1 • 1,,,)A "41), 111 it 4.!:- t A , , 4 , A jour ' 4 ! t , WILLIAM BREWSTER,} EDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. DEMlEThieff-tiMaMn. CONSUMPTION And all Diseases of the Lungs and Throat, ♦RE POSITIVELY CURABLE BY INHALATION. Which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air passages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy expectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving that tone and energy so I indispensable tor the restoration of henith. To he able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of anal lo) ed pleasure. It is as much under the cin trol of medical treatment us any other formid able discus° ; ninety out of every hundred ca ses ran be cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more then five per cent., for the Lungs are so eat np by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. liven, however, in the last stages, Inhalation Okada extraordinary re lief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge which annually destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the Culted States alone ; and a cor rect calculation shows that of the present popu lation of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive's graves. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fa tal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beauti thl, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from Impure blood, and the immediate ellhot pro duced by their deposition in the lungs is to pre vent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the satire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than those administered through the stomach ; the patient will always find tho lungs free and the breathing easy, after luhfiling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally and with more power and certainty than remetlias administered by the stomach. Ti, prove the pow erful and direct influence of this mode of admin. istrtition, chloroform inhaled will entirely de stroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb fluty he amputated without the slightest pain ; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life its a few hours. The inhuhttion of ammonia will rouse the sys tem when fainting or apparently dead. The o dor of many of the medicines is perceptible in , the skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always pro • uueed by breathing foul air—is not this poultice evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepar ed and judiciously administered thro' tbo lunge should produce the happiest *emits Z During eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffer ing from diseases of die lungs and throat, have hero under my care, and I have einem.' many remarkable cures, even after the suttercrs had teen prononneed in tbo last stages, which telly satisfies me that consumption is no longer a disease. My treatment of consumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, &c., enables me to distinguish, readily, ill° various forms of disease that simulate consitinplion, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single ease. This familiarity, in connection with car- Min pathological mid microscopic discoveries en able' me to relieve the lungs from the edicts of I contracted chests, to eularga the chest, purify the blood, import to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Comities by 'Patients communienting their symptom by letter. But the cure would be mum certain if the patient should pay me n visit, which mould give MO un opportunity to examine the lungs and enable nut to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could he effected without my see ing the patient again. IiAIIAM, 1181 FILIJEIIT STREET, (Old NC, I 09,) Below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Augun 5, ,857.-ly, Of MI disease ; the greet, trot cause Springs from neglect of Nuture'e le we, SUFFER NOT When a cure is guaranteed in all staged of SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Gleete, Gravel, Diabetes ; Diseases of the Kidney and Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose .d Eyes, Ulcers upon the Body or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy, Epilep tic Fits, St. Vita's Pence, and all diseases ari sing from a derangement of the Sexual Organs. Such as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memo. ry, Loss of Power, Getters! Weakness, Dimness of Vision, with peculiar spots appearing before the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspep sia, Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the Pain in the back and head, Female irregulari ties, and all improper dischargesfrom both sexes. It matters not trom what muse the disease origi saw!, however long standing or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, and in a shorter time than is permanent cure can ho effected by tiny other treatment, even after the disease has baf fled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted all their menus of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and free tram mercury or balsam. During twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the is. of Death many thousands, who, in the last sta ges of the above mentioned diseases lied been given op by their physicians to die, which war rants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret aiseases aro the greatest enemies t o health, as they arc the Hest mu.° of Consumption, Scrofula and many oth er diseases, and should bee terror to the hu man family. Asa permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, a seniority of the cares tailing in to the hands of incompetent persons, who not early fail to cure the diseases but ruin the con stitution, tilling the system with mercury, which with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a ra pid Consumption. But should the disease and the tecatment not cause death speedily and the victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the children, who aro born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself In Scrofula, Teeter Ulcers, Eruptions. and oth er affections of die skin. Eyes, Throat and Lunge, entailing upon them a brief existence of suffering and consigning them to an early grave. Galt-abuse is another formitlable enemy to health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of human diseases causes so destructive a drain upon the velum, drawing ire thousands of vic tims through n few years of suffering down to au untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys tem, rapidly mutes away the energies of lefe, neill3e6 mental derangement, prevents the proper sfdvibilistektit df the Syliftm, disqualifies for mar doge, society, business, end all earthly happi ness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to he dreaded shun death it self. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy and permanent care can he effected, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa tients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. The afflicted are cautioned against the use of Patent Medicines, for there are so many ingeni ous snares in the columns of the public prim,' to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that mil lions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi sonous ncstrums vended as "Patent Medicines." I have carefully analyzed many of the so-called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Subtheme, which is one of the strongest prepdrations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the dir ease disables the system for life. Three-fourths of the patent medicines now in use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant per sons, who do not understand even the alphabet of materin medico, and are equally no destitute of any knowledge of the human system. having only one object in view, and that to make mon ey regardless of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. Medi cines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Confides, by patients commu nicating their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential. Address J. SUMMERVILLE, M. 11., OFFICE, No. 1131 Ftt.nonrSf., (Old N 0.109.) Below Twelfth; PHILADELPHIA, Aug.5,'57.-Iy. U 5 WITNESSES ; 011 01110 tOlEttan flozitirvaltzn. John S. Dye, Author, 0 Who has had It) years experience as n Bank- 1 Le er and Publisher, and author of "A series of , ' Lectures nt the Broadway Tabernacle," when ' afar 10 successive nights, over 20;000 People 0 greeted him with rounds of applause, while ; ‘)lie exhibited the manner in which Counter- 1 falters execute their frauds, and the sur e st and Cshortest means of detecting them ! , The Bank Note Engravers all say that I 1 is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. , 0. Greatest discovery of the present century for detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. Pc -I.lscribing every genuine bill in existence, and Imexhibiting et a glance every counterfeit in 1 LW circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that er'r term.: is cosy and detection instantaneous. cir No halo, to examine I No pages to hunt up ! rcßat so simplified and arranged a that the Mehant, Banker and Business tnan I: can see all at it glance. English, French and ,0 German. .11111 S each may read the same in :his own native tongue. Must perfect Bank 1 hi Note List published. Also a list of all the Private Bankers in America. A complete c.; summary of the Finance of Europe and A i merica will he published in each edition, to -1 e gtther with all the important news of the day. ; Also a conies of tale,, from all old Manuscript I ZS timid in the East. it tarnishes t2o must cont. 1. 911 e the must perplexing positions in Moe t the ladies and gentlemen of that Country ! k ites, been so often timid. These stories will a continua throughout the whole year, and will 1 ... prove the most entertaining ever offered to .3 thepublic. 'cckly sulmeriltels only at al i t .' ::,tt l A tl l ' ‘ All must be toldre7sed to rat JOHN S. DYE, Blunts., Publisher 0 Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. (0 April 22, 1:55.-Iy. firTO INVALIDS...gm Jr. Hardman, Analytical Physician. Physician for DiFeascs of the Lungi, Throto und Heart—Formerly Physician to the CINCINNATI ➢IARINL ROSPITAL, nL to INVALIDS RETREAT, Author of ~L ettets to Invalids," IS COMING See hollowing Cord. October Appointments. Dr. Hardman, PliisTeinn for dim:low of tli Lungs, (thrillerly Clll42lllllllti )1., - tine Hospital,) will ha in attendance rooms as rollows . . „ Iltnaingdon..litekson's Vote], Saturday, Lewistown, National Ilotel, Patterson House, Ilitrrisharg, Altoona, Johnstown, Indiana, Greensburg, Dr. Hardman treats Consumption, Bronchi. tin, Asthma, Larryngittis and all disca,s of the throat and lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately used in the Brointon Hospital, London. The great point in the treatment of all It moot mat, dies is to get et the disease in the direct milli ner, All medicines are estimated by their tui tion ul on the t rgan requiring relief. This is the important fact upon which Inhalation is be-, s ed. If the stomach is diseased • we take medicine directly into the stomach. If the lungs are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va pors directly into the lungs. Medicines are the antidotes to diocese and should be applied to the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the op- I plication of this principle to the treatment of the lungs, fur it gives us direct access to those . , intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of reach of every other means of administering medicines. Um reason that Consumption, and other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re sisted all treatment has heels because they had never been approached m a direct manner by medicine. They were intended to act upon the lungs and yet were applied to the stomach.— Their stet'et was in tended to be local, and yet, they were so administered that they should not I act constistutionally, expending immediate and principal action upon the unuttending stomach, whilst the that ulcers within the lungs were un molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in direct contact with the disease, without the disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli cation is simple, that it can bo employed by the youngest intent or feeblest invalid. It does net derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de gree with the strength, comfort, or business of , the patient. ()Tenn Dtesases TREATED.—In relation to the thllowing dis cases, either settee compli cated with lung affections existing alone, 1 aibo invite consultation. I usually find them prompt ly curable. Prolapses and all other forms of Female corn plaints, Irregularities and Weakness. Palpitation allei all other forms of Heart Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases of Stomach and bowels, &e. All diseases of the eye and ear. Neuralgia, Epilepsy and till forms of nervous disease.— No charge for consultation. S. D. HARDMAN. :NI. 1). Juno 3, 1857. DEB. La. BILLE6IIg3OIIII taldll22f, DENTIST; Nulty 2110,1401 N PA. .Ttin, 13, 1,137, " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1857. 11118C - EL - CANEOUS - AIIiERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS, The Free-State party is very actively engaged in holding nominating conven- American Safety-Paper Alanufaelor'fr THE TRUTH ABOUT KANSAN. thins and preparing for the October elec- Company of New York. Tii O. r_TEAFT I 6 ties. They are determined to deserve Capital, $500,000. ADMINISTRA'fIONINKANSIS 5t0,,,,,, he working hard for it. The vol- A. Will ;LAS, President, Offleer7o Wall it, Large I 2.,,,,. 3.19 p,,,, With 11 Collll,lcrillos. flavor military organization is rapidly i t Perfect s„.„,.ii, ay „/„..,,,a warn , of p,„,, f t ,„• tory of the Territory. until Joni', 1857. Eta- augmenting and many are enrolled. Counterfeiting on Paper. To Prevent Pilot, !..1 imp A fall ttecomii id its discovery, . grog- -............--- graphs .d Atiasintie Counterfrik, .I,:rfornres, " Ph : . ' '''''' claw''', ""''" l '' it " r P""'" ti " The Horrors of the Revolt in British Manilas or Alterations. , a. a ;en ',Dry, transeet. ; ons an.. even t s event , s firmer Having purchased the Patent for the exclu- ' Governors Wet cr told Sheimon, political din- India. sive right to manufacture and sell the new Cho- ' sc , ions. personal OW 1111111ers, election frauds, 'The mutiny in British India has been mical Paper in America. invented anti patented ' lu'les ant outrages, willt portrnits of Proini in England by Haney GLYNN, a celebrated mint : m um. Mete., all InilYautlietitienteil, productive of some of the most fearful chemist and officer in the British Army. it is I,Y 11 , 11 N 11. (i1111)N, NI. it., Private Sec'y sce ,,,, th a t t h e history of t h e wor ld a ff or d s hardly necessary to say that the Paper is re- to Cm , • fleary• cignmenticd by SI, Kent, Assayer or the U. S. Carefully ....moiled fiere the facia ,i,,,,,,,,,,,, and its progress it may be justly feared Mint, mi.. Lynam of the New York Clearing on tile in the department til Slate at Witsbing- will be marked by fiendish outrages on House, and Kende Brothers, extensive and ton soil other papers in the possession of the skillful photographers, 233 Broadway, N. Y. author, anti a fall account o f "The Inv-,iion the pint of the natives and retaliatory The latter silty that no imitation can be made on or lidtt , u , trout Missouri ," the vulture, troll burial rites from the British soldiery the a cheek or blink note, printed on the Sanity l'a foul itentinum of the Fro, State prhuncrs, the per. Below is our list of prices i Chantl • Ter nil. 111.71111.'1111: .! 1!, AIN:WIWI IS,- contemplation of which will shuck the ,tier 'tuition, the murder of flittlion and uthers. Bunk Checks-35 its per lb.world. Tho mutineers in the first place Bunk Bills—slB for 1000 sheets. "Th., contriiversy between Governor Geary Tt„ pr ,,,,,,,,m,,,,g o f t h e perpetrated every description of horror. Bills of Exchange—sYs for 1000 sheets. : find Jude. ' , c.f.i. , Protnissory Notes-40 CIS per lb. Territorial Leak! itere, of the Pro slavery eon- Tlit• details of their atrocities are not once Sight and Tito° Drafts—s2s for 1000 OCCIS. YelltiUll, /11111 the oicaliMa,ion of the Demucra- Insurance Policies-40 eta per lb. tic Puny, with a fiSketch of Kansas diming its sickening and heart rending. Not satisfi- Railroad Snicks a Bowls-40 cents per lb. early truitlil-s miler Cars. Reeder and Shan- ed with slaughtering the officers and men Bonk nail State Stocks-40 its per lb. nun." It invasions, battles, outrages; murders, Bonds and ISlottgages-40 eta per lb. I A copy will be sent to tiny part of the United they mangled and mutilated the women Wills and Deeds-4o eta per it States, by mail, free of ru ,,, w4 on reeeiPt a and children and apparently delighted in Fee wrapping Silks and other fine articles it the retail price. A libentl discount to Vie trade. is excellent, as it prevents moths. 40 eta per 'lOne agents wanted. Price in cloth $l. putting them to death to every inhuman pound. Paper, 50 eta. and atrocious mode. The British as a For Indentures and Agreement, 40 emits alb. CHARLES C. RHODES, Publisher All State and County Recm EIS should always Inquirer Building, Philailelphla. natural consequence, the moment they be printed or written on this paper, es thoche- micals inserted in the pulp net only prevent ' - - secured nn advantage, retaliated in a spir• .autiphlogistic Salt. erasure or transfer, but make it lasting ns time. ' This celebrated medicine is for sale at the it of excitement and revenge; and thus a For Southern Climates it is excellent, and Journal Office. Fur all inflammatory diseases letter from Peshawur states that f•of two much superior to any other ;as the moistness of it is 0 certain cure. Got abe a end try it, yo the climate dues not destroy it,—tiro properties who are afflicted. hundred prisoners who were tried and inserted Al the pulp being a preventive. In an 1 •aaa................... - tai , -.c. ,- i - aaiani , a.aamaitia."....s.ars convicted, forty, were executed, by being southern States, Cuba, the West Indies and the Central •Atnerican States, no public records can blown to pieces from tho guns. _ This bo kept over 20 years, written on the ordinary I UT iPthi 1 1 it 11 , g. terrible made was resorted to as a neces• • WHAT MEN DRINK. paper, while the oils and o th erchemicals insert ed in this Paper makes it indestructible by the -,-!--,,,--',-!--,- - ! - z!-- , - ,,,, ----:-:-- , -,--!--=!--- nary example, and' with the object of stri• A story has been going the rounds of ravages of [lore. It is all proof against moths, LATER NEWS. king terror into the hearts of the native the papers for several weeks, the gist of , rats end other vermin, which feas t on and do- j m ur d er of a Rl-f-Slate Man in Lecomp• stroy all other paper now in 11513. troops generally, The scene was awfal. which is contained in the following pare /on—Gl. Luta, jorced to have Le .. The Company have now in operation Mi ll s Human trunks, bends, legs and arms graph in Morris County, N. J. of itbuitt 300 horse complon—Col. Philips of the .Mew power. and are shun to fill nil orders for Paper Park Tribune Threanned. were scattered about in every direction.— "In the manufacture of brandy from at the shortest notice. I ST. Louts, Sept. 9, 1857 All meet their fate with firmness but two, i raw spirits, a cermin article called wssence 1 All orders for the Paper must be addressed , to 6 . NICHOLAS, President of the Company , I arrived this afternoon by the light- who refused to be tied up, and thus to lof brandy,' is sometimes used, which iii 1 No. 70 Wall Street. ! ning train and the Pacific %Broad, and save time they were dropped to the ground 1 its properties is nearly allied to prussic W3I. BitawsTen, Agent, Huntingdon. l hasten to My before you the following Ang.5,'57.-3m.• and their brains blown out with musketry. I acid, and a drop or two will produce in ,_______ I items of Kansas news t ----This account, terrible as it is, is from a stunt death. At Toronto, Canada, a man- A CARD TO TIIE LADIES, , On Wednesday, "d ins[, ut it ball was l . DR. inironiEws GOLDEN PILLS : given by the citizens of Lecompton, Cal- fetter written by a British officer. At ufacturer of brandy, named Morris, opplied ARE inthilible in removing stoppages or irreg• i vie Bailey, it Free-Stale citizen of the this distance from the scene, it appears' his tongue to a preparation of this essence ularites of the menses. town, was mortally wounded by Lieu . , ,!ling. and yet it shOuld bo retnetnber. : with a view probably to ascertain its 'These Pills are nothing new, but bare - been Unit:Rt.,, of that pia,. used by the doctors for minty years, both in , rt , ; l t' . '', parties were iii a slate of 1 ; stretigth, and in less than sixty seconds he iari c.c.: IS n1.,11 I 5 tame if din ~,(),, Id ' France and America, with unparallelled success; ~ ~ , and lie is urged by many thousand ladies, who it, t ro..tattery Won iii the Tt•mtory, laud ' I. ' - ' excitement. and that the wog glace used them, to maim the Pills nubile, tor was lte,i''lV engaged ‘l , tring tilt , dales.'. ..,, ~,I ' r life. The s-drit [bat prevail the ullevintiott of those suffering front any ire, . ties. .11, the battle of Black .hick 1,- was e d ~,„,,„,, he British, ntav be inferred gularitien of whatever nature, as Well as to pr., 'I I. (..1.2 v Pines SeCl/01.1 111 COllllllOllll. 011 Irmo dm general tone of the letters One ventmegilitticy to those ladies ribose hcoldi d m orght io question, he was loud irIIOX .nerm,...,.....-,...:-...-1.--........, ..., .6 . ...... U.', .. . , ._ ~„ ..,....,„___ ~,,..„......,,,,,,,..„A,..,,,.. ~,,, officer says., Ilea wh, n rt inforceinents ar- Pregnant females or those supposing them: of a Free State man t i e ern morning.— rive i-we -trio - -,.... ....... ~..,..„., „,...,.___ ,elves so, are cautioned against these Pills , f?...! , .. ! c ..: , :1 r ey, ,, who, with was p b r i e nl , h i e n r, a, is . t the kali:y.llam! breadth of the land and cut while pregniust,.. the proprietor mutilates u• responsibility alter the above admonition, al- . • ill - • 1 . 1 -1 , . lill the into minus, or hunt into invisibility every though their mildness would prevent soy min- bull, end demo; the evening left the hall scoundrel iii India." chief to health; otherwise these Pills are recoil, . for the purpose of assisting an acquain- ' Another says :—"Wu have been relies , mantled. Full and explicit direetions aemati• I lance home. 'The person he was tudieg, ' .ig the mouotorly . of camp hue by hanging 1 puny each box. P n rice, $1 per box. I being intoxicated, demurred to Bailey's Sold wholesale and retail by oct a s nt!), and prockett interfered, and with- Wine fellows and I hope we shall continue H JON BEADmie , Gral Agent out the slightest provocation, stubbed him thisankind 'of thing, until they are nurn• for Huntingdon Co.. Pa. I I have appointed Dr. John Head Sole agetit in several places. The bowie 'mite en. bered by thousands." An article in the l for the sale of toy French Periodical Golden ! tend rho right lung, and ot ile• In o-t 11,- ~,,,.,„,, ~..,,,,,,„hn.., after vooking of Pill), tar the borough nod county of Iluntia,, ,, - I counts Mr. Bailey wa. • ~. . ~• . and cruel manner in which don. All orders must be talaresie.l to him. I, v . 1,,,, , l iv I, ~,,, L. . ~ , ~ ~ . .1 He will supply dealers nt tho pcoprieno's prl. , ~, , , , ~ , ~ ~ . ~ t , . , • , •. • . .t• lames Mid put Europtions to dead' e.,,, nod send the Pills to holies feiiii'id ,, ti , / , .) .... , . , , .. leht,l it) hitt . Orli,. For to fyl . Of the ,the ;,ttt dp zj;4ll:it..are is written wit each and t!r J. 1)1.71.'0NC0, saturti Ill•widway P. 0., :•;ew York. o.war t . !..... ' 'MG'S PATENT ' otter should not, be tried, and the other f - , ... Itt., A% 2' Z 0! V determined that lie :Tumid . 'the ultras X 1133 LI la ",,, ~,:.,..,, L . ) rjyjila A I . ft 41111) at . twill probably triumph, us they generally o. SAl'E;i. " On Thursday, the ;:tl int 4, Glen. J. 41. ',nut and Col. 'iattn. Walker visited the itt , tf.`'"''''''•"" -, • .. .. La nd O ffi ce at Lt.ettintdott. and whit:. qui- IV IT II iTlc.t, -;!.P'''' '''''ii'..!' l' oil DLit ', r. !•,'.l_: :. 4. 101 ci t y transacting it; 1' •A ~,,,.•, W.,. W. fOrintqf that II Mot: , . .iile 11, ill ti:o II A L L' S •i)l t !,! :!!.!,--!,,,. llto 0 r . ~ , ! ! ! i il itr , #4i '... pi Ner pot of n.. , , n, . ~ . mien tlon or ;,,,,,,1Li,,,. (:, „ ~ .0 ,•. ; ..,,, th , PA'CENT '...%,., : ;i!, : , 7, ' , ,'f!* LOCKS. . . . • 1 i , advice of SOU.? Iris - ads, the t.e..••• . en r• . ' -7,:;ii-7-" , .... , 7, :t 'V,,, : . ° for Lawrence ; not be 1,4,1 :ii,...i.y v..dent FARRELS & HERRING, Mikers. threuts were made ii&ttitt., hist. • Where main=: WALNUT ST:-, DELOW SECOND, PIIILAD„, can be tin doubt thus, It Lune hail presist ed in staving, lie would have been itssaul gala': GREAT IN'IEREST NIANIFESTEH ti d, and prnbaby murdered. I- by the public to procure more certain semi - , rp ,,,, ..t.,... In ,_ ml .........,_ .. ~... of these r xeii , rite from lire for valuable papers, snub . Itonits, : . .' ' m 0r0 ,,,, Deeds, Notes as d n ooks ~, , i ,.„„„„,,, circtinist.ttices is intense, and the fact of than the ordinary SAVES heretofore in use ad . ,- : the imeling of the Constitutional Conven. ded, induced the Patentees to devote a huge ;Air- t;on being ut hunch would strengthen the of their time for the last fourteen years, in ina• belief that a colitsitin will occur before king discoveries mud improvements Mr this id,- . It is a long. getvral feeling in Lawrence jeer, the result of which is the unrivalled that the various Ea: tern correspondents Herring's Patent World's Fair Premium Fite Proof Sures, will find it difficult to tittell.l the sittings of Universally neknowledged no the .1A7,11.10S that body. 'l'lle Pro-Slavery men are i ! auto OF TON WOULD. l. P D. Having been awarded . particularly bitter against Col. of , Medals ut both tho Worlds Fair, London, 1851, , 1 the N. Y. Tribune for an article in which and Crystal Palace, N. Y., 1853, as superior to .. .., Lunt un . he said less gunrdt , cl by the Urn- all others, it IS lIGNV undoubtedly entitled to that -appellation, end secured with Hall's Patent Ned States army, the Convention would Powder-Proof Locks—whielt were also awarded t•liave to (rattle its constitution in Missou separate Medals, (us muses)—fronts the most I ii i .i. ,, Brown, of Walker's organ, has perfect Fire & Burglar Proof Stites ever yet of been using this as an argument against tired to the p u bli c . • Nearly 300 'Herring's Safes' have been tested Philips, and as his paper is extensively ' daring the past 14 years, ant more than 10,000 I circulated in Leeoinmon, the effect has have been sold and are 11UW in actual use. been to excite the passions of the ultras ki m Chilled l s so of B . hiler and anti or anuf act lron Batikured to ord Che er, asts ll . . itgaiiiht Mr. Philips. Some di ffi culty sill ralo and Vaults, Vault Boors, illuney Chests for doubtless gritw out of the affair. Brokers ' Jewellers, Rtilroulls, private fatuilMs, Gillespie, Wilson and Gordon, the three &e.„ for Plate, .Diamonds, and other valuables. men lately arrested by the Leaventvoith A1ay20,'57. _ l Vigilance Committee, were taken out of Cheapest "Job Printing" Office their confine tient by the excited populace tikl was sactua Ix v. and would have been summarily executed , bin fur the exertions of Mayor Adams and We hare now made such arraugeineuts La o, , ot her „,,,„,.h.„,,,h, ho pledging themselves At ( Wk. " 8 will e' , "ld''' "' '" `I" ' II kii " l ' " i th, iONLIC, bilOUld he dune, persuaded the Job Printing at' 0 pee cent, p.-0 1 ,1, to foreg,o their vengeance. II t Bri cheaper rates, ,•„ „,,,..t the gang, WilOsit . rt•St'llee Is Than any Unice in the Coun ty- ! A the turd, • . h Give us ii mill. line don't give entire saiisiue- i watt . . c".l.'''' . ..' • i . ..t lion, . charge ut all will tie made. 1 yet been arrested. It IS ,O l ipOsvfl that he , escaped down the rivt t, ..ed cdfict rs have Change Of Time. On and after Thursday, Sep f. 3d, f , ,,„. : be, a seta* or him. Aii , li..e' . :on fur city seuger Trains on the U. &B.T.R. R. will officers was to he jit'i.. Oil ‘. untidy, the Leave thuningdott at BA. M. and 4p. M. 7th inst., and some apprehensions were Arr,vS at ” 2.8 e P. M. k e,40 " expressed that disturbances might ensue. 14 & 44 g< G ,111 W bail. ha,. it great majority ,0 .he I.• • • ',Twit cone into 1,11 non., re:wined a sin --one portion of the men be n ropy, now tviih lArb:trians and generosity on and rayibhrs or dedieme ladi wunlor u.,1 killer, of innocent children and de renc..l,, men to be treated like human 'l'h: :cadet. may inter from the forego to . , g, ton shocking condition of affairs.— pcoplo of England, cays n ',option bat., to the National Intelligencer, "are giottin:_t to understand the extent of the revolt, and the magnitude of the disaster. , o ,te able to form something liter Oh exact notion of what is implied by Om word., "mutiny of the Bengal army." Tl,ey turn to their Gazetteers, and find that British India has a superficial extent of more than 700,000 square miles, with a population of about 130,000,000. The . nation Stateg adjoining to or surrounded by British territory have an extent of near ly 800,000 square miles, and a population of nearly 800,000,000. The aggfrgaie itary force of the native princes is about 1 But if the well skilled manufacturer 1 -100,000 men, or about 100,000 more than wishes to augment his liquor to net upon the usual municipal strength of the An- the bruin and nervous system rather than gin-Indian army. It must be remember-' on the digestive and circulating system, ed, however, that the native Bengal army I that is, to intoxicate and stupefy rather has ceased to exist, either through having than excite and irritate, he has only to mutinied or having been disarmed, thus change the leading drug of his "essence" reducing the Anglo Indian army to eon- from costic to narcotic. Instead of arsenic, siderably below 200,000 men. Fifty- cayenne. corrosive sublimnts, phosphorus, eight regiments, wholly or in part, have etc,, he will use prussic acid, strychnine, ruminated, and twenty-one have been din- henbane, belladona, etc. armed. Although the disaffection, or at A. dollar's worth of either of these drugs least the outward expression of it, has will increase the potency of a whole barrel not, so far as is generally known, extend-i of alcohol, in whatever form or disguise ed beyond the Presidency of Bengal, con-1 it may appear as a beverage, one hundred tabling about 440,000 square miles and a 1 per cent. Hence, if a barrel of brandy, population of nearly 80,000,000, yet the , without "essence," will amount, when n one of official speakers and ministerial tailed by the drink, to ona hundred and writers kiive us to fear that the private ad. twenty dollars and ninety-six cents, (ice vice, of the lievernment are of more gine allow half a gill for a drink, price six my character than those, which have been cents,) one dollar invested in prussic acid submitted to the public.. T h e site of the : and strychnine. will enable the same bar Ai wisierial press has gradually deepened rel to bear an equal amount of water while I free , levity te seri..Hess, whilst We have each drink will "make drunk come," equal i an almost universal assurance of journals , to the genuine article, and it the flavoring . of ',eery shade of 'tarty opinion that great 1 or pungency is carefully managed with efforts and serious sacrifices will be neces- i extract of logwood, burnt sugar, sulphuric nary to restore the disputed authority, and acid, vitriol, sugar of load, grains of para. vindicate the arms of Britain in India.— The revolt may, and ninny people think it will, spread throughout the whole of British India and enlist in the service of the revolters the whole of the neighboring native princes. Should this unfortunate ly prove to be the case, England will be plunged into war with (including China) nearly one half the human race. This is certainly an extreme case, but no mortal foresight can pronounce that it is impos• sible." The crisis is evidently critical, and we cannot be surprised at the intense anxiety which exists upon the subject in England. Delhi. too, which .vas at first described of as a weak place, is now sp. ken of by the London Times as a "sec ond Sevastopol," and it is observed fur ther that the English soldiers will be oppo sed to a well trained army, men whose chosen pursuit is fighting, who have been disciplined by English commanders, who have proved their prowess in many a hard fought field side by side with English coinrades, but n•ho are now actuated by a deadly hatred of British officers sad Brit. ish role. As natives of the soil they are fighting for their country, and as revolted troops they are, every one of them fight ing for their lives. The struggle, we may infer, therefore, has been and will be dreadful. wns it corpse. From the various commentarie, which have been tuade in relation to thin fatal experiment of touching one's tongue to the .essence of brandy," it would seem that tremely vague and indefinite idea of the nature of this strange potent “essenco." We propose to enlighten them, to the end that they and their readers will have a good reason to adopt the "tasty not" adage in relation to this and similar essences. The true essence of all the alcoholic or intoxicating liquors in the world is alcohol ttblaw Spirit" is simply alcohol, di luted with water. every other alcoholic beverage whether known as spirituo, or malt Minors, &c., is oath tag loose —and certain ex. k now as 'ram whisku W ith this ras; tvhsAey t pound or c seucc, all kinds of liquors, runt, brandy, wine, gin, ale, beer, etc., in all their variety can be made to order ou very short notice, and of any required degree or flavor. pungency, or intoxicating potency. Tne manufacture of these compounds bus become quite an important busimss, and anion of our chemists end druggists make their manufacture and sale a speciality. Tho adulteration of alcohol, or the inanu factor° of fictitious liquors, is as profitable to the producer os it is killing to the cos. tomer. For example, ten cents' worth of arsenic or corrosive sublimate, added to a barrel of rum, brandy, gin or whiskey, will double its commercial value, that is, it will enable the dealer to add to it a barrel of water, and still have the sonic poten:y to effect, or disturb, or stimulate the system as an ordinary glass, or drink or dose. VOL. XXII. NO. 39. dine, cocculus indicus, hops, alum, horse radish,..botanical," juniper, lime, chamber lye etc., the most fastidious taste' will not be offended, and the connoisseur will find his cultivated appetency and sensuality fully satisfied, %elide the dealer gets for his barrel of brandy two hundred and forty one dollars and ninety-two cents. The paragraph above quoted represents the "essence of brandy," which killed the Toronto manufacturer, to be in its properties "very nearly allied to prussic acid." It is indeed so. It is as nearly allied to prussic acid as it is to itself. The same experiment has been tried many times before, and with exactly the same result. Many chemists, physicians and apothecaries hare accidentally tasted the contents of a bottle containing prussic acid and "in less than sixty seconds were corpses."—Life Illustrated. Reported lap;essly fn• the Journal. Almost a Tragedy. 'Teas the close of a healthful evening. The sun had just sunk to rest amid a hale of glory, leaving the heavens magnificent ly robed with his golden splendor—yes, so majestic was the scene—so grand, so lofty and inspiring its beauties, that it dress-, as it wore, instinctively, the attention of a man, who held tightly in one hand a frightful, unsightly razor! whilst in the other ho grasped convulsively a letter, which he had at that moment received front the lovely object of his earnest affec tions. Aye, unfortunate circumstance, whilst he had loved her with all the ar dor of his capacious soul, she had been won by another. This melancholy de velopement threw him into a fit of wild delirium. Re called for wine and when the goblet was handed him, he gazed up on it with smiles of fiendish madness, its eyes flashed with a detnoniacal fire, and when quaffing tho hellish draught he seemed to reel with toad intoxication.— "A Razor !" he cried—but thank God. as he was tipati the verge of executing his wild designs, the glorious beauties of the fading orb of day rescued him front a. wilieni;ol,7Pbmz--luLtbs.commusegtt the letter (or shaving paper. • Yourn. JaZit Cal. To the Free and Independent Voters of Huntingdon Co. A 3 my name stands before you as a eau& thlte for Assembly—to which allies I We no iis,isiitions and present no claims on the ty, r , r services rendered any political party,— ;mil inasmuch as questions of importance which will seriously allitet the lion union of his giant Ottintuortwealth, (the prosperit y ` of v.liicli is if the greatest interest and should m eek e the ettialid consideration of every tax.pay er of the State,) are presented to the people for their decision, it is expected that I should deilne my position and declare my sentitnents ' iu relation to those questions. The people of this Commonwealth arc now called upon to ex, press their preferences (or or against the pro• posed appropriation of three millions of dollars of the proceeds of the sale of the Main Line of our Public Improvements, to the completion of the Sunbury & Erie Railroad,. and also on the repeal of three mill ton:lngo tax now imposed by the Commonwealth on the Pa. R. R. Company. On these questions, lam free to say, that in case of may electioa I will "first. last and all the lime," with whatever ability I may possess, oppose the appropriation of any part of the seven and ono half millions, to any purpose whatever, except to the liquidation of the onerous debt of our noble Commonwealth. I will oppose the repeal of the three mill ton. nage tax, which, in toy opinion, ought to con tinue as n source of revenue, to relieve the em barrassed condition of the treasury—which in felt by every tax-payer. In taking this course, I ant aware of the sit• action in which I am placed; that I incur the displeasure of the combined forces of the Pa. It. It. (la., that I have no !money to spend in a campaign, no offices at my disp osal , no money or of corpations at my couttualtd, no hired press to sustain me, no shrewd political wire workers to operate for my election ; but I have to con tend against all the political manceuvering of the sharp shooters of all the political parties of the county, the combined forces of mammoth corporations, and all the' collectors, lock•tend• ors, weigh masters, with 11, host of ether employ tes along the• Canal and Railroad. Nor do I expect any 'nun to vote for me who desires an increase of our State Tax. My desire is to lighten the burden :if the tax payer, by appro. mating all monies belonging to the State—al ter necessary expenses of government shall be met—to the liquidation of her indebtedness, so that we cony yet see the day when our farms and workshops may be relieved from the heavy mortgage of FORTY MILLIONS OF DOL. LARS, which new rests upon the property of every tax-payer of the State. 11ith proper and economical management, the State Treasurer will never again be under the necessity of resorting to a loan, to meet the interest on the debt of the Commonwealth.— Ilut on the contrary, eight millions of the debt could be paid the first year, and two millions 1 annually thereafter, which arrangement would in the course of twelve or thurteen years, en tirely wipe out the debt. here to the fernier, or mechatdo, or any tax-payer, who duos not desire the payment of 1 our State indebtedness, especially if it can be accomplished without any additional taxation? LEVI EVANi. gar What is more beautiful and poeti, cal than the child's idea of ice— "Water gone to sleep."