Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 06, 1858, Image 3
~,-•••4.--- INTcoriuxclm. We request those ut our subscribers who ro• o eive their papers, to inform us of those in their immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers to the "Journal," and have failed to receive the same, since the stealing of our pack-book, by ruffians on the 11th of October. New Caril:Press. flatting hough( a fast ARD PHESS," we are now prepared to print iu the proportion of three yards in be same time that any other press in the county can print one, consequent ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well we make no charge at all. We ask your pa tronage. COURT AFFAIRS. Trial Lbi—January Term, 1858. Fins ' WEEK. ?Exchange Bank, Pittsburg vs Meloy & Carlist Samuel P. Wallace no Jos. Shorn. John Miller vs Andrew Smith. John Fleming vs Brice X. Blair nod others. 'lsaac Gifftird vs Joseph Gifford's lithn ' es. Thom. Clark's heirs vs Deism) Clark. Samuel B. Melfecters vs - Beers. Cotn'th Mr Smith vs Weeks (reinstated). Patrick Wily vs Penna. R. It. Co. .John M. Wuliers vs David Varner. .Harrison S. Couch vu C. V. M. P. Co. Samuel Caldwell's:l,lm . y. vs Miehael J. Martin A. 11. Brumbaugh for use vs C. V. M. P. Ca. MeNite vu James Clark's adm'r, Jahn Dougherty y 3 Oct. W. Speer. A. Vantievander's adm'rs vs John McComb. Vatutml Miton vi Henry rockier. SECON 0 WEEK, Juha Sitve.,:,o c 3 W.I. Smith a Peek. Geo. W. \Vegom.i. cs 11'eshie 4 too Gayer. Atm Cannon vs Williqm Stewart. Joseph K. I kn.:kr:inn vs .I‘.ll. IlleatlersotesE: Chrlst.pher nAlr,ra vs P. F. liesslee et al. Pot,' n (Jr. I'. Shoenherger's a: IVOroon Bail - WAlhuttra. Philip Spat' v; Ilt;ilncr. John It. tiostwll v, ' peer gartiisLeu, et fur I..iberA et al. Sun. vs .1. 0. Li. , l,teer. c-.. vt Jtii, Entrilien, C. ObUorr, v. P. P. I;',.•s!t-r. .t Luwct.L, Protli'y GRA:;1) Jti!LUItS. IVitrriortn' I J. P. l3rwer, Dunirl Afr;en, Brionbsitigit Jnruli Baker, David Itarridt. Ralph Ci.. , t6ley, liti,ry Clapper, Ideew Satu'l Ji Robt. Julmstuta, Julin Bd. ctirpenter, Alexandria. femur, West. .• CaS, Hopewell. tilvrcluttit )üb!in, &lull D. Milton, Diic•hu Itudg, J,ekson. J. Murray Situijl -.- , Otor,zu Swartz, " Cr,,lnwt.ll. Tiloinui Stewart, Barre°. Snmit,•l Ste11;1, i.J.,et.1,,,, .1.1t3,.. John VatiJevattdcr, J. P., lVaPaer, erov,r, ()! John 11'0..1101 Robert kV i),01 John 1V e:doll, . • 11 iiieWl•ll. SP! AL:u. Jacob liuuber, THAI'Elt , t; JUI101{:.; 1 . 11.31 . • 6,rftwr, coach in . e. A . • P. (Irac. .• • • , John t;.•. , A. L. Jtwoll jr., (ieurge M. Green Clay. x~ :. i.. , 14111 e, tl.• • : C.111i11:4 Willintll J4lBlllll 1,1•111 , William Joh, • John ImoiniA, Samuel Long, 44 Jacob Miller, Matthew Miller, M. D., C. W. H. Moore, " LIV:110 Meredith, wagon iter, Joseph NleCoy, forint r, Samuel Niller, John 11. :defter:in, " John It. McCarthy, " Alesander id Uni,s, " John P,irter, " Joseph Itiggle, laborer; .George Robertson, tanner, Elijah Sollers, George A. Steel, Amos Smoker, Elisliii Shoemaker, Br. " Jacob Stuyers, laborer, Jul Slack, machinist, Gem . . Thomas, grocer, Slim,. Wright, J. P., William C. Wagoner, merchant, Jackson. l'orter. I 1 nntiugdi At,,rms. Hopewell. 1 enders. acksua. l!raly. 1 Val t:er. Fraukhn. Brady. Barret, Henderson, Franklin. Springfield, Cuss. Ilutii ingdun II rudy. Ilemlersou. Btaree. 111111tingduil Ulllllll. Brady. SKCOND WEEK. Springfield. untingdon k Springfield Toil. Shirley. Burree. Tell. Thomas Aston, farmer, David Black, carpenter, Jolto Beck, farmer, Ephraim Baker, mason, J”oeullull Barnwell, 'tanner, .Abr.cmon Carothers, " Joe. G. (Janet,, merchant, coulter, farmer, I.4.llenbach, merchant, JoM. Foreman. timer, Jacob Funk. Jackson .1. Fen, tiurner. nt . .tiallltii Grove, It J o ar, U. Goodman " Henderson Gilbert Lls.raing, Barrett. Beery I l 'laim, carpenter, Clay. Jens,, I loAlagaworth •' Shirley, James Horning, farmer, West. James Duey, Brady. William Johns, II Shirley. His ugh A. Jackson, - Jackson. Daniel IV per 14 Walker. Niulailiss Lynn, a Hopewell William Li v ingslon, " Oneida. Jacob Jllll,r, laborer, Cassville. Jacob Nesehoor, farmer, Warrior. NV iiliam i ivs• 1.:N.1., Tell. Henry It ass., Is Dublin. Lintel omiley II Bartee. A iox it tal, r Svott, blacksmith, Jackson. George ,•,1 cs cha, Spritsg . d. A 11 , :r.•W :11 , 1 11. farmer, Oneida. J,, Sll.,rv, Clay. Philip la) 10 , , miner, Tod. tritirow Walker, farmer, 00d IHISCELLANEOIIS ADVERTISEMENTS PREMIUMS A IVARDED THE JOURNAL JOB OFFICE AT TOW AIL,: FAIR, Volt THE I3M NIL _LK LAD 2211gtr PRINTING. COOK STOVE, A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE for sale nt this office ; it is calculated to burn wood or coal. Fatale of Nonol. Wink:mon. dec'cl. AIiiDITOR,S NOTICE. j TfIP underBigned appointed auditor to die tribute the uasetsiu.the hands of Henry Brewster, Esq., adm'r of Samuel Williamson late of Shirley Township ded., will attend at the Registei's 011iee in the Borough of Hunt ingdon, on SATURDAY, the 211 of JANUARY, '5B at ttl o'clock, A. 11., of avid day, when and where all persons interested are required to prevent their claims or be debarred from rom• ing in upon said Ana . B. F. CAMPBELL, Auditor. December 9, '57:-41. TAKE NOTICE. WHEREAS 1 Sarah A lexantk; an thu 4th .!ay I). , (,mber A. I)., 18.57, Purchased from doh. Alexander Proper. ty to satisfy two Jutiganents that I have against hint amounting to $lB4 87. The property is One Buy Horse, one I year old sorrel cult, 1 red cow, 2 2 nears old heifers, 0 cheats, 8 sheep, I Oparbourn wagon, one Hathawny rook stove, 5 tons of hay more or less, a lot of corn ladder, 15 acres of grain in the ground 'sore or less and I 11111108 saddle. take notice that I the subscriber have moehtmetl the Ahoy e property from Job. Al ex:littler told I do hereby forwarn any person or persons tree buying or purchasing any of the ohm, pgtperty from John Alexander or any other person or persons without my con sent an I have Mime the property into my pus- 'session and have 1,1 Jolla Alexander have the moverty to inla, care of for me. SARIII ALEXANDER. Sideley Ip., Der. 9, '57:-3t. DR. Arlo.llovo INDIAN ROOT PILLS. DMORSE. the ioventer of MORSE'S IX DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the grew ter part of his life in travelling, having vi,hod Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well no North America— has spent three years [untold the In diaos of oar Wooer!, errantry—it was in this way that the !Alan Hoot Pills were first dis co, roil. Dr. Morse was the first man In 1,- the fact that all diseases arise from Im• purity of the Blood—that ter strength, health ato.l lire depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages hecome eloggod, and not net in perreet harmony with the dil f:ret.t funrtitts el the body, the blood lose, 114 action, s ,:s thick, corrupted and •di sensed; thus causing all pains mickness and distre,s of every nunal our strength id exhaust. fed, our health we are th•prived uf, nail if tilt• :ore im in throwing ,tag nit I:uluo:s, the blood will bt••rone eholoml Anti cease to uci, 1:1.d thits our light of life will ii.rerer he I.l.vit oat, How imporittut then flint xv lll keep the variattm p.moges of the Lode free end ++i:••o. And bow pleti.ant to tlott era hove it in our power to poi It riue io rotr reach, tto - ,!y. I 1:41i,, Itt,t front !• • •,• f, the ht ate'. euvery man. One of the root, • s whit h Pitt, are made it a Su.i. r: ~•. t'te p,,res of tit. .. ...., • Nature 1,....wing out the liner Hurts of ti.e currttp ii a I,laat which iS etor,tot. that opens and unclogs the eto the . • awl thus. hi u soothing . •,, duty by throwing oil front the lunge by third is u Diurctie, _ . • • • 1 duulde strength to the •nu,red, they meow large 11- • , 1, whirl, is • , 0 urinary or , : 9i hewilut have been ,her way. The fourth to I ne)ampanitto the other prop. reties of the Pills while engaged it purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, urn thus taken up end conveyed oil' in great goat, titles by the boweh4. From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills not only enter the atom wh, but become united with the blood, fur they tied way to every part, awl completely rout nut and cleanse the system from all impurity. and the life ut the hotly, uhich he the Mood, be comes perfectly healthy; consequently all sick ties and pew is driven from the system, far ti ev cannot remain when the body becomes pare and clear. The reason why people are no distressed when sick. and ohy so many die, is because they da not get a medicine which will pass to the afflieted parts, and which will open the toonral passages for the disease to he east mu hence. a large quantity of twit and other mat• ter is lodged, and the stomach and in:twines me literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermenta tion, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted mutter through every veil' and artery, until lite is 'taken from the body by discii-m. Dr. Morse's Pills have ad ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re storing millions a the sick to blooming health amp happiness: Yes, 111011Salele who have been rio kcal ur tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of ra• ging fever, and who have been brought, as it. were, within is etep of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been toonliered with the dead, had it not heen for this great and 'wonderful medicine, Nitrous Indian Root Pills, After one or two doses had been taken, they were astonished, and ah solutely surprised, in witnessing their charm ing effects. Not only do they give immedi. ate case and strength, and take away all sick ness, pain and anguish but they at once go to ' work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blood. Therefore, it will he shown, ever. ially by those who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a long and happy life will cher'sh and brighten your days. CAUTION.—Beware of Is counterfeit sign ed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHITE& CO, on each box. Al. the eionwure of A. J. White it Co. All oth ers are spurious. A. J. IVIII , I it CO., Sole Proprietor*, 60 Leonard Street, New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. Brady. Shirley. Bean. Beaderson Penn: tar Agents wanted in every town, village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the agency will address as above for terms. .." - gtiti. Price 2.5 con; per box. five bOxes will be sent on receipt of $l, postage paid. Deeeraber. 9, '97,—ire, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. L II2CZCEIPEORSI o BITERS Testamentary on the estate of Hugh Johnston, late of Cana township, Huntingdon county, dec'd., having been gran ted to the undersigned, ail persona hating claims Rgilittst said estate are requested to pre• sent them and those indebted to the came, to make immediate payment to J. H. DILL. D e r . JAS. JOHNSTON Agricultural Society. THE Huntingdon County Agricultural Society will meet in the Court House, on Wednes• day evening of the first week of the January Court, 12th, inst., at 7 o'clock, fur the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and transacting other business of importance. A full attendance or the officers of the Assoeia tion, and all others interested are earnestly re quested to attend. By order of the Executive Committee. See'ry. Huntingdon, Dee, 23, 's7:—te. S T R.' $: NOT MX. (ARA; IS HEREBY GIVEN TO Al,l, Di persons interested that the following named persona have settled their accounts in the Reg. niter's Olive at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will he presented for confirmation and allowance, ut no Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and fur the County of Hunting• don, on Wednesday the 13th day of January lout, to wit: I. Peter P. Kew.ler, administrator of the ea• tutu of William Aleeartney, late of Henderson township, de d. . . '2..1,:111 I,lner, administrator of the estate of Willi!. Wilson, late of Pulaski county, In. 3. Jul. Reed, administrator of the estate of Thomas Reed, late of the borough of Mating. don, dee'd. 4. Partial administration account of Dr. Hen• ry Orlady, administrator of Joshua It. Coo, who was administrator of Esther Cux, late of Warrionmark township, dee'd. 5. William Stewart, administrator of thn es tale of Jennet Stewart, late of West township, dee'd. 6. John Miran& and Itob't Tussey, exert' !ors of the lest will and testament of John Sproul:le, We of Morris townshlp, dee'd, 7. Trust account of George W. Speer, act• ing irnAce. appointed by the Orphans' Court 10 maim note of the real estate of Rob% Speer, doe'd. 8. Trust account of Henry Lightner, trustee app”inted by the Orphads• Court, to make sale of the rod estate of . Geary Lightner, late of . West townd,ip, . 9 'fruNt account of James Saxton, trustee, appointed i t the Orphans Court, of tho e,tnte of Ot.or,e linitri2ht, late of the borough of Huntingdon, &Cll. • 10. Guard:unship account of Henry B. My tinger, guardian of Rosetta Stewart, a 111111, elll l 4l ..r Anti,ey J. Stewart, late of Harr:.; township, drc'd, 11. Glt.ollianship account of George Sipes, guardian of Richard, Elizabeth, Loretta and Evaline Wharton, minor children of Samuel N. Wharton. late of Cromwell town hip, dee'd. 12. Alfred li. Crewit (now ilee'd.) 1)r. Jacob Hoffman, Lou tim I,or tlgli of Huntingdon, dee'd., as slatted and tiled by Jane D. Crewit, executrix of the said A. H. Crewit, deed. HENRY GLAZIER, Itt , gi,tcr Thybder's 01/;',.. Dive. 12,W:17 STRAY PIG. Clone to the residence of the subscriber, n• Lout the Ist of Auptd, u white briar, supposed to weigh about one hundred pounds. The ow ner is requestisl to come forward, pay charges, peeve property and taint him awns. SHUEMAKER. Dee. 2, 11t57.-4l°. LEsTATE OP 1)11 WNI. (iI L US, - DEC'D.J ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOG, 13 hereby given, that Letters of Ad• titiniairation nn Ih4 estate id' Dr. William Gra• Into of l'urter township, dee'd., have loam granted to the undersigned. All pernons in debted to said entitle nee regitettted to inalie im mediate payment. and those havin4 claims to present them dilly authentiented, to HENRY OR AFItiS, Adm'r. Dee. 2,1857.-Gt. ORM ANS' COUIft DI * virtue of an alias order of the Orphans' DC'out, there Kill be exposed to public sale on the ' , remises, on Thursday, iho 7th day ofJauuary, ISSB AT I l O'CLOCK, A. M., all the right, title and interest of Samuel Kerr, dee'd., of, in and to the following described REAL ESTATE, situate in the village of Marklesburg, in Penn township. in the county of Huntingdon, to wit: All that certain lot of ground, fronting en the South west sixty feet on the public road leading from Huntingdon to Bedford, thence on the West one hundred and sixty feet running back from the said road, by lot of Thomas Co, such, to a street fifteen feet wide, thence on the North sixty feet along the said street to an alley twelve fent wide, and thence on the Dist one hundred and sixty feet by the said alley, to the place of beginning, having a two etory house. cabinet maker's shop and other improvements thereon ,t3io erected. • -- 1. ""•!*" N. B.—The purchase mo•t. ney of this lot has been paid in full. by the said dee'd., in his lifetime. Also a certain lot of ground, fronting on the South-west sixty feet on the public road lead ing from Huntingdon to Bedford, thence on the West, one hundred and sixty feet running back from the said road, by an alley twelve feet wide to a street, fifteen feet wide, thence on the North. sixty feet along the said street, tolot No. 27, in the plan of the cold village, and thence on the East, one hundred and sixty feet by the said lot No. 27, to the place of begin ning, having a two story triune house usi thereon erected. li; N. B.—Theie is a balance of $37,92. "It of unpaid purchase money due on thin lot, to David Brumbaugh, as of the date of the sale. Also two certain adjoining Into of ground, frontiog sixty feet each on the public road lea ding from Huntingdon to Bedford, thence on the West une hundred and ninny feet running back from the said road, by lot No. 25, in the plan of the said village, to a street fifteen feet wide, thence on the North, sixty feet each, a long the said street, to a cross street fifty feet wide, and thence on the East. one hundred and sixty feet along the said cross greet, to the place of beginning. N. B.—There is a halance of $57,82 of un paid purchase money, duo on each of the said lute, no above stated. TERMS OF SALE. The one hull . of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the other half in one year thereafter; with interest', to be secured by the borate and mortgage of the pur chaser. JOHN HOUSHHOLDER, Decarmbet 16. 1607.-36, Acker. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. TAZ COLVEC?OES TALI) FOTICZ. TFIE collectors of County and Slat' Texo. fur the year 1856 and all previous year. are re• desired to make immediate payment of Ile bal. ances due in their duplicates or they may Sc • poet to be dealt with according to law. The collector. of 1857 are earneatlv regime. ted to collect and pay over to the Treasurer, the amount of their duplicate. as as a. psi Ode.- Money is much needed .t the present time and must be had. JACOB BAKER. H. L. M'CARTHY, Com'rs G. W. MATTERN. Nov. 25, I CASSYILLE ettiumay, Only $19.50 per Quarter. THE NEW FACULTY. 111.11101. IVAI,SII. Principal. Professor of Lanzonges and . Philosophy. llerr Karl Bockenhelm, P, al. o/' German Language 4• Literature. M. Eugene Chivaut, Priy ,, Nor of P ,, nch and Piano Music, James W. Ilughes, qe.sor of Mathematics, etc . Mrs. M. 11IeN. Walsh, Pree,prem ci,:n Paint ing, Botany, History etc. Miss E. Faulkner, illonbehromatic, Painting, Drawing. bc. bliss Anna ill. Gray, _ _ _ Pia's - o Music and French. Miss Jennie Pl. Walsh, Primary English, THIS f;CH001, HAS LATELY PASSED into new h tads, mid the present owners are determined to make it a first aloes lustitu• Lion. The majority of the new faculty are id ready on baud, and student , will he received us t ea m us they wish to COW. Young It;dies on gentlemen intending logo to school will do well to write to us before CO, elttiliog to go elsewhere. There is no cheaper, and we &litre flare be no LW, school sync , than curd. 13uth sexes are received, all branches taught and students can enter at any time. Fur further information, mblress JOHN D. WALSH. ' Ca3sville, Miatinudon , Pa. December 9,•1837.•tf. [ESTATE OP onjilsoN. DE(.' , DI EXECI:ToitS , NOTRE. Al.l. persons iatere,ted are herehy notified that Letter Testamentate en the estate of ilmn Odds., Esq., late et the bort - igh of II on. Liner:bin, dee'd., have been gritted to the en• dersigned, mid all persons haying claims or de. wands again,t ha'id estate, are requested to matte latow•u the same, amd persons indebted to make payment to Wm. P. Orbison, the acting Executor. ELEANOR ORMSON, THOS. E. °MASON, EYE, WM. P. 0111:180N, October 2s, 's7.—k* New Goods ! New Goods !I AT P. GWIN'S CHEAP STORE. I). P. (7 win has junt rewind from Philidel. phin with the largest and most beautiful as. sorourut or FP:ill'4 . 2 l :lo Wilii1174BI!.:11-1(SsiD M.;:;::C;7;t1 g irt 17!11 );iI;. 0 . ; „ cr,usisting of the tit,t I..llion:Ode Dress Goods Mr Ladies and Gentlemen, such us Black Silks, and Fancy, All Wool Ile Loins, (all colors) French Merino, plain and printed, otribre striped 'de Loins, hatred and fancy de loins, Levelly Cloth, Mohair, Debuiz, Shepherds' Plaids, and Prints of every description. ALSO, IA large fat of dress Trinnnings, Frin ges, More Antique Ribbon, Buttons, Gnnps, Braids, &e. Bonnet Silks, Crapes, BilMonds, Gloves, Mitts, Veils, Liters, Belts, Ribbon& for Belting, Whalebone, lined & Brass Hoops tar Skirts, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk Neck tins, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Li nen mid C,..tton Floss, Tidy Yarn, Wool Yarns. Also the beet nut largest assortment of Col lars, and Undersleeees, is town. liar'd and Plain Jaeonet, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain, Fig ured and dotted. Moreea, stud Hoop Skirts, Irish Linen, Linen 'Toile Cloths, Nuphim, Towels, he. Shirts, Shirt.hreasts, Undershirts and drawers, wool coats, hoods, conithrts and scarfs. Also a large assortment of Waterloo Bay State Wool Shawls. Single and 13h...ha Shoots. Also, Cloths, Cassitners, Cassino., Tweeds, R. Jeans, Vesting, Aluslists, bleached and un bleached, Sheeting and l'illcw-citse Molt, one, Ticken, Cheek, Table Diapers, Cra It Flannels, Suck Flannel, plain and figured, Can fro Flannel, Blankets, e. Ah , o. a large lot of Silk Bonnets of the latest styles and at /cry low prices. Hats and caps of alt kind,. 7loots and Shoes, Gum shoes ; the best and cheapest in town. 3Y tt DWA R E, (WE MNS `LW AIM Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Brooms, ltrushus, e. Corn., ts, Oil Cloths, Fish snit suit. Nagar, Cotllie, Teo, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old CUMOMOr3, and as man;• new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requested to come and examine my goods All kinds of Country produce token in ex• change fur goods, ut the highest market prison. OA VID GWIN. October 7, 1857. THE CAMPAIGN OPENED FIRST 1111.1tIVAL 011 FALL AND WINTER G®®DfS. FISHER & MoMURTRIV WOULD HusvEcTFuLLY ANNOUNCE to their numerous friends and the public, that they have just received from the East, a most beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Goods; embnicing every variety sinew styles such as Valencia Plaids, Plaid Dupers, Oriental Lustres, Gala Plaids Tomese Cloth, Poplins, , striped and Plaid, Plaids, striped Delnities„ French Merino, Printed Delaines, Bayadere ' Stripes, Argentine, Coburg. Mohair, and Ma donna Cloths. Shepherd's Plaids, erench Blan ket, Bay State, Long and Square Brodie Shawl Gents' Pravelling do, French Cloths. plain and fancy Cassimeres, Satinetta, Jeans, Tweeds, &c. Itib;ons. Mitts, Gauntlets, Gloves, 'Palmas, Cloaks. Chenille Scarta, Dress Trimming., La dies' Collars, Brilliants. °Gin and si , riged Swiss, Victoria Lawn, Nainsooks, and every variety of White goods. HATS, CAPS and BONNETS of every variety and style. We have a full stork of Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Wood and Willow-ware, which will be cold on such terms as will make it the iLtereet of all to cell and examine. . . —..— Groceries can be had loser than the high prices which have been maintained heretofore. We also deal in Plaster, Fish, Salt, and ali kind. of Grain, and possess facilities in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of merchandise circa or mutton, at the depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. Sept.3o,'67. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. SAVING FTIND Nat'onal Safety Trust Co. (nvi, Walnut Street S. W. Corner of3d. Arrancemehte for Bushiere dorinc the Siuiwr eion of Specie l'ey mews by the Henke. 1. Depoeits received and paymente wade 2. Current Bank Note., Checks end Specie will be received on deposit. 3. Deposits made in Bank Note" re Cheri., will be paid back in eurront•Hank Notes. 4. Droositv made in fluid or Silver will be paid back in Coin. IN rEREST 5 PER. CENT. PER. YR. HENRY 1,. BENNER, President. W I LLIA NI J. REED, Secretary. Nov. 25, '57. REAL ESTATE FOR. 61111,-I-AEL 11111 E undersigned, being desirous of removing from the town of Shirleysburg, hereby offers for sale his entire remaining real estate, sit.- tot in rnd near said town. The property cm sists of three separate and distinct dwelling houses, (including the large and commodi ous BRICK MANSION, in whiel the subscriber now resides) ; tall of which are elligibly situated is the mnstdesirable and business part of the town, A detailed de scription of said property is deemed anemia. ry, no any one desirous orpurchssing, will, of course, wish to see and exam'ne for himself.— Two of said houses are admirably located and calculated fir stores and tavern stands, &e. Also, the subscriber offers for sale, ten acres! of rich b ttom or meadow land, situated a short distance who,, the grist mill of the Messrs. Heatless. This land is well suited, not 3nly to the rising of grass, grain, etc., but is pvtuNarly adapted to the production of "Chi nese Sugar Cane," tau article of recent introdue tion, which seems in promise greater profit, per acre, than almost any other agriciltural produet. Shirleysburg, Nov. 18, '57. NEW AND CHEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE • DA VII, CiltOVlii informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, tied the public r ,en• erally, that he has opened a Gitterry Store on Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of 171. Orbistm's residence, where he will at all tittles he• pritared sutylr customers with ~41.1, KINDS Ofi GROCERIES, lAEA l'E/1 THAN THE CHEAPEST, at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Molasses, Cheese, Spives, Confectionaries, Ilan s, rnit, Brooms, Buckets, Segars, ate.; in fact, every article 'usually kept in a Grocery Store. .1s I am determined to sell cheaper than the eln nyest, I want everybody to call and examine my stneli and I).\ VII) GROVE. .Idly 29, '37.1y. nor. chlts. net:runes ELECTRIC OIL. TitiA great discovery is now creating agrent senettion nmong the Mythcal . Facultics of Et, 'TT and this country. It will cure the follow. hug (not everything): Warranted to Cure Ferri• and Ague in one day. Core chills in live minutes. Cure Croup in one night...— Core Deafness in two to lour days. Core Intros and Scalds in ten minutes. Cure Sprains, Wounds uml Bruises in t'reinone to three days. Core Inflammation in une day. Cure Neural. gin. Croup, Tooth Ache, Barns, in 10 minutes. Cure Hemorrhage,ll, Abscess, in tell flays. Cure Bruises, Wounds, Titter, in one to three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stifl• Neck, Ague ill one day. Cure Felons, Broken Breast,Salt Rheum, in three to nix days. 'Jaye Quinzy, Palpitation. Pleurisy, in oat to ten days. Cure Asthma, laity, Gout, Erysipelas, in tine to 20 days., Cot a Frosted Fret, Chiblains, Chrudie Rheumatism, Stilt doiuty, 5... Throat, Scarlet Fever, nod the lame made to walk, by a few bottles. This Oil (Be Grath's) in mild and ideanaut, and is a great fatally Medicine fur ehil.lom teething, At,. Ladies slimild till use it. It always hayut you better than it finds you, and one bottle often car,•! entirely. Thirteen Year. and Cured in One 11 . .4. • Read - letter from Re‘. James Temple. Philadelphia, June sth, 1836. Prof. De Orath t I have been afflicted toe thirteen years wnh Neuralgia and other pain. ful complaiton. mid I bison been unable to steep soundly or walk any distant, Mr many years past. Last week 1 got a bottle of your "Elec trio Oil." The first night 1 slept soundly and well, and today lam like a new moo. Me wife could not believe her eyes. Your Elec . ,- trio Oil has Mule in 000 week what the physi• clans of Philadelphia felled to du iu Omit. years. Gratefully yours, REV. J AMES TEMPLE, 310 Smith street. DEAFNESS CURED. New Haven, May 15th, 185 G. Prof. De Grath : My hroiher has been dent three years. After trying tansy things, he us• et! your Oil a few braes. and it cured him en tirelv. CLIFFORD & SeltA YroN. There are numerous imitations sprung up on the reputation that my nrtiele has aerorod. The public must beware. They are worthless. For sole by Jolla Read, Huntingdon. . Aug.s,'s7.:lym. 11UNT'ZNADOEI ct4_ll y ........ rrITE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill, inform farmers end the public general. ly, that they now have their new millin running order, with all the modern improvements in the water wheels andmtehinerz. They have put in five of the Improved Jon. cal Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all stages of the water, ana during the coldest weather, any and all kinds of grain. They are nrepared i(11 sell, end have en hand for sale at ail violas, at market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, and farmers can have their own grain ground, and take it back in a return load, or they C. be furnished iu exchange at a'moment's notice an equal quantity of Flour and Brea or chop • ped feed. Wl= lIMUT is of s 1) TinliroTeimanufasCiu7Lls;;lihey wil l insure •FULL TURN OUT of euperior quell ty to every bushel of grain left at their FISILER• & MeNIURTRIF.. N. B.—The 13.6% beet etuuee are nut quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. BLANKS.--Always buy your Blanks at the Journal tithes." We have now prepared avs ry .mperiorkrucle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, ,11:1 , GMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC U sh.ti, Dr. John McCulloch, Offers his professional services to the calms of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, on Mill et., between Montgomery and Bath. gantingdot, Ang. 29, 11195, AIISCELLANEOES ADVERTISEMENTS. I Alin MIMS CLOTHING! 1 A At* Assortment Just Openrd And' will be rotd 20 per cent. citc.e. 'IIIINI 111. 4 atcArtAT! ROMAN respertioill in'oons his clot,- meta and the puhlit , ge,erally, that he lois pod opened et his stute-room in Market :ignore- Iluntingdon,a splendid new stock of Ready made -- (ladling for Fall and Winter, which he will sell Lheaper than the same quality of Goods can he purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any nth, establishment in the enmity,. Persona wishing Si) buy Clothing would do well ni call and examine his stock belro purcha sing elsewhere. Also, Hais, Caps, which will be sold lower than at any other e , tublislonent in the comity. Huntingdon, October 7. 1P57. BAS K NOIES AT PAR! AT THE UARDtVARE DEPOT The subscribers have again returned from the East with an enlarged stock of 1141 W IVA BE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, IIOLLO IV- IVA RE. CUTLERY, SADDLER Y, OILS, t l• P. I /NTS, Code!. Trimmings, ose. With an endless variety of modern inventions and improvements. Basing purchased our goods at wholesale, chiefly from manutact Seers, we are enabled to sell wholesale and retail—extremely low. Bank Notes taken at par for goods. All orders receive prompt. attetvion. JAS. A. BROWN & Co. Huntinxdon, Oct, 28 1837. DR. ZI J T R. HUYETT, DZ%$7l ALEXANDRIA, mu.vr. CO:, P 4. April 1, 1957.-Iy. La. 211..1:-.DA DENT'S!' RITNIVIVEGUOI, June 13, 1857. 11114SEY V 1 C. WEI, ;.$ .121'11, PORK PACKERS, Wtodeode Deo/cr., i, reorwoo, No. 325 LIBERTY STREET, 011.3113111..11C1AL I. R(fli, PITT.SIS ItG, l'A. A 1,...1:57. 1D0.501.11.7T10N OF PAICIALVSME., ti: i.l I dm ed um!, the Imo, Youu 4 S lint .1. ha day dissolved by mutual I 1. - oung has purehased and tat o, sole siou of ill., lirm's property and am: I,e has assumed the tudebtedut., of Elie ~amo. All debts due are to be paid to him. 11. GEO. P. 01VEN. Broad 'lop City, Nov. 1!, 1b37. ESTATE OF DAVID BE{FEET, DECD. At DI TOR'S NOTICE. Tlir, ime.i g ned; Auditor, appointed by the Orpltans' Court of Huntingdon county, to dis tribute the baboon) in the hands of Th.tmaa E, Orbison Esq., Administrator of David Bucket, late of Shirley township, deceased, amongst dome entitled thereto, hereby given notice to all persons interested, that he will attend for tilts purpose of making said distribution un THURSDAY, the 31 or DECEMBER NEXT at one o'clock I'. M., at his office in the bor ough of Huntingdon, ellen and where all per 80119 interested are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund, ste. THEO. IT. CREMER, Auditor. NOV. 25, 1857:-4t. The Rev, C. S. 111.1EVETT, while la boring ns a missionary in Sonthein Asia, di.- „„ vi . re d a a h a ida and certain Cute far Co:wimp tom, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ner vous Debility, and all impurities et the blood ; also, an easy and effectual mode of inhaling the Remedy. Actuated by a desire to nautilil his sullering fellows, he will cheerfully send the re cipe (free) to such as desire it, with full atn ex plicit directions fur preparing and successfully using the Medicine. Address BE, C. S. BURNETT, 831 Broadway, N. Y. City. Ju1y20;57.-6m. ATTOANIIIr as L 1 W, Will attend to nil professional lousiness entrusted to his care in the several Courts of Iluntingdot, county. Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agree. meat, written at the shortest notice and on the most reasonaktle terms. Shirleysburg, April 22, 1857. LEATHER LEATHER ! LEATHER HENRY W. OVERMAN , Importer or Frond, Calf Skins, and General Leather Dealer, No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia. A general assortment of all kinds of Loather Morocco, &c. DEO AND OAK SOLE LEATIOE O 2 Mure114,'57.-Iy. rIMPORTANT INFORMATION, by Ivltirh much suffering in families may be avoided, sent to married men and those contemplating marriage. Address, en closing four stamps. DR. O. W. ADDIS COMBE, Brooklyn, N. Y. Nov. 25, '57,—(4. WHALEBaNE, REED AND BRASS Hoops and Reed Skirts, tor sale at the cheap more of 1). P. ()WIN. A LETTEn-corecit FOR SALE. An excellent tale timbale at this *Mee. This is one ol Acidic's' No. I Caw cod Lever Press IS A in COLLARS & UNDERSLEEVES in great variety at the 'Amp eture of D. P. GWIN. oUNI Snot:S. cheaper at D. P. GWIN'S than c.a ha had is tamp. Call and me them LAMES' DRESS GOODS, of rieh styles, and very cheap at I). P. GWIN'S. BON/i}.lb in great variety and cheap I). P. ()WIN'S. pours & SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town, at 1). P. GWIN'S. Driecl Beef; Hams, Shoulders and Flitch, for sale at the cheap Grocery Store of. LOVE I McDIVITT. 17 110CHA AtlD WOOL SHAWLS, Si. its 4 aft? it W P. ItWW. 11. NEW YORK ADIERTNEMENT. ALL II AIL I SOMETHING FOIL THE MIL , LioN!!! \--------\ 1 1 ( ---- p . e —'.. .1:;t;::. ' i: ;.j 4 1L . C ; ' ,.t 1;.: :: : :: ; : • • •' ' "17.4147 : 0'.:0 ;: 5 i , 1 , - , it,j .. o 1 3 , i i .. 4 t .:' t -, .. C .• : ' ,7, ,4,..'.i. We enfl tile nttention ut nll, Old noel ',ling, to iroairrfol pret.nrathn, wideh tutu. hark to 1 , 4 original color. gray linir—tarers tlic bend cif the hrdil with a luxuriant grow th--rianores the d , ,nruff, itching. :mil all cutiincoun a op- Nadine:ll flow of the n.,tura, Hu ila t sod hence. if 'TANI as it reenlist dressing for the hair. will iirrNeree its (ador awl kcoo t to ex•ren, old nun, in ail beauty. We rail thou gaol the II I. or diseased in se.lii. 1 , 1 ; and surele, young will not. en they value flue flowing or the witching curl, over he ieitiluat it. ItA praise is upon the tongue of thousands. IlMtettowo, MSSS., May I, 1855, Prof. 0.. T. Wood: Allow• S• toes tan] magic powers. ofyour Hair Restorative. Three 11.111. since, hying excerdinely gray I purchased and soon comintmeed to use two Lots Reg ; and it soon ',pg. to tell in restoring tie silver locks to their native color, and the hair which was before and harsh. and ftlii r;; off now beeatoc soft and glossy, and it reused ftl liu the dandruff disappeared, and the scalp lost all the disagrectode itching. so tionoying be. fore, at.d 1,0, I not only look hot feel young 11. liespertfolly yours, ke. ctiAs. F\l.'l' New Yuck, net. 2, 1855. i'rnf. (1. J. 11'. ~1 —itenr sir Aikr rea.line ~ni' illy New Turk junr n;i,ill I. ' t linir Ite., , rati,e, I pro . ,:t. ' . n .1•11 iden• 1 n ,:!. . t 1,11-0 for 2 nunt,4 .!. !, •. ti! t, the. 11 ,Iv I / 1110 1111,011 11/ ewurtain any d9olit of its performing 311 that i 4 claintetl tin . it. 26} Li reentriell 1 I Imre n.e.l Rotative, and Lave admired It re,ored my hair ekae, the ilea, en 511100;11.-,11111 . 11 1.1/tOsVille, NOV 1r I ir re it 111111 1:111eil ..11 . ; it where the hair sort and than oil. AI: J. ATKINSON State of lllittok. Carlisle, Jun, 27,'55. I live H.:ea IV,”ol's Hair Itesr mire. otiil have it.: t 111,1 My hair "o, ittlettittilig,ll, , I thought ftrellttlltl 6IDNEY !MEESE. Ex-Senator United St., [From the tLe te,uy )11 Star.) 41 , limy 11111, r,ll. , ne t, ter, fimeiol with tLnit l'rof. 11 • omrs flair L. ,14,CF 1 . 31 k in the must hanky ..Nnns Mani neetirding tion4. 'We 0111 . to Ilia a~lcertise ntel:t f•n• it few of the inn,n,rable e,rtith,tes which Lave been sent by putties, who Live lieen titted Ll it, mid ii.ippy in giviii2 ... timmir to its wonder:ill ettitcti „ 0..1. \l' &('O., l'topriciorg,3l2l.lmtilway . Y., & 1(4 -Mai het t.t., stt. Louis . , tit Ilitittitt,lott .1.,11,1 'LEAD, dit.l .1101.1 ti 14.'14.. tool Ity I)ru4g 31;4,2; L 1 11 IN - VIGOR TOli, OR LiVER. REMEDY 1:; nn ertide that evervlio,ly needs who is not in e l k)erfeet Stifle or health, N., the Lir., is sec,ol,l only to the heart in our !mma economy, when that is derange,' the whole vital inichinc• ry rims wrong. To find a medicine p.,tairly whiPted to this diamose has linen the study of ono of the proprietors, in largo and extended prac tice for the past t‘ienty veal, awl tie recap of his experiment in the 'lnvigorator. as a never. fail:tilt remedy where lie 11114 I)oWer to help. As it liver remedy it its uu equal, as all. testify who Use it. A lady writing front 13rooklyn, says, “Would that I could express in this short letter the tot your litriguraltOr has Lean to me in raising a large family bf children, fat it has never tailed to relieve all nlfections of the stomach, bowels, or attacks of won.. If loathers urn had this remedy placed %titian their reach, amt worn taught how to ipm it. a fearful sod untold amount of agony might Le raved." One o (tor prominent bankers rap, "Fire or nix years since, 1 litund myself rmining clown with a liver difficulty ; resorting to Our Invig orator, was greatly relieved, and continuing ler season, WAS entirely restored. A clergyman milled at our office the other day end said he had given a poor woman a bottle, who was suffering very badly it. Liver Com plamt, and hefere she had taken the whole of it she was at work earning bread ti.r her family. A gentleman recently from the Went, says, while at (Ilio:, he wan attaeked with tt slow, lingering lever, that battled the nkilt physi• clues, but the invigorator cured hurl in a rew days. One of our city merchants said, while n ft visit to Troy, a few sioeu, he w.t s attacked with bowel curl stotourli disorders, so its to eon tine hint to hi, room, and he sent to the drug store tor it Butt le of lovigorator, took one dose, whieli relievol WWI SU di. lie Rll6 chin to attend his conic An negnnin,,nee, 1V1135e ImAness compels him to write most of the rime, ays, he hvc,,me so weak as to he uttelile at times to hold his pets, while at ethers, sleep would overpower him, but the Invigorator cured him. A gentleman from Brook!) n eulhvl on us e week ur two nine, I caking hat thy shadow ot • man. with skin pale oil dei{tiiiii.l3. He In been fOr k long time sottoring from Jaundice and to attend to 116 e saw him il,llll to day a elmiiged mon autl I' WO expression, he has not seen the bottom of the lirst bottle, and further tilde "it saved my lite. tar 1 was fast going tu a consump tive'e grave." Among the hundreds or Liver Remedies now offered to the public, there me Male We can so fully recommend as Dr. t,tinruril's Invigorator, or Liver Re generally known now aro'. out the Union. This preparation is truly a Li ver Inv igere Mr. producing tbe most happy re sults on all who use It. Almost innumerable certificates have been given, or the great virtue of tuts medicine by thosirtii the highest stand ing in so.dety, end it is. without doubt, the best preparation now Wore the pnhlie. 5.iN14,111) & CH., I'roprii,tors,;i4s Broadway ?iow Yurk. Scald in Huntingdon by iik.IIT 11c5IANI.LL, and John Head. Dr. H. Keener, 111 , idesale Druggist, No. 140, Wood:int., Pittsburg, Wholesale Agent. Sept. 25, 1857.-3 m- 518,25,'57.-13, ivit ENS' UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS ITI Linen Shirt Breasts, Iteedy-mede Shins, white and fancy ehirta, and cullarr, very cheap at D. GWIN'S. 13UCKSKIN GLOVES & DIM'S chat E. P. SWUM.