NEW ADTERTISEDIENTS. 40UNT1tY MERCHANTS! The Apple Harvest of 1857 has arrived, And if you wish to make money, please your customers and save canvassing agents (who can maks one, two mod even three hundred dollars per month) from supplying the goods in your town and county whirl, you ought to sell, you con do it by sending ten dollars for a sample co py containing six - of Pratt's Apple Parer's (250,1)0ti already sold) and Prati's Apple :Slicer, (0 new article,) and one thousand printed circu lars to distribute in your town or county. By so doing you will find no trouble in ordering and selling at a very large profit ten, twenty or oven a hundred dozen machines during the SCR s.. PRArr'S APPLE PARER was patented in 1853. Having a loose head or knilb carrier so arranged as to readily adjust itself to the ine qualities of the SU rfaCe I,l* apples, or other fruit, Oa working qualities of which have proved to excellent and udrantngeous to the community, that the munufacturers, Messrs. Sargent & Fos ter, have already been called on to supply more than hall a million machines. • PRAVPS APPLE SLICER. made to ac company the Purer, was patented in 1855. It is a small neatly constructed machine, and like its ccinipnniou, the Parer, dues most excellent work, cutting is about ll , c seconds, ouch apple into twenty-two equal perm, leaving, without winds', only a small core to bo 111110Ved, A child con readily work either Parer or Slicer at a speed preheat three bushels per hour. Retail price of each $1,50. All orders by mail Of othciwise should, to meet p rom pt at m, tion, he addressed to E. L. rIiATT, 617 Stinson' St., Philadelphia, Pa. 5ept.9,'57.-3t. LAST NOTICE. All persons indebted to the undersigned by note or book account, are requested to call and make payment on or before the lot day of No. vember !text. All notes and book accounts remaining unsettled after that date, will posi tively be sued out without respect to persons. .1. N. SWOOPE. Alexandria, Aug. 12, 1857. V.E.RY supzaron trria:z. Persons desiring a rcry superior while lime can new obtain it of the subscriber, ns be has just put into operation, a large drawddln, built upon an improved plan, and producing daily, lurFe 9nantities of the very bcul quality. With facilities unsurpassed, and limestone pure as any found in the state, he feels confident that he can render coat plete satisfitetion to those who give him n call. The attention of Buil. deco, Farmers and all wishing to buy lime, is respectfully invited no well to his low runes, as to the quality of his lime. ..... JOHN" lIAGEY c o tr e , Run, September 2,157.-2 m. SALE OF If It D l7 virtue of direction the last will of Ho p bert Allison, late of the borough of Hun• tingdon, deceased, the undersigned as Adm'e with the will annexed, will self at public sale the following described rein estate, as fellows, viz: On Salurday, the 10th of October, 1857, at the Diamond in said borough, Two and a half lots of ground in the borough of Hunting. don, fronting on the northern side of 11111 st,, and extending to Washington street, having thereon a two story brick dwelling, A. , 4 st (Alice, carriage house. stable, . ' &e., being numbered in the plan or said town, 1110, 101, stud western half of 90, and each subject to the one dollar ground rent.— A I.SO T wo o th er l o ts in said lioroughiet the corner of Washington and Smith sts., extending from Washington to Mifflin St., being Nos. 1311 nod 137 in said plan, enclosed by a fence, one ha. sing a stable, and the other a blacksmith's shop thereon, on which the ;pound remit is re• tensed. ALSO: Two other adjoining lots in said borough, at the corner of 511111i0 and Franklin sts., each fronting 50 feet on Mifflin, and extending to Church sh, being Nos. 208 and 20!) in said plan, enclosed, and subject to said ground rod. ALSO: A tract of land situate in ffenderson tp., flan• ii nA nl eii county, toljtiinitig lands or John Mc Cuban's heirs, of Dr. William Swoope, of Mrs. Colas, of Jacub Foci:ler, of George Taylor and land of others, c•nilaiuing • 390 Acres, mere or less, of shich about 120 acres are cleared, with a dwelling house, frame bank hum, orchards and other improvements there on, now in tenure of Andrew Decker. 'On Friday, the 2Mh day of Sepkmber, 1857, nt Altoona, Blair County, a tract of patented land, situate in Alegheny township, in said county, adjoining• land of- Glass; - Allen McCartney, Elliot Bahr and others, contain. ingabout 244 Acres, more or less, of which about 70 acres are cleared, with a house and barn thereon. lying 2} miles from Altoona and now occupied by Anthony Swiers, as tenant. Ott 2'hursday Me 241/ of September, 1857, at Ebensburg, in Cambria county, ainilf lot of ground in the borough of Ebensburg, situate on the south side of Iligh st., it being the nor• them half of lot No. 139 in the plan of said borough, having thereon a twthstory frame dwelling and other improvements, now occupied by Mrs. 11.1Iuteli:son. On Wednesday, the 23t7 of t%ptetaber, 1857, at Chest Spring I'. 0., in Cambria county, a tract of lane situate in Allegheny. and Clearfield townships, in said county, adjoining lands of Thomas Adams, Joseph Athens, Michael Fitz. gibbons, dames McMullin and others, containing 180 Acres, nu, or less. of which 30 acres are cleared, with a small log house and barn thereon, now occupied by William McKinzie, nod within about one, mile of Chest Spring, part of a tract surveyed in the name of William Hodge and patented. TEEMS OF SALE: • One•fourth of the purchase money to be paid on the lot of January, 1858, to the undersigned at Huntingdon, when and where he will deliver a deed, upon the purchasers paying as afore said, and giving their judgment bonds and mortgages to secure the balance of the pur- chase money in three equal payment.; viz: ono on the lst April, 1859, one lot April, 1860, and the other on let April, 1861 ; the whole balance to bear interest hem let April, 1858, payable yearly. The purchasers to have possession as landluds nn Ist January, 1858, subject to the rights of tenants and to be end• tiedto the rent falling due after that date. JAMES GWIN, Administ aloe de boas non. 5ept.2;57.-4t. Change Of Time. On and after Thursday, September 3d, Pas seuvrer Trains on the 11. & B. I'. R. R. will Leave Huntingdon at BA. and 4P. 11. Arrive nt " 2.30 P. hI. A 8.40 " ASSEMBLY, Messrs. Breinstee d Whittaker By request of uutnerous friends, I respectful. ly offer myself us a candidate for the Legisla. tare. LEVI EVANS. Coalmont, August 13th, 1857. splendid assortment of Stout, Crocks for e by 1). GROVE. lIIIKELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. [1%,1"!r „J ' IU i/lirtill tit ell.] AUDITOIUS NOTACZ. The undersigned Auditor, appaihted by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to din.. tribute the balance in the hands of Samuel T.'' Brown, Esq., Administrator de bonia eon of William Buchanan, late of Brady township, deceased, amongstlhose legally entitled thereto hereby gives notice to all persons interested, •that be will tattled for the purpose of making said distribution, on Thursday the Bth of Oc• tuber next, at one o'clock I'. M. at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons having claims are required to ;resent the same to the undersigned Autli• tor, or else be debarred from coming in upon said Nfld. THEO. H. CBEMER, Huntingdon, Sept. 2,1857.-4 t, Auditor. FARM FOR SALE. VIE subscriber being desirous of removing to j the west, otters his farm situated in West tr., on the road leading from Petersburg to Me. Alavey's Fort. for sale. His farm adjoins land of William Armstrong, Thomas F. Stewart, and others, containing about 265 Acres, About 170 acres clamed, and is a good state of cultivation. The balance id well timbered. iThe improvements are is , 4 Mi 't 1.}, , House, and a small t,1 ,4 c ' ;;E; r it e tr . :, .. B ., ol;:g ur ba.,k ~,: .. Iliere is also On the premises a young or chard, and water is piped to the door Irons ft never failing spring of winter. This plantation is highly productive, being good limestone Inn& It is situated within 21 miles of Peters burg where the railroad and canal passes Ours'. The subscriber is anxious to sell at private sale —and if not sold will sell it at public sale, on the premises, un Saturday, the 17th day of thr. toiler next. Terms made easy to suit purchaser; THOMAS HAMER, itg.26,*57..t5. VALUABLE FARM F 9.11, ► _Alili',,. In Porter 'l'l► , Huntingdon Co., Pa, The subscriber will ull't•r ut l'ohlie Sale, en the premises, on 'Tuesday the 20th of October, 1857, the farm on which he now resides, cun• sitting 265 Acres and 139 Perches. with allowance. 180 acres of which is cleared and inn good state of cultivation, the balance is well timbered. „, , i4l!f The improvements area large frame i 1011.3 and new bank barn, with all.llWit ” ' the itecessary outbuildings. It is very well watered, and is a very desirable location; three miles southwest of Alexandria, in whet is con e d the Loup. For further particulars enquire of the owner on the JtiHN DYSART, 2m, Administrator's Notice. IVidice is herehy given, That Letters of Ad• iniiiktration on the estate of Isabella it. Stitt, lam if Dublin township, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt• ed lu said estate, are requested to make inime. dime payment, and those having Maims agaimt the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to A. D. STITT, Adm. Aug 213,'57:6t..* Administrator's Notice, ',tit,. of ~hui,,istratithn or the estate of Win. Rutter, late of the village of Orhisonia, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate paytnent, and those having e:aims against the same will present them du ly autheuticated fur settlement. JAS. HARPER, Adm'r. Executor's Notice, ETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Ca. tharine M. (i win, late of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd., having been granted to the . undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to rile payment, and those having claim to present theta fur settlement. W. I'. OR BISON, Ex, Ang.19,57..6t.. SALE OF SAXTON'S STORE. The store of J. & W. Saxton is now open liar sale, by wholesale and retail of the entire im• incline stock of goods at grcat ly reduced prices. Deiders and all others who hare the cash can he accommodated at auction prices. Terms —Cash. x• 100 Socks Ground Alum Salt and 60 to. Plaster to be disposed of. SCOTT & BROWN, Att'ys for Creditors. Aug.5;57. NEW AND CIiEAP WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE DAVID GROVE: informs the citizens Huntingdon and, vicinity., and the public go: ernlly, that he has opened a Grocery Store c 11111 street, Huntingdon, u few doors west \V,n. Orhison's residence, where ho will at r times be prepared to suvplr customers with ALL KINDS GI GROCERIES, CII EA PER THAN TIIE CHEAPEST, at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teal Molasses, Cheese, Spisos, Confectionariei flatus, Salt, Brooms, Buckets, Segara, co, .I:e., &.e.; in fact, every article usually het in a Grocery Store. As I am determined to sell cheaper than flu cheapest, I want everybody to calland ft:maim my stock and prices. DAVID GROVE. Huntingdon, July 29, '57.1y. \riYEIMI t , PORK PACKEIIS, AND Wholerale Dealers iu Prorisions, No. 825 LIBERTY STREET, coituticuciA ROW, PITTSBUR PA. sEr Agents for Fairbanks' Settles. Apr.l,'s7. Porcelain Boilers and Pans, of eve. ry description, for sale at the Hardware Store of J. A. BROWN & CO. ASSIIIVEDLIC. The undersigned offers himself to the median. ice and working men of Huntingdon County ; as an independent candidate for Assembly. Morris tp., Sept. 2,'27. JAcou %Veto.. AGENTS WANTED! $130.0 Oe i h e u 'r tiL lut fo u r h a l few l }T;u c il i g 3 t a ue r trt: make a large salary without investing a capi tal. the above is no 'three cent catch-penny,' or humbug to introduce Patimit Medicines, Books, Sc. For an outfit, enclose stain'. for return postage. Address T. S. CARTER, Box No. 8, Lawrence, Bias% June. 8, '67:-Bm. LEST PE Pll TO he awardcd tin Agricultural Society. held in Huntingdon, on of October next. .r,rizrums, 111111ii11,,11011 at XI Fide. 111 be tte 14111,15thaud liith, HOR; Best Ship., $7 00 2d best, '4 00 3d best, 3 00 131,412 or 3 yr colt 5 00 Best under 1 yr., 2 00 Rest braod mare, 5 00 24 best do., 2 50 Pair draft horses, 5 00 2tl best do., 3 00 Best riding horse 4 00 24 best do., $2 00 Best mod. h's, 0 00 24 hest .10., 400 Bent trotting It's, 3 00 2.1 best, do., 2 0.0 Best lion ilr horse 3 00 24 hest do., 200 Best mole, 4 00 Best pair 40., 600 24 best do., 3 00 Judges—Dr. J. S. Griffith, Huntingdon; Morrow, Franklin tp.; Alex. Oaks, Barna ; Gen. J. C. Watson, Brady; Peter Stryker, Porter. . NEAT STOCK: i Best work oxen, 6 00 Best row, 4 00 i 2d nest do., 4 01) 124 best to., 300 3d best do., 300 Best 3 y'r heifer, 300 Bent boll, Et 0024 ()Vol do., 2 001 I 2d best do., 3 00 Best colt; 2 00 Itobt. Ttinsq, Morris ; Pater I.ivin,st , iti. Barret; Alex. Port it tiotiogdoo : I idk id Po pert, Henderson ; U. W. Sitter, siii,ey. BOGS: Best boar, 5 002t1 1;0, :; 2d best do., 3 00 I 11. 34 best do., 2 00 I Best sow, 4 ;. Jno. Colder, Porter; ~;••• •.' •. ion ; Baal Teague, Cr,.tow.,] Walker; H. 1.. *ceq rthy. ....... Best fine-w. b'k ,5 00 N 2d heat do., 300 2d b.., . 1 Best Southdown 5 00 Be,. !, , 2d best do., 3 001 Best lone-wooled 5 01) I 2 Best 10.1,,, 2 2d . best . ditto, 3 .. 00 I - - W. Hutchison, Warrh tal, Penn, John Sharer Franklin; Daniel Good orsmark ; Isatit• r, Shirley ;. .la 6. Inifin, 111,01,r:do, PLO V 4 no 3 00 I3rst, 2j best, :1,1 (Jest, 2 0,) dill best, 1 00 .1. S. (sett, ; Jobs Garner, Penn Jun. Galbraith, Shirk Ismte Martin. Porter. AG RICU LTURAL Rest subsoil plw, 3 00 Best harrow, 2 MI Best cattiest or, 3 00 Best Hill Side, 3 00 Best Windmill, 3 00 S. 11. Bell. Sl id er ; ter; 11. Hamilton, (V Franklin ; B. x: 'Y9 IL 11. 31iiier, 11 INIPLEMENTS Best Wheat drill. :t 0 , ) Best t'oropliiter 3 00 Best Horse nil, 2 00 Itexper a Mower, 0 00 Jacob littrocanw, I'or• ira:uark ; John Lyon, Dub Olt Best *bite wire, 3 60 2d best do , 200 3:1 best do., 100 Best red wheat, 3 00 2:1 best do, 2 00 3(1 best do., 1 00 Best yellow corn, 1 00 2:1 best do., 50 Best barley, 1 00 Best sugar cars, 1 00 Thos. Fisher, Huntingdon; T. T. Cromwell, Cromwell ; John Neff, West ; Thos. F. Stewart, West; G. M. Thompson, Franklin. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES : Best bread, 3 00 2(1 best do., '5O '‘:(ll:est do„ 2 00 Best hard soap, 1 00 3d best do., 1 00 2d best do., 00 Best pound cake, 1 00 Best candles, 1 00 2d be st do., 50 Id best do., 50 Best sponge do., 1 00 Best carpet, 2 00 Id best do., 50 2d cot do., 1 00 Best butter, 300 Best hearth rug, 1 00 2.1 best do., 2 00 2d best do„ 50 3,f b e st do., 1 00' Best flannel, 2 00 Bent domes. sitg'r 2 00 2d best' do., 1 00 2d best, . do., 100 Best quilt, 2 30 best do., 50 2(1 best do., 1 Best apple butter 1 00 I Best wool sock, 2d best do., 50 Best worsted do., Best tote. ketchup 100 Bea nrnnmar tal Best honey, 1 00 needle•work, 1 Best jelley, 1 00 2:1 best ditto 2d best do., 50 Best silk enii:rn'y t 00 Best preserves, 1 00 2d hest, dn.. 50 2d best do., 50 Best shell work, 1 00 Best pickles, 100 2.1 best do fill Best bbl. flour, 2 00 .Cornmies.l,soll: 31 00 2(1 best do., 100 Suit honteapun, 00 13nel:wheat meal, 1 00 Shirt, 1.110 Ist. Eatables: A. W. Benedict, 11 un Jackson, Huntingdon ; stub ; Mrs. J. S. Iseti Hamilton. Warriors:nal 2d hog 50 Bost while corn, I 00 :Id best do., Best Rye, lon 2d best "do., 5,, Best liat,4, 1 W) 2d best do., ,lo Best buckwheat, 1 cu 2d best do., 50 niingdon ; Mks I'm:loner ; Mrs. IL Gemini'', Alex t, Franklin ; Mrs. Bap irk, 2d. Wearing Amore John Porter, Alexa Huntingdon ; 11. A. Fite Melissa Green, Clay ; M tiny don. ibb Fancy, .Nice((' at Mrs. Henry Neff, Stiles, Huntingdon ; Huntingdon ; Miss Jo burg ; Mrs. Ann Masse MEC 11 AN ICA L PI FACT' Hest 2 hoe. ear . ge 2 00 Best bug,ty, 1 0 0 do. sett ein. liar., 1 00 do. do. limn. do., 1 00 do. bridle sad. 1 00 do. pair boots, 1 Oil do. pair shoes, 50 do. side sole lea., 1 00 do. kip S calfskin 1 00 do. har. A upper, 1 00 do. 2 horse w g, 2 00 Ftarrent'raeru'r 2 00 do. shovel, 50 do. hay link. 50 do. manure do., 50 do. parlor do., 2 00 do horse power, 5 00 do. window sash, 2 00 andria ; Jacob Snyder, Ltliiirst, Franklin ; fis ,Nlary ml Ornamental Work: Al •xatillrin ; Mks .11114 11iss Nlary Ann Afriett, in,, Shir .y, Hunt LP:NIP:NTS & NI A N I!• 10t rub. W and iltt Vat'. iiu W3rt., 1 In, v:1111111 Ston, 1 04 do. niishin In: Ite,t Brat chlirn, Best 1.1,1 hill., :;I) lot In:irbil•Wolk 2 00 Best mink stove, 1 00 do. eutting.ens, 2- 00 do. sp..tle, 20 do. hoe. 511 do. horse Isar, 200 do. cook stove. 200 211. hest do., 1 00 do lotael door, 200 do. rifle, 2 00 , Porter; Geo. J ; ,,h 5 ,,,,, nn, Cromweil ; 1,,, .I.A. ho Nylon, \Vest. Gen. S. Mile;Green, Jackson; It. It. Wiga Shade, Shade Gap ; Jo' ITS: 2,1 bill do., 1 00 Best quitives, 100 Best and greatest variety . grapes, 2 00 Best nut:ve do., 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Beat duo. peach, 1 00 2d beat do., 00 Best doz. plums, 1 00 2d beat do., 50 ingdon ; Israel Gil:flies, i. Scott, Huntingdon ; ilaxandria ; Mrs. T. H. Best and greatest - varied,' apples, 3 00 2d heat do., 2 00 Best duz. fall do. 2 00 2d heat do., 1 00 Best doz. whiter, 2 00 2d best do., 1 00 Best wint'r pears 2 00 2d beat do., 1 00 Beat lid do., 2 00 R. B. Petriken, Huni Alexandria; Mrs. Joe Mrs. W. D. Shaw, J Cromer, Huntingdon. AISLES EG ET Beat potatoes, 2 00 24 best do., 1 00 3d best do., 50 Best Aleshannoe, 1 00 Beat Menicati, 1 00 Best Pink Eye, 73 Best white pota., 75 Best red do., 50 Best blue, do, 50 Best sweet do., 1 00 Beat tomatoes,, 1 00 2d best do., 75 3d best do., 50 B Bvat Purple Eggs 5 6 g Bat }fete, do. beets, 50 do. parsnips, 50 du. carrots, 50 do. turnips, 50 do. onions, 50 do. celery, 50 do. cabbage, 50 2d best do., 25 Best pumpkins, 50 Best piepump. 50 do. squashes, 50 do. water melon, 50 do. musk melon, 50 do. ben., ' 59 do. peas, atl A hdrolv Al!ism, /I, riltinwo.ll; .1n,•;;lo t;lay; David E,o : E. ()I.!1i. 1)...,5,%.1•11. ; nit., (Iron:m.l]. FLORAL LL• 3 , ,IitTmENT Best display flow. do. var. dailli;ls, 1 00 ars in . idt . aan, 2 00 2I hest do.. 2d hest du., 1 00 lie.t bnyn:t livst dis. plants, 2 00 Creinor, Ilnutin rlrti ; T L luiltit4loll ; J 111.3 1.. , Nish Susan Nyll; .• . • • .• Curtney, Franklin. POULTItY Best pr. turkeys, I MI 2.1 2,1 In,t (IS., 51' I'. 21.1 Lel 11;;.. 501 I, • Bestid'ilucks, 00 2.1 F. Ilitslett, .Iforris; Ii 1 .;• ley; *lobo Porler, Alexandr: :, ~,•,, tingdou ; Jos. Ilendersost, Cassville. PRINTINO : Best blanks, 100 I fi,it card pri:leg 100 do, handbills, 100 PAINTING : ILIA, in nil, 2 00 24. best In., :0 2 .1 biiit ilo., 1 00 Iti,t in w. color, I , (10. oil lithogr S I PO 2t.1 i:. , ilii., 2,1 hest do.. 00 I ilii. i• -:i lin ,lii, i 1 ~ iii 4, Ilia• 11:r ...i •.:l f.~~l'~~:~ ... .. 4', ~~ ~ ... 1... . iiti tir:l.F i .<