ffiuntingbon ournat. WILLIAM MMEWEITER, i Eaton ,. UM. G. WHITTAKER. S Wednesday Kornmg, December 2, 1867, IC7P.&.TTIEI3ZI2 WHEAT AND CORN wanted at this ace. Those having either can dispose of the tame by calling soon. U The December number of Kenne. dy's Bank Note Review, published in Pittsburg, at •2 per year. is before us. It is the best published in the country. grr The publishers will furnish "A Book of Descriptions," for 50 cents. Will they please forward a number to us 1 ATLANTIC MONTHLY.—The December No. of this incomparable magazine has reached us. The table of contents cannot be excelled. This book has none of that slip-trap, soft, nonsensical, love sick trash which has so materially lowered the stan dard of this class of publication, within the past few years. in this country. But, on the contrary, the contents of the At lantic Monthly are instructive, interesting, and of the highest literary excellence. It is published by Phillips, Sampson & Co., Boston, Massa. p Congress will assemble at Wash ington next Monday. Tha prominent names mentioned in connection with the Spenkershin of the House are those of Col; Orr, of South Carolina• and John S. Phelpe of Missouri, with J. Glancy Jones of Penn sylvania, es an alternate. in case the con test between the first .wo named is irrecon cilable. The President's Message will be forwarded to the newspapers, after its roe Sing. Or Col. Thomas H. Benton has writ. ten a long letter to the National Intelligen. car on the subject of the Banks and the' Currency, which is intended to meet the argument, of that paper in favor of a Ns tional Bank. The veteran Colonel still cherishes his ancient enmity to Banks and Bank Notes. He urges the suppression of all paper currency under twenty dollars by a stamp duty ; and the winding up of all defaulting Banks ova bankrupt law against delinquents—as a means of paving a way for on exclusive 'mint drop' currency. He ;Atillaving defeated these measures, and hopes, now that an opportunity is pre sented, the party will carry out their hard money principles. Is the 'paper wing' of the Democracy ready to 'toe the mark?' The iteKeesporilturder Case. Ou Monday morning, Chief Justice Lewis read the decision of the majority of the Supreme Bench, affirming the senten ces severally pronounced by the Oyer and Terminer of Allegheny county, in the cues of Fife, Stewart and Charlotte Jones convicted of murder in the first degree The prisoner., declined to avail themselves of a writ of habeas corpus, which the Court tendered, in order that they might be present at the reading of the decision if they chose. The opinion of Chief Justice Lewis is an admirable judicial document. The en tire proceedings in the Court below are re viewed with a calm judgment. The announcement of the• result was a most painful blow to the prisoners. The knocking away of this last prop which had sustained his hopes struck Stewart with the deepest anguish. lie had confidently expected a reversal of the sentence, at least so far as himself was concerned. Not only by his calm self possession hitherto but by his words, he has shown that he was buoyed up by -hope, and did not, in deed he days he could not, realize his aw ful position. The terrible emotion which shook his frame was beyond any previous exhibition of feeling which he has mani fested. He still maintains his innocence of the awful crime of which he has been convicted. Fife was cast down at first upon hearing the result, but boon regained his stolid e quanimity of demeanor, and had little to say upon the subject. lie maintains that he is an innocent man, and emphatically declares that Stewart is also innocent, Charlotte Jones was composed—it is said almost indiffarent upon the reception of the news. She is evidently of a very low order of intellect; all the finer feelings of humanity have apparently long azo been eradicated from her nature by a life of wickedness and crime. The prisoners are now at the end of all legal remedies from that terrible position. Death in prison. escspe.,or executive cle mency, is now their only salvation from the terrible punishment which the law has affixed to murder. Either of these three is apparently impossible under the circum stances of the case, and the best advice for each and all of them is. "Prepare to meet thy God." Ae to the Democratic party, says the Louisville Democrat, they know how the land lien on the Slavery question. To which Pun. lice of the Louisville Journal reponds, "Yee, and the land knows how the Deniocratlc party .kee en tbe Slavery vesetieet." TEI LI/COMPTON CONSTITUTION. However potent the Washington Union may be in other sections of the North to stifle the indignation of the aroased De mocracy in reference to the latest phase of the KSIIOI3 business, it seems to be without influenee in Illinois. It is by this time notorious that the leading Adminis tration paper in that *tate has revolted against the ratification of the doings at Lesompton The next most important journal in Illinois to the Chicago Times, on the Democratic s;de, is the Springfield Registar, published at the capital. This, too, has enunciated its views in the same ' unmistakeable style initiated by the l'imes and to a similar effect. We have heard of no Democratic papers in Illinois being on the opposite side of the question, These two sufficiently indicate which way the wind is blowing. Illinois is the home of S'.nator Douglas, and the Democratic per ty there hes hitherto been led and ' con trolled by him. I. is possible, but not probable, that these two newspaper or gans may have given utterance merely to individual views, not in consonance with those of the distinguished Senator. If that were the case, it could not promise very fair for the re-election of Douglas to the Senate. A vague supposition is afloat that thy utterances referred to were inspir ed by Douglas to serve his own purposes. This is rather favored by the determined and energetic spirit with which the Chi cago Times sustains the position it first assumed, and returns the fire of the Washington Union. The following ex tract looks as though the man who wrot e it felt insured against loss by such a fire: "If the person conducting the Union were a sane man, he would know that Mr. Buchanan would never have been Presi dent, nor any of his cabinet now in office, had the Democratic early in 1856 hinted at the possibility of the people of Kansas being denied a vote on their constitution ! and yet the Washington Union, in its is sues of the 18th, 19th and 20th inst can hardly find words enough to express its gratification that the principles of the Democratic party have not only been shamefully disregarded, but actually tram pled under foot in Kansas. The Union may exult, but the Union is not the ad ministration, and the Union is not the Democratic party. The Democratic par ty stands pledged in every hamlet in the United States to secure to the people of Kansas the privilege of making their own constitution, and that pledge, though a Union newspaper and a cabinet officer stood at every cross road throughout the 6.4 Irtri,idAtiVt.llo WISIC 11F6 m i tsw..d#Prtn man of so much consequence as Senator Douglas to very important in the present contest. With such a leader, the nor thern Democratic members of Congress would feel no hesitation to opposing the institution concocted at Lecompton. But Senator Douglas was looked to with sim ilar hopes at the opening of the last Con grew, and sadly disappointed them. Mr. Calhoun, the President of the Lecompton Convention, was appointed Surveyor General, as one of his friends, being an Illinois politician. In Kansas, he is be lieved to have been the depository of Dou glas' policy in reference to the disputed territory. Thie, however, may be only conjecture. From the Plains—More Outrages by the Indians and Mormons'. The Warsaw (Mo ) Democrat thus aunts up the substance of a letter reoeiv.id by a citizen of that county from ‘a Mrs. Hudleson, written soon after the arrival of the leiter in California Mrs. H. gives a thrilling description of the dangers and hardships attending on overland trip to California. l'hey were hourly in danger of being attacked by In diens and Mormons who. says Mrs. H., range in bands together, robbing, pilla ging, and murdering unprotected trains of emigrants. Mrs. H. overtook one train from Illinois, belonging to a Mr. [lolls. way, which had been attacked by a basil of marauders. His wife and child had been killed before his eyes, he himself badly wounded, and stripped of all his property, including fifteen hundred dal lays. Mr. Holloway's i.ister was along, but during the excitement of the attack she escaped, and driving six miles on niiertoolc another compaay who returned with her to the scene of blood. The mar. deters had completed their work and were gone. Mrs. 1-1. and her company came to the rescue of annth. r train which had bren attacked, finding a woman lying upon the ground with her ecu/p token off Gen. Walker's Destination. The intimation given by telegraph. a few days ago. that the ultininte destina tion of t% Riker and his filihte.ter forces might be Hayti, instead of NioaragUa, or at least in case of finding too warm a re• ception there, may be regarded as not al together destitute of plausibility. In the disturbed condition of afluirs on that island Walker might render material aid to the Dominican rebellion against the great champion of negro equality, the Emperor Faustin, and secure a controlling influ ence in the political affairs of the island. This, at precast, seem. to be a more promising field for filibustering than Nic aragua, where Walker could hardly suti- Sem himself lore-week. THE I SECTIONALISM. The Philadelphia l're,s regrets the pos ' Hostilities bi•tween our Gliv,ritinent From a pamphlet published at %Vasil have kindly indulged us in an enquiry after the sibility of s'seetional vote in the Senate on and Utah have been fairly inatiguritted Moon. by J. S. Brown, we glean some essentials of a sof. education, it is hoped you the confirmation of Gov. Walker, the pro- Of course it is easy to foresee and predict intere.itintr particulars respecting the will permit us to add - further reasons for retain• balsility being that the South will combine the result, hut how great an exgenditure numb• r and variety of patents granted by ing the Bible . a class book in our schools.— And it is believed .r material is more than its sow against him and the North in his of time, blood, treasure and self respect the United States government prior to the sufficient to satisfy all honest inquirers after favor. It save : , will he required, will depend altogether year 1857. The number of titles amounts , truth, that no nation ever has been or ever will • 'Now if there is one thing against which f we have more perseveringly protested than another, it la this calamity of sectionalism. I It was the tear that the Ninth would be consolidated against the South, and the South consolidated against the North, that so largely contributed to put .he Democrats • ic candidate into the Presidency, in 1856. Sectionalism, or a geographical party, is that evil in our system which the patriots of the revolutionary era anticipated with dismal forebodings, and against which Wa. shington admonished his countrymen in his Farewell Address. And it would be a sad thing to sectionalise this country on a ques. I tins like the Oxford and McGhee frauds. It would be a most disgraceful spectacle to I see a public servant repudiate d rind con demised because he had set forth in de fence of the purity of the ballot box, and ' in favor of the principle that the majority of the people should rule ; for, however men may mystify the issue, this is the great principle involved." So speaks Col. Forney, President Buch enan'a man Friday, and his talk is well e nough as a matter of sentiment, yet how is such a state of things to be avoided, if the South chooses, as it doubtless will, to make common cause with him, and the re suit would be a sectional array, growing out of the very nature of things. The only way to avoid this array of one section against another is for one or the other to give way ; but the South will not, and the Press is very frank in saying that the North ' ought not. If the North does her duty, therefore, a sectional quarrel is inevitable. And so it must be, so long so Slavery con tinues to be the great question in our pelt tics. In this case, according to the show ing of the Press itself, the self-respect of the people is involved in sustaining Gov. Walker. A gross fraud or series of frauds is committer , in Kansas for the: purpose of benefitting the pro slavery candidates for the territorial legislature and giving that party a majority in it; Gov. Walker detects exposes end detente these fra ids; the South admits the frauds, but inasmuch its they were in favor of Slavery, demands, that Walker shall be cashiered for his agency in.dukinintr alvt 'hl6! Now, it is not the fault of the North that she steeds alone in such a case and if the result of maintaining her stand should be a sectional division line betevren paries, the fact may be regretted but cannot be a- voided. It grows legitimately nut of the struggle .vhich Slavery is ever making fur predominancy, and he is not a true mutt who does not meet it and act upon it, with out regard to the bugaboo cry of ...Section altars " This absurd fear of Sectionalism in the North (they have none of it in the South,) always leads those who are in the eight to give way to the wrong, and thus this misteeken Immo of ..tuttionality . ' ends continually in plunging the nation into acts the most disgraceful to its reputation The defence of the right is not "sectional" b cause it happens to he confined to a sec tion. Right is right, always, no twitter whet lines of latitude may mark the tern tory of thri,e who trumnujin it. The filet that in all the South no leading mate dare stand up in defence of 11'alker is the strum gest possible evidence o 4 a wicked owl dangen.us element in our politics cud of the necessity that hells upon all tithed sit tens to combine against it, without ree.ttril to the idle cries that [nay result from the incidental runt that a dividing line between the territory of the two combinations i. thy hnundary between the dive Statesand the free. A Man Burned and Another Frozen to Death. A telegraphic despatch dated loon N. Y., Nov, 2:ith, slates that Father Mc- CABE. a Well known Catholic priest was horned to death while lying in his bed the tight before. owing to the clothes which covered him taking fire. The fire was confined to the bed room, and nothing was known of the lamentable afLtir until this morning, when his body wus discovered by another priest who had slept in Wm ad joining room. The despatch states also, that the body of a man, name unknown, was found in the woods half a ;nib. Irmo ihe village that morning. He had perished from the cold. Gov. Packer's Cabinet. There in said to be considerable mane u ' vering in the Locotocii party in regard to Gov. Packer's Cabinet. A Mang those spoken of for Secretary of State are lion. Wm M theater of Barks; Hon. John L. Dawson. of Fayet e; John • Cessna. Ear l , of Bedford, and Thrones S. Fermin, Esq., of Philado. For Attorney General, tin• names mentioned aro the Hon. Gaylord Church, of Crawford, lion P. C. Simon. and A. B. 51cCulinont, Esq of Allegheny and William A Porter and N. B. Browne Esqs.. of Phi!adelphia. Nor Fizzled NGDON JOU THE MORMON WAR COMMENCED. STATI3TIOS OF THE PATENT OFFICE. En Ut.l.l7lNA_L 7 NeOra. Editora.—AB you on the wisdom and energy of the Admin• to 3.768, and on these have been issued be safe without the teaching of Divine Revela:l istration If we are to carry on a "little '24,81)8 patents, which, with the exception thin. Interrogate the history of Babylon and I war," send out at long intervals dribbing of 517 granted to foreign countries, have Nineveh fur the vacated progress Gibe.. sci- instalments of troops, separate our forces been applied for by citizens or residents of I ence, after thousands afyeara have rolled away, i by omavificent distances," weaken them ' this country,—New York heads the list I and every successive sun shedding its beams of i by pr rations, wearisome marches and et American States with 5,864 'intents. nature's light with profusion round them, and t „ ii ‘ e v :e lo pit t ic t lz ii a h n i stv i t u r i t i o the a , n e t d eq tr u a n d r i tn n i:- ,i - d "short rations it may take a decade of Massachusetts comes next, with 3.803, fat to subdue this flagrant and flagitious ,I. wed by Pennsylvania with 2,514; Gun disregardeii thus Diviti7R " e P velation whic l h a' rebellion. necticut with 1,822, and Ohio with 1568. kind Providence sent to us. Ar.d hence, our ' The War Department have received The remaining States have received leas walls mire broken down, our houses are left un important despatches from the army for than one thousand each--Marylund stands to us desolate, and our children, alasl where Utah, including Brigham Young's deck sixth-on theist with 897, and Virginia are they 1" . ration of martial law in the. I erritory, a eigh with 719. Tlw six New England Ask the successors of the ancient worthies of letter from Young to the commander of States mire among the first thirteen on the Egypt, Greece, and Bowe, why they have not' the advance of the United States troops, hats Florida and Arkansas come last, the arrived at that state of p •rfection claimed by s o c , :i t it d ii f s .. a ) s ,, t , li d e i t n 'to ir i ti . I n ( i i i p titzLl i ii.:l n it n . , :ir why Col. Alexander's reply, and it letter from firmer with eight and the latter with ti.ev- Col4ohnstrin relative to the) position of en patents. Ou: of 23.891 patents gran era the o i ffspring of all th ose s i nges of a w nti n g n ti v i . Mints. All tend to prove that Brigham ted in this country. 20.396 have been is- ty. Arid it' they are too stupid to auswer, faith Young has virtually declared war against tried to residents of Free States, and 3.- WI history Iles recorded their downward course the Government of the United States f-le ! 4.15 to those of slave states, or nearly in in blood. 'And you rise from its perusal in has sent to Col. Alexander the following ! the proportion of -ix to one. Among fur deep sorrow, ready to exelaim, 0, take not significant arid unmistakable epistle. sign namoos, Greet Britain takes the lead from tin nor our children, that precious hem, ot lleaven . th! Bible, fie without its teachings all SIR—By ref retire to the act of Co n . with 360 patents, folloWed by France with green passed Septembei) - 9, 1850, (-nivel 193 Canada stands third with 12. Thir ' ' Travel f rom the Blank Sea to the • Indian 0- zing the Territory of Utah, you will find !ty three patents have been granted to per . cean, and from (Aim, in the cradle of human the following: i sons whose places of residence are un- science, to the easternmost part of Asia. Ceti ...See. 2. Antrim it farther enncted thnt known I template the magnificent ruins of Balbec and the executive power and authority in and Of the titles on which patents have been other ancient eider; strewed over these vast re over said Territory-of Utah shiill he yes. granted, that of s t o v es seems t o (tare b een gions, mice so highly favored and so densely ted in a Governor. who shrill hold his of utmost in favor with inventors, as we find populated, and you will find deterioration writ fire for four years, and until his successor qualo.ed, that 1,278 'patents having been issued for ten upon every stone, and upon every hill, and shall have been appointed and in sissy vale,•-al awful realization of Jehov• unless sooner removed by the President stoves for cooking or heating, or designs ith's threatened wrath agaiist "the heath. that 'of the United Suites. The Governor shall for the slime. P1ouole) come next, of ;know not his name." The map of our Earth reside within soil l'erritory, shall be iv hich, far ngricultural purposes, 500 pat , Commanoer in chief of the militia thereof, ! defies the sceptic to lay his finger upan the spot Ac., etc." s eas pare been issued. beeudes six m. , i thud will illustrme the truth of his theory. He lam still the Govern. mid Sitperin- ploughs. - The agricultural department. win fool it still more vain for him to ransack In other respects, shout/. considerable in . the . archives of antiquityfor arguments,to prove tendent of Indian Affairs for the Territory entree fICIIVI‘y 334 patents hiving been that rely nation ever has, or ever will prosper no successor having, been appoint , d and ' sensed fur threshing machines, 2TO for i w it h''' t h'' Hil ' l "' qualified, nn provided by law. nor have I Bat tis not necesaary to prove that the hi, ' chums 251 for wen planiers and sowers, I been removed by the President of the I , ' ' ' • ! tore of our race is a history of crime. That 1.28 for grinding nulls, 119 for cultivators, ,e. : teait 6t . endii.s3 prtn,re.fen, teen w er e in n United Stntes. By virtue of the author 14'2 for corn, s h e lt ers, 176 for grain and ! few etinturi. sufficiently degraded to cringe to sty thus rested in ine, I have issued and ! gross harvesters. 14 7 tits winnowing: inn- ' eruel tyrants, a single one of whom brought forwarded chines, 62 fin. mowing trinchines. Sze Some re venteen millions to his feet, and sacrificed cos into the Territory. lion forbidding the entrance of armed for This you tiny , • of the other princit al ti lee are water hendretis o! thi wands upon the gory altar of whit. Is 366; looms 866. washing machines his cruel ambition. Our Eskrth has been the . disregarded. I now further direct that ' ;11. cotton splinting terichines 207, brick theatre Of SO much crime, and our history stain you retire forthwith from the territory. by *. ed wit h t so i null . blood, i. abet if a pure spirit machines 214, steam engines 217, linens the sante tome you entered. Should you :tinworld.unstained .200, grinding, mills 228; saw mills '228; were sin, and i n e ' en r o n ri m iti l t ' ort t h devil' this impracticubl t, and prefer to re. . ysternius mede .2.9 - ' main until spring in the vicinity of your l' uffi t t ' s --" For Inum fortes, 117 pa t by which an infinitely wise Omnipotent and be emits have been issued and the same mil, nevolent Creator governs his vast empire, lie present encampment—Black Fork on bee for plowing machines, while 114 new would he ready to conclude, that Earth was G po r s e i e t n y ß n Inver — you fi d H o unu so niii i o n n peace. bee flehsest:friii3n3t.tilt:iii.ust:whin:weinbat.c..,hnteLe:unt..de,t r (lung Hutt epece,te meek the King of iie.nyen, .....t... __,........, __ ......„.,.._ ... . , orinting Presses have been nut muted. In o lp r e ii 7, j n i . , k p t i i n f y sn o t , n e e p i n 'o w nl er at o e i l . I : i: ti n:l . : L. I :i n n: e l:n o : Lewis Robinson, aimrterrn.ter General within eight or ten year. Twenty floe that it was forsaken by its benignant Creator, l on actiount of its insulordination W His I:10,3. of the Territory, rind I.ltve in the spring patents have been granted for elr•ctm client ! But do It as are the puges of our history, we ' . soon as the condition of rinds will oral anti magnetic teleoraphs, and seven r ar; out left to trace our engin hackie a deinoU permit rem to march; and should vein fall fort ype setting and CliStrlbUliMZlllllChines. ' n to mourn over a forsaken world. We aim short of provisirms, they can he furnished ••• .. O. ...--...-..-... yon by making the proper application The Small Note Law. 1 find, in midst or a vast doted:at., a few spots therefor. A rose of some interest under the small of eased evrduro u p"' ' II " Lime "del ova lutiithropist may wipe away the fuelling tear, ' (reneral D. fl Wells will forward this ,ti we luiv iil this Slate tans before the Su /la: r i t i: ::: ,. :::::13 P1 :0711:11 1 tr:::::::::: 14 i :H h l: end receive tiny communication nu may prim', Court, nt Pittst erg, lust week A But let it be remembered, that such tax collector with sued, two years ego. f f i k r r ~,„„,•t ; .. ii..,n;rimonitmliy„,,baft.p.lied:l lu t ili g er r e nd th ia e ti l t igh b t „i o ni f s Divine d have to make, . Very respectfully., Illticarsat YoUNO, . t h e recovery of the penalty of $lOO, Governor rind Superintendent of Indian laying out u note of less denomination Affairs. ! than five dollars, on an Ohio Bank. 'l'll,, that great us have been the achievements .n The doughty and b e ili gerent G oet s recr alderman benne whom the suit was i ns ii. hum. learnin, it is only. whrieilusberniirt has also issued a virile!! nail' nutbories tutted gun, judgment in fa vor „r ~,,„ pi a , o eltusiviici or sustained, directly or helre c tly live prudent:llion to his people, which till hie the amount claimed ; but the ilefim by the Bible, thus concludes. dent took an appeal from his decisitio, and ! litt " . " wait t or Y a i ' d iiis. " 'iliv " is p an ! b !' ancient , mai.. have died. Neither their ! Thor) fore I, Brigham Yonna, Clover the matter t lot, came up for trial before . i '''' i wi. "e that fir waal (s. Mi g ;° "' aii ilia nor and SuperintPndent of Indian A ffiti o rs f j , :i n r d y n ' , l;ii r t: ii t c .t. i n n i . ,r •Uu l u i i i. i iid t t h . i f . (u hint ti r .t i !::;) , l . - i n t :I I I: i.:3 i g I, t. magni fi cence, nor learning could wee far the Territory of Utah , in the name the pen d le of the United States, and the , but coun•el for plaintiff took oar) ption to ri l i . :l:e . d i ' fi e' s l' l7ll)) c y n t l re " in hu tl P ie e' t t. h .r l' it r il l ;i "d o " f r" ti l i n !m C il s , Territory of Utah, forbid. - I !the ruling of the Court, nod, making a n „ HI, , h. Si i 11..!. t. a hnieu• fiite, if they disre e ard . First—all armed forces of evert i ! • rte , t lout fu r a now trial, the C mir t .. e t ~,,d,. t'te "higher law." But whet is to be th e , d e .. scripti• n f vin colinfil 9: into this Tertitor ! the' tit ', under tiny pretence whatever ed :mew Th„ second trial resulted like Ai ''' '''" i " g" l i n. '" ''' l'''' Second— rhat ell the forces in FO id Ter riinrt Ittilti ttwinselvett in rvniline•sf+ io st 1110111ent ' s Warning to repel and and 01 such invasion I.tw is hereby dechred to exist to tilts rerrir ry front on I o't..r the I•ublies tint, or this prnchmottion, nu l per,on sitar hr olloweil to intss or re. pass into nr ihromth or from this Terri tory without si permit Irma the proper officer Given under my hand and RP I, m Rrext S. It Lake City, Territory of Utah. this dpy of September. A. D.. evlitve, hundred and fifty seven, nod of the iude of the United Stubs ul nirriett the e*ty BRIGHAM YOUNG All the antecedents of BRIOIIA3I prove• 11:m to he a man of pluck mettle and bot tom. He will r7sist "to the bitter end" with the whole strength and enerizy of a people mode more formAthle nod degper use loy deep r.,roeil Gtnotician. History - --•• -----. "" ruins, S r iii frit,ments of history. Mingled with instructs its of i':e road, bloony end hill. pr 'NO} n , i s '" ,, ..1v , u 1 ' 1, . 1 "Uti 1, .. 1 the fable, we must Olen enquire tins the salutary doe suitizi-i le . ' w h.'. ii 1'i1i...L.. Teal ins w h o a 11 , 1 k, f.rees act 111 ekllliillllliee, the days effect. ot: the oil& upon hu un society, where Iler"*.l. 01. I l:lr sited either site• tie ho I. of of Mornom i'l•-de"::: °'"l l'''' Wu' ore " l u' it has finish them under the most innuspic. ihe chili i s hog ponies fle knows wi It biitiaL nil sir coin.., rid of a thsgran eft,l um] „, u ,, ~i„i i, ,,,,„,„ Unit hi' In the proper head ~r his 1 ,,, 1 ,1,• ; 0 , . , ... roll4ill , l'bigoe -I.", : Doubtless the an of the inhabitants of dint by his indomitable will nil twist he U. S. Sec eters Elected. the lint isit Isles olive enjoyed much that wits door dial is Ilona Should iiiii he re i. OH Stilorti..y lust t ll' IWO brilliCl.s of excellent amongst their brethren in Asia, but ved, the 'ii Brim agelotneration i f diverse 1 1, 1,,,,,„,i,,,,,,. ~i A::„l,, i „, „,,. t i i , Can. Ira." co"He° "'ell' clearly d° l ille.lell by bio ' races. totwiter, habits and opinions. winch mist , tiii it t,t, on the lint hi, , hit , ter , iid tor3 i ., ,,, t i l . e.l i t l i: s t,: v t i n i, c . is t ii i l i i:t y ei s l p l i ir i i: zci . th ( 3 ,,Q orie ti l i t i t t a i, l , AMU. .ly in this—respect nod obedience I lon. U C. CLAY. Jr . to the BellHlo of 1 1:o ' w t ever we do know, and that is, that, they for him--would he at once and Tare yet !he United r.titte n for six ymire ,he no c u p,,, sti p by slop kik, sad, a barbarous iiissilirltrd, a•dl this deluded VI era , lit he dill of Ala rah, IsttO, ,v ben his present emalition. that they were willing to offer their cnine reobsoi bed hue the nations and ho term of efriee t apices. own children in suer five to propitiate their had fowl, r The next move of the nil. Ti,,, L, , ,i,b i lu re o f NI is,e,.iititi 111{9 re. ' (N0411111%1 I{llll wrimehil god, They had bean inalaved by their druid masters, that elected Ilan A. ( 4 I(aows to the U S. "" II:mg ministration i.. inixiiiusly, even impatient ly, awaited. Sesi me, lip n ceiv. 1111 vow. nut of , It'lme t h e eg h "llera scarcely. worth the cote: 1I ti cust not withstnntiiiig, dim he w. cis :quiet. Oa° Thanksgiving day was generally ' eleutly opposed by Bun. !JZFYI4II4O,I DA• 1 Aid before complementing , otirselvep„ too observed io this place.' • ' nib hilitly, Os , our own attsiataests, derived re... • " " " "'" ty! or is twine mainiaarian tlio distant In the firs' ito rivor of the defe.nhoit and „ire to f, •r plaintiff's counsel He...n moved frn o w d ~1 I.ur cities? are qoes I,' This the Court wl' el, ~(, every patr . .oti brenst, and t ease went to the Sz.,, prem.. Court nn six winch eat. only 1111 answered, tli• A.sanzned by plc wiff's j,et V., a honors training. And [nay, havilig lingered 1.. r stone tine. t ril..w.nl verf,...l C dirt below, and ord,•rrd a un•w trail For U'ah. \Vs. leer. by telegraph t Ind the War Depart I char ae ly r i,,,,,,, of p ro „„ men hate concluded to :td.aOt mousuree en w „ w ill Inca our at , a i on t , have for nri,l ni 0,, it —sellii• th , 111111 e pleae , ing iu.to iry, whet is there oh jog tWo 4 . 4)11.114 of milit•.ry fl ins j ct“,.&y, aide!, 11 properly addressed to the recilie side; ono., a nd ono understamling of men is best colriii, t l t limn California. A MINI exeellant imove• rod low!: the Omni o ignorance, and wicked Tho transportation of troops by Sett to Cali- ne.a, which pervaesh ill ~,,t . 0 , 5, f ia and Oregon will not cost a tithe of that give u ta ,„ „ a d h ea l t h y b„,„„k a ta gover „ . attic!. would be mwessary overbind• Ott Ili. and proper., this people for ascertaining hoe Soh Luke City is ucc"ssibi" nut'l v" 11 .'" - exercising and perpetuating that liberty which lie, While on seaside it is perfectly impregini. id the bi rt h r i g h t „revery oust an d d aughter a Ide, stud it the Mormons sire its earnest, u,t ar om ? my of twenty thousand no, ....hi he kept for. If 'lumen science under the most feveurnble et' , nl is. , ‘ 0 three thousand. A 'eirclitostenees wishing the Bible, too been coin, I.v tw.t fortes of toned inodlivicol either to sustain itself or its v•duntevrs einthi he rtvsdilt uld V 11 . 1 1. 1 Y voolr;,..lcahn ; ; I...evidence or its former ea• tsieed. wotdd :five es is rosily preivai• nee, 'ace in the musty records or its own de•noing 1111,, 11 . ..111 . y ilii•se theaslltTs .. . 11/04111,4 111 1 01. 1110 liar 111i1W the fpwrtten, un , i iri yid!' li.r of th. in with, vtiltjt.ctiv are:from such a degraded root, it niiitht be welt to enquire, What the Bible had to slo, or how much we are indebted to it, for the east improvement in the Anglo Saxon, or the An• glo American race. But least we should weary the reader, wo shall suspend what we have to any for the present, and with : yew leave, will continue it in the nest. Nov. 30, 1837 It C. It FROM WASHINGTON. WAHHMUTON, Nov. 29, 1857. The disagreeMent between the President and Oov. Walker is confirmed most positive ly. All the interviews and friendly interven tion resulted intro approach to a compromise each insisting On' his original position. One. Walker confide ra the suggestion made to vote on the Slavery clause, and then refer back the remaining part of the Constitution . by an act of Congress, as complicating the question arid aggravating the difficulties. Ho is in fa. vor of meeting the issue in the present form, and avows the purpose of opposing its accep ts.ce with all his iniluence., The President is .equally determined to sustain the Constitution regarding it as the, meat practical morii of reaching the conclusion. 'lie will tusks it a t in the party. . . . . The forthcoming Message will eraplirisies these opinions, the President being ineone aged thi.reto by the promise of the united sup , port lit ' the South: He will not remove' • Wel. her, being content mitts censuring his positive. Walker will not resign, but will remain bra to cotitest the point before Congress. Serator Broderick openly avows his general opposition to the Administration, and letters from Senator Douglas look in the same di. , reetiod. with qualifications. Be Will reach bore on Tiv'sday and speak for himself. Mr. Plitt will get no appointment hero. The President says lien. give him none equal to his present posit i3O in Philadelphia. • An attempt may be made to totroducelCau. Has into Detonoratic caucus before proceeding to nominations for Speaker and Clerk, owing to the unexpected phase the issue has now as sumed. If so. a split Is inevitable. Power. tut influences are being exerted to prevent such a movement, the lenders fatting the struggle and its conrquences. Mr Phelps. of Missouri. will bo Chtamau of the Crmnitinee of ICay3 and Means if Mr. Orr is elected Speaker. Doctor Foltn, at' Petomlvanis, will Juper. cede Dr. Whelan, soon, as the bead of the Medical Boren, • It is understood thavSeitator Bates of Dela. ware. will resign, and that . Mr, Comegys, the former incumbent, will be appointed by the Governor; with the approval of Mr. BaYard. No Legislature is to be elected in' that State, for two years.. • .. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, FLOUR—Sules to the extent of 10,000 a •11,000 Weir arc reported, in all, at $5,25a5,31 for shindard and better brhneint $5,25 tip to $5.87i fur coiner, and $5,85a6,75 for extra family and fancy lots, as its quality; the bulk of the sales were of extras, et from $5,25 to $5.81} fur ehmmon to choice brands; the mar• 0,,, ti0c0,,,, dosed drill at the shrive tgures. The home demand hos been to a fair eittent, within the mere of $5.25a6,00., for 00111.013 brands and extras, and $6,250,25 for fancy GRAIN—Sales resehing about 30,000'bus., ill lots, ttio ; stly for milling,. at 120a126c for fair to print.• reds. chiefly at 123al 20e , afloat, and 120s1:IZie fur white, as in quality; soma inft.riur lots have also been disposed if at 8a toe per bush Cie has been in request and hear, at an advance, and all offered, some 2110053000 bush found buyers at 76c for southern, and 751;80e fur Penna, fleeing et the latter figure. Corn coined in slowly, and prices show a further improvement, with sales of about 20,01)0 bush to notico at 80a81e for 1)1(1 Yellow; 7131180 e fur White; 56465 for new Yellow. an to condition. and 68a70c for old and new mixed. Oats are better, and about 27,000 both have been taken at 35a370 for Southern and Penna. Ole quote to day at our highest figures. glarriW snout Onitt —On the 19th ult., by Soloti a Ilamer, ,Mr Henry Hintt to MINN June lint:•worth.-ell of Lek., unit nobly. Huntingdon county. DUFF'—SAXTos tide borough, on the 14th tilt.. livliev !lurid Schnell, Jona than Du IT, Eq., of I'nntiuc, 11l , to Mies I a limo h ton, of Hum ingdou bore.' Accompanying the above announcement was a large and excellent cake, to which ail hands dal imple jumice, and for which tie 'return our thanks to the happy couple. May they be happy. WS —ln thin borough, on the ..:7•11, alt , by David Snare, E=ti , Mr W. Fought to Sir. Muria Kew, both of the B .rouutt of Huntingdon Kean, • Nl•uartELs . On the 19th ult., by the some, %Ir. Curtis Kerr, of the.bor • nu2ll at Huntingdon to 4 ./harlotte Mum-4s of IA ((Hier towtn.hip. NLW A1111.14181:111ENTS. ASSIONZVS attrAr. The uubscriber will otter at public sale at Marklesburg, Huntingdon county, at 1 o'clock, I'. ..or satbrday. 1911 i or December, 1857, the entire stook and fixtures in mid about the MOM lately °et:tided by David H. Campbell. The whole will he sold together. Persona wish. Mg' to purchase, can examine th« stock it the meantime. Terms of aide will be made known on day or ado, or previou.ly, on npplieation to amen!, emiber• JOHN H. WINTRODE, Assignee of David H. Camphe' 11. Dec. 2, 18.)7.-31. STRAY PIG. Came to the reaeleaue or thesubaeriber, 1.,.ut the Ist of Au_ust, a white boar, supposed io weigh about one hundred pounds. The ow. ni 0 is requerqed to come torward, pay charges, prove property and tube him away. - ELISHA SHOEMAKER, Dee. 2, 107.-40. Lt or' DR. WM. GRAFI - 17S, DRIV:7.I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nulieu in hereby given, that Letters of Ad. miniairation un the esotie of Dr. William Gra. hue, lute of Purier tuwinittip, deo'd., h ave b een to the undersigned. All persop deloed to said estate are requeeted to make irstr thedielevityntelut; and iliose.hatrizi present them duly.eUthentief t red, to HENRY GRAFIPS, Adm . !. Duo. 3, Wet -a.