r lj 41' • 0 ittili4Dmi g. it EWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. TIM JOURNAL. p., oi,ticct DAMS : ,N .1 0 u RNAL' ill plibligheil at REIVIEMBEti TBE POOL vatic° *lOO months after the time of expiration of the year, 2,00 cod fifty cents if not paid ion of the year. No enhacrip• as period than six month, on. are continued until nth no paper will he discontinu 're pouf, except at the option Header, you have probably seen many noble looking men, but never one more so than Charles Frankly. His looks did not belie him, for he was all he seemed to be. He wig the son of an honored and retired merchant that dwelt for up in the upper part of the town, away from the hurn of business and the cares of business life Ills business he had given up to Charles, who carried ;t on with much energy and tact that it could be but thriving and pros. perous, and bid fair, ere long. to become the best in the whole great Metropolis. Many were the temptations which dai ly beset the path of Charles Frankly; yet he passed through it with a character an• blemished and without a spot to mar the great name he bore. Many a proud belle bowed low before him and sought to win his smile, but 'twos all in vain, for be saw through the thin gauze that screened them, and scorned them the more for wea ring. it. •rs are never received by us. s in th tt way are lost. and it pitren4a of the sender. ig soy. their snhscriptione. yes. end newt it written or t effect, to the (Alien or 'tuit ion in it pinitniaster is neither n now. ntonhers of a new year .1. n new year has email... , 111 not he divcolitinued See NO. I. rho renisinv he lave. rem , ivi ue mid for, is pH. A FACIE e% wins will be rigi.fly 4,11,e..pd TINEMENTS 4 the kol hn,ing ratem $ 25 $ 8 $ 50 em,) 50 75 1 oir ) 100 1 50 2 00 800. 6 too. /2 0,0. $8 00 00 $0 00 7, 00 8 00 12 00 860 12 00 IS I. 12 00 ift 00 27 A beautiful bride his father had chosen for him; gay, dashing and brilliant; they called her Isabella Leory. Yet, he fan cied soim times that a false robe shrouded lb 00 27 00 40 00 10 . r, too. ! Walking slowly up the stelrOvhe Leo. I ry mansions ems a seemingly old man.— I It wits Charles Frankly. thus : disgutaed to see through the gauze that others wore. I Ringing the bell, he was answered by I Lelia in person, with but nue lo •It at his obi and tattered garments and out stretched palinothe cried, "Begone, sir," and shut the door in his lace. With curs- upon hisdips lie walked away. Evening came; the mansion. of James Lowy tuna brightly lighted, and all was gaiety and mirth within. Yet tl.ere was one that joined not the gay throng; in her room she snt pale nail trembling, holding in her hand at crumbled note; again she rend. i 1 q uo. In con al.. YF 1.0 411 4.10 511 110 I i 0,, or less, $4.00. t 'RI IONIwL. inias digestion ; hell is fairly cracked, !he question. will ,igli and the queslimi, lie holy fhono -I;ind ur arson— We mistake ins a certain height, Miss LEtnir :—I cannot attend your party. t wes the poor old man that mood before you this morning; you remember your words to me ? te the person, ighout the Itossyssooti— rosy culors— t• dry-goods tills, es the dollars. CHARLES FRANKLY. P. S.—Tt would have been hotter for you cud the had you been a friend to the poor. C. F. ..Lost ! lost !" she said to herself. .'Gone forever! But lho cares 1" And, suddenly springing up with a forced smile she entered the presence of her company. tr has shown its tail, the corner, (may reel it catnip ' t. gives it brand , inippy a baby. its gastric tube, is the candy. Not long after Charles Frankly brought to his city housit a truly lovely and trap• scendently bountiful bride. With her whole soul she loved her noble husband. and ihat love was fervently returned. cos that earth can yield, naive th calm it ; awn his lips—and then, • "d—a it I" is the husband swear— to be the whipper; the youngster's heels, ace the slipper. "I'len,e, good sir, do come and see my poor mother, she is so sick," said a little girl one dark and dismal night, looking up into Charles Frankly's taco. weir. next door, it a season , "Yes, I will go,' hoansvred,"go on and I will follow." the year is out, ul his reasou. Ten years had changei somewhat the appearance ofßrles Frankly, yet that bright. shining smile still lightened up his countenance. Through him the dis tressed found comfort, and ths poor fond and rainiest. The poor and rich alike honored him. itly, up the stairs, I, emelt moment faster, thu underaeath, ;stet the plaster. rged, little boy, tin window lingers; ;plied unto hie nose, ;nee the fingers. ..Did you say your mother was very sick 'V' asked he, taking the little hand affectionately. "Yes Fir," she answered, timidly. then," said he, ..we will atop and get a doctor." So, crossing the street and ringing a door bell, he was answered by a man with a light. '.Conte with me, doctor, if you please," said Frankly "Yes, Kr, immediately," and stepping back into the hall, ho set the light down on a table, and putting on a large over. coat quickly followed ou with Frankly and the poor little girl. Err long they came to a dark alley This they entered, and from it passed in to a room, dark, damp and dismal, while a faint groan met their ears as they enter ed. • the heighborhooti, lilies are enacted i le amnion' is nodding him, goes distracted, CORY A % OMAN NINETEEN non r FOOD —.Wa learn train Imes that Mrs. Hayes Or lay. Saratoga comity, N , AS detailed stie time need nineteen month died a week or two ago in&enaible for tilteen month. ,and up to a tew daya olh.r she seemed to revive, and !tally. After her death her ,ned, and a boa,. live feet an inch thick, was taken tack. It wan alive when ca. 1..(1 5000 alter. ..H.tve you nu lights I" said Frankly to the little girl. ..No, air," said she . . So, giving her u piece of money, he told her to get some as soon an she could. She 'went and quickly returned, bringing a light. On a low couch et straw, lay a woman, and us the light shone through the loom, she gazed wildly around. Walking up to her side. Charles Frankly told her he was a friend, and had come to minion and cure her. —The Alabama Methodist nnuol Conference has adopt ing resolutions :—" I but any guardians ts•luning to our skull putron , ze that school.of in school, dy sending their can's, shall be eillbj , el to trial suspension or expulsion as demand." In faint tones she thanked him, yet with a full and overflowing heart, 'twas then that she looked back over her past life and she sighed as she said— .oh, had I been a friend to the poor I" Morning came; so seemed new life to the sick woman. 'render care, nourish ing food and medicine, h%d done their work, and she felt revived and better. FROM REAL LIFE. Charles Frankly etood by her side, and gazed earnestly in her pale and wayworn face; and as he did so he wondered where away back in lif , he had seen that face; before long memory came to his aid, and he remembered. aaid be. with a quick start.. .•Do you remember Charles Frankly !" said lie. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INK:PARABLE. " never cheeped to anybody about my feel ings, But I knowed I was on the right side of the old folks.' put down es a settnel fact '' ..8 ..-ir' "1" ; a:: vismns in hie slumber, of an angel Lee I iien ' THING roR p, R , - e . 'Well, now, nin't it quay,' &maned Ben, 'rue, In t is i b , , ,, , , , n e his hit u ri f , th h e ad bm i t ri le d . re w d ith be h e e n r Olic . e . itin for all kinds eflte t r i ns t t a he ncl ve s r eald r s after a slight pause during which he rolled 'is NI; linen-Thee. application of dry wheat It 13 weliont controversy, bettef his quid to a more convenient place in his lover by het :tide, en , ' the barb still is her ~ imur. mouth, •how a feller will feel sometimes ?' Something seemed to say ns I went along, bosom, the heroic maiden dies ! 'l3en Purtle, this is a great day for you,' I • _ ..............________ Her name, her sex and her noble d••vo. v. ) ' The Warrior Maiden. an any end all the •healing se tee,' lure and then my heart jumped and fluttered non soon become known throvehout the . Sometime just before or about the begin • peritines, pile; 'vein kill, rs,' &e 1 that can about like a jay - bird in a trap And when corps. 'Mere .• as a tearful ' group gait ning of the revolutionary war, Sergeant be mimed.— We speak pesttive on tide I got there and seed Kate with her new I ered around her grave; there was not of • Jasper, of Marlon's Br gide, hnd the goo d i point. hemp , II in one decides by th best checked homespun frock on, I roily tho't I ' , those hardy warriors one who did not be- I should take the blind staggers anyhow,'', fortune to save the life of a young, be I uti ful ; dew her !;rave with tours. 'l'. v b uried physicians, rind we have had abundant prime and dark eyed creole girl, caked St. Clair. nest pooefs of its efficacy. Ben paused senile to brush the fog from her near t heS ie river dime., in the green bier susceptible nature was overcome with Ileat disorganize,. the fl• h, e deaden,. his eyes and then continued : shady nook , that looked as if it hod been the 'Well, I found the order of the day was gratitude to her preserver, and this soon ri• stolen out of Paradise" cuticle or . outer skin, emits air which is it to go muscatine hunting. Joe sharp and paned into a passion of love, of the most -esee.---- . Timone A e d -... ine a &Air shuts, Jeep and ferent kind She lavished upon LEGAL TENDER. out the air. soothes the irrbatinn, one dries his two sisters and Jim Bowles was thar, him the wealth of the aflections, and the Gold, Silver. axed Copp , e coins, their up the fluids thrown iiiii. It not imagine I'd knowed a long time that Joe Sharp ' whole depth of passion nurtured by a South.' Composition, Weight, • -1,1 how rat. het •soinething beiteng' was right after Bate; nod I hated hitn must he applied. ern sun. When he was called upon to they are a Legal Tender. Not all the eaves in the world can emend worse than a hog hates to find the way out of a later patch; but i didn't let on. Sharp join the ranks of his eetin try's defstelers, By the act of Congress, January, 1857, broke,. flesh, Y. u eat stick together bre had nn white britches and fine shoes and the prospect of their separation almost the standard of gold for coinage , is este., %en glass or hall with w.'n or aloe. You I coat, but everybody !mowed he inaddened her. Their !inning mine; but, fished at nine hundred.theusandths fine, can weld together reared iron. but no each scarcely was Fhe left alone, Pre her roman. that is. nine parts pure geld, and one pin n pplicution t, flesh disorganized, cut or wasn't worth a red cent. He walked with tic nature prompted the meens of remnion. alloy, said alloy being composed of .0, bunted away —Nature, so to speak has a Kate, and you ought to seen the airs he Once reeolvet!, and no consideration of P I " sII"r• and nine Pall' a"Pp„., The is av el I t r es( ii, and only one way m re• put att. It was I .3liss Kate" this, and "Niles Kate" that, and all such nonsense. danger could dampen her s p irit , nu(' nu gold coil's authorized by law. are as follows Pair a breach in the Ile" The healing thought of consequenciet could move her vi z : imiterial comes from within. It the hand After a while we came to a slough wher we purpose. She severed her long and jetty Double Eagles of the value of $:2O, ea, hbe CIA, I ring the severed parts together. hsd to cross on a log and I'd a nation to tieglete, and prowl led h'ersolf and att forth weighing 516 grains. held them there steadily, cover up the part pitch the sassy good-for-nothing into the water.' to fallow the fortunes of her lover. , Eaf2les of the value of $lO, each weigh. frill air I rn:" 'It'll:al inlitrY• and 'Why didn't van?' I asked, syinpathi- '' ' Bgoons. A month fared. beautiful delicate strip. Inge .) the lieeleig will go on as long as there is zing with the narrator. ling appeared among the hardy. roach and Half Eagle, of the value of $5, each no disturbutice. If from curiosity or mix - we ighs •nt • giant frames who countrified the corps to weig . 1-4 grain s• iety, or ~these cause, you disturb the half 'Sing, never mind.' void Ben, giving me '' a nudge. 'Providence done that all up which boiler belonged. Thecontrast be_ felearts•r Eagles of the v ^ d ue of ifie 50 formed new fleet), a sore wiil be the con, %down, Nothitie must de but Joe '..,h4rp tavern the vtripling and these' men, in their each svogliteg 61 5 10 groins. must Lead tells reut , across rust , Ire juin. uncouth gerbil!, their omissive Nees. ern- Pieces rd the " I " " 1 $II• each neigh lied on the log in high ele e, nod took Keee browned and discovered by nun and pant, big Si 4 10 eis e,, e . by the hand, and ofl they put. Just as was indeed striking. But none were Illnet. 1'1,7(.0 of the value of $l, each -neigh eager for battle, or so indifferent to fatigue mg 22 8 111 grains they lied got half way acmes, u Carnation big bull frog jumped off in the water—you ns the fair-faced boy. It woo found that SILVER C,INS. loner they holler—tetnakes !' screamed the his energy of character, resnlininn and The standard of which is nine parts blasted fool, sad knocked Kate off up to courage, empty supplied his lark of I by pun" silver and ono pert copper, are t ie fol. sique- None ever suspected that she was lows, viz : the waist in the nasty, black , muddy wa- Dollars of the valtie of 100 seats each ter. And what d've think lie done? Why a ‘ 7° m °l . Not 77en 1"P" himself, °- , though she was often by his side. penetra weighing 9412 5-10 grats. he run backard and f oreds a lit Ilerin for a pole to help Kate nut of the water: Kate to : her disguise. !ler fellow soldiers treat- Ball Dollars of the value of 50 cents, each ed liar with kindness and respect, find often weighing 1112 gains. looked at me end I couldn't stand it no lon ger. Curcbuck I lit ten feet from the bank applauded her heroic bravery. The ro- . Guenter Dollars of the value of :25 cents . . or nyr plesimn: : ' et. wee'rier-net tent id e s- . inch '''''ieilinst-DS aroma. in no time. And d'ye think the scamp wi•ieliiiig 38 4-10 grains. fleet that, unk newn.she inns by his Bide didn't come up after we'd get out, and ' • ' Ilall MID% al t h e value of 5 tents, for to watch over him in the hour of dan said, 'Ar you hurt, Miss Kate ?' • . each weighing 10-1-10 grains. ger. `lie v e had fed her s u mum , My dander was up. I couldn't stand it, passions • - ' I tee's of the value of 3 cents, each upon hint in the beer of slionber; hover. I cotched him by the seat of his white teeeliter 11 P-10d grains• britches, and his coat collar and gin him a i s n w g bear and dm thicket, t stea n li d ng b, i, through n. i, the '' le new cent pieces are composed of i toss. Maybe lie didn't go clear under wheneight parts copper rind t (eel ve pens How Ben Pirtle got his Wife. read toavert hunger from his Ite . ad a ‘ll.3's ; ,iglu- The very climax of ugliness was Ben he hit* the water, I didn't see him out. B Y ~ e 1 I nickel, each piece weighs 7:2 grains. But gradually sto'e a tlle uncholly pre.. Peale'. Ile was red-haired and hair stood Me and Kate put for the house. When sentment over the prior girl's mind. She All United State. Geld Coin and the as if it cherished the supreuiest contempt we started off Kate said : Silver Boller are a leegal tender to any a. had been tortured with hopes deferred; for its next neighbor. His face was frock 'Ben jist let me hold on to your arm, my mount. Ball Dollars, Quart/A.,. Dimes, the war was 'prolonged, end the prospect led as the most bespotted turkey egg. His knees feel toner weak.' and Hell D Ines, te the mount of five del of being restored to him grew more and nose supported at this bridge, a large lump , `Gepeat Jemitny ! I felt so quer when . lars Three Cent silver pi •ces ro the re uncertain. But now she felt that ' , e , while the ena turned viciously to one side. she tuck hold . I tried to say eometiting snore dream II h • cou ld never h appiness s ar be re• amount or tinny cries. th•• Cent piece only ibis mouth bad every shape put a pretty . nice , but my droned mouth would not goto the fractional pert of a dune. ne s . became convi ctedthat deutb , I zed b'he shape. - His form was uncouth as his face off no how. Bat I felt as strong ns an ele- l'he coins of filo'. Britain, Femme about to snatch tier away from his was ugly. The very clineax of ugliness plinAt, and bellied Kate along. Brineby was Germany. etc., are no longer a legal ten side; hut she prayed that she might die, der. had Ben Pirtle -- what was mote still, Ben Kato said : `Ben, that Joe Sharp's a good for nothin, and he never kne w to what length the vi. I had a handsome, bouncing, blooming wife ' if l ie crei , pi , °fence of her passion lind led her. sneakin, cowardly nobody ; , --such as can only be grown upon a coun. I 1 his head Inside of our house again, I'll , It was the eve before the battle. The try farm camp had sunk into repose. The watch 1 souse him with dish water, sure.' 'How the deuce,' said I to Ben one day, • again, but , cuss fires were burning low, and only the slow .I tried to say something . 'did you get such a wife 1 you uncouth, I the luck, I couldn't soy nothing but squee. tread of seetmels fell upon the profnimd misshapen puintessence of monstrocitY. `zed se's hand and sighed like a cranky silence of the night arr. no they moved Ben was not at all o ff ended by the Upper- .belles. through the dark shadows of the forest. . tinence of my question, and forthwith be. 'Wed got clean out of sight of the oth- Stretched upon the ground with no other gan to solve the mystery thus : couch than a blanket, reposed the war ‘Well, now, gala what's sensible ain't ors, and Kate "Ya— 'Ben, I feel that you're my protector, like form of Jasper. Climbing, vines cntched by node of your party and hifalu- and . • • 1 believe daddy's right when lie says trailed themselves loin a canopy above tin airs. I've seed that tried more'n once. you're worth all the rest o f , the boys in his head, thr ugh which the stars shone You know Katy tans alleys considerable , the naborhood.' down softly.. The faint flicker from the thee puniest gal in these parts and ail the • •13en Pirtle,' says I, 'this is a mat day expiring embers of a fire fell athwart his young fellers in the naborhood used to try for you,' and I made a treinendag effort countenance, and tinged the cheek of one to etch her. Well, I used to go over to v mouth off again,and out it pope whit bent above his couch. old Saminy's too, just to kinder look on, to get In ' . pod s ure enough . It was the smooth(' limed stripling. She you know, and cast sheep eyes at Kate.— 'hate,' says I, trembling, all over, 'I bent low down, no if to listens to his dreams But Lord sakes! I had no more thought love you to distraction, and no mistak. I've or to breathe into Iris soul pleasant visions the: I could get Kate than a Jerusalem loved you long and hard. My M'art's been of lore rind happiness. But tears traced cricket could hid in the hair that waste% almost broken for two years ; and I want down the fair one's cheeck, and fell relent on old Sammy's bald lend—nn sir-ree. . you to . say right straig,lit up and down, ly but rapidly upon the brow of her Inver. , But still, I couldn't help ring, an' my whether you're a going to have me or A mysterious voice has told rant tlie hour heart would 1/Inder flutter, and my eyes' , . would burn all over, whenever I'd go to Knie hung dawn her head and didn't • - ' t i - n is consummated. 'llir. .3 OM' NM') talk to Kate. And one day when Kate seer nothing, but I felt ecouraged, for shelong, lin gering l look, and then the unhap sorter made fun of me like, it almost killed , kinder sighed. Says I, Kate. of you're the mart en sro to tear herself away from me sure, I went home with something like ' ri wine to have me, says so, and of you he spot, to weep her sorrow is privacy. a rock jostling about in my brest and sworeueaze my don't want to says co, jilt sq • Fierce and trembling is the conflict that I'd hang myself with the first plow line I hand.' on the morrow rages on that spot. Fore. found. Well, she spueened my hood right ofl, most in thnt battle is the intrepid Jasper, 'Did you hang yourself l' Lardy, how I did feel. I felt as if a stream end ever by his side fights the redefine 'No, daddy bared out to me for not tak- of Vinfin water or saesafrece tea sweetened warrior. Often duringthe heat and th; ing old Bull to the pasture in the morning, neth molueses, was runnin g through my bones I and re lied her in my arm', smoke gleams suddenly upon the eyeso f and scared me so bad I forgot it.' Jasper the melnechnly face of the maiden. 'Goon,' said I. seeing Ben pause with and kisse the tnott.h and she In the thickest of the fight, surrounded by apparent regret that lie had not executed never ter eta get loose,' enemies the lovers fight side by side. his vow.' Ben we come with this Roue- Suddenly a lance i 3 leveled at the breast •We'l, soon on Sunday morning - 0 sec- tine of his courtship, that a pause for breath ,of Jasper; but swifter then the lance is kin it was about a year after that hanging was necessary. I Sally St , Clair There is a wild cry. and serape)-1- got up and scraped my face -glow long after that,' said I, 'before you at the feet of Jasper sinks the maiden.. with daddy's old razor; and put on my new were married ?' with the file blood gushing froin her white copprus britches and a new linsey coat 'Old Sammy was Mighty proud. and so bosom before his breast. Ile heeds not mammy had dyed with lAutomfrace bark and was the old 'oman, about the thing, and the din or the deneers of the conflict; but went over to uncle Sammy's. Now I'll we married next fall after the muscadine down by the side of Chu, dying boy he got to loving Kate like all creation, butt scrape.' kneels. Then, for the lust time, does he ~ Leory, was that once your name 1" "Who calls me Miss Leory ?" said she "What, is it you ?" she exclaimed, and do you come hero now to cheer and cm fort me—when I turned you from my door like a dog ? Oh, how I have longed to be forgiven, and am you now ?" "4 do, frec"," said he in return. "Oh, then may the blessings of the Most High rest upon thee." "Listen," said he; "I must tell you something. Your father has forgiven you for wedding that man, and longs to take you back to his home. lie knew well that your !Indian,' was a poor man and was net wealthy a: you supposed." Stepping back and speaking in a low tone to the doctor, he left the room. Ere long he returned with a white haired man; if was James Leary. Joy beam,d in Lis countenance as he beheld and embraced once again his only daughter and grail child; and how fervently he blessed Charles Frankly for his - kind cure over them. Ere long, Nliss Leory—for she took not her husband's name—was duly installed in the mansion, and, a short time after her husband, who had deserted her, died, in Spain. But never again from tont door was drivon the needy. She teaches Nelly, ever “remember the poor." Those were too severe lessons that she had learned ere their import was heeded. And Oft, readers, whoever you may be, fur your own gond, now, and in the future ' , Remember the Poor." HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1858. .D. you think your wife loves you yet,' 1 tasked. 'Why, lordy, yes. :She thinks I'm the puniest end best feller in the world. I tell you. sir. Its no use a talking; hifslutia airs and quality dressing and colone and such things ain't a gwina to go down with sensible gals, sure.' learn that the atripling in his love; Mitt ' : arnter s t Cirotinitn. often by the camp fire, and in the swamp,l ir she had been by hie side; that the dim MlrMaler lawf Matrimonial Disaster. Mille by the mean of the whole number of I'm getting a m, ravta md," sa id one of result:4 It will certainly enable a former themak.. d claser cal 'dation of who. his in dle street. • produce awn he can by guessing hen P t t :e c t k . 'll ~ ' N o l; whom tries l a saving lt ter—a sword of sharpness; she cut. the Catching aul Curing Colds. throats of my felicity, stabs my happiness. 'Colds are sometimes produced in the chops of my comforts, freezes toy pro, ',Mowing manner:— When a person in poet. ruins my reputation, and snips np ~,, o weather mi. s into the open air, at/Pry nil my Sunday go to meetings to make q.t. draws in his breat h the cold air jackets for the boys. Si wees all the ai it i asses through his nostrils and windpipe and into his lungs, and consequently, diminish itlieusuptoltilktee children, to ma i l c ce nn n t ie enda es the hem of these parts. As long as person continues in the cold air he fens no my troubles are overpoweling when I come to add them all up!' bad affect from it. but its he returns home 'Pooh! nenqense—behove nice; don't mnlce a noise in the streets—be a men, coon Relied hts friend." "How can I be a man, when I belong to snme Lady else? Sly hours ain't my own; 1 belong to four people liesidiis my self—the old woman and three children, l'm a partnership concern; nod an martV has go' their fingers in the pile that I must bust. 111 break, end sign ever all the stock in trade to pu." Miattuun —At Athens. Pa., on the 30th ult , Mr. James Bee and Mina Martha Phu Plimer Well Loh this little Bee Improved lifu'a shining hone; lie glithore honey one all day From one sweet chosen Power. Anil front this hive, if heaven please. He'll raise a swarm of little Bees. eirA Dutchman thus describes the New Yorkers : "Ene people, dey go abatt de '[reefs oil day scheming each odders, and dey cull dat puniness.' Or A young lady in one of .he lead ing circles at Washington, was compliiivm ted by a gentlemen on the biinplieity ana and rod tmted of her dre•-s at an even ing party. She replied : .1 am glad you like my dress; it cost just leVen dollars, and I made every stitah of it myself I' VOL. XXIII. NO. 5 segivfic 0 repeat. for all kind of burns or scalds, however severe, put on ‘..n/y; thick coat of flour. If a I,rd crusty mass be formed, Ott itS to produde irritation, after a day or two WU,II off the surface carefully with bleed %%arm water, dry partially, and pat on more flour. but nevr disturb the actual suriuce of the sore until. when entirely hral.•d the scab falls 'oft of ita oun accorci.— Out word for it, this treatment will best promote the cure of burns —./Imericart .9griculturist, Flow Ilucu PER ACRE.--..HOW TO ESTiP of the yield per acre of n growing crop of wheat, rye. oats. or barley, which he says has' been found oorrect in England. As it seems easy of apphontion. and approxi mately correct, we give the plan. and hope it will be tried ut the next horve.t. time Promo together four light sticks, meas uring exactly a foot square inside and with this in !la.& walk into the field and select a spot of fair a• erage yield, and lower the frame sduare over us many heads as it wilt enclose, and Aril out the heeds thus enclos ed aprelully, and weigh the groin. It is Lair is presume that the product will be the 43-nialth part of an acne produce. To prove it, go through the field and make 1 ten nr twenty similar calculation. and esti- he iippro,liro ihe to worm himself, nod very ufu•o makes some worm nod rum. drinl, its keep nut the cold, no it is said. 'l•he inevitable com.equetice is that he will perceii e a glow within tits nostrils and breast. as well as over the whole body. SllOll afterwards a disagreeable dryness mid ImAmes. will be f It in the nostrils and breast. By nod n , u then, dry tick ling cough comes on the II els a shiver. ing u•aieh wakes him draw near to the tire, 1 , 111 Lliu inure he tries 111 heat himself ttu• 11111, lie becomes chilled. All the 'nisch ells he me enused by the action of the tort Such being a frequi lit cause of cold the following rules for avoiding the complaint may tie adopted with great ad. vantage. it hen you coone out of $ very cod atmosphere, you should not first go into it risen that has a fire in it, or if you cannot avoid that you should keep fora con. enterable time at .1 great distance as possi. and above all. refrain from taking warm la 'ignore+ whet, you are cold •t his rwe t. i.rtider! *rpm the came prin. eiple. e, the 11,11111 PM Oh soy part of the body when towlatieu. It it wi re blots: hi ioltie tire. mm would -001 mortify whams, nl u hoed with viii w. tut ill elects iirke Iran it Hewn.' if the folio. log rule was rtrict ly oloerved, when the whole body or any pelt ot it to chilled, bring it to its natural feeling and warmth bydestrees, the frequen colds we esprit. nee in winter would in a great ttiett,ire. be prevented.—Dr. Gig. hem's friervatie