Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 23, 1857, Image 2

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Editor and Proprietor.
Wednesday Morning, December 28,1887,
We are happy to see that whatever the
times May be, or whatever may be thought
about them, there is still a joyous antici
pntion of the holidays, and pleasant proofs .
in many directions, that whatever, clouds
there may have been, the world is pretty
well determined that, for a season at leant,
there shall be gleams of home- light.
Of all touching incidents not involving
real grief, there is hardly one so touching
as that of the giver who would gladly be
generous, timidly preparing with many
misgivings the little offerings, wherewith
so many hopes are bound up—a problem
of hope.
There are substantial reasons why the
coming holidays should be kept with par
ticular festivity and with more than won
ted rejoicing The whole community
has parsed through tight times and is on
the mending hand. Perhaps nothing
would go further towards promoting its
convalescence than the prospect of a down.
right good holiday, or help more towards
getting people's spirits up for renewed
A liberal scattering around of small
change among the dealers would do far
more than most persons would imagine
towards stirring up business, promoting
better feeling nud providing employment
for those who most need it.
There is a great deal of common sense
in promoting seasons of jo3ous festivity
and hearty mirth, and in seeking to do
our best towards bringing lightness of
heart into a life nine tenths of all whose
social eharacteristics are tinged with grim
seriousness, if not with almost invincible
melancholy. it is the failing of the An
glo Saxon of the present day that he has
no appreciation of joyousness. Ile looks
upon it occasionally with a misgiving smile
as the trifle of the moment, and tolerates
pleasure ana tee &Rama,
anything which he dreads may ruin him
if more than casually glanced at. Let
those who have been gifted in nnderstsn
ding this matter, do their best towards
making the world feel that the New
Year's tide is not a period of frivolous non
for the delectation of
children, but a time which ought, if possi•
ble, to be cultivated into social cinninunion
rest front labor and all manner of consoling
and inspiring pleasures,
-But there is a ground of Christian char
ity for helping holidays nlong, which•is by
far too little regarded. The grim Phan.
sees may not care themselves for joyous •
ness, but do they care nothing for the hap-
piness of the poor and the young 1 A
poet has finely sung that once
'A Christmas bouquet oft would cheer
A poor man's hearth for bathe year.'
And the idea is a very hne one. To
see the holidays pass by without a trace of
the usual festivities, is dreary indeed,
since nothing brings home to them so keen,
ly the tact that they are indeed suffering.
In good natured, kind-hearted old Germa.
ny, them are associations for the sole ob.
ject of providing tha children of very poor
parents with holiday gifts. 'there is a
degree of humanity in such charity which
we could wish to see generally imitated.
sr The Philadelphia Nor th dimeri.
can and United State., Gazette, made its
appearance a few days ago in an entirely
new dress.
The North 4merican is one of the best
dailies published in Philadelphia, and is
deserving of extensive patronage. Long
may it prosper.
A HINT TO ADVERTISERS.-1 . 110 leading part.
ner in a publishing house, who oat rapidly
pushing his advertisements during the dull
season, being interrogated by the editor in re.
gard to the policy, replied. The very time of
all others to crowd, air ; gives no the field
when tew advertiser occupy it, and we csre
not how hard the answers ; it pays ua well at
all times, because we know how far to go, but
especially it pays us times like the present
when the most of business men in our line
have taken their books out of the water, think
ing no bites to be had; we are satisfied that
nothing has kept us a constant run of trade
for the last ninety days but pushing our noti
sea through this dull season."
The undersigned has withdrawn from ail
connection with the Huntingdon Journal.
To friends, and foes--if such there ba--he
bids an affectionate farewell.
"To all and each, a fair good night,'
And rosy dreams, and slumbers bright."
- -
The circumstance' which induced w to with.
draw from the establishment, are of no inter•
act to tbo reader.
Haan TIMES •T PITTSBURG.—There are
sixty steamboats, worth at least 111 million of
dollars. There ore four thousands hands from
th^ manufacturing estahlishmputs nut of em.
Senator Douglas bits been fairly bastish
ed front the Administration party. An
elaborate leader in the Washington Union
and in the Richmond South, have done
the business. Ile is hereafter to be clan
sed among apostates, "to stay out in the
cold" with Black Republicans, and sinners
that is, unless the President and his friends
are mistaken as to their strength, about
which point there is still some reason to
, doubt.
We subjoin the following passages front
the editorial of the South, on the defection
of Douglas. They are peculiarly rich:
"By all the mysterious rites appropri
ate to the celebration of so signal an epos
tacy, Stephen A. Douglas renounces the
faith of the Democracy, and is received
into the communion of the Black Republi
"We cannot affect indifference at the
treachery of Senator thuglas. He was a
politician of considerable proini.e. i/ceo•
elation with Sou.hern gentlemen hat
an:welted down the rugged vu garities of
list ea, ly education, and he had come to
be guile a decent and well behaved per
son. (We call that good—very good.)
In the begining of his career he was loden
tified with some of the obnoxious meas-
urea of the anti slavery party, but the same
salutary influence to which he owes the
improvement in his manner wrought a
wholesome change in his political opin.
"Judge Douglas was rapidly growing
in the confidence of the Southard Democ
racy.and after a little more trial he might
have been thought worthy of his high am•
bitiun. But his impatient desire would
endure no further postponement of grail.
fieation. He has taken the fatal step; he
has passed the Rubicon, and must now be
regarded as an enemy to the South and the
Democratic Party.
OREGON AS A STATE. j they will raze their towns and villages burn
A late California paper says that the total the grase, and destroy everything that can of
result of the Oregon election will not vary , nui.h ford sustenance or shelter to man or beast, flee
from these figures :---majority against slavery, to the mountains and make predatory war with
2500 ; majority for the Constitution, from 2500 the Indians upor. all the world, snoner than
to 3000; tar excluding free negroes, nine•tenths - ; to be governed by any rules save those of their
of the whole vote. This is based upon a verbal I own choice. According to Brigham Young, '
statement of a passenger just from Oregon, I he has been engaged ten years preparing for a
who said that the lower portion of the territory war. On Ilia arrival in Utah, in 1846, he
which was not heard front was believed to he I I promised his followers that in ten years they
strongly pro.slavery. Another account informs should defy the United States in arms. The
. us that returns received from seven counties I years are accomplished, and he is now pr pa.
give the following majorities t—against slavery, I red to fight. There is a vein of ferocioui de.
t; „,2 11.2 t h e Constitution 443. A repor t not nuneiation of American running through
iuded in the auovo puts mien :mutton - ---- ...a, 5.
is giving 800 majority f, the constitution, and Lken in connection with the recent massacres
about the same against slavery. We flail iu a : snd outrages, clearly established not only his
; me num b er o f the Sacramento Miton t h e f o l • complicity in them, but hie determination to
lowing paragraph : destioy all that comes it; his power. The wa.
. 1 11cCormick's Oregon and Washington Al. ; now rages—civil war—a war of religious ranat•
manse states that the aggregate value of the 4:sin—which can only be finished by the ex•
taxable property in Oregon as assessed for rho Idara ' nlsal fr ' 3ra the ' 00 " .
year 1857, is a $17,046.716
Total population, 4.3,207
1 Number of voters, ' 11,666
Fellalee, 16,603
Aeree of improved land, 150,000
Unimproved, 300,000
rams rallied at 2,500.000
Now if there be only 11.668 votes in the ter•
ritery, as his not probable they have all voted,
the 6112 majority against Slavery is deeisive.
But ere the statistics quoted by the Cnioe
those of tho present year, or only the latent at
hand? If Oregon ha, NOW .1).41,207 Minh.
itante, the (fustian might be seriously rtvised
whether it ought to bo admitted with so limited
a population. We are - think thoag•
gr egate given is from the census taken two
years since, and not the result of a recent ena•
marabou. Florida comes nearest to the case
of Oregon. That State had only 43,13.5 white
and free colored inhabitants in the year IESO.
The colored portion numbered 932, leaving
the whites 47,203. Florida was admitted as
a State in the yenr 18.15. In 1840 it ba.,l
27,942 white• In view of these figuruv i, is
quite clear that Florida had not near as many
white inhabitants as the total above quoted for
Oregon when she was admitted into the Uni•
a; a State.
We learn from the Lancaster pavers. thnt on
Tuesday last two women residing near Neffs
ville, Lancaster county, were murdered in
broad day light. The persons killtci were hits.
Garber, wife of Conrad Gerber, supervisor' .
and tax collectior of Manhoim township, and
Mrs. Ream, an elderly lady and relative of the
°arbors. It appears that the WOllllOll were ut
the time, alo n e in the house, which is situated
on a by road—the husband having been ab
sent on some business. Mrs. Garber was 55
years of age last October, and Mrs. Ream was
aged about 60. Mr. Garber, who is Supervisor
of fdanheim township, loP: his home between
6 and 7 o'cock in the morning, to supervise the
repair rf a road about two miles distant. Mrs,
Garber was alone in the house in the early
part of the day, but was joined Ly Mrs. Ream,
who lives with her sort oti the hill, about ono
I hundred and fifty yards from Garber's. The
families are connected by marriage. A (laugh.
ter of We. Garber is married to a son of Mrs.
Ream. At one o'clock yonng. Mrs. Ream
started down the hill for the purpose of keep
ing the old people company, and on entering
the house was horrified to find her mother and
mother-in-law stretched cold and lifeless upon
the floor, and weltering in their own blood.-
-She had presence of mind enough to immedi
ately give the alarm, arm within half an moor
the neighbors came in from every direeton.
Twii men, one a negro, and the other a ma.
lame, were mu to enter the hones about
teen minutes before eleven. o'clock, and no
other person was seen near or around the boom
nntil rayed role n'elock. when Mr.. Garbre,
daughter made the discovery. Pursuit being
made by the police, the nogroes, named Wit.
Liam Richards, and Alexander Anderson, were
arrested. They are residente of Lancaster,
and have long been known as thieves—spend-
Mg the greater pectin of their time ia the .
county prison. When searched upward. of
$9O in gold and silver was found upon their
persons, which amount corresponds with that
which Mr. Garber says was in the pozsession
of his wife. They were also seen in and a•
round the premises by Meson. Geist, Knelt
mau, Buckwalter and other neighbors of Mr. I
Gather. There in no doubt that the object of
the murderers was to get possession of the mon•
ey said to be in the house.
There was also considerable blood upon
their clothing. The evidence against them is
of such a character as to leave no doubt of
thei , guilt. The feeling against the murder
ere was so great while they were undergoing
examination, that fears were entertained the
excited crowd would inflict summary ven•
geance upon them. A few momenta, how.
I ever, served to calm the excitement and the
i officers were allowed to convey them to prin.
, ei without let or hindrance.
More About the Mormons and their Mae
c, , ,respoudence of The Alta Californian.
Los AN0E1.63, Nov. 9, 1857.
Ail other aubjecto with us become unimpor
tant when compared with the politician which!
the Mormons and their Indian allies to Utah
lime assumed. Our !elect dates from Salt
Lake are to the sth of October. TFe Dc.rerl
News contains the sermons of Brigham Young
Herber C. Kimball, Bishop Taylor, and others.
And as it is by means of published sermons of
prophetic declarations "in the name of the
Lord" that the Mormons leaders ittstruct the
world as to their intentions, it cannot be deni
ed that "a State of war" already exists; that
i martial law prevails throughout Utah, and that
it is unsafe fur any person not a Mormon to
travel through that Territory. These sermons
are filled with hatred of all that is American,
and express a 'determination to resist tiny and
all attempts of the Government to exercise any
jurisdiction over the Territory. Sc, great is
their trust in Joseph, and so ferocious their
lanatizism, that according to their sermons.
There in a Lelief here that a lentil., Lao al
ready been fought, and much ~ .11xiety is felt to
learn the lute of the little artuy was sent there.
Since the• artiOti of the mails, we have had
several reports indicating serious things. Otto
to, • that Gen. Harney had joined the army,
and that, when Capt. Van Vliet returned with
the message that they should not winter in
Salt Lake Valley, Gen. Berney replied thwt
"the was ordered there, and he would winter in
the valley or iu hell." Another report is, that
Harney had advanced as far as Fort Bridger,
and there encountered the enmity. routing
them and killing three hundred. The general
opinion is, that, if' this little army advanced
upon the settlements, it has bcett entirely cot
The emigrants recently arrived report that
an etnigratit train had been entirely cut oft• on
the Malade River, on the other side of Beaver
Arms and amunition continue to be for•
warded from San Bernadino. The last mail
rider took along 500 revolvers which passed'
through this city. They were met at the cross
ing of the Mohave, by some gentlemen coming
in. Purchasers of powder, pistols, and duck
for tents have been made to considerable ex
tent in this city, and forwarded to San Bern
, arditio, whence they were to be sent un under
a guard of 70 men.
ST. Loris, December-14.—The Special ses
sion of the Kansas Legislature was organized
on the Bth instant by the election of C. W. flub.
cock President of the Council, and G. W. Belt
zler as Speaker of the House.
Acting Governor Stanton, in his message,
states that in consequence of recent events hav
ing produced profound.ngitation in the public
mind and that a sense of wrongs and injustice,
whether well or ill founded, and an apprehen
(lion of greater evils to arise, have ermined the
; people of the Territory to a condition of great
excitement. 1 find myself compelled by a
sense of duty to call you together, that you
may adopt prompt Legislation, in a measure
to avert the calamities which threaten the pub-
I lie peace. After reviewing the formation and
action of the Constitutional Convention, Gov
ernor Stanto t recommends the passage of no
act directing the election to be held under dit:
ferent officers on the same day and at the same
places provided by the Proclamation of the
President WIN, Convention authorizing the
people to vote fot the Constitution, in either of
! the forms presented by She Convention, and
also against the Constitution in both forms.
The Governor also reccinmends the pas
, sage of a law malting fraudulent returns of
votes a felony, with suitable punishment.
Sr. LOCI 4 - Der. 17 .—ThoKuosso totters to
{fie &pewlimn state that au intense a*tiite•
meat prevails among all classes of people in
the Territory. The probabilities are that the
party opposed to the Lecompton Convention
will not permit the election atilt] 21st inst. to
be held. Gen. Lane. with three or four hun
dred men, is encamped near Lecompton.
Threats have been made to drive General
Calhoun and the other members of the Le-•
compton Convention from the Territory, but
uo outbreak has yet been attempted.
Comm nicalcd,
A few months ago the name of Wrta.tsu
GRAMS appeared in the list of those who had
taken passage, at Aspenwall, fur New York,
in the ill•fated steamer dentral America. Wo
his brethren of analog Lodge No. 286 of the
I. 0. 0. F., hii relatives, the many hearts in
this community that held him in fine remerm
brauco could not realize that he who had gone
from our midst ful! of lile and vigor with a
bright future before him, endowed in a high
degree with the rare dualities of head and heart
which made hen useful and beloved, that he
had died and gone down into the depths of
the sea. We hoped and continued to hope
that he might be saved} we have continued to
hope until time has worn away, without any
such glad fillings coming to no,--and hope has
died, and given place to Ole sad conviction
that our friend arid brother mast be untnbered
among the victims of that greatest disaster—
The hand of that find who (teeth all things well
has denied on the mournful privilege of for
lowing his body to the grave, and depositing
there the last token of that evergreen memory
in which he ever shall behold. We can only
mingle our sorrowing voices with the roar of
the wave that sweeps on r him, and perform
our last duty in expressing the feeling which
het death has occasioned in our midst—There.
Pure to that end be it
Resolced, That in the death of Dr. William
Draftee this Lodge has lost a worthy and hon
ored member und beloved brother, one whose
lith was a constant illustration of the virtues of
Friendship, Love, and Thoth. Society has
lost an active and useful citizen, his limit:mi. ,
has lost one whose talents and energies would
ere lung have placed him to its highest rank,
and his Wilily mad trier.ds have lest—[hair's
is a loss which words cannot with and which
their hearts Mode can Icel.
Resolved, That to his aged and bereaved
permits, and relatives we tender our earnest
sympathies, audit' there were.sorrows that could
be lessened in being, born by t h e many, we can
assure them, that nut only our hearts, but the
hearts °Mho whole community have mourned
with them over this sad mysterious Provi•
&solved, That a copy of these proceedings
signed by the °dicers, he furnished to the rel
atives of our deceased brother, and be publish
ed in the county papers:
F. CoNNen, N. G.
G. NV. ilnwar, Sec.
ST. Louts, Monday, Dee. LI. 1657,
Thu Special Session of the Kansas Legid,
tura organized. the Bth fist, by electing tl.
W. Babcock President of the Council, and
W. Deitaler Speaker of the Hence.
Secretary Stanton in his Messagn says that
"in coesequence of recent events having pro.
dueed a profound agitation of the public
"mind, and a sense of wrongs and injusti,,
'• whether well or ill founded, sov:cl an appre.
" hension of greater evil arising therefrom' bay.
"iug aroused the people of the Tert•ilury to
'' their consideration. and to dangerous excite
•` meet; 1 tied myself compelled by a sense of
"duty to call you together, that you may adept
" prompt legislative measures to atrest the
calamities which threaten the public penee.".
After reviewing the formation and action of
the Constitutional Convention, Mr. Stanton
recommends the passage of an net directing
the election tot be held under different officers
on the name day and tot the same places, as are
provided fur iu the proclamation of the Presi.
dent of the Convention, authorizing the pee
people to vote fur a Constitution in either of
the forms presented by the Convention. The
Governor also recommends the passage .of
law making a fraudulent return of votes a fel•
ony, with suitable punishment.
Kansas letters to the Republican state tha'•
intese excitement prevails among all classes of
people in the Territory, and the probabilities
are that the party opposed to the Lecompton
Convention will not permit the electiou of the
Gen. Lnue, and 300 or 400 men, were en.
camped near Lecompton ; and threats had been
made of driving Gem Calhoun and the mem.
bers of the Convention nut of the Territory,
but no outbreak had yet been attempted.
lir Hereafter the Mail train of cars going
West will leave this place, as followa:
Mail tram going West at 9 minutes after
6 o'clock P. M. Fast train 35 minutes after
9 o'clock P. M. Express train 11 minutes uf•
ter 7 o'clOck A. M.
GOING EAST.—Express truin at 7 minutes
after 4 o'clock A. M. Fast train at twenty one
minutes after 3 o'clock P. M. Mail train at
twenty seven minutes after 9 o'clock A. M.
SW Mr. Jobs Martin, of London, is being
put in possession of the .Vennens property,"
which fur so long a period has been without a
recognized heir. The sum in cash ho inherits
amounts to the inconvenient sum of 980,000,-
000, while his income will be $1,250,000 per
annum. The inheritor has been wretchedly
poor all his preceding life.
1 The Locofoco Legislation of Missouri
refused to charter a University for the Metho•
dig Church, North; whereupon a Mass Meet.
ing at Jefferson City, the Capital, endorsed the
project, and Col. Gardenhire etude a capital
point blank Anti• Slavery speech. Missouri. is
fast becoming Free Soil.
City is laid nut ou a magnificent scale. It is
four mann in length, by three in breadth, the
streets running at right engine, and one hun•
deed and thirty feet in width, with side.walka
twenty feet in width. Each building lot con.
twine an acre and a quarter of land; and a
stream of water running through the city is
made, by an ingenious plan, to flow on each
side a Iry street. suci irrigate every Int.
DEW Items.
WALK., Tea FILLIBUSTIeIt.--Walker. the fit
libuster, who, it will be recollected, took his de-'
parture from Mobile Buy on the 13th ult., in
the steamship Fashion, landed at Punta Arena'
in Nicaragua. on the all of November, with
ISO men. The United Stateasloopool-war Sur-
atop, was lying in the harbor, and the
passed tirder her stern at full speed, with only'
ten men on deck, and betore any suspicion was !
entertained as to the character of the Fashion,
or the company she had on board, landed her
men at the Transit Company's wharf at Punta
Arenas, opposite l3reytown. After acct. pl
ing this feat, the Fashion, it would ROOM, wan
suffered to steam out of the harbor with as lit- !
tae interruption from the Saratoga as she had
met within steaming in. She proceeded to
Aspinwall to take in coal. Such is the account
of the affair given by those on board the Fault..
ion. It is further stated that Commodore Paul. !
ing, lying at Aspinwall in the frigate Wabash,
overhauled the Fashion, but finding her papers
regular, omitted to seise her. The British and
American naval forces had sailed from Aspin-
wall for San Juan, and would very probably
take part in the scenes, in that vicinity, or at
least prevent the landing of any more fillibus•
tern. It was supposed that the difficulties be.
tweeit ! Costa Rica atil Nicaragua, n luded to in
provions accounts, would be settled without a
resort to hostile measures. Walker, from pre•
sent appearances, is likely - to be again in a tignt
place. But all his movements so far have been
sash and reckless, trusting apparently to lucky
chance to befriend him, .d neglecting to pro•
vide beforehand the means neeessay to }teem
pHs!' the object of his ambition.
ARRIVAL er LAMeB.—The brig E. Drum
mond arrived at New York on the 15th inst.
with forty-two :twtch Seventy-one were origi.
milli shipped on board the Drummond, but
owing to the heavy weather on the Visage,
twentpuhie died. The brig put into Key West
on the 4th inst.., where the animals were much
recruited. They are now in good condition.
They were purchased lu a French gentleman,
sent out by a New York company to South
America last sprmg, and area choice lot. The
importation is a speenhatton, the design being,
no doubt, to introduce then, among the elevated.
portions of New England, where abet p and al
pacas flourish. The animal is extremely hardy
and is said to brood rapidly. They will he
valuable only for their fine wool. The la
ma differs from the camel in being destitute of
humps ou t h e back. The legs are shorter then
in the camel. The stock is long and more ver
tical. he cars and hoofs arc long. The toes
are separated or not united, as in the camel,
by a callous sole. The actual species of this
ream belong to this continent exclusively,
where they represent the camels of the Ens
: tern. They are coufined to.the MPuutain..3
regions of South America. • •
Fru., utataxm.—The Star of the West,,
arrived nt New York, brings the California
snails of November 20, and $2.280,000 in gold.
The news from California present no feature , of
:.turtling intereSt. The principal items relate
to the business altairs cf San Francisca, and
the damage caused by Envy rains on the into•
r;or. The fortneial difficulties which were en•
perieeeed oe this side of the continent 41.1 n.
seem to take as deep root on the Pacific coat
as was anticipated, and as early as the sa;:in
of the last steamer we have indications that the
shock was passing stf without materially Rife,
ing the ordinary channels of trade. The trea
sure brought by the Star of the West is the
largest shipment during the present year by
nearly $900,000. The frequency of accidents
to ocean steamers occupied public attention,
and the Oregon, running between San u cia.
co and Portland, .vas cxum hied and comic m nmi
by the Part Wardene. The banking house of
Messrs. Sathey & Church have settled up their
business satifactorily, paying dollar fur dollar,
Heavy rains throughout California have thrown
great impediments in the way of river mining.
Banks of Now York City, Albany, Nov York
Boston, Massachusetts, Hartford, Connectiout,
Honesdale, Pennsylvania, and Phillipsburg,
New Jersey, have resumed specie payments.
The New York country Banks us well as nonce
of the Now England Bo- ks are following the
example. The banks New Orleans have
been paying specie for some time. Those of
Mobile did not suspend. The Banks of
dolphin and Baltimore are net yet in a condi.
tics to resume, fait it is said that the Banks of
Philadelphia will' probably anticipate the time
1 fixed by the suspension law, the second Tugs
day of April, and resume also.
SORGHUM MoLtsszi—Hr. Jacob Clarlto, of
Clermont county, Ohio, has inanufactured
830 gallons of molasses from twelve acres of
the Sorghum, equal to 236 gallons per acre.—
He has had ten of the 71 barrels refitted by a
sugar refiner in Cincinnati, and it meets with a
ready sale at 60 cents per gallon. The quality
is pronounced excellent—us good or better
than the very best New Orleans. At 60 cents
per gallon, the product of twelve acres of land
for one season will ho 51700.
• DIVISION ot• TEXAS.—A subdivision of Tex
as into two or more States is warmly advoca
ted by some of the leading public journals. No
State in the Union has increased in population
and wealth snore rapidly within the last few
years, than Texas. Her estimated population
at this time amounts to more than half a mil.
lion, and when the next census is taken, it will
be found sufficient to entitle the State to nix or
seven representatives in Congress. Several
reasons ate given for a division,
Tue FOR THADE.—itirs to the amount of
$lBO,OOO have been exported from Minnesota
the past year, being an increase of $3OOO over
that of 1856. The fur trade is an item of con.
siderable importance to that territory, and is
continually increasing.
tho election held in Oregon on
the 9th ult., the State Constitution woe adopted
but the slavery clause was rejected. Free ne
groes are to ho prohihit l from emigrating to
the State of Oregon.
m i • .... . ..
' ' ii - 0 1 '"' • lAu NMENIig TIMM/E.—lt is eftimaled that
II tnrit 0 e fi g . . thii aggregate 11I11.11t Or Irelllll.lleriVkl 11,17%
. • tobacco,' almo,t wholly at American growth:
by the government, of Cheat Drama nod,
A chiel's amany ye takin'• notes,
! Frani ; e,, to whom it is a greut monopoly,, for
. • And faith, he'll prent it. • 1837, which is about an average year, would
• ' • reach the /We, a . 58,376,010, of which sil4;-
air Be at pence with all mankind, but at 001.1,000 would be•tur France, nod $24 : 376,089
war with their vices. i fur (Irma Britain.
Air The Mao who was filled with emotion
" f I 0 ,NS AND ultaliElt9.— I int know nom
"hadn't room for his dinner.
itnportunt .it is for year children thatrethonid
SW It ho a mistake to suppose tarn keep good health. floc frequently d'o.erie-seo
you see with a trio in his hat to be a mason.
of the'ae,tia',,m,edouret`i?Xii:ll--.7"Pat:
MG" . tiope— u sentiment exhibited in the a pity it is, when, bt proper care and remedies
wars of a hungry dog's tail, when waiting fa a all OM snafu nod troubles can lie avoided.
bone. When health can be restored to the narent and
life and happiness to the child. Restore . :.the
SW' Dr. Franklin nays: air a man emptier, health of the mother and you vbvinte the nes
his pulse into his head, no one can take it front ef silty of Paregoric. ; GOttire,'4 Cordial, mid
him." ether. injurions narroties for ch . :Wren. We-en
treat you, as we denim to lot prove the e edition
405'Three things to be ilespised—a brnwler ',f nor race, to piceute Dr. Memo's Limatiac.
in a workshop, a fool is Otte clothes, and a sian• and read how diseases are cured in accordance
darer. • • with N dure's Laws with innocent Roots and
• Plants. Pregnancy.—Ditritig this ordical pe•
Ata"Long,words, like long dresses frequ".mt• rind Morse's lndinti Root Pills will be.requjred
ly hide something wrong about the understand. because they'eleanse the holy from them filer•
ing. I bid humors, and thorotighly drive away all pains
and give ease and com tort to the mother. From
lefliP Knowledge is proud that it knows ha : 0141 It/ three of these pills, taken two or- threb
much, wisdom 'e humble that it knowi ro 1, titres a week during pregnatioy, will cause the•
. . ~.
opt, . . i mother ri. sole untf r e'risy delitiery, a n d will be
fi e. H, in selling in p eriemounii, N. R. , 9 o ttre tr.g i tv , , l , start not healthy' conatiottion to
Its. Mors e's Indion Boot Fills sra
loose for $8 and $lO ; pressed, ot 'yl.., 50.4 by till dr101,,,, in ruediehme.
forilo a i ' .; i 1 c "I'
pee to
n one gy it n terin t v r iuur j use d in rose PHILADELPHIA
of a man who paid for hi, newspopor and the
coat on his bark.
Unpleasant—A first•rate appetite, and I
nothing to eat. Quite no agreeable—plenty to I
eat and nu appetite.
What animal has the greatest coant , ts
of brains? The hog, of course, for he Ina a
"hogshead full."
"Is that a lightning 'bug 2" asked a slngtt
sighted lady.. "NJ," said the Miss, "Ws a big
bug with ri lighted cigar.'
Ur A. schoulmnot, down erkat has been
fined ten dollars for whipping, the girls in his
school. A high prize for licking lasses.
Wi'Somebody xayw n wife should bo him
roasted lamb—tender, and nicely &emit
Somebody elm tuldii, `Anil without 14!,c,.."
ger Some one soya or a certain conzrega
Lion, thnt-they pray on their knees nn Suralaya
and on their neighhora the rest of the neck.
War "What are you writing sneh a large
hand for, Pat 2" "Why, yon ore that my grood•
mother. is daf., and I'm wr;tinq n loud letter
to her !"
ta*" The happiest man in the e ~H
one with justwealth enough to keep ;L:m i i ,;;:•
ritn, and just enough children to Make him •
War' Hobert Mcrae, a Scoteitmar,
oil Saturday lain., by the ex phisiou or it h's t
Htitchison R Co.'s coal mire; on the rosioitai,
yr,,t of Altoona.
Sta. A man came into n printin2 o.F
Log n paper. "Because," said tic.
read newspaper very - much. but nur
ere all tee stingy to take one."
swift. tie Ihnt there tvcr ,
three places w rc a 111. :1,...,1 1)0 111!, crl
the pipit, anti the gallow
++-Mr. s!lowed c.,•.
; !,,•1
Ewa` T b ,
• :AO tim • ;. •
phasii?" Madam. it ie
ty cycle of ormorial menori,ity, cireum
an mom of in a verbal pro;',;,..
ra n :401110 GNP sacs
thnn to live epee the hard ettrningi : u,
911dp0011.;,. Jinni; "snspendere will pet:se t
tvdiee. ten,te.:-They don't believe in vii
a doetritte
iii ~i:, ~ ..
1 , 6."0 Mary! my heart is brenl;,ing."
it, indeed, Mr. Clo4ellst ? So mach the bett••:
for you." "Why, my idol?" "Because, Kie
it is broken out and out, you may sell it 1;,..
Akir• Snooks was advnied to get hi; iif, 111.
sured. "Won't do it," said 110,,"it would just
ho toy lack to live forever, if I sbogild."Mrr.
Snooks merely Said "Well, I wonidn't, tnc
Ail "Matrimony," said it modern Benedict
the other day, "produces remarkable • revolu
tions, here am I, for instance, in ton short
mouths, changed from a sighing lover to a
loving tiro.
sEir Love not your children unequally; or, it
you .do, show it not, lest you make the one
proud, the other envious, and both foolish. If
nature bus made a difference, it is the part of
the tendei patent to help the weakest."
ger t t. country youth come to town to see
his intended wife, • end, for n long time, could
think of *nothing to say. At last. a great snow
falling, he took occasion to say, that his father's
sheep would be all undone. "WuIV said she,
taking him by the hand, "11l keep ono of 'em."
Afar Tho other day, a Jew was quizzing an
Irishman, and kept at him until he was some.
what aggravated, when, turning round, he
tartly remarked : "Yes dam yor cowl. if it
hadn't beets fer the likes of yeas, the Savoiur
would a bin alive now. and dein' well.'
D a r " A Dutchman was relating his marvel•
loos escape from drowning, when thirteen of his
companions were lost by the upsetting of the
boat, and be alone was saved.. "And how did
you escape their fate ?" asked ono of his hear.
era, "I tid not go in to poto !" was the Dutch•
man's placid answer.
HORRIBLE-A telegraphic de:match from
Washington dated lust evening says :
Yesterday afternon the wife of a planter,
named Basil Hall, residing 5 miles from here,
across the Potomac, got iuto a quarrel with a
slave, who at last seised he mistrees and held
her in tho fire till 9ho Wasliurned cc foully that
cite ham died.
[...LOUR —Tlio market remnins dull;
1.5 for standard superfine, and 1113,25 for
CORN MEAL.--1, rather pie!. and
held at $3 for Pennsylvania Mt!al.
RYE FLOUR.--:49 dull. $4 per bhl
WIIE,A P.—Market is dull; 112a114c.,
for Red: and 11S11;2:ic„ for White. •
RYE —ln steady demand; at 75c.• •
.50mitie , afiont.
OATS.—Soukrn nt 350.
On the 176,,t - f,: , .:,gdon,
Esq., Mn. JAVCS A. llcKt,, , Titt, v
to Alm LYlnd We; tAce. of Blair e,).
By th, yam? on
to LYDIA linow,.
Oil the 170 , . near NinakitiLatta, 1:5
W. Brudshaw 13nclit.1, it„B„,„
Mt3s MARY Pnr,r , m, borit 'll Pert , ' t•lwnsYp.
A OI L( AR"!
A ,I'l,T'l•/.,
.1.• nt tilt. •
INTes.r7EFlEiri) I
' '
i . ~
Agrioultu;'al SeoLoty
year, and
; :VII
1 . .-.•.
• ;:i.:1;1: til% EN 1:0 Al.l,
that the ibllowing named
• • •••:tied their aceuunta iu the Rea•
:it Huntingdon, and that the said
acemints v. ill i.e presented Mr confirmation mid
allowance, at an Orphans' Court to be held et
Huntingdon, iu and for the County of Hunting
don, on Wednesday the 13th day of January
nowt, to wit:
. - -
1. Peter F. Kessler, administrator• of the no
tate cf William .‘leettrtney, late of• Henderson
township. dro'd.
2. John Hefner, administrator. of, the estate
of William Wilson, lute of Pnlntki county, Ia•
(liana, deed.
:;, John Reed, administrator of the estate of
Thomas Reed, late of the horon;„•di M*Flunting•
don, deo'd,
•I. Partial ailinini6trutionnecount of Dr. lien•
ro Windy. atituinistrittor of Joshua H. Cur•,
who wns administrator . u 4 Esther Coo, Into ,4
R'nrriortouu•k township, (I,N.
5. William Stewart, adminiatrator Uf t'nved
tate of Jennet Stewart, late of Weg township,
John Anrandt and Rob't Toney, exact,.
tore of the last will and testament of John
Sprankle, late of Morris towuship, dad,
7. Trust account of George W. Speer, art
log trustee, appointed by Ito Orphans' Court
to make sale of the real estate of Rob't Speer,
8. Trust account of floury Lightner, trustee
appointed by the Orphans' Court, to make sale
of the real estate of Henry Lightner, Into of
West township, deed,
9 Trust account of-dames Seaton, 'route.,
appointed by the Orphans' Court, of the ?mete
of George Heltright, late of the borough of
Huntingdon. deed.
10. Guardianship account of Henry B. hfr•
tinger, guardian of Rosetta Stewart, a motor
child of Anthony S. Stewart, late of Morris
township, deed.
11. Guardianship account of George Sipes,
guardian of Richard. Elizabeth, Loretta and
Evaline Wharton ' minor children of SamuelN.
Wharton, late of Cromwell township, deo'4.
12. Alfred B. Crewit (now deed.) adminis
trator of Dr. Jacob Hoffman, late of the bor•
ough of Hotitingthm, deed., as netted and filed
by Juno D. Crewit, executrix of the said A. B.
Crewit, dee'd.
Regicter's Office.
M 1
intingricne,Dee. 12, 1957. )