Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 18, 1857, Image 1

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- i ,1 14 _ r - 1
A LIv .
r lg
*tied gottrg.
'Tis wondrous strange, and yet 'tis true
That some folks take delight
The deeds of other men to view,
As if their own were right.
And if a piece of news comes out;
They'll eagerly pursue it;
Then hand the charming dish about,
And add a little to it.
Each fault they'll try to magnify,
And seeming to berucan
The mote within h brother's eye,
Are blinded to their own.
And if a brother chance to stray,
Or fortune on him frown;
The' bumbled in the dust he lay,
The text is 'keep him down'
They'll preach up penance with a sigh,
To cure, or nothing can—
Sufferings are good, I'll notdeny,
But not when sent by man.
Each worthy deed is now forgot,
As if not worth retaining;
But oh ! let failings fill the pot,
And slander sucks the draining.
Unto tho dregs she draws it out,
Delighted with her labors,
Then bears the charming swill about
To treat her thirSty neighbors.
'Neath friendship's mask she often lurks,
And smiling fawns around you ;
Concealed, she more securely works,
And kisses but to wound — you.
Detested pest of social joys,
Thou spoiler of life's pleasures ;
Like Samson's foxes would destroy
What's more than all our treasures.
Ilow But Lovengood Exploded,
Set related the story thus :—"George,
did you ever see Sicily Burns? Her dad
li)s at the Ratil Snail: Springs, nigh to the
rgy line 1"
'Yes, a very handsome girl.'
‘llandsome ! that wurd don't kiver the
?case.;, it songs like callLre Oootwhiskey
still•houso ten miles off, an' hit a raisin',
and yer flask only half full. She shows
among women like a sunflower as compar
ed to dog fennel an' smart weed an' jimsen.
But that ain't no use try in' to describe her.
Couldn't cra,vl thru n whiskey barrel with
both heads stove out, if it wur hilt study
for her, an' good foot holt at that. She
weighs just two hundred cud tweaty•six
pounds, and stands sixteen hands high.
She never got in an nrm cheer in her life,
an' you can lock the top hoop of a churn
ur a big dog collar round her waist. I've
seen her jump over the top of a split-bot•
tom cheer, and never show her ankils or
ketch her dress onto it. She kerriod devil
enuf about her to fill a four hoes waggin
bed, with a skin as white as the inside ov
a frog.stool, cheeks an' lips as red us a
perch's - gills in dogwood blossom itrne ; an'
stch a smile ! Oh, Ibe tratted of it is eny
use talkin'. That gal cud make me mur•
der old Bishop Sour himself, or kill
mam, not to speak of dad, of she jest hint
ed that she wanted sich a thing dun
'Well, to tell it at onst, she war a gal all
over, from the pint of her toe nails tu the
longest liar on the,biest knob ov her head
—gal all the time, everywhere—and that
ov the excitinest kind. Ov course I lean
ed up to her as close as I der tu, an' in
spite of long legs, appetite fur whiskey,
my short scrape, and dad's actin hoss, she
sorter leaned to me, an I was beginnin to
think I wur jist the greatest and comforta
blist inan on yearth, not exceptin Old Buck
or Brigham Young, with all his radii cul
bored, wrinkled women, cradels full of ba
bies, an his Big Salt Lake thrown in.—
Well, wun day a cussed, deceivin, palver
in, stinkin Yankee peddler, all jack-knife
and ja v, cum to 010 men Burnses, with a
load or apple parirts, calliker, ribbine,
jewsharps, and o w•d•e-r•s. Now
mind, I'd never horn tellov that truck
afore, an I be'durned of I don't want it to
be the last—wus nor rifle powder—wus
nor perkussion—three times as smart, and
hurts wus, heap wus. Durn him. Dorn
all Yankee peddlers, and durn their prin.
cipils and practisis, I say. I wish I had
all the soda powder they ever made in his
cussed paunch, and a slow match fixed to
him, and I had a chunk of nre, the feller
what found a piece ov him big enuf tu
feed is,cockroach ought to be King ov the
Sultan's harem a thousand years for his
luck. They aint human, no how. The
mint at Filadelfy is thar heaven; they think
thar God eats half dimes fur breakfast,
hashes the leavins fur dinner, an swallers
a cent an a dried apptl for supper, sets on
a stampin machine fur a throne, sleeps
on a crib lull of half dollars, and measures
men like money, by count. They haint
one ov them got a soal but what cud &ince
a jig in a cabbage seed, an leave roam fur
the fiddler.
'Well, Sicily she bought a tin box of the
sody from him; and hid it away from her
folks, a savin it for me. I happened to
pass next day, and ov course I stopped to
enjoy a look at the tempter. She war
mighty luvin to me—put wun arm round
my neck, an tother wun whar the circin
goes coon a hoes, tuk the inturn on me
with her left foot,' and gin me a kiss. She
says, .Stitty, love, I've got somethin fur
ye, a new sensaehun'—an I believe it, for
I begun to feel it already. My toes felt
like little mioners wur a nibbin at em—a
cold streak run up and down my back like
a hazard with a turkey hen after him in
settin time, and my heart felt hot and on•
satisfied like, an then I'd a cut o',e Soul's
throat, of she'd hinted at needsisity fur
sich an opersshun.
Then she poured ten or twelve blue pa
pers ov the sody inter a big tumbler, and
about the same number of white wuns in
ter tother tumbler, an put ni onto a pint
of water on both of em an stirred em both
up with a case knife, lookin as solemn as
a ole jackass m a snow storm when the
fodder's all gin out. She hilt tvun while
she told me to drink tubber. I swallowed
it at a wild run—tasted salsy like, I thot it
war a part of the sensashun. But I wur
mistaken, all ov the cussed eternal nensa
shun wur to cum, and it warn't long at it,
tress, you'd believe me. Then she gin me
Luther tumbler, an I sent it after the fust,
race Koss fashun.
'ln about wun moment and a half I tho t
swallered a thrashin machin in full
blast, ur a couple ov bull dogs, and they
had sot inter fitin. I teed that I wur
cotched ngain—same family dispersition to
make cussed fools ov themselves every
chance.—so I broke for my hoss. I stole
a look back and thar Sicily lay on lfbr back
in the porch, a screemin with laffin, her
heels up In the air, a kickin ov them to
gether like she wur a tryin to kick her
slippers off. But I had no time to look,
and thar war a road of loam frum the hous
tn-eitiibMitietßiPerlieh Liw htio i tUti=
poppin, an a hissen, an a bilin; like a tub
of hot soap sudo. I had gethered a cherry
tree limb as I run, and lit astraddle ov
my hems, a whilipin an a kickin like mad.
This, with the scarey noises I made, (fur
I war a whistlin, nn a hisson, an a sputter
in, outer nose and eyes, like a steam en.
gine) sot hint a rearm!) and cavortin, like he
wus skeered out or his senses. Well, he
went. The foam rolled, and the old black
hoss flew. lie jilt mizzled—skared ni to
death, and no wur So we agreeo on the
pint ov the greatest distance in the smallest
I aimed for Doctor Goodman's at the
Hiwassee Copper Mine, to get somethin
tu stop the explosion in my inards. I met
a seroutt rider on his travels towards a
fried chicken an a hat full ov ball biskiii.
As I cum a tarin along he hilt up his
hands like he wanted to pray fur me, but
as I preferred physic tu prayer, in my pe
conliar situwashun at that time, I jist roll
ed along. Ile tuck a skeer as I cum ni
onto him, his faith gin out, an he doged
hoes, saddlebags an overcoat inter a thicket
jist like you've seed a terkil take water of
ten a log, when a tarin big steamboat cams
along. As he passed ale man Burn's, Si
cily hailed him, and axed him if he'd seen
enybody in a hurry gwino up the road.—
The poor man thought perhaps he did and
perhaps he didn't, but he'd seen a site, uv
a spook, uv n ghost, uv ole Beelzebub him
self, or the komit, he didn't exactly know
which, but takin all things together an the
short time he had for preparashun, he
thought ine a crazy long-legged shaking
Quaker, a fleeing from the wrath tu come,
on a black and white spotted boss, a whip
pin ov him with a big brush, an he had a
white beard that cum from nigh unto 613
eyes to the pummil of the saddil, an then
forked and went to his knees an then sum-
times dropped in bunches as a big as a
crow's nest to the ground, an hearin a
sound like a rushin of mity waters, and
he were mitily exercised about it any
how. Well, I guess he wur, and so was
his aft boss, and wur old blackey, wust ex
ercised ov all ov em were I myself.—
Now George, all this beard an spots on the
hose, and steam, an fire, an snow, an wire
tails, is audacious humbug. It all cum
outen my inards, dropping out ov my
mouth, without eny vomitin ur effurt, and
of it hadn't I'd a busted into more pieces
than thar is aigs in a big catfish. The Le
vengoods are all confounded fools, an dad
aint the wust ov em."
sir Douglass Jerrold's witticisms !
About on a par with our old sassafras pad
Although a veteran of the war of 1812,
and one of its bravest, General Coombs
still retains the sprightliness of youth ; his
head is erect, his back straight as a pine
tree, his eye so bright as a gsme•cock's
and his laugh as cheerful as the carol of a
bird in nesting time. All these qualities
are, doubtless, owing to an internal well
spring of wit and humor, as certain to
keep the outer man fresh and verduous as
the spray of a fountain will keep its bor
ders in perpetual bloom. One day the
general was traveling in a stage coach
with one of those unhappy philosophers
who bestow more attention upon the lumps
on their skulls than on the linings thereof
yeclped phrenologists. Of course, every
body in the stage was thoroughly bored
by this profeasor until the general drew
him into an unlucky ambuscade. “Sir,"
said Leslie, g.l used to be of the opinion
that this science was neither correot nor
founded upon proper grounds, although
I had never given the subject the atten
tion I now find it merits; but I am con
vinced, from the very able discourse you
have given us, that your theory is a just
one, and of no little consequence when
we need to make an estimote of the char
acters and dispositions of men. But al
though I had no great faith in it, yet I
was sometimes struck with a resemblance
in its leading features to a science with
which I am familiar, and by which I am
in a great measure, guided in my inter
course with strangers" --
presume," interrupted the professor,
with a smile of self-satisfaction "you allude
to physiognomy ?"
t•No sir," replied the general, "my tad
coca is dogology."
"Dogology I" echoed the professor,
"Dogology" said the general, with a
winning smile. "I can always tell, sir by
, I the appearance of a dog, what kind of a
man hit master is."
..Sir replied the phrenologist, drawing
himself up stiffly, '•I see your intention is
to cast ridicule upon my science "
‘Tard n me " said the general with_a dxpression or countenance.
"I will convince you to the contrary. At
the flex. town, where we stop for dinner,
and which I have never visited before,
I will tell you from the dogs in the
street what kind of men their owners are.
And, if I foil to do so, I will forfeit the,
drinks for the whole stage load of passen
bOh, yes! that you readily make a fan
ciful theory, I am convinced, and draw nn
imaginary character for that of the mas
ter of every dog, I have tolerably good
reasons for believing; but haw am Ito toll
whether you are correct ? lam a strait.
ger here as well as yourself," said the
wary professor.
"We will leave the decision to the
landlord of the tavern where we stop.—
He must know every person in the place
replied the general."
"Agreed," said the phrenologist, wink
ling at the other passengers. and regaining
' his self satisfied air ; "I agree to that,
and will forfeit drinks if the landlord's ac
count tallies with your descriptions."
On arriving at the tavern, dinner was
speedily discussed, the passengers being
anxi rus to enjoy the exhibition of this nov
el science. The general beckoned the
landlord out of the bar-room. This drew
all the idlers with him, so that with them
and the passengers there was a tolerably
large group in fruit of the tavern, and of
course this attracted other persons to see
what was going on ; so that by the time
the landlord was made acquainted with
his duties as arbiter, quite a respectable
audience was collected—in numbers at
"The owner of that dog," said the
general, as a fine pointer, with a steel
chain collar round his neck, passed, "is a
gentleman of education and property.—
He lives well, dresses well; has a fine
house, (the best house in town, quoth the
landlord) enjoys himself rationally, is fond
of society, a sportsman,. [that's he] gener
ally popular on good terms with his neigh
bors. How is that landlord ?"
"True an a die," said the landlord ; "the
very man."
Just then a little wiry Scotch terrier
darted from under a garden gate opposite
and rushed up the street atter a flock of
chickens. "The owner of that dog,"
said the general, "is a boy of about four
teen or fifteen years of age. A sly rogue
always about some mischief ; he is a spoil.'
ed child, perhaps the only one; he and
the dog are constant companions, and nei.
ther are happy unless engaged in some
scrape; and the neighborhood is no doubt
troubled all the time with their pranks."
"By jolly said the landlord, "there's
something in this here dogology. That
boy is just such a boy as you say he is stray,
ger "
. I The owner. of that dog," continued
the general, as a pug-nosed bulldog with
great wrinkles on his cheeks, short belig
erent ears, heavy think eyes broad chest
bandy fore-legs, and tail that looked as if
it had been gnawed off, made its appear.
ance, '•is an uneducated man. In dispo
sition. he is suspicious and obstinate ; very
wrong-headed; not likely to lave many
friends—if any, men, like himself, not apt
to take much interest in public affairs,
close in his dealings, and not given to talk
"By thunder," said the landlord, yoieve
got him again. The owner of that dog
is a Dutch butcher. He don't talk, for he
can't speak English good; he don't take
no interest in public affairs, 'cause he cant
vote; and he's obAinate as a mule, as I
know for he always gets more pounds of
meat on his bill than there is in his weight
and be won't take off a cent neither."
'•'That dog," said General Leslie, eleva
ting his voice, for he was very much ela
ted with his success so far, as Ile saw a
ca,iital specimen of the bull terrier com
ing up the road—a union of ferocity and
of cunning—heavy headed, lank bodied,
broad-breasted, eyes like coals of fire, ears
and tail cropped for rough-and-tumble
fighting—"that dog gentlemen, is owned
by a man till° is probably the worst man
in this town, if not in the Stnte of Ken
tucky. He is destitute of honor and prin.
ciple, and would not hesitate to take the
lite of any man for the sake of a low dol
Here he was interrupted by a voice in
the crowd :
"Look here stranger, you're making
a little too free with my character, by
Gard ! That dog does belong to me 1"
and the speaker pushed his way through
the crowd, and confronted the dogolo.
“Nly friend,” said the general, calmly,
pushing back the hair from his forehead
want to ask you a question, where did
you get that dog 1"
ed him myself."
"Then," said the general, have lost
the drinks. I was only betting on dogol
ogy, and said he to the phrenologist, •'I
want you to feel the bumps of this gentle
man. And I hope the rest of the crowd
will kiln me m a drink to old Kentucky."
Any person who has seen the great
west, will know how cheerfully this last
sentiment was approved by the crowd gen
Speculator ar.d Capitalist.
. -
We translate for our coluums, a bit that
will,fit other latitudes than that of Paris—
a 'good tiling' of a Parisian gamin, (urchin
loafer boy.) It is lively, energetic, charac
teristic, and was effective.
Two gentlemen were chatiog on the
Boulevard. One was a great speculator,
developing the plan of a magnificent pro-
ject; the other dazzled capitalist, ready to
snap at the bait. He hesitated a little,
but was yielding, merely making a few
objections for conscience sake.
Near these two passed a couple of young
sters of ten or twelve years. They wore
looking in at a tobacco shop close by and
one cries out to the other:—
'Buy the pipe! I'd like to smoke a
sou's worth.' •
'Ah! as luck will have it I haven't the
'Hold on ! I've got two sous.'
.That's the ticket just the thing—one
for the pipe, and one for the tobacco.'
Oh, yes! But what am Ito do?'
,You! Ohl you shall be a stockholder;
you can spit.'
It was a flush of light. The capitalist
thrust his hands into his pocket. and fled
The speculator cast a furious look at the
two gamins, and turned down the street.
—Care ingion's Commissionaire.
after indulging quite freely in his accus.
tomed beverage, amused himself in reusing
a mettlesome horse. The animal not fan.
eying his familiarities, suddenly reared,
and the disciple of Bacchus found himself
sprawling in an adjacent stud puddle.
Gathering himself up as composedly as his
situation would allow, he shouted to hie
eon John who was standing by :
'John. did you see me kick that 'ere
hose V
•Why no, dud, the boss kicked you I'
Reckon not, John. One or t'other of I
us got badly hoisted. Taint me, John,
for Pm here!'
0111rThe1/111 heart is like n feather
bud—it must be roughly handled, well
shaken and exposed to variety of turns,
to prevent it becoming hard.
Original Tin tin.
[Written for the Huntingdon Journal.]
The lost I oh, what are they?—the dead ?
Alas ! there is a grove,
To which the many lost have fled
We might yet would not save.
Lost time, which never more can be ;
Lost joys whose sun both set;
Lost friends; whose tomb is Itiemory,
Whose memory is Regret.
How like a churchyard is the heart,
By buried relics crossed ;
The dead ore but a tithe, a port
Of what the heart bath lost.
The dead have an immortal dower,
O'er which the soul may :nose ;
But oh, the Lost 1 there's not an hear
We live yet nothing lose !
Ah, me ! the mystery of fats,
The sorrow and the thrall ;
How quick we learn to estimate
What we can ne'er recall;
Lost hope, that like an arhiecs dove,
Hath fled this world of care ;
Lust peace, lost happiness, lost lore,
Dispersed like things of air.
Yon sphere that shines from earth so far,
Finds yet some earthly trace,
How many a loved and lofty star,
Huth perished from its face.
Oh ! stars of Heaven, and can ye fall,
Can ye by storms be tossed ?
Alas for hope alas fur all
We loved, and we have lost
E'en Nature for her woolls.dep"ores,
Earth for her cities gone ;
Ocean for empires, and for shores
O'er which her tides sweep on.
Nor heaven, nor earth, nor man escapes,
Nor elements, nor clime,
All bow before that Hand which shripes
The mysteries of Time.
• though the skins were magnificent, his'
Rife upbrai ea him in no generaltermsfor ! An umbrella upon thine arm may make
. C....---' ' . ~ .3 his oversight, 'They most do,' said Phil; it ache, but should rain come the umbrella
,CICC,t llis CtlialtiL • •d
• •-----:
'they must be made up.' They were ac• will preserve thy clothes. Choose betwixt
[Front the N.Y. Evpuing Pesti
cordingly sent to a furrier, where as luck a trifling pain and a tailor's bill.
would have it, they were seen and recog• ; Other persons were born about the same
BVERAL months since, the Bank of O
mzed by the lawful owner, and l'hit was time as thyself, and have been growing up V
arrested when he called for the article, ever sine, as well as thou. Therefore be • :iNew Brunswick was broken into nod
over $70,000 mien from its vaults. Tho I !So it has often happened,' philosophi- not proUd.
.. . . . .
twur ,,,,,,,,,,, amt.mtutts roo r b , :r ;;: avut 7 i : i poll, rutnorlzdad poor Phil, mum his tva::. Ye... ermfitlenco may ha misplaced, it.,
to the Toombs ; 'these cursed baubles of when thou goest out in thine patent leath.
ready been published, and after being tree- !
women have often ruined great men.' But ern boots, simply because the pavement
ces, its perpetrators have at last been cap
ked for a long time, and through many pla
he did not content himself merely with gi- before thine own door has dried.
tured. and are now awaiting trial before
ving utterance to the maxims of wisdom ; 1 The girl who is destined to bo thy wife,
the Court of Assizes in Nova Scotia.—
but while on his way to that venerable pe- ;although now unknown to thee. is sure to
They are three in number, and their castes nal institution he slipped from the officers 'be living somewhere or other. Hope.
are Phil Stanley; Jack Band and B. Smith.
outstripped them in the ince, escaped from therefore, that she is:quite well,and other-
These ! three men apparently are none of the city, fled to Michigan, robbed the State wise think politely about her.
Bank of $ll,OOO, went to Connecticut and ; Edina° thy children lost one of these
3 our small, vulgar rascals. They display
the trophies of no less than sixteen memo-' plundered several jewelry stores in that fin, days they educate thee in a school
table achievements, of which each of theta , State. robbed an Indiana exchange agent with no vacations.
boasts ; and whether they exaggerate the
tmpurtance and recklessness of these from
a love of boasting, we will not stop to la
The leader of this 'Ho is Phil Stanley.
tlias Phil Sandford, who prides himself up
on being one of the most artful villains in
Christendom. He was born in England,
and is over 32 years old. His manner is
affable and quiet, yet he is a very devil in
hardihood and gifted with unparalleled suc.
cess. He has the eye of a lynx, the sub
tlety of a cat, the quick decision of a con•
sumnte general, and a force of execution
which sets all obstacles at defiance.
lie first became known on this continent
in the city of Buffalo, where in a single
night he committed three burglaries. lie
war arrested for the crime tried, convicted
and sentenced to nine months' imprison.
ment. Unfortunately, his sentence was
soon after commuted, and true to his in•
stincts, he hastened to deserve another.
This fellow is aristocratic in his trade.
He entertains a hearty contempt for small
rascalities, and aspires to great projects and
achievements. Scarcely had ho got out of
prison, when he planned a grand enter
prise against the Milton Bank of Dorches
ter; and one fine morning that institution
missed $22,000. Hoeing succeeded in
this great project, he curried on his opera
tions in Albany, Rochester, Buffalo and
Springfield ; sometimes alone, sometimes
with his associates. But in Buffalo the
bird was raged a second time ; the Grand
Jury found a true bill of indictment, and
he was sentenced to the Auburn State Pri-
for another period of nine years and
nine months.
In the meantime, Phil had married the
widow of a Jew, who kept an obscure ho•
tel in the city of Albany: When he found
himself a second time under the restraint
of iron bars and heavy locks, he set his ge
nius to work to devise the means of recov•
ering his liberty. Hu drew up a petition
to the Governor of the State for his pardon
signed by ill the employees of the prison,
and having counterfeited the signature of
the Judge, sent it on to Governor Seymour.
His excellency was ensnared by the trielt;
he promptly sent on an order for his re-
lease, and in a few days Phil found him. born in New Hampshire, where he oxerci
self outside the prison sails. The fraud sed the trade of a looksmith. He began
was afterwards discovered, and officers his career of crime with the theft of $5OO
were despatched to find the criminal, and for which he suffered two years implison
; after a long and fruitless search, they lis• meat.
trawl to the proposals of his wife, whoa. After the expiration of his term, he fig.
greed to discover his whereabouts upon ured in the robbery of the Portsmouth
certain conditions. The bargain being con- Bank, and received, as his share of the
sumated, Phil got oft with two years and spoils, $70,000. Ile sent a part of it to
six months confinement. 'This inadequate his father, who being found with some of
punishment only whetted his instincts, and it in his possession, was arrested for the
gave him new faith in his lucky star ; and crime. Jack not altogether forgetful of
he soon after robbed the Windham county the obligations of a son, confessed him.
Basic of $23,000. He next turned his I self the guilty party to the police. He
thoughts upon Canada, and so went to was imprisoned, and his father set at lib.
Montreal, where he committed many rob-, erty ; but the rascal made his escape in
beries with impunity—among others one about 4 months. At Concord he was ar
of a thousand dollars from the Grand Trunk rested for larceny. He got out again ;
Railroad. A police officer, getting a clue and in New Jersey this modern Jack
to his proceeding,s,aracked him to Buffalo' Sheppard, committed a heavy wharf rob.
where he succeeded in capturing him. Ile , fiery. They caught and imprisoned him,
was locked up two or three months, and and for the third time he broke jail. He
then let off for want of sufficient evidence. I was, however, recaptured in Philadelphia,
After getting rid of this annoyance thus , and sent back to New Jersey,—where he
fortunately, he went to New York, where I was acquitted in some unexplained man
his wife was then living. • Scarcely had ner.
he stepped out of the cars when this ado- Disgusted with the States, he went to
rable creature demanded a fur mantilia.— ;
Canada with Stanley, and the two travel-
Could he refuse such a request to a loving ed up and down the St. Lawrence; steam.
angel, who had turned aside the poisoned boats, expresses, &e., were the theatre Of
arrows of justice aimed at his devoted head. ; their operations. One time they attempt.
The thing was not to he thought of, though ed to steal a box containing $500,000 in
Poil had the funds, be assured he was not gold dust, but failed, Phil was arrested
the man to spoil his dignity by pilfering for the attempt, but was discharged for
so potty a thing. To relieve himself of want of competent evidence.
the embarrassment, he signalized the night I The last of this diabolical trio is Bell
of his visit to the metropolis by breaking Smith, whom we may regard as the set ,
in a sore and stealing a quantity of furs vent, or rather the slave of the other two.
which he thought could not fail of satisfy. ; He does the most dangerous and servile
ing the most et..l.avagent wishes of his be- work, and receives the least pay
loved. But unfortunately for him, he had
. not obtained the article ready made ; he
„.„„„„ had only taken the raw materials; and al.
of a considerable sum, plundered several 0 how good was Nature, that placed
of the principal shops, and joined Jack great rivers near great towns!
Rand and Bell Smith. A traveler journeying wisely, may learn
The trio next attempted tomb an oil coin. touch Yet much may also bo learned by
pauy. By means of false keys, the ras- him who stays ut home.
cils got into the company's safe, but to Ido not say to the, "Marry, for it will
their chagrin found the coff)rs empty,— exalt thee," yet was there subtle meaning
Fur two or three nights they continued the ii) those whose usage it was to say, "Marry
experiment, but still found no money. En- come up."
raged with his ill-success, i'hil resolved not Cold things are used to cure fever, yet
to Mice all this trouble for nothing. Ike- the over-coolness of a friend's act will
ing fully examined the company's books, throw thee into heat.
and acquainted himself with their method We know nothing, and yet it is knotving
of doing business, he forged their name, something to know that thou knowest nosh.
and personating ono of their employees, I ing
got it discounted and left the city. • IVhen I Rya conceit, a curtain red fly hath
the note became due, the unfortunate etn- been called a Lady bird, and bidden to fly
ployee whose name he had assumed, was away home, The counsel is good, even
tried for forgery and sentenced to Sing Sing to her who is neither bird nor fly. There
for hvo yours. is no place like home.
Thence the confederates went to Quebec,. lie who holds his toungue, will have
Their exploits in that city having alarmed nothing else to hold. Yet it is not good
the people and waked up the vigilance o f to be over garrulous.
The weather-cock, working easily, can
tell thee the way of the wind: but if the
the officers, they left for Nova Sieotia.
weather-cock sticks, the course of the wind
A few weeks after their arrival there,
the Bank robbery of $75,000 was commit
will not be influenced thereby. Remem
ted. In this stupendous affair, Phil etn.
ployed all his devilish genius. His man- her this.
ner of proceeding is sometimes slow, but If thy heart is in the Highlands, it is not
always sure. With a bit of wax he took ,
irtuous love is wholesome. Therefore
an impression of the outside door lock, and I
I be virtuous, to make thyself worth y of
self love. Not, of course, that thou
from this model they constructed a key.
Another night the robbers entered the buil
ding, and took impressions of the locks of thereby prevented from loving somebody
the drawers and vaults. and made other el'e•
keys as before ; and were now sure of suc
cess. It is asserted that Phil has often
devoted six montlp, study to the plan of an
enterprise, and when it promised largely
has not scrupled to spend $2,000 in main-
ring it,
lie possesses great powers of strategy
and invention. At Auburn he male a key
`or securing the gates, and gave it to the
jailor, who sold the secret to a house in
New York. They got it patented, and
have realized large profits from its sale.
Ordinarily, Phil managed an affair and
let his confederates execute it But in No.
va Scotia, ho departed from this prudent
custom, and to this negligence he owes
his deteetinn.
Jack Rand, one of his accomplices, was
VOL. XXII. NO. 46.
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Proverbial Philosophy.
Talk to thyself, and insist upon a reply
but not before the world, lest it think that
nobody else will talk to thee.
1 A cat, even if she be friendly, never ap
preaches a direct course. No more
does a truth, 0 friend; but winding round
thy stupidities, and rubbing up against
thy prejudices, it reaches thee gently._
andthen perhaps scratches.
A stitch in time saves nine. If therefore
thou feelest one in thy side, be thankful,
0 friend.
Lore the moan, for she shines in the
night, to give us light in the dark; whereas
the sun shines in the day time, when there
is plenty of light, and his assistance is not
wanted. Such is the difference between
real and fulee charity.
Solomon knew several things, allowing
for his age, but I could teach him a few