ttntingbrin Aournal. \~ ' l ,//,/,.1.: , .- ..& , (4. 4- f,w , ti!___'? -,::-:`, , ,:,% 1 11Pr, ---7,—_ '- , ,.- . ...1r, , -... „--------- 4,--.,•;Svi,:vs„ Sf =~ ~~ WILLIAM BREWSTER, ? EDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER. S Wednesday Morning, Septenibei 9,1857. "01lee more our glorious banner out Unto the breeze we throw ; Beneath its folds with song and shout We'll charge upon the Jim." FOR GOVERNOR, DAVI D WILMOT, OF .BRADFORD COUNTY. FOR CANAL. COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM MILLWARD, FOR SUPREME JUDGES, JAMES VEECH, OF FAYETTE COUNTY. JOSEPH J. LEWIS, OF CHESTER COUNTY. FOR SENATOR, Gen. IV3I. 11. KOONTZ, of Somerset co. FOR ASSEMB LY E LEVI EVANS, of 'Pod Township. FOR PROTHONOTARY', JAS. McELROY, of Porter Township, FOR REGISTER • RECORDER, HENRY GLAZIER, of Huntingdon. FOR TREAiITRER, FRANKLIN IL LANE, of Brady Tow'p. FOR COMMISSION ER, G. W. NATTERN, of Franklin township FOR DIRECTOR OF TILE POOR, PERRY MOORE, of Morris township FOR AUDITOR, PHILIP D. STEVENS, of Cass township, WILMOT AtID VICTORY: GREAT XEETING ! One of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings ever held in our borough, convened in the Court House on Friday evening last, to hear our able and eloquent candidate Judge WILMOT. It was one of the most powerful, eloquent and convincing appeals we have ever listened tc, and aroused the audience to the highest pitch of enthusiasm. From some unaccountable reason or motive, the Secretaries have not given us the proceed ings to publish, but we hope to lay them before our readers next week. Everything passed oil well with the sweep- rims of an attempt made by a few Hazlehurst Straightout blackguards, and scoundrels, the MAO. of Wharton, to create a disturbance by having a resolution passed denouncing our pa per, and to cheer for Straightoutism. This however was confined to a circle of Imeofocos and other Ishmaelites. runt "M U." TAX+ Levi Evens, our candidate for Assembly, ilaS come out boldly and honestly to opposition to the removal of this tax from that great monop' oly—the Pennsylvania Railroad.' He comes out honestly in opposition to the plundering of $3,000,000 from our Treasury, proposed under the garb of aiding a railroad. Ile comes out honestly in opposition to an increase of taxa tion, and declares hitnsplf "first, last and all the time opposed to any scheme which will in• crease the State debt, or place a heavier load upon the already overburdened shoulders of tax•payers." His supporters are those who are in favor of promoting the interests of the pm, ple and the consequent prosperity of our good old Commonwealth. Here you have his plat form. Taxpayer what think you of it ? Do you wish more taxes? Then oppose him. Are you in favor of plundering the Commonwealth and placing unbounded power its the hands of mammoth corporations 7 Then don't vote for Levi Evans, for ho is not the man for you. But if you are in favor of keeping on tire three mill tax, Bc., vote for Levi EMT.. There is not a single individual in the county who is in any way connected with the Pennsylvania Railroad, so tire as our knowledge extends, but who 9ppo. ses Evans and supports Wharton or Houtz I Why is this? Why simply because the latter gentlemen aro favorable to taking off the three "mill" tax and Mr. Evans is not. Is anything more required 7—then here it is t Dr. Houtz would never have been nominated had it been thought he was trot in favor of taking off the taxi because the Convention which nominated him was controlled by Anderson A Co., and Anderson is the Railroad personified. Now it is only necessary to look at those who support Wharton, to see that he "is tarred with the same stick." Who are they ? Those COLI• needed with the Railroad. Aides Benedict supports hint, and Alden is employed by the corporation; in fact ho is a mere "pimp" of Mr. Anderson. We believe this is the gentleman who holds the doctrine that "poor men have no business to own a cow," and ilkilled by the railroad "the Company has no right to poy da• AP . ' Such is the character of the opposition to Mr. Evans. It behooves the honest voters of the county to look at both sides and vote for the right. The issues are presented, the position of candidates defined, and you are called upon to decide. Taxpayers, ponder. Think belbre you act • examine this matter thoroughly, and do not, by opposing Mr. Evans commit an act for which you will ever afyer have cause to re pent. •@'•l, W. BEAR, the Buckeye Blacksmith, w,ll uddrees the friends of Wilmot and others on lliutsrlay evening. THEIR ANTietDENTB. It lo but right and proper that the people of the county should .know something of the men (1) who, violating every principle of honor and trampling upon every law of justice and common decency, presented and acted upon the .resolution" published in another place, in the meeting held in this borough, on Friday evening, intended to annihilate us, and do oth• er serious damage to the world at large. The individual who first originated the move was Samuel S. Wharton. The creature who wrote and presented the pope' was Aiden W. Benedict, (let Antold behis alias,) and the tools who acted on it, in the yelling and blow. ing way were the publishers of the Huntingdon American and some half dozen other Locofocos disguised in the garb of Straight-out Ameri cans, in this borough. We claim it as a right and feel it to be a duty to enter a brief notice of these "worthies." Samuel Wharton has won for himself an un enviable reputation. His course, ever since he has appeared upon the political stage lips been marked by every species of low cunning, (which passes for tact among his admirers,) and political debauchery. He was, is, and ever will be, at all times, all things to all men. He is a man, who, to carry out his selfish ends and accomplish his selfish objects, would stoop to almost any depth of political knavery. He was once, when the material of the county was worked up, nominated and elected by a small majority to ropnesent us in the Assembly. His course, whilst there, was marked only by schemes and plans for sellaggrandixement, and, through his instrumentality, bills were passed which defrauded and cheated the citi• zees of the county out of thousands of dollars. He was instrumental in procuring the enact. ment of certain laws contrary to the expressed desires and in conflict with the interests ors majority of his constituents, and boldly, in de• fiance of every principle of integrity and con• reel and fair dealing suppressed the true senti ments of his constituency in numberless in. stances. But time and space forbid mention of hundreds of other cases of like nature, in which lie misrepresented the people. Enough has I been shown to convince any sane man, that he is an unsafe person to trust with the interests of a community whose every official act has been in direct conflict with the desires ola nca. jority of his constituency, With such a course of legislative action, and such unparalleled treachery to his party and former friends sta• ring him in the face, Col. Wharton sought, after his term had expired, a re-nomination. His line of conduct was then fresh in the minds of the people, and with a unanimity which did honor to the hearts and heads of the free and intelligent voters of Huntingdon county, they spurned his claims and thus openly and unrms takably repudiated him and his official actions. NO9OOllBl. was this well-merited rebuke admin istered to him by the Whig ;may of the comity, than he, S. S. Wharton, came out an indepen• dent candidate in opposition to the regular no minee of the party which had formerly elected him ; and, in conjunction with the very Locofe. eon whom he now declares we are aiding, en. dentoted to defeat the Whig nominee and I cure a triumph of Locoibeuism. Nor is this all. At that very election Samuel S. Wharton Wed the entire Locofoco tic!.•et ! Yes, freemen, he who now denounces us as aiding Locofoco ism—knowing that through the fale.e passage of his throat he lies—endeavored to defeat the Whig ticket and voted openly for the Locofoco candidates! Nor in Ws all, although it is suf. ficient to damn him forever in the eyes of him. est net, for as late na last fall we find him nr• rayed against union and harmony, openly cour ting the smiles of Locofocos, and acting in such manner as would best promote the inter• ests and secure the triumph of Border Ruffian• ism. Thus is familiar to you ;we need go .o farther And now, honest voters of Hutting• don, this is one of the men who tell you we are seeking to aid the Loeofoco party. Where, think you, as men of intelligence, me the con science of such a creature ? With the most audacious effrontery, after thus•time and again resorting to the lowest cunning to aid the Lo• cofoco party, he had the impudence to offer himself as a candidate, this summer, for the Assembly, "subjeet to the decision of a Union County Convention !!" Impudence unparal leled 1 Effrontery without a precedent ! How, how honestly, how, in the name of all that is consistent, and all that is good, could such a man, who has shown front his past action that he is at heart a Locofbco, be nominated as the choice of the auti•Locnfsea voters of Hunting- I don? Wharton had no claims on them ; rc i more Oahu than has James Buchanan. We know all this, and you, fellow.citivlis. it y,,a are not wilfully blind and deaf, must know it too. Such is the political hishry of the man who is the prime mover in this 'fresolution." you, citizens of Huntingdon county, apart from all considerations of character, support such a man ? How can you, after twat a course, place any confidence in the man who can tray you with a .kiss," who can he capable of treachery to his party and disloyalty to his friends, only equalled by an Arnold or a Herr who has sacrificed your interests and and spit upon and done violence to your principles? Will you not, as freemen, who love your coun try, your party and the laws of society, teach him that lesson he so greatly needs, that your rights are not to be jeopardized by incompe• tent, unprincipled and had men. We are content to abide your decision and shell with confidence look forward to your an. swer at the ballot•box. The next character in this "farce upon farce" is one Alden W. Benedict, a fourth-class law yer of this borough, and a man of undoubted ability—in his own estimation. There are two reasons which induced Alden to drag him self from his seclusion, and unbury the Nded." dy tomahawk : Ills unquenchable thirst tor no toriety and his bitter personal animosity to our selves individually. We had once intended to let Mr. B. rest, and, like a dead mackerel by moonlight, "shine and stink, and stink and shine" to his heart's contest, but "second thoughts is beet," and we are content to notice him briefly. 1- We hare never knoan a political campaign to puss over, tint this gentleman did not do something desperate "to get his name in the papers." He once took umbrage at us, and coming to discontinue his paper, found an ac. count of some ten or fifteen years standing, for subscription, against him, and because we charged hint full rates, "plead the limitation on the Account." He next attacked us in the Globe and Ametiran of this place, and in lan guage which shocked decency, indulged in low, vulgar abuse of us. We retaliated, bttt in pro per language, and the result has been seem Mr. B. has been interred—politically—never again to enjoy the pleasant sunshine of puliti• cal prosperity.. So much for the latter reason fur his conduct now. His "unquenchable thirst for notoriety," Vie second, often gets the better of his judgment, an as a consequence, often places him in unenviable positions. We pity him for this, and cannot but trent him less severely than others. Mr. B. has a peculiar mode of defence ; we have never yet known him to engage in a newspaper war in which he did not drag his Christian profession into the ere. on, and seek to profit by representing himself in the character of an injured Christian. Nor should we be at all astonished should he appear next week in his old assumed character. Mr. B. accuses us, in his resolution, an seeking to aid Locofueoism. Mr. B. is a chnrcl:•stemher, but we have no hesitancy, whatever, in telling him that he lies—under a mistake. But this stereotyped islander in too ridiculous to merit our notice, and as we had merely intended on commencing this article to give the antecedents of the indi +ideals who are attem piing to saddle upon us this cloned and cursing crime, we pen seed to take a retrospective glance at A iden, the wine. Mr. It's political career has be, ti checkered. At one time here, another th:::e like the little joker, "tiow yon see him. 41.:i now you don't." 'ow did Mr. Benedict steed. politically, in 1853. A rewnlar Whir ;iek.t 1111:1 nominated, James Maguire headie the candidate for Assembly. The nominations were made fairly and honorably, and without doubt were the hottest expression of the voters of the county. Was Mr. Benedict in favor of those nominations? No sirs ! He opposed them; he opposed them bitterly; he opposed them with all his abilities; and he travelled through the county to secure the defeat of the Whig candidate, Mr. Maguire, and the success of the Locofltco candidate, Samuel S. Wharton. Dare be deny tr. ? We challenge him. Is this al!? Nu ; he voted against the nominations made by that Courention ; and yet, such at man with such a political character staring him in the face, before a respectable cult Inanity, could perpetrate as cool, deliberate, debasing, iucott sistent, an action ns to charge us with "aiding Locofocuism," when his whole past history, since 1853, has been one continued and con. tinual endeavor to aid Loeofocoistn. Olt ! shame! where is thy blush. Oh 1 hypocrisy, thy Elaine is Aiden Benedict. We know full well Mr. Be.' tender spots.— Elow may a man Lelittle himself, by cultivating vindictive feelings in his heart. The conduct of Mr. B. clearly evidences the Met, that men will sacrifice any sentiment, however just or noble, or honorable, if they can thereby ostru. else [boss who hare outwortertilled them in po• !hien! tactics by a course of honesty. He has made sad 'mistakes in his political manceuvres, owing to a want of fairness, and now envies his superiors, and has determined that if he cannot reign, he will try to ruin. But he has exposed his errors, and satisfied every reasonable mind that he dwells among the "departed spirits" of the political world. Fur the good of our cause, we pray that his next resurrection may he in the Lueofoco party, fur which his princi• pies lit hint, for which he has so long been la• boring, and where he justly belongs. This is the past history of another of the poseys who charge vs with seeking to aid L0C310.6111. Now for the third class. The American publishers and seine liall.duzen Straight•uuters ita this borough. We have here great room to `spread ourselves" but we canuot occupy much space with inferior objects. We shall go back one year, and where do we find them ? Honest opponents of locofocriisin ? union meu ? True American Oh, no, What then were. they? firm, as open, as anaai.itskable Loiuullcne any one who noted fir Buchanan. We heard them time . proclaim on the street. that they : • ,•.ppirt rmictiao. an than Fremont, . :itch, rote eor the devil than a a`. Did not e.icn ris it tees of the honest of the: c.,l4nty tat upon them, and in,.t a p:eari with them to rapport the Us fa: Ticket? Oh, yea, honest artert. ain't this. Bat they votevl for a 1..c.:f0e0 last tali at least we heard them so e•:lace immediately after the election Dottc this savnr anything .v "aiding Locofocoism 1.),f4 thti IOOk honest and consistent action? But 'Lit Ste lest, • cis bay and worse than folly to follow Lp their other actions. IS not what we ha,e a:• ready given sufficient? Here then ce The evidence is too overwhelming already t , give at a single fear that you will fail to at re c'ate their designs, and see through their h.te motives. In concluding this article, let us infrirat I,llr friends thatthese are the men who are snot is takable friesds of Locofocoism. These are ILe men aho are selling you without your ki.owi• edge, who have controlled you against your will. They hesitate at nothing to aeccanpliih their base purposes; lies and slander are their familiar weapons. But we wish it here tincily understood that we are not to be deter red Isom the discharge of our duty or intimidu ted by threats or even injury... A - whiny, no nothing shall prevent us from properly discharg• lug the obligations which rest upou us, and we know and feel that there is honesty enough left in the good citizens of the county to sustain us in our courae. If truth, justice and honesty will prevail, we shall next year be represented by Levi Eva., and Samuel S. Wharton will be the "worst licked" man that ever ran for office, Mark it. gerThe September No. of the Ladies' Jour• nal is before us. Published by Scattergood & Co., Inquirer buildings, Philadelphia, at $1 30 per year. It is an excellent work and deserves psublic pittrinabe, Why Do We Oppose Whar- ton's Election ? _ For his sake wo would prefer passing this ques tion by in silence. For though his past career —ph rate and poll ti rad —elm not be forgotten while he persists in forcing himself on public nt tendon, we feel no d ipoeition to exhibit him in his true cheroot. and colors, in our columns. Barely, everybody in the county knows his his tory ; and knowing t hat, should not usk why on honest itereddlenn aim. refuses to flatter his presumption oust honor his iniquities. But as portion of his shortsighted supporters impru dently, us we think, press this question on our attention, we have concluded to commence, this week, with fhe least odious count in thetiong and , dark list of reasons why we will not, can not support Mr. Wharton fox tiny office, anti why the great mats of disinterested, independent fi•reamee q/ the county cannot support him under oily eir omelette.. But to our reasons for our course. 1852, after twelve or fifteen y ear.' ttuitless seeking after office, accident ob tained for Mr. Wharton what his merits never had and never could—a nomination for Assem bly 1 The next year the people took care that "accide iit".should not repeat its folly. In in 1101 eanvention of intelligent, honorable delegates, chosen by 11 very large vote. Wharton was re jected, and a capable man of unblemished moral character received, as lie deserved, the vote of the Convention. What did Mr. Whartea do 1 After having heen nominated by accident and elected by mere int leraitce the year before, how did lie act now, when accident Weil to favor and common sense and mg-respect ruled him 01l the ticket} Need ce tell the voters of don county 100 lie :feted 7 They have not tol.- 1,0)1(.11 his int n.r ty to tfie tick , his r lent ilittitmcimion Oa, t , at I,a vs, 813 nyt sq.l i; • Inc : , Vt P1..11 etatt+ing. w into, ,11.1 ti frl,lllNlouti, , ,'• . - curt. a ( ; ; ambition are: 1;3,, ; ;II over a col. , i,letit • 11111 it , 11.1 ail. 'll e 11,a, . man Whntoil. (hiring at , 111(.1/, • _ of 1853, SIIMVeII 10i tinly. weakness of 1;i: 11,11 et.t. 1:t I :; ; tile power lie would ILI VC MI , • crush his antagonist and , sought. Anil eau any one tit.Q Thay ore kno,n to carry III:111 that county papers, and •ti.o painfully fresh in ti,c r, - mem bronco of multitudes Of wir purest and lie, citizens. And if Mr. Wharton .I,ink.m.timrwisc .ho will be undeceived on the second Tumql,ty of October. if not sooner. Now we put it to the candor of honest, think log men, without distinction of party, whether it Is not a metal as well us politicolduty to pro tect the honor of our comity from the deep hu miliation and degradation of electing to a re sponsible office, a man possessing such princi ples, pursuing such a course, and perpetrating such acts, which have not since been repented of; displayin such arrogant and tyrunical feel ings, whiehitave not :Mice been modified or sal toned? We say Ilk acts of 1853, aro nut repen ted of, but gloried in and defended ; and we shall show in our next issue that his course last fall was equally treasonable and disorganizing, and if possible, more infamous than in '53. We say the (panics/ spirit of the man lots not changed for tho better since 1853. Ile is going about even now breathing threatenings and curses up on all who dare oppose him. Nny, he is even silly, as will as vindi et:sue enough to threaten and tell us, to our face, that he "will crush Ifs if we do nut stop this here thing;" that is, if we do not smother our convictions of right, abandon our duty to the grouse majority of sine-re and • steadfast American Republicans, lay our man• hood in the dust, and advocate his election ! ! We mention this merely to prove what we above. Wo are not so cowardly as to from our duty if we thought he Mel the pow. r. as he has the will, to put them iitu executi On the contrary. se tell Mr. Wharton an I la: new-found lhulchnrst friends, time his threats to injure us in our business, or personally, "pass u• as Ills wind, which W 3 respect not ;" a ntl elite if every other difficulty iambi he removed iron! our mind, tit ese threats—which savor more of Popery and the Inquisition titan of Anierieon : iern and jessdom, would hold its to our position, keep us firm in our integrity to truth. justice, the fair fame of our country and the true inter ests of the party whose organ we have been and • are ; and who will all see before long, if they do not realize it now, tliat our position is COR 11ECT as well as impregnable. theca ar.d We have given fteo i( in :,ns • t •*.,• 9 , 1,.twn which head', „ f rtot to um - belt t, mid the tl .110 pt.itit , /4 fell ,1,111 “re, per twt2w;,tit tiviicatu to tlit,t, Ilttfut putt. THE CKIn M 1 men for the t•lvut;on ot • oar nt,ble an , :io,ati , Lori EVIL., tirt• that ex- The an.j.l,lin,, in .11., rollout. Of allot V,o;.ry," and v., hro rejoiced tit their waking Truth nil NirlA 01 rim comity we are receiving the most cheering imcili.zence. From the lower mid oki, ciao, ty we have t h e as:ter:mar that all is right for Evans. From the upper mid we have news. A ~itntleman who has travelled through several of the townships, informs us that all the people are for Evans, and that the other candidates wilt have to take, the “tail end." So it is everywhere, The following is an extract from a letter just received from a reliable gen. deman wrhia man 'Tod' who writes for the Ameriean, must he one one meat despicable tool and notorious falsifier. Ido not think he has any respect for truth at all Mark the pro• diction t Tod, Ihipewell and Cass townships will give Evans 400 majority over Wharlonand Houtz combined." Then let us shout, boys, shout, and make the welkin ring. sta.- Shipment. of coal over the Broad Top Railroad for the 'week ending Thursday, Sept. 3d, were nl7 tons; (or the season, .09,009 tons. REFRESOINGIMPUDZICE. When the interests of a political party are committed to the special care and keeping of political prostitutes, knaves and scoundrels, it should be a matter of no surprise if such par. ty becomes dismembered, disorganized, or die• banded. From this cause can be traced the die rupture of every political scheme and urgent. eat ion that has had a being and that has passed sway. No cause, however just, and no party however correct its t rinciples can live and tri• sinph under the dictation and guidance of men devoid of principle and honor, whose. sole ob• Yeets and aims are selfishly confined to their own elevation. To these facts, wit would rend. estly yet nevertheless earnestly direct the atten• thin of the members of the American and I'.e• publican parties of Huntingdon County. Es pecially in view of the late action of a han d -full of desperadoes, minions of one of the political vett ares adds eounty, on the occasion ofJiadge Wilmot's visit to our borough, is this note of warning particularly seasonable. But to be brief, let us come at once to the pe•ot, Samuel S.Wha•ton recei,9ll nomination for Assembly. how that nomination ovas brought about, is known to every one, wo have already shown. It was partly through a pipelaying, cunningly devised scheme, dishonoral,le and da'stardly, and partly by smooth t• noke• like impudence. These are facts, to prove which would requite no extraor dinary exertion on our part. The penplo of oar county were thus grossly insulted, the purl• ty and honor of our party smined and sullied, with this humiliating spvctucle before us, • . inept:llea to endorse a damning fraud nit 7 'bill hot nu llont,t voter otPily al; Wo arrayed ourAelves .1 .1 o n t naqi vajost. ~ , iA dial,lical net, rvgardlesi °fall consequot, an t when the Ire• , , intleiwndent and vit.!i:• I , a the eettelyhreu ittforwar.l :kll Upri.;lll Mall, elidurSed 111111. Leeame very ohnex• t r--IVhartoli. IVo were warned, pvr.iotial• [ll,l Slip in the proposed ‘'crash" tvs i n . formed that it resolution would he offer , 1 Inemim; which *lodge Wilmot. was whirls, to use the Coin ownelassie With tiles ''inFC.:.• he,e parr `'l,lti".tly intentions, NV' V..,•1` fl , 'lll ,Irpri sed to find him rril ri I.3oncdiet —Arnolri it 51...).11.1 "Ralolved, That the COMse of the Jourout is calculated to uid Loculbeoism." As we before stated, we were aware week, ago, that this resolution would be offered, by inl'ormation from Wilms. himself ; and we and our friends had determined on offering no opposition to it. Accordingly when presented, it is needless to say it reeeivtgl the endorsal of Wharton's creatures. We are perfectly willing to abide by flee decision of the people howovedy in preference to political prostitutes. At the same time, a County Committee was formed, by a Committee consisting of the two publishers of the Anzerielza, and others. The Amelicitu and Republiena County Committees were diosolteel , nod a new one both partied appointed by these men, without a shadow of authority. Here was a cool and deliberate ns. sum ption of power decidedly and emphatically refreshing. Real Louis Napolennisk. Who • gave these men (who last fail wee., tltritilit out •11-,••,? , , and '•pitehed 10t,." the '•lllack the f•ti 1414 , 4 s" with as much gusto as the filthiest -4.heet) authority to dissolve the Ile publican County Committee? NVlos delegate d theta ? Where are the credentials ? When were they appointed, how and by whom? We can hardly believe that men could become so foolish, so perfectly and absolutely ridiculous as to engage in so complete a piece of nonsense. What do our Republican friends throughout t:te county think of it? It would be outragous if it was not so perfectly and inconceivably ridie. talons. It tallys well htwever, with tie former Resolution, and is in prrect keeping wills it. I Just think of it. A new men (?) abalone of n candidate for office, hold a meeting, pass ro,u. lotions denouncing: all who don't believe, us they I.C.ieve: and dissolve the County COMM of ~rty which they have time nod main de. of have r • ;‘,..wory ; ,aid them v. oh 11.1. o .I.otte.• rorr'rfri:/!;.'0tt.'1.1),, tLCrr it Ito party but Strtti,fotistn mid Pi Lartou i.i its lowltte. ,•re , ...1, lip n wvre ,thi,i,lo , (l that tloy, I,:tring the aninawiti, an .1 the; spirting their venom at us under disgeise. And yet smut tf these very men are proieising and have sat nt the Lord's Table with a raecour in their hearts and a hate towarda their fellow-men that could plang,o the's kailb intu their vital,— Pity the pour creatures. OUR OPPOSMON. Let the honest voters ut our county but look at those who oppose . t he election of Levi Evans, and they must be satisfied that it is a deep and well formed sidle= of the Ponn'a Railroad, to impose upon them. • Anderson & Co. secured the nomination cf Houtz, ai.d such men as A. Benedict, over whom Andersou has unbounded power, if not complete control, were the wire• pullers in Wharton's nomination. The Rail road is perfectly safe no matter which (Wharton or Houtz) is 'elected. I,oolc - OUT ! Let our friends and the friend of Mr. ?vans throughout the county be on their gua•d. Let- ters, and documents, and mer. will and have been scut out from this place, to prejudice your minds. Be watchful, be vigileut, and trent these slanders and slanderers as they desire. WHO ARE L0W0.103 ? ' If illitors wish I.) I the I.nenr, COS, they shor..lii Collie ttnt opt Ms. so limt the American itopai.itcatlS orlhe oplulty will himw t heir true position. - -lillid..l,,Tic , it. Sept. That is cool absolutely terwhiti,•• f, dog days. 'gillo oat °licitly, eh, eighbur We have no doubt it world be very pkosio g to you and gratifying to your own inclinations, if we Acerb/ come out "openly" anti rampantly in ' favor of Loeolitcoism, as the A etel'iCan has too • anti again, and is now doing in supporting Ss,. uel S. Wharton ; for, we do pronoure gentleman at heart 01 head a real, genuine Louotoco. To prove this, it is unnecessary for • US to go bock limiter than the election of 1858 when, wo are informed by one of our best eiti• cons, that S. S. Whatton, voted an open and en tire Lot ofoco ticket. This fact it in believed. should it beeeme necessary, eon be stistaint. , by the affidavit of II prominent member of Democratic party in this borough. Ilad our neighbors orate American not d Inn,gnage ainti• far to the following, although it might not have jing.gltd exactly with their present no ti on , of ''l6o duty of the opposition," world, tmverthe• less, be more in acemdance with their past ac tions and views :—"lf the Jimmie! editors with " to aid the I.oeorocos, they shred,' come out, as ee (IN lent nil!, when we opposed the Union Electoral 'fiekig, awl did such ex " edlent service for our Lecuroca brothers, but " for we were au amply reamer:mi. They 111,411 come out °peal:, a; we did " when we voted for Mr. Orallius Miller, the Loeofoen oomi, • ' !•, • ti !! i preference to Then I,y (I 11:, (..1110, ;•„ro 7 " and proelnimed it on the street, Or. should nome out openly, an we Om now, in nt. pp rtctl I " nor of in men who votel th (rot:, Loeortico ,1 , 1 Den,ocrt:c lnrlrii pacing Om deck of the " and rubbery I" Stich hingtm;re ... priately and in fact e , asistently he u led by our worthy American neighbor., Hut tho fact i. our nc:Abors must °sense us if we f‘il a• dela their :mggistions and follow 'heir example. It would minim a stretch of co . nseienpe and sacrifice of principle, of self respect, and dr. coley which we ire not prepare•! to make, and which a life•time of uprightne, could scarcely I tAir Tim att,litimi of the public is invited repair. But were our principle 3, our notions of to ties advcrti, tl.cut in this column, of right, and oar integrity hung no loosely an 123, North :id crH we wr t of, we could find no inrourenionco in clinn,lon; our garmenlA fur any kind Or . %WO: iher. in onr du:;. We hay, Vi,1,1 a I. I • •, , o - -.•I conscience 1,, ‘. v. I, 'cnrocsn, , ll WIN, I , 1,, 'll,lm, Loco drrov it ;hie c' And yet. ore buy . analluunatize ua bee:Lump, rursooth, • dumb oN• en bend our necks to trainid: upon 1110 right.;of n ± upon people and insulting. tho ho.lor • our party and offering din ct nl i, tellect of our county, and decent and '•, ble society, lend our strength to draw fr.•.. of political corruption, slimy, fishy, comhiot. , of dishonesty and ignorance, and carry tlu with all their filth and corruption into our lie offices. No, sirs, we can't do it, and v. L..• is more, we won't do it ; toe -"Not for chin nor 1:M..111,1's elms, Will we depart from honor's laws." lint, "sink or swim, live or die, survive or per we shall first do riy!,l; for what is belle] than an approving conscience. HOW THEY Wttt ME. Our neighbor the Amtrivrn, contai,-I a let t; r last week. pnry•rtirn.7 I:ave been \vrilt n from Calvia tort --I with it cc start, in which tde writer says I, r, taros - The Journal and wishes the American C. nt in it, place ! Out ollect is lin o octing ato•otion to this letter. end noticing it, is simply to ascertain from our nei,Abor ttho the writer it. We are very cer• tall% ti.nt we have received ito such notice,—in deed the truth Is there has been b u t a sing'e d's continuance of our }atper ler the past 0. re or forar months, and not six since S,pkinberlBs6. On the other hand, we have reecived one kun• drat and new anbsel:ilgra vino', the Ha day V September, 1/fnl. Now these are the simple tact=, which we can prove to thr sat. israetion of any one, by all rXalliillatien of our Cangiii i neighbor show tv, prosrrous and healthy aißlitlition? We loupe so, but in• deed we doubt it very mud, If such a later was, in reality, received by ur neighln,rs, they have bees imposed upon sr 110 txed. Within the pa-it two woeks we have rewired tWO new ,111,4,rjbet, trots Calvin, vie Richard Chileott and Levi tool per• haps the "Crushing out Man" l'as voi,trued this into a discontinuance! Ea, !a. a Postmaster eloquently ',mirkv. But our neighbors odd, they 'that, received many suet letters within the pus! two wrih, and if it be true, they nmst knew how t,:kny eubseribt rs we have Inst. Therefore wo makty the following proposition : We will place fifty dollars in the hands of any gentleman of honor our neighbors may select, they doing the same, and on examination of the books, or by allida. vit of the publishers, the paper having the least number of discentinuances within the period stated, shall take the whole inn Otis Fifty dol. lass in the AMC manner, to be proven in tho same way, to the paper which has received the greeted. number of new subscribers, within the stone period. What saj. you neighbors ? Will you accept this proposition—as an honorabl e means of proving your assertions—or trill you ignominiously, after publishing a statement or assertion calculated to injure and "bear false witness against your neighbor," refuse to give us nn opportunity of nailing your assertions to the counter as palpable, ungentlena4ly, wilful nod base fabrications ? We are Kay and wil• ling any moment our neighbors may see prop• er to wait On as and accept the plan proposed, to prove all we say. Until they do this, wo in ant look upon them as publishing what they I know to be untrue, when they say "we are re ceiving many such letter," Ohl tlhamel where is thy hinsh NOT Dna VET. stilllitr"r 111:101 . 0 , I,olth ! The viii mind :11:enot1,0te(1" since we have s 1.00( 1 010 in (:/.1:0..1t1:01 .1:, I irr favor the ierx,,yoy I I t (The, (ilia one mil:, 0,1 iv: , ',Helot tell if V.. 11 I 1:1t. (tingle 1,110 " :11,11110 , 1 hiv pi t io , r'' on po• .1 ;:rolui,l,. ~tic! '.lyers I , lShir• 00.,z. in,pose ptil.tli,hing n list of (.01, ...ohseribers until rifler 11:e election, 'very . Suppoize onr (101011:0N (10 Tho,ollo, 100, •, 0 ee kr, out iu our hit er " 1. : it ninetolod '4o.Tht/Ohn/./i3O 11(0 :” •I . ' tb 2 , /, 1.67. ••. • . 1 1 sa«c i JOitht:, Geolv . o Leith, Jahn 1.11.. M. Tale, 10L 1.,10, George .1:01'at, W. 11. \Violet, i. .1. M. Clavii, J. than,. sntseribow fu the 9111,11: 1 37. 1:(1:yard Pool, livid 111,1(1 liny0(0, Thuteni J:1.111,4 If:trine, , , , 0,0,1 1 . 1(00 1, S. 11. 1)(0101,0tt Andrei,. iJuttel,,, 1301(,, (,1:0( .A.tireiv (.100,1, Philip Hawn. If they .i~ : ~~ ' I I .rth!,llw. - 1.1 thi,st alai most itlflmaitil tm, in 11, vmo. :11, liVe may be E.tglo Von hst ril.ith, Esq :mli: , ,tt., ~r;,d l'ioclair.l it iowl I i I, "I he WlllCillVol,l all IIDII "E... 1.115 awl Via( v.! !" Win. N. N Plil!a. IL is w:th dl:3 11(111,, sitt,h th, !)," .111 gcu to pie bell VUllle A Piunk---1n men havo no uwn ilonest I:u• ~..; --A die ,„ • .r , ig -- The discussion ut the thrn 'mid' tax to the “hatt Isunto member." f Tipp, and lon, um? of the couldy for our tiehet. Tit Dvr,Pae. trs -- ft is nu admirable prac tire to tat, it kble spoonful of “Ifurlcy's . Saranpardia. ore Lour b.rl'ore diailen, to ifi%igo. rat e the sta.-mei., and ar other an Lime or two idler to tranquilize irritability, and neutralize ! any .ttd(l3 guncrated ditruttr n. It this plan be strictly adhered to fur a brit p...viod, pedant:at. ear, if Ow invariable cc Jour. •• • VA, A TIP, Torn cr.—Si powerfully nlroll cot is the loot u t r00m... yore , SO 01 , tar o:te la; may, a tc; ).,,, ~1. ly vateica, tt per,on, rt, if it had lancet into the arm." bays our medical friend. De. f'o,;;,.aell, of Huston, the discoverer of the Aotiphlogistie Salt. uhich he intredneeo into the splint M.,' the longue, thereby subduing ihirationatitins of every I'ol'lll, tko ha claims it trill do.—York. ilcanxyleanitto. ... 2,7 2WILIMPIIIOIMOGINIMM.M...SISISIO MARRIED:OII the Ist inst., at Mi/kr's Mo • ltee. O. O. McClean, Mr. Win. Marlin to Mks Nancy Shriner, bell, of Woodcock Valley. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, T)EAINUTB.-!,100 Bushels Wilmington P,a. nuts i n atom and tiur sale by 11? . 1. N. S.111:(11111). 393 or 191 North 3,1 street, CI O l ' e : t l i ' t . i E uf::: k r; l •Tli ' in l it r i . i — ttil l e l ci li ti ll mi li ft i r s o lo by NV N. SHUGART), :19:1 or 191 North ttil street, Phila. 'r EANGES AND LEISIONS.-500 Loxes Inges and Lemons in store and for sale by WM N. SHUGARD, 128 or 191 North 3d street, ) AIF;INS —l,uoo Boxes Bunch a,..1 Laye Haisius in sturu and fur sale by. WM. N. SIRIGA111), 323 or 191 North 3,1 s trees. Phila. IG 9, I) ATEti, PRUNES, CLfRONS O ummt s, in store nod for man he WM. N. SH UG RD, 323 or 191 North 3d street, Phila. ALMONDS, WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS nod Filberts in store and for sale by WM. N. SUIUGAitII, 5ept.3,'57.-iy. 323 or 191 N'th 3d st., Phila. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. : Mouvr.ox Ft:MAL,: SEMINAR:I', 1311011.11.. Thu undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common PICM of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of 'the Sheriff's solo of the rcal estate of the Mountain Female Sc. , tninary to those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that be will attend tor that purpose at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 10th ! day of Octolmr next, at 3 o'clock, p. to., when and where all persons are required to present their claims before the undersigned Auditor, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. 'THEO. 11. CHENIER, Auditor. It. joSEPH Gaumnitli, Mc.Connellgown, Pn ,41 WhO o oid