I'ATC>TICaEL' We request those ut our euhaerthers whore oira their papers,to inform us of those in their immediate neighborhoods who aro subscribers to the “Jotrital.'"aud hare failed to reveive he earns, sinue the stealing of our pack-book, ')! ruffians on the 11th of October. New Cur-tires& Auvitig boup!lt afest -CARL) i'ItESS," tee are now prepared to print in the proportion of three cards in. the same time that any other preen in the county can print O,IC, consequent• we can print them cheaper-if not done well ton make cc et,birg•e at all. We oak your pa tronage. COURT AFFMRS. Trial Litii : -Jaauary erai, 185 S. Fl.FtS'r Exal.ave Bonk, Pittsburg vs hisloy & Carlisle Bamuel P. Waitress vs Jos. Shots°. Jobs Mi:ler vs Andrew Smith. John Plerotng vs Brice X. Blair and alters. Isaac Gitfora vs Joseph Giffurd's adro'rs. Thomas Clerk's heirs vs Brisou Cark. Samitel B. Mofestere vs --- Beers. coueth vs Week] (r,instated;. Petrick Ke.i!y C 3 Nona. R. R. Co. John Wsiters vs David Varner. Hard.% 4 Cosob V 3 C. V. M. P. Co. Samuel Cakiwell's redire're vs Michael J. Mastic, A. H. Brumbaugh fur use vs C. V. M. P. Co. vs James Clark's adm'r, John Dougherty vs Geo.lV. Speer. A. Vandevaminen ,irdrs v 3 John McComb. gatausi Mytvn v 3 'fear/ Fockter. WEEK. J 011,4 4.,a,0 Ts Wtn. Stuliti 3; Darin. Geo. W. Wag,nsr vs Washington (laver,. Ann C,rint, vs William Stewart. Josei.ti K. Headers9u vs John liendersnn's Ex. chr , ,•_, 7 P. F. Hostler et al. • ••.•_ , t P. Shewilberger's es, il;l• Welhouru. • rn • • Hci"ner. Ju.'L • • • • ,r,gernislse, etc, ":' ' d.'",rl et a! Sat., • JJ , • • , ~_: , ~ . a~,.,. , Eu v J. P. f,rrn,r. Anciei F.'~:.:a W rri,irai' Penn, !,r, Alexandria West. Be. • • ••:', • Da P Cass. liopesvol] Cass. Ra:ph Hairy Andrew Ore en, Ilopewell. t3auil Johastoti, it Writ. Shirley bur , tineir.3mtb, Dvb!in. RoLt. Johtwan, J rehaut: We3t. furme.r, J. , x3on. 0. I i utitingl Eicm'l I). At, J. Mnrr Ge,,ie kfirtz .-- , " Crarovee:d 'l . l)rnai S.Lewait., Barr.. 9111,1 ue 1 St:Hey, .ine-Iseeper, Jaelcsua Jol.o Vaudeviv;der, J. P., Walker. ,khn Wordrlug, drover, Frrotkliti. Rednit Wild , n, ferir.,r, Oaeida. Brad, JO:u b gyp, Zimmer Bt,:Ler, TRAVERSE Jlf:OF nurt:64,l , :aniver, surve:, . fanner ti:nnt• ' Barr, . • 11,in',(4? . .:, .. r~.,,. . $, v:. r . . is r, . . t, C:owtiover, Ric Lard Chkot,. Edward :vin:[. 1. rdra., 0/121it, , ru .1. L. Or r, j, Ileorg, M. kraut: ; , 1y:31, Robert iin7yer, ilhutvr, thazurd, Johol: I.theag, fut Ult . P., rr.,o%tait, 31orria. Hopewell. William Jc-ht.e , John Loomis, Sa,nuel Jacob Dltiier, Henderson Matthew Miller, M. V., Jackson. C. W. H. Moore, " Jess., uagon•ln'r, Brady. Joseph McCoy, !Armor, Walker. B.muvl Nine?, Franklin. Jolt!' H. Menteran, Franklin. John H. McCarthy, " Brady. Alexander M. Oaks, " Berme. Jt..lnt Paler, list', Hendersew Joseph Rigel°, laborer;' Franklin. George Robertson, farmer, Springließ Elijah Sullers, CHB3. Ueurgn A. Steel, 14 Huntingdoi Antos Stocker, Brady. Elialaa Shoemaker, tir. " Henderson. Jacob Smyers, laborer, Cluy. .1,.b Sleek, machinist, Barree. K e 'Thomas, greeer„ Huntingdo: 1•• ••:ott Wright, J. P., Unioti. ~.itun C. Wagoner, merchant, Brady. lid-CQND WEEIL. Springfield: Huuuugdun urriurtu'k Springfield Tud. Shirley. Burnie. Tell. rcumas As::•' , , farmer, David Black, carpenter, Juba Back, tanner, Ephraim Baiter, 111.U11, Jonathan Harm - 4211, ta:ther, Abraham Carothers, " Joh t C. Couch, merchant, nliatu Coulter, tamer, Jetee Lietleubach, merchant, John Forego.. termer, Jacob Funk. Jack.. J. Fee, George Garner Benjamin Grove, Jarred G. Goodman " Gilbert Homing, Henry "Hudson, carpenter, Jesse Hollingsworth " James Horning, farmer, James Huey, William J ohne, I Hugh A.Jacket:in, Wypor Nieholas Lynn, William Livingston, . Jacob Miller, laborer, Jacob Nearlof, farmer, William Orr Esq., Henry Robison 14 Tomei tirnile7 Alotsoder boon, blacksmith, George litmus, Andrew Smith, • farmer, Joseph Shore, Philip Taylor, miner, MAW , Walker, faranw, HISCEIAANEOUSADVERTISVIE . NTS. PREMIUMS AWARDED THE JOUR Nil.Joll OFFICE AT THE LklE FAIR, FOR TX-11111 13333 LIEU PRINTING. COOK STOVE. • t,""'W'' A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE for sale at this office ;it is calculated to burn wuod or coal. Eslate of etTP,'". Williams.. dec'd. AtDITOR'S NOTICE. QP undersigned appointed auditor to dia• tribute the assets in the hands of HenPy Brewster, Esq., odm'r of Samuel Williamson toted Shirley Towne.)tip de'd., will attend at the. Register's Mee in the Borough of Bout. ingdon, on SATURDAY, the 2d of JANUARY, 'bB at 10 o'clock, A. hind of said day, when and where all persons iutereattd are required to present their claims or be debarred trout evm• ing in upon said fund. M. F. CAMPBELL, Auditor. December 9, '457:-4t. W ETLf •.;1 on t 1 4th F , ...1957, Purchased 3 Personal Proper• ty to satisfy two Judgments that I bane against him nmoro.ing to SIS.I 97. TL, property is Oue Bay Horse, one 1 rear old sorrel colt, 1 red cow, 2 2 years old lteicers, si o 8 4 .'l' , 1 Dearhourn noon, one Hathaway cook stove, b tons of hay more or less, a lot of curufodder. 15 acres of grain in the ground more or less and I man's saddle. Now take notice that I the subscriber have purzhased the shove property from John Al, evender sod Ido hereby fmwaro any person r•r person; frorn buying or purcheving any of the there p , perty from Lire Alexander or ery per,:t cr without my eon• t,3 11,7, tilif,ll the Firprrty into my poe• tsel harp J•:h': A! , sxander have the •eke es, (..r t, me. SARAH ALEX/5.1,11)RP.: 131 C. mortgEts INDIAN ROOT PILLS. DR. MORSE. the inventor of MORSE'S IN DIAN ROOT PILLS, has npent the ,area tee part cfhis lite in travelling, haritig Europe, Asir. cud .\fricn, as well 113 North America— bas spent three yearn among the In. thane cur Western country was in this way that the Indian Rout Pills were first din. covred. Dr. Morsell3 the fan man to es tul,!,ll the Met that all diseases arise from Ins ;:orl%v .i'tl,43 Blond—that our atron;ttli, health depended upou this vital fiid. When t!, various passages become clogged, c!:d d.i t.,t net in perf,t harmony with the (LI. letett ft.nction3 of the body, the bl•md loom; itt noir, Locomen thick, corrupted and di seaned; thtti• rouging all pains sickurns and diitre4.4 of every name; our stren.oh in cabana ted, cur health we are th-prived of. and if na• tore in not mcnated in throwing off the Mae nai.t hum ,r 3. the hlo•nl will becomo eholo•d anti cr..; to no., of d :bus our light of life will ror ho I ',•, How imp trtaht then t. • -cc . . •-vf s its T1.17i3 , 14 I),l33l'geS of • M.. tic ••• . And how plem.ant to • ha, • :•1 our power to pitt a . Ittrtfi '.c,rl;:r ree namely. Morte's • lirell from plant.; nod Nano .he moontatow, :,rtd recovery ; • "loin which • . - . witch u '• ' . . large :4-- • ' ; '. • l, which is • • • ; t • urinary or - • • • • • • .•it coal • t have heeo • 10. Wly triter woo, • •••• fourth is . ' . •d accompanies rrclier prul - ..ctiel• 0. the while enghgedin p . er tile blood; the conrser particica of uni••; • • which cannot puss by the other outlet, ere thee talton up and conveyed tiff in gr,al. gnat, •Ct; titi~s by the how From the *there, it in shown fleet Dr. Morse's Indian BMA Pills not- only eat the atom ob. beet become united with the bleilcd. leer they find wily to every part, end cotnpletely n.nt out and cleanse the system from all impurity, and the life of the body, which in the blood, be comes perfectly healthy; consequently all Rick nese elmd pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes sa pure and deer. The rancor why people are so distressed when sick, and why an mrqty die, is because they do net get a medicine which will pee, to the eflicted parte, acid which will open the isurel passages for the disease to be cast out hence ' a large quantity of food and other mat ter is hedged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overdowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermenta tion, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life, is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills have ad fled to themselves victory upon victory, by re. [goring millions of the sick to blooming health an l hilppieess. Yee, thousands who have been rucked or tormented with sickness, pain .d anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorelted by the burning elements of ra ging fever, and who have been hrotieht, tie it j were, within a step of the silent grave, now j %tend ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this crest and wonderful medicine, Moron's Indian Root Pills, After one or two doses had been taken. they were astottiehed, and ale solutely surprised, in witnessing their charm• big. effects. Net only do they give immedi• . ate ease and strength. and take away all sick ness, petit' and anguish but they at once go to work at the foundetion of the disease, which is the blend. Therefore, it will be shown, espec ially by those who use these Pills, that they SAVING , FUND will so Owlet) and purify, that diaease—that dewily ettency—will take lee flight, and the National Safety Trust Co. flush of youth and beauty will again return, • OFIiIOE, sad the prospect of a long and happy life will eher'eh and brighten year dive. Walnut Street S, W. Corner ofSd. CAUTION.—Beware of a counterfeit sign- I Arrangements for Beide.ss duricig the Suspett• ad A. B. .Voore. All genuine have the name aloe eel Specie Payments by the Bunke. of A. J. wurrE& CO .on each box. Ales 1. Deposits received and payments made the sionalire of A. J. While & Co. All oth• ere are epurione. 2. Current Bank Notes, Checks and Specie A. J. WHITE & CO., Sole Proprietors, will be received on deposit. 50 Leonard Street, New York. ~.1 3. Deposits made in Bank Notes or Checks Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by will be paid hack in current Bank Notes. all dealers in Medicinee. 1. Deposits made in Gold or Silver will be ra". Agents wanted in every to., village l paid back in Coin. riled hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the N rERESI' 5 PER. CEN'I'. PER. YR. agency will address above for terms. far Price 25 cents per box, five boxes will I HENRY L. BENNER S President. ' be eent on receipt of $l, postage paid. WILLIAM J. REED, Seceretar. December 9, 'ers--fire. Now. NS. Brody. Shirley, Penn. Henderson Penu. Ileuderaon Barree. Clay. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. CASBVititt SEMM4II I I. Only $10.60 per Quarter. THE NEW FACULTY. N. McN. WALSH. Principal. Prof,ssor 01 - Li.nziiiiges and Philosophy. Herr Karl Bockenheim, Pi O. German Language4^ Literature. M. Eugene Chivaui, Prnlessor ut P, end. and Piano Music. James W. Hughes, Prve, , sor of Mathematies, — elc Mrs. M. MeN. Walsh, Preceptress. Grecian Paint mg, Botany History etc. Miss E. Faulkner, Monochromatic, Painting, Drawing, etc. Miss Anna 51. Gray, Pia , o Musk and French. Miss Jennie 111. Walsh, Primary English. TITS SCHOOL HAS LATELY PASSED into new hands, and the present owners are determined to make it a first class Institie tion. The ninjoritv of the new faculty are al. ready en hand, and students will be received as soon as they wish to romp. Young Indio? on :gentlemen intending to go sehthti will do wellto write to uebeture ea luding to go eltiewhere. There is no cheaper, ad we believe Mete will be no Lefler school ow than ours. TICE,I Huth sexes are receire,d, all branches taught id soldering can enter at any time. For further information. address JOHN D. WALSH, Cassrille, Lluntinudon Co, - Pa. Unceuaber 9,1957.4 f. STRAY PIG, Came to the residence or the subscrib,, bout the Ist of August, a white boar, supposed to weigh about one hundred pounds. 'fhe ow ner in requested to come forward, pay charges, prove property and take him away. ELISHA SHOEMAKER. Pee. 2, 1R57.-4t*. WAX tiorilaciro RS Vii. AZ NOTXCZ. THE co:lectors of County •ind State Taxes Cur the year 1856 cud all previous years are re &Aired . to make immediate payment of the bal acres due in their duplicates or they may ex • pe• t to he dealt with according to law. The collectors of 1857 are earnestly reques ted to collect and pay over to the Treasurer, the amount of their duplicates as anon as pos sible. Money is much needed it the present time tied meet be had. Nor. 25, 1857.-61 LESTA I'E•:OF DR. W NI. GRA Fl DECD.] ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. `:,tire is. hereby given, that Letters of Ad tnini•:irntioll on the estate of e Dr. William (ire. lies. late of Porter township, dee'd.. have IINPII granted to the undmigned. All persons ill delved to said estate are requeeted to make im nit iliate payment, and those !tacit,: claims to revolt them (I,,i r as .t,e s iis st „,i, to iII'ARY ORA FILIS. Mote. ORPHANS' COURT ES.A.T-AEL 311 virtue of an alias order of the Orphan a' ...itrt, there will be exposed to public bale on Tlaunday, the 7th day of January, 1858 AT 11 O'CLOCK, A. M. all the riebt, tele and interest of Samuel Kerr of, in and to the followintr described REAL ESTATE, , :,:ate in the Vi 111470 of Marldesburg, to Penn viiship, in the county of Huntingdon. to wit: All that certain lot of ground. fronting on '• west sixty feet on the public road fr.un Huntingdon to Bedford. theueo We, one hundred and , ixty feet running co the said rood, by let of Thomas (ler. ' . •:e 'd.. to a street fifteen feet w:de, then, North sixty feet along the saitl street to -•• ~ twelve fe. t wide, and thence on the ltionlrl.4l sod sixty I',-et by the soid o. the place to: beginning, having it iso story litinse.eabinet maker's shop mid other improvements thereon ereeted. N. 11.—The purchase monk/ hey of this lot hiss teen puid in full, by the hithi dee'd., in his lifetime. Also a certain lot of ground, fronting on the South•west sixty feet on the Wails road load ing trom.Hutitingdon 10 Bedford, thence on the West. one hundred and sixty feet running back from the said road, by an alley twelve feet wide to a street. fifteen feet wide, thence no the North, sixty feet along the said street, tolot No. 27, in the plain of the said village, nod thence on the East, one hundred and sixty feet by the odd lot No. 27, to the phi, of ht , ,••tii, slog, hoeing o two story fetus., I,,,inwit ; thereon erected. N. B.—There is a balance of :. 4 t57.82. "'- of unpaid purcluise money duo on this lot, to David Brumbaugh, as of the date of the sale. Also two certain nalpainitag lots of ground, fronting sixty feet each on the public road lea ding from Huntingdon to Bedford, thence on the West one hundred and sixty feet running back from he said road, by lot No. 25, in the plan of the said village, to a street fifteen feet wide, thence on the North, sixty feet each, a long the said street, to a tress street fifty feet wide, and thence nu the East. ono hundred and sixty feet along the said cross street, to the place of beginning. N. B.—There is a balance of $57.82 of um paid purchase money, due on each of the said lots, US Shove tasted. TERMS OF SALE. The one hull of the purchase looney to be paid on the confirmation of the Rule, and the other half in one year thereafter, with interest, to be I secured by the bends and mortgage of the our. chatter. 'JOHN HOUSEHOLDER. D.itermber 16, 1867.-3 t. 401711'r. MISI'ELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. wart THiy muleNigned. being desiron, rt,liQving from thtitown of Shirleysburg, hereby bffers fur sale his entire remaining real estate, akin, ted in and near said The priftt# can. sista of three separate and dintitit : houses, tipluding the large and et. 01.1 A • BRICK MANSION, •• in which the subscriber now resides) ; all of Which are elligibly situated itstise mos , des'rublit , and business part of the•towd. A driadol de scription of said property iS decireui uoneressit• ' ry, as fitly one &Shims of parchaqiim, will, of course, wish Mace and examine lbr himxelf. Two or said busses are admirably 'seated and calculated fir stores nod tavern stand, Ste. Aloe, the SU b,wribpr offers for sale, ten nem, of rich b ttoru or meadow land. sitiinted n abort diminice above the grist mill of the Met it. HcifTnerr. This land is well suited, not nil to the rising of' grams, grain, etc., but is nisu peenliarly adapted to the production of 'Chi• nese Suitor Cane." an article of recent introdue- Hon, which seems to promise greater profit, per net, than almost any other agricultural product. IT the above propery is not sold nt private sole beforg the 291 h day of December next, it will, on that day, be offered for sale at puhiic outcry ; and if not disposed of will then he for root. HENRY BREWSTER. I Shirleysburg, Nov. 18, '57. THE CAMPAIGN OPENED FILL A \D WI FISHER & McMURTRIE IXTOULD IiI:SPE(:TFULLY ANNiII3NCE • to their numerous friends entl the public, that they have just received from the East. most beautiful inaortment of Fall and Winter Goods : et - ahem:Mg every variotr Of Ile. styies such as Valencia Plaids, Plit,il lineal.. Oriental Lu•ares, Gala Plaids, Tames° eloth. and Plaid, ()retire striped I/Haines. French Merino. Printed Delaines, Itayadere Stripes, Argentine. cobarg. Slolmir. and Nla. donna Cloths. Shepherd a Plaids. r retie!, • Bay t.itlite. Long and Sipnire Lade Shawl 1 1 /entk"Ftavelling in, French Cloths. plain and fancy Cassiiii..res, Satineita, Jeans. Tweed, &v. Itib'rons. Milts, Gamitliits, Gloves, TAlmas. Chalks, Chenille Scarfs, Deane lies' Collars. Brilliants, plain and spriged Victoria Lawn, Nitintrouks, and every variety of White goods. HATS. CAl'ti and hUNNET, Qf Qvu ry curie ty mid style. tt 11111 et. k Hardware, Queensware Boots and Shoes, Wood and Willow-ware, JACOB BAKER. H. L. NrCAIVIIIY, Coers 0. W. MATTERN. which will be soil on sack terms as will make it the ii.terest or all is call and examine. Groceries can la, bad hewer than the 102.1, prices whirls have been maintained lierembnc We aloe deal in Plaster, Fish, Salt, and n!l kiwis or Grain, and ho..se, .tacilitics in branch of trade Allequalled hr.kny. We dehr, xli Imekages or pareel+ of mereltandize „t CHAIR., At the driAAS of the Broad Top and l'ettolvatda Railroad!, tie F,i.:f U,'s'. Aew Goods S 'New 600ds D. P. GWE%' CHEAP STORE, D. I'. Gain has just rotund from Phil phia with the largest and must heautirul • s..riment Y2ll M-1!.0 ZIT ER 7.117Z;;Zi7 consisting of the NW. fashionable Gress t fen for Ladies and Gentlemen, such its Black Silks. end Fancy, All Wool do Laing, (all colors) French AleriTlO, plain and printed, andire striped do Lai., barred and fancy detains, Leveila Cloth, Mohair, Debatiz, Shepherds' HAL'S, and Prints of every description, ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin ges, Afore Antique Ribbon. Dimon, Gimps, it aulr, &c. Bonnet Silks, Cranes, Ribbonds. Gloves, Mitts. Veils, Latter, Bolts, ltibbomis liar Uniting. Whalebone, Reed St Brass [loops fur Skirts. Silk and Linen handkerchief, Silk Neek ties. Zephr, Frown Watching C0U ,, 11. Li nes trod C...tton Floss, Tidy Yarn, \Ve rl Turns, &e. Also the best nod largest assortment of Col lars, and Uuderaleevos, in town. B,ir'd nod Hain Jneonet, Moll NI itslin. Fig ured nod dotted. ftloreen, nod [loop Skirt, Irwlt Linen, Lunen Tnble Cloths. Napkin,. Towels, &e. Shins. Shirt breasts. Underntsirt , ,nod drovers, wont coos, rods, romli J rts nlid scarfs. a largo assoritnent Waterj(lll I 311; Stale IVI,OI SlittWlS. Singh: 411141 Brnene $1111.1 , . CIOIIIS, t7:l,..inetA, Tweed,. K. Jeans, Vestin;:, Mnstins, Idcdefled and ni-- I•letweell, Sbeefiw and 1911cte eusC 11u,1:ns. Nankt ens, Ticken, (Theek.Table Diaper', CI, li Runnyle, Sack Flannel, plain and figured, Can ton Flannel, Blankets, c. MA). a large iot of Silk lionnets of the latest styles awl iit lery lea prices. Hats and caps of all kiwi, . ..... Boots and Shoes, Guru shoes, the best and cheapest in toau >D t. it QUBMINTS WARE. Buckets, Tubs, Ilrakei*, Churn*. Butter liuw 1,, Broom*. Bruahca, Sc. Carpe ta. 011 Cloths, Fish and Salt, Sugar, Cuffee. Tea, Molasses, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. My old crammer*, 4nd as many new ones as cum crowd in are respectfully'requested to come and exraninramy gouda • All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change fur goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID I'. GWI/i. October 7, 1557. GRaCERY STORE DAVID GROVE informs the eitizi•us of Huntingdon mid vieinity, and the public putt• orally, that he has opened a Grocery Store on Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of Wm. Urbison'a residence. where he will at all times be prepared m envie customera with ALL KINDS 111 , GROCERIES, CHEAPER THAN TIM I'IIEAPEAT, at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Molasses. Cheese, Spices, Confectionaries, Salt, Brooms, Markets, Segars, Tobin, co, &e., &e.t, in tam, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. • _ . . An 1 am determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest, I want everybody to chilli., examine my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE. Huntingdon, July 29, '57.-Iy. [ESTATE OF WM. olililsON, DECD.] EXECUTORS' NOTI4 E. ALL persortsi;;;;;;lareheteity notified that Letters Testamentary on the estate of Wil. ham Orbison, Esq., late of the borough of Hun tingtion, deed., have been granted to the an dersigned, and all persons having claims or de. mends against said estate, are requested to make known the came, and persons indebted to make payment to Wm. P. °linden, the acting Executor. ELEANOR ORRISON, I THOS. E. ORBISON, Ex'rs. vol. P. ORItISON, amitingdon, Oember 261. 11E41, EWE tTE rumsr ARRIVAL or rc:bc:•liz,Es. Nun AND ciPEAI I . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NISCELLANEOUi ADVERTISEMENTS. lIIISEELLANEOUS AMIN ISCIIENTS. iii 41 1 livilD Vili - JVAis T 1 :i f :, d larmt e arl s i;l r i a e m ,inii i . o t n . i t , o; ,,, k 4 i ) n f fi t i , i: , , , , ,, :i.l B il ti b t, • Flom. & Moslpmgee. I . ' . ...•... , ' i .•I'l i 1 ir'' .. .", 1' ,,, (. I, ) III \ v I 3 . LLW -OOL, Ingrain. Venetinn, List and' A Ne'w Assortment Junt opened ! ARag Carpet. Also. Cocoa, Jute and Mil eott Mats, can be belt cheap at the More cf : An 4 will bemold :30 per cent. Fiauou & BleblunTnix. CHEAPIO.IIITIVAN 'i°lii I liiLiPiEsirs i 1 ItIOIAN reNnernille in'imna his eneto -I,IIE preateat variety of the richest stylea of I Illef9 and the lot ill( genfrall), that he has Dreaa Goods 1.11.1 Trimming, can always be jeat opened et mere-roam in Market Square found at the fashionahle store of liuntinFdon, a splendid' new stock of Ready- Plaitu.n CIE tdo?dunrais. mode flothlrig ftl Fall and Winter, 111:!,' latest and "n;l7:DaYk'jeldliu'Ra'tftrinEl'lr, which ha will 6Lelpi tibia Or Hoy other establi•dimentn the country. (11,0 ANS, Higolgttes, Irictoriges and Persons whiling to Imo Clothing would do Ilrnil Dress., me 01 . whic , 0,4 Y well cc...Nand examine Lis siocklia...ro puiclia• competition byQitt•dt &Alum tile, sing elsewhurti. Al.-u, notiTS, SHOT'S, HAI S and CAI'S. th Hats, Caps, e. . 11 - 0 largest stock ever brooch!. to too n are sell.- winch will he cold tower than et an y other ing very cheap at FISH ttlt 44 McMinn. . t.,,,hme,,t iu the 'at" ,,s '• Huntingdon, October 7. 1857. . WAR TNWOIf4OA.S,. n r.,A N KILTS. Plaids, Flitnnel, 'Aesop, at all prices, at the mammoth , tore of FinfiLß a 3Lc,iuerxie. MUUR"'G , or the haed Aft C est siyleF,just received by Irp: citims INFORM THEIR 01,D1 Fisnha & MeM - Ifiiri , ..es *old th. , piddle peeerally, that thy .11R.11... ihoer the al, we I..thindry ill lull blast, PEANUTS.—.SOOO Burdick Wilmington Pea- and art prepared to tarnish easting 4 .if nuts in attre and for sale by . , every desertption. St!,ven of all kind. WIL N. SIIUGAI2I), fm wood or coal. Ituiti,yed Ploughs. 323 or 191 North 3d street, l'hila. Tliteshing Machines. mid everything . in theca I. l llio line Featly made. We eon finish all work fIONFEC'EMNARY.—PIain and fine Con- . that requ i res turning, h on i ng a ,toad Turning k./ lectionery manufactured and tier sale by lath.wrk l.lp tilt Daub or noun. wmo.N.smuuAND. ! try produce. (1!d meld taken tor casting.. 323or191Nrth9dsu •cet, rocticai and experienced we hope by strict to receive» liberal share 041 1 ri N g .t e ' s }: 0 8 ntl A I N e i n ) tu i t . is i in trre-I"..'l7firrs:Vbrs; atteotinaa , t r ! , : ' r u, : „i tt " L e re " . WM. N. SIid:GARD, , April 15;,7. 929 ur 191 Nui th ad eitrtet, Phila. - ljT./.211,1 15211 - ,02‘1, 1 `3' ! RAISINS, —l,OOO Boxes Bunch end Layer j MOriorauia,,ETo 0011 s, nk ..F 51 , .1 , 11111 in more and fir sale by. • Wl‘l. N. fill UGARD, ip 2fp i2d , - a , yJ `J ' • 323 or 191 North 3d street, I ,9 ra t, •,5, for sole, to ,•to anti the te.t.io, the .gc,t assm.tuo• • Id,. vr Hanging. Borders, •corutions, h.., • kited Nate!, They tisk the . • ',motion of the trade i to a urn nod ya • , .1 art tele on impel of C(..LD r t.'.!lriH AD E wil',ll they are SeptiG,'s7..l*.fin. rIGS. PArn.s, TRUNES, CITRONS, H Currants, in sum , nini t r stile by 131 WNI. N. SIIUGARI), 323 or 191 North 3d b vett, t LMONDS. WALNUTS. CHF:AM MIL'S and Filberts in store end l'or side hy WM. N. till Sept 9.'57.-Iy. 523 or 191 N'tb 3d at ,Phils. G. 111,41:1 ('hoe. DeCirath% FA laC 1 It 1 1 ' 114 p tiiJ -4. J „J D 1) IT 1)1 IV LI 1)(.... - 1 nin great direir,itre inn ow cleating great ' (,)11,1‘.. I 11 it 3 , nennitrion umotur the Meflieui Ftivnine., (.1 En- 4 lope and this country. It Neill eery the fuP.uvr. tag (not everyriiiit..:): Wurrtutt('d to Otre Fever and Aeile in one do'. Cure vl.lllr fly , m;tiuw , Cur , Croul, to ou , i Cure Dt.ni,..."sn in 100 to tour : days. Cure burns j met S: iit,t.i in ten minutes. Cure Sprains, 11 olloi t awl Bruises in from one to three days. I,iiu:limation in Curt ! o*' PARTNERSIIIP. To“th Art, P.,mns, in 10 tnintitt.s. Notice in hereby given that Co. no partner , .'•!1..• ,•...•' ten ship heretofore existine between the uint. , - v.. • iu one 10 i (A under the ~ '.i • . • . , „ •.,, whin. Stu, •' , ,•1 G ••, .• ,•100 inn. lu u ol'i. w n Bread op City, Nov. 11, ,• • ..i4 edit (Le is 1111141 and is a great tastily Medicine int •• s h ou ld a ll uge ES FATE OF' I/A VIL/ BUM. leaves von better that, it finds AUDITOR'S NOTICE uue bottle often cures entirely. • , The undersign, a, .Ititlitur, n• . , Thirteen l'iwry and Cured in One: Court of 1 1,,, Hingd , . Verk. JtIIIICA Temple. tribute the lialanee is the heads lii h unit, o l„ . Read letter from Rev. Orbison Esq., Administrator ‘if David Harker. hue 185 a.. 1 late of Shirley township, p, r Grath amkt , d „,,.! those entitled thereto. hereby gives notice to , all persons interested, that he will atterid for • • , -9. with Neuralgia and other pain '," a i t d i d b i r e ";: a h t , i ,',"" h e , e na , b a l , e ,,, t , '' ;, l , ` ; ', ' ,. l 6 ' U 111 11S . 1..1 ( A . : 1 ; 11 1 ' 0 6 1 .11 D i i: ( t2 11' 11; " ; 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 ..: 1‘ I ' i l NE T pa• , Last week I got a bottle of your el , jae iat one o'eloelt P. M., at his oilier is the burs 0401 ot Huntingdon, When and where all tr.. , The first night I slept soundly nod au , iike a new maa. sons iner,steti We required present their wife n o t Ivliere her eyes. Your Elet;- he d "um wnliing iu upon , " trio Oil has done in one week what the plirsi- .• eians of Philadelphia failed to do in thirtfet, THEO. U. CRENIEIt, Auditor. • Noe. 25, Gratefelli yours, - R EV - . JAMES 11 Ticel NIPLE, i Te tev. s. 310 South street. : a„,.;,, • •• • • • • • ,t• g Ililssl4ll l / 1 1 111 moue. ..i., DEAFNESS CE RED. • etiverrti a simple certain Curt, tor Censtimp- New !Invent MaY I Anthnitt, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ner• Prof. Its Grath : My brother has been deaf tons Del , llll, tool all impurities of the blood; floc' , yintrs. All, trying ninny things, he us. tilt easy HMI effectual mode of inhaling the rd dour Oil a f ew times, and it cored t r i n , l I Iltinttv. uated hy a desire to tanalit • •• • • 1, cf,ft , T ,, RD scRAN T O N . sang,•eme Act w,,, eatterni..y nen.. tr.e ex- Tbere see numerous imitations sprung rip on tiros)such as Benin! it, "'"ii and end of ter.stu:lr t, ~ ,iontion that my article bus at•q„,red. ns for P r e the Aledwiuc. rillg ress 1 ''•' beware. They Fir, worthies,. ; 11. ' 4 14. v. C. S. 111.71tNETT, r t'.• itcad, Huntingdon. Broatb,y, N. Y. City T. I,_ 1: rk II war i s a 0 0 14 . 1 .0.) kD ri :s7. - n G1)). ~., ~ , , ~,, m..,,,,,, _ F . li:lerT i s , :7 „. i n t t i r f; i t i m ,7:l:l i t: ' , u n ti7d it i., :ii r i s k , e i e l o r l:r:u: s ii:i u ng: F in d i ' , D e . i in r ...1<• Lb. ..U..h.i.1.t.1.1.);11 J./ fy orator, was greatly relieved, and continuing ter 111 . , ' II lI I > 4) ATTOB. re it 'sr AT LAW, a reason, was entirely restered. • • ~A. l _.?) & t - !:* • Will attend to 1 1. 1:::::io a ::1 h A uti rt i i n , e l :e;t a rt i, la r te ,: :: . I :; , clrg: d m he a , l l, l r e e ii:l i et ie l l a n ::r a i , i e tli n ee th. th w e 11 1 , 1 , 1ila i y ; to his care in the ,lm, cral Courts of Huntingdon ° ,,T 1 i ,": 1 : 1 , h e 1 . 1 "`. 1 g iv e n . P". wools. a bottle, -------. st oi c , in g very bailie from L i ve r Coin she Otis to wed: earning Mead tier her lamily. trtllE undersigned owners cif the Huntingdon I '-'"'1.1 1 7. mew, written at the shortest notice and on that most reason:Ode struts. Sill. inform fanners and the politic general. 1 _SLirleyahurg, April 22, 1857. A gentleman isceently frum the West, says, !', that they now have their new mill in running . while at Chicago, he was attacked with a SIOW, Order, with all the modern lin/movements in the water wheels and machinery, lingering 'lever. that baffled the skill of phyla-. e t : fi . .i . e . :t: c te n ti . 1 - 1 ,,,. t iny , ' put in f i re o f t h e I mprove d J on . I LEATHER I LEATHER ! LEATHER niaos, but the Invigorator cured hint in a few .lace, vol Turbine Water Wheels, and run grind in urNtlyw. oVERNIAN, Importer of French 4 " . all stages tif the water, alto during the coldest ,Li Calf t•Litts, tool Genttrul Lowlier Dealer, thie 0 . , . i - air city merchants said, White on Z weather. toy and all kinds of grain. j No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia. They are prepared to sell. and have on hand ' A general assortment of all kinds of Leather , i , :i i a , i i t i t i i , i t ar ,, 7y . , il l i 1 . e , 5,...it1y . i il for .le at all times, at market rates, nil kind of , Morocco. &c. tine him to his teem, and be sent to thu drug i tiOUll, FEED AND STUFFS, 1 OF m ..t i : ch A l N ,,,, D 7 .1 0 y. .1K SOLE LEAT111:O, ~ , , t . iz h i ,: : l 7 , ,,: t t i nu , l 2. l l, l i, : i t t l i t tow l to, ,t e o t r a , t i t t e . n e s and larn-era tun have their own grain ground, I ..... -- his Imsiness. impoRTA NT TN FORMAT! ON, by An acqunintunce, whose business compels him and take it buck in a return load, or they can ! which flinch suffering in ihniilies Limy Ice 1 , ,, ,, , a r1it i e sous?. tel the time, sap, be 41.111Z0 on be furnished in exchange at ii initment'ti netiee ' an eq u al quantity of Flour and Brun or ehoi,. • avoided, sent to married Incen and those ~: i i,ik e a t; ,t,othhet::ll.t:;ryt'6';''t" hull 11 ! • P. , ontemplating marriage. Address, en- wo u ldov erpo w er lam, Nut p - 1 Iced. ~, the Divieurator cured him. TILT, SMUT IVXAC II XLNE !, 1 ,•in, lour stamp, DR. G• W. ADD... 1 . .. is (Man improved manattiettire,• and they ,will j CO,M BE ; 111".kiy , , N. Y. A gentleman from Brnoldpi caked on us a inanre a FULL TURN Orr of anperior tpiali N0v..0. 'Si:—Bin , week or two since, I inking but the shadow of a ty to every bushel of !Julio left at their null. 1W HALF . BONE, BEET) AND BRASS man, With cilia yellow, pale and deathlike. He FISHER & Me NW [STRIP,. Hoops and Reed Skirts, tor sale at the ba i been turnhi li g" .. " l. ring fr"ln . Jauntriine N. 13.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite cheap store of 1 ) . and Itspeosia, and unable to attend to his husi• ready. -- - H . I' . GWIN. _ ness. We 01w him again to-day a changed man bottom my the first . bottle . , and tardier adds "it Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. A LITTER-coPIER FOR SALE. and to me his expression, ho has not seen the An excellent one for sole at this office. This • r 'AIV I ( fsiOTcS AT PAR 1 .. , . --. ~ ,•. .. is one of Adams' No.l Cant and Lever Press. :. it y life, lor i was last go i ng to a consump tives grave." f Ltt!l g i r ...S . I - varietyt l l ~1. \ .I . lS o t ~ .\, l ), E . R u s r el l. . , E ,N: S Among the hundreds of Liver Remedies now H. I'. u m i tng.• , offered to the public, there are nuno we can so ___,.....,,j,Ati11y reentumend as Dr. tianferd's Invigorator, • from rt UN! SHOES, cheaper at D. P. G WIN ' S 1' or Liver Remedy .sogenerally known now thro'- The subscribers have again returne d 1Y t h e ,„.,, e b e h a d i n tea ., Call and see out the Unitin. 'Phis,preparatien is truly a Li the East with au eulurged stock of , ! them I ver invigorator. proditeingthe must happy re• IiARDII'ARE, - suite on all who use It. Almost innumenthis SIECIIANICS' TOOLS, 1 mmEs' Ditp:ss GOODS, of rich styles,' certificates have been given of the great virtue BOLLOW-WA RE. .4 and very cheap at I). P. 0 wIN'S• 'of tins medicine by those of the highest stand (.: UTLER 1", • ing in witty. and it Is. without doubt, the best SADDLERY. ,;,., it, K rttiN NLIS in great variety and cheap rep ara ti on now haw .. 0 0 pu bli c. OILS, 4. PAINTS, ,-, at D. P. OW ' IN'S ' SA N FORD Co., Pruprietors, 345 Broadway , , . ' New York. Sold in Huntingdon by HENRY With an endless variety of modern inventions ' Coach 71.inn ' ' '''''' ' '' BUCKSKIN GLOVES •& MITTS c map a, ard i ob. Read. D. P. GWIN'S. •••••'""''''' ' " and improvements. Dr. Lim,. H. Keener. Wholesale Druggist, Having purchased our goods at whnleettie,ll oeTS & SHOES, the largest and eheapi, N-1. I Oil, Wood at., Pittaburgi Wituluitale Agent., chiefly from inanulacturers, we are enabled to 1) assortment i n town , tat 5e pt. 25, Itif.7.-3m. Mar.55,'57.• ty, sell wholesale and retail—extremely low. ; D. P. GWIN'S. .. _ ___........_ ____, Battik Notes taken at par for goods. I. ______________ - - it 11:NW UNDERSHIRTS AND-DRAWERS ear All orders receive Font pt atteivion. TAried Boer. Hams. Shoulders and Flitch, f,r .01 Lin. Shirt Brenats, Ready•tuada Shirts, JAR. A. BROWN & CO. I 1,./ sale at the cheap Grocery Store of white and fancy shirts, and collars, vary cheap Huntingdon, Oct, 78 1857. I 1,0111: A MoDIVI'Dr. at li. r• Q.Mws. __...— A A Cp h in did ~,,,,e riiiett of Stool Crocks fo r It itiliPli 6,,biirit ,As it C .s .ne . m o lt ip h ;.....„. p. lilt: r /T.l o 4 , t ear A . N , D WOOL SHAWLS, fl oe foils by O. ARAVF. d D. 1!....G.W1N4) AT THE HARDWARE DEPOT. AL MXVINDICIA rouNDD.r. fttra irt Atwi.l'ortsr. No. 325 LIBERTY STREET, conncimulA I. now, I'll fatitJllli, 1':1. I a:x.13:11:1:Z V purvhl, , ri ~~.~uit' 1"~r.~ - 7-- ALL $I ML I BO4tfIT/11.14111. THE MU, • Q R HAI R - - 8 7 1 0 R Nri We call the attention of ell, chi end young, t o 'Li, wm drrfnl prepntsti al, which tarns heck to IN of iginal color. grny hair—covert the head or the hold with a liinrriant growth—removes the &mind. itching, end all eutaneout. erop• Ilinie—c.-eN a continual Now of the maitrel fin ; tint hence. it *mil it+ a re:: ithu &mint, for the hoir, will prose., its color anil keep t free. falling to extr,ne Old age, in all kg n o n _ r,31 he ; t or. teethrho.; a,en; the bald. gear, or rlkeitsed in anal,. to uqs it ; and Purely, the Feting will not. no the, villas the nowitif looks, or the witching earl, over he aim viola it. RS guise is upon the tongue of thousands. Watert , wo, Mn.,i May 1, ISM Prof. 0. J. Wood: Allow me to attest the vir tne•+ and magic powers "fp). !Mir liestoratire. Three numbs since, heing exceedingly gran purchased and soon commenced to use two hot. ; and it soon /,egan to toll in restoring the sines locks to their native color. and the hair :a. o thw end harsh. and Ealing off now became stilt and glosty. and it eiised fel ling; the dandvarl di-appeared, and the scalp lost all the ot.dgreoettle itchin;.. ,anuying be fore, aid now I not only look but feel young a gain. Respectfully out s. e. New York, Oct. 2, 1 8 5. Prof. 0.. T. Wood—Dear rit t Alter reading Sie havert;apthent in r,nt Of the Non nate, ot' van!. eelebratoni Hair Re-toratice, pre pared a hair pint bottle, and trUB en ihu-h plea • sett with it that I canrinned us me for 2 months mat ant sathaell it is tleeini, ;in, bent prepare ti to hethre the public. It at once removed nit the dandruff at, I inninlenniant itching Irom the and has r,terenl my hair naturally, and I Inane no doubt pc, [mutt:nth. so. You have per. tni-,itit in reter to me, all who entertain any don. t of its pernerniing all that is claimed for it- MIS. EElis, 26 Greenwich Ar. I have tn-ed Processor Wood's flair Re mo,— “dritirwi ite wonderful effects. It r,tured fuy Iu r whev., is had fallen uff; it eivAn. tl.c he;t6, 1),1 ,en-12,1 it, hair soft and smooth—ranch Mtge Sit ill. Oil. Nov. 1, '5!.. M. J. ATKINSON. State or Illtnoi, Cnrlisle, Jun , 27, '55 1 t.sve Prot'. (1..! Fisfr ' Restor• ite aonderrul effect.— h:sir ,s• her,asing,a,. I thought premature Iv grsy, the n.e of the "Restorative," it iu.a resumed it 34 original color. and 1 hove no perinauuatly to. SIDNEY lIREESE. Ex-Senator United Staten. [Front do Wochitigtr,n Star.] An i on,. the many preparations now in WO for the reFtnring, prescr‘ing and beim:it:ring the rout, there r.re none that no can recommend with eontillonee than Prof. Wood'. Heir Hest°. loss. in :2;eneroi n.e throughout tho Stoles. :,ratmit inen.osee., the unno invi gora ti n g . „ t never 5,110 in producing the must when applied uccording to ditee• 'No [eft, our renders le. the advertise ,,• • • a few or the innumerable certiticaten ', si ve Moen sent by portico, who hove been ....I he it, awl who tell happy in giving tee ,. lo its wonderful etlecto pru'r . l owed MI then. U.. 1. XV (11 Proprieter% 312 Broadway N. 1., & 114 Market ot., St. Louis, MitAcittri. huh py ...,41,11 by Jour READ, ni.cl it mot hr I , rlla,lStS eiver where. :u:r. :.•.',2,l.llTe@llir. INUGOR 'OR, • OR LIVER REMEDY • Is an n , tirie Clint everybody needs who is nut in state vf health, for the Liter it secon,'. oafs to the heart in oar human economy, Mil that is Junolge.' the whole vital otachine• ry runs eying. tied H medicine peculiarly :o tlii• tikes, has heen the study of nun large and extettded prue tlee ior the post twenty rears, coil the result of experiment is the Invigorator, us it never.. ; rioe.iy Inhere medicine hits any power to ' help. A. a her remedy it has no equal, as all ! ins:4y who are it. Haut nut u,• °III' 111,1,24.1 mi hm. lorett to mu in ruining large family t.t . t•hil.h.en, Co it MIS novor toiled to relict., ail :elections or the stomach. bowels, or nttu•ks or %%min, If mothers intro tool this remedy pined within their tench, end were how to uhe it. end untold amount of Agony might be eared." E