid for Palo by
W2l, N. 14111.:GAR1),
323 or 191 North 3d utreet, Phila.
A lu s rsc ß ra nun l!; and Layer
l 9=21 ti; en In I,y.
' WM. N. rillliGAl2l),
323 or 191 North 321 street, Phila.
Currants, in store end for tale by
Wlll.ll. SiIIiGARD,
323 or 191 North 3d streit,
1"1. and Filberts in stare and fur sale by
5ept.9,'57.-Iy. 323 or 191 WO 3d st.,Phila.
,ALXXI MIL& Town:nut
Miriends and the public generally, that they
base the above Foundry io full blast,
and are prepared to furnish castings of ', ~.
every description. Stoves of MI kind. ~,; ~ p -for
for wood or coal. Improved Ploughs, ...
Threshing Machines, and everything in threat.
tin.' line Iteutly.mnde. Wotan finish nil work
that requires turning. having a good Turning
Lich. All work dune cheap for cash or MM•
try produce. Old mete' taken for casting,. Be.
log practical and experienced we hope by strict
attention to business to receive a liberal share
of public patronage. SIcGILL & CROSS.
Alexandria, April 29, 1857. . E. BAUDER,
Port Royal, Caroline vo. Va,
Homo GEO. BEIIGSTRESSEI2, Agent, Mill Creek,
inVall 4' s EBOVili r gigig3g ngdon county,
1f. , b111212TA11511 - t.
Nu. 622 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia., BOOKS! ..,-..,,- .
~. BOOKS ! .
Have for sale, to eonsumera and the trade, the A n ruin VOLUMES of new and popo!ar
largest asaortment of Paper Hangings, BorderN ` -1 tly , - , Vt. , Books, eitibracing every variety
Decorations, &c., in the Uniied States. usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and
They ask the special attention of the trade many of them ae half the Publisher's retail price,
to a new and very beautiful article en impel of the subscriber now Whirs to the public.
Gir...LD 1/INDO IP B.U.A.DES, All school books used in the county can be
which they are introducing. ' had in sny quantities at retail and wholesale
5epi.16,'57..121. rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper.
WO superior Gold Peas with Silver and Geld
JOE. SCOTT. SAMUEL T. Buown CHBOB, from Si upwards.
tut) Pocket and Pen knivea of Rogers' and
g . .'.illffilr & DiratY , !/51 9 others best manufacture,
limo splendid Port Mounaies and rocket Books
Attorneys at Law, at 20 els. and upwards.
huousgues, ka., . 3.000 PILLIES WALL PAPER, of
Office same so that Lannert) occupied by John the latest and prettiest styles, ust received from
Scott, E., . Philadelphia and New York, prices from la ete.l
Oct. la, 1553. a piece IMO upwards.
300 bouutittilly painted and gold gilled Win.
ViL -
ICcZ. [F. IarL I G. , /11/1, ri, duo Shades . at 44 ctii. and upwards.
i.x.i..1• The public lave but to call and examine, to
411 TUBA A 1 41 La tr, be convinced that in buying of the above stuck
le • they wll be pleaseg and also save money. Re-
Wil tiend to all hasn't.. .trusted to him. Of. . mem b e r the pia corner m Montgomery
face titer. opposite the Cumt house .
i Railroad simile WM. COLO and
Stay 5, '53
I Apr.2:1.'56.
.. ....,..
A 9l " Aia " 4 " 1 "'"A °( Siune for I lOSEPH DOUGLAS, Gunblei aaith.
ge, 6 6
- _ ___. • ____
The folibination Patent
Portable Upright Means Raw-Mill
This mill is now aeknowledged to be the
cheapest. most precti-til and efficient !miser
manuftfettiring machine in the world. It is the
only portable reciprocating mill timeline ever
trot with perfectssuceese. Its entire cos , . with
fifteen horse-power. warranted to saw front three
to lour thousand feet of inrh boards in twelve
hours, the entire establishment complete, ready
for rttertinr, is but $1,650.
nom , fiertable Rory-atone AIM.
ft, which over seventy premiums have been
awarded in this country and Europe. It will
grind with less than half the power, and make
better dour and meal than any other mill. It it
the most durable and cheapest Mill in the mar
Prices range from $lOO to 5170.
Portable and St t tionary engines, of ell sizes,
shingle raftehines, &C!
Dealers in Improved Machinery, '
No 371 Broadway,New Yor'.:.
Send for Circulars.
@OW. R . :tirAZTP'&l
Large 12mo. 348 pages. With a complete his
tory of the Territory, until June, t 857. Em
bracing a full account of its discovery, geog
raphs, soil, climate, products, its organization
es a Territory, transactions and events under
acle mum r encUMAnapasmnlitile.kokis, ;
battles and outrages, with portraits of proud-'
rent actors therein, all fully authenticated,
by )OIIN if. GIIION, M. D., Private Soc'y I
to Gov, Geary.
ors only
- - -----
Carefully compiled from
offs official documents , '—' at $1 a year. All letters must he addressed te , NOTICE :—I . hereby warn all persons against
on lilt in the department State at Washing.. fat
JOHN S. DYE, Biwa., Publisher &
I infringing my riohts, secured by Letters Pa
ton and other papers in the possession of the ~..P roprietor,
0 70 Wall Street, New York.
author, with a full Cement of "The Invasion RIP April ,
22 185i.-Iy. teat as above, as .. 1
will prosecute all persons
oinking, selling, or using, any Bran Dusters
." thecapture, trial '
" Kuns" from
and treatment of the Free State prisoners, the . - with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio
lation of the Letters Patent of Joseph John
character and movements of the Missouri 80, Company of New York. Mot, dated Aipril 246, 1854.
der Ruffin., the murder of Beth. and others.
..The Controversy between Governor Geary Capital, $500,000. THOMAS B. WOODWARD, Proprietor.
A. NICHOLAS, President ? Office, 70 Wall St.
and Judge Lecompte. The proceedings of th e , ' N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for
Territorml Legislature, of the pro•slavery cn- , A Per/ect Security against all wanner of fraud or . 116 . "my. lilaci2inc s for Sale.
vention, and the organisation of the Democr- coo„torfai„g on r oper . T o p...„.0„ ti1t August 29, 1855. If
tic Party, with a "Sketch or Kansas during its c op/is and Anaslatic Counktfeits, Erasures,
early troubles under Goys. Reeder and Shan- •
runlferror Alterations. reajLl LIM Taillnia
nun." It invasions, battles, outrages, murders. Baying purchased the Patent for the exclu-
A copy will he sent to any part of the United sire right to manufacture and sell the new Che- CLOTHING !
States, by mail, free of postage, on receipt of mica] Paper in America, invented And patented
the retail price. A
fey liberal discount to the trade. '
in England by 11... (LYNN ,, a celebrated A New Assortment Jest Opened
. 1000 agents wantedr Price in cloth $1• chemist and officer in the British Army, it is
Paper, 50 cts.
I hardly necesSary to say that the Paper is re- And will be 3O per cent.
ell ARLLS,i2ermugs,,A,lnseilp%l..• 'CFR Lit PER I'l s o ld IIL CHEAPET!
i commended a n i il h o t . I } l y •
m ill . r . . Rent ,
e t e n , y „.. l .o o r t k tl&U n;i
n S g .
• VeTt4tir,:',,P.T,l,',u.:u'eT2r,rtiti,six,t:i;
! Noose, end Meade Brothers, extensive and .
skilllill photographers, 233 Broadway, N. Y . lust open ed at his store-room in Market Square- i
1-1 in 'don a selendid new stock of Ready-
DOCTOR 1111IAGGNil VIRGIN trims. The latter say that no imitation can be made on in-i io ' •
The essential ingredient of this valuable rem
a check or bask note printed on the Safety Pa ma de
edy is not new, but is well known in the moili- ~,. Below is our H er of price s : for Fall anWint er,
cal schools of Franca and Germane p
, and has it ek m eeke _ Bs ete per to. which lie will t
ell cheaper loin the same quality
been employed by the females of tie principal !
: of Goods ean b purchased at retail in Philiiiiel-
I Bank Bills—slB for 1000 slitete.
courts of Europe, and by all of the most distin- Bills of Exehango—s2s for 1.0 sheets. • Phis or any other establishment in the ciiiiittry.
guislied physicians in this speciality for the last
Persons wishing to buy Clothing woul d do
Promissory Notes-40 cts per lb.
_ten years. My motive is not to offer any pat
well to calla. exinnine his stock belliesp
Sight and Time Drafts—s2s for loon sheets.
eat discovery, hot simply, to present to the
' sing elsewhere. Also,
Insurance Policies-40 Ms per lb.
'mile" and dau g hter ' " our own load a " ' PI '
but sure remedy for those diseases to which 1 Railroad Stocks & Bonds-40 cents per lb. Hats, Caps,
Bank end State Stocks-40 cis per lb. Which will be sold lower than at any other es•
they ore naturally subjected, in such a form as l Bonds and Ho:lieges-40m per lb.
should tiliviute the necessity of those medics] tablisliment in the couty.
Wills and Deeds-40 ets per lh.
consultations, which are justly looked sous by I la Huntingdon, October 7. 1857.
Fur wrapping Silks and other iine mind. it . -
lolittion of their most sacred feel- .
women as it , . , • •is excellent, .it prevents moths. 40 cis per
logs, and to avoid which they often risk the
, i t .
''ArK NOTES AT P 4 i'
r I.•
most fearful consequences.
For Indentures and Agreement, 40 cents alb.
I have therefore prepared this specific in the
All State and County beceiLls should aliyuys
neat and simple form of a pill, and put it up in 'be printed or written on this paper, es the elm- DE A 11131IVAIIE BEninr.
...II flat boxes, which can he safely sent any
aticala inserted in the pulp not only prevent
distance li p mail in a Minn. envelope. Each '
, erasure or transfer, hut make it lasting . time• The subscribers have again returned from
box is accompanied with hil l dimerimis an d en " For Southern Climates it is excellent, and the East with an enlarged etock of
planations, enabling every wotnan to understand „,„„ i; superior to nay
other ;
os iiie moistness
her own case mid the proper treatment and the --
the climate does not destroy it,—the properties V. , 0 //..IN/US' TOOLS,
proper time.
The Virgin Pills possesses such powerful, inserted in the pulp being a preventive. In all ROLLO IP- II'ARE.
southern States, Cuba, the Weet Indies end the ; t 'Ull-AR. l,
penctraiing properties, that none of the diseases
Central Ameriean States, no public records ean I SADDLER T.
wittin the range of their action can withstand be kept
0 ,,,,,, 2o - years,
~,,,,,,c , ,
~,, the 0 r d i n a r y i
0/LS, 4. PAINTS,
'' 'nth' them. They clean" ' Pu * and iv- paper, while the one and othercheinieals insert- •
f igoriao es ery portion of the Inimile organism,
C'oneh Trinuninyl,4,
ed in this Paper makes it indestructiele „nth the VVith nn endless variety of -modern inventions
canerli " g i " diseased " "as ' and restorin g l " ravages of time. It is all „mit* egai„st s, , • ,
health) functions. They effect a certain cure
t vements.
rots and other vends', which feast on and de- al" nn . "'
for lulling 01 ills womb, whit., painful, 6411-
..,___.... ~...._. Having purchased our goods at wholesale,
pressed and irregular menstruation, diseases of
ie "" c Y o Z p i e 4 l l ; r e i: c . w e i c " w " i ' o .
operation Mills
chiefly from manufacturers, we are enabled to
l'regnuncY ' all nerv o us eumPlain" caused h p
disordered IIII•Cille organs, weakness, Lc., the un
in Morns County ,IC, , . J., of almut 300 horse sell wholesale and retail—extremely low.
ss mom:. of whieh are fully explained in the di
power. and are al . iie to till all orders fur Paper , Bank Notes taken nt pdr for goods.
reetions. ,
;he „ Dries ,
i /ICY" All orders receive prompt attention.
• All orders kw the Peper must ha addressed ,
J.\ S.A. DROWN at. Co.
For any of the diseases of the repmduetive Co a .
C NICHOLAS, President of the Company I Huntingdon, Oct. IS 1857.
organs, they may be taken at all Han., except-
No. 70 Wall Street. —
lu g durin g the earlier ala g" a Prai r a " cY Ws]. Banwynit, Afield, Huntingdon.
when their effect would be such as to p mince
... „_
.„, ~ e ' '% DR. J R. HUYETT,
miscarriages, which flan is more fully explain- I Atli..., a 7. oll).
fr . : , .
eel in the directions. Their action in the system '
' - ISI V' 1 r I
will be felt immediately and the flush of rosy , CONSOLIDATION. La Z $ I
beauty, the true index of health, quickly rising . A 1:11.X.41 LILIA, HUAI% CO., PA.
in the cheek of paler, will at once convince ! Aprll I. is.',l.—ly.
the patient of these effects. • EMERSON' OF
~ A11,1;35T1 TILILIM,
Price $1 per box, and will he sent, post-paid 1
AND Chil. Ifs
by return muil to any part of the United States PUTNIIIIPS MONTHLY. DENTISf ;
. receipt of the money. The money may be
40,000 subscribers to start with ! Extraordi- I
sent lis mail, at the task of the subscriber.
nary offer ! The Publishers are happy to an- 1 —— L . ~, ' -
DR. A. G. BRAGG' nounee that in the union of these favorite Mag. I June 13, 1:457,
Broadway near Franklin-st, New York,
Oct. itli '57-41. esines, the best literary and artistic talent of I
• both publications has been secured, and the The Rev, C. N. BURNETT, while la•
most attractive features of each will be retained burin„ a s a missionary in Southern Asia, (Hs-
A 110MESTEAD FOR $lO. in the consolidated work.
covered a simple and certain Cure.. Cmistimp-
II HOMESI'EAD FOR slo!—'Third Division, It will aim to present in its pages the choicest - non , Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs , Colds, Nev
worth of Farms and Building lots, productions of c merican thinkers and writers, roue Debility, and all impurities of the lilt.' ;
in the gold region of Culpepper county, Virgin- and the hest efforts of American artists. also, un easy and effectual mode of inhaling the
i a . to be divided amgngst 10,200 subscribers It will be purely national in its character; in Remedy. Actuated by a de f ile to benefit his
on the 7th of December, 1857. Subscriptions its criticisms it will aim to be just and truthful soaring felliays, he will cheerful send the re
only tea (loners down, or fifteen dollars, one and will be careful to preserve 111)(1 cultivate ripe (fr e .) to ouch . desir e tr, sill t a rs i full a n d
f l y
halt down, the rest on the delivery of the deed. that welcome moral and religious tone so high- „li c i t di rec tio n% for preparin g athl aueeessfully
Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a ly cherished by the American public, and 60 ea- using the Medicine. Address
Earth, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. sential to the welfare of the race. BUR srS.,
These limns and lotg are sold se cheap to induce We shall endeavor, by a sagacious use of the o , r. C.
31 Broadway, N. Y. City.
settlements, a sufficient n u mb er bei ng reserved, extensive resources now Cl our command, to I Ju1y22:57.-6m.
the increase in the value of which will compen- make a Magazine that, in the richness of it, li- ,
sate fur the apparent low price new askrd. UP- terery contents, and in the beauty and profuse
wardsXtt of 1,350 lots .d farms are already sold, ness of its pictorial illustrations, shall outrivul Anit
and a company of settlers called the "Rappa- any public.. ever before produced In this BLANKS I BLANKS I
hannock Pioneer Association" is now forming c o un t r y,
and will soon commence a seta ment. Ample The new issue commences with the OCTOBER 61angi.
security will be given for the faithful perform- number, which is now ready. i t is filled with A ~,,,,,,.c a a8„,y„,e,,, is/ Bi an k, of an dc
ol contracts and promises. Nearly 45,000 the choicest productions of some of the Inuit seri Winne 'net minted and lor eale at the
acres ot land. in different parts of Virginia, now brilliant writers of the day, and is embellished
at cmmand, and will be sold to settlers at from wi th lorty•four splendid engravings. It appears Jou rnal ;•l o i e r ...
min ~ Bond,
1 up to $3OO Per are• Unquestionable tide. in a new dress, embracing. elegant classical Apeointm t t Refe rees, 4.3) o
will in all eases be glees. Wood -cutters, coop- design on the corer, and the entire work pre- j Notice to Referees, ltd uncut Notes
ers, farmers, (Pc. are wanted, and five hundred sense the most attractive appearance. It is pro- Summons, Vend. Notes,
Agents to obtain subscribers t to whom the most ' pounced by all who have scan it to be the most Executions, Constahth's Sales,
liberal inducements will be given. Some agents ' beautiful specimen of a Magazine ever issued in Seire Facies, Subming,
write that they am making 200 dollars per twat:canary_ li
month. Complaints, Deeds,
gencies, For full particulars, subscriptions, a• Price, $3 a year. Club Price, $2 Warrants, Mort ages,
fie., apply to
Sittgle Copies, 25 Cents. Commitments, Bond to iclemnify Countable, Ac
The combined issue of "Emerson's Magazine ____
d Putnam'sAlunthly" starts with a circulation
lof over FORTY TWA:SAND copies, and we are Nos. 2 is 4 CIIENTNUT ST., e'th aide below Water
determined to spare no expense in any of its .113 PHILADELPHIA.
partments to place it at the head of American (The Oldest Rood-ware House, in the City.)
Magazines. Wtih this view, we now make the HANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE
following extraordinary otter i To any person - IVI Dealers in Patent Macbine•made Brooms,
w" will get u p a club of ' w ent
-1 44 " r . "" ri- Patent Gtoored Cedar-Ware. warranted not to
hers, at the club price, either at one or more shrink, Wood it Willow-ware, Cords, Brushes,
post-ollices, we will present a splendid library, .._ , ._,, eseripti .,„ neaso call " exam ,
consisting of cowry LANUS 11011171.1 VOIXAMS, ?"' `" 6 "
embracing the most popular works in th e mar- inn Our stock,
ket. Any one, with Feb. 2 '57.-ly. the October number as a i
specimen, can easily form such a club, in al
most any section. A copy or tha number, to
gether with a list and full description of the I •
brary, will be forwarded on receipt of 25 can .
J. M. EMERSON A CO., Publishers,
No. 371 'Roadway, New York.
Who has hod 10 yearn experience es' ,, Rank- • ,;,-
.4 r°2 2h t n i t. e L e 'y e N , A 7„ e ,z,z 2 . AND FRENCH
- ' •
iii 4 -
ger and Publisher, and author of .. A series of ,:',,A iv • in, •
isTs Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when ' . '''' MU STONE ---,
gofer 10 successive nights. over 50,000 People f r, R . ) 'Sy
frp greeted him with rottruta of applause, while • E 2 rsn ../,..xci - :.7.,.L.12, ..! 0
%.. he exhibited the manner in which Counter- Cartier of tierneni.iwn toe tint! New Market
"Niters execute their fronds, and the surcst and s tree t s , O . th e Ne, ill Pennsylvania Rail Road,
X shortest means of detecting them ! .
"7 The Bank Note Engravers all soy that 1 e
i Constantly
.I" the greatest Judge of Paper Money livin i '
Q Greatest discovery of tlie present century lowing 14b1 "I'P ruy " Pin ' Milt Machinery. DO band or wade to order, the fol.
Q for detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. D i .- Woodwarcl's Patent Portable Mills and Smut
...scribing every genuine bill in existence. and Machinee.
&exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in , Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Brnn Duo
gairculation 1! Arranged so admirably, that , tees.
4 , reference is easy and detection instantaneous. 1 Stover's Ptlext Fuel laving Corn Kiins.
~. Cr No index to examine ! Ni. pages to 1 ' Pierson'a Patent Barrel Huopand Moulding
X hunt up ! But so simplified and arranges ,BE h• s
that the Merchant, Banker and Business mud •
7 :,te 'ed Brick a te . and Bushes for Mill
7,f,ean see all at a glance . English, French and . 1 ". "' l ' t c .` •
ll:Germ.. Thus each may read the same in 31 "" (11 ...
"his own native tongue. Most perfect Bank WARRANTED,
Q Note List published. Also a list of all the ' The hest Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr &
,t. s . Private Bankers in Atnerica. A complete Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Colo and Plaster
c is )sutmatary of the Finance of Europe and A- Crushers.
merica will be published in each edition, to- ALSO SOLE OWNER OF
"gether with all the important news of theday• : Johnstows Patent Cast Metal Con-
Also a SOH. of tales, II•om an old Manuscript cave
4 1 1 3 found in the East, it tarnishes ilia most com
p' i ' DT.P pan @TZVIR,
°I4 i P n ' .. e • t h i e li .27 ° p l et;l ' e l. , i tZ t i l i.; "l p L os i lt e i . oc ' is ta c' s7,l l ;i g h t - , Batt and nouth-Zast of the 1./b .d Mississipi
C thiacltskiea And..gentlemen of that Country • ...., •st to take out el the offal of every
a continua throughout the what, year, tibu Will Bushel Ground, from 1 to 21 lbs, of standard
n prove the must entertaining ever tittered to floor, which could ant Le bolted out on account
4 the4thilc u . rn
i I. l i'eekly to subscribe of the electrical adhesion to the Bran.
Dr. John McCulloch,
nffera his proleasiona I Hermes to led citizen.,
Ulluntingdon and vicinity. Office, on Bill et.,
oetween Montgomery and Bath.
Hunting.u,Aug. 29, 1055.
(11_11M SHOES, cheaper at D. P. GWIN'
than-can be had in town. Call and be
LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of rich style.,
and very cheap at 1). P. ()WIN'S.
S 1 . 1 11( BONNEIti in great i ; . ar l ia . ty ti Z s cp s e . ap
and elm" at I.
And all Diseases o f, and Throat,
Which conveys the remedies to the cavities in
the lungs through the air passages, and coming
in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes
the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes
a tree and easy expectoratiun. heals the lungs,
purities the blood, imparm renewed vitality to the
nervous system, giving that tone and energy so
iudisyensuble or the restoration of health. To
he able to state confidently that Consumption is
curable by inhalation. is to me a source of anal
lo)ed pleasure. It is as much under the etii
trot at medical treatment as any other tbrmid
able diseaso ; nicety out of every hundred ea
ses can bo cured in the first stages, and tiny per
cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it is
B ucKb.u4 91.0vm. & hurl's cheap
a. T. ftWlN'a.
impossible to cove more ilinn live per cent., for
the Lungs are so rot iti , by the diseme am to lad -=,--„,_—_.„......
defiance to medical skill... Even, howeve : r. is the i BA LTIIVIORE I,OIK HOSPITA 1,.
1)0(. TOR JOHNS"roN,
the world for Meets. Sri.-
pr st : •l ,,, i .is i t . .. , 1 . 1 :( 11 ,, , ,i n i1t i t ; 1 1 , 11 0, 1 it y ,...; i o Le ,s.d st N r s , t ic a, s nr t o li f '
n n
it ei :, : e .l p i ;r t e • o n i n it: p li ? .. p n i : . l : fr i :1 , 1 , 1 1r n founder
en y n i f n, thin Ce I e l i , , r;
. 1, • ~ I Ins i ti 1 i i t :t i t::
n'll'in.rgali'lix:tr.:rudi d n: n 7 c " , r t ; r e l i tiffers the most certain. speedy, and only
t i o nti lll n l th r e t r il L e s u it ' in ti r j i . ti c r i o ' ' l t i,l jrfTv i e ll s i . ""' In' destined
t gn 's siit B n e tirot in til l D l e ‘l, ll " i k t; i . '7l ..l l,l ; t e in nnY " ::::':' , :k ' ;:;*:
tal T n r , itl i y ,,, t , l i i s e nn q i t i ti , i t r in er ii. of
I , , i , ei: i t i h i
n h g n e s s n ii o i n , Lro h tv ,e s t 7
t fi l ! , - ' ‘.l of ey tl;f , ,
r l a l i a p ck itft e n e o r n l
o l. i im o ts ,e s. H 4 , l a ff r e t c . l7 , s p of the Kid
t g e r x en . t b c o n t e ,, in w y ec o p f m li o t in h i t i r k t e ~ tpe n wr : :te e , i tt i re r 7 . g e e at tz !
I, ve , r ,s t i r ,
„ I r rr ,, it k a i l n , ii ; it n y r . o l) , le t e h s t e ,„ of se l i e ffi h i :a: T l T , ,i, T ru li re r it o i t e!
fl. th e gmeeful mid the gifted. By the help o I e i,„l, di,„ n s ers arising f ew , t h e d e ,
that Supreme Being from whom corned) every I hliblis of Youth, which destroys 1 0 0, body an d
gond tel perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer ro I mind. 'there secret and solitary 111.11C111C ,, ~
the a ffl icted 11 permanent and speedy cure in more fatal to their victims than the song i
Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is Syrens to the mariner Ulysses, blighting th eir
from impure blood, and the immediate effect pro- most brilliant hopes of anticipntions, rendering
duced by their deposition in the lungs is to pre- i marriage, Nye., impossible.
vent the free admission of air into the air cells, Young Men,
w hi c h conies a weakened vitality through the
the cavities of the lungs than those administered ,
rt 'Zit .system.
m e
a . re ' r f g h t e t n od ' ti t
i re •o m l 3. m i' e i :l i nitreei ei c s ;:t t e ki ri n fi n g i ' i w e l s n l i : 7 : 3: h i ' V I : i i i i c•! ,: :: : t i l l ' i l? li .: l :;: e e n t ill:lFl t in n a n e lL i , :l e eLt i r: l : l : i i n : f e i ' i t y 'e o habit,
patient will alwavrs
% e i n e ' have entranced listening senates with
. thousands ana ol hr c i v i o li t i t i n n g ,
i m n e te n h i c if er, tl: v e h Luo in st ig e h e t a i l , t t z.l .
thunders Vele pence, or waked to century
find the lungs free and the breathing elley, after
erlul and direct in ion nee uf this mode of admin. ' Married persens, or young men erintempla
iciulit:hlillimgi l i g' r tn e rheect io e: it :l: e inil r e:ll a : ii i . s i l'i.tit c l'it e ; r t t 's , l i
in 'i t ni y asit t l l tt ii ii i ; n lin r 'l e i l l n ' e 'b il it ii : l the living
istration, chloroliam inhaled will entirely de- Ling marr i ag e, being aware of plirsietil weak
administered by the stomech. To pr e
the pow- • t h e
call with
stroy sensibility in a few 'ninnies, paralyzing nest, nrennie debility, defitriiiities . , &c., should
the entire nervous system, so that it limb may be immediately consult Dr. dolnistom
amputated without the slightest pain ; ifilittlipa• ~. . .. -.....• • -.,- -...... ...... - . ......1 rs, ,
lit* ffedifle. -I •••rainit ens will ~,,..,,„.. 1.01 11, , Johnston may r e ligiously (101111,1 e t i n h is h o nor as
a gentleman, end confidently rely upon his skill
The inhalation of emmonia will rouse the eta- .
tem when fainting or apptirently dein'. Tki o- at a nl l Ysicinn•
dor of many of the medicines is perceptible in Organic Weakness.
the sktn 11 yew minutes after beinginlialed, and immediately eared, and full vigor restored,
may be immediately detected in the blood. A 'phis disease is the penalty most frequently
convincing meant' the eonstitutiontil abets of miiil by those who bare become the victim of
inhalation is theta. that sickness is always pro• improper intlidgencies. Yuting persons are ton
nutted by (mouthing 1.1 air—is not this positive apt to commit excesses from not being aware of
evidence that proper remedies, tstrefully prep.. 'h a dr ea dful consequent.e that may en y ee .,_,_
ed 11 n'IiI 1 diej..IS adMiniSter'.lthr"' time 111 .0 Now, who that understatels the stalsjeet trill pre
o iould produce the happiest results 1 During te n d to deny that the power of Procreation is
eighteen years' practice, many thousands siffl'er. lost sooner by those tithing into improper hebit
ing front diseases of the lungs and thiont, have th a n by the prptlent. Besides being deprived
been under_my care, and I have effected many of the glees., of healthy ollspring, the most se
' remarkable cures, even niter the suflerers had d or m and dostre e tive symptoms to mind and lim
been pronounced In the last stages, which hilly ply „ r i se . The eystern becomes deranged , the
satisfies me that consumption is . longer a lir physical and mental powers weakened, nervous
tun disease. sly treatment of consumption is d e bility, dyspyp s i a , palpitation of the heart, in
°Heine!, and founded on lung experience soda dig estion. „ wasting o f the i• rame , coug h s y mp .
tholotigh itirealigation. lily perfect acquaintance f 0;,,, of Cl om ,„„ ipt i on.
with the nature of tubercles, &c., enables me to a Oflice No. 7, South Frederick Street, se
distinguish, readily, lime various farms of disease yen doors from Baltimore street, Ernst side, tip
that simulate consumption. and imply theta-per the step ,. lie periii , idee in iityierehix., the name
remedies, rarely being mistaken even in An Sin'a
our) nunther, or you will mistake the plame.
case. This faniilinrity, in convection with cer- A cure w,,,.,,,,,,, in i .,,.,, ~,y ,
tain pathological aiiihnicroscopie discover'. en- NO ,IIE RC URI' OR N. 11.: SE 01; SD R UGS. '
Odes me to relieve the lungs front the effects of j
- contructed chests, to enlarge the client, purify Dr. JOIIIIBIOIE,
the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving Member of the Royal College of Surgeons,
energy and tone to the entire system. London, graduate front one 4,1* the most eminent
Pleffleines with lull directions snit to nay part Colleges 01' 1110 United States, and the greater
of the Uliited States and Canada,. by petients part of whose life Inn been spent in the first Hos
ts...inning their symptoms by letter. But ? dm', o f L o nd o n, Park Philadelphia, noel else
the vino uvula he more certain if the patient where, limellected some of the most astonish.
should pay me a visit, which would give pie au j ag e l ites that were ever known, many troubled
opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me with ringing in the head and ears wii,•,• asleep,
to in est•ribe with notch greater certainty, and great nervous... being Manned at sudden
then the cure could he effected without my sec- soun d s ,. and bashtelness, with freque n t blood,
Mg thedintient mode. attended sometimes skim derangement or mind,
( I • \V . " it A 11 A Ai, M • 1) • • weie cured immediately.
Outran:, 1131 1.11.11i.1a SIItLET, (Old No. 109,) Certain Giscase
Bel,. Twelfth, 'W.?' the misguided mid imprudent votary 1
PIIII,A1(13.1 . 111A, PA. of 'Pleasure finds he has hill/Well the seeds of j
August 5, 't,:.,7.-ty. • poem!' disease. It to too tale. happens that an '
ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, '
of all disease ; the great, first cause i deters 1,1111 1 . 1•0111111/filying to those who from e)-
Springs from neglect of Nature's laws. ; nentem and respectability, can alone betrieuti 1
SLIME R NOT . him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms 1
of this horrid disease make their iippcaraime,
When a cure 1, guaranteed in all stages of such es itir•erattal sore throat. dkemed nos e .
SECRET DISEASES. nocturnal pains in the head and limb, dinin art i
Self-Alms, Nervous Debility, Strict., (Bente, nil sight, deafness. nodes tin the shin bone, an d
G rave l, Dmh ems , itt serme , o f t h e Kid ne y an d Arno., blotches on the head. he•ii and ,•xtreiniti,
it,,„•„1,,,.. sl..,•,utrial Rheumatism, Scrofula, progressing with frightful lad-lily, till at la,
1 , ,,,,, 4 i,, T h e n en , an d A n kh, i)j, casea O f th e the palate of the mouth or the hones of the time
Limes. 't hismr, Nose and Eycs, Ulcers upon fall in, mid the victim of this wend ilkease he..
the No.: , m Lintlis, Caticers,..Dropsy, Epilt•p- conies a horrid object of commiseration, till
tie Fits, tit. Vita's Dance, and all diseases eel- death puts a period to his dreadful sutlef•ings, by I
ring lion) A derangement of the Sexual Organ!, seritlitig him to "that bourne from whence no
Suroli es Nervous Trembling, 1,,n,., of Memo- trnveller rvoirns," To such. therefore, lie.
ry . Loss of I , ;wer, Demirel Weakness, Dimness Johnston pledges himself to I reserve the most
01 Vision, with ',end.. spots npricaring bethte ievitilithle secrecy, and n.Olll his extensive prat ,
the eyes, Loss 111 . Sight. Wakefulelti, Itysper, tire in the tirst Hospitals of Europe null .Ameri
sia, Lie. Disease, Eruptions upon the Estee, ea, he enn cutilidently recommend a sale 111111
fait in the hack end bend. Fronde irregular'. mactly ems: to the nefurlutiate victim of this 'un
ties, nod ail improper dischargestrom Millstream rid disease.
It matters not from, what came the disease origi- It is ii inehineholy fact that thousands fill I vie.
miter:, however luny; standing or ohstinate the rims 10 this horrid disease owing to the tingled
miser erearcee is eert"inr 111", in a shorter time fulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of
In 'imminent cure can lie etlyeted by nay that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the enns.i.
oa , tremment, .'ell after t in' ''''enne,i'n't tint'- Wien, and ei th er send the unfortunate sutler.
ll'al the shi ll M . eminent Pil.r‘iehill s mal resisted to an nutimely grave, or make the residue of his
ell their 111C/1119 of cure. The. medicines nee ma niiiesabl e .
oleasitut without odor, cruising no sickness and Take rorticeristr Notice.
nsen I'll' mercury ,
n ut. balsam.'ave rescue ; Al , n , "tug twenty
years o f practme. Dr. J. , i„ldresses all those who have injured
an tn , . a
r heimelves by imp roper indul , encies.
of Death family thousands, who, in the last ar i a- t „„..... o ' : • . t'
some o f the Nlll and melancholy
gr a '"? ",°':' "ent: l ":" . ' '' l 7,.""'ffii been efft:c u t u s ' pr n o r Z„ted by early habits of yowl, viz: FARTIELs Sc. IlEitnyn, Make,.
given lip by tee, peys,cams to toe, •vmea war-
Weideness (if the Back arid Limbs, Pain, 'in ii,,. u 1V..." 1 ' sT., Illa , OW SECOND, I'IIILALA.
Y me in promising to the afflt•ted. who may
I end Diennem of Sight boss of Photo l . ''
place themselves under my care, a perfect and - 1 ; . . . .." .• Mown l. P at ' MBE GREAT INTV,ItEsT PIANIFESII - 3)
INO , t speedy Nov.'senses are • the ... by the pu bli c to p roton more certain meet'.
Irrottlality, Derangements of the Digestive .• 1 P
greatest enemies to limilth, as they ere the fir..( Func tions , ...coon, Debility s eineii ie . i cieu rite from lire 11/1. valuable gaper, such it.: Bonds,
coil, at lulisumtion, Scrofula and many null- . ~ ' ' I-- " - 31ortgoyfs, Do I ds, Notes nod Books of Assouts,
er diseases, and should he a terror to the lin- ...Wm., &•••
t! he ordiaary .4 tvio•ti haretok re in use Whir
-1 Alustialmt —The fearful e ff ects on the mind Inn 1 • ' ' • ' '
man tateily• As a nerlinthent core Is searee•Y , I I d en uded; Lon , or , r , ilea, italueed the Monne. to devote a large por
ver effected, a majority of the ea,es telling i 111 '. n"l'-, 1 7' . i , , S pirit, ' 1 " ) ': .. P . ;., '"' of their time for the last fourteen years, in ma
to the hands of incompetent persons, who not L's {i ii' n 'l:: ) s : l t ic . „,: e : r : . l o 7 , r . E. i : l .. n .St r ue ",' 3 . s , 11 ! - I' n " ,1 ` , .. , ; ) , : j e, I
t ili7 r o ,. ,:e n rir , s ,
i n 1: , ( 1 1 , i
( ill: i i -, ,, ro , T i e o n u i e i n i
. 7 , : i p i r e ! i l lis Ms
only fail to cure the diseases but ruin the con
triution, filling the system with mercury, which L.'. "r'S Il , l 't I ' 4 ).> 't.'•• are 8 . 111 . oral Wlting's Patent World's Fair Preinitiin
with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a ra- cells produce d.
pig Comuniption. Thousands of persons of ell ages, can now rill! hoer Safes,
But should the disease and the treatment not .edgewhat is the saute of their declining health. Universnlly acknowledged as the citsneime
muse d e ,,,1, a p ea dd y an d t h e ytmi,„ monies, t h e Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and bAll, OP THE won., Having been awarded
disease is entailed upon the children. who are emaciated, him singular appearance about the Medals lit both the Worlds Fair, LOllllOll, 1851.
here with feeble copsiitutions, and the current eyes, tong]. and "P.m.. of emisiljaetion. end Crystal Palace, N. Y., 1853, ms superior to
of bile corrupted by a virus which bet.), itself Br. JIIIIITIRIOTI'S 1111VigOTIltilig Heine- till others. it is tit.w undoubtedly entitled to that
in Set wale, Tatter,
Ulcers, Eruptions. and cub- , fly for ins genic Weakness. appellation,• and secured with Hall's Patna
er directions of Ble skin. Eyes. Throat anti Powiter-Proof Locks—which were also awarded•
By this great and important remedy, weakness
Lungs, entailing upon then] a brief existence of
Thousands of the most debilitated and
of the organs is speedily cured and full vigor r e . 7,f i d L i t ie p, A ,, l „l l° , l 7`,. g ( i n o s r i t , i i .' o t ' o ' l 9 — so t i it o r s ti o ' s ye t r il y e e n t t o r f !
suflering end consigning diem to an early at
grave. hied to the public.
Sa I 1 -nb , He is another
r i n t i e , , e i r g (ll ' l , t u ti : l . l y . ::r
i e h r l:i e l v o l e r ri "
mi. loot
:1:1 1 1 11 1 1 ) n l i i!:t i • e tZ i i
i i l i n:e:t * i t e t t s::i n o7 N l i i , l i: r r i i t i l i
t ii i ii . i c . e ri l e t:l n ie 3 :l . ls . d :l e t r i t ri Fr ' s:, S u n e r . i:l s :ln i e l o n u rY:l ' l e ii e n n l7:l l o ' o ' I
I , l l , ,e l l , , :tri l : i t l i ' ll:d r i . s y 9 e s t i l s:c m ' s l i g ti r i a l i s i w s e c i s i i : i s i i e ti l i t i t • r s i c i t o r a u u d e: a t i u n • t / t e;7l , g , ti v r e l c ii i
ro „ ea.
h i , , , . ur
~f ~ , ,i
o b i t i i i ,tt y , , ,, :1 , , e,, ,.. nsiter li
kind,nd Weakness , spec.lil3 k i
ti,dlsso( been hood
,i ~,rt n :,fi r o n c i ii r it, : oi i ,r,e : :: In, to use.
time through a few years of su ff ering down to an ' cured by Doctor Johnston. 111111 Vaults, Vault Doors, Money Chests Mr
untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sus-. Youn
tem, rapidly wastes awes” the energies of 'ifs g ,- en, linikers, Jewellers, Railroads, private families,
causes mental derringement, prevents tine proper who have injured themselves by a certa i n pr ,,,. &c.. I. Plate, Dinutunds, and other viduables.
development of the system, disquali fi es for m a r- tiee indulged in when alono , -a habit frequently ........._, 20 , • •
___ .
riape, society, business, find all earthly happi- ,
e llir e n t e s d o f t ro w nLe h vi a l
r c e on n ip i a g in h i t o ly nsi r , o ry , A!: n etigl e — n Out! A ('.lllO TO THE LADIES.
ness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked itt body
and niir d, predisposed to consumption and a :IieILDR. DUPONI.:O I I4 GOLDEN PILLS
p ,:n n , ( l l l r .s n t ' r, l ly e r il b re olh re ut c cli s inTl " 6o ri try 4 ., , ; should E
- Alt
i i iiiiiiiii i e . i° reirli ' vin g siiill ' gri ' or irreg.
train of evils more to be dreaded Ham death it
self. With the fullest confidence I assure the , 8 1.1 11 Y immediately. u! antes of t he tneneee•
tielbrtunate victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy What a pity that a young man, the hope of his
Fn l i : l i i c e s e e .i l d 'i A lls n a n, r r e ie t . 7 w hi it it h g u n n e r w atra b lie u i t k h d a::be ce :r:
and permtutent cure can be effected, arid with I country, and the darling of his parents should h a mused by the &whirs, for many years, both io
the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa- j matched from all prospects and enjoyments of
I life by the consequence of deviating from die p.m and he is urged by many thousand ladies, who
Metre can be restored to robust. vigorous health.
The afflicted are cautioned against the use of 'of nature end indulging in a certain secret habit have used theist, to make the Pills public, fur
willilt i u me l i i u r ti l i m i t:ie v i s i n lill i t i liN i t , h:a i :t ri e v , thus „ e , r r r i t , a:t n i t ir e i r e t o • r , t il a l i :s
i i n a .r i e l i ) ) ll l a ' s th l Y tt i p r e rl e:
Patent Pletlicities, for there are so many invent- Such persons before contemplating
ous snares in the columns of the public prints
should re fl ect Ilia ini t u r Zl g tind and 1 .00 are
to catch and rub the unitary butterera that mil
e lions
oi.po ll ti a i l i T is their
oi,,n e n ti e t k ist d i o t u e
t t o io ni n , s
equally poi-
itirohouNptpiiizez a
rindraeLido iw , , , i71:0 , ,,,,,
veal ,.,„ ::::::: "
or these
e:p1:::•:.,.7g. health
soma. nustrums vended as "Patent MCIIII.IIII,
I hove carefully analyzed I . IIII Y of the so-culled ' , r ie s, tply.o.uptheiliht b r e b ilos i i i i t e ,r s ke a ns we l s o r l y ht, pilf ie ri w ina , g l , :z "" t ." In, 111. e cautioned ggil•illet these Pale
Patent aletheines mid find that nearly ail of while pregmint, as the proprietor I{BSUMeB no
them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is ono mind becomes ehadowed with derma's, and filled responsibility aft. the 'shove sub ..... iition, al.
of the strongest preparations at mercury and a .
ow(iatltimtltiheomrebleactuicthhoeslybrieigtillciet.iitawi htr i t o t a li r e i l m i w atp . inese i though their mildness would prevent any mils,
deadly poise'', which instead of curing the die- chief to health; otherwise these Pale are tem/in
case disables the system fur life. oFFicE Phi. 7, sou•p l i FRElthificK g•r .. mended. Full and exple•it direel lune &coon.
Three-lourths 01 the patent medicines now in. BALTINIOIIIi, 911). pithy I.llefi butt. hive, $I !wt. b..
use are put up by unprincipled end ignorant per
:u r tiii
o s N ii d im s
7 , a ft r g erat . ihii Institution Sold whideatile and retail by
suns, who donut understand even the MOW,. • JUIIN READ, General Agent
medico, materia edicu, and are equally at destitute The many tl
of any knowledge of the , hunian sy tem. baying : i i i t : oi t :: i. ,: i l , : e w l i a l t b s . ) ,l ;:::: ,e t i : o lu n tt . l ... ti . l 7 , " l l : ' p i ::
I,i l i have appoinicd 1 ' ;;• 1 11 ,1" .: 1 4 g etl il ,7 1: , t i Z7t'rit
only one W.1.,' in of and Oast to make mon. I'''. . ""1"1 "'rut'' ' . Perk° °le ' .). Irr ' 'for the stile et my I. rench Periodical liiildro
ey regardless of CUllbelluences.
inooiori ,, e ,, oto ,
~,, ~,, , ,,,, ,o,
rook. and m lora n e „ r: : ::::::::: itto t g a u ,;,.., ::::::: ~ , , , , , ,e , u , .: :,,, , ,, : :, ,,0 ,
1 ,
„ i e s w ,
~I , ,, ,r i it i l , i i i :i l , , ,, , zie g r i . l turd
i t i • i t e iti p it r ty ,ip o r t i ' a l t l o t r i: . iti i r: r g i. -
i - don 11l 1 ril •rs lia be addresse to hunt
females treated un principles established
''.' u l' ,ea !" NO . and ' l g.. i 'vmte Mc pun. ',, ~`,- '' I ," -"
twenty sea. 01 practit•e and sanctioned by
thousand - a
of the most ren ' ookable coc a s, Mad;. i N. B. There are so mi t ri ignorant cell 1 sea, end semi the Pills to ladies (cottfidetaidlly)
clues with full dite...ions bent to any part afth e !worthless quacks ativertisiiig tloinselves as by return mail, to any part of the Hinted States,
United Stetcs uud t...enadus, by pati c ut a enmniu ., !Physicians, ruining the health el to...ready af- , on roreija of $l, eni•losed to lam' through the
Meeting flint tquiptoms by letter. liminess 01 .. . 1
6 Dr• .611.. .".. 111 . It 1t...1 . y to say to Hunting tin postmllice. Fur 'tallier polka•
correspondence tdriell confidential. Adores. thus„ n nue q u ' unt en wlth Iris eceutatien that lilt ' Inns get a circular of the Agents—sold by drug..
..1 .SUMMER V 1 L L k., Al. D., Diplomas always hang in los oat.. glint everywhere. .'
Derma, No. 1131 FILBERT St., (Uhl 2.u.109.) Giv T.,,,,k. NOTICE.—AII letters must he poet $ My signature is written on each !Nix.
Below Twelfth, paw, alma c o a unhinge etarup nor Mu reply ' I J. DUPOSCO.
:'IIILADLLPIi.I4. or no answer wino be sent. Broadway P. 0., New Yorks
A ng.11r07,17.
Jinni Hs 1 1107,-17. . r-11-e..r. ._
41 0 CO EAT
.. ;), OF THE
iOO o
o The largest and best
: IN TIM corwr.r.
o Jon-won't
• 0
0 OF
i ° o all 71 B ffZ.J
() As Cheap ei. the Cheapest,
: EIJD gt 277E11
: 'l' ii.g V Zgl". k
4 • ° 0 nitrEcT RATINFACTION 18 C
4 : ' o All kinds of
to ° 0 BLANKS a.
44 ° O
( . O,STAKTLY oN TIAN!). 0 ',..
:1) O k
.60 hi' kr);3Fo'.. r;.;44;5714V,P1A
y.litt 1 V V V V V v V t'i. ad
Tuniss Uniar, EAsT.
Alfa T. 1 >•::. T. rest T.
Train leaves A. M. A. 7T. I'. M.
Petersburg, 7.23 4.02 3.013
Huntingdon, 7.30 4.17 3.21
Mill Creek. 7.30 4.27 3.31
211. Union, 8.07 4.41 3.44
P. M. A. 41 T. P.
5.1 9 (44
5.29 6.58 9.23
5.12 7.11 9.37
58 7.23 9.59'
Train learns
NIL Union,
Mill Cri-it,k
11. K. NEFF,
H VINti located himself in W..1,10/1,41.1 RIC
-1.1 in this county, ...Aid rospoctfialy Oiler 1:19
t.r” Ills Si null AC. - ”ietts to the citizens el that place
end the eunutry
.1. B. Loden, M. 1). den.A. P. Wit‘on,
M. A. Ilenderson, " Wan. I'. Grin6on,
.1. 11. Dorsey, " Hon. Juines Guinn,
M. Stewart, " John Scott,
lion. George Taylor.
naa:;apdca, r,
Jacob M M. D., Alexandria.
John At'Culloal), l'eterAnrg. •
N. BALI, :1.;::::1ulli•7 -
1i ei: •tlli t ;? j .ot,er,4( ; ni it lt,:iu,, ut
Ploughs which lie is now manulimturing, end will
have ready for .ale in u few he it II
pared to make harrown, wa,p , .
&I!.. &
isti row, nod to ell Lied rtpc.:rio.
nt the shortest notice, nod If the most sobstunti;.i .
, hopoil N. W. cornerot Muutginery and Wash
A. I'. Wft.soN. R. filtllCH PLTRIKIN
4171) RaV EY S ✓l7' L.,111T,
G.NTI.Vr:/aON, /'.l.
I'rnrtive in the several Courts et llontilpli/0
I: .r.1 . ,17;001ata, Ventre, lilfll,l .loni,o Co 1.
Nlarelt 2:1. I45:1
11. iII I: A lAill
111:ii RING'S PATEN I'
r j.l.lFifia) ( 6
11 11 II r r i ,
7 . ! !
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