Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 02, 1857, Image 3

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    TOmil Dolts.
A chiePs amany ye takin' note,
And faith, he'll Arent it.
_ air Owing to the panic, Brigham Young
has only 40 wives at present.
F . ler. We have never yet known any one as
good or bad-as he was represented.
. Or President Buchanan and Gov. Walker
tare 11 the attitude of two belligerent cats.
J We have on file several pieces of orig
iital, poetry, which shall appear in due season.
J Thanksgiving day witnessed a tremeu•
sous slaughter ni "ye turkey," in this neighbor-
ler The young lady we noticed last week
U being driven to distraction, has since walk•
**back: •
*S There is a time for all thing.. The time
to leave is when a young lady ask. how the
walking ie.
gr o r We had no less than six lady visitors
during the past week. We are always pleased
to see you ladies.
Sar Bachman, late President of the Lan•
.gas. Bank, hatebeen acquitted, but the jury said
ist ihould pay coats.
a We have found out in our experience
that the only way to get a woman to keep a ee•
net, is—never tell her.
!lam` Prioress and Babylon two of ' e Amer.
dean horse. in England. were badly beaten at
the New Market races.
' ler The School Directors of Dauphin coon•
ty have raised the salary of their Superintsn•
' dint from $3OO to $BOO.
gar A Printer's Toast.—Woman, the fairest
*ark of creation. The edition being extensive
no one be without a copy.
-.:-Con.----Why was Pharaoh's un
it, a broker ? Because she got a littleprephet
from the niahes on the banks.
tom` We have received an excellent little
article from our esteemed friend "Lou. L." of
Missouri, which shall appear in our coat.
Wit Coming up as plenty as "toads after a
storm '—disciples of Blackstone. They are
'?getting as numerous as muaquitoes in August.
afar By the recent disaster to the Steamer
titaract, on the Missouri river, twenty seven
persons were scalded, ten of whom hare since
igSr Still in Vogue.—Ye Hoops. We had
thought that the cold weather would have had
the effect of depressing them, slightually, hit
ii doesn't.
lierfiappiness—To be the owner of s rosy
deeked bulldog, a big wife, four angelic kit ,
tens, and a green eyed baby. Or something of
war It is s till doubtful who bas been elect.
Goseruor of Wisconsin, although it is con.
Walley asserted that the Republicans have
• Wried the day.
ler We know an old lady who has made a
pair of etockings last fifteen years, by knitting
new feet to them every winter and new legs
every other winter.
air Ou g ht to have their ears stitched—The
shoeniakers of "this day and generation."—
.They charge half a dollar for looking at your
boots or shoes. Verily the eons of St. Criepin
have degenerated.
air Married, at Gotho, Germany, on the
27th ult., in the Court Chapel, by the Rev. Dr.
Carl Schwartz,' Chaplain to the Grand Duke,
Mr. Bayard Taylor of New York, to Mien Ma
rie Hansen, of Gotha.
Mir Letters have been received from Mr.
Alliboue, in which he expresses a detertnina-
Con to return immediately home, to meet the
.serious accusation, against hirn as President
of the Bank of Pennsylvania.
I•Too nice—Some of the 'feet young men'
of this age. they use pet ruffle to on awful ex
tent, and which to our view, shows a remarka
bly weak intellect. Their musk., and nostrums
to our proboscis, approach nearer the balm of a
thousand pole cats, than anything else.
lir How is is said that Gov. Walk
girlie. announced his determination of going
back to Kansas and aiding the Fres State men
in gaining their right. end overthrowing the
Border Ruffians, because President Buchanan
endorsee the frauds pet pctrated. We shall see.
Mr Almost everybody is talking of hard
times ; yet there is no doubt in our mind that
there is just as much money in the bands of the
people es ever, and more produce. There is a
disposition on the part of some who have mo
ney to take advantage of the "hard times" and
neglect the payment of debt.
ler In the present depressed state of affairs
many Locofoco journals are jubilaftover the
conjition of the slave at the South. One ex
claime "Show us a singe &eye south of the
Piftomac who has not as much to eat minimal!"
Well, admitting that. show us a single cart
horse North of the Potomac which the crisis
has deprived of his fodder 1"
gerWe'acknowleclge ye Corm—We receiv
ed on Thanksgiving day, from the hands of one
of our fair lasses, a "drum•atick," vulgarly ter
med a turkey-leg. We have no strong liking
for the ''bird" and particularly for the partsent
us, and consequently can't say whether it was
good, bad, tough or indifferent. Our "imp"
however, pronounced it "S. P."
air To improve the Breath—We would
state for the benefit of the young friend who
sat beside us during church a short time ago,
that Walnuts will greatly improve the breath,
when one hes been dining on onions. Anoth•
er opinion we give is this:—You commit a
greater sin in going to church smelling like a
Dutchman's 'lichen, to annoy your neighbors.
than in "running round" all day. Just think
of it. We will be enraptured over the pastor's
description of Paradise, and forget everything
else to roam with him through its green fields,
and shady walks, almost smelling the sweet
flower. that there do bloom forever, when sad-
denly you receive the full blast of a breath per.
..710 - Inted with onions. Great Jehosophat hew
quick it -brings you "from the other aids of Jor.
We request those of our subscribers who re•
ceive their papers, to inform us of those in their
immediate neighborhoods who ore subscribers
to the ...Journal," and have failed to receive
the same, since the stealing of our pack-book,
by ruffians on the 11th of October.
New Cazd-Press.
Having bought afast "CARD PRESS," we
are now prepared to print in the prcportion of
three cards in the same time that any other
press in the county can print one, consequent.
ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well
we make no charge at all. We ask your pa.
_ _ _
AillD D'Llascrr
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court,
will be exposed to public sale on the premises,
next, at II o'clock, A. N., the following descri
late the property of Rowland Lonntra, deed..
situate in Dublin township, Huntingdon cuun• '
ty, to wit :
All that certain tract and parcel of
land being the mansion farm, bounded by lands
of William Murray, and others,
containinz about one Mok,'
and fifty acres, about sixty acres
. 1 1 0 . x. - cleared, with a fine limestone
quarry•, three dwelling houses and other im
provements thereon ;
taro laud, adjoining the land above described,
lands of Alexander SicAnineh and others, con.
taming three hundred acres or thereabouts.
and parcel of timber land, with a first rate Saw
Mill thereon, adjoining lagdo ofJohn Atkinson
and others, containing twenty two acres, or
AND ALSO—A certain other piece and
parcel of land bounded by bottle of William
Murray and others, containing twenty acres ur
TERMS:—One-third of the purchase money
to he paid on confirmation of the sale, and the
residue in two equal annual payments. with in
tereet from the day of confirmation —to he se•
cured by the bonds and mortgage of the pur
chaser. Attendance will be given by
Burnt Cabins. Nov. 25, 1857.—t5.
There will be Ruh; nt public vendee, on Satut ,
day, the 19th day of December next, between
the•huurs of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 P. M.,
Situate in Union township Huntingdon Co.,
adjoining the town of Calvin. lands of Win.
Pheasant Esq., Michael Myerly's heirs and
others, containing about
125 ACRES;
about 100 of which is cleared and under a good
state of cultivation. A good apple orchard. 2
good dwelling houses and barn, and all other
necessary improvements.
TERMS OF LE—One.third of the pur•
chase mom to be paid on the confirmation of
sale, and the residue in two equal annual pay
ments. with interest to he secured by the Bonds
and Mortgages of the purchaser.
Executor of J. Bunwartner, Dad.
Nov. 25, 's7:7—ts.
Nat 4 oual Safety Trust Co.
Walnut Street S W.Corner of 3d,
Arrangements tor Business during the Suspem
stout ot Specie Payments by the Banks.
1. Deposits received - and payments made
2. Current Rank Notes, Checks and Specie
will be received on deposit.
3. Deposits made in Bank Notes nr Checks
will be paid back in current Bank Notes.
4. Deposits made in Gold or Silver will be
paid back in Coin.
HENRY L. BENNER, Presiient.
IVILLIA NI J. REED, Secretary.
Nov. 25, '57,
THE collectors of County and State Taxes for
the year 1836 and all previous years are re
quired to make immediate payment of the bal
slices due in their duplicates or they may ex•
pert to he dealt with according to law.
The collectors of 1837 are earnestly replete
ted to collect and pay over to the Trea.nrer,
the amount of their duplicates as 80011 as pos
sible. Money is much needed it the present
time end must be had.
B. L. WCARTHY, Cons'rs
No,. 25, 1857:—Gt.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to die.
tribute the balance is the hands or Thomas E,
Orbison Esq., Administrator of David Burket,
late of Shirley township, deceased, amongst
those entitled thereto, hereby gives notice to
all persons interested, that he will attend for
the purpose of making said distribution on
at one o'clock P. 51., at his office in the bor
ough of Huntingdon, when and where all per.
sons interested are required to present their
claims, or he debarred from coining in upon
said fund, &c.
THEO. H. CREMER, Auditor.
Nov. 25, 1857t-4t.
which much suffering in families may he
avoided, sent to married men and those
contemplating marriage. Address, en
clotting four stamps. DR. G. W. ADDIS.
CO MBE. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Nov. 25, 's7t-6m.
• V Hoop. and Reed Skirts, tor sale in the
cheap store of D. P. (TWIN.
An excellent one for sale at this tact,. This
is one of Adorn& Ile. 1 NM Rid jte rey rilt.o.
IN PURSUANCE of authority given in the
hint will tool teetament of Thome, W. Neely,
aee'd., there will be sold at public sale on the
premises on Dumbly. the 22d day n i l ' December
neat, all the Reid Estate said dee d.. shunted
. i
hi Dublin town3hip. Huntingdon county. II7OUI.It ItI:SPECTFULLI' ANN( oUNCE
No. 1. i VV to their numerous friends and the public,
A farm containing 285 acres, more or less , that they have Jost received t e e, tie F.ast. n
about 100 acres are cleared, and in good cult', moot beautiful aisorttnent of Fall and Winter
nation, the balance being in limber. The int Goods ; enthrseing every vnrietv of new st ies
provements consist of a two.storied dwelling such as Valenti'. Plaids, Plaid 1 fates Is. Oriental
house, with a neverdniling spring tit water nt 1 . 4 . 1411,, . "di , . "aids. Tames. Cloth. Poldinst
the door; Bank Barn, Wagonisheil, Corn cribs, striped and Plaid. timbre striped Delitines,
1)ela Bayntlerc
Spring .house, litnithishop sod ion orchard of
French Merino. Prititeil ines :
good fruit.i Stripe, tm, Argentine, Coburg. oh and Nla•
. dolma Cloths. Shepherd a Plaids. trench Blain-
No. 2. I ket. Bay State. Long and Square Bruehe Shawl
A farm adjoining No. I, 'containing 111. tient.' Travelling do. French Cloths plain and
scree, more or less, about 75 acres are elenred Inner rieisiteeres, Satilleits..l.•ans, Todd, ,le .
and in good state or cultivation, the baloney ot .
..I AOllB 19111, (i.llltit•lS, I;ltites. Tai na,.
well timbered. The improvements consist of t i r 1 id s 1 1 1 i 1
...ii,isii. ...ien...e -earl, .•ii, , ..1.111.11g, ...,
a large two story frame dwelling house, with a die,' collard, Mi1ian,.1,,,1
iin ~.... ',pil e ,' soli,.
good well of water near the door ; a small sta. ~ .., . .(1 . , Low., N.....5...db". dn. , eser , vane. , .d .
ble, mid young orchard of grafted fruit. There NV , ite goods. lIA IS. CAPS and BONNET.,
is also a small atone tenant houseon said fart, 0 1 '''''v varklY mud style.
No 3. , ~‘ e Babe ato .1 stet li of .
A small farm containing GO acres, adjoining i Hardware, Queenavrare
lot No. 1 ;Maim 20 acres tire cleared, a n d the' Boots and :): lees, '
balance well timbered. The improvements i 'Wood and Wilkw-ware,
are a lag dwelling house, spring house and a I which will he void on sorb ferias as will make it
number of fruit trees. 1 the it fere, 1., sill 10 tall and liXillidae.
The above Gums lie within one mite of the . s
...isouteries Cali he I.litl i'l.t, Tiffin the high
location iir the -Niteroi:as Valley and Broad' prig-es wiiieli bait beta al:tint:fined I,erefolo,e.
1 Top Railroad." Any persons desirous of view. i We alidi dent in l'aister, k t,ll. Salt, dial all
lug the above property, will be abuWn the same , kiiet, 01' Grain, ,111. i pease:. Mellows in the:
by either et' the Executors. i briii,eli of trade unequalled by any. We deliver
Sale to commence at 12 (o'clock on said day,l "II kilekstse.or Parrek of merehmelixe Piton 4,1 ,
CHAIM, in the dep... Ul the. broad Top and
when terms will he made known,
JAMES CHEE, 1 ~ . raiiii,i ivonia Railroads.
Ps iS , Sep', 311,':i7.
REAL Esrvirc
h o•moviitg
from , 10 , town uf eby off.%
for sale his entire remaining real e-late, shim•
ted in nod near said town. The property Col,
sista of three separate and distinct dwelling
houses, (including the large and coannudi•
in which the subscriber now resides) ; nil of
which are elligibly situate! in the most de,iralde
and business part of the town.' A detailed de
scription of said property is deemed unuecessa•
ry, an nay onv desirous of purchasing. will, of
course, wish to see and examine for linwielt.—
Two amid houses are admirubly Ineun l and
calculated for stores and tavern stuns,
Also. the subserib, othors for sal, tvu nerve
of rich b ttom or meudew land. situated o short
distance above the mist will of the Nlessr,
Hviffners. This loud' is well suited, :an Joly
to the rising of grass, grain, vie., but i 4 olso
. .
peculiarly adapted to the production of . .. Ch
inese Sugar Cane," au article of recent intriltit ,
thin, which seen. to pritinise ;_renter profit,
per acre, than almost uny other agric.thural
1r the above propery is not sold at private
sale before the 29th clay of December next, it
will, on that day. he 141;1,1 for et le at public
outoy ; and if nut disl,l,,ti of Will 111,1 he fur
rent, lIEN I BIllOl',TEli,
Shirleyshurg, Nov. 18. '57
eus, l'r:t I
[liar! Estate qf Dawson C. Sm. , Is. Sm.,. plait and figured, Cori.
_ ... ,
ORPHANS' COURT SALE ' Flannel, Fel, 131ankets. .e.
: Abu, u large let tii Silk Bonnet,: el the latest
st% e, le, and i.• r 1,,,, ~,,,,, llais lIIId cap 9
Fit virtue or ft second elitts order nt' t lie t ii.pli. w .,,, , ~,,,, ,
nns' Court of flatiiingilun Co.. there will be sold Louts and , hocs, Goi ,, hues. 0,6 1,6,4
at public vetnhy or outcry on the pre, i .i.:, on on , tne,ii,,, to town.
Friday, the 18th at December. 'S7, Ai ,i,,, iii - t v B R. zl, QumEws.
between the hours of 10 a. tn. and 2 1.. ii, , Vu.ariX), Ilitekets, Tubs. liasketi, Churns.
A TittAcr OF LAND, Bum, R.,,,i,, Brumes. lirusl,e , ,&e. Carpets.
Oil Clout! . I. kli mid halt. Sugar, Cettee.
Situate it. Shirley township , Ilu l d i u'l u n t. " 1 ". Tea. ,Nloki—e , , and all goods used.; kept in u
ty, bounded by Juniata River I n the eit,t ;by ~„„„„., ~„„,..
' • '' ' ' ' ' - .
, ....... . .
14 . 11.18 S‘‘isheurt netts on the north; by All,l- old ,te.toniers, and us mime new ones US
wick creel( on the tewth•west ; ht' wets or eau cr0,,11 111 are re.pectlully relliestco to come
Jallll'S .51. BA 0111.11 e 13011111; awl by lands of ...I
Bell's 'wire end Oliver lite', oe the south west, Ali 6i11.1, pit 1..011011 . y ',nolo'. token in en•
emusising .limit
Two II aaaaa !red and Fitly Acres.
more ol less ; about tom liondrell of welch ore
delved and under eultivatinn, having thereon -
everted OANK PAR!
Two Story Stone Dwelling Howe.
with birchen winched, it shone hank barn,
spring haam., tenant house, &e., &e.Ao,
said premises. is au iron ore hank, orchard,
&e., bei, the real catate of Dawson C. Smut,
ley, due . ,l
One t1..1.1 ul the puu•chase money to be paid
. rohtiroiatiou or sale ; and the nt two
equal annual payments, with interest, to be be
mired by the blilide and mortgage of the itr.
clutter. Due swe dove given on Ole day of
side by I:N itY 131tEWS f ER,
A1,,,',, (;1" Jl., tr:oit C. &motley, tired.
rpnE subscriber will otter at public 5td....,
1 THURSItAY, NOVEMBER 2. th. 1, - .7.
Ms fumes uitunted in Morrih wan‘i,.-
ing 257 acres. 250 acres aro under temp, nod
in a good state.uf cultivation ; the balance ii
timber land. - This property is divided about
equid y into two fat ms, weh a LARGE BRICK
HOUSE nail a frame tenant'
.411, 2 ' 1 , how, a large born, wagon f4 ft 1 T. shed and corn crib. carpen..WA
' ter mid blacksmith shops on one
and a cued frame house and burn Oh the other:
good water and fruit on buth.places, and iu a
healthy neighborhood.
Also at Hut same time and place I will Mier
496 acres of mountain land, it/ lOW 01 from 50 1
to 100 acres, to slot purehasers. This laud in
gigwell ,et with thrilty
young ebesr.ta. white u l' ir
and yellow pine, and
oak titnber. and con-
Item*. to the farms, with good roads to and
through the same. The above property is with.
in I mile of the Pentea Railroad, nod 2i of the •
canal at Water Street. For further particulars
Spruce Creek, Huntingdon Co., Pa,
October 28, 57.-1 tn.
DAVID GHU% E odorant the vinzens of
Huntingdon and and the toddle Aen•
eraily, that he huh opened a Glover) Store on
Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of
Orhison's rehidenee, where ho will at oil
tittles he pretatred to hutiple customers with
at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas,
Molasses, Cheese, Spises, Couli•ctiotiaries,
Rants, Salt, Browns, Buckets, Segura, *Nate.
co, At., Ac.; is Met, every article usually kept
in a Grocery Store.
As 1 am determined to sell cheaper than the
cheapest, 1 want everybody to ealland examine
my stock and prices. DAVID tiltuVE.
Houtingdoo. Jut? E 9.
I). I'. G11'17) , .4 CHEAP STORE
I). Grin hat. just return,' from I'hiled.•
Olin with thu largest and must hintutilul ,t,
nortment of
Ika.lll 2161.0 WII2I4ETI IlliTY.i..i
I.ver brunebt to Glinting.lon.
consisting of the most fit:liionaide Gress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen, anvil as Illitch.Silks.
and Fancv, All Veel de Lulus, (all odors)
French .Nferitio, 'dein and printed. timbre wiped
de Lain., hatred and limey de lains.
Cloth, Nlolatir, Shepherds' and
l'rints of every description.
. _
A I,Si t, :t large lot ot dress Trimmings. Frin•
ger.. Wan.,ltulton 6111 w,,
11.ntits, &e. 111,tinei Silks, Crapes.
Glove, Hitt-. Veils, LAN., 111,1 S, 1aid...11 , k
Pot Silk .1 , 1 I,lllell iiiIIIIIke , r111(.1S.
No k Zephyr, Fretieo %I'orkiiip Cotton. Li
Also the Vest and liovest al , sortment or Col
lars, iota tholeisleeves, iu t” - ii. llar'd to l
Plain .lavotiet.
11110 Ni..l . eVii, :OM
11,1 i I.lllrll, 1.111. n Cloths. Nairlsit,-.
us. Undrra. ti
Al,. a large as , oroneat or Waterloo Ita
State W.lOl Siarlc mid Hi a Still. I,
1,1., Cloths, CaN,lllel,l, 'VOA
N'esting, Aluslile., bleached 111111 ui
itleacl.ed. 5111,1,1111, ulid I.llll.W•clise
chimp, lur goo., AL tl o i11,111•Si market price
DAVID j.. I,lll\.
lvtuber 7. 1,7.
The subscribers 'ince twain nqureed (hunt
the East wiih nu euhirged e:ock of
- .1101.LO11'-11".11,1:.
C Y,
6 . .1 1 , 1 , 1,El: Y.
oiLs, tl. l'.l /N7:4.
Coach 7 rim in n fp.
With an endless variety of wtnleru themitions
mid improvements.
11.11Ig ',untamed our goods at wholesale,
chiefly from tonnularturm,, we are madded to
Hook Not, 1.1: en at par Lo•
Skil - All prompt atteir ion.
JAS. A. 1111011 N & Co.
II t tin nlmt, Oct, 28 I 557.
L1V0461.11J1 101% OF PAlll'AEltbllll°
Notiee i$ berehy gkeu that t!.o t, portlier.
slop loretolore existing between the under-igo•
01 under the mime 01 1 . 1.111 g & Owen. has ihls
day been dissolved hp mutual M It.
Young hits purchased and taken sole posse,
sion of the liona properly and books, and he
has assumed the itidebt,•thless of the nume.
All debts due urn to be !odd to Min.
M. 11. YOUNG,
01.0. I'. OWEN.
Broad 's op City, Nov. I I, I sra.
[ESTATE Oh' a , ON. lEe b.]
Al,l. person,;ioivresteil are liert•hy notifiedil.nt
i.,•ttors 1 . 1,1111111,1t11, 011 Ohl VAMP
btllll lir the hormigh 1.11 hin
gratitvd 10 ill.. tin
dersigned, and ell pt.r.,..0. having elnints tte de
mands against 111.1 elute, ere reque,ted to
'nuke known the toot, and persons indebted to
illilko payment to Wm. Orbison, the acting
TII OS. E. OR lOSI )N, I Ex),
nctol•r 2s, '57.-61,
Iron at Cost ! !
Tull s •bseriliers have tat halal a kr., assort.
awht of i•xvedrat ...di, whirl! 111,1
firt tu.h. /ow, 11 , :tit it tali hr ho.l else.
111 ll.r t' .3r
Irish m(a•I; nii von,m:sNa.a. liar td,. .1:
lair alai round 1., iP (4 , 1111/11•ii. Ako
buggy irun, Dial,
.I.oi. A. N CO.
nuntiudiloh, Oct. 1557 —4t.
gale at tiiih Law) it is CaleulatCtt to burn iiuuti
or cum.
IVR IRON at $:1,75 per 100 tbs. ut
P.M% ' 44,4 4 . 4. *Own ip PO4.
TIlk: limiest and chenprAt ntoek of fancy Silk
and culolect Sin, Bonnets in town. le at
ALT, -WOOL, Inemn, Venetian. Liar and
new Carpet. Ala.. Coen, Jute and Alli
cort Mats, eau be bad claw at the more rf
FINUEIt & MuNlt 111111 X.
TIIE greatest variely of the rieheat wk. of
Gmels n it I'i-i eeling,. can always he
found at the litbhionalde Aore ti
Till , . latest and netve.t style. Ladles' enllarg,
1 at Fimi.& 'AlGNluttinties.
Vietorbieti and
by I , l.llLit &
BOOTY. snot S, HATS end CAI'S, the
lereet4 meek ever hronglA t.. inwt, ere evil
leg very cheap at FISULII & AleNluetrme.
pl. A N IiETS. Flannel s . Lie,eys, at all
lJ prices, at the weininoth••ten. ut
I.'!sittAt & lame.
MOrli NI NG Ct,1,1,,\ 11 , , of the liundsom
eat nt)lefijust reveived by
Fisumt & MCInURTRIN.
I)F.ANUTS.-9000 Rafhl•lP Wilmington Pea.
Hula in store awl for sole by
323 or 191 North 3d btreet.
loNFECTICINARY.—PIain nn.l fine (on.
iectionary .11 t, , ffie he
N. 2 , 111.IG.‘111):
323 or 1W North 3,1 hirt , ,,t, Phila..
()RANGES AND LEM 11NS —9OO la , x. Or
-0.1 Le..., laid for oak) lay
W:11. N. SIIU(;Alt1),
223 or 191 N. 311 btreet,
1.01) , ) 11111101 andLuye
klluisins in store nn I
t: taunts, it, :41;4. Not vile,
WM. S111.:t1A1t1).
393 ur 15; 7. , :‘,11 vdimreo, Phila.
LmoNns. wm.NuTs. CREAM NUTS
71 1111 d I• ilLrrisiu st,sre x 1.41 t;,r sole hy
Iy. 323 oi 191 N'tlt 31 st ,
I§\ IVII,I I /
Sept. 9.
A NEW Atilt) 1E11.1;11:A NT SIIIIPUK OF
iVI.II 0111 fi.r sale lit the
xllll 1,1.1) Provibitm Store
FISH. SALT, 1,11:11N. VI.(11:1{. COFFE.E.
'1 . 1111.1(.:( 7 (1, a the hvst q tthiqy evol
grade. OILS, VAN DLLS. 1.1.1 II), CAM . .
1.111•.\E. ;.‘u,,, Date, Tama.
mai, Sive, Sag., Critekvrs
I : wkii
Ullll.lleS tb1111,11011:11'1,1. All it
N% Kiel: mill Le i1v1.0,01 .11.0tt Il.e I,llhUll
Il,ie tor caNli or country produeu.
Purchasers will lied it to their ilitert,t to eel]
itl ...I:1111111e Oar t•tUels hewn: purchasing else•
I,e. as Ise ale prepared to sell everything
ir line Ili nastily.. A 1.1171.F.1,0WE1t that
[.‘ caner estab:islan,nt ul the kind in this lu,
:;;:y 1557. LOVE & :1(.1)1 Vl7
/AI I al YID '2l Li
(10 1 114ING!
A New Assortment jug Opened 1
And will be sold 30 per oent.
just opened ut Lit sture-ruutil iu M111 . 1,1•I SWIM,
splendid .w ,tuck ol Ready
'llolll'l for Fall and Whiter,
whirl) lie gill sell illvaper Lb:lu the same quitlif
01 Canal. eau Ire vurchasol at retail in l'lsilAdm
phut or t* . • the' e,,tabli,t,inukit - the con.);
t" bit Clothing would JI
well.. volt and examine his studs before pule'la elsewhere. Also,
Ha.s, f. ps,
I , ITE utniersigittil °wile:, of the Huntingdon
inform I ' 4llllooB illllllo
1100 1110 y saw have timil• new mill in miming
order, with till the modern improvements in the
wan, wheol, HIM machinery.
.1 . 10 , l 1011, 100 in fill' Of 1110 Improved don•
1:11 .. a1y.,•1ff.,...11, vat Turbine Wan, 11 twels, and can grind in
101,1:11 ~,•, all of 1110 aim during the COldest
r, 11,11111,. any :111 all hinds of grant.
Le 111,. 1111 j`j Thev itre - pr,pared to -441 tool on ht!
„ g , for 0111.• 011 till., :I1 1;10111 I :0 rate, all kintic i lf
Ilaave for .lalt, to t•ottsotto .t. tool the 11101, 1110
10r;11,1 8,:•111111,11i Pill Vl' s: I
languto, I:mrders, FLOUR FEED HD STUFFS,
the L Hued :mates, 11l turn. , ,, cull have their own grain ground,
7. I
Ti n . y „,k "I'd. in IL 1,111111 Iliad, or they Clllll
to a iwW auggi %Pry :U . ll . l:ie utl 11 . 81).21 I, lit IL 111.1elleil 11011C0
"Li) li7.VD"it.
which thry urr 11111 . 1111011.
61.11,11/..37..1 2111.
C. G. 111 . F.SEY c. wl.l
t (Aims. 1.4111, •ttfl,
liar "%gelds fuv Iturbuilkd' Seatles.
I' r. I
.ialleiden Wtt. L ti 111
A uuwtn•r ot
two or three cou dies well lit nu ii2cnct tint
lust... those properly tittuldicil 1111. high. nl
0,111)11.1111111. hey should be of imam, n_t,
itoctligeut, tidetited nod industrious unti they
will make twice as touch ili
illy, 1)1 . tI V 11111r1 . 11116iIIIMS. Add - fen.. (n 1 it p
eueltlsed.) A 1.1. EN, Ilurriskurg, ur iit•
quire 111 Ihi. Atlion's Express utliee.
Au,. I tt.'s7 :loll.*
u I{Y W. u ERMAN, Importer or Freael)
Sidi.. and Geaeral Leather Dealer,
South l'lard street, Philadelphia.
A veneral it.surinient of all kind. of Leather
Morocco, &c.
Al,ll, C D
S' COLLARS & UNERSLEEVES went vuriety et the Omit. t.teee
I.t. I'. CAVIN.
/11.7 At 1 , 114)E5. elicuper at I). P.
'lmo von La had in woo. Cull nod .ee
1 I , lES' I,I{KSS GOODS. of rieli style ,
.4 Mid Vol) of D. P. 1V I N'S.
11. K IiONNLI ill great variety and cheap
at 1). 1...1.1W1N'5.
16 ' ; 1 41 , :z at
i)I)(ITS & SHOES, the largest awl cheapest
LP, at.hurttnent in town, at
I). P. GWIN'S,
Lreed Beef. Ilan's. Shoulders and Flitch, fur
1010 at the cheap Grucery Start al
Prof. Chas. DeGrath,*
ELEC rincolL.
This great discovery is noviereating a great
6011.11011 among the Medical Faculties of Eu•
t . op nod this ettuotry. It will cure' the follow.
log (not everything): Warranted to
Cu, Fever nod Ague it, (medal. Care chills
in live minutes. Cure Croup
.in.. 000
Cure Deafness in two to tour days. Cure burns
and Scalds in ten minUled. Cure Swains,
Wounds and Brui,s in frontline to three days.
Cure Intlammuti•nt in one day. Cure lieur . ul•
gin. Croup, Tooth Ache. Burns. in 10 minuo a.
Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofult. Aliseess,' in ten
days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, Tenor, in
_ acs. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff Neck, S: .; , u,
in nue day. Cure Felons, Broke!, Breast.S,!t
Rheum, in three to six days. Quiver,
Palpitation, Pleurisy, in uu to ten dugs. Cure
Asthma, Puh4v, Gout, Erysipelas, in lice to
days. Cure Prost, d Feed, Chiblains, Chronic
lilieunitoistn. Stift Sore Throat. Scarlet
Fever, mid the lame 1111111 e to walk, by a. few
bottles. This Oil (Dr Grath's) in mild and
pleasant. and is a great family Medicine for
children tectliin,, &c. Ladies should all use
it. It always leaves you better than it finds
you, and our bottle of en curds entirely.
Afflicted nirteen Jiffs
. and Cured in One
Jtipea Tempi!.
Read letter from Rev
Philnd.:ll.llin, June bib. 1856.
. - - •
Prof. De Grath : I have been afflicted fur
thirteen year , with Neuralgia and other pith)
tot eonit.laints. and I have been unable to sleep
soutidly or walk any distance foe tunny sear ,
past. Last seek 1 gra a laltle al your "Elea •
trio Oil: . The - tit, niithr I slept soundly and
and to day I ton like a new man. My
wire 0110 d not 111.11vav her eyea. Your Efee•
trio Oil 1,14 dime innne week what the physi•
ciaos 1'1,0,141[11M r ilr.d to du ha thirt..en
year,. Gratelolly yours,
MO South btheet.
New nave., Mae 19th, 185 d.
Prof. Du Grin!' : My brot h er has era deaf
three years. Artcr trying Lonny thino, be
ed ymr Oil a CI w times. nod it cured him en
There ere numerous imitations arung u{i nn
the repletion that my ardele has aetpured.
The public must beware. They are worthless.
For Hale by John Read, Huntingdon.
A ug.5,',17.• !yin.
IV ill Mat 99 . 1 I S011th• of Third,
• 19111,A 1/11.:1,1' II I A.
Incorporated by the Sae of l'enu
ylva lila.
\e r :c ' :;
mien errry from 9 fa ' l . lo.•k
14; till 7 the ucciiitir, tool
mil till it o'clock
-r .I 1111 paid hnek in-gold
ally untoatit.
AU sum,. lurk
111 111.111111111 %Villtlllll 110 ti
Ikn HENRY 1. BENSER.Pre4iden;,
it, /BERT sEI.IIiII , I4E, Pico
Wm J Secretary.
(.; TORS.
I,2tnilr u th Jlut, ii
Cerroh Itrew.ter,
Joseph IL Burry.
lien. 1.. (11/111.1111111111
Fra Lee.
Henry 1.. nenner,
Hubert Seriridge.
Samuel K. Ashton,
iliimen 11. Smith.
• I'his company confines its linsiness etitii cly to
aiiiisey CM interest. The
M.. 1.111 , 1110111 g 10 ctVel . OSE 3111,L10N AN.,
of (10111,S, I . olllOrllllly with
the provi.ions of the charter, in Real Esisite
tirotand Rents, tool such fir
cs, n. will ulivii)s iwairo.periCet
:epusiiiirs, awl which ciimiut bid
. •
bluoility tJ [:lii I.ttititio7
20, 1856. 111;11.4.5
at ) ;'
e) •
111111111 d quaatity of Fleur mad Brun or chap.
pet! teed.
111 01 . 1111 11111.1 , 11 . 1•11 111.111111:10111,; 1111.1 they will
insure TV It N of Ntilwrior
ty hu.du ;tram iel't :it their mill.
N. 13.—The Buckwheat stones are nut quite
Iluatingdon, December 10, 1856.
ALL. IC/ 7V r It, A rounamt
I Iffellll.l. t.ItUSNI . NFOI{NI
rieolls nod the t 0.1.11. getieridiv. dint they
the Foundry to ion West, ss
owl arc prepared to tartish
et ery Stoves of ell kind.
Ito wood Or cool. 11111irtiVi. , 1
I Illehlting Nullities. tool eterphill i rii. them,:
ling hue oeutly wade. We eau lioislo 1.11 work
thet requires turning hay...,
Ln.h. All work
d ime dwiti, f.r cosh or
tr) produre. 111,1 nietel taken tiir castings. lie•
ing pritetieni and t.xperientted we hope lir strict
iitteotiou to Itn,ineSt4 in roteioe 11 liberal share
of public putronage. fiIt•GILL CHUBS.
A lextutdria, April 29, 1857.
~Jo Loo Cto7/72
Will to to,d to ell professional businessentrusted
to his vitro in the sevend Courts of Huntingdon
county. Deeds, Leases nod Articles of ,Igree.
mem, written at the shortest notice and on the
3.1,0)1e Irma,
April 22, 1857,
hes'. 4.I.4IIIRNETT, while la
-1.1,1 tie it. it itii,•itinatr St•ittlient Aitht,
ei vol tar
Ceeell4, Coble.
iiel•ilti,lll.ll ull inipt,riti,s ul the blood ;
111 , , 1111 eitNv 111111 t•tfeettittl Mink: of hillelin;, the
Iteleeity. Aeleatell by a ilt , ire to !q . o lit ilk
1 , 11111,111::llo , c;,ho will eheertolly .eiel the re
cipe (lave) to 41. ire it, .111 s hill ate , ex
plieit for preparing met suece.fully
using the Alt:tilt:hie. Address
lh:v. C. S.
dal Bruudway, N. 1. City
.1111 29:57..6m,
'JlcC0000lle:own. Pa.
A splendid assortment or Stone Crocks tor ItRUCHA *NI) WOUL 84A WLb, 4a•
. 14 taste by 10. ISIMATE. ' sad elleoP et aP. owspet
ALL HAILi 80111W11:111G FOE, THE MIL.
LION 1 T ! t
o P W O 0';
- • .-
We call the attension of all, old and young,
to Me. %A I nderhil prepirati whieh wins hack
to Ifs. tiginni color..grity Ifair-ecovers the. helot
of the held with a luxuriant grooth—removes
the dandr u ff. itching, cud all olllnneeoq crap.
tihn•—comes a continual flow Md.& naturutßn
; nod h e n ce , it toed en a recut,. dressing
tor,s he heir,
.will preserve its color and keep It
trot,: toning to caffeine old age, in all its natu
ral Iff.,,ut. We cell then upon the hula. gray,
or•rd ill Ned Ip. IQ 11 , 0 it ; and surelc, the
young trill n u t. as they value the flowing locks,
or the witching curl, cvcr le wt alt/et tt. he
pratse is upon the tongue of thoucalds.
° Watertown, N 11148., May I, 1853.
Prof. 0. J. Wood: Allow me in attest the vit.
toes and magic pot,crs of your flair lb , torative.
Three montlos since, being exceedingly gray I
purchased nod,
, soon commenced to use two but.
t.e . ; ; e Ol it s o o n hegno to tell in restoring the
silver locks to their native color, mol the heir
which was betbre dre nod harsh. emit fulling it
now Immune wit nod glowiy. and it v.'s. pl
ling ; the dandruff disappeared, end the seelp
lost ull.the disagrecanle itching SO MI 111/y big
lore, nod uuw 1 nut only look log Mel young it.
guts. Res p ectful)} Itoirs.
011.15. WILL VNEY.
New. York, 0,1.2, IBM.
Prof. 0. J. Wood—liear a,r . Atter reacting
the advertisement in on, or ti, New York four
,,, celowet.,l flair Itenorative. I pH/-
enrol pmt bottle, alid wua t40 . 11. - li plea.
se.' AV lilt it tlntt 1 euntiuned tte u4e fiw 8 months
or. :on ..eti.tie.l it is , luciaodlytlje Intq prepare
belore tlfe 1.11 , 111 e. It At olive reti,uvorl oil
the , ktotrutf end unple,o.tog itching lrWu' the
...tip. and Inv. re.tore.l uty hair naturally. 1111 , 11
11 , 1‘e uu tutu SIJ. You • have per
to refer to Me, tall who entertain any
doubt of i,,,riortning it claimed !brit.
dllSa fII.KS, gni Greenwich A,v.
I have used Professor 0..1. Wood's !lair Re
storative, and have admired its wonderful effects.
It restored my hair where it had fallen off it
cleans the heal . , and renders the hair soft and
smooth—much more so than oil.
Louisville, No•. 1,'55. M. J. ATKINSON!
Siam June 27,'55.
I hone used Prof. 0..1. Wood's Hair Mentor.
pike, 111111 hone oilinired.its wonderful tdreet.—
beweiningt on I thonglit premature
iv oroy. but by the use of the - Restorative,"
it hi,: resumed its original color. and 1 have no
doubt perto.ineutly on.
Ex-Senator United States,
[From the Washington Star.]
Among the moony preparations now in use for
the re,toring, pre,erving and beaottirving• the
' hair, there ,e none that we min recommend with
more confidence than Prof. Wood's Hair lie-to
n:ire. now in general use throughout the itotes.
rids prep .05.,,,010 lion ....t inviaorating
quatilk, ::.' 1 ii,v,r Eats in producing the most
happy results when apploed according to 'three
tions. We refer our readers to the aolverti,-
tarot for a tow of the intutiodrahle certitieatee
which have been sent by parties, who have been
henolitted by it, and who fell happy in giVi . tig we
tioll'olor too or. o , o llllerhil effects produced oil them.
t.i. J. ‘ VOOl9 .0. ( , Q., , ViulorieturS,:ll:lllrowiway
N. 1., & 114 market st., St. lamb., Illistootro.
noel in Illioolillo_olooll by JOHN 111.Alo, Mod 11.
DoIt:MANIA:MI.. mod by 11114 . 9o:4i eve', Where.
Sepi. 23,18,7.-31t1. A1e...25,'57.,1y.
_IA :1-i ; ID iL J'4
1 EG()lt 11 1 ()It
Is nn iii•erwlmly needs wioi is not in
11 pl . 11 . 4•1•1 stole hbalth, Mr the Liver is stoma
only t. , the 111,111 in our human ecomody, and
1011.11 that is ifermit t.s . the whole emit, ll
-1111..*1.1111g. Tl/ iill l l n medieitin peeoliurly
telhin disesse hen lieew the etude or one
nr the proprietors, in it large mid extended lime
tier tio . the pitst twenty visirs. and the result of
Ili. experiment ig the in v igorator, esa neve rs
ng tt In•re medicine hes nay power to
kelp. As u heer 'meetly it has uti equal, un all
testily who use it.
A holy writing, from Brooklyn, neon, "Would
that I (mob! tfto'ress in this short letter the val.
110 t our Invigorator hits been to me in raising e
Loge ramily of children, fot it has never tailed
to Julie,. all ittrections of the stomach. bowels,
or al i!wk., or worlds. II 11114110,8 0111,3 had 10118
ce i o e ii c placed within their reach, toot were
titugla hot Co 11.0 it. u fi,irtul tad untold ailment
el agony might be saved." .
One n our prnntinei bankers Jays, "Five. ,
Mx ye., sinee. 1 Inenil reining 11..
With It liver 11111 . 1(.1dt% ; ieNurtaig t
orat o r, wad greatly relieved, mid enntinuing for
a season, wa natively
A elergylntin exiled at oar °thee, the other tiny
Lt.l sdjii he had nine. a pour woman a haute,
,atteria t : very badly tram Liver Cam
p'n n i. and hoer, site had taken the whole at it
she tau. et work earning bread tar her fatally.
A gem lettanu tt eeory from the West, say.,
while at Chicago, Ile WU' , attacked with n slow,
liti,riltg lever. that battled the nkil, dpbpd-
Owls, hut the Itivtgorator etut ell huu iu a Jew
One or our city tnvr,linnts amid, while A
dit to TrOY. a trw day. -lava, hit Was attacked
with 1.1.‘, 11l and MOlllllOl lllSOrdtln, no 114 to ven
lige him to his room, and tte eent to the drug
aune for n bottle ot Invigorator, tuck cue dyne,
winch relinvtll I no that he cite aide to attend
ins laisiae,s.
Au orymiotance, whase MtNines. compels him
to Zvi ire oio•t of the time, sas 4 cs ho bereme so
wouk ti. t.. ho unohlo ut time. to hold los pen,
will,. ut itlltel S, sleep would overpower halal, but
the liivigunitor cured him.
A genet:man from Brooklyn called on ua a
week to tau since I ,eking but the shallow of a
man, With suill yellow, pale and deathlike. He
h i , I hece fur a lung time [fettering from Jaundice
and I.y spepsia, and unable to attend to his buri
~l\'esnw Lim
110111 to tiny • Changed man
I. to use his exeres,don, ho has not seen the
liunnw et the tint bottle, and further edits "it
lite, tor I wits titst going Wu euntitinp
tire's grave."
Among the hundreds of Liver Remedies now
°tiered to thu public, there urn none we e.tu so
tally recommend its Dr. banford's Invigorator,
ur Liver Re toady .so generally I:110 WO uuw t hru'.
out the Union. This preparation it truly u Li
ver Invigueutue.peutluriug the most happy re
potts ot , all who use it. Almo•t innumerable
eurtnieutes have been given of the greet virtue
ul this otedieitte by 0,000 of the highest stand
mg in ot ol ety, and it is. without doubt, the bust
piviutrubou bow beluyo the public.
isA'Nl.OlO, 5. (0., Propriortorss4s Broadway
York. Sold in Huntingdon
1%1 , 3i•NR.ILL, nud John Howl.
Dr. 0.0. 11. Geiser. i% holes's!. Druggist,
Nu. 140, W uuti ht., Pkttrurii, 11 . 1101(18AI., Agent.
25, 1857.-3 m. tr.
IVA Linen Shirt ltreasat, Beady-made Shim,
white and (alley 4.hirai, mud collate very chasp
at ' GW IN'S.