Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 30, 1857, Image 4
- ntscauitton ADVERTISLUIViTtiI. T - - A HOMESTEAD FOR $lO. CONIIOLIIIATIOS. far TO INVALIDS.4a fiIfiCIMKG),MV P AA TIOMESTEAD FOR $lOl---Third Divieint, ow Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician. lil A rill 1 E k.liop -310.00 worth of Faims and Building lota, ERIERSON'IMAGAZINE lull i....) i) in ,i..e gold region of Culpepper county. Virgin ia to he divided amongst 10,200' salmeribers alto Physician for Diseases of the Lungs, Throat AND FRENCH en the 7th of December, 1857. Subscriptions PUTNIIIPS 110HTIII.T. and heart —Furinerly Physician to the ~.,-6,0.1 r 3. • .. CINCINNATI MRRINIE HOSPITAL, also ' a r. - .0!. .. BURR su la only ten dollars (Morn, nr fifteen dolltits, otte 40.000 subscribers to start with! Extroordi. ban down, the rest on the delivery of the deed• nary offer! The Publishers are he to en- to INVALIDS RETREAT, " I :" STONE .111 Every subset it:, will get a Building Lot or & non.° that in the union ot these favorite Meg. Author of "Letteta to Invalids," 111 COMING.. - Furor, ranging in value from $lO to $23,000, azines, the best literary and artistic talent of Fcs :::lowing Card I c O.IArbIEtLIWIT:),AVo The r e forms and lots are sold so cheap to induce both publications has been secured, and th e December Appointments. l Corner uf C0C11141110.711 ion. on New Ma.l,st settlements. a aufficient number being reserved, most attractive features of each will be retained : the increase in the value of which will compen- : in the consolidated work. I/r. Herdinan, Physieinn ter disease of the Street., ot! the North Perlu 3 Y l W ,, la Rail WA, sate fur the apparent low price new mkt :1. Up- ' It will aim to present in its p.m the efi e t eee t Lungs, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma- 1 Phil^.dolphia. wards of 1,350 Into and farms are Already sold, productions of Pmerican thinkers end writers rine llospitel,) will be in attendance at Vs , Consiantly on baud or made to order, thefol• and a company of settlers called the "Repos- 1 and the hest efforts of American artists. ' rooms . follows t Hiniting&n.Jockson's lime!, Sattaday, Jan. in ' lowing hied; approved Flour :Jill Mr.uhintry. ! Woodwr.r.Pe Patent Pert.l..•lo Mills audStnut bannock Pioneer Association" is now fortning I It will he purely notional M its character • in and will sonn commence a sod meet. Ample : its criticisms it will aim to be just and trutliftil Le' 6, '..., N B tion 9 l Bidets " I' Machines. security will be given for the faithful wren. • and will he careful to preserve and cultivate Hollitlambitrg, " 19 : ' 1,. Hardman treats COMM t• n 1 .'m r at,..:t Iron Concave Bran Dua ance of contracts and premises. Nearly 45,fm0 dud welcome moral and religious tone se high- mp ion, me li- , acres of land , in different parts of Virginia, now ly cl etislted by th e Ammiettn public, and sea es- H., A ittlinin. Lail vngittis and all (issues ol the '''''''• „ at command. and will be sold to settlers a t from sential to the wellitre of the race , throat and Wigs, by medical 1,,h,d,,,i„ e , l ate l y atovers Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kill, $1 up to 8300 per acre. Unquestionable tithe , We shall endeavor. by • eftgeeicata eee e 4 th e used in the Brnniton Hospital, London. The PlEr.O. a Patent Barrel Hoopand Mudding will in all CUSPS be given. liVoutt-rutters, crop- extensive resource. D.w at our command. to great point iu the treatment of all h lin. mai. Machi,.., cm, farmer.. d'e are wanted, and live hundred make a Magazine that, in the richness of Ps li• dies is to gm at the disease in the direct man- Improved Bridge Steps and Dna"... : for Mill Agents to obtain subscribers. to w moat the t terary contents, and in the beauty awl profuse- net. All medicines art estimated by the, ne. Spindles. liberal inducentents will he given. Some agent. rase of its metered Illustrations, Shall outrival lion pl.'. the !Nei' requiting "lief. This i.' write that they are making 200 dollars per any publication ever before produced in this the important fact upon which Inhalation is b. merit. For lull particuatrs, subscriptions, a. country. : tied. If the Rtomach is diseased we take grimes, Ice., apply to The new issno commences with t h e 01"ronnn. medicine directly into the stomach. lithe WORN number, which is now ready. It is Riled with are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated ra. A LSO SOLE OWNER OF the choicest p ro d uc ti on . of same of 1 i,,, ~,,„, Pt directly into the lungs. Medicines are the Johnston , * Patent feet Metal Coup brilliant writers of the day, and is embellished antidotes to disease and should be Refilled to cave with forty-four splendid engravings. It appears the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap in a new dress, embracing an elegant e l im .i ci d Plleation of this pnneiple to the treatment of KILIZI IfiTlE:..l4lfi - q 4 , design on the cover, and the entire work ere- the lungs, for it gives as direct nem. to those East and buutli-East of the Ohio nod Mis•issip. sews the most attractive appearance. It is pro- Intricate air COll3 and tubes which lie out of pi Rivers. rimmed by all who have seen it to he the most reach of every other means of administering I Warranted to take out of time offal of every beautiful specimen of a Magazine ever issued in medicines. The reason that Consumption, and Bushel Ground, from Ito 2/ lbs, of standard this country. i other diseases of the lungs, have herettithre re. Prim, $3 a $2 1 sisted all t year. Club Price, reatment h. he. because they had flour, which could not be belted out on account Single Copim, 23 Cents. . never been approached lii a direct manner by of the electrical adhesion. to the Bran. • medicine. They were intended to act upon the THE GREAT LIBRARY OFFER. _..—.. Tie co m mu t ! w ee o f ..F.11181.80113 54t1gUcitt InTig. and Yet were applied to the stomach.— NOTICE .—I hereby warn all persons against and Putnam's blutithly" starts with a circulation ' Their action was in !elided to be lamb mid yet, infringing my rights, secured by Lettere Pe el over POW, TIIO,BAND copies, and we are they were se administered that they should not tent . above, as I will prosecute all pers.ns d etermine d to rpm, no expense in any „r its act constistationally, expending immediate and making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters mammas to place it at the head of Amer,. principal action upon the unoilending stomach, veil an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vim. blagazines. With this view, we now make the whikt the foul ulcers within the loot,s were un- !talon of the Letters PatentfJ Joseph I I 4 081,1 II• „dl ow i„, extraordinary oiler , T„ any , 0 „„„„ IllolOSlCil. Inhalation brings 'the medicine in , amt., dated April 21th. 1851. who will get up a club of twenty-four subseri- threat emitzet with the disease, without the , i ....- ~ ~, .. w I hers, at cite club price, either at one or inure disiolvantage of any violent action . Its appli. s DO, lAS 13, t 00u A tD, Proprietor. p os t-mhees t ae w ill present a ~,,t eitii it t li b rar y, cult. is simple, that it can be employed by the N. 8.--State end County Patent Rights for emie i„ o „ g o f you , „ 80 . ~,, „6 , p,tlligCbt intent or feeblest invalid. li tIOUR not. all the above Machines for Sale. embracing the most popular works in die m er- derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de- August 29, 1855. tf km. Any one. with th e October number O. glee with the Etreogth, comfort, ear business of - ' specimen, can easily form such a club, in al- ! Iha " ti e" , HERRING'S PATENT „„,,t„,, ,section. A eopy or th ~ number , to _ i Grout Otsuaess TRE•IIII3.—In relation ~ R A At 0 r to II S user with a list and Mil descrittion of th e U. to the foilitwing diseases. either when compli- „,, b,„,, will ho itir „.„ r md 0„ receipt of 2 , ea .,. : cote( with lung 4tiertions exipting alone . I elm trjail .4y . , LIJUI ris,tl/21Ewrpa®Cf . ; T. J. M. EmisoN & CO., Publishers, I ' i Y nvite consultation . I usually find the them prompt- No. 371 Broadway, New York. I .7 SA FES. , f.r7, . 1 ', 1 ::,,....i all other forms of Female con - Plait., Irregularities and Weakness. ~ :,. , :iIV7 „_. -.•••-•'!"!! '• Palpitation and all other form. of Heart WiTu .r . • ...--' Dig..., lava Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all 1 , 1 . 4 , ...• ' I, , • ( other diseases of Stomach and bowel, &C• : II ALL , 8, k ; 7, 11r, , ~,. , All diseases of the eye and ear. N. nrai l gs B , Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.— E- , 1,..1, t ,, , ' Nu charge for consultation. PATENT v ,Vlt li. S. D. HARDAN. iii. D. —A: June 3, 1857. •'' E. BAUDER, Port Royal. Caroline co: Va, Or, to Gao. Banoatto SBUR, Agent, Mill Creek, linntingdon county, Pa. sep. I r OCKS ! itaf BOOKS ! 4 0,000 VOL LIMES of new and popular Book, embracing ur ery varioty kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and mat o. 01 them at ballthe Puhliaher'g retail peke, the subscriber now otters to the public. All school books used in the' county can be had in any quantities at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap. Letter and Wrapping Paper. wholesale or by the ream. " lOU Kuperior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold ent,o, Irian Si upward.. too rocket and Pen knives of Rogers' •nd other' hest inanuteeture. ion splendid Port Itlonnaiesand Pocket Books at 20 et, and upwards. 8.000 PJE ES WALL PAPEIR, of the tatest and prettiest styles, just received from Philadelphia and New York, prices from 10 cts. a piece atio upwards. WO beautifully pointed and gold gifted Win dow Shades at 44 ets. and upwards. The public 1 one but to call and examine, to be convinced that in buying of the above stock they wII be pleased and also save money. Re member the place, 'corner of Montgomery and Railroad streets WM. COLON.' Apr.23:56. TO MOTHERS ANT) DAIL/011MM. DOCTOR lilt VIRGIN PILL% 'I Le essential ingredient of this valuable rem edy is not new, but is well known in the mod - cal schools of France and Gummy, mull has IN BL AST IGAIN been eniphiyed by th e females of th e prineieul g ! courts of Europe, and by all of the moot distin- 1 ' guished physh•ians in this speciality for the last 1 ' •••;;. ten years. My motive is not to offer any pat- pet- - - Huntingdon 4t , ~ Foundry. 1 mat discovery, but simply, to present to the l R RE e ,,„ FALS & HERRING, .1/theta, Z alriamis . mo th ers and daughters of our own lend a simple American Safety-Paper Mauufaclu• 534 SVAI.NCT ST., BELOW SECOND, YAMADA. ... but sure remedy tbr those diseases to which risllE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME- Company of New York. ' they are naturally subjected, in such a form us ' THE GREAT INTEREST MANIFESTED I thud of inlorming their triends and the pub- i should obviate the necessity of those medic's, Capital, $500,000. , , by the public to procure more certain seem lie generally, that [b e y have rebuilt the hunt. comultaCions, militia are justly looked t.. by A. NICHOLAS, President, Office, 70 Will) St. I rite from fire Mr valuable papers, such us Bonds, iniram Foundry, and are now in 5 , " rressi a l 3 P:I women as a violation "f th eir most sacred - A Perfect &curie!, against all wanner of Fraud ' Mortgages, Deeds, Notes and Books , 21 . Accounts, oration, and are prepared to furn ish costing of , jogs, and to avoid which they often risk the (. 0 ,,,,,,.fri f i„, 0 ,, Paper. To Prevent Photo- , than the ordinary Sores heretofore in use aflbr all kind., of the best quality on the shortest no- most fearful consequences. I graphs and Anastatte CounteVi•its, Erasures, , dad, induced the Patentees to devote a large por tico and most reasonable tome. I have therefore prepared this specific in the Trace/era 0 ,..A1,,,,,i 008 . !of their time for the last fourteen years, in ma Famines are in c ited to ca ll an d exam in e our , neat and simple farm of 5 pill, and put it up in Having purchased the Parent Mr the exclo- king discoveries and improvements for this oh- Ploughs. We are ' manufacturing the Hunter t i small flat box., which con he nattily sent any • n i ne r i g ht to inetin feetate and sell the new Clip- jest, the revolt of which is the unrivalled Plough, D Pnit took die Premium et the 1 distance by wail in a common envelope. Each mica) Paper in America. itirmited and patented . llerfillg's Valeta World's Fair Premititil Huntingdon County•Agyieultural Fair, in 1855) I holt is aetompanied with toll directions and ex- i n Eng and officer in the Btitish Arm it is 1 1.,' he Plenty GLTNN. a celebrated • Fire Proof Safes, also Hunter's celetire.ted Cutter Plough, which I plimations, enabling every woman to understand ehentist can't he beat. together with the Reystom, Hill- i her 0110 earl, sits the proper treatment and the ' t inn ily , nerensery to say that the Paper is re . , Universally acknowledged a. the CHAS! PION . side, and BarshearTiouglia. We have on bond , proper time. commended tiy• 31r. Kent. Assoy er of the L. S. and are mai...Wring stoves, such as Cook, • The Virgin Pills possesses such powerful, mint, Mr. Liman of the New York Clearing • s ' SAS. OF Til. wonl.o. Having been &mimed Med lo at both the Worlds Fair, London, 1851, Parlor and uthee stovers fur coal cr wood. • penetrating properties, that none of the diseases aa d Mood. eelensiie and house, -- - •—"' Brother-, - --- -.- • :11 others. it is now undouhtetlly emitted to that :hi a e . rystal Palace, N. Y., 1853, as superior to HOLBOVB -W &RE ' within the range of their action eats withstmul skilliid photographers, 233 Brondeay, N. Y i•r evade them. Th e y cleanse, purify an d in- The hitter say that no imitation ran he male on consisting of Kettles, Boiler.. Skillets, & e., all arpelletior, and sp e ared with hull's Parent I l I lc - V 1 100 awairiled i owlet-, PIO. .01. b—W :IL I Wl-111 Ai . rigurate every port.' of the female Organism, a check hank note rimed on the Sulety Pa " r " hid ' aill he rail cheap fur e " Th " r in " a " correcting it; diseased action, and reot„rthi t • °l. • • i) •prices:separate Medals, (es above)—fornia the mot ' its per. Below is our hot of • ...tug. f"'r tnnlntr.l l'" duns' till metal ::I k on I ...alit, functions. They effec t a certain cure Bank Cliedis—fts ets per lb. pet Met Fire & Burglar Proof Sates ever yet of fer tiew castings. It a strict attention to bind- ! for ~,ci,„u ~.,,,,,0 ~,,,,,,,,, „. 1 ,,,,,, , fered to the public. Paint.). sup- Bank Bills—slB fee 1000 sheet, mess and desire hi pms am, we hope to receive a Nearly ifflo 'llerriug's Safes' have been tested presved end irregular menstruatio n , diseases a Bills of Exchange—s . ls tier 1000 sheets. alters of pubic pat ro nags . I preguaney, all nervous complaints caused by Piumissory Notes-40 its per lb. during the past 14 leers, and more than 16,1100 J. Id.' O'ONNINGHAM & BRO. I dis o rder e d m er i t , ~,,,,,,,, weakness, &e., the Sight a nd Drafts—s2s tor 1000 bhelalll I hav April 30, 1856.-tf. ---• Also on bond or mantoactured to order, all e been soul and are now iu actual me. ! ei septet. of which are telly explained in thedi. Instil., Polities-4 0 ets per lb. - —---- • kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bunk Chest. IL IN IL 15 I :c0.., Railroad Stocks & Bonds-40 cents per lb. For .y of the diseases of the reproductive Bunk and State Socko-40 etc per lb. and Vault, Vault Doors Money Chests for BLANKS - 1 BLANKS 1 organs, it 4, du doing g ey i I may ie be e . earlier ren stagesat a i times, ap t e g te g e: c t y - 114 . ' i ttL , Is R a u t , i i rl i 11 ,e liztf a ;t i ts — ct. 4o pe e r ts l rr lb. Brokers Jeweller, Ralroli ' ds, private families. • &e., for 'Plate, Diamonds, and other yuluabley. ! A1uv20,'57. 112 El 2 . when their effect would be such as to produce Fr r w rapping Sitio , old other fine entitles it ! - , ,4, . miscarriages , wkieh Met is more holy explain- is excellent as it prevents moths. 40 ets per 1 A CARD TO THE LADIES. Al fi ellera ‘ "'"" m" t 9 Blanks If a ll de ed in the ditoctitms. Their mai. in the system t •1. ' seiiptions fast rimed and or sale at the , will be felt immediately and the flush a rosy P li.:r Indentures and Agreements. 40 cents alb. ! DIL DUI'S);\ 1.43 9 S GOLDII2I PILLS .. .Mental (lire." beouty, the true index of health. quickly rising Ali state and County Recolds s t inn ig o w ,. • RIM infallible in removing stoppages or trreg Appointtn't of Referee., Common Bond, in the cheek of valor, will at once couvince he printed or writan on this paver, as the the- •H. ularitea of the metiers. Notice to Referees, Judgment Notesl the patient of these elects. , talents inserted in the pulp not only prevent 1 These Pills are nothing new, but have been Summons, Vetidue Notes, 1 p rice so, p er b og , and will he cent, pest-paid ! erasure or transfer, but make it Inoting us time. i used by the doctors for maay vans, both in Executions, Constatl e's Sales, ,by return mail to any part t the United Match! For Southern Climates it is excellent, and ' Fraimeand America, with unparunelledsuccees; Seim Piscine, Stibpronue. ; 011 receipt orate, money. Th e money may he i ninth superior to any oilier ;as the molstneis of , .cl he is urged by many thousand ladies, who Complaints, ' Deeds, ! i sent by mail, Mae tisk if the oubserther. the climate does not destroy it,—the pre h ene nand th en, to matte e the P itt, p u bli c , f a r G Warrants, Mortgage., DR. A. . lilltAG I G. inserted in the pulp heing to preventive. Jo all . the alleviation of tit°se suffering from nay km Cum a ktnents, Bond to idemnity Constable. 1e Broadway near Prituklin-st., Sew York, I southern Stet., Cube, the West Indies and the gulmilies of whatever nature, as Well UR to pre Oct. lib '57, '—ft. Central American States, no public records can . ~.., Of a 1 v to those ladies whose health. he kept over 20 years, written on the onlionry "'`'.'" P re - ' i . e . , The Combination Patent win not permit an increa s e of f am il y. Portable !Upright steam saw-Milll paper, w . ltile the oils and other eheinicalo insert in th is Paper makes it indestructible by the Pr" , -""unt females"' those s ll Plutsittel' 1 his mill is now a c knowledged to he the ravages of time• It is all moot' against moths, %elves so, are cautioned ag Pills ainst these cheapest. most prectisel and efficient lumber rats and other vermin, which fast, . anti de- while pregnant, as the proprietor assumes no menet..tering machine in the world. It is the I stray ull other paper now in use. I responsibility after the above tobutinition, sil • • only portable reeimoe4ting mill that liiiS eoer l The Company have now iu operation Mills though their mildness would prt•vent any iiii, met with perfect success. Ito entire cos', with iin Morris County, N. J , Of about 300 horse chief to health: otherwims these Pills are recoil: fifteen horse•power. warranted to Sao from three power. and are elite to fill all orders or Paper mended. Full and explicit directions accon, to four thousand feet of int h boards in twelve at the shortest notice patty each hos. Price. SI per box. Huntingdon, Oet. let, 1856. hours, the eutire establishment complete. ready All orders Mr the Paper must he addressed ---- _ Mr running, is hut $1.050. to ' . NICHOLAS, President a the Company Sold wholeeale and retail by JOHN READ, General Agent 300 KEGS PAINTS. I stow Portable Burr-Slone NUL No. 7U Wall Street. for Huntingdon Co.. Pa. fur which over seventy pronoun's hove been Wm. BREWSTER., Agent, Huntingdon. White Lead, (pure) 52 50 per keg. awarded in this country and Europe. It will Aug.9,'57.-3m.• I have appointed Dr. John Read Sole agent " " (extra) for the sale of my French Periodical Golden 275 " " -rin d with less than half the power, and make Philadelphia /. sec Paint, 240 " :: . -- PillS, for the borough and county of Hunting- Best Snow White, 268 " b etter flour and mea l than any other mill. It is . the most durable and cheapest Mill iu the mar. is.. 25 WITNESSES ; don. All orders must be addressed to him. Ohs, tie., end all kinds of Ilaituwann and ket. building meterials in proportion at the "Hard. Prices range from $lOO to $l7O. a OE Tile He will supply deniers at the proprietor's pri ces, and send the Pills to ladies (caelrienially) Ware Store" of J. A. BR ' OWN & CO. 4 ' s rOBOXII CoriViCTID Portable and St i d enary engines, of all sizes, !..0.) • ,by return triad, to any part of the United Stetes , Huntingdon, Apr.8,'57.-ti, John S. Ine. Author. shingle mar:lanes, &e. ot t reeeipt of $l, enclosed to him through the ____ _____ J. M. EMERSON & CO., Who has hod 10 years experience . a Bank- Huntingdon post•oce. For further peril. Cheapest “Job Printing" Office Dealer. in Improved Machinery, der and Publisher, .d author of "A seri. of Lars get a circular of ffi the Agents—sold by drug. /11 Mali COUNT T. No 371 Broadway , New York. ..7. Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when Send for Circulars. :dor In suecesuive nights, over 50,000 People gists everywhere. I hir My signature is written on each box. IN have now made such arraityentents in our TILE Tmi,,,,, ABOUT K4N , AN 0 grgeted him with rounds of applause, while J. DUPONCO, Job Office as will enalA us M A all kinds of • Who exhibited the manner in which Counter- Job Printing at 20 per cent. Cbt:lV. )VE2[lntl Miters execute their frauds, and the eurtst and July29,ts7.-Iy. Broadway P. 0., New York. ADMINISTRATION IN KA NSAS :shortest means of detecting them ! cheaper rates The Bank Note Engravers all say that Ie JO HN II ALLEN 61, CO. Large 12mo. 348 pages . With 4 complete Ina- wr - i, th e greatest Judge of Paper Money iving. . . Than ,any Office in I lse County, wry of the Territory, until June. 1857. Ern- ..f IseOlery 0 the • century Nos. 2 a .1 Lugs•rtore ST., a'th side below Water PHILADELPHIA.' Give us u gall. If we don't give entire eatisfac- bracing a full account of its dieemerY, grog- qv . Greatest d' • fII present 4:1 for detecting Counterfeit Batik Notes. IM- ' lion, no amigos at all will he made. rtiphv, soil, climate, products, its organization ...„,,,,,g .very genuine bill i n ex i atettee, o „,1 ( The Oldest Wood•ware iieftee, in the Citll.) ----- as a Territory, transactions and evmds under is exhibiting eta h i onc e ivory counterfeit in MA N UFACT CItEBSAN Li 55 H 0 LESA LE Jinni SCOTT, SaelUIL T. Snow, Governors Reeder and Shannon, political dis '''' circulation : ! Arranged tio admirably. that DU Dealers in Patent Machine mode Brooms, . sensions, personal encounters,election Maude, le Q 13117 4.. s lIRINing battles and outrages, with portraits of proud- 6 relerence is easy and detection ilistalitaneolls. . Patent thouved Ceilitr•W lire. warranted YIN 10 Er Is: .., index to examine ! No pages to ' shrisik, Wood et Wiliow•ware, Curds, Brushes , tent actors therein all fully authenticated, gi „ Hu up But so simplified and arranged Ste ,of all descriptions. Please call and ;man- Attorneys at Law, by JOHN H. GIHON, M. D. Private Set:' ", ~ s., I ft I. 111 : huutumuou, ra., to Gor. Geary. ne our stoe O t., toe o.ercannt, .milaer Kilo ...nese Man • k , r s , exit see all at a glue.. English. French acid fi e b .25, v,..1 3 ,. Office same as that lortuarly occupied by Jobs Carefully compiled from the officiel doeumeme fl t sa rina' , Thu, each may read the sallie in Scott, Esq. • on file in the depertment of State at Washing -2 his owe' unite tongue. Most perfect Batik Antiphlogist le Salt. Uct. 19, 1353. I ton sad other papers in the possession of tale O Note List published. Also a list of all the Th i n celebrated medicine i . for no . at the -- I author, with a full account of wa l l "Te , s toolinvsion t •••z Private Bankers in America. A complete 1 Journal Office . For all intl. ma•ory diseases If l icz. ).. abmiip t o ttl32. \LI . i li t a re n a s t a n s , . ! t o 1 ( 1 , 1 g e iss;cu e r , i , t' s ' J a i:: r i t o u n r ei.,, t t ~3 ..... , 1 isiT e m ri n e l m ar Z i e be th U i n ,r e e d e i : f ...,r e pg ii ::: , A„ : i, is a certain cure. Get abe it &al try it, ye ATTORNEY AT LA 14' character and movements of the Missouri Bor. ' ' ' •gether w i th a the import. news o t toy. who am afflicted. 1 der Ruffians the murder of Benin and others. le al l• t f 1 des ' Willattend to all business entwined whim. Of- , ' „ Also a aeries of tales, Irons an old blanuscript , urimplaTaffir inn ~ a rillvinvi. I , The Controversy between Governor (scary a flee nearly opposite the Court House i n ) Mund in the E.t, it furnishes the must coin. e‘us "•''..21-"`"`" ' ' and Judge Lecompte. The proceaditigs of the May 5, '53 b s . pieta History of "Oriental Lin." Describ. CONSUMPTION _ _ Territorial Legislature, of the pro• slavery eon. Dr. John McCulloch, vention, and the organisation of the Democra- I 'Thug the most perplexing positions in which tie Party, with a "Sketch of Kansas during its j have been . o , w . „ tad. These stories will i •It. PoItiTIVELY IC the ladies and gentlemen of that Country And all Diseases of the Lunge and Throat, (Viers his professional service. w the citizens ot i early uoubl.. wider Govs. Reeder and Shan- . le , ...continuo threugl out the r and will I CURABLE BY INHALATION. UHuntingnon and vicinity. (Mice, oe Hill at., I non." It invasions, battles, outrages, murders , i a z „,.„ ae t h e moat 'entertaining l ever ( dotes to - Which convey. the remedies to the cavities in between Montgomery and Bath. - I A copy will be sent to any part of the United mi.& ehlie. I the lungs through the air passages, sad coming Bernina., Aug. 05, 1e55. i 5t... , by mei' , free ef Mangle, ee receipt of 0 fr Furnished Weekly to subscriber. only 'in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes I the retail price. A libeiul diseouut, to the trade. Cr COI:INTIM DZIALUB can WY I to low agents wanted . Price in cloth ea• la JOHN S. DYE, Buotten, Publisher & a free and easy expectoration, heals the lungs, . alit r 1 u year. All letters meet be addressed to the tuberculur matter, allays the cough, causes CLOTHING Item to in Huntingdon at Whsle- raper, 50 ets. I:Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. I wide. the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the sale, as cheap as they can in the cities, se I have i CHARLES C. RHODES, Publiahur, l-1 April 22,11357.-ly. 1 nervous system, giving that tune and energy so a Wholesale a ire iu Philadelphia. Inquirer Building, Philadelp hi a . Apr.9,'56. H. ROMAN. I sr.' rrs `B e n n nrsserson salon rt Tarp be able to stare confidently that Consumption is T HMS* Lihlfill-hlbUtallJlEl lilllll.blioljl32 curable by inhalation. is to use a source of unal- BLANKs,,,..AIway. buy your Blanks at the 1 iSitig DR. J R. 1411 YET ~ I 10)ecl pleasure. ft, is as much under the can " Journal Wice." We have nuw prepared ave 1511 1 15Zait; 1 DENTISr : , trol of medical treatment as any other formid ry seperiorartiele of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, I able disease ; ninety out of every hundred ca- JUDGMENT NOTES , SUMMONS ', KKK U l . ALLAANAIiIIA s HUAI'. CO., PA. ! atr115550. 1 511 1 , IP"■ ties can be cured in the tint stages, and fifty per Tl"Fetolle. Amt 1. 1047.—Tr. :Nee Is. 1011 Y. rent, in the mend t hat is sky third age it is FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. THE library will be open every Saturday of term.., ai 3 o'clock, in their room in the Court Howie. Subeeription 50 mime a year. New book. have been added to the former ex cellent collection:—Gillfillen'a work., Hugh Miller's, Mrs. Ellet'a . • . . 137 order of the President, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERT' SEISMS MISCELLANEOUS ADTERTISEM;;NTS. lIILADELPIIIA ADV ERTISEMENTS . WARRANTED, The hest Anchor Brand Bolting Clodi Burr Calico Mill Stones. Cora, Cole awl Plaster Crushers. PIM R 1 3 R 0 0 F LOChS. impossible to save more than five per cent.. for the Lungs are so cut np by the disease on to bid defiance to medics* skill. Even, however. in the Ines t ' hig suffe ri ng l attending this toi" t t ne ir fearful scourge n'rY re fo the which annually destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United States alone ; and a cor rect eteculation shows that of the present popu lation of the earth, eights millions are destined to fill the Cue.umptiveB graces. Truly the quiver of death beano arrow so fa -1.0 us Consumption. In all ages it has been the :!rent enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor ceo. but sweeps ulI alike the brave, the beauti ful, the moanl and the gifted. By the help o that Supremo Being from whom eometii every good and perfect gist, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure In Consumption. The fleet cause of tubercles is from impure blond, and the immediate efiect pro duced by. their deposition in the lungs is to pre vent the faro admission of air into the air cells, which causes a w:akened vitality through the entire system. enrely it is more rational to expect greater good worn medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than those adnonistercd through the stomach; the patient will find the lungs free sad the breathing easy, after Inhaling remedies. MR, Inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it aets constitutionally and with more power and certainty than r «media, administered by the stomach. To prove the pow erful and direct influence tel mode of admin istration, ctdorolurm inhaled will entirely de stroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so stint a limb may he umputsted without the slightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life iu few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the ass tent when tainting or apparently dead. The o dor of many of the medicine, is peace ptihlo in the akin a lew minutes after being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of inhalation, in the tact that sickness is Mways pro • owed by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepar ed and judit•idesly administer.' flirt , ' tile lungs should produce the happiest results '1 During eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffr'r ing Irma diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and 1 nave effected many remarkable cures, even alter the sufferers had been pronounced in the host stages, which telly satimies me that consumption is no longer a fa tat disease. My treatment of consumption is • original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. My perfect Beg:minium.° with the nature of tubercles. &c., enables me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease • that ,iiiiiilate consumplion, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This familiarity, in connection with err thin pathological awl microscopic discoveries en• nbles me to relieve the lungs limn the effects of, contracted chests, to entered the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Itleilichies with full directions sent to any p.ii t or the Unit.' States and Canada% by patients tonominicating their symptoms by letter. But the earn would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my see ing the patient again. . W it AII A , M D OFFICE, 1131 11Lutar STut:L . T, (Old NO. 109,) Below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. August y. Of all disease ; the great, first cause Springs from neglect of Nature's la we. SUFFER NOT When a cure 1! guaranteed in all stages of SECRET DISEASES. Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility. Strictures. Glees, Gravel, Diiihetes, Diseases of the Kidncy and Mulder, 51m:oriel Rheunnitism, Scrofula, Pains in the Bones and Ankles. Diseases of the Limp, Throat, Nose and Eyes. Ulcers upon the Boilv or lambs, Cancers, Dropsy. Epilep tic Fits, At. Vita's Dance. and all iiketisc , ari sing torn a derangement of the Sexual I trgatis. Snell as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memo ry, Loss of Power, General Weakness, Dimness of Vision, with peculiar spots appearing before the eves, LOSS of Sight. Wakefulness, Dyspep sia. Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the lime, Pain in the hack and head, Female irregulari ties, cool all improper disehargesfrom holt sect!. It matters not from whet cause the disease or i g ., It is a melancholy fact that ti.uusands fall vic tims to this horrid disease owing to the unskils noted, however long standing or obstinate the .e ll,O , reeo:,,,N is "'l'd". °l'd " ,in ',', shorte r barn fellness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of than a permanent nu," cam . e ff ecte d ":4 any thnt deadly poison Mercury, ruin the other treatment,even after the disease boa bat- tution, and either send the unfortunate Palterer tied the skill of eminent physicians and resisted to a n untimely grave, or make the residue of hi. all their means of cure. The medicines aro life miserable. Pielthallf wlthout Odor, causing no sickness and lake Particular Notice. free from mercury or balsain. During twenty , veers of practice.l have rescued from file jaW4 : Dr. J., addresses all those who have injured ; of Death many tousands, 55110 ' , in the last slit- , themselves 'by improper indltitlenaies• es of th e above nientioted diseases had been These are sum. of the rod and melanc holy give', up b) their idiysicians to die, which war- . effects produced by earl)* 1 . 0 . n of youth, via: rants ire in pro mi sing to the a ffl icted. who may . Weakness o't ' the Bach and Limb., Pains in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular pow- Owe themselves ureter my care, a perfect and most speeo cure. Secret oiseases are the ere Palpitation of the Heart Dyspepsia, Nervous greatest .temies to health, as they are the fir..t Irritability, Derangements of the Digestive Isms. 01 Consumption, Scrofula and many nth- Functions, 'lama' Debility Symptoms of COO. er diseases, and should he a terror to the liu- 'emptier), 84, man 1411111 Y. ANA permanent cure is scarcely I tIENTALLT—The fearful effects on the m ind ever elected, a majority or the eaves haling in- ore nitwit to Ito drestled.k Loss of memory, Con n, the hands tit incompetent persons. who not' fusion oft leas, Depression of Spirit, Evil For wily hail to cure the diseases hot ruin the con- , bodings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, slittition, tilling the syst,.m with mercury, which , Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are some of the with the disease. hastens the sutrerer into a re- : evils produced. yid Consumption. I Thousands of persons of all ages, ran now But slimild the disease and the treatment not judge what i • vie eause of their declining health. cause death speedily and the victim niarries, the Losing their . ,gior, becoming weak, pale and disease is eutuileti a te . th e c liddrcu. who are I emaciated, have singular appearance about the born with fi..elile constitutions, and the current eyes, tough and synitunis of consumption. of life connived by a vii us whirl, betrays itself I Dr. J4llllllStilleB Invigorating lactase in Scrofula, Tetter, Ulcers, Eruptions. and oth- i dw for Organic Weakness. er itifeetionts..tif the I. Eyes. Throat and i By this great and important remedy, weakness Lungs, entuiling upon them a brief existence of of the organt it speed , , full 'l . cured ariU vigor re 'ulluring and consigning them to an early stored. Thousands of the most debilitated and grave. nervous who had lost all hope, have bean im- Ssit.abuse is another formidable enemy to ,to,uttly relieved. An Impediments to Mar. health, for nothing else in the Mewl t.atulogue of rings, Physical or Mental Disquelification Sre. ' lanolin diseases causes so destructive a drain rout irrita b ility, Troohiht „ , end we d... , upon the system, drawing its thousands of vic- or exhuut • • the must s 1.100 Of most fear f u lki n d, speedily thus through a tew years of suffering down to an our, by Doctor johotto' untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sym • tem, rapidly wastes away the etteriries of life, I Young 'ten, causes mental derangentetit, prevents theprope; development of the system, disqualifies for mar riage, society, business, and all earthly happi ness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in hotly and mind. predisposed to consumption and a train of evils niers to he dreaded than sleuth it self. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of Sell-Abuse that a speedy and permanent cure can ho effected. and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa tients can be restored to robust. vivorous health. The afflicted ate cautioned against the use of Patent Medicines, titr there are so many ingeni ous mares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rub the unwary sufferers that mil lions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi eonuus mstrunas vended as ..Patent Medicines." 1 have carefully analyzed many of the so-culled Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sublitnate, which is ono of the strongest preparations of mercury mud a deadly poison, which instead of curing the dis ease disables the system for life. Threw-fourths of the patent medicines now in sue., put up by unprincipled and ignorant per sons, who do not understand even the alphabet of materia meth., and are equally as destitute or any knowledge of the huinuu system. having only one object in view, and that to make mon ey regardless of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, anti sanctioned by thousands of the most rematkable cures. Medi cines with lull directions sent to any part ache United States and Canudas, by patients commu nicating Utah symptoms by letter. business correspondence strictly confidential. Address J. SUMMER VILLE, M. D., Ornate, No. 1131 FUSE. (Uld N 0.109.) Below Twelfth, I'HILADELPIII4. T. MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DOC FOR JOHNSTON. TILE founder of this Celebrated Institution, ofihrs the most certain, speedy, and only , effectnel remeny in the woild for Meets, tures. Aeminal Weakness. Pain in the Leins, Constitutional Debility, impotency, Weakness , of the Back and Limbs. Affections of the Kid- neys, Palpitation ut the Heart. Dyspepsia, Ner sous Irritability, Disease of the head, Throat, Nose or Skin ; and all those serious and melon daily disorders arising from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroys both body and mind. These secret and solitary practices are more kW to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the twiner Ulysses, blighting their most briliiant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. Young Men, especially, who have become the victims of Sul- , hary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit, which annually sweeps to nn untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents, end brilliant intellect, who might oth erwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with all confidence. Marriage Married persons, or young men contempla ting marriage, being aware of physical weak ness, organic debility, deformities, &c., should immediately consult Dr. Johnston. He who places himself mulo the care of Dr. Johnston may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. • - Organic Weakness. immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This disease is the penalty must frequently paid by those who have become the victim of improper indulgencies. Young persons are too npt to commit excesses from not being aware of j the dreadful consequence that may ensue,— I Now, who that understands the subject will pre tend to deny that the power of Procreation Is lost sooner by those falling into improper habit than by the prudent. Besides being deprived of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to mind and bo dv /misc. The system becomes deranged , the physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in digestion, a wasting of the frame, cough symp tutus of Consumption. f&I" (Alice No. 7, South Frederick Street, se veil dunes from Baltimore street. East side, up the steps. Be particular in observing the naive awl number, or you will mistake the plane. A Cure warranted. in Two Days. NO MERCURY OR NAUSEOUS DRUGS. Dr. Johtiston, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, I London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the first !los- pitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and else where. has effected some of the most astonish- ing cures that were ever known, many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden I attends and bashfulness, with frequent blushing attended s.,:methnes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. Certain Disease. When tin misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease. it to too often happens that an ill-tinted sense of shame, or dread of d iscovery, deters him front applying to those who from ed- I ucation and respectability, can alone befriend , him, delaying till the constitutional eymptoms of !hie horrid disease make their eppeurunce, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness , ot sight, deulness, nodes on the shin buno, mid arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progtessing with frightful rapidity; till at last ' the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease he- comes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful suderings, by sending him to "that bourne from whence no ! traveller returns," To such. thereihre, Dr.! Johnston pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable seervey, and from his extensive pray tiee in the first Hospitals of Europe and A uteri- ea, he can confidently recommend n safe and tweedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this hot • rid disease. who have injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged in when alone—a habit ftequently learned from evil companions, or at school—the effects of which are nightly felt, even when a sleep, and if not cured renders marriage impos ' sible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his patron's should he snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of liii• by the consequeuce of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit Such persona before contemplating Marriage. should reflect that a sound mind and t•ody are, the most necessary requisites to promote connu bial happiness. Mead without these, the jour ney through lifts becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. OFFICE NU. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE, MD. To Strangers. The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last 15 years, and the numerous im portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston ' witnessed by the Reporters of the pa pers, and many other persons, ltticet of winch have appealed again and again before the pub lic, is &sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. N. B. There are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves us Physicians, ranting the health of the already af flicted. Dr. dolmens deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with his reputation that his Diplomas always hang in his office. ON TAKE Noncs.—All letters meat be post paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be sent ' lane IC 1557.-Iy. --- 0 ..=0....0z0500 0 0 JOB OFFICE • OF Mg 0 O 0 °MINT. JOURNAL." o o o The largeet and beat g JOB OFFICE ' g IN THE COUNTY. u JOB-WORK 0 O OF g tla MFEDZ • EXECUTED As Cheap as the Cheapest, o ABM VETTER. THAN 0 lon :mow. gPERFECT EETISFACTION 18 o WARRANTED. o All kinds of BLANKS 0 0 CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 0 00000000000000 TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. TERMS : The "Iluartmonox Jornicat.' is the following rates t If paid in advance $1,640 lf paid within six months after the time of eubecribing 1,75 If paid bcfoi:e the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not pain till after the expiration of the year. No subserip tion taken for a less period than six months. I. All sub,criptions era continued until gib- , Bruise ordered, and no paper will be discontinu ed, unti: arrea rapes are paid, except at the option of the publisher. 'J. I! turnednumlers are never received be ns, All numbers sent us in that %ley are Ica, aced never accomplish the purpose of the coulee. 3. Persons wishing to atop their sahoriptioue, moat up arra:rage, 11..1 send u writtoi ce verbal order to that effect, t J the office of pa;• lication in Huntingdon 4. Uit ing retlee to a poet:ea:ter le 4 leged or a proper notice. 5. After ono or more numbers of a new year have been forwarded, a new year has coten,,,,e. ed, and the paper will sot be discontinued entil cif-enrage, are paid. See No. 1. The Courts have decided that refusing total:* a newspaper from the office, or removingand leaving it uncalled for, is plume TAM *video.' of intentional renal Subscribers living la distant counties, or to ether State., will Le required to pay invarlaLly In advance. eiarThe above terms will be t o in all eases. A DV E RTlSEitlicill Will be charged at th• following Ilium/ I Intortion. 9 do. L. ... * V 5 I 3.7 i 54. , 73 I CA! 1 Ch) l 54i r : 4 ;,. lines or leis, ne Where, lines,) an. 11 lUJ. 19 rn. . $5 ,11 500 80J 12 0,4 8 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 18 00 87 OA 18 00 97 09 40 0.4 24 00 40 00 50 ua 81111111. C4:44 of six Him, or km, $4.0.1. One st,tahre, rwo scputro, colu,o4n, • do.; Agents for the Journal. The following persons we hare appointed 140.: s for the Huortrainotr JotatnaL, wim are author - ised to receive and receipt for money paid on WI, Fcription, anti, to take the mimes of new bets at our published prices. We do this for the convenience. of onr Lers living ate distance from Huntingdon. JOHN W. THOMPSON, Hollidaystmrg, GEOHOE W. CURNELIEP, Cromwell towitell:p Malty lirl,l4oN, Clay township. DAVID ETNIItE, Cromwell townali;p. Dr. J. P. Armco's, Penn township, J. VII mom. MATT iaN , rranklia STEFPXY, trucks. township, Cal. Jrro. C. WATROH, 13,dy township, tionnis Bar,wN, Spring t 1.1.1 township, Wit lICTCHINSUN, Esq., Vu arriorsruark Giroitus; W. WIIIITIKER, l'eferAlErt, • 11.ny Nra , r, West Berme. JOHN UALSIIACII, Waterstrest, Mrort Lnr. Tod tornbLiii, A. M. [ham, Duldin (lEOIHIN WILIION. Esq., toraLlp. "AMES CLARE, BitilliHOHlEl. NATHANIEL LYTLE, Maj. W. Moo., Alexandria. B. F. Wat.Lact., Union Furnace. SIMEON WHIUHT, Union township. Dario CLARKSON, Esq., Case township. SAMUEL Wiirron,Esq., Franklin township, GEOECE SHANK, Esq., Warriorsmark. Dario A VRANUT, Esq., Todd township. Da. J. micro SHADE. I.lllbliil township. The "JOURNAL , ' has $OO Subscri bers suore,Shan any other paper In this county. RAILROAD ROVES. TRAINS Gui.o EAST. Mail T. Ex. T. 1 Past T. Traiu leaven A. M. A. M. P. M. Petersburg, 9.10 3.52 3.06 Huntingdon, 9.27 4.07 3.21 91111 Creek, 9.40 4.17 3.31 91t. Union; 9.57 4.30 3.44 Uotoo West. • • - -..... Train leaves - --P:M:...- A. AI P. M. Mt. Union, 5.36 6.45 0.99 51111 Creek, 5.55 6.57 9.21 Huntingdon, 6.09 7.11 9.35 Petersburg, 6.25 7.25 9.47 H. K. NEFF, M. D., H 4 VING located himself in WA . RI‘IOIIIIAM, in this county, would ripipectiui:y oiler hie professional services to the citizens ot that place and the country anju,ent. REFFERENCES: J. B. Ludo% M. D. Gen. A. E Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Or Onion, Eag, J. H. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinn, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. lion. Goorge Taylor. - Huntingdon, Pc Jacob M Gellman, M. D., Alexandria. John M'Culloch, " Petersburg. 3p7,'52-If. INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER. T N. BALL respectfully solicits the attention •of the farming community to a quality of Ploughs which he is now manufacturing, and will have ready for sato in a few days, he is Also pre pared to mulct harrows, wagons, carts, wheel burro., &c., &c., and to du all kind of repairing at the shortest notice, and in the most substantial manner. —. 4opon N. W. cornerut Montenery and Wash. " tra l i n ' l ' 7 in5S-t(. A. P. WILSO WIL N. R. Bums Financial SON & PETRIKIN, aTTORIVEYS ar LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Practice iu the several Courts of Huutingdea Blair, Cambria., Canoe, Mania and JuniataCoas tiFi•March Re, 1696.