I 4 /<- \ I • I 1 lilt'', 4 _ I irs 0 1 1 . urn •,,, • 7, 4 • WILLIAM BREWSTER, 1 EDITORS. • SAM. G. WHITTAKER, gopular Willie, We Have Missed You. Oh I Willie is it you, dear, Safe, safe at home They did not tell me true, dear, They said you would not cod', I heard you at the gate, And it made my heart rejoice, For I knew that welcome footstep And that dear, familiar voice, Making music on my ear In the lonely midnight gloom, Oh I Willie, wo have missed you, Welcome, welcome home I We've longed to see you nightly, But this night of all, The fires were burning brightly And lights were iu the . hall. The little ones wore up 'Till 'twas ten o'clock and post, Then their eyes began to twinkle, And they've gone to sleep at last ; But they listened fur your voice Till they thought you'd never come; Oh 1 Willie, we have missed you, Welcome, welcome home The days were sad without you, The nights long and drenr ; MyAreams have been about yea,. Oh ! welcome, Willie dear ! Last night I wept and watched By the moonlight's cheerless ray, Till I thought I heard your footstep, Then I wiped my tears away ; But my heart grew sad again When I found you had not come ; Oh I Willie, we have missed ynu, Welcome, welcome home ! c,tlcct *ton). THE SECRET OF HAPPINESS. a. INSTIUTTIVI: STORr. !Oh how I wish we were rich !' saidl to my wife, one day. •Jly dear,' she replied, you must not be discontented, we have every comfort— what more can we desir, 1' .Oh, there nro a hundred things—a large house a carriage a fine library and I know not wont. .11 is a yin to fly in the face of God's providence,' replied my wife. Our house is plenty large enough tar our small fami ly. and as for a carriage we should have no use for it—and then we' subscribe to the Mercantile Library. You can get any took you want from there. Believe me, my love, we have every reason to be sat isfied with our lot, and instead of rei ining o't to thank God for it.' And the dear little woman came over to me—put her arms around my- n,•ck,--no, I made a mistake she is too short for that —pulled my face down to hers and hiss ed toe. • Dear reader I must tell you that my name is Jonathan Cl itterwell, and that I have the privilege of writing M. D. at ter my name as a diploma from the Uni versity Medical College in New York, now hanging in my bed-room, amply Les titles. I was born in Virginia and of course belong to the F. F. V 's ; I hope you will make no mistake on this point At time I commence this history 1 had been living for upwards of four years iu Madison st, in the city of Baltimore. I had scraped together a very fine practice, and as my wife said we had every comb rt. But still I was not satisfied; there was Mr. B. kept his carriage, Professor C. bud a fine large house, with ever so many servants,- and Dr. D. had a vey large library while I could get all my books in a moderate size book-case. I wanted to jutup to the top of the ladder of once—l did not like this width. !or fortune—it was altogether too slow too tedious a process for me. The re sult of all was, I became discontented. cross peevish. I was easily annoyed, and my natural good temper stood in great danger of being forever destroyed. My wife, however, exercised a good deal of influence over me—soothing any ruffled spirits and pouring balsa upon my troubled waters She was a dear good girl. I do not believe it was possible for there to be another woman line her in the world. She was the epitome of good ness. She was but why should I go on ? Words cannot express half her good qualities. I must leave it to the reader's imagination to fill up the portrait. She also belonged to the F F. V.'s. We had been brought up together from child hood, had always loved each other, and you might search all the United States through and you would not find a happier marriage than ours. The conversation opening my story oc curred on the 31st day of December, 18- 56. We were undressed for bed, and had few friends to spend the evening with us. I had been beaten three games of chess, running, and that might,: perhaps, have had something in do with Increasing my discontent Well ns I before said, my wife came over and kissed me ; this soothed my feel ings a little and without more grumbling I jumped into bed. I dreamed—l scarcely know what I dreamed that night—carriages, libraries, gold, silver, were all mixed up in terrible confusion. At last I thought I was dead sonic one was nailing down my coffin. qtat-tat.tat ' Perspiration bursting out from every pore of my body. 'Rat-tat-tat.' Intense nor" of your humble ser• Yost. .Itat•int tat.' A Parfet struggle, in which I knocked my wife over the eye with my elbow, for tunately not hurting her, but causing her to give me a kick, (of course she did not know what she was doing,) which awn kened me. It was brsnd daylight, and some one knocked at the bed room door, which ex plained the comfortable sensation I had ex perienced of being nailed down in my coffin. 'Come in,' I exclaimed. The door opened wide, and Bridget made her appearance. (1 should say that Bridget was a recent importation from tt e Emerald isle, and our maid of all work.) To give you an idea how exceedingly ver dant she woe when she first came to us, we asked her, ono hot, scorching day, to pour water on some ice; she did so, only the water was boiling. 'lf you please, sir,' said Bridget, 'the mate's cooked, and breakfast is nearly ready. (Bridget is from Cork and her accent is rather hroad ) 'All right Bridget,' I replied ; 'we will get lip directly. Give me the .Sun' pa per.' Bridget did as [ requested, and propped myself up in the bed ana began to peruse it. The first thing that struck nie, was that it was Thursday, the first of January, Year's Day. I determined I would turn o new leaf, nod endeavor to be more satin- fled with my condition for the ensuing year. My eyes then ran down the list of oil vertised letters. I saw one for me, yes. there it was, Jonathon Clatterwell, M. D., right before my eyes. Now Clutterwell is not a very common name, to any noth ing of the prefix Jonathan. I immediate ly surmised that the letter must be for me. I set my wits to work thinking who it could be from. .1 have it,' said Ito myseii . ; 'it's from Aunt Margaret. She has sent us a hand some New Year's gift to the shape of a bank bill, and not knowing my true ad• dress, has directed the letters simply to Baltimore. I was so convinced 'Sat my supposition was correct, that I could no longer restrain my impatience. but jumpt:d up, hurried no toy clothes, told Bridget to delay the breakfast, threw myself into a Howard-st stage, and in about a quarter of an hour found myself front of the post office win dow. In another minute the lidter was in my hands. t opened it and to my astonishment, rend no follows: ACCOMAC, C. H.. Va., Dec. 24,1856. Dear Sir ;—We regret to inform you of the demise of your respected aunt, Miss Margaret Ulutterwell. By her will, now in our possession, you are appointed sole heir to her property, amounting in real es tate and personal property, to $lO,OOO per Hoping to see you immediately, we re main. Yours respectfully, BLEECHER & CO. To Jonathan Clutterwell, ; M. D., Ilaltimore, Md.' Poor Aunt Margaret was dead then ! In spite of the weulth she left tne, I really felt sorry; she was such a kind, good old lady; but then I recollected, we cannot expect to live forever, and eighty is a good age. I then thought of the wealth she had left, and the new comturts it would bring us— how high we could hold our heads ! That we could get a carriage as handsome as Dr. B —'s, a house as fine as Dr. C's gild a library as large as Dr. D's. By the time all these things had passed through my mind, I had ogaiu reached home. 'Joy, joy, joy !' I exclaimed, as I opened the duor—:my wife was sitting at the breakfast table waiting for my return— 'we are rich, we are independent. Whot do you mean, my dear? You must be going crazy,' returned my wife • In reply, I threw her the letter. I could perceive the dear girl's eyes brighten ns " LIBERTY AND UNION. NOW AND FOREVER, ONII AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, -1.857. she read, for after all she was but human. How I wished myself home again ! And 'Oh how nice I' she exclaimed, when my wife became more distant to me every she had perused it. 'Now Jonathan, dear i day; it was evident she took no pleasure what shall we do in my society ; not a day passed but we 'Well' I returned, suppose in the first had a violent quarrel, and not an hour place, I must give up my practice.' passed that 1 did not curse our recently 'Certainly, throw physic to the dogs,' i acquired fortune. returned Jove. (My wife's name is Jane.) al ceased at lost to go out at all with my 'We will then snake a tour through the U. wife, but my place wits very well filled by States.' 1 added. Monsieur Letoux, who took her every 'No, no; said Jane, 'we will go at once' where, • to Paris.' I This eternal Frenchman was always 'Paris!' I replied, 'nonsense! I don't with us—he paid assiduouacourt to Jane, won't to go and live on French kickshaws. but I did riot mind it much, for, in spite of 'We'll go to Niagara. all difference between me and my wife, I say no,' returned my wife in a loud bud sill, faith in her honor. I did not be voice, at the same time stirring her collie Bove she was vulnerable on that point with so much energy that she threw the Alas, I was grievously deceived—but cup over and broke it ell to pieces. It was do not let me anticipate. one of the beet set too. 'We will go to As I have before stated, things went on Paris.' in this manner fur more than a month, as 'Paris he--bothered,' I replied :'it shall til l• became perfectly disgusted with the be Niagara.' -whirl:ll4mi., and would spend sty whole ' , Paris !' day in Cialignanfs reading room, while 'Niagara!' Letoux gallanted my wife about. This say Paris !' became sit regular that my wife never saw I say it shall be Niagara me till late as night, and never expected I grew very angry, and with my last ime during the daytime. It was a relief to wards, in my rage, kicked over the break- both of us to see each other as little as pos. fast table, scattering the coffee cups, plates I sible, for riots' there MS no sympathy be and everything else on the table in every tween us ; our thoughts, ideas, and wishes direction, of course breaking them all. were entirely opposite. How differen t When I saw the disorder I had coca- front a modest home in Baltimore t There sinned, I became ashamed of myself. My we had agreed in everything, and our poor little wife burst into tears, whole life had been one of unalloyed hap. It was the first quarrel we had ever had! piness and love! Oh, fatal, fatal fortune! 'Never mind, my darling,' 1 exclaimed, Why was I cursed with the possession of approaching my wife and kissing her— $lO,OOO a year ? 'You shall have your way, we will go to One day I went to tho reading-room, as Paris.' usual, but while there, I was taken with Jane smiled through her tears, returned I a violent headache. I determined to go my embrace, and we were good friends to my hotel and go to hod. again. Acting upon this idea, contrary to my I started the same day for Accomack usual custom, I returned home in toe day. l i C. H., and in a week in full posses.. 1 was just about entering nay bed•roan, sion of my property. In three more days when I heard tt voice in the parlor on the we were in New York, and on the fowth noise lauding with the sleeping apartment. on the Arago, and on the fifth out of sight 1 cautwualy approached the glass dour, of land. and peeped ever the green blind. 0 God ! I shall not attempt to describe the miser what did L see there—could l believe my tee of that voyage.. The evades...a._ Lein.x. Ir. - W.l- was seasick from the day we started to I ing at my wife's feet kissing her hand— the day we landed! Oh how I cursed the and oh ! horror of horrors, site was gazing sea. Paris, and our recent It rtune ! How lovingly and smiling in his face. heartily 1 wished I wns back in good old My brain was on tire and my heart beat tie himore attending my patients! I beg- tit itittituc usly. Iler indifference I could ged, prayed, implored somebody to throw brat., but dishonor never I I rushed into me overboard, but the savages only laugh- sty remit and seized a revolver 1 always ed at me. My wife, on the other hand, carried with me when travelling. With was not sick at all, but seemed to enjoy lone bound 1 was in the room, confronting herself thoroughly, while I lay rocking in ! the guilty pair my berth. I could hear her laughing and 'Villain you must die !' I exclaimed, and joking with the rest of the dassengers.— discharged my plat)! at Letoux, tho ball The sound was 117deful to me, nod I up.. entered his heart, he reeled. gazed at the braided her very much with it. She re- I with a ghastly stare, and fell dead at my Inliated, high Words ensued, arid we liad feet. another desperate quarrel. It was sums 'Now, madam, it is your turn,' [ exclai time before we made this one up. 'Phis ined, facing my wife, 'you must rejoin your quarrel iris followed by others ; in fact vile paramour.' they became now of almost daily occur- 'Oh, mercy. Jonathan. mercy ehe ex , rence, and I plain.y saw that we were clasping her hands together. growing to hate each other. 'What ! show mercy to a vile woman We landed ut Havre at last. After we , like you? never !' had been on shore a few hours, I began to I placed the revolver to her heart and feel better and could look uround me. discharged it. The first thing I noticed was a young Sae died without a groan. Frenchman, p ying, ns I thought, a great My work was now finished, rind I gazed deal too much attention to my wife. stupidly around me. My feelings under- I scowled at hitn, went a revulsion. There lay Jane, my He advanced to me with the !nest pleas I Jane, my own dear wife, weltering in her ant air in the world, and said : blood, and I was her murderer With AI 'Monsieur has been very sick. I hope cry of horror, I threw myself upon her Monsieur feels better.' prostrate body, and lost all consciousness. do,' I growled. When I came to myself 1 was . in the 'Who is this fellow 1' whispered to my hands of the gendesitrines and on my way wife. 'Oh, that's Monsieur Letoux, our fellow passenger from New York ; you were so sick all the way over that you did not see hits, but I assure you he was very pulite and attentive to inv.' have no doubt he was,' I muttered. 'Monsieur and Madame ge to Paris said Letoux. shall have the•hotior to accompany them !' There was no help for it. I could not be so unmanly as to repulse polite atten tion, so I bowed my head in acquiescence. We were soon on our road to Paris. 1 sat coiled up in one corner of the railroad carriage, while my wife and Mr. Letoux conversed in French. Note I knew little French, while my wife spoke it like a na tive. I could, however, distinguish the words "Nlon cher Monsieur " and "Ma chere Madame," very often repeated, I did not much like it, but held my peace. We arrived in due time at Pans, and -under the Frenchman's advice, took apart ments in the Hotel Aleurice. Then followed a long weary month of sight seeing. Oh, how tiresome it was ! We visited the Louvre, Pantheon, Cuts combs, Versailles, St. Cloud—and a hun dred other places I don't remember. We returned home every day tired to death to pmott 'Three months of dreary captivity fol lowed. Flow shall I describe all the an. gutsh of mind I endured I My heart was broken. One morning I was informed that my trial was to take place that dry. I heard the news with utter indifference, for I cur ed not tvhat became of me. I was tried, 'nude no defence and atter a long investigation, a verdict of guilty of willful murder was returned against me. I was eoedetnned to he guillotined in a week. The fatal day at length dam/tied. The execution was to be in the. Place du Trone. We left the prison nt an early hour, and soon reached the fatal spot There stood brforta me the hideous black guillotine, and I could see the glittering in the morning sun. 'rho approach to the scaffold was surrounded by soldiers. A passage was funned between them ; and I ascended the steps. An immense concourse of people filled the b9llllre, and when they saw me a tearful cry was raised, whether of sym pathy or disgust, I had no means of telling 1 glanced around ate fur a moment. and then kneeled down fervently; I ruse up and prepared to sutler the extreme penalty of the law. bared my neck, and placed my head upon the fatal niche. I heard a rustling and felt a violent shock. I open ed my eyes, and a well-known voice greet ed my ears : 'Now, master. and will you get up, and shure the coffee's cowld and the mate's done to rags.' , And there was Bridget shaking me by the shoulder to a walren me. • I saw it all in a moment ; I had fallen asleep over the paper, and it was all a dream. When I understood it I could fair. ly have hugged Bridget. I was so plea sed. looked around and there wns my little wife in a calm, placid sleep by my side. There had been no letter, no fortune, and what is still better, no murder. Oh, how happy I was. It gave me a good lesson and thnt 1,, the secret of hap piness is contentment ! jotitcal ctvz. Pennsylvania Legislature SCNATE. The following Senators hold ovor : Philadelphia county—Harlan Ingram, D. ; H. L. Wright, D. Montgomery county—Thos. P. Knox, D. Berks—John C. Evans, D. Bucks—Jonathan Ely, D. Northampton and Lehigh—Jos. Laubach. D. Adams and Franklin —Geo. W. Brewer, D. York—Wm. H. Welsh, D. Cumberland and Perry—Henry Fetter, D. Centre, Lycoming, Clinton and Sullivan—A. Gregg, R. Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon—J. Cress well, Jr., D. Luzerne, Montour and Columbia—Geo. P. Steele, D. Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyoming—C. Reed Myer, R. Tioga, Potter, M'Kean, Elk, Clearfield. Jeff erson and Forest—Henry Souther, R. Mercer, Venango and Warren—G. W. Sco field, R. Erie and Crawford—D. A. Finney, R. Butler, Beaver and Lawrence—John R. Har ris, R. .TO A unbtrong, Indiana and Clarion—Titian J. Coffey, R. Schuylkill—C. M. Straub, D. Total—Democrats, 13 ; Republicans, 8 The following new members were elected on the 13th ult. : _ ... .... I. District, Philadelphia—S. J. Randall, D.; (to fill a vitenney;) I. N. Marselis, I). 11. Dist. Chester and Delaware—Thoinas S. Bell, D. _ _:. VIII. Dist. Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne —Thomas Craig. jr., D. XIII Did. Snyder. Northumberland, Mom tour and Columbia—Midas R. Buelcalew, D. XV. Dist. Dauphin and Lebanon—John B. Rutherford, R. XVI. Dist. Lancaster—Bartrain A. Schaffer, Itt Polled Baldwin, R. XIX. Dist. Somerset. Bedford and Hunting- don—Win. P. Scholl, D. XXII. Dist. Westmoreland qnd Fayette— Jacob Turney, D. XXIII. Dist. Washington and Greene—G• IV. Miller, D. XX VI. Dist. Lawrence, Mercer and Venam m—Win M. Francis, R. Democrats marked "D." Republicans "R.'' REUAPITULATION. Democrats. Republicans. Holding over, New members, jotal; 110 USE OF REFRESESTATIVES. Adams—Charles Will. Allegheny—Daniel Neyley, Jas. 13. Back /won, Akkolae Voeyhtly t J. heron Foster, J. M. Irvin. _ _ . ....... Armstrong and Weattnoreland—Robt. War den, John K. Calhoun, Matthew Shield, Beaver and Lawrence--Dr Lormu huhrie, Gee. P. Shaw. Bedford and Somerset—Samuel J. Caslncr, D. BAY, Ind. Whig. Berke—Benjamin Nunnemacher, Amos Wel. ler, Edmund L. Smith. Blair—Robert W. Christy. Bradford—John B. G. Babcock, Callen F. Nichols. Bucks—John H. Lovett, John Mangle. Butler—A. W. Crawford, W. W. Dodds. Cambria—Geo. N. Smith. Carbon and Lehigh—Charles H. Williams, Herman Rupp. Centre—Samuel Gilliland. Chester—Morton Garrett, John Hodson, E. W. Sharp. Clarion and Forest—Wm. AL Abrams. ' 014 Clearfield, Jefferson, M'Kean and Elk—Wm. P. Wilcox, Joel Spyker. Clinton and Lycoming—D. K. Jackman, T. W. Lloyd. Columbia, Montour, Wyoming and Sullivan —John V. Smith, Peter Eat. Crawford and Warren—Thomas Struthers, Robert P. Biller. Cumberland and Perry—Hugh Stuwart, C. C. Brandt. Dauphin— Wm. C. A. Latcrence, Edward J. Luuman. Delaware—Thomas P. Powell. Erie— IVarcham Warner, D. Ithaton, I. B. Fayette—John Hiner, Franklin and Fulton—Alex. K. McClure, J. NHL 0 reeno—Wm. Kincaid. Huntingdon—Daniel Houtz. Indiana—John Bruce. Juniata, Snyder and Union—Thomas Hayes, Daniel Wilmer. Lancaster—Emanuel D. Math, Samuel 11. !Wee, Jonathan 11. Roland, Jas. D. Pownall. Lebanon—John George. • lozerne—P. C. Gritinan, Steuben Jenkins, Samuel G. Turner. Mercer and Vonango— Wm. G. Rose, C. P. Ramsdell. Mifflin—Charles Bower. Monroe and Pike—Lafayette Westbrook. Montgomery—A. 13rower Longaker, Josiah Hillegno, Geo. Hamel, Northampton—Joseph Hooding, Maxwell Goepp. Northumberland—Joseph C. Rhodes. Philadelphia City—J. C. Kirkpatrick, C. M. Donovan, John Ramsey, C. H. Armstrong. Philadelphia County—Joseph H. Donnelly, John H. Wells. D. R. McClane, Henry Dunlap John H. Dohnert, Townsend Yearsley, John M. MeHoy, John Wharton, James Donnell 9, Oliver Evans, J. H. Ankle, J. T. Owens, A. Arthur. Potter and Tioga—L. P. Williston, Isaac Benson. Schuylkill—Charles D. Hippie, Michael Wea rer, T. R. L. Eber. Susquehann a—Simeon B. Chase. Washington—John N. McDonald, James Donohoe. Wayne—Holloway L. Stevens. York—Win. W. Wolf, H. Hiestand Glatz. Democrats in Roman. Republicans Italic. Independents SMALL CAPS. Democrats 68. Republicans 30 Indepen . • dents 2. RECAPITULATIO Y. Dem. Rep. Ind, 21 12 68 30 2 Senate, House, 89 42 2 44 Dem. maj. on joint ballot, 45 Vote in Senatorial Districts. DINSTEENTH DISTRICT. Schell. Xoontz. 1,715 2.305 2,457 1.844 8,034 5,844 5,844 &menet, Bedford, Scholl's majority, ,*tiectstcllang. TROUBLE. 'Trouble' becomes a marvellous mortifi er of pride, and an effectual restrainer of self-will. The temper is mellowed and the feeling refined. It needs repented strokes of the hammer to break the socks in pieces. and so it sometimes requires re peated strokes of anguish to break our hearts in pieces and make us humbler and wiser men. And, as the longer you keep the canary bird in a da•kened case the sweeter it will sing, so the more serene the discipline of the good man's experi ence, the sweeter the song of his spiritual life. The gold that is refined in the hot test furnace comes out the brightest, and the character moulded by intense heat will exhibit the most wondrous excellence. God's children are like stars, that shine brightest in the darkest night, like torches, that are better for besting like grapes that come net to the proof till they (mine to the press; like trees, that drive down their roots farther and grasp the earth tighter. by reason of the storm; like vines, that grow the better for bleeding; like gold, that looks the better for scouring; like glow•tvorms, that shine best in the dark ; like juniper. that smells sweetest in the fire ; like the pomander, which becomes more fragrant by chafing, like the palm tree, which proves the better for preser ving; like the camomile, which spreads the more as you tread upon it. '.There i s a flower when trampled on, Doti' still more richly bloom, And even to its bitterect foe Gives forth its sweetest perfume, The rose that's crushed and shattered, Doth on the breeze bestow •- A fair scent that further gone, Even for the cruel blow." Cod Fish Aristocracy. The fashionrbles at one of the big wa• baring places, on tho Now Jersey coast, were greatly incensed at dinner, one day last summer, by seeing a plainly dressed gentlemen and lady walk in and take seats in their very midst. The ladies made au dible remarks on the • appearance of the strangers, and spoke indignantly because the waiters attended to their wants; vari ous insulting allusions were also made, and the dinner was ruined by the 'spoiled children of fashion' In the evening however, when the parlor doors were thrown open, this same couple, ele gantly dressed, were ushered in and in troduced to the company as "Governor Newell and lady." Silks fluuer,d, broad VOL. XXII. NO. 44. cloth trembled, and rouge was most effect ually placed in the back ground by natu ral color, ns ane and another came to pals the compliments of the evening, and ten der their sincere apologies for their transactions at dinner. Mrs. Newell, however, like a true woman as she is, de clined to receive their apologies, not on account of personal resentment, but be cause their conduct exhibited them al per sons not fitted toassaciate w;th genuine la dies, and she refused to recognize them as such It seems that the Governor and Mrs. Newell had arrived just at dinner, and being too hungry to wait for a change of costume, presumed to present them selves et the table in their travelling dress I WHY MAHOMEDANB ABHOR PORK.-411 Europe, during many centuries, th" only animal food in general use was pork— beef, veal, mutton being comparatively unknown. It was, therefore, with no small astonishment that the crusaders on retuning fern the East said they had been among people, who, like the Jews, thought pork unclean and refused to eat it. But the feelings of lively wonder which this intelli gence excited were destroyed as soon ae the cause of the fact was explained. The subject was taken up by Mathew Parrs, the most emindit historian during the thir. teenth century, and one of the most• emi nent during the Middle Ages. This cel ebrated writer informs us that the Mahom tuedans refuse to eat pork on account of a singular circumstance which happened to their prophet. It appears Mahommed having on one occasion, gorged himself with food and drink till he was inn state of insensibility fell asleep on a dunghill, and in this disgraceful condition was seen by a litter of pigs. The pigs attacked the tallen prophet, and suffocated Lim to death; for which reason his followers abominate pigs and refuso to partake of their flesh. This 1 striking fact explains one great peculiarity • of the Mahommedans; and another fact MTh striktri :24l) , l,thii.°VlMr. tha t a Cardinal and only became heretic because heftited ßuad inh.i,s History his design ofCivilization of being inti e z le a ct o e n d pope 1 in England. Monitore of Missionaries in India. The last ray of hope has been dispelled by the late arrival of news from Ind* and we must now record with feelings of the profoundest sorrow that there is every reason to believe the one missionary fam ily of the Presbyterian board at Anted gurgh have perished in the massacre.— They have been traced 'to the vicinity of Cawnpore, and it woo hoped that when Gen. Havelock arrived there he would find them alive and rescue them from the in surgents,•but he reports but one white per son as saved, and her name is given, so that the painful fact is pressed upon our hearts that our brethren and sisters, our dear friends, Freeman Campbell, Johnson, and McMullen, and their wives, and two children of Mrs. Campbell, have fallen victims to the awful insurrection in badia.--New York Observer. Wearing Apparel. In our climate, fickle in its gleams of sunshine and its balmy airs, as a coquette in her smiles and favor , consumption bears away every year the ornament of many social tiro les. The lairest and loveliest are its favorite victims. An ounce of preven tion in this fatal disease is worth many pounds of cure, for when once well seated it mocks alike medical skill and careful nursing. If the lair sex could be induced to regard the laws of health, many precious lives might be saved, but pasteboard soles, low neck dresses and lilliputian hats, sow annually the seeds of a fatal harvest. The suggestion in the following article from the Scientific American,il followed, might save many with consumptive tendencies from an early grave : Pitt it on at once, Winter and Summer, nothing bettor can be worn next to the akin than a loose red woollen shirt; for it has room to move on the skin, thus causing a titilation which draws the blood to the surface and keeps it there; and when that is the case no one can take cold; ..red," for white flannel fills up, mats to gether, and becomes tight stiff, heavy and impervious. Cotton-wool merely absorbs the moistate from the surface, while wool. len flannel conveys it from the skin and deposits it in drops on the outside of the shirt, from which the ordinary cotton shirt absorb. it, and by its nearer exposure to the air is soon dried without injury to the body. Having these properties, red wool len flannel is worn by sailors even in the midsummer •if the hottest countries. Wear a thinner article in aummer.—.Hull's Jour. nal of Health.