0 a t 4 finitingt -011 WILLIAM BREWSTER, I EDITORS, SAM. G. WHITTAKER, TEDPCJIBTAET Emao-wTtrii:lf. CONSUMPTION And all Diseases of the Lungs and Throat, A. POSITIVELY CURABLE HT INHALATION. Which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air passages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy expectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving that EMS and energy so indispensable tor the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is anrable by inhalation, is to me a source of unal loy ed pleasure. It is as much under the et.n trol of medical treatment as any other formid able disease ; ninety out of every hundred ca ses can be cured in the first stages, and fitly per cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the Lungs are so cut up by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, Inhalation affords extraordinary re lief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge which annually destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United States alone ; and a cor rect calculation shows that of the present popu lation of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive's graves. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fa tal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the groat enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beauti ful, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being from whom commit every goc.d and perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a permenent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause or tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate affect pro duced by their deposition in the lungs is to pre vent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes n weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational , to expect greater good Isom medicines entering ! the cavities of the lungs then those administered through the stomach ; the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy, sifter Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally and with more power and certainty than remedies , administered by the stomach. To prove the pow- Oriul and direct influence of this male of admin. istrution, chloroform inhaled will entirely de stroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that as limb may he amputated without the slightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life iu a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse tho sys tem when feinting or apparently dead. The o dor of many of the medicines is Tierce ptiblo in the skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional elblets of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always pro • duced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepar ed end judiciously administered thee' the lungs should produce the happiest results 7 During eigittoun ynarg' arse, ;en, inntiv tlintlnands suffer ing from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I nave eflbeted many rxmarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages, which hilly satisfies tea that consumption is no longer a fli ts' disease. bly treatment of consumption is or iglus), and founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, &c., enables me to distinguish, readily, ilio various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and ripply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken oven in a single case. This familiarity, in connection with cer tain pathological and microscopic discoveries en ables mo to relieve the lungs fiom the abets of contracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Comities by ',stints communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would he more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be of without my see ing the patient again. G. N. it AII Al5l, Al„..1):_, OFFICE, Ina FILDEIST STREZT, (Old N. 1010 e ßelow Twelfth, PITTLADELPIIIA, PA. Auguit 3, '857.—1y. Of all disease ; the great, first cause Springs from neglect of Nature's laws, SUFFER NOT When a cure is guaranteed in all stages of SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Glects, "Gravel, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidney and Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eycs, Ulcers upon the Body or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy, Epilep tic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases ari sing from a derangement of the Sexual Organs. Such as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memo ry, Loss of Power, General Weakness ? Dimness of Vision, with peculiar spots appearing before t Ire eyes, Loss of Sight, 'Wakefulness, Dyspep sia, Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the Face, Pain in the back and head, Female irregulari ties, and all improper dischargesfrom both sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease origi not, .!. however long standing or obstinate the cos.•. recovery is certain, and in a slurrier time than a permanent core can be effected by any other treatment, even after the disease has baf fled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted all their means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and free from mercury or balsam. During twenty years of practice, I here rescued from the jaws of Death many thousands, who, in the lost sta ges of the above mentioned diseases had been given up by their physicians to die, which war rants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret diseases aro the greatest enemies to health, as they are the fir.rt cause of Consumption, Scrofula and many oth er diseases, and should be a terror• to the hu man famsly. Ae a permanent cure is scarcely over effected, a majority of the cases tailing in to the hands of incompetent persons, who not only fail to cure the diseases but ruin the con stitution, tilling the system with mercury, which with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a ra pid Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment not cause death speedily and the victim marries, the disease is entailed open the children. who are born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betray. itself in Scrofula, Utter, Ulcers, Eruptions. and oth er affections of the skin. Eyes, Throat and Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of suffering and consigning them to an early grave. Stilt-abuse is another formidable enemy to health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of human diseases causes so destructive a drain upon the system, strewing its thousands of vic tims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys tem, rapidly waates away the energies of UM, gorses raeutal derangement, prevents the proper rldrislopment of the system, disqualifies for mar- riege, society, business, and all earthly happi ness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death it self. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy and permanent cure can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa tients can 1,0 restored to robust, vigorous health. The afflicted are cautioned against the use of Patent Medicines, for there are so many ingeni ous snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that mil-' lions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi sonous ncstrums vended as "Patent Medicines." I have carefully analyzed many of the so-called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the dis ease disables the system for life. Three-fourths of the patent medicines now in use aro put up by unprincipled and ignorant per sons, who do not understand even the alphabet of materia medico, and arc equally as destitute of .y knowledge of the human system. having only ono object in view, and that to make mon ey regardless of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most rematkublo cures. Medi cines wit?, full directions sent to any part of the United States and Can.., by patients commu nicating their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential. Address J. S 111 M Elt VILL E, M. D., Orrice, No. 1131 FiLnEirr ST., (Old N 0.109.) Below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA. .25 WITNESSES ; OR Tilt tORAMIL SOHVZOTZD. J Who haf o h l a i d n lo B. 3'ea liy. e Author, r ) sex;erieneea Bank er and Publisher, and author of "A series of ‘ Z Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when ghfor 10 successive nights, over 50,000 People °greeted him with 'rounds of applause, while Ci; he exhibited the manner in which Counter- Xfeiters execute their frauds, and the surest and shortest means of detecting them ! Tho Bank Note Engravers all say that I. e w,is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. O Greatest discovery of the present century (1) for detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. De- II scribing every genuine bill in existence, and It exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in rcirculation !! Arranged so admirably, that reference is easy and detection instantaneous.. ('No index to examine ! No pages to ...hunt up ! But so simplified end arran,, , ed 0 that the Merchant, Banker and Business man . can see all at a glance. English, French and ...German. Thus each may read the same in :his own native tongue. Most perfect Batik t Note List published. Also a list of all the Private Bankers in America. A complete '‘) summary of the Finance of Europe and A merica nal Ito published in each edition, to gether with all the important news of the dam Akiihiet grias,strAlits.jruut,ag 9 1,1, History of "Oriental Life." erib- I.l i P n l eT e the Dv most perplexing positions which Odle ladies and gentAteu of that Country have been so often foeLd ge inhale year, and will lro u v ti c i t l tli e e ti m7s u t g e m n l t t e t rtaining ever offered to ""the public. i s. ' CZ' Furnished Weekly to subscribers only "at St a year. All letters must he addressed to 61 JOHN S. DYE, Buousat, Publisher h. :Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. April 22, 1257.—1 y. 65 - O INVALIDS.. Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician. Physician for Diseases of the Lungs, Throat and Heart—Formerly Physician to the CINCINNATI MARINE HOSPITAL, also to INVALIDS RETREAT, Author of "Letters to Invalids," IS COMING. See following Card. October Appointments Dr. Hardin., Physician for disease of the Lungs, (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Ma rine liospital,) will be in attendance at his rooms as follows : Huntingdon. Jackson's Hotel, Saturday, Oct. 10 Lewistown, National Hotel, Minn, Patterson House, -•- liarrisburg, lylitlaystiLirg, Aktoonn, Johnstoivn, w 7 Indiana, w 6 Greensburg, Si Dr. Hardman treats Consumption, Bronchi tis, Asthma, Larryngittis and all diseases of the throat end lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately used in the Bromton Hospital, London. The great point in the treatment of all h•lman mala dies is to get at the disease in the direct man ner, All medicines are estimated by their ac tion upon the trgan requiring relief. This is the important fact upon which Inhalation is bit s ed. If the stomach is diseased we take medicine directly into the stotnach. If the lungs are diseased, breathe or inhale medicated va pors directly into the lungs. Medicines are the antidotes to disease and should be applied to the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap plication of this principle to the treatment of the lungs, for it gives us direct access to those intricate air cells and tubes which lie out of reach of every other means of Administering medicines. The reason that Consumption, and other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore re slated all treatment has been because they had never been approached m a direct manner by medicine. They ., were intended to act upon the lungs and yet were applied to the stomach.— Their action was in tended to be local, and yet, they were so administered that they should nut act constistutiontilly, expending immediate and principal action upon the unotlending stomach, whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were un molested. Inhalation brings the medicine in direct contact with the disease, without the disadvantage of any violent action. Its appli cation is simple, that it can be employed by the youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not derange the stomach, or interfere in the least de gree with the strength, comfort, or business of the patient. OTHER DISNASES THEATFD.—In relation to the following die eases, either when compli cated with lung affections existing alone, I also invite consultation. I usually find them prompt ly curable. Prolapses and all other forms of Female com plaints, Irregularities and Weakness. Palpitation and all other forms of Heart Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases of Stomach anti bowels, &c. All discuses of the eye and ear. Neuralgia, Epilepsy and all forms of nervous disease.— No charge for consultation. B. D. HARDMAN, M. D. June 3, 1857. DOI. lE. .6111M@TI GilaaanD N3t4iTINODON B pals J une 13, 1837, HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1857, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS, TO THOSE WHO WANT FARMS. A FA TAM WITHIN THE REACH OF EVERY NAN. THE RIDGWAY FARM COMPANY has made ar rangements by which all who desire to settle or purchase a home can do so. The Farms consist of the best limestone toil of the most superior quality for farming, in a ra pidly improving place, into which an extensive emigration is now pouring, The property is lo cated in Elk County, Pennsylvania, in the midst of a thriving population of some 10.000 popula tion. The climate is perfectly healthy, and the plague of the west fever is unknown. It also has an abundance of the best quality of Coal and Iron. The price to buy it out is from $3 to $2O per acre, payable by instalments, to he loca ted at the time of purchasing, or a share of 25 acres entitlit.g to locate the same fr r $3OO, pay able $6 per month or 12i acres payable $4 per month. Discount for every sum of $lOO and under, paid in advance, discount of 5 per cent. will he allowed, and for ever $lOO a discount of 10 per cent. In considering the advantages of emigrating to this locality the following are presented : FinsT—The soil is a rich limestone, capable of raising the heaviest crops, owing to which the settlem't has attained its present great prosper ity. SECOND—It is the centre of the great North West Coal Basin, and is destinej soon to be came ono of the greatest business places in the State. It will supply the great Lake market, (according to population and travel in the Un into.) It has five workable veins of the best Bi tuminous Coal, amounting in the aggregate to over 22 feet, which makes 22,000 tons of coal under cash acre. This will make the land of inestimable value. The eminent state geologist, Dr. Chas. T. Jackson, of Boston, lots made a geological sur vey or the land and analyzed the soil, the iron ore and the limestone. This report together with maps will he furnished to inquirers. FOURTII—Threo railroads are laid out thro' this property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad gives us a market for our coal to the lakes—it runs from Erie to Philadelphia. A large part of this road has been finished, and is now in running order. A heavy force is nos working from Erie toward our land in the western direc tion, the means for the completion of which has been raised—it will soon be finished. • The Al legheny Valley Railroad connects us with New York, Boston and _Pittsburg. The Venungo Road connects us with the Went. There are already good 'Turnpike Roads run ning through this property, carious other roads hare been opened to accommodate the emigra tion and settlement which has already taken place. • !here is no opportunity equal to it now offers ed to the limn who wants to provide himself a home in an easy way, and make a settlement where he can live in prosperity and independence in a climate PEIIFECTLY IIEALTIII. No case of the fever ever having been known to occur in this settlement. It is nut like going to the backwoods of the West, among perhaps intolerant people, whole there is no society, no ntgw, to the healthiest climate in the world, Tins to en dure ,ivkacss and pain, and perhaps ruins his health and that of his family. But here is a thriving settlement having three towns, contain ing churches, schools, hotels, stores, saw mills, grist-mills,Xtul everything desired. There i s . I •;a>ll market at band. The lumber trade last year amounted as over two hundred millions ! lest of lumber. In a short time, owing to the I Coal, it will bacome still more valuable as a I number of iron works and manufactories will soon be started; they are at pi °sent starting them extensively at IVarren. Even for those , who do nut wish to ga there, tho payments are such that they can easily buy farms to save their families frotn want in the future, or to gain a competence by the rise which will take place in the value of their lands. By an outlay scarcely missed, a substantial provision can be made. Persons should make early application, apply or write to E. Jeffries, Secretary, No. 135 Wal nut Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. Letters carefully answered giving full information. Shares or tracts of land can bo bought or se cured by letter enclosing the first instalmentof five dollars, when the subscriber will be fur nislhal with books, snaps, &e. Warrantee deeds given. Persons can also purchase from our Agents. Route from Philadelphia to Tyrone on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and thence by `stage to the hind. This is a delightful season to visit St. Mary's—tho best hotel accomanothition is ittliirded. Enquire for E. C. Vluta., Esq., the Agent for the property at Bt. Mary's. i• Junelo,'s7.-3m. 14 & 15 THE TEETH ABOUT KANSAS. @®W. [gGMV, ADIIINISTRATIONIN KANSAS Large 12mo. 348 pages. With a complete his tory of the Territory, until June, 1857. Em bracing a full account of its discovery, geog raphy, soil, climate, products, its organization as a Territory, transactions and events under Governors Reeder and Shannon, political dis sensions, personal encounters, election frauds, battles and outrages, with portraits of promi nent actors therein, all fully authenticated, by JOHN JI. GIIION, 51.1)., Private Sec'y to Gov. Geary. Carefully co 14110 from the official documents on Me in the department of State at Washing- ton and other papers in the possession of the /labor, with a full account of "The Invasion off Kansas from Missouri :" the capture, trial and treatment of the Free State prisoners, the character and movements of the Missouri Bor der Ruffians, the murder of Buffum and others. 'The Controversy between Governor Geary and Judge Lecompte. The proceedings of the Territorial Legislature, of the pro-slavery con vention, and the organization of the Democra tic Party, with a "Sketch of Kansas during its early troubles under Goes. Reeder and Shan non." It invasions, battles, outrages, murders, A copy will be sent to any part of the United States, by mail, free of postage, on receipt a the retail price. A libetal discount to the trade. lig"1000 agents wanted. Price in cloth $l. Paper, 50 eta. CHARLES C. RHODES, Publisher, Inquirer Building, Philadelphia. If BLANKS IBLANKS I lazing 3. A general assortment of Blanks of all de. scriptions just printed and fir sate at the "Journal Office: ' Atmoinun't of Referees, Common Bond, Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes Summons, Executions, Seine Facius, Complaints, :-.. . . Warrants, Mortgages, Commitments, Bond to identnify Constable, &c. Antiphlogtstic Salt. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office . For all intlanisotury discuses it is a certain cure. Get a bat Iffid try it, 3 C who are affileted. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. American Safety-Paper Mann factueg Company of New York. Capital, $500,000. A. NICHOLAS, President, Office, 70 Wall St. A Perfect Security against all manner of Fraud or Counterfeiting on Paper. To Prevent Photo graphs and Anastatic Counterfeits, Erasures, Transfers or Alterations. Having purchased the Patent for the exclu sive right to manufacture and sell the new Che mical Paper in America. invented and patented in England by Honey GLYNN, a celebrated chemist and officer in the 'British Army, it is hardly necessary to say that the Paper is re commended by Mr. Rent, Assayer or the U. S. dint. Mr. Lyman of the New York Clearing', I I House ' and Shade Brothers, extensive and • skillful photographers, 233 Broadway, N. Y. The latter say that no imitation On be made an u cheek or bank note printed on , the Safety Pa per. Below is our list of prices: Bank Checks-35 eta per lb. Bank Bills—SlB for 1000 sheets. Exchange—s2s for lOW sheets. Promtssory Notes-40 eta per lb. Sight and Time Drafts—s2s for 1000 sheets. Insurance Policies-40 ets per lb. Railroad Stocks & Bonds-40 cents per lb. Bank and State Stocks-40 eta per lb. Bonds and Mortgages -40 cm per lb. Wills and Deeds-40 eta per lb. Fix wrapping Silks and °Met fine articles it is excellent, as it prevents moths. 40 eta per pound._ - - For Indentures and Agreements. 40 cent' a lb. All State and County Records should always be printed or written on this paper, es the de mica's inserted in the pulp not only prevent erasure or transfer, but make it lasting as time. For Southern Climates it it excellent, and much superior to airther ; as the moistness of the climate does destroy it,— . —the properties inserted in the pit B ing a preventive. In all southern States, Cuba, the West Indies and the Central American States, m, public records can ho kept over 20 years, written on the ordinary paper, while the oils and other chemicals insert ed in this Paper makes it indestructible by the ravages of time. It is all nroof again,t moths, rats and other vermin, which feast on and de stroy all other paper now in toe. The Company have now in operation Mills in Morns County, N. J., of about 300 horse power. and are nine to fill all orders for Niter ut the shortest notice All orders for the Paper must he addressed to s. NICHOLAS, President of the Company No. 70 Wall Street. WM. BItEnTER, Agent, Huntingdon. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DII. DUPONCIPS GOLDEN PILLS ARE infallible in removing stoppages or irreg. Mashes of the menses. These Pills are nothing new, but have been used by the doctors for many years ' both in France and America, with ti parallelled success; and he is urged by malty thousand ladies, ,vho have used them, to make the Pills public, for the alleviation of those suffering from any tree. Pregnant females or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while pregnant, as the proprietor assumes no responsibility after the above admonition, al ',tumuli their mildness would prevent any mitt chief to health: otherwise these Pills are recom mended. Pall and explicit directions accom• patty each box. Price, Sl per box. Sold wholesale and retail by JOHN READ, General Agent for Huntingdon Co. Pa. 1 have appointed Dr. Juba ad Sole agent for the sale of my French eriudical Golden Pills, fur the borough and county of Hunting. don. All orders must be addressed to him. He will supply dealers at the proprietor's pri ces, and send the Pills to ladies (cogfidcntially) by return mail, to any part of the United States, on receipt of $l, enclosed to him through the Huntingdon post.oflice. For further partieu. lairs get a circular of the Agcuts—soldby drug. gists everywhere. Sfir Aly signature is written on each box. J. DUPONCO, Broadway P. 0., New York. Ju1y29,74..1y. HERRING'S PATENT CF•tIEE [NDALLATI-PllloOrt SAFES. WITH POWDER 1 - fr' HALL'S: PROOF PATENT r , LOCKS. - - FARRELS & HERRING, Makers, 34 WALNUT ST., BELOW SECOND; PHILADA. rpiiE GREAT INTEREST MANIFESTED by the public to procure more certain secu rity from lire Mr valuable papers, such as Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds, Notes and Books af Accounts, titan the ordinary Sana lin . ..mama in use nflbr ded, induced tho Patentees to devote n large por of their time for the last fourteen years, in ma king discoveries and improvements for this ob ject, the result of which is the unrivalled Herring's Patent World's Pair Premium Piro Proof Safes. Universally acknowledged as the CUAIIPION SAFE OF THE wont.. Having been awarded Medals at both the Worlds Fair, London, 1851, and Crystal Palace, N. I'., 1853, as superior to all others, it is now undoubtedly entitled to that appellation, and secured with liall's Patent Powder-Proof Locks—which were also awarded separate Medals, (as above)—forms the most perfect Fire & Burglar Proof Sates over yet of fered to the public. Nearly NO 'Herring's Safes' have been tested during the past 14 years, and more than 16,000 have been sold and are now in actual uso. Also on hand or niunulitetured to order, all kind. of Boiler .d Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors, Money Chests tor Brokers, Jewellers, Helmet's, private Wallies, &c., for Plato, Diamonds, and other valuables. May2o,'s7. Cheapest ~J ob Printing" Office ZN TAX G.OLINTY. We have 71010 made such arrangements in our Job (Vice as will enable us to do all kinds of Job :Printing at 20 per cent. cheaper rates Than any (Mice In the County. Give us. roll. If we don't give entire wislitc tion, no charge at all will be made. Veu - due Notes, Constabll'a Sales, Subposnas, Deeds, Change Of Time: Oh and after Thursday, September 3d, Pas. neuger Trains on the H. & B. T. R. R. win Leave littntiugden at 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrite at 2.30 P. M. it 0,10 " 1., isreilm. A THRILLING ADVENTURE THE PIONEER'S LAST SHOT. We question whether in all the history of 'glair breadth scope's" a parallel to the following can be found. The stoiy was told us by an old and valued friend now residing in the country near this city, but whose early days were spent near the tragic adventure here recorded. We give the story as related to us, in the words of the hero? It was about the year 1765 that I set tled in Virginia, near the falls of the Ca milla. The country at that time was nn unbroken wilderness. But feu settle meets had been mode then by the whites, and they were so far apart as to render vain all hope of assistance in case of an at ack from hostile Indians—numbers of whom still Infested tie neighborhood. 4 .1 lived here alone with my wife for several months unmolested, and by dint of untiring perseverance, being then young and hardy, had succeeded in making quite a large cl(aring in the forest which I had Planted with corn, and which promised an abundant yield. '•One morning after we had despatched our humble meal, and I had just prepared to venture forth upon my regular routine of labor, my attention was arrested by the tinkling of a cow bell in the corn field. " 'There,' said my wife "the cow is in the cornfield." "But the ear of the backwoodsman be comes by education, very acute, especially so from the fact that his safety often de pends u,)on the - nice cultivation of that sense. I was not so easily deceived, listened—the sound tvas repeated. That said I, in reply to th 9 remark of my wife, 'was not the tinkle of a bell upon the cow. It is a decoy from some Indian who desires to draw me into an ambush." '•Believing this to be the case, I took dawn my old mus.ketal had no rind) cautiously arouna nein-tummy—me point from which the sound seemed to proceed. As I had suspected, there, in a cluster of bushes crouched an Indian wai- ting for me to appear in answer to his de coy bell, that he might send the fatal hul -Ito my heart. I approached without scovering myself to him, until within good shooting distance, then liaised my piece and fired. The bullet sped true to its mark, and the Indian fell dead. "Plot knowing but that he might be ac companied by others I returned with all speed to my cabin, and having firmly bar mended the door, I watched ell day from the port holes, in anticipation of an attack from ihe companions of the Indian I had killed. To add to the danger. and seem ing hopelessness of my situation I discov .ered that I had but one charge of powder left, I could make but one shot, and then, if attacked by numbers I should be entire ly in their power. Determined to do the best with what I had I poured in my last charge of powder and put into my mus ket, fifteen slugs, and then waited for tho approach of night feeling conhdent of an attack. 'Night caste at length. A beautiful moonlight night it was too, and this favor ed me greatly, as I would be able to ob serve the movements of the enemy as they approached the cabin. It was some two hours rfter nightfall, and as yet I had neither seen or heard of the Indians, when suddenly I was started by the bay ing of my dog at the stable. I knew that the Indians were coming. The stable stood a little to the west of the cabin, and between the two was a patch of cleared ground, upon which the light of the full moon fell unobstructed. Judging from the noise at the stable that they would ad vance from that direction, I posted my self at the port hole on that side of the cabin. .1 had previously placed my wife upon the cross pole in the chimney, so that in case our enemies effected an entrance to the cabin she might climb out through the low chimney and effect. an escape. For myself, I determined not to Iletaken alive, and resolved to sell my life dearly. With breathless anxiety I watched at the port hole. At length I saw them emerge from the shadow of the stable and advance across the vacant ground toward' the cabin. One—two—three—great hea vens ! six stalwart Indians armed to the teeth, and urged on by the hope of re• venge. And I alone to oppose them, with but one charge of powder. My case was desperate indeed. With quick yet stealthy step in close single file they ap• preached, and were already within a few yards of the house, when a alight change or a divergence in the movement of the for ward Indian, changed the position of the entire six ; so that a portion of the left side of each was uncovered. They were all in range—one aim would cover all.— Quick as thought, I aimed and fired. As the smoke cleared away. I could hardly credit what my senses showed me as the result of the shot. 'the fifteen slugs with which I had loaded my musket had done their work well, Five of the six Indians lay dead upon the ground and the sixth had disappeared. "Although no enemy was in sight, I did net venture forth until morning.— There ley the bodies of the five Indians, undisturbed together with the rifle of the other. Securing the arms and ammuni tion of the fallen Indians I followed up the trail of the missing one, until it reach the river beyound which point I could dis cover no trace whatever. From the amount of blood which marked the trail together with the unmistakeable evidence that he hail picked his way with difficulty, I was led to belive that he had been mor• tally wounded and in order to prevent his body from falling in the hands of his white foe, had grouped his way to the river and thrown himself into the current which had borne him away. ..The Indians had killed my c 00,,, and that you may be assured was no trifling loss, yet in my gratitude for my escape from the merciless savages, I would have been entirely willing to have made much greater sacrifices. I was well provided (by means of Orion and ammunition taken front the slain Indians,) in case of a sec ond attack, but this, fortunately proved to be my last adventure with the ,savages.— Nat one of the band had escaped to tell the tale, and incite his brethren to avenge the death of their comrades. "Ah !" exclaimed the old man, while the tears gushed from his eyes at the rnetnory of that eventful night, ‘‘that was a glorious shot—the best I ever made. The hero of thie adventure lived to see the rude ivildi mess where he had pitched sing pale faces, among whomhis last days were passed in "peace and plenty," un disturted by his old time foes. A Characteristic Letter. The following quaint leiter has fallen into our hands, and for the amusement our readers we print it. The envelope was superscribed—“ For Patrick McGin nis, Michigan State, Detroit, North Amer. ica, fornit Canada. Here is the letter : BALLYCONNELL, County Connaught, / near Sligo, Juno 10,187. Dear Cousin McGinnis :—I didn't and yet letthur since the last time I wrote to your brother Jerry because I have jilt moved from me former place of living, and I couldn't tell where a letthor would find ye. But I now wid pleasure take me pin in hand to inform ye of the death of your own living Uncle Kilpatrick, who died very suddenly last night after a lingering sickness of fits. The poor ould man was in violent convulsions during the entire time of his confinement ; laying perfectly quiate and spaichless, all the time talking incorently and crying for washer. I couldn't Inform ye of his death before this except I wrote to ye by the last post, which what off two days before he died, end thin ye'd have the postage to pay. I arent able to tell the rale cause of his death though I fear it was occasioned by his last sickness, but I think it was occasion. ed by Ills eating too much rabbits stuffed wid poise and gravy or pains and gravy stuffed wid rabbits or something else, I can't till 'Which. Ile that as it may, as soon as he brathed his last the Doctors gave over all hopes of his recovery. And what is worse than all, Patricic, the poor man, was niver well tin days at a time du. ring his whole sickness and confinement. I need not say anything about his age for -ye very well know that September next he would have been forty-five years ould lacking twelve months, and if he'd lived till that time, he'd just been six months dead. His property now falls to his next kin, so I expect it will be divided betwixt us, and ye know his estate was quite con siderable, which was sould to pay his debts and he lost the remainder in a horse race but it was the opinion of every one at the time that he'd av ivon the race if the horse he ran against hadSt been too fast for him. I never saw a man (and the Doctors all say so,) that observed directions, or tuck medicine bather than he did. He said he would as laive take bitter as swate' if it only had the same taste, and ippeltak as whiskey punch, if it. would put him in the same humor for fighting, but i?atrick the poor old soul will never ate or drink more. And now we hevn't a living rein. tive in the wide world except myself and yer two cousins who were murthered and kilt last war. I can't dwell on this mourn• fel subject any longer and shalt-sale me my letther with black sailing wax and put upon it yer Uncle's coat of arms, ao be sure end don't break the sale when ye open the lettherand don't open it till two or three days either ye resave it be which time ye'll be prepared for these sorrowful tidings. Your old . swate h'eart rinds her love to ye unbeknown to roe.— Whin ye go to the Post °office ax Corna lions O'Flyn for this letther and if he does not know it from the rest tell him it is the one that speaks about the death of yer uncle, and don't pay anything for the letther for I put a stamp on the inside for fear it might be lost if I'd put it on the outside do ye mind. From yer darlin cousin, lIAUDINE O'BRIEN. P. S.—The saison is very backward on account of the severe weather we are having, and Father Brady says he niver seen such a cold summer before but once and that was in December forty years ago. Don't write to me till you reuses this, Early Marriages. She stood beside the altar when she was jbut sixteen. She was in love; her desti ny rested on a creature in fashionable clothes, with an empty pocket. .11e-camil of good family, however, and blood, you know, is something. She looked lovely as she pronounced the vow. Thinkvof a vow from auburn hair, eyes and pouting lips, only sixteen years old. She stood by the wash tub when her twenty-fifth birth day arrived. The hair the lips, the eyes Were not calculated to excite the heart. Five cross ones warts about the house crying ; some breaking things, and ono urging the necessity of an immediate supply of the lacteal secretion. She stopped in despair and sat down, ands, tears trickled down her once plump and 4 "" ruddy cheek. Alas !—Nancy, early mar- riages are not the dodge. Better enjoy antr . and family. If a chop really cares for you wait for two or three years, make pres ents, take you to concerts and so on, un til the time comes. Eearly marriages and early cabbage are tender productions. To the Free and Independent Voters of Huntingdon Co. As my saute stands before you as a candi date for Assembly—to which office I have nu aspirations and present no claims on the coun ty, for services rendered any political party,— and inasmuch as questions of int portanee which will seriously alleet the financial condition of this giant Commonwealth, (the prosperity of which is of the greatest interest and should re ceive the candid consideration of every tax•pay or of the State,) ace presented to the people for their decision, it is expected that I should define my position and declare my sentiments in relation to those questions. The people of this Commonwealth arc now called upon to ex press their preferences for or against the pro posed apt rupriation of three millions of dollars of the proceeds of the sale of the Main Line of our Public Improvements, to the completion of the Sunbury & Erie Railroad, and also ou the repeal of three mill tonnage tax now imposed by the Commonwealth on the Pa. R. R. Company. On these questions, lam free to say, that in case of my election 1 will "first, last and all the time," wills whatever ability 1 may possess, oppose the appropriation of any part of the seven and one half millions, to any purpose whatever, except to the liquidation of the onerous debt of our noble Commonwealth. I will oppose the repeal of the three mill ton singe tax, which, in my opinion, ought to COD. tines as a source of revenue, to relieve the em bemused condition of the treasury—which is felt by every tax-payer. In taking this course, I am aware of the sit• uation in which I inn placed; that I incur the displeasure of the combined forces of the Pa. It. It. Co., that I have no motley to spend in a campaign, no Ohms at my disposal, no money of corporations at mycounnand, no hired press to sustain site; no shrewd political wire workers to operate for my election ; but I have to con tend against all the political manoonvering of the sharp shooters of all the political parties of the county, the combined forces of mammoth corporations, and all the collectors, lock-tend ers, weigh•masters, with a host of other employ. ees along the Canal and Railroad. Nor do I expect ally matt to vote for me who desires an increase of -our State Tax. My desire is to lighten the burden of the tax-payer, by appro• printing all monies belonging to the State—af ter necessary expenses of government shall be met—to the liquidation of her indebtedness, so that we may yet see the day when Oaf farms and workshops may be relieved from the heavy mortgage of FORTY MILLIONS OF DOL. LARS, which new rests upon the property of every taxpayer of the State. With proper and economical management, ' the State Treasurer will never again be under the necessity of resorting to a loan, to meet the interest on the dobt of the Commonwealth.— But on the contrary, eight mallet.; of the debt could be paid the first year, aft two millions annually thereafter, which •,arrangement would in the course of twelve or -fourteen years, en• tiroly wipe out the debt, ; Where is the farmer, or mechanic, or any tax-payer, who does net desire the payment of our State indebtedness, especially If it can In accomplished without tiny additional tasatioa ? LIZVI EVANYI.