Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 25, 1857, Image 4

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AHOMESTEAD FOR slol—ritirl
—310,00 11 worth of Farms and Poilding lots,
in the gold region of Culpepper county, Virgin
ia. to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers
on the 7th of December, 3857. Subscriptions
only tea dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one
hall down, the rest on the delivery of the deed.
Every enbactiter will get a Building Lot or s
Perm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000.
These farms and lots are told so cheap to induce
settlements. a sufficient number being reserved.
the increase in the velus of which will compen
case for the apparent low price now asktd. Up
wards of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold.
and a company of settlers called the "twee
hannock Pioneer Association" is now forming
and will soon commences seta meet. Ample
security will be given tor the faithflal perform
once of contracts and promises. Nearly 45,000
acres of land, in different parts of Virginia, now
at command, and will be sold to settlers at tram
$1 up to $3OO par acre. Unquestionable tit/es
will in all cases be siren. Wood-cutters, coop
ers, farmers, t l•c. are wanted, and live hundred
Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most
liberal inducements will be given. Some agents
write that they are making 200 dollars per
Month. For full particulars, subscriptions, a
gencies, Sec, apply to _ _ .
Port Royal. Caroline co: Vft,
Or, to OECI. liEnciamusaeli, Agent, MIS Creek,
Huntingdon county, Pa.
Sop. 16.-Bm.
40,000 rots u 'e2l, s ,:efi„nre'vac"„ d son atr
usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and
many of them at half the Publisher's retail peke,
the subscriber now offers to the public.
All school books used in the county can be
had in any quantities at retail and wholesale
rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping Paper,
wholesale or by the ream.
100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and Cold
Cases, trom $1 upwards.
100 Pocket and Pen knives or Rogers' and
others' best manufacture.
100 splendid Port Mounaiesand Pocket Books
at 20 en, and upwards.
the latest and prettiest styles, just received from
Philadelphia and New York, prices from 10 ets.
a piece and upwards.
300 beautifully painted and gold giltel Win
dow Shades at 44 cts. and tipWardS..
The public I aiikbat to call and examine, to
he convinced the buying of the shove stock
they w II be pleased and also save money. Re
member the place, corner of Montgomery and
Railroad streets NT NI.
nunfiugdon • I=--
• Wiab
I thod of informing their mends and the pub
lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful np
erntion, and are prepared to furnish ettstim , of
all kinds, of the best quality on th , shortestno-
tire and most reasonable terms.
Farmers are invited to call and examine our
Ploughs. Wo are manufacturing the Hunter
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the
Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855)
also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which
can't he beat, together with the Keystone, Hill
side, and Barshear Ploughs. Wo have on hand
and are manufacturinz stoveg, etch to Cook,
Parlor and °Mee stoves for coal cr wood.
consisting of Kettles Boilers, Skillets, &c., all
of which will be sold cheap for cash Or in ex
change for country produce. 01,1 metal taken
for new castings. • By is kn.,. ..........-
neFs and desire to please, we hope to receive is
share of puhlic patronage.
April 30,
for Me at Me
wll.l print co;
,Tou rand Office.''
ppuintat of Referees, Common Bond,
Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes
Summons, Vendue Notes,
Executions. Cunstabli's Sales,
;ieire Fueias, Subpcenus,
Cetnp:aintB, Deeds,
Warrants, Mortgages,
Commitments, Bond to idetnnify Constable, kc.
THE library will be open every Saturday af• Portable Upright sienna Sart-Mill.
ternoon, at 3 o'clock, in their room in the Thi„ m ill i s no ,. „ e k now i e d,,t t o -. the
Court House. Subscription 50 cents a year. cheapest, most prnetixil and efficient ~:, 31 her
New hooks bare been added to the former ex- manufac turing muebino in the world. 11 is the
cellent collection:—Gilltillen's works, Hugh only portable reciprocating mill that has ever
Miller', Mre. Ellet's &e. met with perfect seeress. Its entire Cos., with
By order of the fifteen horsepower, warranted to saw from three
President. to four thousand feet of in , h boards in twelve,
nnittingilon, Oct. It 185 f, hours, the entire e.,tatilishment compkte • ready
for running, is but $1,650.
300 KEGS PAINTS. zto,:s9 Portable Barr-Slone MM,
for which over seventy premiums have been
White Lead, (pure) $2 70 per kef. awarded in this country and Europe. It will
.' " (extra) 272 " ' 'rind with less than half the power, and make
Philadelphia Zinc Paint, 240 " " tettor dour and meal than any other mill. It is
Best Snow White, 268 " " I the most durable and cheapest Mill in the inn,
Oils, &e., and all kinds of HARDWAne and het.
building materials in proportion, at the .Ilard- I P r i ces range f rom 5100 to St 70.
ware Store" of J. A. BROWN & CO. Portable and St t tionury engines, of all aiaos,
Iluntingdon, Apr.8,'57.-tt, shingle machines, he.
Dealers in Improved Machinery,
No WTI Broadway,New York.
. Send for Circulera.
.-- - -
• - -- ;
Pills, for the borough and county of limiting
iies t?..45 WITNESSES' ; don. All orders must be addressed to him.'
44 int rile ; lie will supply deniers at the proprietor's pri. I
FA tf. .n..- ces, and mid the fills to ladies (confidentially) gl•ave.
t' T 9110 'T B 04 : 411 Ple ... —...-," Iby return mail, to any part of the United Stales. Seliotbuse is another formidable enemy to
'tss John S. Dye, Author, health, tor nothing else in the dread entalogue of
itle '"" ''''' 'il" " I. Si ' " lick)" 41 him illr "g b ll ' bemii„ disease' • s so destructive a drain
Cheapest (t Job Printing" Office v, ~,, has had 10 years experience lis a Bank- !looting don post (Alien. For further part iru „„,;„ ,i,„ 8 ,,,,„„., b , c d u a .,:a L , i t , tt iousa ,,i, of vie
t er and Publisher, and author of “.,3 series of
Ears get a circular a the Agents—sold by tiny- ii;,',.d; ro - 41 . ‘ ,, - ; - ,,,47,f mdr o ri, d own to on
IN TH E E oil NTY„ i ,- Lectures at the Broadway Taliernaele," when , 0,i ,, every,,,,,,r, .
untimely grave. It demroys the Nervous sys
s e,-.... my sig n ature i s „ r „,„ o „ end , i.„ . tom, rapidly „,„„a „way the o„„tti ea o pir e,
We hare now Marie such arrangements in our THE TRUTH Annul , KANSAS. *greeted him with rounda of applause. whil e !
J. DUPON CO, causes menial derungement, prevents the proper
Job Office us will enable us to do all kinds of 1 6 ' Ile " bil ' lted the ! """ er i " " II" " ' ln " - I
@We iffiB2lll , :iti . loiters Vicente their frauds and the sun RI and Broadway P. 0., New York.
development of the m stem, disqualifies fur toars-
Job Printing at 20 per cent. I riiii , e, society, business, and all earthly hiilipj-
ADMINISTRATION IN KANSAS „ishortest'nicans of detecting ' them !. . I Ju1y29,',37.1y.
tie: s, and leaves the sufferer wteektif in body
cheaper rates The Bank Note Engravers all say that Ic '
I Largo 12mo. 348 tinges. R'ith a compit•te Ins- * • ~,,, ~,,,,„,,,s ,
~,,,,, 0, fa r ce mi ,. i •,.• JOHN It. ALLEN h. CO. tool mind, oreilisposed to consumption and a
Than any Uftice in the County. tore of the Territory, until June. 1857. Ern- , iii ' l- ,i - . --- , -- 1 . - f
~, • " m g' , NoS. 2a•l lb Ears t7T Sr., teth side below Witter train of evils more to lie dreaded than death it
•,,,,• cote. I d i sco v ery o the pro"uit century ,
Give us s cell. if we don't give entire silisfac - t " . "'"g " fuII a """ nt " f i " oisc".""' gee 0 " O f r detecting Counterfeit Iddik Notes. De- I PHILAUELI'HIA, Fed: With the fullest coufidenee I assure the
tier, . charge at all will be made. raptly, soil, climate, products, its organisation .„_.,,,,,. . • Lil l • • . ,! ( The 01,7,,,d ir oo ,;.,p o p o llp sh i m i. i n .th e c; i 0 m I'm-nu., , ictinis of Self-Abuse [hat a apeetly
ei t o g ti.ery genuine In eXn.CliCe, and •
as a Territory, transactions and events under . ~exhibiting ns „ glance ,!,,,,,., e ,„,„„„ ici , i n IiANUFAGI UIIERS AN If WDOLESA I.E ai.d pc:insolent cure can he effecteil, and with
Jolts' Scovv, SAMUEL T. Blows Governors Reeder and Shannon, political dis- at
, l ~.7 cirettlntion !! Arranged tnt . ittlinininly, that hi 1,0,v,.., to pot.. Machitii.ttutde Promos, the etettei ~,,, eel! , et ruinous practices my Pe
- sessions, personal encounters,election 'reties, ' P. r ,,, rreii ,,,, i s s,i,„. and ~,,,,,,i,, i n .,,.„„„", „ 0 „„ 1 , ,,t i . 0 t tit o oy e d Cedar Ware UVITMItr iI hol (0 tan'. eau 1,0 restored to rithast. vh.orotts health.
W... 5 ®V If ,c . :3 @ ill gal 'i i 0 battles a. outrages, with portrait s of promi- , 0 --S
! , o s eti'No duplex to examine I 1; ', po pes to ; Arink, SV ~,,,I & Willow•v i r;, Cort l l i s, B d ruslies. i •lt " T '. :, "'l ie utc e e ,,. "uii° 7!4 g l ii : a "ll 74% "f ..
en : ect ( w' the ' r e ht t. ' l ' ki "" thentie ""' ' 1 itnu ! But so Fimulitied and arrtt; • ed . & fII descri p tions.
Attorneys at Law, by 101 IN 11. G1110.,N, 111. D., Private See'y
Huntingdon, Pa., to Gov. Geary. 2 that the . Merchant, Bank, and business stun i„ c 0 ",,,, ' our slac k , '' ca and
""'"'• ous .arts in the columns of the public whits
to cat c h an d rob the tine ary ~atior,,,, t h o , mil
..ean nee all at a glance. Eitglish, Preach mid F,l ..- t-••• 1 .
Office same as that formerly oeCtipind b,. John Carefully compiled from the official documents 41 German. nos each may read the ',MC in .1. '•-••' ' l ' ). lions linvc their constitutions ruined by the vile
Scott, Esq. . on file in am department of State tit Washings ~,,o p ounde of quack decors, or the 0,1.4 poi
: las awn nett, c tongue Most perfect Bank ' • Antiphlogistie Salt.
Oct. 19, 1853. ton and other papers in the possession of the GO Note List pubilslold. ' Also a list of all the , 91 t 11, V.llOl, ncstruum vended as "Patent Medicines."
author, with a full account of "The Invasion is , Uri t . t to Banker. isi A mer i ca . A como t ete ' , Thi s ce l ebrated For i' for sale, et the carefidly analyzed many of the so-culle !
lalla s , •,,, la i i illll , l "f Kansas from 1 ', 1i ",.. 1•: :" t h e ca l 4are, T ri al ." 'tinier •of the rinoooo or Fero a noel A- 1 • ' ""r"• " 'I" • P"r " ll I"°"""""t"Y diseases Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of
- and treatment of toe .iree State prisoners the
! CII)' n 1- . t eriett l ' i. ill be peblished in caste Atkin, to-
ATTORNEY AT LA II; character and mOvornents of . the Missouri Our- ! . , i , 1 , ~i i n ' L e r?, i; i , n , ,, c e tl i c • (;:: a Ia• ‘ c . 1 d "I i t , Ye them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one
of the strongest preparations of mercury end it
. t s ether with all the I mportant news of tha day.
Willattend to all business entreated to,him. Of- der Ruffians, the murder of Butfion and others. Im Aisci „ sari„„ of talcs, ------
from air old klatiuseript TiiMpOariyA ritir intiCq i iirrel 37 rsfiz /
- . -,. tiCAIII poison, which instead of curing the dis
hes nearly opposite the Court House The Controversy between Governor Geary : ' g allon. in the East, it furnishes rho most com- . 1'..... f ' i gt/{.147....,;.1 . zutsa • :1 o case disables the system for life.
May 5, '53 and Judge Lecompte. The proceedings of the
.!...t ... plete History of "Oriental Life." Denrib- , 'Three -lintrtits tit the patent medicines now in
_ _ Toy:Burial Legislature, of the pro-slavery con- Clittri SUR rgrltEw use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant per.
l '''itti.: tho most p er positions in which
Dr. John McCulloch, venison, and the organization of the Deemer.. Ile the ladies and gentlemen of that Country And all Dinases of the bungs and Throat, 1:01,,, who til, not understand even the alphabet
tic Party, with a “Sketch of Kansas during its 1 , have been so often found. These stories will ALE rOsITIVELI • of !emeriti, medico , and are equally as destitute
(Viers his professional services to the citizens or „ n a y Iroubl,„ under G oys. R oe d er and Shan- l ''' until'. dim bout the whole year, and will CURABLE By INHALATION . a any knowledge of the human s)stein. having
Ulluntingdonand vicinity. °thee, on Hill st., ucn:w It invasions, battles, outrages, murders. ar, rove the niost 6 entertaining ever Pircred to Which convoys the reined'. to [llll cavities in , only ono object in view, and that to make nom
between Montgomery and Bath. Acm will be sent to .y part of the United sae' s ', p „bii„ . Me Inegs through the air passages, and coming 'ey re mills„„ of consequences.
Huntingdon, Aug. 99, 1855. States, by mail, free of postage, . receipt of A ('.l Furnished Weekly to subscribers only in tlirret t•Olitact with the disease, neutralises Irregularities mod all diseases of males and
-- . .___ _— the retail price. A libetaldiseount to the trade. sett,,, , „ bercular matte, alleys thr . couch, Cllll., fi Indies treated on principles established by
'ear. All letters must be addressed to sithe te
IireCOXINTBAIr MilllUsiliA; can buy ilF s r item agents wanted. Price in . cloth $l.
CLOTHING from mein Huntingdon at Whole- Paper , 50 ens. ed .1011 N S. DYE, Biwa., Pultikbee & a tree mid eit..y expectoration, beak the lungs, twenty :tears of practice, and sanctioned by
purities the blood, IIIII.:ITIS 11111.(..ti litatilt,y M the thousands of the moat remarkable cures. Medi
:Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, Nov York.
sale as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have GHARLES C. RHODES, Publisher, c:i A pr il 22,1857.-Iy. • nervous sy,trin. giving that tone and Clergy ,11 eines with full directions sent to any part onto,
a W holesale in we ill Philadelphia. Inquirer Building, Philadelphia. ~
__ indispeloadde tor the restoration of health. To United States and Caned., by patients conimu-,'55. H. ROMAN. --- . ._
be nble to state ...only that Consumption is ideating theil symptoms by letter. Business
BLANlLlirwAlways buy your Blanks at the „. DR. J R. HUYETT liiis. at. Llaaagicort, Dialrgia„ curable by inhalation. is to me a source annul- correspondence strictly confidential. Address
loyed plea- are. •It is us much under the e• n- ' sl . SUM 11 E R V I L L E, M. D.,
Sc Journal Office." We have now prepared ase -4...• ' DENTISf : teal of !manual treatment us tiny miler font.- OFF I CE, No. 1131 1 , 11.13k.HT Si., (Old Ne. 109.)
ry superiorarticle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, D.Z.NTISIR: ' able disease ; nicety out of every bemired ca. Below Twelfth
J UDUMENT NOTES: SUMMONS', EXEC G ALEXANDRIA. lIUNT. CO., PA. UUNIRIPLAUDON, P.A., ties este. tie cured in the &at stape s and fifty per I '2HILADELPHIA.
TIONS, &C. April 1. ic , '7. -l- June 13, 1867. 'en , . in the sareed : btu in the third steps it i; Ang.s,'
CONSOLIDATfoN. I .111P7 To 15ii. , 1.1i,.L...,'
Vii.:.i.)l, ~/./•••`:.....• ...
•• •
of Physician,' A A 1 ..
. Pr. Hardman, Analytical - 1,
.1 , L , :: - fr )
( 11l N L II
EMERSOAPSMAGAZINE , ~1 , I .' i. i • ii. 2,. • , ~,
a Physician for Diseases of the Longs, Throat A ND FRENCH
! and Heart—Formerly Physieian to tbe
... „,5,,,, pd - 27ti. , 11 ; 7%
40,000 ,ahseriberc to start with ! Extrnordi-
" !"' ' ! hil 1 i ' ''''''.
'LI STON • tt
..., „fr..: T! e I , ,, , dis,her„ „ T .. ;,,,, N • to an- ! Author of `•Letters to Inv.tiiiis," Id COMIN I I.
.. ., . .1' - - '. ,- -ii. ,
n•onice that in the i.,.,iin of these favorite Mag- .
sabres, the best.liferitry and artistic talent of See billowing Card. '
iirlAiliFy.A.i,..tilfts.J , Jt LI >
Loth pubikati,,,,, has been secured, and the December Appointments. ! corner oi• uorwootowo Road and .Near Market
most nttractive tentures of each will be retained
in the connolidated work. Dr. Hardman. Physician for disease of the
Lunge, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma- I
, Street, on the North Pennsyl . vanin RaiL Rona,
It will aim to present in its pages the choicest „,..,__,,,
...,„ ~,, in
et h . , ,
er the fol
-1 Constantly on hand Or toroth to cod.. , .
productions of American thinkers and writers, ! vinereetes'eT.tlelii"elir,, will `'
! lowing highly npproved Flour Mill Machinery.
and the hest efforts of American artists.
I Huntingdon. Jnelson'a Hotel, Tuesday, Dec. 15. Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Smut
It will be purely national in its character ;in , T,ewistown, National Hotel, ' " 16 i
• : Machine,.
its (Thiel am* it will aim to he just find truthful ,,,,„,, leyshera,
" IC 1 ,
end will be careful to preserve mid cultivate 1 '' lobnaton's Patent Iron Concave Than Des-
Dr. Hardninn treats Consumption, Bronchi-', ,
r „ .
that welcome moral and relignma tone so high- , ti,, Asthma, Larryngittis and all diseases of rho., tare.
p aten; F oo l Satiny Corn Kilns.
ly cherished by the A nier i,„„ pu bli c, „ n d so I, i throat and lunge, by medical Inhalation, latelfl ~. .
sential to the welfare of the race.
Patent Barrel Iloorand Moulding
of ~,, ,
used in the Bromten Hospitnl, London. 'rho ; . te . rnoll n - !
We in'all endeavor, 4 n ' agneinun • nne - - --- ! , grant ' point in the treatment of all human male. ‘ 'Mach .
extensive resources now at our ciiii viand, to dies is to gct at the disease in the direct man- I Improved Bridge Steps and Hushes for Alin
make a Magnaine that, in the richness of its li. I
Itier. All medicines are eStiniatcd by their fie- ' Spindles.
revery contents, and in the beauty and profuse- I tion
tit,. the t twin requiting
tend .. This is :
sass of its pictorial illustrations. shall outrival
the itnportant fact upon which Inlothation is h.n. ' ,
fliv best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr .1,
any publication ever before produced in this
I sad. If the stomach is diseased „-, take : Calico Mill Stones. Coen, Cole and Plaster
, medicine directly into the stomach. lithe lungs (.,,,,,, ,,er5.
The new issue commeneeswith the OCTOBER
,! are disensoil, breathe or inhale medicated vu
the ; (rushers.
number, which is now ready. t i RI e
1- n -1-11 with , pots directly into the lungs. Medicines are the
choicest productions of some of the most 1 ' Joh t Vs Patent Coat Me ta] Coil
antidntes to disease and should he implied to i 1 . 8 o, ____ .
brilliant writers of the lay s and is embellished I
seat of disease. banana. is the np- 1 ,, , ~, ‘...,7.. , ,,„,,,,,..
o itlt forty-fair splendid engravings. It ', l " e ",,, re , plieniton of this principle to the neattnent of '• .' , _,I , • •. , ...,Nt..l LI L....V.if,i
''.., 1....1- ,I --,
inn new the "' ena".•tan'' an e ' e g ent e ' ssi `''' ! the lungs, for it gives WI direct access to those i 1.;„ , - - . •. Ohio and Alississip•
design on the cover, amt. the entire work pre- .
intricate air cell, and tubes which lie nut of pi !livers.
Set. the most attractive appearance. It is pro ;
roar' other
naiinisteri ,, g
" Warranted le take nut or the offal of every
nnulleed by all who hate seen it no be the most reach
medicines. The reason that Clonsumption, and
beautitul specimen of n klagazine ever issued in Bushel (?round, from 1 to Ili lbs. of standard
! other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re-
! sisted all treatment has been because the!. hail •
I flour, which could . not be bulled out . necount
$8 n year. Club Price, so
adhesion. ethe ran.
C the electricalt B
never been approached in a direct 'vaulter by ' 0
Single Copies, 23 Cents.
'l'llE GREAT LIBRARY OFFER. medicine. They were intended to net upon the
The combined issue of oHmer,,en,, Magnin° nottins
In gs and vet were applied to the stomach.— , NOTICE t—l hereby warn all persons ~ t
Thar action was in tended to be local, mid yet, i infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa
and Putnam's Monthly" starts with n cirenlntion 1
a °Y.' FORTY Tueue'4l' espies, aril we fir° they .
e, were so administered that they should not , tent above, as I will prosecute all persons
i tict vonsthtutionully, expending i mme di ate and I nothing, selling, or using any Bran Dusters
determined to spare no expense in any o f its de- , „wipe) union upon the unofiending stomach, 1 with an Iron or Cast Metal. Concave in vii -
t it at the head of American ;
wi .,, ,, ,
the the ,
ilit, Legs
klagazines. Witli this view, we now make the I '" lotion of the Letters Patent of Joseph Joh,
molested. Inhalutio» brings the medicine in
5 ,,,,.. Anted April 2 ,,,, , ~,,,,.
following extraordinary otter t T. onS Parson I di rect e ( mta,t, with th e dle.l;e, without the 1 ''' '
who will get up a club of twenty-four suliscri-
H. ___
~,,,,,.. ~,..,
~•,,,ti. ,'THOMAS B. WOODWARD, Proprietor.
N. 13 -:Stio i 0..! Count, l'at,nt Riglas I:,
hers, at the club price, either at .e or more ! l.l.frtsillil,"„"it;;lel,
that i ' , . , , , 1e 0 r l he
. .., , ' ,,1 : 10y .: .. : 1 ', 0 ' 5 , . , , ,,,, 1 .
post-calicos, we will present a splendid library, ! “‘""
~.„,.„ 1 youngest intent or feeblest invalid. It does 11 , 4 i all the ul.ove . a, t.,,.. . ..
consisting " r ' n ' T L ' n " n '''''' ) '''''''' 1 ilerange the stomach, or interfere firth, least de- ! August 211, !}<3u, t,
embracing the moot popular works in the mar
l grsy with the strength, contrurt, or business of ,
bet. Any one, with the October number as a , the ..,..,„„„,.. HERRING'S PATENT
specimen, can easily form such a club, in al- 1 ~r,,*.., 7 .', „..,,,,,,,.... „........._....._,..
11106 i any section. A copy of this untiier, to- ~..,.'..."i l i a , ,s4 t t" g sl 'e l ' e 'l ,es . , . e r. i 4 t i.:,' ,she il i " . l e, : i i i . i ' l l; i ' i " . , . c
gether with a list and full description of the Li- , ``' ` ue
t iil with 1n r il'ictions exkting alone, 1 ul , o I nrap, :, ~j 4 , d .1) 't . j i
•forwarded•receipt ,r r cents ,9" `.• " 1.... ' •• . , , , ,
'racy, will on ' ' • I invite cimsultutio, I usually find , C lll pronlll -
J. M. EMERSON .... CO., l'ultlish,s, , . ,
, ,tv cure: ate. No. ''''' u'""'ab Now l ' ; '' I ' l'relapstni and all other fmaas of Forttle corn- !
pinint, Irregulcrities and,s.
.., ; „,..„„ ~4.....„- --, :vr:
vi,„.„,,.., ....., ~,, other forms ol tmart . t. ii la ti- i7.. , .1 .
Disease, Live, (.!..mplaint,, Dyspepsia, and ail ' • Sei.: , , -
.1 .; .
• .
other diseases or Stomach end bowel &c. 'il Al, IL, , '
s .
.141U,i 0 At . )-
All iliseas, oft' e the and ear. No uralwia, 1
li , .t - •
Epilepsy and nil l'a..ins i nett d neous c ...e -e.- , r . ATENT F I .:::.•'3,1• 1.
.•,... ..„.
No charge liar consultirloa.
ci al a tt ,,.
June 3, 1857. .y
The essential ingredient of this valuable rem
edy is nut new, hut is wolf known in the medi
cal schools of France end Germany, and has
been employed by the females of the principal
torts of Europe, and by all of the most distin
guished physicians in this speciality for the last
ten years. My motive is not to offer any pat
ent discovery, hut simply, to present to [Le
mothers and daughters of our own land n simple
but sure remedy for those diseases to which
they are naturally subjected, in such a ferns as
should obviate the necessity of those. medical
consultations, which are justly looked upon by
women es a violation of their Most sacred feel
ings, and to avoid which they often risk the
most fearful consequences.
I have therefore prepared this specific in the
neat and simple form of a pill, and put it sip in
small that boxes, which can he safely sent any
distance by snail in a common envelope. Earls
box is accompanied with full directions and ex
planations, enabling every woman to understand
her own ea:se and the proper treatment and the
proper time.
The Virgin pills possesses such pwerful,
penetrating properti
within the range 01
or evade theMi They cleanse, purify
( v . . , ilf , o ( v „ a i ~,.
vigorate portion tl ; e female o i g an i Nm ,
It; flISLit5.l 111:11 . 1:cktiMIlejk: ;
( WUI . ;;I); Wl:iteS, puinrul, sup-
pressed and irregular menstruation, discuses or
pregnancy, all nervous complaints enticed hy
disordered uterine organs ' weakness, the
rtiptonts of which ore fully explained in the
for any of the discuses of the
organs, they may he tali, at all times,
log during the earlier -mg. Of pregnancy
when their elect wonld i.e such a- to produce
mkeuringes, which 1,, more ;ally
I ed is the direc,..- Ixir aiaiam iu the .;stem
will be felt , liatoy and the dioli of rosy
beauty, the true of health, quickly rising
in the cheek of pacer, will at once convince
the patient of these ellects.
Price S I per box, and will be sent, post-paid
by return mail to any part of the United States
un receipt of the money. The money may he
sent by molt, at the risk of the subscriber.
Broadway near Franklin-st., New York.
Oct. 7th '57,'-4t.
American Safely-Paper PlannfaequrgL'AT'. t`T "'s '''"•
I.N t• r ~ I:LOW SECOND, i/I t ll..tit.t.
Company of iceir Volk.
Capital, $500,000. the public to Frocure wore certain .eett •
1,. :NICHOLAS, President. t dliee. 70 Wall St. ' rite from tire for valna , ,le papers. such as Bands.,
A !'.Alen S, eerily against all manner of Fraw! .11;.rtgag,, /hurl,. and Itnnko of ::rc• , nrr to.
Counterfeiting an Paper. 7%. l'rtrent thitn the otilianty SAri s 11., , t,,1'rr in afror
graphs aryl„•lnr,tritie E,osl,reg, clef!. induced the Patentee.; a l a rge 1 ,/,r.
Tratugtro or Alterations. of titoe the thulium yews, in ma-
Having purchased the Patent for the eerie- king diseoverie, and linprovernents for tilt Oh.
t. , ire right to manufacture and sell the um ject, react i,t• whoh is the unrivalled
mien! Paper in America. invented and patented Herring's I ,Viirirs Fait
in England by license GLYNN, a celebrated
chemist and 11l in the File Army, it is
.k ”
. 1, '
hardly 110,,5a, to say that the l't:„. " the ,
corninencled Mr. Kent, Assayer the U.,
M l'
r. Antau el' the Yew York Clearing
The I.ltter say - that cmitati , n
eheek or bank note printed on the Safety Pi
tier 111.
If auk i 4.1000
Bills of Exchangr..v2:,
IfromisFory Notes-4, ~ts per
Sight and 'rime
Insurance it.;
flailroad Stocks & Bond.;-40
ilank. and State SP.lcks-4t, el ,
Bonds in, :11ortgames-40 its per
Wills and Deeds-40 et: per
For int; Silks and other if
it prev,.., ir..•t1,1. 45 cis per . A C.l3tli 'lO '111: I,ADIrS,
For Intlentnrcs and Agreement, 40 sent: a lb. ? )I L, i i ,' 4l .‘"'S : 1 ' 67.1)1 ' 1
All State and Cottf.ty sln , nld
be printed or written oit this paper, es the rnm,,.
micals itt , erted in the pulp out only prevent 'file, Pills r 1. 1 .- !It
ere-tire or transfer, but make it listing Its timo. n,ed by the d , ,ch-es for Imo, V 4•11. 1 .5.
For Southern Clinutes it is execilt it, and reance nod Ano with finpntnfielled cucer- , •;
- nen lt superior to toy other; as Clot Innis..o of and hr is nosed he ninny thot,nod Inili , s. oh.
the climate does not destroy it,—the properties l oure them, to make the Pills pnblle,
imffiled in the pulp being a preventive. I , n a ,' • the alleviation of those sullet it, front no). tree
1 1 " c ' f ' thern ett :' e, the West , fu ,'' ollarities of vet. tettartf, as well as It. tre•
('extra! American cantes, nu punnervcorns ean ,• ~ , , ltd.
vett'. ifix. , natay to !nose tames
LC kept over f) roars, written 011 01 , 111•Iiry ,
I.l' l 'r' while the o i ly and other Own:leak inset, f' , lff. •
cd in this Paper makes it indestructible 1,11,e '
ravages of time. It in till coact' nealnet agn'tfn lheeff Pi , ,
rots and other I•ermin, which feast Oil 'bd . ' ais the propri e tor Tit
stony all other palfertlOW ill use. Ni•ri , l,ll , lilV lifter 11111,1! 10111 , 011ilijii. fli
Couipaay have now in operatien th0.p. ,1 1 th. it v‘ 0.,'11 prevent any tab.
in ))meets OfflaftY, * N. chief to ht fherwi-e Pills are teem':
and ale al , c to till all order:, for and explicit direetinns ¢ccotn
at the slim test indigo, piny each 1)0X. Price. SI per box.
All order, Joy the Paper must he tohlres,ed 4old whulesnle and rrmtil by
; . NICIIOI.AS, President ofit company , JOHN 11EA I), General Agent
Ile, 70 Wall Street.
BREWSTER, Agent, littntingd for on, Hut.tingdon P g ,
I hastt appointed Dr. Joie, I S , fle age%
• , for the sale of my French Periodical Guider.
P R 0 0 P ;
Nl.:t • 7,11
1:a ‘o I.een
V.o.:t Pour
ri , Lu Von
fur fill, I,Uin
-o , le to , - ore more flier fire per cent.. for
up hr the disease as to hid
.'• mettles' skill. Even, however, in the
affords entramdinary re
nung encoding this fearful scourge
club annually tie-trays ninety-five thousand
perooo9 in the (Jolted Staten alone ; and a cor
rect ea'culntion shows that of the present popu
latin of the earth, eighty millions are destined
' to till the Comtimptive's graves.
Tr illy the quiver of death llan no arrow so fit
: tat as Consumption. In all afresh has been the
~tent enemy of for it spores neither age nor
x, lint sweeps off alike the brave, the tientai
' ful, the gravel:ill and the gifted. By the help of
that Supreme Being fern whom en meth every.
I good end perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer to
the afflicted a permanent end speedy cure in
Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is
1 from impure blood, and the immediate effect pro•
duced by their deposition in the lungs is to pre
( vent the free admission of air into the sir
which enoses a weakened vitality through the
entire system. Then surely it is more rational
to expect greater good from medicines entering
the cavities of the lungs than those administered
through the stomach ; the patient Will always
find the longs free and the breathing easy, titter
Whaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local
remedy, nevertheless it ants constitutionally and
with more power end certainty than remedies
administered by the stomach. To prove the pow
erlul and direct Milan nee cf this mode of admin.
istrution, chloroform inhaled will entirely de
stroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzii
the entire nervous system, so that a limb may he
amputated without The slightest pain ; inhaling
the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in
few hours.
The inbabition of ammonia will rouse the sys•
tem when !hinting or apparently deed. The o
dor of many of the Medicines is perceptible in
the skin a few minutes after being inhaled, anti
may he immediately detected in the Mond. A
con, inclog proof or the vonstitutional effects of
inhallat len, in the tact that sickness is always pro •
named he breathing foul air—is not this positive
evidence that proper remedies, carefuliv prepar
ed rand
,judiciously administered dire' the lungs
should produce the happiest results'? During
eighteen years' practice, totally thousands starr
ing from diseases of the lungs and throat, have
been under my care, and I Lave ellirmed many
remarkable cures, even alter the sufferers had
hemp pronounced in the last stages, which tally
satisfies me that consumption is no longer n of
fal townies fly trea - ment of consumption is
original, and founded un long experience and a
thnuivgli investigation. y perfect negnaintailee
with the nature of tubercles. &e.,cavalries me to
distinguish, readily, the sonnet nor of disease
that simulate consumption, and apply the proper
ream:tics, rarely being mistaken even in a single
familiarity, in vonation with cer- •
min pathological and inicrusropie discoveries en
al,:lrr me to relieve the lungs ham the e ff ects of
. . . . .
,ntracte,l .:he,ts, to enlatia the chest, purify
the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving
energy mid tone to the entire system.
Medicine , : with full directions sent to any part
....I' tlt I.nifrl States and Counties by patients
colninni.ionting their symptoms by letter. But
tic cure would be more veitain if the patient
,hotild pity me a Vigil, which would give MC an
opportunity to examine the lungs and et able me
to pieseribu Alllll tniteli greater certitinty, nod
then the cure could ho elleeted without my see
ing the patient again.
G. . GRAHAM, M.D.,
Om., 1131 FILBERT STIIEF:T, (01.1 NO. 109.)
Below Twelfth,
Atignit s, '857.-I.y.
Of all disease ; the great, first cause
Springs from neglect or Nature's la set.
When a inn. 1 , gonranteod in nil stages of
If-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures. (lleet,
arel, Diithetes, Diseaßes of the liiilnev tuul
adder,,uri al Rheumatism, Se, full.
. .
Asenses of t
A Ovralwernent of the tiexitnl Organs.
Such as Nen ous Trembling, Lo. of :Niel.-
T,o, of I , 7wer. Wenkness,
r•}11 , , , nivearin,
• 7 7 7 r \‘'alwfulness,
I.ruptions upon th,
matters not from whet cause the discn, erigi- ; It is a melancholy fact that t hous:,ll.l, fill ii,
• r, ill nil improl, dischargestrom both sex,. . rid iii,,,..
11:cii. LOWeVer long standing or obstinate the tints to this horrid dismme owloq to th e er ,,,bi!
... :. ~, o!..sity is eerre: . ::. :::::1 in u shorter time ; f a t a ers of lemirmit prothlilers `AL
•..+'•;+., t!• ! C
•,, t . ,
i, tl , 111.111.,..M. , ... Con lie diccted 1,..: sic.. ' ! deadly point Mer,ol,;;, •..+'•;+i ;et: .• ..m.:
7 .:.. .• , ltnivia. t..cli after the tii,case 1,,i; l•::f• ! lotion. oral either send the loth:Jen:no sell e r,
,ed the skill of eminent physicians anti resi:dcd, to an untimely grave, or make the residue of hi!
it their !Miens of cure. The medieints are i life miserable.
dmottot without odor. causing no sickness fiml i 't'ake Particular Notice.
n.,. Iron' tiscreury or balsum. During twenty p r . J.. addresses nil those who have iejure:
,i, il pritcl ice, 1 leave rescued from the inn , ; ib ee ,, e iv e , by improper ind.dgenei es.
4 Death many thousands, who. in the hest stn- ! These nth some of the and and melalieliol
te. , of the above inentior.ed diseases hail been ; 0f ,,,, pooe ,, ed be e a rly babel, of youth,
;i';',, up by 66 ' i'llY''''ci°n'' i n di" , 'h i "' w " r ' Weakness of the back and LiiiihS. Piling in the
:trtts tee ,,
in promising to the efflieted, who may i head, Di„„,„„ o r sight, Lone a i5i,,,,, / , p „„..
.Imte themselves under toy core, a perfect and 1 or, Palpitntion of the heart Dyspepsia, Nervous
::.ost speedy cure. Secret diseases ore the I irritability, Derangements of the Digestive
greatest enemies to health, ns they are the 01 . .4 i reem i o „,. -i ettet .„l D e bili ty s ymptom , or Con _
cause of Consumption, Scrofula and many nth- 5i10,, ,,,,,,, &..
er distoes, and should bon terror to the hu- i '
AIMSTAM.I . --The fearful surest, on the nthiti
man family. Asa tiermanent cure is scarcely ;
ere much to be drendedt Lest or 'oratory, Con
ey, effected, a mnjority of the cat es falling in- ,
to the bands al incompetent
1'...T. , n!'. in ' ' broings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust,
only fail to cure the diseases hot ruin the mai- 1 ,ove of , li fode, Timidity, &c., are some
stithrien, tilling the system with mercury, which I ~ ... rodoc . od.
v.itli the aismoe, hastens the sufferer tutu a rii- i " .. `;ii if. t o '
miod, of persons of all
1 1.1 Consumption.
fudge what is the cause of their declinin g health. But should the disease and the treatment tint I L e , : i ng their viger, becoming weak, pale and
cause death speedsly and the victim marries , ilto emet .b d a have singulur
ithotil the
disease is entailed npon the children, who ere
eves, tong , „„ d symtoms or ~,,,,,,,,,o ption.
horn with feeble constitutions, end the current . • •
Dr. Johnston's frostingltEr Boras.
dy for Unction; Weviiviess.
l ' i f i S I i c 'e ro c i ? u r l i , ' :, ll 'l c e (i tt CC ) , ill l ' iO l i i •i s 4 l ', ..r b i i l l P l t l io b Ti:.7n s d i o " t e l t - . 1
rr infections of the skin. Eyes. Throat and 1 By this great and important remedy, weakness I
Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of ' of the organs is speedily cured and full rigor re- I
•iillmiag coil ...signing . them to on early stored. Thousands of the most debilitated and ! TRAINS Goten EAser.
nervous, who had lost all hope, have been im- •
mediately relieved. All Impe diments to Mar- Mail I'. 1 Ex. T. 1 Fast T.
llii":tingdoin, 2,32 3.57 9.32
Train leaven P. M. A. M. P. M.
singe, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Ser- I r eiceb b org,
volts Irritability, Tremblines and Weakness, 2.15 • 3.42 9.14
or exhaustion of the most fesrfill kind, speedily !
Mired by' Doctor Johnston. Mil l Creek, 2.44
~ 4.07 9.41
• Mt. I 'llion, 3.00 - 4.20 9.54
Young races, l'aaims (Imo West.
who have injured themselves by a remain prne• I Train leaves P. M. A. M . P. M.
lice indulged in when alone—a habit ftequently Mt. p e k e, 4.12 0.34 R. 16
learned from evil companions, or at school—the 1
, Jetersburg, • 5.02 ' 7.12 ' 8.52
Mill Creek, 4.29 1 .1:40 8.2 S
ehrts ot which are nightly felt, even when a- 1 Huntingdon, 4.:15 7.00 8.41:
sleep, and if not cured renders marriage impos
'Ole, and destroys both mind and body, should
apply immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his i 11. K. NEFF, 111. D.,
Country, end the darling of his parents should be i T_TAVING located himself in WAMMORMARK
sliatelicd from all prospects nail enjoyments of .. in this county, would respectfully offer his
life byshe consequence of deviating from the path ; professional services to the citizens of that place
lion. James Gwinn,
of nature and indulging in a Certain secret habit I and the counirs adjacent.
J. B. Laden, hi. I). " G ' e c n z . g it : A. P. Wilson,
Such persons before contemplating
should reflect that a sound mind and I ,:itly are , J M : H A : D e o T i s :r n ' :: Wm'''. Jame" 1:81'
the most neeessary requisites to promote connu
bil happiness. Indeed without these, the jour- M. Stewart, " John Scott, Es q.
Hon. George Taylor.
ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
• . •
the .prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind baronies shadowed with despair; and filled I
with the melancholy reflection that the happiness '
of another becomes blighted with our Own.
MBE founder of this C‘flubrntoti Institution,
f offers the most certain, speedy, and only
effectual remeny in the win kl for Gloms, Sin e.
tures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins,
Constitutional Debility, :,1111,,,cy, Weakness j
of the Back and Limbs. Affections of the Kid— !
neys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nor-
cons Irritability, Disease of the head, Threat, 1
Nose or Skin ; and all those serious and melan
choly disorders aritOng from the destructive ,
habits of Youth, whiSh destroys both body and ,
mind. These secret and solitary practices are
more fatal to their victims thou the song of the
Syrens to the mariner Ulysses. blighting their
most Wiliant hopes of anticipations, rendering I
marriage. Sc., impossible.
Young Men,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Vice, that dremlful and destructive habit,
which annually sweeps to nn untimely grave
thousands of young melt of the most exalted
talents, and brilliant inteliect, who might oth
erwise have entranced listening senates with
the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestney
the living lyre, may call with all confidence.
Married persons, or young Ilion contempla
ting marriage, Icing nware of physicist weak
mesa, organic deltilitv„ deformities, eic.,ohould
immediately consult • Dr. Johnston.
I!, UllO pineer himself mulcr the care of Dr.
.1,1.,,,t0n may religiously confide in his honor no
gentleman, end confidently rely upon his skill
ag a physician.
Organic Weakness
immediately cured, and.full vigor restored.
This disease is the penalty most frequently
'mid by those who have become the victim of
improper indulgencies. Yonig persons are too
apt to commit excesses from not being aware of
the dreadful consequence that may ensue.—
Now, who that underqauds the subject will pre
tend' to deny that the power of Proc r eation is
lost sooner by those falling into improper habit
than by the prudent. Besides being deprived
of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most se
rious end destructive symptoms to mind and bo
de arise. The system becomes deranged , the
plipdCal and mental powers weakened, nervous
Palpitation of the heart, in
digestion, a wasting of the frame, cough Spiel,-
tofu! of Consumption.
INS Office No. 7, South Frederick Street,
vep doors from Beltimm.o street. East side, m.
the steps. Be pestle:ll°r in of erving the no,:,
and number, o r yen will mistake the place.
A Core I,,rrallted, in Two Days.
Dr. JOSetvitou,
• Member of the Royal College of Surgeon,
London, grnduate from onnmf the most eminent
Colleges of the United States, and the greater
port of whose life lies been spent in the first llos
pitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and else
where, hos effected some of the not nstonish
ingenes that were ever known, messy troubled
with ringing in the head and ears when asleep,
great nervousness, being alarmed at sadden
sounds, stud bashfulness, with frequent blushing
attended sometimes with derangement of mind;
were cured immediately.
Certain nigease.
Chen the miNahlea and imprudent retail
of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of tlii:
painful Likens°. it to too often happens that to
ill-timed tanso of shame, or dread of d iseoray
deters him front applying to those who from erl.
twat), and respectability, can alone heftier),
him. deloying till the constitutional symptom)
of this horrid disease make their appearanee,
such as aleeratml sore throat, disease)] nose,
nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimnear
of sight, deafness, awl), on the shin bone,, and
,bintches on the head, 111,e sad extratuitie;
)rogtesing with ci . iglitlttl rapidity, till at lit,t
Il.pailate of the Inf•aili or the ~ f the uase
Fending Lim to "that boutne from , vlienee nor
To such. the,fore, Dr.
.Johnston idedges himself to
,eeetey, and from his even,tve Free.
tic, in , Le first hospitals of Europe and
T R. BALL respectfully solicits the attention
To Strangers. d •of the firming community to a quality of
The many thousands cured at this Institution Ploughs which he is now manufacturing, and will
within the last 15 years, and the numerous im- have ready for sale in a few dive, lie is also pro
ponent Surgical Operations performed by Dr. pared to make barrows, wagons, carte, wheel-
Johnston, witnessed by the Reporters of the pa- barrows, lie., &c., and to do all kind of repairing
pen, and many other persons, notices of which at the shortest notice, and in the most substantial
have appeared again and again before the pub- manner.
lie, is asullicient guarantee to the afflicted. Shopon N. W. corner of 51ontguiery and Wash
, N. B. There are so many ignurunt and ington sts.
worthless quacks advertising themselves us March 57 1855-tf.
Physicians, ruining the health 01 the already al- A
R. BRUCE _Pereira Uf
tlieted. Dr. Johns'n deems it necessary to .y to •P. Wll,lol,
those unacquainted with his reputation that his WILSON & PETRIKIN,
Diplomas always hang in his °thee. rITTORJVEYS 4f L4W,
Itkot TAKL Novice.—All letters must be poet BUN TINGDON, PA.
paid, and contain a uostege stamp fur the reply, _Practice in the several Courts of iduntingric , e
or no answer will be sent. Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata ()pint
.Nine ,a 1;7.7 - I•. .riEf Vitro% :'l'N 1.11'5!•
The"lluxrixonoxJounsAt.' is publisheo at
the following rates :
It paid its advance $1,50
If paid within six months after the time of
subscribing 1,75
If paid before the expiration of the year, 9,01.1
And two dollars and fifty cents it . not paid
mill after the expiration of the year. Na subscrip
tion taken f, a less period than six months.
1. All n t, , e,iption4 ore continued emit oth
erwise or ind ',paper will be discontinu
e:l, until :,,C3 etre paid, except et the option
the pu , :' .
'2. nro never received by ns.
\ . • .• ne in that wny nre /04, and
the purpose of the sender.
•. to stop their subscriptions,
• • tqrays. 41111 send n Written or
!,.. that effect, to the °lnce of pub
: • in Huntingdon
icing notice to e postmaster is neither a
a proper nod:e.
A.',er one or more numbers of a new year
!on] forwarded, a now year lens commenc
ed, and the paper will not be discontinued until
a . rerrq., , ee arc paid. Sec No. I.
Tim Courts 'have decided that refusing to take
a newspaper from the office, or removing and
leaving it uncalled fur, is PRIMA FACIE tVitlctuce
of intentional frana.
Subscribers living in distant 'cantina, nr in
other States, will be regnireil to no imitiahly
in advance.
Y*Tho edore termA will La rigidly edlwnd
in All ,uqes. •
Ap{ I:it'l'lfiEJLErvl`B
Will l:0 eharge(lst the following ;Stes:
I miertion. 2 do. 3 de.
liix lines or less, $ 25 $ 9, , j $ iv
One square, (In limig.) 5U 75 IGO
Two ‘` (32 " ) 100 150 SUO
:1 too. G mo. ; 1 on.
$3 00 S 5 00 $8 GU
500 800 'l2 Uti
8. Off_ at. kW—. —weer
59 00 40 00 50 00
c o , r.! Si% i itlP., or les,
I.;,te vitiate,
rwo s‘itiareo,
Age)lta for the JOlll'iliti.
pergoll9 Intve appointed A,e,,t a
the I irsriNntio's JourtNAL, who ere eutiv.., •
t" rc,cire am; receipt for money paid
•ers at our published prier...
We do this for the convenienee or our suliseri
rrs atn distance from Huntingdon.
.lona V. Titooceooo, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
itol .0E W. COTINTLIrS. CrOTl,Weli township
1100:10 111.'1 .00, Clay tucinship.
ETNinE, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. A sitcom, Penn township,
1. 1V Ant DAM 31,yrntt,r, Franklin township,
8.151171 t. S rErruv, *Jackson town hip,
Col.,Tso. C. WArann, lir d , t , ..vnlhip,
11101011 S BROWN,
Wof. IiCTCHINSON. Warriocimark 10,
Bison. W. Wnivraitun, Pstet., , urg,
HENRY Nan', West Borten.
Jou:, BAL,ISACTI, Waterstreet,
'Maj. C 11,1111,0 Tod township,
A. N. ELAM, I , lo , :itt township,
Wri,so, Erg.. Ten tewoodp,
',AMEX rLARR, iiiMillOLORl.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Sprites Crests.
Maj. W. MOOR, Mena:ldris.
B. F. WALLACL, Union Formica.
Wiin.irr, Esq., Union townships
IIAtH Ci.sunsoa, Coon
Baum. Wiwrots, Esq., Franklin township.
SHANK, Esq., Warriorsmark.
Dos,. AunaNtvr, Esq., Todd township.
Dn. J. ALFRED SHADE, Dublin township.
The "101:1161VAl.” has 300 Subscri
bers more, thou any oilier paper
in this Coulll7.
Huntingdon, Pa
Jacob M Gommill, M. D., Alexandria.
John M'Culloch, Petersburg.