Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 13, 1858, Image 4

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Huntingdon 1 . 7 ‘ 1 40.11 Foundry.
En • mm
'hod of Informing their friends end the pub
lic generally. that they hare rebuilt the Ilunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful p
eration, And ere prepared to furnish casting of
all kinds, of the best quality on the shortest no
tice and most reasonable terme.
Farmers are invited to call and examine our
Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the
Huntinpdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855)
also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which
can't be beat, together with the Keystone, Hill
side. and Barshear Ploughs. We have on hand
and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook,
Parlor and office stores for coal cr wood.
consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all
of which will he sold cheep for cash or in ex
change for country produce. Old metal taken
for new castings. By a strict attention to buil-
Pere and desire to please, we hope to receive a
share of public patronage.
April 30, 1856.—tf.
THE library will be open every Saturday of
ternoon, at 3 o'clock, in their room in the
Court House. Subscription 50 cents a year.
New books have been added to the former en.
cellent collection:—Gillfillen's works, Hugh
Miller's, Mu. Ellet's he.
By order of the
Huntingdon, Oct. let, 1856,
White Lead, (pure)
" " (extra)
Philadelphia Zinc Paint,
Beet Snow White,
$2 50 per keg.
2 75 " "
240 " "
2 68 " "
_.. .....—, - ..,,
Oils, &c., nod all kind. Or HARDWARE and
building materiels in proportion, at the "Hord
ware Store" of J. A. O kOWN & Co.
Huntingdon, Apr.8,'51.-tt,
Cheapest ...lob Printing' , Office
We have now wade such arrangements in our
Job Wive as will enable us la do all kinds
Job Printing at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any Unice ill the County.
Give us a call. It we don't gire entire satiarac•
t,on, no charge at all will be made.
T HE largest and cheapest stock of fancy Silk
and colored Straw Bonnets in town, is at
FISHER & McMvanue's.
A LL.WOOL, Ingrain, Venetian, Lint and
Rag Carpet. Also, Cocoa, .lute and Alll
ion Mats, can Ire hail cheap at the store rf
Renee & MCMVnreie,
T HE greatest variety of the richest styles of
Dress Goods and Trimmings can always be
found at the fashionable store of
T HE latest and newest styles Ladies' Collars,
C LOAKS, Talmes, Rigolettes, Victoria' and
Dead Dresses, are sold at price• which defy
competition by Fiance & 51eAlewrnia.
largest stock ever brought to town are sell—
ing very cheap at Palma &Munrms.
BLANKETs, Plaids, Flannels, Linseys, at all
prices, at the mammoth store of
Fistran & Illgivlt anus.
MOURNING COLLARS, of the handsom•
eat styler,just received by
FISHER & AroMunlnte.
IDEARUTS.-5000 Bushels Wilmington Pea.
nuts in store and for , file by
323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila.
CONFECTIONARY.—PIain and fine Con.
lectionary nianuait•tured and ti r tale by
Wlll. N. SIiUGAIII),
323 or 191 North 9d street, Phila.
()RANGES AND LESIONS.-500 boxes Or-
U. ranges ,nd Lemous in et, re and for sale by
323 or 191 North ad street, Phila.
I) ATSINS —l,OOO Boxes Bunch and Layer
Raisins in store end for sale hy.
1111. N. SHUGART).
32.3 or 191 North 3d street, Phila.
Currants, in store and for sale by
$53 or 151 North 3d strait, Phila.
and Filberts in store and for sale by
5ept.9,'57.-ly. 323 or 191 N'th 3d at., Phila.
latriends and the public generaikr, that they
bait the above Foundry in full blast,
and are prepared to furnish castings of
every description. Stoves of all
for wood or coal. Itupreved Ploughs,
Threshing Machines, and everything in the cas
ting line neatly made. We can finish all work
that requires turning baying a good Turning
Lath, All work done cheap for cash or coup•
try produce. Hid tnetel taken for castings. Be•
fog practical and experienced we hope by strict
Attention to business to receive a liberal snare
of public patronage. McGILL & CROSS.
Alexandria, April 29, 1857.
lEntY2l.l AN ['MIMEO
Na. 622 C'ke.lnut Street, IMiladelphia.,
Have for sale, to consumers and the trade, the
largest assortment of Paper Hangings, Borders,
Decorations, atc., in the United States.
They ask the special attention of the trade
to a new and very beautiful article on papet of
w hich they are intruduciag.
Jour+ Scorr, SAMUEL T. thIOWN
itaarr &3 DIEZT7E 0
Attorneys at Law,
huunuguou, ta.,
Office same as that turinerly occupied by John
ikon, 149.
Oct. 19, 1853.
VMa. 1?. Galiillll%lloll,.
Willatteod to all bovine*. ontruticed tohio2. Of•
goo newly uppobitn the Court Bout•
May 5,'53
A splendid assortment of Scone Crocks for
.1" .1 11 6 . WS'
MISCELLANEOLS ADVERTISEMENTS. American Safely-Paper Moaufacliel •
DOCTOR IllikaGGll V1114.115i PILLS. I Capital, $500,000.
The essential ingredient of this
in rem-
A. NICHMAS. President, O ffi ce, 70 Wall St.
edy is not DPW, but is well known in the meth
eel schools of France and sermtny, and has . A P . 0 .. "' "."'"*2.2"„i"" an ta".7 at Fu n .' or
been employed by the females at this princi,al "11."7.6^1 on "P. , ... E , 'el , l , MN
courts of Europe, and by all of the most distin- i te4phs and Anostatic C•solleijiite, Erasures,
gnished physicians in this speciality for the k.l' T ransfers . A 4 ... 16 .. 1
veers. My motive is to uSer any pat
ten v 1 flaying purchased the Patna for the excla-
ent * discovery, but simply, to present to the else tight to Manalieture and sell the new Cho- '
mothers and daughters of our own lands skip]. mini Paper is America, invented and patented
but sure remedy for those diseases to which in Ehkland ho Maar GLUM. a celebrated
they are naturally subjected, in sad , a cue ... eheenist and officer in the British Army, it is
should obviate the necessity of those medit'sl hardly neeemare to say that the Power is re.
consultations, which are justly looked epos 11 eimitartie4 by illr. Kent, Amoyer of the U. S.
women as a violation of their most sacred feel- Mloe. Mr. 11. 'N"'" of the New T us k (71 " rii1 g
Inge, and to avoid which they often risk the II""* , sod hirsute Brcob"'• extensive end
most fearful consequences. akill'el photographers, 133 Broadway, N. Y.
I have therefore prepared this specific in she ' The hitter say that so imitation eon he made on
neat and simple form of a pill, and put it up is . • check or bank note printed on the Safety Pa
small thin boxes, which can be safely sent any per. Below ie our list of prices
distance by :mil in a common envelops, Each , Bank Checks-35 Cl. per lb.
box is accompanied with full directionsend et. Bank Bills—Sl@ for 1000 sheets.
• ..- - ---- ---- ~, „„4,.,,,.„,i I Bills of Exclaim- -$B5 for 1000 sheets.
planatione, enabling every woman to anderstand
her own ease and the proper treatment and the
proper time.
The Virgin Pills possesses snch powerful,
penetrating properties. that none of the diseases
within the range of their action can withstand
ur evade them. They cleanse, purify and in
vigorate every portion of the female organism,
correcting its diseased fiction, and restoring its
Ilealtliv functions. They effect a certain cure
for falling of the womb, whites, paiulul, sup
pressed und irregular menstruation, diseases of
pregnancy, all nervous complaints caused by
disordered uterine organs, weakness, &c., the
symptoms of which are fully explained in the di
For any of the diseases of the reproductive
organs, they may be taken at all times. except
ing during the earlier stages of pregnancy
when their effect would be such as to produce
miscarriages, which fact is more fully explain
ed in the directions. Their action in the s3mtem
will be felt immediately and the flush of rosy
beauty, the true index of health, quickly rising
in the cheek of polar, will at once convince
the patient of these effects.
Price St per box, and will he sent, post-paid
by return mail to any part of the United States
un receipt of the money. The money may be
sent by mail, at the risk of the subscriber.
Broadway near Franklin-st., New York,
Oct. 7th '57,'-4t.
The Combination Patent
Portable Uptight steam baw-Itlill
1 his mill is now acknowledged to be the
cheapest, most practi-al and ettioient lumber
manufneturing machine in the world. It is the
only portable reeipi miming mill that has ever
met wttL perfect success. Its entire cur, with
fifteen horse-power, warranted to saw from three
to four thousand feet of int h hoards in twelve
hours, the entire establishment complete. ready
for running, is but $1,650.
Boss' Portable Burr-Stone NHL
for which over seventy premiums have been
awarded in this country and Europe. It will
grind with less than half the power, and make
better flour and meal' than any other mill. It is
the most durable and cheapest Mill in the mar
Prices range from $lOO to $l7O.
Portable and St tionary engines, of all sizes,
shingle machine,, Ac._
Dealers in Improved Narhinery,
No 371 Broadway, New York,
Send for Circulars.
tt(DW. ®%2Ul'72gi
Large 12mo. 348 pages. With a complete his
tory of the Territory, until June, 1857. Em
bracing a foil Recount of its discover'', geog
raphy, soil, climate, products, its organization
as a Territory, transactions and events under
Governors Reeder and Shannon, political dis
sensions, personal encounters, election frauds,
battles and outrages, with portraits of promi
nent actors therein, all fully authenticated,
by JOHN H. GIHON, H. D., Private See'y
to Gov. Gooey.
Carefully coMp HA from the official documents
on file in the department of State at Washing
ton and other papers in the possession of the
author, with a full account of "The Invasion
of Kansas from Missouri t" the capture, trial
awl treatment of the Free State prisoners, the
character and movements of the Missouri Bor
der Ituflians, the murder of Saffron and others.
, The Controversy between Governor Geary
and Judge Lecompte. The proceedings of the
Territorial Legislature, of the pro•slavery con
vention, and the organization of the Democra
tic Tarn•, with a "Sketch of Kansas during its
early troubbl Limier Goys. Reeder and Shan
ucn." It invasions, battles, outrages, mind.s.
A copy will he sent to any part of the United
States, by mail, free of postage, on receipt or
the retail price. A libctul discount to the trade.
ge 1000 agents wanted. Price in cloth $l.
Paper, 50 ets.
inquirer Building, Philadelphia,
nHOSlEgiEciiitTli irri slo!—Th Division,
--310.000 worth of Farms and Building lots,
in the gold region of Culpepper county, Virgin
ia, to be divided amongst 111,200 subscribers
on the 7th of Decenaber,4Bs7. Subscriptions
only tea dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one
halt down, the rest on the delivery of the deed.
Every subset iber will get a Building Lot or a
Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000.
These farms nod lots are sold so cheap to induce
settlements, a sufficient number being reserved,
tin increase in the value of which via compen
sate for the apparent low price now asked. Up
, wards of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold,
and a company of settlers celled the "Rapp
hunnock Pioneer Association" is now forming
.d will soon commence a settl went. Ample
security will be given for the faithful perform
! ance of Contracts and promises. Nearly 45,000
! acres or lend, in ditlerent parts of Virginia, now
at command, sod will be sold to settlers at from
$1 up to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable titles
will in all eases be given. Wood -cutters, coop
ers, farmers, 4-c. are wanted, and live hundred
Agents to obtain subscribers. to whom the most
liberal inducements will be given. Some agents
write that they are making 300 dollars per
meth. For full particulars, subscriptions, a
gencies, &c., apply to _ _ .
Port Royal, Caroline co. Va,
Or, to dzo. Bznorrnzesza, Agent, Mill Creek,
kluutingdon county, Pa.
EOOKS! .4- 1 - / 71; BOOKS!
LlO,OOO VOLUMES of new and popular
Books, embracing every variety
usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and
ninny of diem at halfthe Publisher's retail price,
the subscriber now offers to the puhlie.
AU school books used in the' county can be
had in any quantities at retail and wholesale
rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper,
wholesale or by the ream.
100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Geld
Cases, train $1 upwards.
100 Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers and
others' best manufacture.
lUU splendid Port Monnaiesand Pocket Book.
at SO et 6. and upwards.
the latest and prettiest stylea,just received from
Philadelphia and New York, prices from 10 cis.
a piece and upwards.
Sou beautifully painted and gold gilted Win
dow Shades at 44 ets. and upwards.
The public I aye bat to call and examine, to
he convinced that iu buying of the above stock
they wII be pleased and also save money. Re
member the place, comer of Montgomery and
Railroad streams Wbl . CULON.
Poomiesory Notes-40 see per lb.
Sight and Time Watts-12a Inc 1000 sheet..
Insurance Policies-40 cts per lb.
lieilroad Storks 1,. Bonds-40 cents per lb.
Rank and State shocks-40 ate per lb.
BotelP and Mortgages-40 ets per lb.
Wills and Doeds-40 et* pet lb.
For wrapping Silk, end other fine articles it
is excellent, as it prevents moths. 40 cts per
For Indentures and Agreements. 40 cents a lb.
All State and County Records should always
be printed or written on this paper, as the che
micals inserted in the pulp not only prevent
erasure or transfer, but make it lasting as time.
For Southern Climates it is excellent, and
much superior to any other ; as the moistness of
the climate dues not destroy it,—the properties
inserted in the pulp being a preventive. In all
southern States, Cuba, the West Indies and the
Central American States, no public records can
he kept over 20 years, written on the ordinary
paper, while the oils and otherelletnicels insert
ed in this Paper makes it indestructible by the
reneges of time. It is all mot' egainst moths,
rats and other vermin, which feast on and de
stroy all other paper now in use.
The Ctimpuny have now in operation Mills
in Morns County, N. J , of about Soo horse
power. end are abie to till all orders tor repo.
at the shortest notice
Ail orders for the Paper must be addressed
to NICHOLAS, President of the Company
No. 70 Wall Street.
WAI. BitewsTme, Agent, Huntingdon.
i; , . 25 WITNESSES;
rosoxs cowyzetess.
John S. Dye, Author.
r - Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank
▪ er and Publisher, and author of "A series of
Lectures at the Broadway Tahernacle," when
Osier 10 successive nights, over 00,000 People
:greeted him with rounds of applause, while
he exhibited the manner in which Counters
fakers execute their frauds, end the surest and
shortest means of detecting them !
The Bank Note Engravers 511 say that I e
.. .Is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
0 Greatest discovery of the present century
0 for detecting Counterfeit Bark Notes. De
llo scribing every genuine bill in existence, and
ha exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in
„k ) circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that
reference is easy and detection instant,inea,,,
▪ erNo stolen to examine ! NO pages to
hunt up ! lint an simplified and arrangen
that the Merchants, Banker and Business mad
can see all at a glance. English. French and
twe Darman. Thus each may read the same in
Olds atoll natine tongue. Most perfect Batik
ret Note List published. Also a list of all the
t, Private Bankers in America. A complete
summary of the Finance of Europe and A
merica will he published in each edition, to
▪ gether with all the important news 'Atha day.
t .Also a series oftales, from an old Mantuscrnpt
mend in the East, it furnishes the must corn
.'" p l a te iti th l e i i t ' in t o u s r , perplexing of . riint
i p l o ' s i ft e l:::ts ' whirl, h
the ladies and gentlemen of that Count,
in have been so often found. These stories will
continue throughout the whole year, and will
eei 'wave she must entertaining ever offered to
the public.
ah e l f Furnished Weekly to subscribers only
"at VI a year. All letters must be addressed to
JOHN S. I)YE, Bums., Publisher &
: Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, N ew York.
0 April 02, 1857.-Iy.
. 40.000 subscribers to start with: Extraorni
nary offer The Publishers are happy to an
nounce that in the union of these fitvorite Mag
azines, the best literary and artistic talent of
both publications has been secured, and the
most attractive features of each will he remined
in the consolidated work.
It will aim to present in its pages the Cli(liCeFt
productions or .. merican think.. 711 , 11
and the best efforts of Ameriett, artists.
It will be purely national in its Mu/meter ; in
its critivistne it will sins to be just and truthful
and wilt be careful to preserve and cultivate
that welcome moral an,/ religious tone so high.
ly cherished by the Amerieuu.pubile, and so es
sential to the welthre of the race.
We shall endeavor, by a sagacious use of tiie
extensive resoarces now at our command. to
make a Magazine that, in the richness of its li •
terary contents, and in the beauty sod profuse
ness of its pictorial illustrations, shall outrivul
any publication ever before produced in this
The new issue commences with the OCTOBER
number, which is now ready. It is filled with
She choicest productions of some of the most
baiiiiiint writers of the day, and is embellished
with forty-four splendid engravings. It appears
in a new dress, embracing an elegant classical
design on the cover, and the entire work pre
sents themost attractive appearance. It is pro
nounced by all who have seen it to be the mast
heautital specimen of a Magazine eper in
this country.
_ _ .
Prfee. $9 a year. Club Price, $2
Single Cupies, 25 Cent,
TheC;lnati•dis:ueor"lnierson's Magazine
and Putnasn's Monthly" starts with a circulation
of " over FORTY TuurszNo copies, and we are
determined to spare no expense in any of its de
partments to place it at the head of American
Magazines. With this view, we now make the
following extraordinary offer : To any person
who will get up a club of twenty-four subscri
bers, at the club price, either at one ur more
post-offices, we will present a splendid library,
cuusisting of ,rowry L•aQY BOUND VOLUMLO,
' embracing the most popular works in the mar
ket. Any one, with the October number as a
specimen, can easily form each • club, in al
most any section. A copy of W., number, to
gether with a list and full description of the Lt
-1 brury, will be forwarded on receipt of 25 cents.
J. DI. EMERSON & CO., Publishers,
No. 371 ]Broadway, New Yoik.
sr COIINTAT DIOILIants can buy
CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole
vale, as cheap aa they can in the cities, a, I have
a Whule.ale et ire in Philadelphia.
Apr.9,'56. H. ROMAN.
BLANKS..•AIways buy your Blanks at the
"Journal tithes." We have now prepared ame
ry snperiorartiele of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS,
T. ois b. 4e.
Dr. John McCulloch,
nflea bib professional services to the citizens 01
Ulluntingdon and vicinity. °dice, on Hill it.,
babtween biontipmery and Blab.
Ilkiativrider, As', 10, POW.
WtDVD7nsallßi3 o, A'
rliTAitiOrtATSTV* M
Corn er of n Ho rd nd ew Germantow Market
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road,
constantly on hand or made to older, the fol.
lowing highly •pprored Flour Mill Machinery.
Woodward'. Patent Portable Mills and Smut
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Doe.
Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. e
Pierson'. Patent Barrel Hoopand Moulding
Improved Bridge Steps and Dudes for Mill
The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr
Calico Mill Stones. Corn, Cole and Plaster
Johnstott'ftliatent Vast Metal COUP.
East and South. ..aet of the Ohio an Mieeissip•
pi Rivers.
Warranted to take out of the offal of every
Bushel Ground, from 1 to 2i Ibs, of standard
flour, which could not be Lotted out on account
of the electrical adhesion to the Bran.
NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against
infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa•
tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons
making, selling, or noisy any Bran Dusters
with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in oh,.
Luton of the Letters Patent of Joseph John.
etor., dated April 24th. 1854.
THOMAS B. 'WOODWARD, Proprietor.
N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for
all the above Machines for Sale.
August 29, 1853. tr
Ga'TO invArAns...ez
Dr. Hardman, analytical Physician.
Physician for Diseases of the Lungs, Throat
and Dean—Formerly Physichin to the
Anther of "Leticia to Invalids," IS COMING.
See hollowing Card.
December Appointments.
Dr. Mittman, Physician fur disease of the
Longs Giarmerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma
will he in attendance at his
rooms es follows t
untingdon. Jackson's Hotel. Saturday, Jan. 16
Lewistown, National lintel, it 15
Hollidaysburg, IS
lir. Hardman treats! Consumption, Bronchi-
Co, Asthma, Larry 'midis anal ell diseases of the
throat and lunge, lay medical Inhalation, lately
need in the Brennen Hospital, London. The
greet point in the treatment of all Finnan mala
dies is to get at the disease in the direct Man
ner, All medicines are estimated lay their ec.
lion 01 on the a teen requiring relief. Tide is
the important fat urn which Inhaledon is ho
sed. If the stomach is diseased we take
medicine directly into the stomach. lithe lungs
• are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va
por, direetly into the lunge. Medicines ere the
, antidotes to allocate and should be applied to
the very teat of disease. Inhalation is the ap
plieation of this principle to the treatment of
the linage, for it gives us direct nceess to those
intricate air cells and tubes which lie out ei
reach of every other means of administering
medicines. The reason that Consumption, anal
other diseases of the hinge, hate heretofore re
sisted all treatment has Feet because they had
never been approached in a direct manlier lay
medicine. They were intended to act upon than
lungs and yet were applied to the stomach.—
Their action WUr intended to be local, end .yet,
they were so administered that they should not
net constistutionally, expending immediate end
principal action upon the unoilending stomach,
whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were On
. molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in
! direct contact with the disease, without the
disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli
cation is simple, that it can be employed lay the
youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not
derunge the stomach, or interfere in the least de
gree with the strength, comfort, or business of
the patient.
OTII Ell DlBl4 AFL. TREATY D.—ln relation
to the following diseases, either when compli
cated with Mug affections existing alone, 1 aho
invite consultation. I usually final them prompt
ly curable.
Prolapses end all other forms of Female com
plaints, Irr•raliaro'es Woaknone.
I.4l rit •aaa o' ,l all other forms of Heart
I iieuuse, Liver Compleiuts, Dyspepsia, and till
other diseases of Stomach and bowels, &e.
All diseases of the oyo and car. Neuralgia,
Epilepsy and ell forms of nervous disease.—
Nu charge for censultation.
5. 1). HARDMAN, M. D.
A general adeortenent of Blanks of' all do
scriptions just printed and for sale •al the
"Journal (Vice."
AppOintat of Referee, Common Bond,
Notice to Referees, Judgment Note
Summon,. Vendee Note
Executions, Constable's t ale
Scire Facies, Subrccuas,
Warrants, Meng:veer. '
C, , amitmento, £ , cd to iiietenily Constable. Ac
J4lllli ALLEN fa Co.
Nos. 2 t 4 Cu ',Tx UT Sr., 4111 aid., below,,Water
rht Oldest Wood care Monde; in the City.)
hi Dealers in Patent Machineanade BroUtns,
Patent (it tamed Cedar,Ware. tcarruntad not to
shrink, W °al alt WilloW ware, Cords, Brushes.
I Sc., et all descriptions. Pirate call and exam•
hue our stark
fun. 3, NV,
Antlphlogistic Salt:
This eatelouted medicine I+ for sale at the
Journal (Alice. Foe all infiamtna iiry diaeaeee
it in a certeiu cure. pet abec an I try it, ye
who are afflicted. •
And all Diseases of the Lungs and Throat,
•ne futotivet.T
Which conveys the remedimi to the cavities in
the lungs through the air passages, and coming
in direct contact with the ditieue, neutralizes
the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes
a tree and easy expectoration, heals the Itings,
petitions the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the
nervous system, giving that tone and energy so
indispensable OF the restorative of huh)). To
he able to state confidently that Consumption is
curable by inhalation. is to Me n source of unal
loyed pleasure. It is as much under the mm
trill of medical treatment an any other formid
able diseasu ; ninety out of every hundred ca
-1 ses can be cared is the first stages, and tiny por
spat. iw fl t• "rani •at hi Am third Male it is
iltiponsilae to Mee there thine Ileeper eebte.ferl
the Lutes are SO Calf lip by the disease as to bid _-_-,..,, . ... _-__ . ___...„_e4z-_
defianecto medical skill. Even, howee,er, in the! BAUISIORE LOCK HOSPITAL. - •
last stag., Inhalation efibrds extraordinary re
lief to the suffering attending this fearful emerge , DOC TOR JOHNSTON.
which annually_ destroys ninety-five thousand le , HE founder of this Celebrated Institution,
plus persona in the Utatcd Staten I and a Ow- . offers the moat certain, weedy, and only
rent ea'culation shows that of the present pope- le ectual remedy in the world for Gloats, Stele.
lotion of the earth, eighty millions are destined
elltres. Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins,
to fill the Consumptive's craves. Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Wenknese
Truly the quivee of death has no arrow 50 fa- Of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kid
tal as Consumption. In all ages it bee been the neye, Palpitation of the Heart. Dyspepsia, Ser
geant enemy of life, for it spares leather age nor vous Initial/114y, Disease of the head ; Threat,
Fre, but sweep, oft alike the breve, the beeuti- rose or Skin ; and all those eerieus and melee
fel, the graceill end the glued . By th e hells o dole/ disorders arising ffom the destructive
that Supreme eine lions wi,,,,,,, cosieti, every .behits of Youth, which destroys both body and
good and perfect gilt, 1 ton enabled to offer to : mind. These secret and eolitary practices are
the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in more fetal to their victims Than the song of the
Consumption. The first enuee of tubercles is
Syrens to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their
from Impure blood, and the immediate effect pro- most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering
dared by their deposition in the lungs is to pre- marriage, &c., impossible.
vent the free admission of air into the air cells,
Totting Neil s
which COMO a weakened vitality through the
entire isystote. Then threly it is more rational
especially, who have become the victims of :al
to expect greater good Irons medicines entering Rory Vice, that dreadiel and destructive habit, I
the cavities of the lungs than those administered Which annually sweeps to an untimely grave
through the stomach ; the patient wilt always lhousands of young men of the most exulted
find this letter free and the breathing easy, lifter 'Wants, and brilliant intellect, who might ode ,
Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation in 0 lurch ermine have entranced listening senates with
remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally and the thunder); of eloquence, or waked to testacy
with more power and certainty than ri!mmlies the living lyre, may call with all confidence.
administered by the stomach. To prove the pow- Marriage
t•IIIII .4 direct influence Grails mode ol'admin• Married. persons, or young men renteMebt
ise mien, chloroterm inhaled will entirely de- tin marriege being aware or physical weak.
stray sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing e . - c f e, c . - .
manic ' debility, deformities, &e., should
the entire nervous system, so that a limb muy be "
imMediately consult Jr. Johnson,
amputated without the slightest pain ; inhaling ~e
.vhe place s himself under alto tare or p r ,
the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a - 4 .1:;,: i i _. .
few hours. . t may religiously confide in his honor es
The inhalation of eMmonia will rouse the ays
e gentleman, and confidently rely upon hie skill
~ e , en.
tern when feinting or apparently dead. Tee o- se' " e"e"'''''
doe of many of the medicines is perceptible' in Organic M'eakness.
the bete a few minutes after being inhaled, and immediately eared, and full vigor restored,
may be immediately detected in the blood. A 'lbis disease is the penalty must frequently
convincing proof of the eonstitutional effects of paid by these who have become the victim of
inhalation, helm fact that sickness in always pro• improper indulgencies. 'emote persons aro too
traced by breathing foul air—is not this positive apt to commit excesses from not being aware of
evidence that proper remedies, carefully proper- ;he dreadful consequence that may ensue.--
ed and judiciously administered thee' die lungs Now, who that underetaade the subject will pre
sliould produce the happiest results 1 During tend to deny that the power of Proereation is
eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffer- lost sooner by thoeeefallingeinto improper habit
ing from diseases of the lungs and thmat, hare le e n by the prudent. Besides being deprived
been under my care, and I suave o fr o md many of the pleasure of licalthy offspring, the meet se
' retinal:l,lWe cures, even after the sufferers had
sinus and destructive symptoms to mind and bo
here pronmineed in the lost tong., which fully d r no ise. The eystem becomes deranged , the
satisfies me that consumption is no longer a tit-
pile/skid and mental powers weakened, nerve.
tel die... My treatment of consumption is debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in-
OIigiIIIII, and founded on king exnerjen, and a dignStiOn a wasting of the frame, cough symp
thorough investigation. My perfect itequuintance them o f e, o „ sotopt i on .
wilt the stature of tubercles. &e., enables me to IV - Oflice No. 7, South Frederick Street, se
distinguish, readily, the various; fens of disease
Hutt eimulate censtimplion, and apply the proper ven doors from Baltimore street, East sees, up
the steps. Be particular in oheerving the name
remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a &toe en d „ em b e r, o r you will misteke the place.
cuse. This familiarity,. in eoneection with car- A Cure warrented, in Two Days.
eau pathological and niteroevopie discoveries en- NU MERCURY OR NA L'SEOUS ItIICO se
rubles me to relieve the lungs from the effects of
~ Dr. Johneten,
euntreeted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify
the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving Member of the Royal College of Surgeons.
energy and tone to the entire system. London, graduate front one of the, most eminent
Medicines with full directions sent to any part Colleges of the United States, and the ethater
of the United States and ellolllloB by patients part of whose life hes been spent in the Met Hos
commaffleatiug their o septet. lip letter. But pitalsoeLondnn, Paris Philadelphia, and else.
the cure would be more certain if the patient where, hes effected eater of the most este/list/-
611014 d pay me a visit, which would give me an ing cures that were ever known, many troubled !
opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me with ringing in the heed and ears when asleep, ,
to meseriee with much greater certainty, and great nervotimese, heing alarmed at sudden
then the cure could be effected witlmut iflY see- sound's, anti bashfulness, with frequent blitehing
ing the patient open. attended sometimes with derangement of Mind,
0 . NV .Ult A H A el, M.D ~ were cured intmedietely. . • ' I
Device, 1131 Fli.l.lE. STRELT, (Old N 0.109,) . Certain Disease. •
Below Twelfth, • When the misguided nett impredeet votary
PHILADELPHIA, PA. ; of pleasure finds lie has imbibed the see. of i'b'is ,
August 5, '857.-Iy. I painful disease. it to too often happens that au .
I ill-timed sense of shame, or time! of II iscoveiT t •
Of allies.. ; the great, first cause i deters hint letm applying to those who from sl• '
Springs from neglect of Nature's lane. I ueation and respectability, eau alone befriend :
!SUFFER NOT hen, delaying till the constitutional sytnptutes,
• of this horrid disease make their epee:nen.,
Whena cure is guaranteed in all stages of such es uleerated gore Onset, diseased now, 1
SECRET DISEASES. nocturnal pains in the heed and lorthe, din/eyes i
Self-Abuse, Nervous/Debility, Strictures. Glee/. of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones, end ,
Gres•el, Diabetes, Disuses or the Kidney anti
e.reeteee leg with !righted rapidity. till at lest •
arms, blotches on the head , fere aml extremities, •
Bladder, Merennel l th emeatiem, Scrofula, . .
Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the the Pale"' of the mouth or the hones of the nose ,
Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon fall in, end the victim of this awful disease b e .
the Hedy or Limbs, Cancers,
dropsy, Epilep- conies a horrid object of cononieeration, till
tie Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases ari. death puts a period to his dreaded sullei•ings, by •
sing from a derangement of the Sexual Organs. sending him to "tlint bout. from when. no
Such as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memo. traveller returns," I ' o
such. therenoe, 1)1.. I
ry, Lose of Power, General Weakness, 'Keine. Johesion pledges himself to I ref irs c the meet
of Vision, with peculiar spots appearing before theiolehle secrecy, end from hie exieneiee pre,.
the ewes, Drees of Sight, IVakefulness, leyspeo. the in the first Hospitels of Europe and Amen I
sia. Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the nee, en, he can confidently recommend a safe feel
Pain in the back and bead, Female irregulars- speedy earn to the unfortunate victim of this bul
lies, and •1i improper dieehingesfrom 1/011illeXCF. lid disease.
It matters not tcom wbut cease the disease °rip. It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall vie-
Dated, however long standing or uhstinate the time to this horrid disease owing to the neskie
ease, receeeee is certain, end in a shorter time fulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of WITH
than a permanent cure cue ho effected by any that deadly poison etercury, ruin the cons.i
..ther treelment, even after the disease lulls We odium and either send the unfortunate sufferer A L L '
fled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted to an untimely grave, or make the residue ot Ilia
all their means of eure. The medicines aro life miserable.
pleasant without odor, effusing no sickness and Take Particular Notice. PATENT
free front mercury or balsam. During twenty p r. 3 .. edie.„,,, all t e,,,, w e e l ie , 1,,i,„. e .1
years of Preclice, I have rescued from the jun', themselves by improper indulgenciee. .
of Muth mituy thnueands, who, in the last suit- These are stone of the sad and melancholy !
gas of the above mentioced discuses had been effects produced by early habit.; of youth, vii: , FAI ` R e IeL S 8e ill' e nt"'. • • .',fe•':'••••
given up by their physicians to die, which wee- Weakness oft. Ilftek anlll Yantis in the n 4 WA, CT , f., 1,111.0 W OLICI,L, L'1111.51,.
rants me in prontising tu the afflicted. who may eeto, pe encee of Sight , I, 0 „ of ;1„,c„I, p aw. .
place themselves ueder my care, it p erfect ende nE GREAT INTEREST eLVNIFESTED
Derangement .
or the Dyspepsia, . r hy. the enhlie tot/memo more certain see, •
er, Palpifittion of the Rears Dyspepsia Nene',
most speedy cure. Secret diseases aro the Diem eee y,
greatest enemies to health, es they are the fi r..) ley from fi re iol' 1,1111:1010 0111,01'5. such as 13,, , ,,
Functions+, g enera l Debility Symptoms of Con
cause a Consumption, Serueula and many oth- inimptio „ , &e. . . .11pr , ff) ,, V... , , be , ds, Nol , S 0//d /2.41 ef -teemed,
tern the etditetry SAFI A heretotere in use neer.
er di/teases, and should ben terror to the he- 'ENTALLY---The fearful chests on 'the Mind
man family. Ann permanent cure is scarcely •"'
are much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Con- d" ' indn'ad the P'enteea to devote ' hi " t a '
ever deemed, a majority fa' the ca.. fulling in- r • I p • f
fusion of leas , epressionm Spir i t , .vi or- • • • . •
to rho heeds of incompetent peremns, who not k i t;; ,b , ei, cries end improvements fbr this ob
bedings, Aversion to Societe, Self' Disteus
only fail to cure the (Ilse.. but ruin the con- e....., _
of Solitude, Timidity, e .. , ~', . je,,, th, ~,,,IL Of iIiIiPII IA the unrivalled
ite et ~ are some / the
toitution, filling the system with mercury, Wllidl
arils ~
with the disease , hastens the sufferer iota a re- :
Thunsatele of persons of all
age., can n.- Fire P
piti Con,umntion. )hoe 83fe3,
Butt should the disease and the treatment net. ;edge what is the cause of their declining health. Universally: 8,1,, , me di; 0 ust 1.
L Lille their vigor, becoming weak, pille and sat t; OP TIM 11.0i11.D. )Luria;; • s
cause death secedes and the victim marries, the et ( tnei ad have singular R00011•111C0 /1) I the A 11,1015 Id lidll the AVOI'IIIS Fill'•• l l ' on
disease is el/tailed neon the children. who are eyes , tough „„ d ee e,,„„, e ~ ee,,,‘„'„„,„„L'ut and e•,,,,,,i •• N • •-: ' :
horn with feeble constitutions, and the current "/"' 'eeee -'' ------- - ----e'er.-- , ulnae, .. . 1., I a. 33, ni qt,
all oth er s. it is new undoubtedly entitiee to it of life corrupts) by a virus which betrays itself ' Dr. Jobtaston's Invigorating Dente-
~.. .. . . . .
~ .
in Scrofula, Tetter, Ulcers, Eruptions. and oth- I fly for organic Sl'eaknebs, . apt Luellen, .01.1 SI I MIA teal a i ate.,
Powder-Proof Lofts—which were also ewer/led
er affections of the I. Eyes, Throat and : By this great and important remedy, weakness
separate 'thew, see shore)—farms s terms the niost
• Lunge, entailing upon then/ a brief existence of of the organs is speedily cured and full vigor re- ' perfect Fire to Burglar Proof Sates ever set of
' enflerine and ' , ..iiining them t. an eerie' stored. Thousands of the most debilitated end f ete d to th e p e en,
I grave. nerve., who l ie d lost all hope, have been he- Neatly flee 'I lerring'S &lA,' have been tested
Sell-abuse is another fermi/I.le enemy to ' mediately relieved. All Impediments to Mar- ,1.., ee, the pee, le eaes, et ii• erre than teem()
health, for nothipg also in in the dread catalo of
, riage, Physical or Mental Disqualifflatime Nee. • ~‘ •• Leen iimi and i ' ire'eow ' itt.tual use•
hornet diseeses causes 80 destructive a drain ' vous Ireleabieltee Trenthlieffe• fled Weeeth e • e'-•• on hand el• inamilitetured to order, all
teen the system, drawing ire thousands of vie- or exhaustion of the meet fearful kind, epee.l.e. Ii• • • of Boiler end Chilled Iron Bank Cbeste
time through a few years of suffering down to an I eared by hector Julfuston. .l V,mi. , , Vault Doors, Money Chests tee
mainstay grave. It destroy's the Nervous sys- Toting Men, ~.; ~ , .1:A.11, , ettlroads, private families,
"'m, rapidly' wastes' away the energies ;Wife, I r
" • • • 1 '.! .. Ie m ,eds mid other valuables
causes mould derangement, prevents the proper . who have injured themselves by n eertaiit ere e • ..., .
e: . , ••• • • , •
•development a the sebum, disqualifies me t one. I thee indulged in when alone-ew habit ftequee, e -'' '." •
riage, society, business, and all earthly •Imppi- learned from evil cbmpanions, or at school-et}, A CARD TO THE LADIES.' '—
,toles, .d leaves the sufferer wrecked in hotly , e ff ects of which are nightly felt, even when a- We e IPUIPOOIitte'S GOLDEN PILLS
and mind , eredispoeed to consumption and a '
, sleep, and if not cured rendere inerrieee iinpos- Allle intallible 111 II•1111/V . III Idi 111 or irreg
HAMM' evils shore to be dreaded than death it- ' sible, Rea destroys both mind und body, shuttle . , g '.. l :' g' ...
Mantes et•t . teens.. •
self. With the fullest confidence 1 fissure the I 'Tree thiffledielelY•
uefortunete victims of Selle Abuse that a speedy What a pity theta young man, the hope olltie ' , , h is s.
These fills arc nothing new, but have been
end permanent cure can be e ff ected, and with conut , y, end the darlingof his parents 'how,' h o e We b y doctors for many years, both in
the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa- smelted leom ail prospects and enjoym ents e l . France and .In/erica, withunpurallelled success;
tients can be restored to robust, vieoruus heulth, life b 7 the consequence at deviating teem the path. and he ie tre ed by many thousand ladies, who
The a ffl icted are cautioned against the asOf of ...thee end indulging In a certain ',vet habit hare urd ilaln, to make the Pills public, for
Patent Medicines, far there are so many ingeni. Such persona before contetnplating ' the alleviation of those Buffeting front any irre•
.ous thares in the columns ;Wale public prints Marriage paurities of m hatever nature, as well 0510 pre•
to each and rob the unwary see er that mil- • vent grekttancy to chaise ladies whose health
lions have their constitutions ruined hy the vile should reflect that a sound mind and body' aro will .t permit . increase of futility.
compounds ne quack ducters, or the equally poi- ' the most necessary (
withreqsites , to promote eonna- Pregnetit ' females or those supposing theft'
5.000115 nestrums vended as "Patent Medicines." Ilea happinese. Indeed out these the jeer
' ,selves so, are cautioned against these Pills
I 101VO.carefully analped many of the so-called ! ney through sic becomes a weary pilgrimage; , e .,
Patent elediones and find that nearly e ll o r ! the prospect hourly clerk°. to the view; the e '
wi e. pregnan t, as t h e proprietor assumes no
them contain Corrosive Subtheme, which is one I mind become. shadowed witledespair, and tilled I reepousibility after the above admonition, al
of the strongeet preparations of mercury and e I with the melancholy reflection that the happiness though their mildness would prevent any mis•
deadly poison, which inatead of curing the dia. of another becomes blighted with our own. chief to health; otherwise these Pills are recom
ease disables the system for life. OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK ST., :nieoded. Full and explicit directions, accom•
Tbree-futirths of the patent medicines now in BALTIMORE, MD. . puny woe' box. l'riee, SI pee box.
use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant per- To Strangers. Sold wholesale and retail by
sew, elm do not understund even the alphabet JOHN: HEAD, General Agent
The many thousands cured at this Institution
or materia meth., and are equally as destitute within the 1 e 'Le . for Huntingdon Co., Pa ,
vests, and the numerods im
et any knowledge of the human system. haring „„„., n , .! , ~
~, .. I have appointed Dr. John Read Sole agent
only one object In view, and tint to make mon• re.— Surgical "P enliu ' ll e. ; P c '' I° .' Yn' for the sale of my French Periodical Golden
. Johnston, witnessed by the eteporters of the pa .
ey regardless of consequences. Pille fb I h
I 4 ..4, WO .0,F9.411 and cpunte of 11 un tittle.
ere and niony other perbons, notices of which
ell disease, of males and r ,
e ppetectl again and again before the pu b
- ee en t .ill. : elteleejlellast teeieddreteted to him.
females treated on prineftsles eotablished by tri:..unicieut guarantee to the afflicted. tie wt supply dente. at the proprietor's ewe
twenty year,' of practice, and sanctioned by c, is
' . ces, and send th e PHIs to ladies (cmfidentially)
teuusauds of th e meet remarkable cures. Medi- N. B. T here are so tur y Ignorant and . . /
„„ b • return mail to tine part of the Unite(' States
eines with tell directions sent to any penult,. "' utile " q uack° advertising th ediseivea -- 3 ' of ' ent eitelos d )sin '
United /fflatee end c.i.f., by patient. commie_ Physicians,. ruining the health of the elready ate on reempe . , eto through the
meeting that byinpm n e by l etter. n uke ., flitted. Dr. Johns'n deems it necessary to hay to Ithistimelon postmllice. For further particle
correspond.te strictly confidential. Address these unaciemented with his reputation that his „lam get a circular of the Agents- 7 691d by drug.
J. SUMMER VILL E,lll. D, Diplomas athuys hung in his ° th ee. I giels everywhere.
Orrice, No. 1181 Funtaer Sr., (Old N0 . :5090 telerTetee eebetere—All letters must be post ' iteWe lily signature is written on each box.
Below Twelfth, tamd; and contain a onstage stump ler ate repte, ! J. DUPONCO,
. I'HILAMIL.PkiIe. - er be answer will be ant. Broadway P. 0., New York.
A wri,'ll.•ty. ' JIM, Is letf,-1..
, AA*
(o) JOB OFFICE co)
• or TUB O
o •
The largest and best o
I: 0 ) 308 OFFICE °,
g IN THE cou.vrr: 00
4% 0 .10E—WGIIIK 0
4:71- 0 of 0
° 0
1, 0 ). 211 triflTlDZig
. EXECUtED 0 ~
~, ),,„ Chtitly (quite Cheopese, ( o ) r
4 ( 0 ) bi,rgliD VAVVILM :),
e t t 0 THAN 0 •
1 ( 0 ) TRZ SEST'. `'
? 0 VERT' V.I. T S 11 . 1 S , F ACTI 0 :: I,lg ..
t Di ,
1 ' 0 All kinds of u i
. BLANKS g • •
0 00 ,:0 . , 1 ,A 0 , 1 ,: c y c 0 . ,: a. ,,A .c Ni).0 0
Fret 'l'. Ex. T. 1 1.1411 T.
Litt lotrea A. M. A. M. I'. M.
rg.,, 9.10 3.32 3.00
Huntingdon, 9.27 4.07 3.21
Mill Cre,l,, 9.40 4.17 3.31 .
11t. 9.37 4.30 3.44
nin lenvc3 P.
M. I7nion, 5.:C6
f'ret.k. 6.55
Ifilritingcl4,,,, 6.09
I'eleinburg, 6.25
M r. M
HAvINt: located hiniself in WAR' ,
in this enmity, would re , retfu!!
professional !terVil, to the
.1. IL Laden,
M. A. llenderaun
. 1 . 11. Dorsey
George Ta:
. D. ft en. A. P. VI
" Rim. P. 01 , 1!
Ilon. James t.
John Scott, E
Huntingdon, Po
C;onimill, LI. D., Alexandria.
Jnevl, M
John INV(
JN. n.kl.f. respectfully solicits the utter
.01' the farming community to a quality
/'hay which he is now manufacturing, and
have ready for Fate in a low days, he is also
pared to matte :harrows, wagons, carts, WI.
harrows, &c., &c.._ttud to do all kind uf
A. P. Wit,Ftox. It Bitten I
.111 . 01?.N EYS .1T 1,./M
Practice in the iever.ll Conrts t•t 11
tire ; Mifflin tititt Juni;
I;;ii(uy(;' rtii:!'t'
Y'..77 I' 1 ~.)
,i. '..VI.S ...,:', ~:.:....r,..,:1.-..,..i,..i'.,••
':\ i'r~l
HAL L'S ttiXtrKif.
I pATENT • :,,fd..lo' ,V4r,f'r
P It 0 OF
~f fl ~I
13.1 DI PICA
on, 1851.