11V/11TV111, LIST OF PE To ho awarded by thi Agricultural flociety, held in Huntingdoo, on e Huntingdon County it the next Fair to be the 14th, Milani 16th, of October next. TES 2d heat do., $2 00 Beat match h's, 6 00 2d beat do., 400 Best trotting h's, 3 00 2d best, do., 200 Best family horse 3 00 2d best do., 200 Best mule, 4 00 Best pair do., 600 2d best du., 3 00 1701? Beat Stallion, $7 00 2d best, 4 00 gd beat, 3 00. Beat 2 or 3 yr colt 5 00 Best under 1 yr., 2 00 Best brood mare, 5 00- 2d best do., 2 50 Pair draft horses, 6 00 2d best do., 3 00 Best riding horse 4 00 Judges—Dr. J. S. Griffith, Huntingdon; J. Morrow, Franklin tp.; Alex. Oaks, Barree ; (ten. J. C. Watson, Brady; Peter Stryker, Porter. NEAT STOCK : Best work oten, 6 00 Best cow, 400 2d best do., 400 2d best do., 300 3cl best do., 300 Best 3 y'r heifer, 300 Beat bull, u 002 d best do., 2 00 2d beat do., 300 I Best calf, 2 00 &ht. Tussey, Morris ; Peter Livingston, Barree; Alex. Port Huntingdon; David Eu. pert, Henderson ; G. W. Speer, Shirley. ILOGS Rest boar, 6 00 2d best sow, 3 00 tid best do., li 00 Bug litter of pigs 3 00 bd best do., 2 00 Best Ches. White 3 00 nest sow, 400 Best Berkshire, 200 duo. Colder, Porter; Richard Chilcote, Un. ion ; Dent Teague, Cromwell t Isaac Long, Walker ; H. L. 'McCarthy, Brady. SHEEP: I Bent fine.w. b'k , 3 00 Best f:svool ewe, 6 00 3d best do., 300 2d bent do., 300 Bent Sonticdown 5 00 Best long wool do. 600 2d best do., 300 I Bent Souticdown, 6 00 Best long.wooled 600 2 Best lambs, 2Ou 3d best ditto, - 300 I • ;,. W. Hutchison, Warriorsmark ; Isaac Peigh. tal, Penn ; John Shaver, Shirley ; Jas. Oliver, Prauklin ; Daniel Goodman, Huntingdon. PLOWING Beat, 2d beet, 4 00 I 3d best, 13 00 I 4th best, • John Garner, Penn ; J. S. belt, Franklin ; dag. Galbraith, Shirley; R, 13. Miller, West; Inge Merlin. I'orter. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEDIENTS : 1 Best subsoil plw, 3 00 Best Wheat drill. 3 00 Best harrow, 200 Best Corn planter 3OU Best cultivator, 3 00 Beet II orse•rake, 2 00 Best INlSide, 3 00Reaper a Nina er, 6 00 Beet Windmill I 3 00 . .-- .. S. 11. Bell. Shirley; 'Jacob ITurricame, Pon ter ; IL llatniltun, Wurriorstnurk ; John Lyon, fracklin ; 13. X. Bluir. GRAIN : Beat white whet., 3 00 2 , 1 best i 60 2d beat do., 200 Beat white corn, 100 ad beat do., 100 "di best do., 50 Best red wheat, 3 00 Best Rye, 1 1 00 2d heat du, 200 2d beet du., 50 srl best do., 1 00 Best Onto, 1 00 Beet yellow corn, 1 002 d best do., 60 2 , 1 beet do., 50 I Best buckwheat, 1 00 Beet barley, 1 00 I 2d beat do., 60 Beet sugar car.e, 1 00 I Fisher, Huntin Cromwell; John Neff, ,Veen ; XL Thom pun! nzdon; T. T. Cromwell, West 'rhos. F. Stewart, it, Franklin. NI:FACTURES : 21 bost do., 30 Beat hard soap, 1 00 2tl best do., 50 candles, 1 00 21 best, do., 50 Hest eartn•t, 2 00 2,1 I 00 Belbt beurth r 11,6 I 00 211 best do., 50 Beet flannel, 2 00 j.l Leal do., 1 110 i quilt. 2 Ott ,11,st • 1 00 ii.'. ' ) 0-,01 seek, 50 .....e•st ell do., 50 ti,•,t DOMESTIC MA 2eit bread, 2 00 i b do., 200 Yd b dm 100 Beat poutuicake, 1 00 dd bst do., 50 Veit spoucc do., 1 00 2d b..4t, do., 50 Best butter, 0 00 2,1 b e at do., 00 24 bot do., 1 00 11, 00 d , totes. suer 2 00 2d hest, do., 100 2il Lest do., 20 Best apple butter 1 00 211 best do., Beat tom. ketchup 1 011 Best honey, 1 00 Best jelley, 1 00 2d best do., 50 Best preserves, 1 00 2d best do., 60 Best pickles, 100 Best bbl. flour, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Buckwheat meal, 1 00 let. Eatables: _ _ die well:, 1 OU 2,1 kit din., 00 Butt Bilk einliru'y 1 00 tlO., Best .hell vrorlc, 1 00 2d hest du 00 Corwilleal,soll, 31 OU Suit hunte•upun, 00 Skirt ; 1.00 A.ll7.l3;:tiiet, Huntingdon ' • Miss Prudence ' Jackson Huntingdon ; Mrs. U. Gamma!, Alex. andria ; Mrs. J. 8. !sett, Franklin ; Mrs. Hays Hamilton, Warriorstnark. 3d. ,Fearing Apparel: John Porter, Alexandria; Jacob Snyder. Huntingdon; H. A. Bathurst, Franklin; Miss Melissa Groan, Clay ; Miss Mary Drayton, Hun. tingdon. 3d. Fancy, Needle and Ornamental Work : Mrs. Henry NWT, Alexandria; Miss Julia Miles, Huntingdon; Miss Mary Ann Africa, Huntingdon ; Miss Jane Galbraith, Shirleys• burg ; Mrs. Ann Massey, Huntingdon. MECHANICAL IMPLEMENTS .k MANI/. UKLS: do. lot cab. ware, 1 00 Best and largest var. tinware, 1 00 FACT I Beat 2 hor. car'ge 2 00 Bent buggy, 1 00 do. nett sin. bar., 1 00 do. earthen stone 1 00 do. washing 'mac. ' 50 Best meat vessel, 1 00 Best churn, 1 CO do. do. farm. do., 1 00 do. bridle I cad. 1 00 do. pair boots, 1 00 do. pair oboes, 50 _ _ _ Best horse shoes, 50 Bess toarblework 2 00 Bost cook stove, 1 00 cutthig COX, 2 00 do. Side sole lea., 1 00 do. kip & calfskin 1 00 do. her. & upper, 1 00 do. 2 bores w'g, 2 00 I do. sp-de7 20 do. hoe, 50 do. horse hay, 200 do. cook stove.. 2 00 2d. best do., 1 00 do panel door, 200 do. rifle, 2 00 Porter ; (leo. Jackson, tn, Cromwell; Dr. J. A. sn Myton, West. -. F, .1 . !. mei. • cratr 2 00 do. , oust, • 50 do. Lay fork. 50 do. manure do., 50 do. parlor do., 2 00 I do horse power, 5 00 do. window Nash, 2 00 Gen. S. Miles Green, Jackson; R. 13. Wigto Shade, Shade Gap ; Joh ITS : 2d best do., I 00 Best quinces, 100 Best and greatest variety grapes, 2 00 Best native du., 2 00 .2d best do., 1 00 Best doz..peaeb, 1 00 2d best d0.,50 Best duz. pums, 1 00 2d best du., 50 FRU Best and greatest variety apples, 3 00 2d best do., 2 00 Best doz. fall do. 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Best doz. winter, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Best wint'r pears 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Best fol. dn., 2.00 R. B. Petriken, Huntingdon; larr;el GraftitTs, Alexandria; Mrs. Jno. Scott, Huntingdon; Mrs. W. 1). Shaw, Alexandria ; him T. H. Cramer, Huntingdon. VEGETABLES do. beets, 60 do. parsnips, 50 du. carrots, 50 do. turnips, 50 do. onions, 50 do. celery, 50 do. cabbage, 50 2d best do., 25 Best pumpkins, 50 Beat pie pump. 50 do. squashes, 50 do. water inolon, 50 do. musk melon, 50 do. Wiwi, 5 64 do. vette. Best potatoes, 2 00 3d best do., 1 00 3d best do., 60 Best Dlenhannoe, 1 00 Best Mettiettn, 1 00 Best Pink Eye, 75 Best white pota., 75 Bent red do., 00 Bent blue, do, 50 Bent sweet do., 1 00 Best tomatoes, 1 00 2d best do„ 75 3d best do., 60 Best Purple Eggs 60 WiAd PoPPbri. 510 Andrew Allison, Henderson ; Thos. E. Orbi• son, Cromwell ; Jacob Creswell, Ted ; K, L. Green, Clay; David Etnire, Cromwell. FLORAL DEPARTMENT Best display How• do, var. dahlias, 1 00 era in bloom, 2 00 2d best do., 60 2d best do., 1 00 Best boquet, 50 Best din. plants, 2 00 T. H. Cromer. Huntingdon; IL W. Millsr, Runtingdon ; Muss Anna Porter. Alexandria; Miss Susan Neff, Porter; Miss Elizabeth Mc• Cartney, Franklin. POULTRY : Best pr. turkeys, 1 00 2d best do., 60 2d best do., 50 Best pr. chickens, 1 00 Best pr. geese, 1 00 2d best do., 50 2d best do., 501 Best die. poultry, 2 00 Best pr. ()Mucks, 1 00 I 2d best. do., 1 00 H. F. Haslett, Morris; Henry Brewster, Shir• ley; John Porter, Alexandria; John Port, tingdon ; Jas. Henderson, eassville. PRINTING: Best blanks, 100 Best card•priut'g 100 do, handbills, 100 PAINTING: Best in oil, 2 00 2d, best do., 60 2d best do., 1 00 Best in w. colors, 1 00 do. oil lithogra 1 00 2d best do., 50 2d best do., 50 do. in oil on glass, 1 00 do. in crayon, 100 2d best do., 50 Rev. 0. 0. McLean, Huntingdon; MiszMan tha Wilson, Alexandria • Miss Elizabeth In gram, Franklin; Mrs. Itavid Blair, Hunting don; Miss Ellen Gregg, Huntingdon; Miss Lu cretia Hildebrand, Huntingdon ; Miss•Hatinah Houtz, Alexandria. Discretionary Committee : —Samuel Wigton, Franklin ; John Beaver, Hopewell ; Geo. Jack son. Huntingdon •Thomas Whittaker, Porter; SamuelStryker, West.t So/iciti4/ Committee:—John Scott. Esq. A. W. Benedict, Esq., Graftius Miller, Esq. PROTEONOTART. Meurs Editors At the solicitation of my friends, I hereby offer myself as uo candidate for the office or Prothonotary, ......... JAMES MeELIIOI7 Porter township, August 14, 1857. .I.:llede of lion Hubert Allison, dec'd. A.dministratoi's NOtice, Letters of Administration, with the will an. vexed, on the estate of Robert Allison, late of the borough of Huntingdon, &c . d., having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to solid estate to make immediate payment, and ,hoar having claims will present the Name dilly authenticated for settlement. JAS. (I A•hu'r., de bonus non. with trill annexed. Huntingdon August 19th 1857. aarswo A MONTH..gig A number of gentlemen wattled to cant•ate trio or three cou•aties each in an ateencv that insures those properly qualified the highest compensation. They should he of mature ttie, intelligent, talented and industrious; and they will make twice aa much as it, teaching, clerk. ing, or tiny other business. Address, (stamp enclosed,) C. A 4LEN, Harrisburg, Pa., or in• quire at the Adam's Express office. A ug.10,'5743m.* M. ROWE, CONVEYANCER. Agent for the purchase, and Rale of Real Pt tale Farms and Ci.'y Properly hough!, sold and exchanged. Al 111011P) . invested and procurrd ou mortgagn. Those laving Farina or Land Air Side a ill do cell to rail or send description. N... 63. 1),,,k 01,et.. Philadelphia. July 15Pit, 1857.-3 to. Tite litev, C. S. IitIINETT, while la boring as a inission.try in Southern Asia, dis e.wered a simplo and certain Cure for Constimps non, A tlittitt, Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds. Ner vous Deldlity, and all intimrities of the blood ; also, an ea,.y and etfectual tootle of inhaling the Remedy. Actuated hy it desire In hewitt his vallering fellow 3, he will cheerfully send the re cipe (free) to such as desire it, with full end ex plicit directions in preparing and successfully using the Medicine. Address C. S. BURNETT, £3l Broutlway, N.Y. City. • att1y29,'37.-61n. throat mai lungs, riy'ateilieat Inhalation, lately American Safely-Paper Alanufaclur g used in the. M ' Moulton Hospital L ondon. anThe great point in the treatment of all It mien malt, Company of New York. dios is w get at the di. se in the direct milli ner. All medicines are estimated by their ac Capital, $ 500 , 000 . • tion n ; ou the tpee itamii tag teller. 1 Itii• is A. NICHOLAS, President, Office, 70 Wall St. the important tart urn which Inhalation is has A l'erfect &corky against oil wanner 01 Fraud rr I s ed. 'lf the stomach is diseased we take c on , de v e ith ig no p op ,. T o p roo „,, ph o o,_ medicine dircetly into the stomach. lithe lungs grap h s and A oo d o ti o Erasures, are diseased, linguini or inhale medicated en -Trani/era or Alterations. porn directly into thu lungs. Medicines ore the Having purchased the Potent for the exrlu- antidotes to disease and sheathd he implied to sive right to manuliteture and sell tho new Che- the very scat of disease. Inhalation is the ap- Iniral Paper in America. invented and patented pnc.tio. of principle to the trelitment of in England by IlaNny Gt.rnn, a celebrated the longs, for it elves us direct arrest to those chemist mid officer in the British Army. It is ' intricate oir cells and tithes which lie out of hardly nociwor y t o co y t h a t th e Pa p er i s o ._ reach of every other torsos of ailitimitite..ing commen d e d by m e . K ent , A ssayer or the U S . medicines. 'l'llo reagne that Colcuniption. and Mint, Me. EVliinn of the New York flooring other diseases of the loess, have licretothre re H ouse en d M ea d e B rot h er , extens i ve an d stilted nil trtatineist has been benne., thew ln t photographers, 233 Brandt,.), N. Y never been approached in a direct tii.odier The latter say that no imitation ca. h e made „ n , medivine. They were 'mended to get eli a check or bank note printed on the Solely Pa I longs moi tk• per. Below is our list of prices: 1 Their 114 . i.1111 se:es lerde. t. be local, ti..; • • Bunk Cheeks-35 eta per lb. ! they welt; that ti 13ank Bills—Sid for 1000 Millet, 001 ti:r.a,ontilly, excel:ding Bills of Exchange—s2s for 1000 sheets. I l't.i..l"d "'to's ulna , toe l'iomissory Notes-40 eta per Ih. wilikt the hail nivel, unl iu tl e ; an- Sight and 'rime I)rafts—s2s tor 1000 sheets. Ito l' , ted• lohnintodt loMes the tov`ordie nn Insurance Policies-40 cts per lb, tier., contact with the dinnose, w lit ill the Railroad Stocks & Bonds-40 cents per lb. th.a.lvalltalte of any %inlet. n 0... Brink and State St,icks-40 cts per lb. cation is simple, that it can he impish cd h, the Bfililh , and Alortenges-40 cis per lb. youngest infant or leehle,d invaltd. It tic, ted Wills 11.1111 Deeds-40 et, per lb. ilvt mew, AOlll.ll. in in icricre in the le‘e, de•4 For wrapping Silks and other lino article. it .'.. with 11.0 .4.'0.04 mentor., al is excellent, as it prevents moths. 40 cis per Inc Ont... pound. a nano DIShASEB THEATI , I,—In relation For Indentures and Agreements. 40 eevts a lb. to the tinlowing 1 11 0 1. es, either olio, comp!' All State and County Records should always can., wit I. lung atlevtions exiting wane. I oho he printed or written on thin wiper, et; the d in _ • illy.: ronsultatium t usually tied then. hrumpt micnls inserted in the pulp Pot only prevent I 1 , nrsidnn erasure or transfer, hot Disko i t hodind an t i me. I'iumpstoi mill till other forms of Female coin. For s . thero „„,,,,„ it in ex„ mid,,,„l. 1 11:11111,.. Irregularities nod Weakness. much superior to soy other ;as the omistite.s of Palpitation and all other loins of Hear the e h.. to does notd ro tooy it,—the prucert i us I)inease. Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and ill inserted in the pulp being a preventive. In all ( . I °' dime... of Suoonch nod huwel. , 4 e. southern States, Cu,'.,., the West Indies sod the All diseases of the eye and ear. Nu uralgii Control American States, no public r e cords eon EPilePsY nod till forms 01 nervous dihetibe.- be kept over 20 years, written on the culinary I No charge tor caosnitntioth paper, while the oils and oil cr chemical , insert- _ S. 1). lIARDIVIAN. M. D. el in this Paper makes it indestructible by the ravages of time. It is all nrouf ugainst moths, rats and other vermin, which least on and du. stray nil other paper now in use. The Company hove now in operation Mills in Morris County, N. J , of ah..ut WO horse power. and are ahie to fill all orders for raper ;it the slimiest ounce All orders for the Paper must he addressed to ". NICHOLAS, President ui the Cumpauy No. 70 Wall Street. %V3l. Buinverert, Agent, Huntingdon A ug.5,'57.-Sm.• SALE OF SAXTON'S STORE. The store of J. & 55. haston is sow upeo for sale, by wholesale and retail of the enure im mense stock of goods at grcatly redeems prices. Dealers and all others who have the cash can be accommodated at auction prices. Terms —Cash. Ifiar 100 Sacks Ground Alum Salt and 50 tons Plaster to be disposed of. SCUTT & BROWN. Att'ys fur Creditors. Aug.5,'57. nreed Beef, Hama, Shoulders and Flitch, for eale at the cheap Grocery Sture of LOVE k )(TIMM?. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. A CARD TO TILE LADIES: DR. DUPONCO% GOLDEN PILLS ARE infallible in removing stoppaged or irret Wadies of the menses. -- These Pills are nothing new, but have been used by the doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparallelled success; and hr is urged by many thousand ladies, who have used them, to make the Pills public, for the alleviation of those suffering from any irre gularities of is hatever nature, as well as to pre vent pregnancy to those ladies whose health will not permit an increase of fatuity. Pregnant females or those supposing them• solves so, are cautioned against these Pills while pregnant, as the proprietor assumes no responsibility Mier the above admonition, al though their mildness would prevent nay chief to health; otherwise these Pills are reeom mended. Full and explicit directions aceom patty each ltt. Price, $1 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by JOHN READ. General Agent fist 'iambics]. CO.. Pa. I have appointed lir. John Read Sole agent for the sale of my French Periodical Golden Pills, for the borough and county of Hunting don. All orders must be addressed to him. He will supply dealers at the proprietor's pri• ces, and send the Pills to ladies (cosOrlentially) I by return mail, to any part of the UtomdStates, on reeeipt $l, enclosed to time through the Huntingdon post ofliee. For further !myth u lora get a circular of the Agents—sold by droy. gists everywhere. Set My signature is written nu end, Ina J. DUPONOO. Broadway I'. 0., New Toth. - - Ju1y29,'57..1y. ',EARLE FARM & MILL PROFERI Near Williawsputt, Ili. FOR SALE. i nui( 7 ,„ r portlierthe 1 ,; sale all shut valuable propert . , dPiated on the south side of the Smapieloinna River, 6 miles from Williainsport, and 3 miles Irmo the hue of the Sanitary & Erie Railroad. fl' vania, Cloud passes on the opposite liver. This tract contains tithi &ter, with ti per cent. allowance. 200 acres are clear. tl, and in a good mute of cultivation. There is a large allitiert or valuable Timber on the pre. Mist a good stress of water, and a good di. The Mill is new, bring built WA. The other improvemetits consist of 5 good Dwelling Houses, with out buildings thereto. Two large Barns, one of which is first class, wit h a large shed attached. The above property will be offered at Public Sale at. the Court House, in Williamsport, on Wednesday, the 15th of August, next at 1 o'clock, P. M. A portion of the purchase money in Cash, the balance made easy, with intermit, and up• pnn•ed security. Terms made known no day aside. Further particulars eau be obtained by ad dressing _ ..... WILLIAM B. HULING, Surviving partner of tho firm of J. H. it W. 11. ovum, Williamsport, Pa., July 8, '37..3m. eq3"N) INVALIDS._gx, Dr. liaidinao, Aualyticai Physician. Physie!t!n for 1?il-rayes ut the Lung'. Throat find Heart—Formerly Physivian to the CINCINNATI MARINE ilotil'lTAL, also to INVALIDS RETIINAT,, Author of ••Leacts to Invalids," IS 601IING. See Mil owing Dan! Ootc.ber Appointments. Dr. tiarchuan, ie fur disease of the Lungs. (formerly Physician to Cincinnati Illas doe llospital.) will ho in attenda n ce at his as roam, : JitekSOlt'S !Iota!, Saturday, 0.1. 10 w t. National llotel, " 12 11 Min, l'atterstin Douse, 44 13 Ila• 14 & 16 I elli la 'nurg, 9 A too a, 41 jl,lllnStOWn; II 7 Indiana, " 6 Oreenalturu, " o Dr. Hardman treats Consumption, Bronchi- tir o Lurrytiltittis of the ILIAVV.I4 2r1MP7216. AT LOVE & HIVITTS. A NIEM AIU ELIEGANT STOCK OF 6I CONFECTION A HIEN AND PROVISIONS, just received sod for sale et the wholesale...l retail Grocery & Provision Store of Love & McDivitt. Con.isting or SALT, BACON, FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEAS, MOLASSES, SEG:VHS, & TOBACCO, of the hest quality awl every grails. 011.5, CANDLES, FLUD, CAM PIIE:NE . Nuts, Figs, Ituisius, Dates, Tama rinds, Rice, Saw , Tapioca, Cake, Crackers, Cheese. Maccuroui, Pickles of all kuuls, sar dines, Candies anti Conlectionaries. All of which will lie tlieposed of die num reason .. alite terms, for canli ur country townie°. Purchasers wilt Hail it to their interest to call and examine our 'meek nature purchasing else where, as we ate prepared to sell everything in our line ur huainess A LlrfLE LON% Mich. any other estublislinisnt 0 the kind iu this lo cality. May 18, 1857. LOVE & McDIVITT. tut sale at the Elardwate Store of JAMES A. BROWN k MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. Discovered at Last! Grey test Cure in the World l'or Pain rust. Chas. DeGrath , s ET. I, o L. Tud r ,i i s le il c i a s ro th, t o li t h ly eu s i t :i r n e, i r i e fi t i n e r ti r T fi i ie t s h s e r u l Neuralgia, Lumbago. Sciatica, Spinal and Bronchial complaints, 'lie Doloreux, fleaduche, Cramps, Croup, Piles, Felons. Sprains and Bruises, Cuts sod Wounds, Swelled Wands. Still' Joints, Scrofula. Elysipelas. Sore Nipples, Swelled Breast, Womb Disorders, Salt Rllllllll, Cooker in the Mouth and Stoimieli. Pidpita• that, Eruptions, Caked Ilreusi, Quinsy. Sore Thrust, Palsy, Pleurisy. Ulcers. Leek Jaw, Heartburn, Tooth and to Itrlte„ Nervousness, A bseess, Stiff Necks, Broken Breast. Chi Iblatins, Totter, Shingles, Frosied Fie, ' Fever and Ague, Chapped Hands or tiny Diseases that are sore and painful, is the, only article ever brought before the public that will do its work perfectly in from three to twenty minutes— has been used by thousaotit and pronounced to be the best remedy ever 'discovered. This Oil acts on the system with electricity —is of pure vegetable preparation. Not the slightest danger of applying it inwardly or out. wardly. It at once gives it permanent cure— in most eases from ten to twenty minutes. The bent, physi , ,h)rigts of Europe cf,v.•reli that nil or,thic d noiionl systrqrl t.- rho 1.1 - i••rr •if ••:••••i •• •: lir • rh.str• • t • r•r..• • ::-• • .% • • ••• •,• .0 • • 14.0 rarl, ;~, .i..; l'rit N,.. S. 1,1!: threm chows 1,v1;,4• Clp•stmit. P.m! 25 coos. 50 et.ittA per botoe. Try ever)thiug else, Li. one .Inapic 111 r.,r h.-1 apt 1)f, Grath's E:ectrif, 0;1, us onitat;ow, al) •uu.l. iusre ate nunieruus spru..g up tit. tho repuuttiou flint 1.1.• W11111117(1. 1,11 , 11. 111,t 11,01.0, i‘urtille, For sat,. bv Joh. R. ilofitiugduu. Aug 5;51.-Im. IS ER r.ITENT CrICAMPIOR In [ll2 4 g.salfsr_l2lll-RilDlre SA 11 , `,A WITH rr..,'.i... .4i:::.. I . oli 1►:;R 40- ' HALL'S .:,. ~... 'cl, I' It 0 0 F PATENT ! '::;:01.;:i • ',i. . LOCKS. r ,_....„.!,,,. _ FARRELS & HERRING, Makers. 34 WALNUT Sr., DELOw SECOND, PIIMADA. IMIE GREAT INTEREST MANIFESTED by the imhlic to procure more certain sect, rite from tire tar valuate papers, such am-Bonds. Mortrgrs, Awls, Notes mid Books cti Aeroatas, than the ordinary Sarrs heretofore in use affor ded, induced the Patentees to denote a large por ed' their time for the Imt fourteen years, in ma king discoveries and improvements for this ob ject, the resod of whicicia the unrivalled Herring's Parent Weillirs Fair Premium Fire Proof Safes, Universally ateknowledged as the c unmet,. BAFE OF rim would). Having been twardra Medals at both the Worlds Fair, London, 1851, and illrpital l'ainee, N. Y., 1853, as superior 1' all others. it is new Illidoithteiliy entitled to tit appellation, and secured oiih hall's Patent Powder-Proof Locks—a Well were Also awarded separate Medals, (as elsive)—furnis the most poi leer Fire & Burglar Proul Sates ever ,)et ot , fereil to the Semi, 30 ' d 'Herring's :Wes' have been tested during the pn.t 14 Nears, owl ttmre than 1110100 Intve heen .0111 Mill Ili, a ,% in :1.11111.1N • Also on Mold or maimnimured Io order, all kinds et Boil, and Chilled Ir o n li.k amid Vault., Money l'hr-t• for Brokers, I.uleoads. nrivon: for Plate, Diamonds, and other vale kilns. Ma., 20;57 . 'IIIE TRI:111 ITIMUT K ANgAR. (SV\Y. ADMINISTItATIONINKANSAS Large I unto. 348 pages. With it romplete.ll,l - the Territory, until June. 1857. Em bracing Inn auction* of its discover,, grog. rgpliv,,oil, chianti,, products, its organization us a Tiaritoo, 111111 evrtts under Governors Weiler and Sh annou, politica. dis sensions, personal eneounters,eleetion baud', battles and outrages, with portraits of promi nent actors therein, all fully authenticated, by 1111 IN 11. (.11110N, 51. 1)., Privatu riee'y to Gov. Geary. Cat from the oflicini on ale in the I,ri.nriniefit of ',roe at ;.•1 t• •Il hi.r papers in the pn , te,stott •.. t:••• a; • .1, ..• , ...vomit ti • . 1 . 1,4 , Ito • , i .~ i - tit' I'lll. • . tr•... etl,l) I i tr... and 11. 11 " It mor,,s. 'winters. ••• 1 .% •,•1 I. lir ill.) palr 01 lilt . Ulilitd ',la L., i I gol 1..,11 1 ,,e, 1111 eCirlirt 1111 i 4.; • trade. hitt' m l'iv:ll4 Si C. 1111:s. I,ll.ti.Lm• Plts adwiuis r. tors Aolice. NOtiee la 1 . i•1. 1.1•11. rs ..d um. B. Atilt, i“te been 11111.1 to the all persons intlebt rd Iu ben] estate, are requested to Rinkr imme dime pal moat, eel thin.e buying claims agailora the acute will prt,ent than duly authentinuted her oeulement, to A. D. S LUT, Adm. Aug 2ti,'57..6t.* IL.l'll..AirltCA`J f , AmT0...1111,1( Ale LAW, Will attend to all professional business entrusted to lii.. care in the several Courts of Huntingdm, moody. Deeds, Leases and Articles of Agree ment, written at the slturtest notice and on the most reaeoon'le terms. 81tirleyaburg, April 22, 1857. alamcm 11131611,M1 0 • MIUNIZIN iDON, PA. June 13, 1857. tar,. DR. J R. HUYETT, ALEXANDRIA, 1111) \T. CO., PA. April 1, 1857.-Iy. -4- Antiphlogistlic Salt. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office. For all inflummatory di.cascs it is a certain cure. Get a box and try it, ye whew* leffifirmi. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. ---- BARGAINS!BARGAINS !I HARDWARE DEPOT! The subscribers have again returned front the East with an enlarged stock of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, PAINTS, &c., which they will sell at such price, an shall make it the interest, of Housekeepers. Builder+, >L.• Omni., and the rent of mankind," 1., cive. them a call. Our stock compreies Build n_ material, such as Locks, H inges. Screw, Mills, Gluts or all ,izaa. Putty, Oils, Varai6hus, II hitt, Lead awl %in, Paiata. Al EC lIAN ICS"POOLS. Planes. 11111.1saWS, Mill ft Crosscut Sawa. Chisels,Mann's Axes. Hatchets , Spirit Levels, 3. tucks and Dies, Monkey Wrench., with an endless variety of modern inventions and improvements. Saddlers and Coach. Makers ore invited to call and examine our extensive stock of Har ness Mountings and Coach Trimmings, Patent and Common Haines, 30 varieties, Oinking, Hog Skins, Patent Leather, Enamelled Lea ther, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces and Linings Hubs, Spokes, Fel loes, Shaft 5, Springs, Axles, lee., TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, Knives and Forks from :171 vents to ti per net. Silver forks, Silver and commas spoons, Ist , ltes' Fruit knives, Farriers' knives, razors, 11 , 11.1,01V.W ARE Timiod l'iltiti Tea•ket• it • rtipl Li.tking• Sienk • itt 111.inutueut• . L.% N Effi:S. ../ ,1,111.1 Batt:, •.. Port llellA of • ! . I; ,• mid Retokers. Paint %%all tiro:flies. Traces and Chains of vet... , hinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic Pinola for citerns, Picks. Sledges, kc., &a. attellaying purchased many of our goods at wholesale prices from manufacturers, we are enabled to tell both wholesale and retail—ex tootle!), low. A liberal shore ut public patron. tri . frAll orders from brood Immo atten ded to. JAS. d . BRO\VN A Co. 1a.1.'57. THZ KUNT/NOISON . THE undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill, inform ferment and the public general ly, that they now have their new mill in running order. with all the modern improvements in the water whkels and machinery. They have pet in five of the Leproved .Ton• val Turbine Water Wheels, and yen grind in all stages of the water, atm during the coldest weather, any and all kinds of grate. They are prepared to sell, and have on heed for sale at all times, at market rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS and Wirers can hare their own grain ground, and take it back in a return load, or they can be furnished in exchange at a nunnent's notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop ped teed. THE SMUT MACUINE is of an improved manufacture; and they will insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quail ty to every bushel of grail& left at their mill.• FISHER & AIcSIUBT/tIE. N. B.—The Buckwheat stones are list quite ready. Huntingdon, December 10, 1850. SAYING FUND NATIONAL SAFETA TIIUST COMPANY, Walnut Street., South- West corner nird, Pll I LA D ELPII I A. Incorperalcil by the Sate of Penn : ylvania. Nlones is received in tin% stint large Sr •Toall iodititereQt paid frujg the day of de,,,,t to the day of 'No Mike is linen every day, front 9 ,i'elork in the morning till 7 ii'elock in the evening, and oit Nlonday iind Thiirsila evenings. till 9 o'clock INtEIiF., , T FIVE PER CENT. All su m,. lane or utnll, 111 . 12 I,nicl b.li in gohl un Joinand without notice. to any Iman. lion HENRY L BENNER., Preident, RtillEIIT nEI.I , IiIIME, Vice l'resident, J I eci,. seeret,l7. nEui ORS. Henry I. Benner, t.. Landreth Afirang, Edward L. ratter, F. Carroll Brewster, Hobert Seßridge. Joseph B. Burry, Samuel It. Attune, lien. L. Chtlrellinall James 14. Smith. Francis Leo. 'fl is company counties its business entirely to the revel , lug itineracy on interest. The invest ments amounting to ortll . ONO MILLION ASI. A lIAI V at dn lbws, ere made iII i•outorinity with elite charier. in Real Isiah: :A ti.age. , Lirorael Beide, met such tirst-e1.,, raw. 9 a 11111,11 . 0 talent •el.ll , ity •11.,,, 1 , 1.1C1. 1..11 LI) give • ; • this iraditaime. Mar4's7 ..111:1).1T21- I,k) A t; Assort:H.lH Ju,t upend ! And wlll be F old E 0 per cent. 11'1Eiii THE lAEA VEST! H the e " i•eo opened nt lik store-room in Nlarket Square liindinodon,ii splendid now stuck of lieady. mum ( tenth% for Spell% and Summer, wi :vt, It will sell lieliper than the sun.: quality Ili G. 016 ellll be I,urchuseill tit retail in Philtillel phis or tiny alter establishment in the country. Persons wh.hing to buy Clothing would do welt to call and (lanoline his stuck before purcha sing ekewliere. Also, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, . which will ha Noid lower than at any uther es. tahlh.hnwnt in the county. liwitisigtlon April 29. 1957. WAR IN RANSAS. ,ILLZZaNDIIIA reILATDILIit. MMALL ti CROSSINFOII.SI THEIR OLD iriends mid the public generally, that. they have the above Foundry in lull blast, and are prepared to furnish castings nt every description. Stoves of all kind. tin wood or coal. Improved Ploughs. - - Threshing 51m:blues, and everything in ttu ens ting line neatly matte. We can finish all work that requires turtling, having a good Turning Lath. Alt work done cheap fur cash or cultic try produce. Old motel taken for castings. 13m ing practical and experienced we hope by strict attention to buuiness to receive a liberal share of public patronage. AIoOILL it CROSS. Alexandria, April 29, 1857. JACKSON'S HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA.; Ou Allegheny Street, brtween Sipa. R. & U.& 11. T. R.R. Depots. WM. It. ZEIGLER, Mfm.l4 Iv I 187. ---M.' Proprietor. MISCELLINEOIS ADVERTISEMENTS. TO THOSE WHO WANT FARMS. A FA PAT WITHIN THE REACH OF EVERY ALAN. TIM RIDGWAY Faust CoAaws v has made or ' rangements by which all who desire to settle or purchase a home can do so. 1111 The Farms consist of the (jest limestone soil of the most superior quality for farming, in a re- irony improving place, into which an extendvo. emigration is now purring, The property is 10. coed in Elk County, Pennsylvania, in the midst of a thriving population of some iro,ooo pow, non. The climate is perfectly healthy, and t h e plague of the west fever is unknown. It also • has an abundance of the best quality of Cool and Iron. The prieu to buy it cot is Thorn $3 to $2O per acre. payable by instahnents, to he lota- tad at the 'hue of purchasing„ or a sham of 25 acres eutitlitgto loante the same fr - r $lOO, pay 7 able $6 per month or 12,1 acres payable $4 par month. Discount for every sum of $lOO and under. paid in advance, di.connt of 5 per cent. will be allowed, and fin. over $lOO a discount of i 10 per cent. i • In considering the advantages of emigrating to this locality the following are presented : I a Fnurr—The soil is it rich limestone, capable f raising the heaviest crops, owing to which the settlem't has attained it, present greet prosper ! ity. SEcosm—lt is the cenire of the great North I West Coal Barbi, dad is destineii soon to he. I come oar of the greatest business plates in 010 State. It will supply the great Lake market, 1 (according to population and travel in the Un k m .) It lies five wro kohl° veins or the best Hi- I town.... Cool, .11 ,, 1111 , i11i, is the ag,mmtmte to aver 22 km, wind] undies 22.0 M, tons of coal Inuit, ea• It twre. This will m ike the land of 1 inestimable velum Thu ehtinent Flute geologirt, Dr. Char. T. Jurksoa, ul Boehm, has in:hie a geological stir• - . • verol 1111 t 1.11111111 itlll*,ll the moil, the iron ore and the lime•tone. This report together With Melts will furnished to inquwers. FociiTti—Ti.ree railroads are laid oat Biro' this property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad Fives ub a market l'or our coal to toe lakes—it rum from Ere to Philadelphia. A large part of this road has been finished, and i, uow in running order. A heavy lures is now working from Erie toward our land in the western direc tion, Clot means for the ..unipletion of which Iws been will anon he [Unshed. 'rho Al legheny Valley Railroad connects us with Now York, Boston and Pittsburg. The Venango Road connects us with the West. There are already stood Turnpike Roads run ning through this property, various other roads have been opened to accommodate the emigra tion and eettlement which has already taken . There is no opportunity equal to it now offer ed to the man who wants to provide himself a home in an easy way, and make a settlement whore he can live in prosperity and independence ill 4•1 climate r.mFEirrt, HEALTHY. No case of the fever ever having been known to occur in this settlement. It is not like going to the hackmoodsot the West, among perhaps intolerant ' , topic, whine there is no society, no . ..Me hes, or schuok, where the price or land is and when• the elingt ant, after being used to the la.lthie,t climate In the world, has to en dure nit ktiess and pain, and perhaps ruins laic health and abut til his family. But here i, a thriving settlement having three towns, contain ing churche, ',lands, hereto, ;gores, 1:11W milk, grist-twills, and everything desired. There i., a •:ash market at hood. Thu iumt,e• trade last year amounted t) over two hundred millions feet or lumber. In a short thee, owing to the Coal, it will Weenie still Inure valuable as a needier of iron Works and mamditeturies will touts ho started; they are ut 'peseta starting them extensively at Warren. Even fur those Who do nut wish to go there. the payments aro such that they ran easily buy fiu•ms to save their families from want in the future, or to gain a competence by the rise which Win take place in the value of their lands. liy tin outlay scarcely missed, it substantial provision can be made. PerNons should in.t . ise early application, apply or write to E. Jethies, Secretary, No. 135 With nut Street, below Filth, Philadelphia. Letters carefully ainswered giving hill intormati.n• :Noires or tract,. of Mod con be bought or se cureil by letter enclosing the first instalment of live duller., whelk too subscriber will be fur kb books, !now, Wurruntee deeds n. Persons can also purthuse from our I.aite from Philadelphia to Tyrcute on the Pentis)leitnia Central Railroad, and thence by stage ru the land. This is a delightful SetlAoll Iu Va. fit. Mary's—the hest hotel accommodation is atlia•ded. Enquire fur 1•.. C. Nay yrz, the Agent for thu property at St. Mary's. Julie u,'57.4hu. New Goods New Goods !! AT D. P. GWEV S CHEAP STORE. D. I'. Gwin has just returnd from Phi ladcl phia with the largest and most beautiful as. sartment or . ,qII)III[CEI.PA.TIC:OO@2', --- consisting of the most fashionalde Dress Goods ror Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Mack Silks. and Fancy, All Woul du Loins, Challis de Loins, Braise. colors.) Braise Robes. (.lit. 4,10r5,) Robes. Chintz Rohe, Dneals, Plain and Fan. cy Dress Gioaltain, Dimmilla Cloth, Sulk Warp Levens Cloth, tortiarellingdros.es. neb u iz, Lamps and 1 . 1i111.3 ofmny delcrip tion. -- A LSO. li.t nf,trrxx Ti l;1100, 13,110'1 Crapes. (all Veils, 1.111,, ll.,siery, 11..1, lilt !tinting, Wlinieliiim• end It rit•s for Skirts. Silk unil Sill, ati.t Gingham llrlnnlx, %,• I 1 , Li !row.' Cotton, Linen sell Vein. Also the hest and laN . est askortineitt et'Col lars, 1111(i UlltierSieeVeM, tnwit. Bitr'd and Plain Jaeonet, Mall Muslin. Swiss. Min, Fig ured dotted. ernolitic, loreett and Grass cloth ftrr shirts. Bpok 1I mho. Irish Linen, Li nen Table Cloths, Napkins, 'rowels, &e. Also a tine assortment itt'Spring Shawls Silk and Bartsize Mantillas, and it variety of i.trets uud Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. Ale, Cloths, Chassimers, Catssinets Mere. Cassitner. Tweeds, K. Jeans, Cotton brills, for punts. plaits and litaley Linens, Marseilles and Silk Vesting, Mullins, bleached end unbleach ed, Sheeting end Pallcwseuse Mullins, Nan keens, Tielten, Cheek, Table Di apers. liensets the west styles null et , ery low prices, Muleskiu, Fur. ‘Vuul and Summer Hats, latest styles. ALSO; roots and Shoei, HARDWARE, QuEimiswAlul, Buckets, Tubs, Bas kets, Churns, batter Bowls, Brooms. Brushes, eic. Carla! ts. Oil Cloths, Oil Blinds, Fish and Salt, nod all goods usually kept inn coun try Store. • My old customers, and as man;• new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requestec;to come and examine my good. Alt kinds at' Country produce taken in ex change fur goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID P. (AVM April 29, 1857. PORK PACKERS, AND 11%,lesale Dealers in horisionr, No. 825 LIBERTY STREET, Lunn LUCIA L ROW, vinsBURO, per• Agents fur Fttirbauks' Settles. Apr.l,'s7. Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve ry desertption, for sale at the Hardware Store of .1. A. SHOWN ik GO. ar„~.~sr.-~~~ NEV YORK ARVERTISIMENTS. IT HAS WORKED MIRACLES! rills( nil the bald and grab can be festered per lectly to original growth, nod color, so far at their locks are. concerned. does not admit of a doubt ; 6osidre, it will cure every possible din or the scalp, whether developed 1113 dandruff, itching dor in the shape of cutaneous eruptions— even scald head—and in no possible case will it lid' of curing as if by magic!, nervous yr perio• .14,1 head-iv:he, and if used twice a week by the y“ung regularly, it will preserve the color, and krep the hair from lulling, tunny imaginable age. Read and judge. Alillford, Worcester Co., Mass., Nor. 1835. Prof. 0.. J. Wood—Dear take pleasure in hearing voluntary teoiniony to the magic ef fects of your wonderful Hair Restorative. As fur hack as Ift36, my hair commenced 'idling otr, until the top of my scalp became as hald and smooth as glass, and it has continued to fall for a great many year., notwithstanding I I one us ed many celebrated preparations restoration. Seeinu your advertisement, I was induced to give your article a trial, and t o my utter astonish • meat, found, after a few applications, that my bah became firmly set, and assumed a glossy and beautiful appearance ; and by the time 1 bad nsed a van bottle, my bald bead W. COT • creel over with a young and vigorous growth of hair, which is now from one to two inches iu length, and growing tag. Voors, fru Iv, lIENRY GOODNefi. Charlegnwn, Alass., Aug. 9, 185: Gents:—Nuthing but a dot; att7l ;yin/Why that I feel to communicate to others that arc at flict• d as I have been, WOLIN induce me to give this 1,10.14, neknowledgment to the benefit 1 he, ft rect., ed twin Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative. When I first commenced using it, toy hair was quite grav, and in spots entirely bald I have now used the Restorative about live months, and tutu hair is entirely chmiged to its original col or, brown, and the new hair is over three inches in length on thu spots where it was bald. I have als o been touch gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which before was dry, end it has ceased to come out as formerly.' Respectfully yours, tte., Airs. It. A. STODDARD. From Mre. lugalla, a well known norm in Bos- liobton, Oct. 10th, 1855, Gyula:—At your request and being so highly pleased with the erects of the Restorative, I am tree to state that my hair bad become quite thin, and entirely white. I hare for the lust tire years been in the habit of using dye, but hearing of the extraordinary elects of this article, I was induced to try it. Ply hair bus been restored to its original thickness, and also I, its runner eJ , lor, which is light brown. Yours respectfully MRS. INGA LLS. The following: is from the Pastor of the °alio. (lox Church. Bruuktiehl. Jun. 12, 1655. Btouktield, Prof. Wooti—Dear Sir—Having made trial or your heir Restorative, it gives tic pleasure to say, tint , its elle. have been excellent in remo ving inflammation, dandruff, and a constant ten dency to itching, with which 1 hare been trou bled Worn my childhood, and lots also restored not hair, which W. becoming gray, to its origi nal color. I bare used no other article, with any thing line the sante pleasute and profit. Yours, truly, J. K. BRAWL [From the T?legretph.] WlliZt is it ler—This Wood's Ilint 7 RestUrittivet ti question asked daily by bnipireds. We answer without hesitation or Mar t3T contra.' ie [ion'that it is the only article Itnown winch will alldu it promises ter the human hair. It will re new its growth—it will stop its lulling—it will re,tore its natural color ! It is not a flair Dye but a speedy anti t!llieiteitius Restorative. O. J. (Mb & CU., Proprteturs, yI2 Broadway N. Y., & t 1.4 Marlset st., Luui., Alosuuri. bold iii Huntingdon by Jous READ, gild it SluAlAsiomb, and by Druggigs every whure. Juno 25, 1857.-3 m. A1ur.25;57.-Iy. A MEDICINE THAT NEVER DEBII.I. TATEs IN Vi GOB ATOR, OR LIVER REMEDY TT a! nll the good qualities of a purgative me• 1 1 urine, answering the purposes el any Ca thartic without the debilitating effects experien ced from nto , t purgatives. It acts slowly and wlily, lint surer•, moving the bowels to curry off nll the secreted matter, at the same time, sti mulating the Liver to a proper performance of its functions. 'rhe Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take. lone or two teaspoonsful at nub attack, and it ; will SOllll disappear. For au overloaded atom ; nett, or when lived rises or soars, take the levi gorulor after eating, and it will not prove dim• • greeulde or oppressive., For Heartburn, Palpi tation, or Difficult Breathing, take a teaspoonful once or twice daily. For Loss of Appetite, Lau • guar or I.ktlessuess, the medicine is invaluable. It will re-tore the appetite and nooks the food dice well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on nitwit, and the demons of dream-land will all be tail After eating a hearty dinner, take a dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all op• or tidiness. Th o Invigorator is a Liv ; er Remedy cI unequaled virtue. acting directly nn that ergot,, Garin ;, Dyspepsia , Jaundice, Hi- I'ollllle Obstructions, for which it bas no equal. \\'u know there is nothing now before the A. merican public, prepare(' with such skill by a ! scientific man, part icularly for diseases °Eche Li ver, as Dr. BunliiriPs Invigorate., or Liver Re it has attained a reputation second to no other article in the world, simply because it rests ott its own merit. To convince all by trial that it is till its proprietors claim it to be, if any of oar readers are sattbring from such disease.. are deembed in Dr. butilord's advertisement, we know of no remedy that will SO eurely core then, as the Invigorator. There hee lately been brought to our notice a medicine that seems to possess wonderful cura tive and healing properties in diseases ot the Li-. ver, Stomach, curd Digestive Organs. It come to us with so many testimonials in its favor that we hose noted its elects in enter of the worst es see of continual debility, caused by deranged li ver, and in every instance, the edict was to re lieve or give a permanent cure. Dr. Saari...Ws Invigorator. or Liver Remedy is what we refer to. We always leave been credulous about cures by patent medicines, but we are convinced that this medicine toe family use is not overrated by the host of recommendutions it has, our ad vice is, fur all troubled with Indigestion, DOR isy or Rowel Complaint, to get a bottle and try it; our word for it. relief will in experienced. Blessings to the Invalids who use Sanford's Invigorator, for it will relieve them of their pain as rutin as it is taken into their stomach. loin and misery mound exit where the Invigorator is seed, or it will as surely drive them mesh us du) light will bullish durt•ness; el this there can be nu doubt to Oase who try it, Mr it curries toil with every dose taken. - Another evidence ii the thousands oreertiticutes truss those who use it or have bi no cured by it. 'fry one bottle, if it does nut benefit, we are mistaken. . - SASIOIM Proprietors, J 45 Broadway New York. Sold in Huutiugilou by Ilr:aar 11101.traund., and John Revd. Dr. (deo. H. Ker6or,‘llolosale Druggiot, No. 140, Wood tit., Pitiriairii, Wholeside.igeut. .1t au M4tr.24.17.-IF,