Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 30, 1857, Image 1

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(Original o
For the Journal.
Dear little Dully is me mote,
She sleeps in you churchyard,
But her spirit is goue upon high,
Where sorrow is elm heard.
Ike wos a sweat and lovely lamb,
rleever God did give)
But oh I how soon that mighty hand
Did take whet'. once he gave.
She was a tittorod t'hild among
The other children dear ;
fier time was come when she must go,
And stay no longer here.
Weep not, dear mother, for she is gone
To that bright laud oa high,
Where you with her will reign sometime
way beyond the sky.
And to you, WI dearest father,
You loved it fondly too,
But weep not at its departure,
You duce what you could do.
If we could view the angelic throng,
1u yon wcrld above,
We'd see her tune her golden harp,
To sing redeeming love.
Theo, ptruts dry up :ears,
Tour toss is her groat gain;
the:, pmrurn to her,
Where mints ahaii ever reign.
*tied tottq.
air lu the midst of the general pre.
the following aeueouable litiee--“Never
l'ail,"—ura worth a careful reading:
IsikVlat SAY FAIL,
Thuti sitting aside,
:Ind dreaming and highigg,
„tad wultitig the tilt
In life's' earnest bottle
They only prevail
Why de:ly march onward,
nqvur say "iuil.
A tougusi that not dutni.,
Anti it heart that will neva
To own. , aII.ULIIII I
Tuteil buttie mud cuuquer,
won and how mighty
utter buy "Gail
ie.Lch3, t;:ou, ke.?
cd e;bow your wuy,
1:11110edillg o'3 en vito.,
All 84301 t:lat ora•:
All obatacks
A!! eueluiez
I. the midst of their wisdo:u.
to never egy
'a life . ° rosy mon:: g,
In nionimnstl's tuir pride,
,t this by your mouu
Yoar foot:di:1,o to guide
otorta and is
W hi% te VC f ilBdl
We'll unNyarp and conquer,
And never say "fail."
erect *tory.
'fake that home with you, dear,' said
Mrs Lewis, her manner half smiling, hull
"Take what houte. Caddy ?" And Nlr.
Lewis turned towards his wife. curiously.
Now. Mrs. Lew's had spoken from the
ra..trsent's impulse, and already ,artly re•
6:otted her remark.
"rake what hone?" repeated her bus-
Dana. 6 .1 don't understand you."
sTtutt smiling face you turned upon
3lr. Edwards, when you answered his
question just now."
Mr. Lewis slightly averted his head,
tt td wsll,cl on in silence. They had cal
led in at the store of Mr. Edwards to pur
chase a few articles, and were now on their
way home. There was no smile on the
•face of Mr. Lewis now, but a very grave
ex,.ression instead—grave almost to stern •
nese. 'I he words of his wile hod taaen
him altogether by surprise; and. though
spoken tightly. had jarred upon his earl..
The truth was, Mr. Lewis. like a great
many other men who have their own busi
ness cares and troubles, was in the habit
of bringing home a sober. and. ton often, a
clouded face. It was in vain that his wife
and &ultimo looked into that face for sun
shine or listened to his words for tones of
"Take that home with you, dear." Mrs
Lewis was already repenting this sugges
tion. made on the moment's impulse. Her
husband Mlr sensitive to a, fault. He could
no! beer even an implied mutat from his
wife. And so she hod learned to be very
guarded in this particular.
"'Take that home with you, dear ! Ah
me ! I wish the words had not been said.
There will be darker clouds now, and gra.
cioua knows. they were dark enough be
fore I Why can't Mr Lewis leave his
cares and business behini him. and let
ussee the old, pleasant, smiling face again
I thought this morning that he had for
gotten bow to smile ; but I see that he
eon smile, if he tries. Ah ! Why don't
he try at home T"
So Mrs Lewis talked to herself. as she
moved along b) the side of her husband,
who had not spoken a word since her re.
ply to his query, 'rake what home 1"
Block after block was passed, and street
nfter street crossed, and still there was si
lence between therm
"Of course." said Mrs. Lewis, speak.'
ing in her own thoughts. "Of course he
is offended. He won't bear a word from
me. I might have known, beforehand,
that talking out in this way would only
make things worse. Oh, dear I Pin get
ting nut of all heurt !"
"Whet then, Caddy ?"
Mrs Lewis almost started at the sound
of her hushend's voice, breaking. unexpec
tedly. upon her ear, in a softened tone.
"What then 1" he repeated, turning I.
wards her, and looking down into her
alt ly upturned taco%
"It would send warmth and radiance
through the whole house," said Mrs Leon.
is, her tones all a treinble with feeling.
-You think so I"
sure' i "I know so ! Only try it, dear, for this
riay one eyeaing."
i•it isn't so easy a thing to put on a
smiling face. Caddy, when though , . in op
pressed with care."
, 'lt didn't seem to require much effort
just-now." said Mrs. Lewis. glancing up
at her husband with something of arch
neaa in her look
Again a shadow dropped doNn upon
the face of Mr. Lewis, which was again
partly turned away; and again they wal
ked ou in si;ence.
qiti is no sensitive f" Mrs. Lewis said
to herself. the shadow on her kpsband's
face darkening over her own ‘ , l have
to be us careful of my words as if to king
to in spoiled child "
No, it did not require touch effort on
the port of Mr. Lewis to smile. as he pas
sed a few words, lightly, with Mr. Ed
wards. The remark of his wife had n ot
really displeased him; it had only set hint
to thinking. After remaining gravely si
lent, because he was undergoing a brief
self•examination, Mr. Lewis said—
" You thought the smile given to Mr.
Edwards come easily enough ?"
..It did not seem to requite an effort,"
replied Mrs. Lewis,
' , No, not much effort war required,"
:cud Mr. Lewis. His tones were slightly
~B ut this must be taken into the ac•
count; my mind was in a certain state of
excitement, or activity. that repressed so
bor feelings, and undo smiling an easy
thing. So we smile and ore gay in com
pany, at cost of little effort, because all are
eno ling and gay, and we feel the common
sphere of excitement. Ilow different it
often is when we are alone I need not say.
You, Caddy, are guilty of the unbar face
at home as well as. your husband." Mr.
Lewis spoke with a tender reproof in his
"But the sober face is caught. from
yours oftener than you imagine, my hus- '
band," replied Mrs.. Lewis.
'Are you certain of that. Caddy t"
Very certain. You make the sunlight
and the shadow of your home. Smile up
on us; give us cheerful words; enter into
our feelings and int.'s rests, and there will
be no brighter home in all the land. A
shadow on your countenance is a veil for
my heart; and the seine is true as respects
our children. Our pulses strike too near.
ly in union not to bed isturbed when yours
has lost its even beat.”
Again 11r. Lewis tvalked on in silence
his lace partly averted; and again hut wife
begun to fear that she had e piton too free
ly. But he soon dispelled this impression
for he said—
"I am glad, Caddy, that you have spo
ken thus; plainly. I only wish that yon
hod don. no before. I see how it is. My
smiles Lave been for the outside world—
the world that neither loved nor regarded
tne 7 -and toy clouded brow Lee the dear
ones at home. for whom thought and care
are ever living activities."
Mr, end Mrs. Lewis were now at their
own door, where they paused a moment,
and then went in. Instantly, on pasting
his thrinhold, Mr, Lewis felt the prefigure
upon bin of his usual state- The hue of
his failings bow to change. The cheer-
ful, interested exterior put on for those he.
met in business intercourse, began rapialy
to change, and a sober hue to suocet.d.
Like most business men, his desire for
profitable results was even far in advance
of the slow evolutions of trade; and his dai
ly history was a history of disappointments
l in some measure dependant upon his rest
less anticipations. He was not as willing
to work and to wait as he should be,' and,
like many of bis class, neglected the pearls
that lay here and there along his life
paths, because they were inferior in val.
tie to those he hoped to find just a little
way in advance. The consequence was
that, when the day's business excitement
was over, his mind fell into a brooding'
state, and lingered :ver its disappoint
ments, or looked forward with failing hope
to the future—for hope, in many things,
had been long deferred. And so lie rare
ly had smiles for his home.
"Take that hone with you, dear," whis
pered Mrs Lewis, as they moved along
the passage, and before they had joined
the family. She had art instinctive cor.-
sciousness that her husband was in dun
ger of relapsing into his usual state..
The warning wasjust in time.
"Thank you for the words l'' said he.
"1 will not forget them."
And he did not; but at once rallied him
self, arid to the glad surprise of Jenny,
Will, sod Mary, met them with a new
face, covered with fatherly smile., and
with pleasant questions. in pleasant tones,
of their day:,. employments. Th,, feel
ings of children move in quick trans!-
' dons. The) had not expected a greet ng
like this; but the response was' instant
Little Jenny climbed into her father's
arms. Will came and stood by his chair.
answering in lively tones his questions,
white Mary, older by a few years than the
rest, leaned against her father's shoulder,
and kid her white hand softly upon his
head, smoothing hick the dark hair, just
showing a little frost, fioin his broad, man
ly temples.
A pleasant group was this for the eyes
of Nit's. Lewis, as she came forth from her
chamber to the sitting room, where she
had gone to lay off her bonnet and shawl
and change her dress. Well did her hus
band understand the meaning look she
gave him; and warmly did her heart re•
vend to the smile he threw back upon
..Words fitly spoken are like apples of
gold in pictures of silver," said Mr. Lew
is, speaking to her as she came in.
~ ‘l, hut do you mean by that ?" asked
Mare, looking curiously into her father's
“Mother understands,” replied Mr.
Lewis. smiling tenderly upon his wife
eSornethinz pleasant must have hap
pened,, said Mary.
•.Something pleasant ? Why do you
say that ?" asked'Mr Lewis.
"You and mother look so happy," re
plied the child
"And we have cause to be hnopy," an.
swered the father. as he drew his arm
tightly around her, "in baying three
such good children."
Mary laid her cheek to his, and w his
pered: "11 you are smiling and happy,
dear father ! home will be like heaven."
Mr. Lewis kilsed her; but did not reply
He felt a rebuke in her words, But the
rebuke did not throw a chill over his feel
ings; it only gave a'new strength to his
"Don't distribute all your sm les. Keep
a few of the warmest and brightest for
horns," said Mrs. Lewis, as she parted
with her husband on the next morning.
He kissed her, but did not promise. The
smiles were kept. however, and evening
sow them; though hot for the outside world
Other, and many 'wettings saw the same
cheerful smiles, and the same [nippy
home And was not Mr. Lewis a better
and happier man ? 01 course he was.
And so would all men be, if they would
take home with them the smiling aspect
they so often exhibit, ns they meet their
fellow men in business intercourse. or ex.
change words in passing compliments.
Take your smiles and cheerful words
home with you. husbands, fathers, and
brothers. Your hearths are cold and
dark without them
* Pedagogue—. We 11, sir, what does
h a•i•r spell 1
Boy—. Don't know.'
Pedagague—.What have you got on
your head.'
Boy—.l guess its a 'skeeter bite, it itch
es like thunder.'
D' A man was walki ig quietly along
the other day. when he was suddenly
stuck by a thought, ana knocked into the
*tied Visttlianti.
A New Bedfdrd Joke.
A beautiful young lady, from another
port of :%lassachusetie, was making a visit
at a friend's in the pretty town of New
Bedford. famous then as now for whalers,
rich mercha , os. spermaceti 'candles. and
wi ter strained oil. One day this delight
fu I visitor was delighting one of these dea
lets in tnese articles by allowing him to
show her all over his well-stocked eatab
lishment, and by taking a very deep int-r
est in all that she saw there. She was
particularly pleased with the picturesque
style in which the clear, white, polished
candles were packed in their boxes.
In a tone of raillery, the young mer
chant said to his visitor : 'Take one of the
boxes you admire so much home with
'Are you in earnest ?' asked the lair
.0f course,' was the reply; •if you will
take one of them. home with your own
hands, you shall have it,'
'That's a bargain.' said she ; call i n
half an hour fir my candles ' box
she had selected weighed some fifty
Punctually at the time appointed, and at
idday, whoa everybody wam astir in the
easant town of New Bedford, the young
tr=desnian was told by the clerk that there
was a young lady at the door waiting to
take hoots the candles ahe had selected.
is in a carriage, as a matter of
course,' said he
•No, sir,' was the reply, 'she is walking
and alone.'
He went down to the front dour of his
estallishment, and there stood his fair cus.
tomer, with one of those straw carriages
that nurses take babies to ride in
'Come,' twid she, 'hurry up my candles.'
, The merchant saw he was caught in a
trap of his own setting ; so he_put the best
face on the matter, and ordered the fifty
pound of number one spermaceti to be di,
livered to the lady. who having tucked up
the box carefully with cov l obla and blan
kets. as it it were a baby she was treating
to an afternoon airing, drew it triumphant
ly th•nugh the streets to the house where
Nhe wa+ staying, not one of the numerous
acquaintances shs met on the way hiving
the remotest idea that her burden was any
thing but her hostess' baby.
'What a pretty thing it was,' said one of
them, in Miss -to take Mrs.
baby out to ride to day.'
But the true story soon got out, and the
laugh was decidedly against the gentleman
who dealt in spermaceti.
The following is it beautiful extinct from
Mr Webster's splendid argument in the
case of Girard's will ;
"When an intellectual being finds him•
self on this earth, as soon as the faculties
of reason operate, one of the first ?equines
of his mind is, .'Shoff I he here always ?
Shall Ibe here server r And those wri.
tern who hove been eel. prated for their es
says on the dignity of human reason, say
that, of all sentient beings, man is only is
competent of knowing that he is to die.
His Maker has made man only able to
come to the knowledge of the fact Be
fore he knows his origin and destiny, he
knows that he is to die. Then conies that
most urgent and solemn demand for light
that ever entered the mind of man, which
is set forth in that most incomparable cons.
position, the Book of Job, "For there is
hope of a tree, if it lie cut down, that it
will sprout spin, and the tender branch
thereof bud and bring torch boughs like a
plant. But if man die, shall he live again "
And that question nothing but God can
solve. Religion does solve it and teaches
every man that the duties of this life have
reference to the life which is to tonne; that
moral conduct founded on this great reli
gious truth, is the end and the oh act of his
destiny. And hence since the introduction
of Christianity, it has been the effort of the
great and the good. to sanctify human .
knowledge ; to bring it, as it were, to the
• baptismal font ;to baptise letters with the
sacred influence of the Christian religion ;
to bring; all, the early and the late. to the
same sacred source, and sanctify them for
the use and blessings of the human race,"
j' A Frenchman who had deposited
a sum of money for safe keeping, with •
friend, hearing the latter wan about to lull,
calling upon the man said ;
'Bare, I want my monies
'Certainly, sir.' replied the other. draw
ing um hie book, when the Frenchman
Stop. me; you got de monie V
'Why, of course V said his friend,
will give you a check for iminedtately.'
'No, no,' said the Frencoman, 'if you
have got de monie 1 uo want hint, but if
you no got hint dap, I wino
Don't be a Bachelor.
Young man, don't live a crusty bachelor
it is not gond for you. It will neither im
prove your morn's, health, nor your beau
ty. Marry as soon as you can make it
convenient. and can shape your afinirs to
support a wife But when you marry,
don't fall in love with a face itruend of a
woman. Remember that common sense
is a rare virtue, much better than silver,
gold in plenty ; but look for sound prueti•
cal sense in woman first ;—that is the
touch stone to try her o' her qualities
When you have all that, all else comes.
Your wife, that is to be, if she's lull of
common sense, will grow to your way of
thinking and make you grow to hers. A
woman who has womanly love in her
heart. will find ways to make your love
towards her grow as the years go over you
both. And another thing needs to be
heeded, and that is—a common sense wo
man is not to be found where fashion insists
upon dragging young females intoa whirl,
where is simply id'e gossip and but little
Young min! don't stand looking after
that young woman who has the di.tin
goished air. the reputation of n flirt and a
belle. whose filth, hip, hoops of cash for
it is not impossible that while you are
vtrnining your eyes, you may he turning
your hack upon some unobtrusive little I.
damsel whom nature has cut as your other
half. and who may just that pleasant fnced
placid tempered. lovable litt!e creature
who think enough of you in go with
you to the end of the world, and stay by
and comfort you when you get gray-hair
ed and fidgety.
Marry young gentlemen and keep your
selves out of scrapes. Hove something 'o
live for A man aloe in the world isn't
more than half a man. and the world
. wants entire men. So mend yourself.
and he happy. And you shall have rea
son to •oy ii was a good thing you resnl
ved to mnrry, and refused to he a solitary.
beer-drinks. pipc-amokins bachelor, if you
6urcertl as well in ynur efforts as he who.
once a young man like you, is now pimp
ly old, contented and comfortable—Life
What the Wind Kaye.
'Do you know what the December wind
says, grandpa.' asked a little child at an
old merchant's knee.
6 1 , 10 puss ; what does it?' he answered,
stroking her fair hair.
Remember the Poor grandpa.—
When it comes down thimney it roars.—
, itemensier the Poor;' when it puts its
great mouth to the keyhole it whistles,
'Remember the Poor;' when it strides
through the crack in the door it whispers
it ; and. grandpa, when it blott's your
silver hair in the street, and shiver and
the button up roar coat, does it not get in
your ear and say so too, in a still small
voice. grandpa
Why. what does the child mean ?' cri
ed grandpa, who I am afraid hod been
used to shut his heart against such winds.
'You want a new muff and tippet. reckon
a pretty way to get them out of your old
grandpa,' said the child earnestly.
shaking her, it is the atO muff
and tippet children I'm thinking of ; my
mother always remembers them and so do
I try.'
After the nex. storm tho old merchant
sent fifty dollars to the treasurer of the
relief society, and said 'Call for more
when you want it."l'he treasurer star•
ted with surprise, for it was the first time
he had ever collected more than a dollar
from him, and that, he thought came grud
tWhy, said the rich old merchant after.
wards. I could never get rid of that child's
words ; they stuck to me like glue.'
•And a little child shall lead them,' says
the scripture. Flaw many a cold heart
has melted. and a close heart opened, by
the simple earnestness and suggestive
words of a child.
Car 'Bobby, what became of that big
hole you had in your trowaera the day
afore yet.terday ?'
•Oh, it's word our.'
11111 r '•Mither wither ! what have yuu
done f' said a littl.• news boy to a greenhorn
who had just tied his horse to a spruce
pole, as he thought on third street.
"Dune !" said the fellow, "what do you
mean 1 I ham% beea doin' nothin', as 1
knows on 1"
"Why. yeth you have, Oil.; you've
hitched your hoth to the magnetic telegraph
and you'll be in New York in lath than
a pair of minuths, if you don't look out."
The man untied his horse with nervous
anxiety, and jumping into his wagon drove
hastily down the street.
You'd cearce expect one of my age
To smoke cigars and look so sage.
And if I shouid a mustache wear,
(Although the hair is rather spare,)
Don't view me with a critic's eye,
But pass my little whiskora by.
Big aches from little ton corns flow;
Long beards from downy face:. grow;
And though my bet, d is thug and young,
Of tender growth and lately sprung,
Yet all the whiskers in the town
Lately existed but in down.
But why may not young Chuckey's face,
Be covered like others of his rack—
Exceed what Tom and Dick have done,
Or any man beneath the sun?
Where are the whiskery far or near,
That cannot find a rival here?
Or where's the boy of th ee feet high,
Who has more fuzzy beard than I?
gar •Can a body eat with these things'
abked an elderly lady, who was handling a
pair of artificial plates in a dental office,
and admiring the fluency with which the
&mist describes them.
.fly dear madam,' reponds the dentist.
4na-tication can be performed by them
with a facility scarcely excelled by Nature
'Zes, 1 know,' replied the female; 'but
can a body eat with them 7'
111111 r "What are you writing such a
large hood for, Pat!" Why, you see that
my grandmother dare, and I'm writing a
loud hither to her
sir "Is that n lightning hug? asked a
short, sighted lady. "No' said the Miss,
"it's a boy buy with a lighted cigar."
ie'The Knickerhocer has the follow ,
ing interesting epigrams .
Two grind mothers with their two grand
Two husbands with their two wives,
Two fathers with their t daughters,
Two mothers with their two soul,
Two mattkos wish their two mothers,
Two sisters with their two brothers,
Yet but six corps in all lie hurried here,
All born legitimate, and from incest clear."
And nor ingenious antiquarian satisfac
torily unravels all the intricate tangle—
Let your Knickerbocker wits •throw
themselves upon the euwjeck.' Also,
while they are about it, let them answer
this; Also, while they are about it, let
them answer this : The widowers (who
are not related) marry each other's dough•
tern; what relation will their children be
in each other ?
IC?. One jour printer in our hearing,
ablced another what he thought of the
world— a most pregnant inquiry— which
was answered by the other in the statement
that the world is a stage and the printers
are tilt. horses.'
Car The Library of Cimgress has re•
cesved an addition of about 4,500 volumes
since this iliac last year, which have all
been properly classified, end their titles
praised in a neat appendix to the catalogue
sip- The Spaniards soy:
'At eightheen marry your daughter to
her superior, at twenty to her equal, at
thirty to anybody that will hare her.'
Car A few days ago we heard a singu.
lar account of a Western merchant. It
seems he had been but a few years in bus.
iness. and upon taking an account of stock
found that his profits had been, as his led
ger showed seine $60,000 ; in other words
that his indebtedness was $20,000 and his
assets $BO,OOO. Wishing to replenish,
and elated by his great success he went
New York, represented his great skill.
and on the strength of it bought some $7O,
000 worth of goods on credit and returned
home. A few weeks after he was back
again in New York, proposing to oompro
mise for forty cents on the dollar. ..How
is this ?' said his astonished creditor ; a
short time ago you were worth $00,000."
'Why, said he, 'the fact is, my hook-keep
er made a mistake. I was owing $BO,OOO
and had only s2o'ooo. The ..plielinks"
of those creditors can better be imagined
;than desbribed.
Mr Most mon employ their first years
so us to malcest heir last miserable.
mmsennmeamin A/IMR.
larmers' (C'olumn.
lig that by the plough would thrive,
lliiiiseo; mum either hold or drive."
Fur •hr Huntingdon Journal.
The Rev. David Strag of the state of
New York says:
The rot has already begun this season
among the potatoes. One that saved his
several seasons in another pert of the
country, while those of others mound hint
rotted. Advice. to cut off the vine, of et,
VOL. XXII. NO. 52.
ery hill with e sickle close by the ground
to kill them effectually. If the decay has
begun only on the leaves. and the vines
are not softened or withered into the ground
this save the potatoes, and they will grow
in size till the sap in the remainder of the
vine is exhausted, and they will be safe
to lie in the ground till the usual time of
digging. Hut if the leaves are all wither
ed and the vines have decayed into the
ground, the potatoes will then be affected,
and it will be too late to save them in this
way. The best thing to be done is to dig
them and use them immediately. They
will not injure animals fed to moderato
quantities with other things; and they
will grow worse every day after they are
affected, either in the ground or above it,
till they become entirely worthless. It all
seems to proceed from some influence to
the air, like the rust of wheat. and the
best rule for successful cultivation in each
cese is, to be early. oGod is on the side
of the early farmer," as the old English
proverb says.
Keeping Potatoes in Priam—Potatoes
spoil in winter, buried, from three causes.
First and greatest. want of ventilation,`
Secondly, and neariy allied dampness.—
'Thirdly. and more rare freezing.. Far.
mere find most of their potatoes spoiled at
the top of the heap where they suppose
they became frozen; but this is not the
usual cause, the damp. foul, steady air as.
cended there, and could not escape, and
this spoiled them. A hole made in the
ton, with a crowber, end closed wtth
wisp of straw, would have allowed egress
to be confined air, and saved the petit.
toes. •
The best way to secure potatoes out
door, is to take large heaps, nay 50 or 60
bushels ; see that they are dry and clean,
by digging before wet weather comes on;
cover them all over with one foot ol pack
ed straw, and three incites of earth. The
straw will prevent dampness, and the few
inches of earth will favor ventilation. A
farmer who rises many potatoes, and prac
tices this mode, does not lose a peck, ow
the average, in 50 bushels.
Cording Cal•le.—We think then is
no doubt that grown cattle need to be dar.
ly carded. Youeg cattle may do well
enough without a card, but the old ones
should have their hides scratched to keep
the pares of skin open. Card them at
a certain time of day, and they will like
the opperation.
Pigs and hogs like to he carded, but we
cannot spare time to gratify them. They
must be satisfied with rubbing against a
post in the middle of the pen.
Premium Ilims.—Editors of the Amer-
ican Farmers : You are requested to
publish the several receipts far curing be.
con hums, which received the premiums
at the late Exhibition of the Maryland
State Agricultural Society, and oblige.—
The. Chairman of the Committee.
First Preimuin.—Recip to cure 1,000
pounds Pork Hants.—Mix 2d lbs. saltpe.
ter, finely powdered, / bus, fine salt, 3 lbs.
brown sugar, / gallon molasses, Rub the
meat with the mixture : pack with skin
down. Turn over once a week, arid add
a little salt After being down 3 or 4
weeks, 'take out wash, and hang up 2 or 3
weeks, until it is dry, Then smoke with
hickory wood 3 or 4 weeks ; then bag, or
pack away in it cool place—not a cellar—
in chaff or hay. Examine occasionally,
and renew dry packing klaterial.
Thos. Love, Loveton, near Cockeysville
Measuring Corn in the Ear.—Having
gathered and safely housed his corn, the
farmer wishes to ascertain with some deg
ree of certainty what amount of shelled
eon's there may be in his pile. There are
various rules for this all of which are more
or less serviceable. The following, we find
in the Valley Fanner, and it is 0120 which
can be easily tested. if it prove a sound
rule, we advise our readers to cut it out
and keep it for reference.
"Arrange the corn in the pen or crib
so that it will be of equel depth throughout
then ascertain the length, breadth, depth
of the pile, multiply these dimensions to
gether, and their product by 41. Then
cut off one figure Irons the right of the
last product, and the remainder will be so
many bushels of shelled corn; and,the
gu re cut off will show many tenths, of 41
bushel more, Example : is a crib or pen
of corn in the ear, measuring tan feet long
eight feet long, eight feet high, and wen
feet wide, there will be 252 hautbois of
aliened corn. Thus :-10x8x7x41-244,9
—Maine Farmer.
Mir The weather is delightful now
and the hots so blooding Inostit.