NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. [Red Estate of Dawson C. Smawlev, Dee'd.] ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of a plurius order of tbs Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, there will be sold at public vendue or outcry on the premises on Tuesday, the 20th day of October, 1857, be- tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., A TRACT OF LAND, Situate in Shirley township, Huntingdon coon. ty, bounded by Juniata River, on the east ; by lands of Swishart heirs on the north; by A ugh wick creek on the north-west; by lands of James M. Bell on the south; and by lands of Bell's heirs and Oliver Etnier on the southwest, containing about Two Hundred and Fifty Acres. more or loss; about one hundred of which are clea:ed and under cultivation, hating thereon erected a Two Story Stone Dwelling House, with kitchen o.tached, a stone bank barn, stone spring house, stone tenant house, &c., &c. Al. so, on said premises, is an Iron Ore Bank, or• chore, &c., being the real estate of Dawson C. Smawley, deed. Throes of Sale. One•third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale ; and the residue in two equal annual payments, with interest, to he se cured by the bonds and mortgage of the per. chaser. Due attendenre given on the day of sale by HENRY BREWSTER, Adm'r of Dawson C. Sina.'wey r deed. Sep t.l 500 AGENTS WANTED. AEICOMESTEAD FOR slo!—Third Division, —alo,ooo worth of Farms and Building lots, in the gold region of Culpepper county, Virgin ia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers on the 7th of December, 1857. Subscriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one halt down, the rest on the delivery of the deed. Every subtieliber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements. a eufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will compen sate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 lute and farms are already sold, and n company of settlers called the "Rappa hannock Pioneer Association" is now forming and will soon commence a setth went. Ample security will be given for the faithful perform ance of contracts and promises. Nearly 45,000 acres of land, in diflerent pans of Virginia, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable titles will in all cases be siren. Wood -cutters, coop ers, fanners, d.c. arc wanted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. Some agents write that they urn making 200 dollars per loofah. For full particulars, subscriptions, a gencies, &c., apply to . . , . E. BAUDER, Sep.l6.-Brn. Port Royal, Caroline to. Va. EMEEDLEIN LEGAL ADVISER. By the Author of a "Practical Treatise on Business." The publishers take pleasure in announcing a book that they feel assured that business men will appreciate. The author, in his intro• ductory chapter, says: "Millions of dullard have been expended by ear ancestors in establishing and elucidating certain legal principles of con. scant application—not lose than $500,000 it has been estimated, have been spent in explaining ono section of one Statute—die Ptutute of Frauds—and it is reasonable to hope and he. lieve that now, with the lamp of others' experi• mice in our hands, we may discern what to do and what to avoid in ordinary commerce o 0 0 to escape the perils of litigation altogether ; or, if collisions :oust 00111 C, be armed fur the con• test with the law on our side." . . One volutue, about 400 pp., large 12m0. Price, muslin, $1,25 • sheep, $1,50. J. B. LI II'INCOTT & CO., 20 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. For sale by Win. Colon. 5ept.16,'57.•3t. 7r) EA NUTS.--3000 Bushels Wilmington Pee• nuta i o store and for stile by WM. N. SIIUGARD, 323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. CONFECTIONARY.—PIain and fine CO', lectionary mitinulhetured and for Ellie by WM. N. SIIUGAitit, 923 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. nIIANGES AND LEMONS.-500 boxes Or- V awes and Lemons in M. vre and for sale by N. SHUGARD, 323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. RAISINS —1,900 Boxes Bunch and Layer Raisins in store and for sale by. WM. N. SIIUGABI), 323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. TIOS, DATES, PRUNES, CITRONS, Currants, in store nnd for sale by NVM. N. SHUGARD, 323 or 191 North 3d strect, Phila. A LMONDS, WALNUTS, CREAM NUTS VM. II and Filberts in store and for sale by N N. SHUGARD, 5ept.9,'37.-ly. 323 or 191 N'th 3d st.,rltila. ISCNTRY MERCHANTS I The Apple Harvest of 1857 has arrived, And if you wish to make money, please your customers and save canvassing agents (who can make one, two and even three hundred dollars per month) from supplying the goods in your town and county which you ought to sell, you can do it by sending ten dollars for a sample co py containing six of Prides Apple Parer's (250,000 already sold) and Pratt's Apple Slicer, (a new article,) and one thousand printed circu lars to distribute in your town or county. By so doing you will. land no trouble in ordering and selling at a very large profit ten, twenty ur oven ff hundred dozen machines during thesea- eon. PRATT'S APPLE PARER was patented in 1853. Raving • a loose head or knife carrier so arranged as to readily adjust itself to the ine qualities of the surface of apples, or other fruit, the working qualities of which have proved so excellent and advantageous to sho community, that the manufacturers, Messrs. Sargent & Fos ter, have already been called on to supply more than half a million machines. PRATT'S APPLE SLICER. made to ac company the Parer, was patented in 1855. It is a small neatly constructed machine, and like its companion, the Purer, does most excellent work, cutting in about five seconds, each apple into twenty-two equal parts, leaving, without waste, only a small core to be removed, A child can readily work either Parer or Slicer at a speed of about three bushels par hour. Retail price of each 81,50. All orders by mail or otheawise should, to meet prompt atten tion, be addressed to E. L. PRATT, 617 Seasons St., Philadelphia, Pa. 5ept.9,'57.•3t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. MOUNTAIN FEMALE SEMINARY, BIRMINGHAM. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county,. to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of the Mountain Female Se• winery to those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will attend for that purpose at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 10th day of October next, at 3 o'clock, p. m., when and where 511 persons are required to present their claims before the undersigned Auditor, or be debarred from coining in upon said fund. THEO. H. C] MS Auditor. INISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. LAST NOTICE. All persons indebted to the undersigned by note or hook account, arexcquested to call and make paymbnt on or before the lot day of No. vember next. All notes and book accounts remaining unsettled after that date, will posi tively be sued out without respect to persons. J. N. SWOOPE. Alexandria, Aug. 12, 1817. VZILT SUPZOSTOR IIBNI. Persona desiring a very superior while lime can now obtain it of the subscriber, as be has just put into operation, a large draw•kiln, built upon an improved plan, mid producing dnily, large quantities of tie very heel quality. Wall facilities unsurpassed, and limestone pure as anj found in the state, he feels confident that he can render complete satisfaction to those who give him a call. The attention of Buil. ders, Farmers and all wishing to buy lime, is respectfully invited as well to his low rates, as to the quality of his limo. JOHN HAGEY. Coffee Run, September 2,1837.-2 m. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration or the estate of Wm. Rutter, late of the village of Orbisonia, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having crams against the same will present them du ly authenticated fur settlement. JAS. HARPER, Adru'r. Aug,19,%17..tit.* Executor's Notice. I ETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Ca. 1.1 tharine M. °win, late of tho borough of Huntingdon, dec'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment. and those having claims to present them for settlement. W. P. ORBISON, Ex.r. Aug.19,57.•Gt lig 11V.1 11.3110T512g1.10 MANUFACTUNENB AND INFOUTENS IMF IP Li) LU 41,d Gll 2Vu. 622 Chednot ?,ee(, Have for sale, to consumers and the trade, the largest assortment of Paper Hangings, Dordera• Decorations, &c., in the United States. They ask the special attention of the trade to a new and very heautifid article on paper of GOLD WINDOW SHADES, which they . are introducing. 5ept.16,'57:12m. Sersloo A MOXTIL4I2 A number of gentlemen wanted to canvass two or three counties each in an agency that insures those properly qualified the highest compensation. They should be of mature age, intelligent, talented and industrious; and they will make twice as much as in teaching, clerk ing, or any other bu s iness. Address, (stump enclosed,) C. ALLEN, ilarrisburg, Pa., or in quire at the Adam's Express office. A ug.19,'.5743 • M. ROWE, CONVEYANCER. Agent for the purchase and sale of Real Es • talc Farms and City Properly bon9ld, sold and exchanya Also money invested and procured on mortgage. Those having Farms or Land for N S :. 11137ilioik well 1, Tgilllllo4..--;"""" Jule 13th, 1857.-3 m. The Rev, C. S. BURNETT, while la boring us a missionary in Southern Asia, dis covered a simple and certain Cure fur Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ner vous Debility, and all impurities of the blood ; also, no easy and effectual mode of inhaling the Remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit his suffering fellows, he will cheerfully send the re cipe (free) to such as desire it, with full at' ex plicit directions lie prepariug and successfully using the Medicine. Address Ray. C. S. BURNETT, 831 Broadway, N. Y. City. ,1it1y29;57.-6m. SALE OF SAXTON'S STORE. The store of J. 5; W. Saxton is now open for sale, by wholesale and retail of the enure im• moose stock of goods at grcatly reduced prices. Dealers and all others who have the cash can ho accommodated at auction prices. Terms —Cash. girloo Sacks Ground Alum Salt and 50 tons Plaster to be disposed of. SCOTT S BROWN. Att'ys for Creditors. A ug.5,'37. Estate of lion. Robert Allison, dec'd. ddiiiinistrator's NOtice, Letters of Administration, with the will nu. flexed, on the estate of Robert Allison, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deed., having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to said estate to make itnntediate payment, and those having claims will present the sem duly authenticated fur settlement. JAS. GWIN, de bonus non,teilli will annexed. Huntingdon August 19th 1957. NEW AND CIPEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE. DAVID GROVE informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicin;ty, and the public gen. really, that he has opened a Grocery Store on Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of Win. Orbison's residence, where he will at all times be prepared to supply customers with ALL MATS OF GROCERIES, 'eIIEAVER THAN TIIE CHEAPEST, at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Loffee, Teas, Molasses, Cheese, Spiv., Confectionaries, Hams, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Sugars, Tobac co, &0., he.; in feet, every article usually kept in a Grocery Store. As I am determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest, I want everybody to call and examine my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE. Huntingdon, July 29, '57..1y. 115131114187,1 r. Messrs. Brewster i[• Whittaker By request of numerous friends, I respectful ly offer myself as a candidate for the Legisla• lure. LEVI EVANS. Coalmont, August 13th, 1857. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given, That Letters of Ad• ministration on the estate of Isabella B. Stitt, late of Dublin township, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons mdebt• ed to said estate, era requested to make limns• diate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to A. D. STITT, Adm. Aug.26;57:60 Dried Beef, Hama, Shoulders and Flitch, for sale at the cheap Grocery Store of LOVE & Mal VITT. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Gunam ith, McConnellstown, Pa. I L EADPIPB for tittle at the Hardware Store 01 JAMES A. BROWN & CO. SALE OF aital Et&.3vavtto DY virtue of directions in the last will of Ito-1 hert Allison, late of the borough of Hum : tingdon, deceased, the undersigned as Adm'r with the will annexed, wilLeell at public sale' the following described real estate, as follows, viz: On Saturday, the 10th of October, 1857, at the Diamond in said borough, Two and a half lots of ground in the borough of Hunting. don, fronting on the northern side of Hill st„ and extending to Washington street, having thereon a two story brick dwelling, f lera iii frame office, carriage house, stableeki tt &c., being numbered in the plan of said town, 100, 101, and western half of 99, and each subject to the one dollar ground rent.— ALSO : Two other lots in said borough at the corner of Washington and Smith sta., extending from Washington to Mifflin St., being Nos. 136 and 137 in said plan, enclosed by a fence, one ha ving a stable, and the other a blaeksinitli's shop thereon, on which the ground Milt to re• leased. ALSO: Two other adjoining lots in said borough, nt the corner of Mifflin stud Franklin sta., eneh fronting 50 feet on Mifflin, and extending to Church st., being Nos. 208 and 209 in said pl., enclosed, and subject to said ground rent. ALSO: A tract of land situate in Henderson tp., Hun tingdon county, adjoining lands of John Mc Cahan's heirs, of Dr. William Swoope, of Mrs. Couts, of Jacob Fockler, of George Taylor and land of others, containing 390 Acres, • more or lees, of which about 120 acres ore cleared, with a dwelling }mum,. linen barn, orchards and oil,: itner..k I on. now in tenure of .1,,fr,•,, „.; On Friday. ill, 2,10, at Altwan, land, situate in A..1‘,11 ingatboUt 244 Acres, wore or less, of which ab.,ut eivarea, with a 1101:18C al,ll liar thvr , • , I. ' 4i 'lO. from Altoonn att.l • Attila/11y SwierA, n tellll.lll. On 'Ph ursday the 24//i it I • , et. Ebensburg, in C n mbrin e0u.,t . .., 1,,,0 ~,‘ ground in the borough of Elionsbor, . . . . on the south side of high at., it being th nor there hul of lot No. 139 in the plun borough, having thereon a t wipstory triton dui:Hi r t - it/and m11;1. improvements, now Occupied by Mrs. On Wednesday, Um 23,1 qt September, 1857, at Chest spring I'. 0., in Catubrin county, a tract of land situate in Allegheny and Clearfield townships, in said county, adjoining lauds of Thomas Adams, Joseph Adams, Michael Fitz• gibbous, James McMullin and others, containing 180 Acres, more or less. of which 30 acre~ are cleared, with a small log house and barn thereon, now occupied by William Mt:Kinzie, and within about one mile of Chest Spring, part of a tract surveyed in the name of William (lodge and patented. TERMS OF SALE. One-fimrth of the purchase money to be paid on the lot of January, 1858, to the undersigned at Huntingdon, when and where he will deliver a deed, upon the purchasers paying as afore said, and giving their judgment hoods and cirifiiet:"eq t al paymedis, viz one on the lot April, 1859, one lot April, 1860, nod the other on lot April, 1861 ; the whole balance to hear interest born lot April, 1858, payable yearly. The purchasers to have Vossession as landlords on lot January, 1858, subject to the , rights of tenants and to be enti• tied to the rent falling due after that date. JAMES GWIN, Atiminisi. (dor tie Louis non. Sept.2,'s7.—St. Discovered at Last! Greetest Cure in the World for Pain Prof. Chas. DeGratti% T H fu lS r t?e il e c i u n re th r e ,f o l n iA l l y en s im ur n e t irsemstuifrinethsse worldut Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Spinal and Bronchial complaints, Tic Doloreux , Headache, Cramps, Croup, Piles, Felons, Sprains and Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Swelled Glands, Stiff Joints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Sore Nipples, Swelled Breast, Womb Disorders, Salt Rheum, Canker in the Mouth and Stomach. Palpits• I lion, Eruptions, Caked Breast, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Palsy, Pleurisy, Ulcers, Lneli Heartburn, Tenth and list , aelie, Nervnusttess. Abscess, Stilt Necks, Broken Breast, Chilblains, 'Fetter, Shingles, Frosted Feet, Fever and Ague, Chapped Hands or any Diseases that are sore mud painful, is the only artiste ever brought bolero the public that will do its work perfectly in from three to twenty mintiteS—has been used by thousands and pronounced to be the best remedy ever discovered. 'lbis Oil acts on the Hymen) with eleetricity —is of pure vegetable preparntion. Not the slightest danger of applying it inwardly en I,m• wardly. It at once gives a permanent in most ensues from ten to twenty winch , . The best physiologists of Imye covered that all organic dcratt g .mt...l l ire animal system is the effect of nit obatruction of the phystwelectrie fluid in the nogon diseased A skillful application of the Oil puts in Mimed!. tun motion the nerve fluid, and the care IS to eomplished. No bleeding, no vomiting, purg ing, or blistering is resorted to. ifferNone genuine without signature of Prof. C. Delirath. Labels signed in writing. Principal Depot, N. 30 South Eighth St., three doors below Chestnut. Philadelphia.-- Price 25 emits. 5Q cons and $1 per bottle. Try everything else, give this on.: simple trial. CAUTION.—Be careful to ask for and get De Grath's Electric Oil, as worthless imitations abound. There are numerous imitations sprung up en the reputation that my article has acquired. The publiq must bemire. They arc worthless. For sale by John Read, Huntingdon. Aug.5;57..1ym. 6o do tbELAMCI,Vo .A. T01%.1i VIT Will attend to all professional business entrusted to his care in the several Courts of Huntingdon county. Deeds, Lenses and Articles of Agree ment, written at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Shirleysburg, April 22, 1857. C. 0. BUSBOY C. WEL., 11NJWMW PORK PACKERS, AND Wholesale Dealers in Provisions, No. 326 LIBERTY STREET, COMMERCIAL ROW, PITTSB U PA. tar Agents for Fairbanks' Scales. Apr.l,'s7. Porcelain Pollen and Pans , of eve ry description, for sale at the Hardware of J. A. BROWN A CO. Ayrr.9;57.-1y MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ! HARDWARE DEPOT! The eubscrihers have again returned from the East with an enlarged stock of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, PAINTS, &c., which they will sell at suck prices as shall make it the interest of Housekeepers, Builders, Me chanics, and "all the rest of mankind," to give them a call, Our stock comprises Building material, such as Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Bolts, Glass of all sizes. Putty, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead and Zinc Paints. MECHANICS' TOOLS. Planes, Handsaws, Mill & Crosscut Saws, ; Chisels, Mann's Axes, Hatchets, Spirit Levels,' Files, Stocks and Dies, Monkey Wrenches. with an endless variety of modern inventions and improvements. Saddlers and Coach Makers are invited to call and examine nor extensive stork or teas Mountings and Conch Trimmings, Patent and Common homes. 30 varieties , irthin r. • V. ,•'.. 1 11 tiLL( lt Poreelnine, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Ten.ket ties, Sauce, Frying and Baking Pans, Steak Griddles, Dish Covers, .te., &e., at ninnufactu rors' prices. ..... I.IISCELLANEOIS. Ive !hummers. I,lllou 1 3 ritas. Blot, l'ui t :11! 11, (;itr 4.1'i. • ~.i , R I' , • : 7' . :F. V 0r U N -Tr I N 7 .; '.i.2 0 7. . .ii . . i. lc ;,- ~...._ ,_... b't that t iii IT. Is, tu,ll They nye pr,pared to ,011, n,,1 1 far FOP Sit. nll tirneg, at marl:et rat, FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS The following is from the Pastor of the Ortho mid farmers can have their fat, .clod tux Church. Brookfield. , Blollkllold, Mass., Jon. 12, 1855. and take it hack inn return load. or I, , cy can , be furnished in exchan 2 , , at a all I a1ta1t . ..3 Make y0 :71 1. 1 . .,ri1 i t ' , - ;!.? i e ti ' v r c . ;: 'i i r , - g i h , l .: it l iuu p i tt s il ;: r u e l ( , ) , f , an equal quantity of Floor and Bran or chop. say, that its effects have been excellent in reino ped feed. , . yin,. inflammation, dandruff, null u constant tun- T>: L SIVIITZ BTACIIINZI ,i,iwy to itching, with which I have 1110111 mon is aim improved manufacture; and they will I.led from my childhood, and has also restored insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quail the hair, which was hccaiiiiii2 LtiaYs . 'tn. ig. - ty to every bushel 01• grain left at their mill.• nal color. I have used no other article, with FISHER & 11cM1.11tT1IIE. any thing lion (110 same pleasine and profit. Years..trulv. .1-AG. BRA Gi f. Huntingdon, December 10, 1856. [From the Jersey City Telegraph.] What is it for—This Wood's Hair Restorative? , .. SAVING FUND —ls a question asked daily by hundreds. We answer without hesitation or fear of contradic tion that it is the only article known which will , do all it promises for the human hair. It will re- NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY. I now its growth—it will stop its tailing—it mill Walnut Sired, south- Wet corner o f Tu r d, restore its natural color ! It is not iiHair Dye but a speedy andellicacious Restorative. PHILADF.I.PHIA. V. J. W 00 D tk• CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway Incorporated by the State of Penn- , N. Y., &-. 114 Market sc. St. Louis, Alissourt. rylvania. , ..,.,lit ill Huntingdon by lows Raga, and 11. AlcM.tsiond., and by Druggists everywhere. AlUyseceiveliPat) au nt lar g e :r smal l June 2), 1057-3".Mar.25,'57.-ty. linterett paid from the ayfdpoiti the day of withdrawal. , .IILDICINE TIIAT NEVER DI:BILIt Th e mu m , i s open every d ay, f rom 9 &dock A in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and TATES ! on Islonday and Thursday evenings, till 9o'clock D Ss ,. ~Ti A . 1 1 T ©m, D z., INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums la . rge or snuill, a. paid back in gold : IN A FT G()R , 11 1 ()13 on demand without notice, to any unwell, i I . i Hon HENRY L. BENNER, President, -L ROBERT' SELFRIDGE, Vice President , 1 OR LIVER REMEDY Wet J Rm., Secretary. DIREC7IORS. : 1-I`,l,.Vi',,hart;,.`l:', ' ''' ''''.. .' ~ ,-,, ~,,,:,.:.: , . ~...,„ti, ~,:„„.,hart;,.„,,,„;,,, ,„,• F. Carroll 4.,,,ter, ,•,,i I,m iii.,..., poi ~.•. : . , :,,dy gild Joseph li. lizirrY• vv.!, but surely. ~..,, , • , .1. t•, carry 1 len. 1.. Churvintiuit .11'.,1i , 11..• avert.q.l mull , . 1 .1111l: lime. Mi. Frass , i4 1,,,„ . 11110.1111, the .1.,,1er to u 1.. . , cirormaneu of ""r" ,, 1 ” its funciiitus. Henry L. Benner, E•hentsl 1.. Colter. Robert Seinuel K. A..llton, James B. Smith. This eeminely the receiving °l'm., HALF 01 dollars, or wade in the provision , of E siat , bloitgnge, Grounit Kent,, such lirst-class securities,. Will tn.nru perfect security to the iiepositure, nod which cannot titil to give I ermanency ituti stability to this institution. Feu. Ailar4's7 ;''''lllllj..l; 'iN'h . l) .r.rJDIIY.iIII L.L,(YLIIING .`“ sr Assortnv Jti.t Cppn d ! And will be Fold CO per cent. H ROMAN respectful! , in n,. IS 1.1, VII' tIJ. nn., the public vuersli v. f flat opened att Ids sture•rouni in 11;11,••t square- Huntingdon, splendid new stock ot itustly - Clothing for Spring and Summer. which Ito will hCil !Waller Willi the same quu:it . . of G,,,ds cacn he pm . ..L:l,d zit I . ctilil in Pliiladel phiu or Lilly , alter ill the coiiiilry Persons wishing to buy Clothing wouhi well to uxuntinu hi, stook heforo pureltu sing elsewhere. Alno, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, which will s he tuTidlowf.r than ut any other cw tahlishinent in the ,oulity. iluiltingitim April '29:1857, WAR I.:g ALY.lXii.lll:oitli:A. rotliNDltlr. Md/11..1, & CattiS,-; INFORM THEIR (I1,I) :rientla and the piddle rencraliy, that th,• l rit ha, the above Flliindry in lull blast, - and are prepared to tarnish eastinga of ..' 'l2, every description. Stir,;; el all kind, tot wood on coal. Improved Ploughs, .. k . Threshing Mandibles, and everything in Litucit+. ring line neatly made. We can linielt all work that requires turning, hayaig a good Tenuity! Lath. All work done cheap for cash or coun try produce. Old meta taken for caetings. 13e-- ing practical and experienced we hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. McGILL & CROSS. Alexandria, April 29, 1857. JACKSON'S HOTEL, I HUNTINGDON, PA.: Ll,l,'ou Allegheny Street, between Pa. R. R. At R. & B. T. R. R. Depots. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Much IF.', —6m' Proprit4 or. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. IT HAS WORkED MIRACLES ! Frhnt nil the bald and gray can be restored per- I fectly to original growth, and color, so far as their locks are concerned, clues nut adtilif, 01 it doubt ; besides, it will cure every possible (lis e:,•e of the scalp, whether der eloped as dandruff, ii,•lnit,r or in the shops or cutaneous eruption 4— e , ..0 weld hued—Hied in no ,ios•ihle rase enting e, it by 111:10,11C1,111+ f , r pc1 . 1.1- 11iVol 10,01-aoho. enel irt. , e4l mise, erk I. 'lie 1,4, hair trim Moly Re:01 and jtidge• 111 1.1411111 Lr 1 . , • .:11 . ail s,1114,1;t1lt, I I,r pmi• miMie a trial, awl to my Utter il`.ll 11 • went. timid, Alum a lov impliebriotts, that my knit Immilat! firmly .et, nml ttsqltineti n glos, tint henittifttl aummiramm ; and by the time I ercil oi, witL u young awl vigorous I. , ,rouali ui link. which iu now friincovo tit two InnhOS iu 1ev,401, ,r0W111,4 Your, truly, IiENRY GOODkICH. .t t your retittes!;tn,! being ! i nti,4•ly wh:,. * I have for the Ins Clive year .tt in the habit or using dye, hut hearing of d ,Trm the extraordinary circlets . 4this article, I — was induced to try it. lily hair has been restored to its original thickness, and also to its former e lost, which is light brown Yours insp.:li Idly on hand If kind of AIRS. INGALLS, u,ll •oun ki , appear„ lor all 0 , 1311011 , 1 , 1 a, , ,„ 1,1. when Pak! ri , en or sottr , t, take eon... :00 it will not pm, groett ,, le or oppre.,ive. Fur Ilearilturn. t mitt, or I>itliettlt Breathing, take a teavuuki one° 4,r twice tinily. lur 1,,,5s Apt)ctit,t, guar tlii• Melte inr i. 111 Vatlti •. It tillreAttre the appetite ant'. wake the funk N4,l.tointe, take a teat,poonfal un rotivio !. anti tl,u deluon, ul are:lll,l,lk nil! tilt Alter eon., a hearty dinner, take u a“ , l it hill rt,11,.,u all !orig.)] atur is a Lir , !;,•to., nee.lttaleo virtu,. {llllll., .01 01. ii VI. I k, , entery, 011.1 unke ,ekieh it ha , 114: , NVe knob tia:re i nothing oov. heron. the .k -mei iO.lll 1.111.1i1 . . pr , o with ,11,•ii ,11111 111 it Witt , o,ti t tit 1.1:c ver. it, 1)r. Soiitottl ' s luvigurait.,, or I.IV, lie ctrl , ... It ntotitied it reputation reetoal tout t l.e world, ritoyly Iteratt, it rest on tactic. To convince all Ity trial thit it is ,tll I,,,prictors claim it to be, if an, t , 11,1. from • arc i lesi•rille:l in lir. Siinturit'i WC kill' of to retool:. that will na rarely a.:l ii.e . . . do. purlhr 110., 200 id. lfe , d do., 100 1 (1.,11.,rie power, 000 do panel door, 2 00 do. window sash, 2 00 do. rifle, 2 00 Gen. S. Miles Green, Porter; (leo. Jaclisan, 1 i. 1 .111 . _ Jackson; R. It. Wigton, Cromwell; Dr I k 'There has lately been brought to our notice a 2hade,•slllolo Gap; John Myton, West. ti.tticitie that soolllti 10 possess wonderful cunt- FRUITS: tire and healing properties nulls... or 11 11111,- ' Best and greatest 2sl best do, 100 ver, Stomach, and Digestive Organs. It calm variety apples, 300 Best quinces, 100 t, us with so many test inomials in its favor that 2,1 best do., 2 00 Best and greatest wo lime noted its:effects in some of the worst es 2;;dbe_,st_do.,, 2 1 (10 .. Best eta:re do., 2 00 ses et continual debility, erased by deranged li. , P est d '''' fall d '• 2 Op variety g ra P es t 400 ver, and ill every installer the effect was to re- . 00 2d best do., 1 00 I iel'U Or Eire a permanent cure. Dr. Sanford's Pest tioz_ wittier )1,1,1 , or, Ul' Liver Remedy is whist on re., ii— 2d best do., 1 00 Best c oz. peach, 1 00 , • 1 • •ilulous about CIIITS Best winer pears 200 2cl best do., ta. IVe a, ir ass hove .1.11 et 4. 50 !is' patent tai;ilieities, but we aro convinced that 2,1 best do., 100 Best due: plums, 100 Lb 16 medicine the family use is not overrated by BeSt fall do., 200 2sl best do., 50 tie host Cl' recommendations 11 1100. Our ad- R. 11. Petriken, Huntingdon ; Israel ((rallies, vier is me all troubled with Indigestion, Debit- Al exan d r i a . Ar m -.1,0, Scot jr,,,,,;,,0,,,, ; Mrs. W. ti. Shaw, Alexundria ; Mrs. T. 11 ity or 'Bowel Complaint, to get u bottle and try it; our word for it, relief will be experienced. i cremer; guming d on. Blessings to the Invalids who use Snnford's VEGET Invigorator, for it will relieve them of their pule Best potatoes, 200 us 00011 as it is taken into their stomach. Pain 2d best d o ., .1 00 nod misery cannot exist where the Invigorator is :Id best do., 60 used, the it will as surely drive them awiiy, es Best Mushannec, 1 00 daylight will banish darkneSs,of this there can be ilea, Ni,,,,,,,,,,,,, 100 no doubt to those who try it, fur Hearties were-, Bast ~,,•,, ~,,„,,.; „ lion with every dose taken. Another evidence to N',',7, ,v i i ii` e ' ) , o " ;,, , 4 5 . Best red Jo , . 50 the thousands of certificates trout those who use '-'...• it or have been cured by it. Try 0110 bottle, if 1 it dues not benefit, wo are mistaken. , Best blue, do . , 50 SANFORD lc CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway I Best sweet do., 1 00 New York. Sold to Huntingdon by Haney Best tomatoes,. 1 00 Meslnisiothi, and John Read. 2d beat d 0.,• - 75 Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, Wholesale Druggist, 1 3d best do., 50 No. 140, Wood 01., Pittsburg, Wholesale Agent. I Best Purple Eggs 50 Jon 25, 1657.-3 m. Min'ini' s7 • - Ir. .' Brss peppers, 20y LIST OP PP To be awarded by th Agricultural Sit'cietr, held in Huntingdon, on of October neat. Hon. Boat Stallion, $7 00 , . 2tl best, 4 00 34 best, 3 00 Best 2 or 3 yr colt 5 . 00 Best antler I yr., 2 00 Best brood mare, 5 00 2d best do. , 2 50 , . Pair draft horses, 5 00 Bilst mule, 4 OD 20 best do., 300 Best pair do., (; 00 Best riding horse 4 00 20 best do., 3 00 Judges—Dr. J. S. Griffith, Huntingdon; .0. Mot ow, Franklin tp.• ' Alex. Gaits, Barree ; Gen. .1. C. Watson, Brady; Peter Stryker, Porter. NEAT STOQIC: 11 ,, 5t work oxen, 6 00 Best cow, 2,14,eat do., 400 24 bog th 34 bout do., 300 Be-4 :; Best bull, 5 00 I 2,1 be,: d, :3 00 I.lender,un ; C. W. Hoc 1.:.1 best 2001 4 00 ::,1 hest do.; NOW, .In:•. Colder. l'orter ; 1 4 1111 Teague, ( Wal!wr ;. 11. L..Wce:irtl , sIIE Dest fine•w. bit , 5 00 I 24 Lem 60., 300 Best tiouth.duwn 5 00 JCI:11 ,rrits, A(.:IZICULTI7I{AI 611bSUll plw, 3 00 Hest harrow, 2 00 S. 11. Bell, Shirley • - , tar; 11. Hamilton, \Vitt It. X. Blair. 6 Ri Best white wii . t., 3 00 3d best 50 3d best do., 200 Best white corn, 100 na best do., 100 2,1 best do., 60 Bost red wheat, 3 00 Best Rye, 1 00 2d best do, 200 13d beet do,, 50 ilil best do., 100 Bret Oats, 100 Best yellow corn, 1 001 211 best do., • 50 21 best do., 50 1 Best buckwheat, 1 Oil Best. barley: 1 00 I 2d best do., 50 Best sugar cat.e, I 00 1 Thee. Fisher, Huntingdon; T. T. Cromwell. Cromwell ; John Nell', West; Thou: V. Stewart West ; G. 31. Thompson, Franklin. DOMESTIC MA Hest bread, 3 00 211 bast do., 2 00 12d best do., 50 Best r du., do., 1 00 2cle 50 bl est butter, 3 00 S i t b e st do., 2 00 i. 3d best do., 1 00 Best domes. sug'r 2 00 2d best, do., 100 3d best do., 50 Best apple butter 1 00 3d best do., ' ; 50 Best tom. ketchup 1 00 Best honey, 1 00 Best jelley, 1 00 3d hest do., 60 Best preserves, 1 00 24 best do., 60 I Best pickles, 100 (lest bbl. flour, 2 00 ' 2,1 best do., 1 00 Buckwheat mmo,l 00 let. Eatetti/rs: A. W Benediet lion • .Im•kson. Huntingdon ; • ::: i, , ,V:-:..1 . :i . !sett, • ". . ::. ~,, .: marl rcl ; I Jot.. ,! ', M ter. exat ' ; lhoilO.,,liiii ; 11. A. Hat , , , Melissa limen, Clay ; .3-- [13.1:101ke. , 'enry Ned; Alexandria; Miss Julia :Ides, I inidingdon ; Miss Mary Ann Africa, luntinwlon ; Miss Jane clitihraith, ; Mrs. Ann Massey, Huntingdon. LIANICAI. IMPLEMENTS A MANI- , FACTURES I Best.? hor. cnege 2 00 do. lot cab. ware,l 00 Best buggy, 1 00 Best and largest do. sett sin. bar., 1 00 . var. tinware, 1 00 do. do. farm do., 1 00 do. earthen stone 1 00 Is. bridle & sad. 1 00 do. washing nine. 10 do. pair bang,, 100 Best meat vessel, 100 .i, pair 4 , ,5, 50 Best churn, 1 CO ,i, siit. ,oli• Ica., 1 00 Best horseshoes, 50 d o ki,, & c „ir,i,i : , 1 00 I Best marb!ewurl: 2 00 do. io,r. A., tim,,, 1 oo Best ,0 9 1: ,:ov,•, I no oa. 2 1i , ,,e ,',4, 2 110 I 0., euttiug cox, 2 (0 Andrew Allison, ihnderaqn Thos. E. Orl,i Pon, Cromwell 1 Janul, Cromwell, Tod K, Gruen, Clay David Entire, 'Cromwell. .131121tT1V13, to Hantinrion County at the next Fair, to he the 11th, 15th and 16th, DEPARTMENT Best display flow. I do, var. diddins, 1 00 Mhi [doom, 2 00 2d her do., 50 2d 1.'14 do., 1 00 Beat h(VpWt, 50 Best dia. plants,. 2 001 2d beet do., $2 00 Best match h's, ti OU 2d best do., 400 Best trotting It's, 3 00 2d best, do., 200 Best catufly horse 00 Crenie'r. L3nutio"•dan ; IL W. Miller, .77unting6n ; Miiis A Tina Puri, Alexandria; Miss Susan , Neil; Porter; Miss Elizabeth Mc. Campy, Franklin. 2d best do. 11,1 pr. 1011;.7. , , 1 DOI 2d best do., 50 2d .1 ~ 00 list pr. chielcens,l 00 Best pr. 1. 00 2..1 best do., 50 2d best do.. 50 I Rest die. poultry, 2 00 Rest pr...fducks. 1 00 2d best. do., 1 00 It. 1". 11110,v. ley; .I,,hti Port,, tingdon ; If B W . (lest Ches. hite:l Best Berl,hire, 2 Richard Chileote, 'romwell Isaac Lot Brady. ; I , avid lltinting• Ellen .Viss.Lu• chrand, I hintingtlon .hiss Hannah nun, Fr. Best f..w00l ewe 1.,1 z i ('0,0,,it,' INiown tubs, New Goods _ New Goods AT D. V. (:WIN'S CHEAP STORE, '.c .,. :',1,0ri ...;,, ''lj. - atl . :::11.•siDDLIT.,' ,J. I I 1,—H,•11,!d7, I)ress Gaods ,11.1 I.llllCk Silks, 1V .."I Chan: de 1 , it. Robes, ~:. :; r-, l'hint, 1 t ..11.1 ( - 1,;!,. Mo Reaper .t 3lower, riononntic ; John Lyon IN: gca, llottons, ()oops. 13oonct Silks, Crapes, (all colors.) Itilthonds,Gloves Foils, I.acc , , Hosiery, BOIS, I. fOr Boffin:, NVltnlehon Skirts. Silk nn,l Lim!. I Gingham Crmits, Zephyr, Jr ,, Cotton. Lin,Rnntl c.:ttwt Flos; Also the Iteht nr.,l largest laN, nod 17nklersleov,, in town .I:tvetiet. Nlnl! Swic .. ~.....,.........,., ured and dotted. Crinoline, Moreen and 'Grass cloth for skirts, Book Muslin, Irish Linen, Li nail Table Cloths, Napkins, Towols, &c. Also a tine assortment of Spring Shawls,Silk awl Ilitthise glantillas, and a varioty of ress Ana Finley (lomls too numerous to mention. Also, Cloth 4, Cassimers, Cassinets, Moreno Cassimer, Tweed 5, K. Jeans, Cotton Drills, for Rants, plain snot limey Linens, Marseilles and :ilk v est i ng , muoin,, bleached and unbleach ed, Sheeting and 1111,w-ease Muslins, 'Nan prices, Moleskin. Fnr. Wool and Summer , latest styles._ A I.SO ; .NUFACTURES : 2d best do., Best hard soap, 1 00 2d best do., :to Best carpet, 2 00 2rl best do., 1 00 Best hearth tog, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best flannel, 2 00 2,1 best do., 1 00 Best quilt, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Bust wool sod:, 50 Boots and Shoes, FS P,F.DWA+ttZ3 r Q uzravawAall, Buckets, Tubs, Bus. kets, Churns, Butter Bowls, Browns, Brusbas, Carpe ts. OH Cloths, Oil Blinds, .Fith and Salt, and all goods usually kept in ucoes. try Store. riuldenstomers, and as many new ones as crowd in are respetrully requested to come ...... All kinds of Country produce taken .in en• change for gouda, at the highest market prices. • DAVID I'. (MIN. Best worsted Best ornainertal, 1 00 211 best ditto, • 50 Best silk entliro'y 100 2d best, do., 30 Best shell work, 1 00 2d best do 00 Corn•ineal,soll, 31 00 Suit home spun, 00 Shirt, 1.00 April 29, I A Ll AI LE FARM & 1411.1. PROPERTY Noir Willimaspoil, FOR SALE. thigilon ; Miss Pruiluitizo Mrs. R. Goimuill, Alex . Franklin ; Mrs. IlsyS S P . C • sonth stdc of the usque mann liver, holes from 'Williamsport, nail 2 miles from the line of the Suchury & Erie Railroad. The Pcnnsyl• Callill 1.5505 on the opposite side of time River. This tract contains Gan acres, with 0 p,r cent. allowance. 200 acres ore cleared, and in a good stilt, of tultivatipu. TheiC is a larg'e amount of valuable Timber 011 the pre• . : Jacob Snyder, Ls: . ; Miss ss Mary Draywn, The ohm, property will he offered tit Public Sale At the (lona House, in 1V illiautaprrt, on Wcilecsday, the Itlth of Augmt, ncxt at I o'clock, P. M. A portion of the purchase money in l'as the balance mwle easy, with interest, and ty proved security. Terms• toads known on day or sale. • Furth, particular.; can be obtained by a, dressing EiVirais - T 21.0111YAL. Al LOVE & :ft AND ELEGANT STOCK 01' GEOCEIMIS, CONFECI I 4NI) ritoviSloNs, just received owl for SttiO Bt the wholowle nod ro toit Grocers & Provision Store of Love & McDivitt. Colothting of, .. FISH. SALT BACON, FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEAS, ,MOLASSES, SEGARS, Si TOBACCO, of the best quality and every grade. OILS, CANDLES, FLUID, CAM PDENE No's, Figs, Raisins, Dates Tama rinds, Dice, Sage, Tapioca , Cake, Dates, Cheese, Maccaroni, Pickles of all kinds, Sir dines, Candies and Confection:nice. All or which will ho disposed of on the most reason- atilt, terms, for cosh or country produce. Purchasers wilt find it to their imerest to call and examine our stook betore purchasing else where, its we sic prepared to sell everything in our litre of business 'A 'LITTLE LOWER than any other estaltlishm,ut at the kind in this lu edit, bray Its, 105- ABLES : do. beets, 50 do. parsnips, 50 do. carrots, 50 do. turnips, 50 do. °nines, 50 do. celery, 50 do. cabbage, 00' 2d best do., 25 Best pumpkins, 50 Best pie pump. 50 do squashes, • 50 do. water melon, 50 do. musk melon, 50 du. beaus, 50 loess, su DR. J R. HUYETT, la p E 1r ALEN.AsuxuA, uusT. Co., PA. April 1, 1,57.-Iy. ASSIIIVZSLIr. The undersigned tillers hinoell to the median. lea and working men of Huntingdon Coutit,y, as an independent candidate for ALsetubly. Morris tp., Sept. 2, '57. JAPOU AA splendid assort,. id uf Steno Crocks fin' i; xtr. PO U LTI2 Y ri3 ; Henry Brewster, Shir ,xandria; John Port, 11.• 7;l\ ft~~ But enniprint'g 1 00 PAINT INC -3, 1 00 :lad, 100 Wigton, Jack ,ver, Porter I'iii ) ill Pocal Bonnet JI ittA, ind no% trh It'ot Ti , ly Yarn. rrtnient ni cot lla ea and property ti!t..Otibtion the e c ig r i le os t , Go, 1111.1.1 AN 13. H 1.1N1.1. Surviving platnot• 4111011,a of LOVE & MeDIVITT.