Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 25, 1857, Image 3

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    1) tacit llotes.
A alert; awing ye takin' Hotta,
And faith; he'll ',rent it.
par Over—The November term of Court.
Left—The man "wot" saw the "striped pig."
Hard Times—Sitting on a cold grindstone
and reading the President's Message.
Love—A little word within itself, intimately
connected with shovel and Mogi.
Progress of Time—A pedler going through
the land with wooden clocks.
Poetry—A bottle of ink sprinkled over a sheet
of foalsesp.
Patriot—A man who has neither property
nor reputation to los,
Honesty —Obsolete ; a term formerly used in
ease of a inner who paid for his newspaper and
the coat on his back.
Inrlependeuce•—Owing fifty thousand dollars
which you never intend to pay.
Lovely Woman—An article manufactured by
milliners and dress makers
"Who wantstut little on her head,
But touch below to make it spread"•
41a'. Startling—The late intelligence from
the West.
Se` The launch of the steamer Great Ens
tern proved a failure.
Busted—The Mill Creek Furnace; owned by
Irvin, Omen & Co.
Aer Musical, Very—That band of serena.
dens on Thursday last.
46Y- To Philadelphia, bankable Innis only
are receivable for gas bills.
lifir• "Surprise parch." mania is the ruling
element in Huntingdon nt present.
WY" The man who was 'filled with emotion'
on Saturday last, hadn't room for his dinner.
WO' The receipts of 'wheat in Chicago flu,
ing last week, exceed one million of bushels.
ler The average attendance at the church
of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, is three thousand
Ear The wheat crop of Wisconsin is sigh•
teen millions, an increase of Mx millions of
w ar A number of our farmersttre °Grin
their plantations for sale, with n view of roma ,
ing West. •
,0^" Industry must prosper," us the man
town soil when holding the baby lot his wife
chop w.d.
The retired physician "whosu sands
life have about run o m." k i d a b ox sent hi
the other day by a Yankee.
0h '• The Mexican am ide, have :tempt
the negotiations of England aml Fran VI: in
ffilior. to the Spanish difficulty.
SW Sugar is selling in the New er'en
market at di cents ver pound, and molas:
from 18 to 20 cents per gallon.
Dar Sountor Sumner Itni returned lir
from Europe. It is rumored Ile inttvols resi
61 r 1,Artat in the I% S. Smote.
rr-nnnt, intatoz, iretrrtrim - num.
Rite mail attention to our paper Itir
ger A late religious paper stignw:/. ,
authors of yellow•eovehai
scorpion. wso hie to death with ti
Le- The Circuit Court at Washington
decided that lager beer is not au intoxical
liquor, and that the. Sunday law dons not ni
to it.
fital.lhe wentlier for the pn,t went, lt, I.
unusually unsettled. Rititt, wiml,
43110 W, and sometimes a little stun.ltitm,
reigned alternately.
seig7 Several of our country merchants w
in the pmt two weeks, love (ailed. We nre
dined to believe there will be numerous Milt
ore long around us.
A CliriOSity—We hare a mumoale emit.
in ITuntingdon : A woman who'never
her own age, but knows to half nu li•mr tha
nil her feminine friends. foci !
per It is doubtful whether another attempt
Rill be made to lay the Atlantic et:ble before
next year. There is some talk. of employing
the Great Eastern for the purpose.
CV.V" The Shirleysttorg Herald has been dis
rontinued towing to the "pressure nfthe times."
The only individual who makes money these
hard times,is the President of a Baulk.
The editor of tho Placer (Califtaide)
Herald has been presented with a limb of a
pearls tree, 18 inches long. having several small
branches, on which hung 110 grown ponchos.
00' Ladies prepar'e for an Wreme change
iu ~ ,•ur habits, for a Paris correspondent of the
New York Courier,says the ladies are coming
out without hoops, bustle, wadding, or anlithiny
A 6)- Talked of—We 'hear some talk of har
ing a cow-catcher attached to the roar car of
Broad Top passenger train, instead of the usu
al place. To keep the cows train running into
Par The population of lowa in ISdO is es
timated at 900,000 ; Wisconsin 1,000,000 ;
lielligau 800,000 ; Minnesota 400,000. Tho
strt ngth of the Union will soon lie in the North
Vir A Canadian Libra 7 Association and
several Reading Rooms havo banished Harper's
Magazine, on account of an article anitnadver•
ling on Queen Victories treatment of Charles
Mir There will Ilts two sermons preached in
the Presbyterian Church of this place, Thanks
giving day ; its the morning and afternoon.—
There will also he service in the Baptist and
Methodist Churches.
ga-Two things are needed in the banking
system of this State, and unless we wish it to
become a bye•word, they must be supplied.—
The public must•be better secured against in•
stitutions whose notes aro suffered by law to
pass current among us, and these institution.,
that is, their stockholders, must be better pro•
tented against the abuse of power by their own
C Queen Victoria's Crown weighs three
pounds, three onneCA and five pennyweights,
Trey. It contains 3,09'3 jewels, one of which,
a ruby, rms worn in the helmet of Henry IV.,
at the battle of Agincourt.
WY ...A crust of broad, a pitched and thatched
roof nod love; that is happiness fur you, wheth
er the day beyainy and sunny. It is the heart
that makes the home, whether the eye rests
upon a potato patch or a flower garden.
11 What more precious offering can be laid
upon the altar of a man's heart than the 6 rot
love of a pure, earnest, and affectionate girl,
with an undivided interest in eight corner lots
and four three-story houses! The thing is hea
venly l gal-orient
King Leer, in the play, when he was
out in the storm, said in his apostrophe to the
rain, wind, thunder and lightning :
"You owe me no subscription."
We wish we were able to any the came to all
our readers.
skr. Mrs. Ilnwes, of Spneta, Wisconsin,
writes that she has a little son which weighed.
when nix weeks old, two pounds and a quarter.
flu is now ten months old and weighs 6 pounds
and 14 ounces. Tom Thumb can retire from
Vie There are now loading grain and flour
at New York, in the largo number of thirty
ships, all of which aro bound for Europe, about
half being fin• Liverpool and the remainder for
Glasgow. They will average 20,000 bushels
for each chip.
rife. The city sexton of Chicago has been
caught stealing dead bodies nod selling them
to medical students. Some )f the students of
the Rich Medical College have been arrested
no his accomplices. Some ten or twelve graves
have been violated.
thy • A porty of some Rix or eight persons,
started from this place on Monday morning
last, for the "Boar Meadows." They no doubt
will create sad havoc among the sons of Bruin
—or something else. Sunless to them; and
"much pleasure may they have." With.
AMY A young man of our acquaintance us
dm•toulc to cointnit suicide last Friday, by shoot
ing his daguerreotype. He was unsuccessful,
however. This is the third attempt he hastene)
on his life within the last three months. Cause
—ltrol,en sleep, brought on by intense devotion
to a piece of calico with ringlets attached.
We request those of our subscribers whore•
ceive their papers, to inform us of those in their
immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers
to the •Utturnal," and have failed to receive
the sante, since the stealing of our pack-book,
11 ruffians on the 11th of October.
New Card-Press.
Having bought a "CARD TRESS," we
ore cow prepared to print in the proportion of
tune cords in the some time that any other.
press in the county can print one, consequent
ly we call print them cheaper—if not done well
we make no dirge ut all. We ask your pa-
.1,1 141,
WX-300 AM
:i312 ALK hAINT,'Y
Laarritb . ,
C 111 C---G 11.,11.—0n the 19th lust., by
Bev, B. Geo. Guyer, P. E. Cumberland Disir:,.t
M. B. Church, Mr. James C. (lark to Mis;
die Graham, bush of Birmingham, Hu,.
The hoppy couple, thus united by the
nu ties of wedlock" have the heartiest congral•
Matins of our humble selves. May they live
iu the perpetual sunshine of pro-p ty ; may
the only 'anuoyanees" with Odell tl a are ever
troubled, be no greater than those mauter•of•
course responsibilities" incident to mar.
Lied life. May their journey through life be as
joyous and bright as their setting out argues ;
and may the brightest flowers bestrew their
"On Lire's broad sea may prosperous gnles be,
tide, •
The happy bridegroom nod Om lovely bride."
BY virtue or on order of the Orphaus' Court,
will be exposed to public lode on the promises,
next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., the following descri
late the properly vf Howland LOOllll6, dee'd.,
situate in Dublin tawnship f Huntingdon eteun ,
ty, to wit :
All that certain tract and parcel of
land being the man ion farm, bounded by lands
its' of William Murray, and others,
* -1 , containing about ono huffdr,d
, anJ fifty acres, about sixty tvr, s
cleared, with a fine lin-t m,
quarry, three dwelling houses mid other im
provements thereon ;
lain land, adjoining the land above described,
lands of Alexander McAnimal and others, con.
tabling three hundred acres or thereabouts.
and parcel of timber land, with a first. rate Saw
Mill thereon, adjoining lands of John Atkinson
and others, containing twenty-two acres, or
AND ALSO—A certain other piece and
parcel of laud bounded by lands of William
liturray and others, containing twenty acres or
rEßms:—one-third of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the
residue in two equal annual payments, with in
terest from the day of confirmation—to be se•
cared by the bonds and mortgage of the pur
chaser. Attendance will be glee❑ by
Burnt Cabins, Nov. 25, 1837.—t5.
An excellent one for sale at this mince. This
is one of Adams' No. I Cam and Lever press.
T N PI,7I:Sb.iNCE ,
I lust will nail temumeni 0! i • .•••
deed., there will be sold at publi,•
premises on Tuesday, the 22d day r
next, all the Real Estate of said dee'd.,
ip Dublin township, Huntingdon county.
No. 1.
A farm containing 2Sit acres, more or less,
about 100 acres are cleared, nod in good culti
vation, the balance bring in timber. The int•
provements consist of a two-storied dwelling
house, with spring of water ut
the door ; Bank Born, Wagorcidnul, Core cribs,
Springliouse, Smith-shop and an orchard of
good fruit,
No. 2.
A farm adjoiniTigiitTl, conlaini, 1.16
acres, more or less, about 75 acres are cleared
and m good state of cultivation, the balance
well timbered. The improvements. consist of
a large two story frame dwelling house, with a
good well of water near the door ; a small sta•
ble, and young orchard of grafted fruit. There
is also a small stone tenant 'muerte] said farm.
No 3.
A small firm containing GO acres, adjoining
lot No. I q about 20 acres are cleared, and the
balance well timbered. The improvemeoti
are a log dwelling house, spring house and a
!lumber of fruit trees.
The above farms lie within one mile of the
location or the "Sherman's Volley and Brood
Top Railroad." Auy persons desirous of view
log the above property, will be shown the same
by either of the lixecutors.
Sale to C.)11111/011el , at 12 o'clock on said day;
when terms will he made know,
FOR. 213.11.31-. M.
THE undersigned, tieing desirous ut removing
front the town of Shirleysintrg, beret.).
tier sale his entire remaining real estate, shin,
led in nod tear said town. The property cm,
slats three separate and distinct dwelliii4
houses, (including the large and comintali•
Te2ll 21110Tr2Erf;Ys.021
Ever brought to Huntingdon,
, consisting of the most laddonable Dress Goods
for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks,
BRICK • MANSION, I :no Fancy, All Wool de Lain,, (all colors)
in which the subscriber now resides) ; all of French Merino, plain and printed, tant., s trip e d
which are elligibly sitindea in the most desirable de l.nins, barred and fan('Y do Wm,
and business part of the town. A detailed de- e 4 14 Dehai 7,
scription of said property is deemed unnecessm ts o 1 dose .
a large l-
ry, as any one desirous of purchasing, wili, of t ess Trimmings, ho
go Butto (items.
course, wish to see and examine for himself.— Drumes, Antique
s, &e. Bonnet ßibb Silks n , ,
Crapes ns. ,
Twe of said houses are ndmirahly located and wove,. Shutt. Voile,
calculated for cores and tavern stands, ke. fi, Belting, wi fi d e i„„„ , R e , & Brass Lk° , ;
Also, the subscriber oilers for sale, tits Her., for Skirts. Sill: and Linen handkerchiefs, Silk
of rich b. Rom or meadow land, situated a short Neel: ties. Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Li
distance above the grist mill or the nee and Cotton Floss, Tidy Yarn, Wool Yarns,
Hein . ... This land is well suited, not only de.
to the rising of grass, grain, etc., but is :..Is„ Also the best and largest assortment of Col
peculiarly adapted to the production or , •chi• • tors, and Untlerslerves, 17.1'4 mot
nose Sugar Canc,” an article or recent iutrodu, Nam Jueoliel, Mull Muslir
lion, .hia seems to promise grentir profit, toed uml dulled.
per nere, than almost any allow agrieußural •,
4.., xi.. arts, Shirt Ludershats
product. told drawers, wool coats, li mlurts am ],
11 the above propery is not sold 51 privet,' suu „ .
I sale before the (Ith day of Breember next, it Also a large assortment 0, Waterloo Ilny
will, ott shot day, hr offered fur sale at public 'State Wool Shawls. Single and ha
outcry nod if for Aloe, Cloths, Cat:inters. Ca— i!,o, s, Tweeds,
rem. HENRY BREWSTER. K. Jeans, Vesting, Muslins, bleached and un-
Shirloysburg, Nov. IS, '57. ! blenched, Shorting mid Ptlk.w-case
, Naido ens, Ticket., Cimek,Talileinoper,, era It
[Beal Llsiate Dawson C. Snundry, dreensta.] 1,1„„„ e k . s„o s uLdu and can -
ORPHANS' 'COURT SALE. ; „, i„,„,„
Ilv virtue of second alias order of the (rept, l •
1 ""' Hats caps
an,' Court of H " Huntingdon Co there will be sold s w ee t s an d Shoes, Gum shoes, the best
between the hours or 11) a. to. and 2p.m ~ WARE, Buckets, Tolotllasr;.7,
A TRACT OF LAND, butter Bowls, Brooms, lirllsbeF, tee. Carp, t,
011 Clefil.S . Fish a nd s i t, c, •.
Situate in Tea. 'Molasses ' and all good's Su g ar ,
t:sitlly kept in n
tv, bounded by Juniata River en the ea-t, I.y country }cure.
litnds of Swishemt heirs ou the north; by ugh• • m y old ru , t n mers , an d as mauy into ones us
wick creek on tho north•we.d ; by lands or cost crow d i t , arc respectfully request.; to come
I Jam., M. 13.11 on the south; and by lands or , and examine my goads
a id l Etnier on the south west, I All kinds of Country produce taken in ex.
containing abot.t I change fir goods, at flit, ttiebc.nt market prices.
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres,
more of less ; about one hundred or which ore
cleared and under cultic:di:Al, IntoMg thereon
Two story Stone riling nonce,
‘1 . :111 Litehen uttni he 1, n stun., hank barn
10., Cr
tv11:111t. hull:
nu in:11 ore bal.!, or
. the reel emtite .Irawson C. Sri.,
Onuthird of the purchase money to he paid
Un 1:011 fi aside ; and the r old be ill two
equal 01111uul payments, with interest, to be .e•
cured . by the bonds aunt mortgage of the pie
chaser. Due anenflanee given 00 the day of
Adner of . Datoon C. &mucky, les•'d.
Nov., 15,
MITE subscriber will offer at public sale. t•r,
1 T 1 I URSDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 1837.
1,1 f. , situated in Morris township, centnie.
Mg 237 acres. 230 acres tu•ii under fence, inel
in a good state of cultivation ; the balance is
timber land. This properly is divided shout
equally into two farms, with a LARUE BRICK
.... HOUSE
li and a frame tenant
. '''''.• house. a liu•jm barn, wagon c'
lf shed and corn crib, carpele.i'.. l,
ter and blacksmith shops on one
and a good frame house and barn on the other;
good water and fruit on both places, and inn !
healthy neithborhood.
Also at the same time and place I will offer 1 EXECUTORS' A °Till E.
496 acres of mountain land, in lots of from 50 ALL persons interested are h ere b y not i f i ed that
to 100 acres, tin sun purchasers. This land is 1 Letters Testamentary on the estate of Wit.
• well set with thrifty '.... • liant Orbison, EA T , Into or the borough of Bun
, •• • . n , ...1-1 young chosnut, white :
„ f tiognon, deed., have 1. , ,if granted to the me
1a.... a" yellow 0. , a nd •• i -- ' ' det•signed, and all rrsons having claims order oak timber, and eon- :' r
mends against said c: rate, are. requested to
content to the Sterna ,
. with good roads to and stake known the sumo, sod prim , s indebted to
through the same. The above property is will]. • make payment to Win. P. Orbison, the acting.
in i mile of the Petin'a Railroad, and 21 of the 1 E xecuter.
canal at Water Street. For further particulars ELEA NOR ORBISON,
address SAMUEL P. WALLACE„ ' THOS. E. ORBISON, 1 Ex'ts.
Spruce Creek, Huntingdon Co., Pa. WM. P. ORBISON,
October 28, 57.-Im.
. Hmthenlon, ()ember 28, '57.—M.
NEW AND ('HEAP Iron at Cost ! !
WHOLESALE AND.R.ETAIL rpliE a lbserlbe i tis , Inte. on !ism' a largenssort•
GROCERYSTORE. n'tit:,',i.a,.;:i:,...\::,,yliemi.‘.%!*.ve'nneity„si'i:ldeZe".
DAVID GROVE informs the citizens of ~here in the County, with a view of obtaining
Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public gen. a fresh stork on commission. Ole stock of
erally, that he has opened a Grocery Store ‘.ll bar and round iron is complete. Also English
Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of buggy iron, oval, Intlrwund, & e ,
Wm. Orbison's residence, where he will at all JAS. 4: BROWN & CO.
times be prepuce() ho supple customers with Huntingdon, Oct. 2,, I 557. It.
at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coll!ce, Teas,
Molasses, Cheese,' Spleen, Confectionaries, !
Hanle, Salt, Brooms, Buekets, Segars, Tuba, '
co, &c., &c.; in fact, every 'track, usually kepi
in a Grocery Store.
As I an; determined to sell cheaper than the
cheapest, 1 want everybody to outland examine
my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE. I
Huntingdon, July 29, '57.1y,
' 27,
. .
404:1)C) =P
V . to their ntunet.ons friend; and the pahlir,
that they have just received fr o m the a
most beautiful in-sortnient of Pall and Winter
embraving every variety or ne, ,tyles
Fitch as Valencia Plaids, Plaid I hteals, Oriental
t;ala Tames, Cloth, Popiins,
stripe.' and Plaid, umbra rtriped Belaine,
French Merino. Printed Delaines, Bayadere
Strifes, Argentine, Coburg. Mohair, and Ma
donna ('laths. Shepherd's Plaids, trench Blan
ket, Bay State. Long and Square Brodie Shawl
Gents' Travellingdo, French Cloths. plain and
fan, Cassimeres, Sutineits, Jeans, Tweeds, he.
RihCons. Mitts, Gauntlets, G10v,,, 't ahnan,
Cloaks, Chenille Scarfs, Dress Trinoniags. La
dies' Collars, Brilliants, plain and sprieed Satan,
Vietoria Lawn, Nairemoks, and every variety or
White gawk. I L VI'S, CAPS mat BONNI , ,T,
of veto,. variety and style.
We have a Bill St,,, k
Hardware, Queensware
Boots and Shoes,
Wood and Willow-ware,
wbieh will be sold on such terms us wi4 uutLc b
the h.terest on to cell and examine.
Groeeries can he had lower than the higl
price', which have been maintained heretofore
We also deal in Plaster, Fish, Salt, awl al
kinds of Gmin, and I.ogtiees facilities in Oh
branch of trade unequalled by any. We delivel
all packages or parcels ar merchandize rm. of
At the depots of the Broad Top ant
Pennsylvania Ilailroatds.
Sept.:3o,'s7. .
I New Goods ! New Goods !!
D. P. (Mu has just returnd from Philadel
phia with the largest and most beautiful as
sortment of
October 7, I P 7,7.
ve; 41
-i 11. hi rti
IC AEt Dili A CIE 11 , v. POT,
I: e hay,. again I . ,,rued
the un colargE El swel: of
/ . ..1
lll:oll.l.\it'S' TOOLS.
8. I DDLL'R Y.,
G'oarh Triilanings.j.e•
IVit au veriety of modern i , ,e s
awl itopnolsoients.
111.111,C our goods al
eliii•lly from immoltieturvrs, arc I: , 1 Ir.
nt .
A ...I " A II orders rt.cei \ E. pi..for:
A. I;I:tiWN A
Oct, _'ti 1857.
Notice is hereby given that C.e co partner
ship heretofore existing between the undersign
ed under Ow name of Young & Owen, has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent. M.
Young bus purchased and taken site posses
sion of 'the firm's property and books, and he
has nssunted the indebtedness of the some.
All debts due are to be paid to him.
Broad 9 op City, Nov. 11, 1857.
sale at this unite, ;it is calculated to burn wood
or coal.
BAR IRON It $3,15 per WO lbs., at
[Oct. 28,—Tt.:1 Jae. A. Brown 16 Co'e.
I. t\
Fr 1 , 1. iiii; •tiii•li Sill: piton 7a, r„ , , , i.:1•1111's
1. mat I oioied Straw Boom,. it, loam 3. at - •
Al 1 1 t
j\ 1.1,-W, tf if,. In,rion. Vcoeti m , 3,ivt an d Thi,4 u.ireat
flag Cat et. Attu. Cove., Jule an wen among the Medical Faculties ut Ea
t•,,tt Alias, esti le led cheap at ilic 'Acre ct lop • and hit l•mititry. It will cure the follow
lintioat Meitlettynitt. ing (not everything) t Warranted to
; Cure Fever and Ague in one day. Curechills !
yrt111; greatest variety of the richest styles of ,in five minutes. Cure Croup in one night.--
Dress Goads!and Trimmings can always he .
found at the fashionable store or Cure Deafness in two to four days. Cure boron
and Scalds in lea Caro Sprains,
`""-* IVounds anti Bruises ilt front ono to three days. •
„c3,,..„5, s tvlrs
, I.: i l : l i rti c i , !: , l , l l l , lll , 7 , l , U . t t i
1 0 , I l A i e l t h (,)! Cure 1 ,
trteL.l., c ~
to thus aV e i e t attention vre parn o t r i
3 a n ll , , w o h l i i , l
h at:d ur 4o l e ,,i ng :
Cure Hetitorrhx • Ke, Scroftili, Abscess, itt ten I to its original color,gray . hair—covers the bead
I.OAIS, 'retinas, RigolettesrVietorines and , tlitY 7, Cur" Bruuiu'h Wounds, Totter, in one to theld
Fr 7!
i cut moons even.
Ilead presses, me Ftlill 13 prices which defy ! throe daYu. Our" Ear titur Neck , ti t m—caues
if inual flow of the natural fi n _
coml.-titian by . Mc3luirrum. it , at , intY• Car. Felons, Br".. ids ; ;and it
if used as a rcaulat draggin g
Rheum, three to six day, for the hair, will preserve its color and keep fi
nooTS, SIIOFS, RATS and CAPS, the Palpitation, Pleurisy, ill 1111, tl,ll f rom MIN, extreme i ts natii .
stock ever brought to town are sell- ! Asthma, Palsy, Gout, liryai pelas, in lice to YU : rot beauty. We call then upon the bald. grey,
in;; very cheap at & memettritin. days. Cure Frontal Feet ; Chiblitins, Chronic or diECIISCII in scalp, to use it ; and surely, the
B L A NKETS, Flannels, Linseys, at all Rheumatism, Stiff doilds Sore Throat, Scarlet • young will Het.. they value the flowing locks,
Dever, nod the, lame wade to walk, by it few or the witching curl, ever be without it. Its
prices, at the mammoth store at
This Oii (D e G ret ib' e ) i s mild val. is upon the tongue of thous.ds.
Fistful & ItlcMuirritim ' ,
is a great ninny a„lemeine ,
, into ,
received liv COLLARS, of the liandsoni- children teething, &v. Ludic a should all use
it. It always leaves y. better than it, finds i
pisui..i t ii m c m vitTan ,. you, and one bottle ofrim cures entirely
1 . ... ..
)I: A NuTs.— Ntt) hush, is Wilmington Pen- ...1/rficted Th i r fern Par:, an d. Cured in One
nuts in store and for sole by Wyrk.
WNI. N. SHUGAITD, . l',•al letter Loon Ti.,, James Temple.
323 cr 121 North 3d Oreet, Ptah , ' l'hilndolphho June 9111, 18.16.
Prof. De Grath t I have lawia afflicted fur
CIONFEtTIONARY.—PIain and fine can. th i rteen ~,nr., with Nuralgia; nod ot h er pa i it .l
‘,....' It:mien:try vans Haired and for sale hy
' f I ..Ihtintq and Hum barn unable to sleet)'
WM. N. SHUGART), j u • -,',' ' .
323 or tot Earth 3 d street, phit a. 1 sotinit. y . or walk any distance for unruly
s r , tairs
trait. bast week I got n bottle of your ••hlee•
fARANGES AEI) LEMONS.-500 boxes Or- trie Oil." The first night I slept soundly and;
If ranges and Lemons in su re and for sale by ! well, and to-day I ant like a new man. My ;
Will. N. SHUGART), l wife could not believe her eyett. Your Elee•
723 or 191 North 3.1 street, Ph% I tale Oil has done in one week what the rhysi•
chins of Philadelphia foiled to do in thirteen
and Layer i years.
I{ A gi l sn in — s l ;o o r o e o na D ir Pis ' E r n ' i u r n il l. . ° ra l. l l l' N 7" 7.l '' M E 8 T E ' I
• W1)1. N. SHUGAIIit, 1 310 South street. I
323 or 121 North id sued, I'llik. 1 DEAFNESS CURED.
New Hav,m, May Itali, 185i1,
F ,1(,-8' rin"TES' I.R. V NES '. V Elll°NB ' l Pert'. De Grath tMy brother has been dent*,
• nros, in ,tore 111 1 for sale by
WM. N. SliUliMCD,' ' lid . , vents. All, trying tunny thingo, 111,11,
32 , 8 ~r 101 Etirih , t i .... n .,,,, , ma th ; at: your Oil a raw tittles. and it mired him en
tir.•lo. 0.11 , 1011 l) & SCRANTON. ;
AI MONDS. M'A T,N171 . 5. CERAM NUTS ' There ate pru
numerous imitations sng up toll
1 ' nint T•illterts in see, and res sale by ' the repuletion that my article has netinirod.;
I • WM. N. SHUGART), The talus imr.t itewarc. They are worild.,..
1 5ert.2,'57.-ly. 323. a 121 N . 1 , l :,, ,1 •1 ,1 0 1 .• ! For sale icy John Rood, Huntingdon. 1
I 1 Ane..s •iti,lyin.
•, _ .
;•T i i
cllocEiu Es. cos rEcTioN AMES, AND I ir.„.b,„, s fr ,„,, , s o ,,th_ir ts t ~„,.„e r q • 77i rd, !
PROVISIONS, just received and tor sale at the I I
wholesale and retail Grocery & Provision !
of Love & McDivitt. Com:blintz of , Incyrperated by the Slate of Penn.!
'.1511. SALT, nAcoN, ri.oun, COFFEE, I ylvania. 1
& TOBACCO, of the hest quality vod everY 7lon, is received in any solo large or small
gr ade. OILS, CANDLES, FLUID, CA- A_ . a nd interest paid from the day of dermsit 'to 1
NE, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Dates Tama- ! t h e d „, o r wiiien,wni. ;
rinds, Rice, Sage, Tapioca, Cake, Crackers, i The „Si, in or, nor, d, , front II o'clock
Cheese, Macearoni, Pickles of all kinds, Oar- . in tiro morning t ill 7 o ' c l oc k in t h e evening, and
dim* , Out' , " .th , ( - 1 -'nre'tkwwies• All ol. : on Alondav awl Thursday evenings. till 9 o'clock
which trill he di: posed ol on the most reason- ; INTEREST FIVE I'ER CENT.
able terms, for riot ], or country produce. All sums large or small, are paid hack in gold
Purchasers wilt tied it to their interest to call on de ,„„ Th i w i t h., „„ t i„ ( .. t„ ratty amount. i
Ilan HENRY L. RENNER. President, i •
and examine tier stock before purchasing else- I
nltcre, as we ate prepared to sell everything in . R A) BEirp sEl,Filil it; E, Vice p res id ent,
our line of hush...lts A I,II"FLE LOWER t han . vo .1 1
iv M . .tm.n, Secretary.
• at, other L.:dill:dam:at of the kind in thi, 1,, ! DistEcl fIPS.
caiite. Ileltry I..lloliter, C, Landreth Mt...v.,
m;ty la, IS,Vi. LOVE & NIt•DIV ITT. ' Ed „.,,,,, L. ('nave, F. Carroll Brewstet,
-- , Rohert Oelftitlge, Joseph B. Uarry,
'lle 21,1 :Al@ ' . l`./ ipm Ala ,
, `mater K. Ashton, Ilea. L. Chtirchill.
CdAYPIIING 1 JUMPS B. Smith. Francis Le.
: This company couriers its linsier, entirely to
~. ;.
~.,.......,....,........... . Iti • i ‘ • •Cui , arena, on interest. The invest
And will be 5e141 • 30 per cent. i " At ' of 'l'll'', are "'" de i" conformity With
11l t:APIER TRANTHE 4. lISEAPEST! ' o '," " . "', N ."" s of the "h"r.ter' in heal E',:itc
El HomAN ..., I ,cetioly in.i,Enis his ...- ::: 11 ,T?' , Grou n d.., n""t.s, and s"(!' lira-ells,
11, toter; end the public generally. that he has " '," l ":'' ' ln .,'" "'",'"Y s , l ; "l""P en 'etzriti
last opened at his store-room in Market Squat,— '''' l '''' "P"'"", s ' " th ,'W'''''' ", wi '',' t i."' to give
Huntingdon, e
of ize,oh. per,aanclicy aid amenity ti 1111, 111,t1(1111011.
• I Feb...o, !Stith
made Mm.i.37
Clothing for Fall and Winter,
which he will sell dumper than the SWIM Ittnlitt
of Goods can he purchased at retail in l'hildei
phis or any other establishment in the ruuutry
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would oh
well to call and eta mine his %tuck before pureha.
clog eke, era. Alan,
Hats, Caps,
whin, will bo sold lower than at any other es.
tablishment in the county.
11 tank, ih.o, Oc;o!.., 7.
.1_,1) Y./
;1i I_i _1 IA •15
i ai i the (rad, the
iiirgeSt .•, 1 . .t1 Murders,
1,. l!a•
'I u:-I; IL , • • , au, trolo
'a, a ia•ts•
I,(.1 11 WO 1)‘,11'
1170A:sale Dealers in riOri . slo,,,y,
Ata. Agents for Fairbanks . Scales.
Isloo A NONTIhAga
A number of gentlemen to canvass
two or three counties each in an ageney that
insures those properly qualified the highest
Compensation. They should ha of moire age,
intelligent, talented and industrious; and they
will make twice us much ns in teaching, clerk.
ing, or any other business. Address, (stamp
enclosed,) C. ALIA., 3.larrisburg, Pu., or in•
quire at the Adam's Express office.
A ug.19,',57.3tm.
HMIX W. OVERMAN, Importer of Fr ch
Call* Skins, and General Loather Dealer,
No. 6 South Third street, Philinklphia.
A general assortment of all kinds of Leather
Morocco, Se.
in great variety at th e chest) store of
1). I'. GWIN.
GUM SHOES, cheaper. at D. P. GIN' IN'S
than can ha had it, town. Call and see
LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of rich styles,
nod very cheap at 1). P. GR'IN'S.
BONNETS in great variety and cheap
1J nt I). P.
B •
D. I'. GWIN'S.
IIOOTS & tiIIGES, the largest and cheapest
1.1 assortment in town, at
11. P. W
I vied Duel, limns, Shoulders and
sale at the cheap Grocery Store of i A splendid assortment of Stone Crodio for 11ROCI1A AND WOOL SHAWLS, fine
LOVE, k McDIVITT. elle by D. GROVE. 11i and cheep at D. P. GWYN'
4 . '4ll ClCi b1:111ENT!i. NIT; VORK ADVERTISEMENTS.
L I'd
0 • ct, )
4 . 11 41 41', 1
Trill:: . I . -1' the Huntingdon
.1 puldiegeneral•
Ir. that . mill in running
/ado, mitt, • ihu th , '. 1,1 i unents in the
nntor :Jul
'flier la, put LI •t . Cie improved Jon•
l'utltine \Valor and can grind in
W.; of t h e ,vutt.r, :ten during the coldest
n I :tilt, any rout all hinds of grain.
are pr,pared to sell, and lines on hand
for rah , at all ti mos, at. market rate.;, till kind of
1 and farmer can have r own in gro
' goal lobe it back in a return fund, or t i ny can
'i be furui,hed in oxchange at a mment's notice
an equal quantity uf Flour and Bran or chop.
I 1 .1 fi, ,I.
is ulan impnivvd inantalLeturo,• nod they wilt
insurc a FULL TURN 0 tru of superior qeali
ty to every bushel of g rain left at their mill.
N. 13.—The Buckwheat stones are not quite
Huntingdon, December 10, 1856.
ITe(;11.1. & CROSS INFORM Tamr, OLD
Batriends and the public generally, that they
hale the above Foundry in full blast m.„ •
t ril l
, and are prbpared to furnish castings of -- t.
every description. Stoves of all kind,
for wood or coal. Improved Ploughs, • -
Threshing Machines, and everything in them.
I tin;; line neatly made. We can finish all work
, that requires turning, having a good Turning
, Lath. All work done cheap fbr cash or come
try produce. Old motel taken Mr castings.' lie•
Mg practical and experienced We hope b y strict
attention to business to receive a liberal share
of public patronage. Met; ILL ti CROSS.
Alexandria, April 20, 1657.
1 -
0 L. @LL fiV.l l .ooVjf,
' Will attend to all professional business entrusted
to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon
county. Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agree.
merit, written at the shortest notice and on the I
most reasonal?le terms.
Shirleysburg, April 22, 1857.
The Elev. C. S. BURNETT, while ht.
boring as a missionary in Southern Asia, dis
covered a simple and certain Cure foi• Consump
tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Icer.
eons Debility, and all impurities of the blood ;
also, an easy and effectual mode of inhaling the
Remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit his
suffering fellows, he will cheerfully send the en
yipc to such as desire it, w•itit full and ex:
pheit directions for ihopariug and successfully
using the Medicine. Address
S3l Broadway, N. V. City.
Jul) 29;57.-6m.
Itlceonnollstown, Pa.
LIEIN ! ! !
Wntertowh, Mnss., May 1, 1855.
Prof. 0. J. Wood: Allow me to attest the vir
tues Lind magic powers of yonr !lair Restorative.
Three months since, being exceedingly gray I
purYliaseil and soon commenced to use two bot
tles ; and it soon began to tell in restoring the
silver hicks to their native color, and the hair
which was beliire dry and harsh. and thth ng off
now became soft mad glossy, nod it ceased MI
; the dandruff disappeared, and the scalp
lost all Liu:disagreeable itching. so annoying Mi
lk, Lind now 1 not only look but feel young :i
-gen. Respectfully yours, die.
New York, Oct. 2, 1855.
Prof. O. J. Wood—Dear Sir t After reading
the advertisement in one of the New York jour
nals, of your celebratod Hair Restorative, 1 pro
earrd a half pint bottle, and was so niunh plea•
sell with it that I continued 49 use for 2 months
and mu satisfied it is (tickle dly the best prepara
tion heron: the Public. It at once removed all
the dandruff and unpleasant itching from thu
atml has restored my hair naturally, and I
have no doubt permanently to. You have per
mission to refer to me, all who entertain any
doubt of its performing all t hut .is claimed for it.
MIS, FEEKS,. 24 Greenwich Av.
I have used Professor 0. J. Wood's Hair Re
storative, and have admired itdowonderful effects.
It restored my hair where 'Mud fallen off; it
cleans the head, and renders the hair soft and
smooth—ranch mono so than oil.
Louisville, Nov. 1, '35. M. J. ATKINSON.
St.ue of Illinois, Carlisle, June 27, '55,
I have used Prof. O. J. Wu r
wire, and have admired its wonderful effect.—
My hair woe becoming, as I thought premature
1,. gray, lint by the tote of the nllestorative,"
it bet resumed its original color. and I bare no
doubt permanently so.
Ex-Senator United Staten,
[From the Washington Star.]
Among the many preparations now in use fur
the restoring, preserving and beautifying the
hair, there i.rc none that we can recommend with
more confidence than Prof. Wood's Hair Resto
rative. now in general use throughout the States.
This preparation possesses the most invigorating
finalities, and never fails In producing the moos
happy results when applied according to direc
than, We refer our readers to the advertise
! ir , mit eh l; ; . :: , 1:e
heel,,, of t
. ,
us le nn
t i
portico,un tmb
, 1 % l c o i ie
benclitted by it, and who fell happy in giving tes
timony to its wonder rut effects produced on them.
' 0..1. W 001) & CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway
‹. V., & 114 Market st. St. Louis, Missouri.
Sold in Huntingdon by Lux HEAP, and H.
:McM A NMILL, and by Druggists everywhere.
Sept. 25, 1857.-3 m. it1itr.25,'57.-Iy,,
! L 9 LiS, . l‘Z 2Ti le DLIIDD.I
Is no article tlint itecds who is not in
a perfect state of health, for the Liver is second
only to the heart in our human economy, and
when that is derange., the whole vital machine
ry runs wrong. To find it medicine peculiarly
adapted to this disease has been the study of ono
of the proprietors, in a large and extended prac
tice for the past twenty years, and the result of
his experiment is the Invigorator, as a never
lidling remedy where medicine hat any power to
help. Asa liver reined). it has no equal, as all
testify who use it.
A lady writing from Brooklyn, says, "Would
that I could express in this short letter the val
ue your Invigorator has been to me in raising a
large family of children, tint it MIS never failed
to relieve all affections of the stomach, bowels,
or attacks of worms. If mothers once bud this
reinedy placed within their reach, anti wero
taught how to use it, a fearful and untold 11 1 / 1 01111t
of agony might he saved."
One n mar prominent bankers says, "Fiveor
six years since. 1 found myself running down
with a liver dillietaltY ; resorting to your , Invig
°fluor, woo greatly relieved, and continuing for
it season, was entirely restored.
A clergyman cullea at our utlico the other day
and said he bad given u poor women a bottle,
who was suffering very badly front Liver Com
plaint, and before she had taken the whole of it
she was at work earning bread fur her
A gentleman recently front the West, says,
while at Chicago, he was attacked with a slow,
lingering lever, that baffled the skill of physi
cians, bat the Invigorator cured him in a few
Ono of our city merchants said, while -in a
visit to Troy , a few days since, he win attacked
with bowel and stonumh disorders, so as to con
fine hint to his room, and ho sent to the drug
store for a bottle of Invigorator, took °nodose,
which relieved him so that ho was able to attend
Iris business.
An acquaintance, whose business compels him
to write most of the time, says, he became so
weak as to be unable at times to hold. his pen,
while ut others, sleep would overpower him, but
the Invigorator cured him.
A gentleman from Brooklyn culled on us a
week oe two since, lacking lint the shadow or a
nom, with sumTl yellow, pale and deathlike. Be
had been fur a long time sudering front Jaundice
mid Dyspepsia, and unable to attend to his busi
ness. Wc saw him again to-day a changed man
and to use his expression, he has not seen the
tuition] of the first bottle, anal further adds "it
s,tced my life, for I was fast going to a consump
tive's grave."
Among the hundreds of Liver Remedies now
offered to the public, there are none we can so
fully recommend its Dr. Sanford's Invigorator,
or Liver generally known now thro'-
out the Union. This preparation is truly a Li
ver Invigorator. producing the most happy re
sults on all who use it. Almost innumerable
certificates have been given of the greet virtue
of this medicine by those of the highest stand
ing in society, and it is, without doubt, the best
epuration now before the public.
tiA ' NFOlill & CO., Proprietor., 345 Broadway
New York. Soh! in Huntingdon by HENRY
Mt •MANIGILL, .d John Bead.
le a Dr rg g at
i : " .
Sept. 25, 1857.-3 m.
Linen Shirt Breasts, Ready-made Shirts,
white and fancy shirts, and collars, eery cheap
at D. P. GWIN'S.