Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 25, 1857, Image 1

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*ielect storg.
31/EY 3Excsserr.
.IJY business called me thrnogh the
northern part of the State of Illinois
I crossed the Illinois river at Ottawa, in
/ending to strike Rock river at Forest's
Mills. Forest was an old friend, who had
gone out some years before, and erected a
mill upon one of the tributaries of tire last
mentioned river, he having bought a whole
township it; that section, It was curse out
u! . c Z way, as my roost direct route wris
ve,y i,e,r due . o.est•froin ottawa, whereas
this route took me over sixty miles further
North. However, I had learned that there
was quite a good road to Rock river. and I
turned my hoise's head in that direction.
I calculated my time, and concluded that
by moderate travelling I could reach the
mill in two days. During the first day my
road lay through a country mostly cleared
and was well travelled; but on the second
day I struck into a wilder region, and the
way was little better than a bridle path
through a dtmse forest. I passed several
clearings where small Mits were erected,
and at Mar , of these latter, I stopped mid
got some dinner. I found a young man in
charge of the premises, the father having
gone to "the mills." I asked what mills
they meant, and the old lady said they were
.•Forest's mills"
From these people I learned that For
est's place was forty miles distant, and that
the only dwelling, after leaving two
by, between here nod there, was t sort of
stopping place kept by a man named Dan
iel Groome. They raid he generally kept
food for man and hest, and also had a good
supply of liquor, principally whiskey.—
His house was twelve iniles to the mill,
This just suited me. I could rench by
six o'clock, Gromue',, and there get some
topper, end rest and 1,,,t0 my borer. Then
I could easily reach Forest's by nine, as
turoo on Ur: SVer.r.ll
These good penp:e refos••d to Id, toy
was trotting around upon his bare feet, and
then set forward e;rain. There e,„, ano
ther hut at the distance of half a mile, Mid
a second about a mile oft. I sow no mow
human habitations 'tin reached aroome . s.
I found the !ravelling full es good. I had
ex ; cried and arrived at the forest inn nt
just hnlf•pait five.
This inn woe situated on a romantic spot
and to a lover of isoleted nature must hat e
been a charming retreat. The house was
built of log,, • outside surface hewn. and
the seams. ..v:th cement formed of
some sort el • • ..,gh tttoss and pithh.
There were i e separate buildings to this
house, the one bstn t r built With
the gable en :he road, and the ether
two upon eitler running not like two
L's. Then there was a barn it short din.
ranee off, with a piggery connected. Take
it tftogether, it was quite a place for such
a locaiity. A small stream ran close by,
so that water was plentiful.
As I robe up to the door, Mr. Ciremtle
himsel' came out. 11t was a gaunt
non, with a fiery r and u pace us
coarse ns it was But I was surprised
when f b' • I had expected n
tune i•„., . -.;ow of a bail : bat instead
of dx, . • rs fen upon my ear Olie the
speech of a woman. Ile smilkl as he
spoke, and 1 thought to myself hew his ap-
pearance would deceive any one, for in
nor versation he was a different man,
I I ',formed him that I was nn my iyuy
to F'orest's mill, and could only stop long
enough with him to rest my horse and got
some supper. at gazed into my Ame for.
some moments without spenkingand final
ly ,aid :
Then he turned into the entry and called
"Ike." Ike came—rt toll , strapping youth
of one or two and twenty, with a red head
and features that could belong to no one
but to a child of my hest. "Ike" took
my horse and Mr. Grootne led the way to
the "sluing room," as he called it. It was
rough but comrortable, and the furniture
consisted of a pine table, a mahogany bu-
reau, and four long pine benches which
were set against the walls. There were
no chairs, these benches being sufficient to
accomnlodate quite an assemblage.
Groome asked me if I would like some.
thing warm. I supposed he meant whis
key, and I told him no. He said I had bet
ter take a little, 'tsvould do me goud. But
I assured him I never used it—that I felt
better without it.
..But do you neon that you never arink
whiskey?" he added, with elevated eye•
brows .
'.Never!" I told hint.
"Brandy, I s'pose ; or mebby rain old
gin?" pursued my host.
"No," I replied. "I don't use any sti
mulous drinks at all."
. rurst frcm his lips, while
he eyed me from head to toot. :iWal. l
stranger, I'd give you sun'thin' for your
picture to hang up in my house. Never
drink ! How in marcy's d'ye live? How
do you contrive when ye get wet or cold?"
, 'Why," said I, with a smile, "I get dry
again as soon as possible."
'Dry, sty sake, I should t'link 'mould
be an everlastin' dry ! Never drink !
Wel —here I've iived year in an' year out
gels' nn to fifteen years and you're the first
mon I ever seed as wouldn't drink a !fit o'
wiikkey on the top of a I , ing journey. Fact
—strarojer—lis by thunder !"
I told him I thought it very probable,
and he then went out, and I heard him
bane the house.
to half an hour my host came and in . -
formed Me that supper was ready Ile led
one to a back room, where a table was set
quite respectably, the dishes being of blue
wore and nearly new. 11, and Ike sat
,lawn with me, and as I saw them attack
the various articles of food, I felt assured
there could be no l Olson in them. The
meal consisted of soiled potatoes, fried ba
con, and new wheat bread, and I did ample
justice to the repast. •
..You think yon must go on to-night?"
crtid my host, while we were eating.
"Yes.' I told him. wish to see my
friend, nod I shall gain considerable time
by reachi,:glais placefo night."
“Is he expectin' ye?" Groome asked.
'•No," I answered.
-Perhaps he don't know that you're in
this section at nil?'
No, h% doesn't" I qnid : and I expect•
ed my host would urgo me to s•ay with hstn
until moming„ so I hod my showers all
preiaa n•d.
But I was mistaken. 1-Ie didn't urge
any such thing. .o,t the contrary Ile soi.l
110 thell, , ilt I was wise in my rleterminn•
t;un. Ire would like my compaly, but it
wolin Iv. better 1 , 2 r um in pulh on. I 'o-04
:iorse wos brought to the tin°, i took
,:at try wallet and asked what was to pnv
..flalf a dollar." I paid it and then ask,d
what was the most dm•ct route.
‘• You see that big tree, just over the barn
"Yes," I said
nWal, that's right in the hest road
‘l - 11,., you strike that you can't miss the
nut isn't ther, another road,— tvhich
fidittws this stream right down to the
milk?" I asked, for I had been informed
hy . the young man who had taken charge
of my horse at noon, that Groome's inn
was 'LA by the very stream which gave
For, >a hi,: mill valour, nod that the read
ft , Powt.d the stream dine!.
' Oh," said my host, turning and look
. Mg oil' toward the stream. ' , that road ain't
tit to travel now. 'Pother one's the best."
".13ut what's the matter with it?" I a,k,
' , Why the bridges aro all washed away
an then there's been windfalls across't. 1
tried it, last week, and had to come back.—
The upper road is a matter of nr
Iwo fonder, but that', untbil% !,, t
is good for it, I guars."
• 1 told him my horse would stand it well
enough, and then asked where the other
road struck the streatn.
"Bout three miles thin side of the mills?'
he replied.
“It's all cleir and direct?"
s. You can't miss the way."
I bad my host good bye, and then start
ed on. I d'dn't like the idea of a new
road at all. The yotlth before mentioned
had told me what ow excellent rood it W 8.9
from Groome's to the mill by the river road.
He said it followed thy stream which was
very near etraight, and that it we, light ik•
open the whole distance. However, of
course Groome knew, so I must make the
best of it. I looked back as I reached the
edge of the wood. I was upon a gentle
eminence, rind could overlook the shruLbe
ry passed. I looked and saw Ike going
,from the house to the barn ; he bad a sad •
die upon his arm, 1 ayes sore it wits
saddle—perhaps he had sit errand to do.
Ere long 1 entered the wood and found
it thick and gloomy. The lath was plain
enough; and had evidently been at souse•
t;me a traveled road, Aye—l rernetnher
ed, now, of having heard my informant of
the noontide speak of the 'old road.' He
said there used to be a road lending to
Rock river, but when Forest commenced
his settlement, a new road opened by the
stream, and the old one was discontinued.
He said nothing about any bridges.
• r
to 1 1 1 4 L . 1m
„ •
• •
At the distance of two miles, 1 came to! "Au—good evening," I returned. "I and rebutting testimony, the cases were
a place where a bed of sand lay across the had not expected the pleasure of your ; summed up. the jurors Charged by the
road. It was r sort of
Lays ion
a stream • company." ! judge and sent out to deliberate according
must at some time Lays ion there. I look- "Ne, I expect not," he resumed. in a', to laW end facts.
ed, but saw no track upon it. Water had sort of hesitating manner. "And I should The murder case was rather a plain one
swept across since any living thing had • not have come out only for a little bosh., but conscientious scruples on the part of
trodden it. 1 slid from my saddle and ness I forgot when you were Pt the inn." ; some of the "twelve men goad and true,"
examined thoroughly; but 1 could find no It was plain as day. My pistols had and doubts on the part of others, with'
onk, been rendered useless—l had been sent dogged deterrninntion on the part of two
Of course the father of my noontime's off into this unfrequented wood a n d om , o'd nod rather wolhsh jurors, kept the
hoot could not have this way And the villain had thought to take my life' pane "sting" off and on. for some eight•
yet he had gone to Fost,r's mills. 1 he and money without any risk It' H.; ewe t or.rl roars.--New things were no .
g (11 to suspect mischief There had been body and then hide my poor co,ens s in th, JOS: , RjrA . :y wurking in the other case.
an uneasy :sensation lurking in my bosom earth, where very likely other had been The jury room in which the financial case
ever since 1 left the inn.—Something was hidden before. I , ly eyes Ire,: ' , pen and was being deliberated upon, was immedi
_ .
•,, , . lIT gain,d my ;meddle and looked 'my hand Insn'es. : ately over that of the murder case, the
nimont. Thw aun was neaten. down, in "A•lny 1 eslc to what business you al. an' in the 3d story and the other in the
twenty minutes, at the furthest, it would iude ?" I said, eel of the building
Its out of sight : m•Yen," he snapped out, seething i n Tired out. monstrous dry, and weary
instinctively I drew one of my pistol, I agreement, with his tenure , "1 want of the monotony of the thing, one of the
from the holster. 1 raised the hummer, ' limn y, Tenney, sir." I financial jurors managed to telegraph
somebody on the rear around side of the
and found the cap to its place. I was ' An he spoke. he raised %pistol.
just putting it bock, whe . n 1 noticed a' "'retie care." I cried, raising my pis- court hoes'', and soon a communication
mark upon the butt. • It was a peculiar • tot, and aninming it in !:is r i ce. tank place between those within and those
knot In the wood. That pistol I always r ", ha, ha," he knelled ie coarse without said jury room.
carried in the left holster. It was not so triumph, "your Yankee piste!, wern't "What the—'s up?" quoth one of
sure as the other one. I took out the lend, to harm such ns me ! I'll soon pm Ow murder ewe jurors, an he sees a long
other and was sure the weapons tad been yen where I've Pat others afore" . ~t rine of vartegated here, dangling down
changed by other hands than mine. They When a man knows death i s n t st -i n e . before their partially grated window.
had remained in the saddle at the forest him in the face. find the: only!his own net LO ho !" says another, e•going to raise
inn, and it had taken place there. : ,' will avert it, he is not yet to' wait long. ' their liquor!"
1 began to think. Why was Mr. :At least lam not —And my hont's last 1 "Not so bad," says another awfully dry
Groome so particular to know if my wards gave me ample proof of the cor. i juror, "in that °the' , j"rY out?"
friend expected me? And why should he redress of my sunpicionn. Min "They are overhead ; suppose we no-
Le so nri XlOll9 to have me set forward that waiting for him to finish, 1 t i red. Hi , , tify them we're on hand for a drink, or a
night, instead of remaining with himand finger must have pressed the ringer of . game of euchre r says the foreman. The
payieg hi,,, a dollar or on more than 1 did? his pistol, for within the space of a watch !.PerY soon agreed on that point, and just
Then this road-1 believednl bad been tick a sharp report answered and mingled then the variegated string which was corn
' deceived. There sere' no frontlet, to with mine, and may hat shook upon my posed of etindry neck and pocket hand
carry away any bridges, fur it was now .head.
' : kerchiefs of the tipper jury, then began to
near Autumn and the river rood had been I Daniel Gnome swayed to and fro set. I ascend.
travelled all summer.—And then the sail. oral times in Ids saddle. and then with n, "dug of whiskey, by snakes!" said "Sir. Foreman," cries the clerk, have
die 1 had seen Ike carrying to the burn. Gurgling groan sank u; on the earth. I !'m e' you agreed upon n verdict ?
"Raise the window, and snatch it in I" ' "We have !" was the solemn response.
Th,.,„ wan surely abduct i n n il thi s .. slipne 1 down after hits, and when I stoo. I
Dantel Groome had daughters in his pod over the body I saw a few dreps of adds another. "Guilty, or not guilty ?"
'I-tere she comes!" I "Guilty !"
hence, and, perhaps others, en , a he dirk blood trickling from his forehead. I .
S l'ake care, you will be out the win I
would not have to hear the noise of the . For a few moments I felt awe struck I
"Stop! Hold on !" cries the prisoner
m' tend by 1" .
, :
robbery. And very likely he emelt! rase and cert.:maned. It was a naturnl km:line '
wish tohave sash a deed cete nee w
ed en ,in streh a presence But when 1 came •dew, ma j or !" i "Silence !"
It's !muse at till, 0: course rale It 11 e W 1 it reflect upon all that had preceded the! -Held my coat tails, oaptnin, I'll snake . "1 shan't do it" he yells.
her !' says the ma or, and leaning : well , "Si lance ms-e !" cries the court.
find money. NO O,IV. W,•.,!..1 b.• !:.:vertu. deed. 1 fe't that I had den, ree country 1 ,
1 out he grabs the mie The e • nein t ' f
tonic the ma: 31. out of his hoots. but the n u d ge ,
ac 1 was then trnvelnnen without n ronSid stert.mee I mniic ihe nolikee'te7herime fast 1, • :e n :, -n n ----•-s-lsne- --- •.- • 8 - IL --ff_.l..f "jnnekereineenTedmg rintiejtl4ine 1 " DRWIS
• , ttr:• yrctuiN luau on c e :isms. nen might i I reached th, miss at linli
nr t ne held the jne,line grim death to a de. :
, you d , t e d e g t e , ~ ' . ' t
i continues iiry s h
..r Thu irr,
d prisoner, oyou k,,
n d:
• they not lin,ye been tattiest dealt with ? : and lolled ['crest and his fmnily
I ceased coffiel pineen.,,,h'rl.:lere
cheer:,'' for
: ,ori,
I teals the one from else rignt ho ls ter and ; TnmeY were glad to tee me, nail nand,
this trittinpn or strategy ever art, when ;
examieed it. The 1,11 was in i, ),,,,.., cod me to a Mr. Price, e•hom 1 after. ! o,n,the,e'm of , g''''.tej
wards found to be the owner or t . , place '
end the cap on Still I teen not Fa . .:,iird .
i• 1111 ? What ?" Fav ,' • •
1. ledge.
1 sl;pned the cap o ff , and found tits per. ' whnre 1 had taken my dinner. Ihe foreman brought them to order by-1 nldere's n !mote m - e .. sn " . that's
a fact "
cension composition removed There was lOn the following mornlng a party star- .•Hinh- I t ! the sheriff's at the door !" ; e x c laimed the sheriff, as he rushed an t of ".
not a particle left within the can, And ; tad out under my guidance. Thee were ''Gentleinen, have you made up a ver. ' ,
: one court into the other, and inn minute
this was riot all I found the tube spitted : Forest and Price, and three men tvho 1 LIM ' ?" rushes hack Again, exclaiming:
Not a verdict !' say time jurors.
with a little pine stick. 1 worked in the mills. When we reached ' " "Judge, discharge this jury, the cue
I Not
ion u r n
g y ou a going to hang out
Here cans the secret sure ennurnh I i th e s n ot where the tronremly had happened - estd whelp are nll mixed up with the
took my penknife and succeeded in draw- .we f" ""'I th e horse as 1 I'" 'l l'lt him, nod ~a , ' l l • Y a o c f e t, F icn i y d how ! Here you've been other Puy, and how they otmixed upin
Friday moreing; here's Saturdny
ing out the sick, and then I examined; my Lot lay upon the ground f tit" . and 0 .' ,!, ' , ' , ee ~i , 1 this way I'll be shot if I can g
find out! "
the other pisoil. which !found in the same I cold. lie had not bled at all, .h • 1,..1 ' ' ' ' If: Maher wants you to let him 1 The jud ge gage
whether he's get to be bun„ or go • them; A D „. l n" ''
plteht. I stoppnd and went to work in I having made but a Mall wound, thluah ,
• :e e to:morrow. I'll start, you out if .
earnest. I had nn excellent screw for •it had passed clear through. -
• to jail, from whence he made 11;s sudden
.. n't come down s oon • says the
removing bullets, mot my pistol larrels ' A little way in the wool We TIM nil a 7, exit that . 't • ..• ' i
night. blessing his eye sight that
! .
were emptied in a very few moments. r , place where the ground seemed at nom, '. 'L
' detected the mixed jury and saved his ha.
'Conte in the mornin nh • :iv' .
Lad a serous objection to firing them ca i limo I. have been d's'orhed , . and nnee .n n n„ g' ' ' r ' ' sa J' •
eon. Barber, the firmr - mier, t off in
ream, "we'll se ttl e the prisoner's I much t 1 . e "g'
in Tire woods, where the report might Le- I digging', thnrn eens ftnind two hunme . hod- :i n • p retty i tie calso.
tray the knowledge I had gained: So I 1 leg, Sat, i . :Fleetly one more tens fe tt ed ' ', kr ' night ml ' 1 . ..--
TI , sheriff raw visited the other jury, I SUPPORTING A 'WIFE.
emptied them, and then snapped a cap I "°l3:' a few rode dininnt.
the found rather dry and cross ns : A correspondent writes us a long state.
upon each. I found them both clear, anti I The batty of Groom. , wits bk., imp to w' '
lead to Forest's mill I i
,'.' • t With no Ye: 4,Y. After :rat:, meet of his business affairs, hopes isxpec
then proceeded to load thOm, edits! ! 1 di d I 111 , hence, mid there we fetteral t t . ' '
lute lie had nrnn probably n in,.
.. .
:. i •: n :teen w'mh the inteli sence :lint tin Latienv, desires, etc., and solicits our cfh
carefully. te rli.d.
..,:j utatde u 1 ti verdict by next titer- • cid opinion, frum the editorial 'sanctu.n of
Ar 1 rnw, how should I proceed ? That . foam! Ins dead father, and fenteng Etna ~., .. '',
e. nt nivel) he under the necessity of - i Life, whether his means and prospects
l.islB i'aftti ~..',11,1 s 1 ' might be implicated, he departed, i n ' .
i starvene tHan out. he left. warrant hits in undertaking the support
had no doubt, anti it would be nearer for • Mrs, Groorne, who was it mild, broken
me to keep on than to tern hack. Sn up- down woinini n ninisene!mniend that she had t Let us `%° up `:airs among llie finan of a Wir ' . W"nuwer no 'l'd as the
see ten they ore getting , i .ei de involved as •
I h n social as well as
cn that point my mitel was made up, long been aware of her hushand'n crimes - cl"''' an d ' 11(
e • s" sn
d ' , Too bad," • I
au ndividunl application, we prefer to
And next—which way would my host but that the fear of his death had kept her ' . * - . one too bad, there's
;the.: thunderin villinn, Devil !etcher, con- ' make a leader, of a note of the
come? . Fur that he meant to rob an I t silent.
felt certain, Every Circumstance—avert'. lite, 1 believe, has not yet boon found,; fined iu that room. below us, and he and q uer Y•
thing that had transpired h e r n m enn hi m • but his mother is still living in Illinoin I the sheriff have nabbed our whiskey." We are opposed to the principle of one
'Lank here, boyee" says another—"l ;wing supporting another, unless
and me—pointed to that ono simple re- with a married daughter. who is well elr. '
cult, AVould he go down the river road n Sh ,, lens grown more strop don'tbelieve in ,,,, , ,. „ ay nr e, a „ i n t e nt that other is entirely incapable of aeltsup.
e end haPP.' I room. I'll go a buss that that killin' port. There is no reasen in nature why
piece and head me off? or would he fel , since the night on which lhail the high - ; ; scrape jury's there, out as we are, for a a man should support a woman or a wife.
low me directly up ? Most likely the fo e way adventure with ray !inst.
I considered upon rt a
1 verdict !" any niore than a woman or a wife should
whit n nail , •'"*"'""m•"'"'""Imen"' • --•- i support a man or a husband. It in true
nosh on and keep on my , .1 CT ' -A- (- 41-1" 1
1 .._...• C• 15(1'114111ns man y tacit do rapport wives, and many
wives supnort husbands, But it is all
dark ' . Cl.
...... wrong. It is e false relation entirely. If
A MIXED JTI /I Y ; both are capable of selleupport and one
support both, it is clear that one has the
care and labor of two and the other is idle.•
In this way both are accursed; one by ex
cessive toil, the other for want of whole
some occupation,
A wife, as well as a husband, in either
useful, or worse than useful, There is
no neutral ground. She cannot exist
without influence. She either produces
or she destroys. She is either properly
employed about something, or she degen
erates below indolence into vice and disci
patios, There is, we repeat, no middle
..... , ..., , • . .._ _._ Well, what do you say," observes an.
the, resolved to push on and keep on my (I! '.
.other. I supposo we drop 'em a line I"
&ft 4 115(diall1). "Good !Go it!„ cry sundry voices.
...., •
The sun went down and it grew dark '
in the deep wood; but the moon eras al. .= "Get the handkerchiefs."
A MIXED JTIRY; "Here, then, hand over your handker
ready up, rind as her beams fell length --- • acre. Now t so, who's going to write I'
wise upon the road sho gave roe . consider OR, LIFE IN OLD KENTUCKY.
"I'll do " says e uo
able light when my eyes had become used some years ago, way op in Bourbon the margin it, of en old th handbillforeman;
was and
writt p en n
to the transition. Half an hour had pas county. Kentucky, there was considera. - ! "are you Devilcateher's jury t"
sed since I looked to my pistols, and just table business going on in court. There i The line was dropped to the lower
as I began to wonder if I hrid . been inista- was one cusenf.rnutder or wilful shooting! window with the billet, and soon respun.
ken, I heard the sound of a horse's tramp of one John Brown, by one AMOR Devil i led I°
at no great distance. At 'first it puzzled catcher. The case excited a great de n t of ' "Well, we orb, ole boss !"
me to tell the direction from which it came interest with the.ptiblie and consequently "Have you drank all of our burbin up!
but in a moment I knew it was in advance much feeling wan enheted he it. Now I was the next question propounded. Up
of me. and upon my right hand, which awn tic- , 11111 e time, another else of pe. came the answer.
was towards the river. Presently it stop. cultarly intense interest was up before' "No sir 1 Come down and get some!"
pod; 1 drew my horse to the left side of the court, in the same court-house; it was "Good ! eu)s one of the upper jurors,
the path and kept on a gentle trot, having ii finonrial case; in which J. Barber was let's crawl down to the boys ! Ask them
raised the lappel of my right holster. indicted for a conspiracy with intent to if they hove a bench to stick out to drop
•In a few moments I saw a dark form I shave certain business men of the commit- I down on!"
a mid the bushes, a little way ahead, On I sity, out of their honestly ncquired cash "Yes, come on, bring down your cards,
the right. As 1 Caine up n man rode net. 'rho juries en each case heing sworn in. If you've got nu." was the response. The
l i
It ass niy hoot ! ire business of the tto respective courts i lower window was half grated, but there 1
, •Good evening, sir," he said, with i x- pieeeeded. After much litigation, ques I was en opening large enough to admit the
reading politeness, I timing ant; cross-questioning. testimony body of a men. The bench o'er .hrer
out, lots were oast, and six of the twelve
of the financial jurors pass out of the up•
per room into the lower one. Commiser
ating their brethren "up aloft," the six fi
nancial case jurors proposed that the yet
unfinished "burbin" should be sent up,
and six of the killing case jurors velar,
to ,red to form a committee and go up with
rho jug ! Climbing up over one another's
shoulders in the dark was no safe nor
rapid movement, but nt _length the ardu
ous feat was duly accomplished, and the
mixed juries as long as tr.o candles and
whiskey lusted, had the best kind of n
time, all thins considered. lien: mid
night they fell into a comforuth;e list pr.=
found snooze.—About the break of day a
thundering rap ! rap ! rap !at the jury
room door aroused the sleeping jurors.
"Have you decided, men, upon a ver
dict 1"
'•\Ve have by snalieft I" cries one of
the killing case jurois.
“Get up boys," cries the foreman, let's
give in a verdict, for I'm about froze and
starved out. There was a unanimous
acquiescence by the ' , twelve.' The Sher
ill's deputy opened the door and marched
the jury into court; the sheriff proceeding
up stairs t 3 stir up the other jury,
"Hare y! ti agreed, men•—are you tea
dy to go into court 1"
"Lord bless you sheriff, yes sir !" cries
one of the fagged out financial jurors. Let
us down, 0, sheriff; do !"
Open went the door, some of the jurors
were none the better of the night's liba
tions and sleeping in the cold uncouth
room rather inclined to at 'lce tip a verdict
suddenly. They seized their bats and
marched into court.
We are no advocate for making drudges
of wires; ror would we make drudges of
husbands. We would fain see a large
portion of the wives of this country mat,
cipnied from one half or three quartera of
the toil, confinement and drudgery which
• rajrnici , 6s system of eisek , ng mai eat
VOL. XXII. NO. 47.
ing, and a host of false and extravagant
habits and customs have forced upon her.
But we would never have her emancipa
ted from usefulness. We would have her
recognize her equal rights end duties, and
we would have her claim the one and per
form the other.
It is true that a defective system of tlo •
mes tic education has transformed many of
the females of our country into mere but.
terflies of fashion, whose life is mainly
spent in aiding the follies of others, and
who think much more of marrying for
the sake of a man to support them, than
for tl:e sake of a husband, with whom to
divide the cares and duties, the joys and
sorrows, the privileges and responsibilities
of the family relation.
We object to the principle a husband
supporting a wife, because the whole ten
dency is to enfeeble. degrade, and enslave
t he woman, The supported wife may be
well cared for, she may be treated with
exemplary kindness. Her husband may
be all that a man and husband can or
should be But all this will not save her
from degeneracy. If her mini. is not cal•
led out and exercised in relation .4o the
realities of life, it certainly will he in re
lation to its tantasies. If she is not in
some sense a sound, practical, working.
businets woman, she will surely be in
many respects. trifling, vain, and frivulous
‘,Ve adhere to the antediluvian notion, thnt
n wife should be a help meet for man, as
w,ll as a social mate; and our advice to
both wife and husband is "help one anoth•
cr."—Life Illustrated.
Taking it out in Coffins.
Mr, G-, a veteran lawyer of Syria
cone, used to tell a story of a client, an im
petuous old farmer by the name of Mer•
rick, who in olden times, had a difficulty
with a cabinet maker. As was usual in
such cases, the matter excited a good deal
of interest among the neighbors, who se.
vera;ty allied themselves with one or the
other of the contending parties. At lengt hr
however, to the mutual disappointment of
the allies, the principals effected a compro
mise, Iv: which
note for forty dollars nt six months, paya
ble in cabinet ware
Lawyer G-was called upon to draft
the necessary papers to consummate the
settlement which haring been duly execu
ted and delivered, the fang was supposed
to be fully and amicably arranged.
G---saw no more of the parties until
about six months after, when one morning
just ns he was opening his office, old Mr.
Merrick came riding furiously up, die.
mounted, and rushed in defiantly exclaim
ing: say, Squire, am I bound to take
coffins ?'
It seems, on the note falling Inc. the
ob,linate cabinet-maker had refusetto pay
him in any other way.
A Touching Incident of the War.
A young English sailor, who, in a skir•
mish with the Russians, had shot a man,
describes his fee::iigs to a letter to his
frien,!: which strikingly shows how great
ly tsar is opposed to the sensibilities of our
nature. Seemg the man at whom he had
fall, he'relt that ho must go to him.
.Ele lay quite still,' he says, 'and I was
more afraid of him lying so, than when ho
steed facing me a few minutes before. It's
:,Irtinge feeling to come over you all at
once. that you bave killed a man. He
was a fine young fellow, Oct more than
twenty five. I went down ou nty koeee
beside hint and my breast felt so full as
though it would break. lie had a real
Evils?' face, and did not look like an ene
my. 11 hat I felt I can never tell; but if
my life would have saved his I believe I
would have given it. The wooed was fa.
tat, and he soon breathed his last. .1 laid
his head gently down upon the grass,' he
continues, 'and left him. It seemed so
strange when I looked at him for the last
time. I somehow thought of everything -
I had heard about the Turks and the Rus
sians and the rest of them ; but all that
seemed no far off, and the dead man to
genders are there ?' asked the gebooknas•
three, fur; promptly replied little blue
eye, ; , the masculine, femintae and neu
`Cjive me att example of each; said the
hy, you are muculinw became got
are a rasa s and I an) a feminine becalm
I am a girl.
`Well, proceed'
don't know,' said the girl.obnt I reek.
on Mr. Jones is neuter, aa he's a bachelor'.
lThe decressaj riages in 130. ,
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