Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 30, 1857, Image 2

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    . CHAISTMAS. I prosaic •/,ler p r 1 s e. env right of sAuttiing in-
Well. Christmas is past, and the only Ceti, rllthlll lb It part of their creed and it is al.
tidings worthy of note was a fantastic ex- I ready evidant that Walker', claim to be right
- hibition. - . 01 Pteajdisat of Nicaragua is likely to be na
-1 •
N.\ ;,.. / /7 _ . .----- twined Vtith . lees zeal in the extreme South
About 10 o ' clock some thirty young
& . r.,6...3.,,,' :4 ,,,,,c te - vek_q ,
than the claim of the Lerompton Convention
men made their appearance on our streets
- 1 - V --- ,to make a Ooamitation fur Ka .
-',-. dressed in the most couneitl style imegina. I
4 r:.:-,,_ ! Such are some of the symptoms of .dissolu-
Z 44, ble, some on horses, and some on moles. lion and disruption in the Democratic party.
i After parading through the different streets lt is already too small to be able to stand
i for about two hours. amusing Abemselves much further seduction, and even if the Kink
and the public, they quietly retired, ex- SW question shall be got rid of wi thout leading
- cept two or three low lived drunkards, that to an open breach, there are plenty or other
(unfortunately) initiated themselves into indications that its cohesive powers are giving
- - ---=------'--- ! the company. Those three are part of the 1 way.—N. I Tribune.
Wednesday Morning, Deeembei 3.01807. ! gang who
going who stole our P ack Book.
)untingbon .ottrnal.
Editor and Proprietor.
ke Circulation of the Hun-
tingdon Journal, 11% great
er than the Globe and Ain-
ericau combined.
Our readers know how earnestly we
have contended for freedom in Kansas,
and yet all we could urge in favor of the
organic law of Kanetut wan reviled and
spurned by the sham Democracy, yet in
lees than four months, all the bald and
glaring pre,ara of Locofocoisin within and
out of Pennsylvania, are obliged to re,
trace and repudiate all they have ever.i
taidlor the purpose of elevating James
Buchanan to the Presidential oh.iir. They
honestly 'confess now that th y have bis: • THE WILSON MURDERERS
guiled and deceived thh honest yeomatt• The death warrants of Henry Fife,
ry, cheated the honest voters int" the Munroe Stewart and Charlotte Jones have
support of men and measures, se utterly been received by Sheriff Patterson of A Ile
abhorrent to common sense and gheny county The Governo r axes Fri
that even the sham Democracy refuse to day, the I::.'th day of February. for the exe
follow, that the whole deceptive press are cution of Fife and Charlotte, and Friday,
obliged to “turn about and jump Jim ! the '26th—two weeks litter —for the exe
Crow," We are glad to see the Globe cation of Stewart. The object for delay
of tluntingdon in the category and boning the exerutton of Stewart is understood
catty owning up, and 'col - ileum its far. to be for the purpose of awaiting the ciy
met errors, and sustaining the doctrine of ing declaration of the other two as to the
popular sovereignty, as held by the "Jour guilt or innocence of the condemned. It
nal" .during its or - hole career. on the vital is thought they will declare his innocence
principles of Republicanism. The Gl,be from the scaffold.
has turned from its Idols, and for once has i •- • ....-.......-
manfully come to the rescue against the 1
The Derzwcratic.pariy nominated Mr. Such.
tyranny of the slave obligarchy, and in arias ant: elected him President, for the ex
vindication of the rights of man, and true press object. as they asseverated, of saving the
Republicanism. I Union. Fortunately the States have tisfflbhc.
We give below what the Globe says, ! sive power Sufficient to pruteut the Union not
and earnestly recommend its sentiments : merely against its avJweti enemies, but against
to our readers, as it will impress all who . toe far mire dangerou s f r iend T " h h e i P u :t io r :7 ,1 ° ,,, f
read, that even our enemies acknowledge
its pro f e ssed
i e s therrfur ' e I n P u P ite r' likely to out•last the
we were right, and that they ere only ' 1
time of Mr. Buchanan. But whether the
beginning to open their eyes to the light. ; some will prove true to the union of the Dem•
“We are for a free vote upon a free ! (tomtit, party does not seem altogether se cer•
Constitution. We ore against this force : rain.
work of a bend of pnl ; tictil desperadoes in Mr. Buchanan thus far mums to have pro
a matter involving the vital interests of a
eeeded with full feel] in theP olitieo-'
eogriiP h.
community.—We are for popular cover
eignie—really. not nominal y. ln, short,
ical declaration of M' r Webeter that! there
although we any it with regret, we are up-
no North—at mast no Democratic North—
on this qu firkin a.nainst the Ationnistra since as to the 'nett.' or a 15 ". h pfan'ally
tion and with Walker. Dougaos, F eene y, the eudden upheaval from the ocean of po liel. e
arid other leading Democrats. ff the; De. of the Republican party has left no room for
mocracy of the North wish to sink iota ut. doubt on that score. But Mr. Buchanan ie
ter insignifionce— if they wish to be row. now begining to fled out that beside the Repub.
Led Jim' overthrown in every State north , lican North there is also a Democratic North
of Meson and Dixon'a line, they have on'y !—a North whence avalanches are already
to sustain the Lecompton iniquity." I coming drown likely to give him a great deal
The Globe also publishes the follow. of trouble and to render his office no sinecure.
ing extinct from a sp,oh delivered by To he President of the United States is apo
Gov. Bigler, W. Huntingdon, last Sumpter siteon of some vexation and difficulty; but to
in answer ton speech of Judge Wilmot be President of a party—and that, too, a divi
"We claimed thnt the Democracy were ded party—will tank even the accommodating
more the friends of "Free Kamm," spirit fit Mr. Buchanan himself:
cause they wished to have her people i We have several times alluded to the strong
periwig free to select ALL heir tlomesqt.: tendency in the Deemi'reii° party toward
institutions." sectional arrangement, but the cricks hae eosin
on somewhat sootier than we expected. That
And the Globe coinmente upon it as th o Mr . Dough . on the Kansas
follows t ! question is no mere i•ersonal affair, to be got
We regret that Hon. Wm Bigler. who rid of oy reading him individually out of the
not four mont,s ago pledged the Demec I party, is already made evident. Even in the
racy of this State as being enrneetly the South itaalt, made up so it in of double-distill
friends of -Free Kansas," shonld so soon led politicians, Mr. Douglan has already found
assume the leadership of he enemies of I
backers. No doubt hie friends are proportion
'free Kansas." His eoeition anti past
a"` m)re numerous in the House then in tha
influence may lead astray, a few who do Y
Senate while out of doors, in the. Northern
Senate think for themselves. arid others who
are 'spot a" Demgcrats only hnt the mas-
Staten in which the Democratic party hue any
ses. the honest men of our party in that I t:lain. to ascendency, the press be timing and
State, will remain firm. and demand that derided in his favor. A movement like this,
the people of K , otons he lent perfectly ! toed, Glue circumstances, cannot beset, dos-a
to select ALL th,ir domestic institutions. !as a mere personal affair, to be diepsed of by
The Democratic party will neither be lead I quietly reading Mr. Douglas out of the potty.
OT driven into the support of minority rule I It iedientee something more radical and fun.
in Kansas. I damental. If showe that the extreme point of
A NATIONAL FOUNDRY. euhvervieney hoc been reached and has been
peeled ; that things are beginning to take a
The Secretary of War, in his annual '
report, recommends the establishment of
turn ; that the Northern section of the Demo
cratic party is not prepired to see itself cull
a National Foundry for the manufacture
!vetted into a mere makeweight to carry out
of small arms, and to noise the standard of ! the policy and to sustain the asurpatious of
iron manufacture in this country to a level the elaveholding interest.
with that elan) , other nation. This :8 a But is not alone a Northern diernption with
good movement and we hope to see it a. which Mr. Buchanan is threatened. The
dupted. I trete.: Southern section of his supporters are
The St. Louis papers suggest, i n con . iin a very dissatisfied state. Kansas they have
eideration of the State of Missouri having lust. A ll the y he r' fur in that quarter is to
"mountains of iron. " and being the •fli
,ost fl int a parting indignity on the Free State men,
central to the
Republic? .
the Nation - by forcing upon thema State Conetitution
made fur them by a body which they detest,
al Foundry be located in that State. The idea of extending Slavery through the re
The Baltimore Clipper thinks Mary. mon from which it had been excluded loy the
land may justly toy claim to it. Missouri Prohibition is pretty much given up
We are decidedly of the opinion that as a bad job. Central America seems now to
if the Government consults economy and be looked to .0 the region which can he most
convenience in the erection of this work, easily made to furnish the needed supply of
it will be located amongst the "mountains new Slave States. Mr. Bueltrau, for aught
that appears, has no objeciieT to this (opera.
of iron" in Pennsylvania, and a better 10.
mon; but hoi prelate th at it shoffid be left in his
cation could not be found than Hunting- hands in the confident enrecuttion that sown
don. thing may soon turn up to Afford plausible
s ground Mr t
signed to improve all ()lasses interested extending the area" without bring.
Iig us into sheet collision with the law of as
ons. He therefore opposes private fillibus.
is Soil Culture, for January 1858. is be. i tering, being disposed rather to operate in se*
fore us, published by o.ange Judd. A. cordons° with the principles of the Ostend
M., New York, has came to hand, filled Manifesto. Hut a great many people at the
Si usual with most interesting information South would much prefer to commit this mat,
' lo► the Comer. No farmer can well do ter of Central American annexation to the
without it. It costs but one dollar n year, hands of General Walker than to those of Mr.
We have not received tl.e November, ' Buchanan. The President's method of croft.
end December numbers; will you please dare is altogether too slue and uncertain to
seed them, and oblige, dux snit diem •They prefer to leave the resew to
ry 1858, is before us.
We have not had time to peruse it, hut
after looking over the contents, we have
reason to believe it equ4l if not superior to
its predecessors. It treats of Notes on do
mestic Architecture, Maya, the Princess,
Catawba wine, the witpls and the weather,
Akin by Marriage, Spartacus, Who paid
for the Prima Donna, 'l'wo rivers, Th
Auticrat of the breakfast table, A gassis's
Natural History, 'Packing ship off shore.
Nlammil, (life in Calcutta.) Hooks, The
Diamond lens, 'rho Sculptor's funeral,
The President's Message, The Wedding
veil, &c.
The Legislature Adjourns.
l.t:core•ms, K. T , Dec. 17, 1557.
The Territorial Legislature hue closed the
work of the special Emission. What they have
done I will sum up very briefly. They repeal
ed the law authorizing the Convention that
framed the Leeompton Constitution ; vetoed
by Stanton—passed over his veto. They pass
ed the Militia law; vetoed by Stanton—passed
over hie veto. They elected officers under it.
They provided for submitting the Lecompten
Constitution to a fait vote of the people on the
4th of January ; approved by Stanton. They
passed a low to punish election frauds; appro
ved by Stanton. They passed a joint resole
thin protesting against the Lecompton Coesti
tution, setting .forth the facts in connection
with it, and, as the representatives and Duvet u•
or of the Territory, demanded that Congress
shall not admit Kansas as a state under it;
signed by Stanton. They proposed a concur
rant resolution, re-affiirming the Topeka Con
stitution. declaring it to he the organic law
for the future State, chosen as such by a tow
jority of the people, and demanding admission
urger it as a Suite of the Union. This wan
placed in the shape of a concurrent resolution
to relieve Stamen from necessity of signieg
it. Both of these sets of resolutions me to be
tient by the Speaker of the Muse and Presi
dent of the Council to the President and each
Ipresiding officer of Congress. I
The Legisiature rejected the bill for elect
ing delegates to a Constitutional Convention.
They aeglected or refused to take any steps air
atibmitting the Topeka Constititt:on together
with the Leetimpton Constitution. They re
jected the bill providing for electing officer.
under the Lecompton Constitution in January,
to be the officers in case of the acceptance of
said Constitution by Congress.
Stith is the auto and substance of their la
bor.. They w.mid have done much more but
for their pludie to Stanton. The people will
be very much dissatissed with their action.
They I;ave'done some good things, however.
The Northern Democrats.
...Long before the meeting of Congrese we
foreshadowed the divison of potties pretty
much as things have turned out. '1 he subser
vient instruments of party will, who were cal
t u ,sting upon the whole body of northern Dem
en ratio representatives as merely so many
make weights in the southern ecale, have dis
covered that they were egregiously mietaken.
lt has surprised them to find that a portion a,
least of the Northern Democrats really have
opiiiiens of their own, and are net to be shifted
about to suit the convenience of anybody.—
Whoever carefully observed the eenditon of
parties in the Congress which repealed the
Missouri Compromise must have arrived at the
same conclusion. The Democratic majority
then was immense, and yet large numbers of
with.) Democratic members retorted to obey
the direction of their leaders.
Mush as we are in the habit of tenting yf
national parties, the thing at present, seems to
be almost imaginary. While the Democrat.
is parry has preserved the semblanee of nation-
I it is really einnpused of two separate per
tie, uo sontbern j..rital recently observed i
the one being the southern State rights organ',
zation, and the other the northern Democratic
party. The former though originally only a
minority of the whole, conquered its way
through all obstacles, in consequence of the
abject submission of the northern masses coup
led with the unscrupulous ambition of northern
When the Demoerhtic and Whig parties
were in their prime, each contained two tae•
tions in the north on the slavery question.—
One 01 these was more or less opposed to the
peculiar institution," and the other did not
care a button what was dune about the tiegroes.
The course of events has greatly strengthened
the former element, as the ground which the
northern Democratic array is beginning to oc.
copy clearly indicates. Indeed, the north has
been all along fur more anti slavery than has
been generally supposed. The old conserva
tives on the subject were possessed of a latent
feeling, which every day is developing. It is
clear that our free institutions breed up an ir•
resistible aversion to all phases of oppression.
It has been less strongly manifested in the
northern Democrats, than in other portions of
of our people, hence they hove assumed the
position of mediator between the extremes.—
The Administration and iltd southern ultras
are atiemping to render this position uuteoa•
!Or, and it they a , .eceed the result must be to
cousohdate the whole North, and reduce the
southern party to its natural minority.—Nurth
al , maricon & U. S. Gazette.
Capture of a Huge Panther.
On the ult., Mr. Samuel P. Hart, of Ap•
pleton, weut out with a neighbor to look fur
stray colt, taking with him his trusty rifle, for
the puipose of killing any wild game he might,
chance to see. After travelling seine two miles
or more, ho came upon the fresh track of some
wild animal, and as the tracks were large and
singular, ho gave up looking for the pony, and
with hie excellent dog tramped off in search of
an adventure. In a short time the dog treed
the game, but before Hart could reach the spot
they were off again. Pretty soon, however,
they stopped, and when Hart came up, the dog
had a huge panther, ono of the largest ever
heard of in the Went, at bay, and neither Of
them seemed disposed at once to commence a
life struggle they knew ant at hand. There
was an unlooked for encounter, a kind of game
few men care to hunt for. There wee so time
for deliberation. Retreat might be emetic
tipatif and to fire and not kill the huge mon• :. • lII ' 8 anti Buchanan Democratic Preis \ tai ADURTISHAI: fi
mei would be nuended by oven gretiter ha, ''
4 itllls 'clittllll. , , ,
. . . ohio• , - , . .
CJ • c..) , ..11, 4 - o i. Statesman gives alit * of•fortydiine ! G 111,0113:11D PLAl• . Trit.
ard. Tha dog had shown fight, but the'hudden
, --7- 1......__ i liendeltivue jourinds in Ohio that .. r tit Illi ii 11. l'h, .1 uniat. Flour and pi r oisms SIMS, n ,,,,,
of M Hrt seeped to thy the s
n Pr aranne ` r ' ”
dllllll/t1 into a rand:try whither to attack !inn new counterfeit live dollar bill on the Phila. ly fur the great Detlitieratied(igrnii. Let t he 12, 1 , h„,,,, conn t nnt ly its h an d 0,,,,,,J, Pl otter ,
or the dog, Just am the randier - vats apparent- people rule." It suggests that there may be of the best cput'itr, for which Oznin. of nil
delphia Bank has just made its appearane •
° .otheis that have be. overloulted,.. The-lastis
alma to spring for the dog. Hart drew his ii.. kinds,- will be taken in exchange at taiarket
fle to his shoulder and fi red, eal?,weendeta the . end a large number of iheiiiiiiive been passed %. i i i i iO 4, 4 ,
often the unsuspecting. The new counterfeit Hocking Sentinel HolMes'Co. Farmer, • Pri D ' e l e . .l3o.'s7,2rn. "•
animal by ihreaking his fore-shoulders I To is belie'zed to have been printed on the old MeCtitiliellsville Eng., Haneuek Courier, - . ~,,, • • - ---------------•
; say tbat Hart was not now alarmed at his own couatecleit,plate that has been in use for a year Adunit Cu. Demom I, Jacks. Cu. E ; aamlver, Runtluglon anal, Rroatl Top 11
. lAtllltaill
' shun& would be true; for theireasete that he or inure . The paper upon which the new ` 4 "e r " th q t i airer?'"h' a i Ildfuir but, I .* Il . Roll Road - Owl Coal Compinio
did not atop to think, but londed that rifle in counterfeit is printed has a ink tint, it' imita• :l i i i iel v d e a n t i t u d b ll i t'Lit i t i t i e ie r, r, to o b ti l r o .e C s u p .
i l. r e t ito e c u r a i u tt c , y
THE A . ,,,,, ,I meetinV..of the Stoekhaldelts of
quicker time than be ever loaded one before ,' lion of the genuine 'Mies of the Bank, and the Ntmark Advtaage . Nupule. North West, ' 1 , ,T iiis t. , ( ',:,:r o. T l 7 l ' ,.. ;in b e
t h itil ib t e lzt;
arid before the now infuriated beast could make ' •spurious are well calculated to deceive. There Fremont Messenger, Freble Deinuera,
I Cl ."' ' ,,i - Jasiunrv t i - e u x7 .-. at ( ll ei4oci , i.: W.--
a spring for him l•e again fired. shooting him are very few ge „ e i ne notes of this description , CIVII.II, SUU, , . Marion Mirror , ~a,„.
~„,,j,,,' be ;li h e ld f 6
it president t
through the head and killing hint instantly.— °tit.. . Celiill,Standard, Portein'th Sp:tit:Times, . ' at , w
• and twcire Directors to serve th e eriA .,,,,,,
; Portage Sentinel, New Lish. Patriot,
The panther was town and exhibit- ' J. P. U ScA LSIN .
' Mt. Li'lenti Mesdengtr, Delaware Staudura. • -• • '• '
ed to large crowds, exciting universal surprise 1 Coot OF THE Urup EXPRDITIOX.—Proto Philadelpata, The.:30,*67., 1 2t . ,*
4'inceu Advertiser, Columbus Westbme, '
at the size and evident age, the more es. ; the follow', statement of the Now York Coll- Clini„, yo;kvil.en,,d, Sandusky Deu, el J., ' TI-I E GOLDEN PRIZE.
peeially as but one of tlin species has been ' rier and Envirer the Utah expedition ou,iltt Perrysoing Demuerat, \Verret' Co. Democrat • 1.
seen in this BPCSIIIII of Wiseonsin within agar;. ' to be an effective one t Butler Co. Lietnumait, 'Outfield Sentinel,' - row
," ' McArthur Democrat, New Fluted. Democrat, .
od if eleven yearn. From the end of his nose • "Not lets than rittr millions °l' " lara ""hillsoure llazeite, Summit Co. Democrat, Illustratid.. 185 s; - .l.„trated.
to the tip of his tail, thi. pa m
uther easured been expmile
se• din the Commissary and. Q uar •Martetta Ki•publican, Iron Valley Express,
yen feet and two hiches.—Appleion Crescent. . terteester'n department ef thie;ettP.ditiett• Th. Sandusky Sbrror, Alien Co• Deuwerot,
; other expenses thus r incurred, may be mod- U. 611111 t. Demueret, Piqua Ljintres,
-- I erately estimated nt two millions; 80 that the Brown Co. Lionnecut, !!in.ttonnt 'Democrat, 1
amount of appropriations thus far eons ad in S P r knt t . ia ' d Exp'''Avrt f.'ud' C°rnmareu ' l l .
mu ...natesumn '
the enterprise is not Ines than six milieus of , "'this list dues not include tbcssa which are'
dollars." ; 'wailing finr the jock.' The fac•t flout the great
; principle of the Nebraska Act and the °i.e..
sir In a western debating society the next nit ri„,tur,n. Popular 5„),..,,,..,.,uv, was e 0„,
question for dismission will be the following:— tiavened by the Levin:pion Convention, woo
"Ha feller hain't nothing when he gets' inn, enough for us, end it wan et...A1l for nine Initx•
vied, and the girl hain'twnothing; is her things D
1 , dreti 'mai . uitiety•aine • out . of every thousand
• emocratic voters in Liu: utte.
hizzeti or !limn barn'?" ---
Gen. William Walker arrived in this city
last evening, as a prisoner, to charge of t'nj•
wd States officers. He was arrested with his
men on the 7th inst., 'at Punta Arenas, by
Cool. Paulding, who took pos'session of him
and of his men as pirates and outlaws. The
men hare been sent to Norfolk, and Walker is
to be handed over to the Federal Courts to' be
dealt with according to law. flis previous ex.
perience under similar circumstances justifies
the belief that 1,1, will escape without any pun
ishmetit whatever. Some fifty of his men still
remain in Central America, under Col. An
derson. This force Won landed from the Fash
tots et the mouth of the Colorado, tied proceed
lug up the river, made themselves masters of
the fort at Castillo Rapids and the river boats;
there they still remain waiting for re infore,
meats, which are not likely soon to reach
With this event Walker's career no a filli•
buster reader 19 probably ended; though we
must say that such an end by an 111,3113 does
justice to the cruel, sanguinary and ruffianly
character which he has exhibited throughou‘
Hie opportunities have been limited, hut it
would be difficult to find in history, a more
heartless and initurnan villain. H 1
however, do not keep pace with his ambition;
and the junta of Southern propagandists who
sent him out an the present expedition long
ago determined to deprive hint of all real pow
cr. and to give the actual control or their en•
I • •
tcrprise It Hen. Henningsen. That pers.,
I age is understood to have been at Washington
for some time past endeavoring to obtain the
consent of the Administration to his doper.
tare from Mobile with a force of 1,000 teen. To
this endeavor he is mistained by very power.
ful iotluenees. The Slavery propaganda, hav•
ing lost Kansas. naturally stretches out its
greedy hands to grasp the Hell tropical re.
gions of Centrai America. The been-lit up
of Walker's camp at Punta Arenas is a cheek
upon their desirn: but. we may be sure that it
I is not a design which they will soon or easily
be induced to abandon,
Reding ont of the Party
The Reading Journal says .tharra.T.
Line Democracy MM just now engaged in read
ing each other. out of the party. President
Buchanan, as is well known, has read out Gov.
Walker and Secretary Stanton, of Ka n sas,
and M'Keo,,, the Dirtrict Attorney of New
York, by dispensing with their services and
sending them adrift. The Waehington Union,
Pennayltanian, and other prints, have read
Senator Douglas ; and the i arrisbure
of and Union of last week, reads out Ex Gov
ernor Porter, in a long leader of the fiercest
kind. But funniest of all, the Madison Pa
a lending organ of the Wisconsin Democracy,
'rends out' President Buchanan I—as will he
eeen by the following short extract from an
indignant editorial.—Says the IWL•iot
nlf the President really intends to curry out
what appears to he bin position on this ques
tion, why, let ue read him out of the party.--
L such is seriously taken, the Norther.
Democracy is doomed. They can not noted
tho shock a single hour. The masses will des
ert the party as rats do a sinking ship."
—We mny add that there is a talk among
the Dough's and Forney Democracy hero
abuuts of reading the Hon. J. Glancy Jones
out of the party. The Gazette and Adler, of
this city, have not yet, very clearly, `defined
their positions,' on the Kansas policy of the
Administratior, but as soon as dune also bid
fair to be read out by the opposing cliques, no
matter which side they take.
Battle of Fort Scott—Five Pro-Sla.
ler) Neu Killed
Sr. Louis, Dee. 24.
A Kansas letter received by the Democrat,
says that on the evening of the 16th inst., a
battle occurred at Fort Scott, between the pro
slavery anti free• State men, in which five of
the former were kiiled, ircluding Bloke
a member of the recent. Lecompton Canyon.
den. Several were wounded on both sides.
and twenty free State men were Miceli prisoners
and confined in the fort. The diffienhies grew
nut of Cleric, said to ho notorious as the mur
derer of Barber, two years since, goinz about
accompanied by a Sheriff's officer. reflecting
tuxes front the free•Staee torn, seizing proper
ty in deffrult of payment. of taxes. and makinz
prosecutions under the Territortal rebellion
The Moscow'sce are said to he Inetembled
in etrong luree along the border, and ronre
fighting is apprehended.
The Territorial executive committee hem ix.
steed a call for the re assembling of the Dele.
gate Convention, held at Lawrence on the 2d
instant, to take place on the 22d, for the put ,
pose of considering the beat course to pursue
in consequence of the Legislature having fail•
ed to submit the Topeka Constitution along
with the Lecompon Constitution, to a vote, of
the people.
GOOD Coggswell has I km" cc 4.Bfeebta."
sold forty thousand packages of Antiphlo
gistic flak, the put year.
Cer GENERAL Score's REPORT on the Con.
dition and Wants of the Army is published. It
is brief and to the point. lie refers to the in
cessnnt Indian \Vs.'s, tile harrtitising duty
thereby imposed upon the army, the inade•
route force employed, and recommends an in
attest, of the army by the addition of one reg .
invent of horse and three regiments of foot al,
so the enlistment of turn for particular corps
of the service, as tending to promote military
eflieiency. A revision of the army regulations
and the Infantry tactics in use are nit) rec.
onmentird, and suggestions regarding the
physical comfort and moral elevation of the
troops are made.
A MAN Ikr.tno WITH A BELT Flt. Lt., us GoLD
Almost; Gin.—About a month ago, the body
of a man, who was supposed to have bet, no'
eidentally drowned, was tumid at Jersey city,
and without due examination interred. It
was snbsegar•ntly ascertained to be that of a
Germ. named Nicholas Wertner, of Masco.
tha. St. Cluir comity, Illinois. and that he Wan
on his way to Germany. A few days ago his
widow arrived at Jersey city, and having stn•
toil that he left home with considerable money
hiis remains were exhumed Ly the authorities.
The result was the finding of a belt about the
body containing sixteen• hundrtd doll,rs is
the 15th have been received. The canvao-e hav
not yet bone completed. It it thought that
the Democratic candidate tor Governor will be
declared elected. There hao been no election
for Senator.
and enthusiastic meeting of the Demi:creep
was held here to night. Resolutions Were
poised endorsing the course of Sputter Dou•
glue on the Kansas question.
Nei/ PAY TO Cotionesnmeir.—The New
York Pinter understandii that the members of
the new Congress wiil probably draw nine
months' pay tin the meeting of the first session
thin week. The members of the house are hal.
cried at $:3110(1 per annum. The term. of the
present Congress times from the 4th of March
last, and the construction put upon Ole law is
that three fourths the first year of the term;
will he payable, it demmated, nu the tom-
nienceinent of actual service, the first Nlontlay
in December; if so, the treasury w••ill be drawn
upon It once for $500,060 or itiOU,ooo fur
this object.
snatch from Washington says that Mr. Nacre•
tary Cobb hue decided to adopt three per cent•
as the rate of tautest for the Treasury totes.
Six millions are to be issued immediately, iu
sums of three different amounts, viz: one hun
dred, five hundred, and one thousand dollars.
The engraving of the plate for the first will Le
executed by Carpenter, of Philadelphia; those
for the °there by Hatch, of New York.
Kansas question begins to look critical. It
is understood that three Democratic Senators
will adhere to Mr. Douglas. According to the
Democratic computation, the Senate is now
composed of 27 Democrats. 20 Republicans,
and 0 Americans. If the last two classes go
together on thia question, it makes twenty
five against thirty seven. Transfer MO. Dou
glas and his three admitted colleagues, and
the roost stands twenty trine to thirty three.
A change of only two more creates a tie, giv
big the casting vote to the Vice Preaident.
The !liaise to composed of 12$ Democrats,
92 Republicans, and 14 Americans. Of the
Democrats, 03 are from the tree States.—
Should one half of the latter refuse to go with
the South, and the defections already are said
to be pretty numerous, the Adteinistration
would find itself in tt minority. They had bet•
ter be careful how they ''read out of the party"
at this rate.
Tits LOC.,YOCI.I MUSS.—Friend Rauch, of
the Mauch Chunk Casette, gives the condi.
lion of hfrairs in the Locotoco party, in Penn
sylvaniu Dutch, in u nut shell. He says :
"De Douocratic party is am sustunma fat ,
to. De leaders—der Buchanan, Forney, Wu
glue on ounere fechta we Fund un katsn, alien
weyz Kansas. Der Ruchanan ruchnt dos do
lite in Kansas hen keh bisnes nit ihra Coma'
tutiott. Der Douglas on fial antlers inchna
anfonge dos de Republicans recht hen, nn die
de Kansas folk an recht hovva netts ihra eag
na Constitution nu adopts. Hide fruke is de
party g'shplitt• Well gab ihna fair play. WI
Afir The feller who was 'bent on matrimo•
Try" struightened we efterewnio.
Toe DEAD RESTMIED Tt) 13E -A. few year,
ago it WWI generally auppoited gray hair ....Al
not be tattered to its oriitinl eul,r, or :and to
. ,
grow on hold heads; Vint niece the it6e,.t
Professor IVood'u Hair fiecorivive, lUnny
sons who dyed years Iwo Are now seen truly
in the workus walks of lire, appearing in all
the vigni' of youth, wearing their own dark
flowing leeks ; sitopty from having used this
great Restorative.—Louistillek
_ _
As the present Principal of this Institution
is nut well known in this vicinity, we be ( t tenor
to call the attention of tlie n:hsol.pntronicie
public to the following letters.
Ncw nrk :Pale Suraca Sc',o,,;
A 1.11Atil", Ilt,y 12, 18.56
Thin may certify to all 01,n i lacy coneern
that the bear r, Mr. M. McN. Wilkh. is a uni
&ate of this institution. (the New Yorit State
Normal School.) and that he always
a high charamer as a gentlettian and a ',bola,
lle has tauttht with great success in 0111. ot
the schools urthis city and to several other
parts of the State.
tie is prntiostnz to-improve himself fir
eign travel, and 1 have great pleasure in eons
mending him to the friends of education and
learning, xs n g,htlenin in an r,7,,t5.
the of their confidence.
fib ML. ii. W°ol/W011:111, . •
Pri.ipni of Use N. Y. S,ll, Nr:rmal • Dc,
The hearer, M. Me N. We ,h,
ate of the New York State Normal eli
tar heYeral years Principal of one of rite
Luny City Sands, and desir . r4 to add to L•'. •
u•aulnela 143 teacher and n ct:: hv L k
obsesvntion and by study ;••••
Mr. Wulmii beers eat L1116,- , ,k•pt:,! •',
integrity and honor, and Cu.... ram., •
to the noble everywhere, bb ~b lv I , • • , b•
who have ',lemur, in making .•., • Line
'manger happy.
}loping that hr will find i•, •. •,• •
ous welcome, nod be eipe
protected, while ab6rnt, by tin nu t.
ever ancl eareth for the people of all
1 hereunto set my hand and affix th.•
the Department hank: 11.4trurti,..
State of Nrw York, thin Ilth day
A. L. 1855
V. 51. IC ,
Superinteopent of Puteiic log r,
Noe Jersey St,,t, Normal
TRENT , - . J •. ,7,
(Lying 1, a , va , a v... •• I
noluainti.! wait M. .
LH a .cl,lar of .t
(0 rare al,iloy un l- • ..,
dently afu-lchreri,k , t. - • ..•
tient titucsa rut. an}' . t
which he could asp re,
I ire enrdul L. '11: W -
jeered Imnst I, r
trn%el utroad. r • h
VlllOlllO urtsrs r.
n t drrsirnlrl • pc:- t •
erit,nrionril estuLlinhrt
vlirrnid deem nny con. r. r.
ring his service.; Irs
Pritleipl N. J. Jlntn .N. J.
A class fisr instructing persons r
become teachers will be entice the
immediate• charge. The next quarter
menees January 18th., 1838
TA7.l3LlNinii 3013 !
11 i 1 E.l r AND CURS ',Ntwed at 0114
eke. Those having either can dispose of the
name by calling soon.
a - r
On the 24th innt., by the Rev. S. H. Rvid,
Mr. Jacob 0. hicks to Mi. Rachel Laughlin,
of NeConnelhitown.
On the 2.1111 nvar
Mre. Sarah M. flu•
Zing, and daughter of the Rev. James and Ma.
ry A. Stevens. u,ed 41. She died in great
peace fully assured of an eternal rout in hea
She WB3 converted in her fourteenth year,
became a member ot• the church, ar.d remained
steadfast to the end. Sho Wad the subject of
deep affliction, under which oho was un exam•
phi of faith, patience and meekness, When
declining rapidly she told' her husband her
peace was made, her work was done ; that she
had nu doubt, no fear ; and was heard frequent•
ly . anying, "Glory, glory to my Jesus." An ahe
took nn affectinnate farewell of her husband,
children and friends. she requested nll to meet
her in Heaven. When no longer able to speak
she raised her hands in token of' victory:• In
the last moment,- with- a sweet smile on her
countenance, shgraised her eyed in triumph to
Heaven nod piiaied away. A. S.
The Markets aro rather dull; roar, is ra•
thrr drooping. -.Ant no change le.
The Now Tor* 'weekly, GOLDEN PRIZE b
one of thelire.eAt and belt literary papeng of "the
dny. An Imperial Qoirto eJnt:tining eviire
PAGlib, or forty cohunre, of entertning orhtlnal
matter elegmitly Cret e : week.
A Gifricorth boat 50 cents to 5560 IV in. ,;!c* , l,i,
will be prceeleed to Nell s.ebs,iber irti , nceiiiete4 en
receipt QI the etebscrzptiOn ?honey.
e I year, $2 00. an 4 t 'gift . .
0 " • $3 50, aml ti gifts
" 8 95 00, un , l 8 gib.
" " 5 " $8 Uu, and 5 gift,/
corke, 1 year, 00. athi I girt.
5 s a QV. and 5 gOt,
• •
'slf,•,o, and 10 eitte.
$3O 00 and 111 gifts.
The articles to be distributed are compri,od
fulluxithc lief : • '
is •'
2 pick'agel gold, contitining $500.00
5 dm do. do. $200.00
10 (.10, — do. 2100.00 rncl
1011.0. ley. loot eO9. watelle,, 31b° 0 i each.
20 gold w.,tvla., $75.00 imels
50 do. 1100..00 encla
ISS! , ,Ut) e.tcl7,
$3O 1,41 , t ch
10.00 t k , Vv.)
441 g , ords. 3i c., slu 00 to 4., , ,00 puet,
att, wat,hoe,
20i,ther Ltit'l,l ca.'d
!.90 silYer wattelits, • $1
Brace C. 3,
Brea .t-pins, CO ,
.y!tirt•stwia,,r urtieles wurth from
, 0 cent, to $3 eit,?..
irmnetli,ay , reQvipt of the
the sa,,ciAr's !mute will ,Q eitEere.i.
.14 the 03 L'l It WWl' , m
1.,. 1'4,...,40 , 1, within
bur. I , y instil ur
4 4- All euutiu,, ,, , shoq,tl be .
;9 9
Gas Clo, Notice
.. , cleedet vi j.'l, lies
11,1'401 tht:t
ZO. Alice cf the uliden., 4 l,
y. 4:h day of Jun netry Rea
I .itr u. :
ti:P .
rdiag c,f et, b' 7e:F4:
he v.', to to
TS.. A F•. ,
r... •-• •
.. .. =~
• 11•
grioultuval Society.
rp!;:: ;. Cutoity
; . • COlint .
t't .listittry
7 o'cl,k, the puri,c3q
etiklu;•.,4 ycur t „,,d
imi,t.ince. A
it, A.,-Ca•
.. .. t. .',n
,;1'.c. , ; it AU.
• ••• 1••• • .1:1 : ;n the
•, 6.1 ti,ht the diLiti
I c and
•• .•,.• ,•. :.• • ..
...,••,' be held at
•: . 13th du of January
t Kessler, atlminitarator of the e,.t.
• ,n Meeurceey; tutu of ileuderttoo
. ... .. • ft Iminisineur ui the ehtu'z
uf .• , ;me uf Pu:u6ki county, It.•
(barn, d...,
,ioi3trltter of the entate of
[4, 6 of the hurottith Of liuntir,R
don, (Wed.
9. Partial administration account of Dr. Iten•
ry °thirty. administrator of Joshua R. Cu:,
who mut administrator of Esther Cun, late of
Warriortmlark towlothip, doe'd.
S. William S!ewtirt, administrator of tho re•
tae of Jennet Stewart, late of Wo.•t township,
G. John Annul& and Rob't Tu. ley, exeeu
tors of the last will and testaniet.t of Johu
Spruoide, lute of Morris township, dee'd.
7. Trust act tot t,l George W. Speer, act.
ing trustee, appointed by the Orphans' Court
to make sale of the real estate ul Rob't Speer,
9. Trust account of Henry Lightner, trustee
ePpointed by the Orphans' Court, to make rale
of the reul estate of Hurry Lightner, late of
Went township, dec'd.
9 Trost account of James Saxton, trustee,
appointed by the Orpheus' Court, of the estate
of George Heltright, late of the borough of
Mtn tingdon,deed.
10. Guardianship account of Henry B. My
finger, 'guardian of Bulimia Stewart, a minor
child of Anthony J. Stewart, lute of Morrie
township, dec'd.
11. Guardianship account of George Sipes,
guardian of Richard, Elizabeth, Loretta and
Evuline Wharton,
minor children of Samuel N.
Wharton. late of Cromwell township, deed.
12. Alfred B. Crewit (now deed.) adminit•
trator of Dr. Jacnb Hoffman, late of the bor.
ough of Huntingdon, deed., as stated and filed
by Jane D. Crewit, executrix of the bald A. B.
Crewit, deo'd.
Register's Office. 1
Huntingdon, Der .19, 107.
• ~