Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 16, 1857, Image 1

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    Of_ _ z. lEfiLltirtitibl it "ioilrin 4,
elect gottrg. elect VisrelianD
brought into the Territery under the Con. SUCCESS AND FAILURE mode of living. He had no faith in the' ger lazy !" Another pretended to dNcov- From Frank Leslie's Family Magazine.
s stitution of the United States and "re now • _
old saints of the calendar, who used hun- er something besides ideas running through Return, Return, Ye Happy Hours of
. -ss the property of their masters, Thispoint Rev. ll4hry Ward Beecher delivered
- - s- -. s - s - s- , - , - - - -, -- - -_ss-s- -- -s.s has nt length been finally decided by the a lecture in Philadelphia, the other day, ger, hairclmh and indolence as means of his wool, and concluded "nigger's head too Youth.
Front the New York Tribune. highest judicial tribunal of the cavalry - of which the following is an extract : i grace. The fact that persons in ill health pop'lar"--(poputous). Another said ',nig. BY MABRY C. WATSON.
BOMetimes made their mark, was no more gar's foot too long and slim-long foot nig-
A soldier of the Legion, lay dying at Algiers, PRESLDENT'S MESSAGE. and this upon the plain principle that when The lecturer began by saying that it 1
0 1 pour your Wm into my careworn breast[
There was lack of woman's nursing, there was - a confederacy of Sovereign States acquire . ,an evidence in favor of ill health itself, ger will steal an' run away ; long foot nig. Return, return Iye happy hours of youth I '
The President's Message has been so a new Territory at their joint expense, was a remai table fact that all the animals •
Sweet time of innocence for ever flown
n dearth of woman's tears ; below the rank of man grew naturally 10 I than the fact that disina.ded ships some- ger ain't worth jail fees. Another "nig- I
i Of thoughtless happiness and no eureka.
both equality and jimmies demand that the
But a comrade stood beside him while his life• thoroughly anticipated and roreshadowed • •
citizens of one and all of them shall have what they were meant for; they required times outrode the storm safest was a proof gar's toe nails too long-scratch paint off'r i
isload ebbed away, by the developments of the last few weeks the right to take into it whatsoever is rec• no training. The young lion that roamed that a full rigged vessel was not its supe• my parlor floor. No wants dis nigger !-
:'S 'id beat with pitying glances to hem what be that its promulgation commands less in- ognized as property by the common Con. the wilderness had no teacher, but he no . star in the rain. Yak ! Hy eh ! Ynh ! Yah!" 0 lead me once more to the quiet stream
Where oft I've mused o'er fable and u'er truth,
tnight say- :erect and its positions excite less sur- ntitution. ''o v
1 Its e summarily confiscated
The dying soldier faltered as he took that cm- the property in slaves already in the Ter. f Ind fl• . '
er ino ionhood; he came to it by in- , The second means of success which "Well, gemmen !Is you done looking at And Eel a lifetime in each bright, briefclream
P than they would otherwise have . • • Y Y . • • • • the speaker discussed was the ability of , this nigger? Is you satisfy? He's a prime Utithinking of the coming years of ruth I
rade's hand t ritory, would have been an act of gross in. sun.. So it was with 6very other ant. '
done. Still, its main feature exhibits justice, and contrnry to the practice of the mat s as well as with flowers, trees and the
And said: "I never more shall see my own, my using every faculty of our nature prop. lot ! What do you say for d. boy? Start , Return, return, ye happy hours of Yonth !-•
tiatiVe land. strikingly the recent and rapid advance older States of the union which have a
bolished Slavery." entire vegetable kingdom. 13. manhood arty, fully and freely. Knowledge is not him at suffin! He's got to be sole-prump- Return, return /Sweet thoughts of other dam
Sacred to hmies time never can erase,
Take a message and a token to some distant of the Slave Power toward complete dom• consists in character and that is a very education. A man might be able to speak tory sale I" And let us seek once more the leafy grove,
The first emotion of a youthful love.
Will any one say how it is possible, all the languages in the uriiverse, and at ..Ten cent !" came from the laughing
friends of mine ;nation within the nominally Free States , different thing from growth A fly is as •
For I was born at Bingen, sweet Bingen on the as well as those avowedly subject to its' in accordance with the President's logic, g . the same time be a stupid polyglot as re- crowd. ~ T en cent -ten cent I Going at
much a fly within an hour of birth as at '
Rhine! sway. To this feature, we ask emphut- ever herenfler to form a new State in The grave has gmher'd all I touted so well,
gards the practical ends of life. The ten cent-ten-ten-ten."
Yet from the past they came , by
' the end of summer. A worm comes to •
Tell my brothers and companions, when they is and fixed attention , which there shall be no Slavery at all ? • • ,_ , true idea of education was evidently in "One dime" from the crowd. "Tank you The maiden fair, the pleymatestaunch as tenth
meet and crowd around, The Malakoff of the Northern advocates We who prefer that sort of a State are not its maturity in a few hours. whilst man
requires pars for the full development disciplining every power to perfornt its sari-One dime, one dime, one dime-go- A n d 1; • - - e'
To hear my mournful story in the pleasant vin- of the Nebraska Bill was the a formallyoutlawed,
asserted Yet thoughso many of functions. Men ' were not broad enough, in' at one dime-d-i me I Too bad , cm live again iu memories of youth.
[age ground, of his powers, and it was only throueht g Return, return, blest memories of Youth t
right of each political communit to Nettie us us happen to live in Kansas are prac• - they didnot • d II •
smelt out a their branches men, make rue sacrifize dis nrtikel dat way! i
That wo fought the battle bravely, and when - y the training of our various faculties to - 1 A WIDOWER'S 1.-"------
and adopt such social and political inati. deafly under the ban Suppose, now, to the air. and they were afraid to do so, Say 'leben ?"
the fight was done, I their highest cogperation with each other I A disturbance of a somewhat unusual
Full mail a corm lay ghastly pale beneath tutions as a majority of its members that nineteen twentieths of the People of I that the perfect maturity of character could because they could not watch the nice , 'One hit," from the crowd. ..111uch 'bli- h
c erecter, took place yesterday morning at
the setting san s should deem most conductive to their own New Mexico choose to organize a State propriety and circumspection of each, gad, ar !-one bit-one bit -bit-bit-go
be attaMed. In one seine an uneducated the dwelling of Mr, Thomas Fothergill,
And 'midst the dead .d dying were some permanent well being. "Why not," .it Government under which DO human be- man was not a man, nor more than an The present custom was to grind men to in'-goin'-won't nobody soy lebon for
grown old in wars- w. constantly aked, al'ow Kansas, and ing shall be legally held in Shivery la . acorn was as oak,
or a spear of grass a a sharp edge, forgetting that all such dis AI, warranted ,' &c., boy gain' at one a gentleman of sixty-five, who has been a
The death wound on their gidlaut breasts, the all States hereafter to be created, to adopt another. But a few slaves Lave alreed •
1 hay field. It .was no extravagant astump. - •
erindine was at the expense of the sub- bit- ' ' • '
gem gain gone at ten cent ! Yours • .
widower for eighteen months. Mr. Foth
lust a many sears ; ' ergill he vitie become tired of his solitary
or reject Slavery as its own People shall Blipped in, while the Supreme Court and stance of the blade. The lecturer ex- car, and a dog sight mere den he's wort!" . . `"
But some were stun •• ud. • '
y p, a sudden! y bt held Wes tio t '
, n o say that n nety per cent. of human condition, advertised fora wife, stating ac
see fit, just not New York and Penns 1 Mr Buchanan maintain that there
y • was life was in its best conditionwonted; plained what he meant by showing that And he "icnocked down" the property to .
niorn dedine : near. cording to custom, the qualifications which
coats and Vermont severally did ? Why . power anywhere to exclude Slavery, when men wish to discuss or decide on tSe quasi purchaser with a tremendous
And one had calm° from Bingen, dear Bingen ly one half of the human race died in the
the Mi.. deny to their People a right which we and our State finds them in position. Is cradle. As to the blossoms on the trees , moral and social questions, they must feel blow on the head with the barrel stave he applicants for the situation are required to
Tell my 'nether that her other sons shall cotn• claim for ourselves ? Why apply one there no way whereby nineteen twenti it was nv marvel that thousands of them them; their natures must be so magnet. used . a "hammer," which broke it in p o ssess. The advertisement could .. not have
fort liar o!d age rule to Territories and another to States r silts of the free inhabitants can emenci- tzed that they can foal them through and the middle, and "knocked down" the sold w hen
more than an hour before the public,
should be scattered to the winds. without a brisk widow, Mrs. Rachael Morri-
Tied i tits .tai a truant bird that thought his Such was the train of argumentation Irate themselves from the iron yoke of the through. If a man wished to understand Party off the box without apparently Net.
ending in fruit, for their . •
production was son b • name, aught
r ,have been seen ascett
tome usage- which induced a largo portion of the remaining twentieth ? What are the vast love, he must look at the universe through ing the blow, so massive was the conforms ding attended with circumstances affecting
For in • • •
Y 11°1 " 1. "" alw li ikri a" eve". oriltild North and West to acquiesce in the re• majority to do ? Mr. Buchanan, indeed, the feelingslaffec ti o ns •
and of living souls.
g an atmosphere of love, and then in that lion of his cranium. This was the •
grtat. ~
ding the steps.' MrsFothergill's residence
My heart leaped forth to hear him tell of strum-
on Eighth street. The lady remembering
peal of the Missouri Restriction embodied affirms that "If her Constitution on thegolden light he will understand it. T o eat mice. ESN that ever we saw.
gles fierce mid wild ; geltaughtthat d
experienceus no gar en•
in the Nebraska Kansas bill. At least a subject of Slavery, or on any other subject .feel equity and honor, a man must bee ui _-- the proverb that' the early bird catches
And ellen he died, and left us to divide his
thou Democratich h h bd • I ' i f 'or
il d his
ft ee e garden with a more unspa. • , q " A DAUPHIN COUNTY ROMANCE. the worm," presented herself for the ad:
sand speeches hove been _ e displeasing to a majority o. he . • table and honorable; and perhaps the
sanity line rd.r pen - ring hand than God weeded the garden In Dauphin county, Pa • '
~ some seven veruser s inspection almost as soon as there
I let them take whate'er they would, but kept made in Congress and before the People, pie, no heir= power can prevent thym 'of human life. charity which the world bears young men years ago, lived a wealthy farmer, who was was daylight enough. answer to
r the pur
my father's sword. purporting to defend the doctrine of ePop. from changing it within a brier period." ! We think much of the wonderful nc- who are "sowing their wild oats" comes blessed ft. • • • •
with a•Nmily of six children thepose • and to reward herbu • like , , business al
And with boyish hive I hung it where the bright Way Sovereignty" for 'Territories as well Well : suppose they do change it, and for. ' tivity of life. Standing in a crowded
from an inst . nctive knowledge that a young eldest of whom was a beautiful girl of 17 acrity she proved to be the first competitor
light used to shine as States. bid Slavery, what of it ! Must not the man is "letting himself out," is using all o
mart, with the sound of the hammer, the ummem. A young man in the neighbor- for the prize.
In the cottage wall at Bingen, Geis Bingen on But the bill had not been long pass er ? Supreme Court inevitably, in accordance shuttle,f. i , his powers, and we feel that man will do
the Nom, the forge and the tnou-s • 'hood, who was of good family,feigned
the Rhine ! at- Mr. Fothergill, being a man of mercan
before the South began to advance her de. with Mr. Buchanan's doctrine just quo. I sited noises of commerce in our whatever he h. to do, and feel what he ta
earl; we chment to her. Young and inexperien- tile habits, is very prompt at making a bar-
Tull my sister nut to mourn fur me, nor sob monde, and to claim of the Free Stares led, protect thee "rights of • ' •
properts in glorify the power, the activity, the strength h. to feel with all his might; having done cad she fell Into the snareset for her . Al•
with di•ooping head,er. - gain, and, moreover, is not very hard to
a recognition of the right of . each slave. slaves," which the President holds it so 'of hunntnity, forgettingll • thought, felt and seen nll that any man
that a this honor
When the tree • • • • ' •
troops ar e mat (him, home agitin withter her ruin was accomplished, the young please. Having examined Mrs. Mon' '
holder to settle wan nut ... - ,
lion sh ould uphol d s " 'ft Mod - --- i tar v s•riy- i ,,,,, ~,,,,, ‘,.,,,„,,.,,,,„., ~__,_,____, , , y,,, n _d,„„ ‘ „_ ~,_,••,. ~•
‘' '" " tsall4_
emil um' gt,llatil ireful ,
~, ............., ui any adverse localties, and it could be done much better if a come apparent, absconded. The girl feel, was about to be concluded to the satisNa-
But to look upon them prmidly I with calm . • • D cannot be "summarily confiscated," can world's history. A rand peculNrity of
sentiment . legislation. T he Democrat . man kept pure and did his duty. in her shame fled to Harrisburg, flinging - Lion of all parties, when a hard pull at the
mid steadfast eye, it be legally confiscated at all ? 'Think of ' the Lumen mind is; that it never ceases
ia Were us
ic politicians of Pennsylvan• , . . • Here the lecturer left his manuscript her bonnet into a creek which flowed tiro ' doorbell announced another arrival. Al-
For her brother was a Soldier too, ani 1111 not to exert its influence. The old Greek is
usual, foremost in the race of submission tala•
fear to die ! Mr. Buchanan labors anxiously to pal. not dead yet, and will not die for thous- and the remainder of hi, discoume was her Ntlier's farm, in order to innke her more itninedintely, a secoud lady entered
And if a comrade seeks her love, 1 ask her in to tide now demand. Senator Brodhead 1 ro h. an eloquent eulogiunt on true manhood, a friends believes. was drowned. Shortly the rosin and glanced around apprehensive
but with Ikte his desertion of Walker,t ands of years; the old prophet stil p p
my LUMP, . go: the start, and Mr. J. Glancy Jonesdenunciationand I •ofsided
arta pis one after her supposed death, her father, upon ly, nit' afraid she had come too late. She
palpabde ill success. In his In sates.
To listen to him calmly, without regrel or ahem°, soon followed. In regular course there-.
met, who used but a portion of their na- whose 'flied the event 'weighed heavily, was a thin, elderty. female, whose name
lust March, he pronounced it ~ t he itnifern. • • b the
Besides, we estimate activity y
And t" inn th e " I •"" r ` i in km P lana-la Y fa • ufter, the last Democratic National thin.
, lures at the ux fence of the rest, with
I • a wishing to leave the scone 'of his affliction, afterwards proved to be Miss I , 4ollMit Price.
titer's SWOrd and mine- - , vendor) resolve I that the People of the tire and indispensable duty of the Gov- work of the entire race, forgetting how
cl nr settle , . forth of the superiority of IA I I C,
For the limier or old Bingen, dear Bingen of i , . . . eminent of the United States to secure 10 many t h rones d u ., me i n t h e hi res an d if --`• - . e . me ths farm and removed to Crawford co. "Are you the gentleman who advertised
Territories, "whenever the miniver of moral and spiritual success, to mere earth• oido. fora wife ?" asked Miss Price as soon as.
the Rhine levery res ident inhabitant [of Kansas] the you 1-olc closely you will discover what a
their inhabitants justifies it," may ' Nun ly andremporary success. 'The speaker In the tneantime, she had reached Har- she entered. Before Mr. Fothergill could
There's another, not a sister, and in lumpy dugs ! B ut t e r • ti • withoutd . free and Independent expression of hie large proportion of humanity never ripen
.onstautions, with or o was severe on misers, on grasping people, risburg, taken the cars West, and in a few reply Mrs. Morrison answered For him,-
gene liv. o union by his vote." a•The whole Ter- to manhood, and how much larger a pro
m, tie Sl a very " -maintaining an expree- I and on selfish men who live in the mere days found herself at the only tavern in a " yes, madam , he advertised ; but I reck-
You'd lege known her by the merriment that -
portion are not
I sive silence on the subject of their right to 1 q '
.• shallow enjoyments of taste and cultiva• secluded village in the interior of Michigan. on he's supplied." "I spoke to the gen
spiirth.d in her eye, thus be settled on the pr nciplo of Po.- Before entering upon the proposed in-
Toe 'mewled ror COC I IIVIry, 100 timid for idle I exclude or inhibit Slavery while they re- lion, without higher spiritual aspirations. 'The landlady was a kind hearted woman, tleman himself, madam," answered Mies
tar Sovereignty." Does the dodge sub- vestigation of his subject, Mr. Beecher
beoraiug ; mained Territories. Ile spoke of the grandeur of men who and at that particular time was In need of Price, sharply, ' , and [suppose he knows
mission in Kans. conform to this require. said it w. all important for us to make
oh ! Friend. I fent the lightest heart makes The step next in order was the Dred •
meant bore the loss of property wail cheerful- s nit assistant. She heard the story of the his own-mind." "He made a declaration
sometimes !waviest:Mourning- • .
Scott decision, whereby the Supreme mer " • Arer citizens who are required up our minds first what we really
ness, end euloeized such tnen with all his poor girl, sympathised with her, and liked of his intentions before you came," said
Tell her the last night of my Efe, (for e'er the first to swear to support a Constitution be- by the terms success and failure, and e
gress, as we not to
Court denied to Con 11 1 brillianc r and efflorescence of illus. her appearance, insisted on her making ND.. Morrison. usna y ••I think you must have.
moon lm, risen, fore they can vote on it . all, and then which he contended could only be prop
the People of the Territories, any right [ ration. that her home. In this house she passed misunderstood him, madam ; pereons at
'My body will be out of pain, my soul be out of
to exclude Slavery from those 'Ter r itories The lecture teas listened to with pro six years of contentment. Her hostess In. your time of liN are apt to hear imper Net.
iiriste,) , for" it, treated according to the prom- ternnl evidence. It was a great mistake
M '
I dammed 1 sttarl with her, and FftW the yellow respectively ; and this was backedby i r. .
te d found attention by the immense audience, troduced her as a widow-and she gained ly," answered Miss Price. "You appear
me of the Inaugural ? If you can say yes to sappose that a man's success consisted
sidi :la elfin, Buchanan in his Silliman letter as fol.received several advantageous
and cordially appluuded at all the strong friends andto be very anxious to change your condi
look at the President's carefully elabora• in the accumulating of an abundance of
On the vine clad hills of Bingen, sweet Bingen lows:'Pointe. offers of marriage. ' lion, madam," said Mrs. Morrison. "You.
led instructions to Gov. Walker, enjoin- this world's goods: The pursuits of life, .
on the Itliine I ' ia t tin t • d [pas
"Slavery exist& perm' One morning about six months ago, she seem to be much in want of n husband,
him that instead of being made to subserve this one A NEGRO MOCK AUCTION.
.1 head the blue Rhine sweep along ; I heard, sage of the Nebraska Act ,] and stiff exists ing on was in the sittingroom when the stage " M• ' ' ''l
too, said. iss I rice. never found it
;a Kansas unite, the Constitution of the' "When a Constitution shall be submit- end, should but be regarded as discip- if Most Peel, (says the N. O. True Del-
or seemed to hear, indows of the coach be- •
drove up. The w difficult o get one," exclaimed rs. Mor
k t .t exclai M
The German song we used to sing in chorus United Stairs. This point has nt length led to the people of the Territory, they unar y
to prepare us for the higher per me) had been upon the levee yesterday, he
been decided by the highest tribunal must be protected in the exercise of them ing down, she could see most of the pas risen ; •Nnd 1 wish you to know that I
sweet niel elem.- loses of life. 'That these things were es. 'Mello have I• h 1 .
got a iappy wrinkle. in is me
known to our laws. Hari it could ever right of voting for or against that instru- ,
,face which .
stingers. Among them was a hove had let o already." 4 , 0 h I" cried Miss
And dean the iltiisitid river and up the taunt. • • , serest' in one sense he would admit. up- from the perfortnances of the genuine col
df • • 1
have been seriously doubted ts a mys e• matt , an the air expression o the pope- seemed familiar to her. She looked again Price, "I see your husbands were much to
Ng bill '• Ins will must not be interrupted by fraud on the same principle that there could be ored gentry. The carte for this entertain
ry.' and with a shriek fell Wilting on the floor, be pitied, and I don't wonder that their
The t awing chorus sounded through the eve• or violence." no branoloss unless there was a stock nor meet was a burlesque auction sale. One
Mr. Buchanan now follows up this
ning calm and still. Those instructions cannot be obli•erated leaves without branches, nor fruit with- 'of the darkey men, selected for his tongu. It was her seducer ! The landlady soon lives were of short duration."
blow by a thorough indorsement of the
And her glad blue eye was on 'ln as we passed , learned how matters stood, and determined
The I resident now tells us that he "mere. ou t stems , yet, a l ter all, it was the fruit ey qualities, mounted a box, and in good While this altercation was going on be.
in friendly talk I late bogus Constitutional Convention in- that justice should be done. She sought tween the ladies Mr. Fothergill looked
rue that constituted the great end and object Ito a 1 r e
ly said" what we have just quoted. 7' g set auctioneer phrase announce, a g
Down limey a path beloved of yore, and well- Kansas, with all its doings, and plumply hun sad told him the facts, and insisted and listened with extreme embarrassment.
he "merely sa id it; but what reason does of them all. Failures in life, according assemblage of idle negro laborers, that he
• remembered walk, says tint,
no matter how generally and in - a that he should repair the injul he had in• Possibly he could have been happy with
And her little hand lay lightly , eesfidlngv in dignantlY the People of Kansas shall re- he give for not doing as he "said" he to the world's calculation, were not al- was now about to offer them, for cash, to
mine- i
• pudiate that body and its acts, they s emi would I 'There stands Gov. Walker on ways failures. The reverses of fortune. de highis bidder in dis crowd, aNs rate boy • y e
flicted b making her his wife. To this, either, were the other dear charmer
etch af-lie at once consented. Three maway," and he seemed totally unable to.
But wall meet no more at Bingen, dear Bin-
I have the force of legalauthority."lf that very doctrine, with Os) People of as they were sometimes called, ware oft Al, men and healty, an warranted not to
ter his flight from Pennsylvania, seized decide which deserved his preference.--
on the Rhine I" Kansas behind him, demanding that what times bud the means of bringing a man's cut in de eye, balk ill de step, nor to steal
any portion of the inhabitants shall refuse with remorse, he had started back with the 'The contest between the rival candidates
'His voice grew faint alai hoarse, 1119 grasp was - • • . d hay- the PlTaident dmerely said," he shall now test qualities to light. As we could not chickens del don't 'long to hint ; also, 'di
. to vote, a or opportunits to o sod _ , . .
childish weak ; make good. People of the Unite States . tel the meat of the nut until the shell banal , dis boy wars only one par shoe a .
intention of marrying her. On the way' was carried on with increasing bitterness,
d in been ,
resente ,
d • ' • they a
lai:4 eyes put on a dying look, he signed an.. it is your business to take care that he MIS broken, BO these breaking revulsious year, an' deya good at de rend of it ; takes he lied picked up a newspaper, which con• until the baud of Miss Price, while parlor
lone wall be responsible Mr the eonsequenlined att account of her tragical death.-- ming an energetic gesture. happened to
ceased to speak ; does it ! in a man's fortune were oft times neces- keer on his close partickler, nn' never goes
His comrade bent to lift him, but the spirit of . cos"-though they are not allowed to Feeling that he wait the cause of her un• touch the sutnewhat protubemnt nose of
--- --- - hiswork is
sary to bring oit the latent qualitiee of cortin' ; don't go to sleep alter , . . .
life had Iled- i vote on nine tenths of the Constitution pro. eir 'The following is a literal copy of
I character. ' ful on"bedent ;is six foot tree in
ssect timely end, heart-sick and sad, he turned al rs. Morrison. What followed we would
The soldier of the Legion in a foreign land lay posed for their government except "for" the list of questions proposed for discus- back a changed and better man. He had gladly suppress, but, for the sake of intik
. • . h Mired and twen• •
dead s it. But suppose a majority vote "For sion in a debating club down South. We Mr. Beecher said that it might ser• ches high, weighs two -u
Id d I d 1 •
aett e own, accuinu ate property, and
ing an accurate report, it is necessary to
And the soft moon rose up slowly, and calmly
the Constitution without Slavery," the earnestly commend them in their purity to Prise his hearers when he stated that he ty puns, an' can do more work in house
can mg andinfluence e
wasamanof d•Th e thebonnetsf both ladies
say that o were
she looked down result will nevertheless be the Constitu• the notice of our literary societies, not on. considered thefirst element of success in or net' dun any oder one nigger. Step up
On the red sands of that battleadd, with bloody • lite, and an absolutely essential one, to be hyur, Sam, un' show yourself to dose gem• I h ' •
joy o the girl when she met with er re- demolished and their faces rather badly
lion wtth Slavery-only that the future ly as eminently practical but not models of ntent lover may be ima • d .rh - •
gme • s 1 scratched. Mrs. Morrison made a charge
corses strews - i health. This he went on to prove by men!-Libely now ! Dare he is, gemmen! P a
iniportation of Slaves is forbidden. 're literary beauty :
Yes, calmly on that dreadful scene her pale were 'named that evening, and the next of assault and battery against Mies Price,
light seemed to shine, entitle any one to vote, he must, if char Sub ex of Diskusion. I showing that man could not obey God's 'Mire him ter yourselves !''
• h morning stated foe Pennsylvania. Aster- That the scene we have described made
moral law in all its fulness while he was And the sable auctioneer pointed with
As it shone ni distant Bingen, fair Bin pen on lenged, swear to support this Constau- lz dansin morali tune taining the address of her lather, they came some its on, the mind of Mr. Fir
th° Mine 1 lion, which he is only allowed to vote lz the reedit) uv fictishus works common- to the subject of this
violating His physical laws. Ventilation, triumphant gesture
nto Bucyrus,Ohie, as fast as steam Id • •
could thergill may be judged from the circum
s ---- - ..for," not against; and though nine tenths Jabal! ? for instunce-rlaughteo-was as esien- extravagant eulogium-ft scrubby, knotted °
carry them. Wards cannot paint the rap' stance that when giving in his evidence at
Time To Marry. tial to moral purity and strength as any rented, gray-headed specimen of a field
should vote for it without Slavery, Sta. I
, To it necessary that femails shad rescue tures of the old man as he clasped to his the Mayor's office, be signified his deter
very is nevertheless to continue, and "No i a thurrp literati educashun ?
other element. In high health the mere hand, about four feet and a half high, who
bosom a daughter he had mourned as dead !ideation to remain single for at least six
alteration [of this Constitution] shall be' Ort femails to take parts in pollytur ? fact of exietence was a luxury. as we see mounted the box beside,
him, amid vast
fur six long year& Ex plan •
anana "'ere months longer.--Philadelphia Press, Nov.
made to affect the right of property in , Duz gr. konatitute the moral Parts uv in children, and many of the heresies, roars of laughter from the crowd,
made, all was forgiven, and after passing a -I-.
crimes and evils of the world were born eDar he am, gammon ! 'xatnine him an' 1 i
Slaves." All this lair. Buchanan indor - I wimmen ? ' few weeks of unalloyed himpiness nt the
of the stomach. In fact, he thought it alert him at suffiu for he must be sole I- • M. - There is a weariness that some
as proper, reasonable and just, closing I girl's lilies, the returned to their home in
ger We find the following in Dr. John- could bethatplentyof falsed Wh t d you say ?" Sevecal colored Y . Lien
shown - a oar•s mites over the heart, so heavy, CO
the subject as follows:he Wear
son's Dictionary : trines were birary results. (Laughter.) gemmen mounted the stand and proceeded i's..., ___,..„„s_______ , bitter that the most soothing affection win
" Should the Conaututiou without Sla
the me. Garret---The uppermost room in a house. When a man whose vice, for instance, to o'xamine" him. Ono violently pulled ger Dutch grocer, to a little - girl, who
very be adopted by the votes ofnot alleviate nor the tenderest hand of
jority, the rights of property in slaves now Cockloft.--The room above the garret, was gluttony , came to him deploring the his mouth open and reported-.•dis nigger objects to n Spanish quarters , Dat 'sum friendship ntrneec. Oh, thee we kere the
in the Territory are reserved. 'The nuns- . f temptations With which he xis beset, and not sound-one jute tour gone." Another 1 act gun: ao any oue-you jaunt take it to
if you have regard or your ,vanity of earth.
ber of these is very . small; but if it were
• a ' •• • 1 his inability to resist them his advice n- I tried to straighten outs luck of his wool, I Cuba, and dry II give you twenty-five cis . .
„...____.._,---...... -.Fr ilia
greater, the • provision • Would be equally i eyes never praise your neighbor a. wife In Y , f . . ge
.Ica go Unum, E Pluribus Braes,
erally was, to reform his intemperate with "don't dis-It'r kink too much-nig. for it."
just and reasonable. These slaves were I presence of your own.
Solomon says there is a 'time to marry;' I ,
but it is questionable whether he meant a
hunt time : A stout Hollander applied at
the Probate Clerk's office in Cincinnati on
Saturday, for a "check ., to get married
with: A person who happened to be pre
sent asked his reason for wishing to take
a wife In such hard times, when he replied:
plenty time now—nothing to do. Soon
Iwork—ean't attend to mine wife—plenty
time now-- sod get's married." And par
ing his dollar, drawn front a well•tied shot
bag, he departed wish his license to occu
py his leiankrkeurtin going married and
attending to his wife,
1: , ,i. , ;i:::Ex.46,.
VOL. XXII. NO. 50.