.)4 ...:4 - illantingbllt BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. In my last annual communication to the! TERMS : -- General Assembly, my sentiments were fully The''Flowrixonorr JOURNAL is published at expressed in reference to reform in the nat. e following rates t • raltzation laws, and the admission of appli- It paid in advance *l,w cants to the right of citizenship—to the pros. If paid within six months after the time of ervation of the purity of elections, by the pre. s übscrihing l '7s vention and punishment of fraudulent. and B- M paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid I legal voting, and the enactment of a judicious ll after the expiration of the year. No subscrip- registry law—to freedom as the great centre on taken for a less period than six months. _ _ I. All subscriptions are continued until nth - hf American ISH.. o,2lo —the great wino ordered, and nopaper will be discontion- I law of American nationality—to the rights of I, until arrCartlgNare paid, except at the option the States, as Independent Sovereignties, and r the publisher. the power and duty of the General Govern. 2. Returned numbers are never received by us. It numbers sent us in that way are lost, and meat to prevent the extension of the institu. aver accomplish the purpose of the sender. tion of slavery to the free territories of the Uni 3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions, the tv, a of Kansas- - :hibited in TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. lust pay up arra:rages, and send a written or l on — to Tong. of Kama.: on en , erbal order to that effect, to the office of pub- ' the violation of the doctrine of popular sover ication in Huntingdon eighty by the General Government, in its at. 4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a egal or a goer notice. i tempts, by the military power of the country 5. After Waio or more numbers of a new year and otherwise, to defeat the will of the major lave been fetwarded, a new year has comment- ity in that territory; wrongs still existing and Id ; and the jiapex will not be discontinued until trrrarage+ are paid. See No. 1. aggravated by recent outrages on the rights The Courts have decided that refusing to take and privileges of that people, and approved by newspaper from the Mike, or 'removing and hig h National Executive authority. To the leaving it uncalled for, is PIUMA FACIE evidence ^ of intentional fraud. views then presented, you are respectfully re• Subscribers living in distant counties, or in (erred. other States, will he required to .pay invariably - - -- . in advance. , By the expiration of the constitutional term I lime and beautiful scene, where two forest --v. wa to the Uuivorsit I chanced tohca- r ' mou e — . young gu Invoke the knowledge I' ----. The agonized mother had but one more Itif'The above terms will be rigidly adhered my onicial connection with the government of with grave courtesy, he preserved to his • to in all cots.. the Ccmmonwealth will soon cease. The pow. crowned ranged of mountains cross each of the Egyptian Dervis, Achbad, who was 0 an article of value left--a locket containing a hostess as Agnes Drake, the daughter of a .......e..... _ . ...,„ .. other at oblique angles. at that time creating quite a sensation i s e usual, to the Sybil, who read— lock of her fathers hair. She had hoped ADVERTISEMENTS er, under the Constitution, vested ip me hy the deceased friend, and now his ward arrived Will be charged at the following rates: i People, will be transferred to another of their At the intersecting point of these ridges , t h e city. His wonderful reputation was 0,, . . . 'Oh, ask me not to speak thy (Mel to be :Ark to save this, the last memento i insertion. 2 do. 3 do.l own selection; and with my warmest wishes nestles a little hamlet, named from its ele- ; the theme of every tongue. on l y that morning, and whom, presuming oh, tempt me not to tell of her once happy house. But goaded Six lines or less, on Madame Au derly's well know.n kind- , $ 25 $ 37 i * WI for his success, 1 will, relieved from r ho cares voted position, Alta•nont. The doom shall make thee desolate, One spare, (16 lines,) 50 75 100 I 'ldleness and curiosity combined to lead by little Mary's cries for fond she seized Te, " (32 " ) 100 150 a OO I an d a n xi e ties of official place, retire to pri. At the period at which our story opens .me to his rooms He required a night to ' ness he had ventured to present to her. The wrong thou mayst not quell! the locket, rushed to a pawnbroker's, ob i mo. 6 mu. 12 mo. 1 vote life. In the discharge of the duties de- the four otates' in the four angles of the cast myd d d I horoscope. He eines' e , and aladame Auderly, a reader of faces, was Away I Away l—for death would be One square, $3 oo $5 oo se oo I tained akw shill ngs , put by the amount vol upon me, I have endeavored, to the ex- • • certainly aureate d towards her ; and, after . Ever. as a mercy unto t h ee !' l'w., squares, 500 800 12 00 ' irregular mountain cross, were owned as gave him, the day and hour of my birth , l a wk.' 800 12 00 ~, 00 tent of my ability, to promote the interests and follows : I - Agnes shuddered, and covered her face of the rent and with the rest purchased a 1 du.: 12 on 18 00 27 on , honor of the Commonwealth, and the virtue, and then I took leave, with the promise to a able impressions, she took the hand of the vs - 'II' her """• little bread and mik for her children, and do., 18 00 27 00 SO oo ' e • The eastern farm, called P iedmon t , tun ; the happiness and prosperity of her citizens. 'return in the morning. The next day I , grow- then set out, with them, to visit the old do., 28 00 40 00 50 00 orphan girl, andconductedher to the Put ' up the tablets ! ' They are Business Cards of six tines, or less, same. "° • ' ' If t successful I hare at least labored to de- the life properly of Madame Auderly, a went—'confidential clerk of her father, Peter group formed by die Misses Auderly, Mr. l og fatal !' said Rose. serve success; and in surrendering the trust Virginian lady of the old school. +!Y ell ?' questioned Honors, earnestly. • 'l%e • • ' Sterne, Mr. Heine, Mr Dulanie, and • 'Not for the world I—now that each Mangles, who had been kind to her, to GOVERNOR'S IYIESSAGE. committed to me, by a generous people, my 'rho western and most valuable estate ; 'My horoscope indeed !It predicted .Li P au la. I word is fate ! 'There is a couple yet to be consult him about sending Richard away only regret will be, that I have not been able was the inheritance of Honore. Paule, an onora for me--a short and stormy life, end aI i' from the contaminating influences with ((mem...a to serve our noble Commonwealth with a zeal orphan heiress, rand -daughter and ward sharp and sudden death.' Udder the auspices of Mist Rose Au. 1 disposed of ! Miss Pau l a, draw nea r. which he was surrounded. ' and ability equal to the interest I feel in her , derly, they were just about to form what said Mr. Heine. of Madame Auderly. 'Good Heaven ! But—the details ?' The resolutions proposing amendments progress and welfare. Whatever of merit, or • she called aSi oil's Circle. for which par- , The cheek of Honore Pilule changed, On returning home late on New Year '3 The northern and smallest one, called, . te the Constitetion of the Commonwealth demerit may attach to my administration, It prophesied taut remarkable events, • e . %lessors, llenie and Sterne were dis. I yet striving with a feeling that she felt to eve from her fruitless visit, for the ol d . from being the deepest vale of the four the firseof which has already come to pass 'l, post ' I were publish e d as directed by that instru• whatever may be the opinions entertained of w. not at home Rachel discovered . patched to bring forward a round table.-- be unworthy, she smiled, reached forth her cla ret , mitt. In liceordanee with the reels- my conduct of the affairs of State, I can at Haw ' 11. I t the property of old . da , a _et , e s oe— vas , A 0 , w 0 . Miss Hose went to a cabinet to seek the : hand, drew st tablet, and passed it M the that her husband had been home and stolen the ho t claim from m y felkw citizens, with a full Hugh Hawe, a widower of gloomy temper, , ions of the act of leth of \lay, 1857, The loss of my patrimonial estate !' 'Sybil's Leaves,' which she presently pro. Sybil, who. in an effective voice, rend— the FlOll she lied put by for the rent from consciousness of its right, the award of good parsimonious habits, and almost fabulous , d amendments Wsu b mitted to F were Singular coincidence I' interrupkd Mr. the place where she had concealed it, and diced. All then seated themselves around 1 'But how is this? A dream is on my mail! , intention; and will enjoy, in my retirement, wea lth. the people for their ratification or rejec- I W illoughby , as he arose and joined his • the table. . I I see a bride—all crowned with flowers, I gm. , oft again to 4 "l'he Crown and Mag. the proud satisfaction of k now i ng that no act , .I'llo southern farm—named, ' from the wife and brother•in-law ut, the other end of . tion, on the second Tuesday of October o f mine, or of my administration, in tendency and sm ili ng, I pie" tavern to waste it in darkness. Lit- extravagant cost of the elegant mans i on- the room. s • A dead silence reigned. Rose sh Oiled e'.. I ' As in delighted visions, on the brink 1 tie Mary, chilled and hungry, began to liIA. The returns of said election have o r fact, injured or corrupted the public me, - • the curds, tuned them with their faces house, elaborate out-buildings, and highly. ; ,I thought so , when the prophecy wasOf a dread chasm—and thou art slier ' cry for find, and suffering mother, in hopes been received, and will be delivered is ale, retarded the prosperity, or tarnished the. . . ornamented groends, which bud absorbed fulfilled, ' replied Godfrey. down, and then, addressing her right Honors heard in silence, remembering the Speaker of the Senate, as (Brew ed by , fair limns duty native State. I will surest. l of regaining a portion of the money taken he means of the Into owner, eFar uier's -hand neighbor, Mr. Sterne, in a low voice, I aw, when the fact of their adoption, by a I der le my sticeesaor the cares and responsibili• t me" • '•. • q sand the other three e vents?' softly in- the strange correspondence of these lines by her husband, set out with her children Folly''—was the heavily morteaged pat, , 'tics of Ms office I now hold, with gr out e r ' . o . q . united Honore she demanded— • with the prediction of the astrologer, made large majority, will be officially ascertain- to the haunt of whither George Hoffman 1 cheerfulness than I assumed them; and will mony of Godfrey Farquier Dulanie, the , The other three events, if they follow as 'hob' hat would you with the Sybil 1' keg ago , en d eavo ri ng to convince herself 1i gen , rd and announced. 1 return, withouta murmur, to the society and grandson of Hugh Ilawe, .? art- now a ' predicted, must happen within the eext 'I would know the future partner of mY that it *as mere coincidence, and •• vainly • l'here was a great crowd at the bar of The fourth section of the first article of . companionship of these who can approve al life,' was the kneel answer. ?" s• young aspirant for legal honor at the Um- I te , o before reach my twenty.fifth years, or trying to s.ubdue the foreboding, of her "I'he Crown and Magpie." The landla the amended Constitution, requires the out selflablloB3, and volume only at the bid• 'D raw !' t. versity at Virginia. : anniversary. •Phe first of these is to be heart, dy—a stout, vulgar-looking woman, with Legislutere, at their first session after the ding of truth .d friendship. To the jadg. But little benefit to the heir was to be • ' The young man hesitatedfor a while, .Nlr. Dulanie V said Rose, I fll• t he• • the unexpected inheruanae of vast wealth.'l lu ' n g red ribbons in her op, a profusion of false teloption of this emendint'nt, to divide the • meat of impartial history I commit my ad' ' ho f f• I •• • ' I'ld- • Cell - i l •l• 0 , h ope d iroin t a i nh eritance h i s RI. ler s , Upon hearing this a bright smile p l ayed snit e , and, Noe in, a those cards that tablets, an passing th em to em. city of Phibelelphie into Senatorial and ministration tied its acts, without a fear of the .curls, a heavy gold chain round her neck, burthened property. In the first place, I around the lips Houma, d b an i she d were nearest himself, put his hand under He drew a card, and returned it to be ps of onoia, an result! and when time shall have so ft ened thcad numerous rings' . her fat fingers— Representative districts, in the manner pro of partizan feelin g —healed the . dII ugh II bit ol ug awe had bought np in his own the cloecls from her brow. She waited a the pack, and withdrew the lowest one , perused , vided in that section. This duty devolves asperity was busily engaged in pouring out gin for terness of disappointment and corrected the name all the claims against the estate of few minutes for hen to proceed, but find- R e nd !' he said, extending the card to The Sybil t oo k it, and a thrill of super upon you, and should be performed with her customers; the regular ones she was • orrers of prejudice, truth will sustain the jad,g. • Farquier's Folly—doubtless to prevent a ' ins that he continued silent, she said— . the Sybil. stitious terror shook her frame as she treating—for it must not be forgotten that ;fidelity and due, regard to the interests meta, and justice approve the record. lan dthefor • !'Hear " sheexclaimed • lorec osure,. _to_ _eaves proweety 'Well, Mr. Dularee, go on what was . . • read— it was New-Year's eve. end rights of the people of that city. i Our beloved Commonwealth, rich in all th ' i hii gra iiii son. I the third predicted event ?' 'A widow, beautiful as light, —'Disgrace and ill, Such was the scene of vice and dissipa- Relieved from the imputation of selfish. • elements of material greatness, her broad and But, unhappily, Godfrey had mortally .D e d inform?' yuu column me to you Twill be your lot to wed— And shameful death are near!' ' 'le fields— her loft mountains filled with , tion which met the eye and sickened the nets, I cannot forbear presentidg for your I k r" . . y ' offended the despotic old mau by declining With a rich jointure, which shall pour inexhaustible mineral wealth—her rivers and 'No, sir; I beg, you of your courtesy, to An irrepressible low cry broke from the heart of Rachel when, with little Mary in considerati., a subject that should claim . agricultural lik, an d persisting in the .d e aces Its blessitets on your heed.' • pallid lips of Honors. !'brow up the her streams—her internal improvements—herher nuns, and protected by the presence of your earliest uttention. I refer to the e- There was a umaces, rolling mills and factories—her cal- study of a profession— a castes that had • .Very well,' he saki, dropping his voice • general clopping ' cards !' she said: sit is wicked, this tam- her son, she ventured into the house. rectum el a house at the Seat of the Cov• and shouts of laughter. I leg., academies, and her noble system of resulted in his own disinheritance. to akw undertone, 'lt was to be my mar. • 'Wring with the mysteries of the future P , 'ls Mr. Hoffinan here ?" she inquired, eminent, for the use of the Governor of ' common schools—her churches and charitable To 'nuke this punishment more ,bitter to riage with the woman 1 should worship., • It was now S i ms Jessie's turn to test • the Commonwealth. The want of a pub -1 institutions—her population, entermising, en. I his grandson, the old man had taken into A d ee p yield blush supplanted the bright her fate. Being, a young lady, she would tic mansion has been seriously felt by all I ergetie, intelligent and prosperous—all these favor te n nephew, Dr. Henry time, whom sm il e that quivered over lionora'a variable not put the question in the usual form, but who have been called to occupy that efts- ; are justly the pride °revery true hearted Penn. merely inquired what should be her future he had established near himself at Far- : face. There wasp pause, broken at length cial station. Whilst almost all our sister I sylvanite'. Our mighty republic, "Me free quiet's Folly. I 'by her voice, as she gently inquired— • • fate. The answer drawn WEIR— StOes have provided residences for the ' heett's,"Pe."lirete.'• ion and tlie Cons tit u tion 1. At this time, the disinherited heir, hav- 1 'And the fourth?' • sTo dandle foots and chronicle small beer.' the un ion of the States—rho civi l an re lg. . a reply that nearly extinguished Miss des accoinmodation of their Chief Magistrates ' , ine finished a term at the Univerait had reluctantlyd in privileges of the people—the right of eon. , e y' I Th e answer came An , Pennsylvania, for reasons not creditable for th evening. I sic r e s ' ci ' e s n p c i e and freedom of worship—the great come down to spend a part of his vacation tones so low as to meet only her ear. to her as the "Reystone State," has tofu mid essential principles of liberty and free in his native place. ' The fourth and last prediction was that, I sed to incur the expense necessary for-the government, here enjoyed, and our American It was upon the Saturday evening of belore my twenty : filth birth-day 1 should Have I' exclaimed the lively Lily, as the erection of such a building. The failure j Nationality, founded is. a true and single de• his arrival that he found the little hotel, een : s', , ore t h e scaffold.' • old miser sauntered deliberately to the k to provide, in this manner, for his accom- votion to home and country, are objects that and, ineeed, thq whole village of A Itamont A low cry broke from the lips of Honors ble, and stood looking with indolent cu fill with patriotic emo tion , the heart of every riosity upon the game of the young peo modation, subjects the Governor to much in a great state of excitement, from the ' as her hands flew up and covered her face. Amer d ica ti n u citi t zen, . M ay . they be ch b eriaed i and'Come, Mr. Hove! I declare, you inconvenience, oftentimes vexatious and fact that the celebrate I heiress, Miss I After a minute or two she dropped them, pie. annoying. A suitable house cannot al- c i l t e ti f tl et i l tb e ert u ntil patriotism ceases t virtue 1 Honore Pattie, had just stopped there, and . shall have your fortune told !' ebe 'mown only as a name. and looking him steadily in the kce, said ways be obtained here, and in that event . passed through on her way home. sWell, well—the commands of young The true glory and greatness of a nation with quiet firmness-- he is compelled to be shut up in the rooms consist, not alone in the number, privileges or Those who had been so happy as tobe 'You dou b t l ess wonder at my emotion. I ladies ere not to di so b eyed , ' of a hotel, or crowded with his family in intellectual superiority of her people, her me• catch a glimpse of her face, vied with , Now hen, nte, On the ant . Itthiew i ng l the old man, pliantly, as he extended his o some small and obscure dwelling, alike tarsal wealth or physical strength, nor politi• each other in praise of her many charms,hand and drew a cod, which he passed to the summer in which that prediction was 1 unfitted for dontestic comfort, or the exhi• cal position or form of government. "Right- • while those who had not, listened with ea-[ the Sybil. made to yon, I was in Baltimore with my bition of the amenities and courtesies of eousness exalteth a nation," and "happy is I guineas, and looked forward to indemnify- grandmother, and with Mrs. Willoughby, Amid a profound silence, and in a sob social life. It should be remembered that F that people whose God is the Lord.' Our themselves by seeing her at church the who was then Miss Heine. Curiosity ems voice, she read— ethers trusted iu Him, and were not disap the Governor of the Commonwealth is re- ' next morning. 'Thy fate looms full of horror I From ' pointed. Recognizing Him as the Sovereign • took us to the rooms of the Egyptian, who garded as the representative of the pee- Ruler dilations and men; invoicing a cone.. 'f he next day, Godfrey Detente attended was then practicing in that city. Ana al. false friends, Near at hand, perdition threatens thee ! pie, socially, as well as politically, and attee of His watchful care over the interests of church, where he saw and fell in love with ter some such preparations as he had used A fearful alga stands in thy cl ose of life! therefore he should be enabled, by every the Coininonwealth, and Elie blessing upon the most beautiful pod intellectual•looking In your case, he cast my horoscope and Au enemy—a fiend lurks close behind proper appliance, to represent truly their Your official labors—may your acts and the girl he had ever beheld. , Froinehe cheap- read my future. It was this, that before The radiance of thy plant.-oh, be social virtues and character. This he acts of those who may succeed us in the ad- , nests and simplicity of her attire, he suppo- Imy twentieth birthday, I should be a bride warned I' . cannot do, to the extent desired, on the andres o u f b i tt he bi f government , us ea a in their else deed her to be some poor dependent of Ma- I but never a wife, for that the lalal form of 'Maw ! what serious mockery I' ex very meagre salary he receives; and I out er , .. patriotism .. ' I dame Auderly'a, in whose pew she sat.-- I the scaffold arose between the nuptial ben d! ' t ruth tr claimed the old man , scornfully, as he manUEVIII m00r, 11.0 mime ce can do not hesitate to a ffi rm that no one oecu. Godfrey was . comp l e t e l y cap tiv a ted , I ediclion an . the 6ridal chamber. Such sanction and approve. ted and turned away, and gave place to his neph• pying this office can, without drawing JAMES POLLOCK. he resolved at once to woo, and, if pool- I were the words of the prophecy ' She ow, who had all the while been posted be largely on his private income, exercise the EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, 1 file, win this lovely being for his wife, poor ' spoke with a soleMnity that seemed to over- hind h., peeping over his shoulder. • hospitalities or maintain tho dignity prop. Harrisburg, January 6, 1858. j girl though she was. He was glad she shadow every other feeling. , Wlll you permit me to test my for- Orly associated with the position. I have B O N E ... 4.1 ...RAVIN. Take two ounces of was poor, because she ceuld for that rea' 1 -- - tune 1' inquired the 'fascinating' Dr. Haws avoided all useless expenditures, and yet murcurial ointment, one ounce , of iodine son be more easily won. But on accompe CHAPTER u. 'And what would YOU with the Sy UR ?' the salary rece.ved, has been wholly in• ointment, two ounces of camphor, and six nyag Mr Willoughby, the clergyman, Taa ISYBIL'BIOIII.OI.Z. was the response. sufficient to defray the expenses necessa• ounces oil origanum; warm, and mix tho- and his brother-in•low, Ernest Heine, home 'I would know the future.' i roughly by holding the dish n warm Keep the after church, what was his astonishment rily incurred. This should not be per. n water.— Apply twice, daily. 'Draw P said the Sybil, in a tone of as mated. Every consideration of public e horse dry while applying. Rub on the and dismay at being introduced to the sup- sumed sternness policy, every honorable impulse of proper mixture with the hand; it will cure in five posed "poor girl," whom he found to be no Smiling his graceful but most sinister State pride, require that the Chief Execu. days. other than the celebrated Miss Elonora smile, the doctor drew a card, and passed five Officer of the Commonwealth should Paula, the greatest heiress and belle, as STove PIPES.-- Linseed oil laid upon it to the reader. be provided with a suitable residence, at pipes when warm, not hot, and kept at a well as the best and noblest girl, in the 'Hear !' said the,latter, lilting the tablet the Seat of Government, and with a sale- low temperature five or six hours, will Im. State of Virginia. She greeted him evr- of fate, and•reading • ry adequate, to the expenditure incident to port a fine lustre. One gill will serve for dially, and in a few minutes the company 'I know thee I—thou fearest the solemn h•H high official position. half a dozen joints. were busily engaged in conversation. The night! LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " *tory. THE BRIDE OF AN EVENING. BY EMMA D. E. N. SOUTUDOwni. CHAP I ER I, THE ASTROLOGER's riaDICTION. Reading, a few weeks since, one of De Quincey's papers—" Three Memorable Murders,"—recalled to my mind the strange circumstances of one of the most that black art.'- , .. mysterious domestic dramas that ever 'A prediction,' exclaimed Mrs. %VI ' delicate, pensive women, with a sort of him with the deepest interest—there was 'one after another, the remnants of her taxed the ingenuity of man, or required loughby, drawing near, with eager inter- ' sad, moonlight face, beaming softly out that upon his brow that she had never seen I once costly wardrobe and jewelry. the flight of time to develop. est, between her fleecy locks of jet. before. On the last day of December of the The locality of our story lies amid one .y,, s , ma d am ,' replied Mr. Dulanie, And last of all, to the astonishment of . The next in tam was Agnes. Turn- year which our story opens, Rachel was of wildest and picturesque regions of the smiling, 'a prediction which, if I believed, everybody, came old Hugh Howe, who ing to her, Rose said : without food, light or tire, and that very i had been invited as a matter of courtesy, , Old Dominion, where the heel venters of would certainly dispose me to favor the Ott seek you in the magic circle, la the Rappahannock wash the base of the abolishment of :be death penalty. Three and was not in the least degree expated dy ~ Little Mary was moaning for bread, and day the rent must be pool. Blue Ridge. to make his appearance. years since, while I was ~.ijourning for a iMy destiny,' answered the luscious I aar Y in g The precise spot—Crossland—is a sub I short time in the oily of Richmond, on my : He cum: not alone. On his arm he tones. with cold. The drunten father was at the dram. . _ . brought e-- irl, u ninvited but whom HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20', 1858. topic of "capital punishment" having,' lady, in his borrow once sent off cards of ! With her piercing stars, and her deep : mr.A . T I D grny?EAn e been started, Godfrey turned to Honors invitation to some of the neighbors to visit ! winds' mightl— There's a tone in her voice thou fain A TALE OF cove AND R TRIBUTE. 1 and said : her that evening. M WollidSt shun I Rachel Rently, the lovely daughter of .1 make an especial personal interest in 1 When tea sae over, the company ad- For it asks what the secret soul bath done!! 1 one of the richest merchants of London, hevingcapital punishment aboli,hed—Miss lourned to the drawiag.room, where, soon And thou !—there' s a weight 'on thine ! Paste, do you believe in astrology ?' ' after, the guests invited for the evening,, away!— '• ' hem. m i ! honing married George Ho ff man, one of Ilonorn started. fixed her eyes intently joined tbem. Back to thy lie and pray l' i her farmer's clerks, during the old man's upon the questioner, and then withdraw- , First cam., Father O'Louhetty the parl 'Look ! I declare how pale the doe. i absence in India, he on his return dim ing them answered— , ash priest of St, Andrew's Church, at tor has growr. I' exclaimed the flippant I herited her and discharged George. The 'Sir, why do you ask me if I believe in Crossland. , Jessie. 'One would really think, to look latter being overwhelmed by disappoint astrology ?' 1 The next arrivals were Mr and Mrs. at him, that 'a deep remorse for some un- merit, took to drink, and in a few years Willoughby, and Mr, Heine. 'Because. Miss Paule, [ was snout to re- I became a hibituel drunkard ; his wife sup ' acted crime' preyed on him.' !' said the latter 1 late for your amuse a prediction that was ! Immediately after them came Dr. and 'N onse ns e r jug g lery p orting herself and two children—Rich made concerning myself, by a professor of Mrs. Henry Hawe—the doctor, a man of turning away to conceal his agitation. ard, now a fine boy in his thirteenth year, • ' great fashion and elegance, the lady, a The eyes of Honera Paula followed and Mary. a sweet child of six—by selling, The next day Honors informed her' grandmother, Madame Auderly, of Gad frey's presence in the neighborhood, aud the old lady sent her only brother, Colonel Shannon, to fetch him to Piedmont. God frey accepted the invitation. Ott his arri val he found that General Sterne, the go vernor elect of Virginia, and his son. had just taken up their quarters, for several days, with Madame Auderly; and the old S `ij. 1 f ir • The above is the commencement of Mrs. Southworth's great story, which is now being published in the New York Ledger. We give thin as a sample; but it is only the beginning of this most inter esting, fascinating, and beautiful tale—the balance, or continuation of it, can only be found in the New York Ledger, the great family paper, for which the most dopular writers in the county contribute, and which can be found at all the stores throughout the city and country, where papers are sold. Remember and ask for the New York Ledger of January 16, and in it you will get the continuation of the story from where it leaves oft here. If you cannot get a copy from any news office, the publisher of the Ledger will mail you a copy on the receipt of five cents. The Ledger is mailed, to subscribers, at *2 a year, or two copies for *3. Ad dress your letters to 'Robert Bonner, pub lisher, 44 Ann street, New York. It is the handsomest and best family paper in the country. elegantly illustrated, and characterized by a high moral tone. The story is, of itself alone, worth the price of the Ledger. To peruse tha his tory 01 the lovely heroine, Miss Pante— how she wine to be a bride for only en evening, and all the strange and absorbing particulars connected therewith, will be a treat for all who take the trouble to get the Ledger. tier smile .so soft, her heart so kind, Her voice for pity's tones as fit, ' All speak her woman;—bat her mind Lifts her where bards and sages sit. WHAT IS MAN young lady an swers thing to waltz with, a thing flirt with, to take one to ?laces of amuse ment, to laugh at, to be married to, to pay one's bills, to keep one comfortably." Not far front the truth. , Roadthitifyouean VOL. XXIII. N . 3. faintly. The question had to be repeated several times before she could get an answer. "Can't tell the names of any of my cus tomers," replied the mistress of "The Crown and Magpie." snappishly. •'Perhaps you will oblige me by asset taining." • "Too busy, ma'am ! Hot water Sally ! Three and eight pence, sir. Half-and-half directly ! .'You can't go in there !" shouted the landlady, as Cache! was snaking her way towards the. parlor, "Mine is a respecta ble house, I allow no females beyond the bar." “But I am Mr. Hallman's wife.” "So they all asY," answered the woman with a sneer. There was coarse, mocking laugh from the crowd of half drunken wretches stand ing near. The eyes of Richard Bashed angrily; but the voice, and still more, the imploring look of mother restrained him, •Let us re.urn home, she said, in a des dairing tone. "1 feel faint and sick at heart." And leaning on the arm of her son, the unhappy wife tottered rather than walked from the place. Tho keen, frosty air partially restored her strength and Rachel proceeded with her children till Ahe reached the thorough fare leading through St. Margaret's church yard towards the Alnionry, when a faint moan from Mary, whom she still carried in her arms, arreeted her steps. She placed her hand under the thin faded shawl which covered her; the child W4B cold an ice, and shivering, as if seized with an ague fit. "She is dying !" groaned the terror stricken parent—"dying for want of food 1." • The heart of her boy could endure no more—it wee breaktnit. The cup of mie-