h. A tivt tling 37i $ll WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. TERM OF THE JOURNAL TERMS : white hnt with its lace and ribbons, and The jouRN, , ,L , publish . M her rich travelling dress harmonized with 5 1 e fonowin re re% • the rare English creamness of her com- , . IV paid in atilt since 111 . 541 plexion, and altogether, she looked to the if paid within .ix nnifithe idler the time of snheerihint. -- - - - If paid befare the expiration "r the Year, 2.i bright and sparkling and happy, that they And two dollars mid lifty cents if not paid till after the expiration of the year. No subserip- forgot everything but her beauty. tier taken for a less period than sin month, .Grandma's been saying bad things tr• t. All subscriptions are continued until oth cerise ordered, tad no paper will he discontiou. bout me, said the bride, with a pretty ad, unit*/ a rages are id, except at the option pout that any young husband would have of the publisher. 2. Returned numbers are nerer received by na. I thought worth a dozen kisses. •Now, All numbers sent us in th it way are /est, andii Alden, don't let her frighten you one bit, never accomplish the purpose or the sender. a. Persons wishing to slop th.h. subscriptions for tin going to be just the most loving, mast au'l se" a "'l'll'''. °r; obedient little wife in the world, and net , verbal order to that effect, to the office or pub- Lent on in Huntingdon re do a thing you say I mustn't as long as . . . 4. Giving waive - It, a postmaster is neither a legal or n proper notice. 5. Alter lo tie or more numbers of a new year Lave hem forwarded. n new year has eotnntene• • and the paper will not be diNconlinued until errearage‘ ore paid. See No. I. 111. e Courts have derihd ' b ur re f us i ng i „ riike • newspaper Iron, the Olive, or remori ng and Leming it unrolled for, is c a nna 1.0011 evidence al intentional Irani. Subscribers living in distant euumiee. or in ether Mates, will be required to pay i near l a Wy in mivanee. I ar The above terms will he rigidly adhered tom all cases. ADVERTISER ENTS Will be charged at the following rate. I Insertion. 2 In. 3 40. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 3 $ 50 One iiunre, (10 liner,) 50 75 1 00 Tue (32 ) 100 I 50 200 31110. Emu. 12 mo. One square, $3 00 $5 00 $0 00 slootres, s 00 8 110 12 00 * column, 8 011 12 00 18 00 do., 12.00 18 00 27 110 .2,., 12 00 27 00 40 00 2$ 110 40 00 80 00 Btodue. Cards of six 110 e%, or less, $4.00. elect *ton). EI►SIE RtiYMOtID. BY tHIGINI r.TowN.ENa .Wait a toolorte, grandma, I jo-t want to rail Out. and good bye to and the saeet lace PO iu n framework of bridal hat flowers, looked a moment thr.' the &or. and ihso vanished, before the lady. to Quaker satin and white muslin cup, could r. ply. .11 hat, isn't Rsie here !' The unes• limier was a young man. a fine looking man, and there was something peculiarly attractive in the smiling of his dirk ex pressive eyes. is 'hey swept the room with a single glance, and then lighted on the old lady. 'She's just run out. Alden, to bid Dai Su good bye. You know it wouldn't do to go oti without seeing her old nurse. anyhow. Everythitufs puked, ion tit 1• 'Yes, and the carriage is waiting;' and as the young man spoke, a tide of gleeful laughter roil. il up to their ears from the compaoy b. low rah., The I,ltl lady did not mind it. She cline close to the new ly 'node husband, nod laid her hood on his shoulder. 'Alden.' she said, very ear nestly, 'now the hour has come for our part ng. I call think of many thing• I want to say to you, tool I ought to have done this before. Ban it's too late n•w, Oh, Alden, you trill he very wirier of my dar ling, won't you? You will never forgot imv s he has been watched and cared for, (it may be too much.) and how she has never known u hor.h word in the home whence you a , e taking ter?' 'Ube old lady's v..ice was pleading. al. most to sadness. and her eyes were lull of tears ! but damned as tney were. she .31W the 10. k of beautiful tenderness that flash ed into The young mares expressive fee. tures.' .Da not fi.ar to trust me. Mrs. Williams, hi, said solemnly, taking both tier hands in his. .11vr happiness shall be the one great aim of my life. The bier that has winched over the ti rl..rness that has guarded her girlhood from the shadows of evil, shall he increased an hundred fold in the home to which I take her; and had you heard those eloquent tones, and seen the look which accompanied them, you would h ice predictei a joyou, wedded life for Elsie Raymond. 61 do believe you, Ald .n, my boy,' an. awered the old lady. fervently. 'Chit sometimes you may hod Else a little ism patient. or sell I don't like to say it, for her heart's always in the right place only you know how quick and impulsive she is, and she don't hear contradiction, for I a'pose she's a spoiled child.' .Who's spoiled chi' dl' asked a voice so sweet it would have thrilled your heart like it sudden outbreak of harp music, and the graceful figure of the girl bride sprang into the roam. Rubens ought to have seen her at that moment. 11 ith her blue sparkling eyes, the hal blush gathering into her soft cheeks, and the arch smile breaking over her lips as morning sunshine breaks into the rose's heart, she was just the vision, el outward jovoua sae h lArigiße“. his soul would have delighted in. Her I live.' •I shan't say 'mustn't' very often dor hng,' answered the young husband, strok ing the curls that fell out of the little hat. •l3ut come, Elsie, we shan't be in time for the cars. Say good bye to you. grand mother, quick.' •1 . 11 be a good girl, indeed I will,' whin prr••d the trembling lips. as they drew up to the grandmother's, and the smiling face was dim with tears. rGod bless you, Elsie, my child.' And the husband hurried her away. Elsie ttrymond's future must tell the story of the past. Both her parents lay under the spring grass before she had learned t o know them, and so she went to her grandmother's bean and home. There only sunshine lay over her life. The ten der, indulgent grandmother forgot there must come en hour S hen the clouds would rise, arid the great lite storms descend upon the flower that grew up in such beauty at her hearthstone. Elsie had one of those fine, rich, im• pulsive sutures, that especially require judicious training. This she had never received fr m her grandmother, and the under current of sell will and pride in her curly girlhood, only revealed themselves in her impntrence of mild reproof and con tradictnn. But usually she was so loving, so gen• tle, so transparent—and, us I said, her future must tell her past. Two years had gone swiftly, happily by, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond sat at their breakfast table that morning. The room l i with its applicances of taste and luxury. was one of those rare home gems that on ly an artist can appreciate. 'Alden,' says Mrs Raymond, as she passed the second cup of coffee, 'won't you put down that paper and listen to me a moment. You know that party you promised me almost a year ago. Well, I've decided to have it next week. It's just the season for it now, and we'll make a grand effort to have it pass off well.' If Mrs. Raymond had at that moment looked narrowly at her husband's face, she would have seen it grow pale at the mention of the party. •I'm sorry, Elsie,' he commenced, mo , vino; restlessly on his chair. 'Now, don't,' interrupted the little wife quickly,'don't, Alden, say one word a gainst the party. for I've set my heart on having it. I told the Campbells, and the Wildinans about it, more than two weeks ago, so I should die with shame to post pone it.' You shouldn't have mentioned it to them without consulting me first.' Mr. Raymond's tones were cold and gevere for the first time, but his wife would have for. given them had she guessed the anguish that lay at his heart. As it wns, her face flushed with anger. 'Really,' she answered, was n 0.., until this morning, aware I was responsible to you. Mr. Raytnonl, for the subjects I might choose to select for conversation with my acquaintances. Once for all, what is the reason you refuse mo this party ?' .1 do not refuse it, Elsie, I only ask you to delay it.' 'And I must and will have it next week or never. I cannot see why you wish me to postpone it, unless IL be because you know the delay will greatly annoy me.' The young man's face flushed with the pain her words occasioned him. 'Elsie,' and his voice was quicker and sterner than before, 'you cannot move me by these ac cusations, because you know as well as I do there is no truth in them. I have some heavy payments to meet this week, and that alone was the reason of my request ing you to defer the matter All I have to say is you will be quite likely to accom plish your wishes by presenting them in a less dictorial manner. It was very unfortunate for Mr. Ray mond that he added to his explanation that last remark, for now he assigned a motive for the delay, his wife had began to soften toward him, but that last speech hardened it aria. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " don't believe a word of what you're saying, Alden Raymond,' she answered, pushirpz back her choir, and bursting into a good of pdssionate tears. 'lf the money had made any difference, you'd have told me oefore this day ; and it's only because you want to mortify me now before the world, that you are stingy this morning.— I wish that I was back again in my old home with grandma, and near old Daisy. who would never have spoken to the harsh cruel words you have just done. I wish I was back there again, and that I had nev er left it for, and that I had never seen you Alden Raymond r And springing froin her seat, the lady burst out of the room, and her husband made no effect to detain her Ho only leaned his head on his hand, and groaned deeply. It was the last drop in his cup of bitterness. An hour after the young merchant was walking up and down his counting•room with restless step and haggard face. There had come a sudden revolution in the mercantile world. and his house was one of the first to feel it. 'There it no chance to sail clear of this, that I see,' murmured the young man, as he struck his forehead. 'A few weeks, and we shall all sink, I shall be a ruined man, and El sie—' his face worked fearfully a moment and then he resumed, 'there is no way to raise the money, unless—' he stared anx iously all about him; as though he feared the terrible secret which lay behind that 'unless' !night have revealed itself, though it had never crossed his lips and for the first time in his life his face wore a look of co .iardice and guilt. 'Yes, I could get it so,' he said, 'clinic, his head on hands; sand if our alfaira should happen to take a favorable turn, could repay the note before any body was wiser ; 'if not,' and his voice grew li - oar,e. 'the river or a pistol shot would settle it all.' 'Elsie's little property's ail swallowed up too. God knoWs I meant to secure it to her, but there was help for it, and were she to know this she'd hate eta worse than ever, and may be I can win une of the old love smiles to her sweet iips if —' he did not finish the sentence. 'Elsie, pm, you can give out the invi tations for your party next week There is the mon ey which will defray the earn nos, and Mr. Raymond placed a note for a thousand dollars in the lap of his wife. It wits dinner time, and Elsie lii.d all the morning to reflect on her conduct iit break• fast, and bitterly had the yew,: wife re proached herself fur the unkind words she had spoken. • But her will teas unsubdu• ed still, and when the forastps of her hut_ band rang through the hall, the old pride wine back to her heart, the morning curl to her rosy lip and she thought to hersll 'Alder. shall speak first.' And he did : and that generous deed overcame at once all the pride and self will of the really loving wife. She sprung up quickly, and wound her white arms around her hushand's neck while the thers of remorse and tenderness swept down her face. .01i, Alden.' she said 'forgive me for the cruel words I said to you this morning. I have been sorry for them. Ido love you better than all the world beside, and I would not leave you for a thousand grandmothers. Fay just once to me, 'Elsie, I forgive you; and I will be so happy ' He drew her head to his bosom, and he rained down kisses on her tweet brow, us he said, •Elsie, once and for forever I for give you, but I have been very weak, and I have suffered much this morning. Let me lay inv head in your lop, and see if I shall leel better while you talk to me.' And Elsie sat there a long time, running her little dimpled fingers through the thick brown curls of her husband and laying her cool lip every few moments to his fe vered fore head chatting to hint in sweet humming.bird style, of her party, and what a delightful affair it would be, dream ing little of the darkness., and sin, and and shame that was diwing closer and i closer to their threshold. It was late in the morning after the par. ty. It had been, as the young wife had predicted, 'a brilliant affair.' And now she walked through the ele- gant confusion of her parlors, and thought what glances of administration had follow ed her during the evening, and how proud 1 Alden would be when he rucouoted to him the compliments which the guests had bestowed upon their beautiful hostess and how she hod inadvertently heard Mayor llnmlin, who ties pronounced the most artistic judge in the city, call her 'the rare blossom of the festival.' But these pleasant droamings experienced a rude n to rrapt:nn. HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1858. Two , rough looking men entered the 'Strange. strange,' muttered the million• • parlor, and inquired inquire tif Ale Hey- sire to himself, 'that a young man of such (*elect gottr g . *deft glisctilano. mend was in family, occupying such a position on 'No,' answered the wife, suprised and 'change,' and in spe best social circles, BONNETS.• TO STOP POTATOES ROTTING startled. 'lle went to the store this mor- should have done this thing. What a sen- An agricultural excange says:— hAn BY T.TETOI. sing.' cation 'twill create ! Gave that splendid _____........ experienced agriculturist informs us, that (tee of them replied, with a significant party last night, too—. Of all the charms dear woman wears, about six years ego he applied Hine to po• look around the room, that he was not i .Mr. Ilolburat's monologue was suddenly Of all her many traps end snares, tutees that Wets partly rotten, arid ,thet it For real effect there's naught compares there ; they had just come from his store interrupted by the entrance of a lady.-- immediately arrested decay, Potatoee that 4 have not seen hirn since,' was Mrs, She made her ingress unannounced b onnet; , and With a truly pretty were partly rotten when the lime was .ap. For when or wherever you chance to meet !inputted's laconic rejoinder ; and after putting her long veil aside, revealed a face One that is perfectly modest and neat, plied, continued to rot, and were lost centering together n moment, the two men hardly yet ripened into womanhood, yet You may depend 'tie a pra,fcomplete Since then he has made it common practice left time room. very touching in its pale mournful loveli. That the head has more in than on it. to apply slaked - lime to his potatoes as he The lady sank down upon a sofa, and flees. takes them up. Ile put a this layer of ' h she's pretty or not, covered her face with her hands. They '1 am Mrs. Raymond.' she said eagerly No matter w h et h er Hue upon the floor where the potatoes are Whether she lives in mansion or cot ° How much or how little money she's g ot , were policemen ; she could not disguise 'and you now know for what I have come. to be laid, and sprinkle some of it over them from herself that fact, and a vogue terrible Oh, sir, will you not spare my husband 1' 'Tis a fact, depend upon it; ' about every ten incites, ns they are nut fear took possession of her soul. 'Madame,' said Mr. Holborn, partially The woman to matte a man happy thro' Ilk, down. He considers this as perfectly pro- A few moments later, and her husband recovering hiinself, iit is a eery painful du. To make a model mother and wire, reeling them from rotting, as he has never stood before her, wild, pale, haggard• tv to refuse ysts, but justice must have her Is one who, morning this milliner strife t had a rotten potntoe since he has practiced 'Elsie,' he asked hurriedly, has there retiree. The offence is se palpable—' Wears a plain and tasteful bonnet. it; and be bleives also that potatoes thus been two policemen here after inn 1' But Elsie had sunk down at the man's Note a bonnet of genuine beauty A grace, used ate rendered better by the action of 'Yes, and I told theta you were at the I feet, unable to steed. 'O, sir,' she cried. Worn on the head in its proper place, lime. We advise the farmers to try this store. Oh, Alden'—she could not finish olitsPirig her hands, while the tears rolled Shadowing faintly the wearer's face, plan, as it easily can be done by them ell. the sentence, for he rushed from her, out down her sweet face, 'do not say that!-- 'ls a thing fur a song or a sontiet;' •.____........,.... If you c:er had a mother who sang you to But one of these gay and gaudy things, MARRY -./ert•Oly 'faylor says if you are into the hall, and up the stairs like R madman. , slumber in her arms, or a sister by whose Made tip of rainbows and butterfly wings, for pleasure, marry—if you prise rosy Elsie's heart died within her, and it ' sideyou k ne l t ribbons and atringe, hialth, marry—and, even if money Le your was only by grasping the cushiuns of the head in prayer. or a wife whose A mixture of flowers, slumbered on your heart ;by all that lls dreadful, depend upon it. I object, marry. A good wife is lies yeti's you have ever loved and cherished, have A vulgar ma•s of 'fuss and feather,' sofa, she prevented herself from sinking beat gift to man—his angel turd minister to the floor. She feared—shit knew not Pity upon ate, I pray you--have pity upon 1 A little of everything thrown together, of graces innumerable—his gem of limey what; but the next moment the woman's my husbind, and spare us from n !Re that : As if by is touch of windy weather, virtues—his casks of :fumy jewels—her A wreteeed conglomeration— voice his sweetest music—her smile his heart of Elsie. Raymond nwoke within will be worse than death ! There will A sort of cup to catch the hails bright sst day—her kiss the guardian of her her. - Alden, her husband, Wll6 stthering, c o me a day and an hour when you will be Leaving the head to ism it ba re' A striking example of . iNmititu to Wear,' t in he no ti cz s e n — f I I I:: a h r , u n is iti t i l:e tiii,i,t:e !.dam : f a ft; ij,r , it might be he was in disgrace and shame, glad stmt you listened to my prayer; and mid who should satin by hint, and where oh, as you hope for mercy at the judgment ' ls this bonnet abom ination. sleuth! industry his surest wealth—her sleuth! he tine comfort and ntrviigth, Lot allow it to me new r ib It makes a woman look brazen and bold, econerny his safest amie— her lips his in her ! Assisting her ism/king nothing but void, faithful counsellors—tier bosom the nate Fhe ,prat, • up, airi though Lc:l:sails la had on the young, absurd on the eld, 11 , -r, awl her face And deforms what it ought to deck; isi, i , is ;,esi- e seta it lay miler Mc Fur look ether face, no bonnet is there As the man looked at her, as she knelt there iii her mournful beauty at his feet, with her shining curls lying about her wart ul lace, and his heart was touched. am sorry for you,' he tit ma dame, your husband has been greatly to a she opea. 1:1:11.es, she went straight to hi, ID' 4t., 'lit V, :ft ey,..1 of Illy aue. I ! Iler hu,band stood in the centre of the room, widi n pistol jointed at his heart. One moment more, and she had been ton late. With one loud shriek, she rushed to his side, with one Lion of her 'loon white Itunti, situ struck the heavy pistol to the flour, nod tt will, sad cry sprite;ing Irmit I er lips, 'saved, saved, Alden,' she wound her arms about him. The desperate man put her away.— , 5,1% ed,' lie cried, hoarsely, 'saved to ruin, degrad [thin, to worse than death. Leave me, Elsie, and let me do the deed now.' But the came back to him, fur she would not be put away. .No, no,' she answered, and her pale face shone ahnost like un un gel's with its beautiful wife tenderness. -did you think, Alden, your Elate would leave you now, when your arms have shel tered her so long ? Did you think she'd not follow you through sufferiog end shame true and loving to the end 'But not to prison, Elsie, not to prison !' His head dropped as he said it, 'Yes,' she answered, drawing closer, and the light of her soul was shining in lier soul tees shining in her eyes, 'to prison, to the gallows, to death, Alden !' And then he took her in his arms, and while his heart was wrung with deeper ayooy fur her than for himself, he told her iall. And Elsie learned, for the first time, of the threatened collapse in her husband's business, and of the utter impossibility of his meeting the expenses of their patty without—lie whispered the words--'he had forged u note for two thousand dollars!' ide hoped to pay it, and so elude discovery, Lut mutters grew worse, and he could go t raise the money. 'And it Wan for the you did it, Alden; because i spoke those cruel words ! Oh, God, help me ! 1 urn to blame, not you l' cried the heart-broken wife. But before her husband could answer her, she had sprung from her soot, and a great hope dawnedinto her face. 'Alden,' site cried, 'it was I that ruined, it is I that will save you. 1 am going to the [nail whose name you forged, and I wilt beg, pity, anything, till he promises to spare you.' 'Elsie,' and her husband shook his head mournfully, 'his heart is is hard one.' •No matter, 1 will find way to it. I will not let him go till he has promised to save you. Pray Clod, Alden, while fain gone. pray t, Him witliout ceasing, to be with me !' She pressed one long, loving kiss upon his forehead, and left him. Mr. Holborn, the titi'lionire, was slow ly pacing nil ict.; , narrow wiqt Ms hal Is behind him, us was his custom. Ho was a dark stern locking man, with deep wrinkles set in his forehead and thin face, and altogether, it was not one that u little child, or a bran yearning for comfort and sympathy would bane been drawn to• ward. , It was 1. It was my fault,' eagerly in• te'Vritined Elsie. instigated him to the uct by my Cady and extravagance, Do not accuse hint, b t the dme, as was the sin, be mine, but oh ! you will not kill us will VOll ? The *stern hart melted. Mr. Ito'burn riti,ed the youri4 wife gently, and whisper. ed. 'Airs. Raymond, I will prosecute the :Ling no further; your husband is safe.' A half an hour later, Ehie burst Into the room where sat her husband. .Look p, A !den.' she cried, exultingly. 6 1 have saved you.' But this sudden joy, after tho'o hours of exquisite suffering, was too much even for the man's strong physical endurance, and ns the words died on Elsie's lips, her hus band dropped senseless to the floor. A week has passed. It was a soft star bright evening, the closing of one of those days that come up, gulden wanderers from the Tropics. and shake hands with the months of gloom, and chili mist Alden Raymond sat to his large easy chair, in the pleasant room where we met Lim at breakfast, and Elsie sat on the chair ann. She looked very charming and very happy too, albeat there was a deeper, more subdued beauty in her whole face, but you would have loved it better than all the sparkle of the old tunes. 'And so, Alden,' said the little wife, run. rang her fingers through her husband's hair, 'grand an writes she will be with us next month. a, soon as May brings the clo ver wind to her bed-room window lam so glad, rind now our business has turned out so favorably. I cannot thank God e nough when I think of it !' Alden drew his arm around her, slender waist. 'Yea, darling, the worst is over now,' he answered. 'Our business is on a pros perous footing again, thank Uod, as you say ! 1 have this afternoon paid Mr. 801. burnthat debt. We should be very happy if it were not for that one terrible memory, Elsie;' his head dropped on her shoulder. The wife put down her romlips to his ear, and whispered softly, .Don't think a bout it, dear Alden• It was all my fault, not yours, you know ! and what a lesson it has been to us both. We will never quarrel And Elsie kept her word, and whop her grandmother returned home front her hap py visit, she said to Daisy, with tears in her ryes: 'I have no leers for Elsie now; she has the best husband in the world, and she is the best wife, too.' So Elsie Raymond's first quarrel with her husband was her last one Gill' A bachelor, after all his matrtnoni• al attempts, pathetically exclaims, "When 1 remember ull the girls I've net together, I feel like a rooster in the fall, exposed to every weather; I feel like one who treads alone some barn all deserted, wl.ose outs huvo fled—whose liens are dead. and ofl to market ,Nl!ed.. * VOL. XXIII. NO. 4. See at the sidr, tt hang.; by a hair ; View it behind, and you're ready. to swear That the creature has broken her neck No matter where you may chance to be No mutter how many women you see, .A promiscuous crowd or a certain she, You may fully depend upon it That a gem of the very rarest kind, A thing most difficult to find, A pot rur which we long have pined, La a perfect 'love of a bounet.' THE DUTCHMAN'S ROAD. Ho ! can you tell me the road to Rend tr? 0, yaw, I could toll you as pesser as any pody. You must first turn de pars round de pitch over and de prook lip streme, :en de first house you cunt tu isle my pruder Hans' pig porn, dat is de pigg..s porn dere ish upon dish road, it isli eighteen feet one way unt eighteen feet rite , prick agin. Mine prodder flans though to shinnel it but hint sold dem and so him shinnel it mit straw and clabboard it mit rails. Alter you go py my prodder Hans' pig pars de next house you cum tu ish a hay stack of corn fodder built up of straw; but vou must not stop dere tu. Den you goes along till you cum to tree roads, you take any of dose roads and den you ket lost, tleu you must bet over de fence into a groat pig pen mit no fence around it, den you take de road upon your rite shoulder and de woods upon your left shoulder and go down as far as a britch, den ytu turn rite pack agin, von you coming pack you cum py a house dat starts rite alongside of a yeller tog. he corns out and says pow vow vow, he den pitea a little piece out of your leg, den he runs and jumps into empty pig pen dat hash four sheep in it. den you look vay up on de pack side of de hill town in de swamp and tern you see a pig white house painted red mit too front doors on de pack side, vel ter° ish were my pruder Hans lie. s anti he could tell you so petter as l don't know. Well what then. Den sinks as how Imust take me a vrow so I goes to Heading and tells Kuttereen if she would take me for worse and pesser and she ax no yaw, so I. takes her home and she eat seven quarts sourkrout and vent to peb veil enull but the next morning she chump up tend. she vos a heavy loss she weigh more as tree hundred and see. enty pounds, den my little poy tuke sick nun tide, oh I'd rather give tree shilling as to have dat happens, he vas so fat ns putter, den my hens cuss home mit dere ears split, and my hogs all cum house mit nine of dem missing. WILD OsloNe.—California papers state that onions growing wild have been dise'•v ered in that State, an inch and a half in diameter, covered with a thick husk like the rasp-root. They are palatable and even preferable to garden onions, and it is thought may prove a valuable addition to the cultivated varieties. Comaaoacnes.—These nasty pests, as well as ants, are driven away by strewing elderoerry leaves on the shelves and other places frequented by these troublesome in- pillow of his care..:—and hr•r prayers the ablest advocates of Heaven's bles,hi4 on his head. EWA certain young la often thrown into company with man who she is stice hut who has never du6areLl m„t she is anxious to know what plan to adopt to prove his affection. There s the mis chief ! The ladies nre always planing! 101 l of intrigue ! Adopt no plan at all H you are too hasty with your p*ts you may awaken suspicion, and then thin spar, row will be ell. Plains of growth are 6f long life.— 11Iushruun love is 05110ous evil. *nit a little lio4ser. Ile is itierel fOrMlllfr an nap i hioncoship with you, with hilt foot in tho snare. Ile will pull by.and DIVA VI este. editor expressed de light at having tteariy been called “honey" by the gul ite loves, because site sainted hint as ''Old Beeswax" at their last meet. CREOSOTE A CURE FOR DYSENTERY The Nashville (Tenn.) of illedicane unit Surgery ciuudiuv on article on 'he above subject, by J. W. Brown. NI. D., the substance of which will he of in. tereot to ninny of our readers. Ile states that dysentery is the principal disease with which the physician has to contend iu Ten nessee. Arknesas, and N..rtn Lnuisi ina. and in some localities the mortality is fright ful. Dm McGrath and %Vedder of Louis. vale, Arkansas, informed him that they hod treated three hundred cases of the most aggravated form with succe a. by the us. of creosote, and in every case in which it was given, (if not delayed too long.) a marked improvement took place. The following is the formly used by these gentlemen; Creosote, ten drops ; acetic seta, twenty drops; sulphate of morphine, two grains—all miard in on o unce of distilled water. A teaspoonful of this is given every three or lour hours to adults ;• smaller doses are given to chili dren, in gum arobic mucilage. Drs. Mc- Grath, and Weiider consider it nearly, if not entirely, a specific in dysentery. This disease is sometimes very foist and prevalent in all parts of our country, and children about two years old, in cities. ore very liable to be attacked with it hi the months of July, August and September. Cre sole and morphine alone, we under. stand, aro given in such cases by the Nev York physicians, but with what general success we cannot tell. It the abto ie ceipt is a certain reined) for the disease, a knowledge of this fact should be promul gated to the ends of the earth. SEED OF TUE CHINEBE SUGAR . CANS. —.ht it Poionous?-1 he statement made by a Suuthein cultivator, that the seeds of tho-"Sorghuin" are poisonous, when fed to stalk, is contradicted by the Cincinnati Gazette. A fine horse, fed upon the seed four weeks, was never in better condition. The Commissioner of the Patent Office has been experimenting and concludes that the seed is not only harmless, but good fodder for any variety of s.ock. 5iur5•,,,!:•,.., • iv,* is a rpra•e:ll.