Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 13, 1858, Image 3
i 1 NNr C~K r lA ~~ vows c:: a: er n• ..•'lc --. 147.1 - .7.01 titi~ - eN C 4...-• C.2.S4C:fG 6:;=, Larpsmalm, _ - ttt;=... CJ M 7,7,„ crc ttt VIP 4 2 n tg”,7, V4ttilP ."'4118 , ;...t,,- ;-, ,, . r .7=Te.c-. 7 1:1c- 7---- ?siE- mmv7F ----- Va .i-ia vi4a Evll. E.o.g. t-11 - 21 . M 1 ;) 1 40 P1 4 P r -Pr-P ..9 iciP MP: g t. I. gz;=... !izs.. 4'45. UL15.4 40ra. U. 15.! nt ...:, ...,%". . .` W. 07 .ti4N+ CT..i CJIW 4P. -, .....,14 C CO ,-Vgt Mlt; .t'pl'w ..Z,=,,, 6 - V4its ; !.J.!.E. •rr FF r?.7m FFFr rrrr FFF r t$ Cl 2 C. 4 oma a IPd c 1 . 3 CO 0-3 CD cat P 4 OD to m w tit z-,:. Wi2;clc.. 'a't2;tot4g; NGr I 'Avumlk Q:.-~L-1 OwP. ,=== lmismmml a.•+,, ttl;wm g;;;Z., t4;i=.. ligre, g.E,,... v.;=... -'t.":1.7.,T.T 7, 7 , 1TF,:717,.4., .....;.7 - 17,7Z.7.47,== tgv v 1 ^J 7.--,:gttls!Ettz .31V tiG --.. ..t."'"" 2 " 8 1 - —. 7.77..z.-7.-7.77.---,. .......,.. ✓,.....“.., ==..---.—,,E--------,—, ,k 4 w... W.g."4V 4s ' e 'iss r.".±gslt V-421 , 471E P.T 1 9!=.9 . t 4 P -4 4.7:7 w wt tr , 0- w ww==w-4w4 5 s=t2ngwiitttlF 2 .ex. rY!.I.!.VE,VF rmm I C X~G~~~C=~~.''" A~A3~ A~~ It ar r , 21th of Dee, 1 8 5 7. by the I:ev. W. Itradidiaw Itnchtell Isaac Dell to Mis. 4 Matilda Stever, both of Casa township. On Tuesday, sth of January 1858. by the lime, Mr. Getirge Stever to NlissSfaigaret Jane Quarry, I,th of Criss township. On the :11st ult., by Sinn.. Wright Esq. Mr. James Snyder of Shade Gap, to Miss Eve C. Pheasant, of [Mimi township. ~; ~e~, At Pert Matilda Centre Co., on the 17th of Lectmber, of Typhoid fever, John Patterson eon of Robert and Jane Campbell, in the 16th year of his age Here,while the streams of sorrow flow, And flow'rets shed their rich perfume, Bow soft, It is , sweet is thy repose,- Dear brother, tenant of the tomb. Prerd from the fever's burning power, No more shall throb thy tender breast; l'cr past is now the mortal hour, And naught remains but endless rest. Sleep on, dear brother, undismayed, Till heaven itself shall bid you rice; When to thy ravisled sight display'd. Angels shall waft thee to the skies. On the 21inet. of croup, Alfred Shade Smith, elder eon of William and Leah Smith, in the sth. year of his age. This beautiful verso he used to !ling:— We are traveling to the grave, We aro traveling to the grave my friends, We are traveling to the grave, To hay thin body down. INTOTICSI7.II. We request those of our subscribers who re calve their papers, to inform us of those in their immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers to the "Journal," and have failed. to receive the same, since the stealing of our pack-book, by ruffians on the 11th of October. New Cud-Press. Ipu;:lit n flit "CA IiDTRESS," we w e now prelim c d to print in th prcporiiiin of three curds in the same time that any other press in the county can print one, consequent ly wo can print them cheaper—if not done well we make tie charge at all. We ask your pa tronage. COOK STOVE. A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE (or t ,;..• at this office; it is calculated to burn wood 1.7 CUM. NEW All{ EaTISEMENTS. The Huntingdon Gas Company At the annual meeting of the stockholders of this company hell on Monday the 14th inst., lomm Scom IVm. P. ()almos t Du. B. FL Mc- NORTH., Wm. Donate, is., and J. Staroon AFRICA, were elected managers for the current year. CASSVILLE SEMINARY, M. Moll. Waal Prir.oipal. This school for young ladies and gentlemen is probably the cheapest one of the kind in the country. The expenses per year for board, room rent, furnitnre, fuel and tuition in common English two only $BB. Piano Music is only $5 per quarter. All the languages and the osnamentals are propor tionally cheap. For other information address J o h n D. Walsh, Cassville, Huntingdon CO, Pa. The next quarter commenced Monday, Jan uary 18th., 1858. Jan.13,'57. , STRAY HEIFER. CAME to the residence of the Subscribe , u living it Warriors Mark Township on or about the 15th of December last, ONE RED HEIFER, supposed "r - 'O4l to be two years old. The owner is requested prove his property, pay charges, and take it away, otherwise, it will be disposed of, as law direct. WILLIAM HUTCHISON. • lauuary 18th, - t,i..z . ' to I •AVUNa 'vat 'AViIS:CI,I, ZA ti *a' c7a a: 1 A. 4.3,, .AI •xrulN „, I •Avutial, •ivueanj, PREMIUMS AWARDED THE JOURNALJOB OFFICE AT THE LAIR FAIR, FOR TIM 31EMSIT 12.01{K ar}lD PRIMO. STRAY HULL. Came to the premises of the subscriber in Tod town hip hoot the first day of Deeenmer, 1t457, a red tnuley hull. about three years old, no mark, Toe owner is requested to route forward prove, property, pay charges and take him away• ELI ALLOWAY. J0n.11',57-It. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Leiters of administration on the estate of Eliza Donaldson, late or Springfield township, honing been granted to the undersigned all persons indebted to said estate are mitten• red to make immediate payment, cue those ha. ving claims prevent them to ELLIOTT RAMSEY, Acler. Jati.l3,•a7.-6t.* • GROUND PLASTER. The Juniala Flour and Plaster Mills, One mile below Alexandria. Huntingdon county, Pa. have contst.t,ly hand Ground newer, of the best quality, for which Grain of all kinds, will be taken in exchange at market Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain - Rail Road and Coal Company. THE Annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at their office, No, 1109 Walnut Street, on Tuesday, the 12th day of January next, at 11 o'clock, A. M.— Winn an election will be held for a President mid twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year. J. P. AULSIN, See. Philadelphia, Dem:1(4'57:20 THE GOLDEN PRIZE. Illustrated. 1858. illustrated, The New Ytirk weekly GOLDEN PRIZE, is one of the largest and hest literary papers of the day. An Imperial Quarto containing 1:101IT PAGER, Or forty columns, of entertaing original matter , nnil elegantly .illnatrated every week. .1 GO worthlrom . 56 cents to ssou ooi;;;;td, will be presented to each subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription money. TERMS r One Copy for I year, $2 00, and 1 gift. 2 . " $3 50, and 2 gifts. " $5 00, and 3 gifts. 4 . " 5 " sB'oo, and 5 gifts. AND TO CLIII . 01 2 copies, 1 year, • $5 UO. arid I gift. • 5 11 $8 00, and 5 gifts. 10 44 14 $l5 00, and Ib gifts. 21 " " $3O 00 and 21 gifts. The articles to bo distributed are comprised in the following lint : 2 packages gold, containing' $500,00 each. 5 do. do. do. $200,00 etch. 10 do. do. do. $lOO,OO each. 10 pat. Icy. bun. cas. watches, $lOO,OO each. 20 gold watches, $75,00 each. 50 do. $60,00 each. 100 do. $50,00 each. 300 ladies' gold watches, $35,00 each. 200 silver hunig eas'd watches, $3O 00 each. 500 silver watches, $lO,OO to $30.00 each. 1000 gold guards, &c., $lO,OO to $30,00 each. Gold lockets, Bracelets, Benches, Ear drops, Breast-pins, Cuff pins, Sleeve-buttons, Rings, Shirt-studs ' Watch.keys, gold and silver t himbles, and a vari ety of other articles worth from 50 cents to $30,00 each. Immediately on receipt of the sahslription money, the subscriber's name will he entered upon our subscription hook, opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded, within one week, to the subscri ber, by mull or express, poet-paid. 4.11 communications should be addressed , to I3ECKETT & CO., 48 & 49 Molfat's buildiwg, 335 Broadway, N. Y. •.• Specimen espies sent free. Dee.30,57,3m. BLANKS.••Always.huy your Blanks at the " Journal Office." We have now prepared ave ry snperiorarticle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, JUPOMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC I:. HI %Mi. Sm. sir COUNTRY zonsianli can buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at Whole sale, as cheap as they can in the cities ail have a Wholesale al tr. lu Philadelphia. Apr. 9,40. R. ROMAN. THE lIITNTINGDON 'JOURNAL. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. • LETTERS of administration on the Estate of James Harrison, late of West township, dee'd., having heen granted to the undersigned all persons indebted to said estate are repute• fedi() make immediate payment, and those having claims against the AMP Will present them to EWAN HARRISON, Adinex. Jan. 6, 'b7.-6t... TAKE NOTICE. A LL persons inclebt4 on the books, or other. jl wise, of 11. C. Walker, will take notice that said accounts are left in the hands of Geo. B. Young, Esq., of Alexandria, who is authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys paid du- ring my absence. D. GOETZ, 7,43;ignee for Creditors of H. C. Walker, Alexandrin,Jan.6,'sB..6t. Extaimoits4 zoirlart. ETTERS Testamentary on the estate of ji Hugh Johnston, late of Cass township, Huntingdon county. deed., having been gran ted to the undersigned, ail persons having claims against said estate are requested to pre, sent them and those indebted to the name, to make immediate payment to .J. 11. DELL. JAS. JOHNSTON Ex . - COURT Armin. Trial List—January Term, 1858. SECOND WEEK John Savage vs Wm. Smith & Davis. Geo. W. Wagoner vs Wagithington Dover. A on Oarmon vs William Fe myna. 'Joseph Ji. Henderson vs John Henderson's Ex, Christopher Osborn vs P. F. Kessler et al. Muehette b Ragliel vs Dr. P. Shoenherger's ex, William Bell vs Simon Walbourn. Philip Spahn vs Moses Hsilner. John R. Gosnell no G. W. Speer, garnishee, etc Coml.!) for use vs Fluids Liberd et al. Same vs J. G. Lightner. Bell, Garretson & Co. vs Jas, Entriken. C. Osborn vs P. F. Kessler. D. CALDWULL SECOND W KEIL. Thomas Aston, farmer, Springfield. David Black, carpenter, Huntingdon John Beck, farmer, Warriorm'lc Ephraim Baker, mason, Springfield Jonathan Barnwell, tanner, Tod. Abraham Carothers, tt Shirley. John C. Couch, merchant, Barren. William Coulter, farmer, Tell. Jesse Dieffenbach, merchant, Brady. Joh!: Foreman. farmer, Shirley. Jacob Funk. Penn. Jackson J. Fee, tt Henderson George Garner I. Penn. Benjamin Grave, 't Janice G. Good Man " If endereon Gilbert Horning, " Barree. Henry Hudson, carpenter, Clay. Jesse ifollingsworth " Shirley, James Horning, farmer, West. James ILuey, Brady. William Johns, `. Shirley. Hugh•A. Jackson, " Jackson. Daniel Wyper . Walker. Nicholas Lynn, II Hopewell William Livingston, " Oneida. Jacob Miller, laborer, Cassville. Jacob Nearhoof, farmer, Warrior. William Orr Esq., It Tell. Henry Robison It Dublin. Tema a Smiley Bailee. Alexander Scott, blacksmith, Jackson. George Stevens, Spring'd. Andrew Smith. farmer, Oneida. Joseph Shore, Clay. Philip Taylor, miner, Tod. Andrew Walker, farmer, Oneid • nB. noasz.go INDIAN ROOT PILLS . R. BIORSE. the inventor of MORSE'S IN- U DIAN ROOT PILLS, hos spent the grea ter part of his hle in travelling, having visited Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North America--has spent three years among the In dians of our Western country—it was in this way that the Indian Boot Pills were first dia. covered. Dr. Morse wee the first man to es tablish the fact that all diseases arise from Im• purity of the Blood—that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do not net in perfect harmony with the dif feret fuections of the body, the blood lades its action, becomes thick, corrupted and di sensed; thus rousing all pains sickness and distress of every name; our strength is exhaus ted, our health we are deprived of, and if na ture is not assisted in throwing oft the stag nnnt humors, the blood will become choked and cense to act, and thus our light of life will forever be blown out.. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to at that we have it in our power to put a medi cine in your reach, namely. Morse's Indian Root Pills. manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mountainous cliffs in Nature's garden, for the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the roots from which these Pills are made in a Sudorific, which o pens the pores of the skin, find assists Nature in throwing out the finer parts of the corrup tion within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to the _lungs; and thus. in • a soothing manner, performs ifs duty by throwing off phlegm, and other humors from the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives ease and dbuble atrength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large a— mounts of impurity from the blood, which its then thrown net bountifully by ete urinary or water passage, and which could ua t have been discharged in arty other way. The fourth to a Cathartic, and accompanies the other prop erties of the Pills while engaged ia purifying the blood; the coarser particles" of tinpurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up arid conveyed off in great qttan• titles by the bowels, From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely rent out and cleanse the system from all impurity, and the life of the body, which is the blood, be comes perfectly healthy; consequently all sick ness slid pain is drives from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pore aqd clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which will open the natural passages for the disease to be cast out hence, a large quantity of food and other mat ter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermenta tion, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have ad ded to themselves victory upou victory, by re storing millions of the sick to blooming health and happiness. Yea, thousands who have , been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have .ern scorched by the burning Glomerate of ging fever, and who have been .brought, as it ' were, within a step of the. ailed grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse's Indian Root Pills. After one or two. doses had been taken, they were astonished, and ab solutely surprised, in witnepsing their charm ing effects. Not only do they give intmedi• ate ease and strength, and take away all sick ness, pain and anguish but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blood. Therefore, it will he shown, espec ially, by those WhO use theie Pills, that they. will 110 cleanse and purify, that disease—that deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a lung and happy life will cher'eh and brighten your days. CAUTION.—Beware of a counterfeit sign ticl A. R. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHITE &CO. on each box. Also the signavre of A. A White & Co. All oth ers are spur A. J. WHI T E & CO., Sole Proprietors, 50 Leonard Street, New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all deitli;rs in Medicines afar Agents wanted in every town, village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the agency will address as above for terms. • , see Price. 25 cents per box. five boxes will be sent on receipt of $l, postage paid. December 9, '67:-6m. NOTTC - in. I.JOTICL IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL 1.11 persons interested that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Reg. eater's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon in and for the Counts of Hunting. don, on Wednesday• the 13th day of January next, to wit : 1. Peter P. Kessler, ndministratsir of the es tate of William MeCartuay, late of Henders,is township, dee'd. L. .Inhe Heftier, administrator of the estate of William Wilson, late of Pulaski County, In diana, dee'd. 3. John Reed, administrator of the estate of 'Dismiss.; Reed, late of the borough of Hunting doss, dee'd. 4. Partial administration account of Dr. Hen ry Orlady, administrator of Joshua R. Cox, who was administrator of Esther Cox, late of Warriormnark township, deed. G. William Stewart, administrator of the es tate of Jentiet Stewart, late of West township, dee'd. G. John Aurandt and Rob't Tussey, execs tors of the last will and testament of John Sprankle, lute of Morris township, dee'd, 7. Trust account of George W. Speer, act ing trustee, appoitited by the Orphans' Court to make sale of the real estate of Rub% Speer, dee'd. 8. Trust account of Henry Lightner, trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court, to make sale of the real estate of Henry Lightner, late of West township, dee'd. 9 Trust account of James Saxton, trustee, appointed by the Orphans' Court, of the estate of George lieltright, lute of the borough of Huntingdon,deed. 10. Guardianship account of Henry B. My finger, guardian of Rosetta Stewart, a minor child of Anthony J. Stewart, late of Morris township. deed, 11. Guardianship account of George Sipes, guardian of Richard, Elizabeth, Loretta and Evaline Wharton, minor children of Samuel N. Wharton. late of Cromwell township, deed. 12. Alfred It. Crewit (now dec'd.) adminis trator of Dr. Jacob Hoffman, late ot• the bor ough of Huntingdon, dee'd., as 'stated and filed by Juno 0. Crewit, executrix' of 'the said A. B. Crewit, deed. ' HENRY GLAZIER, Register Register's (Nice. Muilinyclon,Dec. 12, 1857. 1 THE CAMPAIGN OPENED. FA 117 TA N ai r lv O i N o T r Eß moo. FISHER & MoMURTRIE WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to their numerous friendly rand the public, that titgy ; have just received from the East, a most beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Goods ; embracing every variety of new styles such as Valencia I'laids, Plaid Dueitla, Oriental Luntres, Gala Plaids, Tamest Cloth, Poplins, striped and Plaid, Ombre striped Delaines, French Merino. Printed Delaines, Bayadere Stripes, Argentine, Coburg. Mohair, and Ma domut Clothe. Shepherd's Plaids. C rouch Blan ket, Bay Mate, Long and Squire Broche Shawl Gents' Travelling do. French Cloths, plain and limey Cassimeres, Satinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, &e. Ribbons. Mitts, Gauntlets, Gloves, 'Palmas. Cloaks. Chenille Scarf* Dross Trimmings, La dies' Collars, Brilliants, plain and spriged Swiss, Victoria Lawn, Nainsooks, and every variety of White goods. HATS, CAPS and BONNETS. of every variety and style. We have a full stock of Hardware, Queensware Boots and Shoes, Wood and Willow-ware, which will he sold on such terms as will make it the ii.terest of all to call and examine. Groceries can he had lower than the high prices which have been maintained heretofore. We also deal in Plaster, Fish, Salt, and all kinds of Grain, and possess facilities in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of merchandiae MIME Os• CHARGE, at the depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Built ., Sept.3o.'o7. CtiCSIIILLE tEMINIIRY Onb , $19.40 per Quarter. TINE NEW FACULTY. M. McN. WALSH. Principal. Professor of Longua,, ,, es rod Philosophy, Herr Karl Beckenheim, P of. of German Language 4 , - Literature. M. Eugene Chivaut, Professor of ri,nch and Piano Music, James W. Hughes, Puje.sor of Mathematics, etc. Mrs. M. MeN. Walsh, Preceptress. Gr. cian Painting, Botany, History etc. Miss H. Faulkner, Monochromatic.. Painting, Drawing, etc. Miss Anna M. Gray, _ _ _ PiaVo Music and French. Miss Jennie M. Walsh, Primary English. ns SCHOOL HAS LATELY PASSED gu into new !wide, and the present owners are determined to make it a first class Institu ' Hon. The majority of the new faculty are al ready on hand, and student. will be received as coon as they wish to come. Young 'tidies ana gentlemen intending to go to school will do well to write to on before con. eluding to go elsewhere. There in no cheaper, and ire believe there will be no belkr school flow thrift ours. Both sexes are received, all branches taught and students can enter at any time, For further ittformation address JQHN D. WALSH, Caesoilk, Hanlispeion Oa oPa. December 'A, 1107.,tr. lIIISCHIILANEOUS ADVERTISERIENTS. • New Goods ! New Goods !! D. P. GWIN 9 S CHEAP STORE. • D. P. Gavin has just returnd from Philadel phia with the largest and most beautiful as sortment or • pd aED MC:IIUi Ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of this most fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, and Fancy, All Wool Is Lulu, (all colors) French Merino, plain and printed, ombre striped de Lains, barred and fancy de taint, Levella Cloth, Mohair, Dehaiz, Shepherds' Plaids, and Prints of every description. ALSO, a large tot ofdress Trimmings, Frin ges, More Antique Ribbon, Buttons, Gimps, Braids, &c. Bonnet Silks, Crapes, Riblionds, Gloves, Mitts, Veils, Laces, Belts, Rihbonds ihr Belting, Whalebone, Reed fs Brass Hoops for Skirts, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk Neck ties, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Li nen and C.Aton Floss, Tidy Yarn, Wool Yarns, Also the best and largest assortment of Col lars, and Undersieeves, in town. liar'd and Plain Jaconet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain, Fig ured and dotted. Moreau, and Hoop Skirts, Irish Linen, Linen Table Cloths, Napkins, 'rowels, &c. Shirts, Shirt-breasts, Undershirts and drawers, wool coats, !muds, comforts and scares. Also a large assortment of Waterloo Bay State Wool Shawls. Single and Tiroelia Shawls. Also, Cloths, Cassimers, Cuasineta, Tweeds, R. Jeans, Vesting, Muslins, bleached and un bleached, Sheeting and l'illcw•case' Muslins, Nankeens, Ticket, Check, Table Diapers, Cra•h Flannels, Suck Flannel, plain and figured, Can ton Flannel, Blanket., Ac. Also, a large lot of Silk Bonnets of the latest styles and at very low prices. lints and caps of all kinds. boots and Shoes, Gum shoes, the hest mei cheapest ill town. L-14 OW A a XI, QUEENS WARM, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, cie. Carps ts, Oil Cloths, Fish end Salt, Sugar, Cufflie, Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requester; to coma and examine my goods All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID P. UWIN. October 7, 1857. SAVING FUND NaVoual Safety Trust Co. oFFIcE, Walnut Street S. W. Corner of 3d. Arrangements tor Business during the Suspen• shin of Specie Payments by the Banks. 1. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Batik Notes, Checks and Specie will be received on deposit. 3. Deposits made in Bank Notes or Checks will be paid back in current Bank Notes. 4. Deposits made in Gold or Silver will be paid back in Coin. IN fEREST 5 PER. CENT. PER. YR. HENRY L. BENNER, President. WILLIAM J. REED, Secretary. Nov. 26, '37. REAL ESTATE FOR 9521-1-OEI. THE. undersigned, being desirous of removing from the town of Shirleysburg, hereby offers fur sale his entire remaining real estate, situa, ted in and near said town. The property can• sista of three separate and distinct dwelling houses, (including the large and cominodi• ors BRICK MANSION, in which the subscriber now resides) ; all of which are elligibly situated in the mostdesirable and business part of the town. A detailed de. scriptiott of said property is deemed unnecessa ry, as any one desirous of purchasing, will, of course, WlOl to see and examine for himself.-- Two or said houses are admirably located and calculated for stores and tavern stands, she. Also, the subscriber offers for sale, ten acres of rich bittern or meadow land, situated a short distance above the grist mill of the Messrs. Heilfeers. This land is well suited, not only to the rising of. grass, grain, etc., but is also peculiarly adapted to the production of "Chi nese Sugar Cane," an article of recent introduc tion, which seems to promise greater profit, per acre, than almost any other agricultural product. ..... HENRY B!tEWSTER, Shirleyelborg, Nov. 18, '57. NEW AND CHEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE DAVID GROVE informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public en • entity, that he has opened a Grocery Store on •Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of Wm. Orhison's residence ' where be will at all times be prepared to supp le customers wills ALL KINDS 01 GROCERIES, CHEAPER TITAN THE CIIKAPEST at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Molasses, Cheese, Spiv., Confectionaries, Flatus, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Segars, Tobac co, fie., &C.; in tact, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. As I am determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest, I want everybody to calland examine my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE. Huntingdon, July 29, '57.-Iy. galfirrl SE Z 4413 OEI RTCIC. 9 1 RE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill, inform farmers and the public general• ly, that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the water wheels and machinery. They have put in five of the Improved :ton val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all stages of the water, ana during, the coldest weather, any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to se,ll, and have on hand for sale at all times, st market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS and farmers can have their own brain ground, and take it back in a return load, or they coo be furnished in exchange at a nunneries notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop ped feed. THE 111V1171. scaoinNE is of au improved tnanufacture; and they will insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quail ty to every bushel of grain left at their mill. FISHER & MoMURTRIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat atoned are cot quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1855. G5l SHOES, cheaper at B. I'. GWIN'S than can be had in town. Call and tee theta LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of rich style., and very cheap at P. P. GWIN'S. SILK BONNETS in great variety and cheap at I). P. GWIN'S. BOUTS & SHOES, she largess and cheapest assortment Rldowbr at D. P. GWIN'S. I#IBtELiANEOUti!ADVPAITIAEMENTS. Prof. Chas. DeGrath% lELECIItIC OIL, This great discovery is now creating agreat sensation among the Medical Faculties of Eu• rope and this country. It will cure the follow. ing (not everything) : Warranted to Cure Fever and Ague in one day. Curechills in five minutes. Cure Croup in one night.— Cure Deafness in two•to four days. Cure burns and Scalds in ten minutes. Cure Sprains, Wounds and Bruises in from one to three days. Cure Inflammation in one day. Cure Neural. gia, Croup; Tooth Ache. Burns, in 10 minutes. I Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess, in ten days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, Totter, in one to I three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff Nck, Ague ! in one day. Cure Felons, Broken Breast, Salt I Rheum, in three to six days. Cure Quitizy, Palpitation, Pleurisy, in ont to ten dap. Cure Asthma, Palsy, Gout, Erysipelas, in live to 20 days. Cure Frost.] Feet, Chiblains, Chronic , Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Sore Throat, Scarlet Fever, and the lame made to walk, by n few bottles. This Oil (De Grath's) is mild and pleasant, and is a great family Medicine fur children teething, kc. Ladies should all use it. It always leaves you better than it finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. Afflicted Thirteen Years and Cured in One IVeek. Read letter from Rev. James Temple. Philadelphia, June tith, 1856. Prof. De Grath : I have been afflicted fur thirteen years with Neuralgia and other pain• ful complaints, and I have been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for many years past. Last week I got a bottle of your ”Elee trie Oil." The first night I slept soundly dad well, and to•day lam like a new man. My wife could not believe her eyes. Your Etc trio Oil has done in one week what the physi cians of Philadelphia failed to do iii, thirteen years. Gratefully yours, REV. JAMES TEMPLE, 310 South street. DEAFNESS CURED. New Haven, May 19th, 1856, , , Prof. De Grath My brMher has been deaf three years. After trying many things, he us. ed your Oil a fete times, and it cured him en tirely. CLIFFORD & SCRANTON. There are numerous imitations sprung up on the reputation that my article has acquired: The public must beware. They are worthless. For sale by John Read, Huntingdon. Aug.5,'57.4ym. (riaa2ga pull MITT42III CLOTHING! A New Assortment Just Opened ! And will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! ROMAN respectfully in arms his cast, H mere and the public generally, that he has just opened at his store-roam in Market Square- Huntingdon,a splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for Fall and iVinter, which lie will sell theaper than the same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and exaMine his stock before purchaa sing elsewhere. Also, Hats, Caps, which will be sold lower than at any other es , tablishment in the county. October 7. 1857 BARK NOTES AT PAR ! AT THE HARDWARE DEPOT, The subscribers have again returned from the East with an enlarged stock of HA RD IVA RE, MEC' HA NIL'S' TOOLS, OLLO 11',I RE. CUTLERY, SADDLERY, 011,..5,..k ?MINTS frimmings, With an endless variety of modern inventions and improvements. Having purchased our goods at wholesale, chiefly from manutucturers, we are enabled to sell wholesale and retail—extremely low. Bank Notes taken at par fur goods. Sfor All orders receive prompt attention. JAS. A. BROWN k Co, Huntingdon, Oct, 28 1857. a„ - 7 DR. J HUYETT, - EkiirX Sr; ALEXANDRIA, HU %T. co., PA. April 1, 1857.-Iy. IDLa. al. DENTIST' IttiNvtriovoi s rA. June 13, 1837. The Rev, C. S. BURNETT, while la bolp ng as a missionary in Southern Asia, dis covered a simple and certain Care for Cailflffsp. Hun, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ner vous Debility, and all impurities of the blood ; also, an easy and effectual mode of inhaling the Remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit his auttering fellows, lie will cheerfully send the re cipe (tree) to such as desire it, with full and ex plicit directions for prepariug and spccessfully using the Medicine. Address liay. C. S. BURNETT, . Sal Broadway, N. Y. City, ju1y29,'57.-6m. ®Da T AMCPAr ---- ATTORNEY 11. 1 r LAW, Will attend to all profenional business entrusted to hie care in the nveral Courts of Huntingdon county. Deed , .., Leases and Articles of Agron. meet, writt , ln at the shortest notice and ()tithe Wont terms. S'nirleysburg, April 2:1, 1837. • LEATHER I LEATHER! LEATHER uENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French n Calf Skins, and General Leather Dealer, No. 6 South Third street, Philndelphia._ • A general assortment of all kinds of Leather 51nroceo, Le. REO AND OAK SOLE LEATHER, March4,' rI M PORT AN T INFORMATION, by which much safferitig in families may be avoided, sent to married men and those contemplating marriage. Address, en closing four stamps. DR. G. tV. ADDIS. COMBS, Brooklyn, N. T. -. .._ ._ Nov. 25, '37:-6m, WHALEBONE, REED AND BRASS Hoops ned Reed Skins, 'or sale at the cheap store of D. P. GWIN. A LETTER-COPIER FOR SALE. An excellent one for sale at this office. This Is one of Adams No. I Cam and Lever Press. LAMER' COLLARS & UNDERSLEEVES in great variety at the cheep store or • • • • • 1). I'. °WIN., Tlried Beef, Hams, Shoulders and Flitch, for JL/ sale at t h e cheap Grocery Store of LOVE It MeDIVI3T. 'OCHA AUTIV‘VOOL BEIAWL - krm, B UCKSKIN GLOVES & MITTS dhesp at I , mil elrear at *WWI. " P. *WWII NM YORK MIVERTISEDIRIT. ALL HAIL Ni ETH r iNG FOR TH4 DIIL LIUNf!! We call-the attention of all, old and young, to this wonderful preparati 3n, which turns hack to its original color. gray hair—covers the head of the bald with a luxuriant growth—removes the dandruff, itching, and all cutaneous crop tions—causea a continual flow of the natural flu ids ; and hence, if used 114 a rex ulat dressing for the hair, will preserve its color and keep t from fulling to extreme old age, in all its nein ntl beauty. We cull then upon the bald. gray, or diseased in scalp. to ate it ; and surely, the yonug will not.. they value the flowing locks, or the witching curl, ever he without It. Ita praise is upon the tongue of thousands.' Watertown, Mass., May I, 1855. Prof. 0. J. Wood: Allow me to attest the ir tuts and magic powers of your Hair Rest orative. Three months slums, being exceedingly gray I purchased and soon commenced to use two bot tles ; and it soon began to tell in restorspg the silver locks to their native color, and the hair which was before dry and harsh, and falling off now beeaMe soft end glossy, and it ceased fal ling: the dandruff disappeared, and the scalp lost all the disagreeable itching. so annoying be fore, and now I not only look but feel youssg a gain. Respecthilly yours, dce. CHAS. WHITNEY. New York, Oct. 2, 1855. Prof. 0. J. Wood—Dear Sir : After readii.g the advertisement in one of the New York jour. tutu, of your celebrated Hair Restorative, I pro. cured a half pint bottle, and was so navh plea• std with it that I continued its use litr 2 months and um natinfied it is decide dly the best prepara tion belbre the public. It at once removed all tie dandruff and unpleasant itching from the seal p, and has restored my hair naturally, and I have no doubt permanently so. You have per to refer to me, ull who entertain any doubt of its performing all that is claimed for it. 11118 FEEKs, 263 Greenwich An. I have used Professor 0..1. Wood's Hair Re storative, and have admireil its wonderful effects. It restored my hair where it had fallen off; it gleans the heath, and renders the hair soft and smooth—much more an Muni:oil. Lookvillo, Nov. I, '55. M. J. ATKINSON State of Illinois, Carlisle, June 27,'55. I have used l'rof..O. J. Wood's Hair Restor ative, and have admired its wonderful effect.— Idy hair was becoming, as I thought premature ty gray, but by the use of the "Restorative,. it lets resumed its original color. and I have no doubt permanently so. SIDNEY BREESE. Ex-Senator United Staten. [From the Washington Star.] Among the many preparations now in use for the restoring, preserving and beautifying the hair, there ere none that we can recommend with more confidence than Prof. Wood's flair Resto rative. now in general use throughout the States. This preparation possesses the most invigorating qualities, and never fails in producing the most happy results when applied according to direc tions. We refer our readers to the advertise ment for a few of the innumerable certificates which have been sent by parties, who have been benelitted by it, and who fell happy in giving tes timony to its wonderful effects produced on theta. U.J. WOOD it CO.,Proprictors,3l2 Broadway N. Y., & 114 Market st., St. Louis, Missouri. Sold in Huntingdon by JO. READ, and H. MuMAttion.h, and by Druggists everywhere. Sept. 25, 1557.-3 m. Diar.25,'57,1y. DTI. &'..iAll'friDaLVZ INVIGORATOR ) OR LIVER REMEDY Is an article that everybody needs who is not I■ a perfect state of health, for the Liver is second only to the heart in oar human economy. end when that is deranged the whole vital maLhine- ry runs wrong. To tel a medicine peouliarir adapted to this disease has been the study of ono of the proprietors, in a large and extended prac tice for the past twenty years, and the result of his experiment is the Invigorator, as a neve r thiling remedy where medicine has any power to help. As a liver remedy it has 110 equal, as all testify who use it. A lady writing from Brooklyn, says, "Would that I could express in this short letter the cal; no your Invigorator has been to me in raising a large flintily of children, tot it has never failed to relieve all affections of the stomach, bowels, or attacks of norms. If mothers once hail this remedy placed within their reach, and were taught how to use it, a fearful and untold amount of agony might be saved." One o our prominent bunkers says ? "rive or nix years since. I found myself running doe,, with a liver ditlieultv ; resorting to your Invig orator, was greatly relieved, and continuing tin a season, was entirely restored. A clergyman called at oar office the other day and odd he had given a poor woman a bottle, who was sulfuring very badly front Liver Com plaint, and helin•e she had taken the whole of it she was at work earning bread for her family. A gentkman recently from the West, says, while at Chicago, he was attacked with a slow, lingering leVer, that huttloil the skill of phYsi. clans, but the Invigorator cared blot •in v few 'days. Ono of onr city merchants said, while n a visit to Troy, a ti.w . days since, ho was attacked with bowel and stomach disorders, so as to con fine him to big room, and he sent to the drug store lor a bottle of Invigorator, took one dose, which relieved him so that he was able to attend his business. An acquaintance, whale business compels him to write most of the time, says, he became so weak as to he unable at times to hold Isis pen, while at others, sleep would overpower him, hut tho Invigorator cured him. A gentleman from Brooklyn called on us w ee k or two since, !Joking hut the shadow of a i n ee, with ssin yellow, pale and deathlike. He l ie d been for a long time suffering kom Jaundice and Dyspepsia, and unable to attend to his busi ness. We saw him again a changed man and to use his expression, ho lots not scan the bottom of the first bottle, and further adds "it saved my life, for I was fast going to a consump tive's grave." Among the hundreds of Liver Remedies now °tiered to the public, there are none we can so fully recommend as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy.. generally known now Otto , out the Union. This preparation is truly a El. nor Invigorator. producing the most happy re sults on all who use ,t. Almost innamerable certificates have been given of the great virtue of this medicine by those of the highest stand ing in society, and it is, without doubt, the best preparation stow before the pnbiie.••• • . -- • & CO., Proprietors,34s Broadway New York. Sold in iluntini,clon by Mawr Matonoita., and John Read. Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, Wholesale Druggist, No. 140, Wood at., Pittsburg, Wholesale Agent, Sept. 25, ' IVrENS' UNDERSHIRTS AND ORAWERS IVA Linen Shirt Breasts, Ready-made Shirt., white and fancy shirte, and collar. ' very cheap at D. P. OWN'S.