Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 13, 1858, Image 2

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Sher divisions of the public improvements '
economical. The net revenue, at the
'reentry was *174,00187, a decrease of
,90,092 68, as compared with the re.
eipis of the preceding year. In addiiion
o the ordinary expenditures, the sum of
46,208 wee paid for the enlargement of
his division.
The North Branoh Extension of the
'ennsylvania canal, although's() far core.
thud in the fall of 1856. that boats
reighted with coal and other products,
vere successfully 1 eased through its en•
ire length from Pittston to the Junction
!anal, yet in consequence of a large pott
ies of the "Horse Race Dam" having
been carried away by the freshet of last
wring. busineas on the canal was suspend
ed the greater part of last year It was
repaired during the summer and in the
fall business was resumed along its entire
length. Soon after, the same dam was
again extensively injured by a sudden and
heavy freshet, and the greater part of the
canal rendered useless for business. An
appropriation will be required to re con•
struct the dam.
one per cent. on their capital stock. The a
mount realized by the payment of this bonus
has not only defrayed all the expenses of that
session, but will leave a balance in the Treesu•
ry of not less than thirty-five thousand dollars
—a result certainly not injurious to the finances
of the Commonwealth,
My views expressed in former communica
tions on the subject of banks and banking ca.
In pursuance of the act of the 16th of May, p tat, in their relations to the currency and the
1857, providing for the sale of the main line ot Igeneral interest of trade, remain unchanged.
the public works, after giving the notice requi I However diverse our opinions may be on this
red by law, I caused the said main line to be subject, it must be admitted by all, that the
exposed to public sale, at the Merchants' Ex- banking and credit systems are en intimately
change, in the city of Philadelphia, on the ieterwoven with the business and commerce of
25th day of June last, and sold the same to the the country, that their sudden separation, or
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for the sum rash innovation, would produce consequences
of seven millions five hundred thousand dollars of fearful magnitude. That the present sys
the highest price bid for the same, and the mi• tea of banking is perfect, is not pretended;
ninium price fixed in the act. that it could be essentially modified and im-
After a full compliance by the purchasers proved, will not be denied. The present de
with the conditions of the act authorizing the ! rangement of the currency may and will ;mg
sale, and the delivery of their bonds in num gest the necessity of reform, not only in the
bcr and for the amounts equal to and falling system itself, but in the management of our
due at the time provided for the payment of banking institutions.
the respective instalments, the Secretary of the Unlimited credits by corporations or individ-
Commonwealth, on the 3ist day of July, A. In eats have end will ever be an unmitigated evil.
1857, as directed by the act, transferred, under They contribute to bank expansions, rash spec.
the great 906 i of the State, to the Peniisylvan'a ulations, extravagant living and excessive over-
Railroad Company, their successors or aesiene, trading ; always sure to be followed by ruinous
the whole main line of the public works, be- revulsions. What the remedy should be, Ido
tween Philadelphia and Pittsburg, together not deem it in my province, under existing cir•
with all the right, title and interest, claim and etenstances, to suggest; but to be permanent
demand, of the Commonwealth, to all property , and effectual it must accord with the natural
real, personal and mixed, belonging to or used and necessary lows of ,rate. The currency of
in connection with the same by the Common- a country forms no exception ti these laws,
wealth; and the purchasers having given no-1 and should be left to their operation and con
lice of their readiness to take possession of the trot, so far as may be consistent with the pub
said works, possession of the same was aecur lie good. It is, therefore, that a system of free
dingly delivered to the company, on the first banking, based on undoubted public securities,
day of August last, of which notice was given and coin iu such proper tion to circulation an
to n'l epergne:a (lents .d agents of the Com- deposits as may be deemed sufficient to secur e
nionwealth, ho proclamation bearing date the i their conversion into specie, on demand, with
Slot day of July, .1857, as required by the law proper limitations and resrictione, is deemed
authorizing the sale. I preferal 1, to the present system. Ira introduc-
The bonds of the Pennsylvania Railroad ' would correct ninny existiftg abuses not only in
Company, in the sum of seven add one-hall the system itself, but in the present snide of
millions of dollars, were received by the State banking. These questions, however, with the
Treasurer and are held by him for the Commis• remedies necessary to prevent a recurrence of
sioners of the Sinking Fund; the entire pro- the evils under which we now suffer, together
ceeds of the sale being required by the twelfth , with the nature and extent of the relief, if any,
section of the act to lie paid to the sinking fund that may yet be required by the banks of the
and applied to the payment of the State debt. ! Commonwealth, to enable them to resume the
I cannot forbear congratulating the peeple payment of their liabilities in specie, are all re
of the Commonwealth on the consummation of forced to the wisdom of the Legislature. They
this rale. Public sentiment, as expressed are practical and important business questions,
through, the ballot box, and in other forms e- end such as should receive their intelligent
qually significant, demanded it—public policy cons id era ti on .
and the interests of the Commonwealth rel. T e veleta condition of our Commonwealth
quieed it. It is done. The many approve— and country deserves at least a passing re•
few complain—those most who have gained an mark. A severe financial revulsion has occur
unenviable reputation by a reckless disregard I red, inducing a suspension of specie payments
of the public interests, as exhibited in the ex- by the Banks, not only of this Commonwealth,
travagant, useless and fraudulent exponditures het of all the States of the Union, deranging
of the public money for selfish or partizan par. the currency and affecting seriously all the
poses. great interests of commerce and the industrial
The sale of the main line has directed pnb- pursuits of the citizen. Labor is without ero
tic attention to the importance and necessity ployment, and thousand of strung active men
of disposing of the remaining divisions of the are n ow asking for work or bread. The causes
public improvements. The reasons .d poll• assigned for these evils are almost as various an
cy that required and justified the sale of the the interests or prejudices of those who under
one, apply with equal force to the sale of the take their explication. To whatever cause or
other. The propriety of separating the State causes they may be referred, it is neither just,
from the care .d control of the public works, n or proper to charge all our financial aria com•
is not only evident to all who have given the mercial distress to the Barks and their manage
subject a candid and impartial consideration, meet. However much they may have contrib•
but the necessity is clearly established, by the used, other causes have operated still more di
history of their construction and management. redly and powerfully to produce these results;
They have failed to be a source of revenue to .d among them first in importance and law
the Commonwealth. and if retained by the once is the present system of low duties, in con•
State, will require an expenditure in their re- section with the warehousing system, adopted
pair and management, largely exceeding any as the policy of the General Government in
revenue, that under the most favorable cit.- 1846. The abandonment of the protective po.
cumstances, can be derived from them. In licy, as embodied in the Tariff act of 1842,
any phase of the question, this separation is was resisted by Pennsylvania with a unanimi.
/desirable; Lut in connection with the payment ty almost unparalleled in her history. Her re
of the public debt, and the reduction of Slots 1 presentatives in both branches of the National
laeation, it becomes an o bj ect of since than Congress atrenuouely opposed the repeal of
ordinary interest. A sale, at the earliest prac- that act. The evils under which we are now
ticable period, of the whole of our public suffering were predicted, as a consequence of
works, fora fair consideration, upon terms just such repeal. But other counsels prevailed, the
sod liberal to the purchasers, arid at the same act was repealed, and the industry of the coml.
time amply protective'of the rights and inter• try exposed to a ruinous competition with the
eats of the people, should he authorized by the cheap labor of foreign nations. The.disastrous
Legislature. Such sale, with the application of leffects of the repeal, were postponed by the
the proceeds to the payment of the public debt, operation of causes well understood by every
would secure its still more rapid extinguishmet•
intelligent citizen. Famine abroad produces
The subject is recommended to your unbiseed
an unprecedented demand for our breadstuffe,
, and the breadatuffs of California, although it
The law incorporating. the Pennsylvania
may have added to the excitement of our prog-
Railroad company, impos - d a tax of three mills
retie, and contributed its full share in preeucing
Per the' per mile, on all Wl'B4° passing ever existing financial and commereial embarrass
that road, as au equivalent for any decrease in
meat, in million., supplied the means of pan'.
the revenues of the Commonwealth, that might
ing the overwhelming balances against an on
griefs from the anticipated competition of the
our foreign importations. Under the present
road with the businese of the main line of the
' system of low duties, the excess of imports
public improvement.. This tax is not imposed
over exports has been beyond th most extra,
upon the company, but upon the tonnage, and
agent want of the country. They have been
is paid by the owners of the freight transported
enorinous and ruinoue—destructive of domes
collectionroad; the
payment acti n gt e State. a a gen ts t
e It
rer and home labor in one common ruin. We
virtually y tax upon the trade and commerce of
have imported more than we could pay for, and
the Commonwealth, and upon the commerce of , much more than we needed. Pennsylvania
ether Stale., whom , Peodoetimte Beek nn me' ',bound s in iron ore. Iron and Its manage.
This canal, although useful and valuable, ap•
pears to be doomed to failure and disaster.—
These are the fruits of former mismanagement
and fraud in its construction. Every effort has
been made to repair the errors of its early
management, and to complete and render use•
ful this division of our public works. Under
proper management it can be successfully cc.
tern market over this road ; and thus by increa
sing th e tale of charges mid the cost of trans.
portation the produce of the welt is forced upon
the competing railroads of other States and to
other markets than our own.' The necessity
that reduced this tax, as regards the Common.
wealth and her improvements. has ceased. Its
continuance can only be justified es a revenue
measure. It should be the policy of the States
to invite the transmission of the products of
other States though the territory to her own
markets, and, therefore, the propriety of reliev
ing the trade and business of tht Commonwealth
In consequence of the suspension of specie
payments by the banks of this and other States
of the Union, and the financial embarrassment
and general prostration of business, I deemed
it my to call, as authorized by the Constitution,
an extra session of the Legislature, to meet at
Harrisburg on the sixth day of October last.
Although the relief provided by this extraordi•
nary session of the General Assembly, was
not as ample as the exigency of the ease re.
quired, yet it was productive of some beneficial
results, and serve•' to allay the excitement and
alarm that pervaded the entire community, By
the act providing for the resumption of specie
payments by the banks, all banking institutions
i accepting the provisions of that law, were re'
quired to pay into the Treasury one-fourth of
tares unjustly regarded as impudent elemental "The Farmers' High School of Pennsylye- I
of her materiel wealth; and from her ahead. ma," an institution incorporated by the Legis.
ance, if properly fostered and protected by a lature of 1855, is entitled to the especial at
wise nationelyolicy, could supply the markets tention of the friends of agriculture. In tin
of the *mid ; and, yet, since the patidage of the teachings fthisinssrtntien,thescientiflo and
act of 1846, we have imported of iron and the practical are united . ; and whilst the art of
their manufactures, more than two hundred fartningoind all that pertains to the mane,re•
millions of dollars in value ; paid for in gold or meet, business and work of a farm, will he the
our bonds and stocks, now held by foreign cap.' subject of instruction, the natural sciences, in
itelisti—the interest on which but adds to the I thdir relation and application to practical ag
burdens imposed upon us by our foreign in. riculture, will also be taught. The student of
debtednose. The same is true of many other the institution will be en,,b:cd to test, in his
important branches of home industry. Many daily ocefipation, the truth and value of the
millions in value of cotton and woollen good , ' knowledge communicated.
have, during the eatne period, been impeded. Much of the land connected with the school
that should have been made in our own work- has been successfully cultivated during the
shops, should have been woven on American past year. Orchards of every variety of fruit.
and not on British, French or German looms. and hedges, have been planted, and many val.
As an example of the practical working of uable improvements made. A double storied
the system, official documents exhibit the fact, barn, large and convenient, as also the farm•
that during the past four years the itnports of er'e house and part of the outbuildings, have
foreign merchandise, exceeded our exports one been erected and occupied
hundred and eighty.four millions two thousand From the report of the trustees, we learn that
seven hundred and sixty-eight dollars ; and as Nt contract has been made for the erection of
a consequence, the drain of the precious see an edifice calculated for the residence of pr.).
tale was correspondingly great. The amount fessors, lecture halls,. and dormitories for stu
d specie sent out of the country during that dents, to be built of stone, fear stories high,
period, was two hundred and thirteen millions two hundred and thirty three feet in front,
three hundred .d sixty.four thousand three with wings, and to cost fifty five thousand
hundred and eighty four dollars—specie impor. dollitrs. This building is already in progress,
ted twenty-six millions nine hundred and twen• and it is hoped that a part of it may be put
ty-seven thousand four hundred and twenty, under roof and be so far completed as to mut•
seven dollars ; leaving a balance against us on ble the board to make arrangements to re•
specie account of one hundred and eighty six ceive a few students before the close of the
millions four hundred and thirty-six oousand current year." The Legislature, at their last
nine hundred and fifty•aeven dollars. This de: session, appropriated fifty thousand dollars to
pleting process, aggravated by excessive im• this institution, one half of which has been
portationa, unsettled the currency and induced paid; the remaining twenty five thousand del.
an inflated paper circulation, resulting in bank tare to be paid on c3ndition that an equal sum
suspensions and financial embarrassment. But be realized from other sources, within three
the evil does not end here. An inflated paper yearn from the passage of the act making the
currency, by cheapening the price of money, appropriation. • . •
increases in this country the cost of produe• The (Mots and character of this institu.
Con, and thus, whilst the American manufac•
turer is exposed, under a system of low duties ,
to a ruinous competition with the cheap labor
of Europe, he is paid for his goods in a curren
cy less valuithle than that paid to his foreign
competitor. As a necessary result the home
fabric ie driven from the market, and the home
manufacturer rained. The operation of these
cantles, stimulated by low duties, is sufficient
to destroy the industrial energies o I any people.
With these facts before us, it is no matter of
surprise that our mills, factories and furnaces
have been closed, and thousands of honest
laborers thrown out of employment ; that com
merce has scarcely an existence, that bank.
ruptcy and ruin are around us, and our gener
al prosperity paralyzed. To avoid these diu•
asters, to whirl, we have been periodically ex•
posed, reform nut only in our system of bank
lag, but in our revenue laws, becomes hulls.
If the principle of the act of 1842 had been
preserved—even it its rate of duties had been
reduced—our specie, by millions, would not
have gone into foreign coffers to build up and
sustain the foreign manufacturer; home in•
duetry would be prosperous, and the cry "we
waut work," issuing from a thousand lips in
our large cities and manufacturing districts,
would riot now be heard; nor would a foreign
debt of nearly five hundred millions of dollars
exist, to startle and alarm us. That system
that practically prefers foreign In home lsbor;
that keeps our workshops in Europa, instead
of building and supporting them here; thst
takes our gold to pay the wages of the British
luborer, whilst our own are without employ—
ment and without bread; that fills the country
with toreign merchandise, to the exclusion of
the home fabric; that lays the British rail upon
the road through our iron districts, and by our
rolling mills, whilst they are silent and deser•
ted, and that invites to speculation and extrav
agance, is at war with every true American
interest, and should be atouce abandoned.
A period of low duties has always been mar
ked by ex•iessive importations; large exports
of specie; overtrading; bank expansions and
suspensions, and financial and commercial re•
vulsions. Under the protective policy, these
peculiar and ajartling characteristics of free
trade have all been wanting. The history of
the country establishes these facts. A well
regulated tariff, adjusted to protect the pro
doctive industry of the country, is not only the
true policy of the government. but Is a better
regulator of the currency, and a more certain
security against bank expansions, than nny
system of pains and penalties yet devised for
the control of banking institutions, or the op.
erations of capital. fo this we should re
turn. Pennsylvania is yet true to her ancient
and long cherished convictions of its propriety
and necessity. She may have been misled.
Political and partizan pressure may have for.
ced her from her true position. This was her
misfortune, not her fault. She sees and feels
the wrong, and with an emphasis, intensified
by her injuries, wll demand redress; protec
tion for herself, and the great industrial inter
ests of her people.
The agricultural interests of the country
should ever be fostered and sustained by the
State. They are first in necessity and useful
tress, and constitute the basis of State Na
tional prosperity. Upon their progress and
development depend the success of our me
chanical, manufacturing and commercial in
Agriculture, in its varied and multiplied re
lations, is the unfailing source of national
wealth, and to its promotion all should contri•
bute. Individual enterprise and liberality,
State and county associations, have done much
to advance this important branch of produc
tive industry; have collected sod circulated
much valuable information; and encouraged
by their honorable exertions, the progress of
scientific and practical, agriculture. Science
and art have ndoly proffered their aid—the
State should not withhold her encouragement
and support.
I have heretofore recommended the estab•
lishment of an agricultural bureau, iu connec
tion with some one of the State departments,
to give efficiency to the collection and diffu•
sion of useful knowledge on this subject. Im
pressed with the necessity and usefulness of
such a bureau, I again earnestly recommend
it to your favorable coneideration,
tion—its relation to agricultural knowledge,
and as the pioneer in the great work of agri•
cultural education, commend it to the ',ever•
ous patronage of the Legislature, and to the
confidence and liberality of the people of the
The report to be submitted by the Superin
tendent of Common Schools will present a clear
and satisfactory statement of the general oper
ation of the system during the past year.
The separation of the School from the State
Department, by the act of the last session, was
a jest tribute to the importance and value of
our common school system. The great educa
tional interests of the State, the cure and guar
dianehip of the intellectual, social and moral
improvement of the youth of the Common•
wealth, should occupy a prominent and iude•
Pendent position among the departments of
the government. If the care of the treasure
of the Commonwealth, the development of her
material wealth, and the advancement of her
politico economical interests, have received
from the government the marked and dietinc•
five recognition of the;r importance, how muck
'more should the mind of her youth—with its
wondrous activities—its constantly unfolding
energies, and its infinite superiority to the Ma
terial and physical, claim a still higher consid
eration, and receive from the representatives of
the people, a more honored recognition.
As an independent department, greater efli•
ciency will 1 e given to the system—a more di•
rect and immediate supervision will'. secured
the details 4lts oper.tlion more earefullj , oh
eerved--its defieieuelee discovered error.:
corrected—the accomplishment of its nob!e
purposes and- objects rendered more certain,
and the system itself saved from the danger•
OM and debasing influence of political excite•
meet, and partizan prejudice.
The county superintendency, tested by CI•
perience, has realized the just expectations of
the friends of the measure, and may now be
regarded as a permain-nt and indispensable
part of the system. When committed to com.
petent men, it has accomplished a noble work
in promoting the BUMsss and usefulness or our
common schools; and wherever the duties of
the office have been faithfully performed, the
character of the schools has been elevated,
their number and the number of scholars in•
creased, and the confidence and encourage.
ment of the public secured. In the hands of
incompetert men, these results have not been
obtained; but, on the contrary, opposition has
been provoked, and the cause of common
school education retarded. This office should
not be committed to any but men thoroughly
qualified by education and experience for the
performance of its arduous and responsible
dutiesi and if the school directors of uny coun
ty, in disregard of their obligations, from op
position either to the system or the office, se
lect an iccompetent person for the place, the
odium of the fact, and of failure to secure the
benefits resulting from a proper and intelli
gent administration of the office, should rest
upon them, and not. upon the law authorizing
the appointment. The defects of the system,
when clearly established, shoulti be promptly
corrected; but change is not aiways reform;
and innovation, induced by selfishness or pre.
judice, may endanger its permanency and de
stroy its efficiency.
The act of the 20th day of May, 1857, pro.
vidiug, for the due training of teachers for the
common schools of the State, by encouraging
the establishment of Normal schools within
the districts designated in the law, has recei
ved the cordial approbation of all interested in
the success of our common schools. The pas
sage'of that act inaugurated a new era is the
history of common school education in Penn
sylvania. It is a movement in the right di.
rectioni full of encouragement and hope fur
the greater perfection and usefulness of the
system. Large and enthusiastic meadow' of
i the friends of Education have, been held, in
many of the districts, to promote the estab
lishment of Normal schools, as contemplated
by the act; and liberal soma of money have
been subscribed to secure thill desirabl • object
A noble work has been commenced, and 8113•
tained be individual enterprise and liberality—
encouraged by the State, and vindicated by
I •
Its own intrinsic merit, it mast go on until
I State Normal schools, in number and etlicien•
cy, equal to the supply of well trained ttlach•
ems, shall become the just pride and boast of
The organic structure of our system is as
perfect perhaps as human legislation can make
it; but it needs the competent Ihnd thopoughly.
'rained teacher to it greater vitality and dB
, :..ney, one, secure the full 'accomplishMent of
I In , perponee of its creation. The teache,r the
properly educated, the well trnined, the scien
ific teacher, is the great want of the system
We need the teaching mind, not the automa-,
tion movements of mere physical organization .
or antiqated 'refine, to direct and control the
intellectual energies of the youth of Ii Com..
mouwealth. We require mind, educated mind
in our schools, that knowledge may be commu
nicated, not only effectively and practically,
but that in training the young, they may be
taught to think—how to investigate, and think
—and know for themselves; and thus be fitted
and prepared for the high and responsible du•
ties of ,the man and the citizen.
The deficiency can mly he supplied byStale
Normal Schools for the education of teachers.
To them we must look. The future is full
of hope. Much has already been done to pro
vide for their establishment and support. In
connection with honorable individual effort,
more legislative encouragement may be requi
red. It should be given cheerfully and promp.
ly. No subject of greater interest can claim
your attention ; no one appeals with more rea•
eon and truth to duty and patriotism.
Teachers' Institutes, as auxiliary to Normal
Scheols, should be aided by the State. Trough
their agency, substained by the noble and self
defying efforts of the teachers themselves
much good has been aecomplisqed in educa
ting and training teachers, and iu dignifying a
profession too long undervalued by those most
deeply interested in their useful labors.
In the great work of,popular education there
should be no retrograde movement in Pennsyl•
vania ;no yielding to the impotent clamor of
ignorance, selfishness or prejudice, in their at
tempts to stay its progress. These, one and
all may denounce and condem but virtue, pa
triotism, truth, bid you onward. Let the sys
tem be maintained in its unity and usefulness
let it be improved and perfected in its details;
but let no act of yours impair its strength, of
mar the beauty and harmony of its propor
Based as our institutions are on the will or
the people—dependant for preservation on the'r
virtue and intelligence—knowledge with us
should occupy the high position to which it is
pre-eminently entitled. Knowledge, founded up
on the pure principles of eternal truth, is the
crowning glory of the citizen—the safeguard
and defence of the State. Education, full and
free to all, is the boon we ask for the children
of the Commonwealth—it is the duty, para
mount to all others, the State owes to her citi
zens. The aid of the Commonwealth should
liberally bestowed. The subject, in all its re
lations, is warmly commenced to the gene,
ous care and patronage of the Legislature.
Legislation, whilst proqerly encouoaging the
de'velopement of the thateritil wealth of the
State, should redognize the still higher obliga
tion to improve the social, intelleatual t and
moral condition of the people. The ameliora.
tion of humus suffering, the reformation of the
erring, and the correction of youthful vicious.
nets, are object. that deserve the attention of
the philanthropist and statesman. To secure
these resu`ts the educational, charitable and
reftirmatory institutions of the Commonwealth
should be fostered and encouraged by liberal
The reports of the State Lunatic Hospital,
at ; 'arrisburg, and the Wes tern Pennsylvania
Hospital for the Insane, at Pittsburg, will be
laid before you, and will exhibit in detail their
operations for the past year.
These institutions, in their objects and re•
sults, merit and should receive our warmest
approbation. The condition of no elms of
suffering humanity appeals with more thrilling
power to our sympathies than that of the insane.
Ignorant of the frighful malady that epprliss
es them, shrouded in the fearful gloom of men.
tal darkness, and shut out from the social joys
of home and friends, the aid of the benevolent
and the benefactions of the Commonwealth
should be liberally and cheerfully given to
The House of refuge in Philadelphia, and
the Western House of Refuge near Pittsburg,
again ask to share the bounty of the Common
wealth. These schools fur the erring neglect.
ed, and out-east children and youth of the State
—these homes where kindness rules; and love
subdues the vicious and incorrigible, should
not be denied their request. The 'Blind' and
the 'Deaf and Dnmb' .Assylums at Philadel.
phia, and the Pennsylvania Training School
for idiotic and feeble minded children, present
their annual claim for your sympathy and aid
The darkened eye, the silent tongue, and the
weakended intellect, in sorrow and sadness,
appeal to,the representatives of the people for
this boon. It canrot be refused.
My views in relation to local special and om
nibus legislation have been so frequently ex
pressed, in co:nmunications to the Legislature
that their repetition now is unnecessary.—
Such legislation often so subversive of private
rights—so detrimental to the public interest
and generally so mischievous in its conse
gamma—should not be encouraged or permit
The report of the Adjutant General will be
laid before you. To its valuable and impor.
taut suggestions I invite your careful consider
I must again call the attention of the Legis
lature to the subject of revising the militia
laws of the State. They are so crude and im
perfect, in many of their provisions, and ob.
ecure in some of ,their enactments that is diffi
cult to discover tile object intended, or com•
prehend the duty enjoined. The powers
and duties of the respective officers connected
with the military organization of the Common.
wealth, should be more clearly defined. Great
er encouragement should be given to the M
utation of volunteer companies; the entire
system should be remodeled and placed in a
position to become alike honorable and useful
to' the State.
The Select and Cowmen' Councils of the
City of Philadelphia, by an ordinance pasted
the 7th day of April, 1854, and officially cony
municated to the Legislature at their last gen.
eral session, proposed to convey to the Com.
monwealth of Pennsylvania a ,lot 'of ground,
in that city, for the purpose erecting an Arse.
nal thereon. By the act of the 6th of May,
1857, the Governor was authorized to accept
from the Mayor of Philadelphia, under the
seal of the Corporation, the conveyance in fee
simple 04 the lot of ground proposed to be do.
tutted to the Commonwealth, for the purpose
indicated. The conveyance was duly executed .
by the Mayor on the 26th day of June, 1867,
and accepted on the 31st day of July following
as directed by the act. The fourth section of
the same act authorized the Governor to apply
the proceeds of the sale . of the Arsenal in Phil
adelphia ($30,000 00) to the erection of an
Arsenal on the lot of ground thus granted to
the Commonwealth. In pursuance of the au
thority conferred, a contract was made with a
skillful and experienced Architect, for the erec
tion and completion of the proposed Arsen'al ;
to be large and commodious, and adapted to
the purposes intended. The building was im
mediately commenced under the direct super
vision of the Adjutant General, and is now
completed and ready for the reception of the
arms of Military stores and equipments of the
Commonwealth. It is of brick, three stories
high, ono hundred and eighty-two feet front
on Filbert street, and fifty feet in depth. The
foundation walls of stone, are solid and mas
sive. The cost of construction did not exceed
the appropriation. It is a substantial and ale.
gnat structure and will ho a safe depository
for the public arms—an ornament to the city,
and a credit to the Commonwealth.
One of my predecessors, in his annual coin•
=ideation to the Legislature, immediately af
ter The close of the late war with Mexico, rec•
=mended the erection of a moment to the
memory of those citizen soldiers, from Peensyl
vaniii, who died in the service of their country
in that war. It is due to them, that some pub.
lie acknowledgement of their patriectic servi.
s hould be made by the State. Concurring in
the sentiments expressed in the communica•
firm to which reference has been made, I would
also iiibito your attaition to the propriety of
erecting, in the public grounds of the Capitol.
a suitable moment to their memory—and thus
honor those who, by their undaunted bravery
and invincible valor, hounored our noble Com•
The publication of the Geological Report of
the State, under the superintendence of Prof.
Rogers, is rapidly approaching completion
The engravings and illustrations are nearly
completed, nail the first volume now in press,
which he expects will be ready for deliver,.
moon after the meeting of the Legislature, and
the second arid last volume before its adjourn
meet or immediately thereafter. The style
and general execution of the work will be
equal, if not superior, to that of any similar
publication by our sister States. It will fully
sustain the reputatiol of the 'bed
Geologist, by whom the, surveys were in tile
and who has devoted so much care and attire
tention to its application. The largie geulogi•
cal map of the State, which will 1.0 onnpany
the volumes, will not be finished before the
close of the year. Great care has been taken
to make it perfect in all its dataili. The whole
work will he a valuable addition to geographi
cal as well as a geulical science, and will he
alike useful to the citizens of the Common
wealth and honorable to its author.
(Condurion next week.)
Stir We have further avian from Kansas.
In Leavenworth city 238 votes were polled for
slavery and 9 against. Many Missourians vot
ed, several of whom wero arrested, but subse
quent.y released by order of Judge Lecompte.
Much excitement prevailed. General Calhoun,
was burned in effigy. It was rutnerml that
Governor Denver had issued an order for the
arrest of General Lane.
le' The Indian Bureau at Washington has
received official information denying that the
dissent:Sou of the Indians In Utah, caused by
the mormons, had spread to the tribes in Cali
forma and on the boider. The California In. are peaceable.
Stir It is said, on apparently good authority,
that the free State men in Kansas will vote at
the ele:tion fur State officers, on the 4ut Jute
nary, under the Lecompton constitution, in or
der to secure the benffit of the State orgttniza
tion in the possible contingency of Congress
admitting the State with that constitution.
SW At the last accounts front California
the Mormons in that state were all selling out
their lands, bouses,goods,&c., and leaving for
Salt Lake, pursuant to order from Brigham
Oa—Advice:3 from the west coast of Africa to
the 10th of, October mention with much min
uteness the aeisure by the United States frigate
Cumberland, on the 3d of October, of the schoon
er Cortes, of New York, as a suspected slaver.
The Cortes was lying at anchor off the river
Camara with her cargo broken up, and in sight
de slave barracoon. After a thorough over
hauling of her papers she was released, being
declaired a legiutate trader. The schooner
Cortes belongs to Mumford Brothers, in Pearl
street, in this city, who are known as extensive
importers of crockery. The vessel was purchas•
ed by them for the India rubber trade, and has
been fur several years engaged in a legimate
trade with the coast of Africa. It is denied
that she has been connected with the slave
trade, or that she is now so engaged. The
trade is, at present. almost wholly confined, to
thb Congo river.
French agents aro purchasing slaves there
'in large numbers at $3O per head. They are,
also. purchasing slaves at Whodah at $6O per
head, and are engaged in a fierce competition
with the agents of Spanish houses, who are pay
ing $BO per head for negroes to ship to Cuba.
The slaves obtained Iran Whydrth aro said to
be worth twice as muoh as the Congo negroes.
From tits Episcopal Recorder.
The subscriber gratefully acknowledges the
execution of the Peed in fee simple for the
Lot upon which St. John's Church, Hunting
' don; is•erecrcd, the gift of Geu. A. P. Wilson,
of Huntingdon. It will be plearing to the
' friends of the above Church to know that
through the generosity of General Wilsoitthe
Church is now out of all embarrassments.
Editor and Proprietor.
Wednesday Morning, January 13,1868.
The Circulation of the Hun..
tingdon Journal, is great
er than the Globe and Am
erican combined.
Itir Owing to the great length of the
Governor's Message we are under the
necessity 01 leaving a small portion out till
next week, and a great deal of other im
portant matter which we are obliged to de
fer until next week.
Non• Paying Subscribers.
Wagons cannot run without wheels—
boats without steam—bull frogs jump
without legs, or newspapers be carried on
everlastingly without money, no more
than a dog can wag his tail when he has
none. Our subscribers are all good, but
what good does a man's goodness do, when
it don't do you any good. We have no
doubt every one thinks that all have paid
except him, and an we are a clever fellow
and his is, a little matter, it will make no
chr The Pennsylvania State Legisla
ture met on the sth inst., and organized
by the election of A. 13. Longaker as Speak
er ol the House, and William H. %Velsh,
Speaker of the Senate. Both gentlemen
were sworn in, delivered inaugural addres
ses, and proceeded to qualify the members.
The Govenor's message was sent iu on the
Ct'i inst.
rilllrLnst week Win. Lewis. proprietu:
of the Huntingdon Globe, was laboring un•
der n desperate spell of the disease called
in coin non parlance, "The mutt with the
poker;" however, front late nccouts, he is
likely to recover,
roar Frank LesliiT's7teiv Family Mag
azine fur the month of January 1858 4bl/-
fore us, with which is incorporated the
Gazette of Fashion This is styled the
"Nlonarch of the Monthlies," It deserves
In extensive circulation
BOller,Uniled States Indian Agent it the
Creek Nation, writing (rein Tahleguh to
the Southwest (Missouri) Democrat, says
thet a portion of lianans, Ittween the 38th
and 89th pararels, PORI Pikes, on the
South l'lalte, is auriferous. NI r. Beck, front
the milling regions n! North Georgia, has
visited that pak of I . ht. Territory and says
that for three hundred miles around gold
may be ob,ained,
gig J. Siarson ER/ , of thio
place has been appointed transcribing clerk
for the Senate, he is a good selection.
OW" We are in receipt of the first note.
of a paper published in Philadelphia, by
Chichester & co., culled the "Printers'
News Letter", devoted poincipally to the
intirest of the Printing profession.
&if- The 4 , 1Ca1l Street Broker," anti
North America Money Gutde for January
1858, Edited by John S. Dye of the City
of New York, has again made its appear•
once on our table very greatly improved,
and now ranks amongs the best Bunk Note
Detector in the United States; we highly
recco tumult: it to the publio Send an a
magnifying Glam.,
Mgr The Shirleysburg .thrald,' after
a short repose has been again resuscitated
by its former editor and proprietor, John
Lutz Esq.
l'he February ;umber of the La
dy's Home Magazine, is on our table with
a host of choice literature, send for it la-
Ales you will not regret it. Published in
Philadelpiha by T. S. Arthur 411* co., at
02 per annum.
Bar Goders February Number of his
Magazine is on our table with
Another Brilliant one, containing, a s
usual, a splendid Steel Engraving.
Another Slipper Pattern, that would
cost in the stores fifty cents".
Another of his splendid Fashion Plates
and innumerable smaller engravings.
The Literary matter in this number can
not be surpassed. The price is only $3,
or we will give it and the Huntingdon
Journal to you for one year for $3,50.
r ?The following gentlemen have our
thanks for valuable public documents;
Gov. James Pollock, A. K. McClure.
Esq., House. D. D. Houtz, House, W.
P. Schell Esq., Renate. J. Simpson Afri
ca, Trans. Clerk, Senate.
lion. Wm. Bigler.
The Pittsburg Gazette — of Friday says,
in reference to Senator Bigler that "he is
a low, gross, sensual, asthmatic, wheezy
Falstaff. whom everybooy despises both
in and out of his party."
MAnurre.—There is very little demand
for Flour to day, but the market has un
dergone no change.
he market for Clover Seed is steady,
at $4,5005 per bushel.