Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 07, 1857, Image 1

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    (011ftiri • if
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dad all Diseases of the Lungs and Throat,
Which conveys the remedies to the eavitiee in
the lungs through the air passages, and coming
in direct contact with the dieeese, neutralizes
the tuherculer matter, alloys the cough, camel;
a free and racy expectoration. heals the lungs.
purifies the blood, inigarts renewed vitality to the
nervous system, giving that tone and energy so
indispensable tor the restoration of hada'. To
be able to state confidently that Consumption is
enrable by inhalation. is to men source of nnttl
kqed pleestire. It is as much under the c , n
trol of medical treatment at any other formid
able disease ; ninety out of every hundred
oes can be cured in the first stages, end fifty per
cent. in the eecond ; but in the third stage it ,a
Impossible to save more than five per cent.. for
the Lunge are an cut up by the disease as to bid
defiance to medical skill. Even, however. in the
Lit 'cages, Inhalation affords extraordinary re
lief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge
which annually destroys ninety-five thousand
persons in the tuited States 'dune ; and a c.,r
rect ca'culation aliows then of the present popu
lation of the earth, eighty millions are destined
to till the Consumptive's graves.
Truly the quiver of death ban no arrow to &-
lel as Consumption. In all ages it has been the
great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor
sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beauti
ful, the erneelul and the pitied. lip the help of
that Sumer. Being from whom esmeth every
good and perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer to
tl e ',filleted a permanent and speedy cure in
Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is
fruit ire; are blood, ant! the immediate abet pro
-4,,,, d by their deposition in the lungs is to pre
test the free admission at air into the air cells,
• cusses a weakened vitality through the
mire ay stem. 'ben surely it it more rational ,
r. t pd . ( greater good Iron' medicines entering I
the entities of the lunge than those administered
thrs.tigli the stomach ,• the patient will always
find tie 'wigs tree and the breathing easy, after
I•thsbng remedies. Thus, Inhalation in a local
ttsedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionully and
',eta power aud certainty than remedies
dministel ed by the stomach. To prove the pow- I
r. , !,1 and direct influence atlas moths ofadmio
,tiOn, chloroform inhaled will entirely de
• sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing
N.: entire nervous system, Co that a limb nisi, he
so, utated without the slightest pain; inhaling
, ordinary burning gut will destroy life in a
• Ileum
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse thesys
lam when feinting or sppittently dead. The o
dor of ninny of the meuicinee i.v penis ptible in
the Attu a tin minutes after being inhaled, and
may be immediately detected in the blood. A
tons inciug proof ut the anustitutisnoil affects of
inhalation, Is the 'act Shut sdektiess iP always pro•
sinned by breathing lOW air—is not this positive
evidence that proper rentediee, carefully prepar
ed and judiciously administered thee' the lunge
should produce the halsoiest 'ticks 4 Dui inn
eighteen years' practice, many thousands minor ,
log from disease* of the lungs and [blunt, here
teen under my care, and 1 nave effected many
rtmerkehle cures,even after the sufferers had
h.,..1 pronounced in the tent stages, which fully
ss:.isres me that coneumptiou it; nu longer anis
it,l di rase. My treatment of consumpliun is, and fuuuticd on long experience and a
ugh itivesthotion. My perfect acquaintance
-,;tl, the mature of tubercles. tic., enable. sue to
i• tscguiall. readily, the various forms of disease
'PM simulate consumption, and apply the proper
Ists•esiitse, rarely being mistaken even iu a single
~u. this familiarity, in connection with cer
tain pathological sad microscopic discoveries en
ables me to relieve the lungs hose the ef ect. of
contracted cheats, to enlargo the chest, petr ify
the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving
energy end tone to the entire aystem.
Medicines with full directions sent to any part
if the United States end Canada. by patient.
ssumututticating their symptoms by letter. But
etas core would be more certain if the patient
ebould pay tue a visit, which would give situ an
opportunity to examine the lungs and enable use
to prescribe with much greater certainty, and
hen the cure could bc effected without my see
ing the patient again.
O. W. °MADAM, M, D.,
(rerun, 1181 iitnisityr STREET, (Old No. 109,)
Below Twelfth,
Angut 3, '837.-13.
Of ali disease ; the great,firet canoe
rlnge from tieglej of Nature's la ma.
'fillet a erre is guaranteed in all stages of
fish(-Abase, Nervous Debility, Strictures. (Sleet=.
Gravel, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidney and
Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Serofttio I
Pains in the Boner and Ankles, Diseases of the '
Lungs, Throat, Nose cud Eyes, Ulcers utast 1
the Body or Limbs, Cancers,
Dropsy, '
tic Fiin,St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases ari
sing from a derangement of the Sexual Organs.
Such as Nen one Trembling, Ems of Menai
ty. Lose of Power, General Wealonese,
of Vision, with peculiar spots appearing betas.
the eyes, LOOP of Sight. Wakefulness, Ityspen
sia. Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the biter.
Pain in the back and head, Female irregulari
ties, and all improper dischargesfrom both sexes.
It matters not from what cause the disease urigi•
via: , however long standing or obstinate the
case, recover!) is certain, and in a gustier time
then a permanent cure can bo effected by ens
otter treatment, even after the disease has of
tett the skill of. eminent physicians and resisted
all their mole of cure. The medicines are
yleaciait without odor, musing no sickness and
f: re Item mercury or balsam. During twenty
yes-rs t f practice. I have rescued from the jaws
at Death many thousands, who, in the lone sta
ges of the above reentioted diseases had been
wiser, up by their physicians to die, which war
rants me in promising to the afflicted, who may
place themselves under my care, it perfect and
osost st.mily rare. Secret diseases are the
greatest enemies to health, as they are the fir.a
cause of Consumption, Scrofula and stony oth
er disease., and should be a terror to the lio
nise tanaly. Asa tiermenent cure is scarcely
cyst effected, a majority ot the eases lulling in
t., the hands of incompetent person., who not
,111:. fail to cure the diseases but ruin the con
filling the system with tnercury, whirls
the disease, hastens the catheter lute a ra
pes Consumption.
Hut should the disease and the treatment not
cause sleuth speedily mid the victim teitiries. tl e
disease is manliest Open the ebie'ree. rt Lo is e
born with feeble COUntlllltioini, Mel Ow eel eel
of lite corrupted bye virus se lab I et, ys aset,
to en, ottau, 'letter, Ulcers, Eruptions. nett oft,
er Mkt:auta of the skin. Lynn. Throut aim
Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence at
suffering and cousigning them to au early
Stlt-abuse is another formidable enemy to
I:eactil, for nothini, else inthe dread estalogde of
`,onion diseases Causes so destructive n drain
upon the system, drawing its thousands of vie
ti,, through r few years of sullering down to an
grave. It destroys the Nervous sys
tem, rapidly wastes away the energies of , ife,
,et.,ea mental derangement, prevents the proper
levelopment of the system, disrinalill, fen nu,
riape, society, business, and all earthly happi
ness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body
and mind, oredisposed to consumption and a
train of evils more to he dreaded thou death it-'
self. With the fullest confidence I assure the
unfurtunete victims of Sell-Abuse that a speedy
and permanent cure can he effected, and with
the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa,
Cents can he restored to robust. nitrous health.
The afflicted are cautioned against the use of
Patent Medicines, for there nee so many ingeni
ous scares in the columns of the public prints
to catch and r.. 11 the uoAary sufferers that mil
lions have their coo9tittiiHns ruined by the vile
eoMpoonds.or iomek equally
spools iv:limns vended as • 'Patent hletiieines."
I have esrefally ausly.ed many of the es-celled
Patent Nledwines of find thus nearly all of
them cm:Vito Ct , :rceive on o
of the btronge4 preparet!one of ni,eury soil a
deadly poiguit, which instead idf curing the dis
ease disa , des the system for life.
IHISCELLANEOUSADVERTNEAIENTS. THE VIIIUTIS 4 ettruy K. 1:1.1.. , 0,1 ; and no it was we wished our ',et we felt when the robin red breast covered
--•- - " f.t4. 6 ) ‘?" 0 1 3 tr.,J T .F.1 1 1 : • ishes. '
American Safety-Paper IllanufaCer'g - ' them with leaves; and last of all when
ADMlNisTiz,,i 'll III.4INSi A A s IA There is a chair-a low rush bottom the angels took them out of the night into
y ever asting.
Company of New York.
Large 12mo. 348 ~,,, , With a romp! T.. Inv- emir; th ere is ali ale wheel its a corner, a th, ; •
We may think what we will of it moan'
Capital, $500,000. L".u . .""1". Tens""r.' • "'."' .'"":'• 1 ," 7 l'"' hie wheel in the garret, a loots in the 1
but the song and the story heard around
A. NICHOLAS, President, O ffi ce. 70 Wall St. 1 . 1 41 e . toll arr.. , • I tie th-" , er'i e'''';.r
chamber 'There ore chests full of linen
A Perfect S'ecurits apinst all manner 0 Frond nr riiimite, pro ions, if s ornanix.ition
Courtier/airing on Paper. 7 - .. Prevent l'hoto- .;.,- a - ' ' ' ''''''"r , li. ""'''ft'". ) ,"'' ' lll ' e ''', l . ll .'' ""1." and yn rn. and quilts of rare patterns, and !the kitchen fire have colored the thoughts
graphs and Antistatic Counterfeits, Erasures, ~,,t r.rtit'l, WO. , anti t , ttlitttott Pout , ' tatt.
and lives of most of us ; have given us
Transfers or Alterations. sensious, personal ellentinter3. election fall 3, sum plea in frames
And every a e•re ne always the ear
•.1 dd 1 the germs of whatever poetry blesses our
Having pnretiased the Patent for the eeehe 1,11,4 ...1.4 outrages. ' , id' iiiiilviii. 01 Priiiii:
' n i ne H u la so ~,,,m , 5 p ,,,... and , o ,si s h e 0 „,,, ~ , i,,,. Lent actor: tberent, ,di tally authentiettleo,
micat Pup, in Amoriia, ',maim,' mid patron!?, di it , lIN 11. (1 1 110 N ,M. IL, Privet,' See'y ttld eattikled face of her whose firm elms hearts whatever memory blooms in .r
p 'chi 'hi. fet•ble saunter of her
in England hi HENRY 01.TNN , ll ri liit.rai,d l" ';'i , Ge ir.
e , terdaye. Attribute whatever we may
chemist and rani, in the Britivli AI Ili, it iv , ('''''''',",,:. '-''' ,,, Pi ,l ' l, -,1 : .1, t'' , ' llll,,,,, cl ( ''' l,l ''' , Tg 11 , ' r , " ' 7" ~ . .
to the school and the schoolmaster, the
!ninny tierrsiiiiry tti any tt the Pape; i : . re . oo ,ile lo oth er „, rm . Soce at IN a ,i,,,, Coln:reit s children-the old feshioned
nrivolnioth , q of ',Went y years uet). Site. by ',Br. Kent. Asseyer e t a m e /7. t,.. ton and ii:ipi.r, m the piiiisesaitii .- i ii,
” rays which make that litter's day we call
ttier. Mr. I.3nion of Ott N.... reie chetviee ee - ee'i """ e "t" . '" I, ""' '' ''''''' 1 " ; •' "" .
„,,,/ „,".„;tiee" " t 1 " e - 1. tee F"e"te pee"- • , • '
~ e.. i iive.i ti• all. iintl said she wish , life, radiate from the God-swept circle of
Meiosi s aced Meade Brother,. eaten at e sc.3 . 4 K: 11,, 't - t't • 't . '7 ,, ti :'• t'a• caw , ' .•• ~1 Itit• v''re I•mt id , rtnit °Vat , old /toms stitad photographer:, 233 itr ,, e ,,, ,... 7.'.:. '•••
1 the hearth stone.
The latter say that no inliration rati 1 ,.. ;', 1. 1 . , '' `7' ' ''',';''' ' ''' '' '''''O''''' ''' ''' . I ''' ''''''''' ''
'' ,
.a cheek or bank note printed on the ~,.., 1' ~, ~.‘”,'' ~ •' . •,' ~ • a ~,,, :, . .•( r I,• '.' ~ to fn, of ue to love, and took Then she sings an old lullaby she sang
per. Below is our list of one. t -. '. '. ' '''' ' '".! •''''' ' '!" !,'.'''''' l ' • .!.. al: 'ln' "ein.ol in the Hollow for grendchil
thetk Cheeks-a 5 cts per M. to mother-her !nether sang to her; but
Bank Bek-eis thr toile sheets. , ia , r.- , c, ,, ,. dee. h, -Ides 1 ere . . exitittr.ive heart was
a.. ' •/, • 1,, ...." I, ' ••• ...the le" •• •• •, e ' - she does not Bing it through and falters
•Bill, of Exchange-525 fur Imo steam. vc,.., , 41. atm mr • ~,,,. , ,'aria cof the 1i,.,,, a , ~ her. .
I'mmissory Notes-40 eta per lb , ta,
t , „...,,
..,, ,,i,,,
~, Kuit„,,,,
,t., te swath that woo en gown, or that , ere 'ds done. She rests leer head upon 1
Sight and 'time Drafts-$25 for 1000 accts. et, ly trould s uml,•r Goys. Reeder and Sinno more stately bombazine, or that sole heir- her hands, and it is silent in the old kitch- I
Insuidnee Policies-40 tits per li, ni n." It invtisiods, battles, outrages. murders, loom or silken texture.
Railroad Snicks 4 Bonils-40 cents per lb. A copy HUI he sent to iiii3 part of the United en. Something glitters down between her
Bank aittl State Stleks-40 cis iittr 11 , , Stae, by mil, free of postage, on receipt f t% a can see her today -those mild blue fingers and the firelight,and itlookslike
Bonds and Alortgages-40 cts per lb. the retail !wive. A libentldiseount to the trade.
eyes, mere of f eisty in them than
Wills and Deedv--40 tit, per lb. ' C. 41 ltnal agents wanted. Price in cloth St.rain in the soft sunshine. The Ad grand.
Ft rwrapping Silks end other tine articles it Paper. 50 cm. , dint. could touch or death do more than mother is thinkin when she first heard !
ix excellent., as it prevents moths. ' 40 cts per CHARLES C. TitIODES, Publisher, g
lode -those eyes that held both smiles and
ponn.l. Inquirer Building, Phil:l.lopin, 'the song, and of the voice that sung it,
For Indentures and Agreementa..4o eet.t., a lb. ---....----- • -•- •• 7-•-_-....,-__,-.....--, .._. -•-. tears e•it hie the faintest call of every one when a light hearted girl, she hung around
All State and County Reemtlx should ale...Qs
he printed or writt.n on this paper, es the elle
11011tit al • ,oi us. and soft reproof, that seemed not that mother's ohnir, nor saw the shadows I
onicals iteterteil in the pulp not only fievent . passion hut regret. A white tress has es- of the days to come. 0! the days that
. erasure or transfer, lint make it I , •stnat as tint..,
23 WITNESSES ; ; For Solithern I'linttelt if ix eXcell.ll, sail .
~....___ milted from beneath her snowy cap; she are no more! i'Vhat spell can 'we weave', ou THE , much suf. is,r to tiny mher ; lis 11'11 1 , 1.1.11'1 , 3 1.1 To the Free and Ineependent hits just restored a wondering lamb to its to bring buck again 1 What words can !
tie , stomas does not . f' , Ein 1,-11, i•lti eiles
tfr 0 1114, EaA' o 54'17 I t TED,. insetted in the pulp heirg a ore, In all Voter sof Luntingdon Co. . mother ; she lengthened the tether of awe Ur/Say. what deeds undo, to set back, •
0 Jolt's S. lese. Author, soother. Sta Ws. tiv•it. the I\ ,RI :nth,. , ind the do zit) name ...LIM, beat,' pal as a Candi VIM , that was straying over a window. as just this once, the ancient clock of time'
Central Aniereeiti so, /".; im I 111 , 1, r. cortbt van d :le for Aseetit lily -to . Idyll oilier
LittWho has hod 10 years experience as a Bank- 1 'lime no she came in. and plucked a fourleafed So all out little hands were forever
er and Pub li sher. and author of "A series of ~, r pt 0v .. , 20 ',ar s , a riff, on the n 171114117 loitiratio. and p resent Ito claims on the coml.
a; Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when ' , tap, r, ,1,1, , e. the oils mid on te ehemi e , t t. insert- ty. for services rendered any pontiefil part e,- "
/lever for 41.• • d • by l'
r Ellen. t t sits down a it- clinging to her garments, and staying hoe .
Win lo 'nieces:Ave nights, over 50,000 People rd .., th is I ...per iiitikrs it Itn't!trittl!hlll bi the and ottommvit na quest a). of importance tdiell tle whe• 1 -et ITeSS is running 'through us If from dying, for long ago she quit
egreeted him with rounds of applause, While ravages of time. It ni all teriol tigaill•t moth., wi ll „Fi„„,,,..
y Ithaca the linanciail condition of her fie f dishevelled
6)lw exlithited the manner in which Counter- sus and other t g e ( rnttt o , w e i lt i ic i lt o teast on and de- this
giant comniwiweidih, (the
of gers from the dietall s living for herself, and lived alone in es.
3,s,,fit i i o te v, r e s st ex e l e c u ile v t v l , -, eirfnuds,a v nd die suns! and 't
The Compat:y ' h i ttee .w in operation Mills ' tad - deli i, a the greathst interest and should re• I head when a small voice cries • ..Grand- But the old kiichen wants a presence to-
s 1
The Bunk Nole detecting l"nrr a. he ll " 1 , ill Atoms comity, N. J, of about sou horse crave Ito '' uald ° ,"""' I ' lraIi "" "f . I• ery tux pap ' ma," from the old red cradle, and Grand day, und the rush-bottomed chair is ten.
.I, th e greatest j„,;,; tr a p: t r , s er a "3' that power. and are aloe to till all orders !or Paper er or tio• St, te,t ure spews
to the people '
Money living. it th •il. t I tor their deeirann, it is expected that I should ," T . from f .
ma . mum shouts the top o the ens,
0 Greatest discovery of the present century 1 ‘ b l'i
" n°
4:1) for detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. 1) - ' All orders tor the Parer must he addressed define my position mid declare my sentiments , stairs. Gently she lets go the thread, for How she used to Welcome us when we
easeribing every genuine hill in existence, and to ^ . NICHOLAS, President of the Company in relation to those questioos. The People of i her patience is almost as beautiful as her were giown, and come back once more to
Seexhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in No. 70 Wall Street. , this Comnionwealth are now milled upon to ex- t
11,), reistas s on ~ 1 Arrange d . to h niras, ,,, that , Wm. Bitewsren, Agent, Huntingdon.
is . s ;press their preferences for or ngainst the pro- 1
, charity, and she touches the little red .
the: old homestead.
oreleretiee iv ,nay and detection instantaneous. Au g' s,'s7 * -3 "" . _ i posed approprintion or three milltima of dollars ! hark in a moment, till the young voyagt.r We thought we were men and women,
_ tie - No hides to examine 1. No pages to ' - „ -' or the proceeds °idle sale o f t he Slain Line of! is in a dream again, andthen d' 'l'
~, 1. hum up ! But so eitimiitied and arranged • A CARD TO TICE LADILS. .r Public Improvements, to the, emnpletion of ' gain, in cte out- but we were children them. The °la
.:. that the Merchant, Banker and Business man DU. DUPONCON GOLDEN PI lI.LS the Sunbury & Erie Railroad, mad t d,. ,0 on the' my's unavailing efforts to haieres the eat, fashioned giandinother was blind in the
; F re „ c i, i„,d A! E intallible in reinuvitor moppet , . or irreg. ,I f th ree •11
le tLi t ti•i s i e elit lill ;llu , fe lli tt u eZa.! l rt:il li d h ;lle Sallie in tiliiritos all. men.... °, n , ut.. L t i t i, 7
cou,n, in w i ticitt age tax now imposed The tick of the clock sounds feint and eyes, but she sow with her heart, as she
0 ies own notate tongue. Most perfect Bank These Pills are nothing new, out nave been " c o . . ~1„ : 0, 1 " 0, 11 ,,„ 1 '''' t. the r. .!. R. lOW, and she opene the mysterious door always did. We threw our Iting shadows
cd :,eta List published. Also a list of all the used bv the doetors for many years both in 1 1 3. .
~ ques 'mis s RIR tree tO
and d • d •
6 Ptivate Bunkers in America. A mei ' ' 1 . Say, that 111 cave of my elector, I will "first
" proem sto win it up We am all through the Open door. and she felt them
11121 id.e Fratiet.itiiil America, with /meccas; i i e ,t end all she tarns,' ea . . • • '1
/,..• mill., of the Finatiee of Etiroim end A- end 1m is 11,..,..1 hy non, thousand Indies, who , • with . 1...e . er ability I, on tip.toe, and we beg in a breath to be as they fell over her form, arid she 100 -
..,- i g l / 1 / I n " :. 1 . 1 . ) :-IX! , !! 11 : • • 1 •"! • A il l e , u " .•';'' ', c/ 1 ". , " 1 -. 3 -? , I , •.„ •••,,-, , l, ••,, ••
, • ,,, e-Mi.e ,,, xl'il ,, u , • ,,, Y ••'- ! tili t rlttiniiiieriNViisilik' -i‘t i qft I .Aiii i i44l4l4v , tx-',-..---- -.-- . . . ... - . .. -
~,- Also a series erodes, ' l'l%mi tin °WM.:Ia-erg ,
~ , , , ~
~,,,, e „ tittture, us we ll ns , so oro . ,
i too onerous dill of mit. noble Conthienwealth. i .veights, nod the poor , lonely ilendilillill. nod L iCy'S voice I can hear, hat whit. , is
used in the East, it tarnishes ...0 ems, c,,,,, • .
~ those ladies whose health I .ill imp. the repeal of oho three mil! lae t .,
t goes tO are f ro t) . e
I f 1 • Ful dim window that other 1 It must be Jane's"-for she
y, Mete History of "Oriental Liti.t." 1 ie.., • -
~,„. of n d d y.
, nage tax. which, it, toy °pio., nn ht ti (fon
' illg the most perplexing Position.; in seliv't . . .
''r those supro ,, ing tm . " , - boas as it coons et rev. 'i:.., ie relieve the trete and never comes out into the world ; and ens almost forgotten the folded bends.-
r the ladies and gentlemen or that ri•ii mi.% •
• ' t this, Pills i
: • f, e found The, stori, ~rid ''' :'' ' '''' ''''''''',"' ecl "'T T " ' ' " . 0 rn .cl ''''' cl ' '''' • ' "•'' '''•• "q --- w l'ch i' cur petitions tire granted, and we tire lit ..Oh no not Jane, for she-let tee see
"' l'a" • 13"" ' ' e .''
your, d .tai .am ~,
.1,•.,.1. 11, Ike proprietor assillates no f ‘ ,.., ~, ,
... r. ~.....
%continue throughout the whole sa .
tad up and we all touch with a finger the " she is
t • waiting for tee, isn't she !" and the
i ".••• ttiir tit i above utlimmition, tit- I , •,ko. '.' s . . -,, t, n , ...arthe sit
...prove the roust entertaining ever uttered to 1e5iff,..,..• . ~ t . . n ,
... .
.. . , . .
Is' the public. 1•I il . i' ', e -, s wool,/ prevent nay „inii unt,ll di ,••,., • , . i .; i' tit 1 ewer the wonderful weights, and the music of the , old grandmo th er wandered and wept.
i 1,1 , 11 1,1 in on, 3.
• i r
Furnished Weekly to sul.eribers only chief to lieittii; oilierehet these Pills are Mein:
fli,irleinotr ~ 1 ~• t li,,,eft a .1... e. : of the Pa. Inter whorl in resumed, is another daughter, grandmother,
"al, $1 ik,•ettr. All letters must he addressed to mended. Full and explicit directione ervien It. it. Co., lii:st i Ilitve 1.11 looney to Moot(' to e
one for '
C) JO HN S. BYE, BROKER, Publisher & patty such box. Price, $1 per box. • Iti ~ • t •1 . • t a t ' 1 4 as nay to be ,tarried, or Jane to 1 that Edward brought," says some „
• Cain rig', Li n lI ~ .1 ili) I 1,11 , 1,,t , ili/ am ite,
Moral Cowardice.
I: Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York ', Sold wholesale and retail by or ,:orpooo,o, io my tee/tented, no hired pee, he wrapped in n shroud ? So meekly did ' your blessing.
ii; April 22,1857.-4. JOllel READ, General Agent
to 'l'a'
'l'' ' ''' l•-•••I' '' ' "ii• ' . l'i•ke" sale fold ton o whit,. hands of the one on her 'tins she blue eyes my son ! Put 1 The Old School Presbyterian Ass a m;
- for Huntingdon Co.. Pa. , so „ 1 „.,,„,. , s my ~I, ~,:, , l. . 1 ~,,,,. , (j ~,,,,.
bly had not even the moral courage to as
-65-T0 IN VALIDS.ix, I have appointed lir. John Read Sole agent. t ro d „
~,. , ~t, it .. .., • -r, ,, , of wilt hmioni. dolt 'bore seemed to be a pray I her hand in mine, for she is my latest born 1
• ' sail Mormonism by a condemnatory react-
Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician.' for the sale °I my French Perhalical Golden i
'''' ''' '''' ' . ''''.''' ''''''..' .•r i / them there ; and so sweetly tlid she ; the child of my old age. Shall I slog
' " Pills, for the borough and county of Ilunting• 01 t he r,.., • , . lotion even in the present state of public
• -• • 1 , • 1 • white rose its the hair of the ' you a sting children
' ?" Her hand ism
e, i•at e i 1 , • .
Physician for Diseases of the Lungs, Throat don. All orders must ho addressed to hon. 0 ,, r ,
~,,,, , . . , ~
Isentiment against that sect. 'The supper.
illid IleaKt-Forpicrly pl i pi c i an . the IHe will supply dealers ut the proprietor's pri- or , „.,,i . ~ , ,, .. ta ,• one WOlll,l not have wandered 1 her p ocket as of old; she is I/
• Ily fumbling
CINCINNATI MARINE HOSPITAL, Ms. era, and send the rim to Indies (eoqfideati , II y) ~,,, „! .
' ~,. I. •, ~ , , budded for company. ' for a toy, n welcome gift to the children , tern of concubinuge in the South are re.
by return mail, to any part or the eiol,-,lst ~,,,, „ xi , ~, „ ~
. I ,_ 1 markably tender of the feelings of the
~ , " t.,teiel between . and appre- ; that have come again.
Author of "Leiteni to Invalids,. IS COMING. lon receipt of $l, enclosed to him throtiadi the i,,,, e , ~.„ „, ~,,i . ~„ ,
I Salt Lake polygamists.
See following Card. 1 Huntingdon post o ffi ce. For further wit- u 1,,,,,,,,„ the i„ .; .,i,,,,
.„ ~,, , . , ,
~, , , .
1... 'e lit ~ 1 1. 1 1 - the rts . deet of us wilt. i One of us men as we thought we were 1
October Appointments. liars gel a eireuler of the :agents--sold by dr,,, pri,,,.,4 11l .„„ o , n Ln ,,,,, , , ,
~. , .
„,. ,
• ~
1 ~ - coder ths• gentle pressure of her fa- is wettping; she hears the
half suppress- I In the course of the proceedings of the
gists eVer,llnre. oT ' Pet:ivory ',tams. t, 111 ~''. , :111,, ,Il,lt, 1.••
Assembly at Lexington, last week, Rev. J.
Dr. lleeitivitt. •Physicien Mr disease of the • •
NI , smmatare is wine. on (melt l• -:. ~„,,,
_,,, ,I„, Ii ,„., I„,•,„, ~,. :. , h.: 1,...,1 , , , n.! its hand ! From her ca. led sob : she sap as she extends her feeble I
Lungs, (forinerly Physician to Cinejonari Ma. I Yikrr , ) 1 , .
1. DUPON , 'O, ' ' ' ' ,
.. ,
i E. Bright, of Tennessee, o ff ered a resolu
- • • '' ' '' 1 '
-- ' • • '". ;;,,-",ii,e-he, /hat hoot orbs - ever with- I hand. '.Here, my poor child rest upon .
tine Ilteintal,) will he in attendance at 111,1
Broadway P. 0., Ntate l'rar'... - .
..,.., . ~„
.. . . , . ,
I 'eshoulder; she will pro- ; lion denouncing the iniquities of Mormon.
nem. as follows t
.' ' ' *.' • , • , ; ~ ,!•, w, ~,, .., 1. ~, - .1%. to N. opettol in nor , 3 our firllOdOlourr
r" I•• .
ilmoingd , •ll Jai.d..siin'ii Ifett.l, Saturday, (Vt. 10 ! Ju1y29,'.... ~ ,
and expressing the desire of the All•
Le. im w ~, Nati•mul 11. , te1, •• 12 • ,
''• ' '':'• '',.“ ' ' . • ''' . • ~1 -. ' •, ~..,,,,, ~, i 1.. ., /I'l. • 31, e 1.,m1 °where& the I trot you from ail hums C ,
'ma .rne children " ism/
atielee I"iiteee... I,: •,:r, ./ 13' IfERIIINIPS PATENT
e" ~..,• ..".•, he ' ."..., 'eel, the little egtz I sit around the tire a g ain . Shall 1 sing
• " sembly to see those iniquities wiped front
there; •• e Is el 5 t I . k - t tlt. • ' I .O l'? 1 !'.. N. , the escutheon of the nation.
Ike , ;• •• e. • • • • •; • , it •• •i ~ v. r" she httd I you a song or telt yeu a story ?
' :'' ' '''' ' '' ' '''''• ' •lll•.'" ''' ; " '''''
1 ' ' ' '' '' ''' ' '' .. "' ;'l:;;;* -.'
1 ''''
'". - : . 2'l ' -" " r• ' /I f 1 The 1i k ti corner struck :sine, I Judge Fine expressed his abliorance,
At- . , t: ~ ~,.s. „,., ~. . . ,t, . ~. ~:,.. , . .a .. I. ~ ,I-.• , :'-, -, 14 . .., : nti mirct•ust t or ~ c tu le corn
,htn,e,o, o 7
.I and that of the whole country of those
- e ' ‘ i . ` A. V ES, .:.,,,,, ..,, ~,•,..,•,•„.•,...,,••,•••,„,..,„.„,,,.• •
..,....,,•-• ri ,-, , pie anti, the I the ki,d time of those days 'rhe song of
iniquities, but doubted the propriety of
G, e .t.• ...r t . " ' • '' ' - ' •' ' - • - 1,1 • -.•• •, , ,c. d f,,, u, - .tiii, of 1 life was inch ed sung, the story told; it was
' WIT a , •, , , , ,* , :.••x ~.*, vim' 0, ::. 1 ~,,,...... , ; .:..,,,.. ~ • , .....,.: .... ~, .. 1 brit tune at lass Good night to thee grand.;
1 intrnducing such subjects into the As
, . ,h e
ti•, A,tll : 1., ‘ .. . ..:
He moved it to be laid on the
. . ~,, ' ' ' - '....‘;'1,, f!' 7' . ; , , i d, , , r ' [nether. The old fashioned grundinother . l se n! bl Y•
toed In Me 1,,,nn 111,3,,,, 1,11.,e, The 11 AI . a. • s - I ,lesliiwie,e,e a at ..., ,- •
itleit pu.lll 111 tl.f! treatment of all I. ainin Mal,
..V''.'''':''Fl ! :•;.l
dies IS to get at tl.e di,ense in the direct man- ~,,,,,,,:... •
'r L'VrA t . ,.. ',',Pil LOCKS.
tier. A•iedie.iles are emhoated by their tic- .... 1 , 1. -, , • , ~,
tem ii, el, tli e . 1, lentil:llg relict. This i 3 -- rt._ 3 , - , ...`•-,.., t?./Iql
the important filet up , it widen Inhalation is ha- , A5.,...4i,,,'"
sell. It the ,mooch is diseased or take FARI(}I,S & HERRING, 3lakers.
memeineditectly Imo the monolith. lithe , lung
, 34
ore 11Henseli, Myelin' or Mimic medicated va
pors directly into the lung, Medicines aro the , ri ii E GR EA T INTEREs•p M AN IF E S TED
antidetes to disease end should lie implied to 1 1,3 the pahlic to procure more certain Sei'll• '
the very Sear al' disease. Inhalation iv the .1 1- 11, from Ilre for valitaole tmer, stiebits Poads,
plwation of this entitle to the treatment or m n rillogs , s, Deed , , A-0,,-, tel 1 ,„,,,,,, ,:, 1 ,.,,„„,.,,,.,
the lungs, for it gives us direct arrest to those Coil the Ordinary 5A34,3 11,,,,10re in 113 e allnr
intricate air cells and tube.' which
, li ". "nt. of dadi iielneen the l'atetove, to ,1-•rnie I large lan.
relic'. of every other Men. of itentineitering . ,
u. , lee, tine na. 11 f, 11, 10nr1.3. 11 f..,.•. in 11,
medicines. The reason that Consumption, and ki n , di,,.,.,„ , e ,
..„,i ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,i. ~. 1 ,
other diseases of the lungs, Imre hurettabre re- 4.,.,. ~,„ ~..„ ~ , „ t , , J. ,t , „ •,. ,
tasted all treatment has been because thin) had ' ii , ~ }ins ', 1, , , ~,,,, 110,',!-- F . .
never been approached in a direct mime. by " " . Ft ii , ii i .„„l. s a ie e.
medicine. They wire intended to tel upon Me ' .
Culver...illy neknowledgel ii: •
limp end yet were applied to the stoneich.-
11.tvii. •
Their Kenton was intended to be local, and yet. , SAFE OF 111.11 Woli : P . . . _
%l ni Ills r lie ! n.
they were so administered that they 311011h1 not Meilels at moll tie• _ _
,e r
act constistetionally, expending immediate , and end ( 1, 3 soot 'thee, N. - ''''•"'• ,
.".' ',. ,„ .
II ais nue: tilidonliedl, eiiiii i t il i
principal action upon the un,,llentling atolliflch, t utters . .
'll's Patent
whilst tho foul ulcers within the Wags were un- appelletion, end secured wit I, 11. . . ,
• I .r-Pr milt:Wks-who'll were 111:0 ow:toted
molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in Po. , 1 - . , -
us thu mess
direct comaet with the disease, without the separate Medals, (es alluie)- i tot . l
disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli- peifeet Fire Lk Burglar Proof an, ove r 3
cation is simple, that it can he employed by the fermi to ,
tlie public. havv,
youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It dons not Nearly JOti Herring,
saes s
I re than 16,000
derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de- during the past 14 years, 1
n w il in Irma use.
grew with the strength, emitting, or bminess of h a ve been void and ere no . • i
Also on bond or inanufacturet to order, all
• kindsf B il m Ind Chilled Iron Bank Chests
OTHER Insesses TREAT/ID:1u relation o u s t
to the lellowitig ran eases , either when oomph: and Vau lts, Vault Doors, Money Che s ts our
s e
clued wit! Meg atleetions exacting alone, 1 olio Brokers, Jewellers, Italrea families,
d privat
d •• 1
invite ...Within. l usually find them prompt- &c.. for Pluto, Dietnim s, aut other valttables .
13 clirable.
' -
Prole} slit and all other 'lions of Female neat- cheapest "Joh Printing"
phi... Irregelarltieli Had Weakness.
PH114141011 1111,1 all other forms of Heart ,j Lk' irii:t.:. (.:,QUIITIr.
Disease. Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all
Other tlise.atto of St ttttt .1, and bowel, he. . W •
r hut, ate made sash arrangements ill Oflr
All diem-see of the eat- null ear. Se ut.dgla . .h., ilk. •,.. welt enolde its to do all kinds nt •
Epilepsy and all lorms of nervous die. , ••• - ... ilk, c.. RA 'tug* at st 0 per cent.
Nu (Margo for consultation. 1 1-. aloes* Elates
b. D. I'ARDMAI , . "d 1. _
... t 1141 Ike County.
~,,,,,, give entire semi..
.t ol lie made.
Three-tomtits of the patent medicines now in
use ., p ut to p by unprincipled ond icnornni per.
sons, who do not understand even the olnhohet
of moteria medico. and ore equally at destitute
of any knowledge of the human sy stem. having
only one of in view, and that to make ston
ey morales, of consequences.
enutorities and toll diseases of males and
(moles treated on principles established by
twenty years of practice, and simedtmed by
th.lnsatula of the mum' kable cures. Medi
cines with dirin•tions cent to any part of the
United Mates and Unlinks, by patients commu
nicating Melt symptoms by letter. business
correspondence strictly confidential. Address
OFFICI, No. 1 1:1 1 Filmset Sr., (Old Nu. 109.)
Below Twelfth,
June 3, 1857.
; •
DEB. la. all:Lag:10B
met. Salt.
1, .44.ka, ...ono is for solo at thu
RUNT LllOOO/14 pa JUUrhill r ail intluiximatur)
V 1a id U utra. lint n Ix: r ilud try it, 36
Juno la, 1887! Ala, an, alithateti.
Il• 11. i S
I, I}, nr any
ix payer, who does 11 , ,t desire the payment
ur N.e indebtedness, especially it' it. Mil be
ecomphshed withuut any tulditionul tuxatiuni
OUR OIL; GE ;• .•L'.. OTHER.
~:~..'. I ii _ ~.
r I r 11 y
t.vre i.O huge 01,1 kitchen somewhere
in to.. pi St , and tut , d fire place
,1111 ILA etnaotlt nl.l iillllb ,, Of stone
--,usaithed with ninny knives that had
been sharpened there—smooth with napsy
little fin u ers that have clung there. 'I here
are andirons, too—the old andirons,with
rings in the top, wherein many temples of
flame have been builded with spires and
turrets of crimson. There is a broad worn
hearth, by feet that have been torn and
bleeding by the way, or been made "beau
tiful" and walked upon floors of tessela
ted gold. There are tongs in the corner,
wherewith we grasped a coal, and "blow
ing for a little life," lighted our first can
dle ; there is a shovel wherewith were
drawn forth the glowing embers in which
we saw our first fancies and dri unwed our
first dreams—the shovel with willch we
stirred the sleepy Ing ti 1 the s i mks rushed
up the chimney as it n forge wore io hl.tat
below, and ni , liail so many 'oar
Yeti of tyi many aomaihingy that we envoi-
.• . .
<_.. - 71a 1 ,
i) 4 q '-' I' 7 .
• ~, , , ~ •
„, 1: : : ;:.
M4l A. t. :., !.,:, , 4 ,
. _
11 hot treasure rif erg rt 11 (rota those
old 1, 1 1, or good f. tries and evil, of the
old times when she wrs a girl ; and we
wonder if ever—hut then she couldn't be
handsomer or dearer—hut that she ever
was And. then, when we beg
ged her to stag! "Sing us one of the
old songs you used to sing another, grand.
, Children. I can't sing." she always
s id; and mother used to lay her knititbg j Th,,Ge orgian is authorized
s..ftly down, and the kineg, stop ed play by responsible gentlemen to make the fel-
Mg with the yarn upon float.: and the clock lowing challenge—which is open to the
ticked Iw.r in the corner, and the fire world—viz : To run u match of four
do d down to a glow, like an old heart that miles and repaet, at such time as my be
is neither chilled nor dead —and grand- agreed upon, post entries for one hundred
ma her snug To be sure it wouldn't do thousand &Hors a side, the horses to car
lor the parlor an I the concert rosin now-a- ry weight for age to be run over the Ten
yi; but then it aus the old kitchen, and Bromic course at Savannah, Georgia.
the ,dd-fnhhioned grandmother,, and the I 'the Georgiareadds :
_ _ .
old ballad, in the dear oil times; and can I ~ i n order to induce our English friends
hardly see to write fur the memory of to accept this banter, we are authorized
them, though, it is a hand's breadth to the to say further, that in the event they
81111 S O,
should do so, and fuse the race, five per
oliars,, i i 1 her
e lell, she sang. Her voice was feeble cent,
i,i inon stone y stalced, e n
and wavering:, like a fountain just ready ei 'l l ir t t l i t ' e i nt to pay tli ll r
' e
expenses of the b ir . ho v r:
to fall, but then how sweet tonal it was;
and it. became d err and stronger. but it The course at this place is considered
couldn't grow deeper. What -joy of by racing earn, and thosethe
coupset ' P urr tetitto
grief" it w..s to tit re around th e fi re a ll judg, one amongst, ifn
in the United States, arid its positim iv so
Cot 1,, except Jane. that clitsped a prayer
easy of access, ghat if this offer ' shall be
ag eepied, a cot course of people my he
to her ta som, and her thoughts we sow.
when the hall doer was opened a moment exmcted to gather here which shall fin.
' by the wind; but then were rot 'afraid, ;on .ritiiiiher any assemblage ever whines
f or „.„„,,r, i t h er o ld sing,• shewore ed on a suit ar occasion in this country.
i -
sit there around the fire and to weep over The gentlemen by whose authority
this challimge is published, are all limn of
; th , weer. at the ••13abes in the Wands;" respectability and wealth. and the 'money
who lay down side by side in the great is ready to be covered by a annular amount
enlemn shadows nod how rirrangale gln9 from Englaad nr,"
was no more, and we miss her forever
But we will set up a tablet in the midst of
the memory. in the midst of the heart,
and write on it, only this
A $lOO,OOO Horse Race Offered.
The Worth of a Soul
When we endeavor to estimate the
worth of as immortal soul we are utterly
lost in the attempt. The art of spiritual
computation is not governed by the same
principles and rules which guide our spec
ulations concerning objects. The valve
of gold, silver, merchandise, food, raiment,
land arid houses i■ easily regulated by
custom, convenience or necesvity, Even
the more capricious and imaginary worth
of picture, medal, or statue may be reduce
to systematic rules. Crowns and sceptre,
have had their adjudged valuation, and
kingdoms have been bought and sold for
sums of money. But who can fix the ade
quate price of • human soul ? , ‘What
shall it profit a man if he gain the whole
world and lose his soul 1 or what shall he
give in exchange for his soul ?" The
principles of ordinary arithmetic all fail
here ; and we are constrained to sny that
He alone who paid the ransom for sinners,
and made the souls of men his purchased
possessions, can comprehend and solve the
arduous question. They are indeed bought
with a price ; but are not redeemed with
corruptible things, as silver and gold, but
the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb
without blemish and without spot. We
shall only ascertain the value of a soul
when we shall be fully able to estimate
the worth of our Savior—Leigh Richmond,
How Pat Learned to Make a The.
'Can you make a fire, Put?' asked a
gentleman of a newly arrived son of Erin
, Indade I can sir, I learned to do that
name, yer honor, to my cost sure. Whin I
came over, you are, there was no one along
wid me except myself alone and my sister
Bi idget. Whin we got ashore we went
together to a boarding house, and the boar.
ding-master took me up stairs to a room,
and whin I went to bvd. I took the coat
and shirt oft my back, and fur fear some
dirty spalpeen would be afther staling 'em
I put 'em away snug and tidy in a great
iron chist that stood fornist the bed. In
LIT m0rnin.',....,chin4,64,440-oustaimealLioa...
duties sale ?' and 1 jist opened the door
or the big chist, nod begorra the coat off
me body too the shirt off me back was
burnt to ashes 1 Be dad, sir, that ould div
il of a chist was a stove, bad luck to it;
ivar since that, I know'd how to kind!.
fires, sir."
table !
The mover asked leave to withdraw it
which was grnnted, and it was withdrawn.
Hatred of Work
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher trays: 'God
is the most wondrous worker in the uni•
verse—facile, sleepless, untiring; but
men instead of counting it a joy to labor
are always striving to evade what is to
him a burden and look forward with
delight to the time when they can retire.'
As a worm, feeding upon mulberry leave.
'might say. 'him glad I shall be when I
am fat enough to roll myself into a cocoon ;
30 they eat the leaves of duty, and long
for no higher joy than this silk worm hap.
pineea. And 4s we have cocoon mer
chants, cocoon lawyers, cocoon ministers,
cocoon everything. The worm cocoon is
worth unwinding, but these wen are spoilt
—it does not pay to unthread them."
Don'trilwit •
Profanity is one of -the' most offensive
and disgusting habits to which unredeem
ed humanity is given To say nothing Of
its sinfulness, (which every one of course
underatonds,) profane swearing is a vile,
vulgar low•bred habit, from the indulgence
of which a proder self respect should res
train a titan even if he has no regard for
the dictates of religion. It is a habit, too,
which increases with fearful rapidity,
when once given way to ; and we have
known of instances, where men were once
highly respectable. but who unfortunately
contracted this habit, have sunk so low as
to use profane language in their own fami
lies, and even owner at their wives owl