Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 03, 1858, Image 2

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" L'A
• . .„:,
1 . 24 .-AA
Editor and Proprietor.
14 .
Wednesday Morning, January 27 1858,
w., ! ,1,1 not have been mooted it' any misgiving
The Circulation of the Viun- Pxi%a n d . Yet it 6 remarkable that the S.
tingdon Jou Am gm t. burin papers, with aduicea to the Same date,
ok is
er than the Globe and Aim ,„ contain veil: enntlicting statements. Some of
erican conthined. the corresPondenen to which reference has
hven made takes exception to what is said to
CLUUBING WITH MAGAZ •NES• have been the course of Mr. (Who., in eon-
Tha Iltottingdon JOCKNA L I . oe one cent, and selitiag to give certificates to such members
either of the Metf"ziees 'el' the tutee le'nedt elect of the Slate Legislature as were decided
will be sent to the address of air atthaeriber, t o be entitled to the same upon an invest;;; a,-
to be paid in advance as follows i I tint; of the committee appointed by the Terri
The Journal and Godei's Lady's Boole, for f „ r i a t I,,,i s i atere f ax the purpose o f es a min.
one year, ~Hedg e d frauds. The writers denounce
The Journal and Graham's Magazine, tor tit . •
s ; :t , I cart:l4oa us
urrt. md the whole
one year,'
power. Prom this and (ohm , evidence con
The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and
50 , . 1.55 w tsearly settled in well infirm •d
Putnam's Monthly, for one year,
The Journal and Prank Leslie's Family • ' the result is etc lunge , gee , iieee
Magazine and Gaze/tete' Fau/ikni, for 0111. year l t it may he hazardous to ittistune
„ ;;; continuing and emu:luster
The Journal and lady's frame •
. -
for one year, ' it mar be regarded as certain, that the Ad
The Journal and l'eteeson'e .drys:;,, . ministra,tion is much disturbed by the imprea
one year,
soon which hos eot Maws' fixed on the. publie
The Journal and elaattfiC Jluar4
year, , „
•:, • mind, of an intention on the part of Calhoun
' • to shape the result aecorditt2 to developments
BURGLARY & - TiliFT ! here. They Muer while that opinion yre•
carts , there is no probability of carrying the
On Mtinatty night lost our itthc,
entered by means of false or tiorrotet•d
keys; but the villains were dhtto bed this
appear hertt with that constitution. and at the,
time, before they and done any material p „„ i „ time with a fret, State
damage. They hove, h owever . yore they toy appeal to northern Dernocr,tts to
more etnleo our PaCK BOOK, con- vote for its adoption, who otherwise dm, not
taining nearly a compete hot of nor listen to isey overtilrel. And this appeal will
scribers, • collected with much trouble he rOrtifeial l.y the artratticat. that the cott•
since the stealing; of our Books lest full. stitittion may he altered the moment
As the robhers already possess our Listssoon
is per•ured.
These smicestions have already been Male
and made all tbe use they could; of their
%..tsittlt. effect. If the seem;,','
first theft; Ott the eve of the last election— ;
taro out ItS now represented. then w ill Bain
this last act has peen promptod by malice g routel with those who ore reluentot to se t ..
alone, a purpose to injure us, and our rote from the Administration, bat from Is.
busineys without henitfi , ting them arid thtt , t Urgent IteCessity. Looking calmly at
t h e i rs. Fi n di ng t h e i r t h reat. , of porn. the Immense influence which can he hr ..; • o
nal violence unheed .d, perhaps they think
to deter us from exposintr their past infa
my by stealing nur hooks and thus juju
shag our huniness. We tell the sonny
drels and their rthett , •rs. the autumn is as
vain as its anther, are Mr. - mitts. Neither
threats nor injuries shall Mott' to from
OUT pill' Or Wosh all embrace ecrrt
(fence of their crimes sh •II ormble us to
bring them to the bar riplie jo,ttrit.
and the ontr,ged la.vs of the hind sholi
consign them to their place—the felons'
ear From the above, any atthscrihera
who fail to receive their papers. will know
the cause. and hear with 113 till, through
the kindness of Postmasters and others.
we 0,111 he able to make mu another list.
We will forward missing numbers as soon
as notifird; and feel much obliged to all
who nil us in ascertaining tie omissions
gar The -Ime,ican. Jigricult.ritfor
the month of F.ebrunry is on our table. ,
This work is designed to improve all
classes interested in Soil Culntr•.
This is ono of the best 'A c4rii,ulturnl
. publications in the United. an d
should be in , the possession of every for•
Itter.. It is-only SI per annum Address
-Orange Judd A. M. 1189 %%stet vtreet,
New York.
ger The fit/untie devoted
to Literature,,Art, and Politics; for the
month of Februt.ry, is now Lela, us
There is an endll,ss astatine of re:olitiv in
this work. A single number seems to con
fain a whole volume, and the coittou, or.•
just of that varied kinn to :•uit the flank
circle. Published by Philips. Sampson &
Co., 18 tt inter street. Boston. See our
clubbing rates
Var Emerson's Ahirazi, an 1 Path giro
Mount for the Inman w I.?..hroary, pub
lished by thiksuittla & Co, No 67 t Broad
way, New York, to before us. It contains
a large quantity of reading matter and ina
ny engr,vings The puplibliers of this
Magazine are de,irou:, of ohiairtiaz a zi.e
citil Agent in every post tither town in th,.
courtly, See our c uhhing hot.
egir The Ft , rainy 1.11111)er of surgenni's
bebool Monthly lute made its appearance,
.taming its usual good qualities I'oh
tithed at Boston, by Epes Sergeant, at 10
cants a single number, or $1 a yt:at.
This work should have n piece in every
ritir The begMning of a new volume of
"Tn. Little Pilgrim," edited by Grace
Greenwood, Philadelphia, is before us.—
It is a very desirable pe,iudical—well cal
culated to encourage youth to CIIIIIVAIe a
taste for rending.
• OSP Tudge Elmore of Kansas has arrived,
with full troelligeuce to the 10th or-t.
He saw Gov D..tiver, who cuhce,r , d the
elocloon o' !tie Fres S,te
The only coole, XOO a.;oo , S
• • . .
in eon, queue.: of c,rialo ot v rt•tur.
lie , 4i411/4.14Vu4 1410 111:44.110011 ul Ua)Lute.
A.. 13
, ;t . Anwrican.
WAsm,ms, Jaminry 28.
From intelligence received here this morn.
tug, through various chtinnels,•and particular
ly addressed to meini n of the Administra•
tier, the belief obtains. notwithstaMling the
muitradictory reports, that the (roe State per.
tv in Kansas have carried the Legislature aid
the State organization. Letters an late as the
18th tent., from the highest Democratic 'sour.
• ces in the territory. admit this fact, and speak
of it •ss a molt not disputed in any quarter.
Assuming it to be without qicsitioo, they go
onto dismiss political considerations which
to.hear upon the doubtful, timid or time -.
ving, it is 110 t 111 , 1111,111 g in rash spec•+l
to record the final upshot of this question n,
by no means certain. :rho present aspect
the ease strt.ngthefts the Itands of the
horatintt materially. and they will take en,
to improve the chances.
I.7mlpr the cireetntanx•a, and
itie the p oil. relations °I the parties, and h:.-
Mit, of Mr. filektuan till day again,. the Le t ralloWiti,f reSolitilait • ,
catio•ivllliee Walla/1e of the I "'by the c"" v o , "" ""
Hag and speethel yet made to the
h",th matter
its apirir, lio thin entiventiic., on accept siteli
announced b oldly That the day ha lat la- t w.q be en...hired iis pledged, Awl d the cu.,
come when representatives would he Mild to stitufne, he approved by Catt,re.B, rtl and
OlOre rigid neenutit by their constituents; whiny "x° ' '' l l , l-°
, 4
ttl'lth'affing tlati """d would ll.U.nla t til l tl l l.l U "ll the
hell, and when the g at. North wonid I n Antll upprove:
end:insist upon its rights. If. Thus pledgitil, we went t, -, fore the t o. .• ..,•
i n the pr o ,;,l„„ i i . , iiotimst. , l L election under.
it, the prmimin,
• 1,, d a the coinditton nmintni
had been circulated tluinugh Pennsylvania an- e
;,; fie not ru„l
ap.„; which e ra a d, ;a
Moritatively before the elect: , iti, the State „; m votes•coiti•
would have gone by thousands in favor of 111 ,, election, nib,
opponent. Unusual intern,,tt, Was trlttl'iO,f, , ,l i, dit 0401 til
to hear Mr. Hickman, and member; eat
ialltel h i m Irian litpth sides of c,• Ifun se, ntro ',•• 'Of ticke, Were
hihiting r. der.wntle ,, and - eft prevented Lfrout a..t mg.t u". , 1 r. the addition•
con,- d. T •:. . dioadvionage of ta *tan', iluitrable
the part of ninny pepple rt
, in en electionunder t llhe a
ra, "'" ' • . cim,tit whin framed mid saint:titled
•,, be tr. , • ~- r• dm, loittall, by winch
.0111 e, 11l thrown' c:, _dra g if they ban tio. mii , :ced 1./ from ass
Haute rit:rve and a., equally outspoken. A 3 Vet' in
M oil these
d,sndvankt_:' we brine roc. neat mitinrity of
it Mr. Ilickinan by no mends alone _
a,, the emu,:
~.voig the iitipmote t m
hie gtory, „in arras Pennsylvania IS concerned. „thAntage of oil the illegal vales cast or
KANSAS AFFAIRS. • ,• in view, then, of the fact that the Lecontitton
'"" r., t ier Now "7"l" Constitution was formed by a bare majority of
hr AVai".l l ir e convention elected by a small minority of the
'mete of Kunsan. and Met that CIII:VetIli.,11 re-
To the Inunn•able the Senate, and ti: , np slt cunsolutlou the; framed
" 1 4 1 2. ° Ulol. ' d it'Cuu - to it hill . arty 01 the people fir their rit!itivation
ores 3 assembled •r he undersigned, the State or rejection, end that the Territoriatl Legisle;
oliiiiers elected under the provisinnin of tin• rare did pit - wide Inv law Mr or sulititisrion. etc
Lecomptiet Constitution lire the SlOlO d.qr which law h Into hetet saihnol'ed nail r.j .. e .
sea. would mush,pre..:,.'a! ted by no overwhelming Ilinjelrar. ale' !or tl ,
That the constitution under which of the peace mid ilryspertty of 11., hen,
been alerted to the curious °likes to :h , it t.lll terrilor,, as ',venire the harmony aka in.
appended is not the creature of the. popol, wP. tegrlt v of the Union, we, 'he edieers electial
Intl that mi the other hand. it has been I : said corts.,l, inn, do most regportfull' .
rejected by OVerWhiilliiini! majority ..;* in.. artte,ily pray your hottornldu innlais not
bone ride citizens of Ow territory al ;el ms Kansas under sold ronstulltioll, al.ol
The tionst.tionni was tramcilby, lan; fort, upon en unwilling people, IL,' or,itli•
elected by n entail minority or. the people ia' iL• low '._angst Ill• Ir ..001 , 61 , 11 wile, and in Via
Ka101,1.4, Illnler Hit elet,Holl b., it et:lit. irnd .t.. •.1 'Aide of popular govern
upportiotonem dna utterly tliNtraaetused
wlenle people of law 11:111 . 4 Ihe cod..ties 01 this ,;•Ivornor,
territory, and deprived the uric ,t blob of the, 11 . I,•••nienaot Governor,
people ul the other counties or the right ul suf. I P. U. set, critiory of
fra , ne.
A. J. NI E.,/, Treasurer.
Of the delegates dim eleeted, huts hare - ma- moo ..had.tor.
jordi !net to neeomplish 'tits work for which
asert. 1.1,1011, l ' hese pr0......n1ed to trallie TO THE PEOPLE OF Liz UNIT in
a Constitution for the people or lalitta;:. wh;e1)• ta141.138.
t • Hating been rcreolly reut..ved from the nt.
',ant to tn.. wishes and ;he people, fir, id Sitermary ot 11411.44 S territory, under
and, in their opinion. host 104. ril lire best elruttnAtinee, ycellittre
ter,ts proiper,ty of the State. Coe part of the President, mil Moon, turd
Ihe constitution thus Immnil was lint soh- :ellieutl infommitini of my remold cur .tny
milted by the conveMion to a lair vote at' the , milmtitulitty for exploitation of defence. 1 ;1,,
lipoid., for their ratification or rejection, Intl all tioellied it IleCeSSiley to pit,i'alt to lire
the 0111e1 hand, their itaignwoty
..i the liaited `latest a brie. statement, ''l taws
and their rights trifled with by tin• 'notes" led in inniliention of lily motives n l In
1,1 , 011.4Xi0n Of What j, called - slavery on: tin. „r lkn fertilitr at' the act for wipe,. 1 Inter
Cie, " in such mironer as to present Ito boon CondeMlind.
excel) , that of the introdttettiet of into Ilia adios it. question wad lest at Ira
I the Stale in future, (Old fOrelng liat:ea one Wllll accepts:lee nl 11, cyder
rta4 , l to glVe his sanction to all other provisions the ctrunitimances. was n 'Karl of
of the einistiontton, and to take, if requotel, a slop fir tile Pre.ident,
lest oath to support mid constitution it adopt mono, in the tirtnitess and fait
winch he would admire to me lim ,
Under the provisions of the schedule provi- deliberately agreed upon In•twii
ding Mr said election, thostt who voted a ballot Winne ,
marked “Cie.atitatioa with shivery, " lieeedtinia• Uu i tq u di t' 3l In ' '''•
ly gave their sanction to the whole instrument: lit tuiva.'" ul (era W"L'ir • ' I
and thicie who voted a ballot marked • had aicottperel..t of inn IL Al t . . 0,
till slat erv," necessarily rave their 'ht."' Si 'I ''
I:auction to all the previsions ol the c . onstu ut ion " 0 " , " '" l '" ".'1) •"' '
except the slavery rind •, and in Hew thereof doneulty Ilisetl44 atilt 111 rely h. lc,
Nonstituted iris utt'ele pod:Oath: i t the introdin, Inaugural iiddre,....ll the l ,1, Apr., I treutttl
bites al.,vela halo the :note 11, !tiltire, eon
ti. territory. nod their wu ict, n ,111111 rti.olt w Ike people w•iicd be
',pr.., in .41 titer toeWae. Tana Ukely to he oemandert 1 sikint
lulus, bossy
was eimplo effect ot nLo cats er r tt lit Win View was altogether too limited
. .
in n. •1n of to :ht. the
pr viilece tit voile:: iheii Ire
wall et...tomes t oter, 'mad tie
je,,), or the (mover or .Ippulm., ejr uu
end, as preen...ell, by te. 1.1.,1,1 45 111111,14111
)11111,11:1,t1 es ens Of th,
tottooloe of our votes to Wally proVl,ooll-1 OM,
our judsweets euedeiee, WI, Rini IS ConSidereit
iv the people of kati.m., ...r boot.; hat, on the
other limed, is justly 1141 to he ae insult to it
people who know toal appreciate the rights of
let•eillell; and heeee .0' the yid
L. 6,1,41 the olfererl with C.soi.lnilt, Awl 1•411
VII Is liartiVirtin le 1411 eleCtir.s e.1:11-
; promised 1110 .1i .city .
le view of these rants. the tetriitired
later, at its late entre prove) d by
for the .iuhini,sion of the whole
the Rh day of dumuary last., in three distinct
utoposiliolls. viz:
thelititetion with. shtverr.
Cotottemion wrth cu slavery.
A g ititht the
• 1)0. ot timt am not yet all
hat ,aaza is kwava It) w.trr,tnt ..0
say tag thhl the 0000 east aguthril the v,h.,01111
ti•,o 1•4 ;0,11 • • • - 11,0.10
Fur the constitution with slavery - 15,1
Pot the cionnitotion with n•t slavery • 24
Ttn• larze vote u,tninst the constitution wn,
rust. fit :Lii 1•100,11 on the 40,4,44.44
Juounry, 1,748.11;14, the 14w 114,4,1 tet die
of December, 1857, wink, the necessartly,tn, , i
and imperfect notie, , .thoreof no doubt, pr,v,
tell thousands in the &stunt interior conntic-.
where th , people fit, nit apiraed to to tin 1 • 1,1 .
Si it •;10:i. from trout casttit, thuir vot,s against
luasmuch Ili the pro slavo.f rtrty refused to
Itt'ticilmte• 11l the ejection., we
p , , , ted to the election of U, v. pt.ovnlo.l for
hy the schedule ot the cuustitutiuu, which is us
Clioitatinii with slavery,
et,11,11,11.. Wah 110 O,,Ty,
Mu,j city
Of tit tj.wity, ro,nr, tlian iitte•lt 'lf w.ttl 1/t)
coined 111 ihiwe v,.ry sit.irif•iy settled I tt...einet,
t.i. 111 , ,t/11l i 10 1 .111,, --1)5.1 . 01 . ti
4,1 Si. A - 1111• ,11,Wtil••• 1111
latld tvtt yet I ,ally f,,t• aelll uteut, vii :
l)xf , trd, • • - • 1'26.;
Siatwitee, • • - • 7;,,)
Kteliavtto, • • • • 1017
Fro.. it pi,onal know , l,l,ze of the
The :dove pinee, w,•
Pint we iiitz..l , l mall., to si
rote is trna , l , . •• • a itl fi
nii,l 13%. ; •
(1,1,11 A 1!1 11111,1 , • • ,
fi , •ni 111 that • • 7.,
/1 , 4 of va.,l ,•• ,for; •
•1 I;1• ; • .
o,llh, Inst. Tin! tra, • . .
the 4th ••;
&c will he hii.l .•
h in n f• iii 'IA%, ir, the of a
•. law Li) 11,1,,
gate the same.
\ye presettt the ;thole fa , •• 0
11P..1 , 11:11i0I1 1 , 11 , 601141 y Thad, ;
rej..etetl the I.
1,1) 1/y PM t,verwheltmug !et,
The t•Flet t, of out mete.
who mtiti, treed them, tit th
t, ~cti - r
nod ,tie ;roe ge.euel of coot. Car Setivii at,(l ,Ifric,i of the
tlif• 111 1110 ;th I 11 0 , 1 1 2 '1 the
the t,..rtitory wore won the local
g.wei omeot, earne,tly 4 , •iiiefi the rec,v, our If favors.
ot the. ~x ;tiny law, AAserlifig that the pre
vi,rll4 11:0 11,11 I s Oree th,at
by the 1 . 1,11.1..1 vi”
people. tiloy pr.lehtint...l their determination
never to submit to the enactments of legi.lit•
five ',die; thus believe.' to hu illegitimate Rod
not e..1.11...1 to
this Wai 111,11. ,, 11 , 116 , 111 of things when Gov.
Wart, 1.11111, to die Territory in the het,
part. Clay. 11 wai evident that th.. 10:;-
py of permitti, the pdtarla to regnlnfe their
own nft'oro fnuil.l ton Ile stlf•el.S•,lllly cm-r.... 1
um. they emil.l he inipirod wiih co~I ti
deuce in ...:e n t s of government through
whom this re.ult wis to hu effected. 11' a
Merl! lalwi itr of' had it,ett thus
dissatisfied and conitnniteimie. tlry
possiblv have been pronounced raclioas tutu
/Jl' the peaty; hit when
the doma.i.faetom wes gehernl.eomptisinz al.
tuout the wholo n !nor, respectful cow
sideration Woo infliopenoable to a peaceable
arl . j,,einent. It Wa3 PV . l , lttlit that the policy of
r,prc.iiion—ft rigid atm net to enforce ant'.
mission without lin elf .rt, at talltalitttiall—
W,11.1 1111,:11.111V I, . , a renewal of the
1•1,1 war WllO Inhfe anxiety to a.
I•thje f , , , tntur Walker re
b, go anion, f to lioten to
!., it5111.1t , , ,, , of a
• • ,a,hnl. of the
; • .1..,
to nli:, . dto eto •. I •
i.,t 1) , IX. W 1 Ot . ! •
II • a'l 1 Li) • • •
)11,3 iti I,ld of d,
It was too Int t.l ontory the peoplu to go
into the June election for delegates to the
convention. The hegistration required
had been imperfect in all the c 0,,, •
and hall been wholly omitted in one 1,1
'hen, nor could the people or dirge
cni:e:ll.omoie3 vole in 3+ly • .• •
bee , )
tidily :mg.!, • I
'l , . , • •.
, ,
11,0 i d
. to pxelt,ie the ~ t toe iietyle
fto : .1 in the hatm3
of :It • I .t .• keep
lip 1,1 rroder mivii war inevita•
( , 'u. Rut the intrepid iemilulion of Gov.
11'ulher. in spite of fieree opi,i6ition and de
far and near, carried him thom:th
dan,•rott. hu had the. proud
, • having imhieveil a iimwerill
the people to Silitufit
I hahot. lfX,
were flotfirtnitied flOt to
follow , the 1,111,10113 tmuuty of
I) had alf !felted to the if orflf.i. coun
t) o:,011, with a lii - rge and controlling
ropr,,,,tltlioo in the Legislature. The vele.
Oxhird fraud was limptitrlied with it to olattio IffifjorilleS to both li ruses of
Ole Asst.inbly. When thew, returwt wt re o.•
ceireii tit mitiflice, in Gov. hi.. .•
I hnd Inily th!itertui tied not to give
11,3,11 110!111. l i they had heutl :••1'
Mal awl correa its to have tuatle it
to thPin, 1 WOlllll have lIL
iit!hie in urchin. 10 II:816 Illy sense 01 111.: t•lo
• of the wrong, Gov. Wiiiker. tit I.iiiiistin•
worth, lola formed the same ',Million, a, he
:tutted to me niti.l to 81.1:fill mid we
were both gratified that We found the
• 110pi•I'11:1 t. as 10 make it ottr ditty to reji
Olen, II 1 ., ',11 I I X,I 1 •1111-111. 1 . 01105Y1,1 1411.1
ritury. 'the minority, thus right ly
rented in t e elrititto prolong their fiuwor, hu
ettine rpireii in opposition, mai resorti,d to
1t it 1 ant 1.1
to hu:i:ve :lilts 1 !Itly 1110:1I efli:eta
al 01 , orrtition Ity utalerinining u.:
the At•linitiiittratinn of Witottiogion.
, A , 01,1111,1, 'xltiuh boil
u4jl,u,nrli over Iltlt the 0 , 1010.!1' Itle,
II et. .1,11.1.1 II; 1.11
I:11/IRS, ;11.110'11W ntentner.e . ol flint Leidy
were illSerly , hostile to the Governor awl
Store y, on account of their rejection of the
Oxford and IleGee frauds. in
no•eliters and of the Convention
hnd a direct partiuipatliat. Iu tact. thin 1 - ee!y,
v, oh now,. honorable exeeptions, well repre.
...iv!l the ntinority party to the r..rri ,, y,
and 0,0 fully hninitet with the stone spirit
tool &Awl . .. It was oltvitoody not their .Itt
hire LAI ,ectire to the real people
tilot -cell ttiterwaran teloptetl they welenv, e il
t, supersede 'he iegineunre whit h
0,1,1 Ile the people. by I , rovelet,r, in the
neeotel seethe, el toe
new tore, le the terrport Allan vow hoe! t;/
he id 1;41, tll lit altered, II.IIII•11;11,11, or rei.Ll.;.l
by lemiat ire under the previidoes of this
oiestituteiii." .
(rodnelie;ioit next week )
Arrival Extraordinary.
(;RA tn. eittr,olitePr of
1 4 , p•iiiiiia• (4.111%, Ekoorii• now in
tow, arrive.] ti. 0.0
f•. At Tht•
kti I lint Ilini• ....1.1 1 1 1 1 - 111f11.• 1 1'.
1 , .1 , 1 , 1t,1 , 1 II...•I PIO 1 , 6 -
~, it tu.,l 11u i:llllriil•
.I', , J , gEt
11,101,14 n t 1111011 d, 10
,•,,. .
, • .1 i•
211.! /I . .01 '0 11,1u.; ,• • 1, • 1,•:
i; 4 . 1: 1tiv1 , 1.•11 , . • • ;. ; I
Sitee . 1)1111,6, ~, r
huh If. 44 ye.tra old. Mr 1/..itglw,
learhed the e uahl4 business iu Lis
you'll, but afterwards studied law.
Correspondent of N. Y. i mite.
WASIIIVGTON, Jan. 28. 1858.
Gen. Scott has reconsidered his purpose , of
going to California, nod the project is deft,
nicely relmquishbil. The intention was pred
icated on the expectation of Congress no.
tnormiug the bier... of regiments asked for
by the President, so that the force on the At
lantic might be transferred to the Pacific, the
vacuum being supplied by new levies. The
adverce indications by the vote in the Secote
yesterday. mid the sentiment of the 'louse,
Icil to the abandonment of the policy.
Ad V e 1,4, by letter and telegraph, tt it morn
jog, to the Administration, warrant the belief
that the Free Ste party have carried every
thing in Kansas. A complaint is made from
Rome Democratic quarterit against. Calhoun
for agreeing to give a eerti Beate, conditional
open the investigation of the froodo authori
zed by the Legislature, as turrendering, vir
tually, the whole result.
In other quarters it is alleged that the re•
turns enminunicated three:ll Gen. Denver
settle the election. Southern
:'... ,, ubers of Congress acknowledge that all is
The Presirtent titol Calorie., are profeatoilly
much exorcise' ahniit the frotoln imptoert to
rolboun, herons, their preaent intention in to
- •
the orpiment derived from the anemias of
o State party to come the Northern
. rat in not diorttissol that irithin it few'
• , f‘ci of rfi.istinq j,r(•'linptnn in tl:e
i rr mnrh mniiifin L Ind this tonchrwy
, thene . " 1 by the pr;tnesetisit the Cm;
i~inn'nn fie changed immediately nft,
Hickman's anootlt attrart , o much 'O. l The mid eraig tled AII d i or, appointed by the
ohm. FTr deelared that the ti ma hod p o r n , Court or Cummou Plell, Of HMO invdon
i t „; ‘ ,l, i „ haze to ili,lialtte the pro,eds of the Sheriff's sale
1 that if Pti
regide„t Ttuebana's Mes. r th" rein " h " Chri ' th ": cou " uud
Ntret tAiiits to those ,
tout amongst
those ant,
. • heen eireelaiod before tied ihoucto, pioch that he. Will at•
. have been defeated by thousands in ; tend thr the purp,,e ut within raid diatrilio
on Wednesday. thd3.l day of March onat,
at one o'elook, p. ut.. when and where all per.
snos having. &Aims upon said fund are requiti4
present the sante, or ho debarred f.uut cum•
ing in upon said flid.
TliEO. IT, CREMER, Auditor.
Fcb.2;37. 4t.
Crate, an Atn.riettn, has rerenily
n: eked in England. from India, where be a
ed forrnne of k7,500.0n0. lie in en
to In, in tivatr for the purch.tme of a large en.
tate in that, country
Cskb`• 1 rep,lYicari dote cnnventiaii will
. •:,!... On 221 L',liraary
IS 41111 11l hen womln in one
,!,.. near New York, who
• ,•; !,, • 1?,•• rt:te rare. trying t 4
! • $•
Intl iu iter .ttoin4elt.
• : A.I)VINITI3EAF,..-D. S.
• • . VA.. ~(1
Conviction of 11,th the Lancaster Nur—
•*, ''rider A odcr,, end Henry Richards
here both heen cmni••ted of the innrier of Mrs.
(lather and Mrs. Rcam. in Lancaster county,
Pa. After their conviction, Anderson made a
rope eat of some erupt chain. intendino tn
have himself, hot it wag taltino farm him•
whenever either of than are taken nut and re.
turned to their cella they are clnsely examined,
so that they cannot Oat hold of the means of
either escape or suicide. Ever since they hare
been in prises they have been shaved by one
of the primmers, as it has not been deemed ad•
visable to tils; them with a razor. Antler
son evidently fully realizes his trite psi.
tine; hot. Riehards tricks he will not be hunt!,
as he sews be slily held the deer while his com•
rile murdered the women.
T., Lancaster times.. of yepteriiny mnrninir,
v+ the reeeptinn I,f the deal% Pentenee
orflorfrrA. nieharils reevivisl the pen
toaee with tears, but Andel,on wan perfidy
They bath. were then taken Way by the
ghprifF. Nit the Dint riot Attorney annotteed tha t
the rlnestion "if they had not thing to say why.
thesentence of (Patti should not he pronounced
upon them," had not been asked. Upon this tl e
two men wale brought hack again. The toes.
tine was then repeated to Richards fiirst. IT,
perhaps not understating it, or thinking th
by reiterating his false confession might es
cape. 11. glory, commencing with the
day when he started from Lebanon. until he
Caine to the haste of Mrs. Garber. Tin whole
of the awry is enethineri in eel. Harria' nd•
dress. After he had finished Anderson twit
op the tale. and nee the Mowing account of
hitn,if and how be became entangled in this
fio,dish :
They hop t eoneladed their remarks by car
in ! they were "innocent men, that they
die Met - wont. that they tooter killed the tan
men," tte, but these did not have marl, ele..t
upon the speetatorc or the Wees. The set,
tmtees were theo repeated, amid the most
prandiul client*.
While the two wore speaking, nn t.t
murmurs of ligappr , 111:011111 from tho• hyrkan
dery would hrealt nut, other times Ihre tons
no I ismpt at disturbance or tiihmdrr.
A fier he spr.tpitc., had been pronnuneed
several persons showed a disposition tu ap
plaud, in token of their approval.
HAIR REiTIMATML—Pra. Wood 1111Vertitieti
in tonr columns him valuable tnedieine for re•
storinv hair. nod for the prevention of • bald.
111, 18,.tc. This remedy Ito, been used quite
exten,ivelv, and with great sifteess. Hon.
nay, ?hon.:awl: have used it, and are
• t r • toitify to its effieoey. Read , the
~! , • ,11-,,n,it—go at 011 or proeure a hot
t 1 , ,, a, l p,ve its virtue. Oar good 010 bold
friends should enthrtten thin
.pi;riontty to 01150, their pates With a coat.
at ri
the 191 h , [biros Vatlicy, by the
11.. v. G. W. 11,,tisit, Mr. ,I,titv BA:m.IX Indi
ana county, Pa, to Mice 11,1 ABEL WaLLa p of
Uuntiny,don county Ps.
PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. F Ramey. on nce't for runeg
___ end n al. in t t County line ha.i
.UR—Sup rune at $1.50 ; common tine "1". and Mal i n no. ,
Stiff. Mill,. on ace it hoarding
at Irmo t prii.oners. &et,
RYE FLOUR—Id held It rem 3,25 to Refunding ord, to C. Mickley. 14 04
Road tax. on unseated landt paid
3, ;74 bar,l.
CORN NI EAL-1,1 in
!aired for at $2
DI per parrs'.
CLOV Elt t..EED--Is still active it. $5,,
37145,6'2.1. .
9C9E3CM 3E3M S'' .
1312.01 A
.blYili TATIKT
- . ttIItITING.
IN - C) 7 l'ltO/El.
We request those of our subscribers who re•
ceive their papers,to inf.rm us of their
immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers
to the ...Journal," and have faded to receive
the same, since the stenlinz of our,
b) radians on the 3,1 of February.
(Ebtate of John MeCitt,ey, dc , N.)
41311 TOWS
Boeing been appointed Auditor 'the Or.
pleo,s* Court of Huntingdon county. to douri•
hum the fund in the hands of Isabella McCart.
ney. Executrix of John McCartney. late of
litmdersoo township, deed., and trustee to
m the sale of the real estate of said dec'd, 1,
hereby give notice to all interested, that I will
attend to the duties of said appintment, oh
Saturday, the Ath day of Match next, at oar
o'clock. p. m., at my offee, in the horongh of
Huntingdon, when and where all person honing
claims upon sljd fond urn required t, present
the same to toe, or be debarred (rota coming in
upon said fond. TLIEU. H. CREME I I,
(Estate of ReojAinin Fraker. deed.)
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Conn of Hutoingdtill I,lllllv,
tribute the balance in the Loads it Daniel
(iris,in adnonnu mon. of 1101.illtrj11Fiaket,
late dOeolls,(1, rob !home
legally entitled thereto, hereby gives nutive to
all personi interested, that he will tvtemi ter
the purpose of making :mid (11.61ot:ion, on
TI outing, the fourth of March nett. atone
o'ckek, p. m., at his Mike, in the borough of
Huntingdon, when turd where all permitio
ing elating up o n said fund are requ-st , d to
regent the came or he debarred rt.,. ewnina
Feti.3,*57,4t.- Auditor.
From the 11.11 Day of January, 1857,
to tho 3d Day of April, Including
• both Days.
1804 .Trigepli Wllkur, $BO 00
1055 A1r2,30.0er Ewing, Fronk. 49 75
" Thomas 0.1,..rn. Jackson, 174 26
`'ll.,ker, Tod, 711 13
1836 Jo,elll, Forrest, HIM., 275 00
" .4;.(7.12, Rune, t. Brady, 177 98
"aini+l Ioieitsslit. C 1 1 ,4, 87 91
" Froder;ek Mormon. Cron', 327 011
.liteol) S, Moot, Dithlin, 153 00
Stool Wigton. Franklin 427 00
[hint. 529 40
" :lamb tittinnicrs, lionew'll 84 91
" Solinnon Miner, Jr,ek,on, 105 00
Benjiniir,Wallace. 51orris 2 , 5 .1
lf ilarner, Penn. 100 tip
Jolt N. Toaar, 413
morph Slitter, Shirley, 600 op
" Long. Shirrlig 1.23 69
" Jloolter, Spriugheld 100 00
44 Soino.l 11:11.1kedOrn, TA!, 230 00
Antl to' J. Dunlap, Toil, 340 00
14 Donal Vllett,Ant, Cotta, 112 00
" 3o , rph licilierg. Walker, 200 00
Ilenr, Grazier, War'nek 375 00
" Moore, West, 451 00
" Niuntilas Corbin. Casbville 23
Amount of County tax on unsca.
t+,! lands.
Amount of Sghool tax on unset•
ted Mode,
Amount of Road tax on unseated
Bulance duu County treusurar
11.1,iivle.lue A. H. Crawit,
Trea,nr, at litoset'mt 1274 58
Atty. livid wit-
ne.-s .11 ~r tmittal pro.
Com:table. ter tllakillV 1 . .t111115, &C.
WI 011.1 Tr.,U114 jurors. Cri.w,"
J dc.ox Inspectors and Clerks of
leque•itien.: en dead hodie,.
Item! awl Hridge Views. 138 00
<benne, by Jolin Fry, 275 00
Slienefelt 150 00 503 00
Bridge Order;
John (13014:!311 for repairing he
low A lc x.rnrlria, 460 00
I)ueid Hleir bridge at
Mills. in Tell towtithip, 360 00
A. Wi , e y Co., for ex:NI work
One bridge cr Huntingdon, 225 001045
Countr Auditors: a 4 OU
111 . 11.10Mi1l K. Neff, 40 00
Jueoli tinker, 37 00
tl L. Weer:lie, 45 00 146
Clerk to Conimisidon's for IRSO. 75 110
a< a , n.aapa.tuat fair '57 45 00
Att'y C`”rn , .. 1te,..1 1 , ..1„ 2U 00 140
rolmo 114,1‘1 , plild at%
1,1%, 517 50
hit boll& W. 11. Lens, 60 00 577
I , uktlitttre and ,NI'LISO
fiir tie (2. 11. stml Jolt,
ihlt, CO Air. Society,
l'rrtoinot vu Wild eta nod fox
Store Lunatic Asylum for D.
Comity Printing, J. A. Nash an•l
B. 12 75.
Bhmk 1 onkn & dockets for pub•
84 22 96
Bokirtlii jurors in Case of Patrick
Stool. 28
A. Wio4leCo., con. fur jail suable 100
St , lino! tar. tin. an
Noshing fir prisoners In jail,
in full for 1855, • 10 00 enurt ouse nntllll-
v-, y in lull for '56, 605 16 16
iiertor: of poor in full '55, .1880 93
" part '57, 269 to 5140 05
Amount of I,nno,,,ter Bank
notes reeoive,l Irmo Collee.
and t•pogited in bank
by iltreetion of Conn,
TEClfet} cuin'n on $1294,3 72,
Receipts iiird lExpeallitttro
of the. Potful!, of Huntingdon,
.f rom tho
cloy of April, 18.57, to the 4th day of Am.
wiry, 1858, including both days,
1954 Joseph Douglas, Walker, $2l 94
1855 John Smith, Barree, 100 0o
" David Etnier, Cromwell 130 99
" Thomas Oshurn, Jackson, 19 29
Abram Isenberg, Morris, 20 00
" John Thompson, Walker, •20 00
1816 Immo!, Forrest, Barree, 575 83
" George Rupert, Brady, 185 78
" David Heck, Clay, 559 67
Fred'k Harman, Cromwell 341 81.
" Jacob S. Hunt, Duhlin. 160 25
" Samuel Wigton, Franklin, 998 31
" Wm. Midweek, !lent. 656 98
"‘ Sol. Hamer, Jackson, 319 93
" B. F. Wallace, Morris, 510 00
" George Garter, Penn, 300 95
" J.. N. Saoope Porter, 1125 90
" Joseph 311111 e. Airlev, 438 RI
" Benj. Long, Shirlevs6arg, 02 42
.1. S. ulter, Sp , ingtield, 80 96
Sonel llackedorn, Tell, 30 27
" A.. 1. Dunlap, 'rod, 269 29
" David Pheasant, Union, 95 09
.In,ph kenberg, Welker, 504 42
Henry Grazier, 175 14
Moore, Wool, 1055 97
1857 Alexon •er Alex'a, 100 ,0
John It McCarthy, Brady 305 00
.• Peter Livingston. Barrie, 310 00
" Geo. M. thee., Cuss . , 155 DO
Joseph Pork. Clay, 82 40
in Johns, Cromwell, 155 2%
`, William Bice, Franklin, 513 1.4
" George Nut., Ilenders'n 177 oo
Satu'l S. Smith, Runt , )',, 917 3?
1, “co, It. Weaver, Hope% 500 00
" John Jackson, Jackson, 527 60
Altrk, Juniata, 62 00
e. Sandi ELIIII,O, Morris. 55 00
" George. Alitler, Oneida, 67 83
A6drew li. Nell, Penn, 553 03
D P. Gender... Porter, 172 00
Doyle. Shirley, 599 23
" Chas. Bowersox. Shir'eg 106 03
" Josh. Johns. Springfield. 41 SO
" Thom. Cisney, Tell, 410 00
Altnein Elios, Tod, 90 00
It WA, Union, 113 II
.• Mar:in Fleatter, Walker, 334 go
" L(111110 , 11, Warm'k, 595 04
. I " John T.. 0 1 -10, 00. We'll, 361 6514142 04
County tax on 00-ented lands, 330
School 1 ST
' • ,toad " 70 . S 61.
Far re , •t for Court House, 1' CO
' Sale of Stray Stoer, 1 64
Fines collected by Joe, Backus 15 00 51 04
Baidill'e due Cuutity Treasurer, 1567 CO
11:7.7.:Ziq 'AZ 2372.7115,
(`,.art er ter,
incp, oiec,
Mead , oriies,
'• da , 11,14 CS it ildpi estate.
11,1 , 1ge Orden,
11. Wise & Co., for building
bridge:. Huntingdon, 1852 22
1 • ing the, mama, 946 51
for ro•
crude the
jag, • SO 00 .503 S 6f:
7a 63
IS) 00. 939 64
Claillr-8. IC. Neff, 90 00
Jadoh Baker, 03 00
IL L. McCarthy 62 00
G. W. Slattern, 10 00
Clerk to Comm'', 572 00
An , itora £44 1856, 71 50
Atty for Comes. on account, 91' 00 5.13 :31
Intorest on County !lauds
.1. 8. Ginincll, 41 43
S. Wigton. 45 00
W. Orhison, 135 00
Thos. Fisher, 114 00
Exr, of C, eat. 60 00 515 41
For coal, wood, light, &c. for
Ciairt house nail jail, 5!) 00
Ite•elmmlise. &c., nine, 77 93
:tit:dicta o and attenJanc
prisoners in jail, 40 on
Fur repairs at court boas and -
Fur introducing gat fixture. in
C0%011101.0, 235.
J. F. Ramey for running and
marking inn between Ilan.
tingdon and Mifflin cos.
On. State Lunatic Hoc Pal.
Western t.enitentiary lig sup
9890 91
porting prisoners,
Shtf. Miller for hoarding prig
ener, wormooningjarur3„
and conning convieta - to
Penitential; 700 00
'For gnu in Court 1 - 1011 Fe, 14 03
For semi. Mop and cleaning do 18 75
For ivipthing for • jail. 10 0 0 4 0 2 4
For blank books, stationery, &c. 36 00
hittage: W. Lenin & W. &len, 40 85
Wild cot and fox scalp premiums. 827 04
hn A. Nook,
• William Lenin,
Wm. - 13rett , ter.
• Africa of Whittaker,
S. S. South notlimc &c.,
at Court lone 4 yearn, •
Road tax on nn'g'd land paid out
Geo. W. Cohol,
Daniel Way, -
Geo. ALT:Men,
Treat. !luta. Co. poor home.
Co. to eom on 30,098 74
5 92
28112 TO
87:,5 53
478 92
31 97
828 88
123 OD
61 24
24 u 4
16,058 61
In testimony of the correctness of the abort,
a, ICI PWITO 'ON i . 1 4, 1, nor numee find affix thu
seas of add emote, this 4th day of Jan. 1858.
JAI'(/8 HA lc FA,
11. 1,. McCARTHY, y Comm'rs.
Atteq HENRY W. MILLER. Clerk. •
'Wt., I Aildiro, of iluntinxdon
roomy. eketrd and ' , worn according to lan, re.
Port that not, die. audit, settle, and adjust,
Recording to I ov, the aco.noit, of A. B. CI Coil.
,00h F 11. Lane, Tmeiorcr4 of the laid
counts, and the oi,Pri of the Commissioners.
and rice receipts for the the same, for, and du.
ring the oast year. and find balance dno Alfred
It. Crt,tvit, oP two thousand eight hundred and
t.ixtv-tv.o dollars and s..venty cents, and to F.
11. lane, of one thousand live hundred and six.
r. •soron dollars.
159 07
1110 UU
103 25
81 25
Id,. under our hands, at the Commissioner'u
ofti , a, i n the ht. , . ugh of liuntingdon, the 4th
.r .I.ffiary, 1834.
dAME , CitEE. Audiers• •
PHILIP U. b'tt:V4N.U,
•• • '
F_- -
?; 00
I'S 09
4 no
Is $7 314 11
440 0 , 0
194 V,
16058 61
341 gi
137 Pi
1630 el
703 33
70e, 3
06 66
t9' 50
56 00 SS3 so
133 37 481 ~17
120 f:+l,
89 :ti
863 51.
115 50
85 00
52 25
2 45 955 8)
ali 00
9 42
18 00
51 00
25 51 9198
5080 06
451 40