NEW ADVERTISEM. NTS. I Real Estate of Dawson C. Snowle, Dee'dd ORPHANS' COPRT SALE. BY virtue of a plurius order of the Orphan,' Court of Huntingdon County, there will ho sold at public ',endue or outtry on the premises on Tuesday, the 2011, day of October, 1857, be. tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. A TRACT OF LAND, .Situate in Shirley township, Huntingdon coun ty, bounded by Juniata River, on the east ; by lands of Swishart heirs on the north; by A ugh- Wick creek on the north-west; by lands of James B. Bell'. the south ; and by lands of Bell's heirs and Oliver litnier on the south-west, containing about Two Hundred and Fifty Acres. more or less; about one hundred of which are cleared and under cultivation, having thereon erected a Two Story Stone Dwelling House, with kitchen attached, a stone bank barn, stone spring house, stone tenant house, &c., &e. Al so, on said premises, is an Iron Ore Bank, or. chore, Sc., king the real estate of Dawson C. Sulawley, dee'd. ''rarat qf Sale. Otto-third of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of sale; and the residue in two equal annual payments, with interest, to be se cured by the bonds and mortgage of the par chaser. Duo attendance given on the day et' ; bale by HENRI' BREWSTER, ..4dhe'r of Dairsm C. Sma!toey, deed. ! Sept.] G,'.57„-fit. A HOMESTEAD FOR $lO. AHOMESTEAD FOR Slot—Third Division, —310,000 worth of Fauna and Building lots, in the gold region of Culpepper comity, Virgin ia, to ho divided amongst 10,200 Subscribers on the 7th of Decetnber, 1857. Subscriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one halt down, the rest on the delivery of the deed. 'Every subset iber will get a Building Lot or a Form, ranging in value from $lO to 825,000. These farms and lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will compen sate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold, and a company of settlers called the "Heppe aimed: Pioneer AESOCillti." IN now fOrtflilig and will soon commence a sett!. moat. Ample security will be given for the liiithful perform ance of contracts and promises. Nearly 45,000 acres of land, in ditlerent pints of Virginia, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to $3OO par acre. Unqueationable titles will its all Mars be girt. Woutl-cutters, coop ers, farmers, 6.c. are wanted, kind lire hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. Some agents write that they are making 200 dollars per mouth. For full particulars, subscriptions, a gencies, lie., apply to E. BAUDER Port loyal. Caroline co: Va, Or, to Ono. liunosTauestn, Agent, Mill Crock, Huntingdon county, Pa. Scp.l6.-Bm. FREEDLEVS LEGAL ADVISER. Jig the Author c;/'U *Practical Trcatiec on business." The publishers take pleasure in announcing it hook that they feel assured that business tnen will appreciate. The author, in his intro• ductory chapter, says illiohs of dollars have been expended by our ancestors in establishing and elucidating certain legal principles of con stant applieution—not less than $500,000 it has been estimated, have been spent in explaining one section of one Statute—the Statute of Frauds—and it is reasonable to hope and be lieve that now, with the lamp of ethers' expert ence in our hands, we may discern what to do and what to avoid in ordinary commerce so no to escape the perils of litigation altogether ; or, if collisions must come, be armed for the ram test with the law on nor Nide." One volume, ulnim .100 pp., largo 12m0.- I'rice, muslin, ; Aucp, $1,50. J. L. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 211 Nmtlt I'math St., Philatlulphia. For sale by Wm. Ctilun. I)EANUTS.-5000 Utuilicitt Wiltnitigton I'ua• nuts in store and for sale by WM. N. SIMGARD, 323 or 121 North 3d street, Phila. GONFIXTIONARY.—PIain and fine Con. lectionary mantactured and lilt Fide lty WM. N. tiIIUGARD, )23 ur 191 North 3d street, Phila. IVIANGES AND LEMONS.-500 Lox's Or finges tont Lemons in stunt and for sale by WM. N. SIIUGARD, • :323 or 171 North 3tl street, Phila. 1) Al SINS —l,OOO Boxes Bunch and Layer It Raisins in store and for sale by. WM. N. SIII2GAIM, r 191 North td street, Phila. Fi"'DATES, PRUNES, CITIWNS, Currants, in store nod tor soh: by Wlll. N. SCUGAIII). 323 or 191 North 3d meet, HAL ALMONDS, WALNUTS, CREAM NUTS and Filberts in stor IN ed for sale hy WM. N. SHUGARD, 5ept.9,'57.-ly. 323 or 191 N'th 3(1 st., Phila. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. MOUNTAIN FEMALE SEMINARY, DIRMINIIIIAM. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriffs side of the real estate of the Mountain Female Se. minary to those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will attend for that purpose at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 10th day of October next, at 3 o'clock, p. m., when and t,l.ore all persons are required to present their claims before the undersigned Auditor, or he debarred from coining in upon said fund. THEO. H. (AMMER, Auditor. Sept.9l'o7r•lt. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, In Porter Tp., Huntingdon Co., Pa, . . The subscriber will ufkr at Public Sale, on the premises, on Tuesday the 20th of October, 1857, the lam on whirls he new resides, con• twining 265 Acres and 139 Perches• with al1;;;;C: - 1 80a7c res of which is cleared and iu a good state of cultivation, the balance is well timbered. r-*--The iniprovements are a large frame ghouse and new 'bunk barn, with alla. the necessary eut•buildings. It is very well watered, and is a very desirable location; three miles south west of Alexandria, in what is called the Loop. For further particulars enquire of the owner or. the premises. JOHN DYSART. A ng.26,'57. gut. YOUNG MEN of pleasing address coo kik./ realm: troll, $5O to $lOO por month.— This in a tore chance seldom ()Hued to those that wisit to go in business for themselves.— Full instructions, with the article for commen cing business, will ho sent on receipt of St.— Address STEPHEN'S MANUFACTURING Co., Box No. 108 Broadway Post OtHee, N.Y. P. 9.—Editors inserting the above three limes, awl broiling the copies of oho papers to empaii3 to ill reerive thr article grftris. - -------- --- MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. • MISCELLANEOUS ADVINITISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS AIKEiiTISEiII NTS. ltisa, VOIIK A DVEIVV;SEAIENTS, LAST Nerracc. All persons indebted to the undersigned by note or hook account, ore requested to call and make payment on or before the Ist day of N,- vember next. All notes and hook account , remaining unsettled ulcer that date, will .tively be sued out without respect to persons. J. N. SWOOPE. Alexandria, Aug. 12, 1857. "%Mkt StIPZ.2IIO , II 7,41/fX... Perms desiring n very superior !alit lime can now obtain it of the subscriber, as be has just put into operation, a large diaw-ltiln, built upon an improved plan, and producing daily, large quantaies of the very hest quality. With finalities unsurpassed, and limestone pure as au.) found in the state, be feels confident that he can render complete satisfaction to those who give him a call. The attention of Buil. deco, Farmers and all wishing to buy lime, is respectfully invited as well to his low eaten, as to the quality of his lime. JOHN lIAG Coffee Ran, September 2,1857.-2 m. Administrator's Notice Letters of Administration or the rotate of Wm. Rutter, late of the village of Orbisonia, dee'd., having been granted to the toiderhigned all per s ons indebted to said estate are required to !make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. JAS. HARPER, Adel'. Aug.19,'57..a.* E xecutor's Notice. T ETTERS , :tamentary on the estate of Ca• 1.1 Marino 11f. s win, late of the borough of Huntingdon, dee having been grunted to the undersigned, a. persona indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement. W. I'. ORBISON, Ex r. Ang.19,57:60 MOV/211 MIC37/12Ts&lf, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF 11 5 1 .1 511 1\'0.62'2 Chestnut ;.7reel, Have for sale, to consumers and the trade. the largest assort ment of Paper Hangings, Borders, Decorations, Ate., in the United States. They unit the special attention of the trade to a new and nery beautiful article on popes of 06LD 1111\7)0 ll' SHADES, which they are introducing. Sep!. l 6, 57..12m. 1100 A MONTIL.figs A Milllher of gentlemen wanted to canvass two or three counties each in au agency that insures those properly qualified the highest compensation. They should be or mature age, intelligent, talented and industrious; and they will make twice as much na iu hunching, clerk. big ' or any other business. Address, (stamp enelesed,) C. ALLEN, Harrisburg, Pa., or ire quire at the Adam's Express ullice. Aug.19;57.3m."- M. ROWE, CONVEYANCER. Agent for the purchase and sale of Real Es. tale Farnis and City Properly bonght, sold and exchanged. Also money invested mid procured on mortgage. Those haring Farms or Land I'm Sale will do well ni call or send description. No. 'Xi, Dark Stret, Philadelphia. July h itl , 18:11.-3m. Tine Bee, C. S. DittiNIEVIT, while la boring as a missionary in Southern Asia, dis covered it simple and certain Cure for Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ner vous Debility, nod nll impurities of the blood ; also, on easy and effectual mode of inhaling the Iteutedy. Actuated by a desire to hoick his sulliwing fellows, he will elmerthlly send the re cipe (free) to sneh as desire it, with lull and ex plicit directions fur prepariug and successfully using the Medicine. Address it... C. S. BURNET:I% EJI BrotalwuyTN. Y. City. Ju1y29,'57.-Cm. SALE OF SAXTON'S STORE. The store of J. & W. Saxton is now open fur sale, by wholesale and retail of the entire moose stock of greatly reduced prices. 1 toners and all others who have the cash can be accommodated at auction prices. Terms —Cash. airloo Sacks Ground Alum Salt and 50 tons l'luster to be disposed or. SCOII , & BROWN, Att'ys Mr Creditors. A 0g.5,'57. Estate of lion. Robert Allison, dee'd. Administrator's IldrOtico. Letters of Administration, with the will an. nexed, on the estate of Robert Allison, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deed., having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those baring claims will present the same duly authenticated for settlement. JAS. G WIN, Adm'r., do bonus non,with will annexed. Huntingdon August 19th 1857. NEW AND CHEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE DAVID GI )VI: informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public gem orally, that he has opened a Grocery Store on Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of Wm. Orbison's residence,where ho will at all times be pr.pared to supple customers with ALL KIN.DS 01 GROCERIES, CH EA PE THAN THE CH EA PEST, at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Tons, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Confectionaries, Ilants, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Segars, Tobac co, he., Sc.; in fact, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. _ As 1 ton determined , to sell cheaper than this cheapest, 1 want everybody to ealland examine my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE. Huntingdon, July 29, '57.4y. Asszaurniar. Messrs. Brewster & Whittaker 13c request. of numerous friends, I respectful. ly offer myself as n candidate for the Legisla• lure. LEVI EVANS. i.ottlatotit, August 13th, 1857. Administrator's Notice. -Votive i, hereby given, That Letters of Ad• ministration on the astute of Isabella B. Stitt, lute of Dublin township, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons iodebt• ed to said estate, are requested to make imam. dints payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to A. D. STITT, Adm. Attg.24;57.44.. ii Vied Bea, Mons, Shoulders and Flitch, for ..1J sale at the cheap Grocery Store of LOVE & man yin. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Gunsmith, AleConnollstown, Pa. L EADPIPE fin side nt the Ilardwaie Store of .TAMES A. BROWN S CO, = SALE OP BYvirtue ol due buns iu I Bert Allison, lulu or tin,dun, deceased, the iiiitlei,ened Ad.''r with the will annexed, will sell at public sale the following described real estate, as follows, V,17. : Ott Saturday, the 10th of October, 1857, at the Diamond in said borough, Two and a half lots of ground in the borough of Hunting• don, fronting on the northern side of Hill st,, and extending to Washington street, having thereon a two story brick dwelling, hl f„f til l frame office, carriage house, stable, ' &c., being numbered in the plan of said town, 100, 101, and western half of 99, teel each subject to the one dollar ground rent.— ALSO: Two other lots in said borough at the corner of Washington and Smith stn., extending from Washington to Mifflin St., being Nos. 136 and 137 in said plan, enclosed by a fence, one ha• sing a stable, and the other a blacksmith's shop thereon, on which the ground rent la re. leased. ALSO: Two other adjoining lots in said borough, at the corner of Mifflin and Franklin sta., each fronting 50 feet on 51911 in, and extending to Church et., being Nos. 208 and 209 in sok], plan, enclosed, and subject to said ground rent. • „. A LSO : A tract of land situate in Henderson 41. Hun. tingdon• county, adjoining lands of Juju: Mc Cahan's heirs, of 1):. William Swoops, of Mrs. Coats, of Jacob Fockler, of George faylor and land of others, containing 390 Acres, more or less, of which about 120 acres nre cleared, with a dwelling house, frame bank barn, orchards nod other improvements there on, now in tenure of Andrew Decker. On Friday, the 23th day of September, 1857, at Altoona, Blair County, a tract of patented land, situate in Altighetv township, in said county, adjoining land at - Gloss, Allen McCartney, Elias Bolter and others, contain• ing about. 214 Acres, more or less, of which about 70 acres are cleared, with a house and burn thereon, lying 2i miles from Altoona and now occupied by Anthony Swiers, an tenant. Oa Thursday the 24//e of September, 1857, at Ebensburg, iu Cambria county, a half lot of ground in the borough of Ebensburg, satiate on the south side of High st., it being thu nor thern bolt' of lot No. 139 in the plats of said borough, having thereon a two-story frame dwellint , " and other improvements, now occupied by Mrs. E. Hutchison. On Wednesday, the 23d of September, 1837, at Chest Spring I'. o.,in Cambria county, a tract of land situate its Alegheny :sad Clearfield townships, its said county, adjeining lands of Thomas Adams, Joseph Adams, Michael Fitz gibbons, James McMullin and otlie, containing 180 Acres, more of less. of which 30 acres are cleared, with a small log house and barn thereon, now occupied by William McKinzie, and within about one mile of Chest Spring, part of a tract surveyed in the name of William fledge and TEEMS OF SALE; Onedintrth of the purchase money to he paid on the lot of January, 1858, to the undersigned at Huntingdon, when and where he will deliver a deed, upon the purchasers paying ns afore said, and giving their judgment bonds and mortgages to secure the balance of the pur chase money in three equal payments, viz: th one on the inn ApPii, ati, one 1,1 1800, and the other on lot April, 1801 ; the whole bitiance to bear interest from Ist April, 1858. payable yearly. The purchasers to have po,session as landlords en lot January, 1858, subject to the rights of tenants and to be anti tied to the rent fulling due after that date. JAMES GWIN, Adnzinid! Ow de fold., Sept.2,'s7.—St. Discovered at Last! Greaest Cure in the World fur Pain I rsof. Chas. DeGratles ELEC I'RIC U IL. TfllS Oil is the only sure remedy in the world fur the curd of ilhcueatism, Dankness, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Spinal and Bronchial complaints, Tic Doloroux, Headache, Cramps, Croup, Pd., Felons Sprains and Bruises, Cuts sad Wounds, S welled ' Glands, Stilt Joints, Scrofula, Etyeipelos, Sore Nipples, Swelled Breast, Womb Disorders, Salt Rheum, •Canker in the Mouth and Stunumh, Pulpits, tioo, Eruptions, Caked Breast, Waist. ' Sore Throat, Palsy, Pleurisy, Ulcers Lock Jaw, Heartburn, Tooth and Elt , atthe, ' Nervousness, Abscess, StiflNecks, 13roken Breast, Chilblains, Tetter, Shingles, Frosted Feet, Fever and Ague, Chapped Hands or any Diseases that are :are Mid 1 , 111111111, is the only article ever brought before the public that will do its work berfectly in from three to twenty minutes—has een used by thousands and pronounced to be the hest remedy ever discovered. This Oil acts on the system with electricity —is of pure vegetable preparation. Not the slightest danger of applying it inwardly or out wardly. It at once gives u permanent cure— in most cases from ten to twenty minutes. The best physiologists of Europe have din. covered that ail organic derangement of the animal system is the 'effect of an obstruction of the physto.electrie fluid in the organ diseased. A skillful application of the Oil puts in immedi ate motion the nerve fluid, and the cure is ac• complished. 'No bleeding no vomiting, purg ing, or blistering is resorte d to. Ii "None genuine without signature of Prof: C. Dears& Labels signed in writing. Principal Depot, No. 30 South Eighth St., three doors below Chestnut, Philadelphia.— Price 23 rents, 30 cents and $1 per bottle. Try everything else, give this oat simple trial. ..... CA UTIM—Be careful to ask for and get 1)e Grath's Electric Oil, ns worthless imitations abound. There are 11111.1 . 0118 1116(111101N sprung up on the reputation that any article has allowed. The public moat beware. They are worthh,s. For ante by John Read, Huntingdon. Aug.5,'57. ly w. g3e, [b. ir,I2MCM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will attend to all professional business entrusted to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon county. Deeds, Leases aid Articles of Agree. meat, written at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Shirleyshurg, April 22, 1857. IKlTO.cirfrif PORK PACKEiIS, AND Illoolesale Dealers in Pi.,,riBionB, No. 325 LIBERTY STREET, COMMERCIAL ROW, PITI'SI.3 PA. stai" AgentB (Ur Fairlull,' Suales. Apr.l;s7. Porcelain Motleys an:: fans , urev(.- ry description, for butt, ut the S !Ore of J. A. 131(011 < A CO, Ari.A,'s i . • 1 c BARGAINS! BARGAINS !! HARDWARE DEPOT ... . II A RIPOALIE. CUTLER I*, PA INTS, &c. 24 b,..., .1 00 Best sksteL 1....- . , 1 0 1 • •• • 1 ,,,,, t • - • n which they will sell atsuch prices its shall make llti 1..1, 100 '2d best do.. 4t , T. ::. cr,4o, .., I 1i...ii,. _• , ,,1 , h . . Vt . . N.1',..,1'. it the interest of Housekeepers, Builders, Mu• Best 2orlt yr colt 500 Best trotting !,..., :', On it. ~', ~ ~/,, t 2! , f.., , ~• • . : .4....,,..: rib.. cloud., nod "all the rest of mankind," to give , Best under I yr., 200 2 , 1 best, .. ,_ 2 (10 ' .. . ~,, .., -. ,'.., „. , ~ 1 ,- , . . i i, !1,, them a call. Our stock comprises Building Best berod mare, 5 00 Best family 1,th..., 3 00 : material, such as Locks, Hinges. Screws, Nails, , IT HAS WORKED MIRACLES ! 2tl best do., 250 I 241 best dt,., 200 i'JC7l.'l,!•:' Bolts, Glass of all sizes, Putty, Oils, Varnishes, , 9'lmt all the bald and gray ens lot restored prr- p„;,. draft horses, 6 01) H,., ~,,,1,., .1 tot White Lead and Zine Paints. I feeilv to original growth, and y01.,r, ~i f.,r ~-. 2 1 b.,„,,.. d.,„ ., •., 0 , 1 D ..,,, 1 ,,c,,, do., ~. „,, ~ • , . , . I . •,. MECHANICS' 'POOLS. , their hie, are concerned, does nut admit of a .., , doubt ; besides, it will cure every possible di ,... B.; riilino horse 400 I lltl best do., 3 , ' , I •' . - ' , '''° 1 I' , '. i'''' ' ' ' ' ' '''' ' ''' ' Planes. Handsaws, Mill A, Crosscut Saws. , et•e of the scrip' whether developed as dandruff. , e o ifii , -- 1) r , S. Crillith, Hontingdon ;J. , . 2 , 1 ,„,, s , ,i,.. .10 I I" Chisels, Ma'al's Axes. ll"lel'elst Spirit Levels , it, king er in scrip , whether of cutaneous eruption.— !quirt., Eratillll o 1 11 . i Al" , °al'' , Bart,'" ll•ist t . ,. ord.' .100 ! ..: ! ; ' ', Files, ' Stocks and Die... Monkey W'renche,„ ~,.,„ scald he „, i _„„,, in no possible ease will it Gen. J. C. W:1;;:011; Beady ; Peter '..3tryfrer, „,„,, , ..,. . ~ ','' .. ~, . • , 4.. c'. ttasiott, ...nom, ; .., ,t , .:, ewster. ,111 r• with an endless variety of modern inventions inn o f curing ny ir by magic, nervous or Porter. I ley; Julio P., ter, .',.!,,,,...-:,, i 4, ',:,Lori, Ili.a• and improvements. , die.' head-M:110, end if used twice a week hy the NEAT sTocr:: , tingdon ; 2a.,. 1 . . . • ..I ...-.V . ...,. Saddlers and Coltel , Malters are invited to , young regularly, it will pr eserve the ..o d or, and 4 Oil call and examine our extensive stock of line ! keep the hair from falling, tulllly imagmable age. ,l'''''' 'oral' 'lx.; 0 Oa Best vow, '...1i.. , , i. i_,l., : . neon Mountings and Couch Tritomings, Patent I Read and judge. , .:il tort do., 4 Of) 2,1 best do., 300 i t, ii ~ 1 00 I l' ' . ' and Common Homes 30 varieties ; Girthing, I Alillford, OVoreester Co.. - .‘1,,.., .N.v. IS:+5. :',(l test , d ''' .;-. 1 () , ( 1) , !:'F'.' t ,, , 3 ..Y .11 ' 11 " . ' ..,;, Cl° , .I,. ' ,lla ) i, ' ,l l l i d ‘ l ' ls, 100 I Hog Ski., potent Leather, li'mainelled Lea- I Prof. O. J. Wood—Dear Sir: I take pleasure !,'''' - ' t ''''''' I 'o.l 1 ..4 do., .. 00 i ' 2 Ito PA IN TI ' : titer, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach tortes and , in hearing voluntary testimony to the stogie el- -'I 1 - - " , ' , (1 " ) . , ' 00 1 nt , t. calf; Linings Pubs, Spokes, Felloos,Shafts, Sittings, ! feels of your wonderful Pair Itestarative. As Rob). l'ussey, Morris ; Peter Livingooll, . Ei. ,, in mil, 2.00 2d. hest du., 5 1 , Axles, Ay., &c, i far hack us 18:36, my hair cominenced falling off', Barre, ; A Icx. port ih,otiogtho, ; Dox;d 11, . 2 , 1 best do., 1 00 Bost in w. w A'. o ... , I 0 ) T.IIILE & POCKET CI'TLERY. Until the top of my scalp become us bow 4,0 : port, Henderson i (0. IV. Sin, Shirley. , t 1.., oil liillogv s 1 fit. 2d b,:.1 , '.. , ...1 , i and it. has eon:limed to fall for , Knives and Forks. from 371 cents to S 5 per , ' ll g in `:!!; i n i s g l :' .- ' 0 ,, 5 I ( . l : o T 2 S 4 ' l„st ~...,‘„, 300 do. in crayon, 1001 2d 14, , :t. 4..., 50 sat. Silver foks. Siker and ' , man , '" Erman' , ' el man,. etfel;rated preparations fn• rei4nratien. • Best boar, Ladies' Fruit. knives, Farriers' knives, razors, . s„;„„. . I . . • ./ , . • I ~ I ~., ~,I , ~ I . 1 011 Hist ~,,,,,,,,,, ..., ot , , It,. O. (1. McLean. lltintingdrin ; Miss .11,r. _ , _ ~.111 is ,ei tisement, lilt IICI.i to gi, I ..., icht i 0., . &e., fits ' , •'e q trial and to my utter astonish- 13) best 410., 200 I Best Ches. Whit. , :i 00 . ill ' ‘ Vii '''''' , A " andci a i . 31 's'. h -l i"'''''''' } ' 1 "' 4 00 43,,,t, 13,....1,, J..„.., , 2 (.10 , gram, Fraiill t i ,i i t o ~ ...1( / , ,t ;. . . I .l l ' , a u. v .t id in i: , l l l , l , i , r i , : 1 j l i t i i „ t: i;i: , :: ITOLLOOV.WA RE, , mein, totted, after n few applications, that my , Best sow, Porcelains, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Teadiet• i bai t become firmly s et, nod assumed a glossy 1 ~,,, (~,,,,..„ I , or , . r . Ht • r , io , i . d L .,,, vote, u n. :, clot: *- 11., 2' ties, Sauce. Frying and 13aking Pans, Steal: i i and beautiful appearance ;turd by the time I . 7" ; __,.,' ~.. ~ _'; , 0 , 0 ,.~ Griddles, Dish Covers, S. I. at 1.1111111110111. 1 1111 d 11,111 d 11 11011T1. bottle, My bald head was cov • .":' i. "an ' t ''' I ra :, ", ' `'.'." Isaac ''" 11 .4. , 11,0,2, A b•xatelria. rers' prices. ' erect over with a young 01111 vigorous growth of I " .I'“'ri il• I s• ''tr.L.'irli.Y. 1 -' 1 ' 1 ".1 . - HENRI GOOD tIICII. 1211 ImA do., Di.,, , il,lll(fry Crinzinal,t , : —Slums) IV i,t,,,„ 111ISCELLANEOUS. hair, which is now 11 . 0111 0110 to TWO illeilOS ill Sl-11'..E1', ! Fl . lll , ldill ; John Butiver. Hopewell: Geo. Jatk • Ice llnitimers. Lemon &i.e. ..... Butter I leagth, and growing last; 1..• '''''ll;' , 1 Best firaew. WI: ,5 00 Bost C:cool owe, 500 1 son, Huntin,,,iihnt ; Thomas tVhittal.r, Porter; Prints, Putter I.orlies, fort Monnies, Bells of '., fl 00 2d best do., It Off Sainio! Stuvl,r, 01'0..-1. all kinds, Guns, Pistols and Revolvers, Paint I , Aug Charlestown, !Mass I Bost i.3.oitiliolown 500 11,t long wind ilii..i 00 .'iiiii.i.liit Curnmiitted:--Jotin Scott, Esti., Brushes, \‘'zill Brushes. Prates and Chains of 1 Coast—Nothing but a duty various kind:;, Chain Pumps end Metallic ' anti 0, 1855. symp.ttliv I 211 best. do., ;1 00 i Best Snail, 5 tin A. IV , Be E nedict, .m., 'Gtin ra. :1111 r, 1 , , , .:9. that I feel to communicate to others that arc al- : I li. 1°. g'‘ .... " 1.1 5 (0) 1 ' 13,,1 land , 2 0,, -- , ' --, ' '-' A eAV tae011&I . Neil! Ex ()Otis : Pumps for cisterns, Pieks, Sledges, Ate., &e. : 0,,,,,i „,, ii,„,, b ee , wo,fld induce to ~,,, ; 2,1 best. ditto. 300 I Its" (laving purchased many of our goods at . this public ne k now l e a gnion t r. , the b ene fi t I have i 11 , . Hutchison, Warriorsmark ; louse Pci,,,li•' . , 12 wholesalo prices from manufacturers, me manufacturers, we o i received front Prof. W'l ood's air Restorative. , tut, l'enn ;J S ohn Shaver, hilley ; Jas , t tli,r. D. r• GITII's CliEliP STOItE• enakbled to sell hell) wholesale and retail—ex. 1 When I first commenced using it, my hair was , Eiqorkliti ; Heide! Goodinitn, llnutiugdolt. , 111 :. ja, return,, .1:.:11.1,... D. P. 1 . ,. . --'----' ' 1 , • 1 I 1 • Ireillely low. A lihend share of public patron. quite grav, and in spots entirely bald 1 have l'1.01VING: ' 1 , , ,,i,, is iti. the large-t a... 1 twist licatir,',l ;,„_ age is solicited. I now mod the Restorative about live months, aol 4 00 I 3.1 best, '.2 OD stortli,,,lit "I . 441') . "A1l orders from abroad promptly num, I nu hair is entirely changed to its original cot- . 1 . 4 . , .', . fed to. JAS. A . 13R,mvN 4 ; C o. , or, brown, and the new hair is over three inch, , - , t 'rest, 300 I 411, host, i O ' , '''V‘l, d''!lJ .. , ....'i . ...:EDifilllli, I - Li r l a .(ll . J ' i.)'•.... A l''''l'.s7' ,in length tot the spots where it was bald. 1 have . J„1,,, t;,, e ,„. e . P enn , J. S. ik c ht, le ra ,, , ,dt,, ; I.ot, br,,tight to Iltintingdon, also been meld' gratified art the healthy moisture ,1,,,,, r . ,,,0,,,,,,,,t,, shi r t, : 11. D. mit:,.., \V,,,, ; ~.,,,,s t ,i, „is r h o ~,,,,, in,hionst.i n j)rres Guody _ a 1.; - or of the hair, which Ircfore was (Iry ~.,, I i , m , , , „ , - for ladies and 1 telolvitdit, suel. IIS Bidet: Silks. 4' ... 1.41 . 4 . 1.1 . lls 11 ''-t : "I. CI ' 7 11 : it u l t at ‘ .s l eertserl to cool:, out . tiolnerly. ' ' - "-': -,-..'-:'-''.' -'."-:.".;' (Al , (. 3i: ( Ai, ,, I I Respectfully yours, &c., and 44titev, Ail INool de Loins, Cilitilk dU • .11..H1 Lit :,.11', IMPLEMENTS t • • ,, , , ~, , , T ;,,,, ll rill,: ,1111 • Litho, ~ I,rze Rubes, . I Ith.'• R• A • 81:( 'I ll) A in ). . ; ' .. 1 •• k.' •'' :' i'l ' ' ''' 13( '' ‘‘ .l wa t drill .' " lirilliants, ( , lie. eJlors,) Brilliant Itubes. Law] I ''''' !"' I; '''. .. 2 - 44) r" , st C.l"l' l '"der 3 00 ]tub, , .. Chintz 110 be,,, Onctils, Plain and Fat- I.'' ' I'"''''. ,l ' , ..' '''., I , '" 11 " ,,- raket 2 o '.' cv 144, Cit,i,lit,ins. Ilitnindia Cloth, Silk. rj , 111.: tilideriigned J• Mill, iiilbrin'fariners • ly, that they now have their ntr.v mill in ratinior Geo , : — At ".1 he. so ing ,,, Y order. with all the modern improvements in the Ph . ..A with the el' , "!'," l. P.e,l`e s t`''''ltive• ""' water wheels and maeltinere. nee to mate that my Imo. nail „veto. quite thin, Th ey h ave put i n fi ve of the entirely white. .1 have lor th using dye , e vol Turbine Water Wheel.{, and e„„ in I 't' t in the Imbit ut licutin„ all stages et' rho water, }lll4l during the ' . , , ' „... dto try hair h a s nett' restott .1 t„ weather, any and all kinds of grain. thiehnesi, and alsu 1.1 its former t They are prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at all Lino, at market rates, all Lind of . . FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, The following is front the P () Pastor of the rtho- i 1 t. Church. Brookfield. and forty,. con hove their own gra i n ground, Urooldield, 31iiss., Jun. 12, 1855. and lithe it book in a return load, or Hwy C.. r r „E w ‘ , o ,l_l) ear t,;i r at .i ng ia „,k, trial of be furni,hed in exchange at a nuan,,r, mai. , your llair llesliwative, it gives to pleasure to an equal quantity of Flour and Iran or elny• . s,,y, that it n of have been excellent in renio pea feed. vitig , ndatnitiation, dandruff, and a constant tun- TUE :111 , 1Y /T IVIAZZINE deney to itching, with which 1 have boon trou- la of„„ i „,,,.,,,.,., 1 „,,„„, , ,,,, m .,, ; an d they trill bird from my childhood, and lass also restored \ 1l iasuru a:1.1, 1 l'IlN Ill.:'1: or superior quali : I I t' i l :: r whi l l u :' ,. " s u t : L e ,:i ° : , l . lll o l ll l , ...);: r t ! ) . l e " , ., l ,ll ., : i ; ty to every Lashed of grain left al their mill.. cal ,odor. . ~,',. , the sumo ....,,, __ ~,..,t .. ; _ , ; Fl SIAER & 1(: NI 1" Rill IE. "") """. "' s " `"'"'" le '."" l"'"`: -. I lours, truly, J. K. 131tAW,. i 1 ' N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are lot guile • icly i " ,ttuntingclon, Doceinbdr 10, 11356. I What is it fur—This Wood's hair nestorativot : —ls a question adzed daily by hundreds. We ' ,(..:-_,; A_ATING FuND 1111,V, WIIIIII:It ile,itation or fear Or eunir,o ie- _ L, , .1. . ' lion. (In, it. is the only article known which will • - d i u ail t pi...mikes for - the liattinw Iltar. It „ill ,- NA'rIONAL SAFETY TRUST COIIPANY, ,0w it, tlt—it will stop its I:tiling—it . . sonih _ west turner min , requre its natural culur ! It is nut a !lair Dye but• speedy and ellienehnis Itestoiative• Pll I I.ADELPIIIA. t)..i. t I) l'ruurieturs, :112 Broadway Incorporated by the Slate of Pent,- m,,,ket It., St. Louis, .Nlissourt. fylvaula, in by Jouri ltuAn, and 11. and by Druggists everywhere. ""c - tieday of withdrawal. - A :MEDICINE TIIA'r NEVEII I)1?1111.1- — "The mice, is open every day, from 9 o'clock ' TATI...s in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and o on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock li r.?. . :., A ii 71- ID It It - 5,..„,. 1 IN•rmiEsT FIVE PER CENT. ...ta , ~. , , All sums large or smoll, ore paid hack in gold INA' IN)I1 A rf()1_1 on demand without notice, to troy amount. i T d lion HENRY L. RENNER l're:thictit, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice l'resident, 1 OR LIVER REMEDY Wit J llgan Secretary. j T :is ;all the good qualities of a purgative me 'Ll/BECT O.RS. I I T I dicier, answering the purposes of any Ca nonry L. Benner, F. C arr o l l lrollo•c, ' Marti,. without the debilitating effects experiet, Idward 1.. tatter, Robert Selfridge, Joseph 11. Harry, • gently, but surely, moving thr bowels to carry ' Samuel li. Ashton, Ilen. L. Churchman mil' all the secreted matter, at the same time, sti- James B. Smith. Francis Led. ululating the Liver to a proper performative of This company coutines its business entirely to its functins. the receiving ol money on interest. The invest- • The Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take , ments amounting to over eon MILLION AND A 011:..T TWO 11W:110011SW let elleh 111111ek, :11111 11 : nook' of dollars, are mode in conformity with Mid soon disappear. For an overloaded stood- i the provisions of the charter, in Real Estate :lei, irehen lied rises or onies, take the Invi- I Mot tgages, Ground Rents, and such tirrt-class ' gormor after eating, and it will nut prove dis, securities, . will always incur° perfect security greealde or oppressive. For Heartburn, Pitipi- tu the depositors, and which conduct foil to give :mho, or Difficult 13rcathing, take a teasputtpful 1 permanency and stability to this Institution. mice or twice daily. Fur Loss of Appetite, 4.511 - t Fuld. 90, 1850. 51ar4 . 57 wow or Listle,:sne,s, the inetheine is invaluable. j It will restore the appetite and make the Banat i '...'ll: l Ellifilki I s tlrklil)RjaVali j rlit digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful .1 retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all CLOIIIING ! he „,„ ins. After eating a hearty (linnet., take a dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all op- A New Assortment Just Opened IPr,"iim tidiness. The Inyi g""" is :t Li" ' er Itemedy el unequaled virtue, acting directly And will be sold 30 per cent. oti that organ, curing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Bi- I CHEAPEIII TIIIAN 'IIIIE CIIFIA PEST! , ~,,i , Attacks, DP..t.P?; , ,, 1 . 11 ' , !, W. 11 , . ,, ..I . - ROMAN respectfully inrorins his costa- . Fe l . ‘ . l !': , ki ,i (- ,, ' ,, si t y i ic e i T i l s 4 , , ,, l ,, y ,' lthig ait i'. l % ,'. l l ln l.."... e : l l , l ,, lu k . .11, niers and the public generally, that he has viii Public, pecpurd, %vial such skill by a i l n lU o ' II ' : l'l'legndeodll at hi itSlii.lieclil:l'itir'llcog-insttly"krko"l S lie u a " , l l; ' :- ~.',',i .i ' '.l .: ,i s i l' i;',.7,ll,,P , l!,l ; :.,j , `:,' : l i a n r , l . i. g i , .,." r c a l o k , ,7,l,° . ' l ,"ll , ..t e h r e l l ' ic i : made I melt . . It has attained di roputathin second tone Cie thing for Spring and Summer. „ , 1,,,1. „ ri m', m t h e world, simply I.,iiiiimse i t rests ' whioh lie will sell cheaper than lice sauce qa"lit' on its own merit. To oim ,iimii all by trial t h at 1 of Gouds can be pureli.ed at retell in l'lciladef- i t i n „it its ~,,,,je t e , viola it t o be, if . :,,,, o r phh, u, tiny outer .nimi,h,,,,,,t in the co,,,,try. our ~,,k,, are ;mitering from such diseases as j l'ertruns wishing to buy Clothing would in aec cleserihed in Dr. Satilerd's advertisement, well mm1111111(1 examine his smell: before 111 .,,, a - we know of no remedy that will 60 surely cure sing elsewhere. Also, them us the Invigorator. 4 Hats, Caps, Hoots, and Shoes, : isl i mi i will b e sold lower than at any other es- tablishinent in Ow uoutity. fluntingribil April 29. I $97. Vi It. I.{ .1,1 S I'o'ls2MB:lr MeCILL !NI :01:M 111 fritnals and ,encrallv. they hate the above Feat dry in iull blast, told are prepared m catztim;, ccery.l,,,er i piMn. Stoves of all kind, fi'r;,:4, for weed or coal. Improved Ploughs, eni4 Th.ehhh, g eve,ythiu g in therts. ting line neatly made. We can finish MI work that requires turning, having a goad Turning Lath. All work dune cheap for cash on 'mule try produce. (lld t w irl taken for misting, IM. practieni and we hope by sari, attention to Mu Mess to receive a liberal vim, of publicpatronage. MeGILL Az CROSS. Alexandria, April 2: 1 , 1637. JACK JN'S HYr „ HUNTII\GDON, PA.; Ou Allegheny Street, I;vtween Fa. & 11. & 11.1% Depots. 14 . 11. 11. ZEIGLER, Muth 2,, 185T.-6nl' Proprietor. Ingulli, a well known nurse in flu,. Mtit. is light brown. Yours respectfully, ~ I 00 k . .,,, •,,. Linen and C.Atelt liloss, 'l' itl: u l d 'a u ri i i ..s . ~,. 2tl lie-t do . 2mill'l I . .1 ..,.. Ail Als , , 11. e tort and largest assortment or Cul :: , ;...' do.. I till 1 11. ii , ;i,• lOO lags, and Underslecves, hi town. Bar'd and lie, yellow earn, I no ; Id cm, .1,,.. s ift Plain daemiet. Mull :Muslin, Swiss, Plain. Fig -2,1 best do 50 I I:,• ' t Imekwltent, 1 00 o''''l .". ! ''''!`''' ''''' . ."''', l " e, M '''.. l ~ ~, elm!, .. r -!iiri , .. P.0,...k. 51nelin , Irish Linen, Li- Bost barley, I on ; 2.1 Ii0•t dim ') . nim 'l':.'•:,• Clettm, Napkins, Towel , : &e. Best supine', 1.0. ! 00 1 At, ~ fi ne as,ortnient of Spring Shaw Is, Silk 'Thos, v: , 1 ,,, 11 , • , : , •_ ! -.: T• T• ~,,,,,. ., 1 1. ,n,,i 1 , , mm f D ~i,.. ~,ns. Wild a variety oress Cromwell ;John Ntit, \1 ., . . : Tie ~. I'. :,,,,a1 . ,. ~ , ,.11•'.dev 1.00115 tot, numeral,' to mention. (Vest: (t. M. Thomp,m, Vi.,,,1.1iii. .11-- , . Cott, , Canners, Crissinets, ilterent, DO 11;:s•rle .MANCI -\.1;11211ES i c„,i i . on i, Tweed s, :li.. jeans, Cotton Grins, f oe Bust Lretol, 3 00 2a best do., 1 „ pants. plant and fancy Linens, Dlarseilles and 2 " silk I' est lag, F ns, bleached and unbleadts 2.1 b., dm, 2 00 Best hard itiiiiit, I 00 ed, Sheeting cod Muslins, Nan :id 1. , 1 dm, 1 00 2,1 best do., 5 0 Q l , : t i i e rc, n it s, ;. : z l yi ' l i t e e,l li . e z u w , A C T l , , 4s ce (r k , ; ,: y r l a , b ß le u l t el i , .if t t s ers i. . ,‘,l),,l3‘,.,,. in,,...yin.q4;:.;k"' I . 1 ;g I . 31( . 11,n"tr0 1 .`,.' • 1 . ( 18 ' ful l e'V.4',"fi,ll , M , ig;'l ,,t iV.VoA t trtli;tnz, -. .:1 - 11 - :, - . - 13„,„ C,,,,..: do., I 00 1 Best carpet, 1 2 0 0 0 0 2,1 hot dm, 50 2tl best do., 1 Ito koo t s and Shoes, 217.?1'..1.1.1211 1, Best iiiiiii.i., it op Bost hearth rug, 2,1 h e st do., 2 00 211 best do., 50 bets. Churns, Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brathe.i, 3,1 bust do., 100 BC:lt flmin.o,l, 1 00: , ) .. &.ii. Carpets. Cil Clotho, (Ai Minds, 1....., -titil Salt, and all goods usually kept in a cum, 2 00 try Store. 2 . 13 , s b t i tn , j i . , , g'r ' il 00 00 'llli t e , s i t u ' i l i,t ) , „,, Mv oil customers, and as mane new ones a s 3 .1 beast d.,,,' ' 2d tot do., "' I eau crowd in arc respectfully ref tit.i.teti to come Best uplilit butter 100 Best woul tool,, 50 ::n,) cx ,,,,,,,,, in, ;;muds. I 2,1 best do., 50 Best worsted do., .59 .\ti hinds of ('moots) produce taken in ex ! Best totn.kctelittp 100 Best ornfuneetal , change fur goods, at the highest market prices. Best honey, 100 needle work, 100 , - DAVID I'. tINVIN. Best jelley, 100 2,1 best ditto, 50 April 20, 1057. 2d Lest dm, 501 Best silk embre'y 1 00 Best preserves, 1 00 1 2,1 best, do., 50 111.11:Alll.E FARM & 1111LI,PR(11'EIITY 2,1 lit,,t dit., 50i 'test shell-work, I On ' Ne.zr Willionispoil, I'o. 130,t. hieldes, 1 00 I 2,1 best do 50 - - - llest hbl. flour, 2 00 l'orn ineal,solb 3! 00 I • t Sit /• 1 1 0I ) I l - 1 2d best do., 1 00 Suit home-span, 00 Ilitelttdieat meal, 1 00 Shirt, 1.110 • ripllE undersigned, surviving partner of the 1 Ist. t.'osthic., . 1. that or .1. It. Co (V. 11, Doling, ofkrs f.r A (y, is ii ,,,iiiii,lliii.iiii ; ,Thii; Miss Prudence sale all that valuable properly situated on dl., Jachstni, I lutitingibie t (Ire. It. 1ie...i11, Alex. ' south 'side of the-SuSquelianna River, 6 miles multi, ; Mrs..l. S. !sett, Pranklin ; Mrs. Hays • from Williamsport, awl 3 toile, from the line of Ilamilion. Warriorunark. :the Sunbury At Erie Ithilread. The l'enitsyl• ; 2,1. 11 . ,,trilla .11,iiterc ) : . : vania Cutout passes 011 the opposite side of tiro 1! . ~.,i i :•!i:,.1 , L i . .,( , : 1 1, i : ,:t:1:::11 : 1, . .1 . :::‘ ' . .1 ': 1 t x :, :i i t t i l l: c t i t ' r i i t t , , , i r, f; l r ' n:n n u l , l l t i . :: , B ;: i Y ll l l l :i n s i s . : l l , ' , 1 1 , ":( i i 0: 1 ' 7 . e , :e:t 1 .: ( 1 , i t i :I t l i e l t s r t t ... : : ::t , t i . : , ce l' . u .; " :2:I l t i t i t i i : fi a t G e i ld r: . a tt er ii:e ' e l:e . i i t t r i ll :ti: : iii, m ,iii. large Rinuota of valuable Timber on the pre „. ~ . , ~• , er mises• a good stream of water, and a youth Siii,'.'olll Ili, Mill is new, bent.. built 1050 _tit..., 11,•iir, Nen', A lesandi i. : :.1i..,. .1 illiil .. • • .' - ' , . _ . * :i10. , . i 1 t.1,;1 . i,11i,11 Z Mi.., ilia, - . ..\ , ,e...11:ie5, ~,\ l . , l , i 'i i, '„l l' i'L,, , :!:,.'.,;', ` ",v ' t . ',Te i, '„t : t .i' , i( , ) - Zrn t g ' s Y a : :., , u , `",`,„l : llitioid,hdi : .111, ,lane Calbraitd, ~.I.htys• , , 1 , , , ,,) , m.„, „. . , .„ which .. ~., ~ .. 1 ..1,11113 . , tole iIE it,,, : Mt.. A:1:. ":1;-, y, lli,:itill,, , ltni. • • tritli it large Shea atittelivil. MEC ( IA:,I C A 1 I l' I , I''. I':N TS Co MANI-I' I The itbu've prorierly will be onl,ca 2:, pullic 1...1,:Tl I . ;1.:, , : ' Side et the Coln I I louse, in Williamsport, eft 1,2 ;,,,,.. ( . 11 ,••,,,,2 oil I .1,.. 101 cab. Ivare, 1 110 \Vmha'sday, the 111th of August, next at 1 IMT liii,y. I tut 110, and lii , ,, ,t ti cluck, I'. M. .in. l'oo', I lII' I ear. ll , ' ; o ' , , ' 0 I ) A portico of the purchase money in (lash, 1 ii., .10. :iii iii. do.. I tot 1 ,10. mirtio t. .;, 110 I Oil Ito balance made easy, with interest, and are do. bridle ~.: ,ii,l. 1 00 dm v.'ili I.'ng 101.. 50 proved security. .i.i. ,i.ii- 1 , 0 .Is, 1 ((0 Be,; meat 1. 0-.01, I I'o Terms made known on day of sale. do. Hir .11,....'. f 0 Pim , eller,. I ''II )'medics mirth :elan, can be obtained by ad• do, sills sole lea., 1 00 i Iti- t cc,'.,: .I:,"-., :,,, iiii.,siii• du. hip 4.4,1:i:hi1l 1 001.4,t iiiiii•lii,—....i.ii •.! ( , nIVILLIAM 11. Ill21,1S(.1., di). lii..& iiiiii , ,, I 0 I 0 Best cook ',N.', I 011 Surviving partner of the firm of do. 21,,,,, w',. 2 001 do. cuttilm.;...,,, 2 1111 .1.11. &W. It. HUM,. Foil'r end), cru'r 200 1 do., 20 ll'ilintinspert, Ps., July 8,.'57.-3m. , do. shovel, 50 I do. hoe, 5(1 ' ... ... . . , do. liay fork. 50 do, horse hay, 200 : E1.,„/.1 . 11 , ' , .;,...1`1 1 /1111,LE,ITSilil f ... , do. manure dm, 50 d o , c oo l; M ore . 200 ..... dm parlor do., 200 2a. 1,,,,,t, do., 100 AT LOVE & EIVITT'S. ~,„,..,,, Lower, 5 (lit d o p a nel do n , 2on , I'.. win,l,llo simli, 2 00 do.rifle, ~.-' fl! ' ) A NEW AND :111.ECIANT STOCK OF Gen, 0..1111,0 tireen, l'ortor '. (I, ' , d;;;' ,, o", GBOI'I.IIIEO, CoNFECTIONARIES, ANI) 1 .1 ack , o , ; 1). Il• Wl4om ~. , Cro•;; ', i ! ', PRO '• d• 2, • V ltiloNS, juireeived :Old for sitle'st the ' Shade, Hind., Gap ; John slyton, West. ' whof„.,,,i e n od ref „Jr ur,,eo r , & Provision 5101.0 FltrlTS:of I,ole ~, Nleltivitt. Cth onsiser of • Best i. od gr,•iit.,t 2,1 del dm, 100 ' FISH. SM.T, BACoN, 11.001 t, COFFEE, u„ S l'i ',lit, TEAS, ".‘IOI..‘SSES, SEG.IIIS, '''''''' '!•• .1'1'" , " 1 I; '''' 9 ' '''''' I &T, )1; \ eC() of the Lest , 'edit . d .v..• 2.1 in,t .1..., 200 Best awl 2...,,,•-t • , „, ~ , ~,I. ', )an !,-' -lp , „ ' grade. (tt I.S, t: AN DLES, li 1.1111), LA:SI - doz. fall dm 2 0 0 vnt . a'l) . g , ;;ln'''' '"' PIIEN E. , Nets, Figs, Raisins, lit,oes, Tanta -1 2,1 hest dm, 100 Best nativo do.. 2On • ;rods, It Sage, TaMoca, Cake, Creel:cis, i 0100. witder, 200 2,1 best 11.1., 1 11;1 Cheese. Maecaroni, Pickles of ull kinds, Sur ; 2 , 1 best do., 100 I Best doz. pearl , I u, i Miles, Candies mud Confectionaries. All of Ill', Willei . I,i. '2 00 23 1.:I. dn., 50 which will be disposed ut on the most reason. 2,1 best d.i., I 00 Best doz. pitons, I 00 ' able terms, for cash or country produce. 11.•,.t. MI! do., 2 0012,1 bust do., 50 ParelmNers wilt foal their Interest to call 11.13. Petriken, litinting.lint ; I:rtial ':...1`.11..., 1,1 1 . ,,,,,,1iii0 lA, ~,..;\ iWii..4 . l, ~.CLUOillg 044, Alexandria.; ..1/es. JOO. Simi, Hui,tiu g ilLth ; , ,liero, 0, , it• 1110 pretetred to sell everything in me., w, I), sh ow , Al t ,„ fi d e i.,,,, ii,.,, T . l i . I uur line of biasing,. A. I.lrr LE LOWER than ('ramer, ifuntingden. ETA , ::nl . TM, estalilislaw.:nt of the kind in ;Ili, ',- ' , .-. VEGBLES i I it Blessings to Um 111 N aids who use Sanford's • m,, , i 1..;.7. I.IIVE & . N1,1)IVIII. lIIVigOI,IOI., for it will relieve then, of their pain 110,1 potatoes, 200 do. beets, - in as tut' as it is taken into their stomach, fain 2.1 best do., 100 do. parsnips, , - li i 4- OR. ti R. 1-ItPI.bIT 1111 , i misery CWIIIOI. exist where the Invigorator is :Id best do.. 50 do. comets, .. :' ,i ' l , JS - ii..7itllM ;E'' , mied, for it will as surely drive them away, us Beast M„,,1 i ,,,,,,, , ,,, 1 1(0 ( 1, ) , 1 0 n,i,...,, si) . - ..0 11. Di T 2 5 T Oat; 40,, will banish darlthess,ol this Mete eat, he ; Il es , m„„;,„„, lon d o. ~,,;,,,,, '''') .IILUNANIMBI,‘, 1111UNT. CO., PA. no doubt to thaw WIIO try lt, fur it coal., eotivie- , 1 ,, pi i ,t, F,,, 15 d i , ,i, ~ lion with every duce tttlien. Another evideitee is wi.ii,, i' , .. - t : i., 75 du , e i i iy ., •, ,, ' ... 511 kmil 1 lo 5" --lv the thousands a eertilkates bruit Um. who ti.e, lies-- ' it or have to en eared by it. Try one bottle , : Baal i r ,',' , 1 , , , ( d I :::: ":2;i: 11 ..-;; e l , li'e r t n 'l i t i ';i ,itis - , ..,:`•(:; : AssialvxmLw. it dues nut benefit, Inc are mistaken. , l'he undersigned oilers liimsoll In the meclutte S.IN S C FUltl)O., Proprietor'', :142 Broadway: B , •.) sweet. do., . 1 00 m Best pie pup. .50 ics and working men of Iluntiu„ ,, ,len County, New York. Sold in Huntingdon by lloNtly Best tomatoes, 100 In, sepir.,hes, 'l') I tts On independent candidate fur Asrembly. Me.MaNtou.t., and John Real. 12d hest do., 75 do. water nation, :0) I' ' mul r 1 ~ p, Sept. ." '57. .4, 0u 55.,. , di . , Gr. lieu. 11. Keyser, Wholesale ,Dru,ngist, i 3,1 best do., 50 do. musk melon, 50 Nu. 140, Woud st., Pittsburg, \V holesale .Icent.. Hest l'arpler.;;., 50 do. Leans, 511 ! A ~1,..1ia atisortmetit or Stone Croaks fns Juno ..:15, 1657.--Sm. . 1). GROVE. . .. MRS. INGALLS, 'There has lately been brought to our notice a medicine that seems to possess wonderful cura tive mid healing properties its diseases of the Li ver, Stomach, and Digestive t trgans. It ensue to tss With on many testinionints in its favor that we hove noted its effects in ,once of the W0r.,1 t"t -,eB 01 Cunt 'mad debility, caused by sliming,' ver, god in every instance the effeet was to se- Here or give a pi•rmunent ettl, 1)r. Sanford ' , lnvi;:ta • ut. , r, ur I.lVci . What We reter to. We always Lore been erodubsus aLuut el., ineilteines, but we lire convinced t)itiL medicine tor tinnily use is not °Veil - land do: rveo,nnentilitiond it tuts. Uur nd ewe iroulded With linligesliou,liciiii. ity or 13..wel Complaint, to get a bottle and try it; oar word ti,r it. will ho experienced. A edam .kll . otee, ff.eder,on PREIVIZTIN.r.4', I'o be ne,011,1 lie ti: II untliydiai County ' l4 I; • Jitco!). Agricultural S,iciov, at rue t..•,1 Peir, kitnitß, C;01n.e11 , .. • held in II uniin,dnn. un thr 11;,h ; 1 0 .1;01tAt.; ftettAnn• I.j . sp , .:ty 1 itn • 1,3 ilqi!onin, 2 (It) 2,1 110.1::,1;S Bull:,), no r , - . . ; I 1.....,.:,., ; „ \' ; , ; .,.1„,,, ; ,.,„.] ; ; ,!.,I ; „ I, v ~, ALSO, n large lot of dress Trimming,, Frin ',:.•..:.:.:d: .. !:. :v . .. 111,ir, I).iblitt. ;,e , , liattong, (.Itrops. Bonnet Sill,, Bonnet GRAIN: • Ornpe:. (all colors.) Itibboncl,. Cloves, Mitt,, Veils, Laces, hosiery, thin. 11e-Its, Ri1.1,,,,i. I;, -t . .v!..,- , wi:t.. :: 00 2.1 beit, 50 , f or B o ni ng , Wi t nichonn and 11r.,., t10ni..4 :',... ...1 I,k ,t Rio, 200 I ltes.. white corn, 100 Skirts, Silk and I....l.llll . andLv•chicc,., Silx aial :ill i~l lovt,