Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 09, 1857, Image 1

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MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. Hare; society, busineilk and all earthly happi
-.-- ness, and leaves thelTfilferer wrecked in body
UCE72SI tOgi)WßEW.uHlnr9iiT)d to :n sutnption and a trainoeiltrVrtc7botrd
than death it-
SON SUM IPTION self. With the fullest confidence I assure the
unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a speedy
And all Diseases of the Lungs and Throat, and permanent cure can be effected, and with
the abandonment of ruinous practices my pa
dents can be restored to robust, vigorous health.
CURABLE lIV INHALATION. The afflicted aro cautioned against the use of
Which conveys the remedies to the cavities in patent Medicines, for there aro so many ingcni
the lungs through the or passages, and coming ens snares in the cabanas of the public prints
in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that mil
the tuberculate matter, allays the cough, causes lions h a ve their constitutions ruined by the vile
a free mteasy' expectoration, heals the lungs, compounds of quack the equally poi
purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the sonous nestrums vended its "Patent Medicines."
nervous system, giving that tone and energy go I have carefully analyzed many of the so-called
indispensable tor the restoration of health. To patent Medicines and find that nearly all of
be Ale to state confidently that Consumption is th e n, contain Corrosive ff uldinint a . which jg one
curable by inhalation. is to me a source of until- of the strangest preparations of mercury and a
hayed pleasure. It is M much under the cnn- ' deadly poison, which instead of curing the dig-
Ito' or ...diem treatment as any other fermi& ease di sa bl es th e system fee in,
able , disease ; !deer: , au , of every hundred ca- I Three-fourths of' the patent medicines now in
ses can be cured in the first stages, and fifty per use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant per
cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it is sons, who do not understand OVOII the alphabet
impossible to save more than five per cent, Mr of materia medico, and are equally as destitute
the Lungs aro so cut up by the disease as to bid o r any knowledge of the human system. having
definite° to medical skill. Even, however, in the only one object in view, and that to make 121011-
last stages, Inhalation afibrds extraordinary re- ay regurdless of eaasequenees.
lief to the suffering attending this Fearfulscourgel Irregularities mid all diseases of !miles and
which annually destroys inety-five thousand females treated on principles established by
persons in the United States alone ; and a cur- twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by
net eteculation shows that of the present pupa- I thus>uuds of the most remarkable cures. Medi
lotion of the earth, eighty millions arc destined sines with full directions sent to anypart of the
co fill the Consumptive's graves. United States and Canadas, by patients comma-
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fa- Meeting filch symptotns by letter. Business
tab as Consumption. In oil ages it boo been the correspondence strictly confidential. Address
great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor J. SUTIMERVILL L , M. 1).,
sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the henna- ()reit., No. 1131 FILBERT Sr., (Ohl N 0.109.)
fob s the graceful end the gifted. By the help of Below Twelfth,
that Supreme Being from whom toctit every
good and perfectgilt, lum mudded to offer to Aug.5,'57.4
the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in
Consumption. The first cause of tubercle.: is
from Impure blood, and the immediate facet pro
duced by their deposition in the lungs is to pre
vent the free admission of air into the air cells,
which causes a weakened vitality through the
entire system. Then surely it is more rational
to expect greater good from medicines entering
the cavities of the lungs than those administered
through the stomach ; the patient will always
find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after
Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local
remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally end
with more power and certainty than r eineffles
administered by the stomach. To prove the pow
erful and direct influence of this mode of admin
istrution, chloroform inhaled will entirely de
stroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing
the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be
amputated without the slightest pain; inhaling
the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a
few hours,
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the sys
tem when fainting or apparently dead. The o
dor of many of the medicines is puce ptible in
the slim a few minutes after bring inhaled, and
may be immediately detected in the blood. A
convincing proof of the constitutional effects of
inhalation, is the tact that sickness is.always pro •
dared by breathing foul air—is not this positive
evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepar
ed and judiciously administered thro' the lungs
should produce the happiest results I During
eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffer
ing from diseases of the longs mad Mit., have
been under my cure, tint! I Love etlbeted many
remarkable cures, even alter the sufferers had
been pronounced in the lost stages, which tally
satisfies its that consumption is nu lunger a fit
tal disease. My treatment of consumption is
original, and founded un long experience and a
thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance
with the nature of tubercles, Sc., enables me to
distinguish, readily, Me various forms of disease
that simulate consumption, and apply the proper
remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a sihgle
case. This fatitiiiitrity, in connection with ccr
solo le•aal and taleru4cople discover'es en
ables tae to relieve the lungs hunt the effects of
contracted elects, to enlurga the chest, purity
site blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving
energy and tone to the entire system.
Alcilicines with full directions sent to any part
of the United States and Canedas by patients
eollllilliiiiratilig their Syllllaollns by letter. Bat
Lisa Cale mould be snore certain if the patient
should pay use a visit, which witmlil give me nn
opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me
to prescribe with much greater certainty, and
then the cure could be effected without my see
ing the patient again. •
G. W.f./HADA Al, . D .,
Orates,, 1131 Filuisats.Studer , (01st Nu. 1090
Below Twelfth,
August 5, '857.—1y.
Of all disease ; the greet, first cause
Springs from neglect of Nature's la ws,
When a cure Is guaranteed in %II stages of
Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Glects,
Gravel, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidney and
Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Serefula,
Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the
Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon
the Body or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy, Epilep
tic Pits, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases ari
sing from a derangement of the Sexual Organs.
Such as Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memo
ry, Lose of Power, General Weakness, Dimness
of Vision, with peculiar spots appearing before
the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspep
sia, Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the Fare,
Pain in the back and bead, Female irregulari
ties, and all improper dischargesfrom both sexes.
It too tters not from what rouse the disease origi
nat, d, however long standing or obstinate the
case, recoveq is certain, and in a shorter time
than a permanent cure can be effected by any
other treatment, even after the disease has baf
fled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted
all their means of cure. The medicines are
pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and
free from mercury or balsam. During twenty
years of practice, I have rescued front the jaws
of Death many thousands, who, in the last sta
ges of the above mentioeed diseases had been
given up by their physicians to die, which war
rants me in promising to the afflicted, who may
place themselves under my care, n perfect and
most speedy cure. Secret diseases aro the
greatest enemies to health, as they are the firot
cause of Consumption, Scrofula and many oth
er diseases, and should be a terror to the hu
man family. A. permanent cure is scarcely
ever effected, a majority of the cases fulling in
to the bands of incompetent persons, who not
only fail to cure the diseases but ruin the con
stitution, filling the system with mercury, which
with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a ra
pid Consumption.
But should the disease and the treatment not
cause death speedily and the victim marries, the
disease is entailed npon the children. who aro
born with feeble constitutions, and the current
of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself
in Scrofula, 'Vetter, Ulcers, Eruptions. and oth
er affections of the skin. Eyes, Throat and
Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of
suffering and consigning theta to au early
Sell-abuse is another formidable enemy to
health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of
human diseases causes so destructive a drain
upon the system, drawing its thousands of vic
tims through a lbw yeers of suffering down to uo
untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys
tem, rapidly wastes away the energies of life,
causes mental derangement, prevents the proper
development of the system, disqualifies for tnar-
. .
John N. we, Andhor,
F A Who bus had 10 years experience as a Bank
..,mer and Publisher, and author of "A series of
r p , Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle," when
tor 10 successive nights, over 50,000 People
0 greeted him with rounds of applause, while
r) he exhibited the manner in which Counter
" feiters execute their frauds, and the surest and
shortest means of detecting them !
„„... The Bank Note Engravers all say that I e
the greatest Judge of Paper Money living.
• Greatest discovery of the present century
(;) for detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. De
irscribing every gmtine bill in existence, and
to exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in
circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that
relerenve is easy and detection instantaneous.
UrNo index to examine ! No pages to
".hunt up ! But so simplified and arranged
that the Merchant, Banker and Business man
1 . can see all at a glance. English, French and
German. Thus each may read the mine in
:his own native tongue. Most perfect Bank
C? Note List published. Also a list of all the
A , Private Bankers in America. A 'complete
c.) summary of the Final!. of Europe and A
merica will be publish.' in each edition, to
•gether with all the important news of the day.
dnl Also a series of tales, from an old Aluntaseript
mund its the East. it furnishes t:,e most com
t• a
the l." l 3 n t o7 u p ' er ‘‘ p i l j e l xtg t"l pt, i fttn ' s
in which
C. the ladies and gentlemen of that rountry
have been so often found. Those stories will
O eon tinne throughent the whole yetw, and will
ro1,1,(1 the roost entertaining ever tittered to
the public.
U,“ Flllll6llOll Weekly to subscribers only
at 4'l a year. All letters must be addressed to
<l.i JOHN S. HY I.:, B nottim, Publisher &
Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York.
• April 22, 1857.—1 y.
Cheapest "Job Printing" Othee
We have now made such arron,iemento in our
Job t Wie, as will enable lea to do all kinds. of
Johrrinting at 20 per cent.
cheaper rates
'!'Q►an any °face in (We C (y.
Give as a call. we don't give entire
lion, no charge at all will he mad,
A ):. AUX S.,
Is I 'A B T . 11 ,c: 1 < •
A fienCilli assuroneal of limo:, ,d . all tle•
seriph.* just printed and 1;,,' sale al lhe.
Journal IWiee."
Appuintnt't of Referees, Common Bond,
Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes
Vendue Notes '
Executions, Constabl i'm Soles,
Seire Fitch., Subpainas,
Complaints, Deeds,
Warrants, Mortgages,
Commitments, Bond to idetnnify Constable, ke.
1857-SS. VI
TUE TRIBUNE was first issued as a Daily
on the 10th of April, 1841. Its weekly edition
was commenced in September of the smile
year; its send-Weekly in May, 1815. It was
the first daily in America to issue a double or •
eight page sheet at a low price, and it has kept
at least eves with the ffirernost of its rivals to ;
the expansion of Newspaper enterprise, which
the great extension of Railroads, stud the es-1
habiliment of the Telegraphic system have
crowded into these last sixteen eventful years. I
No larger journal is afforded at NO 100 , a price 1
in any quarter of the world; none in America,
no mutter at what price issued, pays an equal
amount, weekly or 'notably fur f intellectual
labor. It employs c.respotalents regularly iu
the leading capitals of Europe, and at the most
important points on this continent, with a liher.
al stuff of writers and reporters ut home, re.
yarding full, early and accurate intelligence as
the first object of a newspaper, and the timely
and thorough elucidation thereof as the chief
end of its Editorials. In that spirit, the Trib- I
line hue been and will be conducted, extenditi,g
and perfecting its correspondence so fast us the j
incrcase of its pat!onage will justify the ex
pease. Should the current attempt to connect
the old with the new World by the magnetic
wire prove successful, wo shall very soon,•at a
heavy cost to ourselves and, we trust, a corms
pending advantage to our readers, publish each
morning a synopsis of the preceding day's oc.
currences throughout Europe, Northern Africa
and Western Asia, with regular reports of the
markets, the monetary aspects and harvest
prospects of hither Eurupe. With a good atlas
beside him and his daily paper on his fireside
table, the American farmer on artisan within a
day's rideoWe city may then study each eve•
ning the dos of the civilized world through
out the day preceding; and it seems hardly
possible that any one who can read, but cope•
orally one who has children to educate, will lom
gar deny hiMself the pleasure and profit of a
daily journal. The Sumo is true measurably
of those who live further inland; though where
mails are infrequent, a semi-weekly, or even a
weekly paper, may sewn sufficient.
The 2 . ribune deals with questions of political
economy, public policy, ethics, material pro.
gross, and whatever may affect the intellectual,
moral, social and physical wellbeing of man.
kind, dogmatic theology alone excepted. Its
leading idea is the honoring of honest, useful
work in whatever sphere or capacity, and the
consequent elevation of the laboring class in
knowledge, virtue and general esteem. It is
necessarily hostile to Slavery under all hies.
peels, to intemperance •in whatever burnt or
degree with its accessories, to war save in the
detbuce of country and liberty against actual
invasion, and to every form of gambling. Desi.
ring to see production extended and tmour.
, aged, while wild speculation and useless traffic
are curtailed it titters the policy of sustaining
i and diversifying home industry by a discrinii•
tinting tariff—a policy which tends to increase
the price of grain to the farmer while diminish
ing that of bread to the artisan, by reducing
the distance across which their respective Oro
i ducts are exchanged and, of course, reducing
the cost of their transfer. Regarding
Wrists in all its phases, and every form and
device of national covetousness, with unquali•
lied abhorrence as the buNe of Republics and
in their triumph the grave of Equal Human
Right, we seek by every means to win and woo
the attention of our countrymen from projects
of aggrandizement abroad to enterprizes of de.
velupmeut and benffieetice at home, foremost
among which we rank a Railtoad through the
heart, dour territory to connect the waters of
the Atlantic with those of the Pacific. Belie,
ing that the goods of this are nut yet fairly
distributed, and that 110 one ready to work she'd
ever famish in unwilling idleness, it lends an
open ear to every suggestion of social improve.
meat which does not countervail the dictates of
eternal morality nor war ilium that natural
right of every one to whatsoever he has fairly
produced or honestly acquired, whose denial
must sink mankind into the chaos and night of
barbarism and universal squalor. With is pro.
found consciousness that idlers, drunkards.
Lenines and profligates Cllll never be other (in
the main) thou needy and wretched, it bears
aloft the great truth that prevention is better
than punishment—that the child trained op in
the way Ire should go, will rarely in after years
desert that way for the thorny paths of vice
and crime—that a true education—Religious,
mimed and industrial, as well as intellects .I—is
the most effective temporal antidote to the cc
roes and woes of our race. Recognizing in the
moat degraded specimen of humanity a divine
spark hints should be reverently cherished, not
ruthicsnly trodden out, we have charity tbr oil
forms of evil but those which seek personal ad.
valitagu timing!' the debasement of our fellow.
beings. The champion of no class or caste,
the devotee of no sect, we would fain be the its
terpreter to each other of men's better impulses
and aspirations, the harbinger of general con
cord between Labor and capital, and among
those whom circumstances or misapprehensions
have thrown in unnatural antagonisin. A co•
temporary mice observed that Ire never knew a
hard, grasping, niggardly employer who did
not Irate the Tribune, nor a generous, large
stiuled, kindly one, willing to live and let live,
who did not like it. We ask mo higher praise,
no warmer attestation.
The circulation of the Tribune is at this
time as follows: Daily, 32,000 copies; Weekly,
176,500 copies; Senii•Weelelv, 16,000 copies;
Culiforniat and European, 6,060 copies; Total,
MOO copies. That of the semi weekly and
weekly we believe to be exceeded by nu other
newspaper published in the world; that of the
Daily fulls behind that of some dour cotempo
rules. Dad out hostility to human Slavery
and the liquor traffic been guarded and politic,
our Daily issues would now be some thousands
heavier and our advertising tier mare lucrative;
but of our patronage geuerally we have no rea
son, no wish to complain.
Of late, a concerted effort has been made to
diminish our rural circulation through the in
fluence of the Postmasters, some of who ens
lark in it eagerly, others under political re
' straint ; while a large number, we are happy,
time the sake of human nature, to state, refused
to Le dragooned into it at all. Still, we have
en made to feel the heavy hand of power, told
have doubtless lost thousands ut subset ibers in
n eq..ce. Pretexts to which mo individual
iu his private capacity would have stooped have
relied on to justify the stoppage of our papers
within reach of their subscribers and rightful
owners, and their retention in the posbutlice
till their value was destroyed. Postmasters
hare been schooled by rival journals—several
of theta living un their sell-pruelaimed ability
to serve us an antidote to the Tribune—as no
• their political duty to promote at our ex
the dissemination of gazettes of adverse l ud i•
tics. We shuil outlive this warfare, hat we do
not affect indiffertnee to it. In the open tiol f
of diseu•ision, we fear nothing ,• but in the tens
ul thousands of rural neighborhoods where the
Postmaster can induce many of his quiet.neigh-
Laws to take the journal he recommends, we
have already lost n 0.3 patrons, and expect to
loot more as our subscriptions fur this year ex
pire. We appeal, therefore, to the !warty,
faithful, fearless advocates of free labor and
free soil throughout the land to take care that
this facial warfare on our circulation be not
prosecuted wit huat•counteraction. W e employ
no travelling agents, fur we will nut consent to
have the public harassed with the solicitations
of strangers in our behalf. We strike the
name of each subscriber to our Weekly or
Semi-Weekly front our books so soon an his
term has expired, for we will not haunt our pa•
Irons with duns fur arrears which they luny
say they never intended to incur, for papers
which perhaps they never read; Ave rely rot the
renewal of our club subseriptietts solely on the
volunteered efforts of those who, liking our
paper, believe its influence sblutary and worthy
to be extended; and thus far our reliance has
been justified, as we trust it may centinue to
The Tribune is printed on a large imperial
sheet, 323 by 44 inches, folded itt quarto form,
and mailed tosubseribers at the following
Daily Tribune, per annum, sti 00
Semi. Weekly Tribune. •
One copy one year, s3Five do. do. $ll 25
Two do " 5 Ton do. du. 20 00
Weekly Tribune.
One copy one year, s2Five do. one do, $8
Three " " 5 Teu " " 12
Twenty copies, to ono address, and any
larger number, at the rate of $1 a yr., 20
Twenty copies, to address of each sub •
scriber, .d any larger number, at
the rate of $1,20 each 24
Any person sending us a Club of twenty or
more will be entitled to au extra copy.
Subscriptions may commence at any time.
Terms always cash in advance. All letters to
be addresseil to
No. 154 Nassau at., New York.
New York, Sept., 1857.
Beacon Brown and the Stranger.
Deacon Brown considered himself a pil
lar of the church and chief conservative
of the pullic morals. nor was this idea of
his altogether a delusion. He was a stre
nuous advocate of church discipline, and
his everyday walk presented to the world
an example of the roost rigid piety. Tho',
periatirs, a trifle puritinic and bigoted, he
was a roan of ancoiripromising virtue. But
as Hood says—
The company, suppose ma'am was a
young gentleman, a stronger to you ?
'Yes, sir—l believe he is,
'ls that young gentleman in the house
now, tnn'ain ?'
"Alai! for the rarity,_ 'To be sure he is, sir.'
Or. l'htwian charity." 'Will you be so kind as to state what
The Deacon had not the least btt of it. part of the house 1'
Having no faults or f ,ibles of his own Cat eis in Mrs. Wisely's room.'
least he thought so) that called aloud for The Deacon's manner by this time be.
charity, he could not understand why they came greatly excited, and he gasped out,
Should ever form a competent part of the.l 'Can it be ?'
natures of other men, He had passed the The maid, failing to comprehend the
hey day of youth, and had quite forgotten , Deacon, inquired ;
that he was ever young, is WI much bu- 'Dan what be ?'
stness and responsibility resting on .why, that a young gentleman is at this
self, he failed to see how those with fewer , very moment—'
cares could possibly be merry and uncoil- , But you know, sir, he is very young,
cerned. Indeed, the Deacon witnessed and a very little gentleman, too, sir.'
many very uncommon human phenoine- , 'What do you mean by his being a very
nas, for which he could assign no other lad e gentleman ?'
cause than moral depr a vity, and withal, , Why, hain't you heard rir, that Mrs.
he had OW, weakness which very natural- IViely has got it baby—a nice fine boy—
ly grew out of his lack of charity. This weighs nine pounds, sir ?'
was a most unbounded credulity as to the The old gentleman seemed, as the say
short comings which gossip is daily char- ing is, perfectly thander-struck. He win
ging upon some member of the comment- fur once in his life favored with a lucid in.
ty. So credulous was the Deacon in this terve], and saw by the light of it that he
respect, and so 'ready to believe in the cal.! had teen sold. Saying that Mrs. Brown
Pablo sins of another, that he was awn ! would be over in the course of the day, he
made. the victim era practical joke ; and ! tack his leave without subjecting the maid
though he lived in a village of not over to cross examination.
five hundred inhabitants, he had been The joke got out in due time, and we
'mule to believe that it contained several fear the deacon never forgave the writer of
gambling dens, and and at least two Peter thgt anonymous letter. Ile hos, however
Funk auction shops. He was at one time'. consented to the stranger having Mr. Wist -
convinced that a society of Freelovers ly•s love.
held meetings in the Town Hall, but be- I
fore completing his plan fur their apple- TRIFLES.
hension, they turned out to be a lodge of i The world is made up of trifles: The
Know Nothings. But it is only of the last grand movements of great events, and the
',trice" played off on hint, that we design changes of empires, are founded in causes
recording. It happened in 4hig wise very generally, which would be pronoun.
Elder Wisely, pastor of Deacon Brown's ced trifle. by the world. Ye., ..tritles
Church, was on s tour to the South, for light no air" have led to some of the most
the benefit of that clerical disorder, the important discoveries we have. The fall
of an apple gave Newton the clue to grav
itation ; the rising a,) of the lid of a teaket
tle gave us our railroads, steamboats ocean
steamers, end a thousand other things—
not to speak of the press—that combined,
put the world centuries ahead in the mys
teries of the universe and purposes of God.
To the observation of a flower dimly
pictured on a stone, we owe the philosoph
ical researches in chemistry and light
which ultimately gave us a daguerreo
bronchitis. Mrs. Wisely, the second wife
of the Elder, was, for some mason, loft at
lime. This lady was quite youthful, and
had by her gentle qualities, woa the es
teem of the entire Parish. It was during
the absence of her husband. that Deacon
Brown, on going to the Post Mike one mor
ning, received the following comtnunica
tion :
PODOEVILLE, July 15, 1845,
Mr. Brown—Dear Sir take liberty
to disclose _to you some tacts which have
1 given me as much pain as they will you r
self. I know beyond all question of a
doubt that a stranger very mysteriously
etude his appearance last night in the pri
i vote parlor of Mrs. Wisely. Ile was seen
there first about half post eleven o'clock ;
AO one seen him enter the house and he
has not been known to deport. I think
this new visitor was expec,ed, ani that
he is destined to share the affections of
Mrs. Wisely. The voice of the new coin.
er has been distilledy heard in her room,
and she has even been heard to address
him in the tenderest and most loving tones.
Such are the facts. You can act in the
rends. s as your sense of duty stay dic
tate. Nly opinion is, that should Elder
%Visely be informed of the stranger's ad
vent, it 'night hasten his return. Yours
As the Deacon read this epistle, there
was a visible tremor in his hued. Ile pol
ished his eyeglass with a silk handker
chief, and perused it carefully a second
time. But Deacon Brown was not the
man to swerve from duty, thoitg't it led
him where he should not go. Putting the
letter in his hut, and buttoning his coat to
the chin, he hastened down to the hard
ware store, and whispering to a confiden
tial clerk, proceeded to she residence of
Mrs. Wisely. He struck his cone very
decidedly on the pave, greeted none with
his usual 'good morning," but seemed ab•
sorbed in the contemplation of a great pur
Arriving at the sceno of his triumph, he
stationed his clerk in front of the house
and giving the bell-knob a cautious pull,
was soon admitted by the servant girl.
The following dialogue then and there
took place:
'ls Mrs. Wisely in V
'Yes, sir ; she's in bed, sir.'
The Deacon examined his watch, and
muttered 'half past seven.' He then as
ked :
'How long before Mrs. Wisely will
rise, madam I
'Well, really sir, I can't tell. Won't
you take a seat in dill pallor, sir?'
Z alDr • if' .'
q ".I',
. 4 4 N
-- lc- it
• . i t 1 '.4
L.,. :
~..,.. , , -,„ „;
,k ~. / - .
.':1;. „
'No, I thank you—can't stay. Did Mrs.
Wisely have company last night ma'am ?'
.Yes, sir, I believe she did, she—
Here the gill blushed, hesitated, and
striving to conceal her embarrassment,
showed ton plainly that she would avoid a
true explanation, ii possible.
i he I)eacan interposed, tri if to relieve
her, and said :
"To grasp
A thing impalpable and hold it was
Oneo considered wild impossibility,
Cat it Dag uerretype, with beacon aspiring might,
Caoured a shadow with a ray of light,
And :Alai:led it down furover."
By a trifling loan of money from the
great actor 'I alma ! to Napoleon in time if
need, the face of Europe was changed—
ns of men perished—thrones were
ied—Wellingt at was made a iltike--
Al ',scow was hurried, and Fiance made a
more enlightened and intelligent country,
for Napoleon was at the brink of death—
a nameless adventurer—when Talmo gave
hint this assistance, which saved his life
and elevated him to the throne of France.
The refusal of John Hampden to pay
the tax imposed upon him by the tyranny
of the British Government was the means
of overthrowing the rotten despotism of
Charles I. and saving England from the
ruin which was impending over it. The
foundation of the Roman empire was a
cunning trick in an individual combat or
duel. American liberty and thirty-one
glorious Suites arose from a strong cup of
tea made by the Bostonians in 1T75.
The magnifying power of the crystal frag
ments of a bokun goblet first gave Gallileo
the idea of inventing a telescope. A little
piece of magnetized steel 'ed to the discov
ery of the new world. The erection of
a saw mill in California changed the cur
rency of the world. The crossing of a
litle stream of water speedily subverted
the liberties of Rome, and gave to the
name of Brutus immortaliiy. The flying
of a common paper kite by a printer gave
us the magnetic telegraph. The eating of
on apple in the garden of Eden brought ,
sin and death into the world; the giving
away of the golden apple caused ten
years' war, and the fall of Troy. A de
lay of five minutes saved the lives of Na
poleon and his family from on "infernal
machine" in the streets of Paris. The
flight of a goose over the city of Rotno
saved the whole empire from total destruc
tion. A delay of t•vo minutes once cost
fifty lives on an American railroad. The
exportation of a few potatoes from Ameri-
ca by Sir Walter Raleigh, has saved the Is this Anybody's Picture.
Pish nation several times, from starvation. There's neighbor S.—. He's content
From a little acorn the grand American with his farm, and believes that draining
forests have sprung !-- is too costly to be practiced, and that sheds
"A pebble in the streantlet scant will not pay as a protection to stock. Ho
H. changed the coarse of 'tidily a river ; leaves a dilapidated fence in front of his
Alew drop on the lathy plant
llus warped the giant oak forever.' dwelling, backed by a row of scragizy
It is impossible to enumerate, especially peach trees. His wood yard is the space
in a newspaper article, the almost num- in front of, cons sting of an un•
berless "trifles" that have produced num. sightly pile of green logs, to be cut up as
btgless great events,and made numberless occasion requires. His burn ! the roof de
radical changes in the history and destiny f rayed and ragged, with the boards here
of the world. :Siam) it to say, that "trifles I and there missing from the sides ; and op
ure not to be scdfled at. The world may en yard, where all winter a herd of cattle
learn great and true, and valuable lessons may be seen, pinching with oold, tramp
from these same "trifles." The fable of tog their
fodder under their feet. His
the lion who was released from his prison farming implements ? They are few and
by u little mouse, was written by a great i simple. Go into the road and there by
man. Upon a less foundutton than this, the fence where they are carefully placed
there have been erected deathless poetry, when not in use—you will see thom. An
wonderful tragedies, and many noble nov.l old wagon with an older box stands there,
els. Hold nothing in contempt; nothing ! ready to drop to pieces by its own weight,
contemptible ever came from the hands of a three•cornered drag rests confidingly
the Almighty. The worlds which the against it, while a little lay off is the plow,
microscope have revealed to us in the' which, by the wear and tear it has been
drop of water, are its wonderful and as subjected to, might be referred to any age
mysterious as the bright and beautiful wise Methusnleh. Neighbor be
worlds brought to the eye by the tele. Heves one plow will answer for all pur
scope. The lothsonie caterpillar, w h ic h Poses and all soils,acd thinks inventions
we long to crush beneath our feet, will i in this line humbugs.
one day be a beautiful creature, with rain
bows for wings. The little pool of dirty
wilier into whirls we have stepped, and
upon which we pour our 'vials of wrath,'
to many a deep muttered anathema and
malediction, fur having obscured the glory
of our boots will be woven into a bright
and beautful embroidered suh, for the tire
of the queen who trails her robe of light
among the countless stars.—New Orleans
A Beautiful Inoident.
A correspondent of the Cambridge
Chronicle ; in u letter written at Nantucket
gives this rare example of disinterested be
Many years ago, a husband and father
started from his home to commence his
morning work in a rope walk upon our is
land. Breakfast time came, and, as was
her wont, his faithful wife left her home
to convey her husband's breakfast to him.
The snow had been falling for some time,
but she heeded it not, and started to cross
some open low in the outskirts of our town
The wind blew violently, and the blinding
snow disturbed her so that she lost her
path, and when found, some time after,
she was leaning against a tail-fence, smo
thered, frozen, dead. The father died al
so I think, ere long, and their two orphan
children were taken to our alias-house.
Years passed, and the children grew to
womanhood, and in turn were wives and
mothers The husband of one of them
was drowned a few years ago near our is
land, leaving several young children. An
aged ratan who had befriended his wife in
early years, then took her to his home,
and there she toiled hard to support her
children. In n0t,,,, way the old man's
property was used, until he had nothing
I It but his hunib.e out. Then the widow
toiled to support !din, till he saw that she
woo wasting away under her arduous la
bor, and nobly, generously, sent for a law
yer, and gave her his cottage which he
hod toiled hard to obtain, and in which he
hoped to speed his days, and went himself
to dwell in our almshouse. He shares a
pauper's home today, but his gray hairs
are a crown of glory to him- The widow
would have preferred to struggle on for
her benefactor, but he knew that his life's
sands were almost run, and it mattered lit
tle where he should be in the hour of death. j
One day this winter r lady gave the chil
dren of this poor widow some food for their
Kurd-workins mother, and un apple each j
for themselves. NVlien she next saw them '
she asked how they liked the apples, and
the reply was—"We did nut oat them our
selves, but carried them to our grandfather
at the almshouse."
The teacher of our high school recently
related the above to a large audience at a
Sabbath school festival in uur town, while
tears flowed freely down the cheek of man
hood, at the pathetic account, of which few
had any knowledge. Every heart recog
nized the real nobility of the aged pauper,
and deemed such an act of self-sacrifice at
once generous and disinterested.
—Pick and squeeze the currants when
fully ripe. To one gallon of juice add six
quarts of water, and to each gallon of this
mixture add three and a half pounds of
brown sugar. Mix well together and
strain. Put into a cask and let it be ven•
tilated till it shall have passed the active or
vinous fermentation, when it may bo well
corked. As it will improve by age, it, may
be well to let it stand undisturbed for
years unless wanted for medical puroses.
The sante precaution should be taken in
regard to its !request use as to other fer
ment and intoxicating drinks lest a morbid
appetite be created therefor.
In the spring he yokes a pair of poor
starked oxen, that have lain out to freeze
in his pen yard all winter, hitches them
to his plow and proceeds to spring plow
ing He usually gets into his fields by
letting down the fence; an easy task by
the way and that till he cannot easily
make it worse. He usually begins in wet
weather, as his team is too light to plow
when it is dry. He plows shallow, for
his term is not strong enough to plow deep.
lie lon't subsoil, it would take another
team. %%Alen harvest comes he wonders
why tits fields yields but half a crop.
Such are the inen—l will not say far
mers—who disgrace the pursuit of agri
culture. But their number is lessening.
Stupid indeed must be the man who in
this age does not improve. Every ap
pliance science and art can bring, is pla.
c,l in the band of the farmer. He has
bat to signify his wi.nts, and the inventor
is ready to devote years hi ids service..
He but asks, and he receive. Theleaven
is working, and the farmer for intelligence
stands equal to the best. II lie does not
he is to blame. If he will not read and
think, if he will not strive to improve, then
he merits contempt, and should be degra
ded, not only by other professions but by
all true farmers. as a reproach on the hon
or of their calling —Ohio Cultivator.
California Politica
Edward Stanley, ' formerly a Whig
member of Congress from North Caroli•
na, has been nominated for Governor by
the Republicans of California. He is a
gentleman of much ability and great pri
vate worth, and a few years ago was a
prominent politician iii his native State.—
John B. Weller, late U. S. Senator, has
been nominated for the same office by the
Democrats. The latest accounts state
that the contest will be a close one. Mr.
Stanley has already opened the campaign
in a speech delivered nt San Francisco,
before an immense audience. He fully
defined his position, and tools strong
ground in favor of the principles of the
Republican party.
N 1 EDICINAL ficans.-LGather medicinal
herbs and plants in sunshiny weather, and
cure them thoroughly in thu shade; place
theta in close bags, labelled with the name
of their contents, and hang them in some
secure place where they will be kept per
fectly dry, and fit for immediate use.' A
very little attention to this, and a slight
knowledge of the nature of diseases, will
often enable us to dispense with a physi
cian, and prevent much suffering. Bur.
dock. mullin. featherfew, lire everlasting,
tanay, wormwood, peppermint, horsemint,
spearmint, pennyroyal, rnotherwort, cat
nip, horse radish leaves, life•of man (root,)
old man root, smart weed, golden wire,
(root,) blood•root, snake root, sarsaparilla,
and an almost endless variety of other
roots and herbs, are useful for this pur
pose, and often effects most happy cures
in cases where regular practitioners of the
art, with their medical compounds fail.
rfir Joe what makes your nose ro red?:
"Friendship ! How du you make that
out ?"
'Wye got a friend who is very fond of
brandy, and us •he is too weak to take it
strong, I've constituted myself his tee-
or- Punch says that every family
should keep a kitten to arouse the children.
They should also keep children to amuse
the kitten.
ell' Nothing is more favoruble to love
than a little discord—as the frosts rt , '"
the grapes tender and richer.