Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 14, 1857, Image 1

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And all Diseases of the Lungs and Throat,
Alin PMI'S - Et,
Which conveys the remedies tothe cavities in
the lungs through the air passages, and coming
In direct contact with the disease, neutralizes
the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes
a free and easy expectoration, heals the lungs,
purifies she blood, imparts renewed vitality to the
'nervous system, giving that tone and energy so
indispensable tor the restoration of health. To
be able to state confidently that Consumption is
curable by inhalation. is to men source armlet
toyed plessure. It is as much under the con
trol of medical treatment as any other formid
able dim.° ; ninety out of every hundred ca
ses can be cured in the first stages, and fifty per
cent in the second ; hut in the third stage it is
impossible to save more than five per cent., for
the Longs are so cut up by the disease as to bid
defiance to medical Mill. Even, however, in the
last stages, Inhalation affords extraordinary re
the suffering attending this fearful scourge
which annually destroys ninety-live thousand
persons inn the United States alone ; and a cor
rect en'eulation shows that of the present popu
lation of the earth, eighty millions are destined
to fill the Consumptive's graves.
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow SO fa
tal as Consumption. In all nges it has been the
great enemy of life, for it spares neither ngo nor
sex, but sweeps all alike the brave, the beauti
ful, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of
that Supreme Being from whorls cometh every
good .d perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer to
the afflicted a pethitinent and speedy cure in
Consumption. Tire first cause of tubercles is
from impure blood, and the immediate afibet pro
duced by their deposition in the lungs is to pre
vent the free admission of air into the air cells,
which causes a weakened vitality through the
entire system. Then surely it is more rational
to expect greater good from medicines entering
the cavities of the lungs than those administered
through the stonincli ; the patient will always
find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after
Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local
remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally and
with more pawet' and certainty than rentecli.s
administered by the stomach. To prove the pow
erful nud direct Milne nee of this mode of admin-
Istrution, chloroform inhaled will entirely de
stroy sensibility in n few minutes, paralyzing
the entire nervous system, so that II limb may be
amputated without the slightest pain; inhaling
the ordinary burning gas Will destroy life in a
few hours.
The inhalation of ammonia Will rouse the sys
tem when fainting or apparently dead. The o
dor of many of the medicines is perco ptible in
the skin a few minutes niter being inhaled, and
msy he immediately detected in the blood. A
convincing proof of the constitutional efforts of
Inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always pro•
duced by breathing foul air—is not this positive
evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepar
ed and judiciously administered thin' the Mints
should produce filo happiest results 7 During
eighteen years' practice, many thoumnds suffer
ing from diseases of the lungs and doted, have
been under my Care, and I htlVO ellhuted marry
remarkable curer, even after the sufferers bad
been pronounced in the last stages, width Italy
satisfies ma that consumption is no longer a fa
tal diocese. lily treatment of consumption is
originel, and founded on long experience and a
thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance
with the mauve of tube reles.h.e., enables nie to
distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease
011.1 , 11110M0 consumption, and apply the proper
remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single
case. This tiaunilinrity, in connection eith cer
tain pathological mid microscopic discoveries en
ables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of
contracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purity
the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving
energy and tone to the entire system.
Medicines with full directions sent to any part
of the United States and Canadas by patients
communicating their symptoms by letter. But
the cure would be more certain if the patient
should pay me n visit, which would give me un
opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me
to prescribe with much grantee certainty, and
then the cure could be effected without my see
ing the patient nguin.
G. W. liltAllAill, lit. D .,
Below Twelfth,
August 5, t857.-Iy.
Of all disease ; the great, first cause
Springs from neglect of Nature's laws.
When a et;;;guaranteed in all stages of
Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility. Strictures, Meets
Gravel, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidney anti
Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula
Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of tin
Lungs, Throat, Noso and Ey., Ulcers upon I
the Body or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy, Epilep
Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases ari
sing from a derangement of the Sexual Organs.
Such as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memo
ry, Loss of Power, General Weakness, Dirtiness
of Vision, with peculiar spots appearing before
the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspep
sia, Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the Face,
Pain in the back and head, Female irregulari
ties, and all improper dischargesfrom both sexes.
It matters not from what cause the disease origi
nated, 1 ,waver lung standing or obstinate the
ease, r,,,verai is certain, and in a shorter time
Duel a permanent cure can be effected by any
other treatment, even alter the disease has baf
fled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted
all their means of cure. The medicines are
pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and
free trom mercury or balsam. During twenty
years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws
of Death many thousands, who, in rho last sta
ges of the above mentioced diseases load been
given top by their physicians to die, which war
rants me is promising to the afflicted, who may
place themselves under my care, a perfect and
most speedy cure. Secret diseases are the
greatest enemies to health, as they are the flr.,t
cause of Consumption. Scrofula .d many oth
er diseases, and should be a terror to the hu
man family. Asa permanent cure is scarcely
ever effectual, a majority of the eaten billing in
to the hands of incompetent persons, who not
only fail to cure the diseases bet ruin the con
stitution, filling the system with mercury, which
with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a ra
pid Consumption.
But should the disease and the treatment not
cause death speedily and tile victim marries, the
disease is entailed npon the children, who are
born with feeble constitutions, and the current
of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself
in Scrofula, 'Letter, Ulcers, Eruptions. and oth
er affections of the skin. Eyes, Throat and
Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of
suffering and consigning thetn to an early
Sall-abuse is another formidable enemy to
health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of
hutnatt diseases causes so destructive a drain
upon the system, drawing its thousands of vic
tims through a few years of suffering down to au
untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys
tem, rapidly wastes away the energies of lite,
causes mental deraugement, prevents the proper
development of the system, disqualifies Ibr mar-
riage, society, business, and all earthly happi
ness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body
and mind, predisposed to consumption and a
train of evils more to be dreaded than death It
self. With the fullest confidence I assure the
unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse flint a speedy
and permanent cure can he effected, and with
the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa
tients-can be restored to robust, viworous health.
The afflicted are cautioned against the use of
Patent Medicines, for there are so many ingeni
ous snares in the columns of the public prints
to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that mil
lions have their constitutions ruined by the vile
compounds of quack doctsrs, or the equally '
sonous ncstrums vended as "Patent ,Medicines."
I have carefully analyzed many of the so-called
Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of
them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is ono
of the strongest preparations of mercury and a
deadly poison, which instead of curing the dis
ease disables the system for life.
Three-fourths of the patent medicines now in
rise are put up by unprincipled mid ignorimt per
sons, who do no t understand even the alphabet
of nintcria medics, nod arc equally as destitute
of any knowledge of the human system. having
only one object in view, and that to make mon
ey regardless of consequences. . .
Ir • 0 larities and all diseases of males and
females treated on principles established by
twenty . years of practice, and senctioned by
thousands of the most remarkable cares. Medi
cines with full directions sent to any part of the
United States and Caned:is, by patients commu
nicating theit symptoms by letter. Business
correspondence strictly confidential. Address
OFFICE, No. 1131 Fitnntrr ST., (Old N 0.103.)
'Below Twelfth
0 5 I,7ll7l%Et.tilES ;
rf371.013t, CaNYVITZU.,
pt. ililirk S. Dye, Author,
19- Who has hod 10 years experience ns n Bank- .
cr and Publisher, and author of "A SCH. of I
,0 Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when
fir' Jor 10 successive nights, over 50,000 People
0 greeted him with rounds of applause, while
6he exhibited the manner in which Counter
^ !biters execute their frauds, and the surest and
shortest mean, of detecting them
The Bank Note Engravers all say that le
C is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
• Greatest discovery of the present century
(0 fur detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. De
is" seething every genuine bill in existence, and
Is exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in
teireulatien I! Arranged so admirably, that
6 is easy and detection instantaneous.
(a - No index to examine ! No pages to
ghoot op ! lint so simplitled and nrranged
that the Merchant, Banker and Business man
X can see all at a glance. English, Wench and •
German. Thus each may read the same in
▪ his own native tongue. Most perfect Bank
Note List published. Alton litp of all the
..I."llvittta Bunkers rn AMerlen. A comp..
QBllllllllUry of the Finance of Europe and A
merica will be published in each edition, to
e gutter with all the important news of the day.
Also a series of tales, from an old Manuscript
Mound in the East, it furnishes the most corn- !
plete Ilistury of "Oriental Life."
the mo3t perplexing positions in which
- C the ladies and gentlemen of that Country
have been so often found. These stories will
continue throughout the whole year, and win
ms ',rove Om most entertaining over offered to
Z" the public.
• (.1.5. Punished Weekly to subscribers only
• I"" at 'NI a year. All letters must be addresse,l to
CIO JOON S. DI E, Buoroot, Publisher ft
0 Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, N ew York.
I tt) April 22, 1857.-Iy.
cirro INVALIIS.,a
Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician.
Physician for Diseases of the Lungs, Throat
and Heart—Formerly Physician to tho
Author of "Leto. to Invalids," IS COMING.
See following Card.
October Appointments.
Dr. Hardman, Physician for disease of the
Lungs Lungs (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma
will bo in attendance at his
TOOIIIS as follows t
Huntingdon. Jackson's Hotel, Saturday, Oct. In
Lewistown, Malone' Hotel, " 12
Mifflin, Pattersou House, " 13
Harrisburg, 14 85 15
Altoona, cr 8
Johnstown, tc 7
Indiana, " 6
Greensburg, it 3
Dr. Hardman treats Consinnption, Bronchi
tis, Asthma, Larryngittis and 011 diseases of the
throat and flings, by medical Inhalation, lately
used in the Broniton Hospital, London. The
great point in the treatment of all human melo
dies is to get at the disease in the direct man
ner. All medicines aro estimated by their ac
tion upon the t man requiring relief. Tlik is
the important fact open which fnhalation is ha
s ed. If the stomach is diseased we take
medicine directly into the stomach. If the lungs
are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va
pors directly into the lungs. Medicines are the
antidotes to disease and should he applied to
the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap
plication of this principle to the treatment of
the Mugs, for it gives us direct access to those
intricate air cells and tubes whirl, lie out of
reach of every other means of administering
medicines. The reason that Consumption, 1111,1
other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re
sisted all treatment has been because they had
never been approached to a direct manner lay
medicine.' They were intended to Oct upon the
lungs and yet were epplied to the stomach.—
Their notion was intended to be load, and yet,
they wore so administered that they should not
act constistutionally, expending immediate and
principal action upon the unotlending stomach,
whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were un
molested. Inhalation brings the medicine its
direct contact with tho disease, without the
disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli
cation is simple, that it can be employed by the
youngest intent or feeblest invalid. It does not
derange the stomach, or in terNro in the least de
gree with the strength, comthrt, or business of
the patient.
Oruro — Distions T1111,1110.—11l relation
to the 6fflowing diseases, either when compli
cated with loot ellintinns existing alone, I also
invite consultation. 1 usually lied them prompt
ly curable.
Prolapses and all other forms of Female com
plaints, Irregularities and Weakness.
Palpitation and all other forms of Heart
Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all
other diseases of Stomach and bowels, Re.
All diseases of the esti and ear. Na uralgia,
Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.—
No charge for consultation.
June 3, 1857. •
li - 6 - 111 - : - . - L,l - 11:6.143 - ogi9 IiIIUILIEB.O
ZUNM1010011 ; va,
June 13, 1857.
= _
American Safety-Paper Mann facturl
Compviy of New York.
Capital, $500,000.
A. NICHOLAS, President, Office, 70 Wall St.
A Perfect &mirky against all manner of Fraud or
Counterfeiting on Paper. To Prevent Photo
graphs and Anastaie Counterfeits, Erasures,
Transfers or Alterations.
Having purchased the Patent for the exclu
sive right to manuffictUre and sell the now Che
mical Paper in America, invented and patented
in En gland by HENRY GLYNN, a celebrated
chemist and officer in the British Army, it is
hardly necessary to say that the Paper is re
connnended by Mr. Kent, Assayer of the U. S.
dint, Mr. Lyman of the New York Clearing
House, and Meade Brothers, extensive and
skilliol photographers, 233 Broadway, N. Y.
The latter say that no imitation con be made on
a check or bank note printed on the Safety Pa
per. Below is our list of prices t
Bank Cheeks—ab eta per lb.
Book Bills—slB for 1000 sheets.
Bills of Exchange—Sib fur 1000 sheets.
Promissory Noteti-40 eta per lb.
Sight and Time Drafts-025 for 1000 sheets.
Insurance Policies-40 cm per lb.
Bulimic' Stocks & Bonds-40 cents per lb.
Bank and State Steeks-40 eta per lb.
Bondsand Mortgages-40 eta per lb.
Wills and Deeds-40 cm per lb.
Fur wrapping Silks and other fine articles it
is excellent, as it prevents moths. 40 cts per
For Indentures and Agreements. 40 cents a lb.
All State and County Recoids should always
be printed or written on this paper, as the cbe
admits inserted in the pulp not only prevent
censure or transfer, but make it lasting as time.
Far Southern Climates it is excellent, anti
much superior to any other ; ns tint moistness of
the climate does not destroy it,—the properties
inserted in the pulp being a preventive. In all
southern States, Cuba, the West ladies taut the
Central American States, 110 public records can
be kept over 20 years, written on the ordinary
pa per, while the oils and o thee chemicals insert
ed in this Paper makes it Indestructible by the
ravages of time. It is all moor against
rats and other vermin, which feast on and de
stroy ell other paper now in use.
The Company have now in operation Mills
in Moms County, N. J., of about 300 horse
power. and are nine to till all orders Inc Paper
at th a shortest notice.
All orders for the Paper must be addressed
to 4 . NICHOLAS, President of the Company
No. 70 Wall Street.
Published by Request.
Answer to Nesbet's Book.
in reading the work put out by Mr.
William Nesbit, there is so touch to claim
attention, that I scarcely know where to
begin to answer his tirade and misrepro.
sentation, of the country
. that I claim ns
my home. I will begin with his descrip
tion of the face o( the country. Page 23,
he says the face is one magnificent unstop,
and wishes to convey the idea that the
whole country is inundated. Now, Mr.
Nesbit knows very well this is not a true
statement. I acknowledge that there are
swamps on the coast as there are on our
southern coasts, but I do not adroit that
the coast of Liberia is tiny more subject
to these than our country, the swamps do
not extend near as far interior as the
swamps do in the southern part of Amer
ica. Those swamps do hot extend more
than four miles beck, and after leaving the
sea that distance, you leave all Mangroves
and Dragon Blood. Mr. Nesbit knew
this, for he, with myself, travelled nearly
one entire day in the vicinity of New
Yolk settlement, in Liberia, and we in
that day's travel, neither saw Mangrove
nor Dragon Blood ; what is true concern
ing that location is true of all the country
alter going about lour utiles inland. Ile
says that the land is 'very fertile, but does
not produce any timber. In this, Mr.
Nesbit has made a wrong statement, for,
instead of it not producing any timber, I
do afoot positively assert that in those din.
trims, where the natives have not de.
stroyed it the best timber that I ever saw
grows in great abundance. I myself have
measured a tree that uninsured a hundred
A CARD TO TILE LADIES. I and two feet in circumference. There
are many more of this kind through the
A RE infallible in removing stoppages or irreg
n ularites of the incases. country. Ido not mention this, that the
These Pills aro nothing new, but have been public should think that-this a fair mo
used by the doctors for nanny years, both in
plc o f
. : stiolisa r issas,
.ot . the forest timber, but. a wal. 0.,
and tie
hove used them, t by o mole ti;e"i 9 tfis t ltiMbNa ,
, growth trie" — to r r n eZtS . o ' ? ' th; United
the alleviation of those suffering Crain any
gularities of shateeer nature, as well as to pre. States. He speaks of the .mwood, rose
pre;mancy to them) ladies whose health wood, &c. Cantwood does not grow in
will nut permit nn increase of tinnily.
abundance near the coast, from the
Pregnant females or those supposing them. nn3'
selves so, aro cautioned against thesis fills fact that all that was handy or near has
while pre )nut , as the proprietor "' um " on I Ir. since been cut down and sent to mar
responsibility after the above admonition, al. I a '
though their mild.w would prevent any ruis. I Let, and the natives did not know how to
chief to health: otherwise these Pills aro revolt, I propaate it but rosewood does grow in
Full and explicit directious accent- I '
piny each box. Price, $1 per box. abundance; also, wistnoro is as pivot). as
Sold wholesale and retail by the oak or maple is in this country.
JOHN it General Agent Mr. Nesbit speaks of the Kong Moon
for Ilatittintiloti Co.. Pa.
tai. being seen from the coast. In this
I have appointea Dr. :wont
for the sale of my french Petioaia ,l he is about as near right as in the most of
fills, for the borough and county of limiting. .
composition. Thu Kong Mountains
don. All orders mast bo addressed holm.
lie will supply dealers at the proprietor's mi. are situated some two or three hundred
ees, and send the Pills to ladies (coiyideationy) miles in the interior; judge if they , could
by return mail, to tatty part of the . United Suites, _
on receipt of $l, enclosed to h i m through the be neon from the coast ! But the hills
Huntingdon post-office. For further pitrtivm I he supposed to be the Kong Mountains
lass get n circular of the Agents-:--sold by drug-
I tire an extensive range rennin along the
gists everywhere.
11k3 fly signature is written on each box. coast as tar as I have travelled, and ore
J. DUPONCO, more than from thirty to forty miles from
- Broadway P. 0., New York.
Ju1y29,'57.4y. the sea. I have been to them and have
stood on them, and have viewed the coun
try for many miles from them. He (Mr.
Nesbit), must have made up his opinion
of Liberia while his brain was excited by
the fever, nod while a hill seemed to him
to be the great Kong Nlountain.
I tun not able to state how far our coun
try extends into the interior, but one thing
I am sure of, that wo can go as far inland
as we wish. To prove this, Mr. titeys has
formed a .w settlement sqme fifty or six
ty miles back from Monrovia. Whether
this upper country belongs to Liberia or
not, proves, that we have access to it,
which is ell that we wish, and proves Mr.
Nesbit in the wrong.
That there Is not, nor never has been,
five acres cleared by any one man, is too
absurd for MO to nonce. Everybody will
contradict this that has been to Liberia; I
might name many that have five, ten or
twenty acres cleared and planted.
I wish to call particular attention to the
ninth chapter of Mr. Nesbit's book, where
he desires to make the impression that
when once in Liberia you aro forever shut
up, and all possibility of getting a Way is cut
off. This is untrue, and a libel upon our
laws and our free institutions. That we
have a law regulating passports is true,
and whatmation that has it not 1 He says
that ail ship masters, dic., aro forbidden
to take away any one without a passport
—this is true—but, what does all this
amount tot Simply this, to prevent fraud
front being practised by those wishing to
cense away. Nesbit says, that if any ono
chooses to object to an applicant getting a
passport it cannot be had ; but he does
not tell us on what conditions those objec
tions could be made effectual. Now, the
truth is, that we have but one law on this
matter and that is, that any individual
wishing to leave Liberia must be free from
debt, and it this is the case there is no one
in all Africa that could prevent his pass.
C. A. 74 1.0
111T11 .1 :? 1 ., 4t , 47 . "; ,, r . POWDER
ft- by the public to procure more certain !mew
city from lira for valuable papers, such no floods,
Mortgages, Deeds, Notes and Books of Accounts,
then the ordinary Stern li,retufore in tdm affor
ded, induced the Patentees to devote a large por
of their time for the last fourteen years, in ma
king discoveries and improvements for this ob
ject, the result of which is the unrivalled •
Ilerting's Patent World's Pair Preinitnn
Fire Proof Safes,
Universally acknowledged as the CHAMPION
BAFE or Tun woo.. Having been awarded
Medals at both the .Worlds Fair, London, 1851,
and Crystal Palace, N. Y., 1853, an superior to
all others, it to now undoubtedly entitled to that
appellation, and secured with Hall's Patent
Powder-Proof Locks—which were also awarded
separate Britain, (as aliove)—forms the most
perfect Fire & Burglar Proof Sates over yet of
fered to the public.
Nearly 300 'Herring's Safes' hove been tested
during the past 14 years, and mono than 111,1100
have been sold and are now in actual use.
Also on hand or manufactured to order, all
kiwis of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests
And Vaults, Vtiulb• Doors • Money Chests for
Jewellers,lrohs, private Loonies,
for Plate, Diamonds, sod other valuables.
CheaposVJob Printing , ' Office
We have now made such arriingenzento in um.
Job Office so will enable us to do all kinds of
Job rrinting at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
Than any Office in the County.
Give us a call. It we don't give entire satisfac
tion, no charge at all will be made.
Antiphlogistic Salt,
This celebrated medicine is for sale at the
Journal Office. For all Inflammatory diseases
it is a certain cure. Get a belt and try it, ye
who ars aillieted.
tom Nibtria.
port, or his coming away; but if, on the
other hand he owes his neighbor, and is
unwilling to pay it before going, the cred
itor cart enter a protest against his getting
a passport. This is the whole of the af
fair. If Mr. Nesbit did lie and act the
deceiver with General Lewis, there was
not the least occasion for it; but that he did
lie and deceive his friends and partners in
business is most true. For the purpose
of. procuring moans to bring him home,
he told his friends that he would be back
in the tall, and that he would bring out
some goods with him. On the strength
of this assertion the Liberia Enterprise
Company loaned Mr. Nesbit one hundred
dollars, which he has not returned ; so his
Object can be seen for lying himself out of
the country.
. _ . .
Mr. Nesbit nttacks Mr. President Rob- man, opposed to it, and if a brother would
eras, I am not disposed to fight his bat- use to excess or advocate the traffic of rum
ales, but Ido say that he has attacked him amongst us, he would be hissed out of
most unmanly. In my opinion, and not Conference. I further believe that all oth
mine alone, the world has but few greater er denominations are equally strict in this
men than JOSEPH J. Ronirrs, and he is I mutter.
not only great but ho is as good ns he is I There are men of the highest attain
great., He would spurn to do an act such meats engaged in missionary operations.
as Nesbit charges him with ; but the world I I will name a few, end let the world judge
knows the man, snit I am certain that but if these gentlemen could be guilty of the
few think less of him on account of any- base conduct that Nesbit has ascribed to
thing that is said of him in Nesbit's work. them : Bishop Payne, Rev. Scott, and
He speaks of beasts of prey, reptiles, Rev. Hoffman, of the Protestant Episcopal
Scc. We hove a variety of these things, Church ; Rev. D. A Wilson, Rev, E. I'.
but Mr. Nesbit puts the worst construe- : Williams, of the Presbyterian, and Rev.
lion on this as he does on everthing else. i J. W. Horne, and others of the M. E.
Now, that the "driver" is so much of a I Church, 'rhea; are nll white men who
monster as he would have everybody to I had no interest in going to Africa but that
Tear is certainly not true. They wo ild of promoting their Master's cause—yet
be fearful, if we would lie down and have these have to be classed in Nesbit's book
our hands and feet tied, but we can keep us traders and rumsellers.
out of the way of the driver •as well as cv- I I believe that the colored portion of the
erything else that is hurtful. As for ser- I missionaries are as far in the advance as
pents we have them, but not in the number the colored preachers in America. Ido
that one would be led to suppose from the ' know that the Liberian Methodist Confer
reading of Nesbit's book. I can say that ence is, as a body, far ahead of any colored
during all the time that I spent in Liberia, Conference in the United States; diey
which is nearly a year for every month will compare favorably with any whits
that Mr. Nesbit did, I have not seen more Conference. We have men of talent; we
lohnst'o . Wn, Penna. itaysgi .Burno r • navtui.., TharnOSQll. Mat s
exaggerates the truth and mattes it horri• and A. D. Williams. Many of these are
tying to the timid and unsuspecting. ornaments to Liberia, and would be stars
Again, he says that we have slavery in anywhere, where there is no prejudice
Liberia. Now Ido most solemnly declare to keep
them down. These are men of
that Nesbit lied in making this assertion. hoe ir, and would scorn a mean act sooner
Upon the contrary, our laws make it a
than he who tries to injure them.
criminal act fur any receive a
As for the palm oil story I shall not say
native in any way that he might be held
anything, as I do not know about the mes
as a slave. The Liberians cannot receive
sure used by the merchants. I think that
them as apprentices, unless they take them
I there woule. be profit enough on this anti
before the proper court and have them
do without resorting to anything of the
bound us such, and every one, as soon as
kind. Mr. Nesbit could not see where
he or she is of tastes or woman's age, can
leave at will, and go where they please.
Nearly all have natives as helps in their
families, and this is as it should be ; but I
confess that black people ere no better than
white people, as many, when they Inive
power, abuse it, and so it is with some in
• Liberia; wicked persons there do abuse
th 3 native youths. But why does Mr.
Nesbit condemn the whole country and ac
cuse all as slave-holders, because a few
alms their power? There is no fairness
in the man, but he seems willing to say or
do anything to carry his point.,
Mr. Nesbit next attacks the missiona
ries, and wishes all to look upon them as
a set of swindlers, traders, and liars; he
else represents them as rumsellers. Now
I think it hardly necssary to notice this,
as I feel assured that there are none who
believe those assertions, unless it is some
ono who has no more soul than is-hat he
(Nesbit) has, and if this is all the impres
sion he has made, it is scarcely worth an-
He further says that the missionaries 1 ,
have dune nothing. I am free to admit
that they have not done as much as they
or their friends would like them to have
done. But why did nut Mr. Nesbit give
th4true cause Why there was not more
done amongst the' natives ? 1 do not pre
tend to say that the ministers in Africa are
a better net of men than preachers are in
other lands, but I will say that they will
compare favorably wtth any other part of
the world for uprightness of deportment,
zeal and piety; but the real cause why
there seems to be but little doing amongst
the natives of Africa is, that they are per
haps of all people the most superstitious .
'Choy have their religious rites unto which
they adhere with the utmost tenacity. It is
not only a wicked heart against which the
missionary has to contend; but all the evil
I practices and inventions that wicked men
could devise for thousands of years. The
Devil Bush is one of those things against
which the missionary has to contend ; their
system of gree-grees is another—polygamy
issmother. Now if Mr. Nesbit had known
anything about these things he would come
to the same conclusion that I have come to
viz: theenissionaries have done wonders.
When' he (Nesbit) says that there are
not twenty natives who aro civilized and
converted in all the republic, he forgot the
settlement of New Georgia, where there
are over fifty civilized natives in that one
place. lam very sure, if it were possible
for me to pass round and take account of
all in the republic, I should find many
more—yes, more than twenty, more than
forty. In my charge of last year I left five
native members, who were as good mem
bers as any other, but the truth is, that at . -
' ter the native is civilized he becomes a Li.
berian, and a stranger does not know him
from the rest of the Liberian citizens, tt
' less peisonally acquainted.
As regards rum.selling among the mis
sionaries, I do no know of anything of the
kind, and I question very much if Mr .
Nesbit did, but to the contrary I do know
that the body to which I belong are, to a
the money was to be made, although he
bought his goods at Monrovia and took
them to Marshall, and• sold them at one
hundred per cent., and yet lie cannot see
how there was anything to be made on
buying palm oil—quite short-sighted
Although Mr. Nesbit prophesies the
speedy downfall of our little republic, she
has not fallen yet, nor is there any likeli•
hood that she will, for she is steadily ad
vancing. He says this will occur when
emigration shall atop, but when is that to
be ? It does not look much like stopping
ns yet, then there are, every six months,
more emigrants offered than can be taken
over. Perhaps he supposed that the pub
licat;on of his pamphlet would stop it at
once, but this is only to some extent in
Pennsylvania; however, I hope that, even
in this part of the world, the people may
see right sometimes, and move to Liberia,
there to help to build up s great nation.
• Concerning native customs and scanners
in chapter sixteenth, I think that everybo
dy will allow mu to know more than Mr.
N., as his stay was only four months,
and a portion of time he was sick, and 1
was there nearly four years, and have
been more or less amongst them while in
Africa. Their customs are very different
from those of the Liberians; they have
their own taws—where their laws do not
conflict with ours—and I ask is this
strange ? Surely not. Did not the Uni
ted States allow the Indiana the same, and
why does not Mr. Nesbit rally, out against
thew for this folly, if folly it be? No, this is
not the object, he wishes to make Liberia
look small and contemptible, but I think ho
has failed in this• He says that it is a
common thing to see the natives naked.
Now, I question whether he ever saw a
grown native entirely naked—if he has tie
sa•v snore than I ever did ; although it is
quite common, when you visit their villa•
gea, to see their children, up to the age of
ten or twelve years, running mike* but
the men and women aro as susceptible of
shame as Mr. N. or any other person. liow
Mr. N. saw so much more than any other
person that ever was in Africa I cannot
conceive. He is not the first that got a
way from that country, and I suppose oth
ers have been as truthful, and yet strange
to say, he saw more, heard more and learn•
VOL. XXII. NO. 41.
ed more thitn any other one man. Can it
be that he is the only honest man that ev
er came from Liberia ?
Mr. Nesbit should have taken more
pains to have informed I imself of the na
tives and the Liberians, before writing and
giving to the world for truth that which he
knew nothingabout, lle asserts that such
of the natives as are guilty of making a
witch must die. This was once the law ;
but it is not practiced now in or about Li
beria. Our influence has put this abomi
nable practice down r and if it is done at all
l it must be done very secretly. Instead of
the natives having no regard for our laws,
they have the utmost respect and fear of
offending us, and are also very careful to
avoid all appearance of disobedience. It
is a frequent occurrence for them to refer
their mutters of dispute to our magistrates,
and feel that whatever may be the decision
that it is right, and they are satisfied.
Ay it regards the fourteenth chapter, it
is something that will do no harm, and I
shall not consume time to give it much
notice. T would, however, say that the
whole affair is an attempt at ridicule, and
has but little truth in it. As for Commo
dores, Lieutenants, Boatswains, these are
titles altogether unknown in relation to
the Liberian government Schooner Lark.
It has its captain, mates and purser, and
perhaps two or three midshipmen. I as
sert that our military operations are con
ducted with as much propriety as any
other people, although we may not know
.much about military tacties. Our contpa
nies' operations have been witnessed by
naval officers both of the British and the
American squadron, and they have been
universally praised for their skill as sol
i diem. I am quite certain that those na
tives who have been hostile, have long
. since came to the conclusion that the Li
berians understood their business ; and if
r Mr. Nesbit was to try their skill, I am in
dined to believe that he too would come
3 to the same conclusion.
I am now done with Ur. Nesbit, and I
best chance to know the truth in the mat
ter—he in lour months or myself in four
years. As to veracity, I claim at least to
be as good as he, and think that when I
was a citizen of this State I stood as fair.
Unless there is something in the climate
of Liberia that degetierates the character
of every one that goes there, I yet would
be considered truthful. Now the facts in
the case as it regards Mr. Nesbit is about
this : Ile went to Liberia at an expense
perhaps, of some two or three hundred
dollars, and did not like the country. But
I why, if he did not like it, did he not come
away with honor and not misrepresent
everything that he saw? Well, he was
out of pocket and wished to make it good
and conferring with NI. R. Delany, a
most inveterate hater of colonization and
all its doings, was advised to publish this
book, and, of course, what Mr. Nesbit
did not think of Mr. Delany could. This
thing was thus concocted and set afloat,
for the purpose of making Mr. Nesbit's
pocket whole again.
I give to the world this brief sketch, and
have only further to say that all who read
it may depend on it for truth ; although
it is plain and simple, yet it may be relied
on by all, for it is not my object to deceive.
I have no interest in this land—Liberia is
my home, and I expect to end my days
in it. I cannot think that it is for the best
interests of Liberia to misrepresent things
or to give them false colors. The world
only knows us and knows from whence
we came. The people of this country
have sense enough to know how much
to expect from us in the short time we
have been in existence. No one, who has
the right use of his reason, expects
we should be now as far advanced as the
United States. We have been an inde
petdent government but ten years and
have had everything to contend against
yet with all the cliff:collies, we have hon
orably sustained ourselves, and are grow.
ing into importance as fast as any reasona
ble man could expect. It was never ex
peeled by the friends of Liberia that it
would grew into manhood in a day or a
year; but her growth has been steady and
sure, with as little mortality as any other
country ever was settled with.—Four
years its Liberia by Rev. Samuel Ril
-1 hams.
says that a few Sundays since, a preacher
in one of the rural districts near Augusta,
Me., seeing that none but females were
present at the church service, rose and re.
marked that all the men were evidently in
the fields taking care of their hay ; be tho't
it their duty to do so, and his to go and
help them. So he dismissed the ladies
with a benediction, and went forth among
his friends to show them his countenance
and help their operations by the labors of
his hands.