Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 06, 1858, Image 2

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    tint of his conduct in enforcing the Neu •
n.ilr act. The South is exercised at
oiling's intervention, and Messrs.
Itompsim and Brown, in the Cabinet. nd•
ocAted a lenient course toward Walker.
be President insists upon his trial, which will
ke place at Mobile or New• Orleans, and end
mockery. When Capt. Chatard was sent
,me with the Saratoga, conducting the pris
iers, the orders superseding his command
nimot been received at San Juan. He will
ccurt•martialed upon arriving.
Capt. Van Vliet brought dispatches from
:unit. :his morning, but with no additional in.
it . mation. lithe Slavery clause hAs been no.
ed into the Lecompton Constitution, the Ad.
lint aration has .bee n deceived by Calhoun,
lentierson, Martin and other emissaries, who
tem instructed to produce a different result,
nd who represente d that it had been secured
this presumption. The next move here by
to Northern friends of the Administration will
e the repeal of the Nebraska bill, as , having
tiled in its professed design, and then the pan
ice of an enabling act.
"o the Associated Press.
WASHINGTON, Tuesday, Dec. 36, 1857,
The Indian Bureau have received official
>motion denying the truth of the reports that
he Oiaaffectian of the Ito - lions in Utah Terito-
created by the Mormons, had been comma
icaied to the Indians on the borders of CaMin ,
ia, and especially those in the Southern peal
1' that State. All remained quiet, and so tar
appearances ate concerned, there is no re.
a, lo anticipate a different state of things.—
' ivate letters from C,lifornia state that two
!gintents of volunteers were ready at the tap
'the dram to advance against the Mormons,
1 , 1 that ten regiments could be mustered in
.ss than sixty days fur the same service.
The following is Commodore Paulding's let.
r to the dedretury of the Navy, detailing the
re,: stances under which Ire arrested Gen
Orr ASPINWALL, Dee. 12, 1857.
: Mn letter of the 12th inst., infimmed
epartment that I had broken up the ennui
r!. Walker at Punta Arenas, disarmed his
liillowers, and sent theist to Norfolk in
Thu General came here with
wi I take passage in one of the steam
• Sea York, where he will present him•
Marshal of the District. The De
eat being in possession of ull the facts
ithm to Gen. Walker's eseithe with his
vr3 from the United States, as well as
r, of Cupt. Cl,ntard and Gen. Walker
er he landed at Punta Arenas, the
:he whole question will, I presume,
!!prehended. I could not regard
aid his followers in any other
1,, as outlaws, who had escaped from
i; met, of the officers of the Govern
a,,d left our shores l'or the purpose of ra
,.,! murder; and I saw no other way to
the law and redeem the honor of our
bun by disarming and sending them
1,-,inq so, I am sensible of the responsi-
I have incurred, and confidently look to
~,rn went for toy justification. Regard
,s tine light, the case appears to mo a
one, and the points few and strong.—
, r came to Point Arenas from the Uni.
..tes, having, in violation of law, set on
military organisation to make war upon
, !e with whom we are at pence. He Inn.
re with armed men and munitions of
n defiance of the guns of a ship of war
there to prevent hie landing. With
to show that he acted by authority. he
d a camp and hoisted the Nicaraguan
"led it the •Headquarters or the Army
:aragua,' and s igned bible& the Com
, r-io-Chief. With this pretension, he
kl the right of a lawful government over
..,ors and things within eight of his flog
kat right or authority he lauded tidy men
mouth of the River Colorado, vulva.' the
j Castillo on the San Juan River, cap•
oteamersumi the goods of merchants in
to the interior, killed men, and mode of the peaceful inhabitants, betiding
harbor of San Jahn del Norte some thin
forty men, women and children in the
!r Nlorgutt.
duiug these things without the show of
lity they were guilty of rapine and mar
,od must be regarded as ,utlaws and pi
• They coo have no claim to he regarded
r other light. Humanity, as well as law,
and national honor demanded the dis
aof then° lawless men. The remnant
miserable beings alto surrendered a,
were conveyed in this ship last summer
‘v•York, and their sulterings are yet fresh
memory of all on buurd. Beside tilts
ing that must necessarily be in.. Lewd up
, innocent and unoflending people, these
followers of Gen. Walker, misguided
deceived into a career of crime, would
elesa have perished in Central Ammb a,
,rir mutilated and festering bodies would
l,en brought back to their friends at the
• of their country. Fur the above rea
appear to it - 1v mind quite eutlieient
, disarmed and seat to the niter! States
William Walker aid his outlawed and
ral followers fur trial, or fur whatever ac•
Government in its wisdom may thin
to pursue. Copt. Onimanny of H, B.
p uttered to co opperate with me in rem.
hq patty front Point Arenas, but an they
countrymen, I deemed it proper to de.
participation of a foreign flag.
a iettter dated December 18, Commodore
ag gives the particulars of the lauding
t!. , marines and seamen at Point Arenas.
L(i• r circumstances of great difficulty, yet ev.
was done in so seamen like and skill
! s that it was accomplished in the
,rl4•, I ,, saible time, without loss or accident.
u ch:. pxcelleut discipline and fine bearing of
as and men, he says,%e is indebted
fte performance of this most unpleasant
e for the exemption from all casualty or
,cid , nt. There was no ono injured, and no
I€S any kind sustained. No commanding
Neer was ever supported by a body of men in
nqinner more highly to command kis admi
and respect.
1420 %bine lad the mattes litho.* them to
day. Although the arrest of Gen. Walker is
not strictly justified by the instructions to
otore Paulding, it is conceived that the case
is very mach palliated by the circumstances
under which, as explained by him, it was ef•
fected. Walker will be released from his pres
ent arrest, and it is probable that a process
will be commenced to bring him to trial for vi
silation of the neutrality laws.
Capt. Engle had a long interview with the
President to-day, and detailed to him all the
circumstances connected with the arrest of
Gen. Walker arrived this evening, accompa
nied by Marshal Rynders, T. F. Meagher, and
Malcolm Campbell. He we■ received with
cheers by a large concourse of people, as be
entered his quarters at Brown's Hotel.
Shortly after Captain Isaiah Rynders, with
General Walker, repaired to the Brats Deport:
aient, when the former stated to Secretary
Cass that Ito had received a communication
from Commodore Paulding, saying he had ar.
rested General Walker for carrying on an un
lawful military expedition against Nicaragua,
and that General Walker had promised him
(Paulding) upon his honor to surrender him.
self to Captain Renders, as Marshal for the
Southern District of New-York, on arrival in
that city. Captain Renders stated that Gener.
al Walker had done so, nod that he (Rynders)
had accompanied him to Washington to aster•
lain the views of the Government.
Gen, Cass replied that the Executive De
partment of the Governmet did not recognize
Gen. Walker as a prisoner ; that he had no
directions to give concerning him, and that it
wits only through the action of the Judiciary
that he (Walker) could be lawfully held in cut,
tody to answ, any charges which may be
brought against him.
Copt. Rynders then informed General Walk
er he had no further authority to detain him.—
Both then withdrew.
To the Editor of the Miesouri Democrat.
L"AVENWORTII, K. T.. 2 P. M., Dec. 31.—Dear
Sir: The free State men here participate in
the elect ion, only so far as to witness the voting
and challenge votes. Many Mksourians have
crossed the ferry opposite the city, and some
of them have voted. :Mei swearing to their
votes. The form death administered is "Are
you at this instant an inhabitant of this torn
tory?" Four of the Missourians have been
arrested for false voting. Judge Lecompte
has issued a writ of habeas corpus fur their re
lease. Souse of our boys have taken possession
of the ferry boat. and will not permit the Miss
ourians to return to their horses on the oppe.
site bank. They have sent runners for aid to
the Fort and to Kicknpoo. Calhoun and many
of his tribe are here, and very much excited.
6 P. M —Two companies of United States
soldiers have been brought and stationed a.
bout the poll, and whoever votes has to march
between the files! Missourians voting in Kam
ties! I And the :311110 States army cuardieg the
polls ! What a mockery of true Demerit.
cy I l l I Some of oar citizens went in a body and
took possession of a lot of muskets which had
been lying in Copt. A, B. Miller's store, since
they were used last year in the murtter of
Phillips, by this same ruffian Miller.
With these they have been parading the
streets, with fife mid drum, led on by Mr. Dixon
one of our merchants. Loud and hearty cheers
were given and returned by the citizens and
soldiers. Thu most intense excitement pre
vails. J. C. D.
11. P. M,—The indignation of a free and out. 41.
raged people is thoroughly aroused. John Cal. Bar The perpetual thrusting in of
hour wan hung in effigy, and then burned in United States troops and civil officers in
front of the Planters' Hotel, iu which the die. i Kansas, to accomplish the measures of the
tator and most of the ruffians were caged. This Missouri invaders, has at last resulted in
evening the notorious lily Moore was shot thee'
the open war so madly chttlleng,ed. A
the leg by a German whom he had insulted. In
United States marshal, with a force of
all this excitement the Free State men kept
perfect order, and at no time did they content-
eighty men, having demanded the our
plate interfering with the voting.
render of the free State force in Bourbon
The Walker, Stanton nod Douglas Demo. county, who had been driven to arms by a
crabs of Kansas, made up of all Democrats series of oppressive acts on the part of the
who oppose the Lecompton Constitution, ani border ruffians, a battle ensued, in which
embracing among to numbers every Northern I after an hour's fight the pro slavery men
Democrat .d a large number of Pro Slaver
Y were beaten, and retreated with the loss
Democrats, with the Lecompton Democrat, the
of one man killed and two mortally motto
Wyen lot Citizen and the Leavenwotth Journal
bled. The United Staten m irshal was also
to siewitin atom, hold a convention at Leaven
worth, on the 24th inst., to advise together, and . dangerously wounded. General Lane,
nominate a ticket under the constitution. It the regularly chosen commander of the
has been suggested that it was possible that territorial militia, had entrenched his men
they would nominate the ticket put up at. Law- on the Sugar Mound, end expressed a de
r, nee, on the provided the latter should be I termination to fig ht th e
moderate in its selection of conservative men. U . S dragoons if
There are between six and eight thousand they should attack him. Antr.her battle
Go-rmittis iu Kansas. There are two thousand ' was regarded as inevitable.
in Leavenworth city. 'rimy sustain one news- Tre free State convention had assein
pa [ie..-- littnAns Zeit ung—published at
son, and edited by Dr. Rob, a distinguished bled at Lawrence, and there was lunch di .
soldier of the Revolution of 1848. vision of sentiment on the subject of voting
Last spring, before Lane and other free State
men January election for State bought no interest in D oniphan, the pogo.
at the 4th of
laden of the own wits two hundred nod fifty, ; officers under the Lecompton constitution.
of whom forty o-• fitly were negro slaves. Now : The Committee on Desolations reported
is View is only one slave in town, while its pop-
nimbi. has augmented four fold. There are age.inid it, but two minority reports are
still over a hundred eleven in the eountry made in favor of so doing. The latter
Correspondence of the St. Louis Republican. policy tens advocated by 'Messrs. Robin
LAWRENCi. Dec. 21, 1837.
son, Phillips, Couway, Schuyler and Vau
31r. Denver arrived here week, and will
enter upon the disharge of his official duties to-
day. The people seem very much prejudiced;
against him, because he camas bore at this
thee to supersede Mr. Susumu. From what I
con learn of him, I um sure that the President
has made nothing by the exchange; for it i
understood that Mr. Denver endorses all the of
ticial acts of both Governor Walker and Secre
tary Stanton, even to the convening of the ex
iris macen of the Legislature. The truth is, I eler Another failure for Mr. Buchan
the President, nor no man oiittide of Kansas
is qualified to advise folly how to act there. en. Gov. Denver says that Walker end
There are two parties in Kansas, each intent , Stanton pursued the right course m Kan•
upon the ruin of the other, and neither is par• j
ens, and he is going to follow to their foot.
titularly conscientious as to the means it em•
ploys to accomplish its end. Do not under- ett pa. What is to be done now 1 Den.
staid me as saying there are not honest men ver's head meet come off; and where is
in both parties, or that the masses are tad sucli;
but I have seen enough since I have bean in .rho next victim ready to lay his bones in
the Territory to convince nee that many of the the Kaaaae graveyard 1
leading men on built sides care more for their I
own success than they:do for that of the party
to which they are attached. Ido not care to
be personal, and yet the honest lookers-on can
net fail to write the names of many of them.
Acting-Governor Stanton issued a proclatna
tion last Saturday, under the act of the extra
session, appointing Commissioners for the seve
ral counties, mid authorizing them to establish
voting pr-einete in their respective counties,
and appoint three judges of elections in each
precinct for the election on the 4th of January
kr and against the Lecompton conatitution,
i? ..N. ,... . , , ,, ...... , ..,.. 4 ),. : :„ . .., : .:,,,
- ----- -7
Editor sod Proprietor.
Wednesday Morning, January I. 1858.
The Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Journal, ir great
er than the Globe and Am
erican combined.
Dar general Denver, the new Gover
nor of Kansas, it is affirmed, has declared
openly his approval of the course of Wal
ker and Stanton, and that the Admini.dra
tion is mistaken if it supposes he will not
follow their example. At the urgent re•
quest of a large party of free State men
from Lawrence, Governor Denver has
given up to them 'he arms taken by Gov
ernor Geary during his administration,
from the large body of immigrants who
reached Koons by the northern route.
General li'dridge gave a bond that They
should not be used for ten days, which of
course includes the election on the 4th.
The militia act passed by the Kansas
legislature, and also the other acts passed
over the Governor's vetoes, tailed to be
come laws in consequence of the presi
ding officers not having affixed thtAr signa
tures prior to aijourmnent, being rather
green nt the business of legislation.
President Buchanan is said to approve
strongly of Commodore Paulding's letter,
and to condemn the morality of the
hunter enterprise, while on the other hand
the Southern majority in the Cabinet dis
approve of the Commodore's act.
The St. Louis Evening News, the State
organ of the American party in Missouri,
openly approves of the armed movements
of the free State men in Kansas. It pub
lishes an editorial article headed "Civil
War in Kansas—lts Righteousness—Let
the People Arm for Reststance !" The
following paragraph is worthy of note:
•"We turn to the people of Kansas.
They have been shamefully deceived and
betrayed in regard to the privilege of
choosing their own constitution, ar.d reg
ulating their domestic institutions, and
they have sworn to resist usurpation to
the hitter end. We applaud them fur it,
and say, God speed them in the right. Let
them take up arms and defy Mr..Buchen.
an and his troops, and return shot for shot
as long as they have in gun and a man to
fire nt. When they have all fallen in th e
righteous cause, there will be a million
freemen to take their places and carry on
the war."
The editor of the News is a Southern
man, and was, we believe, a slaveholder.
!Er Democratic editorsare now per
plexed. They don't know under whose
banter to enlist—Buchanan's or Douglas'.
As soon as they find which aide is likely
to he the big pile, th y will be ail right.
Fruit of Liberal Advertising.
The energetic proprietor of the Anti.
phlogistic Salt, the past year, has adverti
sed in 1.250 papers, (one fourth of all pub
lished in tho U. S.) and sold 40.000 pack
ages of the medicine. Dr. •Coggewell
appreciates the press. and avails himself
of its power. Let others profit by his ex
traordinary mem.
Sheriff's Sales.
The subjoined property will be sold by
the Sheriff of this county, on the 11th of
January, 18681
A tract of land in Hopewell township,
containing 41 acres, more ur lees ; sold as
the property of William Fisher
The nue tomtit of • tract of coal land, in
Tod township; the property of Catiart!le
A tract In Barree tp.. containing 153
acres mid 128 perches ; the property o r
Al'e• Grern,dee'd.
Two town lots in Shirleyeburg, with
buildings thereon ; also, a two story house
is said town ; also. a lot of ground in said
lowa ; al., tin island of about 17 sores ;
also, ■ lot of ground of two acres la Shir
ley tp.; also, twenty five acre. is Shirley
township ; al-o, about three acres is said
township ; property of LlllOll G. Lightner.
One lot of ground in Shirleyahurg. with
house thereon ; property of G. W. Ilud
A tract of land in Porter township, con
taining 3aB arms. more or h-so ; also, a
tract in mime township, containing about
220 acres; ■lso, a tract in said township,
containing 102 acres ; also, a tract in said
township containing 22 perches ; property . !
of John Huyett.
A tract in llenderson township, contain
lag 26 acres rind 91 perches ; property of
Christian Coats.
A lot of around and two story brick
houpe near Huntingdon ; the pry perty of
Samuel ilouck.
'lke one seventh,. of Lot No. 70 in the
borough Of Huntingdon, with log house ;
also, seventh part of lot No. 97 in said
borough, with two story log house thereon;
also, the plank warehouse in the canal ha.
sin at said town; also, a lot of ground in
Smithfield, with house thereon ; also, a lot
in said village having a stable thereon ; al
su, an out•lot in Huntingdon. containing
2 acres and 152 perches; also, a tract of
land on Stone Creek, Henderson township,
containing 125 acres ; also, lot No. 75 in
Huntingdon, with two story brick house;
n Ise, a three story plank house, &c.; also.
-a tract in Tod tnwnship, containing4so
acres; also Lot. N 0.200 in Hunting.lnii,
with a two story lu t e heu>e thereon ;II of
which will be sold its the prorriy off . .ins
The one seventh of Lut No. Tu in f lun
tingdon, with buildings ihereon ; sko,
one seventh of lot No. 97 in said borough,
with buildings thereon ; property of Wit.
liarn A. Saxton.
A lot in said borough • containing one
acre, •eitb n brickyard thereon ; also, one
acre of ground on Stone Creek, known as
the ..brick-yard property;" also, an acre
on Stone Creek, with a frame house there-
on ; property of James and William A.
'l'w•o lota in Nlolresville, with brick buil
ding, &c., thereon ; property of Jacob
Snyder. •
The Lalies of St. John's Protestant
Epis., Chureh, will give a SUPPER in
the Town Hall, on Wednesday evening.
of the first week of January Court for the
purpose of eating the gas into said church.
Tickets for slipper 50c. Ice Crean),
Oysters and other Refreshments, extra.
Admission free.
MONTHLY—for January 1858, has made
its uppi•arance, containing one hundred
and fourteen pages of choice literature,
atfd ranks among the bast magazines of
the day.
Being engaged in an extensive mann
fiicturing business, this Messrs. J. ‘l
croon & Co., hove sold their entire inter.
eit in the Magazine to Messrs. Oaksinith
& Co.
Terms: $3 a year in advance, with
.1 he Last Supper," Engraving and Pre
mi inn Receipt.
illierWe cell your;ention to the "GAS
SUPPER' notice, which you will lind in
another column. It will, we have no doubt,
he of vast interest to both body and soul.
Refreshments of the most delicious quality
will be served up in the best style by the
ladies at the Town Hall. 13e sure and
New CounterlWheieciot.—Messrs. T.
13. Peterson & Brothers have Just corn
inenced the publication of •Peterson's Phi •
Lidelphia Counterfeit Detector arid Bank
Note List"—a monthly loam publication
which contains all the information that
can be obtained in regard to all counterfeits,
broken banks, and the rater; of discount
on all banks notes in the country. Send
and get it; the price is but ONE dollar per
annum. Published by T. B. Peterson &
Brothers, 306 Chesirmit St., Phila..
Non• Paying Subscribers.
Wagons cannot run without wheels—
boats without steam—hull frogs jump
without legs, or newspapers be carried on
everlastingly without money, no more
than a dog can wag his tail when he has
none. Our subscribers areall good, but
what good does a man's goodness do, when
it don't do you any good. We have no
doubt every one thinks that all have paid
except him, and as We are a elever fellow
and his is, a little matter, it will make no
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The Marshall Dangerously Wounded.
Gen. Lane Entrenched at Sugar Mound
Adherence to the Topeka Constitution.
ST. Louis, Dec. 30, 1837.
Kansas advises to the 2.lth inst., just receiv
ed by the Democrat, say that civil war is raging
in Bourbon County. Several cora, ts have
taken place between Peee..Stato and Pro.
Slavery parties, and a number of prisone,
Lave horn taken on both sides. The United
States Muralist, with a force of eighty men, de.
mended the surrender of a Free-S:ate party,
and the demand was answered by a volley of
musket-balls. The lire. was returned, and the
fight lasted an hoar, whim the pro slavery men
cis toed with the loss of OM man killed, and
two mortally wounded. • The United States
Marshal was dangerously wounded.
General Lane was entrenched at Supt.
Mound, and determined to fight the dragoons
if they attacked Lim. A battle was regarded
HS inevitable.
Au exciting debate occurred in the Law
rence Convention. Tne Committee on Iles°.
lutions presented three reports. The mai,. ity
report diEapproved of votin g fur Stare talkers.
The first minority report recommends the
nomination of a full State ticket, and the sec
ond, signed by Mr. Itolpath, recommends a
participation in the election for the purpose of
destroying the Lecompton Constitution; that
HO WWI be nominated who will not pledge
himself to crush that instrument; that the To.
peke Constitution be submitted to the people.,
and loyality to that instrument be made the
test of lenity to the Free.state party; also that
the Legislature should repeal the present code
°flaws. Messrs Rubinson, Phillips, Conway,
Schuyler and Vaughan spoke in favor of no.
tine. The most radical revolutionary speech
ea were made.
Johyson County, Kansas, giros 2,000 ma•
jority for Slnv . rry.
Thirteen hundred votes were east at Ox.
Wyandot gives 14 majority against Sla'
Gov. Denver had refused to give up the
Territorial arms to the Militia.
Various rumors were in circulation relative
to ittfairs at Fort Scott, but none of them arc
of no ituthortative character.
LAWRENCE, K. T., Dee. 19, 1857.
A messenger reached this place last night.
informing Gen. Lane that he had taken part
in the lute conflict, and left immediately after
for re•euforcemeuts. He gives us.the follow•
ing information t
Dr. Little, known as one of the most radi
cal and dangerous Pro• Slavery leaders, iu
company with G. IV. Clark, the murderer of
Barber, residents of Fort Scott, have been do
ing all in their power to annoy the Free-State
citizens in that vicinity. Dr. Little has been
acting as Deputy U. S. Marshal, and with a
posse would sally nut to collect taxes. If his
demands were not complied with promptly he
would distrain property and sell it to Missou
rians from the adjoining Missouri counties fur
a mere trifle. They made arrests under the
rebellion act, now repealed by the Legislature.
In attempting to make arrests at the Little
Osage River, sixteen miles from Fort Scott, l
they wore resisted. They then increased their
posse to 100, and surrounded the Free State
teen, numbering 30, who confined themselves
in a log cabin. On refusing to surrender,
Dr. Little said, 'lf you do not surrender we
will blow you to h—l.' 'Blow away,' replied
Capt. Abbott, which was answered by a volley
of bullets. Capt. Abbott returned the fire;
killing three Missourians and wounding Dr,
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Little.• Both parties then oent for re
mcnts. This occurred at 3 o'clock ea
ne-day last. Gen. Lane has °nits,'
AhlaAt to maintain his position at all
The Missourians have several prison
along them is the. Rev, Mr, Stewart of
rnattoyell known as the 'fighting
Small companies from most of the Fret
towns have pone to the relief of their
A company of rillenmn, with it brass It
aiil leave this place 10 morri,,V tot.rait
o'clock. Gen. Lane will accompany
Acting Governor Stanton lola sent a c
of MO dragoons as to posse comitatus.
Gen. Whitman left this morning for I
t on to demand of Gee. Stanton the at
which there are over 200 stand—taken
Geary from emigrants. Gen. Whituu
as agent of the National Kaitmas Con
The coolest, wisest, richest as well no tl
cot men in the Territory ace no hope 11 , 1
We cannot have it till the usurpers are
the way.
Last evening the Legislature ndjeun
die, alter org,anizing a Territorial Miltt
repealing lie infamous rebellion eel
were passed over the Acting Ge
(Stanton'a) veto.
7/to yausus Crusader of Freedom
sued an extra stating that 'a company
Slavery men front Atchison entered Di
and, after consultation, ono of them,
name of M'Ve.ty, shot a Free State 1111
was walking near the Doniphan Hot
suspecting any danger. lie Wits shot
gun loaded with Intel: shot, and him
fell dead. They thou left the town.
pang of Free State men have just lef
char in pursuit of them. I believe the
some diffieulty existing between them
erence to a claim on which Mr. Lath
The Swoope Libol Suits.
It will be recollected by nor readers,
fore the last election the Phi tadelphil
News published a list of names of ed
this State peer the signature of 11.
Savours, chairman of the American Stt
mittee, charging them with having bee,
to support PRIMOST for President the
,fore. Among the list thus libeled
American Widehman, puhli..ihed at
Haven. whose editor prosecuted the w
the News for lible. The suit was to I
in the late Clinton Quarter Sessions,
learn front the Watchman of this week,
editors of the Mwe (ailed to appear, at
ed their recognizance. They did the t
regard to the suit brought against. them
editor of the Adams Sentinel.
Several other prosecutions have aril
of this case, and we presume the saute
will be pursued by the News oleo in all o
a,,' they will be mulcted iota a very ha
bill of costs.
EAKTIIQUAKE.-WEI 1.1 a 9111 art shoe
earthquake on Saturday morning, ten to
before nine o,chtek, the uodulatory n
continuing about five seconds. In nom
ities there was considerable alarm—oto
tiug house, at least, being entinied of it.:
pants in double quick thee. lit the v
portion of the city plates and glasses rat
the tables; chandeliers, with their plat
dents, jingled together; pictures hangi
the walls moved from thier perpendiculr
Rion, and a general disposition to see-au ,
ifested. The same phenomena wart
perceptible at 'Mount Pleasant and on Sul
Island. l'he direction of the nuivetnent:
ed to be from northwest tueoutheast. It i
fourteen or fifteen years since Chariest°
favored with a similar visit.—Charleato
I ETTELtS of administration on the
Li of James Harrison, late of West to
riec'd., having been grouted to the undo'
all persons indebted to said estate are
ted to make immediate payment, and
having claims against the name will
Jan. 6,'67{-6t,•.